Recruiting, Hiring, and Promoting: Course Module in Human Resources Management

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Recruiting, Hiring, and Promoting

Course Module in Human Resources Management

Course Modules help faculty select and sequence HBS Publishing titles for use in segments of a course.
Each module represents subject matter experts’ thinking about the best materials to assign and how to
organize them to facilitate learning. In making selections, we’ve received guidance from faculty at Harvard
Business School and other major academic institutions.

Each module recommends four to six items. Whenever possible at least one alternative item for each
main recommendation is included. Cases form the core of many modules, but we also include readings
from Harvard Business Review, HBS background notes, and other course materials.

1. Overview of suggested content (HBS case unless otherwise noted)

Title Author Product Publication Pages Teaching

Number Year Note
1. Introduction
Note on the Hiring and Selection Roberts 393093 1993 14p --
Process (HBS background
Alternative 1: Hiring and Luecke 875X 2002 142p --
Keeping the Best People
(Harvard Business Essentials
2. Recruiting
S.G. Cowen: New Recruits DeLong 402028 2002, 15p 403154
Alternative: Jindi Enterprises: Cotte 903A09 2003 17p 803A09
Finding a New Sales Manager
(Ivey School case)

3. Interviewing and Selecting the Right Candidate: The Company’s Side

Cyr & Roberts 801414 2001, 12p --
Mark Pitts Video: Rev.2002
Alternative: COO and Country Uyterhoeven 398079 1997, 9p --
Manager Job Selection Rev.1998

4. Interviewing and Selecting the Right Candidate: The Candidate’s Side

A Note on Interviewing Higgins 405014 2004 8p --
(HBS background note)
5. Employee Advancement
Identifying and Developing Christensen 601054 2000, 11p --
Capable Leaders Rev.2001
(HBS background note)
Alternative: The Young and the Bunker, Kram 2306 2002 10p --
Clueless (HBR OnPoint & Ting

II. Rationale for selection and sequencing

HBS Publishing has a variety of products that survey key issues in recruiting, hiring, and selection. The
background note furnishes the basics concisely, but professors devoting a large course segment to this
topic might want to look at the alternatives listed here: a brief paperback from our “Essentials” series and
a collection of 12 very brief, sharply focused articles from the Management Update newsletter collection.

The cases in segment 2 focus on recruiting. Although the S.G. Cowen case presents an overview of the
entire hiring process, it is designed in part to elicit substantive class discussion about recruiting talent.
The alternative Ivey case is set in China. The protagonist is a CEO who must find a new sales manager
while facing a vexing array of strategic and governmental challenges; the two-part case presents a
detailed portrait of hiring pressures in a dynamic emerging market.

Segment 3 explores interviewing and post-interview candidate selection. The Mark Pitts case asks
students to consider key issues in interviewing a candidate for a high-level position in a high-tech startup;
the bonus here is the availability of a case video that includes interview segments as well as interview
followup with both the candidate and the interviewer. The alternative case looks at the post-interview
challenge of selecting the best from a field of seven candidates for a key corporate position.

The note in segment 4 should enrich students’ grasp of job-interview issues, as it represents the
interviewing process from the point of view of a knowledgeable, motivated candidate on the “other side of
the desk.”

The final segment examines issues surrounding promotion and career advancement. The background
note proposes a coherent approach to identifying and creating opportunities for high-potential leaders
within an organization. The HBR piece sounds a cautionary note about promoting employees too quickly,
before they have developed a broad and deep view of the company or the “emotional competencies”
necessary for success.

III. Detailed description of items

1. Introduction
Note on the Hiring and Selection Process Michael J. Roberts (HBS background note)
Describes a model for thinking about the hiring and selection process. Subjects: Entrepreneurial
management; Growth management; Hiring; Personnel management; Recruitment.

Alternative 1: Hiring and Keeping the Best People Richard Luecke

(Harvard Business Essentials paperback)
Harvard Business Essentials are comprehensive, solution-oriented paperbacks for business readers of all
levels of experience. In today's ever-changing business environment, hiring an all-star work force and
keeping it in place is a challenge for any organization. With an overview on topics such as recruiting the
right people, cultivating the right culture, avoiding employee burnout, and calculating employee turnover,
Hiring and Keeping the Best People offers managers a clear understanding of how to hire more
effectively and increase retention. Packed with hands-on tips and tools, this helpful guide provides
actionable and practical advice for managers and human resources professionals alike. Subjects:
Corporate culture; Employee retention; Human resources management; Personnel; Recruitment; Work
force management.

Alternative 2: Harvard Business Essentials: Hiring and Keeping the Best People Various Authors
(Harvard Business Press Books)
Harvard Business Essentials are comprehensive, solution-oriented paperbacks for business readers of all
levels of experience. In today's ever-changing business environment, hiring an all-star work force and
keeping it in place is a challenge for any organization. With an overview on topics such as recruiting the
right people, cultivating the right culture, avoiding employee burnout, and calculating employee turnover,
Hiring and Keeping the Best People offers managers a clear understanding of how to hire more
effectively and increase retention. Packed with hands-on tips and tools, this helpful guide provides
actionable and practical advice for managers and human resources professionals alike.

