Computation of Actuation Voltage and Stress Made of Hafnium Oxide Materials Used in Ra-Dio Frequency Micro Electromechanical System Switch

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Computation of Actuation Voltage and Stress

Made of Hafnium Oxide Materials Used in Ra-

dio frequency Micro Electromechanical System

Ankur Saxena

Jagannath University ,Jaipur

[email protected]

When Radio frequency Micro electro mechanical switch is closed position it
provides very small insertion loss and in opened position it’s provides superi-
or isolation. RF MEMS switch is presented for low actuation voltage and
stress computation. To reduce the low actuation voltage using flexures and
multiple perforation in moving plate due to this spring constant is reduced.
The stress is calculated by simulating of slender micro membrane which is
made of hafnium oxide material. The RF MEMS Switch supporting with var-
ious flexures which dispense distinguishes displacement and capacitance. The
rectangular perforation is used in Fixed-Fixed Beam which supported with
the meanders.
Keywords: Fixed-Fixed Beam, Electrostatic Actuation, Flexures, Dielec-
tric, Perforation , Stiction

1.1. Introduction

From last few years Micro-electromechanical system based devices RF switches

be full of created more revolution [1]. RF MEMS switch fabricated with semicon-
ductor technology for communication application due to their small size and good
performance [2] .Pin diode require more power to operate at high frequency .RF
Micro electro mechanical switch consume low power for operation [2]. MEMS
switch have drawback of high pull in voltage against the current which is useless
in micro system. The drawback is removing by using electrostatic mechanism
which is control the pull in voltage of switch. To reduce the pull in voltage the re-
searchers employed reducing the stiffness constant by increasing the length or de-
creasing the width of switch, reducing the air gap between electrodes and increas-
ing the actuation area[3].The stiffness constant technique is depend on spring
constant of beam . As decreasing spring constant of beam by increasing the length
of beam or reducing the width of beam but ensuring that beam have doesn’t any

stiction with surface . As stiction problems created the losses of restoring force in-
creases due to this it couldn’t decrement in pull in voltage [3].MEMS switches are
classified in two parts capacitive and direct. Direct contact Microelectronic me-
chanical switch is generally employed with gigahertz operated application while
for higher frequency application used capacitive switches. MEMS switch have
two stable states ON state and OFF state, which applied through mechanism elec-
trostatic, magentostatic or thermally induced forces. Radio frequency Micro elec-
tromechanical system switch is widely used for electrostatic actuation due to little
insertion loss, small power consumption, highly reliable for higher frequency and
short switching time. Electrostatic MEMS switches entail a excessive actuation
voltage to operate the movable component. In the wireless communication appli-
cation RF MEMS switch requires low pull in voltage [4].

1.2. Material

The material plays a vital role in RF MEMS switch. The material which has a
higher constant is being considered with a thin layer providing same performance.
Hafnium oxides dielectric materials have been latterly focused for their reliable
performance. As some dielectric materials are contain very low crystallizing tem-
perature so it is very major task to integrate them into CMOS. The hafnium oxides
dielectric material has advantages over other dielectric material as it has good in-
sulation and capacitance interpretation. Its prevent diffusion of dopants such as
boron and phosphorus, protect from breakdown performance. It also has good
thermal stability, sound interface and high re-crystallization temperature qualities

1.3. Electrostatic Actuation

The Electrostatic actuation technique is a popular technique for capacitive switch.

The actuation process is also achieved by thermal, magnetic and piezoelectric
techniques. In electrostatic actuation method a DC voltage is given between the
two electrodes or bridge and the base of electrode. As the square of electric field
E is proportional to the downward force of beam ..The spring force is proportion-
al to the deflection of the beam due to this beam will be moves towards ground
electrode. Here Vin the applied voltage, g is the height of the beam above the
ground plane, go is the undeflected height, A is the area, and 6,is the dielectric
constant in the gap. The spring constant k of the beam is depend geometry dimen-

sion of the beam The beam spring constant will be vary with change in young’s
modulus, poission ratio, and material. The geometrical changes in the beam the
pull down voltages also changes and contact with the ground electrode. As applied
voltage is applied on the beam due to this downward force increases faster in the
compare of upward force and beam found to deflect [6].The high electrostatic ac-
tuation voltages gives conflicting effect on reliability of switch. The capacitive
switch is the tendency of the dielectric to achieve and hold charge. As the electric
field will be change it will change the gap and actuation voltage E [6].

