Rectified Ethanol Production Cost Analysis: Thermal Science January 2011

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Rectified ethanol production cost analysis

Article  in  Thermal Science · January 2011

DOI: 10.2298/TSCI100914022B


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5 authors, including:

Nikola J. Budimir Branislav Milenko Jacimovic

University of Belgrade University of Belgrade


Srbislav Genic Nikola B Jaćimović

University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 9 PUBLICATIONS   14 CITATIONS   

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Nikola J. BUDIMIR , Marko S. JARIĆ , Branislav M. JAĆIMOVIĆ2, Srbislav B. GENIĆ2,
1* 1


Innovation center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, 11000 Belgrade,
Pipetech Jocic, Im Eichtal 4, 54000 Baden, Switzerland
Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]

This paper deals with the impact of the most important factors of the total
production costs in bioethanol production. The most influential factors are:
total investment costs, price of raw materials (price of biomass, enzymes,
yeast), and energy costs. Taking into account these factors, a procedure for
estimation total production costs was establish. In order to gain insight into
the relationship of production and selling price of bioethanol, price of
bioethanol for some countries of the European Union and the United States
are given.

Keywords: bioethanol, investment costs, operating costs, total production


1 Introduction

Ethanol is a compound that has found applications in many fields of human activity: in
medicine as an antiseptic, in chemical industry as a solvent and for the synthesis of organic
compounds, in the alcoholic beverages industry… In the past few decades more and more ethanol is
used as a fuel or fuel additive. The importance of fuel ethanol the best illustrated by the fact that in the
period from 1979 to 2003 year production of ethanol in the U.S. has increased 280 times [1]. Also,
world ethanol production for transport fuel tripled in the period from 2000 and 2007 year. Ethanol is
most commonly used to power automobiles, though it may be used to power other vehicles, such as
farm tractors, boats and even airplanes. Because of that, ethanol has strategic value because it is a
renewable energy source and reduces the dependence on foreign oil imports.
This paper refers to the analysis of production costs of rectified ethanol (96,2%vol) by
conventional methods from grains and takes into consideration local (Serbian) market conditions from
2009. Rectified ethanol also can be used as a fuel, but it is necessary to remove water from it.
Production of pure ethanol (99,9%vol) with no water from rectified ethanol require further
purification. For the production of pure ethanol some of these procedures can be used: permeation,
pervaporation, azeotropic distillation and adsorption. Methodology applied in this research can be used
for analysis of economic efficiency of ethanol production in various market conditions. It is shown
that ethanol production costs depend greatly on heat consumption, fuel price and feed price. In
addition, this paper contains a brief overview of current state in the area of ethanol production in the
developed countries.

2 Investment cost

As far as ethanol production plants are concerned, the overall investment costs depend on the
variety of different factors. Main are the type of the feed used in the process, plant capacity and final
product quality.
Types of carbohydrates which are contained in the feed (sugars, starch or lignocelluloses) affect
the final price of ethanol. This is because they determine the applied technological procedure, which,
in term, defines the investment costs. Lignocellulos feeds require much greater investment costs
compared to starch or sugar feed [2].
If construction of new plants for ethanol production from corn in USA is observed, it can be
shown that the average investment costs in 2008 reduced to the annual plant capacity in liters of
absolute alcohol (lAA) are 0,44€/(lAA/year) [2]. More than 60% of the overall investment value is
used for the basic equipment (columns, reservoirs, heat exchangers, etc.), piping, fittings, etc. On the
other hand, investment costs for plants that use lignocellulos feed are significantly greater and in 2009
were about 0,94€/(lAA/year) [2].
However, if second-hand equipment is used for construction of ethanol plant, investment costs
are significantly reduced, and can be lower than 0,26€/(lAA/year) [3].
Naturally, the higher the plant capacity is the higher the investment costs are. However, if
investment costs are reduced to the unit of product per year (i.e. €/(lAA/year)), it can be shown that
when greater capacity plants are concerned the investment costs have only minor influence on the
overall production costs, and thus on the final product price. This correlation between investment and
capacity of plants built in USA presented in figure 1, are given in [4], based on 2010 costs.

