Applied Energy: Amin Yousefi, Madjid Birouk

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Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505

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Investigation of natural gas energy fraction and injection timing on the

performance and emissions of a dual-fuel engine with pre-combustion
chamber under low engine load
Amin Yousefi , Madjid Birouk
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 5V6, Canada

h i g h l i g h t s

 Improved cylinder charge as a result of high swirling motion of pre-chamber.

 Drastic reduction of NOx at 60% natural gas energy fraction compared to diesel mode.
 Higher unburned methane emissions under dual-fuel operation.
 46% decrease of unburned methane emissions by using pre-combustion chamber.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Energy fraction of the main (premixed) fuel and pilot injection timing are important in dual-fuel pilot die-
Received 15 March 2016 sel ignition engine. In the present study, natural gas, which is the main premixed fuel, is induced into the
Received in revised form 9 December 2016 engine through the intake port, while the pilot diesel fuel (for ignition) is indirectly injected into the
Accepted 9 December 2016
engine. A computational fluid dynamic (CFD)-chemistry platform based on AVL FIRE-CHEMKIN is used
to simulate the combustion and emissions characteristics of a dual-fuel pilot diesel ignition engine oper-
ating on premixed natural gas. The effect of natural gas energy fraction and diesel injection timing at con-
stant engine total fuel energy on combustion performance and emissions is investigated at low engine
Dual-fuel mode
Natural gas energy fraction
load (25% load and IMEP = 3 bar). The results revealed that at injection timings of 12 and 20 BTDC,
Pilot diesel injection timing the maximum ITE (26.7%) occurs at 50% natural gas energy fraction. This is attributed to the improved
cylinder charge conditions as a result of high swirling motion produced by the introduction of pre-
combustion chamber. Moreover, a drastic reduction of NOx emissions was observed at 60% natural gas
energy fraction in comparison with that of only diesel combustion (i.e., 0% natural gas energy fraction).
On the other side, the combustion of fuel starts in the pre-combustion chamber and propagates into the
main chamber. As a result, the combustion peak temperature drops which significantly reduces NOx for-
mation. The results revealed that unburned methane emissions under dual-fuel operation mode become
much higher compared to that under diesel combustion mode, which implies that a considerable amount
of gaseous fuel escapes the combustion process at low load. However, using pre-combustion chamber is
found to decrease unburned methane emissions by 46% on average compared to dual-fuel engine without
pre-combustion chamber.
Crown Copyright 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction higher fuel economy, durability, reliability, and specific power out-
put [1]. However, reducing simultaneously NOx and soot emissions
The increasingly stringent emissions regulations in conjunction is a challenge for diesel engine due to the inherent local fuel rich
with the rise of the cost of fossil fuels have compelled researchers zones and overall lean combustion [2,3]. Significant research has
to develop higher efficiency and lower emissions combustion con- been conducted to break through the NOx-soot trade-off relation-
cepts for internal combustion (IC) engines. This is owing to the ship in IC engine. For example, after-treatment devices, such as
unique features of compression ignition (CI) engines, such as diesel particulate filters (DPF), selective catalytic reduction (SCR),
or a combination of both, have been used in vehicles. However,
Corresponding author. the application of this technology is still limited due to its high
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A. Yousefi). cost, complex controlling strategies, and fuel economy penalties
0306-2619/Crown Copyright 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Yousefi, M. Birouk / Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505 493


AFR air fuel ratio IDI indirect injection

BDC bottom dead center ISFC indicated specific fuel consumption
BSFC break specific fuel consumption ISNOx indicated specific NOx
BTDC before top dead center ITE indicated thermal efficiency
CA crank angle IVC intake valve close
CI compression ignition NO nitrogen monoxide
CFD computational fluid dynamic NO2 nitrogen dioxide
CO carbon monoxide NOx nitrogen oxide
DI direct injected PM particulate matter
DPF diesel particulate filter SCR selective catalytic reduction
EGR exhaust gas recirculation SOI start of injection
HCCI homogeneous charge compression ignition TDC top dead center
HRR heat release rate UHC unburned hydrocarbon
IC internal combustion VCR variable compression ratio

