Slim Ali S.Dillon Ripley John Henry Dick-A Pictorial Guide To The Birds of The Indian Subcontinent
Slim Ali S.Dillon Ripley John Henry Dick-A Pictorial Guide To The Birds of The Indian Subcontinent
Slim Ali S.Dillon Ripley John Henry Dick-A Pictorial Guide To The Birds of The Indian Subcontinent
to the BIRDS of the
Indian Subcontinent
~ u n i The
. broad valleys within the outer r r of the
Himalayas, e.g. Dehra Dpn (lying beEw4e~the S WdBk Hills
and the Himalayas proper, and bmwen thrP Jgma and
Gmga rivers), and thsPatli'I3undwlaedbg l U U ~ r i v e r .
There are many other malIer and 1 k ~ m
M W Q @bs.
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Oxford Universiry Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP
Oxford. New York
Athens..Auckland. Bangkok. Bombay,
Calcutta. Cape Town, Dar-es-Saaam, Delbi.
Florence. Hong Kong, Istanbul. Karachi,
Kuala Lumpur, Madras, Madrid, Melbourne.
Mexico City, Nairobi, Paris, Singapore,
Taipei, Tokyo, Toronto,
and associated companies in
Berlin. Ibadan
ISBN 0 19 563732 1
All rights reserved. This book, or any parts thereof, or plates tberein, may not
be reproduced in any form without the written permission,of the publishers.
Terms used in the Description of a bird
Systematic Index of the Families, and Species in each
The Birds
Alphabetical Index to the Families
INTRODUCTION coloured, 33 black-and-white) by the well-known
Specific identification is the ABC of meaningful American bird painter John Henry Dick, depicting
bid watching as much as of scientific field research. 1241 species of the Indian subcontinent. These
Howsoever significant a field observation, its include a few extralimital ones (EL) from just across
importance is lost unless the concerned species is our borders which could well be found within our
correctly identified. For the untutored beginner good territory at one time or another. Not only are the
illustrations of birds, preferably in colour, are species systematically arranged in the plates, family
fundamental. The truth of this was clearly by family, but in many cases both male and female
demonstrated by' Hugh Whistler's pioneering as well as juvenile plumages and colour variants
Popular Handbook of Indian Birds first published are also shown. The publication is particularly
in 1928, in creating and developing an interest in gratifying also because the sponsors intend it to be
buds and birdwatching among the Indian public a non-profit distribution among low- and middle-
where it was practically non-existent before. income groups and among government and private
Although the Popular Handbook contained only a scientific,cultural and educational institutions, and
few illustrations of the birds described in the text, for the widest diffusion of knowledge concerning
and fewer still in colour, it triggered an immediate our rich ornithological heritage to enable well
spurt of interest in birds and birdwatching, informed public participation in the conservation
necessitating a second edition of the book in 1935 of wildlife and its habitats, and thus in the
followed soon by a third edition and a fourth. preservation of a healthy natural environment.
In 1941 Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
first published The Book of Indian Birds by Saim
Ali describing 181 species of the commoner buds, For various courtesies received by the artist John
all of which were shown in colour. The popularity Henry Dick, in the course of preparation of the
of The Book, largely due to this feature, has plates, he wishes to thank the following institutions
necessitated further editions every few years, each and individuals:
edition enlarged progressively by the inclusion of a American Museum of Natural History, New York
few more species, till the latest, eleventh, published for making available their magnificent collection
in 1979, contains accounts and colour illustrations of Indian bud skins.
of 296 species. However. this represents merely a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Department of
small fraction of our total avifauna, and it was Interior) for their financial assistance, their whole-
desirable to illustrate many more species if Indian hearted support and encouragement of this book
ornithology was to be better served. Saim Ali and from start to finish, and their belief that a complete
S. Dillon Ripley attempted to do this in the 10 illustrated volume on the birds of the Indian
volumes of their Handbook of the Birds of India subcontinent would make a considerable
and Pakistan (1969-74) which contains colour contribution to scientific bird study and conservation
illustrationsof some 900 species of the 1200+ found as well as provide a handy reference for the general
in the Indian subcontinent, therefore still Indian public which is just awakening to the richness
considerably short of the total. Moreover, the plates of its wildlife heritage.
in the Handbook are spread over 10 separate
volumes which makes the locating of individual Gerry (Gerard) Bertrand who was initially
species inconvenient and time-consuming since concerned with this project till his departure from
even in these plates the illustrations are not in FWS in 1980, and thereafter David Ferguson
systematic order, farnilywise. Under these conditions without whose active involvement in the catalytic
Bombay Natural History Society feels particularly role played by FWS throughout the protracted
gratified in its opportunity to publish, with the far- vicissitudes of the project it might never have
sighted sponsorship of U.S. Fish and Wildlife materialized.
Service and Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Ben King - who first conceived the idea of a
this immaculately executed set of 106 plates (73 complete illustrated guide to all the buds of greater
India. Thanks also for his original text and his number (in brackets) identifies the illustration in
&ireful selection of the AMNH skins; also for the facing plate.
photographing rare specimens that could not leave The following abbreviations have been used in
the Museum. the captions:
Appreciation must also be accorded to the New V = Vagrant (or occasional sbay)
York Zoological Society but for whose financial R = Resident. Also covers local migrants, i.e.
encouragement to Ben King in the initial stages this birds that breed in one part of the
ambitious project might never have got off the Subcontinent in one season and move to
ground. other parts within the country in a different
On the Indian side, Bombay Natural History season, e.g. Pitta
Society gratefully acknowledges the munificent M = Migrant (extralimital, chiefly long-distance)
gesture of the artist and the authors in waiving their RM= Resident with migratory populations
claim to a royalty on this publication in favour of (subspecies)
the Society. This they have done as a token of their EL = Extralimizal
admiration for the seminal work the Society has ECLIPSE PLUMAGE. In certain families, e.g.
done in arousing public interest and awareness in Ducks (Anatidae). the males don a distinctive
Nature and Naturc Conservation in India during breeding plumage in summer and revert to a female-
the century of its existence. The useful suggestions like (or eclipse) plumage in winter. The sexes are
and painstaking sccrelarial assistance rendered by .then difficult to distinguish. S (summer) and W
Archna Mehrotra in the preparation of the captions (winter) against the illustration identify these
and their coordination with the illustrations have seasonal plumages.
helped' greatly in expediting the work, and are
BIRDS OF PREY or RAPTORS often have very
thankfully acknowledged by the senior author.
different and highly confusing plumages as adult,
EXPLANATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS immature and javenile. Moreover, in addition to the
normal plumage they (and also some other birds)
The term SUBCONTINENT as used in this book frequently have a dark phase (or morph) and a pale
includes the entire country soub of the Himalaya$ phase, wilh sometimes an intcnnediate one. ,411
- peninsular and continental India with its north- birds illustrated here are in adult plumage unless
eastern extension into China and Burma. It also otherwise stated. The following abbreviations and
includes Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and symbols are used in lhc plates:
Sri Lanka. Ovcrall, the area lies between latitudes ad- Subadult
lo0 30' and 40" N, and betweenlongitudes 60" and imm Immature
96O30'E. Somc of the other terms and abbreviations juv Juvenile
employcd in t!e captions also need to be spelled S Summer
out. The cxcellent illustrations by John Henry Dick W Winter
are sufficiently diagnostic by themselves not to need br+ Breeding
supplemental verbal descriptions. Omission of the br - Non-breeding
latter, and the use of abbreviations, has enabled the Qb From above
adoption of a space-saving format - also more
convenient for quick reference - of having the
* From helow
Dark phase
complete caplions on the facing page of each plate. 0 .Pale phase
Or the numerals preceding the species-name in the 0 Intermediate phase
caption, the first corresponds with the species
numbcr in Handbook of the Birds of India and The word "Sea$onally" before h e numerals for
Pakistan by SUim Ali and S. Dillon Ripley (1969- altitude in the casc of montane birds, signifies the
74) for casc of cross reference should morc limits within which Lhe bird moves, the lower figure
information on the species be desired. The second for winter, the higher for summer.
A comparison with some common and familiar and include the sections in Hazara, NWFP,Kashmir,
bird as a standard to give a rough indication of size Himachal Pradesh. Kurnaon and Garhwal.
is helpful in field identification. Chiefly the E HIMALAYAS extend horn east-central Nepal
following standards have been used in this book: eastward to NE Arunachal Radesh and include the
Sparrow 15 cm (6 in.) sections in Sikkim, Darjeeling district (W Bengal)
Crow 42 cm (17 in.) and Bhutan.
Quail 18-20 cm (7-8 in.) NE HILL STATES include Meghalaya,
Kite 60 cm (24 in.) Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and, for our
Bulbul 20 cm (8 in.) purpose, also the contiguous district of Chittagong
Duck 60 cm (24 in.) in Bangladesh.
Myna 23 cm (9 in.) W GHATS COMPLEX stands for the entire
Village hen 45-70 cm (18-28 in.) range (Sahyadris), north to south, including the
Nilgiri, Palni, Annamalai, and the associated hills
Pigeon 32 cm (13 in.)
of Yarnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Vulture 90 cm (36 in.)
Partridge 32 cm (13 in.) E GHATS COMPLEX stands for the entire range
north to south, including the Visakhapamam ghats
Plus (+) and minus (-) signs indicate whether and the Nallamalai, Palkonda. Seshachalam,
the bird is bigger or smaller than the standard. Rlusl Sbevaroy and associated hills of Orissa, Andhra
minu (*) means that it is more or less the same Radesh and Tamil Nadu.
size as the standard. The size in cenhetres is also
a rough approximation, and it must be treated as CONTINENTAL INDIA. Upper India south of
such. the Himalayas to northern Madhya Pradesh-
chiefly the Indo-Gangetic Plain.
HIMALAYAS (when used by itself) stands for
the entire range west to east, including the PENINSULAR INDIA. Roughly south of lat. 20°
'command areas' along its base. N (Tapti river).
W HIMALAYAS extend from the westemmost BAY ISLANDS = The Andarnan and Nicobar
limit of the range eastward to west-central Nepal groups lying in the Bay of Bengal.
Terms used in the description of -
Topography of a sparrow
1 Culmen 18 Scapulan
2 Nostril 19 Tertials
3 Forehead 20 Secondaries
4 Iris 2 1 Primaries
5 Supercilium 22 Primary coverts
6 Crown 23 Greater coverts
7 Nape 24 Bastard wing (alula)
8 Ear-coverts 25 Median coverts
9 Malar region (malar stripe, 26 L w c r coverts
moustache) 27 Chin
10 Lorer 28 Throat
11 Side of neck 29 Breast
12 Hindneck 30 Belly (abdomen)
13 Back 31 Tarsus
14 Rump 32 Inner toe
15 Upper tail-coverts 33 Middle toe
16 Tail (rectrica) 34 Outer toe
17 Under tail-covert8 35 Hind toe (hallux)
Systematic Index of Families,
and Species in each
Aquatic birds superficially resembling grebes but not very closely related to them. Toes fully webbed not
lobed or scalloped. Plumage dense, compact and harsh. Tarsi reticulate, laterally compressed. Legs short
and set far back, almost at end. Wings short, narrow and tapering, set well back. Seen singly or in pairs.
Frequent lakes, ponds and slow-flowing rivers in summer; essentially marine in winter. Skilled divers
and swimmers. Take wing reluctantly and with some difficulty, but once airborne, their flight is powerful
and swift. Sexes alike (winter); dimorphic (summer). Breeding: Extralimital.
Plate *
1.+ BLACKTHROATED DIVER Gavia arctica 1(1)
2. REDTHROATED DIVER Gavia stellata l(2)
* 'Ihe numeral in brackets following the plate number refers to the relevant species in the plate
+ Number as in the Synopsis of the Birds of tndia and Pakistan by Dillon Ripley.
Aquatic birds with soft rudimentary tail, very small wings, and compressed sharply pointed bill. Legs
placed far back, especially adapted for diving and swimming. Tarsi scutellated in fronf laterally compressed.
Front toes with broad lateral vane-like lobes. Hind toe small, raised, vertically lobed. Nails broad and
flattened. Plumage dense and silky. Loath to fly, rise with effort, but once airborne can fly strongly, often
long distances. Said to have a habit of eating own feathers and feeding them to the young, probably to aid
digestion. Sexes seasonally dimorphic. Nest, a mass of water weeds with a central depression or floating
mound of grass and rubbish, loosely anchored to reeds or the substrate. Incubation by both sexes. Downy
young boldly striped blackish and white.
3. GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus 1(3)
4. BLACKNECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis l(4)
4a. REDNECKED GREBE Podiceps griseigena l(5)
5. LITTLE GREBE Tachyhaptus ruficollis 1(6)
Petrels and Shearwaters
Sea birds of varying sizes and coloration, from myna to goose and of white, grey, brown, black plumage,
or combinations of these. Bill short and stout to longish and slender, covered with horny plates, hooked at
tip. Nostrils tubular. Wings narrow, long and pointed, with first primary longest and secondaries short.
Tarsus short to medium, slender, laterally compressed, reticulated. Feet webbed, with strong hindclaw.
Tail short, rounded. sex& alike. Nest, a sand burrow excavated beneath scrub roots, near the shore.
Incubation presumably by both sexes.
6. CAPE PETREL Daption capensis
8. PINKFOOTED SHEARWATER Procellaria cameipes
9. WEDGETAILED SHEARWATER Procellaria pacifica
11. AUDUBON'S SHEARWATER Procellaria lherminieri
13a. JOUANIN'S GADFLY PETREL Bulweria fallux
13b. BULWER'S GADFLY PETREL Bulweria bulwerii
EL. STREAKED SHEARWATER Calonestris leucomelas
EL. SHORT-TAILED SHEARWATER Procellaria tenuirostris
14. WILDON'S STORM PETREL Oceanites oceanicus 2(1)
15. DUSKYVENTED STORK PETREL Fregena rropica 2(4)
Oceanodroma leucorhoa 2(2)
EL. MATSUDAIRA'S STORM PETREL Oceanodroma msudairae 2(3)
Tropical sea buds superf~ciallyresembling terns but morphologically closer to cormorants and frigate
birds. Plumage chiefly white and black. Head large; neck short; bill yellow or orange-red, longish, stout,
decurved and pointed. Wings long and pointed. Tail wedge-shaped with the middle pair of feathers in
adults narrow, ribbon-like and much elongated. Legs short; feet webbed. Sexes dike. Nest, under shelter
of a ledge of rock or in a crevice. A single egg is laid, curiously like that of raptors. Young hatch covered
with down.
Phaethon aethereus 5(2)
18. REDTAILED TROPIC-BIRD Phaethon rubricauda 5(1)
19. LONGTAILED TROPIC-BIRD Phaethon lepturus 5(4)
Large, gregarious, squat and clumsy fish-eating birds with short sturdy legs and large webbed feet. Tarsus
compressed and reticulate in front. Wings large and broad; tail short, square and soft.Characteristic of
the Family is the long heavy bill with the upper mandible flamned and hook-tipped and the lower consisling
of two narrow flexible arche's underhung throughout its length by a capacious gular pouch of naked skin
which functions as a drag net for scooping up fish while swinuning. Flight is strong and over long
distances, though the initial takeoff requires some effort. They fly with the neck bent back in a flat S,
head drawn in between the shoulders. Pelicans fly either in the characteristic V-shaped echelons of geese,
or in long straggly ribbons with a wide front. Often seen soaring on thermals. Sexes alike. Nesting in
colonies. Nest of sticks in trees, or on reeds and grass or mud on the ground. Eggs 2 4 . Chicks naked
when newly hatched.
20. ROSY or WHITE PELICAN Pelecanus onocroralus 3(2)
21. SPOTTEDBILLED PELICAN Pelecanus philippensis 3(1)
22. DALMATIAN PELICAN Pelecbnus philippensis crispus 3(3)
Sea birds, typically white with variable amount of black in wings. Body stout, neck of moderate length,
wings long and pointed, tail rather long and wedge-shaped. Bill stout, conical, pointed, slightly downcurved
at tip, but not hooked. Bill, and bare facial and gular skin, brightly coloured. Legs short and stout, feet
large and fully webbed. They have a characteristic habit of plunging headlong into the water from a
height of 8 to 17 metres in the air for fish, and are capable of very deep dives in underwater pursuit of fish.
Breed on oceanic islands, on the ground or in stick nest in trees.
23. MASKED BOOBY Sula dacrylarra 5(3)
24. REDFOOTED BOOBY Sula sula 5(5)
25. BRO- BOOBY Sula leucogaster 5(6)
G~egarious,fish-eating, colonial-nesting water birds. All Indian species characterized by black plumage.
Bill laterally compressed, rather long, slender and pointed; hooked at tip in cormorants, stiletto-like in
darters. Neck and body long, spindle-shaped; wings of moderate length. Tail long and stiff. Legs short;
feet large and webbed; claws much curved. Plumage not very dense or resistant to water; becomes soaked
by prolonged immersion and requires constant drying out. The birds rise off water with some difficulty,
but the flight is powerful and sustained, with the neck stretched out in front. Cormorants fly in gooselike
V-shaped echelons or wavy diagonal lines. Sexes alike. Nests, skimpy to fairly substantial stick platforms
lined with water weeds in trees, rarely on rocks. Eggs 2-6. Incubation by both sexes. Young nidicolous,
naked at hatching, down-covered later, and extraordinarily ugly.
26. CORMORANT Phalacrocornx curb0 4(1)
27. lNDL4N SHAG Phalacrocoraxfuscicollis 4 0
28. LITTLE CORMORANT Phalacrocorax niger 4(3)
28a. PYGMY CORMORANT Phalacrocorax pygmaeus 4(4)
29. DARTER Anhinga rufa 40)
Family FREGATIDAE: Frigate Buds
or Man-of-war Hawks
Large, gregarious, dark coloured or black-and-white oceanic buds with long, pointed, streamlined wings.
deeply forked tails, and flight resembling that of raptors. Bill long and strongly hooked, rounded in cross-
section, Lbe culmen-convex. Throat bare, bright coloured gular pouch occasionally inflated to ridiculous
proportions by courting male, even in flight. Tarsus very shorl, stout, feathered. Feetsmall and webbed at
the base; claws long, strong, much curved; middle claw pectinate. Usually feed by pirating food obtained
by other buds. Frigate buds are magnificent fliers and capable of soaring and sailing for hours, spending
almost all day on the wing. Nest of sticks built on trees and bushes and on rocks. Eggs 1 or 2. Incubation
by both sexes. Chick blind and naked at hatching; covered with white down later.
31. LESSERFRIGATEBIRDFregataminor 3(5)
32. LEAST FRIGATE BIRD Fregata anel 3(4)
Herons, Egrets. Bitterns
Long-legged lanky wading buds, with long slender flexible necks which are retracted into a flat S during
flight Bill long, straight, sharp-pointed and dagger-like. Tarsi very long; toes long and slender, the
middle and outer toes united by a small web at their base; claw of middle toe pectinate. Most species have
curious powder-down patches on each side of rump and breast providing a sort of dry shampoo for
degreasing soiled feathers. Plumage soft and loose-textured, usually white, grey, purple or brown. In
many species filamentous ornamental plumes acquired during the breeding season. for the trade in which
the buds were greatly persecuted and in some places almost exterminated. Sexes alike or nearly so.
Breeding, colonial, usually in mixed heronries. Nest, shallow stick platfom~on trees. Eggs 3-6. Young
GIANT HERON Ardea goliafh 6(2)
GREY HERON Ardea cinerea 6(4)
PURPLE HERON Ardea purpuna 6(5)
LITT'LE GREEN HERON Ardeola striatus 6(1)
POND HERON OR PADDYBIRD Ardeola grayii 4(9), 6(8)
CHINESE POND HERON Ardeola bacchus 6(7)
CA'ITLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis 7(5)
LARGE EGRET Ardea alba 7(1)
SMALLER EGRET Egretta intermedia 7(2)
LITTLE EGRET Egretfa ganetta 4(7). 7(3)
INDIAN REEF HERON Egretta gularis 7(4)
NIGHT HERON Nycficorar nycficorar 4(10), 6(14)
MALAY or TIGER BITTERN Grasachius melanolophus 4(8). 6(15)
LI'ITLE BITTERN hobrychus minutus 6(11)
CHESTNUT BITTERN Ixobrychus cinnamomeus 6(9)
YELLOW BIlTERN Ixobrychrrs sinensis 6( 10)
58. BLACK BITTERN Ixobrychusflavico~~is 6( 12)
59. BITT'EFW Botaurus stellaris 4(6), 6(13)
EL. SQUACCO HERON Ardeola ralloides 6(6)
Large, long-legged, diurnal birds chiefly terrestrial and marsh-haunting. Colour pattern mainly white
and black with a metallic sheen. Bill long, massive, pointed straight or nearly so, and ungrooved. Wings
long and broad. Tail short; under tail-coverts lax and greatly developed in some species. Legs very long,
tibiae partly naked; toes of moderate length, webbed at base, all four at same level (contra cranes which
have the hind toe raised above the ground); claws blunt. Lacking voice muscles therefore vocally silent.
Most species produce low grunting and hissing noises, and a loud castanet-like clattering or snapping of
the mandibles. Storks are strong fliers, flying with neck and legs fully outstretched. Nest, large stick
platforms in trees, or on cliffs and buildings. Eggs 3-6. Incubation and nest-feeding by both sexes. Chicks
nidicolous; naked at first. downy later. Food regurgitatedby parent into nest, whence guzzled by nestlings.
Comparatively long and bare-legged gregarious waterside or marsh birds related to and resembling storks,
herons, and egrets, with whom they normally associate. Plumage cbiefly white or black, or cbestnut with
metallic gloss. Bill long, slender, grooved and decurved (ibises), or extremely flattened and spatulate at
tip (spoonbill). Face and throat, or whole head and neck bare in some species. Neck slender, longish,
oubtretched in flight. Wings long; tail short. Legs and toes moderately long; tibiae partly bare; toes
webbed at base. Sexes nearly alike. Fly in V-formation or in wavy diagonal ribbons. Perch and roost on
trees. Nest. a platform of sticks on trees. Eggs 2-4, rarely 5. Incubation by both sexes.
69. WHITE IBIS Threskiornis aethiopica 8(11)
70. BLACK IBIS Pseudibis papillosa 8(7)
7 1. GLOSSY IBIS Plegadis falcinellus 8(9)
72. SPOONBLL Platalea leucorodia 8(8)
Large, excessively long-legged marsh birds with very long slender necks and peculiar thick lamellate
bills sharply downcurved or 'broken' in the middle. Plumage largely pinkish white and crimson, with
black remiges or wing-quills. Tibiae bare; toes short and webbed. Highly gregarious, often in vast
congregations numbering over many hundred thousand. Feed in shallow, usually brackish water with
head immersed. Sometimes swimming and 'up-ending' in deeper water. The partly open bill is inverted
so that the upper mandible forms a scoop with the culmen skimming or scraping the bottom ooze. The
fleshy tongue works back and forth like a piston sucking in the water and mud, from which minute
organisms are strained out by the lamellae along the edges of the bill. Flight, with fairly rapid wing-
strokes, neck fully extended in front and legs trailing well behind, in diagonal wavy ribbons, single file,
or in V-formation. Breeding in colonies, with hundreds of nests close to one another in a compact,
expansive 'city' covering several acres. Nest, a truncated conical mound with shallow pan-like depression
at lop, from a few centimetres to half a metre high, of sun-baked mud scraped from the vicinity when in
semi-liquid condition, and daubed on; sometimes merely a raised bed of mud pellets. Eggs normally 1,
occasionally 2. Incubation by both sexes. Newly hatched, and small chicks, fed by parent on drops of a
clear liquid of unknown origin and composition from its bill tip.
73. FLAMINGO Phoenicopterus roseus 37)
74. LESSER FLAMINGO Phoeniconaias minor 3(6)
Large conspicuous wetland birds, better known generally than perhaps any other group, and hunted
universally. Considerable diversity in size and coloration - from pigeon to vulture, and from wholly
white to combinations of grey, brown, black and green with metallic reflections. Bill typically broad, flat,
rounded at tip, and with a comb-like fringe or lamellae for straining out food particles from water, in
which they chiefly feed. Wings mostly rather narrow and pointed, adapted for swift and long-ranging
flight. Tail short. Lcgs short; feet webbed. Most species are migratory. Nest on the ground, or in holes or
hollows in tree mnks, etc. Eggs 6-16. Young nidifugous, down covered.
SIBERIAN REDBREASTED GOOSE Branfa ruficollis 126')
BEAN GOOSE Anser fabalis 12(9)
WHITEFRONTED GOOSE Anser albifions 12(10)
LESSER WWTEFRONTED GOOSE Anser erythropus 12(8)
GREYLAG GOOSE Anser anser 12(11)
BARHEADED GOOSE Anser indicus 12(12)
BEWICK'S SWAN Cygnus cygnus bewickii 3(10)
WHOOPER SWAN Cygnus cygnus 38)
MUTE SWAN Cygnus olor 3(9)
Dendrocygna javanica
LARGE WHISTLING TEAL Dendrocygna bicolor
RUDDY SHELDUCK 7'hdornaferruginea
COMMON SHELDUCK Tadorna ladorna
Thc Raptors or diurnal Birds of Prey are a major component of the order Falconifonnes. Bill short with
upper mandible longer ~hanlower, curved and suongly hooked at the tip; basal portion covered w i a a
cere which is usually bright coloured. Wings rounded. Feet strong; tarsi normally partly or fully feathered;
hallux always present; claws hooked and powerful. Many species have confusingly different adult and
juvenile plumages. Sexes nearly alike; female usually larger. Feed on the flesh of ar~irnals,self-killed or
carrion. Brecd in trees, or on crags. Nest made of sticks and often lined with leaves, grass, etc. Eggs 1-5.
The rate oT reproduction, especially i n the larger species, is slow.
Elanrrs caerrrleus
BLYTH'S BAZA Aviceda jerdoni
BLACKCRESTED BAZA Aviceda leuphotes
HONEY BUZZARD Pernis ptilorhvncus
RED KlTE Milvrrs rnilvus
BLACK KlTE Milvrrs rnigrans rnigrans
PARIAH KITE Milvrrs tnigrans govindo
Milvrts n1rgrrrn.c linea/rr.r
BRAHMINY KITE Haliastur indus 14(11), 17(2), 25(2)
GOSHAWK Accipirer gentilis 22(10), 23(11)
SHIKRA Accipter badius 22(4), 2 3 0 )
CAR NlCOBAR SHIKRA Accipiter badius butler; 22(7), 23(8)
HORSFIELD'S GOSHAWK Accipiter soloensis 22(6), 2 3 6 )
CRESTED GOSHAWK Accipifer trivirgatus 22(5), 23(4)
SPARROW-HAWK Accipiter nisus nisosimilis 22(11) 23(10)
SPARROW-HAWK Acc~piternisus melaschistos 22(12), 23(10)
BESRA SPARROW-HAWK Accipiter virgatus besra 22(8), 23(9)
EASTERN BESRA SPARROW-HAWK Accipiter virgatus gularis 22(9), 23(7)
LONGLEGGED BUZZARD Rufeo rufinus W 6 ) , 25(8)
UPLAND BUZZARD Buteo hemilasius 24(5), 25(9)
DESERT BUZZARD Buteo buteo vulpinus 24(3), 25(4)
JAPANESE BUZZARD Bureo bufeojaponicus W2), 250)
WHITE-EYED BUZZARD-EAGLE Burastur teesa 25(3), 28(3), 29(3)
HODGSON'S HAWK-EAGLE Spizaetus nipalensis 20(4), 21(10)
CHANGEABLE HAWK-EAGLE Spizaetus cirrhafus limnaeetus 20(5). 21 (9)
CRESTED HAWK-EAGLE Spizaefus cirrhatris cirrhatus 20(6), 2 1(7), 28(12)
BONELLI'S EAGLE Hieraaelrisfasciatus 20(1), 21(2). 28(11)
BOOTED HAWK-EAGLE Hieraaetirs pennatus 20(2), 17(5), 25(11)
RUFOUSBELLIED HAWK-EAGLE Hieraaetris kienerii 200). 25(10)
GOLDEN EAGLE Aquila chrysaefos 26(6), 27(6), 28(9)
IMPERIAL EAGLE Aqrrila heliaca 26(7). 27(7), 28(10)
TAWNY EAGLE Aquila rapax vindhiana 26(4) 27(5), 28(8)
EASTERN STEPPE EAGLE Aqriila rapax nipalensis 260). 27(4), 28(6)
GREATER S P O T E D EAGLE Aquila clanga 26(3), 27(3), 28(7)
LESSER SPOTTED EAGLE Aquila pornarina 26(2), 27(2)
BLACK EAGLE Icrinaefus tmlayensis 26(1), 27(1)
WHITETAILED EAGLE Haliaeefrrs alhicilla 14(4), 15(8)
WHITEBELLIED SEA EAGLE Haliaeefus lerrcogusrer 1 4 1). 15(6)
PALLAS'S FISHING EAGLE Haliaeefris leucoryphus 14(5). 15(9)
GREY HEADED FISHING EAGLE Ichfhyophaga ichfhyaerus 14(2). 15(7)
lchfhvophaga nana 14(3), 1 5 0 )
BLACK OR KING VULTURE Sorcogyps calvrrs 16(7), 17(8), 18(4)
CINEREOUS VULTURE Aegypius rnonachus 16(6). 17(7), 1 8 0 )
GRIFFON VULTURE Gypsfulvus 16(5), 17(10). 18(8)
HIMALAYAN GRIFFON Gyps himalayensis 16(9). 17(9), 18(6)
INDIAN LONGBILLED VULTURE Gyps indiciis 16(4), 17(12), 18(7)
INDIAN WHITEBACKED VULTURE Gyps hengalensis 16(3), 17(1 I ) , 18(5)
EGYPTlAN OR SCAVENGER VULTURE Neophron percnopferus 16(I ), 17(4), 1)
BEARDED VULTURE or LAMMERGEIER Gypaetrrs harbatrrs 16(2), 17(6), 18(2)
HEN-HARRIER Circris cyaneris 19(1)
PALE HARRIER Cirris rnncro[irris 14(13). 19(2)
MONTAGU'S HARRIER Circris pygargus 190)
PIED HARRIER Circus n~elanoleucos 14(12), 19(4)
MARSH HARRIER Circrrs aerriginosris 14(14), 19(5)
Circus aeruginosus spilonotus
SHORT-TOED EAGLE Circaetus gallicus
ANDAMAN PALE SERPENT EAGLE Spilomis cheela davisc
Spilornis cheela minimus
202. GREAT NICOB AR SERPENT EAGLE Spilornis klossi
202a. ANDAMAN DARK SERPENT EAGLE Spilornis elgini
203. OSPREY Pandion haliaerus
Diurnal birds of prey, with grey or brown and white or buff plumage; streaked or barred, especially below,
showing strong conlrast of black and white. Bill short, strongly hooked and toothed. Wings long and
pointed. Legs strong; toes long; claws hooked and powerful. Exlremely accomplished and swift fliers,
generally killing h e i r flying prey on the wing. Food chiefly birds, large insects, rodents and other small
ground animals. Some species extensively used in the sport of Falconry. There is considerable change in
the plumage from immature to adult which makes identification in the field and from descriptions diE~cult
and unsatisfactory. Sexes alike, but female larger. Normally old stick nests of other birds in trees, or in
cliffs are appropriated. Eggs, 2-5, usually 3 or 4.
204. REDBREASTED FALCONET Microhierax caerrilescens 29(2), 300)
205. WHITELEGGED FALCONET Microhierax melanoleucos 290). 30(1)
206. SAKER or CHERRUG FALCON Falco biarmicus cherrug 29(16). 30(11)
207. SHANGHAR FALCON Falco hiarmicus milvipes 29(17)
208. LAGGAR FALCON Falco 1)iartnic.u.sjligger 29(14), 30(14)
209. PEREGRINE FALCON Falco peregrinrr.~japonensis 29(12), 30(13)
211. SHAHEEN FALCONFalcoperegrinri.~peregrinator 29(13), 30(12)
212. HOBBY Falco .srrl~l)rtteo 29(7). 30(10)
215. ORIENTAL HOB BY Falco severus 29(10), 30(9)
210. SOOTY FALCON Falco concolor 29( 11), 30(8)
217. MERLIN Falco colrimharircs 29(9). 30(6)
2 19. REDHEADED MERLIN Falco cliicqriera 29(8), 30(7)
220. REDLEGGED FALCON Falco vespertinrrs 29(5), 30(5)
221. LESSER KESTREL Falco naurtmnni 29(4), 30(2)
222. KESTREL Falco tinnrrncri1rr.s 29(6), 30(4)
EL. BARBARY FALCON Falco yelegrinoides 29(15)
Birds closely related to the pheasants, junglefowl, ctc. Bill moderate. Legs and feet very large and powerful;
[;lrsus in front hro;~dlysculellated; claws long and straight; bindclaw longest. Wings and tail short and
rounded. Scxcs alike. The Family is remarkable for tile replile-like nesting habils, laying h e i r eggs in
holes in the ground or in scraped-together mounds of sand and humus, leaving them to hatch by the heat
of the sun and/or decomposition of the vegetable matter. Young born with full juvenile plumage and able
to fly and fend for themselves. Chiefly confined to the Australasian Region; represented within our limits
by a single species.
225. MEGAPODE Megapodiusfreycinet 32(18)
Comprises the "Game Birds" which fonn a valuable food resource for man. Terrestrial, but may roost on
trees. Bill thick and short with the upper mandible overhanging the lower. Legs stout and unfeathered,
usually armed with one or more pointed spurs in male; hallux always present; claws short, blunt and very
strong for scratching the ground for food. Wings short and rounded. Flight may be swift and strong, but
not for long distances. Normally feed on grain, seeds and tender shoots; also fruits, insects, etc. The
majority lay their eggs (4-8. sometimes more) on the ground in open scrapes with no or scanty lining.
Young nidifugous and downy.
SNOW PARTRIDGE Lerwa lerwa 32(14)
SEESEE PARTRIDGE Ammoperdix griseogularis 32(13)
TIBETAN SNOWCOCK Tetraogallus tibetanus 34(8)
HIMALAYAN SNOWCOCK Tetraogallus himalayensis 34(9)
PHEASANT-GROUSE Tetraophasis szechenyii 34(3)
CHUKAR PARTRIDGE Alectoris chrrkar 32(16)
BLACK PARTRIDGE Francolinrrsfrancolinus 31(1)
PAINTED PARTRl DGE Francolinrrs pic1 us 3 l(4)
CHINESE FRANCOLIN Francolinus pintadeanu.~ 310)
GREY PARTRIDGE Francolinus podicerianus 31(2)
SWAMP PARTRIDGE or KYAH Francolinus grrlaris 3 l(5)
TIBETAN PARTRIDGE Perdix hodgsoniae 32( 17)
GREY QUAIL Coturnir cotrrrnix 32(6)
BLACKBREASTED or RAIN QUAIL Corrrrnix coromandelica 32(8)
BLUEBREASTED QUAIL Coturnix chinensis 32(4)
JUNGLE BUSH QUAIL Perdicrrla asiatica 32(11)
ROXK BUSH QUAIL Perdicrrla argoondah 32(10)
PAINTED BUSH QUAIL Perdicrrla crythrorhyncha 327)
MANIPUR BUSH QUAIL Perdicula maniprcrensis 32(9)
COMMON HlLL PARTRlDGE Arhorophila torqueola 3 l(6)
RUFOUSTHROATED HILL PARTRIDGE Arl~orophilarrdfogularis 31(9)
Ssp. intermedia of 270 31(10)
WHITECHEEKED HILL PARTRIDGE Arborophila arrogularis 3 1(7)
REDBREASTED HILL PARTRIDGE Arhorophila mandellii 3 l(8)
BAMBOO PARTRIDGE Ba~nbusicolajjrchii 32(15)
RED SPURFOWL Galloperdix spadicea 31(11)
PAINTED SPURFOWL Galloperdix lunrrlata 31(13)
279. CEYLON SPURFOWL Galloperdix bicalcarata 31(12)
280. MOUNTAIN QUAIL Ophrysia superciliosa 32(12)
282. BLOOD PHEASANT Ithaginis cruentus 35(5)
285. WESTERN TRAGOPAN Tragopan melanocephalus
286. CRIMSON or SATYR TRAGOPAN Tragopan saryra 34(2)
288. BLYTH'S or GREYBELLIED TRAGOPAN Tragopan blythii 34(5)
289. TEMMINCK'S TRAGOPAN Tragopan temminckii 34(4)
290. IMPEYAN or MONAL PHEASANT Lophophorus impejanus 346)
291. SCLATER'S MON AL Lophophorus sclateri 34(7)
292. EARED PHEASANT Crossoptilon crossoptilon 34(10)
294. KALEEJ PHEASANT Lophura leucomelana 35(4), 105(2)
295. Ssp. melanota of 294 105(3)
296. Ssp. lathami of 294 105(4)
297. Ssp. williamsi of 294 105(1)
298. Ssp. mnoflrri of 294 105(5)
299. RED JUNGLEFOWL Callus gallus 35(6)
301. GREY or SONNERAT'S JUNGLEFOWL Callus sonnerattii 3x9)
302. CEYLON JUNGLEFOWL Gallrrs lafayetii 35(8)
304. KOKLAS PHEASANT Pricrasia macrolopha 35(1)
307. CHIR PHEASANT Catreus wallichii 35(2)
308. MRS HUME'S BARREDBACK PHEASANT Synnaticw hrinziae 35(7)
310. PEACOCK-PHEASANT Polyplectron hicalcaratrim 35(10)
3 1 1 . COMMON PEAFOWL Pavo crrstarrrs 33(1)
312. BURMESE PEAFOWL Pavo rnrrti~rrs 330)
EL. COMMON PHEASANT Phasianrrs colchicus 35(3)
Small terreslrial hirds superficially very like the tnle quails. But the hallux (hind loe) is absent making
[he lcel three-toed as in bustards. Poor fliers. Females larger than males, more showily coloured,
polyandro~rs,and with a more active role in courtship. Nest, a scrape or depression in the ground sometimes
lined with grass. Eggs, usually 4. Incubation, and rearing of the chicks done entirely by the male. Young
down-covered and precocial.
3 13. LITTLE BUSTARD-QUAIL Turnix svlvatica 331)
3 14. YELLOWLEGGED BUTTON QUAIL firnix rarlki 32(5)
3 18. COMMON BUSTARD-QUAIL ficrnix srrscitoror 32(2)
319. Ssp. leggei of 318. 32(3)
Largc. longlcggcd, lcrrestrial hirds supcrticially rcsemhling storks. Bill pointed and comparatively short.
Tihiac partly bare; toes short, strong, unwehhed: hind toe raised a b v c level of the other three (contra
Storks). Wings largc and hroad with the inner secondaries elongated, curled and drooping (used in display)
undcr which thc short tail is hidden. Flight powerful, ill V-formation or in line. Sexes nearly alike.
Cranes pair for Life; they have exceptionally powerful, resonant, bugle-like calls, and a spectacular
ceremonial 'dance' which consists of curtseying, prancing, capering and wildly leaping at, around, and
away from each other, accompanied by noisy duetting.Food. vegetable matter, grain, insects, small animals,
etc. Nest, a mass of vegetation on the ground or in shallow water. Eggs, usually 2.
320. COMMON CRANE Grus grus 7(10)
321. BLACKNECKED CRANE Grus nigricollis 7(9)
322. HOODED CRANE Grus monacha 7(11)
323. SARUS CRANE Grus anfigone 7(7)
325. SIBERIAN CRANE Grus leucogeranus 76)
326. DEMOISELLE CRANE Anthropoides virgo 7(8)
Family RALLIDAE: Rails, Coots
Small to medium-sized marsh or water birds, with some terrestrial forms. Plumage black or in soft shades
of grey, brown, blue or green. B d y laterally compressed. Bill strong; stout and short or curved and long.
Legs and toes long; tibiae partly bare. Wings short and rounded. Generally poor fliers, with some island
forms nearly flightless; however, some species are known to make long migratory flights. Sexes nearly
alike. Feed on all types of animal and vegetable matter. Nest, on the ground, in bushes, or floating on
water. Eggs, 2- 16. Incubation by both sexes.
WATER RAIL Rallus aquaticus
BLUEBREASTED BANDED RAIL Rallus striatus 36(2)
REDLEGGED BANDED CRAKE Rallina fasciala 360)
BANDED CRAKE Rallina eurizonoides 36(5)
ANDAMAN BANDED CRAKE Rallina canningi 36(12)
CORN CRAKE Crex crex 366')
LITTLE CRAKE Porzana parva 36(4)
BAILLON'S CRAKE Porzana pusilla 36(6)
SPOTTED CRAKE Porzana porzana 36(8)
RUDDY CRAW Porzanafitsca 3669
ELWES'S CRAKE Amarrrornis hicolor 36(11)
BROWN CRAKE Atnaurornis akool 36(10)
WHITEBREASTED WATERHEN Amaurornis phoenicurus 36(17)
WATER COCK Gallicrex cinerea 36(13)
MOORHEN Gallinrtla chloropus 36(14)
PURPLE MOORHEN Porphyrio porphyrio 36(19)
COOT F~rlicaafra 36(15)
Shy and secretive coot-like birds inhabiting dense swampy forest. Legs shorl and very strong; toes fringed
with a lobed web. Wings rounded; tail broad and slifl. Flight strong, but low and not prolonged. Sexes
nearly alike. Nest, a pad of twigs on trees over water. Eggs, 2-6. Incubation by borb sexes. A single
Indomalayan species.
351. MASKED FINFOOT Heliopais personala 1(7)
Family OTIDIDAE: Buslards
Large terrestrial birds inhabiting open grassy plains. Plumage buff, grey, white m d black, generally
cryptically patterned. Neck long. Bill short, stout and flattened. Legs strong and long; tibiae bare; foot
cursorial, with three short and broad anterior toes. Wings broad. Flight smong, but not very frequenl the
birds preferring to run or crouch when faced with danger. Sexes dimorphic. Food, both vegetable and
animal matter. Nest, a scrape on bare ground, sometimes lined with grass, etc., or under a b ~ ~ sEggs
h . 1-
5. Incubation by female. Young, nidicolous and downy.
352. GREAT BUSTARD Otis larda 37(2)
353. LITTLE BUSTARD Otis fetrax 37(1)
354. GREAT INDIAN BUSTARD Chorioris nigriceps 37(5)
355. HOUBARA Chlamydotis undulufa 37(4)
356. BENGAL FLORICAN Errpodofis bengalensis 37(3)
357. LIKH or LESSER FLORICAN Sypheotides indica 37(6)
Plumage bronze, black, brown, and brown-and-white in combinations. Bill slender, longish, straight and
compressed. Legs long, tibiae bare; toes a,~dclaws enormously elongated enabling the birds to trip lightly
over floating leaves and vegetation. Wings broad with sharp metacarpal spur. Tail short except in
Hydrophasianrrs, where it is narrow, long and arched. Flight feeble, with the large feet dangling behind,
scldom more than 2 or 3 metres above the surface. Food, chiefly vegetable matter; also insects, molluscs,
ctc. Sexes alike but female larger, a i d polyandrous. Nest, a flhnsy pad or raft of grass or weed-stems on
floating vegelation. Eggs, normally 4, often laid direclly on floating leaves. Incubation by the male alone.
Young, nidifugous and downy.
358. PHEASANT-TAILED JACANA Hydrophasianus chirurg~rs 36(16)
359. BRONZEWINGED JACANA Melopidius indicus 36(18)
Shore birds. Bill long, compressed, slightly truncated at end, and red in colour. Tarsus short, stout and
reticulated; hallux ahscnt; anterior toes short, stout and slightly webbed. Wings long and pointed. Flight
strong. Sexcs alike. Feeds largely on marinc molluscs. Nest usually a depression in the ground. Eggs, 3-4.
360. OYSTERCATCHER Haematopus osrralegus 39(5), 42(1)
Largcly crepuscular, brightly coloured terrestrial birds of reedy marshes. Plumage brown, grey, bronzy,
black and whitc, cryptically patterned. Neck short. Bill long, slightly curved and swollen at tip. Toes long.
Wings broad. Tail short. Flight slow; strong and swift yunners; effective swimmers. Food, molluscs,
crustaceans, insects, worms and weed-seeds, paddy grains, etc., obtained by probing into squelchy mud or
by scything movements of the bill in shallow water. Female larger and more brightly coloured than male,
polyandrous, pugnacious and the dominant sex partner. Nest, a pad of grass or rushes with a slight
depression in the centre, built on the ground or floating in the water. Eggs, normally 4. Incubation and
raising of the chicks done by male.
429. PAINTED SNIPE Rostratula benghalensis 38(8), 41(16)
Waders or shore birds with white, black or brownish grey plumage. Bill long, slender and straight or
upcurved. Legs moderate to extremely long and slender: feet webbed; hallux vestigial or absent. Wings
long and pointed; tail short and square. Food, molluscs, worms, crustaceans, insects, and seeds of sedges
and marsh plants. Nest, a hollow depression in the ground, or a raised platform of pebbles, sometimes
lined with vegetable scum off the water, grass, etc. Eggs, normally 4. Incubation by both sexes. Young,
nidifugous and downy.
430. BLACKWINGED STILT Himantopits himantopus 39(8), 42(8)
432. AVOCET Recurvirostra avosetta 39(6), 42(10)
Greyish brown and white sandpiper-like wading birds. Bill red in colour, long, hard, slender and down-
curved. Tarsus comparatively short, reticulated throughout. No hind toe; outer and middle toes connected
by a deeply indented small web; web between middle and inner toes obsolete. Wings square. Sexes alike.
Food, insects, molluscs, crustaceans, worms, d c . obtained by wading breast deep, ducking head and neck
under water, and thrusting the long bill under the submerged pebbles. Nest, an unlined depression on a
shingly islet amidst a glacier stream. Eggs 4. Incubation by both sexes.
433. IBISBLLL Ihidorhyncha struthersii 39(16). 42(3)
Largely crepuscular, maritime waders. Plumage mainly black and white. Bill strong and lalerally
compressed. Legs long and bare; middle claw pectinate. Wings long and pointed; (ail short. Sexes alike.
Food, chiefly crabs. nest, hole in sandbanks on coral reefs; colonial. Egg, a singleton. inordinately large.
434. CRAB PLOVER Drornas ardeola 39(7), 42(9)
Terrestrial cursorial birds. Plumage brown, buff and white cryptically patterned, and wilh conspicuous
head and wing markings. Head large and broad; very large 'goggle' eyes. Bill stout. Legs long; tarsus
bare, tibiotarsal ('knee') joint thickened; feet pmially webbed; toes three. Wings long and pointed. Sexes
alike. Food, chiefly animal matter - insects, lizards, etc. Nest, a shallow, unlined scrape on the ground.
Eggs, 1-3. Incubation by both sexes, chiefly by the female.
436. STONE CURLEW Burhinrrs oedicnetnus 39(14), 42(11)
437. GREAT STONE PLOVER Esacus magnirostris 39(15), 42(12)
Brown, grey and white cursorial (running) birds boldly marked with black, white and chesmut. Coursers:
Wings short and broad; tail short; bill longish and tapering; legs long and bare; three anterior toes. Most
feeding movement on the ground by running swiftly in spurts. but also capable of fast, sustained flight.
Pratincoles: Wings long, narrow and pointed; tail forked; bill and legs short; hallux present. Middle toe
elongate with pectinate claw. Feed on the wing on flying insects. Sexes alike or nearly so. Nest, on the
ground. Eggs, 2-3.
439. CREAMCOLOURED COURSER Cursorius cursor 38(1), 41(17)
440. INDIAN COURSER Cursorirrs corotnundelicus 38(2). 41 (1 8)
Crlrsorius bitorquatus 380)
442. COLLARED PRATINCOLE Glareola pratincola pratincola 44(2)
443. LARGE INDIAN PRATINCOLE Glareola'pr-atincola 38(4), 4 4 3 )
444. SMALL INDIAN PRATINCOLE Glareola lactea 38(5), 44(4)
Plovers. Sandpipers, Snipe
Wading birds of small to medium size. Bill short and pigeon-like to long, slender and straight or
downcurved. Legs short to long, with tibiae partly bare in many species. Wings long and pointed; tail
short to medium. Flight stsong, swift and well sustained. Sexes may be nearly alike, or female may bc
much smaller andlor duller coloured than male. Food, small invertebrates, molluscs, insects, worms and
some vegetable matter obtained by probing in soft mud. Nest, on the ground. Eggs, 2-5.
WHITETALLED LAPWING Vonellus leucurrrs 38(14), 39(4)
SOCIABLE LAPWING Vanellus gregarius 38(15)
LAPWING Vanellrrs vanellrrs 38(9). 39(1)
GREYHEADED LAPWING Vanellus cinereus 38(12). 39(3)
REDWA'ITLED LAPWING Vanellus indicrrs 38(11), 39(2)
SPURWINGED LAPWING Vanellrrs spinosus 38(10)
YELLOW-WATTLED LAPWING Vanellus malabaricus 38(13)
GREY or BLACKBELLIED PLOVER Pllrvialis squataro la 38(63,44(1)
GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvialis apricaria 44(5)
EASTERN GOLDEN PLOVER Plrrvialis dominica 38(7), 44(7)
LARGE SAND PLOVER Charadrius leschenarrltii 40(6)
CASPIAN SAND PLOVER Charadrius asiaticus
RINGED PLOVER Charadrius hiaticula
LITTLE RlNGED PLOVER Charadrius dubius
KENTISH PLOVER Charadrius alexandrinus
LESSER SAND PLOVER Charadrius mongolus
WHIMBREL Numenius phaeopus
CURLEW Numenius arquata
BARTAILED GODWIT L i m s a lapponica
SPOTTED or DUSKY REDSHANK Tringa erythropus
REDSHANK Tringa totanus
MARSH SANDPIPER Tringa stagnalilis
GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia
GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropus
WOOD SANDPIPER Tringa glareola
COMMON SANDPIPER Tringa hypoleucos
TURNSTONE Arenaria interpres
Limnodromus semipalmatus
SOLITARY SNIPE Gallinago solilaria
WOOD SNlPE Gallinago nemricola
PINTAIL SNIPE Gallinago stenura
SWINHOE'S SNlPE Gallinago megala
GREAT SNlPE Gallinago media
FANTAIL SNlPE Gallinago gallinago
JACK SNlPE Gallinago minima
WOODCOCK Scolopar rusticola
KNOT Calidris canutus
EASTERN KNOT Calidris tenuirostris
SANDERLING Calidris alha
LITTLE STINT Calidris minrita
TEMMINCK'S STlNT Calidris temminckii
LONGTOED STINT Calidris subminrrta
DUNLlN Calidris alpina
CURLEW-SANDPIPER Calidris testacea
SPOONBILLED SANDPIPER E1rrynorhynchlc.r pygmeus
BROADBILLED SANDPIPER kmicola falcinellus
RUFF and REEVE Philomchus p u g n u
REDNECKED PHALAROPE Phalaropus lobalus
Family STERCORARIIDAE: Skuas. Jaegers
Pelagic, gull-like birds, many with dark and light plumage phases. Body stout. Bill strong, rounded and
strongly hooked, with a horny cere. Legs short; feet stout and fully webbed; claws small, but curved and
sharp. Wings long and pointed; tail wedge-shaped. Flight powerful and swift. Sexes alike. Skuas are
predatory on the eggs and chicks of terns, penguins, and other colonial nesting sea birds. They also attack
and chase other birds, forcing them to either drop their lawful prize or disgorge their crop contents, which
they then retrieve in mid-air. They are buds of the Arctic and Antarctic zones. Within our limits, the
records are mainly of accidental waifs storm-tossed during heavy monsoon gales.