Overall investment cost, € /(lAA/year)







10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600
Plant capacity, 10 lAA/year

Figure 1 Correlation between plant capacity and overall investment costs

Investment cost can be estimated by parametric method using equation

C2 ⎛ S 2 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ (1)
C1 ⎜⎝ S1 ⎟⎠

• C 2 is the investment cost of the new plant with the capacity S2 ,
• C1 is the investment cost of the existing plant with the capacity S1 .
Statistical analysis of the data in [4] yields the exponent of n = 0,75 (mean square deviation is
16,7%). This value corresponds well to the value of n = 0,73 given in [5].

3 Operating cost

Operating costs ( C ope ) include costs of working matters, energy, labor and other costs.

Acquisition of raw materials

Variable costs depend mostly on the acquisition of raw materials. This cost makes up
approximately 50÷70% of the overall operating costs of the plant [3], [6]. When considering the feed
fitness for the process, its price has to be taken into consideration along with its ethanol yield per mass
unit of the feed. The average ethanol yields of the most commonly used cultures, as well as the
quantities of ethanol which can be obtained from them are shown in table 1.

Table 1 Average ethanol yield based on the feed used [7] [8] [9]
Feed Wheat Corn Sugar beet Sugar cane
Culture yield reduced to the unit of
3,5 7 66 100
agricultural area, t/ha
Ethanol production reduced to the ton of the feed, l/t 370 350 95 65
Ethanol production reduced to the unit of
1295 2450 6270 6500
agricultural area, l/ha

Feed prices, as well as its yield depend mostly on the climate conditions [10]. Therefore, in
tropical countries (such as Brazil) ethanol production is based on sugar cane, while in moderate
climate countries (Europe, USA) ethanol production is based on corn. Influence of the type of feed on
the overall ethanol production costs according to the data from 2003 is shown in table 2.

Тable 2 Influence of the feed type on the overall ethanol production costs [11] [12] [13] [14]
Feed type Country Overall production costs, €/lAA
Sugar cane Brazil 0,23 ÷ 0,28
Starch and sugar feed Europe and USA 0,38 ÷ 0,54
USA 0,73 ÷ 0,80
Lignocellulose feed
Europe 0,81 ÷ 1,07
According to the data from 2009, corn price in Serbia was 120€/t (this price does not include
VAT) [15], although in the period just after the harvest corn can be bought for significantly lower
price of 80€/t. Corn price in the world market has similar value, and for example, according to [16] in
December of 2009 it was 137,5€/t.
Transport costs can have a significant influence on the feed price, depending mainly on the
length of the transport. According to [6] and [10] feed transport and storing costs usually make up to
10% of the overall production costs.
The other raw materials used in the process (mainly enzymes and yeasts) are much cheaper and
require much less assets. According to [17] their share in the overall production costs is 1,3%, while in
[18] it is stated that for the plant of the capacity of 150,9 ⋅10 6 lAA/year enzyme costs are 4,8% and
yeast costs are 1,1%. Unit feed prices are shown in table 3.

Table 3 Unit feed prices according to [15] and [17]

Feed Corn Enzymes Yeasts Denaturation additives
Unit price 0,12 €/ t 5 €/ kg 0,516 €/ kg 0,265 €/ l