[4]. Alternative combustion strategies, such as homogeneous ural gas/diesel dual-fuel concept in the existing diesel engine with
charge compression ignition (HCCI), have been the focus of numer- minor modifications and using the original diesel injection system.
ous studies in the last few decades. HCCI combustion can maintain Moreover, dual-fuel mode can be easily switched to fully diesel
similar thermal efficiency as that of diesel engine. Moreover, the combustion without load reduction when the natural gas fuel is
ultimate intend of HCCI combustion is to eliminate local rich air- not available [20]. However, one of the critical problems with
fuel mixture regions and thereby reduce combustion temperature implementing natural gas/diesel dual-fuel operation is related to
and consequently achieve simultaneously ultra-low NOx and soot unstable combustion performance and low thermal efficiency at
emissions [5,6]. However, HCCI combustion still has some chal- low engine load when compared to conventional diesel engine
lenges such as lack of an effective way to control ignition timing [21]. This is due the fact that the flame initiated by the pilot diesel
under different operating conditions, difficulty in extending the fuel does not propagate through the charge resulting from extra-
operating range, and high level of unburned hydrocarbon (UHC) lean natural gas-air mixture in the cylinder at low engine load
and CO emissions [7]. Thus, its application in commercial engines [22]. For example, Lounici et al. [22] studied the effect of dual-
has confronted challenging barriers. To overcome these challenges fuel operating mode on combustion performance and emissions
and take advantage of HCCI concept to reduce diesel engine emis- of a DI diesel engine using natural gas as the primary fuel and die-
sions, several concepts have been under examination. One of the sel as the pilot fuel. They reported simultaneous reduction in soot
most promising combustion concepts is HCCI combustion strategy and NOx emissions over a large operating engine region at moder-
implemented in diesel engines using dual-fuel pilot diesel opera- ate to relatively high loads. However, they indicated that dual-fuel
tion, where fuel and air mixture is not thoroughly homogeneous, mode presents some deficit at low loads, especially concerning
but the combustion event can be controlled more readily. In UHC and CO emissions. Papagiannakis et al. [15] conducted an
dual-fuel pilot diesel ignition engine, where premixed fuel is experimental study to examine the effect of total air-fuel ratio
ignited by small mass/amount of diesel fuel [8,9], combustion (AFR) on the efficiency and pollutant emissions of a high speed
phasing is more closely coupled with the injection event rather DI diesel engine. Their results showed that the total AFR decreases
than with HCCI, though chemical kinetics still play a key role [4]. under dual-fuel natural gas/diesel mode operation, which is caused
Utilization of gaseous fuels in diesel engines under dual-fuel pilot by an increase in the diesel fuel supplementary ratio, leading to
diesel ignition mode is a simple way to reduce the degree of lower brake thermal efficiency compared with diesel operation.
heterogeneity and consequently achieve less NOx and particulate The decline in efficiency becomes more evident at low and inter-
matter (PM) emissions along with controlled combustion phasing mediate loads [15]. To overcome these issues, numerous studies
[10]. reported that low thermal efficiency and high level of unburned
Natural gas is a promising and highly attractive fuel. Beside its methane and CO emissions can be improved by controlling key
availability worldwide, natural gas is eco-friendly fuel with rela- combustion boundaries such as diesel and natural gas injection
tively clean combustion. Low carbon content and clean burn fea- timings [13,20,2326], hot exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
tures, especially low soot/smoke, have helped the proliferation of [14,19,27,28], compression ratio [23,29,30], diesel injection pres-
natural gas as an alternative fuel to meet the ever more severe sure [13,25,31], and hydrogen addition [3234]. There exist also
emissions standards. Increased natural gas energy substitution a few reports which focused on the effect of premixed charge fuel
has been found to be very effective in reducing NOx and PM emis- stratification and bulk motions on natural gas fueled dual-fuel
sions while maintaining acceptable engine performance [11,12]. combustion at low engine load. Different shapes of the intake man-
The utilization of natural gas as a premixed fuel and diesel fuel ifold or/and a variety of premixed fuel injection timings to provide
as a pilot fuel revealed several benefits but also some shortcom- fuel stratification during the combustion process stage were also
ings. Several recent studies confirmed that engine dual-fuel opera- tested [35,36].
tion is one of the most practical ways to enhance the economy and The IDI system in diesel engine is an old technology owing to its
reduce harmful emissions of conventional diesel engine [1319]. higher fuel consumptions and lower thermal efficiency compared
Natural gas/diesel dual-fuel engine has several advantages as it sig- with direct injection (DI) system, however, diesel passenger cars
nificantly reduces NOx emissions compared to conventional diesel and off-road IC engines are still equipped with pre-combustion
engine. This is due to higher specific heat capacity of natural gas chamber diesel engines rather than direct injection engines
which decreases the in-cylinder charge temperature and increases because they have a better compromise between efficiency, noise,
the ignition delay compared to the baseline/conventional diesel and emissions [37]. It is worthwhile examining the combustion
operation. Furthermore, it is possible to implement port fueled nat- performance and emissions of dual-fuel engine with pre-
494 A. Yousefi, M. Birouk / Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505

