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Epicor Success Story

AIM Aerospace

AIM Aerospace Leverages Best-in-Class Training Approach

for Improved ERP ROI
Company Facts
XX Location: Renton, WA
XX Industry: Aerospace
XX Number of Locations: 3
XX Web site: www.aim-aerospace.com

With over 30 years’ experience, AIM Aerospace is recognized as a leader in

Success Highlights supplying quality products to airlines and OEMs worldwide. AIM operates

Challenges three separate manufacturing facilities comprising over 400,000 square feet in
XX Needed robust role-based training to help the greater Puget Sound region.
ensure user adoption and
software proficiency AIM Aerospace designs and manufactures lavatories, closets, crew rests, seat
XX Needed training that was flexible, shells and furniture, overhead stow compartments, class dividers, sidewalls,
and could be accessed on demand doghouses, ceiling panels, composite ECS ducting, and autoclave cured
and in accordance with each users’ structural composites. The company is known for its manufacturing excellence
chosen pace
in aerospace structural composites, ducting, interiors, and composites.
Offering an extensive selection of tooling and technical services, AIM
XX Epicor® ERP version 9
Aerospace also operates an FAA certified flammability test lab and an FAA
XX Epicor Knowledge Mentor approved repair station. The company prides itself on working with customers
XX Epicor Embedded Education from concept to certification and delivering quality products on schedule.

Benefits Over the years, AIM has invested in ERP to gain new capabilities to support its
XX Improved employee morale and adoption high-volume make-to-order manufacturing operation. The company went live
of new ERP system on the Epicor Vantage solution back in 2009 across its Auburn, Washington
XX Effective role-based employee training
manufacturing location. They converted to Epicor ERP version 9 in early 2011,
creates savvy workforce that is proficient in
then went live in the Renton location. The Sumner, Washington, location is
using the software
XX Improved ROI from ERP investment implementing right now and will be live by May 2015.
AIM Aerospace

One of the biggest secrets to its string of successful to its ease of use and effectiveness. When employees from sites
implementations has been the company’s investment in training. yet to go live tour post-implementation sites, even the biggest
Poor or insufficient training is a major reason why large-scale detractors become the biggest supporters. Change is hard, but
ERP implementations can fail. Organizations can spend millions proven success makes change easier for other locations.”
of dollars on ERP software and professional services, only
Woodall says that in addition to shop-floor employees and
to find their ERP system “isn’t working” to support its key
managers, AIM’s IT department also has found the training
business goals, because employees either aren’t using it or don’t
helpful to support the creation of dashboards for improved
understand how to use the system. To ensure training wasn’t
visibility and reporting.
the weak link when it comes to realizing the full potential of its
Epicor ERP implementation, AIM invested in a number of Epicor AIM’s investment in training puts it in the category of Best-in-
University offerings for both new and “refresher” training to Class organizations, according to industry analyst firm Aberdeen
make sure it’s workforce could get up to speed on the Group. An April 2014 report from Aberdeen on “The Value
system quickly. of ERP Training” cites the value that organizations gain by
committing to training their employees on ERP software.
AIM selected the Epicor Knowledge Mentor and Epicor
Embedded Education offerings to support effective role-based “ERP is the essential tool that organizations need to run
and interactive employee training. Epicor Knowledge Mentor effectively and efficiently from end to end. The solution can lead
enabled AIM to easily create, deploy, and manage custom to great benefits in performance metrics such as profit margins,
training content and documentation unique to its Epicor inventory accuracy, complete and on-time delivery, and many
implementation. Much like Navy F-18 pilots who log thousands others. But just implementing an ERP solution does not ensure
of hours behind sophisticated F-18 trainers that replicate the that these benefits will be received. Instead, organizations
actual flying experience, Epicor Knowledge Mentor training must actively strive for ERP success by committing to employee
content showed AIM employees how to use the system exactly training,” says Aberdeen analyst Nick Castellina.
as it is configured in their own work environment.
The report sought to compare the commitment to training of
Additional self-paced education for AIM employees was Best-in-Class organizations in comparison to All Others, and
facilitated through Epicor ERP Embedded Courses. With Epicor found the Best-in-Class organizations are 82% more likely than
ERP Embedded Courses, AIM employees have access to over All Others to properly train new employees after the initial stages
100 courses right from the Epicor ERP software, and can easily of implementation. Further, the Best-in-Class are 80% more
navigate between courses and the related application, including likely than All Others to have a formal onboarding process to
real-life business data through an Epicor education database. train all new users.

The training has helped with morale and user adoption, says Today, AIM’s investment in training enables all 120 users to
Sharon Woodall, ERP Systems Program Manager, for AIM leverage almost every facet of Epicor functionality—from sales
Aerospace. “It’s greatly assisted in getting employee buy-in,” she orders to engineering, part master, advanced scheduling, and
said. “Well trained employees are empowered to use the system MRP—helping AIM reap the full benefits of its ERP investment.
to do their jobs more effectively, and this becomes a testament
AIM Aerospace

About Epicor
Epicor Software Corporation drives business growth. We provide flexible, industry-specific software that is designed around the needs
of our manufacturing, distribution, retail, and service industry customers. More than 40 years of experience with our customers’
unique business processes and operational requirements is built into every solution—in the cloud, hosted, or on premises. With a
deep understanding of your industry, Epicor solutions spur growth while managing complexity. The result is powerful solutions that
free your resources so you can grow your business. For more information, connect with Epicor or visit www.epicor.com.

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