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TR150 and TR170

Programming Guide

Literature Order Number BAS-SVP16B-EN

Date February 2017
Supersedes September 2013

For more information, contact your local Trane Trane has a policy of continous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to
office or e-mail us at [email protected] change design and specifications without notice.

February 2017 BAS-SVP16B-EN

130R0536 MG18H202 02/2017

Contents Programming Guide


1 Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose of the Manual 3
1.2 Document and Software Version 3
1.3 Safety Symbols 3
1.4 Safety Precautions 3
1.5 Additional Resources 4
1.6 Definitions 5
1.7 Electrical Overview 7

2 Programming 8
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 Local Control Panel (LCP) 8
2.3 Menus 9
2.3.1 Status Menu 9
2.3.2 Quick Menu 9
2.3.3 Main Menu 23
2.4 Quick Transfer of Parameter Settings between Multiple Frequency Converters 23
2.5 Readout and Programming of Indexed Parameters 24
2.6 Initialization to Default Settings 24

3 Parameters 25
3.1 Main Menu - Operation and Display - Group 0 25
3.2 Main Menu - Load and Motor - Group 1 29
3.3 Main Menu - Brakes - Group 2 39
3.4 Main Menu–Reference/Ramps–Group 3 41
3.5 Main Menu - Limits/Warnings - Group 4 44
3.6 Main Menu - Digital In/Out - Group 5 47
3.7 Main Menu - Analog In/Out - Group 6 55
3.8 Main Menu - Communications and Options - Group 8 60
3.9 Main Menu - Smart Logic - Group 13 65
3.10 Main Menu - Special Functions - Group 14 73
3.11 Main Menu - Drive Information - Group 15 77
3.12 Main Menu - Data Readouts - Group 16 79
3.13 Main Menu - Data Readouts 2 - Group 18 83
3.14 Main Menu - FC Closed Loop - Group 20 84
3.15 Main Menu - Application Functions - Group 22 86
3.16 Main Menu - Application Functions 2 - Group 24 92
3.17 Main Menu - Special Features - Group 30 95

4 Troubleshooting 96

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Contents TR150 and TR170

4.1 Introduction to Alarms and Warnings 96

4.2 Alarm Words 98
4.3 Warning Words 98
4.4 Extended Status Words 99
4.5 List of Warnings and Alarms 99
4.6 List of LCP Errors 102

5 Parameter Lists 103

5.1 Parameter Options 103
5.1.1 Default Settings 103
5.1.2 0-** Operation/Display 104
5.1.3 1-** Load and Motor 104
5.1.4 2-** Brakes 106
5.1.5 3-** Reference/Ramps 106
5.1.6 4-** Limits/Warnings 107
5.1.7 5-** Digital In/Out 107
5.1.8 6-** Analog In/Out 108
5.1.9 8-** Comm. and Options 109
5.1.10 13-** Smart Logic 110
5.1.11 14-** Special Functions 110
5.1.12 15-** Drive Information 111
5.1.13 16-** Data Readouts 112
5.1.14 18-** Info & Readouts 113
5.1.15 20-** Drive Closed Loop 113
5.1.16 22-** Appl. Functions 114
5.1.17 24-** Appl. Functions 2 115
5.1.18 30-** Special Features 115

Index 116

2 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Introduction Programming Guide

1 Introduction 1 1

1.1 Purpose of the Manual 1.4 Safety Precautions

This programming guide provides information for
advanced programming of the frequency converter. It WARNING
provides a complete overview of all parameters and HIGH VOLTAGE
descriptions for all parameters. Frequency converters contain high voltage when
connected to AC mains input, DC supply, or load sharing.
The programming guide is intended for use by qualified Failure to perform installation, start-up, and maintenance
personnel. by qualified personnel can result in death or serious
To operate the frequency converter safely and profes- • Only qualified personnel must perform instal-
sionally, read and follow the programming guide, and pay lation, start-up, and maintenance.
particular attention to the safety instructions and general

1.2 Document and Software Version WARNING

This manual is regularly reviewed and updated. All When the frequency converter is connected to AC mains,
suggestions for improvement are welcome. DC supply, or load sharing, the motor can start at any
time. Unintended start during programming, service, or
Edition Remarks Software version repair work can result in death, serious injury, or
BAS-SVP16B-EN Update to new 2.9x property damage. The motor can start with an external
software version and switch, a fieldbus command, an input reference signal
addition of TR170. from the LCP or LOP, via remote operation using Trane
Drive Utility (TDU), or after a cleared fault condition.
Table 1.1 Document and Software Version
To prevent unintended motor start:

1.3 Safety Symbols

• Press [Off/Reset] on the LCP before
programming parameters.
The following symbols are used in this guide: • Disconnect the frequency converter from the

WARNING • Completely wire and assemble the frequency

converter, motor, and any driven equipment
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could
before connecting the frequency converter to
result in death or serious injury.
AC mains, DC supply, or load sharing.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could
result in minor or moderate injury. It can also be used to
alert against unsafe practices.

Indicates important information, including situations that
can result in damage to equipment or property.

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 3

Introduction TR150 and TR170

The frequency converter contains DC-link capacitors, Contact with rotating shafts and electrical equipment
which can remain charged even when the frequency can result in death or serious injury.
converter is not powered. High voltage can be present
even when the warning LED indicator lights are off.
• Ensure that only trained and qualified personnel
perform installation, start-up, and maintenance.
Failure to wait the specified time after power has been
removed before performing service or repair work can • Ensure that electrical work conforms to national
result in death or serious injury. and local electrical codes.

• Stop the motor. • Follow the procedures in this manual.

• Disconnect AC mains and remote DC-link power

supplies, including battery back-ups, UPS, and
DC-link connections to other frequency
An internal failure in the frequency converter can result
• Disconnect or lock PM motor.
in serious injury when the frequency converter is not
• Wait for the capacitors to discharge fully. The properly closed.
minimum duration of waiting time is specified
in Table 1.2.
• Ensure that all safety covers are in place and
securely fastened before applying power.
• Before performing any service or repair work,
use an appropriate voltage measuring device to
make sure that the capacitors are fully 1.5 Additional Resources
• TR150 and TR170 Quick Guide provides basic
information on mechanical dimensions, instal-
Voltage [V] Power range [kW (hp)] Minimum waiting time lation, and programming
• TR150 and TR170 Design Guide provides
3x200 0.25–3.7 (0.33–5) 4 information on how to design motor control
3x200 5.5–11 (7–15) 15 systems.
3x400 0.37–7.5 (0.5–10) 4
3x400 11–90 (15–125) 15
• The Trane Drive Energy Analysis Program is
available at
3x600 2.2–7.5 (3–10) 4
The software allows energy consumption
3x600 11–90 (15–125) 15
comparisons of HVAC fans and pumps driven by
Table 1.2 Discharge Time
Trane frequency converters and alternative
methods of flow control. Use this tool to project
the costs, savings, and payback of using Trane
WARNING frequency converters on HVAC fans, pumps, and
Leakage currents exceed 3.5 mA. Failure to ground the Trane technical literature is available in electronic form on
frequency converter properly can result in death or the documentation CD that is shipped with the product, or
serious injury. in print from your local Trane sales office.
• Ensure the correct grounding of the equipment
by a certified electrical installer. It is also available online at:
Trane Drive Utility (TDU) support
Download the software from
During the installation process of the software, enter CD
key 52314600. A license key is not required for basic
operation. For advanced features enter license key
The latest software does not always contain the latest
updates for frequency converters. Contact the local sales
office for the latest frequency converter updates (in the
form of *.upd files), or download the frequency converter
updates from

4 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Introduction Programming Guide

1.6 Definitions Break-away torque 1 1

Frequency converter
The maximum output current.
The rated output current supplied by the frequency
The maximum output voltage.
The connected motor can start and stop via LCP and
digital inputs. Functions are divided into 2 groups, as
described in Table 1.3. Functions in group 1 have higher
priority than functions in group 2.
Illustration 1.1 Break-away Torque
Reset, coast stop, reset and coast stop, quick
Group 1
stop, DC brake, stop, and [Off].
Start, pulse start, reversing, start reversing, jog, ηDRIVE
Group 2
and freeze output. The efficiency of the frequency converter is defined as the
ratio between the power output and the power input.
Table 1.3 Control Commands
Start-disable command
Motor A stop command belonging to the group 1 control
fJOG commands, see Table 1.3.
The motor frequency when the jog function is activated Stop command
(via digital terminals). See Table 1.3.
fM Analog reference
The motor frequency. A signal transmitted to the analog inputs 53 or 54. It can
fMAX be voltage or current.
The maximum motor frequency. • Current input: 0–20 mA and 4–20 mA
fMIN • Voltage input: 0–10 V DC
The minimum motor frequency.
Bus reference
fM,N A signal transmitted to the serial communication port
The rated motor frequency (nameplate data). (drive port).
IM Preset reference
The motor current. A defined preset reference to be set from -100% to +100%
IM,N of the reference range. Selection of 8 preset references via
The rated motor current (nameplate data). the digital terminals.

The nominal motor speed (nameplate data). Determines the relationship between the reference input at
100% full scale value (typically 10 V, 20 mA) and the
PM,N resulting reference. The maximum reference value set in
The rated motor power (nameplate data). parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference.
The instantaneous motor voltage. Determines the relationship between the reference input at
UM,N 0% value (typically 0 V, 0 mA, 4 mA) and the resulting
The rated motor voltage (nameplate data). reference. The minimum reference value is set in
parameter 3-02 Minimum Reference.

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 5

Introduction TR150 and TR170

1 1 Analog inputs On-line/Off-line parameters

The analog inputs are used for controlling various Changes to on-line parameters are activated immediately
functions of the frequency converter. after the data value is changed. Press [OK] to activate off-
There are 2 types of analog inputs: line parameters.
• Current input: 0–20 mA and 4–20 mA PI controller
The PI controller maintains the desired speed, pressure,
• Voltage input: 0–10 V DC
temperature, and so on, by adjusting the output frequency
Analog outputs to match the varying load.
The analog outputs can supply a signal of 0–20 mA, 4–
20 mA, or a digital signal. RCD
Residual current device.
Automatic motor adaptation, AMA
The AMA algorithm determines the electrical parameters Set-up
for the connected motor at standstill and compensates for Parameter settings in 2 set-ups can be saved. Change
the resistance based on the length of the motor cable. between the 2 parameter set-ups and edit 1 set-up, while
another set-up is active.
Digital inputs
The digital inputs can be used for controlling various Slip compensation
functions of the frequency converter. The frequency converter compensates for the motor slip by
giving the frequency a supplement that follows the
Digital outputs measured motor load keeping the motor speed almost
The frequency converter provides 2 solid-state outputs that constant.
can supply a 24 V DC (maximum 40 mA) signal.
Smart logic control (SLC)
Relay outputs The SLC is a sequence of user-defined actions executed
The frequency converter provides 2 programmable relay when the associated user-defined events are evaluated as
outputs. true by the SLC.
ETR Thermistor
Electronic thermal relay is a thermal load calculation based A temperature-dependent resistor placed where the
on present load and time. Its purpose is to estimate the temperature is to be monitored (frequency converter or
motor temperature and prevent overheating of the motor. motor).
Initializing Trip
If initializing is carried out (parameter 14-22 Operation A state entered in fault situations, for example, if the
Mode), the programmable parameters of the frequency frequency converter is subject to an overtemperature or
converter return to their default settings. when the frequency converter is protecting the motor,
Parameter 14-22 Operation Mode does not initialize process, or mechanism. Restart is prevented until the cause
communication parameters, fault log, or fire mode log. of the fault does not exist and the trip state is canceled by
Intermittent duty cycle activating reset or, sometimes, by being programmed to
An intermittent duty rating refers to a sequence of duty reset automatically. Do not use trip for personal safety.
cycles. Each cycle consists of an on-load and an off-load Trip lock
period. The operation can be either periodic duty or none- A state entered in fault situations when the frequency
periodic duty. converter is protecting itself and requiring physical
Keypad intervention, for example, if the frequency converter is
The keypad makes up a complete interface for control and subject to a short circuit on the output. A locked trip can
programming of the frequency converter. The keypad is only be canceled by cutting off mains, removing the cause
detachable on IP20 units and fixed on IP54 units. It can be of the fault, and reconnecting the frequency converter.
installed up to 3 m (9.8 ft) from the frequency converter, Restart is prevented until the trip state is canceled by
that is, in a front panel with the installation kit option. activating reset or, sometimes, by being programmed to
reset automatically. Do not use trip lock for personal safety.
Least significant bit. VT characteristics
Variable torque characteristics used for pumps and fans.
Short for mille circular mil, an American measuring unit for VVC+
cable cross-section. 1 MCM = 0.5067 mm2. If compared with standard voltage/frequency ratio control,
voltage vector control (VVC+) improves the dynamics and
the stability, both when the speed reference is changed
Most significant bit.
and in relation to the load torque.

6 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Introduction Programming Guide

1.7 Electrical Overview 1 1

Illustration 1.2 Basic Wiring Schematic Drawing

There is no access to UDC- and UDC+ on the following units:
• IP20, 380–480 V, 30–90 kW (40–125 hp)
• IP20, 200–240 V, 15–45 kW (20–60 hp)
• IP20, 525–600 V, 2.2–90 kW (3–125 hp)
• IP54, 380–480 V, 22–90 kW (30–125 hp)

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Programming TR150 and TR170

2 Programming
2 2
2.1 Introduction 1 Parameter number and name.
2 Parameter value.
The frequency converter can be programmed from the LCP Set-up number shows the active set-up and the edit set-up.
or from a PC via the RS485 COM port by installing the If the same set-up acts as both active and edit set-up, only
Trane Drive Utility (TDU). Refer to chapter 1.5 Additional that set-up number is shown (factory setting). When active
Resources for more details about the software. 3
and edit set-up differ, both numbers are shown in the
display (set-up 12). The number flashing, indicates the edit
2.2 Local Control Panel (LCP)
The keypad is divided into 4 functional sections. Motor direction is shown to the bottom left of the display –
A. Display 4 indicated by a small arrow pointing either clockwise or
B. Menu key
The triangle indicates if the keypad is in Status, Quick
C. Navigation keys and indicator lights 5
Menu, or Main Menu.
D. Operation keys and indicator lights
Table 2.1 Legend to Illustration 2.1, Part I

B. Menu key
Press [Menu] to select among Status, Quick Menu, or Main
C. Navigation keys and indicator lights

6 Com. LED: Flashes during bus communication.

7 Green LED/On: Control section is working correctly.
8 Yellow LED/Warn.: Indicates a warning.
9 Flashing Red LED/Alarm: Indicates an alarm.
[Back]: For moving to the previous step or layer in the
navigation structure.
[▲] [▼] [►]: For navigating among parameter groups and
11 parameters, and within parameters. They can also be used
for setting local reference.
[OK]: For selecting a parameter and for accepting changes
to parameter settings.

Table 2.2 Legend to Illustration 2.1, Part II

D. Operation keys and indicator lights

Illustration 2.1 Keypad
[Hand On]: Starts the motor and enables control of the
frequency converter via the keypad.
A. Display NOTICE
The LCD-display is illuminated with 2 alphanumeric lines.
[2] Coast inverse is the default option for
All data is displayed on the keypad. 13
parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input. If there is
Illustration 2.1 describes the information that can be read no 24 V supply to terminal 27, [Hand On] does not
from the display. start the motor. Connect terminal 12 to terminal 27.

[Off/Reset]: Stops the motor (Off). If in alarm mode, the

alarm is reset.
[Auto On]: The frequency converter is controlled either via
control terminals or serial communication.

Table 2.3 Legend to Illustration 2.1, Part III

8 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Programming Programming Guide

2.3 Menus The wizard is displayed after power-up until any parameter
has been changed. The wizard can always be accessed
2.3.1 Status Menu again through the quick menu. Press [OK] to start the
wizard. Press [Back] to return to the status view. 2 2
In the Status menu, the selection options are:
• Motor frequency [Hz], parameter 16-13 Frequency.
• Motor current [A], parameter 16-14 Motor current.
• Motor speed reference in percentage [%],
parameter 16-02 Reference [%]. Illustration 2.3 Start-up/Quit Wizard

• Feedback, parameter 16-52 Feedback[Unit].

• Motor power parameter 16-10 Power [kW] for kW,
parameter 16-11 Power [hp] for hp. If
parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [1] North
America, motor power is shown in hp instead of
• Custom readout parameter 16-09 Custom Readout.
• Motor Speed [RPM] parameter 16-17 Speed [RPM].

2.3.2 Quick Menu

Use the Quick Menu to program the most common

functions. The Quick Menu consists of:
• Wizard for open-loop applications. See
Illustration 2.4 for details.
• Wizard for closed-loop applications. See
Illustration 2.5 for details.
• Motor set-up. See Table 2.6 for details.
• Changes made.
The built-in wizard menu guides the installer through the
set-up of the frequency converter in a clear and structured
manner for open-loop applications, closed-loop
applications, and quick motor settings.

Illustration 2.2 Frequency Converter Wiring

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 9

Programming TR150 and TR170

2 2

Illustration 2.4 Set-up Wizard for Open-loop Applications

10 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN
Programming Programming Guide

Set-up Wizard for Open-loop Applications

Parameter Option Default Usage

Parameter 0-03 Regional [0] International [0] International – 2 2
Settings [1] US

Parameter 0-06 GridType [0] 200–240 V/50 Hz/IT- Size related Select the operating mode for restart after reconnection of
grid the frequency converter to mains voltage after power-
[1] 200–240 V/50 Hz/Delta down.
[2] 200–240 V/50 Hz
[10] 380–440 V/50 Hz/IT-
[11] 380–440 V/50 Hz/
[12] 380–440 V/50 Hz
[20] 440–480 V/50 Hz/IT-
[21] 440–480 V/50 Hz/
[22] 440–480 V/50 Hz
[30] 525–600 V/50 Hz/IT-
[31] 525–600 V/50 Hz/
[32] 525–600 V/50 Hz
[100] 200–240 V/60 Hz/IT-
[101] 200–240 V/60 Hz/
[102] 200–240 V/60 Hz
[110] 380–440 V/60 Hz/IT-
[111] 380–440 V/60 Hz/
[112] 380–440 V/60 Hz
[120] 440–480 V/60 Hz/IT-
[121] 440–480 V/60 Hz/
[122] 440–480 V/60 Hz
[130] 525–600 V/60 Hz/IT-
[131] 525–600 V/60 Hz/
[132] 525–600 V/60 Hz

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 11

Programming TR150 and TR170

Parameter Option Default Usage

Parameter 1-10 Motor *[0] Asynchron [0] Asynchron Setting the parameter value might change these
Construction [1] PM, non-salient SPM parameters:
2 2 [2] PM, salient IPM, non • Parameter 1-01 Motor Control Principle.
• Parameter 1-03 Torque Characteristics.
[3] PM, salient IPM, Sat.
• Parameter 1-08 Motor Control Bandwidth.

• Parameter 1-14 Damping Gain.

• Parameter 1-15 Low Speed Filter Time Const.

• Parameter 1-16 High Speed Filter Time Const.

• Parameter 1-17 Voltage filter time const.

• Parameter 1-20 Motor Power.

• Parameter 1-22 Motor Voltage.

• Parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency.

• Parameter 1-24 Motor Current.

• Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed.

• Parameter 1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque.

• Parameter 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs).

• Parameter 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1).

• Parameter 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh).

• Parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld).

• Parameter 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq).

• Parameter 1-39 Motor Poles.

• Parameter 1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM.

• Parameter 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat).

• Parameter 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat).

• Parameter 1-46 Position Detection Gain.

• Parameter 1-48 Current at Min Inductance for d-axis.

• Parameter 1-49 Current at Min Inductance for q-axis.

• Parameter 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed.

• Parameter 1-70 PM Start Mode.

• Parameter 1-72 Start Function.

• Parameter 1-73 Flying Start.

• Parameter 1-80 Function at Stop.

• Parameter 1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz].

• Parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection.

• Parameter 2-00 DC Hold/Motor Preheat Current.

• Parameter 2-01 DC Brake Current.

• Parameter 2-02 DC Braking Time.

• Parameter 2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed.

• Parameter 2-10 Brake Function.

• Parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz].

• Parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency.

• Parameter 4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function.

• Parameter 14-65 Speed Derate Dead Time Compensation.

12 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Programming Programming Guide

Parameter Option Default Usage

Parameter 1-20 Motor Power 0.12–110 kW/0.16–150 Size related Enter the motor power from the nameplate data.
2 2
Parameter 1-22 Motor Voltage 50–1000 V Size related Enter the motor voltage from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-23 Motor 20–400 Hz Size related Enter the motor frequency from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-24 Motor Current 0.01–10000.00 A Size related Enter the motor current from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal 50–9999 RPM Size related Enter the motor nominal speed from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-26 Motor Cont. 0.1–1000.0 Nm Size related This parameter is available when parameter 1-10 Motor
Rated Torque Construction is set to options that enable permanent
magnet motor mode.
Changing this parameter affects the settings of
other parameters.

Parameter 1-29 Automatic See Off Performing an AMA optimizes motor performance.
Motor Adaption (AMA) parameter 1-29 Automatic
Motor Adaption (AMA).
Parameter 1-30 Stator 0.000–99.990 Ω Size related Set the stator resistance value.
Resistance (Rs)
Parameter 1-37 d-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related Enter the value of the d-axis inductance.
Inductance (Ld) Obtain the value from the permanent magnet motor
datasheet. The d-axis inductance cannot be found by
performing an AMA.
Parameter 1-38 q-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related Enter the value of the q-axis inductance.
Inductance (Lq)
Parameter 1-39 Motor Poles 2–100 4 Enter the number of motor poles.
Parameter 1-40 Back EMF at 10–9000 V Size related Line-line RMS back EMF voltage at 1000 RPM.
1000 RPM
Parameter 1-42 Motor Cable 0–100 m 50 m Enter the motor cable length.
Parameter 1-44 d-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related This parameter corresponds to the inductance saturation
Inductance Sat. (LdSat) of Ld. Ideally, this parameter has the same value as
parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld). However, if the
motor supplier provides an induction curve, enter the
induction value, which is 200% of the nominal current.
Parameter 1-45 q-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related This parameter corresponds to the inductance saturation
Inductance Sat. (LqSat) of Lq. Ideally, this parameter has the same value as
parameter 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq). However, if the
motor supplier provides an induction curve, enter the
induction value, which is 200% of the nominal current.
Parameter 1-46 Position 20–200% 100% Adjusts the height of the test pulse during position
Detection Gain detection at start.
Parameter 1-48 Current at Min 20–200% 100% Enter the inductance saturation point.
Inductance for d-axis
Parameter 1-49 Current at Min 20–200% 100% This parameter specifies the saturation curve of the d- and
Inductance for q-axis q-inductance values. From 20–100% of this parameter, the
inductances are linearly approximated due to
parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld), parameter 1-38 q-axis
Inductance (Lq), parameter 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat.
(LdSat), and parameter 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat).
Parameter 1-70 PM Start Mode [0] Rotor Detection [1] Parking Select the PM motor start mode.
[1] Parking

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 13

Programming TR150 and TR170

Parameter Option Default Usage

Parameter 1-73 Flying Start [0] Disabled [0] Disabled Select [1] Enabled to enable the frequency converter to
[1] Enabled catch a motor spinning due to mains drop-out. Select [0]
2 2 Disabled if this function is not required. When this
parameter is set to [1] Enabled, parameter 1-71 Start Delay
and parameter 1-72 Start Function are not functional.
Parameter 1-73 Flying Start is active in VVC+ mode only.
Parameter 3-02 Minimum -4999.000–4999.000 0 The minimum reference is the lowest value obtainable by
Reference summing all references.
Parameter 3-03 Maximum -4999.000–4999.000 50 The maximum reference is the lowest obtainable by
Reference summing all references.
Parameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp 0.05–3600.00 s Size related If asynchronous motor is selected, the ramp-up time is
Up Time from 0 to rated parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency. If PM
motor is selected, the ramp-up time is from 0 to
parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed.
Parameter 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp 0.05–3600.00 s Size related For asynchronous motors, the ramp-down time is from
Down Time rated parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency to 0. For PM motors,
the ramp-down time is from parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal
Speed to 0.
Parameter 4-12 Motor Speed 0.0–400.0 Hz 0 Hz Enter the minimum limit for low speed.
Low Limit [Hz]
Parameter 4-14 Motor Speed 0.0–400.0 Hz 100 Hz Enter the maximum limit for high speed.
High Limit [Hz]
Parameter 4-19 Max Output 0.0–400.0 Hz 100 Hz Enter the maximum output frequency value. If
Frequency parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency is set lower than
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz],
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] is set equal to
parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency automatically.
Parameter 5-40 Function Relay See [9] Alarm Select the function to control output relay 1.
parameter 5-40 Function
Parameter 5-40 Function Relay See [5] Drive running Select the function to control output relay 2.
parameter 5-40 Function
Parameter 6-10 Terminal 53 Low 0.00–10.00 V 0.07 V Enter the voltage that corresponds to the low reference
Voltage value.
Parameter 6-11 Terminal 53 0.00–10.00 V 10 V Enter the voltage that corresponds to the high reference
High Voltage value.
Parameter 6-12 Terminal 53 Low 0.00–20.00 mA 4 mA Enter the current that corresponds to the low reference
Current value.
Parameter 6-13 Terminal 53 0.00–20.00 mA 20 mA Enter the current that corresponds to the high reference
High Current value.
Parameter 6-19 Terminal 53 [0] Current [1] Voltage Select if terminal 53 is used for current or voltage input.
mode [1] Voltage
Parameter 30-22 Locked Rotor [0] Off [0] Off

Detection [1] On
Parameter 30-23 Locked Rotor 0.05–1 s 0.10 s

Detection Time [s]

Table 2.4 Set-up Wizard for Open-loop Applications

14 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Programming Programming Guide

Set-up Wizard for Closed-loop Applications

2 2

Illustration 2.5 Set-up Wizard for Closed-loop Applications

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 15

Programming TR150 and TR170

Parameter Range Default Usage

Parameter 0-03 Regional [0] International [0] International –
Settings [1] US
2 2 Parameter 0-06 GridType [0]–[132] see Table 2.4. Size selected Select the operating mode for restart after reconnection of
the frequency converter to mains voltage after power-
Parameter 1-00 Configuration [0] Open loop [0] Open loop Select [3] Closed loop.
Mode [3] Closed loop

16 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Programming Programming Guide

Parameter Range Default Usage

Parameter 1-10 Motor *[0] Asynchron [0] Asynchron Setting the parameter value might change these
Construction [1] PM, non-salient SPM parameters:
[2] PM, salient IPM, non • Parameter 1-01 Motor Control Principle. 2 2
• Parameter 1-03 Torque Characteristics.
[3] PM, salient IPM, Sat.
• Parameter 1-08 Motor Control Bandwidth.

• Parameter 1-14 Damping Gain.

• Parameter 1-15 Low Speed Filter Time Const.

• Parameter 1-16 High Speed Filter Time Const.

• Parameter 1-17 Voltage filter time const.

• Parameter 1-20 Motor Power.

• Parameter 1-22 Motor Voltage.

• Parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency.

• Parameter 1-24 Motor Current.

• Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed.

• Parameter 1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque.

• Parameter 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs).

• Parameter 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1).

• Parameter 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh).

• Parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld).

• Parameter 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq).

• Parameter 1-39 Motor Poles.

• Parameter 1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM.

• Parameter 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat).

• Parameter 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat).

• Parameter 1-46 Position Detection Gain.

• Parameter 1-48 Current at Min Inductance for d-axis.

• Parameter 1-49 Current at Min Inductance for q-axis.

• Parameter 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed.

• Parameter 1-70 PM Start Mode.

• Parameter 1-72 Start Function.

• Parameter 1-73 Flying Start.

• Parameter 1-80 Function at Stop.

• Parameter 1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz].

• Parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection.

• Parameter 2-00 DC Hold/Motor Preheat Current.

• Parameter 2-01 DC Brake Current.

• Parameter 2-02 DC Braking Time.

• Parameter 2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed.

• Parameter 2-10 Brake Function.

• Parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz].

• Parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency.

• Parameter 4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function.

• Parameter 14-65 Speed Derate Dead Time Compensation.

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Programming TR150 and TR170

Parameter Range Default Usage

Parameter 1-20 Motor Power 0.09–110 kW Size related Enter the motor power from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-22 Motor Voltage 50–1000 V Size related Enter the motor voltage from the nameplate data.
2 2 Parameter 1-23 Motor 20–400 Hz Size related Enter the motor frequency from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-24 Motor Current 0–10000 A Size related Enter the motor current from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal 50–9999 RPM Size related Enter the motor nominal speed from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-26 Motor Cont. 0.1–1000.0 Nm Size related This parameter is available when parameter 1-10 Motor
Rated Torque Construction is set to options that enable permanent
magnet motor mode.
Changing this parameter affects the settings of
other parameters.

Parameter 1-29 Automatic Off Performing an AMA optimises motor performance.

Motor Adaption (AMA)
Parameter 1-30 Stator 0–99.990 Ω Size related Set the stator resistance value.
Resistance (Rs)
Parameter 1-37 d-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related Enter the value of the d-axis inductance.
Inductance (Ld) Obtain the value from the permanent magnet motor
datasheet. The d-axis inductance cannot be found by
performing an AMA.
Parameter 1-38 q-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related Enter the value of the q-axis inductance.
Inductance (Lq)
Parameter 1-39 Motor Poles 2–100 4 Enter the number of motor poles.
Parameter 1-40 Back EMF at 10–9000 V Size related Line-line RMS back EMF voltage at 1000 RPM.
1000 RPM
Parameter 1-42 Motor Cable 0–100 m 50 m Enter the motor cable length.
Parameter 1-44 d-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related This parameter corresponds to the inductance saturation
Inductance Sat. (LdSat) of Ld. Ideally, this parameter has the same value as
parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld). However, if the
motor supplier provides an induction curve, enter the
induction value, which is 200% of the nominal current.
Parameter 1-45 q-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related This parameter corresponds to the inductance saturation
Inductance Sat. (LqSat) of Lq. Ideally, this parameter has the same value as
parameter 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq). However, if the
motor supplier provides an induction curve, enter the
induction value, which is 200% of the nominal current.
Parameter 1-46 Position 20–200% 100% Adjusts the height of the test pulse during position
Detection Gain detection at start.
Parameter 1-48 Current at Min 20–200% 100% Enter the inductance saturation point.
Inductance for d-axis
Parameter 1-49 Current at Min 20–200% 100% This parameter specifies the saturation curve of the d- and
Inductance for q-axis q-inductance values. From 20–100% of this parameter, the
inductances are linearly approximated due to
parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld), parameter 1-38 q-axis
Inductance (Lq), parameter 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat.
(LdSat), and parameter 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat).
Parameter 1-70 PM Start Mode [0] Rotor Detection [1] Parking Select the PM motor start mode.
[1] Parking
Parameter 1-73 Flying Start [0] Disabled [0] Disabled Select [1] Enabled to enable the frequency converter to
[1] Enabled catch a spinning motor in, for example, fan applications.
When PM is selected, this parameter is enabled.

18 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Programming Programming Guide

Parameter Range Default Usage

Parameter 3-02 Minimum -4999.000–4999.000 0 The minimum reference is the lowest value obtainable by
Reference summing all references.
Parameter 3-03 Maximum -4999.000–4999.000 50 The maximum reference is the highest value obtainable by 2 2
Reference summing all references.
Parameter 3-10 Preset Reference -100–100% 0 Enter the setpoint.
Parameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp 0.05–3600.0 s Size related Ramp-up time from 0 to rated parameter 1-23 Motor
Up Time Frequency for asynchronous motors. Ramp-up time from 0
to parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed for PM motors.
Parameter 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp 0.05–3600.0 s Size related Ramp-down time from rated parameter 1-23 Motor
Down Time Frequency to 0 for asynchronous motors. Ramp-down time
from parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed to 0 for PM
Parameter 4-12 Motor Speed 0.0–400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz Enter the minimum limit for low speed.
Low Limit [Hz]
Parameter 4-14 Motor Speed 0.0–400.0 Hz 100 Hz Enter the minimum limit for high speed.
High Limit [Hz]
Parameter 4-19 Max Output 0.0–400.0 Hz 100 Hz Enter the maximum output frequency value. If
Frequency parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency is set lower than
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz],
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] is set equal to
parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency automatically.
Parameter 6-20 Terminal 54 Low 0.00–10.00 V 0.07 V Enter the voltage that corresponds to the low reference
Voltage value.
Parameter 6-21 Terminal 54 0.00–10.00 V 10.00 V Enter the voltage that corresponds to the high reference
High Voltage value.
Parameter 6-22 Terminal 54 Low 0.00–20.00 mA 4.00 mA Enter the current that corresponds to the low reference
Current value.
Parameter 6-23 Terminal 54 0.00–20.00 mA 20.00 mA Enter the current that corresponds to the high reference
High Current value.
Parameter 6-24 Terminal 54 Low -4999–4999 0 Enter the feedback value that corresponds to the voltage
Ref./Feedb. Value or current set in parameter 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage/
parameter 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current.
Parameter 6-25 Terminal 54 -4999–4999 50 Enter the feedback value that corresponds to the voltage
High Ref./Feedb. Value or current set in parameter 6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage/
parameter 6-23 Terminal 54 High Current.
Parameter 6-26 Terminal 54 0.00–10.00 s 0.01 Enter the filter time constant.
Filter Time Constant
Parameter 6-29 Terminal 54 [0] Current [1] Voltage Select if terminal 54 is used for current or voltage input.
mode [1] Voltage
Parameter 20-81 PI Normal/ [0] Normal [0] Normal Select [0] Normal to set the process control to increase the
Inverse Control [1] Inverse output speed when the process error is positive. Select [1]
Inverse to reduce the output speed.
Parameter 20-83 PI Start Speed 0–200 Hz 0 Hz Enter the motor speed to be attained as a start signal for
[Hz] commencement of PI control.
Parameter 20-93 PI Proportional 0.00–10.00 0.01 Enter the process controller proportional gain. Quick
Gain control is obtained at high amplification. However, if
amplification is too high, the process may become
Parameter 20-94 PI Integral 0.1–999.0 s 999.0 s Enter the process controller integral time. Obtain quick
Time control through a short integral time, though if the
integral time is too short, the process becomes unstable.
An excessively long integral time disables the integral
Parameter 30-22 Locked Rotor [0] Off [0] Off

Detection [1] On

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Programming TR150 and TR170

Parameter Range Default Usage

Parameter 30-23 Locked Rotor 0.05–1.00 s 0.10 s

Detection Time [s]
2 2
Table 2.5 Set-up Wizard for Closed-loop Applications

Motor set-up
The motor set-up wizard guides users through the needed motor parameters.