2. Recruiting
SG Cowen: New Recruits Thomas DeLong
Chip Rae, director of recruiting at SG Cowen, must decide which recruits to keep after the final interview
process for new outside associate hires. Along with team captains assigned to each school, he reviews
the criteria used to make hiring decisions. Their new strategy is to look beyond the top 10 core business
schools for the best of class in the top 25, avoiding people in the middle of their class. After some initial
resistance, senior managers eventually see the wisdom of the new strategy.
Learning Objective: To introduce the complexity of recruiting in professional services firms and teach the
basics of recruiting processes. An inside look at the strategy of creating an excellent recruiting system.
Subjects: Diversity; Employee retention; Hiring; Human resources management; Organizational behavior;
Recruitment; Service management. Setting: New York, financial services, 500 employees, 2001

Alternative: Jindi Enterprises: Finding a New Sales Manager June Cotte (Ivey School case)
Jindi Enterprises is a manufacturer of heat exchanger units for residential and commercial markets in
China. Recently, the company's top sales representative, who is also the sales manager for one of the
company's provincial offices, quit and joined a competitor. A replacement must be found, but a delay in
choosing a strategic direction is seriously complicating the hiring decision. The CEO must determine the
corporate strategy and ensure that the hiring strategy reflects these changes.
Learning Objective: To illustrate that corporate strategy, sales hiring, and selection strategy are
interrelated and require integration, that hiring criteria may have to change to reflect strategy changes,
and that sales and sales management practices in emerging markets can be different from those in
mature markets. Subjects: Corporate strategy; Human resources management; Manufacturing;
Recruitment; Sales management; Sales organization; Sales strategy; Strategy formulation. Setting:
China, manufacturing, small, 2002.

3. Interviewing and Selecting the Right Candidate: The Company’s Side

Mark Pitts Linda A. Cyr and Michael J. Roberts
Describes Peoplestreet, an Internet business being developed at Cambridge Incubator. Peoplestreet is
attempting to hire a VP of business development and has identified a candidate, Mark Pitts. Asks
students to assess which interview techniques seemed most effective in discovering the desired
Learning Objective: To expose students to various interviewing techniques. Subjects: Employment
interviews; Human resources management; Incubators; Internet; Managerial selection; Software. Setting:
Cambridge MA, 5 employees, 2000.

Alternative: COO and Country Manager Job Selection Hugo E.R. Uyterhoeven
From seven candidates, students must choose two who are most qualified for the COO position at an
entrepreneurial Danish multinational organization, and two who are the best choices for country manager
in Vietnam for the company.
Learning Objective: Focuses on previous experience and the tangible and intangible characteristics of job
candidates in developing criteria. Subjects: Agribusiness; Business policy; International business;
Leadership; Managerial selection. Setting: Europe, agribusiness.

4. Interviewing and Selecting the Right Candidate: The Candidate’s Side

A Note on Interviewing Monica Higgins (HBS background note)
Discusses issues involved in the job interview process.
Learning Objective: To assist in career planning. Subjects: Career advancement; Career changes;
Careers & career planning; Employment interviews; Self evaluation

5. Employee advancement
Getting the Right Stuff in the Right Place at the Right Time Clayton M. Christensen
(HBS background note)
Presents a synopsis of High Flyers, by Morgan McCall. Offers a method for identifying and training
managers with potential--to build management bench strength.
Learning Objective: To help students frame various methods for ensuring that the right people are hired
or promoted or transferred into the right jobs. Subjects: Human resources management; Managerial
selection; Personnel management; Personnel policies.

Alternative: The Young and the Clueless Kerry A. Bunker, Kathy E. Kram and Sharon Ting
(Harvard Business Review OnPoint article)
This is an enhanced edition of HBR article R0212F, originally published in December 2002. HBR OnPoint
articles include the full-text HBR article, plus a synopsis and annotated bibliography. It's natural to
promote your best and brightest, especially when you think they may leave for greener pastures if you
don't continually offer them new challenges and rewards. But promoting smart, ambitious young
managers too quickly often robs them of the chance to develop the emotional competencies that come
with time and experience--the ability to negotiate with peers, regulate emotions in times of crisis, and win
support for change. Indeed, at some point in a manager's career--usually at the vice-president level--raw
talent and ambition become less important than the ability to influence and persuade, and that's the point
at which the emotionally immature manager will lose his effectiveness. This article argues that delaying a
promotion can sometimes be the best thing a senior executive can do for a junior manager. The authors
recommend that senior executives employ these strategies to help boost their proteges' people skills:
sharpen the 360-degree feedback process, give managers cross-functional assignments to improve their
negotiation skills, make the development of emotional competencies mandatory, make emotional
competencies a performance measure, and encourage managers to develop informal learning
partnerships with peers and mentors. Subjects: Coaching; Employee development; Employee problems;
Human resources management; Management of professionals; Managerial selection; Managerial skills;
Performance appraisal.

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