CE6511 - Soil Mechanics Lab Manual (R-2013) PDF

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(Regulation 2013)

Department of Civil Engineering – DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor


Approved By:
Documented BY:

Mr. M.R. Ezhilkumar – M.E

Assistant Professor

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE,HoD

Faculty In-charge Chennai.


Code: L T P C
Soil Mechanics Laboratory
CE6511 0 0 4 2

Anna University Syllabus (R – 2013)

At the end of the course student attains adequate knowledge in assessing both
Physical and Engineering behavior of soils through laboratory testing procedures.

Students know the techniques to determine index properties and engineering
properties such as shear strength, compressibility and permeability by conducting
appropriate tests.

Department of Civil Engineering – DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor



1. “Soil Engineering Laboratory Instruction Manual” published by Engineering College Co-

operative Society, Anna University, Chennai, 1996.
2. Saibaba Reddy, E. Ramasastri, K. “Measurement of Engineering Properties of Soils”, New age
International (P) Limited Publishers, New Delhi, 2002.
3. Lambe T.W., “Soil Testing for Engineers”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990.


4. IITKanpur – Geotechnical Laboratory Module (http://home.iitk.ac.in/~madhav/geolab.html).

5. Prof.Shaukat Ali Khan, “Soil Laboratory Manual, Volume – 1”.

Anna University Syllabus (R – 2013)

Page Marks Signature of

S. No List of Experiments performed
No Obtained the In-charge

Determination of Index Properties of Soil

1 Specific gravity of soil solids 01

2 Grain size distribution – Sieve analysis 03

3 Grain size distribution Hydrometer analysis 06

4 Liquid limit and Plastic limit tests 11

5 Shrinkage limit and Differential free swell tests 16

Determination of Insitu Density and Compaction Characteristics

6 Field density Test (Sand replacement method) 20

Determination of moisture – density

Department of Civil Engineering – DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor

7 relationship using standard Proctor compaction 24

Determination of Engineering Properties

Permeability determination (constant head and

8 falling head methods)
One dimensional consolidation test
9 (Determination of co-efficient of consolidation 37

10 Direct shear test in cohesion-less soil 42

11 Unconfined compression test in cohesive soil 49

12 Laboratory vane Shear test in cohesive soil 53

Tri-axial compression test in cohesion-less soil

13 (Demonstration only)

14 California Bearing Ratio Test 60



Department of Civil Engineering – DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor

Exp No: 1
Specific Gravity of Soil Solids

By this experimental procedure, the soil properties like void ratio, degree of saturation,
etc can be calculated from the knowledge of specific gravity.
To determine the specific gravity of soil fraction passing 4.75 mm I.S sieve by density
Specific gravity G is defined as the ratio of the weight of an equal volume of soil solids at a
given temperature to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water at that
temperature, both weights being taken in air. The Indian Standard specifies 27 oC as the
standard temperature for reporting the specific gravity.
Apparatus Required:
1) Pycnometer (either a pycnometer jar with conical top or a stoppered bottle having a
capacity of at least 50ml)
2) 4.75mm sieve

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

3) Weighing balance
4) Oven
5) Glass rod
6) Distilled water
 Clean and dry the pycnometer
 Weigh the empty pycnometer with its cap (W1)
 Take about 200gmof oven dried soil passing through 4.75mm sieve into the
pycnometer and weigh again (W2)
 Add sufficient de-aired water to cover the soil and screw on the cap
 Shake the pycnometer well and remove entrapped air if any
 After the air has been removed, fill the pycnometer with water completely
 Thoroughly dry the pycnometer from outside and weigh it (W3)
 Clean the pycnometer by washing thoroughly
 Fill the cleaned pycnometer completely with water up to its top with cap screw on
 Weigh the pycnometer after drying it on the outside thoroughly (W4)
 Repeat the procedure for three samples and obtain the average value of specific

Calculate the specific gravity of the soil, as follows,
Specific gravity = GS =
- -

W1 = Weight of empty pyconometer

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

W2 = Weight of pyconometer + soil sample
W3 = Weight of pyconometer + soil sample + water
W4 = Weight of pyconometer + water

The specific gravity the test sample is

Exp No: 2
Grain Size Distribution – Sieve Analysis

 Select sieves as per I.S specifications and perform sieving.
 Obtain percentage of soil retained on each sieve.
 Draw graph between log grain size of soil and % finer.
To determine the grain size distribution of the given soil sample using I.S sieves.
The grain size analysis is widely used in classification of soils. The data obtained from
grain size distribution curves is used in the design of filters for earth dams and to
determine suitability of soil for road construction, air field etc. Information obtained
from grain size analysis can be used to predict soil water movement although
permeability tests are more generally used. The grain size analysis is an attempt to
determine the relative proportions of different grain sizes which make up a given soil
Apparatus Required:

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

1) Balance (Sensitivity – 0.1%)
2) I.S sieves (I.S 460 – 1962) (4.75mm to 75 microns)
3) Mechanical seive shaker
 Take about 500g of soil sample.
 Carefully check all the sieves and remove any particles
sticking to the sieve mesh.
 Sieves are arranged in the descending order of their
sizes with a pan at bottom.
 The sieving operation shall be conducted by lateral
and vertical motion of the sieve so as to keep the
sample moving continuously over the sieve surface.
 The soil particles shall not be turned or manipulated
through the sieves by hand.

 Sieving shall be continued until not more than 1 percent by mass of the residue passes
any sieve during 60 seconds.
 Remove the sieves from the sieve shaker and carefully weigh the soil retained an each
 Remove the particles sticking to the sieve mesh and should be included to the weight
 Tabulate the data and calculate the percentage passing as shown in the following table.
Table: Observation and Calculation
Total mass of the sample:
% retained
I.S sieve size or Mass retained in Cumulative % Cumulative %
= (mass retained /
number (mm) sieve (gm) retained finer (N)
total mass)*100

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.


Gradation curve is obtained by plotting percentage passing on y-axis and log of sieve size on x-
axis using a semi-log paper. Gradation curves are the best representation of soil nature i.e. it is
well graded uniformly graded or poorly graded soil. Uniformity coefficient (CU) and Coefficient
of gradation (Cg) can also give us an idea of soil nature.

Where, D10, D30 and D60 are diameters for 10%, 30% and 60% passing respectively.

The gradation curve for the given soil sample is obtained.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

Exp No: 3
Grain Size Distribution – Hydrometer Analysis

 To determine the grain size distribution of soil sample containing appreciable amount
of fines (particle size finer than 75 micron).
 To draw a grain size distribution curve.
To determine the grain size distribution of the given soil sample by hydrometer test.
For determining the grain size distribution of soil sample, usually mechanical analysis
(sieve analysis) is carried out in which the finer sieve used is 63 micron or the nearer
opening. If a soil contains appreciable quantities of fine fractions in (less than 63 micron)
wet analysis is done. One form of the analysis is hydrometer analysis. It is very much
helpful to classify the soil as per ISI classification. The properties of the soil are very
much influenced by the amount of clay and other fractions.
Apparatus Required:
1) Density Hydrometer (Conforming to I.S 3104 – 1965)

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

2) Glass measuring cylinder (Two of 1000 ml capacity with ground glass or rubber
stoppers about 7 cm diameter and 33 cm high marked at 1000 ml volume.
3) Thermometer (To cover the range 0 to 50OC with an accuracy of 0.5OC)
4) Water bath.
5) Stirring apparatus.
6) I.S sieves apparatus.
7) Balance (accurate to 0.01 gm)
8) Oven (105 to 110)
9) Stop watch.
10) Desiccators
11) Centimeter scale.
12) Porcelain evaporating dish.
13) Wide mouth conical flask or conical beaker of 1000 ml capacity.
14) Thick funnel (about 10 cm in diameter)
15) Filter flask (to take the funnel)

16) Measuring cylinder100 ml capacity.
17) Wash bottle (containing distilled
18) Filter papers.
19) Glass rod (about 15 to 20 cm long
and 4 to 5 mm in diameter)
20) Hydrogen peroxide (20 volume solution)
21) Hydrochloric acid N solution 89ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid (specific gravity
1.18) diluted with distilled water one litre of solution.
22) Sodium hexametaphosphate solution dissolve 33 g of sodium hexametaphosphate
and 7 gm of sodium carbonate in distilled water to make one litre of solution.
Calibration of hydrometer
 Volume of water displaced: Approximately 800 ml of water shall be poured in the
1000 ml measuring cylinder. The reading of the water level shall be observed and