1.4. Surface Contact Analysis

RF MEMS shunt switch execute vital role in examination of surface contact. The
radio frequency signal flow through a pathway which is lies between opened
transmission line and switch beam. The system loss and insertion loss on the
transmission line path will determine during the process. When Electrostatic actu-
ation voltage is applied to electrodes the beam is change its position and its moves
downward in z-direction. In Fixed- Fixed beam the middle tip will be touch the
ground electrode due to this the RF signal transmit through the switch [7].

1.5. Stress Analysis

In multiphysics software computes the von Mises stress of the Fixed- Fixed beam
membrane at Fixed height [8]. The hafnium oxide material is introduced in mem-
brane which provides maximum stress of 20.84MPa for switch A and 45.55MPa
for switch B. The two switches have different flexures for support provides dis-
tinct stress analysis. The switch B is provides maximum stress so it has good qual-
ity to hold higher switching with maximum stress.

1.6. Flexures

In this research aim reduce the spring constant value and minimize actuation volt-
age of RF MEMS switch. The flexures or meanders are added in the beam to pro-
vide supported beam. These flexures pull down the value of spring constant .As
more flexures added it significantly reduced the spring constant without extermely
increasing the required space. As smallness is essential for a device to be fixed in
RF MEMS application equation 1 and equation 2

𝑘= 𝐽 (1)
2⌈𝐸𝐼𝑥 𝐼𝑎 + 𝐼𝑏 ⌉𝑛3

1 3 192 𝑡 1 𝑖𝜋𝑤
𝐽= 𝑡 𝑤 (1 − 3 ∑ 5
tanh( )) (2)
3 𝜋 𝑤 𝑖 2𝑡
𝑖=1,𝑖 𝑜𝑑𝑑

n - number of meanders in the serpentine flexure,
G = E/2(1+v) - the torsion modulus,
Ix = wt3- the moment of inertia,
the torsion constant is given for la >> lb the spring constant of the serpentine
flexure becomes k ≈ 4Ew(t/(nla)3 [5]

1.7. Geometry & Simulation of RF MEMS Shunt Switch

The sacrificial layer is removed by adding perforation beam plates during the fab-
rication process. The perforated beam or switch advance changes in capacitance
ratio of switch and switching time[10].The Fixed- Fixed RF MEMS switch is a
switch which both ends are fixed above free gap. The dielectric materials HfO2
with high dielectric constant value and good thermal stability is used in RF
MEMS switch. The beam is supported at both ends with flexures or meanders
which provides greater flexibility. Here two types of meanders are connected to
the beam due to this its provide various properties of switch .The simulation of RF
MEMS switch is done by using multiphysics software. Here commutated the beam
pull in voltage, capacitance and stress . As in Fig. 1 Switch A and Switch B simu-
lated is shown which represent the maximum displacement in z-direction at pull in
voltage . Both switches also compute stress due electrostatic force .







Fig. 1 (a) Simulated switch A at 22.1 volt (b) Simulated switch B at 22.1 volt (c)
Graph between applied voltage and displacement of Switch A (d) Graph between
applied voltage and displacement of Switch B (e) Graph between Capacitance and
applied voltage of Switch A (f) Graph between Capacitance and applied voltage of
Switch B

1.8. Result & Discussion

The amount of rectangular perforation is used in RF MEMS switch is approxi-

mately same in both switches.. The Fig.1 Shown the simulation switch A 22.1 volt
the maximum displacement-0.308. μm. The Switch B provides maximum dis-
placement -0.418 μm at 22.1 volt. The concept of switches is designed for low
power consumption, reduce squeeze film damping,, residual stress and high
switching speed. The perforation is method which reduced the fringing fields and
air resistance. The graph is between applied voltage and displacement for Switch
A and Switch B for various voltage .As air gap reduces the value of down capaci-
tance is continuous increases .The switch A capacitance is 26.8 fF. and switch B
capacitance is 27.6 fF.

1.9. Conclusion

As result concludes that structure of flexures is reduced provide maximum dis-

placement. If switch required low actuation voltage and high switching speed then
the switch B is used for better reliability. The hafnium oxide material with high
dielectric constant value provides high switching speed, lower mass, reduce
squeeze film damping at low actuation voltage. The capacitance of switch B pro-
vides greater displacement in compares of switch A.


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