445. ANTARCTIC SKUA Catharacta skua anrarctica 45(1)
Catharacta skua maccormicki 4x4)
447. POMATOFWINE SKUA or JAEGER Stercorarius pomarinus 45(2)
Stercorarius parasilicus 4x5)
Gulls: Gregarious, heavy-bodied aquatic birds. Plumage chiefly a combination of grey, white and black.
Bill slender to heavy, sharply pointed or blunt and slightly hooked. Legs short; feet webbed; hallux small
or vestigial. Wings long and pointed; tail square or forked. Sexes alike. Flight strong. Feed by catching
fish, scavenging on various animal and vegetable matter, and by piracy like skuas. Roost and breed in
colonies, often of great size. Nest, on the ground, cliffs, in trees, or floating. May be a bulky structure of
grass, etc. or a skimpily lined or unlined scrape. Eggs, 2-4. Incubation by both sexes. Terns are more
lightly built than gulls, with longer, narrower wings and a different style of flight. They rest and roost on
rocks or mudbanks, and in spite ol their webbed feet rarely settle on water. They capture living prey (fish,
crabs etc.) by scooping it up from the surface in flight or diving vertically from the air and going under
water momentarily. Nesting colonial.
SOOTY GULL Larus hentprichii 4x7)
HERRING GULL Olrrrs argentatus 45(8)
GREAT BLACKHEADED GULL Larrrs ichrhyaetus 45(6)
BROWNHEADED GULL Larus hrrrnnicephalus 45(13)
BLACKHEADED GULL Larris ridibundrrs 45(11)
SLENDERBILLED GULL Larrrs genei 45(12)
LITTLE GULL Larrrs minutrrs 45(10)
WHISKERED TERN Chlidonias hybrida 46(3)
WHITEWINGED BLACK TERN Chlidonias lerrcopterus 46(2)
BLACK TERN Chlidonias niger 46(1)
GULLBILLED TERN Gelochclidon nilolica 46(15)
CASPIAN TERN Hydroprogne caspia 46(10)
INDIAN RIVER TERN Sterna aurantia 46(9)
COMMON TERN Sterna hirundo 46(8)
ROSEATE or ROSY TERN Sterna dorrgallii 46(6)
WHITECHEEKED TERN Sterna repressa 46(7)
BLACKNAPED TERN Sterna sumatrana 46(12)
BLACKBELLIED TERN Sterna acuticauda 46(13)
BROWNWINGED TERN Sterna anaethetus 46(19)
SOOTY TERN Sternafuscara 46(16)
L I T n E TERN Sterna albifrons 46(4)
LARGE CRESTED TERN Sterna bergii 46(11)
INDIAN LESSER CRESTED TERN Sterna bengalensis 46(14)
SANDWICH TERN Sterna sandvicensis 46(18)
NODDY TERN Anous stolidus 46(17)
INDIAN SKlMMER Rynchops albicollis 45(3)
Terrestrial pigeon-like birds. Plumage chiefly sandy brown patterned with black spots and vermiculations,
affording pcrfect camouflage to the birds in their native semi-desert environment. They have an
exceptionally powerful flight, and in spite of their short legs are also good walkers and runners. Bill small
but stout. Wings long and pointed; tail moderately long and pointed. Legs and toes short; claws short and
thick. Sexes differ. Sandgrouse have a typical habit of flying in flocks to water regularly. a few hours after
sunrise and during early dusk; this flight often covers long distances. Food, chiefly vegetarian - seeds
and shoots of desert grasses and weeds. Nest, a shallow unlined scrape in the ground. Eggs, 2-3. Incubation
by both sexes. Young precocial.
TIBETAN SANDGROUSE Syrrhaptes tibetunus 47(9)
PALLAS'S SANDGROUSE Syrrhaptes paradoxus 47(8)
LARGE PINTAIL SANDGROUSE Pterocles nlchara 47(7)
INDIAN SANDGROUSE Pterocles exustus 47(4)
SPOTTED SANDGROUSE Pterocles senegallus 47(6)
IMPERIAL SANDGROUSE Pterocles orientalis 47( 1)
CORONETTED SANDGROUSE Pterocles coronatus 47(2)
CLOSEBAKRED SANDGROUSE Pterocles indicus or.abicus 470)
PAlNTED SANDGROUSE Pterocles indicus indicus 47(5)
Arboreal or terrestrial birds. Plumage dense and soft. Body compact. Head small; neck short. Bill of
medium length and slender to stout, with a naked cere. Legs short to fairly long. Flight swift and powerful.
Sexes alike in most species. Food chiefly seeds, grain, drupes, etc. Drink water by immersing Lhe bill and
sucking continuously. Nest, a sketchy platform of a few sticks in trees, on ledges or in holes in cliffs elc.
Eggs, normally 2. Incubation and care of young by boch sexes. Initially the nestlings arc fcd on a secretion
of the parcnt's crop known as 'pigeon's milk'. Voice, cooing or booming calls or mellow musical whistles.
Many species migratory. The homing instinct of some domestic breeds exknsively exploited for carrying
messages prior to the advent of wirelcss telegraphy and even during the two recent World Wars.
PINTAILED GREEN PIGEON Treron apicauda 49(5)
WEDGETALED GREEN PIGEON Treron sphenura 49(1)
THICKBILLED GREEN PIGEON Treron curvirostra 49(4)
Treron pompadora
SNOW PIGEON Columba leuconota
HILL PIGEON Columba rupestris
BLUE ROCK PIGEON Columba livia
EASTERN STOCK PIGEON Columba eversmanni
WOOD PIGEON Colrrmba palumbr~s
SPECKLED WOOD PIGEON Columba hodgsonii
N U I R I WOOD PIGEON Colutnba elphinstonii
CEYLON WOOD PIGEON Columba torringtoni
ASHY WOOD PIGEON Columba pulchricollis
PURPLE WOOD PIGEON Columba punicea
ANDAMAN WOOD PIGEON Columba palumboides
BARTAILED CUCKOO-DOVE Macropygia unchall
ANDAMAN CUCKOO-DOVE Macropygia rufipennis
TURTLE DOVE Streptopelia turtur
RUE'OUS TURTLE DOVE Streptopelia orientalis
INDIAN RING DOVE Streptopelia decaocto
RED TURTLE DOVE Streptopelia tranquebarica
SPOTTED DOVE Streptopelia chinensis
Streptopelia senegalensis
542. EMERALD or BRONZEWINGED DOVE Chalcophaps indica
544b. NICOBAR PIGEON Caloenas nicobarica
EL. STOCK PIGEON Columba oenas
Brightly wloured arboreal fruit- and grain-eating birds. All Indian species chiefly green. They include
some oP the most abundant and destruclive bird pests of agriculture and horticulture in India. Plumage
sparse. Bill short, stout, strongly hooked; upper mandible loosely articulated with the skull and capable of
kinetic movement. Tongue thick and fleshy. Feet zygodactylous. Wings rounded. Flight swift. Sexes alike
or differing slightly. Food, purely vegetarian - fruit berries, nuts, grain, etc. Voice loud, high-pitched
and harsh. Many species can be trained to imihte a few words of human speech in captivity. Nesl usually
in holes in trecs. Eggs 2-5.
540. ALEXANDRINE PARAKEET Psilracirla eupatria 500)
550. ROSERINGED PARAKEET Psifracula krameri 50(9)
REDBREASTED PARAKEET Psittacula alexandri 50(11)
NICOBAR PARAKEET Psittacula.caniceps 50(1)
LORD DERBY'S PARAKEET Psittacula derbyana 50(2)
REDCHEEKED PARAKEET Psittacula longicauda 50(8)
BLOSSOMHEADED PARAKEET Psittacula cyanocephala 50(5)
SLATYHEADED PARAKEET Psittacula himalayana 50(6)
EASTERN SLAWHEADED PARAKEET Psittacula finschii 50(4)
BLUEWINGED PARAKEET Psittacula colurnboides 50(10)
LAYARD'S PARAKEET Psittacula calthropae 50(12)
INDIAN LORIKEET Loriculus vernalis 50(14)
CEYLON LORIKEET Loriculus beryllinus 50(13)
Arboreal or terrestrial. Bill curved, stout, and sometimes heavy. Legs short; feet zygodactyl. Wlngs medium
to long; tail medium to extremely long, often graduated. Sexes usually alike. Food, insects, molluscs,
lizards, snakes and other small vertebrates; also fruits. Voice, loud notes - mostly harsh and shrieking
but some quite melodious - monotonously repeated. This family is well known for its habit of brood-
parasilism, building no nests, but laying the eggs in the nests of other birds, and foisting the labour of
incubating the eggs and rearing the young upon the dupes. Some species are non-parasitic, having normal
habits as in other birds. Young nidicolous.
REDWINGED CRESTED CUCKOO Clamator coromandus 520)
PIED CRESTED CUCKOO Clamator jacobinus 52(2)
LARGE HAWK-CUCKOO Cuculus spawerioides 51(1)
Cuculus varius
INDIAN CUCKOO Cuculus microprerus
THE CUCKOO Crcculus canorrcs
SMALL CUCKOO Cuculus poliocephalus
INDIAN BANDED BAY CUCKOO Cacomantis sonneratii
INDIAN PLAINTIVE CUCKOO Cacomantis passerinrrs
EMERALD CUCKOO Chalcites maculatus
VIOLET CUCKOO Chalcires mnthorhynchrrs
DRONGO-CUCKOO Surniculrrs luguhris
KOEL Eudynarnys scolopacea
SMALL GREENBILLED MALKOH A Rhopody(es viridirostris
SIRKEER CUCKOO Tuccocua leschenariltii
REDFACED MALKOHA Phaenicophaercs pyrrhocephulrrs
CROW-PHEASANT or COUCAL Cenfropus sinensis
Centropus (sinensis) andamanen.ris
604. CEYLON COUCAL Centropus chlororhynchus 526))
605. LESSER COUCAL Centropus toulou 52(6)
Arboreal, chiefly nocturnal birds of prey. Plumage long and soft; grey, brown, chestnut, black or
white, and barred, streaked or vermiculated. Head large; eyes very large, and forwardly directed. A
facial disc and 'horns' present in many species. Bill short, strong and hooked. Flank feathers greatly
elongated; tarsus and toes feathered; outer toe reversible; claws strongly hooked. Wings broad and
rounded. Sexes generally alike, but fcmale larger. Flight buoyant and, in most species, silent. Food,
entirely animal, principally rodents; also other small creatures. Nest, in holes or hollows. Young
nidicolous and downy. Care of young by both sexes.
606. BARN OWL Tyro alba 54(16)
608. GRASS OWL Tyto capensis 54(17)
609. BAY OWL Phodilus badius 54(15)
612. SPOTTED SCOPS OWL Olus spilocephalrrs 54(2)
617. SCOPS OWL Olus scops 54(3)
623.. COLLARED SCOPS OWL Otus bakkamoena 54(4)
627. EAGLE-OWL or GREAT HORNED OWL Bubo bubo 53(1)
628. FOREST EAGLE-OWL Bubo nipalensis 53(2)
630. DUSKY HORNED OWL Bubo coromandus 53(3)
631. BROWN FISH OWL Bubo zeylonensis 53(8)
633. TAWNY FISH OWL Buboflavipes 53(11)
635. COLLARED PIGMY OWLET Glaucidium brodiei 54 (7)
636. JUNGLE OWLET Glaucidirrm radiarum 54(8)
638. Ssp, castononor~rmof 636 54(5)
639. BARRED OWLET Glaucidium cuculoides 54(6)
642. BROWN HAWK-OWL Ninox scurulara 54(14)
645. Ssp. obscrrra of 642 54(13)
648.649. LITTLE OWL Afhene nocfua 54(10)
652. SPOTTED OWLET Arhene brama 54(12)
653. FOREST SPOTTED OWLET Athene blewirri 54(11)
654. HUME'S WOOD OWL Srrix butleri 53(10)
657. MOTnED WOOD OWL Strix ocellata 530)
659. BROWN WOOD OWL Srrix leptogramtnica 53(4)
662. HIMALAYAN WOOD OWL Sfrix aluco 53(9)
663. LONGEARED OWL Asio orus 536)
664. SHORTEARED OWL Asio flammeus 53(7)
665. TENGMALM'S or BOREAL OWL Aegolius funereus 54(9)
Crepuscular and nocturnal birds with soft, silky plumage -cryptically patterned in brown, tawny, grey
and black. Ncck short and Lhick. Bill broad, flat and triangular, very wide at gape and hooked at tip; the
base overhung by bristly feathers. Lcgs short: feet small and weak; middle toe elongated. Wings rounded.
Sexes dimorphic. Spend the day perched across a bare branch, body tilted at an upward angle bill pointing
to sky, simulating a broken stump. Food, insects. Nest, a small pad of leaves, twigs, etc., lined with down
from the bird's underplumage; placed in the fork of, or on a horizontal branch. Eggs, 1-3. Incubation by
both sexes.
666. CEYLON FROGMOUTH Batrachostomus moniliger 55(1)
667. HODGSON'S FROGMOUTH Batrachostomus hodgsoni 55(2)
Crepuscular or nocturnal soft plumaged birds, cryptically patterned in rufous, buff. grey, black and white.
Head and eyes large; neck shortish. Bill weak and small; gape wide; middle toe long with a pectinate
claw. Wings long and pointed. Sexes nearly alike. Food, inseots, captured in flight. Eggs, 1-2, laid on t l ~ e
hare ground.
GREAT EARED NIGHTJAR Eurostopodus macrotis 55(10)
INDLAN JUNGLE NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus indicus 55(6)
EUROPEAN MGHTJAR Caprirn~rlguseuropaerrs 55(4)
EGYPTIAN NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus uegyptius 55(5)
SYKES'S NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus mahrartensis 55(3)
LONGTAILED NIGHTJAR Caprimu1gu.r tnacrurus 5x9)
COMMON INDIAN NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus asiaticus 55(8)
FRANKLIN'S or ALLIED MGHTJAR Caprimrclgus afinis 5x71
The most aerial of all birds. Body compact; neck short. Plumage chiefly brown or blackish, with patches
of white or grey. Bill small, slighlly decurvcd, with a very large gape. Legs short; feet small with hind toe
completely reversible and needle-sharp curved claws, useless for walking or perching. Wings bow-shapcd
- long, narrow and pointed. Sexes alike. Swif~sare capable of sushined high-speed flighL often spending
all day on the wing; they rest by clinging to rough, vertical surfaces. Food, insccts hawked in flight. Nest
of grass, tow, etc.. glued together with saliva and attached to a vertical surfacc. Some species build their
nests entirely of saliva; these nests are edible and of commercial valuc. Eggs, 1-6. Incubation by both
683. HIMALAYAN SWIFTLET Collocalia hrevirostris. 56(2)
685. INDIAN EDIBLE-NEST SWIFTLET Collocalia rrnicolor 56(8)
687. WHITEBELLIED SWIFTLET Collocalia escrrlenfa 560)
688. WHITETHROATED SPINETAIL SWIFT Chaefrrra caudacuta 56(14)
690. COCHINCHINA SPINETAIL S W m Chaerrrra cochinchinensis 56( 11)
Chaerrrra gi~anreu 56( 10)
692. WHITERUMPED SPINETAIL Chaefrrra sylvalicu 56( 1)
693. ALPINE SWIIT Aprcs rnelha 56(12)
696. THE SWIFT Aplrs apus 56(6)
697. PALLID SWIFT Apus pallidus 56(5)
698. DARKBACKED SWIFT Apus acuticauda 56(9)
699. LARGE WHITERUMPED SWLFT Apus pacificus 56(7)
703. HOUSE SWIIT Apus afinis 56(4)
707. PALM SWIFT Cypsiurus parvus 56(13)
709. CRESTED TREE SWDT Hemiprocne longipennis 31)
Brightly coloured arboreal birds with soft, dense plumage, and a thin delicate skin. Neck short. Eyes
large; brightly coloured bare orbital rings. Bill short and usually brightly coloured. Legs and feet small
and weak, the first and second toes turned back. Wings short and rounded; tail long and graduated. Sexes
dimorphic. Usually solitary, may be in pairs or in small groups. Perch erect and motionless on branches
for long periods, statue-like. Flight swift, but generally not over long distances. Food, insects and berries.
Nest, in holes in trees. Eggs, 2-4. Incubation by both sexes. Young, altricial and nidicolous.
7 12. MALABAR TROGON Harpacfesfasciafus 57(3)
715. REDHEADED TROGON Harpactes eryfhrocephalus 57(1)
716. WARD'S TROGON Harpacfes wardi
Usually of blue, green purple, brown or black-and-whiteplumage. Body compact; neck short; bill massive,
long, straight and pointed. Legs short; feet syndactyl. Wings short and rounded. Sexes generally alike.
Flight direct and swift. Non-social birds, adapted for life chiefly at inland waters; though some species are
largcly maritime and others largely terrestrial. The 'aquatic' forms feed on fish obtained by diving
headlong into the water; the others live also on large insects and small vertebrates. Nest, burrows in river
banks or holes in trees. Eggs, 2-7. Incubation by both sexes.
BLYTH'S or GREAT BLUE KINGFISHER Alcedo hercules 586')
COMMON KINGFISHER Alcedo afthis 58(6)
BLUE-EARED IUNGFIHER Alcedo meninring 58(5)
THREETOED KINGFISHER Ceyx erifhocus 58(4)
THREETOED KINGFISHER Ceyx erithacus m/idorsus 58(2j
BROWNWINGED KINGFISHER Pelargopsis amauropfera 58(9)
STORKBILLED KINGFISHER Pelargopsis capensis 58(12)
RUDDY KINGFISHER Halcyon coromanda 58(11)
WHITEBREASTED KINGFISHER Halcyon smyrnensis 58(13)
BLACKCAPPED KINGFISHER Halcyon pileafa 58(8)
Family MEROPIDAE: Bee-eaters
Gregarious sleek-looking birds with son and compact plumage. Most species largely green, and generally
with a black stripe from base of bill through eye. Bill long, slender, laterally compressed and decurved.
Legs small, feet and toes slender. Wings long and pointed; tail longish, with the central pair of rectrices
usually elongated as pins. Sexes nearly alike. Food, insects, chiefly bees and wasps caught in flight. Nest,
self-excavated holes in earth banks, or sloping tunnels in the ground. Eggs, 2-8. Incubation and nest-
feeding by both sexes.
744. CHESTNUTHEADED BEE-EATER Merops leschenaulti 57(4)
746. EUROPEAN BEE-EATER Merops apiaster 57(7)
747. BLUECHEEKED BEE-EATER Merops srrperciliosus 576)
748. BLUETAILED BEE-EATER Merops philippinus 57(9)
750. GREEN BEE-EATER Merops orientalis 57(10)
753. BLUEBEARDED BEE-EATER Nyctyornis athefloni 57(5)
Crow-sized arboreal birds chiefly of striking brown and brilliant blue plumage. Head large; neck short.
Bill wide, strong and slightly hooked. Legs short; feet strong; second and third toes basally united. Wings
long; tail longish. Sexes nearly ahke. Flight strong, often accompanied, especially during courtship display,
by harsh cries and a series of bizarre aerobatics - nosediving, rolling, looping-the-loop, etc. Food,
chiefly insects caught in air; also small crawling animals. Nest, unlined tree holes. Eggs, 2-4. Incubation
by both sexes. ~ o l l e i are
s noisy birds, and often aggressive and quarrelsome.
754. EUROPEAN ROLLER Coracias garrulus 57(8)
755. INDIAN ROLLER Coracias benghalensis 57(11)
759. BROADBILLED ROLLER Eurystomus orientalis 57(12)
Pinlush cinnamon to chestnut coloured birds with black, white and buff zebra-like stripes on back and
wings, and a long, conspicuous black-tipped fan-like crest. Bill long and slender. Tarsi short, toes long.
Wings broad and rounded; tail square. Sexes nearly alike. Flight undulating. Food, largely insects probed
out of the soil, using Lhe bill as forceps. Song, a deep mellow hoo-po or hoo-po-po repeated at short
intervals. Nest, holes in trees or walls; notoriously insanitary and evil-smelling from the bud's unremoved
droppings and food remains. Eggs, 5-7. Incubation by female, who is fed hy her mate Lhroughout this
period. NesUings fed by both parents; when threatened. Lhe nestlings squirt their foul-smelling liquid
faeces at the intruder.
763. HOOPOE Upupa epops 58(14)
Large, chiefly arboreal buds witb wiry plumage, white, black, grey or brown in combinations. Bill enormous,
brightly coloured, curved, and usually witb a large casque on culrnen. Bare brightly coloured skin around
eyes; eyelashes bristly and prominent. Legs short; feet broad-soled and syndactyl. Wings broad; tail long.
Food, fruiL insects, small animals, etc. Nest, holes in mature forest trees. The female walls herself into
the nest, leaving a small aperture through which the male feeds her during the incubation period, and in
many species till the young fledge out. The female is believed to undergo an accelerated wing moult
during her incarceration. Eggs, 1-6.
COMMON GREY HORNBILL Tockrrs hirostris 59(2)
MALABAR GREY HORNBLLL Tockus griseus 59(5)
=THROATED BROWN HOFWBILL PIilolaemus rickelli 59(3)
RUFOUSNECKED HORNBILL Aceros nipalensis 59(9)
WREATHED HORNBILL Rhyticeros undulatrrs 59(7)
NARCONDAM HORNBILL Rhyticeros plicatus (narcondami) 59( 1)
INDIAN PIED HORNBTLL Anthracoceros malabaricus 59(6)
MALABAR PIED HOFWBILL Anrhracoceros coronalus 59(8)
GREAT PIED HORNBILL Buceros bicornis 59(4)
Small, stocky arboreal birds with large head. Plumage coarse and sparse, generally brighlly coloured.
Feather lufts present over the nostrils or well-developed rictal and chin bristles. Bill large, heavy,
slightly curved and pointed. Legs short and strong; feet large and zygodactyl. Wings rounded;
flight weak. Sexes generally alike. Food, fruit and insects. Calls, loud and far carrying, monotonously
repeated. Nest, self-excavated holcs in tree trunks and branches. Eggs. 2 4 . lncubalion by both
GREAT H L L BARBET Megalaima virens 60(4 )
LARGE GREEN BARBET Megalaima ze~lanica 60(3)
LINEATED BARBET Megalaima lineata 60( 1 )
SMALL GREEN BARBET Megalairna viridis 60(2)
YELLOWFRONTED BARBET Megalaima ~ a v ~ f r o n s 60(7)
GOLDENTHROATED BARBET Megalaima fronklinii 60(6)
BLUETHROATED BARBET Megalaitnu asiarica 60(5)
BLUE-EARED BARBET Megalaima arrsrralis 60(11)
Megalaim rrrhricapilla malabarica
Megalaima rubricapilla rrrhricapilla
Megalaima haemacephala
Small. solitary, dull-coloured arboreal birds. brown, olive and grey above and lighter below. Skin very
thick and tough. Bill short, stout and blunt to slender and pointed. Tarsus short; Ice1 zygodaclyl: tws
strong; claws long and hooked. Wings long and pointed (;ill somcwhal graduated. Fl~ghtswili Fotd, hees
and other hymenopterans; largely also beeswax from abandoned combs. Reputed to have the remarkable
habit of guiding humans and other melliphagous animals to bees' nests. Habits and breeding biology very
Little known. Most African species believed to be brood-parasitic.
794. HONEYGUIDE Indicator xanthonotus low
Family PICIDAE: Woodpeckers
Arboreal. Plumage black, white, yellow, red, brown or green. Head large; neck slender but very strong.
Tongue extremely long, cylindrical, prolrusible and barb-tipped. used for catching insects and skewering
out beetle larvae from pupal galleries in the wood. BiU strong and chisel-like. Legs short; feet zygodactyl
and very strong. Wings strong and rounded; tail rounded or wedge-shaped, the rectrices stiff and pointed.
useful as a support when climbing a tree trunk. Sexes dimorphic. Flight strong and 'bounding'. Food,
chiefly insects; also fruits. Nesl unlined holes in tree trunks and branches. Eggs, 2-6 or 8.
WRYNECK Jyru torquilla 62( 1)
SPECKLED PICULET Picumnus innominatus 61(2)
RUFOUS PICULET Sasia ochracea 61(5)
RUFOUS WOODPECKER Micropternus brachyurus 62(14)
Piclrs myrmecophoneus
Ssp. chlorigaster of 815
Dinopium benghalense
Ssp. psarodes of 819
WOODPECKER Dinopium shorii
Dinopirrm javanense
Mulleripicus pulverulenrus
Ssp. hodgei of 830
Hypopicus hyperythrus
Picoides major
SIND PIED WOODPECKER Picoides assirnilis
Ssp. albescens of 837
YELLOWFRONTED PIED WOODPECKER Picoides muhrattensis 61(9)
GREYCROWNED PIGMY WOODPECKER Picoides canicapillus 610)
PIGMY WOODPECKER Picoides nanus 61(1)
THREETOED WOODPECKER Picoides tridacfylus 61(7)
HEARTSPOTTED WOODPECKER Hemicircus canente 61(4)
REDEARED BAY WOODPECKER Rlythipicus pyrrhotis 62(13)
BLACKBACKED WOODPECKER Chrysocolaptes festivus 60(12)
Chysocolaptes lucidus 60(17)
863. Ssp. stricklandi of 861 60(18)
EL. WHlTEMANTLED WOODPECKER Dendrocopos leucopterus 61(17)
EL. LACED WOODPECKER Picrrs vittalus 62(11)
Brightly coloured arboreal birds. Body stout; head broad; eyes large. Bill broad, flattened and hooked.
wilh a widc gape. Legs short; feet strong and syndaccyl; toes and claws long. Wings rounded; tail short
and squarc or long, slender and graduated. Sexes dimorphic. Feed largely on insects. Usually tame and
confiding. Ncst, a conspicuous purse-like structure suspended from a branch with no attempt at concealment.
Eggs, 1-5.
864. COLLARED BROADBILL Serilophus lunarus 630)
865. LONGTAILED BROADBILL Psarisomrrs dalhousiae 63(1)
Plump. solitary birds, largely terrestrial and generally brighlly coloured. Neck short. Bill strong and
slighlly curved. Legs slrong and long; feet large. Wings short and rounded; tail very short. Generally hop
on the ground hut pcrch on trees to sing and r m t . Flight strong. Food, insects, grubs and other invertebrates.
Voice, rich whistles and trilling calls. Nest, a globular structure of twigs and grass, on the ground or in
Lrccs. Eggs, 2-7. Incubation by both sexes.
866. BLUENAPED PlTTA Pilra nipalensis 63(!0)
867. INDIAN PlTTA Pitta hrachyrcra 63(12)
868. BLUEWINGED PlTTA Pitra moluccensis 63(11)
869. HOODED or GREENBREASTED PlTTA Pitta sordida 63(9)
87 1 . BLUE PlTTA Pitta cyanea 63(8)
Family ALAUDIDAE: Larks
Small, dull-coloured sparrow-like birds, generally grey-brown and buff, cryptically patterned with brown
or black. Terrestrial. Bill long and curved or short and stout. Legs short to long; hind claw straight, long
and sharp. Wings long and pointed. Sexes generally alike. Flight strong; many species migratory; movement
on ground by walking or running (contra hopping). Food, seeds and insects. Larks are well-known for
their songs and soaring song-flights. Nest, a scrape on the ground with little or no lining. Eggs, 2-6.
872. SINGING BUSH LARK Mirafra javanica
873. BUSH LARK Mirafra assamica 64(2)
874. Ssp. aJJinis of 873. 64(3)
877. REDWINGED BUSH LARK Mirafra erythroptera 64(4)
878. ASHYCROWNED FINCH-LARK Eremopterix grisea 64(5)
879. BLACK CROWNED FINCH-LARK Eremopterix nigriceps 64(6)
880. DESERT FINCH-LARK Ammomanes deserti 64(7)
881. BARTALLED DESERT LARK Ammomanes cincturus 64( 10)
882. RUFOUSTAILED FINCH-LARK Ammomanes phoenicurus 64(9)
884. BIFASClATED or LARGE DESERT LARK Alaernon alarrdipes M(8)
886. SHORT-TOED LARK Calandrella cinerea 64( 14)
888a. LESSER SHORT-TOED LARK Calandrella rufescens 64(13)
891. SAND LARK Calandrella raytal M ( 15)
892. EASTERN CALANDRA LARK Melanocorypha bimocrilata 64(11)
894. LONGBILLED CALANDRA LARK Melanocorypha maxima
895. Ssp. albigula of 897 64(18)
897. HORNED LARK Eremophila alpestris 64(17)
899. CRESTED LARK Galerida cristata W20)
901. MALABAR CRESTED LARK Galerida malabarica 64(21)
902. SYKES'S CRESTED LARK Galelida deva 64(19)
903. SKYLARK Alauda arvensis 64(23)
907. EASTERN SYLARK Alauda gulgula 64(22)
EL. CALANDRA LARK Melanocoqpha calandra 64(12)
Gregarious aerial birds, superficially similar to the swifts. Plumage chiefly black, brown, dark blue or
dark green. Body slender; neck short. Bill short and flattened, with a very wide gape. Legs short; tarsi
feathered in some species; feet small and weak hut with strong claws. Wings long and pointed; tail
medium to long, truncate to forked. Sexes nearly alike. Flight swift and strong. Food, mainly insccts
taken on the wing. Nest variable, of conglomerated mud pellets, usually alhched lo buildings or rocks;
also burrows in vertical earth banks. Generally colonial. Eggs, 3-7. Young nidiwlous; cared for by both
Bold aud aggressive birds like miniature raptors with plumage chiefly grey or brown a b v e and while
below; lacc and flight feathers boldly marked in black a i d white. Head large. Bill strong and hooked.
Legs and fcet strong; claws s h i v . Tail long, narrow and graduated. Strictly carnivorous, fceding on
i~iscctsand small vertebrates. KI~OWII to maintain a 'larder' where surplus food is impaled on thorns to be
eaten at Icisurc. Tliis habit has givcn the shrikcs the substantive name of 'butcher birds'. Voice, harsh
calls a$ well as musical songs; most shrikes arc accomplishcd mimics of other birds' calls. Nest, a deep
cup 01. tw~gs,graqs. wool or tow, ctc., placed at moderate height in a thorn bush. Eggs, 3-6.
GREY SHRIKE Lunircs excrthitor 94( 12)
LESSER GREY SHRIKE Lunircs minor 94(11)
BURMESE SHRIKE hnirr.c c~ollurioides 94(10)
BAYBACKED SHRIKE h n i r t s vitlatris 946)
REDBACKED SHRIKE h n i r i s c'o/lrrrio 94(13)
Ssp. ptroenicrtroides of 941 94(8)
Ssp. isahellinrcs ol' 941 94(7)
GREY BACKED or TIBETAN SHRIKE Lnnirrs tephmnofus 94( 15)
RUFOUSBACKED SHRIKE Lunircs schach 94(17)
Ssp. tricolor of 946 94(18)
BROWN SHRIKE Lnnircs crisratrcs 94(9)
WOODCHAT SHRIKE ?Lanircs senator 94(14)
Non-social arboreal birds. Plumage chiefly yellow. green, red, brown or black. Bill red, blue or black;
strong, pointed and slightly bookcd. Lcgs sl~orta i d slrong. Wings long and pointed. Sexes dimorphic.
Flight rapid and undulating. Food, gcnerally insects and fruit. Voice, loud fluty and melodious notes.
Ncsl a dccp cup o l wovai grass and ha$[-fibres, slung like a hammock within a fork of branches. Eggs 2-5.
952. GOLDEN ORIOLE Oriolrrs oriolris 63(2)
954. BLACKNAPED ORIOLE Oriolus chinensis diffu./lrsus 63(5)
955. Ssp. fenltirostris of 954 63(6)
958. BLACKHEADED ORIOLE Oriolus xanthornus 63(4)
961. MAROON ORIOLE Oriolus traillii 63(7)
Pugnacious arboreal birds. Plumage chiefly black or grey. Eyes reddish brown or red in most species. Bill
stout, hooked and notched. Legs short, toes and claws stout, the latter curved and needle-sharp. Wings
long; tail variable: medium to extremely long and deeply forked, some with projecting spatula-tipped
'wires'. Sexes alike. Flight swift and agile. Food, chiefly insects and other small creatures, and flower-
nectar. Bold and fearless; will attack and drive away larger birds intruding the precincts of the nest-tree.
Defenceless species often build nests in the same tree as drongos to take advantage of the birds' vigilance
and pugnacity in warding off potential marauders. Nest, a shallow cup of twigs, grass, etc. compacted
with cobwebs, placed in a horizontal fork of twigs. Eggs, 2 4 .
BLACK DRONGO or KING-CROW Dicrltrus adsimilis 6%1)
GREY or ASHY DRONGO Dicrurus leucophaeus 69(8)
Ssp. salangensis of 965 69(9)
WHITEBELLIED DRONGO Dicrurus caerulescens 69(12)
CROWBILLED DRONGO Dicrurus annectans 690)
BRONZED DRONGO Dicrlirus aeneus 69(6)
LESSER RACKET-TAILED DRONGO Dicrurus remifer 69(2)
HAIRCRESTED or SPANGLED DRONGO Dicrurus hottentottus 696')
ANDAMAN DRONGO Dicrurus andamanensis 69(10)
GREATER RACKET-TAJLED'DRoNGO Dicrurus paradiseus 69(4)
Ssp. lophorhinus of 977 69(5)
Arboreal birds with fine-textured soft plumage; the only passerines possessing powder-down feathers.
Body stout; neck short. Bill stout, rather finch-like, slightly curved, pointed, and with a wide gape.
Legs short and stout; feet strong. Wings long and pointed. Sexes nearly alike. Flight swift and
swallow-like: several rapid wing-beats followed by an effortless, graceful glide. Food, insects caught
on the wing. Nest, a loosely structured shallow cup of grass, roots, etc., placed on a branch, or in the
head of a palm tree often at considerable heights from the ground. Extremely aggressive when
nesting, attacking crows and raptors encroaching in the vicinity of the nest-tree. Eggs, 2-4.
982. ASHY SWALLOW-SHRIKE Artamus Jlrscus 65(18)
983. WHITEBREASTED SWALLOW-SHRIKE Artamus leucorhynchus 65(16)
Family STURNIDAE: Starlings, Mynas
Gregarious arboreal or terrestrial birds with silky plumage. Bill typically straight and rather long and
slender. Legs and feet strong. Wings short and rounded to long and pointed; tail usually short and square.
Sexes nearly alike. Flight strong. Food, insects, fruits, grain and flower-nectar. Voice, a variety of harsh to
pleasing notes and whistles. Some species are renowned mimics of the calls of other birds and human
speech. Nest, in holes or cavities in trees. Eggs, 2-9. Some species have become commensals of man and
some are serious pests of agriculture and horticulture.
984. SPOTTED WINGED STARE Saroglossa spiloptera 9669
986. GLOSSY STARE or STARLING Aplonis panayensis 96(1)
987. GREYHEADED MYNA Sfurnus malabaricus 96(3)
988. Ssp. hlythi of 987 96(4)
99 1. WHITEHEADED MYNA Sturnus erythropygius 96(8)
993. CEYLON WHITEHEADED MYNA Sturn~rssenex 96(7)
994. BLACKHEADED or BRAHMINY MYNA Sturnus pagodarum 96(5)
995. DAURlAN MYNA Sturnrrs sfrrrninus 96(6)
996. ROSY PASTOR Sfurnus roseus 96( 10)
997. STARLING Sturnrrs vulgaris 96(9)
1002. PIED MYNA Sfurnus contra 96(11)
1005. CHINESE or GREYBACKED MYNA Strrrnus sinensis 96(13)
1006. COMMON MYNA Acridorheres lrisris 96( 12)
1008. BANK MYNA Acridotheres ginginianus 96( 14)
1009. JUNGLE MYNA Acridofheresflrscus 96(15)
1012. ORANGEBILLED JUNGLE MYNA Acridotheres javanicrrs 96(18)
1013. COLLARED MYNA Acridotheres albocinctus 96(17)
1014. GOLDCRESTED MYNA Mino coronafrrs 96(16)
1015. GRACKLE or HILL MYNA Gracula religiosa 96( 19)
1019. CEYLON HILL MYNA Gracula plilogenys 96(20)
Thc largest passerine birds. Most species highly gregarious and social. Bill stout and powerful. Tarsi
large, eilher rully hooted or sculellated in lronl and booted behind. Wings and (ail strong. Sexes alike or
nearly so. Food, all types of plant and animal matter. Most species bold, and aggressive. Some species
show a highly developed mentality and have a complex social organisation. Nesl generally bulky, open,
made of twigs. Eggs, 3-6.
1020. JAY Garrrrlirs glandarirts 70(2)
1022. BLACKTHROATED JAY Garrrrlrrs lanceolafrrs 70( 1)
1023. GREEN MAGPIE C i s . ~ achinensis
1024. CEYLON MAGPIE Cissa ornara 700)
1025. YELLOWBILLED BLUE MAGPIE Cissa flavirosfris 70(6)
1027. REDBILLED BLUE MAGPIE Cissa erythrorhyncha 70(7)
1029. WHlTERUMPED MAGPIE Pica pica 700)
1032. INDIAN TREE PIE Dendrociffa vagabunda 70(10)
1035. BLACKBROWED TREE PIE Dendrociffafrontalis 70(11)
1036. WHITEBELLIED TREE PIE Dendrocitfa leucogasfra 70(9)
1038. HIMALAYAN TREE PIE Dendrocitta formosae 70(8)
1040. ANDAMAN TREE PIE Dendrocifta bavlryi 70(12)
104 1. HLJME'S GROUND CHOUGH Podoces hurnilis 70(15)
1042. NUTCRACKER Nucifraga catyocaracres 70(13)
1043. Ssp. hetnispila of 1042 70( 14)
1045. YELLOWBILLED or ALPINE CHOUGH Pvrrhocorax graculus 71(2)
1046. REDBILLED CHOUGH Pyrrhocorar pyrrhocorar 71(4)
1049. HOUSE CROW Corvus splendens 71(6)
1052. R W K Corvusfrugile~us 71(5)
1053. JACKDAW Corvrrs monedula 710)
1054. JUNGLE CROW Corvrrs tnacrorhynchos 71(7)
1058. CARRION CROW Corvirs corone 7103)
1058a. Ssp. sharp11 of 1058 71(9)
1059. RAVEN Corvlrs corm 71(11)
1061. BROWN-NECKED RAVEN Corvrts ruficollis 71(10)
Ratber sluggish arboreal birds with soft silky plumage. Crested. Bill short and thick, hooked, notched.
and with a wide gape. Legs short. Wings short to long and pointed; tail short and square. The waxwings
have the shafts of the secondaries prolonged into waxy tips. Food. berries, flowers. and insects caught on
tbe wing. Flight rapid and direct or undulating. Ncst, a cup of pliant twigs. moss and grass. in small trees
and bushes. Eggs. 3-7.
1062. WAXWING Romhvcilla garrrtlrts 94( 16)
1063. GREY HYPOCOLIUS Hvpncolirts atnprlinrrs 94(19)
Small lo medium sized arboreal hirds. Plumage hoft, of Inosely atlached feathers, grey, hlack, blue. red,
orange or yellow. Bill relatively heavy and slightly to strongly hooked. Legs short. Tail typically graduated
and long. The birds rarely descend to the ground. F d , chiefly insects. Nest, a shallow open cup of twigs
and rootlets cemented with cobweh on a high hranch or in a fork ol hranches. Eggs, 2-5. Incuhation by
hoth sexes or by female alone.
1065. PIED FLYCATCHER-SHRIKE Hetnipus picofrrs 6h( 12)
1068. LARGE WOOD SHRIKE Tephmhrnis virgafrrs 65( 13)
1070. COMMON WOOD SHRIKE Tephrodomis pondicerianlrs
1072. LARGE CUCKOO-SHRIKE Coracina novaehollandiae
1076. BARRED CUCKOO-SHRIKE Coracina slriala
1077. SMALLER GREY CUCKOO-SHRIKE Coracina melaschistos
1078. BLACKHEADED CUCKOO-SHRIKE Coracina melanoptera
1079a. PIED CUCKOO-SHRIKE Coracina nigra
1080. Ssp. speciosus of 1081
1081. SCARLET MINIVET Pericrocolusflatnmeus
1084. SHORTBILLED MINIVET Pericrocotlrs hreviroslris
1085. LONGTAILED MlNlVET Pericrocorus ethologrrs
1088. YELLOWTHROATED MINIVET Pericrocolus solaris
1089. ROSY MINIVET Pericrocotu.~roseus
1089a. ASHY MINIVET Pericrocorrrs divaricarrrs
1093. SMALL MINIVET Pericrocorus crnnanlomeus
1096. WHITEBELLIED MINIVET Pericrocorus ervthropygirrs
Small to medium arboreal birds of brightly coloured plumage, chiefly green, yellow, blue and black, or
combinations. Bill moderately long and slightly hooked; in some species slender and curved. Legs short
and hick; feet s~nall.Wings rounded; tail short to long, square or rounded. Sexes dimorphic, Lhe males
more brightly colourcd. Food, fruit, berries, seeds, flower nectar and insects. Voice, a variety of mellow
m d sibilant whistles, harsh chattering and mimicry (leaf birds). Nesl neat and cup-shaped, bound with
cobweb built in trees. Eggs, 2-4.
1098. COMMON IORA Aegifhina riphia 67(1)
1102. MARSHALL'S IORA A r ~ i r h i n ani~rolrrfea 670)
Ctiloropsi.~nrrr~fron.~ 670)
Chloropsis hardwickii 67(4)
Chloropsis coc.hinchinensis 67(6)
1109. FAIRY BLUEBIRD Irena prrella 67( 14)
Noisy. gregarious and mostly dull-coloured birds with soft, long and fluffy plumage. Bill short to medium
lcnglll m d sl~glitlycurved. Legs short and rather weak. Wings short and rounded; tail comparatively
longcr. Hairlike fcalhers on nape and rich1 hristles usually well developed. Sexcs generally alike. Food.
fruit, nectar, berries, insects. Most have sprightly musical calls; some species renowned as good songsters.
Nest, open cup of twigs, leaves, etc., generally built in bushes or trees. Eggs, 2-5.
1111. FINCHBILLED BULBUL Spizixos canifrons 68(1)
1112. BLACKHEADED BULBUL Pycnonotus a:riceps 68(7)
1114. GREYHEADED BULBUL Pycnonorus priocephalus 68(3)
Pycnonotlis melanicterusflaviventris
Pycnonorlis rnelanicterris grilaris
Pycnonorus melanicterus melanicterus
1120. REDWHISKERED BULBUL Pycnonotus jocosus
1123. Ssp. leucotis of 1125
1125. WHITECHEEKED BULBUL Pycnonorus leucogenys
1128. REDVENTED BULBUL Pvcnonotus cafer
113 1. Ssp. hengalensis of 1128
1133. STRIATED GREEN BULBUL Pycnonorus :friatus
1135. YELLOWTHROATED BULBUL Pycnonotus xantholaemus
1136. YELLOWEARED BULBUL Pvcnonotus penicillatus
1137. BLYTH'S BULBUL Pycnonotrisflavescens
1138. WHITEBROWED BULBUL Pvcnonotus luteolus
1140. WHITETHROATED BULBUL Cringerflaveolris
114 1. OLIVE BULBUL Hypsipetes viridescens
1142. NICOBAR BULBUL Hypsiperes nicobariensis
1144. YELLOWBROWED BULBUL Hypsiperes indicus
1146. RUFOUSBELLIED BULBUL Hypsiperes mcclellandi
1147. BROWNEARED BULBUL Hypsipetes flavalus
1148. BLACK BULBUL Hypsipetes madagascariensis
A vast agglomeration of superficially heterogeneous passerine birds erstwhile recognised as four discrete
families, namely Timaliidae (Babblers), Muscicapidae (Flycatchers). Sylviidae (Warblers), and Turdidae
(Thrushes and Chats). The occurrence of connecting forms makes it impracticable to separate them from
one another on clear-cut anatomical or evolutionary criteria. Recent behavioural studies, moreover, provide
further confmation of their close inter-relationship; hence, in conformity with international consensus
the families have been demoted to subfamilial rank and merged together into a single huge family. However,
for greater convenience the four subfamilies and the contained Indian species of each are here dealt with
Arboreal or terrestrial birds with soft lax plumage. Bill generally strong. Legs and feel strong. Wings
short and rounded. Flight weak. Food, insects, other small animals, flower-nectar, and fruit. Most species
noisy, with harsh calls; some with melodious song. Nest, cup-shaped or domed, built chiefly on trees and
bushes. Eggs, 1-7.
1154. SPOTTED BABBLER Pellomeum ruficeps 75(20)
1160. MARSH SPOTTED BABBLER Pellorneum palustre 75(19)
1161. BROWNCAPPED BABBLER Pellorneumfuscocapillum 75(16)
1164. BROWN BABBLER Pellorneum albivenne 75(15)
1166. TICKELL'S BABBLER Trichastoma tickelli 75(17)
1167. ABBO'IT'S BABBLER Trichastom abboni 75(18)
1169. Ssp. schisticeps of 1173 74(18)
Pomatorhinus horsfieldii
Pomatorhinus ruficollis
Porntorhinus erythrogenys
11 85. LARGE SCIMITAR BABBLER Porntorhinus hypoleucos
Porntorhinus ferruginosus
1187. Ssp.formosus of 1186
Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps
Xiphirhynchus superciliaris
1193. LONGBILLED WREN BABBLER Rimator rnlacoptilus
Napothera brevicaudata
1195. SMALL WREN-BABBLER Napothera epilepidota
1198. SCALYBREASTED WREN-BABBLER Pnoepyga albiventer
Pnoepyga pusilla
1200. TAILED WREN-BABBLER Spelaeornis caudatus
1201. MISHMI WREN Spelaeornis badeigularis
1202. LONGTAILED WREN-BABBLER Spelaeornis longicaudatus
Spelaeornis chocolatinus
Spelaeornis troglodytoides
1206. SPOlTED WEN-BABBLER Spelaeornis formosus
1207. WEDGEBILLED WREN Sphenocichla humei
1209. REDFRONTED BABBLER Stachyris mfi~?onr
1210. REDHEADED BABBLER Stachyris ruficeps
121 1 . REDBILLED BABBLER Stochyris pyrrhops
1212. GOLDHEADED BABBLER Stachyris chrysaea
1214. BLACKTHROATED BABBLER Stachyris nigriceps
1218. AUSTEN'S SPO'ITED BABBLER Stachyris oglei
1219. Ssp. obuensis of 1222
1222. RUFOUSBELLIED BABBLER Dumetia hyperythra 74(6)
1224. BLACKHEADED BABBLER Rhopocichla atriceps 74(10)
1226. Ssp. siccatrts of 1224 74(11)
1228. YELLOWBREASTED BABBLER Macronous gularis 74(4)
1229. REDCAPPED BABBLER fimalia pileata 79(1)
1231. YELLOWEYED BABBLER Chrysomma sinense 79(2)
1233. JERDON'S BABBLER Chrysomma altirostre 79(3)
1235. BEARDED TIT-B ABBLER or REEDLING Panurus biarmicus 73(15)
1236. GREAT PARROTBILL Conostoma aemodium 79(15)
1237. BROWN SUTHORA or PARROTBILL Paradoxomis rrnicolor 79(13)
Paradoxornis fulvifrons
Paradoxornis nipalensis humii
Paradoxornis nipalensis poliotis
1245. Ssp. oatesi of 1246
Paradoxornis atro.rrrperciliaris
1247. GREATER REDHEADED PARROTBILL Paradoxornis rujiceps
1249. GREYHEADED PAFUNITBILL Paradoxornis gularis
1251. BLACKTHROATED PARROTBILL Pamdoxornisflavirostris
1252. WHITETHROATED PARROTBILL Paradoxornis guttaticollis
1254. COMMON BABBLER Turdoides caudatus
1256. STRIATED BABBLER 7irrdoides earlei
1257. SLENDERBILLED BABBLER Turdoide.~longirostris
1258. LARGE GREY BABBLER Turdoides rnalcolmi
1259. RUFOUS BABBLER fitrdoides subrrfus
1265. JUNGLE BABBLER Turdoides striatus
1266. CEYLON RUFOUS BABBLER firrdoides rrfescens
1267. WHITEHEADED BABBLER Turdoides aJfinis
1269. SPINY BABBLER fitrdoides nipa1ensi.r
1270. CHINESE BABAX Babax lanceolatus
1271. GIANT TIBETAN BABAX Babax waddelli
1272. ASHYHEADED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrrrlax cinereifions
1274. WHITETHROATED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrrrlax albogrrlaris
1275. NECKLACED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrrrlas moniligerus
1277. BLACKGORGETED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrrrlax pectora1i.r
1279. STRIATED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrr~lasstriatrrs
1283. WIUTECRESTED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrrrlax lerrcolophus
1287. RLJFOUSVENTED LAUGHlNG THRUSH Garrrrlax delesserli
1288. Ssp. ~ u l a r i of
s 1287.