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 The hydrometer shall be immersed in the water and the level shall again be observed
and recorded as the volume of the hydrometer bulb in ml plus volume of that part of
the stem that is submerged. For practical purposes the error to the inclusion of this
stem volume may be neglected.
 From the weight of the hydrometer: The hydrometer shall be weighed to the nearest
0.1 gm. The weight in gm shall be recorded as the volume of the bulb plus the volume
of the stem below the 1000 ml graduation mark. For practical purposes the error due
to the inclusion of this stem may be neglected.
 The sectional area of the 1000 ml measuring cylinder in which the hydrometer is to
used shall be determined by measuring the distance between the graduations. The
sectional area is equal to the volume include between the two graduations divided by
the measured distance between them.
 Place the hydrometer on the paper and sketch it. On the sketch note the lowest and
highest readings which are on the hydrometer and also mark the neck of the bulb.
Mark the center of the bulb which is half of the distance between neck of the bulb and
tip of the bulb.
 The distance from the lowest reading to the center of the bulb is (Rh) shall be recorded
(Rh = HL + L/2).
 The distance from the highest hydrometer reading to the center of the bulb shall be
measured and recorded.
 Draw graph, hydrometer readings vs Hh and Rh. A straight line is obtained. This
calibration curve is used to calibrate the hydrometer readings which are taken within
2 minutes.
 From 4 minutes onwards the readings are to be taken by immersing the hydrometer
each time. This makes the soil solution to rise, there by rising distance of free fall of the
particle. So correction is applied to the hydrometer readings.
 Correction applied to the Rh and Hh
 From these two corrected readings draw graph (straight line)
Test Procedure
 Take 50 g of dry soil in an evaporating dish, add 100 ml of dispersing agent, and
prepare a suspension.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 Transfer the suspension into the cup of a mechanical stirrer, add more distilled water,
and operate the stirrer for three minutes.
 Wash the soil slurry into a cylinder, and add distilled water to bring up the level to the
1000 ml mark.
 Cover the open end of the cylinder with a stopper and hold it securely with the palm of
the hand. Then turn the cylinder upside down and back upright repeatedly for one
 Place the cylinder down and remove the stopper. Insert a hydrometer and start a stop-
watch simultaneously. To minimize bobbing of the hydrometer, it should be released
close to the reading depth. This requires some amount of rehearsal and practice.
 Take hydrometer readings on the upper rim of the meniscus formed by the suspension
and the hydrometer stem after time intervals of periods of 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 minutes, .
 After the 4 minutes reading, remove the hydrometer slowly, and float it in a second
cylinder containing 100 ml dispersing agent and distilled water up to 1000 ml mark.

 Take further readings after elapsed time periods of 8, 15 and 30 minutes and also after
1, 2, 4, 8 and 24 hours. Insert the hydrometer only just before the reading and
withdraw immediately after the reading.
 Observe and keep recording the temperature of the soil suspension.
 Shake the solution in the second cylinder thoroughly. Insert the hydrometer and note
the meniscus correction, which is the reading difference between the top of the
meniscus and the level of the solution in the cylinder when observed along the
hydrometer stem.
 The composite correction is the difference between the top meniscus reading and
value of 1.000 corresponding to the usual hydrometer calibration temperature
of 27°C. This may be positive or negative.
 Calibrate the hydrometer to establish a relation between any reading and its
corresponding effective depth, and obtain a calibration plot. The effective depth is the
distance from the surface of the soil suspension to the level at which the density of the
suspension is being measured.
Table: Observation
Mass of dry soil taken (passing 75micron) W (g) :

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

Specific gravity of soil grains, GS :
Meniscus correction, Cm :
Correcte %
Actual d Effect Visco %
Elapse Particl Finer
hydrom Temp hydrome ive sity, Finer
d time, √h/ Factor e size, RC2 = Factor w.r.t.
eter .T ter depth Η w.r.t.
t √t ,M D Rh ± C ,N mass
reading, (OC) reading, ,h (g.sec/ total
(min) (mm) taken
Rh RC1 = Rh (cm) cm2) mass
+ Cm

Calculations for Liquid Limit:
Calculation of Particle Size
1. Enter hydrometer readings. Add meniscus correction and obtain corrected hydrometer
readings Rc1.
2. From calibration plot, obtain effective depth h corresponding to Rc1.
3. Calculate value of
4. Obtain viscosity value h corresponding to temperature T. Calculate factor
5. Calculate particle size D by multiplying M and
Calculation of Percentage Finer
1. Add the composite correction C to the hydrometer reading to get another corrected
hydrometer reading Rc2.
2. Calculate factor
3. Calculate percentage finer F by multiplying Rc2 and N.
4. Calculate percentage finer with respect to total mass of soil taken for sieve analysis and
hydrometer analysis.
Total percent finer = F x fine-grained percent in the total soil mass.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.


Present results by plotting particle size vs. percent finer on a semi-logarithmic sheet.

Exp No: 4
Liquid limit and Plastic limit

 Prepare soil specimen as per specification.
 Find the relationship between water content and number of blows.
 Draw flow curve.
 Find out liquid limit, plastic limit, flow index and toughness index of the soil sample.
To determine the liquid limit and plastic limit of the given soil sample.
Liquid limit is significant to know the stress history and general properties of the soil met
with construction. From the results of liquid limit the compression index may be
estimated. The compression index value will help us in settlement analysis. If the natural
moisture content of soil is closer to liquid limit, the soil can be considered as soft if the
moisture content is lesser than liquids limit, the soil can be considered as soft if the
moisture content is lesser than liquid limit. The soil is brittle and stiffer.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

The liquid limit is the moisture content at which the groove, formed by a standard tool
into the sample of soil taken in the standard cup, closes for 10 mm on being given 25
blows in a standard manner. At this limit the soil possess low shear strength.
The moisture content expressed in percentage at which the soil has the smallest plasticity
is called the plastic limit. Just after plastic limit the soil displays the properties of a semi
solid For determination purposes the plastic limit it is defined as the water content at
which a soil just begins to crumble when rolled into a thread of 3mm in diameter. The
values of liquid limit and plastic limit are directly used for classifying the fine grained
soils. Once the soil is classified it helps in understanding the behaviour of soils and
selecting the suitable method of design construction and maintenance of the structures
made-up or and resting on soils.
Apparatus Required:
1) Measruing balance
2) Liquid limit device (Casagrandes)
3) Grooving tool
4) 425 micron sieve 1
5) Glass plate
6) Spatula
7) Mixing bowl
8) Wash bottle
9) Mositure content bins
10) Drying oven
Procedure for liquid limit:
 About 120 gm of air dried soil from thoroughly mixed portion of material passing 425
micron I.S sieve is to be obtained.
 Distilled water is mixed to the soil thus obtained in a mixing disc to form uniform
paste. The paste shall have a consistency that would require 30 to 35 drops of cup to
cause closer of standard groove for sufficient length.
 A portion of the paste is placed in the cup of LIQUID LIMIT device and spread into
portion with few strokes of spatula.
 Trim it to a depth of 1cm at the point of maximum thickness and return excess of soil
to the dish.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 The soil in the cup shall be divided by the firm strokes of the grooving tool along the
diameter through the centre line of the follower so that clean sharp groove of proper
dimension is formed.