Parameter Range Default Usage

Parameter 0-03 Regional [0] International 0 –
Settings [1] US
Parameter 0-06 GridType [0]–[132] see Table 2.4. Size related Select the operating mode for restart after reconnection of
the frequency converter to mains voltage after power-

20 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Programming Programming Guide

Parameter Range Default Usage

Parameter 1-10 Motor *[0] Asynchron [0] Asynchron Setting the parameter value might change these
Construction [1] PM, non-salient SPM parameters:
[2] PM, salient IPM, non • Parameter 1-01 Motor Control Principle. 2 2
• Parameter 1-03 Torque Characteristics.
[3] PM, salient IPM, Sat.
• Parameter 1-08 Motor Control Bandwidth.

• Parameter 1-14 Damping Gain.

• Parameter 1-15 Low Speed Filter Time Const.

• Parameter 1-16 High Speed Filter Time Const.

• Parameter 1-17 Voltage filter time const.

• Parameter 1-20 Motor Power.

• Parameter 1-22 Motor Voltage.

• Parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency.

• Parameter 1-24 Motor Current.

• Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed.

• Parameter 1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque.

• Parameter 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs).

• Parameter 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1).

• Parameter 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh).

• Parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld).

• Parameter 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq).

• Parameter 1-39 Motor Poles.

• Parameter 1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM.

• Parameter 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat).

• Parameter 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat).

• Parameter 1-46 Position Detection Gain.

• Parameter 1-48 Current at Min Inductance for d-axis.

• Parameter 1-49 Current at Min Inductance for q-axis.

• Parameter 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed.

• Parameter 1-70 PM Start Mode.

• Parameter 1-72 Start Function.

• Parameter 1-73 Flying Start.

• Parameter 1-80 Function at Stop.

• Parameter 1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz].

• Parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection.

• Parameter 2-00 DC Hold/Motor Preheat Current.

• Parameter 2-01 DC Brake Current.

• Parameter 2-02 DC Braking Time.

• Parameter 2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed.

• Parameter 2-10 Brake Function.

• Parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz].

• Parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency.

• Parameter 4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function.

• Parameter 14-65 Speed Derate Dead Time Compensation.

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 21

Programming TR150 and TR170

Parameter Range Default Usage

Parameter 1-20 Motor Power 0.12–110 kW/0.16–150 Size related Enter the motor power from the nameplate data.
2 2 Parameter 1-22 Motor Voltage 50–1000 V Size related Enter the motor voltage from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-23 Motor 20–400 Hz Size related Enter the motor frequency from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-24 Motor Current 0.01–10000.00 A Size related Enter the motor current from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal 50–9999 RPM Size related Enter the motor nominal speed from the nameplate data.
Parameter 1-26 Motor Cont. 0.1–1000.0 Nm Size related This parameter is available when parameter 1-10 Motor
Rated Torque Construction is set to options that enable permanent
magnet motor mode.
Changing this parameter affects the settings of
other parameters.

Parameter 1-30 Stator 0–99.990 Ω Size related Set the stator resistance value.
Resistance (Rs)
Parameter 1-37 d-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related Enter the value of the d-axis inductance. Obtain the value
Inductance (Ld) from the permanent magnet motor datasheet. The d-axis
inductance cannot be found by performing an AMA.
Parameter 1-38 q-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related Enter the value of the q-axis inductance.
Inductance (Lq)
Parameter 1-39 Motor Poles 2–100 4 Enter the number of motor poles.
Parameter 1-40 Back EMF at 10–9000 V Size related Line-line RMS back EMF voltage at 1000 RPM.
1000 RPM
Parameter 1-42 Motor Cable 0–100 m 50 m Enter the motor cable length.
Parameter 1-44 d-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related This parameter corresponds to the inductance saturation
Inductance Sat. (LdSat) of Ld. Ideally, this parameter has the same value as
parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld). However, if the
motor supplier provides an induction curve, enter the
induction value, which is 200% of the nominal current.
Parameter 1-45 q-axis 0.000–1000.000 mH Size related This parameter corresponds to the inductance saturation
Inductance Sat. (LqSat) of Lq. Ideally, this parameter has the same value as
parameter 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq). However, if the
motor supplier provides an induction curve, enter the
induction value, which is 200% of the nominal current.
Parameter 1-46 Position 20–200% 100% Adjusts the height of the test pulse during position
Detection Gain detection at start.
Parameter 1-48 Current at Min 20–200% 100% Enter the inductance saturation point.
Inductance for d-axis
Parameter 1-49 Current at Min 20–200% 100% This parameter specifies the saturation curve of the d- and
Inductance for q-axis q-inductance values. From 20–100% of this parameter, the
inductances are linearly approximated due to
parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld), parameter 1-38 q-axis
Inductance (Lq), parameter 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat.
(LdSat), and parameter 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat).
Parameter 1-70 PM Start Mode [0] Rotor Detection [1] Parking Select the PM motor start mode.
[1] Parking
Parameter 1-73 Flying Start [0] Disabled [0] Disabled Select [1] Enabled to enable the frequency converter to
[1] Enabled catch a spinning motor.
Parameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp 0.05–3600.0 s Size related Ramp-up time from 0 to rated parameter 1-23 Motor
Up Time Frequency.

22 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Programming Programming Guide

Parameter Range Default Usage

Parameter 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp 0.05–3600.0 s Size related Ramp-down time from rated parameter 1-23 Motor
Down Time Frequency to 0.
Parameter 4-12 Motor Speed 0.0–400.0 Hz 0.0 Hz Enter the minimum limit for low speed. 2 2
Low Limit [Hz]
Parameter 4-14 Motor Speed 0.0–400.0 Hz 100.0 Hz Enter the maximum limit for high speed.
High Limit [Hz]
Parameter 4-19 Max Output 0.0–400.0 Hz 100.0 Hz Enter the maximum output frequency value. If
Frequency parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency is set lower than
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz],
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] is set equal to
parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency automatically.
Parameter 30-22 Locked Rotor [0] Off [0] Off

Detection [1] On
Parameter 30-23 Locked Rotor 0.05–1.00 s 0.10 s

Detection Time [s]

Table 2.6 Motor Set-up Wizard Settings

Changes made 5. Press [OK] to select the parameter.

The changes made function lists all parameters changed 6. Press [▲] [▼] to set/change the parameter value.
from default settings.
• The list shows only parameters that have been
changed in the current edit set-up. 2.3.3 Main Menu
• Parameters that have been reset to default values
Press [Main Menu] to access and program all parameters.
are not listed.
The main menu parameters can be accessed readily unless
• The message Empty indicates that no parameters a password has been created via parameter 0-60 Main
have been changed. Menu Password.
Changing parameter settings For most applications, it is not necessary to access the
1. To enter the Quick Menu, press the [Menu] key main menu parameters. The quick menu provides the
until the indicator in the display is placed above simplest and quickest access to the typical required
Quick Menu. parameters.

2. Press [▲] [▼] to select the wizard, closed-loop set- 2.4 Quick Transfer of Parameter Settings
up, motor set-up, or changes made. between Multiple Frequency Converters
3. Press [OK]. When the set-up of a frequency converter is completed,
4. Press [▲] [▼] to browse through the parameters in store the data in the keypad or on a PC via Trane Drive
the Quick Menu. Utility (TDU).
5. Press [OK] to select a parameter.
Data transfer from the frequency converter to the LCP
6. Press [▲] [▼] to change the value of a parameter 1. Go to parameter 0-50 LCP Copy.
2. Press [OK].
7. Press [OK] to accept the change.
3. Select [1] All to LCP.
8. Press either [Back] twice to enter Status, or press
4. Press [OK].
[Menu] once to enter the Main Menu.
Connect the LCP to another frequency converter and copy
The main menu accesses all parameters
the parameter settings to this frequency converter as well.
1. Press the [Menu] key until the indicator in the
display is placed above Main Menu. Data transfer from the LCP to the frequency converter
1. Go to parameter 0-50 LCP Copy.
2. Press [▲] [▼] to browse through the parameter
groups. 2. Press [OK].
3. Press [OK] to select a parameter group. 3. Select [2] All from LCP.
4. Press [▲] [▼] to browse through the parameters in 4. Press [OK].
the specific group.

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Programming TR150 and TR170

2.5 Readout and Programming of Indexed 2-finger initialization

Parameters The other way to initialize the frequency converter to
default settings is through 2-finger initialization:
2 2 Select the parameter, press [OK], and press [▲]/[▼] to scroll 1. Power off the frequency converter.
through the indexed values. To change the parameter 2. Press [OK] and [Menu].
value, select the indexed value and press [OK]. Change the
3. Power up the frequency converter while still
value by pressing [▲]/[▼]. Press [OK] to accept the new
pressing the keys for 10 s.
setting. Press [Cancel] to abort. Press [Back] to leave the
parameter. 4. The frequency converter is now reset, except for
the following parameters:
2.6 Initialization to Default Settings
• Parameter 1-06 Clockwise Direction
There are 2 ways to initialize the frequency converter to
• Parameter 15-00 Operating hours
the default settings.
• Parameter 15-03 Power Up's
Recommended initialization • Parameter 15-04 Over Temp's
1. Select parameter 14-22 Operation Mode. • Parameter 15-05 Over Volt's
2. Press [OK]. • Parameter group 15-4* Drive identification
3. Select [2] Initialisation and Press [OK]. • Parameter 18-10 FireMode Log:Event
4. Power off the frequency converter and wait until Initialization of parameters is confirmed by alarm 80, Drive
the display turns off. initialised in the display after the power cycle.
5. Reconnect the mains supply. The frequency
converter is now reset, except for the following
• Parameter 1-06 Clockwise Direction
• Parameter 8-30 Protocol
• Parameter 8-31 Address
• Parameter 8-32 Baud Rate
• Parameter 8-33 Parity / Stop Bits
• Parameter 8-35 Minimum Response Delay
• Parameter 8-36 Maximum Response Delay
• Parameter 8-37 Maximum Inter-char delay
• Parameter 8-70 BACnet Device Instance
• Parameter 8-72 MS/TP Max Masters
• Parameter 8-73 MS/TP Max Info Frames
• Parameter 8-74 "I am" Service
• Parameter 8-75 Intialisation Password
• Parameter 15-00 Operating hours to
parameter 15-05 Over Volt's
• Parameter 15-03 Power Up's
• Parameter 15-04 Over Temp's
• Parameter 15-05 Over Volt's
• Parameter 15-30 Alarm Log: Error Code
• Parameter group 15-4* Drive identification
• Parameter 18-10 FireMode Log:Event

24 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3 Parameters

The * in parameter numbers indicates a group or subgroup 0-04 Operating State at Power-up
of parameters for which the first 1 or 2 numbers are the Option: Function:
same. For example, 0-** indicate the group of parameters
that all start with 0. 0-0* indicates the subgroup of
Select the operating mode after reconnection of 3 3
the frequency converter to mains voltage after
parameters that share the first 2 numbers, which is 0-0.
power-down when operating in Hand (local)
An asterisk (*) after an option number indicates it is the
default option. For example, [0]* English is the default [0] * Resume Resumes operation of the frequency converter,
option for parameter 0-01 Language. maintaining the same local reference and the
same start/stop condition (applied by [Hand
3.1 Main Menu - Operation and Display - On]/[Off] on the keypad or local start via a
Group 0 digital input as before the frequency converter
was powered down.
Parameters related to the fundamental functions of the
[1] Forced Uses saved reference [1] to stop the frequency
frequency converter, function of the keypad keys, and
stop, converter, but at the same time retains the local
configuration of the keypad display.
ref=old speed reference in memory before powering
down. After mains voltage is reconnected, and
3.1.1 0-0* Basic Settings after receiving a start command (pressing [Hand
On] key or using the local start command via a
0-01 Language digital input), the frequency converter restarts
Option: Function: and operates at the retained speed reference.
Defines the language to be used in the
display. 0-06 GridType
[0] * English Option: Function:
[1] Deutsch Select the grid type of the supply
[2] Francais voltage/frequency.
[3] Dansk
[4] Spanish
Not all options are supported
[5] Italiano
in all power sizes.
[28] Bras.port
[255] Numeric prg.
IT Grid is a supply mains, where
0-03 Regional Settings there are no connections to
Option: Function:
Delta is a supply mains where the
NOTICE secondary part of the transformer
This parameter cannot be adjusted while
is delta connected and 1 phase is
the motor is running.
connected to ground.

To meet the needs for different default settings [0] 200-240V/50Hz/IT-grid

in different parts of the world, [1] 200-240V/50Hz/Delta
parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is implemented [2] 200-240V/50Hz
in the frequency converter. The selected setting [10] 380-440V/50Hz/IT-grid
influences the default setting of the motor [11] 380-440V/50Hz/Delta
nominal frequency. [12] 380-440V/50Hz
[20] 440-480V/50Hz/IT-grid
[0] * Interna- Sets the default value of parameter 1-23 Motor
tional Frequency to 50 Hz. [21] 440-480V/50Hz/Delta
[22] 440-480V/50Hz
[1] North Sets the default value of parameter 1-23 Motor
[30] 525-600V/50Hz/IT-grid
America Frequency to 60 Hz.
[31] 525-600V/50Hz/Delta
[32] 525-600V/50Hz
[100] 200-240V/60Hz/IT-grid
[101] 200-240V/60Hz/Delta

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

0-06 GridType Parameters that are not changeable during operation are
Option: Function: marked false in chapter 5 Parameter Lists.

[102] 200-240V/60Hz 0-10 Active Set-up

[110] 380-440V/60Hz/IT-grid Option: Function:
[111] 380-440V/60Hz/Delta Select the set-up in which the frequency
3 3 [112] 380-440V/60Hz
[120] 440-480V/60Hz/IT-grid
converter operates.

[1] * Set-up 1 Set-up 1 is active.

[121] 440-480V/60Hz/Delta
[122] 440-480V/60Hz [2] Set-up 2 Set-up 2 is active.
[130] 525-600V/60Hz/IT-grid [9] Multi Set- Used for remote set-up selections via digital
[131] 525-600V/60Hz/Delta up inputs and the serial communication port. This
[132] 525-600V/60Hz set-up uses the settings from
parameter 0-12 Link Setups.
0-07 Auto DC Braking
Option: Function: 0-11 Programming Set-up
Protective function against overvoltage at coast. Option: Function:
NOTICE The number of the set-up being edited is
Can cause PWM when coasted. shown in the keypad, flashing.

[1] Set-up 1 Edit set-up 1.

[0] Off This function is not active. [2] Set-up 2 Edit set-up 2.
[1] * On This function is active. [9] * Active Set-up Edit parameters in the set-up selected via
digital I/Os.

3.1.2 0-1* Define and Set-up Operations

0-12 Link Setups

A complete set of all parameters controlling the frequency Option: Function:

converter is called a set-up. The frequency converter If the set-ups are not linked, a change between
contains 2 set-ups: Set-up 1 and set-up 2. Furthermore, a them is not possible while the motor runs.
fixed set of factory settings can be copied into 1 or both [0] Not When selecting a different set-up for operation,
set-ups. linked the set-up change does not occur until the
motor is coasted.
Some of the advantages of having more than 1 set-up in
[20] * Linked Copies not changeable during operation
the frequency converter are:
parameters from 1 set-up to the other. It is
• Run the motor in 1 set-up (active set-up) while possible to switch set-ups while the motor runs.
updating parameters in another set-up (edit set-
• Connect the 2 motors (1 at a time) to the 3.1.3 0-3* LCP Custom Readout and Display
frequency converter. Motor data for the 2 motors Text
can be placed in the 2 set-ups.
It is possible to customize the display elements for various
• Rapidly change settings of the frequency
converter and/or the motor while the motor runs.
For example, ramp time or preset references via
bus or digital inputs. Custom readout
The calculated value to be shown is based on settings in
The active set-up can be set as multi set-up, where the parameter 0-30 Custom Readout Unit,
active set-up is selected via input on a digital input parameter 0-31 Custom Readout Min Value (linear only),
terminal and/or via the bus control word. parameter 0-32 Custom Readout Max Value,
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz], and actual
To copy set-up 1 to set-up 2, or copy set-up 2 to set-up 1, speed.
use parameter 0-51 Set-up Copy. To avoid conflicting
settings of the same parameter within 2 different set-ups,
link the set-ups using parameter 0-12 Link Setups. Stop the
frequency converter before switching between set-ups
where parameters marked not changeable during operation
have different values.

26 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

0-30 Custom Readout Unit

Option: Function:
[30] kg/s
[31] kg/min
[32] kg/h
3 3
[40] m/s
[41] m/min
[45] m
[60] Degree Celsius
[70] mbar
[71] bar
[72] Pa
Illustration 3.1 Custom Readout [73] kPa
[74] m Wg
[80] kW
The relation depends on the type of unit selected in [120] GPM
parameter 0-30 Custom Readout Unit: [121] gal/s
[122] gal/min
Unit type Speed relation [123] gal/h
Dimensionless [124] CFM
Speed [127] ft3/h
Flow, volume [140] ft/s
Flow, mass Linear [141] ft/min
Velocity [160] Degree Fahr
Length [170] psi
Temperature [171] lb/in2
Pressure Quadratic [172] in WG
Power Cubic [173] ft WG
[180] hp
Table 3.1 Speed Relation
0-31 Custom Readout Min Value
0-30 Custom Readout Unit Range: Function:
Option: Function: 0 CustomRea- [0 - This parameter sets the
Program a value to be shown in the doutUnit* 999999.99 minimum value of the custom-
display of the keypad. The value has a CustomRea- defined readout (occurs at 0
linear, squared, or cubed relation to speed. doutUnit] speed). It is only possible to
This relation depends on the unit selected select a value different from 0
(see Table 3.1). The actual calculated value when selecting a linear unit in
can be read in parameter 16-09 Custom parameter 0-30 Custom Readout
Readout. Unit. For quadratic and cubic
units, the minimum value is 0.
[0] None
[1] * %
0-32 Custom Readout Max Value
[5] PPM
Range: Function:
[10] l/Min
100 Custom- [ 0.0 - This parameter sets the
[11] RPM
ReadoutUnit* 999999.99 maximum value to be shown
[12] Pulse/s
CustomRea- when the speed of the motor
[20] l/s
doutUnit] has reached the set value for
[21] l/min
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed
[22] l/h
High Limit [Hz].
[23] m3/s
[24] m3/min
[25] m3/h

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 27

Parameters TR150 and TR170

0-37 Display Text 1 0-50 LCP Copy

Range: Function: Option: Function:
[0 - 0 ] Use this parameter to write an individual text string [1] All to LCP Copies all parameters in all set-ups from the
to be read via serial communication. Device ID can frequency converter memory to the LCP
be included. memory. For service purposes, copy all

3 3 Only used when running BACnet. parameters to the LCP after commissioning.

[2] All from Copies all parameters in all set-ups from the
0-38 Display Text 2
LCP LCP memory to the frequency converter
Range: Function: memory.
[0 - 0 ] Use this parameter to write an individual text string
[3] Size indep. Copies only the parameters that are
to be read via serial communication.
from LCP independent of the motor size. The latter
Only used when running BACnet.
selection can be used to program several
frequency converters with the same function
0-39 Display Text 3
without disturbing motor data that is already
Range: Function: set.
[0 - 0 ] Use this parameter to write an individual text string
[10] Delete LCP Delete copied parameters in LCP. This function
to be read via serial communication.
copy data needs that LCP version is great than or equal
Only used when running BACnet.
to V11.00.

3.1.4 0-4* LCP 0-51 Set-up Copy

Option: Function:
Enable, disable, and password protect individual keys on [0] * No copy No function.
the LCP.
[1] Copy from Copy from set-up 1 to set-up 2.
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP setup 1
Option: Function: [2] Copy from Copy from set-up 2 to set-up 1.
setup 2
[0] Disabled To avoid unintended start of the frequency
[9] Copy from Copy factory setting to programming set-
converter in local mode, select [0] Disabled.
Factory setup up (selected in parameter 0-11 Programming
[1] * Enabled [Hand On] is enabled. Set-up).

0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP

Option: Function: 3.1.6 0-6* Password
[0] Disabled To avoid unintended start of the frequency
converter from the keypad, select [0] Disabled. 0-60 Main Menu Password
Range: Function:
[1] * Enabled [Auto On] is enabled.
0* [0 - 999 ] Define the password for access to the Main Menu
0-44 [Off/Reset] Key on LCP via the [Main Menu] key. Setting the value to 0
disables the password function. This parameter
Option: Function:
hides after a password is defined.
[0] Disabled Disable the off/reset key.

[1] * Enabled Enable both off and reset functions. 0-61 Access to Main Menu w/o Password
[7] Enable Reset Enable the reset function, and disable the Option: Function:
Only off function to avoid unintended stop of [0] * Full access Disable the password defined in
the frequency converter. parameter 0-60 Main Menu Password.

[1] LCP: Read only Prevent unauthorized editing of Main Menu

3.1.5 0-5* Copy/Save parameters.

[2] LCP: No access Prevent unauthorized viewing and editing

Copy parameter settings between set-ups and to/from the of Main Menu parameters.

0-50 LCP Copy

Option: Function:
[0] * No copy

28 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.2 Main Menu - Load and Motor - Group 1 1-03 Torque Characteristics
Option: Function:
Parameters related to the motor nameplate load compen-
[1] Variable For speed control of centrifugal pumps and fans.
sations and application load type.
* Torque Also to be used when controlling more than 1
motor from the same frequency converter (for
3.2.1 1-0* General Settings example, multiple condenser fans or cooling
tower fans). Provides a voltage that is optimized
3 3
1-00 Configuration Mode for a squared torque load characteristic of the
Option: Function: motor.

NOTICE [3] Auto For optimum energy efficient speed control of

This parameter cannot be adjusted when Energy centrifugal pumps and fans, it provides a
the motor is running. Optim. voltage that is optimized for a squared torque
load characteristic of the motor. In addition, the
AEO feature adapts the voltage exactly to the
[0] Open Motor speed is determined by applying a speed
current load situation, thereby reducing energy
* Loop reference or by setting the wanted speed when
consumption and audible noise from the motor.
in local mode.
Open loop is also used if the frequency converter
1-06 Clockwise Direction
is part of a closed-loop control system based on
an external PI controller providing a speed Option: Function:
reference signal as output. NOTICE
[3] Closed NOTICE This parameter cannot be adjusted while
Loop the motor is running.
When set for Closed Loop, the commands
Reversing and Start Reversing do not
reverse the direction of the motor. This parameter defines the term clockwise
corresponding to the LCP direction arrow. Used for
easy change of direction of shaft rotation without
A reference form the built-in PI controller
swapping motor wires.
determines the motor speed. The built-in PI
controller varies the motor speed as of a closed- [0] * Normal The motor shaft turns in clockwise direction when
loop control process (for example, constant frequency converter is connected U⇒U; V⇒V; and
pressure or flow). Configure the PI controller in W⇒W to motor.
parameter group 20-** Drive Closed Loop.
[1] Inverse The motor shaft turns in counterclockwise
direction when frequency converter is connected
1-01 Motor Control Principle U⇒U; V⇒V; and W⇒W to motor.
Option: Function:
[0] U/f NOTICE 1-08 Motor Control Bandwidth
When running U/f, control slip and load Option: Function:
compensations are not included. [0] High Suitable for highly dynamic response.

[1] * Medium Suitable for smooth steady-state operation.

Used for parallel-connected motors and/or special
[2] Low Suitable for smooth steady-state operation with
motor applications. Set the U/f settings in
lowest dynamic response.
parameter 1-55 U/f Characteristic - U and
parameter 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F. [3] Adaptive 1 Suitable for smooth steady-state operation with
extra active damping.
When parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is [4] Adaptive 2 This is an alternative to [3] Adaptive 1, which
focuses on low-inductance PM motors.
set to PM-enabled options, only VVC+ option
is available.

Normal running mode, including slip and load


BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 29

Parameters TR150 and TR170

3.2.2 1-10 to 1-13 Motor Selection [2]

[1] PM PM,
Parameter 1-10 Motor [0] Motor salient
NOTICE salient
Construction Asynchron non IPM,
This parameter group cannot be adjusted while the IPM,
salient non-
motor is running. Sat
3 3 The following parameters are active ('x') depending on the
Parameter 1-39 Motor Poles x x x x
Parameter 1-40 Back EMF at
setting of parameter 1-10 Motor Construction. x x x
1000 RPM
Parameter 1-42 Motor Cable
[2] x x x x
[3] Length
[1] PM PM,
PM, Parameter 1-43 Motor Cable
Parameter 1-10 Motor [0] Motor salient x x x x
salient Length Feet
Construction Asynchron non IPM,
IPM, Parameter 1-44 d-axis
salient non- x
Sat Inductance Sat. (LdSat)
Parameter 1-45 q-axis
Parameter 1-00 Configu- x
x x x x Inductance Sat. (LqSat)
ration Mode
Parameter 1-46 Position
Parameter 1-03 Torque x x x
x Detection Gain
Parameter 1-48 Current at
Parameter 1-06 Clockwise x
x x x x Min Inductance for d-axis
Parameter 1-49 Current at
Parameter 1-08 Motor x
x x x x Min Inductance for q-axis
Control Bandwidth
Parameter 1-50 Motor
Parameter 1-14 Damping x
x x x Magnetisation at Zero Speed
Parameter 1-52 Min Speed
Parameter 1-15 Low Speed x
x x x Normal Magnetising [Hz]
Filter Time Const.
Parameter 1-55 U/f Charac-
Parameter 1-16 High Speed x
x x x teristic - U
Filter Time Const.
Parameter 1-56 U/f Charac-
Parameter 1-17 Voltage filter x
x x x teristic - F
time const.
Parameter 1-62 Slip
Parameter 1-20 Motor Power x
x Compensation
Parameter 1-63 Slip
Parameter 1-22 Motor
x Compensation Time x
Parameter 1-23 Motor
x Parameter 1-64 Resonance
Frequency x
Parameter 1-24 Motor
x x x x Parameter 1-65 Resonance
Current x
Dampening Time Constant
Parameter 1-25 Motor
x x x x Parameter 1-66 Min. Current
Nominal Speed x x x
at Low Speed
Parameter 1-26 Motor Cont.
x x x Parameter 1-70 PM Start
Rated Torque x x x
Parameter 1-29 Automatic
x x x x Parameter 1-71 Start Delay x x x x
Motor Adaption (AMA)
parameter 1-72 Start
Parameter 1-30 Stator x x x x
x x x x Function
Resistance (Rs)
Parameter 1-73 Flying Start x x x x
Parameter 1-33 Stator
x Parameter 1-80 Function at
Leakage Reactance (X1) x x x x
Parameter 1-35 Main
x Parameter 1-90 Motor
Reactance (Xh) x x x x
Thermal Protection
Parameter 1-37 d-axis
x x x parameter 2-00 DC Hold
Inductance (Ld) x x x x
Parameter 1-38 q-axis
x x
Inductance (Lq)

30 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

[2] [2]
[3] [3]
[1] PM PM, [1] PM PM,
Parameter 1-10 Motor [0] Motor salient Parameter 1-10 Motor [0] Motor salient
salient salient
Construction Asynchron non IPM, Construction Asynchron non IPM,
salient non- salient non-
Sat Sat
Sat Sat
Parameter 2-01 DC Brake
x x x x
Parameter 14-50 RFI Filter x 3 3
Current Parameter 14-51 DC-Link
x x x x
Parameter 2-02 DC Braking Voltage Compensation
x x x x
Time Parameter 14-55 Output
x x x x
Parameter 2-04 DC Brake Filter
x x x x
Cut In Speed [Hz] Parameter 14-64 Dead Time
Parameter 2-06 Parking Compensation Zero Current x x x x
x x x
Current Level
Parameter 2-07 Parking Parameter 14-65 Speed
x x x
Time Derate Dead Time Compen- x x x x
Parameter 2-10 Brake sation
x x x x
Function Parameter 30-22 Locked
x x x
Parameter 2-16 AC brake Rotor Detection
Max. Current Parameter 30-23 Locked
x x x
Parameter 2-17 Over-voltage Rotor Detection Time [s]
x x x x
Table 3.2 Active Parameters
Parameter 4-10 Motor Speed
x x x x
Parameter 4-14 Motor Speed 1-10 Motor Construction
x x x x
High Limit [Hz] Option: Function:
Parameter 4-18 Current [0] * Asynchron For asynchronous motors.
x x x x
Limit [1] PM, non- For permanent magnet (PM) motors with
Parameter 4-19 Max Output salient SPM surface-mounted (non-salient) magnets.
x x x x
Frequency Refer to parameter 1-14 Damping Gain to
Parameter 4-58 Missing parameter 1-17 Voltage filter time const. for
x x x x
Motor Phase Function details about optimizing the motor
Parameter 14-01 Switching operation.
x x x x
Frequency [2] PM, salient For permanent magnet (PM) motors with
Parameter 14-03 Overmodu- IPM, non Sat. interior (salient) magnets, without
x x x x
lation inductance saturation control.
Parameter 14-07 Dead Time [3] PM, salient For permanent magnet (PM) motors with
x x x x
Compensation Level IPM, Sat. interior (salient) magnets, with inductance
Parameter 14-08 Damping saturation control.
x x x x
Gain Factor
Parameter 14-09 Dead Time
x x x x
3.2.3 1-14 to 1-17 VVC+ PM
Bias Current Level
Parameter 14-10 Mains The default control parameters for VVC+ PM motor control
x x x x
Failure core are optimized for applications and inertia load in the
Parameter 14-11 Mains range of 50>Jl/Jm>5. Jl is load inertia from the application
x x x x
Voltage at Mains Fault and Jm is machine inertia.
Parameter 14-12 Function at For low inertia applications (Jl/Jm<5), it is recommended
x x x x
Mains Imbalance that parameter 1-17 Voltage filter time const. is increased
Parameter 14-27 Action At with a factor of 5–10. Sometimes,
x x x x
Inverter Fault parameter 14-08 Damping Gain Factor should also be
Parameter 14-40 VT Level x x x x reduced to improve performance and stability.
Parameter 14-41 AEO For high-inertia applications (Jl/Jm>50), increase
x x x x
Minimum Magnetisation parameter 1-15 Low Speed Filter Time Const. and
Parameter 14-44 d-axis parameter 1-16 High Speed Filter Time Const. to improve
x x
current optimization for IPM performance and stability.

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 31

Parameters TR150 and TR170

For high load at low speed (<30% of rated speed), it is NOTICE

recommended that parameter 1-17 Voltage filter time const. These parameters cannot be adjusted while the motor is
is increased due to non-linearity in the inverter at low running.

1-14 Damping Gain NOTICE

3 3 Range: Function: Changing the value of these parameters affects the
setting of other parameters.
120 [0 - The parameter stabilizes the PM motor to ensure
%* 250 %] smooth and stable operation. The value of
damping gain controls the dynamic performance 1-20 Motor Power
of the PM motor. Low damping gain results in
Enter the nominal motor power in kW/hp according to the motor
high dynamic performance and a high value
nameplate data. The default value corresponds to the nominal
results in a low dynamic performance. The
rated output of the unit.
dynamic performance is related to the motor data
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
and load type. If the damping gain is too high or
low, the control becomes unstable. Option: Function:
[2] 0.12 kW - 0.16 hp
1-15 Low Speed Filter Time Const. [3] 0.18 kW - 0.25 hp
Range: Function: [4] 0.25 kW - 0.33 hp
[5] 0.37 kW - 0.5 hp
Size [0.01 - High-pass filter damping time constant
related* 20 s] determines the response time to load [6] 0.55 kW - 0.75 hp
steps. Obtain quick control through a [7] 0.75 kW - 1 hp
short damping time constant. However, [8] 1.1 kW - 1.5 hp
if this value is too short, the control [9] 1.5 kW - 2 hp
becomes unstable. This time constant is [10] 2.2 kW - 3 hp
used below 10% rated speed. [11] 3 kW - 4 hp
[12] 3.7 kW - 5 hp
1-16 High Speed Filter Time Const. [13] 4 kW - 5.4 hp
Range: Function: [14] 5.5 kW - 7.5 hp
Size [0.01 - High-pass filter damping time constant [15] 7.5 kW - 10 hp
related* 20 s] determines the response time to load [16] 11 kW - 15 hp
steps. Obtain quick control through a [17] 15 kW - 20 hp
short damping time constant. However, [18] 18.5 kW - 25 hp
if this value is too short, the control [19] 22 kW - 30 hp
becomes unstable. This time constant is [20] 30 kW - 40 hp
used above 10% rated speed. [21] 37 kW - 50 hp
[22] 45 kW - 60 hp
1-17 Voltage filter time const. [23] 55 kW - 75 hp
Range: Function: [24] 75 kW - 100 hp
Size [0.01 - 1 Machine supply voltage filter time [25] 90 kW - 120 hp
related* s] constant is used for reducing the [26] 110 kW - 150 hp
influence of high frequency ripples and
system resonances in the calculation of 1-22 Motor Voltage
machine supply voltage. Without this Range: Function:
filter, the ripples in the currents can Size [50 - 1000 Enter the nominal motor voltage
distort the calculated voltage and affects related* V] according to the motor nameplate
the stability of the system. data. The default value corresponds to
the nominal rated output of the unit.