Energy-generating product costs

Energy costs present another significant item, and combined with raw material acquisition make
up about 85% of the operating costs [17]. This datum is also confirmed by the analysis of the
180 ⋅ 10 6 l/year capacity plant, in which energy costs are 18% and raw material acquisition costs are
66% of the overall production costs [19].
Out of all energy costs, 75% are related to steam production. This steam is used for cooking,
distillation and rectification. The other 25% of the energy costs are related to electric energy
consumption, process and cooling water, etc. [19], [20]. For plants that produce ethanol using the wet
milling process [1], steam consumption is about 65% and electric energy consumption is about 30% of
the overall energy costs [20].
According to [21] natural gas price in Serbia is 0,417€/ m 3 (calorific value 33338 kJ/m3 ), while
heavy fuel oil price is 390,5 €/t (calorific value 40000kJ/kg). If boiler efficiency of 90% is assumed,
steam price is 32,83 €/t if produced by using natural gas, that is 24,46 €/t if steam is produced by
using heavy fuel oil. Here it has to be stressed that energy-generating product prices vary significantly
in other countries. So, according to [22] natural gas price in USA is 0,289€/ m 3 , while according to
[17], natural gas price in Italy is 0,268€/ kg , that is 0,191€/ m 3 .
Energy-generating product unit prices according to [17], [21] and [23] are shown in table 4.

Table 4 Energy-generating product unit prices

Item Water steam Electric energy Process water
32,83 €/ t - fuel: natural gas
Unit price 0,05 €/ kWh 0,041 €/ m 3
24,46 €/ t - fuel: heavy fuel oil
Byproduct production

It is possible to boost plant economic performance by selling distillery byproducts. It is stated in

[18] that savings of up to 22,1% can be made in this fashion.
If ethanol is gained using a dry milling process it is possible that the waste from the process
(which contains about 30÷50% of dry matter) is used as wet cattle food, which can be used as feed to
produce dry cattle food (DDGS – distillers dried grains with solubles) with dry matter content of 90%
[24]. By processing 100kg of corn feed about 33kg of dry cattle food is gained [25]. However, drying
the waste from ethanol production requires vast quantities of heat (up to 35% of the overall energy
used [24]) which significantly augments total production costs. Nevertheless, cattle food price
provides profitability to this procedure.
The other byproduct which can be sold is CO2 which is created is large quantities during the
fermentation process. However, only a small number of plants go to the extent of processing and
selling this byproduct, as it is only profitable for large processing capacities. In addition, it is
important that the CO2 customer is located in the vicinity of the ethanol production plant in order to
minimize transport costs [17].
Table 5 shows production costs, as well as the influence of byproduct prices on the reduction of
the total production costs [8].

Table 5 Production costs (in €/lAA)

Overall production costs
Process byproduct Overall ethanol
Feed Other production
Feed price price production costs
Wheat 0,220 ÷ 0,343 0,284 0,145 0,359 ÷ 0,482
0,200 ÷ 0,324 0,218 0,003 0,415 ÷ 0,539
Straw 0,240 0,355 0,038 0,557

It is not stated in the observed literature if the ethanol mentioned in this table is rectified or
dehydrated. Ethanol dehydration process requires additional expenses for azeotropic distillation.
According to [26], these costs are 0,0293÷0,0421 €/lAA.

Other costs

Maintenance costs include labor and material costs (including spare parts). Their assessment is
made based on information for maintenance costs of similar plants [23], or are assumed to be 3% of
the overall investment costs [6], [17], [18].
Based on [17], administration expenses are 2% of the overall plant income.
Structure of the overall production costs for ethanol fuel production in the plant that uses dry milling
process and has the capacity of 151 ⋅10 6 lAA/year is shown in table 6 [18].
Table 6 Overall production costs structure
Item Share, %
Corn (feed) 58,48
Denaturation agents 1,96
Enzymes 3,80
Yeasts 0,90
Other raw materials 0,93
Energy costs 17,6
Cooling water 1,74
Labor 1,95
Maintenance 2,48
Insurance and administration 1,36
Amortization 8,79
Total 100

4 Ethanol selling price

Ethanol selling price includes producer’s profit. Table 7 shows ethanol selling prices in Europe
and USA according to [27], while the price in Serbian market is obtained from the rectified alcohol