 Lift and drop the cup by turning crank at the rate of two revolutions per second until
the two halves of soil cake come in contact with each other for a length of about 1 cm
by flow only.
 The number of blows required to cause the groove close for about 1 cm shall be
 A representative portion (15gm) of soil is taken from the cup for water content
determination by oven drying.
 Repeat the test with different moisture contents at least three more times for blows
between 10 and 40.
Table: Observation for Liquid Limit
Natural moisture content: Room temperature:

S.No Description Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

1 No of blows (N)
2 Container number
3 Weight of the container + wet soil

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

4 Weight of the container + dry soil
5 Weight of the water (3 – 4)
6 Weight of the container
7 Weight of the dry soil (4 – 6)
8 Moisture content (%), W = {(5 / 7)*100}

Calculations for Liquid Limit:

 Use the above table for recording number of
blows and calculating the moisture content.
 Use semi-log graph paper. Take number of
blows on log scale (X –Axis) and water content
on nominal scale (Y – axis). Plot all the points.
(Flow curve)
 Read the water content at 25 blows which is
the value of liquid limit.
From graph,
Flow Index, IF = (W2 – W1) / log 10 (N2 – N1) =
Liquid Limit (LL) =
Procedure for plastic limit:
 Take about 20gm of thoroughly mixed portion of the material passing through 425
micron I.S. sieve obtained in accordance with I.S. 2720 (part 1).
 Mix it thoroughly with distilled water in the evaporating dish till the soil mass
becomes plastic enough to be easily molded with fingers.
 Allow it to season for sufficient time (for 24 hrs) to allow water to permeate
throughout the soil mass
 Take about 10gms of this plastic soil mass and roll it between fingers and glass plate
with just sufficient pressure to roll the mass into a threaded of uniform diameter
throughout its length. The rate of rolling shall be between 60 and 90 strokes per
 Continue rolling till you get a threaded of 3 mm diameter.
 Kneed the soil together to a uniform mass and reroll.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 Continue the process until the thread crumbles when the diameter is 3 mm.
 Collect the pieces of the crumbled thread in air tight container for moisture content
 Repeat the test to at least 3 times and take the average of the results calculated to the
nearest whole number.
Note: Compare the diameter of thread at intervals with the rod. When the diameter reduces to
3 mm, note the surface of the thread for cracks.

Table: Observation for Plastic Limit

S.No Description Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

1 Container number
2 Wt. container + Lid, W1
3 Wt. container + Lid + Wet sample, W2
4 Wt. container + Lid + Dry sample, W3
5 Wt. of dry sample = W3 – W1
6 Wt. of water in the soil = W3 – W2
Water content (%)
= [(W3 – W2) / (W3 – W1)] * 100

Calculations for Plastic Limit:

 Collect the pieces of the crumbled thread in air tight container for moisture content
determination and record the result as the plastic limit.
Plastic Limit (PL) =

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

Plasticity Index (IP) = (LL – PL) =
Toughness Index = (IP / IF) =


Liquid Limit =
Plastic Limit =
Flow Index =
Plasticity Index =
Toughness Index =

Exp No: 5
Shrinkage limit and Differential free swell tests

 A shrinkage limit test should be performed on a soil,
1. To obtain a quantitative indication of how much change in moisture can occur
before any appreciable volume changes occurs.
2. To obtain an indication of change in volume.
 The shrinkage limit is useful in areas where soils undergo large volume changes when
going through wet and dry cycles (as in case of earth dams).
To determine the shrinkage limit, shrinkage ratio and volumetric shrinkage for the given
As the soil loses moisture, either in its natural environment, or by artificial means in
laboratory it changes from liquid state to plastic state, from plastic state to semisolid
state and then to solid state. Volume changes also occur with changes in water content.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

But there is particular limit at which any moisture change does not cause soil any volume
Apparatus Required:
1) Evaporating Dish (Porcelain, about 12cm diameter with flat bottom).
2) Spatula
3) Shrinkage Dish (Circular, porcelain or noncorroding metal dish (3 nos) having a flat
bottom and 45mm in diameter and 15 mm in height internally).
4) Straight Edge (Steel, 15 cm in length).
5) Glass cup (50 to 55 mm in diameter and 25 mm in height, the top rim of which is
ground smooth and level).
6) Glass plates (Two, each 75 mm one plate shall be of plain glass and the other shall
have prongs).
7) Sieves (2mm and 425micron IS sieves).
8) Oventhermostatically controlled.
9) Graduate Glass (having a capacity of 25 ml and graduated to 0.2 ml and 100 cc one
mark flask). 1
10) Balance (Sensitive to 0.01 g minimum).
11) Mercury(Clean, sufficient to fill the glass cup to over flowing)
12) Wash bottle containing distilled water.
Preparation of soil paste
 Take about 100 gm of soil sample from a thoroughly
mixed portion of the material passing through
425micron I.S. sieve.
 Place about 30 gm the above soil sample in the
evaporating dish and thoroughly mixed with
distilled water and make a creamy paste.
 Use water content somewhere around the liquid
Filling the shrinkage dish
 Coat the inside of the shrinkage dish with a thin layer of Vaseline to prevent the soil
sticking to the dish.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 Fill the dish in three layers by placing approximately 1/3 rd of the amount of wet soil
with the help of spatula. Tap the dish gently on a firm base until the soil flows over the
edges and no apparent air bubbles exist. Repeat this process for 2nd and 3rd layers
also till the dish is completely filled with the wet soil.
 Strike off the excess soil and make the top of the dish smooth. Wipe off all the soil
adhering to the outside of the dish.
 Weigh immediately, the dish with wet soil and record the weight.
 Air-dry the wet soil cake for 6 to 8hrs, until the colour of the pat turns from dark to
light. Then oven dry them to constant weight at 1050C to 1100C say about 12 to 16
 Remove the dried disk of the soil from oven. Cool it in a desiccator. Then obtain the
weight of the dish with dry sample.
 Determine the weight of the empty dish and record.
 Determine the volume of shrinkage dish which is evidently equal to volume of the wet
soil as follows.
 Place the shrinkage dish in an evaporating dish and fill the dish with mercury till it
overflows slightly.
 Press it with plain glass plate firmly on its top to remove excess mercury. Pour the
mercury from the shrinkage dish into a measuring jar and find the volume of the
shrinkage dish directly. Record this volume as the volume of the wet soil pat.
Volume of the Dry Soil Pat
 Determine the volume of dry soil pat by removing the pat from the shrinkage dish and
immersing it in the glass cup full of mercury in the following manner.
 Place the glass cup in a larger one and fill the glass cup to overflowing with mercury.
Remove the excess mercury by covering the cup with glass plate with prongs and
pressing it. See that no air bubbles are entrapped. Wipe out the outside of the glass cup
to remove the adhering mercury. Then, place it in another larger dish, which is, clean
and empty carefully.
 Place the dry soil pat on the mercury. It floats submerge it with the pronged glass plate
which is again made flush with top of the cup. The mercury spills over into the larger
plate. Pour the mercury that is displayed by the soil pat into the measuring jar and find

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

the volume of the soil pat directly.
Caution: Do not touch the mercury with gold rings.
Table: Observation

S.No Description Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

1 Wt of dish + wet soil pat (gm)

2 Wt of dish + dry soil pat (gm)

3 Wt of water present (R2 – R3)

4 Wt of shrinkage dish, empty (gm)

5 Wt of dry soil pat, Wd = (R2 – R4)

6 Initial water content, W= [(R4/R6)*100]

7 Wt of weighing dish, empty (gm)


8 Wt of weighing dish + Mercury

9 Wt of mercury (R8 – R7)

10 Volume of wet soil pat, V (R8/13.6) cm3

11 Wt of weighing dish + displaced mercury

12 Wt of mercury displaced (R11 – R7)

13 Volume of dry soil pat, VO (R8/13.6) cm3

14 Shrinkage limit (WS)

15 Shrinkage ratio (SR)

16 Volumetric shrinkage (VS)

Calculations for Plastic Limit:

Shrinkage limit,

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

Shrinkage Ratio,

Volumetric Shrinkage,


Shrinkage limit =

Shrinkage ratio =

Volumetric shrinkage =




Department of Civil Engineering – DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor

Exp No: 6
Field density test (Sand Replacement Method)

 The in situ density of natural soil is needed for the determination of bearing capacity
of soils, for the purpose of stability analysis of slopes, for the determination of
pressures on underlying strata for the calculation of settlement and the design of
underground structures.
 It is very quality control test, where compaction is required, in the cases like
embankment and pavement construction.
To determine the in situ density of natural or compacted soils using sand pouring cylinders.
In core cutter method the unit weight of soil obtained from direct measurement of weight
and volume of soil obtained from field. Particularly for sandy soils the core cutter method
is not possible. In such situations the sand replacement method is employed to determine
the unit weight.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

In sand replacement method a small cylindrical pit is excavated and the weight of the soil
excavated from the pit is measured. Sand, whose density is known, is filled into the pit. By
measuring the weight of sand required to fill the pit and knowing the density of soil ,
volume of the pit is calculated .
Knowing the weight of soil excavated from the pit and the volume of pit the density of soil
is calculated. Therefore in this experiment there are two stages (1) Calibration of sand
density and (2) Measurement of soil density.
Apparatus Required:
1) Sand pouring cylinder of 3 litre/16.5 litre capacity, mounted above a pouring come
and separated by a shutter cover plate.
2) Tools for excavatin holes; suitable tools such as scraper tool to make a level surface.
3) Cylindrical calibrating container with an internal diameter of 100 mm/200 mm and
an internal depth of 150 mm/250 mm fitted with a flange 50 mm/75 mm wide and
about 5 mm surrounding the open end.
4) Balance to weigh unto an accuracy of 1g.
5) Metal containers to collect excavated soil. 2
6) Metal tray with 300 mm/450 mm square and 40 mm/50 mm deep with a 100
mm/200 mm diameter hole in the centre.
7) Glass plate about 450 mm/600 mm square and 10mm thick.
8) Clean, uniformly graded natural sand passing through 1.00 mm I.S.sieve and retained
on the 600micron I.S.sieve. It shall be free from organic matter and shall have been
oven dried and exposed to atmospheric humidity.
9) Suitable noncorrodible airtight containers.
10) Thermostatically controlled oven with interior on noncorroding material to maintain
the temperature between 1050C to 1100C.


Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

Calibration of the Cylinder
 Fill the sand pouring cylinder with clean sand so that the level of the sand in the cylinder is
within about 10 mm from the top. Find out the initial weight of the cylinder plus sand (W1)
and this weight should be maintained constant throughout the test for which the calibration
is used.
 Allow the sand of volume equal to that of the calibrating container to run out of the cylinder
by opening the shutter, close the shutter and place the cylinder on the glass sand takes place
in the cylinder close the shutter and remove the cylinder carefully. Weigh the sand collected
on the glass plate.
 Its weight (W2) gives the weight of sand filling the cone portion of the sand pouring
cylinder. Repeat this step at least three times and take the mean weight (W2) Put the sand
back into the sand pouring cylinder to have the same initial constant weight (W1).
Determination of Bulk Density of Soil
 Determine the volume (V) of the container be filling it with water to the brim. Check this
volume by calculating from the measured internal dimensions of the container.
 Place the sand poring cylinder centrally on the calibrating container making sure that 2
constant weight (W1) is maintained. Open the shutter and permit the sand to run into the
container. When no further movement of sand is seen close the shutter, remove the pouring
cylinder and find its weight (W3).
Determination of Dry Density of Soil in Place
 Approximately 60 cm2 of area of soil to be tested should be trimmed down to a level
surface, approximately of the size of the container. Keep the metal tray on the level surface
and excavate a circular hole of volume equal to that of the calibrating container. Collect all
the excavated soil in the tray and find out the weight of the excavated soil (Ww).
 Remove the tray, and place the sand pouring cylinder filled to constant weight so that the
base of the cylinder covers the hole concentrically. Open the shutter and permit the sand to
run into the hole. Close the shutter when no further movement of the sand is seen. Remove
the cylinder and determine its weight (W3).
 Keep a representative sample of the excavated sample of the soil for water content
Table: Observation

S.No Description Test 1 Test 2

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

(a) Determination of mass of sand in the cone

1 Weight of sand + cylinder before pouring (W1) (g)

2 Mean weight of sand in cone (W2) (g)

(b) Determination of bulk density of sand

3 Volume of calibrating container (V) cc

4 Weight of sand + cylinder after pouring (W3) (g)

Weight of sand to fill calibrating containers,

Wa = (W1 – W3 – W2) (g)

6 Bulk density of sand, ρS = (5/3) (g/cc)

(c) Bulk density and unit weight of soil

7 Weight of wet soil from the hole (WW) (g)

Weight of sand + cylinder after pouring in the hole 2

(W4) (g)

Weight of sand in the hole,

Wh = (W1 – W4 – W2) (g)

10 Bulk density of soil, ρ W / Wh)* ρS (g/cm3)

11 Bulk unit weight of soil, γ 9.8 * ρ kN/m3)

(d) Water content determination

12 Container Number

13 Weight of container + wet soil (g)

14 Weight of container + dry soil (g)

15 Weight of container (g)

16 Weight of dry soil (g)

17 Weight of water (g)

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

18 Water content, W = (R17/R16)*100 (%)

Dry density,


Dry unit weight,


Dry density =

Dry unit weight =

Exp No: 7
Determination of moisture – density relationship

 The objective of the experiment is to determine the relationship between water
content and dry density of soil using Standard Proctor Test (light compaction) and
then to determine the optimum water content and the corresponding maximum dry
density for a soil.
 The test also covers the determination of relationship between penetration resistance
and water content for the compacted soil.
To determine Optimum Moisture Content and Maximum dry density for a soil by
conducting standard proctor compaction test.
Compaction is the process of densification of soil mass, by reducing air voids under
dynamic loading. On the other hand though consolidation is also a process of
densification of soil mass but it is due to the expulsion of water under the action of

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

continuously acting static load over a long period.
The degree of compaction of a soil is measured in terms of its dry density. The degree of
compaction mainly depends upon its moisture content during compaction, compaction
energy and the type of soil. For a given compaction energy, every soil attains the
maximum dry density at a particular water content which is known as optimum moisture
content (OMC).
Compaction of soil increases its dry density, shear strength and bearing capacity. The
compaction of soil decreases its void ratio permeability and settlements. The results of
this test are useful in studying the stability earthen structures like earthen dams,
embankments roads and airfields. In such constructions the soils are compacted. The
moisture content at which the soils are to be compacted in the field is estimated by the
value of optimum moisture content determined by the Proctor compaction test.
Apparatus Required:
1) Proctor mould having a capacity of 1000 cc with an internal diameter of 100 mm and
a height of 127.3 mm. The mould shall have a detachable collar assembly and a
detachable base plate. 2
2) Rammer: A mechanical operated metal rammer having a 5.08 cm diameter face and a
weight of 2.5 kg. The rammer shall be equipped with a suitable arrangement to
control the height of drop to a free fall of 30 cm.
3) Sample extruder.
4) A balance of 15 kg capacity.
5) Sensitive balance.
6) Straight edge.
7) Graduated cylinder.
8) Mixing tools such as mixing pan, spoon, towel, spatula etc.
9) Moisture tins.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 Take about 3 kg of air dried soil
 Sieve the soil through 20mm sieve.Take the soil that passes through the sieve for
 Take 2.5 kg of the soil and add water to ti to bring its moisture content to about 4% in
coarse grained soils and 8% in case of fine grained soils.
 Clean , dry and grease the mould and base plate .Weigh the mould with base plate. Fit
the collar.
 Compact the wet soil in three equal layers by the rammer with 25 evenly distributed
blows in each layer.
 Remove the collar and trim off the soil flush with the top of the mould. In removing
the collar rotate it to break the bond between it and the soil before lifting it off the
 Clean the outside of the mould and weigh the mould with soil and base plate.
 Remove the soil from the mould and obtain a representative soil sample from the
bottom, middle and top for water content determination 2
 Repeat the above procedure with 8,12,16 and 210 % of water contents for coarse
grained soil and 14,18,22 and 26 % for fine grained soil samples approximately.
 The above moisture contents are given only for guidance. However, the moisture
contents may be selected based on experience so that, the dry density of soil shows
the increase in moisture content.Each trial should be performed on a fresh sample.
Table: Observation
Dia. of the mould, D (cm) = Vol. of the mould, V (cm3) =
Ht. of the mould, H (cm) = Wt. of the mould, W1 (g) =

S.No Description Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4

(a) Density

Weight of the mould + compacted soil

(W2) (g)

2 Weight of mould (W1) (g)

3 Weight of compacted soil, W (W2 – W1) (g)

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

4 Bulk density (g/cm3)

5 Dry density (g/cm3)

(b) Water content

6 Container number

7 Empty weight of container (g)

8 Weight of container + wet soil (g)

9 Weight of container + dry soil (g)

10 Weight of dry soil (R8 – R7) (g)

11 Weight of wet soil (R9 – R7) (g)

12 Weight of water (R8 – R9) (g)

Moisture content, W [(R12 / R10)*100]

13 2
 Enter all the observations in Table and calculate the wet density.
 Calculate the dry density by using the equation
 Plot the moisture content on X axis and dry density on Y axis .Draw a smooth curve
passing through the points called compaction curve.
 Read the point of maximum dry density and corresponding water content from the
compaction curve.
Dry density,