3.2.4 1-2* Motor Data I

1-23 Motor Frequency

This parameter group comprises input data from the Range: Function:
nameplate on the connected motor. Size [20 - Select the motor frequency value from the
related* 400 motor nameplate data. For 87 Hz operation
Hz] with 230/400 V motors, set the nameplate
data for 230 V/50 Hz. Adapt
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]

32 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

1-23 Motor Frequency 1-29 Automatic Motor Adaption (AMA)

Range: Function: Option: Function:
and parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference to the Resistance (Rs), and parameter 1-37 d-axis
87 Hz application. Inductance (Ld).

1-24 Motor Current
Range: Function:
Terminal 27 Digital Input 3 3
(parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input)
Size [ 0.01 - Enter the nominal motor current has coast inverse as the default setting.
related* 10000.00 A] value from the motor nameplate This means that AMA cannot be
data. This data is used for performed if there is no 24 V to terminal
calculating motor torque, motor 27.
thermal protection, and so on.

[2] Enable Performs a reduced AMA of the stator

1-25 Motor Nominal Speed
Reduced resistance Rs in the system only. Select this
Range: Function: AMA option if an LC filter is used between the
Size related* [50 - 60000 Enter the nominal motor speed frequency converter and the motor.
RPM] value from the motor nameplate
data. This data is used for NOTICE
calculating automatic motor When parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set to options
compensations. that enable permanent motor mode, the only option
available is [1] Enable Complete AMA.
1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque
Range: Function: Activate the AMA function by pressing [Hand On] after
Size [0.1 - NOTICE selecting [1] Enable Complete AMA or [2] Enable Reduced
related* 10000 Nm] AMA. After a normal sequence, the display reads: Press [OK]
Changing this parameter affects
settings of other parameters. to finish AMA. After pressing [OK], the frequency converter
is ready for operation.
This parameter is available only when
parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is NOTICE
set to options that enable permanent
motor mode.
• For the best adaptation of the frequency
converter, run AMA on a cold motor.
1-29 Automatic Motor Adaption (AMA) • AMA cannot be performed while the motor is
Option: Function: running.

NOTICE • AMA cannot be performed on a motor with a

bigger power rating than the frequency
This parameter cannot be adjusted while
converter, for example, when a 5.5 kW (7.4 hp)
the motor is running.
motor is connected to a 4 kW (5.4 hp)
frequency converter.
The AMA function optimizes dynamic motor
performance by automatically optimizing the
advanced motor parameters while the motor is NOTICE
stationary. Avoid generating external torque during AMA.
[0] Off No function
[1] Enable When parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set If one of the settings in parameter group 1-2* Motor Data
Complete to [0] Asynchron, performs AMA of is changed, the advanced motor parameters,
AMA parameter 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs), parameter 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) to
parameter 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1), parameter 1-39 Motor Poles, return to default setting.
and parameter 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh).

When parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set NOTICE

to options that enable permanent motors,
Perform a full AMA without filter only, while reduced
performs AMA of parameter 1-30 Stator
AMA should be run with a filter.

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 33

Parameters TR150 and TR170

3.2.5 1-3* Motor Data II 1-39 Motor Poles

Range: Function:
This parameter group comprises input data from the Size [2 - Enter the number of motor poles. The
nameplate on the connected motor. related* 100 ] motor pole value is always an even
number, because it refers to the total

3 3 NOTICE pole number, not pairs of poles.

These parameters cannot be adjusted while the motor is
3.2.6 1-4* Motor Data III
1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) This parameter group comprises input data from the
Range: Function: nameplate on the connected motor.
Size related* [ 0.0 - 99.99 Set the stator resistance value. Enter
Ohm] the value from a motor datasheet NOTICE
or perform an AMA on a cold
These parameters cannot be adjusted while the motor is

1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1)

1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
Size related* [ 0.0 - 999.9 Ohm] Set stator leakage reactance of
motor. Size related* [10 - 9000 V] Line-line RMS back EMF voltage at
1000 RPM.
1-35 Main Reactance (Xh)
1-42 Motor Cable Length
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
Size [ 0.0 - Set the main reactance of the motor using
related* 999.9 1 of these methods: 50 m* [0 - 100 m] Set the motor cable length during commis-
Ohm] • Run an AMA on a cold motor. The
frequency converter measures the
value from the motor. 1-43 Motor Cable Length Feet
Range: Function:
• Enter the Xh value manually.
Obtain the value from the motor 164 ft* [0 - 328 ft] Set the motor cable length during commis-
supplier. sioning.

• Use the Xh default setting. The

1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat)
frequency converter establishes
the setting based on the motor
Range: Function:
nameplate data. Size [0 - This parameter corresponds to the
related* 1000 mH] inductance saturation of Ld. Ideally, this
1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld) parameter has the same value as
parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld).
Range: Function:
However, if the motor supplier provides
Size related* [ 0 - 1000 mH] Obtain the value from the
an induction curve, enter the induction
permanent magnet motor
value here, which is 200% of the nominal

1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq)

1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat)
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
Size [ 0.000 - Set the value of the q-axis
Size [0 - This parameter corresponds to the
related* 1000 mH] inductance. Obtain the value from
related* 1000 mH] inductance saturation of Lq. Ideally, this
the permanent magnet motor
parameter has the same value as
datasheet. The value cannot be
parameter 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq).
changed when the motor is running.
However, if the motor supplier provides
an induction curve, enter the induction
value here, which is 200% of the nominal

34 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

1-46 Position Detection Gain 1-52 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz]
Range: Function: Range: Function:
100 %* [ 20 - Use this parameter to adjust the height of 1 Hz* [0.1 - 10.0 Set the required frequency for normal
200 %] the test pulse during position detection at Hz] magnetizing current.
start. This parameter is valid from software Use this parameter along with
version 2.80. parameter 1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero
Speed. See Illustration 3.2.
3 3
1-48 Current at Min Inductance for d-axis
Range: Function: 1-55 U/f Characteristic - U
100 %* [ 20 - 200 %] Use this parameter to set the inductance Array[6]
saturation point. Range: Function:
Size related* [0 - 999 Enter voltage at each frequency point
1-49 Current at Min Inductance for q-axis V] to form a U/f characteristic matching
Range: Function: the motor. Frequency points are
100 % [ 20 - This parameter specifies the saturation curve of defined in parameter 1-56 U/f Charac-
* 200 %] the q-inductance values. From 20–100% of this teristic - F.
parameter, the inductances are linearly
approximated due to parameter 1-37 d-axis 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F
Inductance (Ld), parameter 1-38 q-axis Inductance Array[6]
(Lq), parameter 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. Range: Function:
(LdSat), and parameter 1-45 q-axis Inductance
Size [0 - Enter frequency points to form a U/f charac-
Sat. (LqSat). Below and above they are specified
related* 400.0 teristic matching the motor. Voltage at each
by the corresponding parameters. Parameters
Hz] point is defined in parameter 1-55 U/f Charac-
are related to the motor nameplate load
teristic - U.
compensations, the application load type, and
the electronic brake function for quick stop/ Make a U/f characteristic based on 6 definable
hold of the motor. voltages and frequencies, see Illustration 3.3.
Simplify U/f characteristics by merging 2 or
more points (voltages and frequencies). Set
3.2.7 1-5* Load Indep. Setting the points at equal values.

Parameters for load-independent motor settings.

1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed

Range: Function:
100 [0 - Use this parameter along with parameter 1-52 Min
%* 300 % Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz] to obtain a
] different thermal load on the motor when running
at low speed. Illustration 3.3 U/f Characteristic
Enter a value that is a percentage of the rated
magnetizing current. If the setting is too low, the
torque on the motor shaft may be reduced.

3.2.8 1-6* Load Depen. Setting

Parameters for adjusting the load-dependent motor


Illustration 3.2 Motor Magnetization

1-62 Slip Compensation
Range: Function:
Size [-400 - Enter the % value for slip compensation
related* 400 %] to compensate for tolerances in the
value of nM,N. Slip compensation is
calculated automatically, which is based
on the nominal motor speed nM,N.

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 35

Parameters TR150 and TR170

1-63 Slip Compensation Time Constant 1-70 PM Start Mode

Range: Function: This parameter is valid since software version 2.80 and later
0.1 s* [0.05 - 5 s] Enter the slip compensation reaction speed. versions. Use this parameter to select the PM motor start mode,
A high value results in slow reaction, and a which is to initialize the VVC+ control core for previously free-
low value results in quick reaction. If low- running PM motors. This parameter is active for PM motors in

3 3 frequency resonance problems occur, use a

longer time setting.
VVC+ mode only if the motor is stopped (or running at low
Option: Function:
1-64 Resonance Dampening converter then starts the motor from that
Range: Function: angle.
100 [0 - Enter the resonance damping value. Set [1] * Parking The parking function applies DC current
%* 500 %] parameter 1-64 Resonance Dampening and across the stator winding, and rotates the
parameter 1-65 Resonance Dampening Time rotor to electrical zero position. This
Constant to help eliminate high-frequency function is typically selected for HVAC
resonance problems. To reduce resonance applications. If the flying start function
oscillation, increase the value of detects that motor is running at low
parameter 1-64 Resonance Dampening. speed or is stopped, the frequency
converter sends out a DC current to park
1-65 Resonance Dampening Time Constant the motor at an angle. The frequency
Range: Function: converter then starts the motor from that
0.005 s* [0.001 - Set parameter 1-64 Resonance Dampening
0.050 s] and parameter 1-65 Resonance Dampening 1-71 Start Delay
Time Constant to help eliminate high-
Range: Function:
frequency resonance problems. Enter the
time constant that provides the best 0 s* [0 - 10 This parameter enables a delay of the starting
dampening. s] time. The frequency converter begins with the
start function selected in parameter 1-72 Start
1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed Function. Set the start delay time until
acceleration is to begin.
Range: Function:
50 %* [0 - 120 %] Applies to PM motors only. Increasing the 1-72 Start Function
minimum current improves motor torque at
Option: Function:
low speed, but also reduces efficiency.
[0] DC Hold/ The motor is energized with
delay time parameter 2-00 DC Hold/Motor Preheat
3.2.9 1-7* Start Adjustments Current during start delay time.

[2] * Coast/delay The is coasted during start delay time ( off).

Parameters for configuring special motor start features. time
1-70 PM Start Mode
This parameter is valid since software version 2.80 and later
versions. Use this parameter to select the PM motor start mode,
which is to initialize the VVC+ control core for previously free-
running PM motors. This parameter is active for PM motors in
VVC+ mode only if the motor is stopped (or running at low
Option: Function:
[0] Rotor Detection The rotor detection function estimates the
electrical angle of the rotor and uses the
angle as a starting point. This option is
the standard selection for automation
frequency converter applications. If the
flying start function detects that motor is
running at low speed or is stopped, the
frequency converter can detect the rotor
position (the angle). The frequency

36 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

1-73 Flying Start 1-88 AC Brake Gain

This function makes it possible to catch a motor that is spinning Range: Function:
freely due to a mains drop-out. Flying start searches in clockwise voltage is not higher than DC-link voltage
direction only. If not successful, a DC brake is activated. If PM- warning value, the generator torque can be
enabled options are selected, parking is carried out if the speed adjusted with this parameter.
is below 2.5–5% of nominal speed, in the time set in
parameter 2-07 Parking Time.
3 3
If the speed estimate comes out below 2.5–5% of nominal speed, 3.2.11 1-9* Motor Temperature
the parking function is engaged (see parameter 2-06 Parking
Current and parameter 2-07 Parking Time). Otherwise, the Parameters for configuring the temperature protection
frequency converter catches the motor at that speed and features for the motor.
resumes normal operation.
1-90 Motor Thermal Protection
The flying start function used for PM motors is based on an
initial speed estimation. The speed is always estimated as the
Option: Function:
first thing after an active start signal is given. Using , the motor temperature is calculated
based on frequency, current, and time. Trane
Current limitations of the flying start principle used for PM
recommends using the function, if a
thermistor is not present. The functionality is
• The speed range is up to 100% nominal speed or the
the same for asynchronous motors and PM
field weakening speed (which ever is lowest).
• For high inertia applications (that is, where the load
[0] No Disables temperature monitoring.
inertia is more than 30 times larger than the motor
[1] Thermistor A thermistor gives a warning if the upper
Option: Function: warning limit of motor temperature range is
[0] Disabled exceeded.
[1] Enabled [2] Thermistor If the upper limit of motor temperature
[2] Enabled Always trip range is exceeded, a thermistor gives an
[3] Enabled Ref. Dir. alarm and makes the frequency converter
[4] Enab. Always Ref. Dir. trip.

[3] ETR warning If the calculated upper limit of the motor

3.2.10 1-8* Stop Adjustments 1 temperature range is exceeded, a warning
Parameters for configuring special motor stop features. [4] * ETR trip 1 Start motor thermal calculation based on
1-80 Function at Stop actual load and time as well as motor
frequency only when the motor current is
Option: Function:
above 110% of the nominal motor current.
Select this function after a stop command or
after the speed is ramped down to the [22] ETR Trip - Start motor thermal calculation based on
settings in parameter 1-82 Min Speed for Extended actual load and time as well as motor
Function at Stop [Hz]. Detection frequency when the motor current is above
110% of the nominal motor current. Another
[0] * Coast Leaves the motor in free mode.
situation is, start motor thermal calculation
[1] DC hold / Energizes the motor with a DC hold current when the motor current is less than 110% of
Motor (see parameter 2-00 DC Hold/Motor Preheat the nominal motor current and trigger
Preheat Current). current limit.

1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz] 1-93 Thermistor Source
Range: Function: Option: Function:
0 Hz* [0 - 20 Hz] Set the output frequency at which to NOTICE
activate parameter 1-80 Function at Stop.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while
the motor is running.
1-88 AC Brake Gain
Range: Function: Select the input at which the thermistor (PTC
1.4* [1.0 - This parameter is used to set AC brake power sensor) should be connected. When using an
2.0 ] capability (set ramp-down time when inertia is analog input, the same analog cannot be used
constant). In the condition that the DC-link

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

1-93 Thermistor Source

Option: Function:
as a reference in parameter 3-15 Reference
Resource 1 to parameter 3-17 Reference Resource
3, parameter 20-00 Feedback 1 Source,

3 3 parameter 20-03 Feedback 2 Source,

parameter 24-06 Fire Mode Reference Source, and
parameter 24-07 Fire Mode Feedback Source.

[0] None Do not set thermistor source.

[1] Analog Use analog input 53 as thermistor source.
[6] Digital Use digital input 29 as thermistor source.
input 29

38 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.3 Main Menu - Brakes - Group 2 2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed

Range: Function:
3.3.1 2-0* DC Brakes
0 Hz* [ 0 - 400 This parameter is for setting the DC-brake
Hz] cut-in speed at which parameter 2-01 DC
Parameters for configuring the DC brake and DC hold
Brake Current is to be active with a stop

2-00 DC Hold/Motor Preheat Current

3 3
Range: Function: 2-06 Parking Current
Range: Function:
50 % [0 - NOTICE
* 160 %] 100 [0 - Set current as percentage of rated motor
MOTOR OVERHEATING %* 150 %] current, parameter 1-24 Motor Current. Active
The maximum value depends on the rated
with parameter 1-73 Flying Start. The parking
motor current.
current is active during the time period set in
To avoid motor damage caused by
parameter 2-07 Parking Time.
overheating, do not run at 100% for too
long. NOTICE
Parameter 2-06 Parking Current is only
Set holding current as a percentage of the rated active when 1 of the PM motor
motor current IM,N in parameter 1-24 Motor construction options is selected in
Current. Parameter 2-00 DC Hold/Motor Preheat parameter 1-10 Motor Construction.
Current holds the motor function (holding torque)
or pre-heats the motor. This parameter is active if
DC hold is selected in parameter 1-72 Start 2-07 Parking Time
Function [0] DC Hold/delay time or Range: Function:
parameter 1-80 Function at Stop [1] DC hold/Motor 3 s* [0.1 - 60 Set the duration of the parking current time set
Preheat. s] in parameter 2-06 Parking Current. Active with
parameter 1-73 Flying Start.
2-01 DC Brake Current
Range: Function:
Parameter 2-07 Parking Time is only active
50 [0 - NOTICE when options of parameter 1-10 Motor
%* 150 %
MOTOR OVERHEATING Construction are set to enable PM motors.
The maximum value depends on the rated
motor current.
To avoid motor damage caused by 3.3.2 2-1* Brake Energy Function
overheating, do not run at 100% for too
Parameter group for selecting dynamic brake parameters.

Set current as % of rated motor current, 2-10 Brake Function

parameter 1-24 Motor Current. When speed is Option: Function:
below the limit set in parameter 2-04 DC Brake Cut [0] * Off The brake resistor is not active.
In Speed, or when the DC-brake inverse function is
[2] AC brake AC brake is active.
active (in parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs set to
[5] DC-brake inverse; or via the serial port), a DC-
2-16 AC Brake, Max current
brake current is applied on a stop command. See
parameter 2-02 DC Braking Time for duration. Range: Function:
100 %* [0 - 160 %] Enter the maximum permissible current
2-02 DC Braking Time when using the AC brake to avoid
Range: Function: overheating motor windings.

10 s* [0 - 60 s] Set the duration of the DC-brake current set in

parameter 2-01 DC Brake Current, once

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

2-17 Over-voltage Control

Option: Function:
Select whether to enable OVC during ramp
down, which reduces the risk of frequency
converter trip due to overvoltage on the DC

3 3 link caused by generative power from load.

[0] Disabled No OVC required.

[1] Enabled (not Activates OVC when the frequency converter

at stop) is not in the stop state.

[2] * Enabled Activates OVC.

The ramp time is automatically
adjusted to avoid tripping of the
frequency converter.

40 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.4 Main Menu–Reference/Ramps–Group 3 3-10 Preset Reference

Range: Function:
3.4.1 3-0* Reference Limits
corresponding digital inputs in parameter group
5-1* Digital Inputs.
Parameters for setting the reference unit, limits, and
3-11 Jog Speed [Hz]
Range: Function:
3 3
Also see parameter group 20-0* Feedback for information on
5 Hz* [ 0 - 400.0 The jog speed is a fixed output speed at
settings in closed loop.
Hz] which the frequency converter runs when
3-02 Minimum Reference the jog function is activated.
Range: Function: See also parameter 3-80 Jog Ramp Time.
0* [-4999–4999] The minimum reference is the lowest value
obtainable by summing all references. 3-14 Preset Relative Reference
Range: Function:
3-03 Maximum Reference
0% [-100 Define the fixed value in % to be added to the
Range: Function: * - variable value defined in parameter 3-18 Relative
Size [ -4999.0 - 4999 The maximum reference is the 100 %] Scaling Reference Resource.
related* ReferenceFeed- highest value obtainable by
The sum of fixed and variable values (labeled Y in
backUnit] summing all references. The
Illustration 3.5) is multiplied by actual reference
maximum reference unit matches
(labeled X in Illustration 3.5). This product is added
the selection of configuration in Y
to actual reference X + X ×
parameter 1-00 Configuration

3.4.2 3-1* References

Illustration 3.5 Preset Relative Reference

3-15 Reference 1 Source

Option: Function:
Select the input to be used for the 1st
reference signal. Parameter 3-15 Reference 1
Source, parameter 3-16 Reference 2 Source,
and parameter 3-17 Reference 3 Source
define up to 3 different reference signals.
The sum of these reference signals defines
the actual reference.

[0] No function
[1] * Analog Input
[2] Analog Input
[7] Pulse input 29
Illustration 3.4 References [11] Local bus

3-16 Reference 2 Source

3-10 Preset Reference
Option: Function:
Range: Function:
Select the input to be used for the 2nd
0 %* [-100 - Enter up to 8 different preset references (0–7) reference signal. Parameter 3-15 Reference 1
100 %] in this parameter, using array programming. For Source, parameter 3-16 Reference 2 Source,
selecting dedicated references, select preset and parameter 3-17 Reference 3 Source
reference bit 0/1/2 [16], [17], or [18] for the define up to 3 different reference signals.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

3-16 Reference 2 Source 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time

Option: Function: Range: Function:
The sum of these reference signals defines Size [0.05 - Enter acceleration time from 0 Hz to
the actual reference. See also related* 3600 s] parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency if
parameter 1-93 Thermistor Source. asynchronous motor is selected. Enter

3 3 [0] No function
acceleration time from 0 RPM, to
parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed if PM
[1] Analog Input
motor is selected. Select a ramp-up time
such that the output current does not
[2] * Analog Input
exceed the current limit in
parameter 4-18 Current Limit during ramping.
[7] Pulse input 29
See ramp-down time in
[11] Local bus
parameter 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time.

3-17 Reference 3 Source 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time

Option: Function: Range: Function:

Select the reference input to be used for Size [0.05 - If asynchronous motor is selected, enter
related* 3600 s] deceleration time from
the 3rd reference signal.
parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency to 0 Hz. If
Parameter 3-15 Reference 1 Source,
PM motor is selected, enter deceleration
parameter 3-16 Reference 2 Source, and
time from parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal
parameter 3-17 Reference 3 Source define
Speed to 0 RPM. Select a ramp-down time
up to 3 different reference signals. The
to avoid tripping on overvoltage in the
sum of these reference signals defines the
actual reference.

[0] No function
[1] Analog Input 3.4.4 3-5* Ramp 2
[2] Analog Input This parameter group configures ramp 2 parameters.
3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time
[7] Pulse input 29
Range: Function:
[11] * Local bus
reference Size [0.05 - If asynchronous motor is selected, enter
related* 3600 s] acceleration time from 0 Hz to
parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency. If PM
3.4.3 3-4* Ramp 1 motor is selected, enter acceleration time
from 0 RPM to parameter 1-25 Motor
Configure the ramp time parameters, for each of the 2 Nominal Speed. Select a ramp-up time such
ramps (parameter group 3-4* Ramp 1 and parameter group that the output current does not exceed
3-5* Ramp 2). The ramp time is preset to the minimum the current limit in parameter 4-18 Current
value of 10 ms for all power sizes. Limit during ramping up.

3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time

Range: Function:
Size [0.05 - Enter deceleration time from
related* 3600 s] parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed to
0 RPM. Select a ramp-down time such
that the output current does not exceed
the current limit in
parameter 4-18 Current Limit during
ramping down.

Illustration 3.6 Ramps

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Parameters Programming Guide

3.4.5 3-8* Other Ramps

3-80 Jog Ramp Time

Range: Function:
Size [0.05 Enter the jog ramp time, which is the
related* - 3600
acceleration/deceleration time between 0 Hz
to parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency. Ensure
3 3
that the resulting output current required for
the given jog ramp time does not exceed the
current limit in parameter 4-18 Current Limit.
The jog ramp time starts after activation of a
jog signal via the control panel, a selected
digital input, or the serial communication

3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time

Range: Function:
Size [0.05 - Enter the quick stop ramp time from the
related* 3600 s] parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency to 0 Hz.
During ramping, no overvoltage may occur
in the inverter, nor may the generated
current exceed the limit in
parameter 4-18 Current Limit. Quick stop is
activated with a signal on a selected digital
input or via the serial communication port.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

3.5 Main Menu - Limits/Warnings - Group 4 4-19 Max Output Frequency

Range: Function:
3.5.1 4-1* Motor Limits
Size [0 - Enter the maximum output frequency, which
related* 400 defines the absolute limit on the frequency
Define current and speed limits for the motor, and the
Hz] converter output frequency for improved
reaction of the frequency converter when the limits are
3 3 exceeded.
safety in applications where unintended
overspeeding must be avoided. This absolute
4-10 Motor Speed Direction limit applies to all configurations and is
Option: Function: independent of the setting in
parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode.
[0] Clockwise NOTICE
When parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set
The setting in parameter 4-10 Motor
to one of the options enabling PM motor
Speed Direction has impact on
construction, the maximum limit of
parameter 1-73 Flying Start.
parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency might
be limited by the setting of
Only operation in clockwise direction is
parameter 1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM due to
avoid a too high Back EMF which can damage
[2] * Both Operation in both clockwise and counter- the frequency converter. If parameter 4-19 Max
directions clockwise directions are allowed. Output Frequency is set lower than
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz], the
4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] value of parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit
Range: Function: [Hz] is adjusted to the same value of
parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency automat-
0 Hz* [0 - Enter the minimum limit for motor speed. The
400.0 Hz] motor speed low limit can be set to
correspond to the minimum output frequency
of the motor shaft. The speed low limit must 3.5.2 4-4* Adjustable Warnings 2
not exceed the setting in
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz].
4-40 Warning Freq. Low

4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] Range: Function:

Size [0 - Use this parameter to set a lower limit for the
Range: Function:
related* 400 frequency range.
Size [ 0.1 - Enter the maximum limit for motor speed.
Hz] When the motor speed drops below this limit,
related* 400.0 Hz] It can be set to match the recommended
the display reads SPEED LOW. Warning bit 10
maximum motor speed. The motor speed
is set in parameter 16-94 Ext. Status Word. The
high limit must exceed the value in
output relay or the digital output can be
parameter 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz].
configured to indicate this warning. The LCP
warning indicator light is not turned on when
Motor speed high limit cannot be set
this parameter set limit is reached.
higher than parameter 4-19 Max Output
4-41 Warning Freq. High
4-18 Current Limit Range: Function:
Range: Function: Size [0 - Use this parameter to set a higher limit for
110 [0 - Enter the current limit for motor and generator related* 400 the frequency range.
%* 300 % operation (in % of rated motor current). If the Hz] When the motor speed exceeds this limit, the
] value is higher than maximum rated output from display reads SPEED HIGH. Warning bit 9 is set
frequency converter, current is still limited to the in parameter 16-94 Ext. Status Word. The
maximum output current of the frequency output relay or the digital output can be
converter. If a setting in parameter 1-00 Configu- configured to indicate this warning. The LCP
ration Mode to parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal warning indicator light is not turned on when
Speed is changed, parameter 4-18 Current Limit is this parameter set limit is reached.
not automatically reset to the default setting.

44 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.5.3 4-5* Adj. Warnings 4-56 Warning Feedback Low

Range: Function:
Define adjustable warning limits for current. Warnings are configured to indicate this
shown on the display, programmed output, or fieldbus. warning. The LCP warning
4-50 Warning Current Low indicator light does not light

Range: Function:
up when this parameter set
limit is reached.
3 3
0A [ 0 - 194.0 Enter the ILOW value. When the motor current
A] drops below this limit, a bit in the status word
4-57 Warning Feedback High
is set. This value can also be programmed to
produce a signal on the digital output or the
Range: Function:
relay output. 4999 [-4999 - 4999 Use this parameter to set a
ProcessCtrlUnit* ProcessCtrlUnit] higher limit for the feedback
4-51 Warning Current High range.
When the feedback exceeds
Range: Function:
this limit, the display reads
Size [ 0.0 - Enter the IHIGH value. When the motor
Feedback High. Warning bit 5
related* 194.0 A] current exceeds this limit, a bit in the
is set in parameter 16-94 Ext.
status word is set. This value can also be
Status Word. The output relay
programmed to produce a signal on the
or digital output can be
digital output or the relay output.
configured to indicate this
warning. The LCP warning
4-54 Warning Reference Low
indicator light does not light
Range: Function: up when this parameter set
-4999* [-4999 - Enter the lower reference limit. When the limit is reached.
4999 ] actual reference drops below this limit, the
display indicates RefLow. Warning bit 20 is set 4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function
in parameter 16-94 Ext. Status Word. The Option: Function:
output relay or the digital output can be
[0] Off No alarm is shown if a missing motor phase occurs.
configured to indicate this warning. The LCP
warning indicator light does not light when [1] * On An alarm is shown if a missing motor phase occurs.
this parameter set limit is reached.

4-55 Warning Reference High

3.5.4 4-6* Speed Bypass
Range: Function:
Define the speed bypass areas for the ramps. 3 frequency
4999* [-4999 - Use this parameter to set a higher limit for the ranges can be avoided.
4999 ] reference range.
When the actual reference exceeds this limit, 4-61 Bypass Speed From [Hz]
the display reads Reference High. Warning bit Array[3]
19 is set in parameter 16-94 Ext. Status Word. Range: Function:
The output relay or the digital output can be
0 Hz [ 0 - 500 Hz] Enter the lower limits of the speeds to be
configured to indicate this warning. The LCP
avoided. Some systems call for avoiding
warning indicator light is not turned on when
certain output speeds due to resonance
this parameter set limit is reached.
problems in the system.

4-56 Warning Feedback Low 4-63 Bypass Speed To [Hz]

Range: Function: Array[3]
-4999 [-4999 - 4999 Use this parameter to set a
Range: Function:
ProcessCtrlUnit* ProcessCtrlUnit] lower limit for the feedback
0 Hz* [ 0 - 500 Hz] Some systems call for avoiding certain
output speeds due to resonance problems
When the feedback drops
in the system. Enter the upper limits of the
below this limit, the display
speeds to be avoided.
reads Feedback Low. Warning
bit 6 is set in
parameter 16-94 Ext. Status
Word. The output relay or
digital output can be

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

3.5.5 Semi-Automatic Bypass Speed Set-up 4-64 Semi-Auto Bypass Set-up

Option: Function:
Use the semi-automatic bypass speed set-up to facilitate [0] * Off
the programming of the frequencies to be skipped due to
[1] Enable If this option is selected, speed ranges are automat-
resonances in the system.
ically swept to identify bands of resonances.

3 3 Procedure:
1. Stop the motor.

Adjust the ramp times in parameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp
Up Time and parameter 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time.

2. Select [1] Enabled in parameter 4-64 Semi-Auto

Bypass Set-up.
3. Press [Hand On] to start the search for frequency
bands causing resonances. The motor ramps up
according to the ramp set.

Terminal 27 digital input parameter 5-12 Terminal 27
Digital Input has [2] Coast inverse as default setting. If
there is no 24 V to terminal 27, [Hand On] does not start
the motor. If so, connect terminal 12 to terminal 27.