combustion chamber. As previously mentioned, dual-fuel engine layout of the experimental test rig is presented in Fig. 1 and the
inevitably suffers from lower thermal efficiency and elevated levels specifications of the diesel engine are given in Table 1 [40]. To carry
of CO and UHC emissions at low loads which is mainly due to over- out dual-fuel engine experiments, the engine was conveniently
lean premixed fuel and low combustion temperature [14]. The modified where the natural gas was inducted to the intake mani-
combustion process of a dual-fuel engine strongly depends on fold and the homogenous air-fuel mixture was ignited by a small
the gaseous fuel-diesel mixing process in the cylinder at the start amount of pilot diesel. Pilot diesel fuel was injected indirectly
of combustion and during its development. It is well known in lit- through standard engine fuel system at a pressure of 150 bar using
erature that the thermal and kinetic interaction between the liquid a CAV injector body (type BKB 35S5153 RM). Fuel consumption
pilot fuel spray and the gaseous fuel results in an extension of the rate of pilot diesel was measured using an AVL-735 fuel mass flow
ignition delay and thus impact the combustion process [35]. It has meter which provides constant, adjustable fuel temperatures. The
been reported that an optimum distribution of the premixed fuel- gas fueling system consisted of high pressure compressed natural
air mixture and diesel fuel using a proper stratification of the in- gas (CNG) tank, a shut off valve, natural gas flow meter, and regu-
cylinder charge can improve dual-fuel combustion performance lating module. After the regulator, the pressure of natural gas was
[38,39]. Thus, the importance of the bulk motion to preserve the
stratification characteristics of the charge is fundamental for a suit-
able combustion development. Pre-combustion chamber can pro- Table 1
Ricardo engine specifications.
vide an appropriate bulk motion by creating very high swirling
motion and also fuel stratification inside the main combustion Parameter Specification
chamber. Therefore, the present study is focused on the natural Engine type Single cylinder E6/MS,
gas/diesel dual-fuel operation with the use of pre-combustion water cooled
chamber. More specifically, the effect of natural gas energy fraction Bore (mm) 76.2
Stroke (mm) 110
and injection timing on combustion phasing, engine performance,
Displacement (cc) 501
and emissions will be investigated at a typical low engine load Maximum indicated power/speed (kW/rpm) 14.7/3000
(25% load and IMEP = 3 bar). To achieve the objectives of this study, Compression Ratio 17.2:1 (Max. CR 22)
a 3D CFD-chemistry model, which has been developed and vali- Injection type IDI
dated in our previous works [3,40], is used in the present study. Injection pressure (bar) 150
Injection timing & duration (BTDC & CAD) 6&4
Nozzle hole  diameter (mm) 1  0.6
2. Experimental setup IVC (ABDC) 36
The experiments were carried out on a four-stroke, single cylin-
der, supercharged Ricardo E6/MS IDI diesel engine. A schematic

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup.