Dry unit weight,

9.8 (kN/m3)

Moisture-Density relationship:
 The dry density of the soil shall be plotted as ordinates and the corresponding moisture
content as abscissas.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 The moisture content corresponding to the peak of the moisture-density curve is
termed the “Optimum Moisture ontent” of the soil.
 The dry density of the soil at optimum moisture content is termed as “Maximum


Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) % =

Maximum dry density (g/cc) =



Department of Civil Engineering – DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor

Exp No: 8
Permeability determination (Constant head & Falling head)

Constant Head Method

 The knowledge of this property is much useful in solving problems involving yield of
water bearing strata, seepage through earthen dams, stability of earthen dams, and
embankments of canal bank affected by seepage, settlement etc.
1. Preparation of the soil sample for the test
2. Finding the discharge through the specimen under a particular head of water.
To determine the coefficient of permeability of the soil by conducting constant head
The rate of flow under laminar flow conditions through a unit cross sectional are of

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

porous medium under unit hydraulic gradient is defined as coefficient of permeability.
The property of the soil which permits water to percolate through its continuously
connected voids is called its permeability. Water flowing through the soil exerts
considerable seepage forces which has direct effect on the safety of hydraulic structures.
The quantity of water escaping through and beneath and earthen dam depends on the
permeability of the embankment and the foundation soil respectively. The rate of
settlement of foundation depends on the permeability properties of the foundation soil.
Apparatus Required:
1) Permeameter mould of noncorrodible material having a capacity of 1000 ml, with an
internal diameter of 100 mm and internal effective height of 127.3 mm.
2) The mould shall be fitted with a detachable base plate and removable extension
3) Compacting equipment: 50 mm diameter circular face, weight 2.76 kg and height of
fall 310 mm as specified in I.S 2720 part VII 1965.
4) Drainage bade: A bade with a porous disc, 12 mm thick which has the permeability
10 times the expected permeability of soil.
5) Drainage cap: A porous disc of 12 mm thick having a fitting for connection to water
inlet or outlet.
6) Constant head tank: A suitable water reservoir capable of supplying water to the
permeameter under constant head.
7) Graduated glass cylinder to receive the discharge.
8) Stop watch to note the time.
9) A meter scale to measure the head differences and length of specimen.
 Note down the sample number, bore hole number
and its depth at which the sample was taken.
 Remove the protective cover (paraffin wax) from the
sampling tube.
 Place the sampling tube in the sample extraction frame, and push the plunger to get a
cylindrical form sample not longer than 35 mm in diameter and having height equal

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

to that of mould.
 The specimen shall be placed centrally over the porous disc to the drainage base.
 The angular space shall be filled with an impervious material such as cement slurry
or wax, to provide sealing between the soil specimen and the mould against leakage
from the sides.
 The drainage cap shall then be fixed over the top of the mould.
 Now the specimen is ready for the test.
 A 2.5 kg sample shall be taken from a thoroughly mixed air dried or oven dried
 The initial moisture content of the 2.5 kg sample shall be determined. Then the soil
shall be placed in the air tight container.
 Add required quantity of water to get the desired moisture content.
 Mix the soil thoroughly. Weigh the empty permeameter mould.
 After greasing the inside slightly, clamp it between the compaction base plate and
extension collar. 2
 Place the assembly on a solid base and fill it with sample and compact it.
 After completion of a compaction the collar and excess soil are removed.
 Find the weight of mould with sample.
 Place the mould with sample in the permeameter, with drainage base and cap having
discs that are properly saturated.
 For the constant head arrangement, the
specimen shall be connected through the top
inlet to the constant head reservoir.
 Open the bottom outlet.
 Establish steady flow of water.
 The quantity of flow for a convenient time
interval may be collected.
 Repeat three times for the same interval.
Table: Observation
The coefficient of permeability is reported in cm/sec at 27 OC. The dry density, the void

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

ratio and the degree of saturation shall be reported.
Dia. of the specimen, D (cm) : Specific gravity of soil, G :
Volume of the specimen, V (cm3) : Weight of the dry specimen, WS (g) :
Moisture content, (%) :

S.No Description Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

1 Length of the specimen, L (cm)

2 Area of the specimen, A (cm2)

3 Time, t (sec)

4 Discharge (Qty. of water collected), Q (ml)

5 Hydraulic head, h (cm)

6 Test temperature (OC)

The flow is very low at the beginning, gradually increases and then stands constant. Constant
head permeability test is suitable for cohesionless soils. For cohesive soils falling head method
is suitable.
Coefficient of permeability for a constant head test is given by,

t h

Permeability at 27OC is calculated by the formual,

t* t

K27 = coefficient of permeability at 27OC

Kt = coefficient of permability at tOC
Vt = coefficient of viscosity at tOC
V27 = coefficient of viscosity at 27OC

Void ratio is given by,

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

* d


V = volume of the specimen in cm3

G = specific gravity of the specimen
Wd = weight of dry specimen
γw = unit weight of water
γd = dry unit weight of soil sample

Degree of Saturation is given by,

S = degree of saturation
w = moisture content
e = void ratio

S.No Description Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

1 Coefficient of permeability at test temp (cm/sec)

2 Permeability at 27OC (cm/sec)

3 Void ratio, e

4 Degree of saturation, S (%)

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.


Coefficient of permeability (cm/sec), K =

Permeability at 27OC (cm/sec), K27 =

Void ratio, e =

Degree of saturation (%), S =

Falling Head Method

 The test results of the permeability experiments are used:
1.To estimate ground water flow.
2.To calculate seepage through dams.
3.To find out the rate of consolidation and settlement of structures.
4.To plan the method of lowering the ground water table.
5.To calculate the uplift pressure and piping.
6.To design the grouting.
7.And also for soil freezing tests.
8.To design pits for recharging.
 Thus the study of seepage of water through soil is very important, with wide field
 The falling head method of determining permeability is used for soil with low
discharge, where as the constant head permeability test is used for coarsegrained

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

soils with a reasonable discharge in a given time. For very finegrained soil, capillarity
permeability test is recommended.
To determine the coefficient of permeability of the soil by conducting falling head
The property of the soil which permits water to percolate through its continuously
connected voids is called its permeability. Water flowing through the soil exerts
considerable seepage forces which has direct effect on the safety of hydraulic structures.
The quantity of water escaping through and beneath and earthen dam depends on the
permeability of the embankment and the foundation soil respectively. The rate of
settlement of foundation depends on the permeability properties of the foundation soil.
Apparatus Required:
1) Permeameter mould of noncorrodible material having a capacity of 1000 ml, with an
internal diameter of 100 mm and internal effective height of 127.3 mm.
2) The mould shall be fitted with a detachable base plate and removable extension
3) Compacting equipment: 50 mm diameter circular face, weight 2.76 kg and height of
fall 310 mm as specified in I.S 2720 part VII 1965.
4) Drainage bade: A bade with a porous disc, 12 mm thick which has the permeability
10 times the expected permeability of soil.
5) Drainage cap: A porous disc of 12 mm thick having a fitting for connection to water
inlet or outlet.
6) Constant head tank: A suitable water reservoir capable of supplying water to the
permeameter under constant head.
7) Graduated glass cylinder to receive the discharge.
8) Stop watch to note the time.
9) A meter scale to measure the head differences and length of specimen.
 Compact the soil into the mould at a given dry density and moisture content by a
suitable device.
 Place the specimen centrally over the bottom porous disc and filter paper.
 Place a filter paper, porous stone and washer on top of the soil sample and fix the top

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 Connect the stand pipe to the inlet of the top plate. Fill the stand pipe with water.
 Connect the reservoir with water to the outlet at the bottom of the mould and allow
the water to flow through and ensure complete saturation of the sample.
 Open the air valve at the top and allow the water to flow out so that the air in the
cylinder is removed.
 Fix the height h1 and h2 on the pipe from the top of water level in the reservoir.
 When all the air has escaped, close the air valve and allow the water from the pipe to
flow through the soil and establish a steady flow.
 Record the time required for the water head to fall from h1 to h2.
 Change the height h1 and h2 and record the time required for the fall of head.