1290. VARIEGATED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax ariegatu.r
1291. ASHY LAUGHlNG THRUSH Garrrrlax cineraceus
1294. RUFOUSCHINNED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrrrlax rrfogrclnris
1297. Ssp. mnrirnus of 1299 76(15)
1299. WHITESPOTTED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax ocellatus 76(16)
1300. GREYSIDED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax caerulatus 77(14)
1303. RUFOUSNECKED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrrrlax ruficollis 77(9)
1304. SPO'ITEDBREASTED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrular memlinus 76(8)
1306. WHITEBROWED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax sannio 77(8)
1307. NILGIRI LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax cachinnans 77(2)
1309. WHITEBREASTED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax jerdoni 77(3)
1314. STREAKED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax linealus 76(2)
13 17.MANIPUR STREAKED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax virgarus 76(7)
1318. BROWNCAPPED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax austeni 76(6)
13 19.BLUEWINGED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax squamatus 76(5)
1320. PLAINCOLOURED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax subunicolor 76(1)
132 1 . 77(11)
1322. BLACKFACED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax aSJinis 77(12)
1324. REDHEADED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrular erythrocephalrcs 76(4)
1326. Ssp. nigrimenrum of 1324 760)
1331. CRIMSONWINGED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax phoeniceus 77(1)
1333. SILVEREARED MESIA Leiolhrix argenfarcris go( 1)
1336. REDBILLED LElOTHRlX Leiorhrix lufea
1338. FRETAILED MYZORNIS Mviornis pyrrhoura 67(2)
1339. NEPAL CLlTlA Curia nipalensis 80(3)
1340. RUFOUSBELLED SHRLKE-BABBLER Pteruthius rufiventer 80(4)
1341. REDWINGED SHRIKE-BABBLER Pferuthiusflaviscapis go@]
1343. GREEN SHRIKE-BABBLER Prerufhius xanfhochlorus 80(5)
1345. CHESTNUT-THROATEDSHRIKE-BABBLER Pterufhius melonofis 80(7)
1346. CHESTNUTFRONTED SHRIKE-BABBLER Pteruthius aenobarbus 80(6)
1347. WHlTEHEADED SHRIKE-BABBLER Gampsorhynchus rrrfrlus 78(1)
1348. SPECTACLED BARWING Actinodrrra egenoni 78(4)
1352. HOARY BARWING Acrinodura nipalensis 78(2)
1355. AUSTEN'S BARWING Acrinodrcra nipalensis waldeni 78(5)
1357. REDTAILED MINLA Minla ignorincta 80(12)
1359. BARTHROATED SlVA Minln strigula 80(9)
1362. BLUEWINGED SrVA Minla cyanorrropfera 80(10)
1365. WHITEBROWED YUHINA Yuhina casfaniceps 78(13)
1366. WHITENAPED YUHlNA Yrthina hakeri 78(19)
1368. YELLOWNAPED YUHINA Y~thinaJ7avicolli.r 78(15)
1372. STRIPETHROATED YUHlNA Yuhina grrlaris 78(18)
1373. RUFOUSVENTED YUHlNA Y ~ h i n ooccipi~alis 78(17)
1374. BLACKCHINNED YUHINA Yr~hinanigrirnenfa 78(16)
1375. WHITEBELLIED YUHINA Yullina xan~holerrca 78(12)
1376. GOLDENBREASTED TIT-BABBLER Alcippe chrysofis 80(11)
Alcippc. t~inercw 78(7)
I 7 . CHESTNUT-HEADED TIT-BABBLER Alcippe casraneceps 78(6)
1381. WHITEBROWED TIT-BABBLER Alcippe vinipecfus 78(14)
1385. GREY -HEADED TIT-BABBLER Alcippe cinereiceps 78(10)
1386. REDTHROATED TIT-BABBLER Alcippe rufogularis 78(8)
1388. RUFOUSHEADED TIT-BABBLER Alcippe brrrnnea 780)
1390. QUAKER BABBLER Alcippe poioicephala 78(11)
1392. NEPAL BABBLER Alcippe nipalensis 78(9)
1395. CHESTNUTBACKED SIBIA Heterophasia annectens 80(14)
1396. BLACKCAPPED SIBIA Heterophasia capisfrata 80(13)
1399. GREY SIBIA Heferophasia gracilis 80(17)
1400. BEAUTIFUL SIBIA Heterophasia pulchella 80(15)
1401. LONGTAILED SIBI A Heterophasia picaoides 80(16)
Potnatorhinus erythrocnetnis
Dull to brightly coloured small to medium-sized arboreal birds. Bill typically broad and flat at base. Legs
short. Wlngs short and rounded to long and pointed. Tail variable: short and square or notched; or graduated
and fan-shaped, to longish with flowing ribbons. Food, insects and spiders, often caught on the wing.
Some species have welldeveloped songs. Nest, a neatly built deepish cup of grasses etc. usually bound or
plastered with cobweb, placed on a tree or bush, sometimes in holes. Eggs, 2-6. Incubation and nest-
feeding by both sexes, but female does the most work.
1402. OLIVE FLYCATCHER Rhinomyias brunneata 92(13)
1403. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER Mrrscicapa striata 92(5)
1406. SOOTY FLYCATCHER Muscicapa sibirica 937)
1407. BROWN FLYCATCHER Muscicapa latirosfris 92(11)
1408. BROWNBREASTED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa murt~ri 92(6)
1409. RUFOUSTAILED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa r14ficauda 92(8)
1410. FERRUGINOUS FLYCATCHER Muscicapa ferruginea 939)
141 1 . REDBREASTED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa pawa 92(2)
1412. Ssp. albicilla of 1411 92(3)
1413. KASHMIR REDBREASTED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa subrubra 92(4)
1414. ORANGEGORGETED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa strophiafa 92(12)
1415. WHITEGORGETED FLYCATCHER M~rscicapamonileger 92(21)
1416. Ssp. lerrcops of 1415 92(20)
1417. RUFOUSBREASTED BLUE FLYCATCHER Muscicapa hyperyfhra 93(5)
1418. RUSTYBREASTED BLUE FLYCATCHER M~rscicapahodgsonii 93(4)
1419, 1420. LITTLE PIED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa wesfermanni 92(14)
1421. WHITEBROWED BLUE FLYCATCHER Mrrscicapa superciliaris 92(15)
1423. S L A n BLUE FLYCATCHER Muscicapa lerrcomelanura 92(18)
1424. Ssp. minrrta of 1423 92(17)
1426. SAPPHIREHEADED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa sapphira 930)
1427. BLACK-AND-ORANGE FLYCATCHER M~rscicapanigrorrqa 92(10)
1428. LARGE NILTAVA Muscicapa g r a d i s 92(19)
1429. SMALL NLLTAVA Muscicapa macgri~oriae 92(16)
1432. RUFOUSBELLIED NTLTAVA Muscicapa srrndoru 93(14)
1433. RUFOUSBELLIED BLUE FLYCATCHER Muscicapa vividn 93(16)
1434. WHITETAILED BLUZ FLYCATCHER Muscicapa concrers 93415)
1435. WHITEBELLED BLUE FLYCATCHER Muscicapa pallipes 93(9)
1436. BROOKS'S FLYCATCHER Muscicapa poliogenys 93(8)
1439. PALE BLUE FLYCATCHER Muscicapa u~icolor 93(11)
1440. BLUETHROATED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa rubeculoides 936)
144 1. LARGEBILLED ELUE FLYCATCHER Muscicapa banyumas 93(7)
1442. TICKELL'S BLUE FLYCATCHER Muscicapa rickelliae 93(1)
1444. DUSKY BLUE FLYCATCHER M%scicapa sordida 93(12)
1445. VERDITER FLYCATCHER Muscicapa thalassina 93(10)
1446. NILGIRI FLYCATCHER Muscicapa albicaudata 93(13)
1447. PIGMY BLUE FLYCATCHER Muscicapella hodgsoni 93(3)
1449. GREYHEADED FLYCATCHER Culicicapa ceylonerisis 91(8)
14%. YELLOWBELLIED FANTAIL FLYCAXFER Rhipidura hypom!ha 91(1)
1451. WHTTEBROWED FANTAIL FLYCATCHER Rhipidura aureola 94(4)
1455. WHITETHROATED FANTAIL FLYCATCHER Rhipid'lrra albico!lis 94(5)
1458. Ssp. albogularis of 1455 940)
1461. PARADISE FLYCPiFCm Terpsiphone pardisi 94(2)
1465. BLACKNAPED FLYCATCHER Hypothymis azurea 94(1)
Thickheads or Shrikebilled Flycatchers
Bill strong, deep, laterally compressed, notched at tip. Three strong rictal bristles; numerous smaller
hairs overhanging nostril. Wing long; tail square. Sexes alike.
Pachycephala grisola 92(1)
Small, dull-coloured, active arboreal birds. Bill slender and pointed. Legs short. Wings of medium
lcilgth and rounded. Fwd, insects, spiders, etc., solnetimes berries. Most species have well-developed
melodious songs that are often diagnostic for species otherwise confusingly alike. Nest, cup-shaped
or domed, placed on lhe ground among vegetauon or up in trees or bushes. Eggs, 3-5 or 6.
1471. DULL SLATYBELLED GROUND WARBLERTesia cyanivenfer 91(15)
1472. SLATYBELLLED GROUND WARBLER Tesia olivea 91(16)
1473. CHESTNUT-HEADED GROUND WARBLER Tesia caslaneocomnata 91(17)
1474. PALEFOOTED BUSH WARBLER Cerfiapallidipes 87(1)
1476. JAPANESE BUSH WARBLER Cetlia diphone 87(2)
1478. STRONGFOOTED BUSH WARBLER Cerria tnontana 87(3)
1479. LARGE BUSH WARBLER Cptria major 87(6)
148 1. 1580. ABERRANT BUSH WARBLER C e f f ~ a ~ a v o l i v a c e a 67(4), 90(7)
1484. HLJME'S BUSH WARBLER Cettia acanthizoides 87(7)
1486. RUFOUSCAPPED BUSH WARBLER Cettia brunnifiom 87(5)
1488. CETTI'S WARBLER Cettia cetti 87(11)
1490. SPOTTED BUSH WARBLER Bradypterus thoracicus 87(10)
1491. LARGEBILLED BUSH WARBLER Bradypteru~,major 87(13)
1492. CHIWSE BUSH WARBLER Bradypterus tacsanowskius 87(15)
1493. BROWN BUSH WARBLER Bradypterus luteoventris 87(8)
1494. PALLISER'S WARBLER Bradypterus palliseri 87(9)
1495. MOUSTACHED SEDGE WARBLER Acrocephalus melanopogon 89(10)
1496. FANTAIL WARBLER Cisticola exilis 89(22)
1498. STREAKED FANTAIL WARBLER Cisticola juncidis 89(20)
1501. BEAVAN'S WREN-WARBLER Prinia rufescens 88(16)
1503. ASHY-GREY WREN-WARBLER Prinia hodgsonii 88(17)
1506. RUFOUSFRONTED WREN-WARBLER Prinia buchanani 89(8)
1507. HODGSON'S WREN-WARBLER Prinia cinereocapilla 88(15)
1508. STREAKED WREN-WARBLER Prinia gracilis 89(7)
1511. PLAIN WREN-WARBLER Prinia subflava 89(12)
1515. Ssp. stewarti of 1517 88(14)
1517. ASHY WREN-WARBLER Prinia socialis 88(13)
1521. JUNGLE WREN-WARBLER Prinia sylvatica 89(13)
1524. Ssp. sindiana of 1525 89(14)
1525. YELLOWBELLIED WREN-WARBLER Prinia flaviventris 89(15)
1527. BROWN HILL WARBLER Prinia criniger 89(19)
1529. BLACKTHROATED HILL WARBLER Prinia atrogularis 89(11)
1531. LONGTAILED GRASS WARBLER Prinia burnesii 89(17)
1532. Ssp. cinerascens of 1531 89(16)
1533. STREAKED SCRUB WARBLER Scotocerca inquieta 89(18)
1534. LARGE GRASS WARBLER Graminicola bengalensis 89(21)
1538. TAILOR BLRD Orthotomus sutorius 91(11)
1540. BLACKNECKED TAILOR BIRD Orrhotomus atrogularis 91(14)
1541. GOLDENHEADED TAILOR BIRD Orthotomus cucullatus 91(12)
1543. PALLAS'S GRASSHOPPER WARBLER Locustella certhiola 89(1)
1544. STREAKED GRASSHOPPER WARBLER Locustella lanceolata 89(9)
1545. GRASSHOPPER WARBLER Locustella naevia 89(3)
EL. Ssp. obscurior of 1545 89(4)
1546. BROADTAILED GRASS WARBLER Schenicola plalyura 89(2)
1547. BRISTLED GRASS WARBLER Chaetornis striatus 89(6)
1548. STRIATED MARSH WARBLER Megalurus palustris 89(5)
1549. THICKBILLED WARBLER Acrocephalus aedon 87(14)
1550. INDIAN GREAT REED WARBLER Acrocephalus stentoreus 87(19)
1555. BLACKBROWED REED WARBLER Acrocephalus bistrigiceps 87(12)
1555a. REED WARBLER Acrocephalus scirpaceus 87(18)
1556. BLYTH'S REED WARBLER Acrocephalus dumetorum 87(16)
1557. PADDYFELD WARBLER Acrocephalus agricola 87(17)
1562. BOOTED WARBLER Hippolais caligata 900)
1564. UPCHER'S WARBLER Hippolais languida 90(1)
1564a. BARRED WARBLER Sylvia nisoria 88(l)
1565. ORPHEAN WARBLER Sylvia horrensis 88(3)
1566. WHITETHROAT Sylvia cornmunis 88(2)
1567. LESSER WHITETHROAT Sylvia curruca blythi 88(6)
1569. LESSER WHITETHROAT Sylvia curruca minula 88(4)
1570. LESSER WHITETHROAT Sylvia currrrca alrhaea 88(5)
1571. DESERT WARBLER Sylvia nana 88(7)
1571a. MENETRIES'S WARBLER Sylvia mystacea 88(11)
1574. BROWN LEAF WARBLER or CHlFFCHAFF Phylloscopus collybira 90(4)
1577. PLAIN LEAF WARBLER Phylloscoprrs neglecrrrs 90(2)
1578. WTLER'S LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus r)lrleri 90(5)
1579. TICKELL'S LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus affinis 90(6)
1580. Ssp. arcanus of 1579. See No.1481 87(4). 906')
1581. OLNACEOUS LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus griseolus ' 90(8)
1582. SMOKY WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscoprrs fuligivenrer 90(12)
1586. DUSKY LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopusfuscarus 90(11)
1588. ORANGEBARRED LEAF WARBLER Phylloscoprrs pulcher 90( 14)
Phylloscoprrs inornarus
1593. BROOKS'S LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus subviridis
1594. PALLAS'S LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus proregulrrs
1599. GREYFACED LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus maculipennis
1601. LARGEBLLLED LEAF WARBLER Phylloscoprrs rnagnirostris
1605. GREENISH LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus trochiloides
1606. LARGE CROWNED LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus occipitalis
1607. Ssp. coronalris of 1606
1609. BLYTH'S LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus reguloldes
1612. BLACKBROWED LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus cantator
1612a. RADDE'S LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus schwarzi
1613. ALLIED FLYCATCHER-WARBLER Seicercus affinis
Seicercus xanrhoschistos
Seicercrrs poliogenys
Seicercus castaniceps
Abroscoprrs superciliaris
Abroscoprrs schisriceps
Abroscopus albogrrlaris
1629. GOLDCREST Regrrlus regulus
1632. CRESTED TIT-WARBLER Leptopoecile elegans
1633. STOLICZKA'S TIT-WARBLER Lepropoecile sophiae
1634. Ssp. ohscrrra of 1639
Subfamily TURDINAE: Thrushes and Chats
Plump, arboreal or terrestrial birds with soft plumage. Bill slender. Legs and feet stout; tarsi booted.
Wings short and rounded to long and pointed; tail square, rounded or emarginate. Food, a variety of
animal and vegetable matter. Some species have highly developed songs. Nest, an open cup in trees,
hushcs. on the ground, or in holes. Eggs, 2-6.
1635. GOULD'S SHORTWING Brachypteryx srellata 81(1)
1636. RUSTYBELLIED SHORTWING Brachypteryx hyperythra 81(2)
1637. RUFOUSBELLIED SHORTWING Brachypteryx major 8 1(4)
1639. LESSER SHORTWING Brachypteryx leucophrys 81(3)
1640. WHITEBROWED SHORTWING Brachypteryx montana 81(5)
1641. RUFOUS CHAT Erythropygia galactores 82(1)
1642. NIGHTINGALE Erithacus megarhynchos 81(6)
1643. RUBYTHROAT Erithacus calliope 81(7)
1644. BLUETHROAT Erithacus svecicus 81(9)
1647. HIMALAYAN RUBYTHROAT Erithacrrs pectoralis 81(8)
1650. BLUE CHAT Erithacus brunneus 81(11)
1652. FIRETHROAT Erithacus pectardens 81(10)
1653. SIBERIAN BLUE CHAT Erithacus cyane 81(12)
1656. ORANGEFLANKED BUSH ROBIN Erithacus cyanurus 81(14)
1658. GOLDEN BUSH ROBIN Erithacus chrysaeus 81(15)
1659. WHITEBROWED BUSH ROBIN Erirhacus indicus 81(13)
1660. RUFOUSBELLED BUSH ROBIN Erithacus hyperythrus 81(17)
1661. MAGPIE-ROBIN or DHYAL Copsychus saularis 83(4)
1665. SHAMA Copsychus malabaricus malabaricus 83(1)
1668. ANDAMAN SHAMA Copsychus malabaricus albiventris 83(2)
1669. EVERSMANN'S REDSTART Phoenicurus erythronorus 82(2)
1670. BLUEHEADED REDSTART Phoenicurus caeruleocephalus 82(5)
167 1. BLACK REDSTART Phoenicurus ochruros phoenicuroides 82(4)
1672. BLACK REDSTART Phoenicurrrs ochruros rufiventris 82(3)
1673. REDSTART Phoenicurus phoenicurus 82(6)
1674. HODGSON'S REDSTART Phoenicurus hodgsoni 82(7)
1675. BLUEFRONTED REDSTART Phoenicurusfrontalis 82(8)
1676. WHlTETHROATED REDSTART Phoenicrrrus schisticeps 82(9)
1677. DAURlAN REDSTART Phoenicurus auroreus 82(11)
1678. GULDENSTADT'S REDSTART Phoenicurus erythrogaster 82(10)
1679. PLUMBEOUS REDSTART Rhyacornisfuliginosus 82(12)
1680.' HODGSON'S SHORTWING Hodgsonius phoenicuroides 82(13)
1681. WHITETAILED BLUE ROBIN Cinclidium leucrrrum 82(14)
1682. BLUEFRONTED ROBIN Cinclidiumfrontale 82(15)
1683. HODGSON'S GRANDALA Grandala coelicolor 833)
1684. LITTLE FORKTALL Enicurus scouleri 830)
1685. BLACKBACKED FORKTAIL Enicurus imrnaculatus 83(7)
1686. SLATYBACKED FORKTAIL Enicurus schistaceus 836)
1687. LESCHENAULT'S FORKTAIL Enicurus leschenaulti 839)
1688. SPOTTED FORKTAIL Enicwrrs maculatrrs 83(8)
1690. PURPLE COCHOA Cochoa purpurea 83(11)
1691. GREEN COCHOA Cochoa viridis 83(10)
1692. BROWN ROCK CHAT Cercomela fusca 82(18)
1693. STOLICZKA'S BUSH CHAT Saxicola mcrorhyncha 84(1)
1694. HODGSON'S BUSH CHAT Saxicola insignis 84(4)
1696. Ssp. przewalskii of 1697 840)
1697. STONE CHAT Saxicola torqrrata 84(2)
1699. WHITETAILED STONE CHAT Saxicola leucura 84(7)
1700. PIED BUSH CHAT Saxicola caprara 840)
1704. JERDON'S BUSH CHAT Saxicola jerdoni 84(6)
1705. DARK-GREY BUSH CHAT Saxicola ferrea 84(8)
1706. ISABELLINE CHAT Oenanthe isabellina 84(10)
1707. REDTAILED CHAT Oenanthe xanthoprymna 84(11)
1708. WHEATEAR Oenanfhe oenanfhe 84(9)
1710. DESERT WHEATEAR Oenanthe deserti' 84(12)
1711. BARNES'S CHAT Oenanfhefinschi 84(15)
1712. PIED CHAT Oenanfhe picata 84(17)
1713. HOODED CIJAT Oenanthe ~tonacha 84(16)
1714. HUME'S CHAT Oenanthe alboniger 84(14)
Oenanthe pleschanka
Chaimrromis lerrcocephalus
17 17. Ssp. cambaiensis of 1720
1720. INDIAN ROBIN Saxicoloides fulicata
1722. ROCK THRUSH Monficola saxatifis
1723. BLUEHEADED ROCK THRUSH Monticola cinclorhynchus
1724. CHESTNUTBELLIED ROCK THRUSH Monficola rufiventris
1726. BLUE ROCK THRUSH Monficola solitarius
1727. CEYLON WHISTLING THRUSH Myiophonrls blighi
1728. MALABAR WHISTLING THRUSH Myiophonus horsfieldii
1729. BLUE WHISTLING THRUSH Myiophonus caerulerrs
1731 . PIED GROUND THRUSH Zoothera wardii
1732. SIBERIAN GROUND THRUSH Zoothera sibirica
1734. Ssp. cyanorus of 1733
1737. SPOTTED WINGED GROUND THRUSH Zoothera spiloprera
1739. PLAINBACKED MOUNTAIN THRUSH Zoothera mollissima
Zuothera dauma
1745. LARGE BROWN THRUSH Zoothera monficola
1746. LESSER BROWN THRUSH Zoorhera murginafa
1747. BLACKBREASTED THRUSH Trirdus dissjmilis
1748. TICKELL'S THRUSH firdrrs unicolor
1749. WHITECOLLARED BLACKBIRD Turd~lsa1bocinctir.r
1750. GREYWINGED BLACKBIRD Trirdus borrlboul
1752. BLACKBIRD Turdus merula maximus 85(13)
1753, 1754. BLACKBIRD Turdus merula nigropileus 85(11)
1755. BLACKBIRD Turdus merula simillimus 85(12)
1757. BLACKBIRD Turdus merula kinnisii 85(10)
1758. GREYHEADED THRUSH Turdus rubrocanus 85(16)
1759. Ssp. gouldii of 1758 85(17)
1760. KESSLER'S THRUSH Turdus kessleri 85(15)
1761. FEA'S THRUSH Turdus feai 85(14)
1762. DARK THRUSH Turdus obscurus 86(11)
1763. BLACKTHROATED THRUSH Turdus rujicollis atrogularis 86(13)
1764. REDTHROATED THRUSH Turdus ruficollis rujicollis 86(12)
1765. DUSKY THRUSH Turdus naumanni 86(9)
1766. FlELDFARE Turdus pilaris 86(15)
1767. REDWING Turdus illiacus 86(14)
1768. MISTLE THRUSH Turdrrs viscivorus 86(16)
EL. WHITETHROATED ROBIN Irania.gutturalis 81(16)
Tiny, skulking terrestrial birds with plumage typically 'pepper-and-salt' patterned in shades with white,
buff, and black. Bill slender and medium to long and curved. Legs and feet strong; anterior toes partly
adherent; claws long. Wings short and rounded; tail very short to longish. Sexes nearly alike. Food,
chiefly insects. Known for h e i r loud, spirited, melodious songs. Nest, in cavities in trees, rocks, buildings,
etc., or domed nests built in busbes and trees. Polygamy common in many species.
1770. WREN Troglodytes trogiodytes 75(1)
1771. Ssp. nipalensi,~
of 1770. 75(2)
Solilary aquatic birds inhabiting rapid-flowing mounuin streams. Body compact and plumage fm and
dense. Bill longish, slender, laterally compressed, slightly hooked and notched. Legs and toes long and
stout; claws short and strong. Wings short, pointed and concave beneath; tail shart, square or rounded.
Sexes alike. Food, chiefly aquatic insects and other invertebrates. Walk and 'fly' under water, using h e
wings for propulsion. Nest. domed, built near water. lincd with moss and leaves. Eggs, 4-5.
1773. WHITEBREASTED DIPPER Cinclus cinclus 69(13)
1775. BROWN DIPPER Cinc1rr.r pallasii 69(14)
Small. lcrreslrial spanow-like hirds. Plumage black, brown, grey or buff, streaked above and plain 01
strcaked helow. Bill slender and finely pointed. Lcgs and feet strong. Wings shon and roundcd to long
and pointed. Sexes alike or nearly so. Food, chiefly insects in summer; fruits and berries in winter. Nest,
neat and cup-shaped, built in trees or bushes or in a rock crevice. Eggs, 3-5.
1777 to 1779 ALPINE ACCENTOR Prunella collaris 100(1)
1780. ALTAl ACCENTOR Prunella himalayana 100(5)
1781. ROBIN ACCENTOR Prunella rubeculoides 100(3)
1783. RUFOUSBREASTED ACCENTOR Prunella srrophiara 100(2)
1784. BROWN ACCENTOR Prunellafulvescens 100(9)
1785a. (RADDE'S) BROWN ACCENTOR Prunellafulvescens ocularis 100(7)
1787. BLACKTHROATED ACCENTOR Prunella arrogularis 1OW5)
1787a. SIBERIAN ACCENTOR Prrtnella monfanella 100(8)
1788. MAROONBACKED ACCENTOR Prunella immaculafa 100(4)
Small, restless, active, arboreal woodland birds. Plumage chiefly olive, brown, grey, white or buff. Bill
stout, conical or pointed. Legs short and strong. Wings rounded. Food, insects and seeds. Sexes generally
alike. Nest, chiefly in tree-holes. Eggs, 4-14. Incubation generally by female.
1789. SULTAN TIT Melanochlora sulfanea 72(20)
1794. GREY TIT Parus major 72(18)
1798. WHITEWINGED BLACK TIT Parus nrrchalis 72(19)
1799. GREENBACKED TIT Parus tnonricolus 72(17)
Parrrs cyanus jlavipecfus
Parrts cyanrrs fiatlschanicrcs
1802. CRESTED BLACK TiT Parrcs melanolophlrs
1803. COAL TIT Parus arer
1804. BLACK TIT Parrrs rufonuchalis
1805. RUFOUSBELLIED CRESTED TIT Parrts rrrbidivenfris
11108. BROWN CRESTED TIT Parrrs dichrolts
1809. YELLOWCHEEKED TIT Parrrs xanfhogenys
1812. BLACKSPOTTED YELLOW TIT Parrrs spilonofus
1814. YE1,LOWBROWED TIT Sylviparrrs n~odestrrs
1815. FTRECAPPED TIT Cephalopyrus flatnmiceps
1817. PENDULINE TIT Remiz pendrrlinrrs
EL. Ssp. nigricons of 1817
1818. 1819 REDHEADED TIT Aegirhalos concinnus
1820. Ssp. ttlaniprrren.ris of 1818
1821. WHITECHEEKED TIT Aegithalos leucogenys
1 822. WHITETHROATED TIT Ae~ilhalosniveogularis
1823. RUFOUSFRONTED TIT Aegithalos iouschistos
EL. BLlJE-GREYTIT Purris hokhnrensis
Family SITTIDAE: Nuthatches, Creepers
Small arboreal climbing birds. Plumage blue, grey with black or brown; usually a dark line and white
markings on tail present. Body compact. Bill slender, straight and notched. Tarsi short; toes long; claws
laterally compressed. Wings long and pointed; tail short and truncate. Sexes nearly alike. Flight undulating.
Climb tree trunks and up and around branches without using tail as support, with jerky hops or obliquely.
Food, insects, nuts, seeds. Nest in lined tree holes or crevices. Eggs, 4-14.
1824. EUROPEAN NUTHATCH Sitta europaea cashmirensis 73(4)
1826. EUROPEAN NUTHATCH Sitta europaea nagaensis 73(1)
1830. CHESTNUTBELLIED NUTHATCH Sitta castanea 73(3)
1832. WHITECHEEKED NUTHATCH Sitta leucopsis 73(6)
1834. WHITETAILED NUTHATCH Sitta himalayensis 73(2)
1836. ROCK NUTHATCH Sitta tephronota 73(5)
1837. BEAUTIFUL NUTHATCH Sitta formosn 73(8)
1838. VELVETFRONTED NUTHATCH Sitta fiontalis 7x7)
1839. WALL CREEPER 7Fchodroma muraria 73(9)
1841. SPOTTED GREY CREEPER Salpornis spilonotos 73(14)
Small arboreal birds with plumage chiefly brown to black above and white, grey or buff below. Bill
slender, laterally compressed and downcurved. Toes and claws long. Wings rounded; tail longish, stiff
and pointed. Sexes nearly alike. Climb tree trunks and boughs in the manner of woodpeckers, using the
tail as a support. Flight undulating and not sustained. Food, chiefly tiny insects lurking in the bark. Nest
inholes or crevices in tree trunks. Eggs, 3-9.
1842. TREE CREEPER Certhia familiaris 73(10)
1847. HIMALAYAN TREE CREEPER Certhia himalayana 73(11)
1849. SIKKIM TREE CREEPER Certhia discolor 73(13)
1851. NEPAL TREE CREEPER Certhia nipalensis 73(12)
Slender-bodied terrestrial birds. Plumage black, grey, olive, yellow or brown. Bill slcnder and pointed.
Toes long; hind toe generally elongated. Wings pointed; tail long, constanlly 'wagged' vcrlically. Fwd,
chiefly tiny insects and other invertebrates, living near or in the grass. Many species migralory. Ncsl,
open, cup-shaped, generally on the ground. Eggs. 3-7.
1852. INDIAN TREE PIPIT Anthrcs hodgsoni 95(8)
1854. TREE PIPIT Anthus trivialis 95(9)
1856. MEADOW PlPlT Anthrrs pratensis 9x5)
1857. Migrant ssp. richardi of 1858 95(1)
1858. PADDYFIELD PIPIT Anthus novaeseelandiae 95(2)
1861. TAWNY PIPIT Anthus campestris 9x3)
1864. REDTHROATED PIPIT Anthus cewinus 95(6)
1865. VINACEOUSBREASTED PIPIT Anthus roseatus 9x7)
1868. BROWN ROCK PIPIT Anthus sirnilis 95(4)
1870. NILGIRI PIPIT Anthrts nilghiriensis 95(11)
1871. WATER PIPIT or ALPINE PIPIT Anthus spinolelta 95(10)
1873. UPLAND PIPIT Anlhus sylvanus 95(12)
1874. FOREST WAGTAIL Motacilla indica 95(15)
1876. YELLOW WAGTAIL MotacillafIava 95(16)
1878. Ssp. melanogrisea of 1876 95(17)
1883. YELLOWHEADED WAGTAIL Motacilla cilreola 95(20)
1884. GREY WAGTAIL Moracilla cinerea 95(19)
1885, 1886. PIED or WHITE WAGTAIL Motacilla alha 95(13,14)
1891. LARGE PIED WAGTAIL Motacilla moderasparensis 95(18)
Small. restless, active arboreal birds. In some species bob sexes dull-coloured; in others male bright
plumaged. Bill shortish, thin and curved or stout. Legs short. Wings long; tail short. Constantly flit
among tree-tops, uttering sharp call notes. Food, insects, nectar and berries particularly mistletoe. Some
species important flower pollinators. Nest, normally purse-shaped, of soft fibres etc. pendant from a
branch. Eggs, 1-5.
1892. THICKBILLED FLOWERPECKER Dicaeum agile 98( 1)
1895. YELLOWVENTED FLOWERPECKER Dicaeurn chrysorrherrm 98(5)
1896. YELLOWBELLED FLOWERPECKER Dicaeurn nwlanoxanthrrm 9863
1897. LEGGE'S FLOWERPECKER Dicaeum vincens 98(6)
11198. ORANGEBELLIED FLOWERPECKER Dicaerrm rrigonosfigma 98(7)
1899. TICKELL'S FLOWERPECKER Dicaertrn eryrhrorhynchos 980)
1902. PLAINCOLOURED FLOWERPECKER Dicae~cmconcolor 98(4)
1904. SCARLETBACKEDFLOWERPECKER Dicaerrtn cruentatum 98(10)
1905. FTREBREASTED FLOWERPECKER'Dicaerrm ignipec~us 98(8)
Small. active arboreal 'flower-birds'. Sexes dimorphic. Malcs generally glistening medlic red, yellow.
grecn, bluc, purplc and black in combinations; lcmales generally dull coloured. Bill long, slender, curved
and very finely serralc. Tonguc long and tubular (suctorial). Legs short and strong; claws sharp. Winys
short and rounded: tail shorl and truncate to long and pointed. Food, flower-nectar and insects. Nesc
lypically purse-shaped, pcndant, often wilh a porch overhanging the lateral entrance. Eggs, 1-3.
1906. RUBYCHEEK Anrhrrpres sin~trlensi.~ 97(3)
1907, 1908. PURPLERUMPED SUNBIRD Necrarinia zevlonica 97(4)
1909. SMALL SUNBIRD Necrurinia rninirnn 97(7)
1910. VAN HASSELT'S SUNBIRD Nectarinia sperata 976)
1911, 1912. LOTEN'S SUNBIRD Nectarinia lotenia 97(9)
1913. OLIVEBACKED SUNBIRD Nectarinia jugularis 97(5)
1917. PURPLE SUNBIRD Nectarinia asiatica 97(10)
1919. MRS GOULD'S SUNBIRD Aethopyga gouldiae 97(8)
1923. NEPAL YELLOWBACKED SUNBIRD Aelhopyga nipalen~ ii~ 97(11)
1925. BLACKBREASTED SUNBIRD Aelhopyga salurala 97(12)
1927, 1929a. YELLOWBACKED SUNBIRD Aethopyga siparaja 97(13)
1930. FlRETAILED SUNBIRD Aethopyga ignicauda 97(16)
1931. LI'ITLE SPIDERHUNTER Arachnothera longirostris 97(14)
1932. STREAKED SPIDERHUNTW Arachnofhera magna 97(15)
Gregarious. active. reslless arboreal birds. Plumage typically olive-green above and yellow and white
below. Conspicuous white eye-ring or 'spectacle' present. Bill slender, pointed and slightly curved. Legs
short and strong. Wings pointed; tail mncak. Sexes alike. Food, insecls. fruit and nectar. Voice, plaintive
jingling notes; song. sometimes a far-carrying warble. Nest, a deep cup cemented wilh cobweb, placed in
llie fork of a twig. Eggs, 2-4.
1933. WHITE-EYE Zosferops palpebrosa 97(1)
1937. CEYLON WHITE-EYE Zosferops ceylonensis 97(2)
Small sized gregarious, arboreal birds, mainly vegetarian. Plumage, from grey and brown, variously
patterned. to mainly shades of red, yellow, purple, blue, green or black in variegated combinations; much
white in snow finches. Bill thick and sharp-pointed to massive; not very long. Legs short and stout.
Wings short and rounded to long and pointed. Flight strong and direct in most spcxies. Food, chiefly
grains, grass seeds, bemes, etc., also insccts. Nest, variously constructed, of grass etc., including some
very elaborate and skilfully woven and pendant. Eggs. 2-8.
1938. HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesficus 99(2)
1940. SPANISH SPARROW Passer hispaniolensis 99(3)
1942. TREE SPARROW Passer monfanus 99(7)
1945. SlND JUNGLE SPARROW Passer pyrrhonofus 99(5)
1946. CINNAMON TREE SPARROW Passer rutilans 99(6)
1947a. SCRUB SPARROW or DEAD SEA SPARROW Passer moabiticus 99(4)
1949. YELLOWTHROATED SPARROW Pefronia xanfhocollis 99(9)
1950. ROCK SPARROW Pefronra pefronra 99(8)
1951. PALLAS'S SNOW FINCH Monfifringilla nivalis lOO(13)
1952. TIBET SNOW FINCH MonriJringillo adarnsi loo(12)
1953. MANDELLI'S SNOW FINCH Montifn'ngilla taczanowskii lOO(14)
1954. REDNECKED SNOW FINCH MontiJringilla ruficollis lOO(16)
1955. BLANFORD'S SNOW FINCH Montifringilla blanfordi lOO(10)
1956. PERE DAVID'S SNOW FINCH Montifn'ngilla davidiana lOO(11)
EL. SAXAUL SPARROW Passer ammodendri 99(1)
EL. BARTAILED SNOW FINCH MontiJringilla theresae lOO(18)
1957. BAYA Ploceus philippinus 99(13)
1959. Ssp. burmanicus of 1957 99(14)
1960. FINN'S BAYA Ploceus megarhynchus 99(11)
1961. BLACKTHROATED WEAVER BIRD Ploceus benghalensis 99(10)
1962. STREAKED WEAVER BIRD Ploceus manyar 99(12)
1964. RED MUNIA or AVADAVAT Estrilda amandava 98(9)
1965. GREEN MUNIA Estrilda formosa 98(13)
Lonchura malabarica
1968. WHITEBACKED MUNIA Lonchura striata
1971. Ssp.jerdoni of 1973
1973. RUFOUSBELLIED MUNIA Lonchura kelaarfi
1974. NUTMEG MANNIKIN or SPOTTED MUNIA Lonchura punctulata
1977. Ssp. atricapilla of 1978
1978. BLACKHEADED MUNIA Lonchura malacca
1978a. JAVA SPARROW Pndda oryzivora
Seed-eating arhorcal or terrestrial birds. Plumage, from cryptically patterned grey and brown to bold
combinations of yellow, red, purple, blue, green, black, and white. Bill typically short, conical, thick to
very massive. Wings short and rounded to long and pointed. Sexes usually dimorphic. Nest, cup-shaped
and compact; of grass, wool, tow, etc. Eggs, 2-6.
1979. CHAFFINCH Fringila coelebs lOl(1)
1980. BRAMBLING Fringilla montifringilla lOl(2)
Subfamily CARDUELINAE: Rosefinches and Allies
1981. HAWFINCH Coccorhraustes coccothraustes 104(8)
1982. BLACK-AND-WHlTE GROSBEAK Coccothraustes rcterioides 104(9)
1983. ALLIED GROSBEAK Coccothra~sresaffinis 104(10)
1985. WHITEWINGED GROSBEAK Coccorhraustes carnipes 104(13)
1986. SPOTTEDWINGED GROSBEAK Coccothraustes mlanozanthos 104(11)
1989. GOLDFINCH Carduelis carduelis lOl(10)
1990. HIMALAYAN GREENFINCH Carduelis spinoides lOl(6)
1993. TIBETAN SISKIN Serinus thibctanus lOl(4)
1994. LINNET Acanthis cannabina lOl(8)
1995. 1996. TWITE .icanrhisflavirostris lOl(9)
1997. REDBROWED FINCH Callacanthis bunoni 104(3)
1998. GOLDFRONTED FTNCH Serinus pusillus lOl(3)
2000. HODGSON'S MOUNTAIN FINCH Leucosticte nemoricola lW(15)
2003. BRAMIT'S MOUNTAIN FINCH Leucosticte brandti 100(1?)
2006. TRUMPETER BULLFINCH Carpodacus githagineus lOl(13)
2007. MONGOLIAN TRUMPETER BULLFINCH Carpodacus mongolicus lOl(14)
2008. LICHTENSTEIN'S DESERT FINCH Rhodospiza obsoleta lOl(11)
2009. CRIMSONWINGED DESERT FINCH Callacanthis sanguinea lOl(12)
Carpodacus erythrinus
20 15. NEPAL ROSEFINCH Carpodacus nipalensis
2016. BLANFORD'S ROSEFINCH Carpodacus rubescens
2017. PINKBROWED ROSEFINCH Cnrpodacus rhodochrous
2017a. VINACEOUS ROSEFINCH Carpodacus vinaceus
2018. REDMANTLED ROSEFINCH Capodacus rhodochlamys
2019. SPOTEDWINGED ROSEFINCH Carpodacus rhodopeplus
2020. Ssp. blythr of 2021
2021. WHITEBROWED ROSEFINCH Carpodacus thura
2023. BEAUTIFUL ROSEFINCH Capodocus pulcherrimus
2025. LARGE RGSEFINCH Carpodacus edwardsii
2026. THREEBANDED ROSEFTNCH Carpodacus tri$asciatus
2027. GREAT ROSEFTNCH Carpodacics rubicilla
2028. EASTERN GREAT ROSEF7NCH Carpodacus rubicilloides
203 1. REDBREASTED ROSEFINCH Carpodacus puniceus
2032. CROSSBILL Loxia curviroslra
2033. REDHEADED ROSEFINCH Propyrrhula subhrmachala
2034. SCARLET FINCH Haemlospiza sipahi
2035. GOLDHEADED BLACK FINCH Pyrrhoplecres epauletta
2036. BROWN BULLFINCH Pyrrhula nipalensis
2038. BEAVAN'S BULLFINCH Pyrrhula erylhaca
2039. REDHEADED BULLFINCH Pyrrhula erythrocephala
2040. ORANGE BULLFINCH Pyrrhula auranriaca
EL. EUROPEAN GREENFWCH Carduelis chloris
EL. PALE ROSEFINCH Carpodacus synoicus
Family EMBERIZIDAE: Buntings
Small, chiefly terrestrial birds with the plumage brown, grey or olive with combinations of black, white,
yellow, green or red. Bill short, conical and finely pointed; edges of mandibles showing a gap midway
between gape and tip. Wings short and rounded to long and pointed; tail long, graduated or forked. Legs
of medium length; feet large. Food, mainly seeds. Nesl cup-shaped or domed, made of grass, roots, moss,
etc., built on h e ground or in a bush or tree. Eggs, 1-7.
2041. CORN BUNTING Emberiza calandra 103(1)
2042. PINE BUNTING Emberiza leucocephalos 103(3)
2043. BLACKHEADED BUNTING Emberiza melanocephala 103(12)
2044. REDHEADED BUNTING Emberiza bruniceps 103(-16)
2045. CHESTVUT BUNTING Emberiza rutila 103(13)
2046. YELLOWBREASTED BUNTING Emberiza aureola 103(11)
2047. BLACKFACED BUNTING Emberiza'spodocephala 103(14)
2048. WHITECAPPED BUNTING Emberiza stewarti 103(5)
2049. ORTOLAN BUNTING Emberiza hortulana 103(7)
2050. GREYNECKED BUNTING Emberiza buchanani 103(4)
205'. ROCK BUNTING Emberiza cia 103(6),..
2055. GREYHEADED BUNTING Emberiza fucata 103(10)
2056. LI'ITLE BUNTING Emberiza pusilla 103(9)
2057. STRIOLATED BUNTING Emberiza striolara 103(8)
2058. REED BUNTING Emberiza schoeniclus 103(15)
2060. CRESTED BUNTING Melophus lathami 104(14)
EL. YELLOWHAMMER Emberiza citrinella 103(2)
1. (1) BLACKTHROATED DIVER Gavia arcfica V D u c k : 65 cm. Single record from Amb* Punjab.
2. (2) REDTHROATED DIVER Gavia stellara V D u c k : 61 cm. Sea coast. Single record from the Makran coast
of Pakistan.
3. (3) GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristafus M Duck-: 50 cm. Jheels and Littoral waters. Chiefly N and C
Subcontinent; southemmost. Andhra Pradesh (Anantagiri).
4. (4) BLACKNECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis V Duck-: 33 cm. Lakes. Pakistan. N W India. Recorded from
Uttar Pradesh. Nepal Sikkim, Bihar. Assam and Mabarashtra.
5. (4a) REDNECKED GREBE Podiceps griseigena V Duck-: 42 cm. Observed on Nammal Lake, Punjab Salt
Range; also on Pong Dam Lake, Himachal and Nayri Reservoir. Rajkot, Gujarat.
6. (5) LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus r@collis R Pigeon+: 23 cm. Village ranks and ponds. Subcontinent. Absent
7. (351) MASKED FINFOOT HeliopaL personala R D u c k : 56 cm. Dense swampy forest. NE India. Bangladesh.
1. (14) WILSON'S STORM PETREL Oceanires oceanicuc R. Bulbuk: 19 cm. Pakistan and Lndian sea coast. Sri
Lanka, Maldive Is.
2. (16) LEACH'S or FORKTAILED, STORM PETREL Oceanodroma leucorhoa V Bulbuk: 17-19 cm. Pelagic.
Two records. Coloynbo.
4. (15) DUSKYVENTED STORM PETREL Fregena rropica V Bulbul?: 20 cm Pelagic. n o records. Bay of
Bengal and Car Nicobar.
5. (13b) BULWER'S GADFLY PETREL Bulweria bulwerii V Pigeon-: 26.5-28 cm. Single record, Maldive Is.
6. (13a) JOUANIN'S GADFL-Y PETREL Rulweriafallax R. Pigeon-: 29-30 cm. Pelagic. Arabian sea. Gulf of
Aden. Sri Lanka (specimen).
7. (9) WEDGETAILEL) SHEARWATER Procellaria pacifua R Duck-: 48 cm. Pelagic. Warmer parts of Indian
Ocean: Bay of Bengal; Sri Lanka; Maldives.
8. (8) PtNKFOOTED SHEARWATER Procellaria carneipes V Duck-: 50 cm. Pelagic. Kanyakumari. Tamil Nadu
(specimens). Two records, Sri Lanka. Maldives (sight).
12. (6) CAPE PETREL Daprion capensis V Pigeon+: 36 cm. Pelagic. Single record. Sri M a .
1 3. (I I ) AUDUDON'S SHEA RWATER Procellaria lhent~inieriR Pigeon-: 30 cm. Pelagic. Breeding: Maldive Is.
Coast of NW India: takcn off Bomhay harbour (Maharashtra).
1. (21) SPO'ITEDBILLED PELICAN P e l e c a w philipperish RM Vulturec: 152 cm. Large lakes, reservoirs and
rivers. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka; Nicobars (midental).
2. (20) ROSY or WHITE PELICAN Pelecanur onocrordur RM Vulture+: 183 cm. Large bodies of water. Breeding:
Kutcb. Wnler: Pakistan. N and C India l b o Russian ringed buds recovered in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
3. (22) DALMATIAN PELICAN P e l e c a w philippensis crispus M Vulture+: 183 cm. N India Pakistan, Bangladesh.
4. (32) LEAST FRlGATE BIRD Fregara oriel R Kibt: 80 cm. Pelagic. Maldive Is. (breeding). Shagglers from
Bombay. Kerala and Sri Lanka.
5. (31) LESSER FRIGATE BIRD Fregara minor V Kite+: 87-102 cm. Pelagic. Recorded. Andhra Pradesb, Keralq
Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka.
6. (74) LESSER FLAMINGO Phoeniconaias minor RM Duck+: 90-105 cm. Brackish lakes. NW India;Pakistan.
Straggler elsewhere. Breeding: Kutch.
7. (73) RAMINGO Phoenicoprerus roseus RM Vulture+: 140 cm. Brackish lakes and lagoons. sea coast estuaries,
mudflak. Subcontinent: Sri Lanka. Breeding: Great Rann of Kutch.
8. (86) WHOOPER SWAN Cygnus cygnus V Vulture+: 152 cm. Large rivers. Less than a dozen records fmm
Pakistan. N W India Nepal.
9. (87) MUTE SWAN Cygnus olor V Vulture+: 152 cm. Jheels. A dozen records in all from Pakistan, N W India
10. (84) BEWICK'S SWAN Cygnus cygnus bewickii V Vulture+: 122 cm. Lakes. Three records from Pakistan, one
from Delhi, one of the eastern subspecies jankowskii from Kutch.
1. (26) CORMORANT Phalarrocorac rarbo RM Duck+: 80 crn. Inland waters and tidal lagoons. Occasionally
high-altitudc Himalayan lakes up to 3450 rn. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
2. (27) INDIAN SHAG Phalncrocorax~usricollis RM Duck+: 63 crn. Jheels, rivers, reservoirs and estuaries.
Subcontinent and Sri Lanka. Not Himalayas.
3 . (28) IATTLE CORMORANT rhalocrocorax niger KM Crow+: 51 crn. Lakes. reservoirs, tidal creeks.
Suhcontinent; Sri I m k a . Absent in Himalayas and N Pakistan.
4. (28a) PYGMY CORMORANT Phalacrocorax pygmaeur V Little cormorant-. Single record, Baluchistan.
5. (29) DARTER Anhinga rufa RM Duck+: 90 crn. lakes and reservoirs. Subcontinent; Sri M a .
6. (59) B I T E R N Boraurus srellaris M Village hen+: 71 crn. Swampy reed-beds. Suhcontinent, Sri Lmka.
7. (49) LllTLE EGRET Egretfa garzena R Village hen+: 63 crn. Marshes, flooded paddyfields, etc. Suhcontinent:
Also Lakshadweep, Andamans and Nicobars; Sri M a ; Maldives.
8. (53) MALAY or TIGER BITTERN Gorsochiur melanolophur RM Village hen+: 51 crn. Marshy pockets and
streams in tropical evergrccn torcst. Patchy in Suhcontinent. Sri Lanka. Nicobar Is.
9. (42) POND HERON or PADDYBIRD ~ r d e o l agrayii R Village hen+: 46 crn. Marshcs, streams, paddyfields.
ponds, etc. Suhcontinent; Sri Lanka.
10. (52) NIGHT HERON Nycricorax nyrricorar R Village hen+: 5 8 crn. Inland waleis, estuaries, coastal lagoons
and backwaters. Subcontinent including Andamans and Nicobars; Sri Lanka.
1 . (1 8) REDTAILED TROPIC-BIRD Phaelhon rubricaudu R T e m : 36 cm + tail ribbons 48 cm. Pelagic. Tropical
W Indian Ocean: also Nicobars, Stragglers Bay of Bengal.
3 . (23) MASKED BOOBY Sula dacrylatra M Duck+: 80 cm. Pelagic. Pakistan. OccasionaUy western seaboard
and Sri lanka. Maldives (sight).
4. (19) L0NC;TAIIED TROPIC-BIKI) Phncrhon Iepfuruc. R Tem?: 38 cm + tad ribbons 45 cm. Pelagic. Maldivc
Is. (breeding). Straggler to NE India (Cachar). Andarnans. Car Nicobar a i d Sri lanka.
5. (24) REDFOOTED BOOBY Sula sula M Duck-: 41 cm. Pelagic. Lakshadweep 6..
Bay of Bengal; Sri Lanka.
6. (25) BROWN BOOBY Sula leuco~asferM Duck+: 76 cm. Pelagic. Gujarat. Malabar (Kerala) and Sri Lanka
coa%Ls.Lakshadweep Is. and Bay of Bengal.
1. (38) LITTLE GREEN HERON Ara'eola srriarus R Village h e w : 46 crn. Inland waters and swamps. Subcontinent
Andarnans. Nicohars. Lakshadweep. Sri Lanka. Maldives.
2. (34) GIANT HERON Ardea goliorh V Vulture+: 142-152 cm. Lakes, swamps, estuaries and tidal creeks. Isolated
w o r d s from Pakistm. Madhya Pradesh. W.Dengal. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
3. (33) GREAT WHITEBELLLED HERON Ardea insignis R Vulture+: 127 crn. Swamps, lakes and rivers. NE
India Bhutan. Nepal. Bihar north of Ganges. Bangladesh and N Burma. One December record from Tamil Nadu.
4. (36) GREY HERON Ardea cinerea RM Vullure+: 98 cm; standing 75 cm. Swamps, estuaries and rocky offshore
islets. Subcontinent. Andarnans. Nicohars. Sri Lanka; Maldives.
5. (37) PURPI,E HERON Ardea purpurea RM Vullure+: 97 crn; skinding 70 cm. Jhwls, reedy lakes and rivers.
Subcontinent; also Andarnans. N i w h m . Sri Lanka.
7 (43) CHINESE PONI) HERON Ardeola bacchus RM Village h e w : 52 crn. lnland waters. NE India; Bangladesh
lo Manipur. .4ndaman 6.
9. (56) CHESTNUT BITTERN 1.wbrychu cinnamomerrs RM Village hen-: 38 crn. Reed-beds, flooded paddyfields,
etc. Rarely coastal backwaters. Subcontinent Andamans. Nicobars. Sri Lanka. Maldives.
10. (57) YELLOW BITTERN Ixobrychus sinensis RM Village hen-: 38 cm. Reed-beds, standing paddy, swamps,
elc.Subcontinent. Andarnans. Nicobm, Sri M a .
11. (55) LITTLE BITTERN Imbrychus n~inurusRM Village hen-: 36 crn. Marshes with dense reed-beds. Pakistan.
N India. Nepal and east to Assam. Kashmir up to I800 rn. Maharashlra (specimen).
12. (58) BLACK BITTERN Ixobrychus jlavicollis RM Village hen?: 58 crn. Reedy marshes. Subcontinent up !n
1200 rn and Sri M a . Maldives (winter). Absent in Andaman and Nicohar Is.
1. (46) LARGE EGRET Ardea alba RM Vulhuef: 91 cm. Marshes, riven, etc. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka. Wnrer:
Andamans. Nicobars (7). Maldives. Straggler to Pakistan and Uttar Pradesh.
2. (47) SMALLER EGRET Egretfa intermedia RM Village hen+: 80 cm. Marshes, estuaries, swamps. Subcontinent;
.Andamans, Nicobars. Sri Lanka.
4. (50) INDIAN REEF HERON Egrena gularis RM Vinage hertt: 6 3 cm. Rocky seashores, tidal lagoons and
mudflats, mangrove swamps. Pakistan. W India Sri Lanka. Lakshadweep Is. Rare on east coast.
5. (44) CATTLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis RM Village h e m : 51 crn. Usually associated with graang cattle, not
necessarily near water. Subcontinent, Andarnans, Nicobars, Lakshadweep, Sri Lank& Maldives.