4. When sweeping through a resonance band, press

[OK] on the LCP when leaving the band. The
actual frequency is stored as the first element in
parameter 4-63 Bypass Speed To [Hz] (array).
Repeat this procedure for each resonance band
identified at the ramp-up (maximum of 3 can be
5. When maximum speed has been reached, the
motor automatically begins to ramp down.
Repeat this procedure when speed is leaving the
resonance bands during the deceleration. The
actual frequencies registered when pressing [OK]
are stored in parameter 4-61 Bypass Speed From
6. When the motor has ramped down to stop, press
[OK]. The parameter 4-64 Semi-Auto Bypass Set-up
automatically resets to off. The frequency
converter stays in hand on mode until [Off] or
[Auto On] is pressed.
If the frequencies for a certain resonance band are not
registered in the right order (frequency values stored in
parameter 4-63 Bypass Speed To [Hz] are ≥ the values in
parameter 4-61 Bypass Speed From [Hz]), or if they do not
have the same numbers of registrations for the
parameter 4-61 Bypass Speed From [Hz] and
parameter 4-63 Bypass Speed To [Hz], all registrations are
canceled and the following message is shown: Collected
speed areas overlapping or not determined. Press [Cancel] to

46 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.6 Main Menu - Digital In/Out - Group 5 Digital input Description

3.6.1 5-0* Digital I/O Mode
[5] DC brake inverse Inverted input for DC braking (NC). Stops
Parameters for configuring the input and output using the motor by energizing it with DC
NPN and PNP. current for a certain time period, see
parameter 2-01 DC Brake Current. The
function is only active when the value in
3 3
NOTICE parameter 2-02 DC Braking Time is different
These parameters cannot be adjusted while the motor from 0. This selection is not possible when
runs. parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set to
[1] PM non-salient SPM.
5-00 Digital Input Mode [6] Stop inverse The stop inverse function generates the
Option: Function: stop function when the selected terminal
goes from logical level 1 to 0 (not
Set NPN or PNP mode for digital inputs 18, 19, and
latched). Stop is performed according to
27. Digital input mode.
selected ramp time.
[0] * PNP Action on positive directional pulses (0). PNP systems [7] External Interlock Same function as coast stop, inverse, but
are pulled down to ground (GND). external interlock generates the alarm
[1] NPN Action on negative directional pulses (1). NPN message external fault on the display
systems are pulled up to +24 V, internally in the when the terminal programmed for coast
frequency converter. inverse is logic 0. If programmed for
external interlock, the alarm message is
5-03 Digital Input 29 Mode also active via digital outputs and relay
outputs. If the cause for the external
Option: Function:
interlock is removed, the alarm can be
[0] * PNP Set to PNP mode for digital inputs 29.
reset using a digital input, fieldbus, or the
[1] NPN Set to NPN mode for digital inputs 29. [Reset] key.
[8] Start Select start for a start/stop command.
Logic 1 = start, logic 0 = stop. (Default
3.6.2 5-1* Digital Inputs digital input 18).
[9] Latched start If a pulse is applied for a minimum of 2
Parameters for configuring the input functions for the
ms, the motor starts. The motor stops
input terminals.
when stop inverse is activated.
The digital inputs are used for selecting various functions
[10] Reversing Change direction of motor shaft rotation.
in the frequency converter. All digital inputs can be set to
The reversing signal only changes the
the following functions:
direction of rotation, it does not activate
the start function. Select [2] Both directions
Digital input Description in parameter 4-10 Motor Speed Direction. 0
function = normal, 1 = reversing.
[11] Start reversing Use for start/stop and for reversing at the
[0] No operation No reaction to signals transmitted to the
same time. Signals on [8] start are not
allowed at the same time. 0 = stop, 1 =
[1] Reset Resets the frequency converter after a
start reversing.
trip/alarm. Trip lock alarms can be reset.
[14] Jog Used for activating jog speed. See
[2] Coast inverse Leaves the motor in free mode. Logic
parameter 3-11 Jog Speed [Hz]. (Default
0⇒coast stop.
digital input 29).
[3] Coast and reset Reset and coast stop inverted input (NC).
[16] Preset ref bit 0 Enables a selection of 1 of the 8 preset
inverse Leaves the motor in free mode and resets
references according to Table 3.4.
the frequency converter. Logic 0⇒coast
[17] Preset ref bit 1 Enables a selection of 1 of the 8 preset
stop and reset.
references according to Table 3.4.
[4] Quick stop inverse Inverted input (NC). Generates a stop in
[18] Preset ref bit 2 Enables a selection of 1 of the 8 preset
accordance with the quick-stop ramp time
references according to Table 3.4.
set in parameter 3-81 Quick Stop Ramp
Time. After ramping down, the shaft is in
free mode.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

Digital input Description Digital input Description

function function

[19] Freeze reference Freeze actual reference. The frozen [52] Run permissive The input terminal, for which the run
reference is now the point of enable/ permissive is programmed, must be logic
condition for speed up and speed down 1 before a start command can be
3 3 to be used. If speed up/speed down is
used, a speed change always follows ramp
accepted. Run permissive has a logic AND
function related to the terminal, which is
2 (parameter 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time programmed for [8] Start, [14] Jog, or [20]
and parameter 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Freeze Output. To start running the motor,
Time) in the range both conditions must be fulfilled. If run
parameter 3-02 Minimum Reference - permissive is programmed on multiple
parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference. terminals, run permissive only has to be
[20] Freeze output Freezes actual reference. The frozen logic 1 on 1 of the terminals for the
reference is now the point of enable/ function to be carried out. Run permissive
condition for speed up and speed down does not affect the digital output signal
to be used. If speed up/speed down is for run request ([8] Start, [14] Jog, or [20]
used, the speed change always follows Freeze Output) programmed in parameter
ramp 2. group 5-3* Digital Outputs, or parameter
[21] Speed up For digital control of the up/down speed group 5-4* Relays,.
(motor potentiometer). Activate this NOTICE
function by selecting either freeze If no run permissive signal is applied
reference or freeze output. When speed but either run, jog, or freeze
up is activated for less than 400 ms, the commands is activated, the status
resulting reference is increased by 0.1%. If line in the display shows either Run
speed up is activated for more than 400 Requested, Jog Requested, or Freeze
ms, the resulting reference ramps Requested.
according to ramp 1 in
parameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time.
[53] Hand Start A signal applied puts the frequency
[22] Speed down Same as [21] Speed up, but reference
converter into hand on mode as if [Hand
On] is pressed and a normal stop
[23] Set-up select bit Selects 1 of the 2 set-ups. Set command is overridden. If the signal is
0 parameter 0-10 Active Set-up to multi set- disconnected, the motor stops. To make
up. any other start commands valid, assign
[32] Pulse Input Select pulse input when using a pulse another digital input to Auto Start and
sequence as either reference or feedback. apply a signal. The [Hand On] and [Auto
Scaling is done in parameter group 5-5* On] keys have no impact. The [Off] key
Pulse Input. Available only for terminal 29. overrides Hand Start and Auto Start. Press
[34] Ramp bit 0 Select which ramp to use. Logic 0 selects either [Hand On] or [Auto On] to
ramp 1, while logic 1 selects ramp 2. reactivate Hand Start and Auto Start. If
[37] Fire mode A signal applied puts the frequency there is no signal on Hand Start or Auto
converter into fire mode and disregards all Start, the motor stops regardless of any
other commands. See parameter group normal start command applied. If a signal
24-0* Fire Mode. is applied to both Hand Start and Auto
Start, the function is Auto Start.
[54] Auto start A signal applied puts the frequency
converter into Auto mode as if [Auto On]
is pressed. See also [53] Hand Start.
[60] Counter A (up) Input for increment counting in the SLC
[61] Counter A (down) Input for decrement counting in the SLC
[62] Reset Counter A Input for reset of counter A.
[63] Counter B (up) Input for increment counting in the SLC

48 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

Digital input Description 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input

Parameter for configuring the input function on input terminal
18. Refer to Table 3.3 for setting options.
[64] Counter B (down) Input for decrement counting in the SLC
counter. Option: Function:
[65] Reset Counter B Input for reset of counter B. [21] Speed up

[101] Sleep A signal applied puts the frequency

[22] Speed down 3 3
[23] Set-up select bit 0
converter into sleep mode. [34] Ramp bit 0
[37] Fire Mode
Table 3.3 Digital Input Functions
[52] Run permissive

Selected Preset Preset Preset [53] Hand start

preset reference bit 2 reference bit 1 reference bit 0 [54] Auto start
reference: [60] Counter A (up)
Preset 0 0 0 [61] Counter A (down)
reference 0 [62] Reset Counter A
Preset 0 0 1 [63] Counter B (up)
reference 1 [64] Counter B (down)
Preset 0 1 0 [65] Reset Counter B
reference 2 [101] Sleep
Preset 0 1 1
5-11 Terminal 19 Digital Input
reference 3
Preset 1 0 0 Parameter for configuring the input function on input terminal
reference 4 19.
Preset 1 0 1 Option: Function:
reference 5 [0] * No operation
Preset 1 1 0 [1] Reset
reference 6 [2] Coast inverse
Preset 1 1 1 [3] Coast and reset inverse
reference 7 [4] Quick stop inverse
[5] DC-brake inverse
Table 3.4 Selected Preset Reference
[6] Stop inverse
[7] External Interlock
5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input
[8] Start
Parameter for configuring the input function on input terminal
[9] Latched start
18. Refer to Table 3.3 for setting options.
[10] Reversing
Option: Function: [11] Start reversing
[0] No operation [14] Jog
[1] Reset [16] Preset ref bit 0
[2] Coast inverse [17] Preset ref bit 1
[3] Coast and reset inverse [18] Preset ref bit 2
[4] Quick stop inverse [19] Freeze reference
[5] DC-brake inverse [20] Freeze output
[6] Stop inverse [21] Speed up
[7] External Interlock [22] Speed down
[8] * Start [23] Set-up select bit 0
[9] Latched start [34] Ramp bit 0
[10] Reversing [37] Fire Mode
[11] Start reversing [52] Run permissive
[14] Jog [53] Hand start
[16] Preset ref bit 0 [54] Auto start
[17] Preset ref bit 1 [60] Counter A (up)
[18] Preset ref bit 2 [61] Counter A (down)
[19] Freeze reference [62] Reset Counter A
[20] Freeze output [63] Counter B (up)

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

5-11 Terminal 19 Digital Input 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input

Parameter for configuring the input function on input terminal Parameter for configuring the input function on input terminal
19. 29.
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[64] Counter B (down) [2] Coast inverse
3 3 [65] Reset Counter B [3] Coast and reset inverse
[101] Sleep [4] Quick stop inverse
[5] DC-brake inverse
5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input
[6] Stop inverse
Parameter for configuring the input function on input terminal [7] External Interlock
27. When parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [0] Interna-
[8] Start
tional, the default value is [2] Coast inverse. When
[9] Latched start
parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [1] North America, the
[10] Reversing
default value is [7] External Interlock.
[11] Start reversing
Option: Function: [14] * Jog
[0] No operation [16] Preset ref bit 0
[1] Reset [17] Preset ref bit 1
[2] Coast inverse [18] Preset ref bit 2
[3] Coast and reset inverse [19] Freeze reference
[4] Quick stop inverse [20] Freeze output
[5] DC-brake inverse [21] Speed up
[6] Stop inverse [22] Speed down
[7] External Interlock [23] Set-up select bit 0
[8] Start [32] Pulse input
[9] Latched start [34] Ramp bit 0
[10] Reversing [37] Fire Mode
[11] Start reversing [52] Run permissive
[14] Jog [53] Hand start
[16] Preset ref bit 0 [54] Auto start
[17] Preset ref bit 1 [60] Counter A (up)
[18] Preset ref bit 2 [61] Counter A (down)
[19] Freeze reference [62] Reset Counter A
[20] Freeze output [63] Counter B (up)
[21] Speed up [64] Counter B (down)
[22] Speed down [65] Reset Counter B
[23] Set-up select bit 0 [101] Sleep
[34] Ramp bit 0
[37] Fire Mode
5-34 On Delay, Digital Output
[52] Run permissive
Range: Function:
[53] Hand start
[54] Auto start 0.01 s* [0 - 600 s] Enter the delay time before the digital
output is switched on. The digital output
[60] Counter A (up)
(terminal 42/45) condition must not be
[61] Counter A (down)
interrupted during the delay time.
[62] Reset Counter A
[63] Counter B (up)
5-35 Off Delay, Digital Output
[64] Counter B (down)
Range: Function:
[65] Reset Counter B
[101] Sleep 0.01 s* [0 - 600 s] Enter the delay time before the digital
output is switched off. The digital output
5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input (terminal 42/45) condition must not be
Parameter for configuring the input function on input terminal interrupted during the delay time.
Option: Function:
[0] No operation
[1] Reset

50 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.6.3 5-4* Relays 5-40 Function Relay

Array (Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1])
Parameters for configuring the timing and the output Select options to define the function of the relays.
functions for the relays. The selection of each mechanical relay is realized in an array
parameter. When parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [0]
5-40 Function Relay
Array (Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1])
International, the default value is [9] Alarm; When
parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [1] North America, the
3 3
Select options to define the function of the relays.
default value is [160] No alarm.
The selection of each mechanical relay is realized in an array
parameter. When parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [0] Option: Function:
International, the default value is [9] Alarm; When [17] Above speed, The frequency converter output speed is
parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [1] North America, the high higher than the limit set in
default value is [160] No alarm. parameter 4-41 Warning Freq. High.

Option: Function: [19] Below The feedback is lower than the limit set
[0] No operation feedback, low in parameter 4-56 Warning Feedback Low.
[1] Control Ready The control board receives supply [20] Above The feedback is higher than the limit set
voltage. feedback, high in parameter 4-57 Warning Feedback High.
[2] Drive ready The frequency converter is ready for [21] Thermal The thermal warning turns on when the
operation and applies a supply signal on warning temperature exceeds the limit in motor,
the control board. frequency converter, or thermistor.
[3] Drive ready/ The frequency converter is ready for [22] Ready, no The frequency converter is ready for
remote control operation in auto mode. thermal operation and no thermal warning is
[4] Standby / no The frequency converter is ready for warning present.
warning operation. No start or stop command is [23] Remote, ready, The frequency converter is ready for
given. No warnings are present. no thermal operation in auto mode, and no thermal
[5] Drive running The motor runs. warning warning is present.

[6] Running / no The motor runs, and no warnings are [24] Ready, Voltage The frequency converter is ready for
warning present. OK operation and mains voltage is within
the specified voltage range.
[7] Run in The motor runs within the programmed
range/no current ranges, see [25] Reverse The motor runs/is ready to run clockwise
warning parameter 4-50 Warning Current Low and when logic = 0 and counterclockwise
parameter 4-51 Warning Current High. No when logic = 1. Output changes as soon
warnings are present. as reversing signal is applied.

[8] Run on ref/no The motor runs at reference speed and [26] Bus OK Active communication (no time-out) via
warning with no warnings. serial communication port.

[9] Alarm An alarm activates output. [35] External See digital input.
[10] Alarm or An alarm or warning activates output.
[36] Control word Bit 11 in control word controls the relay.
bit 11
[12] Out of current The motor current is outside the ranges
[37] Control word Bit 12 in control word controls the relay.
range set in parameter 4-50 Warning Current
bit 12
Low and parameter 4-51 Warning Current
[41] Below The reference is lower than the limit set
reference, low in parameter 4-54 Warning Reference Low.
[13] Below current, The motor current is lower than the limit
[42] Above ref, The reference is higher than the limit set
low set in parameter 4-50 Warning Current
high in parameter 4-55 Warning Reference
[14] Above current, The motor current is higher than the
[45] Bus Control The output is configured in
high limit set in parameter 4-51 Warning
parameter 5-90 Digital & Relay Bus
Current High.
[16] Below speed, The frequency converter output speed is
[60] Comparator 0 See parameter group 13-1* Comparators.
low lower than the limit set in
If comparator 0 is evaluated as true, the
parameter 4-40 Warning Freq. Low.
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

5-40 Function Relay 5-40 Function Relay

Array (Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1]) Array (Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1])
Select options to define the function of the relays. Select options to define the function of the relays.
The selection of each mechanical relay is realized in an array The selection of each mechanical relay is realized in an array
parameter. When parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [0] parameter. When parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [0]

3 3 International, the default value is [9] Alarm; When

parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [1] North America, the
International, the default value is [9] Alarm; When
parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [1] North America, the
default value is [160] No alarm. default value is [160] No alarm.
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[61] Comparator 1 See parameter group 13-1* Comparators. the smart logic [33] Action Set dig. out. B
If comparator 1 is evaluated as true, the low is executed.
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low.
[82] SL digital See parameter 13-52 SL Controller Action.
[62] Comparator 2 See parameter group 13-1* Comparators. output C The input goes high whenever the smart
If comparator 2 is evaluated as true, the logic action [40] Set dig. out. C high is
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. executed. The input goes low whenever
the smart logic [34] Action Set dig. out. C
[63] Comparator 3 See parameter group 13-1* Comparators.
low is executed.
If comparator 3 is evaluated as true, the
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. [83] SL digital See parameter 13-52 SL Controller Action.
output D The input goes high whenever the smart
[64] Comparator 4 See parameter group 13-1* Comparators.
logic [41] Action Set dig. out. D high is
If comparator 4 is evaluated as true, the
executed. The input goes low whenever
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low.
the smart logic [35] Action Set dig. out. D
[65] Comparator 5 See parameter group 13-1* Comparators. low is executed.
If comparator 5 is evaluated as true, the
[160] No alarm The output is high when no alarm is
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low.
[70] Logic rule 0 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. If
[161] Running The output is high when the frequency
logic rule 0 is evaluated as true, the
reverse converter is running counterclockwise
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low.
(the logical product of the status bits
[71] Logic rule 1 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. If running and reverse).
logic rule 1 is evaluated as true, the
[165] Local ref. The output is high when local reference
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low.
active is activated by the [Hand on] key on the
[72] Logic rule 2 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. If LCP or by hand-on command of digital
logic rule 2 is evaluated as true, the input.
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low.
[166] Remote ref. The output is high when remote
[73] Logic rule 3 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. If active reference is activated by the [Auto on]
logic rule 3 is evaluated as true, the key on the LCP or by auto-on command
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. of digital input.
[74] Logic rule 4 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. If [167] Start The output is high when there is an
logic rule 4 is evaluated as true, the command active start command (that is, via digital
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. activ input bus connection or [Hand on] or
[75] Logic rule 5 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. If [Auto on], and no stop command is
logic rule 5 is evaluated as true, the active.
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. [168] Drive in hand The output is high when the frequency
[80] SL digital See parameter 13-52 SL Controller Action. mode converter is in hand on mode (as
output A The input goes high whenever the smart indicated by the LED light above [Hand
logic action [38] Set dig. out. A high is on].
executed. The input goes low whenever [169] Drive in auto The output is high when the frequency
the smart logic [32] Action Set dig. out. A mode converter is in auto on mode (as
low is executed. indicated by the LED light above [Auto
[81] SL digital See parameter 13-52 SL Controller Action. on].
output B The input goes high whenever the smart [190] No-Flow A no-flow condition has been detected.
logic action [39] Set dig. out. B high is See parameter group 22-2* No-Flow
executed. The input goes low whenever Detection.

52 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

5-40 Function Relay 5-42 Off Delay, Relay

Array (Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1]) Array[2]
Select options to define the function of the relays. Range: Function:
The selection of each mechanical relay is realized in an array
0.01 s* [0.01 - Enter the delay of the relay cutout time. Select
parameter. When parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [0]
600 s] 1 of 2 internal mechanical relays in an array
International, the default value is [9] Alarm; When
parameter 0-03 Regional Settings is set to [1] North America, the
function. See parameter 5-40 Function Relay for
details. If the selected event condition changes
3 3
default value is [160] No alarm.
before a delay timer expires, the relay output
Option: Function: is unaffected.
[193] Sleep Mode The frequency converter/system has
turned into sleep mode. See parameter
group 22-4* Sleep Mode.

[194] Broken Belt A broken-belt condition has been

Function detected. Enable the function in
parameter 22-60 Broken Belt Function.

[196] Fire Mode The frequency converter is operating in

fire mode. See parameter group 24-0* Fire

[198] Drive Bypass To be used as a signal for activating an

Illustration 3.8 Off Delay, Relay
external electromechanical bypass,
switching the motor directly on line.
See parameter group 24-1* Drive Bypass.
If the selected event condition changes before the on
delay or off delay timer expires, the relay output is
5-41 On Delay, Relay
Array [2]
Range: Function: 3.6.4 5-5* Pulse Input
0.01 s* [0.01 - Enter the delay of the relay cut in time.
600 s] Select 1 of 2 internal mechanical relays in an The pulse input parameters are used to define an
array function. See parameter 5-40 Function
appropriate window for the impulse reference area by
Relay for details. configuring the scaling and filter settings for the pulse
inputs. Input terminals 29 or 33 act as frequency reference
inputs. Set terminal 29 (parameter 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital
Input) or terminal 33 (parameter 5-15 Terminal 33 Digital
Input) to [32] Pulse input. If terminal 29 is used as an input,
set parameter 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode to [0] Input.

Illustration 3.7 On Delay, Relay

Illustration 3.9 Pulse Input

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 53

Parameters TR150 and TR170

5-50 Term. 29 Low Frequency

Range: Function:
20 Hz* [20 - Enter the low frequency limit
31999 Hz] corresponding to the low motor shaft
speed (that is low reference value) in

3 3 parameter 5-52 Term. 29 Low Ref./Feedb.

Value. See Illustration 3.9.

5-51 Term. 29 High Frequency

Range: Function:
32000 [21 - Enter the high frequency limit
Hz* 32000 Hz] corresponding to the high motor shaft
speed (that is high reference value) in
parameter 5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb.

5-52 Term. 29 Low Ref./Feedb. Value

Range: Function:
0* [-4999 - Enter the low reference value limit for the
4999 ] motor shaft speed [RPM]. This is also the lowest
feedback value. Set terminal 29 to digital input
(parameter 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input =
applicable value).

5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value

Range: Function:
Size [-4999 - Enter the high reference value [RPM] for
related* 4999 ] the motor shaft speed and the high
feedback value. Select terminal 29 as a
digital input (parameter 5-13 Terminal 29
Digital Input = applicable value).

3.6.5 5-9* Bus Controlled

This parameter group selects digital and relay outputs via a

fieldbus setting.

5-90 Digital & Relay Bus Control

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFF ] This parameter holds the state of the bus-
controlled digital outputs and relays.
A logical 1 indicates that the output is
high or active.
A logical 0 indicates that the output is
low or inactive.

Bit 0–3 Reserved

Bit 4 Relay 1 output terminal
Bit 6–23 Reserved
Bit 24 Terminal 42 digital output
Bit 26–31 Reserved

Table 3.5 Bit Functions

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Parameters Programming Guide

3.7 Main Menu - Analog In/Out - Group 6

Parameter group for setting up the analog I/O configu-
ration and the digital output. The frequency converter
provides 2 analog inputs:
• Terminal 53.
• Terminal 54.
3 3
The analog inputs can be freely allocated to either voltage
(0–10 V) or current input (0/4–20 mA).

3.7.1 6-0* Analog I/O Mode

6-00 Live Zero Timeout Time

Range: Function:
10 s* [1 - 99 s] Enter the timeout time.

Illustration 3.10 Live Zero Timeout Function

6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function
Option: Function:
Select the timeout function. The function set
6-02 Fire Mode Live Zero Timeout Function
in parameter 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function is
activated if the input signal on terminal 53 or
Option: Function:
54 is below 50% of the value in Select the timeout function when the fire
parameter 6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage, mode is active. The function set in this
parameter 6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current, parameter is activated if the input signal on
parameter 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage, or analog inputs is below 50% of the low value
parameter 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current for a for a time period defined in
time period defined in parameter 6-00 Live parameter 6-00 Live Zero Timeout Time.
Zero Timeout Time. [0] * Off
[0] * Off [1] Freeze
[1] Freeze output
output [2] Stop
[2] Stop [3] Jogging
[3] Jogging [4] Max. speed
[4] Max. speed
[5] Stop and 3.7.2 6-1* Analog Input 53
Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for analog
input 53 (terminal 53).

6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage

Range: Function:
0.07 V* [0 - 10 Enter the voltage (V) that corresponds to
V] parameter 6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb.
Value. To activate parameter 6-01 Live Zero
Timeout Function, set the value at >1 V.

6-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage

Range: Function:
10 V* [0 - 10 V] Enter the voltage (V) that corresponds to the
high reference value (set in
parameter 6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage

Range: Function: Range: Function:
4 mA* [0 - 20 Enter the low current value. This reference 0.07 V* [0 - 10 Enter the voltage (V) that corresponds to the
mA] signal corresponds to the low reference/ V] low reference value (set in
feedback value that is set in parameter 6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb.

3 3 parameter 6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb.

Value. To activate parameter 6-01 Live Zero
Value). To activate parameter 6-01 Live Zero
Timeout Function, set the value at >1 V.
Timeout Function, set the value to >2 mA.
6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage
6-13 Terminal 53 High Current Range: Function:
Range: Function: 10 V* [0 - 10 V] Enter the voltage (V) that corresponds to the
20 mA* [0 - 20 Enter the high current value corresponding high reference value (set in
mA] to the high reference/feedback set in parameter 6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb.
parameter 6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value).
6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current
6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. Value Range: Function:
Range: Function: 4 mA* [0 - 20 Enter the low current value. This reference
0* [-4999 - Enter the reference or feedback value that mA] signal corresponds to the low reference/
4999 ] corresponds to the voltage or current set in feedback value set in parameter 6-24 Terminal
parameter 6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage to 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value. To activate the live
parameter 6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current. zero timeout function in parameter 6-01 Live
Zero Timeout Function, set the value to >2 mA.
6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value
Range: Function: 6-23 Terminal 54 High Current
Size [-4999 - Enter the reference or feedback value Range: Function:
related* 4999 ] that corresponds to the voltage or 20 mA* [0 - 20 Enter the high current value corresponding
current set in parameter 6-11 Terminal mA] to the high reference/feedback value set in
53 High Voltage to parameter 6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb.
parameter 6-13 Terminal 53 High Value.
6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
6-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time Constant Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0* [-4999 - Enter the reference or feedback value that
0.01 s* [0.01 - 10 Enter the time constant. This constant is a 4999 ] corresponds to the voltage or current set in
s] first-order digital low-pass filter time parameter 6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage/
constant for suppressing electrical noise in parameter 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current.
terminal 53. A high time constant value
improves dampening, but also increases the 6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value
time delay through the filter. Range: Function:
Size [-4999 - Enter the reference or feedback value
6-19 Terminal 53 mode
related* 4999 ] that corresponds to the voltage or
Option: Function: current set in parameter 6-21 Terminal
Select whether terminal 53 is used for 54 High Voltage/
current or voltage input. parameter 6-23 Terminal 54 High
[0] Current mode
[1] * Voltage mode
6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant
Range: Function:
3.7.3 6-2* Analog Input 54
0.01 s* [0.01 - 10 Enter the time constant, which is a first-
s] order digital low-pass filter time constant
Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for analog
for suppressing electrical noise in terminal
input 54 (terminal 54).
54. A high time constant value improves

56 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant 6-72 Terminal 45 Digital Output

Range: Function: Option: Function:
dampening, but also increases the time [1] Control Ready
delay through the filter. [2] Drive ready
[3] Drive ready/remote control
6-29 Terminal 54 mode
Option: Function:
Standby / no warning
Drive running
3 3
Select if terminal 54 is used for current [6] Running / no warning
input or voltage input. [7] Run in range/no warning

[0] Current mode [8] Run on ref/no warning

[1] * Voltage mode [9] Alarm

[10] Alarm or warning
[12] Out of current range
3.7.4 6-7* Analog/Digital Output 45
[13] Below current, low
[14] Above current, high
Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for
[16] Below speed, low
analog/digital output terminal 45. Analog outputs are
[17] Above speed, high
current outputs: 0/4–20 mA. Resolution on analog output
is 12 bit. Analog output terminals can also be set up as [19] Below feedback, low
digital output. [20] Above feedback, high
[21] Thermal warning
6-70 Terminal 45 Mode [22] Ready, no thermal warning
Option: Function: [23] Remote, ready, no thermal
Set terminal 45 to act as analog output or warning
as digital output. [24] Ready, Voltage OK
[0] * 0-20 mA [25] Reverse
[1] 4-20 mA [26] Bus OK
[2] Digital Output [35] External Interlock
[36] Control word bit 11
6-71 Terminal 45 Analog Output [37] Control word bit 12
Option: Function: [41] Below reference, low
Select the function of terminal 45 as an [42] Above ref, high
analog current output. See also [45] Bus Control
parameter 6-70 Terminal 45 Mode. [60] Comparator 0

[0] * No operation [61] Comparator 1

[100] Output 0–100 Hz [62] Comparator 2

frequency [63] Comparator 3
[101] Reference MinRef.–MaxRef. [64] Comparator 4
[65] Comparator 5
[102] Feedback MinFB–MaxFB
[70] Logic rule 0
[103] Motor Current 0–Imax [71] Logic rule 1
[106] Power 0–Pnom [72] Logic rule 2
[73] Logic rule 3
[139] Bus Control 0–100%
[74] Logic rule 4
[75] Logic rule 5
6-72 Terminal 45 Digital Output
[80] SL digital output A
Option: Function:
[81] SL digital output B
Select the function of
[82] SL digital output C
terminal 45 as a digital
[83] SL digital output D
current output. See also
[160] No alarm
parameter 6-70 Terminal 45
[161] Running reverse
Mode. See
[165] Local ref. active
parameter 5-40 Function
Relay for description of the [166] Remote ref. active
options. [167] Start command activ
[168] Drive in hand mode
[0] * No operation

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

6-72 Terminal 45 Digital Output 6-90 Terminal 42 Mode

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[169] Drive in auto mode [0] * 0-20 mA
[190] No-Flow [1] 4-20 mA
[193] Sleep Mode [2] Digital Output

3 3 [194] Broken Belt Function

[196] Fire Mode
6-91 Terminal 42 Analog Output

[198] Drive Bypass Option: Function:

Select the function of terminal 42 as an
6-73 Terminal 45 Output Min Scale analog current output. See also
Range: Function: parameter 6–90 Terminal 42 Mode.
0 %* [0 - Scale for the minimum output (0 mA or 4 mA) [0] * No operation
200 %] of the analog signal at terminal 45. Set the [100] Output frequency 0–100 Hz
value to be the percentage of the full range of
[101] Reference MinRef. – MaxRef.
the variable selected in parameter 6-71 Terminal
45 Analog Output. [102] Feedback MinFB – MaxFB

[103] Motor Current 0–Imax

6-74 Terminal 45 Output Max Scale
[106] Power 0–Pnom
Range: Function:
100 [0 - Scale for the maximum output (20 mA) of the [139] Bus Control 0–100%
%* 200 %] analog signal at terminal 45. Set the value to be
the percentage of the full range of the variable 6-92 Terminal 42 Digital Output
selected in parameter 6-71 Terminal 45 Analog Option: Function:
Output. Select the function of
Terminal 42 as an analog
current output. See also
parameter 6-90 Terminal 42
Mode. See
parameter 5-40 Function
Relay for description of the

[0] * No operation
[1] Control Ready
[2] Drive ready
Illustration 3.11 Output Maximum Scale [3] Drive ready/remote control
[4] Standby / no warning
[5] Drive running
[6] Running / no warning
6-76 Terminal 45 Output Bus Control
[7] Run in range/no warning
Range: Function: [8] Run on ref/no warning
0* [0 - 16384 ] Holds the level of analog output if controlled [9] Alarm
by bus. [10] Alarm or warning
[12] Out of current range

3.7.5 6-9* Analog/Digital Output 42 [13] Below current, low

[14] Above current, high

Parameters for configuring the limits for analog/digital [16] Below speed, low
output terminal 42. Analog outputs are current outputs: [17] Above speed, high
0/4–20 mA. Resolution on analog outputs is 12 bit. Analog [19] Below feedback, low
output terminals can also be set up as digital output. [20] Above feedback, high
[21] Thermal warning
6-90 Terminal 42 Mode
[22] Ready, no thermal warning
Option: Function: [23] Remote, ready, no thermal
Set terminal 42 to act as analog output or warning
as digital output. [24] Ready, Voltage OK

58 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

6-92 Terminal 42 Digital Output 6-94 Terminal 42 Output Max Scale

Option: Function: Range: Function:
[25] Reverse 100 [0 - Scale for the maximum output (20 mA) of the
[26] Bus OK %* 200 %] scaling at terminal 42. Set the value to be the
[35] External Interlock percentage of the full range of the variable
Control word bit 11
Control word bit 12
selected in parameter 6–91 Terminal 42 Analog
3 3
[41] Below reference, low
[42] Above ref, high
[45] Bus Control
[60] Comparator 0
[61] Comparator 1
[62] Comparator 2
[63] Comparator 3
[64] Comparator 4
[65] Comparator 5
[70] Logic rule 0
[71] Logic rule 1 Illustration 3.12 Output Maximum Scale
[72] Logic rule 2
[73] Logic rule 3
[74] Logic rule 4
6-96 Terminal 42 Output Bus Control
[75] Logic rule 5
[80] SL digital output A Range: Function:
[81] SL digital output B 0* [0 - 16384 ] Hold the analog output at terminal 42 if
[82] SL digital output C controlled by bus.

[83] SL digital output D

[160] No alarm
[161] Running reverse
[165] Local ref. active
[166] Remote ref. active
[167] Start command activ
[168] Drive in hand mode
[169] Drive in auto mode
[190] No-Flow
[193] Sleep Mode
[194] Broken Belt Function
[196] Fire Mode
[198] Drive Bypass

6-93 Terminal 42 Output Min Scale

Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - Scale for the minimum output (0 mA or 4 mA)
200 %] of the analog signal at terminal 42. Set the
value to be the percentage of the full range
of the variable selected in parameter 6–
91 Terminal 42 Analog Output.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

3.8 Main Menu - Communications and 3.8.2 8-3* Drive

Options - Group 8
8-30 Protocol
3.8.1 8-0* General Settings Option: Function:
Select the protocol for the integrated RS485
3 3 8-01 Control Site
Option: Function: [0] * FC
Communication according to the Drive
This parameter overrules settings in Protocol.
parameter 8-50 Coasting Select to [2] Modbus Communication according to the Modbus RTU
parameter 8-56 Preset Reference Select. RTU protocol.
[3] Metasys Communication protocol. The N2 software
[0] * Digital and Control by using both digital input and
N2 protocol is designed to be general in nature to
ctrl.word control word.
accommodate the unique properties each
[1] Digital only Control by using digital inputs only. device may have.
[2] Controlword Control by using control word only. [4] FLN Communication according to the FLN protocol.
only [5] BACNet Communication according to the BACNet
8-02 Control Source
Option: Function: 8-31 Address

NOTICE Range: Function:

Size [ 0.0 - Enter the address for the RS485 port.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while
related* 247 ] Valid range: 1–126 for FC-bus OR 1–
the motor is running.
247 for Modbus.

Select the source of the control word.

8-32 Baud Rate
[0] None Option: Function:
[1] * FC Port
Select the baud rate for the RS485 port
8-03 Control Timeout Time Default refers to the FC protocol. Changing the
Range: Function: protocol in parameter 8-30 Protocol may
Size [0.1 - Enter the maximum time expected to pass change the baud rate.
related* 6500 s] between the reception of 2 consecutive Changing protocol in parameter 8-30 Protocol
telegrams. If this time is exceeded, it may change the baud rate.
indicates that the serial communication has [0] 2400 Baud
stopped. The function selected in [1] 4800 Baud Default setting for FLN.
parameter 8-04 Control Timeout Function is
[2] 9600 Baud Default setting for:
carried out.
• BACnet.

8-04 Control Timeout Function • Metasys N2.

Option: Function: [3] 19200 Baud Default setting for Modbus RTU.
Select the timeout function. The timeout [4] 38400 Baud
function is activated when the control
[5] 57600 Baud
word fails to be updated within the time
[6] 76800 Baud
period specified in parameter 8-03 Control
[7] 115200 Baud
Timeout Time.

[0] * Off 8-33 Parity / Stop Bits

[1] Freeze output Option: Function:
[2] Stop Parity and stop bits for the protocol
[3] Jogging using the FC port. For some of the
[4] Max. speed protocols, not all options are available.
[5] Stop and trip Default refers to the FC protocol.
[20] N2 Override This option is valid only when the protocol Changing protocol in parameter 8-30
Release is N2. Protocol may change the baud rate.