Table 7 Ethanol selling price for ethanol purity of 96%vol and 99%vol in €/lAA
Country Price 2009 Price 2008
96 %vol 99 %vol 96 %vol 99 %vol
Great Britain 0,65 ÷ 0,67 0,64 ÷ 0,69 0,62 ÷ 0,70 0,75 ÷ 0,81
Germany 0,64 ÷ 0,66 0,65 ÷ 0,71 0,67 ÷ 0,69 0,74 ÷ 0,81
France 0,63 ÷ 0,67 0,64 ÷ 0,70 0,66 ÷ 0,69 0,72 ÷ 0,75
Italy 0,63 ÷ 0,66 0,65 ÷ 0,68 0,67 ÷ 0,69 0,74 ÷ 0,78
USA 0,56 ÷ 0,60 0,59 ÷ 0,61 0,65 ÷ 0,68 0,70
Serbia 0,83 ÷ 1,04 - - -

5 Rectified ethanol production price in a distillery which has the capacity of 4000 lAA/day

This analysis is based on the production plant which uses the dry milling process for the
production of rectified ethanol and uses corn as feed. Plant capacity is 4000lAA/day, and the distillery
works 330 days per year (7920 working hours). Distillery includes the following production units:
• plant for corn storing and grinding and corn stew brewing;
• saccharification plant;
• fermentation plant;
• continuous distillation plant for crude ethanol production;
• batch rectification plant for rectified ethanol production;
• boiler plant with water treatment (uses heavy fuel oil);
Basic energy fluids in the distillery are water and steam.
Production of crude ethanol is done in the trayed column with reflux ratio of R=3,5. Batch
rectification is done by using the maximal (constant) amount of steam in the evaporator, while the
reflux ratio controls the distillate flow. There are several fractions of distillate and the amount of first
fractions is smaller than the main final product – main distillate. Therefore, it is not necessary to
produce the same amount of ethanol-water vapor during the whole process.
One of the goals of the analysis of the reduction of utilities (steam and cooling water) by using
two procedures:
• reflux ratio reduction to R=3 while keeping crude ethanol quality;
• modification of working regimes of rectification column and accompanying heat exchangers
(evaporator and condenser) by reducing evaporator heat load while separating first fractions.

Overall production costs specification

When considering ethanol production economic efficiency, the overall year expenses include
investment and operating costs [28]

Ctot = a ⋅ Cinv + Cope (2)

• a , year -1 , amortization rate,
• Cinv , overall investment costs,
• C ope , operating costs.