A. Yousefi, M. Birouk / Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505 495

decompressed from 160 bar to 1.4 bar. The gas then flows through which assume that the reaction rate can mainly be determined
natural gas flow meter (020 L/min scale) to be inducted into the by a kinetic (equilibrium assumption under perfectly mixed condi-
engine air intake manifold via a simple venturi type gas mixture tions) and a turbulent time scale (eddy break up assumption).
along with the incoming air. Air flow measurement was made by Fig. 2 shows the computational domain and diesel fuel injector
an Alcock viscous air flow meter which is fitted to a large settling location. An optimized average cell size of 0.8 mm, with less than
tank and incorporated within a 1 kW heater. The engine air-fuel- 0.55% uncertainty was selected, which consisted of 135,448 cells
ratio (AFR) was obtained using a Lambda sensor (Bosch Isu) which at the bottom dead center (BDC) and 76,109 cells at the top dead
was installed in the exhaust manifold. center (TDC). Details on the computational domain, initial condi-
The engine was coupled to a DC motoring dynamometer rated tions, and boundary conditions, can be found in our previous study
at 22 kW and 420 V. The in-cylinder pressure was measured using [3]. Turbulent flow within the combustion chamber was simulated
a piezoelecteic pressure transducer (AVL QC43D). The charge out- using the RNG j-e turbulence model [45]. The KH-RT (Kelvin-
put from this transducer was converted to an amplified voltage Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor) spray break-up model was
using AVL amplifier and data of 50 consecutive cycles were employed for the primary and secondary atomization of droplets
recorded by an in-house computer code for post processing. The [46] in order to represent the injection process of spray pattern
crankshaft position was measured by a magnetic rotary encoder of pilot diesel fuel. The Dukowicz model was used for modeling
(MES-2500D-T, Fotek) with a resolution of 0.1 CA. The experimen- the heat-up and evaporation of spray droplets [47]. The wall heat
tal data uncertainties are given in Table 2. The emissions of NOx, transfer model was represented as a standard wall function to
UHC, and CO were detected by AVL DiGas 4000. The specifications account for the variation of gas density and turbulent Prandtl num-
and resolution of the AVL DiGas 4000 gas analyzer are listed in ber in the boundary layer [48]. The extended Zeldovich mechanism
Table 3. was used for NOx formation and Frolov kinetic soot model was
used to predict the formation and oxidation of soot [49].
3. Description of the CFD-chemistry model and validation
3.2. Model validation
3.1. Numerical model
To validate the CFD-chemistry model, the experimental and
Details of the model were reported in [3,41,42], and thus, only a simulation results were compared at two different engine operat-
brief description is given here. A multi-dimensional CFD model ing conditions (idle and 25% load), which are given in Table 4. Mea-
coupled with chemical kinetics (AVL FIRE-CHEMKIN) accounts for sured and simulated in-cylinder pressure for case-1 and case-2 are
the effect of fluid flow, spray dynamics, and fuel oxidation. AVL shown in Fig. 3. The results show a good match between the exper-
FIRE software provides initial species concentrations, pressure, imental and numerical results for idle and 25% load. The CFD-
and temperature to CHEMKIN, which calculate and provide back chemistry model is able to predict the in-cylinder peak pressure,
the updated species concentrations and energy release to AVL FIRE. start of combustion, pressure ramp, and pressure down. The
The AVL-FIRE reaction mechanism used for the simulation of diesel numerical model highest uncertainty for the in-cylinder peak pres-
fuel self-ignition was developed along the lines of the reaction sure is less than 1.2%, and 3.3% for start of combustion. Moreover,
scheme originally proposed for the study of auto-ignition phe- the model predictions of NOx, CO, and unburned methane (Fig. 3c)
nomenon in gasoline engines [43]. In this reaction scheme, species show a reasonable agreement with the experimental results. The
that play a similar role in the ignition chemistry were combined calculated NOx and CO emissions over-predict their experimental
and treated as a single entity. Although this model was based on counterparts by only about 2%. The predicted trend of production
a relatively simple chemical mechanism, it was found capable of and oxidation of these emissions is found to be in line with pub-
reproducing experimental observation [43]. On the hand, the lished results (e.g., [50]). The comparison presented in Fig. 3 indi-
GRI-Mech 3.0 chemical kinetic mechanism which consists of 53 cates that the adopted mechanism and models for the numerical
species and 325 reactions, was used to describe premixed natural CFD-chemistry code are capable of simulating the reaction path-
gas oxidation. The effect of both chemical kinetics and mixing ways and engine performance.
was accounted for following the approach of Kong and Reitz [44]
4. Results and discussions
Table 2
Experimental uncertainties. A parametric study was carried out to study the effect of pre-
combustion chamber and its stratification characteristics of the
Parameter Uncertainties (%)
premixed charge and diesel fuel on combustion characteristics
Temperature <2
and emissions of dual-fuel operation under low engine load
Pressure <2
Engine speed <1 (IMEP = 3 bar). Different natural gas energy fractions and injection
Fuel flow rate <1 timings were tested. The simulation conditions (i.e. engine load,
Air flow rate <1 intake temperature, and engine speed) were kept constant (see
case-2 in Table 4) for which different natural gas energy fractions

Table 3
Specification of AVL DiGas 4000 gas analyzer.