[0] Even Parity, 1 Stop


60 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

8-33 Parity / Stop Bits 8-42 PCD Write Configuration

Option: Function: Different parameters can be assigned to PCD 3–10 of the PPOs
[1] Odd Parity, 1 Stop (the number of PCDs depends on the PPO type). The values in
Bit PCD 3–10 are written to the selected parameters as data values.
[2] No Parity, 1 Stop Option: Function:
[3] No Parity, 2 Stop
[11] [590] Digital & Relay Bus
3 3
Bits [12] [676] Terminal45 Output Bus
8-35 Minimum Response Delay
[13] [696] Terminal 42 Output Bus
Range: Function: Control
Size [ 0.0010 - 0.5 Specify the minimum delay time [14] [894] Bus Feedback 1
related* s] between receiving a request and [15] FC Port CTW
transmitting a response. This is
[16] FC Port REF
used for overcoming modem
turnaround delays. 8-43 PCD Read Configuration
Different parameters can be assigned to PCD 3–10 of the PPOs
8-36 Maximum Response Delay (the number of PCDs depends on the PPO type). PCD 3–10 hold
Range: Function: the actual data value of the selected parameters.
Size [ 0.1 - Specify the maximum permissible Option: Function:
related* 10.0 s] delay time between receiving a [0] None
request and transmitting the response. [1] [1500] Operation Hours
If this time is exceeded, no response is
[2] [1501] Running Hours
[3] [1502] kWh Counter
[4] [1600] Control Word
8-37 Maximum Inter-char delay
[5] [1601] Reference [Unit]
Range: Function:
[6] [1602] Reference %
Size related* [ 0.005 - Specify the maximum delay time [7] [1603] Status Word
0.025 s] between 2 characters in a message.
[8] [1605] Main Actual Value [%]
Exceeding this delay time causes
[9] [1609] Custom Readout
the message to be discarded.
[10] [1610] Power [kW]
[11] [1611] Power [hp]
3.8.3 8-4* FC MC Protocol Set [12] [1612] Motor Voltage
[13] [1613] Frequency
This parameter group is for PCD write and read configu- [14] [1614] Motor Current
rations. [15] [1615] Frequency [%]
[16] [1618] Motor Thermal
8-42 PCD Write Configuration
[17] [1630] DC Link Voltage
Different parameters can be assigned to PCD 3–10 of the PPOs
[18] [1634] Heatsink Temp.
(the number of PCDs depends on the PPO type). The values in
[19] [1635] Inverter Thermal
PCD 3–10 are written to the selected parameters as data values.
[20] [1638] SL Controller State
Option: Function:
[21] [1650] External Reference
[0] None [22] [1652] Feedback [Unit]
[1] [302] Minimum Reference [23] [1660] Digital Input 18,19,27,33
[2] [303] Maximum Reference [24] [1661] Terminal 53 Switch Setting
[3] [341] Ramp 1 Ramp up time [25] [1662] Analog Input 53(V)
[4] [342] Ramp 1 Ramp down time [26] [1663] Terminal 54 Switch Setting
[5] [351] Ramp 2 Ramp up time [27] [1664] Analog Input 54
[6] [352] Ramp 2 Ramp down time [28] [1665] Analog Output 42 [mA]
[7] [380] Jog Ramp Time [29] [1671] Relay Output [bin]
[8] [381] Quick Stop Time [30] [1672] Counter A
[9] [412] Motor Speed Low Limit [31] [1673] Counter B
[32] [1690] Alarm Word
[10] [414] Motor Speed High Limit
[33] [1692] Warning Word

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

8-43 PCD Read Configuration 8-52 DC Brake Select

Different parameters can be assigned to PCD 3–10 of the PPOs Option: Function:
(the number of PCDs depends on the PPO type). PCD 3–10 hold
the actual data value of the selected parameters.
This parameter is active only when
Option: Function: parameter 8-01 Control Site is set to [0]
3 3 [34] [1694] Ext. Status Word Digital and control word.

3.8.4 8-5* Digital/Bus Select control of the DC brake via the terminals
(digital input).
Parameters for configuring the control word digital/bus [0] Digital Activates DC brake via a digital input.
merging. input
8-50 Coasting Select [1] Bus Activates DC brake via the serial communication
Option: Function:
[2] Logic Activates DC brake via the serial communication
AND port, and via 1 of the digital inputs.
This parameter is active only when
parameter 8-01 Control Site is set to [0] [3] Logic OR Activates DC brake via the serial communication
Digital and control word. port or via 1 of the digital inputs.

Select control of the coasting function via the 8-53 Start Select
terminals (digital input) and/or via the bus. Option: Function:
[0] Digital Activates coast via a digital input. NOTICE
input This parameter is active only when
[1] Bus Activates coast via the serial communication parameter 8-01 Control Site is set to [0]
port. Digital and control word.
[2] Logic Activates coast via the fieldbus/serial communi-
AND cation port, and via 1 of the digital inputs. Select control of the frequency converter start
function via the terminals (digital input).
[3] * Logic OR Activates coast via the serial communication port
or via 1 of the digital inputs. [0] Digital Activates a start command via a digital input.
8-51 Quick Stop Select [1] Bus Activates a start command via the serial
communication port or fieldbus options.
Option: Function:
[2] Logic Activates a start command via the serial
AND communication port, and via 1 of the digital
This parameter is active only when
parameter 8-01 Control Site is set to [0]
Digital and control word. [3] * Logic Activates a start command via the serial
OR communication port or via 1 of the digital inputs.
Select control of the quick stop function via the
terminals (digital input) and/or via the bus. 8-54 Reversing Select
Option: Function:
[0] Digital Activates quick stop via a digital input.
input NOTICE
[1] Bus Activates quick stop via the serial communi- This parameter is active only when
cation port. parameter 8-01 Control Site is set to [0]
Digital and control word.
[2] Logic Activates quick stop via the serial communi-
AND cation port, and via 1 of the digital inputs.
Select control of the frequency converter reverse
[3] * Logic OR Activates quick stop via the serial communi- function via the terminals (digital input) and/or
cation port or via 1 of the digital inputs. via the serial communication port.

[0] * Digital Activates a reverse command via a digital input.

[1] Bus Activates a reverse command via the serial
communication port.

62 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

8-54 Reversing Select 8-72 MS/TP Max Masters

Option: Function: Range: Function:
[2] Logic Activates a reverse command via the serial 127* [0 - 127 ] Define the address of the master, which holds
AND communication port, and via 1 of the digital the highest address in this network. Decreasing
inputs. this value optimizes polling for the token.

[3] Logic Activates a reverse command via the serial

8-73 MS/TP Max Info Frames
3 3
OR communication port or via 1 of the digital inputs.
Range: Function:
8-55 Set-up Select 1* [1 - 65534 ] Define how many info/data frames the device
Option: Function: is allowed to send while holding the token.

NOTICE 8-74 "I am" Service

This parameter is active only when
Option: Function:
parameter 8-01 Control Site is set to [0]
[0] * Send at Select when the device should send the I-
Digital and control word.
power-up Am service message only at power-up.

Select control of the frequency converter set-up [1] Continuously Select when the device should send the I-
selection via the terminals (digital input) and/or Am service message continuously with an
via the serial communication port. interval of approximately 1 minute.

[0] Digital Activates the set-up selection via a digital input.

8-75 Intialisation Password
[1] Bus Activates the set-up selection via the serial
Range: Function:
communication port. admin* [1 - 1 ] Enter the password needed for execution of
Drive Re-initialization from BACnet.
[2] Logic Activates the set-up selection via the serial
AND communication port, and via 1 of the digital
8-79 Protocol Firmware version
[3] * Logic Activate the set-up selection via the serial
Range: Function:
OR communication port or via 1 of the digital inputs.
Size [0 - Firmware revision of frequency
related* 65535 ] converter is in index 0, Modbus is in
8-56 Preset Reference Select
index 1, Metasys N2 is in index 2, FLN
Option: Function:
is in index 3, BACnet is in index 4.
Select control of the frequency converter preset
reference selection via the terminals (digital
input) and/or via the serial communication port. 3.8.6 8-8* FC Port Diagnostics
[0] Digital Activates the preset reference selection via a
These parameters are used for monitoring the bus
input digital input.
communication via the Drive port.
[1] Bus Activates the preset reference selection via the
serial communication port. 8-80 Bus Message Count
Range: Function:
[2] Logic Activates the preset reference selection via the
AND serial communication port, and via 1 of the 0* [0 - 4294967295 ] This parameter shows the number of
digital inputs. valid telegrams detected on the bus.

[3] * Logic OR Activates the preset reference selection via the 8-81 Bus Error Count
serial communication port or via 1 of the digital
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] This parameter shows the number of
telegrams with faults (for example, CRC
3.8.5 8-7* BACnet fault), detected on the bus.

8-70 BACnet Device Instance 8-82 Slave Messages Rcvd

Range: Function: Range: Function:
1* [0 - 4194303 ] Enter a unique ID number for the BACnet 0* [0 - 4294967295 ] This parameter shows the number of
device. valid telegrams addressed to the slave,
sent by the frequency converter.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

8-83 Slave Error Count

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] This parameter shows the number of
error telegrams, which the frequency
converter could not execute.

3 3 8-84 Slave Messages Sent

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] This parameter shows the number of
messages sent from the slave.

8-85 Slave Timeout Errors

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] This parameter shows the number of
slave timeout errors.

8-88 Reset FC port Diagnostics

Option: Function:
[0] * Do not reset
[1] Reset counter

3.8.7 8-9* Bus Feedback

8-94 Bus Feedback 1

Range: Function:
0* [-32768 - Write feedback to this parameter via the serial
32767 ] communication port. Select this parameter in
parameter 20-00 Feedback 1 Source or
parameter 20-03 Feedback 2 Source as a feedback
source. Hex value 4000 h corresponds to 100%
feedback/range is ±200%.

8-95 Bus Feedback 2

Range: Function:
0* [-32768 - Write a feedback to this parameter via the serial
32767 ] communication port. This parameter must be
selected in parameter 20-00 Feedback 1 Source or
parameter 20-03 Feedback 2 Source as a feedback
source. The hexadecimal value 4000 h
corresponds to ±200% in 100% feedback/range.

64 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.9 Main Menu - Smart Logic - Group 13 13-00 SL Controller Mode

Option: Function:
3.9.1 13-** Prog. Features
To enable the smart logic control to start when a start
command is present, for example, via a digital input,
Smart logic control (SLC) is a sequence of user-defined
Select [1] On. To disable the smart logic control, select
actions (see parameter 13-52 SL Controller Action [x])
executed by the SLC when the SLC evaluates the
[0] Off.
3 3
associated user-defined event (see parameter 13-51 SL [0] * Off Disables the smart logic controller.
Controller Event [x]) as true. Events and actions are each [1] On Enables the smart logic controller.
numbered and linked in pairs. This means that when [0]
event is fulfilled (attains the value true), [0] action is 13-01 Start Event
executed. After executing this action, the conditions of [1]
Option: Function:
event is evaluated. If it is evaluated as true, [1] action is
To activate smart logic control, select the
executed, and so on. Only 1 event is evaluated at any time.
boolean (true or false) input.
If an event is evaluated as false, nothing happens (in the
SLC) during the current scan interval and no other events [0] False Enters the fixed value of false in the logic
are evaluated. This means that when the SLC starts, it rule.
evaluates [0] event (and only [0] event) each scan interval.
[1] True Enters the fixed value true in the logic
Only when [0] event is evaluated true, the SLC executes [0]
action and start evaluating [1] event. It is possible to
program from 1–20 events and actions. When the last [2] Running The motor runs.
event/action has been executed, the sequence starts over [3] In range The motor runs within programmed
again from [0] event/[0] action. current ranges (parameter 4-50 Warning
Current Low and parameter 4-51 Warning
Current High).

[4] On reference The motor runs at reference speed.

[7] Out of current The motor current is outside the range set
range in parameter 4-18 Current Limit.

[8] Below I low The motor current is lower than set in

parameter 4-50 Warning Current Low.

[9] Above I high The motor current is higher than set in

parameter 4-51 Warning Current High.

[16] Thermal The thermal warning turns on when the

warning temperature exceeds the limit in the
Illustration 3.13 Example with 3 Event/Actions motor, the frequency converter, or the

[17] Mains out of Mains phase loss warning or alarm, if

Starting and stopping the SLC range parameter 14-12 Function at Mains
To start or stop the SLC, select [1] On or [2] Off in Imbalance is not set at [2] Disabled.
parameter 13-00 SL Controller Mode. The SLC always starts
[18] Reversing The frequency converter reverses.
in state 0 (where it evaluates [0] event). The SLC starts
when the start event (defined in parameter 13-01 Start [19] Warning A warning is present.
Event) is evaluated as true (if [1] On is selected in [20] Alarm (trip) An alarm is present.
parameter 13-00 SL Controller Mode). The SLC stops when
the stop event (parameter 13-02 Stop Event) is true. [21] Alarm (trip A trip lock alarm is present.
Parameter 13-03 Reset SLC resets all SLC parameters and lock)
starts programming from the beginning. [22] Comparator 0 Use the result of comparator 0 in the logic

3.9.2 13-0* SLC Settings [23] Comparator 1 Use the result of comparator 1 in the logic
To activate, deactivate, and reset the smart logic control [24] Comparator 2 Use the result of comparator 2 in the logic
sequence, use the SLC settings. The logic functions and rule.
comparators are always running in the background, which
[25] Comparator 3 Use the result of comparator 3 in the logic
opens for separate control of digital inputs and outputs.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

13-01 Start Event 13-02 Stop Event

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[26] Logic rule 0 Use the result of logic rule 0 in the logic [3] In range See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
rule. description.

[27] Logic rule 1 Use the result of logic rule 1 in the logic [4] On reference See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
3 3 rule. description.

[28] Logic rule 2 Use the result of logic rule 2 in the logic [7] Out of current See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
rule. range description.

[29] Logic rule 3 Use the result of logic rule 3 in the logic [8] Below I low See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
rule. description.

[33] Digital input Use the value of DI18 in the logic rule [9] Above I high See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
DI18 (High = true). description.

[34] Digital input Use the value of DI19 in the logic rule [16] Thermal See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
DI19 (High = true). warning description.

[35] Digital input Use the value of DI27 in the logic rule [17] Mains out of See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
DI27 (High = true). range description.

[36] Digital input Use the value of DI29 in the logic rule [18] Reversing See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
DI29 (High = true). description.

[39] Start This event is true if the frequency [19] Warning See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
* command converter is started (either via digital description.
input, fieldbus, or other).
[20] Alarm (trip) See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
[40] Drive stopped This event is true if the frequency description.
converter is stopped or coasted (either via
[21] Alarm (trip See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
digital input, fieldbus, or other).
lock) description.
[42] Auto Reset This event is true if the frequency
[22] Comparator 0 Use the result of comparator 0 in the
Trip converter is tripped (but not trip-locked)
logic rule.
and an automatic reset is issued.
[23] Comparator 1 Use the result of comparator 1 in the
[50] Comparator 4 Use the result of comparator 4 in the logic
logic rule.
[24] Comparator 2 Use the result of comparator 2 in the
[51] Comparator 5 Use the result of comparator 5 in the logic
logic rule.
[25] Comparator 3 Use the result of comparator 3 in the
[60] Logic rule 4 Use the result of logic rule 4 in the logic
logic rule.
[26] Logic rule 0 Use the result of logic rule 0 in the logic
[61] Logic rule 5 Use the result of logic rule 5 in the logic
[27] Logic rule 1 Use the result of logic rule 1 in the logic
[83] Broken Belt A broken-belt condition is detected.
Enable this function in
parameter 22-60 Broken Belt Function. [28] Logic rule 2 Use the result of logic rule 2 in the logic
13-02 Stop Event [29] Logic rule 3 Use the result of logic rule 3 in the logic
Option: Function: rule.
Select the condition (true or false) which [30] SL Time-out 0 Use the result of timer 0 in the logic rule.
deactivates the smart logic controller.
[31] SL Time-out 1 Use the result of timer 1 in the logic rule.
[0] False Enters the fixed value of false in the logic
[32] SL Time-out 2 Use the result of timer 2 in the logic rule.
[33] Digital input Use the value of DI18 in the logic rule
[1] True Enters the fixed value true in the logic
DI18 (High = true).
[34] Digital input Use the value of DI19 in the logic rule
[2] Running See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
DI19 (High = true).

66 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

13-02 Stop Event

Option: Function:
[35] Digital input Use the value of DI27 in the logic rule
DI27 (High = true).

[36] Digital input Use the value of DI29 in the logic rule
DI29 (High = true). 3 3
[39] Start command This event is true if the frequency Illustration 3.14 Comparators
converter is started by any means (either
via digital input, fieldbus, or other).

[40] Drive stopped This event is true if the frequency In addition, there are digital values that are compared to
* converter is stopped or coasted by any fixed time values. See the explanation in
means (either via digital input, fieldbus, parameter 13-10 Comparator Operand. Comparators are
or other). evaluated once in each scan interval. Use the result (true
or false) directly. All parameters in this parameter group
[42] Auto Reset Trip This event is true if the frequency
are array parameters with index 0–5. Select index 0 to
converter is tripped (but not trip-locked)
program comparator 0, select index 1 to program
and an automatic reset is issued.
comparator 1, and so on.
[50] Comparator 4 Use the result of comparator 4 in the
logic rule.
13-10 Comparator Operand
Array [6]
[51] Comparator 5 Use the result of comparator 5 in the
logic rule. Option: Function:
Select the variable to be monitored by
[60] Logic rule 4 Use the result of logic rule 4 in the logic
the comparator.
[0] * Disabled
[61] Logic rule 5 Use the result of logic rule 5 in the logic
[1] Reference
[2] Feedback
[70] SL Time-out 3 Use the result of timer 3 in the logic rule. [3] Motor speed
[71] SL Time-out 4 Use the result of timer 4 in the logic rule. [4] Motor Current
[6] Motor power
[72] SL Time-out 5 Use the result of timer 5 in the logic rule.
[7] Motor voltage
[73] SL Time-out 6 Use the result of timer 6 in the logic rule. [12] Analog input AI53
[74] SL Time-out 7 Use the result of timer 7 in the logic rule. [13] Analog input AI54
[20] Alarm number
[83] Broken Belt A broken-belt condition has been
detected. Enable this function in [30] Counter A
parameter 22-60 Broken Belt Function. [31] Counter B

13-11 Comparator Operator

13-03 Reset SLC
Array [6]
Option: Function:
Option: Function:
[0] * Do not reset Retains programmed settings in parameter
SLC group 13-** Smart Logic. [0] Less Than (<) Select [0] < for the result of the evaluation
to be true, when the variable selected in
[1] Reset SLC Resets all parameters in parameter group parameter 13-10 Comparator Operand is
13-** Smart Logic to default settings. smaller than the fixed value in
parameter 13-12 Comparator Value. The
result is false, if the variable selected in
3.9.3 13-1* Comparators
parameter 13-10 Comparator Operand is
greater than the fixed value in
Comparators are used for comparing continuous variables
parameter 13-12 Comparator Value.
(such as output frequency, output current, and analog
input) to fixed preset values. [1] Approx.Equal Select [1] ≈ for the result of the evaluation
* (~) to be true, when the variable selected in
parameter 13-10 Comparator Operand is
approximately equal to the fixed value in
parameter 13-12 Comparator Value.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

13-11 Comparator Operator

Array [6]
Option: Function:
[2] Greater Than Select [2] > for the inverse logic of option
(>) [0] <.
3 3 13-12 Comparator Value
Array [6] Illustration 3.15 Logic Rules
Range: Function:
0* [-9999 - Enter the trigger level for the variable that is
9999 ] monitored by this comparator. This Priority of calculation
parameter is an array parameter containing The results of parameter 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1,
comparator values 0–5. parameter 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1, and
parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 are calculated first.
The outcome (true/false) of this calculation is combined
3.9.4 13-2* Timers with the settings of parameter 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2
and parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3, yielding the final
Use the result (true or false) from timers directly to define result (true/false) of the logic rule.
an event (see parameter 13-51 SL Controller Event), or as
13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1
boolean input in a logic rule (see parameter 13-40 Logic
Rule Boolean 1, parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2, or Array [6]
parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3). A timer is only false Option: Function:
when started by an action (for example [29] Start timer 1) [0] * False Enters the fixed value of false in the logic
until the timer value entered in this parameter is elapsed. rule.
Then it becomes true again.
[1] True Enters the fixed value true in the logic
All parameters in this parameter group are array
parameters with index 0–2. Select index 0 to program
timer 0, select index 1 to program timer 1, and so on. [2] Running See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
13-20 SL Controller Timer
[3] In range See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
Array [8]
Range: Function:
[4] On reference See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
0 s* [0 - Enter the value to define the duration of the
3600 s] false output from the programmed timer. A timer
is only false if it is started by an action (see [7] Out of current See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
parameter 13-52 SL Controller Action [29–31] and range description.
parameter 13-52 SL Controller Action [70–74] Start
[8] Below I low See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
timer X) and until the timer value has elapsed.
Array parameters contain timers 0–7.
[9] Above I high See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
3.9.5 13-4* Logic Rules
[16] Thermal See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
warning description.
Combine up to 3 boolean inputs (true/false inputs) from
timers, comparators, digital inputs, status bits, and events [17] Mains out of See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
using the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT. Select range description.
boolean inputs for the calculation in parameter 13-40 Logic [18] Reversing See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
Rule Boolean 1, parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2, and description.
parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3. Define the operators
[19] Warning See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further
used to combine the selected inputs logically in
parameter 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1 and
parameter 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2. [20] Alarm (trip) See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further

[21] Alarm (trip lock) See parameter 13-01 Start Event for further

68 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1

Array [6] Array [6]
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[22] Comparator 0 Use the result of comparator 0 in the [71] SL Time-out 4 Use the result of timer 4 in the logic rule.
logic rule.
[72] SL Time-out 5 Use the result of timer 5 in the logic rule.
[23] Comparator 1 Use the result of comparator 1 in the
[73] SL Time-out 6 Use the result of timer 6 in the logic rule.
3 3
logic rule.
[74] SL Time-out 7 Use the result of timer 7 in the logic rule.
[24] Comparator 2 Use the result of comparator 2 in the
logic rule. [83] Broken Belt A broken-belt condition has been
detected. Enable this function in
[25] Comparator 3 Use the result of comparator 3 in the
parameter 22-60 Broken Belt Function.
logic rule.

[26] Logic rule 0 Use the result of logic rule 0 in the logic 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1
rule. Option: Function:
[27] Logic rule 1 Use the result of logic rule 1 in the logic [0] * Disabled
rule. [1] AND

[28] Logic rule 2 Use the result of logic rule 2 in the logic [2] OR
rule. [3] AND NOT
[4] OR NOT
[29] Logic rule 3 Use the result of logic rule 3 in the logic
[6] NOT OR
[30] SL Time-out 0 Use the result of timer 0 in the logic rule. [7] NOT AND NOT
[31] SL Time-out 1 Use the result of timer 1 in the logic rule. [8] NOT OR NOT

[32] SL Time-out 2 Use the result of timer 2 in the logic rule. 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2
[33] Digital input Use the value of DI18 in the logic rule Array [6]
DI18 (High = true). Option: Function:
[34] Digital input Use the value of DI19 in the logic rule Select the 2nd boolean (true or false)
DI19 (High = true). input for the selected logic rule.
[35] Digital input Use the value of DI27 in the logic rule See parameter 13-40 Logic Rule
DI27 (High = true). Boolean 1 for further descriptions of
options and their functions.
[36] Digital input Use the value of DI29 in the logic rule
DI29 (High = true). [0] * False

[39] Start command This logic rule is true if the frequency [1] True
converter is started by any means (either [2] Running
via digital input, or other). [3] In range
[4] On reference
[40] Drive stopped This logic rule is true if the frequency
[7] Out of current range
converter is stopped or coasted by any
[8] Below I low
means (either via digital input, or other).
[9] Above I high
[42] Auto Reset Trip This logic rule is true if the frequency [16] Thermal warning
converter is tripped (but not trip-locked)
[17] Mains out of range
and an automatic reset is issued.
[18] Reversing
[50] Comparator 4 Use the result of comparator 4 in the [19] Warning
logic rule. [20] Alarm (trip)
[51] Comparator 5 Use the result of comparator 5 in the [21] Alarm (trip lock)
logic rule. [22] Comparator 0
[23] Comparator 1
[60] Logic rule 4 Use the result of logic rule 4 in the logic
[24] Comparator 2
[25] Comparator 3
[61] Logic rule 5 Use the result of logic rule 5 in the logic [26] Logic rule 0
[27] Logic rule 1
[70] SL Time-out 3 Use the result of timer 3 in the logic rule. [28] Logic rule 2

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2

Array [6] Array [6]
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[29] Logic rule 3 [8] NOT OR NOT
[30] SL Time-out 0
3 3 [31] SL Time-out 1
13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3
Array [6]
[32] SL Time-out 2
[33] Digital input DI18 Option: Function:
[34] Digital input DI19 Select the 3rd boolean (true or false)
[35] Digital input DI27 input for the selected logic rule.
[36] Digital input DI29 See parameter 13-40 Logic Rule
[39] Start command Boolean 1 for further descriptions of
[40] Drive stopped options and their functions.
[42] Auto Reset Trip
[0] * False
[50] Comparator 4
[1] True
[51] Comparator 5
[2] Running
[60] Logic rule 4
[3] In range
[61] Logic rule 5
[4] On reference
[70] SL Time-out 3
[7] Out of current range
[71] SL Time-out 4
[8] Below I low
[72] SL Time-out 5
[9] Above I high
[73] SL Time-out 6
[16] Thermal warning
[74] SL Time-out 7
[17] Mains out of range
[83] Broken Belt A broken-belt condition has been
[18] Reversing
detected. Enable this function in
[19] Warning
parameter 22-60 Broken Belt Function.
[20] Alarm (trip)

13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2 [21] Alarm (trip lock)

[22] Comparator 0
Array [6]
[23] Comparator 1
Option: Function:
[24] Comparator 2
Select the 2nd logical operator to be used [25] Comparator 3
on the boolean input calculated in [26] Logic rule 0
parameter 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1,
[27] Logic rule 1
parameter 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1,
[28] Logic rule 2
parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2, and
[29] Logic rule 3
the boolean input coming from
[30] SL Time-out 0
parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2.
[31] SL Time-out 1
[13–44] signifies the boolean input of
[32] SL Time-out 2
parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3.
[13-40/13-42] signifies the boolean input [33] Digital input DI18
calculated in parameter 13-40 Logic Rule [34] Digital input DI19
Boolean 1, parameter 13-41 Logic Rule [35] Digital input DI27
Operator 1, and parameter 13-42 Logic Rule [36] Digital input DI29
Boolean 2. [0] Disabled (factory setting): [39] Start command
Select this option to ignore [40] Drive stopped
parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3. [42] Auto Reset Trip

[0] * Disabled [50] Comparator 4

[1] AND [51] Comparator 5

[2] OR [60] Logic rule 4

[3] AND NOT [61] Logic rule 5

[4] OR NOT [70] SL Time-out 3

[5] NOT AND [71] SL Time-out 4

[6] NOT OR [72] SL Time-out 5

[7] NOT AND NOT [73] SL Time-out 6

[74] SL Time-out 7

70 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3 13-51 SL Controller Event

Array [6] Array [20]
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[83] Broken Belt [71] SL Time-out 4
[72] SL Time-out 5
3.9.6 13-5* States [73] SL Time-out 6 3 3
[74] SL Time-out 7

13-51 SL Controller Event [83] Broken Belt

Array [20] 13-52 SL Controller Action

Option: Function: Array [20]
Select the boolean input (true or Option: Function:
false) to define the smart logic
Select the action corresponding to the
controller event.
SLC event. Actions are executed when
See parameter 13-02 Stop Event for the corresponding event (defined in
further descriptions of options and parameter 13-51 SL Controller Event) is
their functions. evaluated as true. The following actions
are available for selection:
[0] * False
[100] ResetAlarm
[1] True
[0] * Disabled
[2] Running
[1] No action
[3] In range
[2] Select set-up 1 Changes the active set-up
[4] On reference
(parameter 0-10 Active Set-up) to set-up
[7] Out of current range
[8] Below I low
[3] Select set-up 2 Changes the active set-up
[9] Above I high
(parameter 0-10 Active Set-up) to set-up
[16] Thermal warning
[17] Mains out of range
[10] Select preset ref Selects preset reference 0.
[18] Reversing
[19] Warning
[11] Select preset ref Selects preset reference 1.
[20] Alarm (trip) 1
[21] Alarm (trip lock) [12] Select preset ref Selects preset reference 2.
[22] Comparator 0 2
[23] Comparator 1 [13] Select preset ref Selects preset reference 3.
[24] Comparator 2 3
[25] Comparator 3 [14] Select preset ref Selects preset reference 4.
[26] Logic rule 0 4
[27] Logic rule 1 [15] Select preset ref Selects preset reference 5.
[28] Logic rule 2 5
[29] Logic rule 3 [16] Select preset ref Selects preset reference 6.
[30] SL Time-out 0 6
[31] SL Time-out 1 [17] Select preset ref Selects preset reference 7. If the active
[32] SL Time-out 2 7 preset reference is changed, it merges
[33] Digital input DI18 with other preset reference commands
[34] Digital input DI19 coming from either the digital inputs or
[35] Digital input DI27 via a fieldbus.
[36] Digital input DI29 [18] Select ramp 1 Selects ramp 1.
[39] Start command [19] Select ramp 2 Selects ramp 2.
[40] Drive stopped [22] Run Issues a start command to the
[42] Auto Reset Trip frequency converter.

[50] Comparator 4 [23] Run reverse Issues a start reverse command to the
frequency converter.
[51] Comparator 5
[24] Stop Issues a stop command to the
[60] Logic rule 4
frequency converter.
[61] Logic rule 5
[70] SL Time-out 3

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

13-52 SL Controller Action

Array [20]
Option: Function:
[25] Qstop Issues a quick stop command to the
frequency converter.
3 3 [26] DC Brake Issues a DC stop command to the
frequency converter.
[27] Coast The frequency converter coasts
immediately. All stop commands
including the coast command stop the
[28] Freeze output Freezes the output frequency of the
frequency converter.
[29] Start timer 0 Starts timer 0, see parameter 13-20 SL
Controller Timer for further description.
[30] Start timer 1 Starts timer 1, see parameter 13-20 SL
Controller Timer for further description.
[31] Start timer 2 Starts timer 2, see parameter 13-20 SL
Controller Timer for further description.
[32] Set digital out A Any output with digital output 1
low selected is low (off).
[33] Set digital out B Any output with digital output 2
low selected is low (off).
[34] Set digital out C Any output with digital output 3
low selected is low (off).
[35] Set digital out D Any output with digital output 4
low selected is low (off).
[38] Set digital out A Any output with digital output 1
high selected is high (closed).
[39] Set digital out B Any output with digital output 2
high selected is high (closed).
[40] Set digital out C Any output with digital output 3
high selected is high (closed).
[41] Set digital out D Any output with digital output 4
high selected is high (closed).
[60] Reset Counter A Resets counter A to 0.
[61] Reset Counter B Resets counter B to 0.
[70] Start Timer 3 Starts timer 3, see parameter 13-20 SL
Controller Timer for further description.
[71] Start Timer 4 Starts timer 4, see parameter 13-20 SL
Controller Timer for further description.
[72] Start Timer 5 Starts timer 5, see parameter 13-20 SL
Controller Timer for further description.
[73] Start Timer 6 Starts timer 6, see parameter 13-20 SL
Controller Timer for further description.
[74] Start Timer 7 Starts timer 7, see parameter 13-20 SL
Controller Timer for further description.
[100] Reset Alarm Reset the alarm.

72 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.10 Main Menu - Special Functions - Group 14-07 Dead Time Compensation Level
14 Range: Function:
Size [0 - Level of applied dead time compensation
3.10.1 14-0* Inverter Switching related* 100 ] in percentage. A high level (>90%)
optimizes the dynamic motor response. A
14-01 Switching Frequency
Option: Function:
level 50–90% is suitable for both motor-
torque-ripple minimization and motor
3 3
Select the inverter switching frequency. Changing dynamics. A 0 level turns off the dead
the switching frequency can help to reduce time compensation.
acoustic noise from the motor.
14-08 Damping Gain Factor
NOTICE Range: Function:
High switching frequencies increase heat
Size related* [0 - Set the damping factor for DC-link
generation in the frequency converter and
100 %] voltage compensation. See
may reduce its lifetime.
parameter 14-51 DC-Link Voltage
Not all options are available in all power 14-09 Dead Time Bias Current Level
sizes. Range: Function:
Size related* [0 - 100 %] To add to the current-sense signal for
NOTE: The output frequency value of the dead time compensation for some
frequency converter must never exceed 1/10 of motors, set a bias signal (in
the switching frequency. When the motor runs, percentage).
adjust the switching frequency in
parameter 14-01 Switching Frequency until the
motor is as noiseless as possible. See also 3.10.2 14-1* Mains On/Off
parameter 14-00 Switching Pattern and the section
Derating. Parameters for configuring mains failure monitoring and
[0] Ran3 3 kHz true random PWM (white noise
modulation). 14-10 Mains Failure
[1] Ran5 5 kHz true random PWM (white noise Configure the action of the frequency converter when the mains
modulation). voltage is below the mains voltage limit configured in
parameter 14-11 Mains Voltage at Mains Fault.
[2] 2.0 kHz
Option: Function:
[3] 3.0 kHz
[4] 4.0 kHz [0] * No function

[5] 5.0 kHz [3] Coasting

[6] 6.0 kHz 14-11 Mains Voltage at Mains Fault

[7] 8.0 kHz
Range: Function:
[8] 10.0 kHz
Size related* [100 - Use this parameter to define at which
[9] 12.0 kHz
800 V] AC voltage the function selected in
[10] 16.0 kHz
parameter 14-10 Mains Failure should
14-03 Overmodulation be activated.