For construction of the plant in question, the investor used mostly second hand equipment.
Therefore, it is assessed that the overall investment costs reduced to the annual plant capacity are
Cinv = 0,17 €/lAA. Amortizaton rate is calculated using a = 1 / 10 year-1 .
According to [29] for production of 4000lAA/dayit is necessary to use:
• 11450kg/dayof ground corn, that is 2,86 kg/lAA;
• 4 kg/dayof alpha-amylase, that is 1 ⋅ 10 −3 kg/lAA
• 11,45kg/dayof glucoamylase, that is 2,86 ⋅ 10 −3 kg/lAA .
Distillery uses 3,04 ⋅10 −3 kg/lAA of baking yeast for fermentation. If the fermentation process
was to use dry yeast the specific consumption would be 1,52 ⋅ 10 −3 kg/lAA .
Feed cooking process requires 395kg of low pressure 4barA steam (weight of one batch is 6500kg, of
which 1390kg is corn) [29]. If the amount of steam is reduced to 1lAA obtained from this feed
(493lAA) it results in steam consumption of 0,801kg/lAA.
Steam consumption on daily level in the continuous distillation process (with reflux ratio of
R=3,5) is 12960kg/day (0,15kg/s [29]), and accordingly steam consumption reduced to 1lAA is
3,24kg/lAA. It is shown that reflux ratio can be reduced to R=3,0 without any significant influence on
the crude alcohol quality, which is later treated in batch rectification process. When reflux ratio in
reduced to R=3,0, steam consumption is also reduced and is 11520kg/day, that is 2,88kg/lAA.
According to [29], steam consumption in batch rectification process is 9370kg/day, that is 2,4kg/lAA.
When the plant works with the optimized rectification regime, steam consumption is reduced to
For determining the average steam consumption two types of steam are taken into
consideration. Firstly, steam used for separating first fractions (DPIII, DPII) and secondly, steam used
for separating first grade distillate (DI).
The average steam consumption for production of 4000lAA/day is 509 m 3 /day [29], where
water consumption is divided as follows:
• cooling during saccharification 203 m 3 /day (39,9% water),
• fermenter cooling 51,6 m 3 /day (10,1%),
• continuous distillation condensation and cooling 106 m 3 /day (20,8%),
• batch rectification condensation and cooling 148 m 3 /day (29,1%).
Water consumption for cooking ground corn and mixing with crude alcohol in rectification are
omitted from this list of items. This is because for these needs the heated water from the condenser,
which has already been taken into consideration, is used.
Specific water consumption for the needs of condensation and cooling in batch rectification
process is:
• 0,036 m 3 /lAA , for regular rectification process;
• 0,030 m 3 /lAA , for optimized rectification process.
Electric energy consumers in the distillery are: screw conveyors for corn transport from silos to
mill, mill for corn grinding, pumps, as well as other consumers (i.e. lighting, electrical appliances,
etc.). Power of these electric energy consumers for the entire plant is 99kW, and daily electric energy
consumption is 2376kWh. Electric energy prices only slightly differ on the domestic and international
market. Therefore, the price of 0,05€/kWh is taken as authoritative.
If plant maintenance costs are considered to be 3% of the overall investment costs, on the
annual level it is necessary to set aside about 7500€ for maintenance. Reduced to 1lAA this figure is
Tables 8 and 9 show how the listed factors influence the overall production costs.

Тable 8 Production costs structure (feed preparation, electric energy and plant maintenance)
Item Unit price Specific consumption Price
€/ lAA
Corn consumption 0,12€/ kg 2,86 kg/lAA 0,3400
Alpha-amylase consumption 5€/ kg 1 ⋅ 10 kg/lAA 0,0050
Glucoamylase consumption 3,5€/ kg 2,86 ⋅ 10 kg/lAA 0,0100
Baking yeast consumption 0,516€/ kg 3,04 ⋅ 10 kg/lAA 0,0020
Feed cooking steam consumption 24,46 €/ t 0,801kg/lAA 0,0196
Water consumption – saccharificator cooling 0,041€/ m 3 50,75 ⋅10 3
m /lAA 0,0021
3 −3 3
Water consumption – fermenter cooling 0,041€/ m 12,90 ⋅10 m /lAA 0,0005
Electric appliances 0,05€/ kWh 0 ,594 kWh/lAA 0,0297
Plant maintenance - - 0,0051
Total 0,4140
Table 9 Production costs structure for distillation and rectification
Conventional procedure Optimized procedure
Operation Fluid Unit price Specific Price Specific Price
consumption €/ lAA consumption €/ lAA
Continuous Steam 24,46 €/ t 3,24 kg/lAA 2,88 kg/lAA
0,0793 0,0704
distillation Water 0,041€/ m 3 0,002655 m /lAA 0,0011 0,002355 m3/lAA
Batch Steam 24,46 €/ t 2,35 kg/lAA 0,0575 1,94 kg/lAA 0,0475
rectification Water 0,041€/ m 3 0,003700 m /lAA 0,0015 0,003000 m3/lAA
Total 0,1394 0,1204

Analysis of savings gained in processes of continuous distillation and batch rectification

Saving of 11,2% is obtained by reducing reflux ratio in the feed column. If observed on the
annual level this saving is 11900€/year. If energy fluids are taken onto consideration savings are:
• in steam 475,2t/year (25,3t/year of heavy fuel oil), and
• in process water 396 m 3 /year .
By using batch rectification with optimized working regime, savings of up to 16,9% are made.
On an annual level this figure is 13200€/year. These savings include:
• steam savings of 541,2t/year (which coincides with heavy fuel oil savings of 28,8t/year), and
• process water savings of 924 m 3 /year .