6. (325) SIBERIAN CRANE Grus leucogeranus M Vulture+: standing 140 crn. Jheels and marshes. N Pakistan,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh. Has strayed to Sind, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.
7. (323) SARUS CRANE Grus anfigone R Vulture+: standing 156 cm. Marshes and cultivation. Pakistan and N
India, south to Mhow (Madhya Pradesh) and Godavari delta; Assam and Manipur.
8. (326) DEMOISELLE CRANE Anrhropoides v i r ~ oM Vulture-: standing 76 cm. Winter crops, paddy stubbles,
margins of jheels and tanks. Pakistan. N India to Assam. Bangladesh south to Andhra Pradesb and Kamataka.
9. (321) BLACKNECKED CRANE Grlls nigricollis RM Vulture+: standing 156 cm. Damp fields and marshland.
Breeding: Ladakh. Wnrec Bhutan (2000 m and above). Arunachal Pradesh. Nepal (solo, July).
10. (320) COMMON CRANE Grus grus M Vulture: slanding 140 cm. Cultivated plains. jheels and sandy river-
beds. Pakistan and N India east lo Bengal, south to Maharashtra and N Andhra.
11. (322) HOODED CRANE Grus monacha V Vulture*: standing 90 cm. Marshes. Singlc record from N Cachar.
Apparently winter visitor in very small numbers to Manipur and Assarn.
Flight silhouettes
1. (66) BLACKNECKED STORK Ephippiorhynclurs asiaticlls R Vulture+: standing 135 cm. Marshes and large
rivers. Subcontinent. Iris male brown, female yellow. Sri Lanka (endangered).
2. (60) PAINTED STORK Mycteria leucocephala RM Vulture* standing 93 cm. Large marshes. Subcontinent; Sri
' h a .
3. (63) WHITE STORK Ciconia ciconia M Vulture+: standing 106 cm. Marshes, moist grassland. Pakistan, NW
India, Gangetic Plain. east to Bangladesh and Assam. south decreasingly through the Peninsula.
4. (65) BLACK STORK Ciconia nigra M Vulture+: standing 106 cm. Marshes and near rivers. Pakistan and N
India. south to Deccan. Single records from Andhra. Kerala and Sri Lanka.
5 . (61) OPENBILL STORK Anastomlls oscitanr R Duck+: 8 I cm. standing 68 cm. Lakes and marshes. Subcontinent;
Sri Lanka.
6. (62) WHITENECKED STORK Ciconia episcoplls R Vulture+: standing 106 cm. Flooded grasslands, irrigaled
fields, marshes in forest, etc. Subcontinent: Sri Lanka.
7. (70) BLACK IBIS Pseudibis papillosu R V~llagehen*: 68 cm. River banks, stubble fields and jheel margins.
Pakistan, and India east through Bangladesh to Burma, south to Deccan and Karnataka.
8. (72) SPOONBILL Platalea leucoorodia RM D u c k : standing 6 0 cm. Marshes and rivers. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
9. (71) GLOSSY IBIS Plegadis falcinelllls RM Village hem: 52 cm. Marshes and river banks. Pakistan, and India
east to Bangladesh south to Deccan. Sri Lanka. Maldives.
10. (67) ADJUTANTLPproptilos dubius RM and nomadic. Vulture+: slanding 120-150 cm. Marshes. N India west
to Pakistan (Sind) in SW monsoon. south to Deccan. Bangladesh (sporadic).
11. (69) WHITE IBIS Threskiornis aethiopica R Village hen*: 75 cm. Rivers, marshes and inundated land.
Subcontinent: Sri Lanka.
12. (68) LESSER ADJUTANT Leptoptilos javanicus RM Vulture+: standing 11CL120 cm. Swamps and flooded
land. N India. Bangladesh and peninsula (sporadic). Sri Lanka (declining).
1. (100) MALLARD AMS plaryrhynchos RM D u c k : 61 cm. Shallow jheels and marshes. Pakistan. N India, east
through Bangladesh south to N Maharashtra.
2. (93) PINTAIL AMS acufa M Duck-: 56-74 cm. Reedy jheels, brackish lagoons and estuaries. Subcontinent; Sri
Lanka; Maldives.
3. (97) SPOTBUL DUCK AMS poecilorhyncha RM Ducki: 61 cm. Jheels and shallow reservoirs. Subcontinent:
south to Karnataka. Up to 1800 m in Ka~hmir.Andamans (once); Sri Lanka (occasional).
4. (103) WIGEON AMS pewlope M Duck-: 49 cm. Reedy marshes. Pakistan and N India east through Bangladesh.
south to Orissa, Tamil Nadu; Sri Lanka.
5. (96) GREY TEAL AMS gibberifrow R Half-grown Duck+: 43 cm. Swamps and tidal creeks. Andaman Islands.
6. (105) SHOVELLER Anas clypeafa M Duck-: 51 cm. All lypcs of inland waters. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka;
7. (95) BAIKAL TEAL AMS forntosa V Half-grown Duck+: 40 cm. Pakistan east to Assam and Manipur (a score
of records in all).
8 . (92) MARBLED TEAL Marmaronena angusrirosfris RM Duck-: 48 cm. Reedy jheels. Breeding: Pakistan.
Wnfrr: N lndin to Assam south to Pune.
9. (94) COMMON TEALAnas crecra M Half-grown Duck*: 38 cm. Jheels and marshes. Subcontinent, Andamans,
Nicoban. Sri I a ~ k a .Maldives.
10. (104) CAKGANEY Ams querqurdula M Duck-: 41 cm. Marshes, reservoirs and lakes. Subcontinent; Sri lanka.
1 1 . (102) FAI-CATED W,AL Anasfalrora V Duck-: 51 cm. Jheels. Pakistan. and NE India. One record each from
Gujant and Nepal.
12. (101) CADWAI.1- Anas srrcpera M Duck-: 51 cm. Kwdy marshes. Subcontinent; rare in S India. Sri Lanka
Ducks in Uigbt
1. (90) RUDDY SHELDUCK Tadorna ferrugiwa RM Duck+: 6 6 cm. Lakes and rivers. Breeding: Ladakh.
Subcontinent; rare in S India Sri Lanka (occasional).
2. (91) COMMON SHELDUCK Tadorna radorna M D u c k : 61 cm. Lakes and large rivers. Pakistan, India,
Nepal, south to Kutch, the Deccan and Orissa east through Bangladesh to Burma.
3. (89) LARGE WHISTLING TEAL Dendrocygna bicolor RM Duck-: 51 cm. (Upper tail-coverts white). Reedy
jheels and reservoirs. Pakistan, N India east to Manipur and Bangladesh; south to the k c a n , Andamans, Nicobars,
Sri Lanka Rare.
4. (88) LESSER WHISTLING TEAL or TREE DUCK Dendrocygna javanica R Duck-: 42 cm. (Upper id-cove&
chestnut). Marshes, reservoirs, reedy ponds. Subcontinent, Sri Lanka
5. (107) REDCRESTED POCHARD Nena nrjim M Duck-: 54 cm. Large jheels and reservoirs. Pakistan and NW
India, decreasingly eastward to Assam, and southward to Tamil Nadu.
6. (108) COMMON POCHARD Aythya ferina M Duck-: 48 cm. Open jheels and reservoirs. Pakistan and NW
India, decreasingly eastward to Bangladesh. Assam and associated states, and southward to Kamataka and Pondicherry.
7. (1 11) TUFTED DUCK Ayrhya fuligula M Duck-: 46 cm. Open jheels and reservoirs. Pakistan. Nepal and N
India, east through Bangladesh to Manipur, south decreasingly to Kamataka, Pondicherry, Sri Lanka, Maldives.
8. (1 12) SCAUP DUCK Ayrhya marila V Duck-: 43 cm. In India on freshwater lakes; elsewhere largely a sea duck.
Pakistan, N India south to Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, east through Bangladesh to Burma.
9. (110) BAER'S POCHARD Ayrhya baen' M Duck-: 46 cm. Jheels and reservoirs. Assam and associated states,
Manipur, Bangladesh, Bihar, Bengal Nepal, Rajasthan and Pakistan (Punjab).
10. (109) WHITE-EYED POCHARD or FERRUGINOUS DUCK Ayrhya nyroca RM Duck-: 41 cm. Jheels and
reservoirs. Breeding: Kashmir and Ladakh. Wnrer: Pakistan and HW India, Manipur. Bangladesh. k c a n . Kerala,
11. (1 19) SMEW Mergus olbellur M Duck-: 46 crn. Clear Himalayan foothill streams. Pakistan. Nepal terai and N
India east to Assam and south to Gujarat and Orissa. Rare.
12. (1 14) CO'ITON TEAL or QUACKY-DUCK Nertapus corornandelianur R Partridge: 33 cm. Jheels and ponds.
Subcontinent Andamans (straggler). Sri Lanka, Maldives.
13. (106) PINKHE.ADED DUCK Rhodonessa caryophyllacea Extinct. D u c k : 60 cm. Jheels and swampy lowland
grass jungles. Formerly resident from Bihar to Assam, Manipur and Orissa. Had skaggled to Punjab, Maharashtm
Andhra Pradesb. Tamil Nadu. Last reliable wild record. 1935.
1 (123) WHl'TEHEADED S l l W l A L E D DUCK Oxyura leucocephala M Duck-: 46 cm. Large lakes. Pakistan
and N W India; Rajasthan (once).
2. (118) GOLDEN EYE DUCK Bucephala clangula M Duck-: 46 cm. Open reaches of swift-flowing rivers.
Pakistan, Nepal (up to 3000 m) and N and NE India
3. (1 17) LONGTAIL or OLD SQUAW DUCK Clangula hyemdis V Duck-: 42 cm. Jheels and large rivers. 'Ihree
remrds from Pakistan; one each from Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Nepal and Arunachal Pradesh.
4. (120, 121) GOOSANDER. COMMON MERGANSER Mergus merganser RM Duck+: 66 cm. Large rivers.
lakes and fast-flowing streams. Pakistan and N India south to Bombay and Madhya M e s h (occasional), and east to
Assam. Breeding: Ladakb.
5. (115) COMB DUCK Sarkidiornis melanoros R Duck+: 76 cm. Reedy tanks in well-wooded plains. Pakistan
and India from Nepal terai south to Karnataka and east through Bangladesh to Burma. Formerly resident in Sri
Lanka, but now believed extinct.
6. (1 16) WHITEWLNGED WOOD DUCK Cairina scutulata R Duck+: 81 cm. Secluded pools, and marshes in
dense forest. Formerly resident in Bangladesh. Assam, Arunacbal Pra&sh and Manipw; now probably confined
chiefly to Arunacbal Pradesh.
7. (75) SIBERIAN REDBREASTED GOOSE Branta rujicollis V D u c k : 61 cm. 'Ihree records: Madhya Pradesh,
8. (80) LESSER WHITEFRONTED GOOSE Anser eryrhropus M D u c k : 5 3 cm. Yelbw eysring. Jheels and
lakes. Pakistan, Kashmir and N Lndia east to Assam; Maharashtra.
9. (76) BEAN GOOSE Anser fabalis V (7) Duck+: 76 cm. One possible sighting. Arunachal Pradesh.
10. (79) WHITEFRONTED GOOSE Anser albifrom M Duck+: 68 cm. No eysring. Large lakes. Pakistan, and N
India east to Assam and Manipur. Southernmost record; Orissa.
11. (81) GREYLAG GOOSE Anser anser M Duck+: 81 cm. Large jheels and lakes. Pakistan, N and C India to
Manipur, south to Chilka lake. Orissa Sri Lanka (once).
12. (82) BARHEADED GOOSE Anser indicw RM Duck+: 75 cm. Large jheels and rivers. Pakistan, N India east
through Bangladesh to Burma, south to Karnataka, Andhra and Tamil Nadu. Breeding: U a k h .
Ducks in flight In all cases where pairs shown, male below, female above.
1 . (173) WHITEBELLIED SEA EAGLE Haliaeehls leucogaster R Kite+: 66-71 cm. Sea coast, tidal c m k s and
estuaries. Offshore islands and peninsular seaboard from Bombay to Bangladesh; Sri Lanka, Lakshadweep, Andaman
and Nicobar Is., Gujarat coast (vagrant); also Rajasthan (Bbaratpw).
2. (175) GREYHEADED FISHING EAGLE lchrhyophaga ichthyaem R Kite+: 7 4 cm. Rivers, lakes, reservoirs
in well-wooded country. Gangetic Plain east of D e b through Bangladesh to Burma, south to Kerala. Andamans, Sri
3. (177) HIMALAYAN GREYHEADED FISHING EAGLE lchthyophaga m n a R Kite*: 6 4 cm. Clear forest streams;
foothills up to 2400 m. Himalayas. Kashmu to Arunachal Pradesh; NE hill states. Winter: Plains of Hary- Uttar
Pradesh and Bihar.
4. (172a) WHITETAILED EAGLE Haliaeeru albicilla M Kite+: 69-86 cm. Essentially a sea eagle, but wanders
up large rivers and to jheels and inundations. Pakistan. Also Gujarat, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Nepal and
Orissa (Chilka).
5. (174) PALLAS'S A S M N G EAGLE Haliaeerus leucoryphus RM Kite+: 76-84 cm. Large rivers. lakes and
jheels. Pakistan, and N India east through Bangladesh, south to Chilka Lake. Orissa in the east and Maharashtra
(Bombay) in the west.
6. (203) OSPREY Pandion haliaetus RM Kite: 56 cm. Lakes, reservoirs, jheels, estuaries. Subcontinent, Andamans.
Nicobars, Lakshadweep, Sri Lanka, Maldives. Breeding: (rarely) in the Himalayas 2000-3800 m (Ladakh. Kashmir,
Garhwal. Kumaon, Arunachal Pradesh). A bird ringed in Norway recovered in Gujarat.
7. (133) PARIAH KITE Milvur migrans govinda R 61 cm. Chiefly urban localities. Subcontinent, Andamans
(vagrant); Sri Lanka.
8. (132) BLACK KITE Milvus migrans migrans R Kite: 61 cm. Chiefly urban localities. Baluchistan. Winter:
Sind; E. Ghats (Andhra).
9. (134) BLACKEARED or LARGE INDIAN KITE Milvus migrans linearus RM Kite+: 66 cm. Open wooded
country. Pakistan, and India south to c. 18"N. Breeding: Ladakb and N Kashmir; possibly througout Himalayas
10. (131) RED KITE Milvus milvw V Kite: 61 cm. Five sight records: Ladakh, Kutch. Gujarat, Rajasthan and
1 1 . (135) BRAHMINY KITE Halicrtrur indus R Kite-: 48 cm. Sea coast and inland waters. Subcontinent (except
Baluchistan), Andamans; Sri Lanka.
12. (192) PIED HARRIER Circus tnelanoleuros RM kte-: 4 6 4 9 cm. Grasslands, ricefields. margins of jbeels.
Chiefly E Subcontinent. Breeding: Assam. M&ya Pradesh (Winter).
13. (190) PALE HARRIER Circus nlacrourus M Kite-: 46-51 cm. Undulating country; plateaux, grassy hillsides,
cultivation and semidesert. Subcontinent. Lakshadweep. Andamans, Sri Lanka, Maldives.
14. (193) MARSH HARRIER Cirrur aeruginosur M Kite-: 54-59 cm. Marshes. flooded ricefields. up to 2000 m in
the hills. Subcontinent, Andamans. Nicobars (?). Lakshadweep. Sri lank% Maldives.
Kites and Eagles in flight (from below)
1. (186) EGYPTIAN or SCAVENGER VULTURE Neophron percnopteruc RM Kite*: 64 crn. Near towns and
villages. Subcontinent up to c. 3600 rn. Sri Lanka (straggler).
2. (188) BEARDED VULTURE or UMMERGEIER Gypaetus barbaruc R. Vullure+: 122 crn. Himalayas and
associated northern mountains. Palustan, Kashmir and east to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh. normally 1200 to 4200
rn. soaring to over 7000 rn.
3. (185) INDIAN WHITEBACKED VULTURE Gyps bengalensis R 90 crn. Open countryside. Subcontinenl, up to
r. 2500 rn. Absent in Sri Lanka.
4. (182) INDIAN LONGBILLED VULTURE Gyps indicur R 92 crn. Open countryside. Subcontinent. Absent in
Sri Lanka
5. (180) GRIFFON VULTURE Gypsfulvusl RM Vulture+: 110-122 cm. Semi-desert country and bare mountains.
Breeding: Mountains of Pakistan and Kashrnir. Winter: Rest of Pakistan. NW India. Nepal up to c. 3000 m. W.
Bengal, Asam and D e c a n (occasional).
6. (179) CINEREOUS VULTURE Aegypius monoch? RM Vulture+: 10@110 crn. Serni-deserl. Baluchistan to
Gilgit; Assam; possibly elsewhere in the dry temperate zone along the Himalayas. Vagrant in Sind. Kutch, Gujarat.
Madhya Pradesh. Maharashba and Kerala (winter).
7. (178) BLACK or KING VULTURE Sarcogyps ralvuc R 84 crn. Open country, cultivation and semkdesert.
Subcontinent up to c. 2000 rn. Absent Sri Lanka.
8. (181) HIMALAYAN GRIFFON Gyps hitnolayemis R Vulture+; 122 cm. Bare high rno~lntains.Himalayas, c.
600-2500 rn.
I No. 5 is repeated be~ausesince this plate was painted the two subspecies shown in the plate have been synonymised.
Kites. Vultures and Eagles in flight (Crorn above)
1. (189) HEN-HARRIER Circus cyaneus M ffite: 46-54 cm. Open plains. cultivated country and foothills to c.
2500 m. Pakistan. and N Lndia east lo Assam. south to Maharashtra.
3. (191) MONTAGU'S HARRIER Circur py~argusM ffite: 46-49 cm. Swamps. grassy plains and cultivation.
Subcontinent. Andamans. lakshadweep; Sri Lanka; Maldives.
6. (194) EASTERN MARSH HARRIER or STRIPED HARRIER Circus aeruginu.rus spilonolus M Kite: 54-59
cm. Marshland. Only recorded in Manipur and Assam (Cachar). A recent sight record from Corhelt. Uttar Pradesh.
1 . (163) BONELLI'S EAGLE Hieraaefus fmciarus R Kite+: 68-72 cm. Well-wooded country. Subcontinenl. up to
2400 m in Himalayas; Assam (7) east of N Bengal duars. Sri Lanka (once).
2. (164) BOOTED HAWK-EAGLE Hieraaerus pennarus RM Kite: 50-54 cm. Well-wooded c o u n t y hi1 and
plain, and semi-desert. W Himalayas above 1000 rn. Wnter: Subcontinent: Sri Lanka.
3. (165) RUFOUSBELLIED HAWK-EAGLE Hieraaerus kienerii R Kite*: 53-6 1 cm. Evergreen and moistdeciduous
forest. Range discontinuous: W Ghats from Goa and N Kamataka south through Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka;
Nepal and Sikkim to Arunachal Pradesh, south through Assam and Bangladesh to Burma.
4. (158) HODCISON'S HAWK-EAGI-E Spizaerus nipalensis RM Kite+: 72 cm. Forests. Himalayas (between c.
600 and 2400 rn). the hills south of the Brahmaputm and Manipur. Occasional in northern plains and Peninsula in
winter. Also Sri Lanka.
5. (160) CHANGEABLE HAWK-EAGLE Spizaetus cirrhahcs limnneetus R Kite+: 70 cm. Forests. Lower Himalayas
(below c. 1800 m) from Garhwal to Arunachal Pradesh.
6. (161) CRESTED HAWK-EAGLE Spizaelus cirrhhcs cirrhtus R Kite+: 72 cm. Deciduous and semi-evergreen
fo:est. Gatlgetic Plain and Indian peninsula southward. Andamans. Also Sri Lanka.
7. 1195) SHORT-MED EAGLE Circaerus gallicus R Kite+: 63-68 cm. Cultivated plains, stony deciduous scrub.
semi-desert and hius to c. 2300 rn. Subcontinent; not east of Bangladesh or Sri Lanka.
8. (196) CRESTED SERPENT EAGLE Spilomis rheela R Kite+: 74 cm. Well-wooded country. Himalayan foothills
and Gangelic Plain: peninsular India: Sri M a .
9 . (200) ANDAMAN PALE SERPENT EAGLE Spilornk cheela davisoni R Kite-: 56 crn. Tidal creeks and
mangroves. Andaman and Nicobar Is.
lo. (201) NlCOBAR CRESTED SERPENT EAGLE Spilomis c h e l a minimus R Kite: 48 cm. Only in forest near
rivers. Nicohar Is.'
11. (202) GREAT NICOBAR SERPENT EAGLE Spilornis klossi R Kile-: 46 cm. Sambelong or Great Nicobar L
12. (202a) ANDAMAN DARK SERPENT EAGLE Spilornis elgini R Kits: SO cm. Inland forest clearings and
sparsely wooded hillsides. Andaman Is.
1. (124.) BLACKWINGED or BLACKSHOULDERED KITE Elanus caeruleus R Crow-: 33 cm. Deciduous biotope:
thin savannah forest, grassland, cultivation; plains and hills up to c. 1300 m. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
2. (127) BLACKCRFSTED BAZA Aviccda 1euphore.r 'I RM I'igeow: 33 cm. Tmpical evergreen foothills foresl.
Range disjunct, more or less overlapping that of 125 q.v.
3 . (1'25) BLYTH'S BAZAAviceda jerdoni R Crow+:.48 cm. Tropical evergreen foothills. Range disjunct: E Himalayas
(Sikkim, Darjeeling. Assam and associated states. Chittagong Hill Tracts) up to c. 1800 rn: SW India (Kerala,
Kamataka), Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Sri M a . between c. 150 and 900 m.
4. (139) SHIKRA Accipiter badius R Crow-: 30-34 cm. Light deciduous forest. village groves, etc. Suhcontinenl.
Bangladesh; Sri M a and Nicobars; plains and hills up to c. 1800.
5. (144) CRESTED GOSHAWK Accipiter trivirgatus R Crow+: 40-46 cm. Open deciduous and serni-evergreen
foothills forest Himalays (up to c. 2000 m) from Garhwal east,to Sikkim;Assam and assoaated states; south to the
Godavari river; SW India Bom Goa, south to Kerala, Tamil Nadu; Sri Lanka.
6. (143) HORSFIFLD'S GOSHAWK Accipirer soloensis M Crow-: 30 cm. Orissa (?) and Nicobar I.
7. (141) CAR NICOBAR SHlKRA Arc-iprrrr hodius hulleri R Crow-: 30 cm. Car Nicobar I.
8. ( 1 5 i ) DbSKA SL'AKROW-HAWK Accipirer virgaru hesra R Crow-: 29-34 cm. Heavy evergreen and moist-
deciduous forest W. Ghats between c. 600 and 1200 m, from Bombay south through Kerala; sparingly also in E
Ghats. Sri Lanka
9. (152) EASTERN BESRA SPARROW-HAWK Accipiter virgarus gularis RM Crow-: 29-34 cm. Andaman k.
(breeding); also the Nicobars where breeding unconfirmed. Possible winter migrant to exkeme E India and Bangladesh
from E Asia Collected once in Wi Nadu in March.
10. (136) GOSHAWK Accipirer genfilis RM Kite*: M c. 5 0 cm, F c. 61 cm. Forests. Lower Himalayas from
Kashmir to Arunachal Pradesh; breeding above c. 2400 m. in NW.Sporadic in Pakislan and peninsular India (winter).
11. (147) SPARROW-HAWK Accipiter nisus nisosimilis M . Crow-: 31-36 cm. Well-wooded country: light foresf
groves, orchards, etc. Subcontinent. Absent in Sri Lanka
12. (148) SPARROW-HAWK Accipirer nisus melaschisros RM Crow-: 31-36 cm. Forest and well-wooded country.
Baluchislan and Himalayas, up to c. 4500 m. Descends to the foothills and adjacent plains in winter.
Rapton in flight (from helow) contd
2. (156) JAPANESE BUZZARD Bureo bureo japonicus RM Kite: 51-56 cm. Recorded in winter in E Himalayas,
the hills south of the Brahmaputra to Manipur, and peninsular India south to Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Also Sri Lanka.
Breeding: W Himalayas from Gilgit Kashmir eastwards. above c. 2700 m.
3. (155) DESERT BUZZARD Bureo bureo vulpinu M Kite: 51-56 cm. Easily confused with other buzzards due
to the great variability in their plumages. Defmite records from Nepal Simla and Mishmi Hills. Five colour phases:
5. (154) UPIAND BUZZARD Bureo hemilmiur V Kite+: 71 cm. Rare winter visitor to the Himalayas. Specimens
&tinitcly identified only from Kashmir. Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Nepal. Sikkim. Delhi (sight).
6. (153) LONGLEGGED BUZZARD Bureo r @ n u RM ffitm: 61 cm. Summer: precipitous rocky ground with
forest. Wnrec open country and cultivation. Pakistan; Himalayas; southward in the Peninsula to Kamataka and
Tamil Nadu; Sri Lanka. Three colour phases: b c .
1. (172) BLACK EAGLE Icrinaetur malayemis R Kite+: 69-81 cm. Partial to hill forest. Lower Himalayas (up to
c. 2700 m); hills south of the Brahmaputra; continental and peninsular India south to Kanyakumari Dt.; Sri Lanka.
2. (171) LESSER SPO'ITED EAGLE Aquila pornarina R Kite+: 61-66 cm. Open wooded country and cultivation.
Chiefly the Gangetic plain and Nepal terai. east through Bangladesh to Burma, south to GujaraS Madhya Pradesh.
Orissa and Bombay.
3. (170) GREATER SPOTTED EAGLE Aquila danga RM Kite+: 64-72 cm. large marshes. jheels and canals.
Pakistan, N India and Nepal. east through Bangladesh to Burma south to I-. 20"N latitude. Variant plumages: a-d.
4 (168) TAWNY EAGLE Aquila rapax vindhiana R Kite+: 63-71 cm. Semi-desert and dry- and moist-deciduous
country. Baluchistan and NWFP east to Nepal k l a i a ~ Bangladesh,
d south to Kanara and Tamil Nadu. Variant
immatures: o c .
5 . (169) EASTERN STEPPE EAGLE Aquila rapax nipalemis M Kite+: 76-80 crn. Open plains. often near water.
Pakistan and N India. Bangladesh (?), soutb to Bombay and Orissa.
6. (166) GOLDEN EAGLE Aquila c h r y s u r ~ sR Vulture*: 90-100 cm. Rugged high mountain country between
1800 m and 5000+ m. Baluchistan and Himalayas.
7. (167) IMPERIAL EAGLE Aquila heliaca RM Vulture-: 81-90 cm. Open treeless country. Pakistan and NW
India In winter south to Saurashba (Gujarat), east lo Nepal. Bangladesh. Maharashtra (once).
1. (205) WHITELEGGED FALCONET Microhierax melanoleucos R Bulbule 20 cm. Outskirts of forest and
cultivation clearings up lo c. 1500 m. Assam and the hill states south of the Brahmaputm Bangladesh.
2. (204) REDBREASTED FALCONET Microhierax caerulescens R Bulbul*: 18 cm. OutskirLs of forest and
cultivation clearings up to c. 2000 m. Himalayan foothills t3om Kurnaon east, Assam, Orissa (sight).
3. (1 57) WHITE-EYED BUZZARD-EAGLE Burasrur reesa R Crow*: 43 cm. Open dry forest, scrub and cultivation,
Subconlinent. Absent Sri M a .
4. (221) LESSER KESTREL Falco naumanni M Pigeoni: 34 crn. Open savannah country. Fmm Gilgit Haryana
and Nepal to Assam and associated states, south to Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Orissa. Perhaps an irregular
passage migrant
5. (220) REDLEGGED FALCON Falco vespertinus (Passage) M Pigeon-: 28-31 cm. Open country and grazing
land. NE India. Bangladesh. Sikkim. Bhutan (?), Nepal. Gujarat the Indian peninsula and Maldivc I. (winter). Sri
lanka (slragglcr). Breeds (casually) Assam.
6. (222) KESTREL Falco tinnunculus RM Pigeoni: 36 cm. Grassland, semi-desert cultivation and m k y regions.
Breeding: Frorn NWFP 10 Baluchistan and Punjab (Pakistan); Himalayas; W and E Ghats; Sri Lanka. Winter:
7. (212) HOBBY Falco subhureo RM Pigeoni: 31-34 crn. Open wooded country and semi-desert. Pakistan, Nepal,
Bangladesh and lndia south to Belgaum.
8. (219) REDHEADED MERLIN Falco chicquera R Pigeoni: 31-36 cm. Open country with groves of trees and
cultivation. Subcontinent.
9 . (217) MERLlN Falco colurnbarius M Pigeon-: 27-30cm. Scrubby, open country and cultivation. Pakistan and
Nepal (winter). Ladakh (passage).
10. (215) ORIENTAL HOBBY Falco severus R Pigeon-: 27-30 crn. Wen-wooded footbins country. Himalayas;
Bangladesh; NE India; c. 180CL2400 m. Calcutta and Kcrala (winter); Sri h l k a (stragglcr).
11. (216) SOOTY FALCON Falco concolor V Crow-: 38 cm. Single record from the coast of Baluchistan.
12. (209) PEREGRINE FALCON Falco pewgrinus japonensis M Kite-: Crow+: 40-48 cm. Near rivers, marshes
and lagoons. Subcontinent Lakshadweep. Andarnans (?). Nicobars (?); Sri Lanka (winter).
13. (211) SHAHEEN FAI-CON Falco peregrinus peregrinalor R Kite; Crow+: 38-46 cm. Rugged hilly country.
Subcontinent. Also Sri M a and Nicohars.
14. (208) LACGAR FALCON Falco hiarnticus jugger RM Kite: 43-46 cm. Dry open country and cultivation.
Suhconlincnt. Ahsclil Sri I d a .
16. (2%) SAKER or CHERRUG (LANNER) FALCON Falco biarrrlicur cherrug M Kite-: 50-56 c:r. Desert and
scmi-descrt. I'akislan and NW lndia in Ladakh, Haryana and Rajacthan; also recorded in I>elhi districf .-PJ Mi.<'v;,
Prddesh (winter).
17. (207) SHANCHAR FALCON Falro biamlicw milvipes M Kitc-: 50-58 cm. Paki:t..:.. NW India. Ncpal (winter).
1. (238) BLACK PARTRIDGE Francolinus frnncolinus R 34 cm. Well-watered tracts with tall grass and scrub,
sugarcane fields and wet cultivation. Pakistan and N India from Punjab and Kashmir east through Nepal to Bangladesh.
Bhutan, Assam and asociated NE States; from Himalayan foothills south to N Gujar* N Madhya Pradesh and N
2. (246) GREY PARTRIDGE Francolinus pondicerianus R 33 cm. ThomScrub, dry light jungle, cultivatbn
environs. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka. Introduced to Andaman I.
3. (243) CHINESE FRANCOLIN Francolinur pintadeanus R 33 cm. Low scrub and gmssy openings in forest. SE
Manipur State.
4. (241) PAINTED PARTRIDGE Francolinus pictur R 31 cm. Dry grass and scrub. N, C and peninsular India Sri
Lanka (now very rare). Absent in humid Iracts of Kamataka and Kerala
5 . (247) SWAMP PARTRIDGE or KYAH Francolinru gularis R Partridge+: 37 cm. Swampy grass jungle. N India
fmm Ule Kumaon terai and Uttar Pradesh, east through N Bihar, Bangladesh, Sunderbans m d NE India.
6. (267) COMMON HILL PARTRIDGE Arborophila rorq~reolaR Partridge-: 28 cm. Dense evergreen jungle.
IiimaJayas from Chamba east; Assam and associated States; between 600 and 4000 rn.
7. (272) WHITENECKED HILL PARTRIDGE Arborophila afro~lrlnrisR Partridge-: 28 crn. Undergrowth in wet
I vetgreen forest and bamboo jungle. Fmrn Arunachal Pradesh s o ~ ~ through
th the llills s ~ l ut'
h the Brahmaputra b
Sylhct and the Chittagong region (Bangladesh), up to c. 1500 m.
R . (273) REDBREASTED HILL PARTRIDGE Arborophila mandellii R Partridge-: 28 CUI Undergrowth in evergreen
forest. Sikkim, Bhutan and Arunnchal Pmdesh; 350-2500 m.
9 . (270) RUFOUSWROATED HILL PARTRIDGE Arborophila rufogularis R Partridge: 27 cm. Dense secondary
scrub and undergrowth in evergreen forest Himalayas from Kumaon east seasonally between c. 700 and 2400 m.
10. (271) SSP inremedia of 270. NE bill states; Bangladesh Chittagong). c. 600-1800 m.
11. (275) RED SPURFOWL Galloperdix spadicea R Partridge+: 36 cm. Dry- and moist-deciduous scrub, in broken
h i y country; up to c. 1250 m. Fmm Rajasthan, Utlar Pradesh, Nepal terai and Bihar, south to Andhra Radeeh (E.
Ghats), Tamil Nadu, Kamataka and Kerah; Gujarat.
12. (279) CEYLON SPURFOWL Galloperdix bicalcarata R Partridge+: 34 cm. Dense forest Wet and dry zones.
up to c. 2000 m. Sri Lanka.
13. (278) PAINTED SPURFOWL Galloperdix lunulala R 32 cm. Dense thom scrub and bamboo jungle in broken
terrain and m k y foothis. India south of the Gangetic plain from c. Gwalior in the west and Bengal in the east; up
to c. 1000 m.
1. (313) LlTTLE BUSTARD-QUAIL Turnir sylvaricn R Quail-: Male 13 cm; Female slightly larger. W s - a n &
scrub jungle. From the Punjab Salt Range to Nagaland, Manipur and Chittagong, and from Nepal and Silckim south
to Kerala. Sri M a ? Up to c. 2400 m.
2. (3 18) COMMON BUSTARD-QUAIL Turnh susciraror R Quail-; Male 15 cm. Female slightly larger. Grassland
and scrub jungle and open light deciduous forest. Entire Subcontinent in suitable biotope.
3. (319) Sri M a ssp. leggei of 318.
4. (253) BLUEBREASTED QUAIL Cohcmir chinensis R Quail-: 14 cm. Swampy grassland and grass-and-scrub.
Subcontinent east and south of a Line Bombay to Simla; Sri Lanka; Nicohar I.
5. (3 14) YELLOWLEGGED BUTlDN QUAIL Turnu tanki R Quail-: Male I5 cm; Female slightly larger. Grassland
with scrub, bamboo jungle and standing crops. Entire Subcontinent east of Sind and NWFP of Pakistan. Also Andaman
and Nicobar Is.
6. (250) GREY QUAIL Commix cohcrnir RM Partridge: 20 cm. Gmcisland and standing crops. Breeding: Pakistan
east through N India and Bangladesh, from Himalayan foothills south lo Maharashtra. Wnrer: Rest of Subcontinent;
not Sri Lanka. Race japonica winters in NE India.
7. (263) PAINTED BUSH QUAIL Perdicula eryrhrorhyncha R Quail-: 16 cm. Low hilly deciduous biotope. Bihar,
W Bengal, Orissa, W Madbya Pradesh and E Maharashtra; W Ghats from Khandala southward to Kerala. E Ghats
(Andhra) and Tamil Nadu.
8 . (252) BLACKBREASTED or RAIN QUAIL Commix coromandelica R Quail-: 18 cm. Grass and scrub, moist
grassland and standing crops. Subcontinent up to c. 2000 m. Sri M a occasional, winter.
9. (265) MANIPUR BUSH QUAIL Perdicula manipurensis R Qua&: 20 cm. Damp gmsslands. N Bengal, NE
Bangladesh, Assam and the hills south of the Brahmaputra, from Meghalaya and Nagaland south to Manipur and the
mountain ranges of Chittagong.
10. (261) ROCK BUSH QUAIL Perdicula argoondah R Q u d - : 17 cm. Open semi-desert and thorn-scrub country,
preferably drier and stonier facies than Jungle Bush Quail's but often overlapping. Practically entire Subcontinent;
not Sri Lanka.
11. (255) JUNGLE BUSH QUAIL Perdicula asiarica R Quail-: 17 cm. Grass-and-scrub jungle and open deciduous
secondaty forest. Practically entire Subcontinent, plains and hills up to c. 1250 m. Sri h k a .
12. (280) MOUNTAM QUAIL Ophrysia superciliosa Extinct? Partridg~:2.5 cm. Grass and brushwood on steep
Himalayan hillsides in the Dehra Dun-Naini 'IBI region. c. 1650-2000 m. Rare; last reported in 1876.
13. (228) SEESEE PARTRIDGE Ammoperdu griseogularir R Parb-idge-: 26 cm. Stony foothls. Pakistan from
Baluchistan and NWFP to the Salt Range, and the Ki~tharhills of Sind.
14. (227) SNOW PARTRIDGE Lenva lerwa R Pnrhidge+: 38 cm. Alpine meadows. open bush-covercd Millsides
above treeline. Himalayas, c. 2000 and 5000 m.
15. (274) BAMBOO PARTRIDGE Bamburicolafitchii R Parhidgw: 35 cm. Open scrub and edges of cultivation.
'Ihe hills south of lbe Brahmaputra from the Lakhimpur district south to Sylbet and the Chittagong region. Up to c.
2000 m.
16. (236) CHUKAR PARTRIDGE Alecrorir chuknr R Parbidge+: 38 cm. Rmky hillsides with grass and sparse
bushes. Pakis!an mountains and W Himalayas, east to C Nepal, 1000-5000 m.
17. (249) TIBETAN PARTRLDGE Perdix hodgsoniae R P h d g m : 3 1 cm. Fun&, dwarf juniper and rhododendron
scruh on stony hillsides. M a k h , Kumaon. Nepal east to Bhutan to the Tsangpo bend, c. 3500-5500 m.
18. (225) MEGAPODE Megapodiusfreyciwr R Village hew: 43 cm. Undergrowth in dense forest fringe and sandy
seashore above spring-tide mark, Andaman (old records only) and Nicobar I.
1. (31 1) COMMON PEAFOWL Pavo crisronrr R V i e hen+: Male c. 92- 122 cm without train, c. 2-2.5 m in full
plumage; Femak 86 cm. Moist-and dry-deciduous forest, cultivation and precincts of villages. Subcontinent east of
the Indus, up to c. 1800 m; Sri Lanka. Introduced in Sind and Andaman I.
2. (312) BURMESE PEAFOWL Pavo muricur R V i e hen+: Male c. 92-122 cm without train, c. 2-2.5 m in full
plumage; Female 86 cm. Dense evergreen and moist-deciduous forest. NE hill states, Bangladesh (Chittagong region)
and N Bengal; up to c. 1000 m.
1 . (285) WESTERN TRAGOI'AN Tragopan mrlanocephalus R Village hew: 71 cm. Dense rhododendron, ringal
hamboo and other undergrowth in conifer or oak forest. W Himalayas from Swat in Pakistan east through Kashmir.
Ladakh. Himachal Pradesh and Garhwal: seasonally hccween c. 1350 and 3600 m.
2. (286) CRIMSON or SATYR TRAGOPAN Tragopnn s u l ~ r aR Village hen+: M 6 8 crn; Female 59 crn.
Rhododendron, bamboo and other undergmwth in conifcr or oak Corest. Himalayas from Garhwal east to Bhutan and
W Arunachal Pradcsh; seasonally between r . 2000 and 4500 m.
4. (289) TEMMINCK'S TRAGOI'AN T r o ~ o p a ntemminrkr~R Village hem: 64 cm. Dense undergmwth in evergreen
hiU foresl. Arunacl1;rl Pradesh. (.. 210@3500 m.
5. (28R) BIRTH'S or CREYBEI.I.IEI) TRA(X)PAN Tragopan blythii R Village h e w : Male 68 cm; Female 59
cm. Dense undergrowth in evergreen forest. E Bhuran. cart to Arunachal Pradesh hills south of the Brahmaputra
from the PaIkai range through Nagalantl and Manipur to Mi7~rarn;seasonally between r . 1800 and 3300 m.
6. (290) JMPEYAN or MONA2 PHEASANT Lophophorus impejanus R Vdlage hen+: 72 cm. Rhododendron and
other undergrowth in open conifer forest interspersed with grassy glades, and the scrub zone above timber-line.
Himalaya$, seasonally c. 1 800-5000 m.
7. (291) SCLATER'S MONAL I~phophorussclateri R Village hen+: 72 cm. Dense rhododendron undergrowth in
conifer forest. Subalpine mne of Arunachal Pradesh between 92" and 93"E long.; c. 3000-4000 m.
A . (229) TIBETAN SNOWCOCK Tetraogalluc ribetanut R Vdlage hen+: 7 0 crn. Stony slopes and alpine meadows
above limber-line. Himalayas from Ladakh and Rupshu east, up to 5800 m.
9 . (232) HLMAlAYAN SNOWCOCK Tetraogalluc himalayemis R Village hen+: 72 cm. Stony slopes and alpine
meadows above Limber-line. W Himalaya$, seasonally between c. 2400 and 5500 m.
10. (292) EARED PHEASANT Crossoptilon crossoptilon R Village hen+: 72 cm. Rhododendron and juniper
undergrowth in conifer forest interspersed with grasy hill-slopes. Arunachal Pradesh Himalayas; c. 3000-5000 m.
1. (304) KOKlAS PHEASANT Pucrasia macrolopha R Village h e w : M 61 cm; F 53 cm. Wooded slopes and
nullabs in oak and conifer forest. Himalayas from NWFP (Pakistan) eastward Lo W Nepal; seasonally between c.
1000 and 4200 m.
2. (307) CHIR PHEASANT Calreus wallichii R Village hen+: M 90-1 I8 cm. F 61-76 cm. Opzn conifer and
deciduous forest interspersed with grassy slopes. W Himalayas, east lo W-C Nepal. c. 1500-2700 m.
3. (EL) COMMON PHEASANT Phasianus colchicus Temperate Asia Introduction being tried in Bhutan.
4. (294) KALU PHEASANT Lophura leu come la^ R V h g e hem: 60-68 cm. Foothills forest with beavy scrub
undergrowth; partial lo neighbourbood of waler and krraced cultivation. Hunalayas; NE hill states: Bangladesh: c.
300-36GO m.
5 . (282) BLOOD PHEASANT lrhaginis cruentus R V h g e heni: 46 cm. Dwarf rhododendron, juniper and ringal
bamboo undergrowth in conifer forest. Subalpine zone of E Himalayas. seasonally between c. 1500 and 4700 m.
6 . (299) RED JUNGLEFOWL Gallus gallus R Village hen?: Male 66 crn; Female 43 cm. Moist-deciduous forest
and scrub jungle interspersed with cultivation. Himalayan foothills; NE hill states; N and NC India; and E Ghats
(Wangasara); Bangladesh.
7. (308) MRS HUME'S BARREDBACK PHEASANT Syrmalicus humiae R Village hen+: M 9 0 cm; F 60 cm.
Open forest interspersed with grassy and bracken covered slopes. NE hill states, from the Patki Hills and Barail
Range south Lhrough Naghland and Manipur to Mizoram: c. 900-2000 m.
8. (302) CEYLON JUNGLEFOWL Gallus lafayenii Endemic. Village heni: M 66-72 cm; F 36 cm. AU types of
forest; lowland b highest hills. Sri Lanka.
9. (301) GREY or SONNERAT'S JUNGLEFOWL Gallus sonnerarii R Village hem: M 60-80 cm; F 46 cm. Dry-
deciduous to moist-evergreen biotope: broken country interspersed with cultivation patches. Chiefly W peninsular
India and south of a Line Mt Abu-Pachmarhi-mouth of the Godavari.
10. (310) PEACOCK-PHEASANT Polyplecrron bicalcararum R Village heni: M 64 cm; F 48 cm. Dense evergreen
jungle, d u r n and foothills. E Himalayas from Slkkim through Arunachal Pradesh; NE hill states, south to the Chiltagong
hill tracts (Bangladesh).
1 . (327) WATER RAIL Rallur oquaricur RM Partridge: 28 cm. Reedy marshes. Breeding: Kashmir and Ladakh(?).
Winter: Pakistan. NW and N India to Assam; NE India; Bangladesh. Madhya Pradesh.
2. (329) BLUEBREASTEI) BANDED RAIL Rallus srriatus R Partridge-: 27 cm. Reedy swamps, mangroves,
paddyficlds. Subcontinent minus Palustan; Andaman and Nicobar h; Sri Lanka.
3. (331) REDLECiGEI) BANDED CRAKE Rallinajusriara R (?) Quail+: 23 cm. Dense forest. Recorded o n b
from Assam (N Cachar).
4. (335) LITTLE CRAKE Porzana parva M Quaili: 20 cm. Swampy reed-beds. Pakistan and W Peninsular Inda.
5. (332) BANDED CKAKE Rallina eurizonoides RM Quail+: 25 cm. Dense jungle in wen-watered country.
Subcontinent. Sri Lanka (winter).
6. (337) BALLLON'S CRAKE Porzana pusilla RM Quaik: 19 cm. Swampy reed-beds, irrigated crops, etc. Breeding:
Kashmir. Uthr Pradesh. Nepal. Mnrer: Subcontincnt. Andamans; Sri Lanka
7. (334) CORN CKAKE Crex crex V Partridge: 25 cm. Only four records. Gilgit. Sri Lanka.
R . (33R) SPOTTED CRAKE Porzana porzana M Quail+: 23 cm. Marshy reed-beds. Subcontinent except extreme
9. (339) RUDDY CRAKE Portnna fusca R Quaik: 22 cm. Marshes, Uooded ricefields, etc. Subcontinent; Sri
10. (342) BROWN CRAKE Amaurornis akool R Partridge-: 28 cm. Marshes and grassy margins of streams. From
.Kashmir east lo Assam and associated states; Manipur; Bangladesh; peninsular India minus extreme south.
1 1 . (341) ELWES'S CRAKE Amaurornis bicolor R Quail+: 22 cm. Swampy dense grass jungle around ponds and
streams. Nepal to Arunacbal Pradesh; NE hill states south to Bangladesh; from foothills to c. 2800 m.
12. (333) ANDAMAN BANDED CRAKE Rallina canningi R Partridge+: 34 cm. Marshy jungle. Andaman Is.
13. (346) WATER COCK Gallicrer cinerea R Partridge+: M 43 cm; F 36 cm. Marshes, ponds, ricefields. etc.
Subconlinent east of Lhe Indus, Andamans and Nimbars, Sri Lanka, Maldives.
14. (347) MOORHEN Gallinula chloropus RM Partridge+: 32 cm. Jheels, marshes, ponds, etc. Subcontinent,
Andamans; Sri Lanka
15. (350) COOT Fulica atra RM Threequarter grown d u c k : 42 cm. large jheels, lakes and reservoirs. Subcontinent.
16. (358) PHEASANT-TAILED JACANA Hydrophasianus chimrgus R Partridge*: 31 cm (excluding tail). Jheels
and ponds with floating vegehtion. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka
17. (343) WHITEBREASTED WATERHEN Amaurornis phoenicums R Parhidgei: 3 2 cm. Malshes, ponds and
ricefields. Subcontincnt, Andamans and Nimbars; Sri Lank& Maldives.
18. (359) BRONZEWINCED JACANA Metopidiur indicus R Partridge: Male 28 cm; Female 31 cm. Jheels and
ponds with floating vegetation. Subcontinent.
19 (349) PURPLE MOORHEN Porphyrio porphyria R Village hem: 43 cm. Marshy reed-beds, flooded ricefields.
etc. Subcontinent. Sri Lanka
1. (353) LlTTL.E BUSTARD Otis t e t r a M V i e h e w : 46 cm. Grassland and cultivation. Mainly N W Pakistan.
Sbaggkr for rest of Pakistan and NW India.
2. (352) GREAT BUSTARD Otis rarda V Vulture+: 102 cm. Cultivation. Pakistan (~hitrai.Peshawar, N Baluchistan
and N Sind). Less than a dozen records.
3. (356) BENGAL FLOFUCAN Eupodotic bengalensis R Village hen* standing 55 cm; Male 66 cm: Female
slightly larger. Low lying wet gmssland with bushes. Kumaon and Nepal terai. N Bengal and Bhutan duars, Arunachal
Pradesh. Assam. Meghalaya, Bangladesh (Chittagong region).
4. (355) HOUBARA Chlamydotis undulata RM Village hem: standing c. 6 0 cm; Male 73 cm; Female 66 cm.
Sandy semidesert. Breeding: Baluchistan. Wnrer: the rest of Pakistan. Rajasthan, Kutch and Saurashua. Straggler
to Kashmk. Delhi and Kerala
5. (354) GREAT INDlAN BUSTARD Choriotis nigriceps R Vulture+: Male 122 cm; Female 92 cm. C~assland
with scrub, and semidesert. Formerly from the lndus river to Bengal and south to Tamil Nadu: now chiefly Rajasthan.
Gujarat. Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh and the Deccan south to Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh.
6 . (357) LIKH or LESSER FLORICAN Sypheorides indica R Village hem: Male 46 cm;Female 5 1 cm. Grassland
with bushes and cultivation. Pakistan and India, seasonany in Sind, Punjab. Rajasthan. Gujarat. Madhya Pradesh,
south to Karnatah Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
1. (439) CREAMCOLOURED COURSER Cursorius cursor M Partridge: 23 cm. Desert and semi-desert. Pakistan.
Rajasthan and W Gujarat.
2. (440) INDIAN COURSER Cursorius coromandelicccs R Partridge: 26 cm. Dry stony plains and fallow hnd.
Subcontinent Sri Lanka.
3. (441) JERDON'S or DOUBLEBANDED COURSER Cursorius bitorquahcs Extinct (?). Partridge: 27 cm.
Rocky ground with scrub jungle. Formerly the Penner and Godavari valleys in Andhra Pradesh. Last record in 1900.
Rediscovered in Lankamalai Sanctuary, Cuddapah Dt. (AP) on 12 January 1986.
4. (443) COLLARED PRATINCOLE Glareola prarincola RM Myna*: 24 cm. Flood-plains of rivers, and near
jheels. Breeding: Baluchistan. Sind. N lndia to W Bengal , Assarn; Bangladesh: Sri L m k a Wnrec Subcontinent.
5. (444) SMALL LNDlAN PRATINCOLE Glareola lacrea R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Large streams, marshes and coastal
swamps. Subcontinent easl of the lndus river.
6 . (371) GREY or BIACKBELLIED PLOVER PIuvialis squararola M Partridge: 31 cm. Sandy seashores. tidal
creeks and rnudflals; less commonly d a n d . Subcontinent.
7. (373) EASTERN GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvialis dominica M Quaili: 19 cm. Muddy shores, ploughed fields and
wet grounds. Subcontinent; also Lakshadweep. Andarnans and Nicobars: Sri Lmka.
8 . (429) PAINTED SNlPE Rosrrarula henghlensis R Quail+: 25 cm. Reedy marsshes and pools. Subcontinent; Sri
9 . (364) LAPWING Vanellus vanrllus M Partridge*: 31 cm. Fallow land, stubble and marshland bordering
cultivation. Pakistan and NW tndia east to U.P., Nepal, Bangladesh, Assam and Manipur.
10. (369) SPURWIN(3ED LAPWING Vanellus spinosus R Partridge: 31 cm. Sandbanks and shingle beds of rivers.
Manipur. Assam and xsociated states. Bangladesh. Bhutan. Nepal and N India west to Haryana; Madhya Pradesh
south to Lhe Godavari river.