Option: Function:
14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance
[0] * Off Selects no overmodulation of the output voltage to
avoid torque ripple on the motor shaft.
Option: Function:

[1] On The overmodulation function generates an extra

voltage of up to 8% of Umax output voltage without Selecting this option may reduce the life
overmodulation, which results in an extra torque of time of the frequency converter.
10–12% in the middle of the over-synchronous range Operation under severe mains imbalance
(from 0% at nominal speed rising to approximately conditions reduces the lifetime of the motor. If
12% at double nominal speed). the motor is operated continuously near nominal
load, conditions are considered severe.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance 14-20 Reset Mode

Option: Function: Option: Function:
When a severe mains imbalance is detected, [5] Automatic reset x
select 1 of the available functions. 5
[0] * Trip Trips the frequency converter. [6] Automatic reset x

3 3 [1]
Warning Issues a warning.
Disabled No action. [7]
Automatic reset x
[3] Derate The frequency converter would derate. 7
[8] Automatic reset x
3.10.3 14-2* Trip Reset 8
[9] Automatic reset x
14-20 Reset Mode
[10] Automatic reset x
Option: Function: 10
NOTICE [11] Automatic reset x
The motor may start without 15
warning. If the specified number of [12] Automatic reset x
automatic resets is reached within 20
10 minutes, the frequency [13] Infinite auto reset Select [13] Infinite Automatic Reset for
converter enters manual reset continuous resetting after tripping.
mode. After the manual reset is
performed, the setting of 14-21 Automatic Restart Time
parameter 14-20 Reset Mode reverts Range: Function:
to the original selection. If the
10 s* [0 - 600 To start the automatic reset function, enter the
number of automatic resets is not
s] time interval from trip. This parameter is active
reached within 10 minutes, or
when parameter 14-20 Reset Mode is set to [1] -
when a manual reset is performed,
[13] Automatic reset.
the internal automatic reset
counter returns to 0. 14-22 Operation Mode
Option: Function:
To reset all parameter values to default, select
Automatic reset is also active for
[2] initialisation.
resetting Safe Torque Off (STO) function.
[0] Normal Select [0] Normal operation for normal
* operation operation of the frequency converter with the
The setting in parameter 14-20 Reset
motor in the selected application.
Mode is disregarded if fire mode is
active (see parameter group 24-0*, Fire [2] Initiali- Select [2] initialisation to reset all parameter
Mode). sation values to default settings, excluding bus
Select the reset function after tripping. communication parameters, parameter groups
Once reset, the frequency converter can 15-0* Operating Data and 15-3* Alarm Log. The
be restarted. frequency converter is reset during the next
[0] * Manual reset Select [0] Manual reset, to reset the Parameter 14-22 Operation Mode also reverts to
frequency converter via [Reset] or via the default setting [0] Normal operation.
the digital inputs.

[1] Automatic reset x Select [1]-[12] Automatic reset x 1…x20 14-27 Action At Inverter Fault
1 to perform between 1 and 20 automatic Select how the frequency converter acts in the case of
resets after tripping. overvoltage, overcurrent, short circuit, or grounding errors.
[2] Automatic reset x Option: Function:
2 [0] Trip
[3] Automatic reset x [1] * Warning
[4] Automatic reset x 14-29 Service Code
4 Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0x7FFFFFFF ] Service use only.

74 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.10.4 14-3* Current Limit Control 14-44 d-axis current optimization for IPM
Range: Function:
Parameters for configuring the current limit controller, 100 %* [0 - 200 %] Parameter group for configuring special
which is activated when the motor current exceeds the frequency converter functions.
preset current limits (see parameter 4-18 Current Limit).
These parameters are used to reduce torque as quickly as
possible without losing control of the motor. 3.10.6 14-5* Environment 3 3
14-30 Current Lim Ctrl, Proportional Gain
These parameters help the frequency converter to operate
Range: Function: under special environmental conditions.
100 %* [0 - 500 %] Enter the proportional gain value for the
current limit controller. A higher value 14-50 RFI Filter
makes the controller react faster. Excessive This parameter is only valid for frequency converters of the
value setting leads to controller instability. following enclosure sizes:

• IP20, 3x200–240 V, enclosure sizes H6–H8

14-31 Current Lim Ctrl, Integration Time
• IP20, 3x380–480 V, enclosure sizes H6–H8
Range: Function:
0.020 s* [0.002 - 2 s] Control the current limit control
• IP54, 3x380–480 V, enclosure sizes I6–I8

integration time. Setting it to a lower • IP20, 3x525–600 V, enclosure sizes H6–H10

value makes it react faster. A setting too
Option: Function:
low leads to control instability.
[0] Off Select [0] Off only if the frequency converter is fed by
an isolated mains source (IT mains).
14-32 Current Lim Ctrl, Filter Time
In this mode, the internal RFI filter capacitors between
Range: Function:
chassis and the mains RFI filter circuit are cut out to
5 ms* [1 - 100 ms] Set a time constant for the current limit reduce the ground capacity currents.
controller low-pass filter.
[1] * On Select [1] On to ensure that the frequency converter
complies with EMC standards.
3.10.5 14-4* Energy Optimization
14-51 DC-Link Voltage Compensation
Parameters for adjusting the energy optimization level in Option: Function:
both variable torque (VT) and automatic energy optimi- [0] Off The overmodulation for output voltage is off to avoid
zation (AEO) mode. torque ripple on the motor shaft.

[1] * On Enables the overmodulation for output voltage to

Automatic energy optimization is only active if
obtain an output voltage up to 15% greater than the
parameter 1-03 Torque Characteristics is set for [3] Auto
mains voltage.
Energy Optim.

14-40 VT Level 14-52 Fan Control

Range: Function: This parameter is only valid for frequency converters of the
following enclosure sizes:
90 %* [40 - NOTICE
90 %]
This parameter cannot be adjusted • IP20, 3x200–240 V, enclosure sizes H6–H8
while the motor is running. • IP20, 3x380–480 V, enclosure sizes H6–H8

• IP54, 3x380–480 V, enclosure sizes I6–I8

Enter the level of motor magnetization at low
speed. Low values reduce energy loss in the • IP20, 3x525–600 V, enclosure sizes H6–H10

motor, but also reduce load capability. Option: Function:

[0] * Auto
14-41 AEO Minimum Magnetisation
[4] Auto Low Temp Env.
Range: Function:
66 %* [40 - 75 %] Enter the minimum allowable magnetization
for AEO. Low values reduce energy loss in
the motor, but also reduce resistance to
sudden load changes.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

14-53 Fan Monitor 14-64 Dead Time Compensation Zero Current Level
Select which reaction the frequency converter should take in If a long motor cable is used, set the parameter to [0] Disabled to
case a fan fault is detected. This parameter is only valid for minimize the motor-torque ripple.
frequency converters of the following enclosure sizes: Option: Function:
• IP20, 3x200–240 V, enclosure sizes H6–H8. [0] * Disabled
3 3 • IP20, 3x380–480 V, enclosure sizes H6–H8. [1] Enabled

• IP54, 3x380–480 V, enclosure sizes I6–I8. 14-65 Speed Derate Dead Time Compensation
• IP20, 3x525–600 V, enclosure sizes H6–H10. Range: Function:
Size [ 20 - Dead time compensation level is reduced
Option: Function:
related* 1000 Hz] linearly from the maximum level of the
[0] Disabled
output frequency set in
[1] * Warning parameter 14-07 Dead Time Compensation
[2] Trip Level to the minimum level of the output
frequency set in this parameter.
14-55 Output Filter
Select whether an output filter is present.
Option: Function: 3.10.8 14-9* Fault Settings
[0] * No Filter
The parameter group for fault customization settings.
[1] Sine-Wave Filter
[3] Sine-Wave Filter 14-90 Fault Level
with Feedback Use this parameter to customize fault levels. Only index 7, which
[4] dv/dt This option in only valid for the indicates overcurrent faults, is supported.
frequency converter of the following
Option: Function:
enclosure sizes:
[3] * Trip lock Alarm is set to trip lock level.
• IP20, 3x200-240 V, enclosure
sizes H6-H8 [4] Trip w. Alarm is configured into trip alarm, which
delayed reset can be reset after a delay time. For
• IP20, 3x380-480 V, enclosure
example, if overcurrent alarm is configured
sizes H6-H8
to this option, it can be reset 3 minutes
• IP54, 3x380-480 V, enclosure after the alarm is reported.
sizes I6-I8
[5] Flystart The frequency converter tries to catch a
• IP20, 3x525-600 V, enclosure motor spinning when starting. If this option
sizes H6-H10 is selected, parameter 1-73 Flying Start s set
to [1] Enabled.

3.10.7 14-6* Auto Derate

Parameter group for configuring automatic derating based

on the output frequency of the frequency converter.

14-63 Min Switch Frequency

Set the minimum switching frequency allowed by the output
Option: Function:
[2] * 2.0 kHz
[3] 3.0 kHz
[4] 4.0 kHz
[5] 5.0 kHz
[6] 6.0 kHz
[7] 8.0 kHz
[8] 10.0 kHz
[9] 12.0 kHz
[10] 16.0 kHz

76 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.11 Main Menu - Drive Information - Group 15-06 Reset kWh Counter
15 Option: Function:
[1] Reset counter To reset the kWh counter to 0, select [1]
Parameter group containing frequency converter
Reset and press [OK] (see
information such as operating data, hardware configu-
parameter 15-02 kWh Counter).
ration, and software versions.
15-07 Reset Running Hours Counter
3 3
3.11.1 15-0* Operating Data Option: Function:
[0] * Do not reset
15-00 Operating hours [1] Reset counter To reset the running hours counter, select [1]
Range: Function: Reset counter and press [OK]
0 h* [0 - 0x7fffffff. h] View how many hours the frequency (parameter 15-01 Running Hours) to 0 (see
converter has run. The value is saved also parameter 15-01 Running Hours).
when the frequency converter is turned
3.11.2 15-3* Alarm Log
15-01 Running Hours
Parameters in this group are array parameters, where up to
Range: Function:
10 fault logs can be viewed. [0] is the most recent logged
0 h* [0 - View how many hours the motor has run. data, and [9] the oldest. Fault codes, values, and time
0x7fffffff. h] Reset the counter in parameter 15-07 Reset
stamp can be viewed for all logged data.
Running Hours Counter. The value is saved
when the frequency converter is turned off. 15-30 Alarm Log: Error Code
Range: Function:
15-02 kWh Counter 0* [0 - 255 ] View the fault code and look up its meaning in
Range: Function: chapter 4 Troubleshooting.
0 kWh* [0 - 65535 View the output power of the frequency
kWh] converter in kWh as a mean value over 1 15-31 InternalFaultReason
hour. Reset the counter in Range: Function:
parameter 15-06 Reset kWh Counter. 0* [-32767 - 32767 ] View a description of the error. This
parameter is used with alarm 38, Internal
15-03 Power Up's Fault.
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 2147483647 ] View the number of times the frequency
3.11.3 15-4* Drive Identification
converter has been powered up.

Parameters containing read-only information about the

15-04 Over Temp's
hardware and software configuration of the frequency
Range: Function: converter.
0* [0 - 65535 ] View the number of frequency converter
temperature faults that have occurred. 15-40 FC Type
Range: Function:
15-05 Over Volt's 0* [0 - 6 ] View the FC type code. The readout is identical to
Range: Function: the frequency converter series power field of the
0* [0 - 65535 ] View the number of frequency converter type code definition, characters 1–6.
overvoltages that have occurred.
15-41 Power Section
15-06 Reset kWh Counter Range: Function:
Option: Function: 0* [0 - 20 ] View the FC type code. The readout is identical to
the frequency converter series power field of the
NOTICE type code definition, characters 7–10.
To reset, press [OK].

[0] * Do not reset

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

15-42 Voltage
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 20 ] View the FC type code.The readout is identical to
the frequency converter series power field of the
type code definition, characters 11–12.

3 3 15-43 Software Version

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0 ] View the software version of the frequency

15-44 Ordered TypeCode

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 40 ] View the type code string used for reordering the
frequency converter in its original configuration.

15-45 Actual Typecode String

Range: Function:
0 [0 - 40 ] View the actual type code string.

15-46 Drive Ordering No

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 8 ] View the 8-digit ordering number for reordering
the frequency converter in its original configu-

15-48 LCP Id No
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0 ] View the LCP ID number.

15-49 SW ID Control Card

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0 ] View the control card software version number.

15-50 SW ID Power Card

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0 ] View the power card software version number.

15-51 Drive Serial Number

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 10 ] View the frequency converter serial number.

15-53 Power Card Serial Number

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0 ] View the power card serial number.

15-59 Filename
Range: Function:
0 [0 - 16 ] View the current CSIV file name.

78 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.12 Main Menu - Data Readouts - Group 16 Bit Bit = 0 Bit = 1

00 Control not ready Ready
3.12.1 16-0* General Status 01 Drive not ready Ready
02 Coasting Enable
16-00 Control Word 03 No fault Trip
[0 - 65535 ] View the control word sent from the frequency
04 No warning
05 Reserved

3 3
converter via the serial communication port in 06 No trip lock Trip lock
hex code. 07 No warning Warning
08 Speed ≠ ref. Speed = ref.
Bit Bit = 0 Bit = 1 09 Local control Bus control
00 Preset reference option lsb – 10 Out of range Frequency OK
01 Preset reference option 2nd bit of 11 Not running Running
preset references – 12 No function No function
13 Voltage OK Above limit
02 DC brake Ramp 14 Current OK Above limit
03 Coasting Enable 15 Thermal-level OK Above limit
04 Quick stop Ramp
05 Freeze output Ramp Table 3.7 Status Word
06 Ramp stop Start
07 No function Reset 16-05 Main Actual Value [%]
08 No function Jog Range: Function:
09 Ramp 1 Ramp 2 0 %* [-200 - 200 %] View the 2 byte word sent with the status
10 Data not valid Valid word to the bus master reporting the
11 Relay_A not active Relay_A activated main actual value.
12 Relay_B not active Relay_B activated
13 Choice of set-up lsb – 16-09 Custom Readout
14 No function No function Range: Function:
15 No function Reversing 0 CustomRea- [0 - 9999 View the user-defined readouts
doutUnit* CustomRea- as defined in
Table 3.6 Control Word
doutUnit] parameter 0-30 Custom Readout
Unit, parameter 0-31 Custom
16-01 Reference [Unit] Readout Min Value, and
Range: Function: parameter 0-32 Custom Readout
0 ReferenceFeed- [-4999 - 4999 View the present reference Max Value.
backUnit* ReferenceFeed- value applied on impulse
backUnit] or analog basis in the unit
3.12.2 16-1* Motor Status
resulting from the configu-
ration selected in
parameter 1-00 Configu- 16-10 Power [kW]
ration Mode (Hz). Range: Function:
0 kW* [0 - 1000 Displays the actual motor power in kW.
16-02 Reference [%] kW] The value shown is calculated on the basis
Range: Function: of the actual motor voltage and motor
0 %* [-200 - 200 %] View the total reference. The total current.
reference is the sum of digital, analog,
preset, bus, and freeze references. 16-11 Power [hp]
Range: Function:
16-03 Status Word 0 hp* [0 - 1000 View the actual motor power in hp. The
Range: Function: hp] value shown is calculated based on the
0* [0 - 65535 ] View the status word sent from the frequency actual motor voltage and motor current.
converter via the serial communication port in
hex code.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

16-12 Motor Voltage 3.12.3 16-3* Drive Status

Range: Function:
0 V* [0 - 65535 V] View the motor voltage, a calculated value 16-30 DC Link Voltage
used for controlling the motor. Range: Function:
0 V* [0 - 65535 V] Shows the actual DC-link voltage.
3 3 16-13 Frequency
Range: Function: 16-34 Heatsink Temp.
0 Hz* [0 - 6553.5 Hz] View the motor frequency, without Range: Function:
resonance damping. 0 °C* [-128 - 127 °C] View the heat sink temperature of the
frequency converter.
16-14 Motor current
Range: Function: 16-35 Inverter Thermal
0 A* [0 - 655.35 A] View the motor current measured as an Range: Function:
average value, IRMS. 0 %* [0 - 255 %] View the percentage of thermal load on the
frequency converter. At 100%, a trip occurs.
16-15 Frequency [%]
Range: Function: 16-36 Inv. Nom. Current
0 %* [0 - View a 2-byte word reporting the actual Range: Function:
6553.5 %] motor frequency (without resonance 0 A* [0 - 655.35 A] View the inverter nominal current. The data
damping) as a percentage (scale 0000–4000 is used for motor overload protection, and
hex) of parameter 4-19 Max Output so on.
16-37 Inv. Max. Current
16-16 Torque [Nm]
Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0 A* [0 - 655.35 A] View the inverter maximum current. The
0 Nm* [-30000 - View the torque value that is applied on data is used for calculation of frequency
30000 Nm] the motor shaft. Some motors supply more converter protection, and so on.
than 160% torque. Consequently, the
minimum value and the maximum value 16-38 SL Controller State
depends on the minimum/maximum motor
Range: Function:
current as well as the motor used.
0* [0 - 20 ] View the actual state of the smart logic controller
16-17 Speed [RPM]
Range: Function:
0 RPM* [-30000 - View the actual motor RPM. The motor 3.12.4 16-5* Ref. & Feedb.
30000 RPM] RPM is estimated in open-loop process or
closed-loop process control modes and 16-50 External Reference
the motor RPM is measured in speed Range: Function:
closed-loop mode.
0 %* [-200 - 200 %] View the total reference, the sum of
digital, analog, preset, bus, and freeze
16-18 Motor Thermal
Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - View the calculated motor temperature in 16-52 Feedback[Unit]
100 %] percentage of allowed maximum. At 100%, a trip Range: Function:
occurs if selected in parameter 1-90 Motor
0 [-4999 - 4999 View the feedback resulting
Thermal Protection. The basis for the calculation
ProcessCtrlUnit* ProcessCtrlUnit] from the selection of scaling
is the ETR function selected in
in parameter 3-02 Minimum
parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection.
Reference and
parameter 3-03 Maximum
16-22 Torque [%]
Range: Function:
0 %* [-200 - View the torque in percentage (in relation
200 %] to the nominal torque) that is applied to
the motor shaft.

80 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

16-54 Feedback 1 [Unit] 16-63 Terminal 54 Setting

Range: Function: View the setting of input terminal 54.
0 [-999999.999 - View the feedback 1 value • Current = 0
ProcessCtrlUnit* 999999.999 resulting from the selection
ProcessCtrlUnit] of scaling in
• Voltage = 1

parameter 3-02 Minimum

Reference and
[0] * Current mode
3 3
parameter 3-03 Maximum
[1] Voltage mode
16-64 Analog Input AI54
16-55 Feedback 2 [Unit] Range: Function:
Range: Function: 1* [0 - 20 ] View the actual value at input 54.
0 [-999999.999 - View the feedback 2 value
ProcessCtrlUnit* 999999.999 resulting from the selection 16-65 Analog Output AO42 [mA]
ProcessCtrlUnit] of scaling in Range: Function:
parameter 3-02 Minimum
0 mA* [0 - 20 mA] View the actual value at output 42 in mA.
Reference and
The value shown reflects the selection in
parameter 3-03 Maximum
parameter 6–90 Terminal 42 Mode and
parameter 6–91 Terminal 42 Analog Output.

3.12.5 16-6* Inputs and Outputs 16-66 Digital Output

Range: Function:
16-60 Digital Input 0* [0 - View the binary value of all digital outputs.
15 ]
Range: Function: Definition:
0* [0 - View actual state of the digital inputs 18, 19, 27, X: Not used
65535 ] and 29. 0: Low
1: High
Bit 0 Unused
Bit 1 Unused XX None used
Bit 2 Digital input terminal 29 X0 Terminal 42 not used, terminal 45
Bit 3 Digital input terminal 27 low.

Bit 4 Digital input terminal 19 X1 Terminal 42 not used, terminal 45

Bit 5 Digital input terminal 18 high.

Bit 6–15 Unused 0X Terminal 42 low, terminal 45 not

Table 3.8 Bits Definition 0 Terminal 42 low, terminal 45 low.
1 Terminal 42 low, terminal 45 high.
1X Terminal 42 high, terminal 45 not
16-61 Terminal 53 Setting
Option: Function: 10 Terminal 42 high, terminal 45 low.
View the setting of input terminal 53. 11 Terminal 42 high, terminal 45 high.
• Current = 0
Table 3.9 Binary Value of Digital Outputs
• Voltage = 1

[0] * Current mode 16-67 Pulse Input #29 [Hz]

[1] Voltage mode
Range: Function:
16-62 Analog Input AI53 0* [0 - 130000 ] View the actual frequency rate on terminal 29.

Range: Function:
16-71 Relay Output [bin]
1* [0 - 20 ] View the actual value at input 53.
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] View the setting of the relay.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

16-71 Relay Output [bin] 16-91 Alarm Word 2

Range: Function: Range: Function:
Bit 0~2 Unused 0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] View the alarm word 2 sent via the
Bit 3 Relay 02 serial communication port in hex code.
Bit 4 Relay 01

3 3 Bit 5~15 Unused 16-92 Warning Word

Range: Function:
Table 3.10 Bits Definition
0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] View the warning word sent via the
serial communication port in hex code.
16-72 Counter A
Range: Function: 16-93 Warning Word 2

0* [-32768 - View the present value of counter A. Counters are Range: Function:
32767 ] useful as comparator operands, see 0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] View the warning word 2 sent via the
parameter 13-10 Comparator Operand. serial communication port in hex code.
The value can be reset or changed either via
digital inputs (parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs) 16-94 Ext. Status Word
or by using an SLC action (parameter 13-52 SL Range: Function:
Controller Action). 0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] Shows the extended status word sent
via the serial communication port in
16-73 Counter B hex code.
Range: Function:
0* [-32768 - View the present value of counter B. Counters are 16-95 Ext. Status Word 2
32767 ] useful as comparator operands Range: Function:
(parameter 13-10 Comparator Operand). 0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] Shows the extended status word 2 sent
The value can be reset or changed either via via the serial communication port in
digital inputs (parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs) hex code.
or by using an SLC action (parameter 13-52 SL
Controller Action).

16-79 Analog Output AO45

Range: Function:
0 mA* [0 - 20 View the actual value at output 45 in mA.
mA] The value shown reflects the selection in
parameter 6-70 Terminal 45 Mode and
parameter 6-71 Terminal 45 Analog Output.

3.12.6 16-8* Fieldbus & FC Port

Parameters for reporting the bus references and control


16-86 FC Port REF 1

Range: Function:
0* [-32768 - 32767 ] View the last received reference from the
FC port.

3.12.7 16-9* Diagnosis Read-Outs

16-90 Alarm Word

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] View the alarm word sent via the serial
communication port in hex code.

82 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.13 Main Menu - Data Readouts 2 - Group

Parameters in this group are array parameters, where up to
10 fault logs can be viewed. [0] is the most recent logged
data, and [9] is the oldest. Fault codes, values, and time
stamp can be viewed for all logged data. 3 3
3.13.1 18-1* Fire Mode Log

18-10 FireMode Log:Event

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 255 ] View fire mode event.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

3.14 Main Menu - FC Closed Loop - Group 20-20 Feedback Function

20 Select how the feedback should be calculated. The feedback can
be either a single feedback source or a combination of several
This parameter group is used for configuring the closed- feedbacks.
loop PI controller, that controls the output frequency of
Option: Function:
the frequency converter.
3 3 [0]
3.14.1 20-0* Feedback
[2] Average
[3] * Minimum
This parameter group is used to configure the feedback
[4] Maximum
signal for the closed-loop PI control of the frequency
3.14.3 20-8* PI Basic Settings
20-00 Feedback 1 Source
Option: Function: Parameters for configuring the process PI control.
This parameter defines which input is
20-81 PI Normal/ Inverse Control
used as the source of the feedback
signal. Option: Function:
[0] * Normal Causes the frequency converter output frequency
[0] * No function
to decrease when the feedback is greater than the
[1] Analog Input 53
setpoint reference. This behavior is common for
[2] Analog Input 54
pressure-controlled supply fan and pump
[3] Pulse input 29
[100] Bus Feedback 1
[1] Inverse Causes the frequency converter output frequency
[101] Bus Feedback 2
to increase when the feedback is greater than the
20-01 Feedback 1 Conversion setpoint reference. This behavior is common for
Option: Function: temperature-controlled cooling applications, such
as cooling towers.
This parameter allows a conversion function to
be applied to feedback 1.
20-83 PI Start Speed [Hz]
[0] * Linear [0] Linear has no effect on the feedback.
Range: Function:
[1] Square [1] Square root is commonly used when a 0 Hz* [0 - Enter the motor speed to be attained as a
root pressure sensor is used to provide flow 200.0 Hz] start signal for commencement of PI control.
feedback. After power-up, the frequency converter
(( flow ∝ pressure)). operates using speed open-loop control.
When the process PI start speed is reached,
20-03 Feedback 2 Source the frequency converter changes to PI control.
Option: Function:
[0] * No function 20-84 On Reference Bandwidth
[1] Analog Input 53 Range: Function:
[2] Analog Input 54 5 %* [0 - When the difference between the feedback and
[3] Pulse input 29 200 %] the setpoint reference is less than the value of
[100] Bus Feedback 1 this parameter, the frequency converter display
[101] Bus Feedback 2 shows Run on Reference. This status can be
communicated externally by programming the
20-04 Feedback 2 Conversion function of a digital output for [8] Run on
Option: Function: Reference/No Warning. In addition, for serial
[0] * Linear communications, the on-reference status bit of
[1] Square root the frequency converter status word is high (1).
The on-reference bandwidth is calculated as a
percentage of the setpoint reference.
3.14.2 20-2* Feedback/Setpoint

Parameter group for feedback function and setpoints.

Select which setpoint and feedback to use. The setpoint
and feedback can be a fixed pair or selected separately
based on logic comparisons.

84 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

3.14.4 20-9* PI Controller

20-91 PI Anti Windup

Option: Function:
[0] Off Continue regulation of an error even when the output
frequency cannot be increased or decreased. 3 3
[1] * On Cease regulation of an error when the output
frequency can no longer be adjusted.

20-93 PI Proportional Gain

Range: Function:
0.50* [0 - 10 ] Enter the process controller proportional gain.
Quick control is obtained at high amplification.
However, if amplification is too high, the
process may become unstable.

20-94 PI Integral Time

Range: Function:
20 s* [0.10 - Enter the process controller integral time.
9999 s] Obtain quick control through a short integral
time, though if the integral time is too short,
the process becomes unstable. An excessively
long integral time disables the integral action.

20-97 PI Feed Forward Factor

Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - Enter the PI feed forward factor. The FF factor
400 %] sends a constant fraction of the reference
signal to bypass PI control. Therefore, the PI
can affect only the remaining fraction of the
control signal. The FF factor can increase
dynamic performance.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

3.15 Main Menu - Application Functions - 22-02 Sleepmode CL Control Mode

Group 22 Option: Function:
[0] * Normal The feedback is detected. Some parameters are
3.15.1 22-0* Miscellaneous checked.

[1] Simplified The feedback is not detected. Only sleep speed

Parameter group for extra settings.
3 3 22-01 Power Filter Time
and time are checked.

Range: Function: This parameter is for sleep mode running in process

closed-loop mode. Use this parameter to configure
0.50 s* [0.02 - 10 s] Set the time constant for the filtered
whether to detect the feedback for sleep mode.
power readout. A higher value gives a
more steady readout but a slower system
response to changes.

3.15.2 22-2* No-Flow Detection

Illustration 3.16 No-flow Detection

The frequency converter includes functions for detecting if the load conditions in the system allow the motor to be
• Low power detection.
One of these 2 signals must be active for a set time (parameter 22-24 No-Flow Delay) before selected action takes place.
Possible actions to select (parameter 22-23 No-Flow Function):
• No action
• Warning
• Alarm
• Sleep mode

86 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

No-flow detection
This function is used for detecting a no-flow situation in pump systems where all valves can be closed. Can be used both
when controlled by the integrated PI controller in the frequency converter or an external PI controller. Program the actual
configuration in parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode.
Configuration mode for
• Integrated PI controller: Closed loop. 3 3
• External PI controller: Open loop.

Carry out no-flow tuning before setting the PI controller parameters.

Table 3.11 No-flow Detection

No-flow detection is based on the measurement of speed and power. For a certain speed, the frequency converter calculates
the power at no-flow.
This coherence is based on the adjustment of 2 sets of speed and associated power at no-flow. Monitoring power enables
detection of no-flow conditions in systems with fluctuating suction pressure, or of the pump having a flat characteristic
towards low speed.

22-23 No-Flow Function 3.15.3 22-3* No-flow Power Tuning

Option: Function:
[0] * Off
Tuning sequence:
1. To stop flow, close the main valve.
[1] Sleep Mode
[2] Warning 2. Run with motor until the system has reached
[3] Alarm normal operating temperature.
3. Press [Hand On] key on the LCP and adjust speed
22-24 No-Flow Delay
for approximately 85% of the rated speed. Note
Range: Function: the exact speed.
10 s* [1 - 600 s]
4. Read power consumption either by looking for
actual power in the data line in the LCP or call
parameter 16-10 Power [kW] in the Main Menu.
Note the power readout.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

5. Change speed to approximately 50% of the rated some applications prevent the frequency converter from
speed. Note the exact speed. adjusting motor down to low speed. This might damage
6. Read power consumption either by looking for pumps, cause insufficient lubrication in gearboxes, and
actual power in the data line in the LCP or call make fans unstable.
parameter 16-10 Power [kW] in the Main Menu.
The sleep controller has 2 important functions:
3 3 7.
Note the power readout.
Program the speeds used in parameter 22-33 Low 1. The ability to go to sleep at right time.
Speed [Hz] and parameter 22-37 High Speed [Hz]. 2. The ability to come out of a sleep mode at right
8. Program the associated power values in time.
parameter 22-34 Low Speed Power [kW] and The goal is to keep the frequency converter in sleep mode
parameter 22-38 High Speed Power [kW]. as long as possible to avoid cycling the motor on and off
9. Switch back pressing [Auto On] or [Off]. frequently, and also keep the controlled system variable
within the acceptable range.
Set parameter 1-03 Torque Characteristics before tuning The sequence when running sleep mode in open loop:
takes place. 1. The motor speed is less than the speed set in
parameter 22-47 Sleep Speed [Hz]. The motor runs
22-30 No-Flow Power longer than the time duration set in
Range: Function: parameter 22-40 Minimum Run Time. The sleep
condition lasts longer than the time set in
0 kW* [0 - 1000 kW] Readout of calculated no-flow power at
parameter 22-48 Sleep Delay Time.
actual speed.
2. The frequency converter ramps the motor speed
22-31 Power Correction Factor down to parameter 1-82 Min Speed for Function at
Range: Function: Stop [Hz].
100 %* [1 - 400 %] Set a correction if no-flow detection reacts 3. The frequency converter activates
on a too low or too high power value. parameter 1-80 Function at Stop. The frequency
converter is now in sleep mode.
22-33 Low Speed [Hz] 4. The frequency converter compares the speed
Range: Function: setpoint with parameter 22-43 Wake-Up Speed [Hz]
0 Hz* [ 0 - 400 Hz] Set output speed used for registration of to detect a wake-up situation.
no-flow power at low speed. 5. The speed setpoint is greater than
parameter 22-43 Wake-Up Speed [Hz]. The sleep
22-34 Low Speed Power [kW] condition has lasted longer than the time set in
Range: Function: parameter 22-41 Minimum Sleep Time. The wake-
0 kW* [ 0 - 5.50 kW] Set no-flow power at low speed. up condition lasts longer than the time set in
parameter 22-49 Wake-Up Delay Time. The
22-37 High Speed [Hz] frequency converter is now out of sleep mode.
Range: Function: 6. Go back to speed open-loop control (ramp motor
0 Hz* [ 0 - 400 Hz] Set output speed used for registration of speed up to the speed setpoint).
no-flow power at high speed. The sequence when running sleep mode in closed loop:
1. The frequency converter goes into boost status if
22-38 High Speed Power [kW] the following conditions are met.
Range: Function:
1a If parameter 22-02 Sleepmode CL Control
0 kW* [ 0 - 5.50 kW] Set no-flow power at high speed. Mode is set to [0] Normal:
a. The motor speed is less than
3.15.4 22-4* Sleep Mode the value in
parameter 22-47 Sleep Speed
Sleep mode allows the frequency converter to stop itself in [Hz].
situations where the system is in balance. This function b. The feedback is above the
saves energy and prevents excessive pressure, water reference.
excessively cooled in cooling towers, and building pressuri-
zation problems in the system. This is also important as

88 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

c. The motor runs longer than NOTICE

the time in Sleep mode is not active when local reference is active
parameter 22-40 Minimum Run (set speed manually using the navigation keys on the
Time. LCP).
d. The sleep condition lasts Sleep mode does not work in local mode. Perform an
auto set-up in open loop before setting input/output in
longer than the time in
parameter 22-48 Sleep Delay closed loop. 3 3
1b If parameter 22-02 Sleepmode CL Control 22-40 Minimum Run Time
Mode is set to [1] Simplified: Range: Function:
a. The motor speed is less than 10 s* [0 - 600 s] Set the wanted minimum running time for
the value in the motor after a start command (digital
parameter 22-47 Sleep Speed input or bus) before entering sleep mode.
22-41 Minimum Sleep Time
b. The motor runs longer than
the time in Range: Function:
parameter 22-40 Minimum Run 10 s* [0 - 600 s] Set the minimum time for staying in sleep
Time. mode. This time overrides any wake-up
c. The sleep condition lasts
longer than the time in
22-43 Wake-Up Speed [Hz]
parameter 22-48 Sleep Delay
Time. Range: Function:
10* [0 - Only to be used if parameter 1-00 Configuration
If parameter 22-45 Setpoint Boost is not
400.0 ] Mode is set for [0] Open loop, and an external
set, the frequency converter goes into
controller applies speed reference. Set the
sleep mode.
reference speed at which the sleep mode
2. After the time in parameter 22-46 Maximum Boost should be deactivated.
Time has passed, the frequency converter ramps
down the motor speed to the speed in 22-44 Wake-Up Ref./FB Diff
parameter 1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz].
Range: Function:
3. The frequency converter activates 10 %* [0 - Only to be used if parameter 1-00 Configuration
parameter 1-80 Function at Stop. The frequency 100 %] Mode is set for closed loop and the integrated
converter is now in sleep mode. PI controller is used for controlling the pressure.
4. The frequency converter is out of sleep mode: Set the pressure drop allowed in percentage of
setpoint for the pressure (Pset) before canceling
4a When the error between the reference
the sleep mode.
and the feedback is greater than
parameter 22-44 Wake-Up Ref./FB Diff,
22-45 Setpoint Boost
Range: Function:
4b the sleep time is longer than the time in
0% [-100 Only to be used if parameter 1-00 Configuration
parameter 22-41 Minimum Sleep Time,
* - Mode is set for closed loop and the integrated PI
100 %] controller is used. In systems with for example
4c the wake-up condition lasts longer than constant pressure control, it is advantageous to
the time set in parameter 22-48 Sleep increase the system pressure before the motor is
Delay Time. stopped. This increase extends the time the motor
is stopped and helps to avoid frequent start/stop.
5. The frequency converter goes back to closed-loop
Set the required overpressure/overtemperature in
percentage of setpoint for the pressure (Pset)/
temperature before entering the sleep mode.
If setting for 5%, the boost pressure is Psetx1.05.
The negative values can be used for cooling tower
control where a negative change is needed.

