CPC 100 When Full Power Is Required 2011 Issue2 PDF

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4  Application

400 kV 765 kV
Coupling transformer with current transformers 
(1 x 400 kV side and 2 x 765 kV side, distance 500 m).
To each current transformer a GPS-synchronized CPC 100
is connected to supply the test current.

Current transformer
Current transformer
3,200:1 CPC 100 with CMGPS

Current transformer

400 kV:765 kV coupling transformer CPC 100 with CMGPS

CPC 100 with CMGPS (YNyn0, 2,000 MVA)

When full power

is required
GPS-synchronized measurement Differential protective relays are used to protect
power transformers. These devices measure and
using the CPC 100 compare the currents on the high- and medium-
voltage side. If the sum of the currents flowing
into the transformer does not match the currents
flowing out, the protective relay trips. Eskom
(South Africa) needed to test the protective relay
scheme of a 400 kV to 765 kV power transformer,
whose current transformers are located some
500 m apart. The testing devices used therefore
had to meet two requirements. Firstly, they had
to be synchronized due to the large distance be-
tween the measuring points, and secondly they
By Alexander Dierks, Alectrix and also had to be capable of providing sufficiently
Jan Cronjé, Eskom PTM Witbank, South Africa
high test currents. The CPC 100 from OMICRON
perfectly fulfills these requirements.

OMICRON  Magazine | Volume 2 Issue 2 2011

Application  5

765 kV line as new backbone

Eskom is the energy supply company in South Africa. The majority via a 400 kV grid. However, due to growing energy requirements,
of power plants in South Africa are located in the north-east. this grid had to be upgraded to higher voltages, for which 400 kV
However, the main load centers of Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, to 765 kV transformers are needed in the substations. A complete
and Durban are located further to the south-west. A 765 kV grid inspection of the relay configuration, the setting parameters, the
has been under construction for three years and is set to connect secondary wiring, as well as the polarity of the current transform-
these regions to the power plants. To date, connection has been ers needs to be performed during commissioning.

OMICRON  Magazine | Volume 2 Issue 2 2011

6  Application

210 A at 180˚

400 A at 0˚

210 A

Problem: Asymmetry within the Measured at the relay on the secondary side: 

output current would have tripped 2 x 105 A on the 765 kV side, 400 A on the 400 kV side,
the protective relay immediately. results in a stabilization current of 210 A with very small
differential current – the protective relay does not trip.

Looking for a new testing method signals needs to be synchronized, and voltage 765 kV side. The stabilization
To date, testing the configuration of the secondly the fault inception must be time- current of 210 A could then be read off
protective devices involved the trans- synchronized. For the first challenge, the from the measurement curves. However,
former being short-circuited on the mains voltage is used as the basis for the the key was that the protective relay did –
medium-voltage side and injected from phase synchronization and fed in to the as desired – not operate. The relay in fact
a three-phase supply on the high-voltage V1 AC input. The respective supply must only tripped (correctly) during simulation
side. All currents were then measured on be in phase synchronism for this to work. of a fault in the transformer, during which
the primary and secondary side of the GPS real-time technology is used to ensure the fault current was increased to 3,000 A.
current transformers, which allowed the time-synchronism. Here, the binary output
configuration of the respective protective signal from a CMGPS is fed into the binary OMICRON's CPC 100 proves its value
element to be scrutinized. This same test, input. With the universal testing device CPC 100
however, cannot be applied to 400 kV to from OMICRON, Eskom has found a per-
765 kV transformers. A typical primary test Successful measurement fect solution for measuring its differential
current of 5.5 A would result in barely any Initial testing in a laboratory, during protective elements. Following the good
measurable current on the secondary side which the test current of 1 A was ramped test results, the GPS-synchronized testing
of the 3,200 : 1 current transformers used. up to 80 A, highlighted an asymmetry. procedure is now to be included in the
Eskom therefore was looking for a new ap- Whereas the test curves of two CPC 100 testing standard. The values gained using
proach and utilized the universal CPC 100 units were absolutely identical, the third this approach allow reliable assessment
testing system from OMICRON. was initially one and a half waves off. This to be made about the operability of the
would have caused the protective relay to differential protective relay. The tried and
Three testing devices, each trip immediately. However, a second test tested CPC 100 really proved its value.
synchronized via GPS then led to the desired successful result.
The set-up is problematic, as the dis- The test object was initially injected with
tance between the current transformers 10 A, and was then ramped up via an Eskom
on the high- and medium-voltage side intermediate step of 40 A to 80 A using
is around 500 m. The only way to take the sequencer test card. The test set-up Eskom is the energy supply company
measurements is therefore to use three was subsequently recreated for the actual in South Africa. Some 95% of the
synchronized CPC 100 units (two of which system to be tested. 400 A was injected energy requirements in South Africa
are on the high-voltage side). Two chal- on the medium-voltage 400 kV side. As and 45% of the energy requirements
lenges need to be mastered. Firstly, the per the winding factor of 1.91, currents throughout the whole of Africa are
phase angle of the testing system's output of 2 x 105 A were injected on the high- covered by Eskom.

OMICRON  Magazine | Volume 2 Issue 2 2011   www.eskom.co.za

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