11. (366) REDWATTLED LAPWING Vanellus indirus R Partridge+: 33 cm. Near water in open counky and
cultivation. Subconlinent: Sri Lanka.
12. (365) GREYHFADED LAPWING Van~1Iu.rcinereus M Partridge+: 37 cm. Wet ground, marshes, ploughed
filds and slubble. Nepal valley. Bihar. Bangladesh, Assam and Manipur. Straggler to Kashmir. Rajasthan, Goa,
Karnataka and Andamans.
13. (370) YELIDW-WA'IT1,ED LAI'WING Vanellus tnolaharicus R Partridge-: 27 cm. Waste land, stubbles and
fallow fields in dry biolope. Subcontinent: Sri h n k a .
14. (362) WHITETAILED LAPWING Vanellur leururus M Partridge: 28 cm. Along jhcel edges. Pakisbn and N
India east to Bangladesh, south to Gujnrat and N Madhya Pradesh. Bombay (single record).
15. (363) SOCIABLE lAPWlNG Vanellus ~ r r g a r i u sM Partridge*: 33 cm. Dry wasteland, ploughed fields and
slubbles. Pakistan and N lndia east to W Bcngal, south thmugh Rajasthan, Gujarat. Maharashtra (irregular) and
straggler to Kerala. Sri Lanka.
1. (364) LAPWING Vanellus vanellus
For distribution see Plate 38
5. (360) OYSTERCATCHER Haemoropus osrralegus M Partridge+: 42 cm. Sandy and m k y seashore. Coast line.
Subcontinent. Once bred in the Sunderbans (Bangladesh).
6. (432) AVOCET Recurvirosha avosena RM Partridge+: 46 cm. Marshes, lagoons and rnudflats, inland and on
the sea shore. Breeding: N Baluchistan and Kutch. Wnter: Subcontinent. Sri Lanka (straggler).
7. (434) CRAB PLOVER Dromas ardeola M(?) Partridge+: 41 cm. Mudflats and coral reefs. Coast of the s u b
continent Lakshadweep, Andamans. Nicoban and Maldives. Sri Lanka (scarce breeder).
8 (430) BLACKWINCED STILT Himantopus himantopus R Partridge: 25 cm. Jheels, lagoons and reservoirs,
Subcontinent Sri Lanka.
9. (385) WHIMBREL Numenius phaeopus M Village hem: 43 cm. Seashore and mudflats. Subcontinent. Also
Lakshadweep. Andarnans. Nicoban. Sri Lanka and Maldives.
10. (389) BLACKTAILED GODWIT Limosa limosa M Village hen*: male 41 cm; ;female 5 0 cm. Marshes.
Subcunlinent; also Lakshadweep. Andamns, Nicobars. Sri Lanka and Maldives.
11. (391) BARTAILED GODWIT Limosa lapponica M Village h m : male 36 cm; female 41 cm. Seashore and
mudflats. Coast of Pakistan and W India south Lo Kerala; also inland (Punjab Salt Range, Bihar); Nicobar I.
12. (403) SNLPEBLLED GODWlT or ASIAN DOWITCHER Limnodromus semipolmarus M Partridge+: 34 cm.
Seaqhore and mudflats. Coast of Bangladesh and E India; Chilka Lake (Orissa), NE hill States; Sri lanka.
13. (388) CURLEW Numeniuc arquata M Village hen*: 58 cm. Seashore and mudflats. Subcontinent including
Lakshadweep, Andarnans, Nicobars, Sri Lanka and Maldives.
14. (436) STONE CURLEW Bwhirucs oedicnemur R Partridge+: 41 cm. Stony semi-desert. Subcontinent
15. (437) GREAT STONE PLOVER ESacus magnirosrris R Village hem: 51 cm. Rocky river-beds and seacoasts.
Subcontinent. Also Andamans and Nicobars: Sri Lanka.
16. (433) IBISBUL lhidorhyncha srrurhersii R Partridge+: 41 cm. Shingle hanks in large river-beds. Himalayas
from Gilgit east; r . 1700-4400 m (summer). lower elevations (winter).
1. (383) LONGBILLED RINGED PLOVER Charadrius placidus M Quail+: 23 cm. Shingle banks of large rivers.
Bengal, Bangladesh, Assam, Bhutan, Sikkim. Nepal and Andamans.
2. (378) RINGED PLOVER Charadrius hiaricula M (or V?) Quaih: 19 cm. Recorded from Karachi, GPgit,
Bharatpur. Delhi Tamil Nadu, Maldive Is.; frequent in recent years in Sri Lanka.
3. (380) LITTLE RINGED PLOVER Charadrius dubius RM Quail-: 17 cm. Shingle beds in rivers, seashore and
mudflats. Subcontinen< Andamans; Sri Lanka; Maldives.
4. (381) KENTISH PLOVER Charadrius ulexandrinu~RM Quail-: 17 cm. Sandy shores. Subcontinent. Sri Lanka.
Wnrer: Lakshadweep, Nicobars.
5 . (384) LESSER SAND PLOVER Charadrius nrongnlus RM Quaik: 19 cm. Summer (breeding): Stony or sandy
plains nr;ir Iwgs and streams above r . 3400 UI. Ladakh, Lahul, Sikkim. Winler: Seashore and mudflats.
Suhco~ltinent,And,tm,u~s.Nicoh~rs,Sri I;rnka. Maldives.
6. (374) I.APGk SAND I'1,OVEK C h a r a d r ~ w1e.cchentrulrii M I'artridge-: 22 cm, Sandy shores and mudflats.
Seabard of the Suhcoulinent. Andam~ms.Nicohius; Srl Lanka; Malclivcs
7. (376) CASPIAN SAND I'LOVEK (-h,i~-ad,-ius u.riaricuv V Quaih: 19 cm. Seacoast and mudflats lsol,~led
singlc spcclmcns ~ ~ from
c bwest coast of the peninsula (Rablagiri), :lnd Sri Iaika. m d a par frtrrn M:ildivc 1s. sight
recor~lctlonce in the Andamans. Easily mstilken wilh 384. q.v. in w~nlcrplumage.
8. (416) LITTLE STINT Calidris minuta M Quail-: IS cm.Shores, mudflals and marshes. Sukonl~nenl.I .jd:Jch.
K:trhnur, Nepal, Lakshadweep, Sri Lanka, Maldives.
. (417) TEMMtNCK'S STINT Calidris letnmintil.ii M Sparrow?: IS cm. Coastal lagoons, tidal mudflats and
inlLl~ltlmarshes. Suhcontinent lakshadwcep. Andamans. Maldives.
I U (418) LONCToEl> S n N T C'alidr-i.r suhrrtin~traM Sp,mow?: 15 cm. T ~ d d1nudflal.j :ind inland marshes. Assam,
Bangladesh, W Bengil, Bibar. Nepal, Kcrda, Sri I,mki~, Mr\ldivc and A ~ ~ d a ~ nIs.
I I . (419) ASIAN PECTORAL SANDI'II'ER Colidris acurninaru V Quail+: 2? LIII. Only r h ~ e cdefinite remrds:
Glgit. Kashmir and Sri l a n k a
12. (413) EASTERN KNOT Calidris renuirosmris M Partridge: 29 cm. Tidal mudflats. Pakistan, Lakshadweep
and Andaman Is; also Assam. Bengal, Kerala and 'Pamil Nadu. Sri Lanka (new record).
13. (412) KNOT Calidris canwus V Quail+: 25 cm. Mudflak and estuaries. One record each from Baluchistan and
W Bengal; four from Tamil Nadu; Sri Lanka (frequent).
14. (420) DUNLIN Calidris alpina M Quaik: 19 cm. Seashore. mudflats and riverbanks. Pakistan and N W India
on large rivers of the Gangetic system, south to the E & W coasts of the Peninsbla; Maldives.
15. (422) CURLEW-SANDPIPER Calidris festacea M Quaik: 20 cm. Seashore, mudflak and marshes. Subcontinent,
Andamans, Nicobars, Sri Lanka, Maldives.
16. (424) BROADBILLED SANDPIPER Limicola falcinellur M Quail- 17 cm. Seashore. mudflats and river banks.
Subcontinen6 Andamans. Nicobars and Sri Lanka.
17. (428) REDNECKED PHALAROPE Phalaropus lobatus M Quaik: M 19 cm, F smaller. Pelagic. Coastal waters,
inland ponds and jheels. Pakistan,GujaraS Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. On passage inland (Baluchislan to Bihar) and
off the coast of 'lsmil Nadu.
18. (423) SPOONBILLED SANDPIPER Eurynorhynchrcs pygmeus Rare M or V (7) Quail-: 17 cm. Seashore and
mudflnts. Bangladesh. W Bengal, T h i l Nadu (Coromandel coast) and Sri Lanka.
19. (414) SANDERLING Calidris alba M Quaik: 19 cm. Sandy shores. Coasts of the Subcontinen& Car Nicobar.
Nepal (once).
Waders in flight
1. (393) REDSHANK Tringa rotanus RM Partridge: 28 cm. Marshes, margins of lakes, river banks and estuaries.
Breeding: Kashmir and Ladakh. Wnter: Subcontinent, Andamans, Nicobars, Sri Lanka, Maldives.
2. (395) MARSH SANDPIPER Tringa stagnarilis M Partidge-: 25 cm. Marshes, margins of ponds, inundated
fields and mudtlats. Subcontinent, Sri Lanka.
3. (396) GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia Partridge+: 36 cm. Marshes, margins of ponds, lagoons and mudflats.
Subcontinent, Andamans. Nicobars, Sli Lanka. Maldives.
4. (399) SPO'ITED GREENSHANK Tringa gunyer M Partridge: 33 cm. Sandbars and mudflab in large rivers
and near the sea. Bangladesh and NE India. Nepal (unconfirmed).
5 . (398) WOOD SANDPIPER Tringa glareola M Quail*: 21 cm. Marshes, flooded paddyfields, mudflats.
Subcontinent. Andarnans, Sri Lanka. Maldives.
6. (397) GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropur RM Quail+: 24 cm. Marshes, small streams and ponds. Breeding:
Chitral, c. 1400 m. Winter Subcontinent Andamans. Sri Lanka.
7. (400) TEREK SANDPIPER Tringa rerek M quail+: 24 cm. Seashore, mudflats and lagoons. Seaboard of
Subcontinent. Rarely inland; Kashmir, Nepal. Rajasthan and Delhi.
8. (402) TURNSTONE Arenaria interpres M Qu&: 22 cm. Rocky seashore. Coasts of Subcontinent. Andamans.
Nicobars, lakshadweep, Sri lanka, Maldives.
9. (401) COMMON SANDPIPER Tringa hypoleucos RM Quaih: 21 crn. Gravel bars in rivers; reservoirs, lagoons
and seashore. Breeding: N. Baluchistan (?). Kashmir. Ladakh, Garhwal; r . 1800-3200 m. Winter: Subcontinent.
Lakshadweep. Andarnans, Nicnbars. Sri Lanka. Maldives.
10. (410) JACK SNIPE G a l l i ~ g ominima M Quaih: 21 cm. Marshes. Suhcontinent, Andamans, Sri I d a
11. (409) FANTAlL SNIPE Gallinago gallinago RM Quail+: 27 crn. Marshes. Breeding: Kashmir, ladakh and
Cmrhwal. Winter: Subcontinent. Andamans. Sri Lanka, Maldives.
12. (426) RUFF and REEVE Philomachus pugnax M Partridge: 3 1 crn: F Quail+: 2.5 cm. Mudflats. marshes and
wct paddy stuhhle. Subcontinent. Also Nepal, Sri Lanka. Maldives.
13. (41 1) WOODCOCK Scolopax rusricola RM P&dge+: 36 crn. Dense shady forest and swampy glades. Breeding:
NWFP and Kashmir to Amnachal Pradesh; c. 2 0 - 4 0 0 0 rn. Winter: Nepal. Assun and S Indian hills. Andamans (an
isolated record).
Waders in flight
2. (442) COLLARED PRATINCOLE Glareola prarincola prarincola RM M w : 23 crn. Flood-plains near rivers
and grazing land by jheels. Breeding: Baluchistan and Sind. Mnrec AUahabad, Ahmedabad, Ratnagiri and Coimbatore.
Sri Lanka
5. (372) GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvialis apricaria V Partridge-: 27 cm. Muddy shores and wet pastures. Odd
specimens identified fmm Pakistan, Uttar Pradesh and Assarn.
9. (392) SPOTTED or DUSKY REDSHANK Tringa erylhropus M Partridge: 33 cm. Marshes, reservoirs, estuaries.
Subcontinent, Sri bnka.
1. (445) ANTARCTIC SKUA Carharacfas k u antarcrica V D u c k : 53-61 cm. Five records, Sri Lanka; one possible
record, Maldive Is.
2. (447) POMATDRHINE SKUA or JAEGER Srercorarircs pornarinus V Duck-: 53 cm. Sight records from Pakistan
(off Karachi); Sri M a (quite a few in recent years).
3. (484) INDLAN SKIMMER Rhynchops albicollis R Crow*: 40 cm. Large rivers. The Indus. Ganges and
Brahmaputra river systems, Nepal krai and the large rivers of E and peninsular India. Vagrant elsewhere.
5. (448) PARASmC or RICHARDSON'S SKUAbr JAEGER Srercorariu parasiricrcs V (or M?) Duck-: 48 cm.
Pakistan coast and Ule Arabian Sea. Sri h k a .
6. (453) GREAT BLACKHEADED GULL L o r n ichrhyaehcs M Duck+: 66-72 cm. Sea coast and large rivers and
lakes. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka OccadonaUy inland: Nepal. Gujaraf Rajasthan.
7. (449) SOOTY GULL Lorus hemprichii M Duck-: 48 cm. Sea coast. Pakistan; Bombay (straggler).
8. (450) HERRING GULL Lorus argentarm M D u c k : 6 0 cm. Sea coast and inland lakes. Coasts of Pakistan and
India; the Ganges rivcr. One record each from Nepal and Calcutta. Chitml (passage).
10. (457) Ll'lTLE GULL Lorus minulm V Pigeon-: 25-30 cm. Recorded from Ladakh and Great Rann of Kutch.
11. (455) BLACKHEADED GULL Lorus ridibundus M Crow*: 43 cm. Sea coast, estuaries, etc. Subcontinent
Nepal; Sri Lanka; Maldives (vagrant).
12. (456) SLENDERBILLED GULL Lorus genei RM Crow*: 43 cm. Jheels and sea coast. Breeding: Baluchistan.
Winter Sind, Gujarat Bombay, Tamil Nadu and Nega) terai. Sri Lanka (sight).
13. (454) BROWNHEADED GULL Lorus brunnicephalus RM Crow+: 46 cm. Sea coasf lagoons. backwaters.
estuaries and large rivers. Breeding: Ladakh. Mntrr: Subcontinent. Also Nepal; Sri M a .
1. (459a) BLACK TERN Chlidonias niger V Pigeon-: 23 cm. Sight records. Delhi. Gujarat.-Andhra: Moskow
ringed individual recovered at Pt. Calimere, Tamil Nadu.
2. (459) WHITEWINGED BLACK TERN Chlidonias leucopterus M Pigeon-: 23 cm. Marshes and rivers. Nepal,
Assam. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Irregularly in the rest of the Indian peninsula. Andamans; Maldives.
3 . (458) WHLSKERED TERN CMidonias hybridus RM Pigeon-: 25 cm. Lakes, marshes, coastal lagoons and
mudflab. Breeding: Kashrnir. N India in the Gangetic plain. Assam and Bangladesh. Winter: Subcontinent in Pakistan.
E Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
4. (475) LITTLE TERN Sterna albifions K Mynai: 23 cm. Rivers, marshes and estuaries. Pakistan. Gujarat, coast
of Mahaashtra. large rivers of N India, Nepal. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
5. (483) INDIAN OCEAN WHITE TERN or FAIRY TERN Gygis alba R Pigeon-: 27-33 cm. Pelagic. Addu Atoll.
Maldives. Straggler to the Bay of Bengal.
6. (466) ROSEATE or ROSY TERN Sterna dougalli R Crow-: 38 cm. Sea coast. Islets off the coast of S India and
Sri Lanka: the Maldive (?) and Andaman Is.
7. (467) WHITECHEEKED TERN Sterna repressa R Crow-: 35 cm. Pelagic. Breeding: Vengurla Rocks off the
Maharashtra coast. Coasts of Pakistan. W India and U s h a d w e e p Is.
8. (464) COMMON TERN Sterna hirundo RM Crow-: 36 cm. Large rivers and estuaries. Breeding: Ladakh. Sri
Lanka. Winter: Subcontinent; Maldives.
9. (463) INDIAN RIVER TERN Sterna auranria R Crow*: 38-46 crn. Large rivers and reservoirs. Subcontinent;
absent in Sri Lanka.
10. (462) CASPIAN TERN Hydroprogne caspia RM Crow+: 51 cm. Sea coast and large lakes. Breeding: Baluchistan
and Sri Lanka. Winter: Subcontinent.
11. (478) LARGE CRESTED TERN Sterna bergii R Kite-:53 cm. Pelagic. Breeding: Iskts off the coasls of
Pakistan, peninsular bldia. W. Bengal. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka; Lakshadweep and pmbably Maldives. P o s t - b d i n g
dispersal: entire seaboard.
12. (468) BLACKNAPED TERN Sterna sumatrana R Crow-: 33 cm. Pelagic. Andaman. Nicobar and Maldive Is.
13. (470) BLACKBELLIED TERN Sterna acuticauda R Crow-: 33 cm. Rivers. Subcontinent east of the Indus;
absent in Sri Lanka.
14. (479) INDIAN 1-ESSEK CRESTED TERN Sterna bengalensis R Crow*: 43 cm. Offshore waters. Subcontinent.
Presumably breeding on the Makran coast Rameshwaram, U s h a d w e e p and Maldives. Also occurs in Andamans.
Nicobars and Sri Lanka.
15. (460) GUUBILLEI) TERN Gelochelidon nilorica RM Crow-: 38 cm. Jheels, rivers and coastal mudflats.
Breeding: Pakistan, W Bengal and Bangladesh. Winter: Subcontinent. Andamans (once): Sri Lanka: Maldives.
16. (474) SOOTY TERN SternaJucala R Cmw*: 43 cm. Pelagic. Ushadweep and pmbably also Maldive and
Andaman Is. Has strayed to Tamil Nadu, Bihar and Assam.
17. (481) NODDY TERN Anous stolidw R Crow-: 41 cm. Pelagic. Breeding: Lakshadweep, kidaman. Nicobar.
and pnsibly also the Maldives. Shggler to Pakistan and Sri M a .
18. (480) SANDWICH TERN Sterna sandvicensis M Crow+: 44 cm. Sea coast. Pakislan. Gujaral and Sri l m k a .
19. (471) BROWNWINCED TERN Sterna anaetherur R Crow-: 37 cm. Pelagic. Breeding: Islands oflthe Mnhru-ashlra
coast. Makran coast (?). Lakshadweep and Maldive Is. Post-hreeding dispersal chiefly over t l ~ eArabian Sea to the
coacts of Pakistan. W India and Sri lanka. Andamans (two records).
1. (489) IMPERIAL SANDGROUSE Plerocles orientalis R Pigeon+: 39 cm. Sandy semidesert. Pakistan and NW
India: vagrant to Nepal, Ultar Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh and Kamataka. Breeding: Baluchistan and Sind.
2. (490) CORONE'ITED SANDGROUSE Plerocles coronalus R Pigeon-: 28 cm. Stony semkdesert. Pakistan
west of the Indus.
3 . (491) CLOSEBARRED SANDGROUSE Plerocles indicus arabicus R Pigeon-: 27 cm. Stony semi-desert. Pakistan
west of the Indus.
4. (487) INDIAN SANDGROUSE Pterocles ausrus R Pigeon*: 28 cm. Stony semi-desert and dry fallow land.
Pakistan, and India east lo Bengal, south lo Tamil Nadu.
5. (492) PAINTED SAND(3ROUSE Prerocles indicus indicus R Pigeon-: 28 cm. Bare, stony plateau country.
Pakistan east of the Indus. and India east to Bihar and Orissa south to Kamataka and Tamil Nadu.
6 . (488) SPOTTED SANDGROUSE Pterocles senegallus R Pigeon+: 36 cm. Open semi-desert. Pakistan and NW
India. Breeding: Baluchistan.
7. (486) LARGE PINTAII, SANDGROUSE Plerodes alchata (R7)M Pigeon+: 38 cm. Sandy or stony semi-desert.
Pakistan, Haryana. Delhi, Rajasthan and Gujamt.
8. (485a) PALLAS'S SANDGROUSE Syrrhaples paradoxus V Crow+: 48 cm. Single record. Rajasthan.
9 . (485) TIBETAN SANDGROUSE Syrrhapres tibetanus R Crow+: 48 cm. Stony, semi-desert steppes. Ladakh
and Hirnachal Pradesh in Tibetan facies; c. 4200-5400 cm.
1. (5 16) BLUE ROCK PIGEON Columba livia R 33 cm. Cliffs and gorges, and around habitations and cultivation.
Subcontinent. Nicobars (inhduced); Sri Lanka
3. (518) EASTERN STOCK PIGEON Columba eversmanni M Pigeon-: 3 0 cm: Groves of trees in cultivated
country. Pakistan, and NW India east to Bihar, south to Rajasthan and Gwalior.
4. (5 15) HILL PIGEON Columba rupesrn.~R Pigeom: 33 cm. Cliffs and gorges in high plateau country. Himalayas,
c. 3000-5500 m: lower in winter.
5. (513) SNOW PIGEON Columba leucomra R Pigeom: 34 cm. Cliffs and steep gorges. Himalayas, c. 3000-4500
m; lower in winter.
6. (519) WOOD PIGEON Columba palurnbur R Pigeon+: 43 cm. Foresti of oak and conifers. Baluchistan. Salt
Range and W Himalayas. Seasonally between c. 800 and 3500 m. C Nepal (winter).
7. (521) NIUjIRI WOOD PIGEON Columba elphinsronii R Pigeon+: 42 cm. Moist-evergreen forest and sholas.
W Ghals and associated hills from Bombay soulb through Kerala.
8. (523) ASHY WOOD PIGEON Columba pulchricollis R Pigeon+: 36 cm. Mued deciduous and evergreen forest.
E Himalayas c. 1200-3200 m; NE MI states.
9. (506) GREEN IMPERIAL PIGEON Ducula aenea R Crow+: 43 cm. Evergreen and moistdeciduous forest
Subcontinent: also Aandamans, Nicobars. Bangladesh; Sri Lanka.
10. (509) PLED IMPERIAL PIGEON Ducula bicolor R Pigeon+: 41 cm. Forest, especially mangroves. Andaman
and Nicobar Is.
1 1. (524) PURPLE WOOD PIGEON Columba punicea R Pigeon+: 36 cm. Well-wooded ravines with dense evergreen
undergrowth or where interspersed with scrub jungle and cultivation. Bihar. E Madhya Pradesh and Orissa east to
Assam, Nagaland, Manipur and Bangladesh (Chittagong region).
12. (522) CEYLON WOOD PIGEON Columba torringroni R Pigeon+: 36 cm. Evergreen and moistdeciduous
forest. Sri Lanka.
13. (525) ANDAMAN WOOD PIGEON Columba palumboides R Pigeon+: 41 cm. Evergreen forest Andaman and
Nicobar Is.
14. (520) SPECKI-ED WOOD PIGEON Columba hodgsonii R Pigeon+: 38 cm. T U evergreen and semi-evergreen
forest. Himalayas c. 1800-4000 m: NE hill states.
IS. (510) IMPERIAL PIGEON Ducula badia R Crow+: 51 cm. W evergreen forest E Himalaps; NE hill states,
up to c. 2300 m; W Ghats complex.
1. (494) WEDGETAILED GREEN PIGEON Treron sphenura R Pigeom: 3 3 cm. BroacLkafed forest. lower
Himalayt~sfrom Kashmir to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh, and hills south of the Brahmaputra; up to c. 2500 m.
2. (503) YF.LI-OWLEGGED GREEN PIGEON Treronphoenicoptera R Pigeom: 33 cm. Dry- and moist-deciduous
bio(ope I'ulaslan (I'un.jah) and N from Himalayan foothds south lhrough Ihe peninsula; Bangladesh; Sri lanka.
4. (495) THICKBILLED GREEN PIGEON Treron curvirostra R Pigeon-: 27 cm. Well-wooded country up to c.
1500 m. Lower Himalaya' from W Nepal (up to 2750 m) east to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh; NE hill states b
Bangladesh and Manipur.
5. (493) PINTALLED GREEN PIGEON Treron apicauda R Pigeon+: M 42 cm including tail of c. 21 cm; F tail
shorter r. 18 cm. Tall forest. Lower Himdayis from Kumaon to Bhutan and Arunachal Prddesh; up to c. 1800 m.
6. (501) ORANGEBREASTED GREEN PIGEON Treron bicincta R Pigeon-: 29 cm. Evergrwn and moist-deciduous
forest. Lowcr Himalayas (up to 1500 m) from the Uttar Pradesh terai a i d Nepal easl b Bhutan and Arur~achal
Pradesh. Maiipur. W Bengal and Bangladesh; E Ghats, and W Ghats from Beigaum southwards. Tamd Nadu (Pt.
Calirnerc). Sn Lanka.
7. (544b) NICOBAR PIGEON Coloems nicobarica K Pigeon+: 41 cm. Heavy evergreen forest. Nicohar Is., South
Sentinel Is. (off Little Andaman) and Coco Is.
8. (526) BARTAILED CUCKOO-DOVE M a c r o p y ~ i nunchnll R Pigeon+: 41 crn. Dense evergreen forest and
secondar). junglc. Hininlayc~sfrom Kashrnir to Arunc~chal.'and soul11 Ihrough NE hill states lo Meghalaya and Manipur.
10. (527) ANDAMAN CUCKOO-DOVE Macropygia W p e n n k R Pigeon+: 41 crn. Dense evergreen forest and
secondary jungle. Andaman and Nicobar Is.
1 1 . (535) RED TURTLE DOVE Srrepropdia rranquebarica R Mynai: 23 cm. Deciduous scrub jungle and cultivation.
Suhcontinent; normally under 8 0 0 h in the Himalayas. Andamans; Sri Lanka (three records).
12. (534) INDIAN RING DOVE Srreptopelia decaocro R Pigeom: 32 cm. Dry-deciduous plains country with light
jungle and cultivation. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
13. (541) LITTLE BROWN or SENEGAL DOVE Srreptopelia senegalensis R Myna+: 27 cm. Dry-deciduous biotope.
Subcontinent east to Nepal, Bangladesh and Tripura; not rsorded in Sri Lanka.
14. (537) SI'O'ITED DOVE Streplopelia chinensis R Pigeon-: 30 cm. Dry- and moist-deciduous biotope - better
wooded moisler facies than Ring or Littlc Brown. Subcontinent; Bangladesh; Sri h n k a .
15. (529) TURTLE DOVE Srreptopelia rurtur V Pigeon-: 28 cm. Opcn cultivated country. Pakistan.
16. (530) RUFOUS TURTLE DOVE Srreptopelia orientalis RM Pigeow: 33 cm. Moist-deciduous biotope, mixed
forest and h,unhoo ju~igle.Subcontinent, to c. 4000 m in the Himalayas. Sri Lanka (absent).
1. (553) NlCOBAR PARAKEET Psinacula caniceps R Pigeoni: overall 61 cm. High evergreen forest. Nicobar Is.
2. (554) LORD DERBY'S PARAKEET Psirtacula derbyana Summer M Myna+: overall 46 cm. Conifer forest and
cultivalion. N Arunachal Pradesh, c. 2700-3500 m.
3. (546) ALEXANDRINE PARAKEET Psinacula eupatria R Pigeon+: 5 3 cm. Dry- and moist-deciduous biotope.
Subcontinent. Andamans. Nicobars; Bangladesh; Sri Lanka.
4. (563) EASTERN SLATYHEADED PARAKEET Psilracula finschii R Myna-: overall 36 cm. Forest and
cultivation. SE Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh south through NE hill states to Bangladesh; up to c. 2100 m.
5. (558) BLOSSOMHEADED PARAKEET Psittarula cyanocephla R Myna: overall 36 cm. Lowlands and hills
to c. 1500 m. Lower Himalayas of Pakistan east to Bhutan, sou& throughout the Peninsula; Sri Lanka.
6. (562) SlATYHEADED PARAKEET Psitracula himalayana R Myna+: overall 41 cm. Well-wooded hillsides
and valleys. Himalayas, seasonally between c. 600 and 2500 m.
7. (559) EASTERN BLOSSOMHEADED PARAKEET Psittacula roseara R Myna-: overall 3 6 cm. Light forest
and cultivation. Sikkim d u r n and east Uuough NE hill states to Bangladesh.
R. (555) REDCHEEKED PARAKEET Psilracula longicauda R Mynai: overall 46-48 cm. Evergreen forest and
cultivalion. Andarnan and Nicobar Is.
9. (550) KOSER1NC;ED PARAKEET P.ritfacula krameri R Myna+: overall 42 cm. Moist- and dry-deciduous biotope.
thin jungle, orchards, cultivation and human environmenls. Subcontinent; Bangladesh; Sri Lanka.
10. (564) BLUEWINGED PARAKEET Psittacula rolumboides R Mynai: overall 38 cm. Evergreen and moist-
deciduous biotope. W Ghats from the Thane district (c. 19"N lat.) south thmugh Kerala and associated bills of
Kamaloka and Tamil Nadu; c. 500- 1000 m.
11. (551) REDBREASTED PARAKEET Psitrocula alexandri R Pigeon+: overall 38 cm. Moist-deciduous biotope.
thin secondary jungle. Lower Himalayas from Kumaon east lo Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh up to c. 1500 m. NE
hill slates; Andarnan Is. Bangladesh.
12. (56.5) LAYARD'S PARAKEET P.virlarulo ralthropae Endemic Myna-: overall 31 cm. Sri Lanka in the low
country and hill foresl up to c. 1800 m.
13. (568) CEYLON LORIKEET Lorirulus beryllinur Endemic Sparrow?: 14 cm. Evergreen and moist-deciduous
hiotope. Sri Lanka.
14. (566) INDIAN LORIKEET Lorirulur vernalis R Sparrow*: 14 cm. Evergreen and moist-deciduous forest. E
Himalayan foothills; NE hill states: the Indian peninsula in E Ghats, and W Ghats fmm Khandala (c. 18"N). south
Uuough Karnataka. Kerala and Tamil Nadu; Andaman and Nicobar Ls.
1. (572) LARGE HAWK-CUCKOO Cuculus sparverioides RM Crow-: 38 cm. Dense forest. Himalayas, c. 90@
3200 m; NE hill states. Karnataka, K e d a . Tamil Nadu and Andhra (E. Ghats) [winter].
2. (575) HODGSON'S HAWK-CUCKOO Cuculusfigax R Pigeow: 29 cm. Deciduous and evergreen forest.
Lower E Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh; c. 600-1800 m.
3. (573) COMMON HAWK-CUCKOO or BRAINFEVER BIRD Cuculuc variuc R Pigeon? 34 cm. Deciduous
and semi-evergreen forest, groves and gardens. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
4. (586) EMERALD CUCKOO Chalcites macularus R or M? Sparrow+: 18 cm. Evergreen forest. Apparently
summer visitor to Himalayas. Fmm Garbwal to Bhutan and Arur~achalPradesh; NE hill states. W m e c Andaman and
Nicobar Is.; l h i l Nadu, C India and Sri Lanka (vagrant).
5. (585) RUFOUSBELLIED PLAINTIVE CUCKOO Cacomantis merulinur !F Myn*: 23 cm. WeU-wooded counlry.
E Himalayas (up to c. 2000 m); NE hill stdtes; Bangladesh; Assam; W Bengal. Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra
6. (582) INDIAN BAYBANDED CUCKOO Cacomantis sonnerani R M y w : 24 cm. Deciduous and evergren
wooded country. Suhcontinenl: up to c. 2400 m in Himalayas; Sri Lanka.
7. (587) VIOLET CUCKOO Chalcires mnrhorhynchuc R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Secondary evergreen forest. NE hiU
states; Bangladesh; Andaman and Nicobar Is. Up to c. 1500 m. Tamil Nadu (vagrant).
8 . (584) INDIAN PLAINTIVE CUCKOO Cacomanrir patserinus R Myn*: 23 cm. Open forest, well-wooded
country and cullivation. Subcontinent: Sri Lanka. Absent in Pakistan and drier parts of N W India.
9. (581) SMALL CUCKOO Cuculus poliocephaluc RM Myna+: 26 cm. Summer Himalayas; NE hill stales:
Bangladesh. Seasonally Lhrough the Peninsula and Sri Lanka.
10. (576) INDIAN CUCKOO Cuculus nlicropterus RM Pigeont: 33 cm. Deciduous and evergreen biotope.
S u h n l i n e n l . Amlamans. Nicohars; Sri Lanka.
1 1 . (578) THE CUCKOO Cuculus canorur RM Pigeow: 33 cm. Summer: Himalyas; NE hill states; Bangladesh.
Seasonally most Idly regions of the Subcontinent. Andamans; Nicoban: Sri Lanka (winter).
1 . (595) SMALL GREENBILLED MALKOHA Rhopodytes viridirosrris R Crow-: 39 cm. Deciduous and semi-
evergreen scrub and secondary jungle. Peninsular India from Gujarat. Maharashtra and Orissa soulh to Kanyakumari;
Rameshwaram I.; Sri Lanka.
2. (571) PIED CRESTED CUCKOO Clarnator jacobinm RM Mynai: 33 cm. Dry- and moist-deciduous Lightly
wooded country. Seawnally enfire Subcontinent: Sri Lanka.
3. (569) REDWINGED CRESTED CUCKOO Cla~natorcorornandus R Crow+: 47 cm. Evergreen and moit-
deciduous biotope: foothills forest and scrub jungle. Himalayas from Garhwal east to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh;
NE hill slates: Bangladesh. Winter: S India (rare); Sri Lanka.
4. (593) LARGE GREENBLLED MALKOHA Rhopodytes trisris R Pigeon? with tail c. 38 cm; overall length c.
5 1 cm. Dense shrubbery and thickets in evergreen and moist-deciduous biolopes. Lower Himalayas from Garbwal to
Arunachal Pradesh: NE hiU states: Bangladesh: Bihar. E Madhya Pradesh. E Ghats and N Orissa; up to c. 1800 m.
5. (598) SIRKEER CUCKOO Taccocua lesrhcnaultii R Crow?: 42-44 crn. Drydeciduous secondary forest and
scrub-and-bush jungle, etc. Subcontinent: Sri I d a .
6. (605) LESSER COUCAL Centropm toulou R Crow-: 33 cm. Scrub jungle and tall grassland. Himalayan
suhmonlane tcrai; Utlx Pradesh east to Nepal: Bhutan; E India; Bangladesh; Bibar and Orissa: also SW lndia from
N Kanara lhrough W Karnataka and Kerala.
7. (599) REDFACED MALKOHA Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephulus R Crow+: 46 cm. Tall evergreen forest. S
Kerala, S Tamil Nadu, and Sri Lanka. Rare and endangered.
8. (600) CROW-PHEASANT or COUCAL Centropus sinensis R Crow+: 48 cm. Deciduous scrub jungle and
gardens. Subcontinent: Bangladesh: Sri Lanka.
9. (604) CEYLON COUCAL Ccntropus chlororhynchusEndemic Crow?: 43 cm. Humid forest. Sri Lanka. Declining
in numbers owing to loss of habitat.
10. (603) ANDAMAN CROW-PHEASANT Cenfropus sinensis andamanensis Endemic Crow+: 48 cm. Evergreed
forest and mangroves. Andaman. Coco, and possibly Nicobar Is.
1. (627) EAGLE-OWL. GREAT HORNED OWL Ruho bubo R Kite-: 56 cm. Rocky hiUs with outscoured steep
sided ravines. and well-wooded country. Subcontinent; no record from Bhutan and Bangladesh eastwards.
2. (628) FOREST EAGLE-OWL Bubo nipalensis R Kite?: 63 cm. Dense evergreen and moist-deciduous forest up
to c. 2100 m. Himalayan submontane tracts from Kumaon to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh: NE hill states: Bangladesh;
also the hills of W Ghats complex in S India, east to the Shevaroy Hills: Sri I d a .
3. (630) DUSKY HORNED OWL Bubo commondus R Kite?: 58 cm. Wooded. well-watered country with groves
of large leafy trees. Most of the Subcontinent south of Himalayas.
4. (659) BROWN WOOD OWISSrrix leprogrammiro R Kite-: 47-53 cm. Dense semi-evergreen and moist-deciduous
forest. Himalayas from Pakistan (Punjab) east to Arunachal Pradesh (750-2450 m): NE hill states: rest of the
S u b n l i n e n S Sri Lanka-
5. (657) MOTTLED WOOD OWL Srrix ocellara R Kite*: 48 cm. Wooded plains country: groves of densely
foliaged ancient bees in village environs. etc. Pakistan and most of northern and peninsular India.
6. (663) LONGEARED OWL AS^ orus RM Pigeon+: 37 cm. Hill forest (summer); grassy lowland jungle (winter).
Breeding: Baluchistan and Kashmir. up to c. 2000 m. Wruer: Pakistan and N India.
7. (664) SHORTEARED OWL Asiojlammeur M Pigeon+: 38 cm. Open undulating grasslands, scrub and marshes:
p h n s and hills up to c. 1400 m. Suhconlinent. Occasional in Sri Lanka and Maldives.
8. (631) BROWN FISH OWL Bubo zeylonensis R Kite-: 56 cm. Well-wooded and well-watered country.
9. (662) HIMALAYAN WOOD OWL Srrir aluro R Crow+: 45-47 cm. Forest of oak. pine and fir. Baluchistan to
C h i l d . and east through Himalayas (c. 1200-4000 m), and south through NE hill states.
10. (654) HUME'S WOOD OWL Srrix hurleri V Pigeon+: 36 cm. Oases and nearby rocks or ruins. Single record,
Ormara Makran coast.
11. (633) TAWNY FISH OWL Bubojlavipes R ffitei: 61 cm. Forest near streams. Outer Himalayas (up to c. 1500
m) from Kashmir lo Bhutan. Arunachal Pradesh (7); NE hiU states; Bangladesh.
1. (614) STRLAm-D or PALLID SCOPS OWL Orm brucei R Myna?: 22 cm. Arid semi-desert and stony foothills
country. I'akistan. Also obtained sporadically from Bombay, Poona, Thane, Ahmednagar and Rahagiri (vagrants?).
2. (612) SPOTTED SCOPS OWL Ohts s p i l o c e p h a l ~R~ ~Myna*: 18-20 cm. Dense evergreen forest. Himalayan
roothills and duars, and south through NE hill states to Bangladesh (Chittagong region); up to c. 2700 m.
3. (617) SCOPS OWL 0 1 m scops KM Myna-: 19 cm. Evergreen and deciduous forest. Subcontinent, Andamans,
N~cohnrs:Bangladcsh; Sri M a .
4. (623) COLLARED SCOPS OWL 01ur hakkamoeno R M y w : : 23-25 cm. Well-wooded country. Subcontinent;
Bangladcsh; Sn I,?nka.
5. (638) Chestnulhackcd ssp. casranonotum of 636. Myna: 19 cm. Moist forest. Sri Lanka
0. (639) BARRED OWLET Glaucidium cuculoides R M y n a : 23 cm. Broadleafed or conifer forest and subtropical
cvcrgrecll jungle. Outer Himalayas: NE hill states: Bangladesh; up to c. 2700 m.
7. (635) COLIARED I'IGMY OWLET Glaucidium brodiei R Q u a h : 17 cm. Deciduous or conifer forest.
Himalayas; NE hill stalcs; Bangladesh; between c. 900 and 3200 m.
8. (636) JUNGLE OWLET Glaucidiunl radialurn R M y n a : 20 cm. Moist-deciduous forest and mixed secondary
jungle. Suhcontinenl; Sri M a .
9. (665) TENGMALM'S OWL or BOREAL OWL Aegoliuc. funerells R Myna+: 25 cm. Subalpine juniper forest.
Single record of a breeding female and a feathered juvenile from Lahul (Himachal Pradesh).
10. (648, 649) L17TLE OWL Alhene norlua R Mynai: 23 cm. Semi-deserf rocky country up to c. 4600 m.Pakistan
(Baluchislan north h NWFI'); Baltistan. Ladakh. Nepal.
11. (658) FOREST SPOTTED OWLET Alhene blovini Extinct? Myna+: 23 cm. Moist-deciduous jungle and groves
of wild mango, c s p ~ i d ynear slrearns. From Khandesh and Surat Dangs east along the Satpuras to Madhya Pradesh
and Onssa. Less Lhan a dozen specimens known. the latest in 1914.
12. (652) SPO'ITED OWLET Arhene hrama R Mynai: 21 cm. Ruins, mango topes and village groves of ancient
trces, clc. Suhcontincnt. Absent in Sri Lmka and Andman and Nicobar Is.
14. (642) BROWN HAWK-OWL Ninox scululala R Pigeom: 32 cm. Well-wooded counhy. Most of the Subcontinent;
Bangladesh; Sri Luika. Not in Pakistan.
15. (609) BAY OWL Phodilus hadius R (rare) Pigenn-: 29 cm. Dense evergreen s~lbmontaneforest. Nepal, Sikkim,
Bhutan('?), Ass'un. Meghalaya, Nagaland and Manipur; Sri Lanka; Kerala (a single example in Nelliampathy Hills).
16. (606) BARN OWL Tyro alha R Crow-: 36 cm. Buildings and ruins. Subcontinent; Andarnan Is. Sri Lanka.
17. (608) GRASS OWL Tylo capensis R Crow-36 cm. Tall grass jungle and grassy depressions. Himalayan submontane
hcLs: Ullar Pradesh east to Assam. and south through Bangladesh, Bihar. Orissa and Madhya Pradesh; also S Indian
hills; up to r . 1800 m.
1. (666) CEYLON FROGMOUTH Bdrachosfomus moniliga R Mynai: 23 cm. Dense evergreen forest and
secondary jungle. W Ghats from N Kanara south; Sri Lanka.
2. (667) HODGSON'S FROGMOUTH Barrachosromus hodgsoni R Myna+: 27 cm. Subtropical evergreen foothills
forest E Himalayas; NE hill states: Bangladesh; up to c. 1800 m.
3. (674) SYKES'S NIGHTJAR Caprimulgur mahranemis RM Mynai: 23 cm. Stony wastes and open Mlsides;
also sandy sarkan grass areas. Sind (Pakistan), Kutcb, Punjab and Haryana. Wnfer: Kanpur. Madhya Pradesh.
Maharashtra and south in the Peninsula to Belgaum.
4. (673) EUROPEAN NIGHTJAR Caprimulgur europaeus M Myna+: 25 cm. Open forest or bush-covered hillsides.
Summer: N Baluchistan, Rawaipindi and the Salt Range in Pakistan. Also Gilgit, Baltistan (?), Kashmir (7) and
Garhwal in India Mnter: M a h . Sind and Kutch. Straggler to Rajasthan, Maharashtra. Madhya Pradesh and Uttar
5 . (673a) EGYPlTAN NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus aegypfiur M or V Myna+: 25 cm. Semi-desert. Probably a summer
visitor to Baluchistan.
6. (671) INDIAN JUNGLE NIGHTJAR Caprin~ulgusindicus RM Pigeon-: 29 cm. Dry- and moist-deciduous jungle.
Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh; rest of Subcontinent and Sri h k a . Andamans (a migrating individual at
7. (682) FRANKLIN'S or ALLIED NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus aflinis R Myna+: 25 cm. Scrubby hillsides. lqht
deciduous forest and grass jungle. Subcontinent fmm the Punjab Salt Range, Rajasthan and Gujarat eastwards.
Absent in Sri h k a
9. (675) UINGTAILED NIGHTJAR Caprimulgur rmcrurur RM Pigwn-: 28 cm. Moist-deciduous biotope: mixed
bamboo and secondary scrub forest. Himalayan foothills (up to c. 2400 m) from Himachal Pradesh through Nepal
and Bhutan to Arunachal Pradesb; NE hiU states; Bangladesh and practically the entire Subcontinent; Sri Lanka;
Andarnan Is.
10. (669) GREAT EARED NIGHTJAR Ew~sfopodurmacroris R Crow-: 41 cm. Evergreen and moist-deciduous
forest and bush jungle. S i k k h (7); Assam; NE hill states; Bangladesh; up to c. 1000 m; Kerala
1. (692) WHITERUMPED SPINETAIL Chaetura sylvarica R Sparrow-: 11 cm. Evergreen and moist-deciduous
biotope. Lower Himalayas in Garhwal, Nepal, Sikkim; Assam, the Indian peninsula from Chota Nagpur and W
Bengal south through Orissa Madhya Pradesh, E Maharashtra and N Andhra Pradesh; also W Ghats complex from
N Kanara south through Kerala.
2. (683) HIMALAYAN S W I F n E T Collocalia brevirosrris R Sparrow-: 14 cm. Open areas near forest. Himalayas;
NE hill states; Bangladesh; up to c. 3600 m. Andamans (winter).
3. (687) WHITEBELLIED S W I F n E T Collocalia esculenta R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Buildings. Andaman and Nicobar
4. (703) HOUSE SWIFTApus afinis RM Sparrow*: 15 cm. h u n d buildings and cliffs. From N\KFP east through
Punjab. Kashmir and Uttar Pradcsh to Assam and Bangladesh; south throughout the Peninsula. Sri Lanka.
5. (697) PALLID SWIFT Apus pallidus M Bulbul-: 17 cm. A desert form. The Makran coast and east to Sind
6. (696) SWIFT Apus opus M Bulbuk: 17 cm. Cliffs. The mountain ranges of Pakistan from N Baluchistan to
Chitral and east in the Himalayas through Kashrnir and Ladakh (up to 5700 m) to Lahul; c. 1500-3300 m. foraging to
over 4000 m. Also recorded from Assam. Gujarat and the Andaman and Maldive Is. (on migration).
7. (699) LARGE WHITERUMPED SWIFTApus pacificus RM Bulbul-: 18 cm. Himalayas; Assam; NE hill states;
SW India (Bombay, Konkan, N Kanara and Malabar), also Cujarat and Andhra Pradesh.
8. (685) INDIAN EDlBLE-NEST S W I F n E T Collocalia unicolor R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Caves in rocky off-shore
islets and chffs. SW India from S Konkan south through Kamataka Kerala and Tamil Nadu; Sri Lanka; up to c. 2200
9. (698) DARKBACKED SWIFT Apus acuricauda RM Bulbul-: 17 cm. Vicinity of high cliffs. Meghalaya, and
presumably Mizoram. Nepal (type specimen in 1865).
10. (691) LARGE BROWNTHROATED SPLNETAJL SWIFT Chaerura giganrea R Mynai: 23 cm. Evergreen and
moistdeciduous hiolopc. NE hill states; W Ghats complex from Goa south to Kcrak, and east to Bangalore and
Salem (Tamil Nadu); also Sri Lanka and Andaman Is.
11. (690) COCHINCHINA SPINETAIL SWIFT Chaerurn cochinchinensis R Bulbuk: 20 cm. C Nepal terai (c. 600
m); NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chiltagong hill tracts).
12. (6931 ALPINE SWIFT Apus melba RM Bulb111+:22 cm. High cliffs. N Baluchistan; Himalaya; W Ghats from
Nasik to Kerala; Madhya Pradesh; Sri Lanka.
13. (707) PALM SWIFT Cypsiurlcr parvus R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Associaled with palms, especially Borassur. India
from Uttar Pradcsh and Cujaral east through Bhutan. NE India and Bangladesh to Burma; from the Nepal duns south
thmugh h e Peninsula; Sri Lanka.
14. (688) WHITETHROATED SPINETAIL SWIFT Chaerura caudacura R Bulbul*: 20 cm. Vicinity of cliffs.
Himalayas; NE hill slates to Bangladesh; c. 1200-4000 m.
1. (715) REDHEADED TROGON Harpacres erythrocephalus R Myna+ with longer tail: overall 35 cm: Evergreen
forest. Himalayas (foothills up to c. 2400 m) from Kumaon to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh; NE hill states; Bangladesh
eastwards to Burma.
2. (716) WARD'S TROGON Harpactes wardi R P i g w e with longer tail: overall 40 cm. Tall subtropical forest.
E Himalayas, between c. 1500 and 3000 m.
3. (712) MALABAR TROGON Harpactes fasciarus R M y n a with longer tail: overall 31 cm. Moistdeciduous
and evergreen forest. From S Gujarat and Khandesh east'to Madhya Pradesb and Orissa, and south through the
Peninsula in E and W Ghat complexes; Sri Lanka.
5. (753) BLUEBEARDED BEE-EATER Nyctyomis athenoni R Pigeon+: 36 cm. Secondary evergreen and moist-
deciduous forest. Himalayan foothills from Himachal Pradesh east lo Arunacbal Pradesh; Assam; NE hi1 states;
Bangladesh. Also E and W Ghat complexes, and suitable biotopes in peninsular India
6. (747) BLUECHEEKED BEE-EATER Merops superciliosus RM Bulbul+: overall 31 cm. Near jheels and tanks,
and sandy seashores. Pakistan s o u h to Sind, and N W India east to Kutch, Rajasthan and Delbi.
7. (746) EUROPEAN BEE-EATER Merops apiasrer RM Myna+: 27 cm. Open country, cultivation and near lakes,
etc. Breeding: Baluchistan, north to Chitral, east to Kashmir. between c. 900 and 2100 m, foraging up to 3600 m.
Passage migrant through the Makran coast and W Himalayas, Garhwal, Sind, Punjab and Rajastban. Straggler in
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maldives.
8 . (754) EUROPEAN ROLLER Coracias garrulus RM Pigeoe: 3 1 cm. Wooded parkland and cultivation. Breeding:
From Baluchistan to Chitral and Kashmir. On outbound passage migration through NW and W & SW India and
Deccan in autumn.
9. (748) BLUETAILED BEE-EATER Merops philippinus RM Bulbul+: overall 31 cm. Open country near streams,
jheels, and reservoirs. Breeds andlor seasonal in N Pakistan. N and C India. and patchily over the Subcontinent; Sri
Lanka: Andaman and Nicobar Is.
10. (750) GREEN BEE-EATER Merops orienfalis R Sparrow+: 21 cm. Open country and cultivation. Subcontinent;
Bangladesh; Sri Lanka.
11. (755) INDIAN ROLLER Coracias benghalenrir R Pigeom: 31 cm. Open country, cultivation, gardens. light
deciduous forest, etc. Subcontinent. Laksbadweep; Bangladesh; Sri Lanka.
12. (759) BROADBILLED ROLLER Eurysromw orienfalis R Pigeon*: 31 cm. Cultivation clearings in evergreen
and semi-evergreen forest. SW India from W Kamalaka south though Kerala and W Tamil Nadu; Himalayan foolhills
from Haryana easl to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesb; NE hill states; Bangladesh; Sri Lanka (rare); Andarnan Is.
1. (717) HIMALAYAN PIED KINGASHER Ceryle lugubris R Cmw*: 41 cm. Along streams in welCwooded
areas. Lower Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh; NE hill states: Bangladesh; up to c. 2000
2 . (727a) THREETOED KINGFISHER Ceyx erithacus rufidorsus? Sparrow-: 13 cm. Sikkirn (once). May be an
aberrant polymorphic example of eritharus.
3. (719) LESSER PIED KINGFISHER Ceryle rudis R Myna+: 31 cm. Stagnant water, jheels, resrvoirs, ditches
and slow-flowing s w a n s . Suhcontinent; Sri lanka.