Species Measured unit Range Resolution Accuracy

CO % 010 Vol.% 0.01 Vol.% 1
CO2 % 020 Vol.% 0.1 Vol.% 1
HC ppm 020,000 ppm 1 ppm 1
NOx ppm 05000 ppm 1 ppm 1
O2 % 025 Vol.% 0.01 Vol.% 1
Engine speed rpm 259990 rpm 10 rpm 1
k-calculation 09.999 0.001 1
496 A. Yousefi, M. Birouk / Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505

Fig. 2. Computational domain at BDC and diesel fuel injector location at TDC.

Table 4 combustion mode. This has an increasing effect on the ignition

Test conditions for two different engine test cases with boosted intake pressure delay period of the liquid diesel fuel. This becomes more evident
(supercharged). at higher natural gas energy fractions (60% NG) [51]. Due to the
Case no. Case-1 Case-2 injection of small amount of pilot diesel fuel, the pressure rise in
dual-fuel combustion is moderately lower compared to that of die-
Engine load (%) idle 25
Pressure at IVC (bar) 1.3 1.4 sel combustion during the pilot diesel fuel premixed combustion
Intake temperature (K) 340 340 stage (Fig. 4). As shown in Fig. 4, the maximum in-cylinder pres-
Engine speed (rpm) 500 800 sure decreases with increasing the natural gas energy fraction from
Diesel fuel flow rate (mg/cycle) 2.38 1.625 0% to 60% for all three injection timings. It can also be noticed from
UP (premixed fuel equivalence ratio) 0.3 0.3
Fig. 4 that, at the same natural gas energy fraction, the maximum
in-cylinder pressure increases, and the bulge area of the in-
cylinder pressure curve becomes more noticeable with advancing
and injection timings were examined under naturally aspirated the injection timing. This is attributed primarily to the ignition
conditions (PIVC = 1 bar). The total fuel energy, which is calculated delay of pilot diesel fuel which is prolonged with advanced injec-
based on the lower heating value, was kept constant for all tested tion timing, providing more time for mixing and thereby generat-
cases to eliminate the effect of different heat energy input and ing more flammable mixture before injection [16]. This
make sure that the combustion and emissions characteristics are consequently leads to increasing the in-cylinder pressure during
only affected by fuel distribution. In the present study, natural the combustion period of pilot diesel fuel. Combustion appears to
gas energy fractions of 0%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60% at different deteriorate at 60% natural gas energy fraction and diesel injection
injection timings (i.e. SOI = 6, 12, and 20 BTDC) were investigated timing of 6 BTDC. This is likely due to the amount of pilot diesel
at 25% engine load (IMEP = 3 bar) and constant engine speed of injected which is not enough for igniting the entire premixed
800 rpm. fuel-air mixture [52].
Fig. 5 shows the heat release profiles at different natural gas
4.1. In-cylinder pressure, HRR, and mean in-cylinder temperature energy fractions and injection timings under 25% engine load
(IMEP = 3 bar). As can be seen in this figure, the total HRR
The in-cylinder pressure for different injection timings (i.e. decreases with the increase of the natural gas energy fraction dur-
SOI = 6, 12, and 20 ATDC) and natural gas energy fractions ing the initial stages of the premixed combustion. According to the
at 25% engine load (IMEP = 3 bar) is depicted in Fig. 4. A normal study of Papagiannakis et al. [53], this is due to the lower amount
combustion process in dual-fuel engine is identified to take place of diesel fuel burned during the specific combustion phase and also
over five stages which include pilot diesel fuel ignition delay, pilot to the combustion retardation of the gaseous since the cylinder
diesel fuel premixed combustion, premixed gaseous fuel ignition charge conditions (i.e., in-cylinder charge temperature) do not
delay, rapid combustion of premixed gaseous fuel, and diffusion favor the occurrence of the flame front. Observing the heat release
combustion stage of the pilot diesel fuel [51]. As shown in Fig. 4, profiles in Fig. 5, during the last stage of combustion (diffusion
it can be observed that the combustion phasing under natural combustion), it can be seen that the HRR under dual-fuel combus-
gas/diesel dual-fuel combustion mode starts later compared to that tion is higher compared to that of conventional diesel fuel opera-
of diesel combustion (i.e., 0% NG). The ignition delay of pilot diesel tion. At lower natural gas energy fractions, a larger amount of
fuel (first stage) in dual-fuel combustion is longer than that of die- fuel is burned during the premixed combustion stage due to a
sel combustion. This is due to the fact that under dual-fuel mode, greater percentage of diesel fuel along with the enhanced ignition
the in-cylinder charge (i.e., premixed fuel-air mixture) has higher energy. At higher natural gas energy fractions, the spray penetra-
overall specific heat capacity compared to that air for diesel tion of pilot diesel and the oxygen concentration in natural
A. Yousefi, M. Birouk / Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505 497

