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Submitted to: Jason Cuerda

Submitted by: Bacarisas, Angelika D.


Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make room for something besides forest. This
can include clearing the land for agriculture or grazing, or using the timber for fuel, construction
or manufacturing.

The causes of deforestation

 Natural causes as hurricanes, fires, parasites and floods.
 Human activities as agricultural expansion, cattle breeding, timber extraction,
mining, oil extraction, dam construction and infrastructure development.

Effects of Deforestation
 Trees absorb the carbon dioxide and release oxygen and water into the
atmosphere and this contributes to global warming. Cutting carbon dioxide adds
to the environment and then this lack of the tree creates an absorption
deficit. Deforestation leads to the emission of greenhouse gas.
Brainstorming List

Reuse and
Recycle To save Earth

Go Paperless DEFORESTATION Plant Trees

Use electronic
Trees clean
the air

Graphic Organizer

Human invasion and Trees cool the

logging forest destroy. atmosphere and store
Global Warming greenhouse gases.


Loss of Biodiversity Resources

Billions of bees lost

their habitat. Billions and people depends
Food Insecurity
on forests for food, fuel and
Topic Outline.
A. Introduction: Deforestation
I. problem that is caused
II. forest is taken for granted
III. problem with far reaching consequences

B. Causes of Deforestation
I. Logging
II. Oil and mining of coal
III. Population growth
Sentence Outline
A. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests
and woodlands. The term does not include the removal of industrial
forests such as plantations. It has resulted in the reduction of
indigenous forests to 4/5 of their pre-agricultural area.
I. Deforestation is a problem that is caused largely by greed and
want for property, money and possibly status.
II. Many parts of the world the forest is taken for granted as a
replenish able resource, which it is.
III. Deforestation is a problem with far reaching consequences
ranging from a barren landscape to a higher Carbon Dioxide
levels in the air.
B. Causes of Deforestation
I. Illegal logging activities are very common that destroy the
livelihoods of the people depending on forests.
II. Oil and mining of coal require a large amount of forest land.
III. As the population grows, the needs of people increases which
further leads to deforestation.
Climate Change
The Causes of Climate Change  Extreme Weather
 Safety and Economic
 Greenhouse Gases
 Solar Activity
 Health
 Agriculture
 Negative Impact in Ecosystem
 Deforestation
 Water and Food Resources
 Human Activity
 Sea Levels Rising
 Livestock
 Shrinking Ice Sheets
 Ocean Acidification

The Effect of Climate Change

Brainstorming List

Air Pollution Smoke Melting of

Ozone Layer


calcium Solar prevent an

will deflect
Radiation increase in
rays from the
Graphic Organizer

Sea Level
Warmer air temperatures are causing glaciers and
land ice to melt. As the melt water flows into the The delicate balance between incoming solar
ocean, the increase in the total amount of water radiation, outgoing thermal radiation and the
causes the sea level to rise. composition of Earth's atmosphere.

CLIMATE CHANGE Higher temperatures
Air pollution in the mean that heat waves
form of carbon are likely to happen
dioxide and methane more often and last
raises the earth's longer, too. Warmer
temperature temperatures can also
lead to a chain
reaction of other
changes around the

The release of vapor into the air alters the surface
energy fluxes and leads to potential cloud When glaciers melt, darker exposed surfaces
formation. absorb and release heat, raising temperatures.
Topic Outline
A. Introduction: Climate Change
I. Current rapid warming
II. New weather patterns
III. Increase in the overall temperature

B. Different causes of Climate Change

I. Livestock
II. Greenhouse gases
III. Solar activity

Sentence Outline
A. Climate change is a global phenomenon characterized by rising
temperatures and changing rainfall amount and distribution.
I. Climate change is the current rapid warming of the Earth's climate caused
by human activity.
II. Climate change occurs when changes in Earth's climate system result in
new weather patterns that remain in place for an extended period of
III. Climate change is caused by global warming. Global warming is an
increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere.
B. Different causes of Climate Change
I. While interconnected to many of the agricultural and deforestation
issues we have already touched on, livestock in the form of cattle,
sheep, pigs, and poultry play a significant role in climate change.
II. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap the reflected energy,
redirecting it back down to the earth and eventually contributing to
global warming.
III. Solar activity, does play a role in the earth’s climate. While the sun
does go through natural cycles, increasing and decreasing the amount
of energy that it emits to the earth, it is unlikely that solar activity is a
major contributor to global warming or climate change.

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