4. (727) THREETOED KINGFISHER Ceyx erirllorus R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Shady skearns in moist-deciduous and
evergreen biotope. Nepal and E India; W Ghats complex from about Belgaum south: Andarnan and Nicobar Is: Sri
5. (725) BLUE-EARED KINGFISHER Alcedo r~leninling R Sparrow?: I6 cm. Small slreams in evergreen or
hamhoo forest. E Himalayan foolhills; E India (Bihar. Orissa); W Chats complex south nf Belgaum; Andman 1s: Sn
6. (722) COMMON or SMALL BLUE KINGFISHER Alcedo 0llhi.r RM Sparrow+: I8 cm. Along slre;uns. canals.
ponds, mangrove swamps and seashore. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
7. (721) BLYTH'S or GREAT BLUE KINGFISHER Alcedo ht,rc.rrlcs R Myna-: 2 0 cm. Shadv streanis in dense
evcrgrecn jungle. E Hunalayan footllills (up to c. I200 m); NE hiU slates lo Banglndech.
8. (739) B12ACKCAPPEI) KIN(3PISIIER Halcyon pilearn R Myna+: 30 cm. Alor~gstxashorc, mangrove swamps.
creeks and estuaries. Coastal Bangladesh ad round Lhe peninsular so?hoard west k) Bomh.iy: AnJanan and Nicobar
Is.; Sri h l k a . Once in Madhya Pradesh (Kanha. March).
9. (729) BROWNWINGED KINGFISHER Pelargopsis anlauroprera R Pigeon+: 36 cm. Tidal livers, creeks and
mangrove swamps. Coastal Bangladesh. W Bengal and Orissa.
10. (740) WHITECOLLARED KINGFISHER Halcyon chloris R Myna*: 24 cm. Mangrove swamps. Coastal
Maharashtra and possibly further south; coast of Orissa. W Bengal and Bangladesh; Andaman and Nicohar Is.
11. (733) RUDDY KINGFISHER Halcyon coromanda R Myna+: 26 cm. Dense evergreen jungle at streams and
pools, and mangrove swamps. The terai and durn from Nepal to Assam; NE hill states to Bangladesh and W Bengal;
up to c. 1800 m; Andaman Is.
12. (730) STORKBILLED KINGFISHER Pelargopsis capcnsis R Pigeon+: 38 cm. Well-wooded country near slreams
and irrigation channels. N and peninsular India east of Debra Dun and south of Himalayan foothills to Kerala; Sri
Lanka: Andaman and Nicohar Is.
13. (735) WHITEBREASTED KINGFISHER Halcyon smyrnenris R Myna+: 28 cm. Canals. streams, reservoirs.
cultivation, gardens and edges of forest often away from water. Subcontinent, Andamans, Nicobars: Sri Lanka.
14. (763) HOOPOE Upupa epops RM Myna+: 31 cm. Open hillsides. cultivation, Light forest and near villages.
Subcontinent, Andamans; Sri Lanka.
1. (773) NARCONDAM HORNBILL Rhyriceros plicarus R (endemic) Kite+: M a k 6 6 cm; Female smaller.
Narcondam I., Andamans.
2. (767) COMMON GREY HORNBILL Tockur birostrir R Kite*: 61 cm. Deciduous forest and groves near
cultivation. Pakistan (Punjab) and India from Himalayan foothills soulh to Kerala
3. (770) WHITETHROATED BROWN HORNBILL Ptilolaemur rickelli R Kite+: Male 76 cm; Female smaller.
Evergreen forest. E. Assam, Arunachal Pradesh(?). Nagaland(?), Manipur(?). Up to c. 900 m.
4. (776) GREAT PIED HORNBILL Buceros bicornis R Vulture+: Male 130 cm; Female smaller. Evergreen and
moist-deciduous forest. Lower Himalayas (up to c. 2100 m.) from Kumaon east to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh;
NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chinagong hill tracts); W Ghats complex from Khandala south through Kerala and W.
Tamil Nadu, up to c. 1500 m.
5. (768) MALABAR GREY HORNBILL T o c k griseur R K i t e : 59 cm. Open evergreen and moistdeciduous
forest. Western Ghats complex from Bombay south to Kerala and W Tamil Nadu; Sri Lanka, up to c. 1600 m.
6. (774) INDIAN PLED HORNBILL Anrhracoceros malabaricur R Vulture: Male 89 cm; Female smaller. Moist-
deciduous and remnant evergreen forest. From Haryana lhrough Uttar Pradesh. Nepal. Sikkim, Bengal, Bhutan,
Amnachal Pradesh, soulh to Manipur and the hills of Bangladesh and Bihar: E Ghats south to Bastar district and E
Andhra Pradesh.
7. (772) WREATHED HORNBILL Rhyriceros undulatus R Vulture+: Male 114 cm; Female. with shorter bill, 98
cm. Evergreen forest and edges of clearings up to c. 2400 m. Sub-Himalayan duars and foothills fmm N Bengal and
Bhutan east lo Arunachal Pradesh; NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chillagong hill tracts).
8. (775) MALABAR PIED HORNBILLAnrhracoceros coronarur R Vulture*: Male 92 cm; Female smaller. Remnant
evergreen and moist-deciduous forest. SE India from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar south through Orissa and Andhra
Pradesh; also in Lte SW from Ratnagiri south h u g h Kamataka. Tamil Nadu and Kerala; Sri Lanka.
9. (771) RUFOUSNECKED HORNBILL Aceros nipalemis H Vulture+: 122 crn. Tall evergreen forest up to c.
1800 m. E Himalayan foothills: NE hill s u e s ; Bangladesh (Chithgong hill tracts).
1. (784) LINEATED BARBET Megalaima lineafa R Myna+: 28 cm. Moist-deciduous and light secondary forest
and gardens. Lower Himalayas (up to c. 1000 m) from Dehra Dun east through Arunachal Pradesh; NE hill states;
Bangladesh: N Orissa.
2. (785) SMALL GREEN BARBET Megalaima viridis R M y n a : 23 cm. Evergreen and moist-deciduous forest,
gardens and groves. W Ghats complex from Nannada river south through Kerala; Shevaroy and Chitteri hills.
3. (782) LARGE GREEN BARBET Megalaima zeylanica R Myna+: 27 cm. Well-wooded moist- and dry-deciduous
country. often entering gardens within city limits. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
4. (778) GREAT HILL BARBET Megalaima viren.7 R Myna+: 33 cm. Subtropical evergreen and moist-temperate
forest. r . 1000-3000 m. Himalayas; NE hill states: Bangladesh (Cbittagong region).
5 . (788) BLUETHROATED BARBET Megalaima asiafica R Myna+: 23 cm. Light deciduous and evergreen forest
and groves. Lower Himalayas (up to c. 2000 m) from Rawalpindi and Kashmir east to Arunachal Pradesh; south to
Manipur. Chitlagong and Calcutta.
6. (787) GOLDENTHROATED BARBET Megalaima franklinii R M y n e : 23 cm. Evergreen forest between c.
600 and 2400 m. E Himalayas; NE hill states: Bangladesh (Chittagong region).
7. (786) YELLOWFRONTED BARBET Megaloimajlavifrons R Myn*: 21 cm. tight forest and orchards. Sri
8. (792) CRMSONBREASTED BARBET or COPPERSMITH Megalaima haemacephala R Sparrow+: 17 cm.
Dry- and mo~st-deciduousbiotope. Subcontinent: Sri Lanka.
9. (790) CRIMSONTHROATED BARBET Megalainla rubrirapilla malabarica R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Evergreen
forest up to c. 1 2 0 m. W Ghals complex from Goa south Lhrough Kerala and W Tamil Nadu.
10. (791) CRIMSONTHROATED BARBET Megalaima rubricapilla mbricapilla R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Open wooded
country. Sri Lanka.
11. (789) BLUE-EARED BARBET Megalaima ausrralis R Sparrow?: 17 cm. Dense evergreen forest up to c. 1200
m. E Himalayan foothills, tetai and duars; NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chittagong region).
12. (858) BLACKBACKED WOODPECKER Chrysocolapfesfe..tfivus R Pigeon-: 29 cm. Deciduous forest. Fmm
Dehra Dun. C Rajasthan and E Gujarat to lower Bengal, and from Oudh terai, SW Nepal and S Bihar, Madhya
Pradesh. Maharashtra to Kenla; Sri Lanka.
13. (819) LESSER GOLDENBACKED WOODPECKER Dinopium benghalense R Myna+: 29 cm. Dry-and moist-
deciduous biotope. Pakistan and the rest of the Subcontinent; Bangladesh; Sri Lanka.
14. (823) Sri Lanka ssp. psarodes or 8 19
15. (824) HIMALAYAN GOLDENBACKED THREETOED WOODPECKER Dinopium shorii R Pigeom: 31 cm.
Tall deciduous and semi-evergreen forest up to r . 2900 m. Himalayan foothills and terai from Haryana eastward; NE
hill states; also peninsular hills (very locally) and hills of Bangladesh.
16. (825) INDIAN COLDENBACKED THREETOED WOODPECKER Dinopium javaneme R Myn*: 28 cm.
Moist-deciduous and evergreen forest. SW India from Goa south through Kerala and adjacent hills of Tamil Nadu;
Assam. NE hill states (?), Bangladesh (Chitlagong region).
17. (861) LARGER GOLDENBACKED WOODPECKER Chrysocolapfes lucidrcs R Pigeom: 33 cm. Evergreen.
semi-evergreen and moist-deciduous forest. Himalayas: Carhwal Lhrough Nepal east to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh;
NE hill states: Bangladesh; Bengal. Bihar and E Uttar Pradesh to Orissa; N Andhra Pradesb and SE Madhya Pradesh;
W Ghals complex south from Ihe Tapti river to Kerala and W Tamil Nadu.
18. (863) Sri Lanka ssp. sfrickland of 861
1. (851) PIGMY WOODPECKER Picoides nanus R Sparrow-: 14 crn. Groves, deciduous and semievergreen
forest, up to c. 1200 rn. Subcontinent (but ahsent in Pakistan); Bangladesh; Sri Lanka.
2. (798) SPECKI-ED PICULET Picutnnur innomimtur R Sparrow-: 10 crn. Moist-deciduous and semi-evergreen
forest up to 2000 m. Lower Himalayas from Hazara (Pakistan) and Kashrnir east to Arunachal Pradesh: Assam; NE
hill states; Bangladesh: W and E Ghat complexes; Orissa; lower Bengal.
3. (850) GREYCROWNED PIGMY WOODPECKER Picoides canicapilluc R Sparrow-: 14 crn. Open tropical
semi-evergreen forest up to c. 1700 m. Lower Himalaya$: NE hill states: Bangladesh.
4. (856) HEARTSPOTTED WOODPECKER Hemirirclcr canrnte R Sparrow+: 16 cm. Moist-deciduous and sec-
ondary evergreen forest. W Ghats complex from Kerala norlh to Tapti river and east to Madhya Pradesh and Orissa;
Bangladesh; NE hill states.
5. (800) RUFOUS PICULET Sasia ochracra R Spamow-: 9 crn. Semi-evergreen and deciduous secondary scrub
and hamboo jungle. Lower Himalayas. Garhwal east to Arunachal Pradesh; NE hill states; Bangladesh: up lo c. 2100
6. (842) BROWNFRONTED PIED WOODPECKER Picoiaes auriceps R Bulbuk: 20 crn. Pine, oak and deodar
forest. Baluchistan north to Chitral and east along the Himalayas lo Nepal; c. 1000-3100 rn.
7. (855) THKEETOED WOODPECKER Picoides tridactylus R Myna*: 23 crn. Conifer and deciduous forest.
Arunachal Pradesh, hetwecn c. 3000 and 3800 rn.
8. (844) STRIPEBREASTED PlED WOODPECKER Picoides atmtur R Bulbuk: 21 crn. Pine and oak forest up
to c. 1500 rn. Assam and NE hill slates.
9 . (847) YELLOWFRONTED PIED WOODPECKER Picoides mahrattemis R Bulbul-: I8 crn. Semi-desert to
rnoisl-deciduous biotope. Subcontinent; west to Indus river. Sri Lanka.
10. (845) FULVOUSBREASTED PIED WOODPECKER Picoides macei R Bulhul-: 19 cm. AU types of open forest
and wooded country up to c. 2000 rn. Himalayan foothills and terai east to Bhutan: E India; Bangladesh. Bengal.
Bihar and Onssa to Andhra Pradesh; Andaman Is.
11. (833) RUFOUSBELLIED WOODPECKER or SAPSUCKER Hypopicus hyperyfhrur R Bulhuk: 20 cm. S u b
h.opical pine and rnoisl temperate forest. Hazara. Pakistan: Kashrnir and ladakh east through Kurnaon to Arunachal
Pradesh; NE hill states; Bangladesh: c. 800-4100 rn.
12. (835) SlND PIED WOODPECKER Picoides a.ssimilis R Myna-: 22 crn. Dry scrub jungle up to c. 1000 m. Indus
vallcy; Baluchistan (up to c. 2000 rn.): Sall Range and foolhiUs of Kolial and Rawalpindi.
13. (840) CRIMSONBREASTED PlED WOODPECKER Picoidrs cathpharirrs R Bulbul-: I8 cm. Moist-decidu-
ous and evergreen forest. E Himalayas; NE hill slates. Optimum zone 1800-3000 rn.
14. (834) GREAT SPOTTED or REDCROWNED P E D WOODPECKER Picoides major R Mynai: 24 crn. Oak.
pine and subtropical wet forest. Assam; NE hill states: c. 2000-3000 rn.
IS. (837) HIMALAYAN PIED WOODPECKER Picoides hima1ayrnsi.r R M y n a : 25 crn. Hill forest of Tu,oak, etc.
Kashrnir. Himachal Pradesh. Garhwal. Kurnaon and W Nepal; c. 1500 rn and above.
16. (836) Ssp. albrscenr of 837. Safed Koh, Chitral. Cilgil to Himachal Pradesh.
17. (El,) WHITEMANTLED WOODPECKER Drndrocopos Irucoptrcr Central Asia.
18. (838) DARJEELING PlED WOODPECKER Picoidrs darjrllrnsis R M y n a : 25 crn. Pine, oak, rhododendron
and subtropical wet forest, from c. 1700 rn to tirnher-line. E. Himalayas; NE hill stales.
1. (796) WRYNECK Jynr torquilla M Bulbul-: 19 cm. Thorn jungle, open deciduous scrub and cultivation. S u b
continent; Sri Lanka (absent).
2. (815) SMALL YELLOWNAPED WOODPECKER Picus chloroluphus R Myna+: 27 cm. Mixed deciduous and
evergreen secondary jungle. Himalayas up to c. 2100 rn; E India: Bangladesh: Bihar.
3. (816) Ssp. chlorigaster of 815. Peninsular India south of the Satpuras. Orissa; Sri M a .
4. (813) LARGE YELLOWNAPED WOODPECKER Picusj7avinucha R Pigeon_+:33 cm. Mixed evergreen and
deciduous forest. Himalayan foothills up to c. 2400 rn: E India, Bangladesh and hills of S Bihar and Orissa.
5. (809) BLACKNAPED GREEN WOODPECKER Pirus canus R Pigeont: 32 crn. Moist subtropical and temper-
ate forest. Himalayas. 2100-3500 m; NE hill states: Bangladesh to Orissa.
6. (807) SCALYBELLIED GREEN WOODPECKER Picus squanlafus R Pigeon+: 35 crn. Open cvcrgrecn mined
oak and pine forest. and orchards. N Baluchislan; W Himalayas: r . 1000-3300 rn.
7. (808) LITTLE SCALYBELLIED GREEN WOODPECKER Picu.r n~yrmecophoneut R Myna+: 29 cm. Semi-
evergreen, moist-deciduous and sal forest. Haryana. Rajasthan and Gujarat east to Bangladesh, south to Karnataka
(Bangalore); Sri Lanka.
8 . (830) INIIIAN GREAT BIACK WOODPECKER Dryocopus javenris R Crow+: 48 crn. Evergr6n and moist-
deciduous rorfst. up to c. 1200 m. The entire W Ghats complex south to Kerala: E Madhya I'radesh: E Ghats
9. (831) Andarnan ssp. of 830. Dryocopus javensis hodgei Reslricted to Andaman LF.
10. (828) HIMALAYAN GREAT SlATY WOODPECKER Mulleripirus pulverulentur R Crow+: 51 cm. Sal and
tropical semi-evergmn forest. Himalayan terai and foothills up to 1200 rn; NE hill states; Bangladesh.
12. (827) PALEHEADED WOODPECKER Gecinulus grantia R Mynw: 25 cm. Moist-deciduous bamboo and
scrub jungle up to c. 1000 m. E Himalayas: Assam: NE hill states: Bangladesh (hills).
13. (857) REDEAKED BAY WOODPECKER Blyrhipicus pywhoris R Pigeon.: 27 crn. Densc forest. E Himalayas
up to r. 2000 m; NE hill states: Bangladesh.
14. (804) RUFOUS WOODPECKER Micropternus brachyurur R Myna+: 25 crn. Moist-deciduous biotope. S u b
continent; Bangladesh; Sri I d a .
1. (86.5) LONGTAILED BROADBILL Psarisornus dalhousiae R Bulbul+: 27 cm. Tropical and subtropical ever-
green forest. E Himalayas west to Garhwal: NE hill states: Bangladesh (hills); up to c. 2000 m.
2. (952) GOLDEN ORIOLE Oriollrs oriolrcs RM Myna+: 25 cm. Deciduous and semi-evergreen biotope: groves,
orchards, cultivation, gardens, etc. Subcontit~ent.
3 . (864) COLLARED BROADBILL Serilophur lunalrcs R Bulbuk: 19 cm. Tropical evergreen and semi-evergreen
forest. E Himalayas: NE hill slates; Bangladesh (hills): up to c. 1700 m.
4. (9.58) BIACKHEADED ORIOI-E Oriollcr xanrhornus K Myna+: 25 cm. Tropical moist-deciduous biobpe:
Light rorcst, plantations, village groves, gardens, etc. Suhcontinent; Sri lanka: Andaman Is.
5. (954) BIACKNAPED ORIOLE Oriolur chinensis RM Myna+: 2.5 cm. Mixed deciduous and evergreen jungle.
plant;ilions, gardens. Suhcontinent: Andaman and Nicobar LF.; Sri lanka (a 100 year old record).
6. (9.55) SLENDERBILLED BLACKNAPED ORIOLE Oriolus chinensis tenuirostris RM Myna+: 25 cm. Pine
Coresl and semtevergreen jungle. Breeding: E Hmalayan foothills west to Bhutan. Winter: Bangladesh; Bihar; C
Nepal: c. 1500-2100 m.
7. (961) MAROON ORIOLE Oriolus rraillii R Myna+: 28 cm. Moist-deciduous and evergreen forest. Lower
Himalayas; NE hill slates: Bangladesh (Chittagong region); up to c. 2400 m.
8. (871) BLUE P I T A Pilla cyanca R Quail+: 23 cm. Evergreen and bamboo forest. E Himalayas: NE hill states;
Bangladesh (hills): up to c. 2000 cm.
10. (866) BLUENAI'ED PlTTA Pirra nipnlrnris R Quail+: 25 cm. Tropical and subtropical secondary evergreen
;u~tlhzlmhoc? junglc. E Himalayas: NE hill stales; Bangladesh (hills); up to c. 2000 m.
I I . (868) BI.UEWlNGE1) PITTA Pirra molucrcnsis V Quail+: 23 cm. Single record. Bangladesh (Barisal; also
12. (867) INDIAN 1'1TA Pilln hrachyura R Quail?: 19 cm. Scrub jungle, lighl deciduous or dense evergreen
rbrcst. Suhcontinent; Sri I m k a .
1. (872) SINGING BUSH LARK Mirafro javanica R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Grassland, fallow cultivation and sparse
scrubby semi-desert. Pakistan and most of the Subcontinent.
2. (873) BUSH LARK Mirafia arsamica R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Semi-desert, sparse scrub jungle, grassland and cultiv*
tion. From Haryana eastwards, Arunachal, south to N Orissa and N Madbya Pradesh.
3. (874) Ssp. affinis of 873. S Orissa, SE Madhya Pradesh and Belgaum south; Sri Lanka.
4. (877) REDWINGED BUSH LARK Mirafia eryrhroprera R Sparrow*. 14 cm. Sparse scrub jungleand fallow land
at low elevations. Plains of Pakistan, N W Inda and most of the Subcontinent.
5. (878) ASHYCROWNED FINCH-LARK Eremopreru grisea R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Sparsely scrubbed waste land,
stubble and ploughed fields. Subcontinent; Sri M a .
6. (879) BLACKCROWNED FINCH-LARK Eremopreru nigriceps R Sparrow-; 13 cm. Sandy waste land nearculti-
vation. Plains of Pakistan and N W India to Delhi. Rajasthan and Kathiawar.
7. (880) DESERT FINCH-IARK Ammomanes deserri R Sparrow*: 16 cm. Fallow land and barren stony ground.
Pakistan east to Sind. Bahawalpur. Punjab and India in Jammu and Kashmir; up to c. 2000 m.
8. (884) BIFASCIATED or LARGE DESERT LARK Alaemon alaudipes R Mynai: 23 cm. Sandy desert and salttlats.
Pakistan; Balucbistan to Bahawalpur and Sind. India: Rann of Kutch.
9. (882) RUFOUSTAILED FINCH-LARKAmmomanesphoenicurus R Sparrow*: 16 cm. Open stony scrub-and-bush
plains and plateau country, fallow land and near cultivation. Pakistan. N India and most of the Subcontinent except the NE,
and Kerala. Absent also in Sri Lanka.
10. (881) BARTAILED DESERT LARKAmmomanes cincrunu R Sparrow*: 16 cm. Barren rocky ground. Baluchistan
and W Sind; up to c. I500 m.
11. (892) EASTERN CALANDRA LARK Melanocorypha bimaculara M Sparrow+: 16 cm. Semi-desert, fallow fields,
mudflats and margins ofjhesls. Pakistan and NW India.
12. (EL) CALANDRA LARK Melamcorypha calandra Mediterranean region and W Asia.
13. (888a) LESSER SHORT-TOED LARK Calandrella tq'escens M Sparrow*: 15 cm. Semi-desert and waste land.
Winter visitor to Pakistan. Passage migrant in Gilgit.
14. (886) SHORT-TOED LA& Calandrella cinerea M Sparrow*: 15 cm. Stony grassland, sandy semi-desert and
saltflats. Subcontinent. Absent in Sri Lanka.Andaman and Nicobar Is.
15. (891) SAND LARK Calandrella rayral R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Sandy river banks and islets. Fmm Peshawar and the
Makran coast to Kutch; throughout the entire Ganges and Brahmaputra river systems in N India. Assam, Bangladesh and
Bengal; Madhya Pradesh soulb to Hoshangabad and Mhow.
16. (894) LONGBILLED CALANDRA LARK Melanocorypha maxima R Myn*: 21 cm. Marshes and bogs around
lakes. Sikkim and Bhutan above c. 3600 m; Rupshu (Ladakh) at c. 4300 cm.
17. (897) HORNED LARK Eremophila alpesrris R Bulbuh: 20 cm. Barren stony ground in Tibetan steppe facies.
Hazara and Karakoram east to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh. Seasonally, c. 3000-5500 rn.
18. (895) Ssp. albigula of 897. Chibal and Gilgit.
19. (902) SYKES'S CRESTED LARK Galerida deva R Sparrow*: 13 cm. Stony, sparsely scrubbed plateau country and
dry cultivation. S peninsular India.
20. (899) CRESTED LARK Galerida crisrara R Sparrow+: 18 cm. Sandy semidesert and cultivated plains. Pakistan; N
India and NE hill slates.
21. (901) MALABAR CRESTED LARK Galerida malabarica R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Sparse scrub jungle, grassy stony
ground and semi-cultivation. W. Peninsular India from Gujarat south to Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
22. (907) EASTERN SKYLARK Alauda gulgula R Sparrow*: 16 cm. Grassland and young crops. Subcontinent; Sri
M a . Absent in Andaman and Nicobar Is.
23. (903) SKYLARK Alauda anensis M Sparrow+: 18 cm. Grassland and cultivation. Pakistan and N India to Uttar
Pradesh and C Nepal.
1. (709) CRESTED TREE SWIFT Hemiprocne longipennis R Bulbuk: 23 cm. Well-wooded counh-y. SubconG
nent excepting Pakistan; Sri Lanka.
2. (910) COLLARED SAND MARTIN Riparia riparia RM Sparrow-: 13 cm. Streams and lakes. Breeding: Him*
hyas from Quetta eastwards; NE hill states; W Bengal; up to 4500 m. Winter. Rest of Pakistan, south lo Makran;
Madhya M e s h . Bihar; Sri Lanka.
3. (912) PLAIN SAND MARTIN Riparia paludicola R Sparrow-: 12 cm. River valleys. Pakistan and N Subconti-
nent roughtly south to Bombay, Madhya M e s h , Orissa to NE hill states; Bangladesh.
4. (9 15) PALE CRAG MARTIN Hirundo obsolera R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Vicinity of cliffs in bare foothills. Baluchistan;
Sind; NWW, Kutch (winter).
5. (913) CRAG MARTIN Hirundo rupestris RM Sparrow*: 14 cm. Around crags and old hill forts. Breeding: N W
Pakistan hills and through Ladakh and Kashmir to Garhwal, c. 1200-4500 m. Wnrer: Pakistan. N. C and W India.
6. (914) DUSKY CRAG MARTIN Hirundo concolor R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Vicinity of crags, forts, old buildings,
etc. Practically all Subcontinent. Not in Andamans. Nicobars, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
7. (932) NEPAL HOUSE MARTIN Delichon nipalensis R Sparrow-: 13 cm. River valleys, mounlain ridges, etc.
Himalayas from Garhwal to Arunachal Pradesh; NE hill states; seasonally c. 300-4000 m.
8. (EL) ASIAN HOUSE MARTIN Delichon dasyprcs S and E Asia: Indonesia, etc
9. (921) WIRETAILED SWALLOW Hirundo smifhii R Sparmw*: 14 cm. Open country, cultivation, near water.
Subcontinent. Not in Andamans and Nicobars. Sri Lanka (once).
10. (930) HOUSE MARTIN Delichon urbica RM Sparrow*: 15 cm. Around cliffs. Pakistan and Himalayas east to
Arunachal Pradesh. Occasionally wintering as far south as Kerala.
11. (916) SWALLOW Hirundo m t i c a RM Sparrow*. with long forked tail: overall 18 cm. Open cultivated coun-
try, and around human settlemenls. Breeding: Palustan and along the Himalayas up to c. 3000 m.. Assam (Cachar).
Wnrer: Subcontinent. Andamans, Nicohars, Labhadweep; Sri Lanka; Maldives.
12. (918) Migrant spp. ryrleri of 916. Bangladesh and Bengal eastwards (winter).
13. (919) HOUSE SWALLOW Hirundo rahirica R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Gmssy slopes and near settlerrlents. W Ghats
complex in SW India: Sri Lanka; Andaman Is.
14. (923) STRIATED or REDRUMPED SWALLOW Hirundo daurica RM Sparrow*. with longer a:
overall 20-
23 cm. Open, bmke~ior cultivated country. Subcontinent Andamans (7), Car Nicobar; Sri Lanka.
15. (928) Sri Lanka endemic ssp. hyperyrhra of 923.
16. (983) WHITEBREASTED SWALLOW-SHRIKE Arramus leucorhynchus R Bulbul*: 18 cm. Open wooded
country, forest clearings and rubber plantations. Andaman Is.
17. (922) INDIAN CLIFF SWALLOW Hirundojluvicola R Sparrow-: 12 crn. Open counb-y and cultivation around
rivers and canals. Pakistan; N India upto c. 84"E. One record each from Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka.
18. (982) ASHY SWALLOW-SHRIKE Arramrcsfuscrcs R Bulbuk: 19 cm. Open dry- and moist-deciduous country,
closely associated with tad palms. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
1. (1089) ROSY M I W E T Pericrocorur roseus R Bulbul-: 18 cm. Deciduous or evergreen lightly wooded country.
Himalayas from NWFP east; NE hill states up to 1800 m.; Mnler: Pakistan and N tndian Plains; spoladically in the
2. (1096) WHITEBELLIED MINIVET Pericrocorus eryrhropygius R Sparrow-, with longer tail: 15 cm. Dry-
deciduous forest and thorn scrub. N and C and peninsular India.
3. (1093) SMALL M I W E T Pericrocorus cinnamomeus R Sparrow-, with longer tail: 15 cm. Deciduous forest
open scrub, groves of bees. etc. Subcontinent.
4. (1088) YELLOWTHROATED MINNET Pericrocorus solaris R Bulbul-: 17 cm. Open deciduous or evergreen
forest Himalayas from Garhwal eastwards; NE hill states; c. 150@3000 m.
5. (1084) SHORTBILLED MINIVET Pericrocolu brwirostris R Bulbul-: 17 cm. Open deciduous forest, edges of
evergreen. and secondary growth. E Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh; c. 1800-2400 m.
6. (1085) LONGTAJLED M I W E T Pericrocorus erhologus R Bulbul-: 18 cm. Open deciduous forest. Breeding:
Lower Himalayas; NE h l states; Bangladesh (Chittagong). Wnter: Himalayan foothills and NW Subcontinent.
Straggler to Sind. Madbya Pradesh. Gujamt and Maharashtra
7. (1 089a) ASHY MINNET Pericrocotus divaricarus V BulbuL: 18 cm. Five records: Andaman Is., Bombay.
Madras City (IN). Kerala and Himachal Pradesh.
8. (1081) SCARLET M I N N E T Pericrocorusflammeus R Bulbuk: 20 cm. Deciduous, mixed and evergreen
forest: Plains and hills. Lower Himalayas, NE hill states, E and SW peninsular India. Andamans; Bangladesh; Sri
9 . (1080) Ssp. speciosus of 1081. Himalayan foothills (lo c. 2700 m) and adjacent plains; NE Id states; continen-
tal India.
10. (1070) COMMON WOOD SHRIKE Tephrodornis pondicerianus R BulbuL: 16 cm. Dry-deciduous scrub.
secondary jungle, gardens. etc. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
11. (1072) LARGE CUCKOO-SHRIKE Coracina novaehollandiae R Pigeon-: 28 cm. Deciduous and mixed forest
scrub and cultiva~ion.Lower Himalayas; NE hill states: most of Subcontinent; Sri M a ; Andaman Is.
12. (1065) PIED FLYCATCHER-SHRIKE Hemipus picarus R Sparrow*: 14 cm. Dry- and moist-deciduous biotope:
hght forest. Lower Himalayas: Simla to Arunachal Pradesh; NE hiU states; Bangladesh; up to c. 2250 m; C and
peninsular India; Sri M a .
13. (1068) U R G E WOOD SHRIKE Tephrodornis virgalus R Mynai: 23 crn. Tall trees in evergreen and moist-
deciduous forest. W Ghats complex, up to c. 1800 m; Himalayas from Uttar Pradesh; NE hill slates; Bangladesh up
to c. 1000 m.
14. (1078) BIACKHEADED CUCKOO-SHRIKE Coracina melanoprera RM Bulbuk: 20 cm. Open deciduous
forest and scrub jungle. Practically all Subconlinent; Sri Lanka.
15. (1079a) PIED CUCKOO-SHRIKE Coracina nigra R Bulbul*: 18 cm. Forest edges and secondary growth.
Andaman and Nimbar Is.
16. (1077) SMALLER GREY CUCKOO-SHRIKE Coracina mclaschisros RM Myna-: c. 22 cm. Opcn forest, pine,
oak and chestnut wuods and bamboo jungle. Summer: Lower Himalayas; NE hill states, 600-2100 m. Wnrer: most of
N and peninsular India.
17. (1076) BARRED CUCKOO-SHRIKE Coracim slriata R Myna:26 cm. Heavy moist evergreen forest. Andaman
1. (1098) COMMON IORA Aegithina tiphia R Spamow*: 14 cm. Open forest, cultivation and scrub jungle. S u b
continent; Sri Lanka.
2. (1338) FIRETAILED MYZORNIS Myzornis pyrrhoura R Spmow-: 12 cm. Evergreen biotope: rhododendron,
juniper and olher bushes along streams; heavy jungle and bamboo Ihickets. E Himalayas c. 1600-3950 m.
3. (1 102) MARSHALL'S IORA Aegithina nigrolutea R Sparrow*: 14 cm. Dry-deciduous scrub, thorn jungle and
groves. Pakistan and NW India.
4. (1 106) ORANGEBELLIED CHLOROPSIS or LEAF BIRD Chloropsis hardwickii R Bulbul*: 19 cm. Open
scrub. deciduous 'and evergreen forest. Himalayas from Simla east to Arunachal Pradesh; NE hill states; Bangladesh;
c. 600-2600 rn.
5 . (1103) GOLDENFRONTED CHLOROPSIS or LEAF BIRD Chloropsis aurifions R Bulbuk: 19 cm. Decidu-
ous and evergreen forest and secondary scrub. Himalayan foothilk from Garhwal east and Subcontinent (minus
Pakistan); Sri L?nka.
7. (1120) REDWHISKERED BULBUL Pycnonorur jocosu.~R Myna-: 20 cm. Scruh jungle. Light forest and semi-
cullivation. Subcontinent; Andamans; Nicobars (introduced). Absent in Pakistan a i d Sri Lanka.
8 . (1147) BROWNEARED BULBUL HypsiperesJ7o1wlu.r K Myna-: 20 crn. Deep s c c o n d q forest. forest edges.
cultivation. Himalayan foothills from Kumaon to Arunaclid Pradesh; NE lull stiles; B;mgla~lcth;up to c. 1600 m.
9. (1128) REDVENTED BULBUL Pycnonorus rafer R Myna-: 20 cm. Cultivation ant1 scrub Subcontinent; Sri
Lanka. Absent in Andaman and Nicobar Is.
10. (1131) Ssp. bengalemis of 1128. Kumaon. Uttar Pradesh. Nepal. Sikkim. Bhutan. Arunachal Pradesh. Assun.
NE hill states. Bengal, Bihar. Orissa, Bangladesh.
11. (1 123) WHITECHEEKED BULBUL Pycnonorus leucogenys Ieucotis R Myna-: 20 cm. Semi-desefl biotope.
scrub. coastal mangroves and gardens. etc. Pakistan and N W Indian plains.
12. (1 125) WHITECHEEKED BULBUL Pycnonorus Ieuc-ogenys leucogenys R Myna-: 20 cm. Open scrub and
cultivalion, gardcns. etc. Himalaya) footl~ills,c. 2000-3000 m. from Kashrnir east to Arunachal Pradesh.
13. (1 148) BLACK BULBUI, Hypsipetes madogasrarientis R Bulbul+: 23 cm. Tall moist-deciduous and evergreen
forest. Himalaya; NE hill states; Bangladesh; W GhaL5 complex sl~ulhof Bombay; Sri I d a .
14. (1109) FAIRY BLUEBIRD Irena puella R Myna+: 27 cm. Evergreen and moist-deciduous forest. Range d i s
juncl: 1. SW ttldia (W ,Ghats complex) up to c. 1800 m. 2. E Himalayan foolhills; NE hill slates: hills of Bangladesh;
up to c. 1200 m. 3 . Andaman and Nicobar Is. 4. E Ghats and Orissa. Extincl in Sri I d a .
1. (1 111) FINCHBILLED BULBUL Spizixos canifronr R Myna-: 20 cm. Deciduous and evergreen forest scrub
and cullivation. NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chittagong hill tracts); seasonally between c. 900 and 2500 m.
2. (1 133) STRIATED GREEN BULBUL Pycnonorur srriarus R Myna-: 20 cm. Evergreen jungle, oak and rhodo-
dendron forest. E Himalayas; NE hill states; up to c. 3000 m.
3. (1 114) GREYHEADED BULBUL Pycnonorur priocephalur R Bulbul-: 19 cm. Dense evergreen swampy jun-
gle. W Ghats complex south of Goa to Kerda: east to the Nilgiris and Palnis (Tamil Nadu).
5. (1 116) Rubythroated ssp. Pycnonorur melanicrem gularis R Bulbul*: 18 cm. Evergreen forest and secondary
jungle. SW India from Goa south through Kerala and adjacent parts of Tamil Nadu.
6. (1 117) Blackcapped ssp. of 11 15. Pycnonorlcr melaniclems melanicrcrus R Bulbuh: 18 cm. Wcll-wooded ar-
eas, open country. Sri Lanka.
7. (1 112) BLACKHEADED BULBUL Pycnonorlcr atriceps R Bulbul-: I 8 cm. Deciduous forest, light jungle,
gardens, etc. NE hill states; Bangladesh; up to c. 700 rn. Andaman Is.
8. (1 135)YELLOWTHROATED BULBUL Pycnonotur xonrholaemur R Myna-: 20 cm. Sparse thorn scrub jungle
interspersed with large trees among broken stony hillocks. The hills of S Andhra Pradesh, E Karnataka and N Tamil
9. (1 137) BLYTH'S BULBUL Pycnonorurflavescenr R Myna-: 20 cm. Tresforest with undergrowth, scrub jungle
and secondary growlh. NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chitlagong region); seasonally between c. 450 and 2100 m.
10. (1 136) YELLOWEARED BULBUL &nonorus penicillalur R (endemic) Myna-: 20 cm. Jungle. wooded ra-
vines and well-wooded gardens. Sri Lanka.
11. (1 146) RUFOUSBELLIED BULBUL Hypsiperes mcclellandi R M y n a : 23 cm. WeU-wooded secondary jun-
gle, oak, rhododendron and open pine forest. Outer Himalayas from Kumaon east to Arunafhal Pradesb; NE hill
states: Bangladesh (Chittagong region); up to c. 2700 m.
12. (1 141) O L N E BULBUL Hypsipercs viridescens R Myna-: 19 cm. Dense, humid evergreen forest and aban-
doned cultivalion. NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chittagong hill tracts); up to c. 900 m.
13. (1 138) WHITEBROWED BULBUL Pycnonorur lu~eolurR Myna-: 20 cm. Dry open scrub country and gar-
dens. Midnapur (West Bcngal); peninsular India south of Madhya Pradesh; Sri Lanka.
14. (1 142) NICOBAR BULBUL Hypsiperes nicohariensis R Myna-: 20 cm. Forests and gardens. Nicobar Is.
IS. (1 144) YELLOWBROWED BULBUL Hypsiperes indicur R Myna-: 20 cm. Evergreen jungle, sholas and coffee
sl~adc-trocs.W Ghats from Pune and Satara district south: Sri Lanka.
16. (1140) WHITETHROATED BULBUL Cringerflaveolrrs R Myna*: 23 cm. Evergreen secondary jungle and
shrubhy ulldcrgrowtl~in hcavy lorest. E Himalayas; NE hill states; hills of Bangladesh. Optimum zone 600-1200 m.
1. (963) BLACK DRONGO or KING-CROW Dicrurur odsimilis R Bulbul+: 31 cm. Open deciduous forest and
cultivation. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka
2. (972) LESSER RACKET-TAILED DRONGO Dicrurur remifer R Myna+: 28 cm. Heavy moist-deciduous and
evergreen forest. Himalayan foothills from Garhwal east to Arunachal Radesh; NE hill states south to Chittagong
(Bangladesh); up to c. 2000 m.
3. (970) CROWBILLED DRONGO Dicrurur annectam R Myna+: 27 cm. Tropical wet evergreen and semi-
evergreen. moist-deciduous and sal forest. Himalayas from Kumaon east to Arunachal Pradesh; Assam and NE hill
states; up to c. 600 m. Bangladesh.
4. (977) GREATER RACKET-TAILED DRONGO D i c r u m paradiseus R M y n e , with longer tail: overall 31-35
cm. Deciduous and evergreen forest. bamboo jungle and edges of cultivation. Subcontinent. Andamans and Nicobars;
Sri Lanka; Bangldesb. Absent in Pakistan.
6. (971) BRONZED DRONGO Dicrurus aeneur R Bulbul+: 24 cm. Tropictl evergreen and moist-deciduous
forest and scrub. Himalayan foothills from Mussoorie east to Arunachal Pradesb; NE hill states; Bangladesh; W
Bengal; E and W Ghat complexes: up to c. 2000 m.
7. (973) HAIRCKESTED or SPANGLED DRONGO Dicrurur honenrorrus R M y n a , with longer tail; overall 31
cm. Moist-deciduous and evergreen forest. Himalayan foothills from Himachal Pradesh east to Arunachal Pradesh.
south through NE hill states to Bangladesh, Bengal, Bihar. Orissa, and Madhya Pradesh; E & W Ghats complexes
north to Bombay; up to c. 1400 m. Straggler to Kutch.
8 . (965) GREY or ASHY DRONGO Dicrurur leucophaeus RM Bulbul+: 30 cm. Moist-deciduous, semi-ever-
green and pine forest, planlations, ctc. Breeding: Himalayas, up to c. 3000 m. NE hill states. Winrer: Well-wooded
plains and hills south to Kerala: Andamans (Narcondam I.); Bangladesh; Sri Lanka.
9. (966a) Ssp. salangensis of 965. V ? Once each from Nagaland and Andaman Is.
10. (975) ANDAMAN DRONGO D i r r u m andamanensis R Myna*, with longer tad; overall 35 cm. Evergreen
forest. Andarnan Is.
I I . (SRR) DRONGO-CUCKOO Surnicdus lugubris R Mynai. with longer. forked tail; 25 cm. Well-wooded coun-
uy and orchards. Himalayas; NE hill slates: Bangladesh; N and peninsular India: Sri lanka; up to 1600 rn.
12. (967) WHITEBELL[ED DRONGO Dierums caerulescens R Bulbul+: 24 cm. Dry- and moist-deciduous and
bamhx> forest. Subcontinent; Sri h k a .
13. ( 1773) WHITEBREASTED DII'PER Cinclw cincluc R Myn*: 20 cm. Swift-flowing skearns and torrents and
glacial lakes. Himalayas, seasonally between c. 2000 and 5 100 m.
14. (1775) BROWN DIPPER Cinrlus pallasii R Myn*: 20 cm. Swift-flowing skeams and torrenls. Himalayas:
NE hill states south to the Chitlagong hill kacts (Bangladesh); seasonally between c. 450 and 5000 m.
1. (1022) BLACKTHROATED JAY Garrulus lanceolarus R Pigeon?: 33 cm. Deciduous and mixed conifer forest.
Himalayas east to Nepal: c. 1000-3000 m.
2. (1020) JAY Garrulur glandarius R Pigeow: 33 cm. Wet-temperate mixed forest of oak, pine, etc. Himalay=:
NE hill states: seasonally 1000-2500 m. Bangladesh (?).
3. (1029) WHlTERUMPED MAGPIE Pica pica R M y n a : overall 52 cm (including 30 cm long tail). Cultivalion.
Pakistan from Chitral south to Baluchistan and west through Ladakh and N Kashmir to Himachal Radesh, r . 1500-
4500 m. A black-rumped subspecies (bortanemis) in Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh.
4. (1023) GREEN MAGPIE Cissa chinensis R M y n a ; with longer tail; overall 47 cm. Tropical and sub-tropical
evergreen secondary forest and moist-deciduous bamboo jungle. Himalayas: Assam and NE hill stares: Bangladesh
(Chittagong); up to c. 1600 m.
5 . (1024) CEYLON MAGPIE Cissa ornara R (endemic) Myna+, with long tail: overall 47 cm. Dense evergreen
forest. Sri I m k a . between c. 150 and 2100 m.
6. (1025) YELMWBLLLED BLUE MAGPIE Cissaflavirosrris R Pigeow, with long lad (39-43 cm): overall 66
cm. Wet-temperate mixed forest of pine, oak. etc. Himalayas, seasonally between c. 1000 and 3300 m.
7. (1027) REDBILLED BLUE MAGPIE Cissa etyrhrorhynchu R Pigeon?, with long tail (c. 40 cm) overall 70 cm.
Tropical and subtropical dry- and moistdeciduous forest: also around cultivation and villages. Himalayas from
Himachal Pradesh to E Nepal (not recorded farther east): Assam. NE hill states; seasonally b e w e n 300 and 1800 m.
8. (1038) HIMAIAYAN TREE PIE Dendrocina fonnosae R My-, with long tail: overall 41-43 cm. Tropical
and subtropical moist-deciduous and semievergreen forest and well-wooded country. Himalayas, seasonally be-
tween c. 600 and 2100 m; NE hi1 states; Assam and ~ e n ~ An d . isolated pocket in E Ghats (Visbakhapaham
9. (1036) WHITEBELLIED TREE PIE Dendrocirta leucogasma R Myna+. with long taik overall 50 cm. Wet
evergreen biotope. Southern W Ghats complex through Kerala and Tamil Nadu. east to Bangabre and Andhra
10. (1032) INDIAN TREE PIE Dendrocirra vagabunda R Myna+, with long tail: overall 5 0 cm. Dry- and moist-
deciduous hiotope lightly wooded country, gardens. etc. Subcontinent. Absent in Sri Lanka and Andaman and Nicobar
1 1 . (1035) BLACKBROWED TREE PIE Dendrocirta fronralis R M y n a , with long tal: overall 38 cm. Mixed
evergreen forest and bamboo jungle. E Himalayas, up to c. 2100 m: NE hill slates.
12. (1040) ANDAMAN TREE PIE Dendrocirra bayleyi R Mynai, with long tail: o v e d 36 cm. Evergreen forest.
Andaman Is.
13. (1042) NUTCRACKER Nurifraga caryocatacres R I'igeoni: 32 cm. Subalpine conifer forest. especially pine.
From Chitral south and east along Himalayas to Arunachal Pradesh; c. 1000 rn up to timber-tine.
14. (1043) Ssp. hemispila of 1042. From Murree east through Kashmir. Nepal and Darjeeling.
15. (1041) HUME'S GROUND CHOUGH Podoces hurnilis R Myn*: 20 cm. Sandy stone-littered hillsides, etc. N
Sikkim and N Ncpal (Tibetan steppe facies); c. 420C~5200m.
1. (590) KOEL E u d y ~ m y sscolopacea R Crowi: 43 cm. Lightly wooded country and cultivation. Suhcontinent.
2 . (1045) YELWWBILLED or ALPINE CHOUGH Pyrrhocorax graculur R Crow-. 38 cm. Higb altitude crags.
rocky slopes, alpine meadows, etc. From Baluchistan to Chilral; Himalayas: seasonally c. 1500-5000 m.
3. (1053) JACKDAW Cowuc morledda R Pigeom: 33 cm. Pastures and cultivated fields. Summer: B r h g in
Kashmi between c. 1700 and 2100 m. Wnrer: NWFP. Baluchistan, Gilgit h n j a b south to Ferompore and east to
4. (1046) REDBILLED CHOUGH Pyrrhocorar pyrrhocorax R Crowi: 45 cm. Dry-and moist-ternperale high
mountain biotope. Fiorn Baluchistan to Chitml: Himalayas: seavlnally c. 120CL3500 rn - a lower altitudinal range
than Yelbwbilled.
5. (1052) ROOK Cowucfnrgileguc M Crow+: 48 crn. Cultivated fields. Fmm C h i d and Gilgit south to Balucbistan
(Quetta) and east through N h n j a b and Haryana.
6 . (1049) HOUSE CROW C o w w splendcns R Pigeon+: 43 cm. Human habitations. towns and cities. Subcontinent.
Sri lanka
7. (1054) JUNGLE CROW Corvw macrorhynchos R Crow+: 48-50 cm. Wooded country and outskirts of towns
and cities. Subcontinent. A n d y a n s ; Bangladesh: Sri Lanka. Absent in Nicobar Is.
8. (1058) CARRION CROW Cowus coronr R Crow+: 47 cm. Willow and poplar groves and cultivation with trees
and open forest. Baltistan, Ladakb. Kashrmr. Murree (c. 2400-3600 m), Kohat (c. 1500 m to Limber-line); Quetta
9. (1058a) Mgrant ssp. sharpii of 1058. Cultivated country, c. 2500-3500 m. NWFP. Ladakh, Kashmir (winter).
10. (1061) BROWN-NECKED RAVEN Cowuc r$collis R Kikt: 58 cm. Rat desert. semidesert and arid country.
Baluchistan and Sind.
11. (1059) RAVEN C o w u c o r u R Kite+: 6 9 cm. Near towns and vinages, desert settlement. and semidesert
arcas. NWFF', BaluchisIan, Sind and desert parts of NW India and a b n g the higher Himalayas mbetan steppe
fa&) to Arunschal Pradesb. Stragglers itcorded in Maharasbtra and Madhya Pradesb.
1. (1821) WHITECHEEKED TITAegirhalos leucogenys R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Uex and tamarisk scrub along rivers.
elc. NWFI? Baluchisbn. SeasonaUy between c. 450 and 3600 m.
2. ( 1822) WHITETHROATED TIT Aegirhalos niveogdaris R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Subalpine mixed deciduous and
coniferous forest. W Himalayas. seasonally between c. 1800 and 3600 m.
3. (1823) RUFOUSFRONTED T I T Aegilhnlos iouschislos R Sparrow-; 10 cm. Shrubby undergrowth in conifer
and mixed foresl. E Himalayas. seasonlly between c. 2400 and 3600 rn.
4. (1R18. 1819) REDHEADED TITAegirhalos concinnus R Sparrow-: 10 crn. Light open hill forest. From H-
cast along the Himalayas. Seasonally between e. 600 and 3600 rn.
5. (1820) Ssp. manipurensis of 1818. Assam. Meghalaya Nagaland. Manipur and Mizoram.
6. (1815) FIKECAPPED TIT Cephnlopytusflammiceps RM Sparrow-: 9 cm. Poplar. willow, oak and mixed forest
orchards. Summer: Himalayas, bekween c. 2000 and 3500 rn. Wnrer: N and C Lndia.
7. (1817) PENDULINE TIT Remiz pendulinus M Sparrow-: 10 cm. Tamarisk-Acacia scrub along rivers and canals.
Pakisbn and Punjab plains. Possibly breeds in Ladakh.
8. (EL) Blackheaded ssp. nigricans of 1817. Afghanistan, Iran.
9. (1808) BROWN CRESTED ITT Parus dichrous R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Mixed deciduous and conifer forest.
Himalayas. frnm r. 2200 rn to timber-line.
10. (IR03) COAI, TlT Parus arer R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Subalpine conifer forest. Himalayas from Garhwal east,
sea~onallyr. 1800-3600 m.
1 1 . (1804) BLACK T I T Parus rufonuchalis R Sparrow*: 13 cm. M u d oak and conifer forest. N Baluchistan; W
Himalayas. Seasonally fmrn c. 500 m to timber-line.
12. (1 802) CRESTED BLACK T I T P a m melanolophw R Sparrow-: 11 cm. Oak and conifer forest. W Himalayas.
seasonally from c. 100 m to timber-line.
13. (1805) RUFOUSBEU-[ED CRESTED TIT Parus rubidivenhir R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Subalpine conifer and
rhododendron scrub. Himalayas from Tehri Garhwal east, seasonally between c. 2200 and 4200 m; NE hill states.
14. (1812) BLACKSPOTTED YELLOW TIT Parus spilonorus R Sparrow*: 14 cm. Light mixed forest. E Himalayas.
seasonally hctween 1400 and 3700 rn: NE hill slates.
15. (1800) YELLOWBREASTED BLUE TIT, or AZURE TIT Parus cyanusflavipecrus V Sparrow-: 13 cm. Willow.
juniper and birch s c ~ u bin river beds. etc. Chihal.