6 Analysis of economic profitability of stripping

Production costs presented so far refer to the costs of ethanol production until the end of
separation of the first grade distillate. After this phase of the process is finished, the final fractions are
separated. At the beginning of separation of these final fractions, ethanol fraction in the distillate
cannot be disregarded, and therefore its separation from these fractions is economically profitable. It
is for this reason that the final fractions are separated and again treated in the process of batch
rectification. As time passes, the amount of ethanol gained (lAA/h) is reduced and because of this the
overall production costs reduced to the product unit (€/lAA) are constantly increasing. Baring this in
mind, it is necessary to determine the moment after which it is not economically profitable to continue
stripping the feed.
Main costs which determine the overall production costs in this case are the costs of steam and
cooling water. Analysis of economic profitability of stripping will be determined by the equation

C EP > P ⋅ C P + W ⋅ CW (3)

• C EP , €/ lAA is ethanol selling price,
• P , kg/lAA is steam consumption,
• C P , €/ kg is steam price,
• W , t/lAA is water consumption for condensation and cooling in the process of batch
• CW , €/ m 3 is water price.
Further analysis refers to the previously mentioned prices which are applicable in Serbia
C EP = 0,93 €/ lAA , C P = 0,02446 €/ kg and CW = 0,041, €/ m 3 .
Steam consumption (P) consists of steam consumption in the process of stripping the feed and
steam consumption in the process of batch rectification until separation of first grade distillate is
finished. Consumption of water for condensation and cooling (W) also consists of two parts: water for
stripping the feed and water used for separation of final fractions.
Two variants of stripping are considered:
• the first variant implies that the final fraction of ethanol in second final quality distilate ( DKII )
is 85%vol, аnd in the third final quality ( DKIII ) is 80%vol, and
• the second variant implies that the ethanol fraction is 70%vol in both final qualities.
Second variant is considered because when separating the final fractions there is no need to
separate the distillate when ethanol concentration is over 70%vol, and later to add water to this
distillate in order to prepare the feed for the next batch.
First variant
Based on the mathematical model of stripping, steam consumption for stripping the feed ( P1 )
can be presented as a function of time ( τ ) as

P1 = 1,067 ⋅ exp(0,447 ⋅τ ) (4)

• τ , h is time of separation of the final fractions calculated from the moment when separation of
first grade distillate is finished ( 0 < τ < 14h ).
Average steam consumption in the process of batch rectification until separation of final fractions
begins is:
• P2 = 2,35 kg/lAA in case of conventional process,
• P2 = 1,94 kg/lAA in case of modified (optimized) process.
Water consumption in the process of stripping the feed ( W1 ) can be presented as a function of
time ( τ ) as

W1 = 0,0155⋅ exp(0,453⋅τ ) (5)

Average water consumption in the process of batch rectification until separation of final
fractions begins is:
• W 2 = 0,037 m 3 /lAA in case of conventional process,
• W 2 = 0,030 m 3 /lAA in case of modified process.
Determination of the moment after which it is no longer economically profitable to continue
stripping the batch feed is done for the both conventional and modified process in the rectification
In case of the conventional process the equation (4) can be written in the following form
C EP > (1,067 ⋅ exp(0,447τ ) + 2,35) ⋅ C P + (0,0155 ⋅ exp(0,453τ ) + 0,037) ⋅ CW (6)

Based on (6) it can be calculated that stripping is economically profitable until the moment
τ = 7,79 h which coincides with the reflux ratio of R = 55 ,1 and ethanol fraction in the residue of
830ppm (mole).
In case of modified process the equation (3) can be written as

