Key Climate Indicator

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Key climate Indicator

2017 is the third warmest year in the record.
Post 2010 all 9 year have an increased temperature.
2016 was the warmest ever year due to elnino effect (end of elnino effect)

Year Anomaly in respect of the 1981-2010

average (^.c)
2016 +0.56
2017 +0.46
2015 +0.45
2014 +0.30
2010 +0.28

Greenhouse Gases

Levels of co2, ch4,n2o continued to increase in 2017, but it is not yet clear how
the rate of increase compares with that in 2016 or in previous years.
GWP(ch4 and co2) are much more harmful than n2o.
400ppm in 2016 co2.
1800+ppb ch4 in 2016
322ppb n2o in 2016
Terrestrial system accumulates GHC in nature
Concentration of co2 is 150% more than pre industrial level.
Concentration of ch4 is 250% more than pre industrial level.
But co2 increased more than previous year as well as the last decade.
2015-2016 ch4 increased than previous year but lower than the previous
N2O is smaller than previous year as well as the past decade.(2003-2014).
It is in stratosphere, largest ozone hole is existing in Antarctica. The 19.6
1979-2016(2017 average area of ozone layer September 7 to October 30 peak
season 17.4 million square kilometre). Was found to be second highest than
In worst 30 days during September 17.2 million square kilometre which is
highest after 1994.
Peak time of ozone layer depletion
 The 2017 Antarctic ozone hole was relatively small by the standards of
recent decades.
 Most ozone hole indicators who weak, non-significant downward trends
over the last 20 years.
 The average are of the ozone hole through the peak of the season (from
7 September to 13 October) was 17.4 million km2

The oceans in 2017

 Global sea-surface temperatures in 2017 were somewhat below the
levels of 2015 and 2016 but still ranked as the third warmest on record.
 Ocean heat content, a measure of the heat in the oceans through their
upper layer, reached new record highs in 2017.
Up willing in eastern part during el-nino. Upward movement of cold water
to the surface.
0-700m dept highest temperature in 2017 almost 60 zeta joules which is
almost 7 zeta joules more than previous year.
More the heat content of ocean more will be natural calamities.

Sea Level.
The global mean sea level (GMSL) was relatively stable in 2016 and early 2017.
However most recent sea-level data indicate that the GMSL has been rising
again since mid-2017.
Sea level rises by 10mm because of elnino effect.
Ocean Acidification
The ocean absorbs up to 30% of the annual emissions of anthropogenic co2 in
the atmosphere.
However this at a steep ecological cost.
Projections of future of future ocean conditions show that ocean acidification
affects all areas of the ocean, while consequences for marine species,
ecosystems and their functioning vary.
There has been a consistent trend in ocean acidification over time.

The cryosphere in 2017

sea ice extent was well below the 1981-2010 average throughout 2017 in both
the arctic and Antarctic.
The winter maximum of arctic sea ice of 14.42 million square kilometres,
reached on 7 march, was the lowest winter maximum in the satellite record.
0.10 million square kilometres below the previous record low set in 2015.
However melting during the spring and summer was slower than in some
recent years
The summer minimum of 4.64 million square kilometres on 13 September was
the eight-lowest on record 125 million square kilometres above the 2012
record level.

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