16. (1800a) ( T E N SHAM YELLOWBREASTED BLUE ITT P a m cynnus rianshanicus V Sparrow - : 13 cm.
Bushes near water. Hunza.
17. (1799) GREENBACKED T I T P a m monlicolus R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Hill forest. Himalayas. up to c. 3600 m;
NE hill states.
I R . (1794) GREY TIT P a m major R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Lightly wooded country. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
19. (1798) WHITEWINGED BLACK TIT Parus nuchalis R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Hummocky semkdesert country.
Kutch, N GujaraL Rajasthan. Disjunctly in E Ghats and Kamataka.
20. (1789) SULTAN TIT Melanochlora sulranea R Bulbuk: 20 cm. Foolhills forest up to c. 700 m. E Himalayas;
NE hill stales; Bangladesh.
21. (1814) YELLOWBROWED TlT Sylviparus modesrus R Sparrow-: 9 cm. Mined deciduous and conifer forest.
Hirnalayas, NE hill shtes. seasonally between c. 1200 and 4200 m.
22. (1809) YELLOWCHEEKED TIT Parus ronrhogenys R Sparrow*: 14 cm. Himalayan and peninsular forests.
23. (EL) BLUE-GREY TIT P a m bokaremis. Russian lhrkestan and Afghanistan.
1. (1826) EUROPEAN NUTHATCH Sirra europaea nagaensis R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Mixed deciduous and evergreen. and
coniferous forest. NE hill states. between 1400 and 2800 m.
2. (1 834) WHITETAILED N W W A T C H Sitfa himalayensis R sparrow-: 12 cm. Deciduous or evergreen hroadleaied forcst.
Himalayas; NE hill states. Seasonally between c. 930 and 3400 m.
3. (1 830) CHESTNUTBELLIED NUTHATCH Sirla caslmea R Sparmw-: 12 cm. Deciduous l'orest and Light woods. Lower
Himalayas, up to c. 1800 m; practically all Subcontinent.
4. (1 824) EUROPEAN NUTHATCH Sirra eriropaea cashmiretrsis R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Coniferous. deciduous or mixed
forest. N Baluchistan; W Himalayas; up to 3300 m.
5. (1836) ROCK NUTHATCH Sirla rephronota R Sparrow*: I S cm. Rocky valleys with broken cliffs. near streams.
Baluchistan. seasonally between 300 and 2500 m.
6. (1 832) WHITECHEEKED NUTHATCH Sitta leucopsis R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Pine. fir, deodar and mixed forest. Himalayas,
seasonally f m m c. 1800 m to timber-line.
7. (1 838) VELVETFRONTED NUTHATCH Sirla fronrdis R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Moist-deciduous and evergreen hilly biotope.
Lower Himalayas; practically all Subcontinent excepting NW;Sri Lanka.
8. (1 837) BEAUTIFUL NUTHATCH Sitrafomo.ra R Sparrow*: IS cln. Deep, we1 selnl-evergreen and evcrprecn fores~.E
Himalayas; NE hill slates. Seasonally between r . 330 ant1 2400 m.
9. (1 839) W A L L CREEPER firhodroma tnururio R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Gorges and vertical cliffs. High Him;dayas, ahov~,
3300 m. Winter: Foothills; sometimes N Indian plains.
10. (1 842) TREECREEPER Cerrhiafamiliaris R Sparrow-: 12 crn. Pine. deodar, hirch and rhododendron rorcsl. Hilnal;~yac.
seasonally from c. 1700 m up to timber-line.
11. (1 847) H I M A L A Y A N TREE CREEPER Cerrhia himalayat~aR Sparrow-: 12 cm. Forest o f pine. fir. deodar. sprucc, crc.
N Baluchistan; W Himalayas. Seasonally from Ihe plains up to timher-line.
12. (1851) NEPAL TREE CREEPER Cerrhia nipalensis R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Oak and mined deciduous and conikrous
forest. E Himalayas seasonally between I500 and 3500 m.
13. (1 849) S I K K I M TREE CREEPER Cerrhra drscolor R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Deciduous and oak and rhododendron li)rcsl. E
Himalayas; NE hill states. Seasonally between r. 301) and 3600 m.
14. (1 84 I ) SPOmD GREY CREEPER Solport~issprlottorris K Sparrow-: 13 cm. Open dcc~tluousli>res~
and gnlves. (' and
peninsular India; capricious.
15. (1235) BEARDED TIT-BABBLER, or REEDLING Panriru.r hiarmicris V Sparrow?: IS cm. Dense grass and tamarisk
scrub. Pakistan (NWFP).
16. (1249) GREYHEADED PARRO'IBILL Paradoxornis gu1ari.v R Bulhul-: 16 cm. Damboo. hushes ant1 low In.cs. I(
Himalayas; NE hill sutes; up l o c. 2400 m.
17. (1 251) GOULD's or BLACKTHROATED PARROTSIIdI. Paradoxorni.rj7aviros1ri.r R Bulhuli: 19 cm. I<leph?n~
thickets, bamboo jungle. E Himalayas. N E hill slates; Bangladcsh; up to c. 2400 In.
8 (1252) WHI1ETHROATED PARRUIBILL Paradoxortris grirruricollr.r R Bulhul?: 19 cnl. Scrub and grms on abandoried
cullivation, hushes and bamboo jungle. I'alkai Range; Napland; Chitlagong hill tncls (Bangladesh); hclwccn c. 900 and 2100 m.
19. (1247) GRF.ATl3R REDHFAIIEII MRROTBLLI. Parudo~ort~i.r rrcfirepr R Bulhul-: I 8 cnl. Wet forcst, hanlhoo and
scrub jungle, reed-hrds, ctc. E Himalayas; MI hill stales; Bangladcsh; up lo c. I800 m.
20. (1245) Ssp. oatesi o f 1246. Sikkin~;1)arjeeling; r. 2100 m. Very rare.
21. (1 246) LESSER REI1HEADI':D SUI'HORA or I'ARHOTBUdI. Paradoxornis c~rro.rup~rerliuris R Sparrow+: 15 cm.
Bamhoo. high grass and scruh jungle. IIHimalayas; N l i hill slates; Banglatlcsh. Seasonally Imm Ihc Coothills to 1500 111.
22. (124 1) ORANGE S W H O R A Parodoxorr~rstriprrlet~sr.rhrrrnii H Spz~rrnw-:I 0 cm. Mlxed decitluous : ~ n dh;l~nhoojunglr.
E Himalayas. between 1200 :lntl 3300 m.
23. (1242) ORANGI; S W H O R A Prrmdo~orrrist r i p a I ~ t ~ . v i . s p oHl ~Sp:~rrou,-.
~r~~ junglc nil dcnhc
I 0 ~ 1 1 1~:IIII~~III
forest. I:.Him:llayas; N E hill slates: c. 600-2600 111.
24. (1238) I;U12VOUST;RONn~D SUI'HORA or PAKKOl'BI1.L. ParaJorortrr.rfitl~~rJro,~.r
K Sp;~rrnw-:12 Lnl. I)i,nsc Ir;r~llhu~~
cores^. E Hi~nal:~yas.
hctwecn c. 2700 and 3400 m.
1 . (1209) REDFRONTED BABBLER Stachyris rufifiom R Sparmw-: 12 cm. Dense undergrowth, thickly forested
ravines, etc. E Himalayan foothills, NE hill states; Bangladesh; Orissa; E Ghats.
2. (121 1) REDBILLED BABBLER Srachyris pyrrhops R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Light forest bamboo and scrub jungle.
W Himalayas, between c. 750 and 2400 m. occasionally 300 m.
3. (I 21 2) GOLDHEADED BARBLER Srachyris chrysaea R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Evergreen biotope: dense undergrowth
and secondary jungle. E Himalayas (800-2600 m); NE hill states (300-1800 m); Bangladesh (above c. 1200 m).
4. (1228) YELLOWBREASTED BABBLER Macronous gularis R Sparrow-: 11 cm. Evergreen and moist-deciduous
biotope: foothills bamboo jungle, long grass and brushwood. E Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh: eastern
peninsular India.
5 . (1210) REDHEADED BABBLER Stachyris r@ceps R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Dense evergreen undergrowth, bamboo
and secondary jungle. E Himalayas; NE hill stales: Banglndcsh. Seasonally between c. 600 and 2700 In.
6 . (1222) RUFOUSBELLIED BABBLER Dumeria hyperyrhra R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Deciduous or evergreen biotope;
grassland and scrub Basc of Himalayas. Simla to Darjeeling duars. Bengal and Bangladesh. south to Krishna river.
west lo a line Hydcrabad-lalna-Mhow-Ihansi. Sri Lanka.
7. (1219) Ssp. uhurnsis of 1222. S Rajasthan, Kathiawar peninsula. E Gujarat. W Satyur:~~ and W Ghab south to
Pune, east Lo about Aurangabad; S India soulh to Krishna rivcr and Mahabaleshwar: Sri I d a .
8. (1218) A U S E N ' S SPOTTED BABBLER SIachyris oglri R Sparrow-: 13 cm. 1)ensc evergreen scrub in hiUs
and rocky ravincs. Arunachal Pradesh (Lohit and Tuap districts), between 850 and 1800 m.
9 . (1 214) BIACKTHROATED BABBLER Stachyris nigriceps R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Evergrccn secondary scrub
and hamhoo jungle. E Himalayas: NE hill slates; Bangladesh: up to I800 m.
10. (1224) BLACKHEADED BABBLER Rhopocichlu arriceps R Sparmw-: 13 cm. Evergreen biotope: sholas.
IhickcLs, cane brakes in dank ravines, etc. Soulhern W Ghats complex.
1 1. ( 1 226) Sri Lanka ssp. srcraluc of 1224.
12. ( 1 187) Ssp.fir~~rosuc
of 1186. Rcslricted to NE hill stales. betwecn c. 900 and 2400 m.
13. ( 1 186) CORAI,BILLED SCIMITAR BABBLER Pomarorhirursferruginosur R Myna-: 22 cm. Dcnse shrubbery
and ringal hamhoo junglc. E Himalayas: NE hill slates; between c. 600 and 3800 m.
14. (1 191) SLENI)ERBILI,ED SClMlTAR BABBLER Xiphirhynchcrs superciliaris R Bulhuk: 20 cm. Bushes on
sleep grassy hillridcs, oak ant1 rhododendron lorcsl and hamha, Lhickcls. E Himalayas; NE hill slates: Chiltagong
hills. Scasnnally from Ihc footl~illsup lo c. 3400 m.
15. ( I 185) IARCE SCIMITAR BABBLER Ponlarorhinus hypoleircos R Mynat: 28 cm. Dense bamboo, cane and
clephanl grass junglc. E Himalayas: NE lull slates: up to c. 1200 In. Bangladesh.
Ih. ( 1 178) RUFOUSNECKED SCIMITAR BABBLER Po~r~crrorhinus ru/irollis R Bulbul_+:19 cm. Moisl-deciduous
rnrcsl and scrub jungle. Himnlay;~sTrom Kulnaon cast: NE hill slalcs: Bangladesh. Seasonally between c. ROO and
3300 m.
7. ( 1 189) I,ON(;BIIzI~ED SCIMITAII BABBLER Ponrtr~~~rhinus ochrncricrps R Bulhul+: 23 cm. Dcnsc cvergrcel~
and hanlhoo j ~ ~ ~ ~Mishmi
g l c . Hills (Arun:~cl~alPradcsl~):NE hill stales; up to c. 2400 m.
18. ( I 169) S1ATYHEAI)ED SCIMITAR BABBI.ER Po111nrorhinu.rhor:cjieldi schi.criccps R Myna-: 22 cm. Ssp. of
1173. Struth India.
10. ( 1 173) SIATY1iEAl)F.l) SCIMITAR B A B B I I R t'or~~arorhinushorsjicldi R Myna-: 22 cm. Evergreen and
tlwitluous forcsl. Illnrn scruh and hamhoo jungle. Himalayas; NE hill stnlcs up to r. 1500 m; practically entire
S~~hcnnliricnl (scvcr.~lt~lhcrspp.). Sri Innka.
20. ( I 181) KIJSTY('HEEKE1) SCIMITAR DABBIJiK I ' o ~ ~ ~ ~ r o r hrrvrhrogrny.r
inus R Myna+: 25 cm. Scruhhy forest
cclgc\, nvcrpnlwrl nullahs, hush-cl;~rlhillsitlcs. Himalayas: NE hill stales: B.mgladcsh; up to c. 2700 m.
21 (KI.) SI'0TBKF.ASTEI) SCIMITAR BABDLER P o ~ ~ ~ n r o r h i eryfhrocnen1i.c
n~rr Taiwan
1. (1770) WREN Troglodyres troglodyres R Sparrow-: 9 cm. Juniper scrub, rocks and boulders in birch, oak or
rhododendron forest, etc. N Baluchistan; W Himalayas easl to Garhwal. Seasonally between c. I200 and 5000 m.
2. (1771) Ssp. nipalrnsis of 1770. From Tehn Garhwal east to Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh.
3. (1 199) BROWN, or LESSER SCALYBREASTED, WREN-BABBLER Pnoepyga pusilla R Sparrow-: 9 cm.
Wet-evergreen forest w i h mossy boulders, etc. E Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chittagong region); up (o
3000 m.
4. (1 200) TAILED WREN-BABBLER Sprlaeornis caudaruc R Sparrow-: 9 cm. Damp undergrowth in hick evergreen
forest. E Himalayas: NE hill states.
5. (1 198) SCALYBREASTED WREN-BABBLER Pnoepyga albivenrer R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Dense undergrowth in
wet-evergreen forest. Himalayas from Dula Dhar east; NE hill states. Seasonally between c. 600 and 3900 m.
6 . (1206) SPOTTED WREN-BABBLER Spelaeornis fonnosuc R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Dank mossy rhododendron forest
with hick fern groundcover. E Himalayas: NE hill states: Bangladesh. Seasonally between c. 1200 and 2300 m.
7. (1 203) STREAKED LONGTAILED WREN-BABBLER Spelaeornis rhocolarinus R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Deep
evergreen forest with undergrowth of bracken and ferns, etc. NE h i U states, seasonally between c. 1200 and 2400 m.
8. (1201) MISHMl WREN Sprlarornis badcigularis R Sparrow-: 9 crn. Suhlropical wet lorest. Arunachal Pradesh
(Lohit and T i a p tlis~ricts).
9 . ( 1 193) LONGBII,LED WREN-BABBLER Rimaror r~~alacoprilus R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Forest undergrowth and
dense scruh in sleep. hroken country. E Himalayas: NE hill states: belween 900 and 2700 m.
10. (1205) LONGTAILED SPOTTED WREN-BABBLER Spe1arorni.r rroglodyroides R Sparrow-: 1 0 cm.
Undergrowth and bamboo 111 wet tempcrare forest. E Bhutan.
11. ( 1 195) SMA1.L WREN-BABBLER Naporhera epilepido!a R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Dense dark forest, E Himalayas:
NE hill states: up lo r 1800 m.
12. (1 194) STREAKED. or SHORT-TAILED. WREN-BABBLER Naporhera brevicaudara R Sparrow-: 12 cm.
Damp and shadv hill forest with ravines and steep slopes. E Arunachal Pradesh; NE hill slates: between c. 700 and
2100 m
13. (1202) I.ONGTAILED WREN-BABBLER Spelaeornis longicaudaruc R Sparrow-: 11 cm. Undergrowth in deep
evergreen mossy forest. E Himalayas: NE hill states: between c. 1000 and 2000 rn.
14. ( 1207) WEDGEBILLED WREN Sphenocichla humei R Bulbul-: 17-18 cm. Evergreen forest and dense jungle
w ~ l hluge trees and h m h o o . E Himalayas: NE hill shtes. Seasonally belween c. 900 and 2300 m.
15. ( 1 164) BROWN BABBLER Pellorn~urnalbivrnrre R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Evergreen or moist-deciduous foothills
scrub and bamboo jungle. E Himalayas; NE hill slates; Bangladesh; up to c. 1500 m.
16. (1 161) BROWNCAPPEL) BABBLER P e l l o r n e u m ~ c o c a p i l l u t tR
~ Bulbul-: 16 cm. Dense forest. scrub and
undergrowth. Sri Lanka.
17. ( I 166) TICKELL'S BABBLER 'liichosroma tickelli R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Deciduous or evergreen biolope; bamboo
thickets and heavy scmh. Arunachal Pradesh: NE hill states: Bangladesh: up to c. 2100 m.
18. ( 1 167) ABBOTT'S BABBLER Trichartomu abborri R Bulbul-: 15 cm. Evergreen and deciduous biotope: tangled
lh~cketsin wet dcep foothills jungle. E Himalayas: NE hill states: NW Bengal, Orissa, an isolated population in
Andhra Pradesh; Bangladesh (Chitlagong region): up lo c. 600 m.
19. ( I 160) MARSH SPOTTED BABBLER Pellorneurn palusrrr R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Marshy treejungle with bushes
and high grass. Arunachal Pradesh: NE hill stales; Bangladesh: up to c. 800 m.
20. (1 1.54) SPOTTED BABBLER Prllorneum ru/ireps R Bulhul-: IS cm. Evergreen or deciduous foolhills forest.
scruh and secontlary growh. Himalayas: NE hill slates; most of Subcontinent.
1. (1 320) PLAINCOLOURED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax subunicolor R Myna+: 23 cm. 'Ihickets of Rubus,
dwarf rhododendron, bamboo, and undergrowth in mixed deciduous forest. E Himalayas, seasonally between c. 800
and 3900 m.
2. (1314) STREAKED LAUGHING THRUSH Garruler linearus R Bulbuk: 20 cm. Juniper scrub, bushes in open
conifer forest and bush-covered slopes. N Baluchistan; Himalayas up to c. 3900 m.
3. (1326) Ssp. nigrimenturn of 1324. E Himalayas, seasonally between c. 1200 and 3300.
4. (1324) REDHEADED LAUGHlh'G THRUSH Garrulax eryrhrocephalus R Myna+: 28 cm. Damp forest with
dense undergrowth. along nullabs, etc. Himalayas from Changla Cali and Murree easC NE hin states. Seasonally
between c. 600 and 3300 m
5. (13 19) BLUEWINGED LAUGHING THRUSH Garnr1a.r squamaluv R Myna+: 25 cm. Humid dense hill bamboo
thickets and rhododendron bushes along streams. etc. E Himalayas; NE hill states helwccn c. 900 and 3400 m.
6 . (1318) BROWNCAPPED IAUGHMG THRUSH Garrulax ausreni R Myoai: 22 cm. Oak and rliododendmn
forest. busl~esin ravines and clearings, and bamboo thickets. NE hill states, hehveen c. 1200 and 2700 rn.
7. (1317) MANLPUR STREAKED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulax virgaruv K Myna+: 25 cm. Damp evergreen
foresl with heavy undergrowth. NE hill states, between c. YO0 and 2400 m.
10. (1279) STRIATED LAUGHLNG THRUSH Garrulux srriatus R Myna+: 28 cm. Dense forest with heavy
undergrowth; also secondary and scrub jungle. Himalayas from Kulu east; NE hill states. Seasonally hetween c. 750
and 2850 m.
11. (1275) NECKLACED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrular moniligerus R Myna+: 27 cm. Tropical evergreen and
moist-deciduous forest and secondary jungle. E Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chitlagong); up to c. 1000 m.
12. (1270) CHINESE BABAX Babax lanceolatus R Myna+: 28 cm. Thin scattered forest and open bracken-covered
hdlsides. Mizoram. above r. 1500 m.
13. (1277) BLACKGORGETED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulaxpecloralis R Myna+: 29 cm; Sal and pine forest,
secondary growth and bamboo jungle. E Himalayas; NE hill slates; Bangladesh (Chittagong region); up to c. 1700 m.
14. (1271) GIANT TIBETAN BABAX B a h u waddelli R Pigeom: 31 cm. Arid scrub. Xbetan facies of extreme NE
Sikkim; Arunachal Pradesh(?); between c. 2800 and 4500 m.
15. (1297) GIANT LAUGHING THRUSH Gartular orellorus rnaxirnus R Pigeon+: 35 cm. Subalpine forest SE
Tibet between 2200 and 2900 m.
16. (1299) WHITESPOTTED IAUGHING THRUSH Gawular ocellatus R Pigeon*: 3 2 cm. Light forest with
undergmwlh, thick rhododendron scrub. Himalayas from Garhwal east between c. 2100 and 4530 m.
1. (1229) REDCAPPED BABBLER Tirnalia pileala R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Wet-evergreen biotope: flood plahs with
tall p a s s , reed-beds, brushwood 'and scrub jungle. E h a l a y a n terai, duars, etc.: NE hill stales; Bangladesh.
2 . (1231) YELLOWEYED BABBLER Chrysomrt~asinenw R BulbuL: 18 cm. Scrub. thorn jungle, reed-beds.
bamboo. etc. in dry-deciduous facies. Practically throughout the Subcontinent: Sri Lanka.
3. (1233) JERDON'S BABBLER Chrysomrna alriroslre R Bulbul-: 17 cm. Reed and elephant-graw jungle along
rivers. Hood plains of the Indus in Pakistan; Bengal and Bhutan duars: plains of the Brahmaputra system in NE
India: Bangladesh.
4. (1254) COMMON BABBLER Turdoides caudaru~R Bulbul+: 23 cm. Thorn scrub jungle. rambling compounds,
etc. in semi-desert and dry plains. Most of the Subcontinent: Lakshadweep. Absent in Sri Lanka.
5. (1256) STRIATED BABBLER Turdoides carlei R Bulbuk: 2 0 cm. Tall grass. reeds and hushes. Flood plains of
the Indus. Ganges. Brahmaputra and other N Indian river systems.
6. (1269) SPINY BABBLER Turdoides nipalenric R Bulhul+: 25 cm. Dense secondary scrub on hillsides. W
Nepal east to eastxenlral Nepal; seasonally 9 0 0 to 2000 m.
7. (1265) JUNGLE BABBLER Turdoides srriarus R Myna+: 25 cm. Deciduous forest, bamboo, cultivation and
scrub jungle, elc. Subcontinent. Absent in Sri h l k a and Andaman and.Nicobar Is.
8. (1258) I A R G E GREY BABBLER Turdoides rnalcolmi R Myna+: 28 cm. Dry, open, sparsely scruhhed countxy.
thorn jungle, and around cultivalion in such. Continental and peninsular India.
9 . (1267) WHITEHEADED BABBLER Turdoides afinis R Bulbul+: 23 cm. Secondary jungle, wooded compounds
and around cultivation and villages. Southern peninsular India: Sri Lanka.
10. (12.57) SLENDERBILLED BABBLER Turdoides longirosrris R Bulbul+: 23 cm. Long grass. usually near water-
locally in terai, duars and lowlands. NE India: Bangladesh.
11. (1266) CEYLON RUFOUS BABBLER lirrdoides ru/esc~nfR (endemic) Myna+: 25 cm Dccp p r i m e d forest.
thickek and bamboo scrub in weU-wooded areas. Sri h k a .
12. (1259) RUFOUS BABBLER Turdoides subrufu~ R Myna+: 25 cm. Wet-evergreen and moist-deciduous biotope:
dense scrub intermixed with tall grass, and hamhoo brakes, ctc. W GhaLs complex Crnm Mahabaleshwar south to
Kcrala and adjacent Tamil Nadu. Sri h k a (absent).
13. (1237) BROWN SUTHORA or PARROTDII,L Paradoxomis unicolor R Bulhuk: 21 cm. Exclusively in n~aling
hamhoo a i d dwarf rhododendron grnwth. E Himalayas. sea~onallybetween r. 2000 and 3400 m .
14. (1272) ASHYHEADED LAUGHING THRUSH Garrulor cinereifronr R (endemic) M y n ; a : 23 cm. Dense.
humid forest. Sri Lanka.
15. (1236) GREAT PARROTBILL Canosrornn acrnodiun~R Myna+: 28 cm. Kingal bamhoo and rhododendron
hushes. E Himalayas, hetween r. 2000 and 3600 m.
1. (1333) SILVEREARED MESlA Leiothru argentauris R Sparrow?: 15 cm. Evergreen biotope; open forest,
scrub jungle, secondary growth. Himalayas from Garhwal east; NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chittagong region) up to
c. 2100 m.
2. (1336) REDBILLED 1-EIOTHRIX Leiothrk lutea R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Scrub and secondary growth. Himalayas;
NE hiU states. Seasonally between c. 600 and 2700 m.
3. (1339) NEPAI, CUTIA Cutia nipalensis R Bulbuk: 20 cm. Heavy oak and mossy evergreen forest. Himalayas
from Kumaon east; NE hill states; between c. 900 and 2500 m.
4. (1340) RUFOUSBELLIED SHRIKEIBABBLER I'teruthius 4 v e n r e r R Bulbul-: 17 cm. Dense, moss-covered
oak and evergreen forest. E Himalayas; NE hill slates; between c. 1500 and 2700 m.
5. (1343) GREEN SHRIKE-BABBLER Pteruthius mnthochlorus R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Oak, spruce, hemlock and
deodar forest and undergrowth. Himalayas; NE hill slates. Seasonally between c. I200 and 3600 m.
6. (1346) CHESTNUTFRONTED SHRIKE-BABBLER Plerulhiu~acnobarbus R Sparrow-: 11 cm. Open forest
and edges of evergreen. Known only from the Garo W s . Meghalaya (NE hill states).
7. (1345) CHESTNUT-THROATED SHRIKE-BABBLER Pteruthius melanotis R Sparrow-: 11 cm. Humid but
cool, deep evergreen forest. E Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chittagong hill &&). Seasonally between c.
700 and 2700 m.
8. (1341) REDWINGED SHRIKLBABBLER Pteruthiusflaviscapis R Myna-: 16 cm. Heavy forest of oak,
rhododendron, etc. Himalayas; NE hill stales. Seasonally between c. 1200 and 2700 m.
9. (1359) BARTHROATED SlVA Minla strigula R Sparrow?: 14 cm. Open mixed forest of birch. willow. oak.
rhododendron scrub, bamboo. Himabyas; NE hill states. Seasonally between c. 800 and 3700 m.
10. (1 362) BLUEWINGED SlVA Minla cyanouroptera R Sparrow?: 15 cm. Mixed deciduous and evergreen forest
and secondary growth. Himalayas fmm Naini Tal east: NE hiU stales; Bangladesh (Chittagong region). Seasonally
between c. 600 and 2500 m.
11. (1376) GOLDENBREASTED m-BABBLER Alcippe chrysotis R Sparrow-: I I cm. Dense bamboo jungle, etc.
on stMQ hillsides. E. Himalayas; NE hill states. Seasonally belween 1800 and 3000 m.
12. (1357) REDTAILED MINLA Minla ignotinrta R Sparrow?: 14 cm. Humid. dense deciduous or evergreen
forest. E Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chillagong region); up to c. 3400 m.
13. (1396) BLACKCAPPED SIBIA Heteropharia capistrala R Bulbul+: 21 cm. Evergreen or moistdeciduous
forest of oak, chestnut, fu,etc.. Himalayas, up to c. 3500 m.
14. (1 395) CHESTNUTBACKED SlBIA Heterophasia annectenr R Bulbul-: 18 cm. Dense, humid evergreen forest.
E Hunalayas; NE hill states; up to c. 2300 m.
15. (1400) BEAUTIFUL SIBIA Heterophasiapulchella R Bulbul+: 22 cm. Subtropical wet forest. Arunachal Pradesh;
NE hill states.
16. (1401) LONGTAILED SIBIA Heterophasia picaoides R Bulbuk, with a long kd: 30 cm. Open scrub with large
trees or clearings in evergreen forest. E Himalayas; NE hiU states; up to c. 900 rn.
17. (1399) GREY SIBlA Heterophasia gracilir R Bulbul+: 21 cm. Deciduous pine or e v e r p n primeval forest.
Meghalaya. the hills of Assam, the Patkai range, Nagaland and Manipur.
1. (1635) GOULD'S SHORTWING Brachypteryx srellara K Sparrow-: 13 cm. Dense dwarf r h o d o d e n h n and
nngal bamboo on hillsides, and hare mcks and boulders in the alpine zone. Himalayas from Kumaon east; seasonally
between r. 540 and 4200 m.
2. (1636) KUSTYBELLIED SHORTWLNG Bruchypreryr hyperythra R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Undergrowth of shrubs.
rccds and ringal bamboo. E Himalayas: NE hill states; up to c. 2900 m.
3. (1639) LESSER SHORTWING Brachypteryx Ieucophrys R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Dense undergrowth in humid
forest and secondary growth near streams. Himalaya5 from Garhwal east; NE hill states; c. 900-3900 m.
4. (1637) RUFOUSBEI-LIED SHORTWINO Brachypteryx rrtajor R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Well-wooded sholas.
cvcrgreen forest. Soulhcrn W Gha~scomplex of hills.
5 ( I 640) WHITEBROWED SHORWING Brachyptety nlontann R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Damp, shady oak and
rl~otlodc~ldron forest. culd dcnsc brushwood in ravines or near streams. Himalayac from Garhwal east; NE hill states.
S ~ ~ s o n a l hclwecn
ly c. 300 and 3600 In.
6. (1642) NM;HTlNC;ALE Erithucu.r n~e~arhvnehos
M BulbuE: IR cm. Bushes and gardens. Baluchistan; has
strayed lo Oudh lerai.
7. (1643) KUBYTHROAT Erithaelcr colliope M Sparrow?: 15 cm. Dense scruh nc;u waler. long @as. sugarcane;
occasionally tea gardens. NE and E India includi~gBangladesh. south to the Oodavari delta (winter). Isolated examples
fnlm UIC Salpurm. 1)elhi and Bharatpur.
11. (I 647) HlMALAYAN RUBYTHROAT Eri/haruspertoralis RM Sparrow*: 15 cm. Dwarf rhododendron, juniper
and oUicr scrub. gnssy hillsides. marshes and cullivalion. Sutr~rrrer:Himalayas.Wnrer: Durn and lowland: N and NE
India; Bangladesh. Onc record each from Uthr Pradcsh and Kmataka. Sci~sonallyfrom the foothills up to c. 4500 m.
9 . (1644) BLUETHROAT Eritharw svericus RM Sparrow*: 15 cm. Sugarcane. cotton fields. grass jungle, reeds.
hushes near waler, giwdcns and fallow fields. S u ~ n n ~ eGilyit.
r: Baltistan ladakh. N Kashmir and Spiti. Winter:
Suhconllnent, And;unans; Sri lanka.
10. (1652) HUETHROAT Erirhacur pecrurdens V Sparrow?: 15 cm. Single record. Garo Hills. Meghalaya
I I. ( I 6.50) BLUE CHAT Erithacus hrunneus RM Sparrow?: 15 cm. Evergreen biotope: dense undergmwlh in open
oak. co~~ifcr
or sholn forest. Su~trmer:Himalayas; NE hill slates; c. 1600-3300 m. Wider: E Himalayan foothills; SW
Intlia (W Ghats complex). E Ghak. Kamat.aka and Tamil Nadu (pasuge). Sri lanka.
12. (1653) SIBKRlAN BLUE CHAT Erirhacw ryane V Sparrow*: IS cm. Isolated records from Bengal duars.
Mabnipur and S And:unans.
13. (1659) WHITEBROWED BUSH ROBIN Erithacus indicur R Sparrow?: 15 cm Mixed subalpine forest of
hirch, fir, rllododendron .and hamhoo. Himalayas fmm Garhwd east: NE hill states. Sexsonally from the foothills up
lo (.. 4200 m.
14 (1656) ORAN(;EFIANKEl) BUSH ROBIN Erithacus cyanutus RM Sparn)w+: IS cm. Himalayas; Assam.
Meghal;~yamid Manipur (winter). Sowonally from lllc foolhills up to c. 4400 m.
15. ( I hSR) C;OI.DEN BUSH ROBIN Erithacus chrycaeur R Sparrow?: I5 cm. Evergreen biolopc: delisc undergmwlh
In rl~ododcndron,j1111iperand hirch forest. Himalayas; NE hill slalcs. Susonally from the foolhills up to c. 4600 m.
16. (El.) WHITETHKOATEI) ROBIN lrnnin gurrurulis. Iran. Afghanish, elc
17. (1660) KCJFOCJSBEl~I,IE.I)BUSH ROBIN l<rirhacu~hyperyrhrur R? Spxrow-: 12 cm. Dwarf rhododendron.
and ~ U S I I C S in opcn forcst IIGU strauns. E Him:~lnyas:NE hill stales (winlcr only?). Se;~u>nallyfrom the foothills up
lo 1.. 31100 m.
1. (1641) RUFOUS CHAT Eryrhropygia galacrores RM Bulhul-: I8 cm. Dry scrub jungle, lamarisks and stony.
broken country. Breeding: Baluchistan in extreme border regions. Wnrer (or on passage): Pakistan and N W India. Sri
l a n k a (once).
2. (1669) EVERSMANN'S REDSTART Phoenicum eryrhronoluv M Sparrow*: 15 cm. Arid country - wasteland,
scrub jungle, dry river beds. etc. W Himalayas east to Nepal; base to 2800 m.
3. (1672) E ssp.
(1671) BLACK REDSTART Phornirurw urhruror RM Sparmu?: IS c m Stony, sparsely scrubbed
broken country and near cultivation and villages. Breeding Himalayas. c. 2400-5200 m. Winter: Suhconlinent. Absent
in Sri Lanka and Andaman and Nicohar Is.
5. 1670) BLUEHEADED REDSTART Phoenicurw caeruleocephulus I( Sparrnwt: 15 cm. Rocky ground and
steep rocky hillsides, juniper and open pine forest. Himalayas, seasonally from the foolh~llsup to c: 3900 m.
6. (1673) REDSTART Phoenicurus phornicurw M Sparrow?: 15 cm. Gardens. well-wooded areas. Baluchistan
and Chitral.
7. (1674) HODGSON'S REDSTART Phoenicuruv hod~soniM Sparrow*: 15 cm. Dry or partly dry river-beds in
forest, cultivation, scrub. or grassland. Winter lnwer Himalayas from Naini Tal (U.P.) east; Assam: Manipur; Nagalnnd.
8. (1675) BLUEFRONTED REDSTART Phoenicurus/ronralis R Sparrow?: 15 cm. Dwarf rhododendron; juniper
and other scrub, and bouldcr-strewn slopes in the a l p ~ n ezone. Himalayas. Winter: NE hill states; Bangladesh
(Chiltagong region). Seasonally between c. 1000 and 5300 m.
9. (1676) WHITETHROATED REDSTART Phoenicurw srhisrireps R Sparrow?: 15 cm. Open, park-like forest.
scrub in semi-dry areas. E Himalayas. 1400-4500 m.
10. (1678) GULDENSTADT'S REDSTART Phoenicurw eryrhrogasrer R Sparrow+: 16 cm. Boulder-strcwn meadows
and slopes in dry, barren alpine country. Himalayas, 1500-5200 m.
11. (1677) DAURIAN REDSTART Phoenicuruv uuroreuv M Sparrow?: 15 cm. Open forest, valley floors. cultivalion
and trees around upland villages. Summer: N Arunachal I'radesh 2800-3700 m. Wnler: E Himalayan fnolhills: N E
hi1 states; Bangladesh.
12. (1679) PLUMBEOUS REDSTART Rhyarornis fuli,qinosus R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Rushing torrenls 'and s t r m s .
Himalayas; NE hill slates. Foothills to c. 4400 m.
13. (1680) HODGSON'S SHORTWING Hodgsoniw phoeniruroides K Bulhuh: 19 cm. Dcnsc thickets or hirch
and juniper, bush jungle. undergrowth and forest edges. Himalaya$. loothills lo c. 4400 m.
14. (1681) WHITETAILED BLUE ROBIN Cinclidiurn leucurun~R Bulbul -: 17 cm. Undergrowth in shady hmadleafcd
forest, usually near streams. E Hunalayaq; NE hill states. Foothills to c. 2700 m.
15. (1682) BLUEFRONTED ROBIN Cinclidium fronrale R Bulhuk: 19 cm. Heavy subtropical wet forest. E
Himalayas; (E Nepal, Sikkim and Darjeeling). Foothills to at least 2250 m.
16. (1720) [NDIAN ROBIN Saxicoloi&s fulicala R Sparrow?: 16 cm. Arid and slony country, semi-deserl with
scatlered bushes, cultivalions, and around habitations. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
17 (1717) Brown backed ssp. carnbaienris of 1720. Himalayan foothills and plains of Subcontinent south lo Tapi
river, a t to Bengal.
18. (1692) BROWN ROCK CHAT Cercomelafutca R Sparrow+: 17 crn. Rocky hills. quarries. ruins. bu~lgalows
within town limits and suburbs. NW. N and C India: locally up to c. 1300 m.
19. (1716) WHITECAPPED REDSTARTor RIVER CHAT Chaimavornis leurorephalu~R Bulhuh: 19 cm Yncky
swift-flowing mounlain streams. Himalayas; NE hill stales. kothills to c. 5100 m.
1. (1665) SHAMA Copsychur malabaricus R Bulbul*, with long tail: overall 25 cm. Dry- and moist-deciduous
secondary forest. hilly bamboo jungle, elc. Himalayas from Kumaon east; duars Lo c. 500 m. Subcontinent; Sri M a .
3. (1683) HODGSON'S GRANDALA Grandala coelicolor R Bulbul+: 23 cm. Rocky slopes. boulder-strewn
alpine meadows. screes and cliffs. High Himalayas from Kashmir east; c. 2200-5400 m.
4. (1661) MAGPIE-ROBIN Copsychus saularis R Bulbul*: 20 cm. Dry- and moist-deciduous forest. secondary
jungle, and near human habitations. Subcontinent, Andamans: Sri Lanka.
5. (1684) L17T12E FORKTAIL Enicurur scouleri R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Rocky streams and waterfalls. Himalayas;
NE hill states: Bangladesh (Chithgong region); c. 30CL3700 m.
6. (1686) SLATYBACKED FORKTAU* Enicurur schisraceur R Rulbuli, with long lad: overall 25 cm. Rocky hill
torrents and forest streams. Wmalayas from Kumaon east; NE tull states; Bangladesh. Base of hills to I-. 1600 m.
7. (1685) BLACKBACKED FORKTAlL Enirurur irnmacdatur R Bulbuli. with long tail: overall 25 cm. Rofky
mounlain streams and banks of fast-flowing rivulets in dense forest. Wmalayas from Garhwal east; NE hill slates;
Bangladesh. Base of hills to c. 1450 m.
8. (1688) SPOTTED FORKTAIL Enkurus n~aculatusR Bulbuli, with long tail: overall 25 cm. Boulder-strewn
shady nullahs and streams in forest. and narrow gorges. Himalayas;; NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chittagong region);
c. 460-3600 m.
9. (1687) LESCHENAULT'S FORKTAIL Enicurur iesckmulti R M y n a , with long tad: overall 28 cm. Cascading
torrents and mcky rivulels in dense evergreen forest. E Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh. Base of hills to c. 600
10. (1691) GREEN COCHOA Cochoa viridis R Myna+: 28 cm. Dense evergreen forest watered by small streams,
usually on precipitous grounds. Himalayas from Kumaon east; NE hill states; c. 7 W 1 5 0 0 m.
11. (1690) PURPLE COCHOA Cochoa purpurea R Myna+: 28 cm. Dense humid evergreen foresc and u n d e r p w t h '
in ravines in pine forest. E Himalayas; NE hill states; c. 1000-3000 m.
12. (1727) CEYLON WHISTUNG THRUSH Myiophonus blighi R (endemic) Myna-: 20 cm. Damp. heavy forest,
fern-clad ravines. Sri Lanka.
13. (1728) MALABAR WHISTLING THRUSH Myiophonur horsfieldii R Myna+: 25 cm. Waterfans and swift
rocky hill streams in shady evergreen jungle. The hius of W and peninsular India including the E & W Ghats
complex. F m W s to c. 2200 m.
14. (1729) BLUE WHISTLING THRUSH Myiophonus caeruleus R Pigeow: 33 cm. Rivers and torrents in heavy
forest. wooded ravines and gorges. N Baluchistan; Himalayas; NE hill states. Foothills to c. 4200 m.
1 . (1693) STOLICZKA'S BUSH CHAT Saxicola mcrorhyncha R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Desert with scattered shrubs.
Formerly Pakistan east of the Indus. Haryana and Uttar Pradesh; now believed to be confined to E Rajasthan and
2. (1697) STONE CHAT or COLLARED BUSH CHAT Saricola rorquara RM Sparrow-: 13 cm. Dry, saub-
wvemi hillsides. wasteland, fallow fields. tamarisk jungle, etc. Subcontinent excepting exlreme southern peninsula
and Sn Lanka; Andamans.
3. (1696) Mostly migrant ssp. przewalskii of 1697. Himalayan foothills from Kangra east to Arunachal Pradesb,
and south through Assam. Meghalaya and Nagaland (winter). Breeding: Nepal in h e Dolpo region between 2745 and
4515 m.
4. (1694) HODGSON'S BUSH CHAT Saricola insignit M Sparrow+: 17 cm. Tall grassland, cane fields, reeds
and tamarisks along d q river-beds. Gangelic plain; Nepal terai; Sikkim; Jalpaiguri duars.
5. (1700) PIED BUSH CHAT Saxicola caprala R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Cultivated fields. sparsely scrubbed hillsides,
tamarisk, reeds, and coarse grass near water and cultivation. Subcontinent. Absent in Andaman and Nicobar 6.
6 . (1704) JERDON'S BUSH CHAT Saricola jerdoni R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Vast expanses of elephant grass. NE
India; Bangladesh. Foothills to c. 700 m.
7. (1699) WHITETAILED STONE CHAT Saxicola Ieucura R Sparrow-: 13 cm. High grass, reeds and tamarisks,
espeually near large rivers. Sub-Himalayan terai and flood plains of the Indus. Ganges and Brahmaputra river
systems: Bangladesh.
8. (1705) DARK-GREY BUSH CHAT Saxicola ferrea R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Open scrub-covered hillsides, forest
d g e s . grasslands and cultivated country. breed in^: Himalayas; NE hill states; c. 150CL3300 m. Winter: Foothills,
Gangetic plain. Madhya Pradesh, Bangladesh and NE India
9. (1708) WHEATEAR O e n a n f k oenanrhe MV Sparrow*: 15 cut. Stony country and cultivation. On autumn
passage through Pakistan and Kashmir. Madhya Radesb (once).
10. (1706) ISABELLINE CHAT Oenanrhe irabellino RM Sparrow+: 16 cm. Sandy semi-desert and wasteland with
NWFP. Wnfer. chiefly Pakistan and NW India (Rajaslban, Kutch, etc.).
sparse b u s h . Breeding: Baluchictan and
Sporadically elsewhere.
11. (1707) REDTAILED CHAT Oenanfhr mnfhoprymna R Sparrow+: 16 cm. Flaf stony and sandy semi-desert
with sparse bushes; arid rocky slopes near small streams. Breeding: N Balucbistan. Wnfer: Pakistan: Rajasthan,
Gujarat, etc.
12. (1710) DESERT WHEATEAR Oenanrhe deserfi RM Sparrow*: 15 cm. Arid, semi-desert broken Iracts, and
canal-irrigated desert cultivation. Breeding: N Baluchistan. Kashmir east to NW Nepal. Wnfer: Pakistan, N and C
and peninsular India; Sri Lanka
13. (1715) PLESCHANKA'S PIED CHAT or WHEATEAR Oenanrhe pleschanko M Sparrow*: 15 cm. Stony
wasteland. NWFP and Gilgit east through Ladakh to M u l .
14. (1714) HUME'S CHAT Oenanlhe alboniger R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Steepsided boulder-strewn nullahs. Baluchislan
from Makran coast, Sind, Baltktan, Astor to G k t .
15. (171 1) BARNES'S CHAT O e n a n t k finrchi R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Dry stony foothills. and arid semi-desert
plains. N Balucbbtan.
16. (17 13) HOODED CHAT Oemnrhe m o ~ c h R? a Sparrow+: 17 cm. Desolate ravines, barren stony slopes bordering
streams. Wnfer: Makran coast. Pakistan. Breeding: probably in lbe Soojana hills. Las Bela.
17. (1712) PIED CHAT Oenanrhe picara R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Boulder-strewn barren country, sparsely scrubbed
sanddunes, ravines, cultivation, outskirts of desert villages, etc. Breeding: Rom Baluchistan, Chitral. Baltislan lo
Gilgit Winfer: Pakistan; NW and C India. 17a. picara morph; 17b. capisrrara morph; 17c. opisrholeuca morph.
1. (173 1) PIED GROUND THRUSH Zoothera wardii RM Mynai: 22 cm. Evergreen hiotope: well-wooded ravines.
open country and edges of forest. summer: Himalayas; NE hill states. W n t m : E and W Ghats complex (passage?);
Karnataka. Tamil Nndu. Sri Lanka. Seasonally behveen c. 750 and 2400 m.
3. (1732) SIBERIAN GROUND THRUSH Zoorhera sibinca M Myna?: 22 cm. Heavy Forest. Manipur hilb:
single record from Andaman Is.
4. (1739) PLAINBACKED MOUNTAIN THRUSH Zoofhera t~rollissimaR Myna+: 27 cm. Open grassy hillsides
and boulder-strewn slopes with dense hushes and grass. Himalayas; NE hill states. Breeding c. 300CL4300 m.
5 . (1 746) LESSER BROWN THRUSH f i o r h e r a rr~arginutaR Myna+: 25 cm. Dense undergrowlh along watercourses
in damp evergreen forest. Lower E Himalayas: NE hill slates: Bangladesh.
6 . (1740) LONGTAILED MOUNTAIN THRUSH Zoorhera dixoni R Myna+: 27 cm. Dense forest, scrub and open
bush counlry. Himal:~ya$:NE hill states. Breeding c. 2100-4200 m.
7. (1745) LARGE BROWN THRUSH Zoofhera monficolo R Myna+: 28 cm. Small mountain streams in dense
evergreen foresf and dense undergrowth. Himalayas: NE hill slates; Bangladesh (Chitlagong hiU tracts). Seasonally
frorn foothills to c. 3000 m.
8. (1741) GOLDEN or SMALLBILLED MOUNTAIN THRUSH Zoorhera daumo R Myna+: 26 cm. Dense forest.
edges of pasture-land, well-wooded margins of streams, bamboo brakes, etc. Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh;
also the southern W Ghats complex; Sri I d a . Breeding c. 2100-3600 m.
9 . (1 765) DUSKY THRUSH Turdus naurnanni M M y n a : 23 cm. Open fields, grassland and thinly wooded country.
E Himalayas; NE hill states: c. 900-3000 m. Three records frorn Pakistan.
10. (1747) BLACKBREASTED THRUSH Turdus dissin1i1i.r R Mynai: 22 cm. Damp evergreen woods with ample
undergrowth, and mixed oak and rhododendro~iforesl; also =rub jungle. NE hill states: Bangladesh; c. 12W2400 m.
11. (1762) DARK THRUSH Turdus obscurus M M y n a : 23 cm. Open forcst. Arunachal Pradesh; NE MI states:
Bangladesh. Also T;rmil Nadu and Andamans.
12. (1764) REDTHROATED THRUSH Turdus rujico1li.r mjcollis M Myna+: 25 cm. Grassy slopes, forest edges.
sparsely scnlhhed fallow land, stubble fields and pastures, etc. Balucliistan: Himalayas: NE hill states: Bangladesh;
up to c. 3000 m.
14. (1767) REDWING Turdus iliurur V (M?) M y n a : 22 cm Open forest and fields. S h y ~.wlatedrecords frorn
NWM'(?) and Kashm~r.
15. (1766) FIELDFARE Turdus pilaris V Myna+: 27 cm. Fields and orchards. Single record. Saharanpur, U.P.
16. (1768) M1STI.F;. THRUSH T u r d w visci~'omrR Myna+: 28 cm. Mixed open forest of conifers, oak or birch; also
o p n grassy hillsides and hill cultivation (winter). Suntnrer (breeding): N Baluchistan. NWFF', Chitral. Gilgit east to
Nepal. 1800-3900 m . W n f e r : Foothills and arljacent plains.
1. (1474) PALEFOOTED BUSH WARBLER Cenia pallidipes R Sparrow-: 1 0 cm. Grass-and-bush or secondary
jungle. and glades in evergreen or pine forest. Himalayan foothills from Dehra Dun east N E hill states; E ~ h a t s ;
Andaman Is. Bangladesh (winter). Seasonally, foothills to c. 1500 m.
2. (1476) JAPANESE BUSH WARBLER Certia diphone V Sparrow*: Male 16 cm: Female 14 cm. Two records, Assam.
3. (1478) STRONGFOOTED BUSH WARBLER Cerria monrana R Sparrow-: 11 cm. Bush-covered hillsides, bushes and
undergrowh in open mixed forest. Himalayas from Swat east; NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chittagong region). Seeonally.
foothiils to c. 3300 m.
4. (148 I) ABERRANT BUSH WARBLFX Cerriaj7avolivocea R Sparrow-: 13 cm.Long grass, dense bushes and undergrowth
In forest. Himalayas fmm Garhwal east; NE hill states. Seasonally. 700-3600 m.
5. (1486) RUFOUSCAPPED BUSH WARBLER Cerfia brunnifrons R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Stunted juniper and fune bushes
on stony hillsides and in open coniferous forest. Himalayas. c. 2700-4000 m (summer); also in the foothills and flood plains of
the Brahmaputra. to Meghalaya (winter).
6. (1479) LARGE BUSH WARBLER Cerria major R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Dense rhododendron jungle in subalpine silver f i ~
forest. or dwarf rhododendron thickets. Himalayas from Garhwal and Kumaon easl; NE hill states. Seasonally. terai to 4000 m.
7. (1484) HUME'S BUSH WARBLq( Cetria acanrhizoides R Sparrow-: 11 cm. Dense ringal bamboo stands or open
forest. Himalayas from Garhwal east; c. 2100-3700 m (summer).
8. (1493) BROWN BUSH WARBLER Bradypterrrslureovenrris R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Grassy downs, high grass and bracken-
covered hillsides. E Himalayas; NE hill states. Seasonally, foothills to 3300 m.
9. (1494) PALLISER'S WARBLER Bradyprerur palliseri R (endemic) Sparrow-: 14 cm. Undergrowth and dwarf bamboo
In damp Corest. Sri Lanka. above r. 900 m.
10. (1 490) S P O l l T D BUS11 WARBLER Bradyprerrts rhoracicrrs R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Bracken, dwarfjuniper and other low
scrub. Himalayas from 1.adakh. Garhwal and Kumaon easl. Seasonally, terai and plains to 4000+ m.
11. (1488) CETTI'S WARBLER Cerlia cerli M Sparrow-: 12 cm. Partially submerged bulrushes. reeds, high grass and
tamarisks. Prom Peshawar valley through the flood plains of the Indus; Sind; Punjab (Bahawalpur); and possibly Baluchistan;
east to Harike I.ake (Punjab) and Rajaslhan.
12. (1 555) BLACKBROWED W E D WARBLERAcrocephalus bisrrigireps M Sparrow-: 13 cm. Dense cover near marshes.
high grass and ricrficlds Nepal: Assam. Manipur and lower Bengal. Bangladesh (7).
13. (1491 ) LARGEBIIJ.ED BUSH WARBLER Bradyprerus twjor R Sparmw-: 13 cm. Low thorny scrub interspersed with
rank grass and bracken fnnging forcst. W Himalayas from Gilgit and the Kagan valley east through Ladakh and Kashmir.