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

22-46 Maximum Boost Time NOTICE

Range: Function: Do not set parameter 14-20 Reset Mode, to [13] Infinite
60 [0 - Only to be used if parameter 1-00 Configuration auto reset, when parameter 22-60 Broken Belt Function is
s* 600 s] Mode is set for [3] Closed loop and the integrated set to [2] Trip. Doing so causes the frequency converter
PI controller is used for controlling the pressure. to continuously cycle between running and stopping
when a broken-belt condition is detected.
3 3 Set the maximum time for which boost mode is
allowed. If the set time is exceeded, the frequency
converter enters the sleep mode without waiting NOTICE
for the set boost pressure to be reached. If the automatic bypass function is enabled, the bypass
starts when the frequency converter experiences a
22-47 Sleep Speed [Hz] persistent alarm condition. In this case, disable the
Range: Function: automatic bypass function if [2] Trip is selected as the
0* [ 0 - 400.0 ] Set the speed below which the frequency broken-belt function.
converter goes into sleep mode.
22-61 Broken Belt Torque
22-48 Sleep Delay Time
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
10 %* [5 - 100 %] Set the broken-belt torque as a percentage
0s [0 - 3600 s] Set the delay time that the motor waits before of the rated motor torque.
entering sleep mode when the condition to
entering sleep mode is met. 22-62 Broken Belt Delay
Range: Function:
22-49 Wake-Up Delay Time
10 s* [0 - 600 Sets the time for which the broken-belt
Range: Function:
s] conditions must be active before carrying out
0s [0 - 3600 s] Set the delay time that the motor waits before the action selected in parameter 22-60 Broken
waking up from sleep mode when the Belt Function.
condition for wake-up is met.

3.15.6 22-8* Flow Compensation

3.15.5 22-6* Broken-belt Detection
In certain applications, it is not possible for a pressure
Use broken-belt detection in both closed-loop systems and transducer to be placed at a remote point in the system,
open-loop systems for pumps and fans. If the estimated and it can only be placed close to the fan/pump outlet.
motor torque (current) is below the broken-belt torque Flow compensation operates by adjusting the setpoint
(current) value (parameter 22-61 Broken Belt Torque), and according to the output frequency, which is almost propor-
the frequency converter output frequency is above or tional to flow. Thus, it compensates for higher losses at
equal to 15 Hz, parameter 22-60 Broken Belt Function is higher flow rates.

22-60 Broken Belt Function HDESIGN (required pressure) is the setpoint for closed-loop
Selects the action to be performed if the broken-belt condition is (PI) operation of the frequency converter and is set as for
detected. closed-loop operation without flow compensation.

Option: Function:
[0] * Off
[1] Warning The frequency converter continues to run, but
activates a broken-belt warning, warning 95,
Broken Belt. A frequency converter digital output
or a serial communication bus can communicate
a warning to other equipment.

[2] Trip The frequency converter stops running and

activates a broken-belt alarm, alarm 95, Broken
Belt. A frequency converter digital output or a
serial communication bus can communicate an
alarm to other equipment.

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Parameters Programming Guide

There are 2 methods which can be employed, depending

on whether the speed at system design working point is

3 3

Illustration 3.17 Flow Compensation Set-up

Speed at design point Speed at design point

Parameter used
Parameter 22-80 Flow Compensation + +
Parameter 22-81 Square-linear Curve Approximation + +
Parameter 22-82 Work Point Calculation + +
Parameter 22-84 Speed at No-Flow [Hz] + +
Parameter 22-86 Speed at Design Point [Hz] + -
Parameter 22-87 Pressure at No-Flow Speed + +
Parameter 22-88 Pressure at Rated Speed - +
Parameter 22-89 Flow at Design Point - +
Parameter 22-90 Flow at Rated Speed - +

Table 3.12 Speed at Design Point Known/Unknown

22-80 Flow Compensation 22-86 Speed at Design Point [Hz]

Option: Function: Range: Function:
[0] * Disabled Disable flow compensation of setpoint. Size related* [ 0.0 - 50.0 Hz] Set the motor speed in Hz at
which system design working
[1] Enabled Enable flow compensation of setpoint.
point is achieved.

22-81 Square-linear Curve Approximation

22-87 Pressure at No-Flow Speed
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
100 %* [0 - 100 %] Adjusts shape of control curve. 0% =
0* [ 0 - 4999.000 ] Set the pressure value corresponding to
straight line, 100% = maximum parabola.
speed at no flow.

22-82 Work Point Calculation

22-88 Pressure at Rated Speed
Option: Function:
Range: Function:
[0] * Disabled Disable calculation of working point at rated
4999.000* [ 0 - 4999.000 ] Set the pressure value
corresponding to pressure at rated
[1] Enabled Enable calculation of working point at rated speed.
22-89 Flow at Design Point
22-84 Speed at No-Flow [Hz]
Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0* [0 - 4999.000 ] Set the flow value corresponding to flow at
Size related* [ 0 - 50.0 Hz] Set the motor speed in Hz at which design point.
flow is 0 and minimum pressure is

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

3.16 Main Menu - Application Functions 2 - Keyp Warning

Message Type Message status
Group 24 ad word 2
word 2
3.16.1 24-0* Fire Mode Fire Mode Status + + + (bit 25)
Fire Mode
Limits Status + + + (bit 27)
3 3 CAUTION Exceeded
Non-interruption of the frequency converter due to fire Table 3.13 Fire Mode Display Messages
mode operation could cause overpressure and damage
the system and its components, hereunder dampers, and Log
air ducts. The frequency converter itself could be The fire mode log shows an overview of events related to
damaged and it may cause damage or fire. fire mode in the fire mode log, see also parameter group
18-1* Fire Mode Log.
• Ensure that the system is properly designed and
The log includes up to 10 of the latest events. Fire Mode
components used are carefully selected.
Limits Exceeded has a higher priority than Fire Mode Active.
• Ensure that the ventilation systems working in The log cannot be reset.
life safety applications are approved by the The following events are logged:
local fire authorities.
• Fire mode activated.
• Fire mode limits exceeded (warranty affecting
Background alarms).
Fire mode is for use in critical situations, where it is
All other alarms occurring while fire mode is active are
imperative for the motor to keep running, regardless of the
logged as usual.
frequency converter’s normal protective functions. These
situations could be ventilation fans in tunnels or stairwells NOTICE
for instance, where continued operation of the fan During fire mode operation, all stop commands to the
facilitates safe evacuation of personnel if there is a fire. frequency converter are ignored, including coast, coast
Some selections of fire mode function cause alarms and inverse, and external interlock.
trip conditions to be ignored, enabling the motor to run
without interruption.
If setting the command [11] Start Reversing on a digital
Fire mode is activated only via digital input terminals. See
input terminal in parameter 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital
parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs.
Input, the drive understands this command as a
Messages in display reversing command.
When fire mode is activated, the display shows the status
message Fire Mode. 24-00 FM Function
Once the fire mode is deactivated, the status message
Option: Function:
If an alarm with warranty implications (see NOTICE
parameter 24-09 FM Alarm Handling) occurs while the In fire mode, alarms are produced or
frequency converter is active in fire mode, the display ignored in accordance with the selection
shows the status message Fire Mode Limits Exceeded. Once in parameter 24-09 FM Alarm Handling.
this status message appears in the display, it remains until
a power cycle is performed. The frequency converter [0] Disabled Fire mode function is not active.
automatically logs and stores the condition in the memory *
and the warranty is still lost in case the frequency
[1] Enabled- In this mode, the motor continues to operate in
converter is returned for service.
Run a clockwise direction.
Digital and relay outputs can be configured for the status
messages Fire Mode Active. See parameter group 5-3* Digital
[2] Enabled- In this mode, the motor continues to operate in
Outputs and parameter group 5-4* Relays.
Run a counterclockwise direction.
Access the status messages Fire Mode and Fire Mode Limits
Exceeded via the extended status word.
[3] Enabled- While this mode is selected, the output is
Coast disabled, and the motor is allowed to coast to
stop. When parameter 24-01 Fire Mode Configu-
ration is set to [3] Closed Loop, this mode
cannot be selected.

92 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameters Programming Guide

24-00 FM Function 24-09 Fire Mode Alarm Handling

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[4] Enabled- In this mode, the motor operates in a clockwise [0] Trip+Reset, If this mode is selected, the frequency
Run direction. When receiving a reversing signal, the Critical converter continues to run, ignoring most
Fwd/Rev motor operates in counterclockwise direction. If Alarms alarms, even if doing so may damage the
parameter 24-01 Fire Mode Configuration is set
to [3] Closed Loop, the motor cannot operate in
frequency converter. Critical alarms are
alarms that cannot be suppressed but a
3 3
counterclockwise direction. restart attempt is possible (infinity automatic
24-01 Fire Mode Configuration
[1] * Trip, Critical In case of a critical alarm, the frequency
Select to use closed-loop or open-loop operations. Alarms converter trips and does not auto-restart
Option: Function: (manual reset).
[0] * Open Loop [2] Trip, All It is possible to test the operation of fire
[3] Closed Loop NOTICE Alarms/Test mode, but all alarm states are activated
When set to [3] Closed Loop, the normally (manual reset).
commands Reversing and Start
Reversing do not reverse the direction NOTICE
of the motor. Certain alarms can affect the lifetime of the frequency
converter. If 1 of these ignored alarms occurs while in
Motor speed is determined by a reference fire mode, a log of the event is stored in the fire mode
from the built-in PI controller varying the log.
motor speed as of a closed-loop control In fire mode log, the 10 latest events of alarms that
process (for example constant pressure or affect warranty, fire mode activation, and fire mode
flow). Configure the PI controller in parameter deactivation are stored.
group 20-8* PI Basic Setting and parameter
group 20-9* PI Controller. NOTICE
The setting in parameter 14-20 Reset Mode is disregarded
24-05 FM Preset Reference if fire mode is active (see parameter group 24-0* Fire
Range: Function: Mode).
0 %* [-100 - 100 %] Enter the required preset reference/
setpoint as a percentage of the fire mode Warranty
Num Critical
maximum reference set in Hz. Description affecting
ber alarms
24-06 Fire Mode Reference Source 4 Mains ph. Loss x
Option: Function: 7 DC over volt x x
[0] * No function 9 Inverter overloaded x
[1] Analog Input 53 13 Overcurrent x x
[2] Analog Input 54 14 Ground fault x x
[7] Pulse input 29 16 Short circuit x x
38 Internal fault x
24-07 Fire Mode Feedback Source 69 Power card temp x
This parameter defines which input on the frequency converter
should be treated as the source of the feedback signal. Table 3.14 Fire Mode Alarm Handling

Option: Function:
[0] * No function 3.16.2 24-1* Drive Bypass
[1] Analog Input 53
[2] Analog Input 54 If a fire mode coast occurs (see parameter 24-00 FM
[3] Pulse input 29
Function), the frequency converter includes a feature that
can automatically activate an external electro-mechanical
[100] Bus Feedback 1
[101] Bus Feedback 2

The bypass switches the motor to operation directly on

line. One of the digital outputs or relays in the frequency
converter activates the external bypass, when programmed

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Parameters TR150 and TR170

in parameter group 5-3* Digital Outputs or parameter group 24-11 Drive Bypass Delay Time
5-4* Relays. Range: Function:
If the motor fails to restart at the end of the
NOTICE bypass delay time, the frequency converter bypass
The drive bypass cannot be deactivated if in fire mode. It relay, which has been programmed for bypass in

3 3 is deactivated only by either removing the fire mode

command signal or the supply to the frequency
parameter 5-40 Function Relay, is activated.
Where no restart attempts are programmed, the
converter. timer runs for the delay period set in this
parameter and then activates the frequency
When the drive bypass function is activated, the display on converter bypass relay, which has been
the keypad shows the status message Drive Bypass. This programmed for bypass in parameter 5-40 Function
message has a higher priority than the fire mode status Relay.
messages. When the automatic drive bypass function is
enabled, it cuts in the external bypass according to
Illustration 3.18.

Illustration 3.18 Drive Bypass Function

24-10 Drive Bypass Function

Option: Function:
This parameter determines which circum-
stances activate the bypass function:

[0] * Disabled
[2] Enabled (Fire If the timer expires before reset attempts
Mode only) have completed, the bypass function
operates at trip at critical alarms, coast, or
bypass delay timer.

24-11 Drive Bypass Delay Time

Range: Function:
0 s* [0 - Programmable in 1 s increments. Once the bypass
600 s] function is activated in accordance with the setting
in parameter 24-10 Drive Bypass Function, the
bypass delay timer begins to operate. If the
frequency converter has been set for several restart
attempts, the timer continues to run while the
frequency converter tries to restart. If the motor
has restarted within the time period of the bypass
delay timer, the timer is reset.

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Parameters Programming Guide

3.17 Main Menu - Special Features - Group

3.17.1 30-2* Adv. Start Adjust

Parameter group for advanced start adjustments.

30-22 Locked Rotor Detection

3 3
Set the locked rotor detection for PM motors.
Option: Function:
[0] * Off
[1] On

30-23 Locked Rotor Detection Time [s]

Range: Function:
0.10 s [0.05 - 1 s] Set the locked rotor detection time in
seconds for PM motors.

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Troubleshooting TR150 and TR170

4 Troubleshooting

4.1 Introduction to Alarms and Warnings If an alarm cannot be reset, the reason may be that its
cause has not been rectified, or the alarm is trip-locked,
A warning or alarm is signalled by the relevant indicator see Table 4.1.
light on the front of the frequency converter and indicated
by a code on the display. Alarms that are trip-locked offer additional protection,
4 4 A warning remains active until its cause is no longer
means that the mains supply must be switched off before
the alarm can be reset. After being switched back on, the
present. Under certain circumstances, operation of the frequency converter is no longer blocked and may be reset
motor may still continue. Warning messages may be as described above once the cause has been rectified.
critical, but are not necessarily so. Alarms that are not trip-locked can also be reset using the
automatic reset function in parameter 14-20 Reset Mode.
If an alarm occurs, the frequency converter has tripped.
Alarms must be reset to restart operation once their cause If a warning and alarm is marked against a code in the
has been rectified. table on the following page, this means that either a
warning occurs before an alarm, or it can be specified
This may be done in 4 ways: whether it is a warning or an alarm that is to be displayed
1. By pressing [Reset]. for a given fault.
This is possible, for instance, in parameter 1-90 Motor
2. Via a digital input with the Reset function.
Thermal Protection. After an alarm or trip, the motor carries
3. Via serial communication. on coasting, and the alarm flash on the frequency
4. By resetting automatically using the [Auto Reset] converter. Once the problem has been rectified, only the
function, see parameter 14-20 Reset Mode. alarm continues flashing.

After a manual reset pressing [Reset], press [Auto On] or
[Hand On] to restart the motor.

No. Description Warning Alarm Trip Lock Parameter Reference

2 Live zero error (X) (X) – Parameter 6-01 Live Zero
Timeout Function
3 No motor (X) – – Parameter 1-80 Function
at Stop
4 Mains phase loss (X) (X) (X) Parameter 14-12 Functio
n at Mains Imbalance
7 DC over voltage X X – –
8 DC under voltage X X – –
9 Inverter overloaded X X – –
10 Motor ETR overtemperature (X) (X) – Parameter 1-90 Motor
Thermal Protection
11 Motor thermistor overtemperature (X) (X) – Parameter 1-90 Motor
Thermal Protection
13 Overcurrent X X X –
14 Ground fault X X X –
16 Short circuit – X X –
17 Control word time-out (X) (X) – Parameter 8-04 Control
Timeout Function
24 Fan fault (Only on 400 V 30–90kW) X X – Parameter 14-53 Fan
30 Motor phase U missing – (X) (X) Parameter 4-58 Missing
Motor Phase Function
31 Motor phase V missing – (X) (X) Parameter 4-58 Missing
Motor Phase Function

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Troubleshooting Programming Guide

No. Description Warning Alarm Trip Lock Parameter Reference

32 Motor phase W missing – (X) (X) Parameter 4-58 Missing
Motor Phase Function
38 Internal fault – X X –
44 Ground fault 2 – X X –
46 Gate drive voltage fault – X X –
47 24 V supply low – X X –
50 AMA calibration failed – X – –
AMA check Unom and Inom
AMA low Inom


4 4
53 AMA motor too large – X – –
54 AMA motor too small – X – –
55 AMA parameter out of range – X – –
56 AMA interrupted – X – –
57 AMA time-out – X – –
58 AMA internal fault X X – –
59 Current limit X – – –
60 External interlock – X – –
66 Heat sink temperature low X – – –
69 Power card temperature X X X –
79 Illegal PS config X X – –
80 Frequency converter initialised to default value – X – –
84 LCP error X – – –
87 Auto DC brake X – – –
92 No-Flow (X) (X) – Parameter 22-23 No-
Flow Function
95 Broken belt X X – Parameter group 22-6*
Broken Belt Detection
126 Motor rotating – X – –
127 Back EMF too high X – – –
201 Fire mode X – – –
202 Fire mode limits exceeded X – – –
250 New spare parts – X X –
251 New type code – X X –

Table 4.1 Alarm/Warning Code List

(X) Dependent on parameter

A trip is the action when an alarm has appeared. The trip coasts the motor and can be reset by pressing [Reset] or via a
digital input (parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs [1]). The original event that caused an alarm cannot damage the frequency
converter or cause dangerous conditions. A trip lock is an action when an alarm occurs, which may cause damage to the
frequency converter or connected parts. A trip lock situation can only be reset by a power cycling.

Warning yellow
Alarm flashing red

Table 4.2 LED Indication

The alarm words, warning words, and extended status words can be read out via fieldbus or optional fieldbus for diagnosis.
See also parameter 16-90 Alarm Word, parameter 16-92 Warning Word, and parameter 16-94 Ext. Status Word.

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Troubleshooting TR150 and TR170

4.2 Alarm Words 4.3 Warning Words

Parameter 16-9 Parameter 16-9 Parameter 16- Parameter 16-9
Bit Hex Dec
0 Alarm Word 1 Alarm Word 2 Bit Hex Dec 92 Warning 3 Warning Word
0 1 1 0 0 Word 2
1 2 2 Pwr.Card Temp 0 0 1 1 0 0
ServiceTrip, 1 2 2 Pwr.Card Temp 0
2 4 4 Earth Fault
Typecode 2 4 4 Earth Fault 0
3 8 8 0 Sparepart 3 8 8 0 0
4 4 4 10 16 Ctrl. Word TO 0 4 10 16 Ctrl. Word TO 0
5 20 32 Over Current No Flow 5 20 32 Over Current No-Flow
6 40 64 0 0 6 40 64 0 0
7 80 128 Motor Th. Over 0 7 80 128 Motor Th. Over 0
8 100 256 Motor ETR Over Broken Belt Motor ETR
8 100 256 Broken Belt
9 200 512 Inverter Overld. 0 Over
10 400 1024 DC under Volt 0 Inverter
9 200 512 0
11 800 2048 DC over Volt. 0 Overld.
External 10 400 1024 DC under Volt 0
12 1000 4096 Short Circuit
Interlock 11 800 2048 DC over Volt. 0
13 2000 8192 0 0 12 1000 4096 0 0
14 4000 16384 Mains ph. loss 0 13 2000 8192 0 0
15 8000 32768 AMA Not OK 0 14 4000 16384 Mains ph. loss 0
16 10000 65536 Live Zero Error 0 15 8000 32768 No Motor Auto DC Braking
17 20000 131072 Internal Fault 0 16 10000 65536 Live Zero Error 0
18 40000 262144 0 Fans error 17 20000 131072 0 0
19 80000 524288 U phase Loss 0 18 40000 262144 0 Fans Warning
20 100000 1048576 V phase Loss 0 19 80000 524288 0 0
21 200000 2097152 W phase Loss 0 20 100000 1048576 0 0
22 400000 4194304 0 0 21 200000 2097152 0 0
Control Voltage 22 400000 4194304 0 Memory Module
23 800000 8388608 0
Fault 24 V Supply
23 800000 8388608 0
24 1000000 16777216 0 0 Low
VDD1 Supply 24 1000000 16777216 0 0
25 2000000 33554432 0
Low 25 2000000 33554432 Current Limit 0
26 4000000 67108864 0 0 26 4000000 67108864 Low temp. 0
27 8000000 134217728 0 0 27 8000000 134217728 0 0
28 10000000 268435456 Earth fault 0 28 10000000 268435456 0 0
29 20000000 536870912 Drive Initialized 0 Back-EMF too
29 20000000 536870912 0
30 40000000 1073741824 0 0 High
31 80000000 2147483648 0 0 30 40000000 1073741824 0 0
31 80000000 2147483648 0 0

Note that 0 in Table 4.3 indicates that this status word is

not supported.

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Troubleshooting Programming Guide

4.4 Extended Status Words 4.5 List of Warnings and Alarms

Bit Hex Dec

Parameter 16 Parameter 16-95
-94 Ext. Ext. Status
Status Word Word 2 Hazardous Service Procedures!
0 1 1 Ramping Off The maintenance and troubleshooting procedures
1 2 2 AMA running Hand/Auto recommended in this section of the manual could result
2 4 4 Start CW/CCW 0 in exposure to electrical, mechanical, or other potential
3 8 8 0 0
safety hazards. Always refer to the safety warnings
4 10 16 0 0
provided throughout this manual concerning these
procedures. Unless specified otherwise, disconnect all
4 4
5 20 32 0 electrical power including remote disconnect and
discharge all energy storing devices such as capacitors
6 40 64 Feedback low 0
before servicing. Follow proper lockout/tagout
7 80 128 Control Ready procedures to ensure the power cannot be inadvertently
current high
energised. When it is necessary to work with live
Output electrical components, have a qualified licensed
8 100 256 Drive Ready
current low electrician or other individual who has been trained in
Output handling live electrical components perform these tasks.
9 200 512 frequency Quick Stop Failure to follow all of the recommended safety warnings
high provided, could result in death or serious injury.
10 400 1024 DC Brake
frequency low
WARNING/ALARM 2, Live zero error
11 800 2048 0 Stop
This warning or alarm only appears if parameter 6-01 Live
12 1000 4096 0 0 Zero Timeout Function is configured. The signal on 1 of the
Freeze Output analog inputs is less than 50% of the minimum value
13 2000 8192 Braking
Request programmed for that input. This condition can be caused
14 4000 16384 0 Freeze Output by broken wiring or a faulty device sending the signal.
15 8000 32768 OVC active Jog Request
16 10000 65536 AC brake Jog
No motor is connected to the output of the frequency
17 20000 131072 0 Start request
converter. Check the cable connection between the
18 40000 262144 0 Start frequency converter and the motor.
19 80000 524288 0 WARNING/ALARM 4, Mains phase loss
A phase is missing on the supply side, or the mains
20 100000 1048576 Reference low Start Delay
voltage imbalance is too high. This message also appears
21 200000 2097152 0 Sleep
for a fault in the input rectifier on the frequency converter.
22 400000 4194304 0 Sleep boost
Options are programmed at parameter 14-12 Function at
23 800000 8388608 0 Running
Mains Imbalance.
24 1000000 16777216 0 Bypass
25 2000000 33554432 0 Fire Mode CAUTION
26 4000000 67108864 0 External Interlock Live Electrical Components!
27 8000000 134217728 0
28 10000000 268435456 0 FlyStart Active
Check the supply voltage and supply currents to
29 20000000 536870912 0 0 the frequency converter.
30 40000000 1073741824 0 0
WARNING/ALARM 7, DC overvoltage
31 80000000 2147483648 0 If the DC-link voltage exceeds the limit, the frequency
converter trips after a time.
Table 4.3 Extended Status Words Troubleshooting
• Extend the ramp time.
• Activate functions in parameter 2-10 Brake
• Activate overvoltage control in
parameter 2-17 Over-voltage Control.

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Troubleshooting TR150 and TR170

WARNING/ALARM 8, DC under voltage • Incorrect motor data in parameters 1-20 to 1-25.

If the DC-link voltage (DC) drops below the undervoltage ALARM 14, Earth (ground) fault
limit, the frequency converter trips after a fixed time delay. There is a discharge from the output phases to ground,
The time delay varies with unit size. either in the cable between the frequency converter and
WARNING/ALARM 9, Inverter overloaded the motor or in the motor itself.
The frequency converter is about to cut out because of an
overload (too high current for too long). The counter for CAUTION
electronic, thermal inverter protection issues a warning at Disconnect power before proceeding.
90% and trips at 100%, while issuing an alarm. The
4 4 frequency converter cannot be reset until the counter is Troubleshooting
below 90%.
• Turn off the frequency converter and remove the
The fault is that the frequency converter is overloaded by ground fault.
more than 100% for too long.
• Measure the resistance to ground the motor
NOTICE cables and the motor with a megohmmeter to
See the chapter Derating in the design guide for more check for ground faults in the motor.
details, if a high switching frequency is required. ALARM 16, Short circuit
There is short-circuiting in the motor or on the motor
WARNING/ALARM 10, Motor overload temperature terminals.
According to the electronic thermal protection (ETR), the
motor is too hot. Select whether the frequency converter CAUTION
issues a warning or an alarm when the counter reaches Disconnect power before proceeding.
100% in parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection. The fault
is that the motor is overloaded by more than 100% for too
Turn off the frequency converter and remove the short

CAUTION WARNING/ALARM 17, Control word timeout

Live Electrical Components!
There is no communication to the frequency converter.
The warning is only active when parameter 8-04 Control
Troubleshooting Timeout Function is not set to [0] Off.
• Check if the motor is overheating. If parameter 8-04 Control Timeout Function is set to [5] Stop
• Check if the motor is mechanically overloaded. and trip, a warning appears and the frequency converter
ramps down until it trips while giving an alarm.
• Ensure that the motor parameter 1-24 Motor
Current is set correctly.
• Ensure motor data in parameters 1-20 through Live Electrical Components!
1-25 are set correctly.
• Run AMA in parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor Troubleshooting
Adaption (AMA). • Check connections on the serial communication
WARNING/ALARM 11, Motor thermistor over temp cable.

CAUTION • Increase parameter 8-03 Control Timeout Time.

Disconnect power before proceeding. • Check operation of the communication

WARNING/ALARM 13, Overcurrent • Verify proper installation based on EMC
The inverter peak current limit is exceeded. The warning requirements.
lasts about 1.5 s, then the frequency converter trips and WARNING/ALARM 24, Fan fault
issues an alarm. The fan warning function is an extra protection function
Troubleshooting that checks whether the fan is running/mounted. The fan
• This fault may be caused by shock loading or fast warning can be disabled in parameter 14-53 Fan Monitor
acceleration with high inertia loads. ([0] Disabled).

• Turn off the frequency converter. Check if the Troubleshooting

motor shaft can be turned. • Check fan resistance.
• Check that the motor size matches the frequency

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Troubleshooting Programming Guide

ALARM 30, Motor phase U missing ALARM 53, AMA motor too big
Motor phase U between the frequency converter and the The motor is too large for the AMA to be performed.
motor is missing. ALARM 54, AMA motor too small
The motor is too small for the AMA to be performed.
Disconnect power before proceeding. ALARM 55, AMA Parameter out of range
The parameter values found from the motor are outside
the acceptable range.
Turn off the frequency converter and check motor phase U.
ALARM 56, AMA interrupted by user
ALARM 31, Motor phase V missing The AMA is interrupted. 4 4
Motor phase V between the frequency converter and the ALARM 57, AMA timeout
motor is missing. Try to start the AMA again a number of times, until the
AMA is performed. Note that repeated runs may heat the
WARNING motor to a level where the resistance Rs and Rr are
Disconnect power before proceeding. increased. In most cases, this is not critical.
ALARM 58, AMA internal fault
Turn off the frequency converter and check motor phase V. Contact your Trane supplier.
WARNING 59, Current limit
ALARM 32, Motor phase W missing The current is higher than the value in
Motor phase W between the frequency converter and the parameter 4-18 Current Limit.
motor is missing.
ALARM 60, External interlock
WARNING External interlock has been activated. To resume normal
operation, apply 24 Vdc to the terminal programmed for
Disconnect power before proceeding.
external interlock and reset the frequency converter (via
serial communication, digital I/O, or by pressing [Reset]).
Turn off the frequency converter and check motor phase
W. ALARM 69, Power card temperature
The temperature on the power card is either too high or
too low.
ALARM 38, Internal fault
It is necessary to contact your Trane supplier. Troubleshooting
ALARM 44, Earth fault II • Ensure that the ambient operating temperature is
within the limits.
There is a discharge from the output phases to ground,
either in the cable between the frequency converter and • Check if the filters are clogged.
the motor or in the motor itself.
• Check the fan operation.
• Check the power card.
• Turn off the frequency converter and remove the
ground fault. ALARM 70, Illegal power section configuration
The control card and power card are incompatible. Contact
• Measure the resistance to ground of the motor the local supplier with the type code of the unit from the
cables and the motor with a megohmmeter to nameplate and the part numbers of the cards to check
check for a ground fault in the motor. compatibility.
ALARM 46, Gate drive voltage low ALARM 80, Drive initialised to default value
The supply on the power card is out of range. There are 3 Parameter settings are initialized to default settings after a
supplies generated by the switch mode power supply manual reset.
(SMPS) on the power card: 24 V, 5 V, and ±18 V.
Troubleshooting A no-flow condition has been detected in the system.
• Check the power card. Parameter 22-23 No-Flow Function is set for alarm.
ALARM 47, 24 V supply low Troubleshoot the system and reset the frequency converter
The 24 Vdc is measured on the control card. after the fault has been cleared.
ALARM 51, AMA check Unom and Inom WARNING/ALARM 95, Broken belt
The setting of motor voltage, motor current, and motor Torque is below the torque level set for no load, indicating
power is presumably wrong. Check the settings. a broken belt. See parameter group 22-6* Broken Belt
ALARM 52, AMA low Inom
The motor current is too low. Check the settings.

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Troubleshooting TR150 and TR170

ALARM 126, Motor Rotating WARNING 202, Fire Mode Limits Exceeded
High back EMF voltage. Stop the rotor of the PM motor. Fire mode has suppressed 1 or more warranty-voiding
WARNING 127, Back EMF too high alarms.
This warning only applies to PM motors. When the back ALARM 250, New Spare Part
EMF is larger than 90%*Uinvmax (overvoltage threshold), and The power or switch mode supply has been exchanged.
does not fall to a normal level within 5 s, this warning ALARM 251, New Type Code
occurs. The frequency converter has a new type code.
WARNING 200, Fire Mode
4 4 Fire mode has been activated.

4.6 List of LCP Errors

LCP errors are not warnings or alarms. They do not affect the operation of the frequency converter. Illustration 4.1 shows an
LCP error on the LCP.

Illustration 4.1 LCP Error Example

LCP error code Error message Description

Err 84 LCP comm. Lost Communication between the LCP and the frequency converter is lost.
The LCP key is disabled. One of the LCP keys has been disabled in parameter group
Err 85 Key disabled
0-4* LCP Keypad.
Data copy failure. This error occurs when data is copied from frequency converter to
Err 86 LCP copy failed
LCP, or from LCP to frequency converter (parameter 0-50 LCP Copy).
LCP data incompatible. This error occurs when data is being copied from LCP to
Err 88 Data not compatible frequency converter (parameter 0-50 LCP Copy). The typical reason is that data is
moved between frequency converter and LCP that have major software differences.
Parameter read only. An operation is issued via LCP to write a value to a parameter
Err 89 Read only
that is read-only.
Err 90 Database busy The parameter database of the frequency converter is busy.
Err 91 Parameter invalid The parameter value that is input via the LCP is invalid.
Err 92 Exceeds limits The parameter value that is input via the LCP exceeds limits.
The LCP copy operation cannot be performed when the frequency converter is
Err 93 Motor is running
Err 95 Not while running The parameter cannot be changed while the frequency converter is running.
Err 96 Password rejected The password that is input via the LCP is incorrect.