Table: Observation
The coefficient of permeability is reported in cm/sec at 27OC.
The test result should be tabulated as below:

S.No Description Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

1 Length of the sample, L (cm)

2 Area of the stand pipe, a (cm2)

3 C/s area of the soil sample, A (cm2)

4 Initial head, h1 (cm)

5 Final head, h2 (cm)

6 Time interval, t (sec)

7 Coefficient of permeability at test temp (cm/sec)

8 Test temperature (OC)

9 Permeability at 27OC (cm/sec)

For cohesive soils falling head method is suitable.

Coefficient of permeability for a falling head test is given by,

a h
. lo
t h

Permeability at 27OC is calculated by the formual,

t* t

K27 = coefficient of permeability at 27OC

Kt = coefficient of permability at tOC
Vt = coefficient of viscosity at tOC
V27 = coefficient of viscosity at 27OC

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

S.No Description Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

1 Coefficient of permeability (cm/sec)

2 Permeability at 27OC (cm/sec)


Coefficient of permeability (cm/sec), K =

Permeability at 27OC (cm/sec), K27 =

Exp No: 9 One dimensional consolidation test
Date: (Determination of co-efficient of consolidation only)
 The test is conducted to determine the settlement due to primary consolidation. To
i. Rate of consolidation under normal load.
ii. Degree of consolidation at any time.
iii. Pressurevoid ratio relationship.
iv. Coefficient of consolidation at various pressures.
v. Compression index.
 From the above information it will be possible for us to predict the time rate and
extent of settlement of structures founded on finegrained soils. It is also helpful in
analyzing the stress history of soil. Since the settlement analysis of the foundation
depends mainly on the values determined by the test, this test is very important for
foundation design.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

To determine the settlements due to primary consolidation of soil by conducting one
dimensional test.
When a load is applied on a saturated soil, the load will initially be transferred to the
water in pores of the soil .This results in development of pressure in pore water which
results in the escape of water from voids and brings the soil particles together. The
process of escape of water under applied load, leads to reduction in volume of voids and
hence the volume of soil. The process of reduction of volume of voids due to expulsion of
water under sustained static load is known as consolidation. The magnitude of
consolidation depends on the amount of voids or void ratio of the soil. The rate of
consolidation depends on the permeability properties of soil. The two important
consolidation properties of soil are (i) co-efficient of consolidation (Cv) and (ii)
Compression index (Cc). The coefficient of consolidation reflects the behaviour of soil
with respect to time under a given load intensity. Compression index explains the
behaviour of soils under increased loads.
Consolidation properties are required in estimating the settlement of a foundation. They
provide the maximum amount of settlements under a given load and the time required
for it to occur. Many times the design of foundations is carried out based on the limiting
settlements. The amount of consolidation will be more in clay soils. Further due to low
permeability, the rate of settlement in clay soil is very low. That means the time required
for the total settlement in clay soils is very high. Hence the study of consolidation
properties is important for foundation resting on clay soil.
Apparatus Required:
1) Consolidometer consisting essentially
a) A ring of diameter = 60mm and height = 20mm
b) Two porous plates or stones of silicon carbide, aluminum oxide or porous metal.
c) Guide ring.
d) Outer ring.
e) Water jacket with base.
f) Pressure pad.
g) Rubber basket.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

2) Loading device consisting of frame, lever system, loading yoke dial gauge fixing
device and weights.
3) Dial gauge to read to an accuracy of 0.002mm.
4) Thermostatically controlled oven.
5) Stopwatch to read seconds.
6) Sample extractor.
7) Miscellaneous items like balance, soil trimming tools, spatula, filter papers, sample

 Saturate two porous stones either by boiling in distilled water about 15 minute or by
keeping them submerged in the distilled water for 4 to 8 hrs. Wipe away excess
water. Fittings of the consolidometer which is to be enclosed shall be moistened.
 Assemble the consolidometer, with the soil specimen and porous stones at top and
bottom of specimen, providing a filter paper between the soil specimen and porous
 Position the pressure pad centrally on the top porous stone.
 Mount the mould assembly on the loading frame, and center it such that the load
applied is axial.
 Position the dial gauge to measure the vertical compression of the specimen. The dial
gauge holder should be set so that the dial gauge is in the begging of its releases run,
allowing sufficient margin for the swelling of the soil, if any.
 Connect the mould assembly to the water reservoir and the sample is allowed to
saturate. The level of the water in the reservoir should be at about the same level as
the soil specimen.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 Apply an initial load to the assembly. The magnitude of this load should be chosen by
trial, such that there is no swelling. It should be not less than 50 g/cm3 for ordinary
soils & 25 g/cm2 for very soft soils. The load should be allowed to stand until there is
no change in dial gauge readings for two consecutive hours or for a maximum of 24
 Note the final dial reading under the initial load. Apply first load of intensity 0.1
kg/cm2 start the stop watch simultaneously. Record the dial gauge readings at
various time intervals. The dial gauge readings are taken until 90% consolidation is
reached. Primary consolidation is gradually reached within 24 hrs.
 At the end of the period, specified above take the dial reading and time reading.
Double the load intensity and take the dial readings at various time intervals. Repeat
this procedure fir successive load increments. The usual loading intensity are as
follows: a. 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 kg/cm2.
 After the last loading is completed, reduce the load to the value of the last load and
allow it to stand for 24 hrs. Reduce the load further in steps of the previous intensity
till an intensity of 0.1kg/cm2 is reached. Take the final reading of the dial gauge. 3
 Reduce the load to the initial load, keep it for 24 hrs and note the final readings of the
dial gauge.
 Quickly dismantle the specimen assembly and remove the excess water on the soil
specimen in oven, note the dry weight of it.
Table: Observation for consolidation test
(Table 1: Pressure, Compression and Time)
Depth of the sample (m) : Description of soil :
Empty weight of ring (g) : Area of ring (cm2) :
Diameter of ring (cm) : Volume of ring (cm3) :
Height of ring (cm) : Specific gravity of soil sample :
Dial gauge (Least Count) :
Pressure intensity
10 20 50 100 200 400 800
√t Dial gauge readings
time (min)
0 0
0.25 0.5

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

1 1
2.25 1.5
4 2
6.25 2.5
9 3
12.25 3.5
16 4
20.25 4.5
25 5
36 6
49 7
64 8
81 9
100 10
121 11
144 12
169 13

196 14
225 15
256 16
289 17
324 18
361 19
400 20
500 22.4
600 24.5
1440 38

(Table 2: Coefficient of consolidation)

Applied Final Dial Specimen Fitting time CV (cm2/min)

Drainage path
pressure dial change height
d = 0.25 (H1 + H)
σ’ (kN/m2) reading ∆H H = H1 + ∆H t50 t90 0.197*d2/t50 0.848*d2/t90



Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.






The Coefficient of consolidation at each pressures increment is calculated by using the
following equations:
a. Cv = 0.197*d2/t50 (Log fitting method)
b. Cv = 0.848*d2/t90 (Square fitting method)
 In the log fitting method, a plot is made between dial readings and logarithmic of
time, the time corresponding to 50% consolidation is determined.
 In the square root fitting method, a plot is made between dial readings and square
root of time and the time corresponding to 90% consolidation is determined. The
values of Cv are recorded in table 2.
Coefficient of consolidation of the given soil sample, Cv =
Exp No: 10
Direct shear test in cohesion-less soil

 In many engineering problems such as design of foundation, retaining walls, slab
bridges, pipes, sheet piling, the value of the angle of internal friction and cohesion of
the soil involved are required for the design.
 Direct shear test is used to predict these parameters quickly. The laboratory report
cover the laboratory procedures for determining these values for cohesionless soils.
To determine the shearing strength of the soil using the direct shear apparatus.
Shear strength of a soil is its maximum resistance to shearing stresses. It is equal to the
shear stress at failure on the failure plane. Shear strength is composed of (i) internal
frictions, which is the resistance due to the friction between the individual particles at
their contact points and inter locking of particles. (ii) cohesion which is the resistance
due to inter particle forces which tend to hold the particles together in a soil mass.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