C EP > (1,067 ⋅ exp(0,447τ ) + 1,94) ⋅ C P + (0,0155⋅ exp(0,453τ ) + 0,030) ⋅ CW (7)

from here, economically profitable stripping time is τ = 7,81 h , which coincides with the reflux ratio
of R = 57 , 4 and ethanol fraction in the residue of 800ppm (mole).
Second variant
In this case, the characteristic equations of the process are

P1 = 1,005 ⋅ exp(0,453 ⋅τ ) (8)


W1 = 0,0155⋅ exp(0,453⋅τ ) (9)

Replacing (8) and (9) in (3) yields economically profitable stripping time of τ = 7,81 h (reflux
ratio R=41,4, ethanol concentration in residue 800ppm (mole)).
It is stated in [24] that the reflux ratio value at which it is no longer economically profitable to
continue separating the distillate is 15÷30.
It must be mentioned that stripping in the process of continuous distillation is greater than in the
process of batch rectification. Ethanol fraction in the residue, when process of continuous distillation
is observed, is within 40÷50ppm (mole), while in case of batch rectification with stripping, the process
is stopped when ethanol fraction in the feed reaches 800ppm (mole).

7 Production of absolute alcohol

For most industrial and fuel uses, the rectified ethanol (96,2%vol) must be purified. For the
production of pure ethanol (99,9%vol) some of these procedures can be used:
• permeation,
• pervaporation,
• azeotropic distillation and
• adsorption.
The cost of additional purification, which was expressed per liter of absolute alcohol, is
0,012 ÷ 0,044 €/lAA, depending on the applied procedure. On the basis of these data,
production cost of absolute ethanol is:
• 0,5654 ÷ 0,5974 €/lAA (conventional procedure),
• 0,5464 ÷ 0,5784 €/lAA (optimized procedure).
8 Conclusion

The basic goal of this study was to increase energy efficiency of the distillery that produces
rectified ethanol and has the capacity of 4000 liters of AA per day. Energy savings were considered in
the plants for continuous distillation and for batch rectification.
In case of optimized process in these two plants, savings at continuous distillation plant is
11,2% (475,5 t of steam per year and 396 m 3 of water per year) and savings at batch rectification plant
is 16,9% (541,2 t of steam per year and 924 m 3 of water per year). This means that for both plant
steam consumption is decreased by 1017 t/year, and process water consumption is decreased by 1320
m 3 /year . This means that total savings of 25100 €/year can be made. It should be noted that the above
analysis refers to the medium-sized plant.
Based on the results of the techno-economic analysis it is established that ethanol production
price is greater in Serbia than in EU and USA. This comes as a consequence of greater energy-
generating products costs in Serbia.

These results were obtained by working on the project 21041 of Technological Development – Energy
Efficiency, which is supported by the Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological development.

a - amortization rate, [ year -1 ]
C1 - investment cost of the existing plant with the capacity S1 , [€/(lAA/year)]
C2 - investment cost of the new plant with the capacity S2 , [€/(lAA/year)]
C EP - ethanol selling price, [€/ lAA ]
Cinv - overall investment costs, [€/(lAA/year)]
C ope - operating costs, [€/lAA]
CP - steam price, [€/ kg ]
Ctot - overall year expenses, [€/lAA]
CW - water price, [€/ m 3 ]
n - exponent, [-]
P - steam consumption, [ kg/lAA]
P1 - steam consumption for stripping the feed, [ kg/lAA]
P2 - average steam consumption in the process of batch rectification until separation of final
fractions begins, [ kg/lAA]
R - Reflux ratio, [-]
S1 - capacity of the existing plant, [lAA/year]
S2 - capacity of of the new plant, [lAA/year]
W - water consumption for condensation and cooling in the process of batch rectification, [
m3/lAA ]
W1 - water consumption in the process of stripping the feed, [ m3/lAA ]
W2 - average water consumption in the process of batch rectification until separation of final
fractions, [ m3/lAA ]
Greek letters
τ - time of separation of the final fractions calculated from the moment when separation of
first grade distillate is finished, [ h ]

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