Fig. 3. Comparison of in-cylinder pressure and emissions between experiment and simulation.

gas-air mixture is comparatively low, and hence a larger propor- In-cylinder temperature is considered to be one of the key
tion of the fuel is consumed at later combustion stages, which parameters for controlling the auto-ignition process. Fig. 6 depicts
yields an increased tendency of delayed combustion. It positively the variations in the calculated mean in-cylinder charge tempera-
affects the in-cylinder pressure during the expansion stroke lead- ture versus the injection timings at different natural gas energy
ing to higher expansion work. However, at very retarded injection fractions. As shown in Fig. 6, the peak of the mean in-cylinder tem-
timings (i.e. SOI = 6 BTDC) the effect on the in-cylinder pressure is perature occurs at an injection timing of 20 BTDC for all natural
small since most of the heat is released in the later stages of the gas energy fractions. Moreover, the peak of the mean in-cylinder
expansion stroke [54]. temperature decreases with increasing premixed natural gas
498 A. Yousefi, M. Birouk / Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505


Fig. 4. In-cylinder pressure at different natural gas energy fractions and diesel injection timings at 25% low load (IMEP = 3 bar).

energy fraction. When natural gas energy fraction varies from 0% to can be seen that, at typical injection timing of 6 BTDC, an increase
60%, the peak of the mean in-cylinder temperature decreases, in natural gas energy fraction results in a decrease of the thermal
respectively, from 1767 K to 859 K, 1769 K to 1618 K, and efficiency. This is the outcome of the lower premixed controlled
1827 K to 1625 K at injection timings of 6, 12, and 20 BTDC. As combustion rate observed at higher percentage of natural gas
shown in Fig. 6, the expansion charge temperature (or exhaust energy fractions. Moreover, at this injection timing, the low
temperature) of conventional diesel combustion is found to be amount of injected diesel fuel affects adversely the quality of the
lower than that of all tested cases of dual-fuel combustion mode. diesel fuel spray which results in poor diesel fuel penetration/dis-
This is due to the retarded combustion of natural gas which short- tribution, especially during the ignition delay period, as it has an
ens the duration of extracted power. As a result, the combustion adverse effect on the gaseous fuel combustion process. However,
products are exhausted at higher temperature [29]. at both injection timings of 12 and 20 BTDC, it can be seen that
the ITE increases first with increasing natural gas energy fraction
4.2. Indicated thermal efficiency up to 50%, then decreases with a further increase in the natural
gas energy fraction. This could be attributed to the fact that
Fig. 7 shows the ITE trends at different natural gas energy frac- increased gaseous fuel proportion combined with the improved
tions and injection timings under 25% engine load (IMEP = 3 bar). It cylinder charge conditions as a result of high swirling motion
A. Yousefi, M. Birouk / Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505 499

Fig. 5. Heat release at different natural gas energy fractions and injection timings at 25% load (IMEP = 3 bar).

produced by pre-combustion chamber has a positive effect on the 4.3. Exhaust emissions analysis
onset and spread of the flame front surrounding the burning zone.
This hence results in a considerable shorter combustion duration. 4.3.1. NOx emissions
As a result, a larger portion of the combustion process and heat The variation of indicated specific NOx emissions (ISNOx) with
release takes place closer to and after the TDC; i.e., at the beginning natural gas energy fraction and injection timing at 25% engine load
of the power stroke (Fig. 5), which leads to a greater power produc- is presented in Fig. 8. In the present work, both thermal and
tion when increasing natural gas energy fraction. This yields an prompt NOx mechanism of GRI Mech 3.0 mechanism were adopted
increase in the expansion pressure (Fig. 4) and a reduction in the to predict NOx emissions. As known, NOx formation is highly
useful power and consequently arise in the ITE. However, at dependent on the combustion temperature, oxygen concentration,
injection timings of SOI = 6 BTDC, most of the heat is released in and the retention time. As can be observed in this figure, NOx emis-
the late expansion stroke and the effect on the expansion in- sions are considerably affected by the natural gas energy fraction
cylinder pressure is very small. The minimum ITE is 23% and occurs and diesel injection timing. The increase of the natural gas energy
at an injection timing of 6 BTDC and 50% natural gas energy frac- fraction leads to lower NOx concentrations compared to those
tion, and the maximum ITE is 26.7% and occurs at both injection observed under conventional diesel engine operation (Fig. 9b).
timing of 12 and 20 BTDC and 50% natural gas energy fraction. Also, Fig. 9 shows that, with 60% natural gas energy fraction, a
500 A. Yousefi, M. Birouk / Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505