Coulomb has represented the shear strength of the soil by the equation :
τf + σ tan φ
τf = shear strength of the soil
C = Cohesion
σ normal stress on the failure plane
φ n le of internal friction
Shear parameters are used in the design of earthen dams and embankments. The stability
of the failure wedges depends on the shear resistance of the soil along the failure plane.
The strength parameters and φ are used in calculatin the bearin capacity of soil
foundation systems. Further shear parameters help in estimating the earth pressures
behind the retaining walls.
Apparatus Required:
1) Direct shear box apparatus
2) Loading frame (motor attached).
3) Dial gauge.
4) Proving ring. 4
5) Tamper.
6) Straight edge.
7) Balance to weigh upto 200 mg.
8) Aluminum container.
9) Spatula.
 Strain controlled direct shear machine consists of shear box, soil container, loading
unit, proving ring, dial gauge to measure shear deformation and volume changes. A
two piece square shear box is one type of soil container used.
 A proving ring is used to indicate the shear load taken by the soil initiated in the
shearing plane.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 Check the inner dimension of the soil container.
 Put the parts of the soil container together.
 Calculate the volume of the container. Weigh the container.
 Place the soil in smooth layers (approximately 10 mm thick). If a dense sample is
desired tamp the soil.
 Weigh the soil container, the difference of these two is the weight of the soil. Calculate
the density of the soil.
 Make the surface of the soil plane.
 Put the upper grating on stone and loading block on top of soil.
 Measure the thickness of soil specimen. 4
 Apply the desired normal load.
 Remove the shear pin.
 Attach the dial gauge which measures the change of volume.
 Record the initial reading of the dial gauge and calibration values.
 Before proceeding to test check all adjustments to see that there is no connection
between two parts except sand/soil.
 Start the motor. Take the reading of the shear force and record the reading.
 Take volume change readings till failure.
 Add 5 kg normal stress 0.5 kg/cm2 and continue the experiment till failure.
 Record carefully all the readings. Set the dial gauges zero, before starting the experiment.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

Table: Observation for Direct Shear test
(Table 1: Normal stress 0.5 kg/cm2)
Least count of the dial : Proving ring constant :
stress =
Hor. Vertical
Shear div. Col.
Dial deform
deform Vertical (8) X
Horizon Vertical gauge ation = Proving
Proving ation gauge Proving
tal dial reading div. In reading
ring col. (4) reading ring
Gauge gauge Initial col. (6) Initial
reading X Least Initial constant
reading reading reading X L.C of reading
(3) count of reading area of
(1) (2) div. dial (8)
dial (6) the
Gauge gauge
(5) specimen
(4) (7)

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.


(Table 2: Normal stress 1.0 kg/cm2)
Least count of the dial : Proving ring constant :
stress =
Hor. Vertical
Shear div. Col.
Dial deform
deform Vertical (8) X
Horizon Vertical gauge ation = Proving
Proving ation gauge Proving
tal dial reading div. In reading
ring col. (4) reading ring
Gauge gauge Initial col. (6) Initial
reading X Least Initial constant
reading reading reading X L.C of reading
(3) count of reading area of
(1) (2) div. dial (8)
dial (6) the
Gauge gauge
(5) specimen
(4) (7)

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.


(Table 3: Normal stress 1.5 kg/cm2)
Least count of the dial : Proving ring constant :
stress =
Hor. Vertical
Shear div. Col.
Dial deform
deform Vertical (8) X
Horizon Vertical gauge ation = Proving
Proving ation gauge Proving
tal dial reading div. In reading
ring col. (4) reading ring
Gauge gauge Initial col. (6) Initial
reading X Least Initial constant
reading reading reading X L.C of reading
(3) count of reading area of
(1) (2) div. dial (8)
dial (6) the
Gauge gauge
(5) specimen
(4) (7)

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.


Least count of the dial : Proving ring constant :
Calibrarion factor : Leverage factor :
Dimension of shear box : Empty weight of shear box :
Least count of dial gauge : Volume change :
Normal stress (kg/cm2) Shear stress (kg/cm2)
S.No Normal load (kg) (Load * Leverage / (Proving Ring reading *
Load) calibration / Area of container)

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.


The shear strength parameters of the given soil sample,

τf =

Exp No: 11
Unconfined compression test in cohesive soil

 It is not always possible to conduct the bearing capacity test in the field. Some times it
is cheaper to take the undisturbed soil sample and test its strength in the laboratory.
Also to choose the best material for the embankment, one has to conduct strength
tests on the samples selected.
 Under these conditions it is easy to perform the unconfined compression test on
undisturbed and remoulded soil sample. Now we will investigate experimentally the
strength of a given soil sample.
To determine the shearing strength of the cohesive soil.
The unconfined compression test is a special case of triaxial compression test in hich σ 2
σ3 = 0. The cell pressure in the triaxial cell is also called the confining pressure. Due to
the absence of such a confining pressure, the uniaxial test is called the unconfined

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

compression test. The cylindrical specimen of soi is subjected to major principal stress σ1
till the specimen fails due to shearing along a critical plane of failure.
Apparatus Required:
1) Loading frame of capacity of 2 t, with constant rate of movement. What is the least
count of the dial gauge attached to the proving ring.
2) Proving rin of . k sensitivity for soft soils; . 5 k for stiff soils.
3) Soil trimmer.
4) Frictionless end plates of 75 mm diameter (Perspex plate with silicon grease
5) Evaporating dish (Aluminum container).
6) Soil sample of 75 mm length.
7) Dial gauge (0.01 mm accuracy).
8) Balance of capacity 200 g and sensitivity to weigh 0.01 g.
9) Oven, thermostatically controlled with interior of noncorroding material to maintain
the temperature at the desired level. What is the range of the temperature used for
drying the soil. 4
10) Sample extractor and split sampler.
11) Dial gauge (sensitivity 0.01mm).
12) Vernier calipers
 We have to find out the diameter and length of the specimen.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 In this test, a cylinder of soil without lateral support is tested to failure in simple
compression, at a constant rate of strain. The compressive load per unit area required
to fail the specimen as called Unconfined compressive strength of the soil.
Preparation of specimen for testing
A. Undisturbed specimen
 Note down the sample number, bore hole number and the depth at which the sample
was taken.
 Remove the protective cover (paraffin wax) from the sampling tube.
 Place the sampling tube extractor and push the plunger till a small length of sample
moves out.
 Trim the projected sample using a wire saw.
 Again push the plunger of the extractor till a 75 mm long sample comes out.
 Cutout this sample carefully and hold it on the split sampler so that it does not fall.
 Take about 10 to 15 g of soil from the tube for water content determination.
 Note the container number and take the net weight of the sample and the container. 5
 Measure the diameter at the top, middle, and the bottom of the sample and find the
average and record the same.
B. Moulded sample
 For the desired water content and the dry density, calculate the weight of the dry soil
Ws required for preparing a specimen of 3.8 cm diameter and 7.5 cm long.
 Add required quantity of water Ww to this soil.
 Ww = WS * W/100 gm
 Mix the soil thoroughly with water.
 Place the wet soil in a tight thick polythene bag in a humidity chamber and place the
soil in a constant volume mould, having an internal height of 7.5 cm and internal
diameter of 3.8 cm.
 After 24 hours take the soil from the humidity chamber and place the soil in a
constant volume mould, having an internal height of 7.5 cm and internal diameter of
3.8 cm.
 Place the lubricated moulded with plungers in position in the load frame.
 Apply the compressive load till the specimen is compacted to a height of 7.5 cm.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 Eject the specimen from the constant volume mould.
 Record the correct height, weight and diameter of the specimen.
Test procedure
 Take two frictionless bearing plates of 75 mm diameter.
 Place the specimen on the base plate of the load frame (sandwiched between the end
 Place a hardened steel ball on the bearing plate.
 Adjust the center line of the specimen such that the proving ring and the steel ball are
in the same line.
 Fix a dial gauge to measure the vertical compression of the specimen.
 Adjust the gear position on the load frame to give suitable vertical displacement.
 Start applying the load and record the readings of the proving ring dial and
compression dial for every 5 mm compression.
 Continue loading till failure is complete.
 Draw the sketch of the failure pattern in the specimen.
Table: Observation for UCC test
Specific gravity, G : Bulk density (Initial) :
Initial water content : Degree of saturation :
Initial diameter of the specimen (DO) cm :
Initial Length of the specimen (LO) mm :
Initial area of cross section (AO) cm2 :
Elapsed Compression Compressive
Axial load, P Strain, ϵ Area, A
S.No time dial reading, stress, σ
(kg) (%) (cm2)
(min) ∆L (mm) (kg/cm2)

The axial strain, ϵ is determined by,
ϵ ∆ / O)*100
The average c/s area, A at particular strain is determined by,

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

A = (AO/[1-ϵ])
The compressive stress, σ is determine by,
σ P/

plot is made bet een σ and ϵ. The maximum stress from this curve gives the values of
the unconfined compressive strength qu. Where no maximum occurs, the unconfined
compressive strength is taken as the stress at 20% axial strain.