Seasonally. c. 1200-3600 m.
14. f 1549) THICKBII.LI:I) WARBI.I<R Acrocephalus aedon M Bulhul*: 20 cm. Reeds and bushes in marshy places, tall
grass and wccds in ahandoned clearings. 1t.a and colfee plantations. NE and peninsular India; also Gujarat. Rajaslhan; Bangladesh;
Andaman and Nicnhar Is.
15. (1492) CHINESE BUSH WARBI.,fX Brudvprerrrs rarsanowskirrs M? Sparrow-: 14 cm. Grass and bushes, stubble fields.
standing ria and reed-beds. Recorded fmm Jalpaiquri duars and Nepal terai (winter).
16. ( 1 556) DLYTH'S REED WARBIER Arrorephalirs drrmerorrrin RM Sparrow-: 14 cm. Bushes, hedges, orchards, bamboo
clumps and grain ficlds. mainly in deciduous hiotnpe. Breediirg: N Baluchistan. Wnrer: Suhcontinent.
17. ( 1557) PAI)DYI'IF.I~DWARBI.ER Arro<ephalrrs rr~rirolaRM Sparrow-: 13 cm. Reed-beds, elephant grass, sugarcane
and wcl rice cultivat~on.nreedmg: N Baluchistan. Mnrer: Suhcontinent. Ahsent in Sri L.anka.
18. ( I SSSa) REED WARB1.ER Acrocephalus srirpureus R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Reed-bcds. Probably brceds in N Baluchistan;
mav wintcr on the Mnkran coast.
I 9 ( I 550) M I A N (;REAT REED WARBIERArrorepholus sfenforerrsR Bulhul*: 19 cm. Reed-beds ant1 shrubs around
lakes. ~hcels.ponds. canals. clc. Suhcontinent; Sri lanka; Andaman Is. Breeding abundantly in Kashmirvalley, r. 1800 m. Also
in Bengal Salt I.akcs: Kcrala
1. (1564a) BARRED WARBLER Sylvia nisoria V Sparrow*: 16 cm. Bushes. n o records: Gilgit and Ladakh.
2. (1566) WHITETHROAT Sylvia communis M Sparrow-: 14 crn. Bushes, hedges amidst cultivation and scrub in
semi-desert. Summer: C Baluchistan; Ladakh. Autumn (passage): Pakistan and NW India south to W Gujarat; Utlar
Pradesh (Delhi, Kanpur). Spring: Makran coast.
3. (1565) ORPHEAN WARBLER Sylvia hortensis M Sparrow*: 15 crn. Shrubs on stony slopes and semi-dcscrt.
Summer: Baluchistan and NWFP. Mnfer: Pakistan; India from the Indus east, and south to Bihar. Karnataka and
Tamil Nadu.
4. (1569) Sylvia curruca minula
5. (1570) Sylvia curruca althaea
6. (1567) Sylvia ~ u r r u c ahlythi 1 LESSER WHITETHROATSylvia rurruca M Sparrow-: 12crn. Scrubjungle
and bushes in semi-desert stony country. Breeding (alrhaea): N Baluchistan; NWFP to Iadakb and Kashrnir. Wnfer:
(aU.sspp.): Sernkdesert and drier amas of the Subcontinent.
7. (1571) DESERT WARBLER Sylvia nana M Sparrow-: I I crn. Scrub in semi-desert, stony hillsides, and low
vegetation on salty mudflats. Pakistan and NW India east to Haryana, Rajasthan and Kutch.
8. (1633) STOLICZKA'S TIT-WARBLER Leptopoecile sophiae R Sparrow:: 10 cm. Dwarf juniper and other
scrub and thickets of Hippophae and willows. Baltistan, Gilgit. Ladakh. Seasonally, c. 1800.3900 rn.
10. (1629) GOLDCREST Regulus regulus R Sparrow-: 8 cm. Conifer forest. Himalayas. seasonally from c. 1500 rn
to upper Limit of conifer forest.
I I . (1571a) MENETRIES'S WARBLER Sylvia rnystacaea M Sparrow-: 12 crn. Bushes of willow and tamarisk.
Rare and localised breeding visitor to W C Baluchistan.
12. (1632) CRESTED TIT-WARBLER Leptopoerile e l q u n r K Sparmw-: 10 crn. F ir forest and juniper scrub.
Presumably occurring in Arunachal Pradesh adjacent SE Tibct where resident. Seasonally, r. 2800.4300 rn.
13. (1517) ASHY WREN-WARBLER Prinia socialk R Sparrow-: 13 crn. Snrpur grass. reeds, S L T U ~and grass
around cullivation, bracken-covered slopes, gardens. Peninsular India south c>C N:uhada river and S Bibar: Sri Lanka.
14. (IS 15) Ssp. stewarri of 1517. Upper Indus system (Pakistan) and India lrom Himalayan foothills souUi to Narbada
river, cast to Orissa. N Andhra and NE India.
15. (1507) HODGSON'S WREN-WARBLER Prinia rinereocapilla R Sparrow-: I I crn. Dense jungle, secnndary
growth and trees. Himalayan foothills, duns and bhahar from Kumaon east.
16. (1.501) RUFOUS WREN-WARBLER Prinia rufesrrm R Sparmw-: I I crn. Stands of long grass, secondary
growth and wccds on open forested hillsides. E Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh: Orissa: E Ghats
(Vishakhapalnam Hills). Foothills to c. 1800 m.
17. (1503) FRANKLIN'S WREN-WARBLER Prinia hodgsonii K Sparrow-: 11 cm. Scruh and grass junplc.
undcrgrowth in deciduous Torest. mangrove swamps. reed-beds, etc. Subcontinent. Absent in Andaman and Nicohar
1. (1543) PALLAS'S GRASSHOPPER WARBLER Locrcsrella cerrhiola M Sparrow-: 13 cm. Swamps, reed-beds and
ricefields. NE and C India; Bangladesh; Sri Lanka; Andaman and Nicobar Is.
2. (1 546) BROADTAILED GRASS WARBLER Schoenicolaplatyura R Sparrow+: 18 cm.Tall grass and a r u b covered
hillsides, reeds and grass in marshy depressions. Soufiem W Ghats complex from Belgaum south; Sri Lanka.
3. (1545) GRASSHOPPER WARBLER Iaclls~ella~ e v i aM Sparrow-: 13 cm. Edges of reservoirs and swampy
depressions. damp grass and tamarisk jungle. Subcontinent
4. (EL) Ssp. obscurior of 1545. N Caucasus. SW Iran (winter).
5. (1548) STRIATED MARSH WARBLER Megalururpalur~risR Bulbul+: 25 cm. Grass and reeds in marshes, tall
grass and scrub in cultivalion. N Pakistan; N and NE India; Bangladesh.
6. (1547) BRISTLED GRASS WARBLER Chaerornis srriahrr R Sparrow+: 20 cm. Coarse grassland intermixed with
bushes and stananding ricefields. Subcontinent. Absent in Sri Lanka; Andaman and Nicobar Is.
7. (1508) STREAKED WREN-WARBLER Prinia gracilis R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Tamarisk, grass and scrub jungle in
sandy, semi-desert country. Baluchislan; NW Pakistan; NW IndQ Himalayan foothins. and Gangetic plain east lo
Brahmaputra river. Bangladesh.
8. (1506) RUFOUSFRONTED WREN-WARBLER Prinia buchanani R Sparrow-: 12 cm. Arid scrub and grass jungle in
semi-desert. Pakistan and N and C India.
9. (1544) STREAKED GRASSHOPPER WARBLER Locusrella lanceolara M Sparrow-: 13 cm. Dense bush and
grassland, sugarcane, rice stubbles. N and NE India; Bangladesh; Andaman and Nicobar Is
10. (1 495) MOUSTACHED SEDGE WARBLER Acrocephalus meranopogon R Sparrow?: 15 cm. Reed-beds and
partially submerged vegelation in jhels, etc. Breeding: Baluchistan; Punjab; Kumaon terai. Wmw: Nand NW India.
11. (1529) BLACKTHROATED HILL WARBLER ~ r i n i aafrogularis R Sparrow-, with long tail: overall 17 cm. Open
scrub and grass jungle on hillsides. E Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh; c. 900-2500 m.
12. (15 11) PLAIN WREN-WARBLER Prinia subffava R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Mixed thorn scrub and tall jungle.
secondary growth. cultivation, etc. Subcontinent. Absent in Andaman and Nicobar Is.
13. (1521) JUNGLE WREN-WARBLER Prinia sylvarica R Sparrow?: 15 cm. Low bush jungle mixed with coarse
grass. Subcontinent from Kangra east to NW Bangladesh. Sri Lanka. Absenl in Andaman and Nicobar Is.
14. (1524) Ssp. sindiana of 1525 Pakistan; Punjab. Haryana.
15. (1525) YELLOWBELLIED WREN-WARBLER P r i n i a ~ a v i v e m i sR Sparrow-: 13 cm. Humid grassland mixed
wilh bushes, elephant grass, reeds and thin secondary growth. Pakistan; Nand NE India; Bangladesh.
16. (1532) Disjunct F ~ s t e mssp. cinerascens of 153 1. R Sparrow-, with long tail: overall 16 cm. Elephant grassnear large
rivers and in swamps. Assam plains of the Brahmaputra river system: Bangladesh.
17. (153 1 ) LONGTALED GRASS WARBLER Prinia burnesii R Sparrow-. with long tail: overall 17 cm. Stretches of
sarkhan grass and bushes, near rivers. Pakistan: flood plains of the Indus river system.
18. (1533) STREAKED SCRUB WARBLER Scorocerca inquiera R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Scrub and clumps on arid.
rocky hillsides. Baluchistan, NW Pakistan; foothills to c. 3000 m.
19. (1527) BROWN HILL WARBLER Prinia criniger R Sparrow*: 16 cm. Grass and scrub jungle and open pine forest
on hillsides. Baluchistan, N Pakistan and Himalayan foolhills; NE hill slates; Bangladesh. Seasonally, c. 600-3100 m.
20. (1498) STREAKED FANTAIL WARBLER Cisricola juncidis R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Tall grass, reed-beds. ricefields.
dry grassland, etc. Subcontinent. Absent in Andaman Is.
21. (1534) LARGE GRASS WARBLER Gran~inicolabengalemis R Sparrow*: 16 cm. Tall grass and reeds. Fmm W
Nepal lerai east Lhrough Bengal and flood plains of the Brahmaputra; Bangladesh; Manipur.
22. (1496) FANTAIL WARBLER Cisricola exilis R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Tall coarse grass and bracken scrub on open
hillsides and lowlands. Southem W Ghats complex; Sub-Himalayan terai; NE India; Bangladesh.
1. (1 564) UPCHER'S WARBLEK Hippolais languido M Sparrow-: 14 an.Stunted bushavered stony hillslopes. Baluchistan
2. (1 577) PLAIN LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus neglectus M Sparrow-: I 0 cm. Low bushes. juniper forest, tamarisks and
acacias. Summer: N Baluchistan; NWFPeast to Kashmir. Wtuer: W Himalayan foothills south through Sind and S Baluchistan.
Seasonally, foothills to c. 3000 m.
3. (1562) BOOTED WARBLER Hippolais cdigara RM Sparrow-: 12 cm. Deciduous scrub jungle. Breeding: Throughout
Baluchistan; NWFF'; Sind. Wnrer: Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
4. (1 574) BROWN LEAF WARBLER, or CHIPCHAFF Phylloscopus collybira M Sparrow-: 10 cm. Bushes, hedges.
gardens, scrub jungle. Sruntner: Baltistan. Gilgit. Ladakh. Rupshu. Lahul. Spiti, c. 2500-4400 In. Wnter: Himalayan foolhills
and Subcontinent.
5. (1578) TTI'LER'S L F M WARBLER Phylloscopus ryrleri M Sparrow-: 10 cm. Coniferous forest; also dwarf willows
and birches. Swntner: Extreme NW Himalayas to Kashmir; c. 2400 m to timber line. Wnrer: Subcontinent south to Kerala.
6. (1 579) TICKELL'S LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopris ofinis M Sparrow-: I0 cm. Scrub, secondary jungle, well-wooded
country. Summer: Himalayas, c. 2700 m. to limber line. Wnter: Subcontinent.
7. (ISRO) Buffbellied ssp. arcmrcs of 1579. Kathmandu valley and W Nepal terai (winter).'
8. (1 58 1) OLIVACEOUS LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopusgriseolus RM Sparrow-: I0 cm. Deciduous biotope: stony hillsides
with sparse bushes. Srunmer: N Baluchistan: NW Himalayas; c. 2400-4500 m. Wnter: Subcontinent.
9. (1593) BROOKS'S LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus srtbviridis R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Coniferous forest, bushes, olive
groves and acacias. NWFF'; N W Himalayas; c. 2100-3600 m. Wnter: N India.
10. (1 592) YELLOWBROWED LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopris inornatus RM Sparrow-: 10 cm. Scrub, gardens, gmves
and open forcst. Summer: W Himalayas up to c. 3600 m. Wnter: Subcontinent.
11. (1 586) DUSKY LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopusfuscarris M Sparrow-: I 0 cm. Scrub jungle, low bushes. reeds and long
grass around pools, hedges and standing crops. E Himalayas; N and NE India; Bangladesh; Andaman Is. Up to c. 1400 m.
12. (1 582) SMOKY WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopusfuligivenrer R Sparrow-: I 0 cm. Low scrub, boulder-strewn alpine
meadows, along banks of watercourses, etc. E Himalayas. Wnter: W Nepal terai and duns east. Seasonally, foothills to c. 4500
13. (16124 RADDE'S LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus sclnuarzi V(?).Two sight records fmm E & C Nepal.
14. (1588) ORANGEBARRED 12EAl: WARBLER Phylloscopus ptilcher R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Subalpine mixed conifer-
rhododendron and hirch forest. scrub. Hilnalayns; NE hill states. Seasonally, c. 500-4300 m.
15. (1 594) PALLAS'S LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus proregri11c.r R Sparrow-: 9 ctn. Conifer or mixed forest, woods and
hush-covered hillsides. Himalayas, c. 2200-4200 m. Wnrer: Foothills; NE India; Bangladesh.
16. (1 599) GREYFACTD LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopris marrilipettnis RM Sparrow-: 9 cm. Open mixed forest of oak and
rhododendron: also mixed deciduous forest with plenty of undergrowth. Hin~alayacfrom Kashmir to Arunachal. Nagaland and
NE hill slates. Seaqonally from foolhiUs to 3500 m.
17. (161 2) BLACKBROWI'U LEAF WARBLER Phylloscoprr.~cattrotor R Sparrow-: 9 cm. Denseevergreen, open deciduous
and mixed forcsl. Breeding: ass an^ and ?Manipur. Wttrer: NE lntlia including Bangladesh (Chitlagong region). Also Sikkim,
Bhutan and E Nepal.
18. (1606) 1-ARGE CROWNED LEAF WARBLER Phylloscoprrs occipitalis M Sparrow-: 10 cm. Dry- and moist-deciduous,
evergreen or suhlropical wet forcst. Summer: W Himalayas from NWFP and Baltistan to Garhwal and Kumaon c. 1800-3200
m. Winter: Subcont~nent.
19. (1607) Eas~crnssp. corotrairrs of-1606. Wt~ter:Sikkim; N'E India: Bangladesh.
20. (1609) BI.YTH'S I.EAFWAKDL.EH Phyllo.rcoprcs regriloides R Sparmw-: 9 cm. Oak,rhododendron, conifer, evergreen
wet or pine lolcst. Himalayas; NE hill statcs; Bangladesh. Scasonally, plains and foothills to c. 3600 m.
21. (1605) (iREENISH IliAl' WARBLI!R Phyllosroprcs frochiloides M Sparrow-: 10 cm. Gardens, wooded compounds.
groves :111<1 opcn decitluous forest. Summer: Himalayas; NE hill states; c. 2700-4200 m. Wnrer: Subcontinent; Andamans; Sri
22. ( 160 1 ) 1.ARGEBn.l.ED LEAF WARBLER Phyllosropus magnirosrris M Sparrow-: 12 cm. Deciduous or evergreen
forest. S~irntncr:Htmalnyas, c. I ROO-3600 m. Wintrr: NE and peninsular India: Sri Lanka; Andalnan Is.
' Synonym~wdw~thnolnlnalr Crrlra~avolivncraof plate 87. Iience omit
1. (1465) BLACKNAPED FLYCATCHER Hyporhymis azurea R Sparrow*: 16 cm. Evergreen and moistdeciduous
biotope: forest and plantations, mixed bamboo jungle, etc. Himalayan foothills horn Gorakhpur; continental and
peninsular India; Andaman and Nicobar Is.; Bangladesh; Sri Lanka
2. (1461) PARADISE FLYCATCHER Terpsiphone paradisi RM Bulbuk: 20 cm. Male (with tail streamers) overall
50 cm. Well-watered and shady foresc plantations, groves and gardens. Subcontinent. Also Andamans and Nicobars.
3. (1458) Whitespotted ssp. albogularis of 1455. Most of peninsular India south of the Vindhya Range.
4.(1451) WHITEBROWED FANTAIL FLYCATCHER Rhipidura aureola R Bulbul-: 17 cm. Dry open country, wooded
compounds, parkland, scrub and bainboo jungle. Subcontinent excepting NE parts and Andaman and Niwbar Is.
5. (1455) WHITETHROATED FANTAIL FLYCATCHER Rhipidura albicollis R Bulbul-: 17 cm. Shady places in
forest, weKwooded country, gardens, groves and secondary scrub. Himalayas; NE h i U states (up to c. 2700 m);
peninsular India.
6. (940) BAYBACKED SHRIKE Ionius vittarur R Bulbul-: 18 cm. Dry-deciduous open thorn scrub jungle, outskirts
of cultivation. Suhcontinent but not in Andam,uls, Nicobars and Sri Lanka.
7. (943) Pale brown ssp. isabellinur of 941. Mnrer: Pakistan and NW India east to Bihar, and south lo E Madhya
Pradcsh, Cujamt and W Maharashtra. Recorded from Nepal.
8. (942) Rufous ssp. phoenicuroides of 941. Summer: N Baluchistan. Auhrmn: Passage through Pakistan, east to
Haryana, C Rajasthan. Gujarat.
9. (949) BROWN SHRIKE Laniw crisratus M Bulbuk: 19 cm. Drydeciduous and sembevergreen scrub and
scattered bushes. Locally Subcontinent. Also Inkshadweep, Andamans. Niwbars, Sri Lanka and Maldives.
10. (938) BURMESE SHRME h n i u s collurioides R Bulbul+: 23 cm. Evergreen s c ~ u band senucultivation. N
Cachar; Nagaland(?); Manipur; Bangladesb(7).
11. (937) LESSER GREY SHRIKE Lanius ,nitlor V Myna?: 23 cm. Tko rwords. Baluchistvl (Quetta and Cbaman).
Open semi-desert and cultivation scattered with thorn bushes.
12. (933) GREY SHRME Lnnius encubitor RM Myna+: 25 cm. Tropical thorn and dry-deciduous biotope. Pakistan
fmm NWFP and Baluchistan east through continental and peninsular India and Bangladesh in appropriate facies.
13. (941) REDBACKED SHRIKE Lnnius coll'urio M Bulbul-: 17 cm. Open scrub jungle and cultivation. Pakistan
eastto W Rajasthan and N Gujarat.
14. (951) WOODCHAT SHRIKE Lonius senator V? Bulbul-: 17 cm. An unconfirmed record from Baluchistan
15. (945) GREYBACKED or TIBETAN SHRIKE Lnnius tephronorus R Bulbul+: 25 cm. Bushes, open scrub and
cultivation. Himalayas from Baltistan, Ladakh and N Kashmi east. Wnrer: foothills and plains of N and NE India.
Seasonally. roothills lo r. 4500 m.
16. (1062) WAXWING Bombycilla garrulus V Bulbul-: 18 cm. Fruiting bushes and trees. Has occurred in Baluchistan
(Quetta), NWFP, Ka41mir and Nepal.
17. (946) RUFOUSBACKED SHRIKE lanius schoch R Bulbul+: 25 cm. Open wooded country and cultivation.
Suhcontinent. Absent in Andaman and Nicobar Is.
18. (948) Blackheaded ssp. rricolor of 946. N and NE India; Bangladesh.
19. (1063) GREY HYPOCOLIUS Hypocolius ampelinus V Bulbul+: 25 cm. Semi-desert and open deciduous scrub
jungle. Baluchistan, Sind. Kutch and Maharashtra.
1. (986) GLOSSY STARE or STARLING Aplonb panayemir R? Myna+: 22 cm. Forest and mconut groves.
Andaman and Nicobar Is.; Meghalaya and Assam south through Bangladesh (status uncertain).
2. (984) SPOTTEDWINGED STARE Saroglossa spiloplera M? Bulbul+: 19 cm. Open tall forest. Summer:
Himalayas. Writer: Assam south to Bangladesh (Dhaka, Chittagong).
3. (987) GREYHEADED MYNA Slurnus malabaricus R Myna-: 21 cm. l l ~ i n l ywooded country and secondary
jungle. Continental p d peninsular India Has wandered in winter to Lower Sind (Thatta dist.) and Sri lanka.
4. (988) Whiteheaded ssp. blyrhi of 987. SW India from Belgaum south.
5. (994) BLACKHEADED, or BRAHMINY, MYNA Sfurnus pagodarum R Myna: 2 cm. Open deciduous forest
and scrub jungle, and near cultivation and habitations. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
6. (995) DAURIAN MYNA Slurnus sturninus V Myna-: 19 cm. Isolated specimens from Chikal, Andaman (on
board ship), and Nicobar Is. (Camorta).
7. (993) CEYLON WHITEHEADED MYNA or STARLING Slurnus senex R (endemic) Myna: 22 cm. Tall forest
edges and clearings. SW Sri Lanka.
8. (991) WHITEHEADED MYNA Slurnus eryfhropygius R Myna: 21 cm. Forest and secondary jungle. Andaman
and Nicobar Is.
9. (997) STARLING Slurnus vulgaris M Bulbuk: 19-20 cm. Cultivations, orchards, marshes and vicinity of
habitations. Summer: NWFP east through Kashrnir. Wnter: Pakistan and N India east to Bangladesh, south to Gujaraf
M d h y a Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh.
10. (996) ROSY PASTOR Slurnus roseus M Myna?: 23 cm. Open cultivation. grassland and semi-desert. Pakistan;
continental and peninsular India; Sri Lanka; Bangladesh.
11. (1002) PrED MYNA Slurnus c o m a R M y n a : 23 cm. Open country and cultivation. From Haryana east to NE
India and Bangladesh; Himalayan foothills, south through Madhya Pradesh to Deccan. Extending range into Pakistan.
12. (1006) COMMON MYNA Acriablheres tristis R Pigeon-: 23 cm. Neighbourhood of homesteads, villages and
cities. Subcontinent: Sri Lanka. Introduced in the Andaman. Nicobar, Maldive and Lakshadweep Is.
13. (1005) CHINESE or GREYBACKED MYNA Sturnus sinemis V Bulbuh: 20 cm. Manipur (once).
14. (1008) BANK MYNA Acridorheres ginginionus R Myna-: 21 cm. Neighbourhood of human habitations. Pakislan;
continental and peninsular India south to Mabarashtra. Madhya Pradesh and Orissa.
15. (1009) JUNGLE MYNA Acriab~heresfuscucR M y n a : 23 cm. Well-wooded counhy in the vicinity of cultivation
and villages.Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chittagong). Patchily in continental and peninsular India.
16. (1014) GOLDCKESTED MYNA Mino coronurus R M y n a : 21 cm. Moist deciduous and semi-evergreen open
forest and cultivation clearings. Manipur and Assam.
17. (1013) COLLARED MYNA Acridorheres albocincrus R M y n a : 23 cm. Meadows. elephant grass and vicinity
of cultivation and vilages. Manipur valley.
18. (1012) ORANGEBILLED JUNGLE MYNA Acridorheres javanicus R M y n a : 23 cm. Semicultivation, lafl
grass and near villages. Nagaland south through Manipur and Mi7nram to the Chittagong hill tracts; up to C. 1300 m.
19. (1015) HILL MYNA Gracula religiosa R Myna?: 25-29 cm. Evergreen and semi-evergreen forest and vicinity
of cultivation. Himalayan foothills from Kumaon east; NE hill states: Bangladesh (Chittagong); E and W Ghat
complexes south of c. 17"N: Sri I d a ; Andaman and Nicohar b.
20. (1019) CEYLON HILL MYNA Gracula pfilogenys R (endemic) Myna+: 25 cm. High trees in forest and
cultivation. Sri Lanka.
1. (1933) WHITE-EYE Zosterops palpebrosa R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Forest, groves, gardens, orchards and mangrove.
Subcontinent excepting desert parts; Andamans and Niwbar k. Sri h k a .
2. (1937) CEYLON W H m - E Y E Zosrerops ceylonenris R (endemic) Sparrow-: 11 cm. Forest, tea plantations.
gardens, etc. Sri Lanka.
3. (1906) RUBYCHEEK Anthrcptes singalensis R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Dense evergreen forest, open scrub jungle. E
.Himalaya$; NE hill slates; Bangladesh. E Ghats (sight). Foothills to c. 700 m.
4. (1907, 1908) PURPLERUMPED SUNBIRD Necrarinia zeylonica R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Scrub. Light secondary
jungle, dry cultivated country, gardens. S Bengal; Bangladesh; peninsular India; Sri Lanka.
5. (191 3 to 1915) OLIVEBACKED SUNBlRD Nectarinia jugularis R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Foresf scrub and mangroves.
Andaman and Niwbar Is.
6. (1910) VAN HASSELT'S SUNBRD Nectarinia sperata R Sparrow-: 9 cm. Forest, gardens, and dense cover in
swampy land. Assam; NE hill states; Bangladesh.
7. (1909) SMALL SUNBIRD Nectarinia minittia R Sparrow-: 8 cm. Forest, sholas, gardens;flowe~g trees and
bushes in hilly evergreen biotope. W Ghats complex from about Nasik south; normally between 300 and 2000 m.
8. (1919) MRS GOULD'S SUNBRD Aethopyga gouldiae R Sp-w-: Male 15 cm. Female 10 cm. Evergreen
and moistdeciduous biotope: forest and scrub jungle. Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chittagong region).
Seasonally, foothills to c. 3600 m.
9. (1911. 1912) LOTEN'S SUNBIRD Nectarinia lotenia R Sparrow-: 13 cm. Moistdeciduous biotope: well-
wooded, open country. gardens and cultivation. Southern peninsular India, Sri Lanka.
10. (1917) PURPLE S U N B R D Necrarinia asiatica R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Light deciduous or dry thorn forest,
cultivation, gardens 'and compounds. Subcontinent; Sri h k a . Absent in Andaman and Nicobar Ls.
11. (1923) NEPAL YELLOWBACKED SUNBIRD Aerhopyga nipalensis R Spanow-: Male 15 cm; Female 10 crn.
Heavy forest of oak and rhododendron, scrub jungle and gardens. Himalayas from Mussooree east; NE hill states;
Bangladesh (Chittagong hill tracts). Seasonally, c. 300-3600 m.
12. (1925) BLACKBREASTED SUNBIRD Aerhopyga sarurara R Sparrow-: Male 15 crn: Female 10 crn. Evergreen
and moist-deciduous biotope: dense scrub, secondary growth or open pastureland with scattered bushes. Himalayas
from Mussooree; NE hill states; Bangladesh. Seasonally, foothills to c. 2000 m.
13. (1927 lo 1929a) YELLOWBACKED SUNBRD Aelhopyga siparaja R Sparrow-; Male 15 cm; Female 10 cm.
Dcnse evergreen and moist-deciduous open forest and scrub jungle, gardens, orchards, groves, etc. Himalayan fooLbilLs
from Kangra east to Sikkim; Bangladesh; continental aid NE hidia; W Ghats complex from the Narbada river w t h ;
Nicobar Is.
14. (193 1) 1,IlTLE SPmERHUNTER Arachnorhera longirostris R Sparrow-: 14 cm. Moist-deciduous and evergreen
forest, secondary growth. heavy jungle and sholas. E Himalayan foothills; NE hill states; Bangladesh. Patchily also
in W and E Ghat complexes; Orissa. Up to c. I800 m.
IS. (1932) STREAKED SPIDERHUNTER Arachnorhera magna R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Evergreen biotope: dense
forest and abandoned cultivation clearings overgrown by wild banana shnds. E Himalayas; NE hill slates; Bangladesh;
up to c. 2200 m.
16. (1930) FIRETAII.ED SUNBIRD Acrhopy~aignicauda R Sparrow-: Male I5 cm; Female 10 cm. Open coniferous
forcst with dense growth of dwarf rhnddendrnn and juniper, etc. Himalayas rmm Garhwal east NE hill states;
Banglatksh. Seasonally, c. 1200-4000 m.
1. (1892) THICKBILLED FLOWERPECKER Dicaeum agile R Sparrow-: 9 cm. Dry to moist-deciduous or semi-
evergreen biotope: on flowering or fruiting trees and shrubs in forest and cultivated country. Subcontinent; Sri M a .
2. (1896) YELMWBELLIED FLOWERPECKER Dicaeum melanoran!hum R Sparrow-: 1 2 cm. Tall trees in
open forest and forest clearings. Himalayas from Kumaon east NE hill states. Seasonally, c. 105CL3600 m.
3. (1899) TICKELL'S FLOWERPECKER Dicaeum erythrorhynchos R Sparrow-: 8 cm. Moist-deciduous biotope:
forest plantations, groves, orchards and scrub jungle. Subcontinent excepting desert parts; Sri Lanka.
4. (1902) PLAINCOLOURED FLOWERPECKER Dicaeum concolor R Sparrow-: 8 cm. Deciduous and mixed
deciduous-evergreen forest and groves. E Himalayas; NE hill states; Bangladesh; up to c. 1800 m; W Ghats complex
from Mahabaleshwar south; Andaman Is.
5. (1895) YELLOWVENTED FLOWERPECKER Dicaeum chrysorrheum R Sparrow-: 9 cm. Open jungle, forest
edges and orange orchards. E Himalayas; NE ~ I Ustates; Bangladesh (Chittagong hill tracts). F w W s to c. 2000 m.
6. (1897) LEGGE'S FLOWERPECKER Dicaeum vincens R (endemic) Sparrow-: 9 cm. Tall trees and climbers in
rain forest Sri M a
7. (1898) ORANGEBELLIED FLOWERPECKER Dicaeum rrigonosligma R Sparrow-: 9 cm. Glades and margins
of evergreen and tidal forest. Submontane tracts of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam; Sunderbans.
8. (1905) FIREBREASTED FLOWERPECKER Dicaeum ignipecrur R Sparrow-: 7 cm. Tall forest, secondary
growth and orchards, etc. Himalayas; NE hill s W . Seasonally c. 60@2700 m.
9. (1964) RED MUNIA. or AVADAVAT Esrrilda amandava R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Sub-Himalayan krai and duars;
swampy reed-beds and !all grassland, sugarcane fields, gardens and around villages. Subcontinent. Not in Andamans,
Nicobars and Sri Lanka.
10. (1904) SCARLETBACKED FLOWERPECKER Dicaeum cruenrarum R Sparrow-: 7 cm. Open forest groves
and orchards. E Himalayas, south through Assam, Bangladesh and Bengal; up to c. 1400 m.
11. (1977) NE ssp. Lonchura malacca arricapilla
12. (1978) Peninsular ssp. Lonchura malacca malacca ]
BLACKHUDED MUMA Lonchura malacca R
Sparrow-: 10 cm. Cultivation, tall grass and swampy ground. N. NE and peninsular India; Bangladesh; Sri M a .
13. (1965) GREEN MUNlA Eshilda formosa R Sparrow-: 10 cm. &ass and low bushes. sugarcane fields and
boulder-strewn scrub jungle. Mainly C India.
14. (1974) SPOTTED MUNlA Lonrhura puncrulara R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Open woodland. bush-clad hillsides,
grassland, gardens and cultivation. Subcontinent in Pakistan occupying a narrow foothill zone; Sri Lanka.
15. (1971) Ssp. L o n c k r a kellarti jerdoni ssp. of 1973. India.
16. (1973) RUFOUSBELLIED MUNM Lonchura kellarti R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Scrub, grassland. fallow fields in
forest clearings, cultivation and near settlements. Southern parLq of E and W Ghat complexes; Sri Lanka.
17. (1966) WHllTTHROATED MUNIA Lonchura n~alabaricaR Sparrow-: 10 cm. Cultivation,,grassland, spmely
scrubbed country and Light secondary jungle. Foothills and plains. Pakistan; continental and peninsular India;
Bangladesh; Sri Lanka.
18. (1978a.) JAVA SPARROW Padda otyzivora R (introduced). Sparrow*: 15 cm. Paddy fields, gardens and d-
beds. Colombo, Calcutta; Madras.
19. (1968) WHlTEBACKED MUNIA Lochura srriara R Sparrow-: 10 cm. Open country, Light scrub jungle and
seandary growth. Himalayan foothills from Garhwal east; continental and peninsular India; Sri Lanka; Andaman
and Nicohar Is.
2. (1938) HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesticus R Bulbul-: 15 cm. A ubiquitous commensal of man in cities,
suburbs, villages, etc. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka. Absent in Nicobar Is; Andamans (inbduced).
3. (1940) SPANISH SPARROW Passer hispaniolensis M Balbul-: 15 cm. Cultivation and semi-desert. Plains of
NW Pakistan and NW India.
4. (1947a) SCRUB SPARROW Passer moabiricur M Sparrow-: 12 cm. Scrub of Prosopsis, Rubus, Tomarir, etc.
N Baluchistan.
5 . (1945) SIND JUNGLE SPARROW Passerpyrrhonotur R Sparrow-: I2 cm. Mixed tamaiisk, acacia and grass
jungle along rivers and canals, and around jheels and marshes. Flood plains of the Indus in Punjab and Sind. Also
NW India.
6. (1946) CINNAMON TREE SPARROW Passer rurilans R Bulbul-: 15 cm. Light forest of oak, rhododendron.
etc., and terraced cullivation near v h g e s . Himalayas; NE hill states. Seasonally, foothills to c. 2700 m.
7. (1942) TREE SPARROW Patser monlanur R Bulbul-: 15 cm. Villages and fields. near human settlement. N
Baluchistan; Himalayas; NE hdl states; E Ghals; Bangladesh. Foothills to c. 2700 m.
8 . (1950) ROCK SPARROW Pefronia petronia M Sparrow+: 17 cm. Stony or mky ground. Gilgit, NWFP, south
to Mianwali and Quetta.
10. (1961) BlACKTHROATED WEAVER BIRD Ploceur benghalemis R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Swampy reed-beds in
cultivated lowlands. Chiefly N and NE and continental India; Bangladesh.
11. (1960) FINN'S BAYA Ploceut megarhynchus R Sparrow+: 16 cm. Sub-Himalayan terai country with marshes.
sarpat and Saccharum grass sparsely dotted with isolated trees. Kumaon terai (below Naini Tal) east to Bengal and
12. (1962) STREAKED WEAVER BlRD Ploceus monyar R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Swampy reedbeds in cultivated
lowland. Pakistan; N and NE India; Bangladesh; capriciously in the Peninsula; Sri Lanka.
13. (1957) BAYA Ploceus philippinus R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Open cultivation. grassland and secondary scrub dotted
with acacias and palm Lrees, etc. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka.
14. (195% Palelhroated eastern ssp. burmanicus of 1957. E Nepal terai. E Bihar, Bengal, Bhutan and Bangladesh.
1. (1777 to 1779) ALPINE ACCENTDR Prunella collaris R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Stony slopes, cliffs and moraines.
Himalayas. seasonally c. 1800-5500 m.
2. (1783) RUFOUSBREASTED ACCENTOR PruneNa sfrophiara R Sparrow: 15 cm. Conifer. oak or birch forest
and scrub; boulder-s hewn alpine meadows. Himalayas, seasonally c. 460-5000 m.
3. (1781) ROBIN ACCENTDR Prunella rubeculoides R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Dwarf willows and f u n e patches near
s k a m , tundra-like vegetation around lakes. Tibetan facies of Hjmalayas from Baltistan, Astor and Ladakh. Seasonally,
c. 2500-5300 m.
4. (1788) MAROONBACKED ACCENTOR Prunella immaculara R Sparrow*: I 5 cm. Humid, mossy, conifer
and rhododendron forest; secondary jungle, forest margins, etc. (winter).Himakyas from Garhwal east, seasonally c.
2100-4200 m.
5. (1780) ALTAI ACCENTOR Prunella himalayana M Sparrow% 15 cm. Bare rocky hillsides. Himalayas, c.
2000-4200 m.
6. (1787) BLACKTHROATED ACCENTOR Prunella atrogularis M Sparrow*: 15 cm. Scrub jungle on hillsides,
tea gardens, orchards, and bushes near cultivation. N Baluchistan, NW Pakistan and east along Himalayan foothills
to NW Nepal.
7. (1785a) Ssp. ocularir of 1784. V Chaman, Baluchistan (once), Mashelakh plain. N Quetta.
8. (1787a) SIBERIAN ACCENTOR Prunella monranella V Sparrow% I 5 cm. Bushes and forest edges, near
streams. Ladakh (once).
9. (1784) BROWN ACCENTOR Prunella fulvescenr R Sparrow+: 15 cm. Caragana furze bushes on mountain
slopes, other bushes in dry facies. Summer: Hun- Astor. Baltistan and Ladakh to Rupshu; c. 3300-5100 m. Wnfer:
Lahul, Chitral and Q u e t h Nepal and S i k h ; Arunacbal (7).
10. (1955) BLANFORD'S SNOW FINCH Monrfiingilla blanfordi M Sparrow*: 15 cm. Tibetan steppe country
and cultivation near upland villages. N S i k h ; presumably also ladakb.
11. (1956) PERE DAVID'S SNOW FtNCH Monrifiingilla davidiana V Spanow+: 15 cm. Open desert in high
Tibetan facies. N S W m (once).
12. (1952) TIBET SNOW FWCH Monrifringilla adamsi R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Stony plateaux. boulder-strewn hillsides
and neighbowhood of upland v~llages.Breeding: Ladakh. Spiti, Nepal and N Sikkim; c. 3600-4900 m. Wnfer: Kulu,
upper Sutlej valey.
13. (1951) PALLAS'S SNOW FMCH Monrifringilla nivalis Status? Sparrow+: 17 cm. Occurs in Afghanistan, only
in the Hind11 Kush range. May extend to the adjacent Safed Koh.
14. (1953) MANDELLI'S SNOW FINCH Monlifringilla raczonowskii M Sparrow+: 17 cm. Tibetan steppe facies.
N Sikkim; possibly also ladakb.
15. (2000) HODGSON'S MOUNTAIN FINCH Leucosricte nemoricola R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Alpine meadows. screes,
moraines and dwarf scrub. Also open forated slopes and fallow Gelds (winter). Himalayas, seasonally c 1 W 5 3 0 0 m.
16. (1954) REDNECKED SNOW FWCH Monrifringilla ~ c o l l i sM Sparrow*: 15 cm. Open gravel plains, grassy
plateaux and banks of meandering streams. N S i k h ; Darjeeling (once).
17. (2003) BRANDT'S MOUNTAlN FINCH LPucosricre brandti RM Sparrow+: 18 cm. Desolate stony hillsides.
scree fans. moraines and alpine meadows. From Chitral east a b n g Karakoram and northern Himalayas through
Baltistan. ladakh. Lahul. Spiti. Nepal and Sikkim. Seasonally c. 1500-5400 m.
18. (EL) BARTAILED SNOW FINCH Mon~rfringillafheresae Afghanistan, Transcarpia.
1. (1979) CHAFFINCH Fringilla coelebs M Sparrow*: 15 cm. Orchards. Kohat, Gilgif Uttar Pradesh, NW Nepal.
2. (1980) BRAMBLING Fringilla montifnngilla M Sparrow*: 15 cm. Gardens and orchards. N Baluchistan,
NWFP, G d g ~ and
t Kashmir, straggling to Simla and Mussooree; N W Nepal.
3. (1998) GOLDFRONTED FINCH Serinus pusillu~R sparrow-: 12 cm. Rocky hillsides with stunted bushes, near
cultivation, shingle screes and dwarf junipers. N Baluchistan; Chitral and east along the Himalayas to Nepal. Seasonally,
c. 750-4700 m.
4. (1993) TTBETAN SlSKLN Serinus !hiberanus M Sparrow-: 12 cm. Alden, hemlock, birch and mixed Tu forest.
E Himalayas, seasonally c. 1000-3800 m.
6. (1990) HIMALAYAN GREENFINCH Carduelis spinoides RM Sparrow-: 14 cm. Open slopes. forest edges.
open conifer forest and scrub, cultivation. Himalayas; Nagaland; Manipur. Seasonally, foothills to c. 4400 m.
8. (1994) LINNET Acanrhis cannabina M Sparrow-: 13 cm. Open country and stony slopes up to c. 2400 m. N
Baluchistan; Gilgil; Baltistan; Kashmir: NW Nepal.
9. (1995. 1996) TWlTE Acanrhisjlavirosfris R Sparrow-: 13 crn. Stony and grassy slopes in arid county and
boulder-strewn alpine meadows. Chihal; Gilgit: Baltislan; ladakh: Spili; Nepal; N Skkim. Seasonally, c.1500-4800 m.
10. (1989) GOLDFINCH Carduelis carduelis R Sparrow-: 14 cm. Orchards, bare stony hillsides, open conifer
forest, fields and scrub. N Baluchistan: W Himalayas. SeasonaUy foothills to c. 3900 m.
11. (2008) LICHTENSTEIN'S DESERT FINCH Rhodospiza ohsolera R Sparrow?: 15 cm. Orchards, fallow fields.
weed-pnlchcs, elc. C Baluchistan lo Chitral; up to c . 1400 m.
12. (2009) CRIMSONWINGED DESERT ANCH ('allacanrhis songuinea Status? Bulbul-: 18 cm. Semkdesert,
mcky and scmh-covered hillsides. Chitral and ladakh (once each).
13. (2006) TRUMI'ETER BU1212FINCHC'crrpodacus girhn~incu~ R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Bare hiUs and stony semi-
dcscrl. 13aluchistan. S h d and NWFP north lo Chilral. Wnrer: Makran coast. Rajasthan. Sall Range and Punjab.
14. (2007) MONGOLIAN TRUMPETER BULLFINCH Carpodacus tnongo1iru.c M Sparrow*: 15 cm. Dry rocky or
stony s l o p s mid slecp ravines. Chilral, Gilgit, kstor. Baltistan. Ladnkh. Baluchishn (Quetta); c. 1500-3000 m.
1. (2041) CORN BUNTING Embmmzacalandra V Bulbul-: 18 cm. Waste ground. Jbang district, Pakistan (once).
3. (2042) PINE BUNTING Emberiza leucocephalos M Sparrow+: 17 cm. Bush-covered grassy slopes and cultivation.
Baluchistan north through NWFP and east through Salt Range, Gilgit, Kashmir and the Himalayan foothills to
Nepal; up to c. 1500 m.
4. (2050) GREYNECKED BUNTING Emberiza buchnani M Sparrowi: 15 cm. Dry stony foothills with sparse
bushes; sparsely shrubbed country and broken hillsides (winter). Summer: N Baluchistan and the Afghan Safed Kob.
Wnter: W, N and C India south to Kamataka Sparsely in Sind, but numerous on autumn and spring passage.
5. (2048) WHlTECAPPED BUNTING Emberizo stmarti M Sparrow*: I 5 cm. Rocky or grassy hillsides, scrub
jungle. Summer: N Baluchishn; W Himalayas. Winter: NWFP and Salt Range east to Nepal; the plains of N W India
south to Gujarat, NE Maharashm Kirthar Range in Sind. Seasonally, foothills to c. 3600 m.
6 . (2051 to 2054) ROCK BUNTING Emberizn cia RM Sparrow*: 15 cm. Grassy and bush-clad slopes in boulder-
strewn country, juniper and open pine forest. W Himalayas; SE 'libet'and Arunachal Pradesh. Mnter: Pakistan and N
India. Seasonally, foothills to c. 4200 m.
7. (2049) ORTOLAN BUNTING Emberiza h o r f u / a ~V Sparrow*: 15 cm. Orchards or grassy slopes with bushes.
Recorded only from Gilgit (twice), Kashmir (once) and Delhi (once).
8. (2057) STRIOLATED BUNTING Emberim smriolara R Sparrow-: 14 cm. Rocky or stony, sparsely scrubbed
Idsides and nullahs, ancient forts and ruins, etc. S Baluchistan, Sind and Punjab Salt Range; N and C India and C
9 . (2056) LI'ITLE BUNTING Emberizn pusilla M Sparrow-: 14 cm. Reeds, grass, rice stubbles and scrub, about
cultivation in open counby. W Himalayas (rare); E Himalayas: NE hill states: Bangladesh (hill tracts).
10. (2055) GREYHEADED BUNTING Emberiza firara RM Sparrow*: I5 cm. Bushes on hillsides. along rivcrs
and on swampy ground. W Himalayas, seasonally, foothills to c. 2700 m. Uliuer: NE India. Bangladesh: Nepal.
11. (2046) YELLOWBREASTED BUNTING Emberiza aureola M Sparrow*: 15 cm. Cullivation and grassland.
hedgerows, gardens, etc. Nepal, Sikkim, NE I n d q Bangladesh. N Bengal; up to c. 1500 m. A record each from
Baluchistan and Nicobars.
12. (2043) BLACKHEADED BUNTING Emberiza melannrephala M Sparrow+: I8 cm. Cereal cultivation. Pakistm;
N, W and C Indian plains; Nepal (once); also Gilgit, Hunachal and Punjah.
13. (2045) CHESTNUT BUNTING Emberizn tufila M Sparrow*: 14 cm. Rice stubble, bushes in cultivation and
forest c ~ h i n g s .Nepal, Sikkim. Jalpaiguri duars, Manipur, N Cachar; Chitral (once).
14. (2047) BLACKFACED BUNnNG Emberiza spodocephala M Sparrow*: 15 cm. High gras. hambcx, and scrub
jungle, hedgerows, ricefields and reedy marshes, up to c. 1000 m. NE India and Bangladesh; also the Jalpaiguri and
Sikkim duars, west to Kathmandu valley.
15. (2058) REED BUNTING Embetizn schoeniclur M Sparrow-: 14 cm. R e d b e d s , tall grass and bush jungle in
riverain country. Sind. N Baluchistan. NWFP, Punjab. Gilgit and NW India in Punjab and Haryana.
16. (2044) REDHEADED BUNTING Emberim bruniceps RM Sparrow+: 17 cm. Cultivation. especially gain
fields. Summer: N Baluchistan. Win~er:Plains of N. W and C India; Bangladesh.
1. (794) HONEYGUIDE Indicator xonlhonorus R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Conifer, dry deciduous or subbopical wet
forest with cliffs and combs of rocks bees. Himalayas from Hazara east; Nagaland; Manipur; c. 1500-3500 m.
2. (2034) SCARLET FINCH Hacmatospiza sipahi R Bulbul-: 18 cm. Open conifer forest. Himalayas from Garhwal
east through Bhutan and Amnxhal Pradesh. south through Meghalaya; c. 1 W 2 4 0 0 m.
3. (1997) REDBROWED I W C H Callacanrhis burtoni R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Open forest of fir. pine, deodar or
birch. Hhahyas from Safed Koh east to Sikkim. r. 800-3000 m.
4. (2036) BROWN BULLFINCH Pyrrhula nipulensis R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Dense fu.oak and rhododendron forest.
Himalayas; NE hill states; c. 150@3900 m.
5. (2040) ORANGE BULLFlNCH Pyrrhula auranriaca R Sparrow*: 14 cm. Open fu. birch and mixed forest. W
Himalayas. c. 1600-2700 m.
6 . (2039) REDHEADED BULLFlNCH Pymhula crylhroccphala R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Deciduous forest. Himalayas,
c. 1500-4200 m.
7. (2038) BEAVAN'S BULI,FINCH Pyrrhula cryrhaca R Sparrow+: 17 cm. Conifer and rhododendron forest. E
Himalayas, r . 2000-3800 m.
8. (1981) HAWFMCH Coccorhraurres coccorhraurres M Sparrow*: 18 cm. Groves. orchards, gardens and wooded
foolhills. N Baluchistan; NWFP.
10. (1983) ALLLED GROSBEAK Corrolhrousres aflnis R M m : 22 cm. Oak. rhododendron, or mxed conifer
and broadleafed forest. Hrnalayas. c. lUW4200.
1 1 . ( 1986) SPOTTEDWINCED (iROSBEAK C'ocrorhraurtes melanozonrhos R Mynai: 22 cm. Mixed conifer and
hmadleafed forest. Himalayas. c. 600-3600 m.
12. (2035) GOI-DHEADED BLACK FINCH Pyrrhoplcr~esepauletla R Sparrow?: 15 cm. Rhododendron and ringal
h a m h undergrowth. Hunakyas from Simla east; c. 1400-3600 m.
13. (1985) WHITEWINGED GROSBEAK Corrothraurres carnipes R Myn*: 22 cm. Fir. rhododendron or juniper
and mixed forest. Baluchistan: Himalayas; c. 150@4200 m.
14. (2060) CRESTED BUNllNG MelophLcc larhami R Sparrow*: 15 cm. Dry. stony, sparsely scruhhed hillsides:
rice stubbles and open stony dry-deciduous jungle and charred grassland (winter). Himalayan fonthills from Hama:
NE hill states; Bangladesh: most of continental and peninsular India. Up to r . I800 m.
1. (297) WILLIAMS'S KALEEI Ll.williami R Size same as 294. Habilat as in other subspecies. Possibly extends
from contiguous Chin Hills area of Burma into E Manipur and Mim.
2. (294) NEPAL KALEU Ll.leucomelano R Village hem: 60-68 cm. See Plate 35.
3 . (295) BLACKBACKED KAI-EEI Ll.melanora R Size same as 294. Overgrown ravines on hill slopes. Himalayas
600-2700 rn; E Nepal to W Bhutan.
4. (296) BLACKBREASTED KALEEJ Ll.lathami R Size same as 294. Overgrown ravines and gullies on hi1
slopes. Himalayas 100-2600 m; E Bhutan eastward; NE hill states; Bangladesh (Chittagong).
5 . (298) MOFFI'lT'S KALEH Ll.moflni R Size same as 294. Habitat unknown: presumably same as in other
subspecies. Ditribulion enigmatic as type sperimen came from animal dealer. Now proved to be an intergrade
between 295 and 296 (qq.v).
1. (408) GREAT SNIPE G a l l i ~ g omedia V Quad+: 27 cm. Marshland. S India; Sri Lanka; Andamans (winter).
2. (407) SWINHOE'S SNlPE Gallinago megala M Quail+: 29 cm. Marshy edges of jheels, wet paddy stubbles,
etc. Subcontinent; Sri Lanka: Maldives (winter).
4. (405) WOOD SNIPE Gallinago nemoricola RM Partridge: 31 cm. Swampy patches amidst tan grass and
scmb in llilly country. Himalayas from Kulu east 2100-4200 m. Mnter: Lower Himalayas; NE hill states; peninsular
India; Sri Lanka.
6. (404) SOLITARY SNIPE Gallinago soliraria RM Partridge*: 31 cm. Sprawling boggy mountain streams
interspersed with pn~ssyhummocks. Himalayas 2400-4600 m; down to base of hills and plains level (winter).