Table 4.4 LCP Error List

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5 Parameter Lists

5.1 Parameter Options 1 set-up: Data value is the same in all set-ups.
5.1.1 Default Settings Size-related

Changes during operation N/A

True: The parameter can be changed while the frequency No default value available.
converter is in operation. Conversion index
False: The parameter can only be changed when the This number refers to a conversion figure used when
frequency converter stops. writing or reading via a frequency converter. 5 5
All set-ups: The parameter can be set individually in each
of the 2 set-ups. 1 single parameter can have 2 different
data values.
Conv. 100 75 74 70 67 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
Conv. 1 3600000 3600 60 1/60 1000000 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001

Data type Description Type

2 Integer 8 Int8
3 Integer 16 Int16
4 Integer 32 Int32
5 Unsigned 8 Uint8
6 Unsigned 16 Uint16
7 Unsigned 32 Uint32
9 Visible string VisStr
33 Normalized value 2 bytes N2
35 Bit sequence of 16 boolean variables V2

Table 5.1 Data Type

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Parameter Lists TR150 and TR170

5.1.2 0-** Operation/Display

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change during Conversion Type
No. # operation index
0-0* Basic Settings
0-01 Language [0] English 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
0-03 Regional Settings [0] International 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
0-04 Operating State at Power-up [0] Resume All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
0-06 GridType ExpressionLimit 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
0-07 Auto DC Braking [1] On 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
0-1* Set-up Operations

5 5 0-10
Active Set-up
Programming Set-up
[1] Set-up 1
[9] Active Set-up
1 set-up
1 set-up

0-12 Link Setups [20] Linked All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
0-3* LCP Custom Readout
0-30 Custom Readout Unit [1] % 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
0-31 Custom Readout Min Value 0 CustomReadoutUnit 1 set-up TRUE -2 Int32
0-32 Custom Readout Max Value 100 CustomReadoutUnit 1 set-up TRUE -2 Int32
0-37 Display Text 1 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[21]
0-38 Display Text 2 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[26]
0-39 Display Text 3 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[26]
0-4* LCP Keypad
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP [1] Enabled All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP [1] Enabled All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
0-44 [Off/Reset] Key on LCP [1] Enabled All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
0-5* Copy/Save
0-50 LCP Copy [0] No copy 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
0-51 Set-up Copy [0] No copy 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
0-6* Password
0-60 Main Menu Password 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint16
0-61 Access to Main Menu w/o Password [0] Full access 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8

5.1.3 1-** Load and Motor

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change during Conversion Type
No. # operation index
1-0* General Settings
1-00 Configuration Mode [0] Open Loop All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-01 Motor Control Principle [1] VVC+ All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-03 Torque Characteristics [1] Variable Torque All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-06 Clockwise Direction [0] Normal 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
1-08 Motor Control Bandwidth ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-1* Motor Selection
1-10 Motor Construction [0] Asynchron All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-11 Motor Selection [0] Default Motor Selection All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-14 Damping Gain 120% All set-ups FALSE 0 Int16
1-15 Low Speed Filter Time Const. ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
1-16 High Speed Filter Time Const. ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
1-17 Voltage filter time const. ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint16
1-2* Motor Data
1-20 Motor Power ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-22 Motor Voltage ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-23 Motor Frequency ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-24 Motor Current ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change during Conversion Type
No. # operation index
1-25 Motor Nominal Speed ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 67 Uint16
1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint32
1-29 Automatic Motor Adaption (AMA) [0] Off All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-3* Adv. Motor Data
1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint32
1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint32
1-35 Main Reactance (Xh) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -6 Int32
1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -6 Int32
1-39 Motor Poles
1-4* Adv. Motor Data II
ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
5 5
1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -6 Int32
1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -6 Int32
1-46 Position Detection Gain 100% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-48 Current at Min Inductance for d-axis 100% All set-ups FALSE 0 Int16
1-49 Current at Min Inductance for q-axis 100% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-5* Load Indep. Setting
1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed 100% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-52 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz] 1 Hz All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
1-55 U/f Characteristic - U ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
1-56 U/f Characteristic - F ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
1-6* Load Depen. Setting
1-62 Slip Compensation ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Int16
1-63 Slip Compensation Time Constant 0.1 s All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
1-64 Resonance Dampening 100% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-65 Resonance Dampening Time Constant 0.005 s All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint16
1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed 50% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
1-7* Start Adjustments
1-70 PM Start Mode [1] Parking All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-71 Start Delay 0s All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint8
1-72 Start Function [2] Coast/delay time All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-73 Flying Start [0] Disabled All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-8* Stop Adjustments
1-80 Function at Stop [0] Coast All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz] 0 Hz All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
1-88 AC Brake Gain 1.4 N/A All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
1-9* Motor Temperature
1-90 Motor Thermal Protection [4] ETR trip 1 All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-93 Thermistor Source [0] None All set-ups FALSE – Uint8

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Parameter Lists TR150 and TR170

5.1.4 2-** Brakes

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type

No. # during index
2-0* DC-Brake
2-00 DC Hold/Motor Preheat Current 50% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
2-01 DC Brake Current 50% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
2-02 DC Braking Time 10 s All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed 0 Hz All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
2-06 Parking Current 100% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16

5 5 2-07 Parking Time

2-1* Brake Energy Funct.
3s All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16

2-10 Brake Function [0] Off All set-ups FALSE – Uint8

2-16 AC Brake, Max current 100% All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
2-17 Over-voltage Control [2] Enabled All set-ups FALSE – Uint8

5.1.5 3-** Reference/Ramps

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type

No. # during index
3-0* Reference Limits
3-02 Minimum Reference 0 ReferenceFeedbackUnit All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
3-03 Maximum Reference ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
3-1* References
3-10 Preset Reference 0% All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
3-11 Jog Speed [Hz] 5 Hz All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
3-14 Preset Relative Reference 0% All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
3-15 Reference 1 Source [1] Analog Input 53 All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
3-16 Reference 2 Source [2] Analog Input 54 All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
3-17 Reference 3 Source [11] Local bus reference All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
3-4* Ramp 1
3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
3-5* Ramp 2
3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
3-8* Other Ramps
3-80 Jog Ramp Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time ExpressionLimit 1 set-up FALSE -2 Uint32

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5.1.6 4-** Limits/Warnings

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type

No. # during index
4-1* Motor Limits
4-10 Motor Speed Direction [2] Both directions All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] 0 Hz All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
4-18 Current Limit ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
4-19 Max Output Frequency ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
4-4* Adj. Warnings 2
4-40 Warning Freq. Low ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
5 5
4-41 Warning Freq. High ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
4-5* Adj. Warnings
4-50 Warning Current Low 0A All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
4-51 Warning Current High ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
4-54 Warning Reference Low -4999 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
4-55 Warning Reference High 4999 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
4-56 Warning Feedback Low -4999 ProcessCtrlUnit All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
4-57 Warning Feedback High 4999 ProcessCtrlUnit All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function [1] On All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
4-6* Speed Bypass
4-61 Bypass Speed From [Hz] 0 Hz All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
4-63 Bypass Speed To [Hz] 0 Hz All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
4-64 Semi-Auto Bypass Set-up [0] Off All set-ups FALSE – Uint8

5.1.7 5-** Digital In/Out

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type

No. # during index
5-0* Digital I/O mode
5-00 Digital Input Mode [0] PNP 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
5-03 Digital Input 29 Mode [0] PNP All set-ups FALSE – Uint8

5-1* Digital Inputs

5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input [8] Start All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
5-11 Terminal 19 Digital Input [0] No operation All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input [14] Jog All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
5-3* Digital Outputs
5-34 On Delay, Digital Output 0.01 s All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
5-35 Off Delay, Digital Output 0.01 s All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
5-4* Relays
5-40 Function Relay ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
5-41 On Delay, Relay 0.01 s All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
5-42 Off Delay, Relay 0.01 s All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
5-5* Pulse Input
5-50 Term. 29 Low Frequency 20 Hz All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
5-51 Term. 29 High Frequency 32000 Hz All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
5-52 Term. 29 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
5-9* Bus Controlled

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Parameter Lists TR150 and TR170

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type

No. # during index
5-90 Digital & Relay Bus Control 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32

5.1.8 6-** Analog In/Out

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type

No. # during index
6-0* Analog I/O Mode

5 5 6-00
Live Zero Timeout Time
Live Zero Timeout Function
10 s
[0] Off
All set-ups
All set-ups

6-02 Fire Mode Live Zero Timeout Function [0] Off All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
6-1* Analog Input 53
6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage 0.07 V All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
6-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage 10 V All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current 4 mA All set-ups FALSE -5 Uint16
6-13 Terminal 53 High Current 20 mA All set-ups FALSE -5 Uint16
6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
6-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time Constant 0.01 s All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
6-19 Terminal 53 mode [1] Voltage mode 1 set-up FALSE - Uint8
6-2* Analog Input 54
6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage 0.07 V All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage 10 V All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current 4 mA All set-ups FALSE -5 Uint16
6-23 Terminal 54 High Current 20 mA All set-ups FALSE -5 Uint16
6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant 0.01 s All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
6-29 Terminal 54 mode [1] Voltage mode 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
6-7* Analog/Digital Output 45
6-70 Terminal 45 Mode [0] 0-20 mA All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
6-71 Terminal 45 Analog Output [0] No operation All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
6-72 Terminal 45 Digital Output [0] No operation All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
6-73 Terminal 45 Output Min Scale 0% All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
6-74 Terminal 45 Output Max Scale 100% All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
6-76 Terminal 45 Output Bus Control 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
6-9* Analog/Digital Output 42
6-90 Terminal 42 Mode [0] 0-20 mA All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
6-91 Terminal 42 Analog Output [0] No operation All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
6-92 Terminal 42 Digital Output [0] No operation All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
6-93 Terminal 42 Output Min Scale 0% All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
6-94 Terminal 42 Output Max Scale 100% All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
6-96 Terminal 42 Output Bus Control 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5.1.9 8-** Comm. and Options

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type
during index
8-0* General Settings
8-01 Control site [0] Digital and ctrl.word All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
8-02 Control source [1] FC Port All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
8-03 Control timeout time 1s 1 set-up FALSE -1 Uint16
8-04 Control timeout function [0] Off 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
8-3* FC Port Settings
[0] FC
1 N/A
1 set-up
1 set-up

5 5
8-32 Baud rate ExpressionLimit 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
8-33 Parity/stop bits ExpressionLimit 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
8-35 Minimum response delay 0.01 s 1 set-up FALSE -3 Uint16
8-36 Maximum response delay ExpressionLimit 1 set-up FALSE -3 Uint16
8-37 Maximum inter-char delay 0.025 s 1 set-up FALSE -3 Uint16
8-4* FC MC protocol set
8-42 PCD write configuration [0] None All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-43 PCD read configuration [0] None 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
8-5* Digital/Bus
8-50 Coasting select [3] Logic OR All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
8-51 Quick stop select [3] Logic OR All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
8-52 DC brake select ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
8-53 Start select [3] Logic OR All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
8-54 Reversing select [0] Digital input All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
8-55 Set-up select [3] Logic OR All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
8-56 Preset reference select [3] Logic OR All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
8-7* BACnet
8-70 BACnet device instance 1 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32
8-72 MS/TP maximum masters 127 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint8
8-73 MS/TP maximum info frames 1 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint16
8-74 I am service [0] Send at power-up 1 set-up FALSE - Uint8
8-75 Intialisation password [admin] 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[21]
8-8* FC Port Diagnostics
8-80 Bus message count 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32
8-81 Bus error count 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32
8-82 Slave messages received 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32
8-83 Slave error count 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32
8-84 Slave messages sent 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32
8-85 Slave timeout errors 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32
8-88 Reset FC port diagnostics [0] Do not reset 1 set-up FALSE - Uint8
8-9* Bus Feedback
8-94 Bus feedback 1 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int16
8-95 Bus feedback 2 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int16

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Parameter Lists TR150 and TR170

5.1.10 13-** Smart Logic

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type

No. # during index
13-0* SLC Settings
13-00 SL Controller Mode [0] Off 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
13-01 Start Event [39] Start command 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
13-02 Stop Event [40] Drive stopped 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
13-03 Reset SLC [0] Do not reset SLC 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
13-1* Comparators

5 5 13-10
Comparator Operand
Comparator Operator
[0] Disabled
[1] Approx.Equal (~)
1 set-up
1 set-up

13-12 Comparator Value 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE -3 Int32
13-2* Timers
13-20 SL Controller Timer 0s 1 set-up FALSE -2 Uint32
13-4* Logic Rules
13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1 [0] False 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1 [0] Disabled 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 [0] False 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2 [0] Disabled 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3 [0] False 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
13-5* States
13-51 SL Controller Event [0] False 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
13-52 SL Controller Action [0] Disabled 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8

5.1.11 14-** Special Functions

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type

No. # during index
14-0* Inverter Switching
14-01 Switching Frequency ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
14-03 Overmodulation [0] Off All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
14-07 Dead Time Compensation Level ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
14-08 Damping Gain Factor ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
14-09 Dead Time Bias Current Level ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
14-1* Mains On/Off
14-10 Mains Failure [0] No function All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
14-11 Mains Voltage at Mains Fault ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance [0] Trip 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
14-2* Reset Functions
14-20 Reset Mode [0] Manual reset All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
14-21 Automatic Restart Time 10 s All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
14-22 Operation Mode [0] Normal operation 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
14-27 Action At Inverter Fault [1] Warning All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
14-29 Service Code 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32
14-3* Current Limit Ctrl.
14-30 Current Lim Ctrl, Proportional Gain 100% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
14-31 Current Lim Ctrl, Integration Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint16
14-32 Current Lim Ctrl, Filter Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -4 Uint16
14-4* Energy Optimising
14-40 VT Level 90% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
14-41 AEO Minimum Magnetisation 66% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type

No. # during index
14-44 d-axis current optimization for IPM 100% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
14-5* Environment
14-51 DC-Link Voltage Compensation [1] On All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
14-52 Fan Control [0] Auto 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
14-53 Fan Monitor [1] Warning 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
14-55 Output Filter [0] No Filter 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
14-6* Auto Derate
14-61 Function at Inverter Overload [0] Trip All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
14-63 Min Switch Frequency
Dead Time Compensation Zero Current
[2] 2.0 kHz 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
5 5
14-64 Level [0] Disabled All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
14-65 Speed Derate Dead Time Compensation ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
14-9* Fault Settings
14-90 Fault Level [3] Trip lock All set-ups FALSE – Uint8

5.1.12 15-** Drive Information

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type
during index
15-0* Operating Data
15-00 Operating hours 0h All set-ups FALSE 74 Uint32
15-01 Running hours 0h All set-ups FALSE 74 Uint32
15-02 kWh counter 0 kWh All set-ups FALSE 75 Uint32
15-03 Power up's 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
15-04 Over temp's 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
15-05 Over volt's 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
15-06 Reset kWh counter [0] Do not reset All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
15-07 Reset running hours counter [0] Do not reset All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
15-3* Alarm Log
15-30 Alarm log: error code 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
15-31 Internal fault reason 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Int16
15-4* Drive Identification
15-40 FC type 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[6]
15-41 Power section 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-42 Voltage 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-43 Software version 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-44 Ordered typecode 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[40]
15-45 Actual typecode string 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[40]
15-46 Drive ordering no 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[8]
15-48 LCP ID number 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[21]
15-49 SW ID control card 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[21]
15-50 SW ID power card 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[21]
15-51 Drive serial number 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[10]
15-53 Power card serial number 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-59 CSIV filename 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE – VisStr[16]

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Parameter Lists TR150 and TR170

5.1.13 16-** Data Readouts

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type
during index
16-0* General Status
16-00 Control word 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint16
16-01 Reference [unit] 0 1 set-up FALSE -3 Int32
16-02 Reference [%] 0% 1 set-up FALSE -1 Int16
16-03 Status word 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint16
16-05 Main actual value [%] 0% 1 set-up FALSE -2 Int16

5 5 16-09 Custom readout

16-1* Motor Status
0 CustomReadoutUnit 1 set-up FALSE -2 Int32

16-10 Power [kW] 0 kW 1 set-up FALSE -3 Uint32

16-11 Power [hp] 0 hp 1 set-up FALSE -3 Uint32
16-12 Motor voltage 0V 1 set-up FALSE -1 Uint32
16-13 Frequency 0 Hz 1 set-up FALSE -1 Uint32
16-14 Motor current 0A 1 set-up FALSE -2 Uint16
16-15 Frequency [%] 0% 1 set-up FALSE -1 Uint16
16-16 Torque [Nm] 0 Nm All set-ups FALSE 0 Int32
16-17 Speed [RPM] 0 RPM 1 set-up FALSE 0 Int32
16-18 Motor thermal 0% 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint8
16-22 Torque [%] 0% All set-ups FALSE 0 Int16
16-3* Drive Status
16-30 DC link voltage 0V 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32
16-34 Heatsink temperature 0 °C 1 set-up FALSE 100 Int8
16-35 Inverter thermal 0% 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint8
16-36 Inverter nominal current 0A 1 set-up FALSE -2 Uint16
16-37 Inverter maximum current 0A 1 set-up FALSE -2 Uint16
16-38 SL controller state 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint8
16-5* Ref. & Feedb.
16-50 External reference 0% 1 set-up FALSE -1 Int16
16-52 Feedback[Unit] 0 1 set-up FALSE -3 Int32
16-54 Feedback 1 [Unit] 0 All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
16-55 Feedback 2 [Unit] 0 All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
16-6* Inputs & Outputs
16-60 Digital input 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint16
16-61 Terminal 53 setting [0] Current mode 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
16-62 Analog input AI53 1 N/A 1 set-up FALSE -2 Uint16
16-63 Terminal 54 setting [0] Current mode 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
16-64 Analog input AI54 1 N/A 1 set-up FALSE -2 Uint16
16-65 Analog output AO42 [mA] 0 mA 1 set-up FALSE -2 Uint16
16-66 Digital output 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[4]
16-67 Pulse input #29 [Hz] 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int32
16-71 Relay output [bin] 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint16
16-72 Counter A 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Int16
16-73 Counter B 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Int16
16-79 Analog output AO45 0 mA 1 set-up FALSE -2 Uint16
16-8* Fieldbus & FC Port
16-86 FC port REF 1 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Int16
16-9* Diagnosis Readouts
16-90 Alarm word 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32
16-91 Alarm word 2 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32

112 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameter Lists Programming Guide

16-92 Warning word 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32

16-93 Warning word 2 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32
16-94 External status word 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32
16-95 External status word 2 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint32

5.1.14 18-** Info & Readouts

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type
during index
18-1* Fire Mode Log
18-10 Fire mode log:event 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint8
5 5
5.1.15 20-** Drive Closed Loop

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type
during index
20-0* Feedback
20-00 Feedback 1 source [0] No function All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
20-01 Feedback 1 conversion [0] Linear All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
20-03 Feedback 2 source [0] No function All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
20-04 Feedback 2 conversion [0] Linear All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
20-2* Feedback/Setpoint
20-20 Feedback function [3] Minimum All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
20-8* PI Basic Settings
20-81 PI normal/inverse control [0] Normal All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
20-83 PI start speed [Hz] 0 Hz All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
20-84 On reference bandwidth 5% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
20-9* PI Controller
20-91 PI anti windup [1] On All set-ups FALSE –- Uint8
20-93 PI proportional gain 0.50 N/A All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
20-94 PI integral time 20 s All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
20-97 PI feed forward factor 0% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 113

Parameter Lists TR150 and TR170

5.1.16 22-** Appl. Functions

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type
during index
22-0* Miscellaneous
22-01 Power Filter Time 0.50 s All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint16
22-02 Sleep mode CL control mode [0] Normal All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
22-23 No-Flow Function [0] Off All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
22-24 No-Flow Delay 10 s All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16

5 5 22-3*
22-30 No-Flow Power 0 kW All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
22-31 Power Correction Factor 100 % All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
22-33 Low Speed [Hz] 0 Hz All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
22-34 Low Speed Power [kW] 0 kW All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
22-37 High Speed [Hz] 0 Hz All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
22-38 High Speed Power [kW] 0 kW All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
22-4* Sleep Mode
22-40 Minimum run time 10 s All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
22-41 Minimum sleep time 10 s All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
22-43 Wake-up speed [Hz] 10 N/A All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
Wake-up reference/feedback
22-44 difference 10% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
22-45 Setpoint boost 0% All set-ups FALSE 0 Int8
22-46 Maximum boost time 60 s All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
22-47 Sleep speed [Hz] 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
22-48 Sleep delay time 0s All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
22-49 Wake-up delay time 0s All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
22-6* Broken Belt Detection
22-60 Broken belt function [0] Off All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
22-61 Broken belt torque 10% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
22-62 Broken belt delay 10 s All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16

22-8* Flow Compensation

22-80 Flow Compensation [0] Disabled All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
22-81 Square-linear Curve Approximation 100 % All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
22-82 Work Point Calculation [0] Disabled All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
22-84 Speed at No-Flow [Hz] Expressionlimit (50.0) All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
22-86 Speed at Design Point [Hz] Expressionlimit (50.0) All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16

22-87 Pressure at No-Flow Speed 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32

22-88 Pressure at Rated Speed 4999.000 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint32
22-89 Flow at Design Point 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int32

114 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5.1.17 24-** Appl. Functions 2

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type

No. # during index

24-0* Fire Mode

24-00 FM Function [0] Disabled 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
24-01 Fire Mode Configuration [0] Open Loop All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
24-05 FM Preset Reference 0% All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
24-06 Fire Mode Reference Source [0] No function All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
24-07 Fire Mode Feedback Source [0] No function All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
24-09 FM Alarm Handling [1] Trip, Crit.Alarms 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8 5 5
24-1* Drive Bypass
24-10 Drive Bypass Function [0] Disabled 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
24-11 Drive Bypass Delay Time 0s 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint16

5.1.18 30-** Special Features

Par. Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change during Conversion Type
No. # operation index
30-2* Adv. Start Adjust
30-22 Locked Rotor Detection [0] Off All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
30-23 Locked Rotor Detection Time [s] 0.10 s All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint8

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 115

Index TR150 and TR170

Index Counter A................................................................................................ 82

Counter B................................................................................................. 82
A Current
Action at inverter fault........................................................................ 74 limit....................................................................................................... 44

Active set-up.......................................................................................... 26 Custom readout.................................................................................... 79

Advanced vector control...................................................................... 5 Custom readout unit........................................................................... 27

AEO............................................................................................................ 75
Alarm......................................................................................................... 96
Data readout.......................................................................................... 79
Alarm and warning list....................................................................... 96
DC braking time.................................................................................... 39
Alarm log................................................................................................. 77
DC hold/motor preheat current...................................................... 39
Alarm log: error code.......................................................................... 77
DC-brake current.................................................................................. 39
Alarm log: value.................................................................................... 77
DC-brake cut-in speed........................................................................ 39
Alarm word...................................................................................... 82, 98
DC-link compensation........................................................................ 75
Alarm word 2.......................................................................................... 82
Default setting.................................................................................... 103
Analog output AO42 [mA]................................................................ 81
Definition................................................................................................... 5
Analog output AO45........................................................................... 82
Digital input function.......................................................................... 47
Auto DC braking IT............................................................................... 26
Digital input mode............................................................................... 47
Automatic motor adaption............................................................... 33
Digital output......................................................................................... 81
Automatic restart time....................................................................... 74
Discharge time......................................................................................... 4

B Display........................................................................................................ 8

BACnet...................................................................................................... 63 Drive bypass........................................................................................... 93

BACnet device instance...................................................................... 63 Drive closed-loop................................................................................. 84

Baud rate.................................................................................................. 60
Break-away torque.................................................................................. 5
Energy optimizing................................................................................ 75
Broken-belt delay................................................................................. 90
Environment........................................................................................... 75
Broken-belt detection......................................................................... 90
Extended status word.................................................................. 82, 99
Broken-belt function........................................................................... 90
Extended status word 2...................................................................... 82
Broken-belt torque............................................................................... 90
External interlock.................................................................................. 47
Bus feedback.......................................................................................... 64
External reference................................................................................ 80

Changes made......................................................................................... 9
Fan control.............................................................................................. 75
Closed loop...................................................................................... 29, 93
Fan monitor............................................................................................ 76
Closed-loop set-up wizard................................................................... 9
Fault message........................................................................................ 99
Coast inverse.......................................................................................... 47
FC port diagnostic................................................................................ 63
Coasting..................................................................................................... 5
FC port setting....................................................................................... 60
Coasting select...................................................................................... 62
Feedback................................................................................................. 84
Comparator........................................................................................ 67 Feedback 1 conversion....................................................................... 84
operand............................................................................................... 67 Feedback 1 source................................................................................ 84
operator............................................................................................... 67
value..................................................................................................... 68 Fieldbus & drive port........................................................................... 82

Control Fieldbus & FC port................................................................................ 82

site......................................................................................................... 60 Fire mode................................................................................................. 47
timeout function.............................................................................. 60
Fire mode log......................................................................................... 83
timeout time...................................................................................... 60
word...................................................................................................... 79 Flow compensation............................................................................. 90

116 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Index Programming Guide

FM function............................................................................................. 92 LCP custom readout............................................................................ 26

Freeze output.................................................................................... 5, 47 Leakage current....................................................................................... 4
Frequency................................................................................................ 80 Link set-up............................................................................................... 26
Frequency [%]........................................................................................ 80 Literature.................................................................................................... 4
Frequency converter identification............................................... 77 Live zero................................................................................................... 55
Function at mains imbalance........................................................... 74 Load compensation............................................................................. 29
Function at stop.................................................................................... 37 Load sharing............................................................................................. 3
Function relay........................................................................................ 51 Local reference...................................................................................... 25
Locked rotor detection....................................................................... 95
G Locked rotor detection time............................................................. 95
Grid type.................................................................................................. 25 Logic rule................................................................................................. 68
Logic rule boolean 2............................................................................ 69
H Logic rule boolean 3............................................................................ 70
Hand start................................................................................................ 47 Logic rule operator 1........................................................................... 69
Heat sink temperature........................................................................ 80 Logic rule operator 2........................................................................... 70
High voltage............................................................................................. 3
I Main actual value.................................................................................. 79
Indicator light........................................................................................... 8 Main reactance...................................................................................... 34
Initialization..................................................................................... 24, 74 Mains
Initialization, 2-finger.......................................................................... 24 on/off.................................................................................................... 73
Inputs Maximum boost time.......................................................................... 90
Analog input........................................................................................ 5 Maximum Inter-char delay................................................................ 61
Analog input AI53............................................................................ 81
Analog input AI54............................................................................ 81 Maximum output frequency............................................................ 44
Digital input................................................................................ 47, 81 Maximum reference............................................................................. 41
Digital input function..................................................................... 47
Digital input mode.......................................................................... 47 Maximum response delay................................................................. 61

Inverter maximum current................................................................ 80 Menu key.................................................................................................... 8

Inverter nominal current.................................................................... 80 Minimum reference............................................................................. 41

Inverter switching................................................................................ 73 Minimum response delay.................................................................. 61

Inverter thermal.................................................................................... 80 Minimum sleep time........................................................................... 89

control principle............................................................................... 29
J current........................................................................................... 33, 80
Jog......................................................................................................... 5, 47 frequency............................................................................................ 32
magnetization at 0 speed............................................................. 35
Jog ramp time........................................................................................ 43
set-up...................................................................................................... 9
Jog speed [Hz]....................................................................................... 41 speed direction................................................................................. 44
speed high limit................................................................................ 44
K speed low limit.................................................................................. 44
status.................................................................................................... 79
Keypad.................................................................................................... 6, 8 thermal................................................................................................ 80
Keypad copy........................................................................................... 28 thermal protection.......................................................................... 37
voltage.......................................................................................... 32, 80
KWh counter........................................................................................... 77

Navigation key......................................................................................... 8
Language................................................................................................. 25
Nominal motor speed.................................................................... 5, 33
Latched start.......................................................................................... 47
NPN............................................................................................................ 47
LCP................................................................................................................ 5
LCP copy.................................................................................................. 23

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Index TR150 and TR170

Open loop............................................................................................... 29 Ramp 1 ramp-up time......................................................................... 42
Operating data...................................................................................... 77 Ramp 2 ramp-down time.................................................................. 42
Operating hour counter..................................................................... 77 Ramp 2 ramp-up time......................................................................... 42
Operating mode................................................................................... 25 RCD............................................................................................................... 5
Operating state at power-up............................................................ 25 Readout/programming, indexed parameter.............................. 24
Operation key........................................................................................... 8 Recommended initialization............................................................ 24
Operation mode................................................................................... 74 Reference 1 source............................................................................... 41
Output filter............................................................................................ 76 Reference 2 source............................................................................... 42
Overmodulation................................................................................... 73 Reference 3 source............................................................................... 42
Overtemperature fault counter....................................................... 77 Regional setting.................................................................................... 25
Overvoltage............................................................................................ 77 Relay.......................................................................................................... 51
Overvoltage control............................................................................ 40 Relay output [bin]................................................................................. 81
Reset kWh counter............................................................................... 77
P Reset mode............................................................................................. 74
Parity/stop bit........................................................................................ 60 Reset SLC................................................................................................. 67
Password.................................................................................................. 28 Resonance dampening...................................................................... 36
PI anti-windup....................................................................................... 85 Reversing................................................................................................. 47
PI basic setting....................................................................................... 84 RFI filter.................................................................................................... 75
PI controller............................................................................................. 85 Run permissive...................................................................................... 47
PI feed forward factor......................................................................... 85 Running hour counter........................................................................ 77
PI integral time...................................................................................... 85
PI normal/inverse control.................................................................. 84 S
PI proportional gain............................................................................. 85 Safety........................................................................................................... 4
PNP............................................................................................................ 47 Semi-auto bypass set-up................................................................... 46
Power in hp............................................................................................. 79 Serial communication......................................................................... 51
Power in kW............................................................................................ 79 Serial communication port.................................................................. 5
Power up counter................................................................................. 77 Setpoint boost....................................................................................... 89
Preset ref bit 0........................................................................................ 47 Set-up copy............................................................................................. 28
Preset ref bit 1........................................................................................ 47 SL controller action.............................................................................. 71
Preset ref bit 2........................................................................................ 47 SL controller mode............................................................................... 65
Preset reference.................................................................................... 41 SL controller timer................................................................................ 68
Preset relative reference..................................................................... 41 SLC setting.............................................................................................. 65
Programming Sleep mode............................................................................................. 88
Programming....................................................................................... 8 Sleep speed [Hz]................................................................................... 90
set-up................................................................................................... 26
with MCT 10 Set-up Software........................................................ 8 Slip compensation............................................................................... 35
Protocol.................................................................................................... 60 Smart logic.............................................................................................. 65
Pulse input.............................................................................................. 53 Smart logic controller event............................................................. 71
Software version................................................................................... 78
Q Special function.................................................................................... 73
Quick menu............................................................................................... 9 Speed bypass......................................................................................... 45
Quick stop ramp time......................................................................... 43 Speed down........................................................................................... 47
Quick transfer......................................................................................... 23 Speed up.................................................................................................. 47
Square root............................................................................................. 84
Start........................................................................................................... 47

118 02/2017 All rights reserved. BAS-SVP16B-EN

Index Programming Guide

Start delay............................................................................................... 36 Unintended start..................................................................................... 3

Start event............................................................................................... 65
Start function......................................................................................... 36 V
Start reversing....................................................................................... 47 VVC+............................................................................................................ 6
Stator leakage reactance................................................................... 34
Stator resistance.................................................................................... 34
Status menu.............................................................................................. 9 Warning.................................................................................................... 96

Status word............................................................................................. 79 Warning current high.......................................................................... 45

Stop event............................................................................................... 66 Warning current low............................................................................ 45

Switching frequency........................................................................... 73 Warning word................................................................................. 82, 98

Warning word 2..................................................................................... 82
T Wiring schematic..................................................................................... 7
Terminal 18 digital input.................................................................... 49 Wizard, closed-loop set-up.................................................................. 9
Terminal 19 digital input.................................................................... 49 Wizard, open-loop application........................................................... 9
Terminal 27 digital input.................................................................... 50
Terminal 29 digital input.................................................................... 50
Terminal 42
Terminal 42 analog output........................................................... 58
Terminal 42 digital output............................................................ 58
Terminal 42 mode............................................................................ 58
Terminal 42 output maximum scale......................................... 59
Terminal 42 output minimum scale.......................................... 59
Terminal 45
Terminal 45 analog output........................................................... 57
Terminal 45 digital output............................................................ 57
Terminal 45 mode............................................................................ 57
Terminal 45 output bus control.................................................. 58
Terminal 45 output max scale..................................................... 58
Terminal 45 output min scale...................................................... 58
Terminal 53
Terminal 53 filter time constant.................................................. 56
Terminal 53 high current............................................................... 56
Terminal 53 high voltage.............................................................. 55
Terminal 53 low current................................................................. 56
Terminal 53 low voltage................................................................ 55
Terminal 53 mode............................................................................ 56
Terminal 53 setting.......................................................................... 81
Terminal 54
Terminal 54 filter time constant.................................................. 57
Terminal 54 high current............................................................... 56
Terminal 54 high voltage.............................................................. 56
Terminal 54 low current................................................................. 56
Terminal 54 low voltage................................................................ 56
Terminal 54 mode............................................................................ 57
Terminal 54 setting.......................................................................... 81
Thermal load.......................................................................................... 35
Thermistor................................................................................................. 5
Thermistor source................................................................................ 38
Timer......................................................................................................... 68
Trip reset.................................................................................................. 74

U/f characteristic................................................................................... 35

BAS-SVP16B-EN 02/2017 All rights reserved. 119

TR150 and TR170
Programming Guide

Literature Order Number BAS-SVP16B-EN

Date February 2017
Supersedes September 2013

For more information, contact your local Trane Trane has a policy of continous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to
office or e-mail us at [email protected] change design and specifications without notice.

February 2017 BAS-SVP16B-EN

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