Fig. 6. Mean charge in-cylinder temperature for different natural gas energy fractions and injection timings at 25% engine load (IMEP = 3 bar).

significant reduction of NOx emissions can be seen when using nat- chamber. Moreover, under dual-fuel mode, combustion process is
ural gas/diesel dual-fuel combustion as opposed to diesel combus- affected considerably by the total relative AFR since this specific
tion. This is mainly due to the extremely low mean charge factor plays a significant role on the flame propagation mechanism
temperature, small amount of injected diesel fuel, and pre- [53]. There are four reasons for UHC emissions increase when die-
combustion chamber which drastically reduces NOx formation. sel engine operates on natural gas/diesel dual-fuel at low load [55].
As can be seen in Fig. 9, the combustion of fuel starts from the On one hand, the premixed fuel-air mixture is very lean where the
pre-combustion chamber and propagates into the main chamber. chemical reactivity is sufficiently low which leads to partial oxida-
As a result, the combustion proceeds smoothly/slowly and conse- tion or even flame extinction. On the other hand, the mean charge
quently the peak combustion temperature is lower which signifi- temperature is too low to oxidize the premixed gaseous fuel [50].
cantly decreases the NOx formation rate. Additionally, extremely small amount of pilot diesel is injected at
low engine load leading to slower and consequently incomplete
4.3.2. Unburned methane emissions combustion. Moreover, a leaner mixture flame weakens and extin-
The variation of UHC emissions in the exhaust gases depends on guishes when it comes into contact with the cylinder wall and pis-
the quality of the combustion process inside the combustion ton crevices [55]. Fig. 10a presents the effect of natural gas energy
A. Yousefi, M. Birouk / Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505 501

parts of pre-combustion chamber and near piston wall regions

(highlighted by black arrow) are largely responsible for the forma-
tion of unburned methane emissions. In these regions, temperature
rise is suppressed due to intense heat transfer to the cylinder walls
resulting in incomplete combustion. As the mixture is very lean
and sits outside the flammable range, the flame does not propagate
and the mixture remains in the cylinder without burning. It can be
seen that the charge bulk flow induced by the swirl pre-
combustion chamber improves the charge mixing of the diesel
spray and consequently the propagation of the turbulent flame
front reaches and oxidizes the portions of premixed fuel-air mix-
ture located far away from the pilot diesel nuclei. To confirm the
positive effect of swirl pre-chamber on unburned methane emis-
sions of dual-fuel engine at low load, another simulation test was
carried out on a dual-fuel engine without pre-chamber at injection
timing of 12 BTDC using the same operating conditions as shown
in Fig. 10b. The results in Fig. 10a show that, using pre-combustion
chamber decreases unburned methane emissions by 46% on aver-
age. This further confirms that pre-combustion chamber helps to
improve the un-burned methane emissions of dual-fuel combus-
tion at low engine load.
At both injection timings of 12 and 20 BTDC, the increase of the
unburned methane emissions observed is smoother for high per-
Fig. 7. Thermal efficiency for different natural gas energy fractions and diesel centage of natural gas energy fraction compared to the respective
injection timings at 25% load. trend observed at injection timing of 6 BTDC. This is due to the
improvement of the flame propagation and premixed gaseous fuel
combustion process, which play a significant role on the unburned
methane oxidation rate.

4.3.3. CO emissions
The high level of CO emissions of dual-fuel combustion at low
engine load is mainly due to the very lean premixed fuel-air mix-
ture and low in-cylinder mean charge temperature which control
the rate of fuel decomposition and oxidation [56]. Fig. 12 presents
the effect of natural gas energy fraction and injection timing on CO
emissions at 25% engine load. It can be clearly noticed that CO
emissions under dual-fuel operation are significantly higher com-
pared to those of conventional diesel engine operation. For
instance, at an injection timing of 20 BTDC, the CO emissions of
dual-fuel mode with 60% natural gas energy fraction are 8 times
higher than those of diesel combustion mode. This is due to the fact
that the extremely poor quality of the gaseous fuel combustion
contributes to a sharp increase of the unburned gaseous fuel. This
combined with the low charge temperature and low oxygen con-
centration of the cylinder charge yields an increase in the CO for-
mation rate.

5. Conclusions

Dual-fuel pilot diesel ignition engine combustion performance

Fig. 8. NOx emissions for different natural gas energy fractions and diesel injection and emissions have been numerically investigated by varying the
timing at 25% load (IMEP = 3 bar). injection timing and natural gas energy fraction at constant total
fuel energy at low engine load. This study revealed that both injec-
fraction and injection timing on unburned methane emissions at tion timing and natural energy fraction have significant effect at
25% engine load. It can be seen that the unburned methane emis- low engine load. The main findings are summarized below.
sions under dual-fuel operation mode is much higher compared to
that of conventional diesel combustion mode, revealing that a con-  The combustion phasing under natural gas/diesel dual-fuel
siderable amount of gaseous fuel escapes the combustion process combustion mode starts later compared to the case of conven-
at low load. As shown in Fig. 11, with dual-fuel operation, tional diesel combustion (i.e., 0% NG). The maximum in-
unburned mixture easily displaces into quenching regions such cylinder pressure decreases with increasing the natural gas
as the cylinder wall. Also, there still exist portions of natural gas- energy fraction from 0% to 60%. Combustion tends to deteriorate
air mixture that are not entrained into the spray flux of the ignition for 60% natural gas energy fraction and diesel injection timing
fuel. It can be seen that methane is burned initially in the pre- of 6 BTDC, which is likely due to the amount of pilot diesel
combustion chamber where the pilot diesel fuel is injected and injected as being not enough for igniting the entire premixed
then propagates into the main chamber. It can be seen that back fuel-air mixture. The total HRR decreases with the increase of
502 A. Yousefi, M. Birouk / Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505

Fig. 9. Distribution of NOx mass fraction for different natural gas energy fractions and injection timings at TDC and 10 ATDC.

the natural gas energy fraction during the initial stages of the  Increase of the natural gas energy fraction leads to a reduction
premixed combustion. During the last stage of combustion (dif- in NOx concentrations compared with that under diesel opera-
fusion combustion), the HRR under dual-fuel combustion is tion. With 60% natural gas energy fraction, a significant reduc-
higher compared to that of diesel operation. It positively affects tion of NOx emissions can be seen in natural gas/diesel dual-
the in-cylinder pressure during the expansion stroke leading to fuel combustion compared to that of diesel combustion. This
higher expansion work. is mainly due to the extremely low mean charge temperature,
 At injection timing of 6 BTDC, an increase of natural gas energy small amount of injected diesel fuel. Moreover, in dual-fuel
fraction results in a decrease of the thermal efficiency. At this engine with pre-combustion chamber, the combustion of fuel
injection timing, most of the heat is released late during the starts from the pre-combustion chamber and then propagates
expansion stroke and the effect on the expansion in-cylinder into the main chamber. As a result, the combustion process is
pressure is very small. However, at both injection timings of smoother and slower which thus promote lower peak combus-
12 and 20 BTDC, the maximum ITE (26.7%) occurs at 50% nat- tion temperature and hence less NOx formation.
ural gas energy fraction. This could be attributed to the  Unburned methane emissions under dual-fuel operation mode
increased gaseous fuel proportion combined with the improved is much higher compared to that under diesel combustion
cylinder charge conditions using high swirling motion produced mode, revealing that a considerable amount of gaseous fuel
by pre-combustion chamber which promote a positive effect on escapes the combustion process at low load. Premixed fuel is
the occurrence and propagation of the flame front. burned initially in the pre-combustion chamber where the pilot
A. Yousefi, M. Birouk / Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505 503

Fig. 10. Unburned methane emissions for different natural gas energy fractions and injection timings at 25% load (IMEP = 3 bar).

Fig. 11. Distribution of CH4 mass fraction for different natural gas energy fractions and injection timing of 12 BTDC at TDC and 10 ATDC.

diesel fuel is injected and then propagates into the main cham- methane emissions. The charge bulk flow induced by the swirl
ber. There are potions of the natural gas-air mixture which are pre-combustion chamber improves the charge mixing of the
not entrained into the spray flux of the pilot ignition fuel. These diesel spray and hence the turbulent flame front propagation
regions are largely responsible for the formation of unburned reaches and oxidizes the portions of premixed fuel-air mixture
504 A. Yousefi, M. Birouk / Applied Energy 189 (2017) 492505

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