Unconfined compression strength of the soil, qu =

Shear strength of the soil, qu/2 =

Sensitivity = (qu for undisturbed sample) / (qu for remoulded sample) =

Exp No: 12
Laboratory Vane shear test in cohesive soil

 The structural strength of soil is basically a problem of shear strength.
 Vane shear test is a useful method of measuring the shear strength of clay. It is a
cheaper and quicker method. The test can also be conducted in the laboratory. The
laboratory vane shear test for the measurement of shear strength of cohesive soils, is
useful for soils of low shear strength (less than 0.3kg/cm2) for which triaxial or
unconfined tests can not be performed.
 The test gives the undrained strength of the soil. The undisturbed and remoulded
strength obtained are useful for evaluating the sensitivity of soil.
To determine the undrained shear strength of the cohesive soil using vane shear.
Vane shear test is a quick test, used either in the laboratory or in the field, to detremine
the undrained shear strength of cohesive soil. The vane shear tester consists of four thin

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

steel plates, called vanes, welded orthogonally to a steel rod. A torque measuring
arrangement, such as a calibrated torsion spring, is attached to the rod which is rotated
by a worm gear and worm wheel arrangment, After pushing the vanes gently into the soil,
the torque rod is rotated at a uniform speed (usually at 1O per minute). The rotation of
the vane shears the soil along a cylindrical surface. The rotation of the spring in degrees
is indicated by a pointer moving on a graduated dial attached to the worm wheel shaft.
The torque T is the calculated by multiplying the dial reading with the spring constant.
Apparatus Required:
1) Vane shear apparatus.
A typical laboratory vane is 20mm high and 12mm in diameter with blade thickness
from 0.5mm to 1mm (the blades being made of high tensile steel).
The field shear vane is from 10cm to 20cm in height and from 5cm to 10cm in
diameter, with blade thickness of about 2.5mm.
2) Specimen.
3) Specimen container.
4) Callipers. 5

 Prepare two or three specimens of the soil sample of dimensions of at least 37.5 mm
diameter and 75 mm length in specimen.(L/D ratio 2 or 3).
 Mount the specimen container with the specimen on the base of the vane shear
apparatus. If the specimen container is closed at one end, it should be provided with a

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

hole of about 1 mm diameter at the bottom.
 Gently lower the shear vanes into the specimen to their full length without disturbing
the soil specimen.
 The top of the vanes should be atleast 10 mm below the top of the specimen. Note the
readings of the angle of twist.
 Rotate the vanes at an uniform rate say 0.1O/s by suitable operating the torque
application handle until the specimen fails.
 Note the final reading of the angle of twist.
 Find the value of blade height in cm.
 Find the value of blade width in cm.

Table: Observation for VS test
T = (Spring
Initial Final Spring Shear
Difference constant/180) X
S.No reading reading constant stren th, τf
(Deg) Difference
(Deg) (Deg) (kg – cm) (kg – cm2)
(kg – cm)

The shear strength of the soil sample using vane apparatus is given by formula,
H d
d +

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

Undrained Shear strength of the given cohesive soil sample is

Exp No: 13 Tri-axial compression test in cohesion-less soil
Date: (Demonstration Only)
 The standard consolidated undrained test is compression test, in which the soil
specimen is first consolidated under all round pressure in the triaxial cell before
failure is brought about by increasing the major principal stress.
 It may be perform with or without measurement of pore pressure although for most
applications the measurement of pore pressure is desirable.
To determine the undrained shear strength of the cohesive soil using vane shear.
The strength test more commonly used in a research laboratory today is the triaxial
compression test, first introduced in the U.S.A. by A. Casagrande and Karl Terzaghi in
1936 – 37. The soil specimen, cylindrical in shape, is subjected to direct stresses acting in
three mututally perpendicular directions. In the common solid cylindrical specimen test,
the major principal stress σ1 is applied in the vertical direction, and the other two

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

principal stresses σ2 and σ3 σ2 σ3) are applied in the horizontal direction by the fluid
pressure round the specimen.
Apparatus Required:
Knowledge of Equipment
1) A constant rate of strain compression machine of which the following is a brief
description of one is in common use.
a) A loading frame in which the load is applied by a yoke acting through an elastic
dynamometer, more commonly called a proving ring which used to measure the load.
The frame is operated at a constant rate by a geared screw jack. It is preferable for
the machine to be motor driven, by a small electric motor.
b) A hydraulic pressure apparatus including an air compressor and water reservoir
in which air under pressure acting on the water raises it to the required pressure,
together with the necessary control valves and pressure dials.
2) A triaxial cell to take 3.8 cm dia and 7.6 cm long samples, in which the sample can be
subjected to an all round hydrostatic pressure, together with a vertical compression
load acting through a piston. The vertical load from the piston acts on a pressure cap. 5
The cell is usually designed with a nonferrous metal top and base connected by
tension rods and with walls formed of perspex.
Apparatus for preparation of the sample:
1) 3.8 cm (1.5 inch) internal diameter 12.5 cm (5 inches) long sample tubes.
2) Rubber ring.
3) An open ended cylindrical section former, 3.8 cm inside dia, fitted with a small
rubber tube in its side.
4) Stop clock.
5) Moisture content test apparatus.
6) A balance of 250 gm capacity and accurate to 0.01 gm.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 The sample is placed in the compression machine and a pressure plate is placed on
the top. Care must be taken to prevent any part of the machine or cell from jogging the
sample while it is being setup, for example, by knocking against this bottom of the
loading piston. The probable strength of the sample is estimated and a suitable
proving ring selected and fitted to the machine.
 The cell must be properly set up and uniformly clamped down to prevent leakage of
pressure during the test, making sure first that the sample is properly sealed with its 5
end caps and rings (rubber) in position and that the sealing rings for the cell are also
correctly placed.
 When the sample is setup water is admitted and the cell is fitted under water escapes
from the beed valve, at the top, which is closed. If the sample is to be tested at zero
lateral pressure water is not required.
 The air pressure in the reservoir is then increased to raise the hydrostatic pressure in
the required amount. The pressure gauge must be watched during the test and any
necessary adjustments must be made to keep the pressure constant.
 The handle wheel of the screw jack is rotated until the under side of the hemispherical
seating of the proving ring, through which the loading is applied, just touches the cell
 The piston is then removed down by handle until it is just in touch with the pressure
plate on the top of the sample, and the proving ring seating is again brought into
contact for the begging of the test.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

Table: Observation and Recording

The machine is set in motion (or if hand operated the hand wheel is turned at a constant rate)
to give a rate of strain 2% per minute. The strain dial gauge reading is then taken and the
corresponding proving ring reading is taken the corresponding proving ring chart. The load
applied is known. The experiment is stopped at the strain dial gauge reading for 15% length of
the sample or 15% strain.
Soil specimen measurement:
Height : Area :
Volume : Diameter :
Initial mass : Initial water content :
Final mass : Final water content :
ell pressure σ3) kg/cm2 :
Load gauge Strain Proving ring Load on Corrected Vertical Deviator
reading reading sample (kg) area (cm2) stress σ1) stress σd)
(R4/R5) (R6 – σ3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The shear parameters are obtained from a plot of Mohr circles for which purpose peak

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

value of principal stress difference σ1 – σ3) or principal stress-ratio σ1/σ3) or the
ultimate value as desired may be used.

Shear parameter of the given soil sample is

Exp No: 14
California Bearing Ratio test

 The california bearing ratio (CBR) test is penetration test meant for the evaluation of
subgrade strength of roads and pavements. The results obtained by these tests are
used with the empirical curves to determine the thickness of pavement and its
component layers. This is the most widely used method for the design of flexible
 This instruction sheet covers the laboratory method for the determination of C.B.R. of
undisturbed and remoulded /compacted soil specimens, both in soaked as well as
unsoaked state.
To determine the California bearing ratio by conducting a load penetration test in the
This method was originally devised by O.J.Porter, the of the California State Highway

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

Department, but it has since been developed and modified by other authorities in U.S.A.,
notably the U.S. Corps of Engineers. The method combines a load penetration test
perfomed in the laboratory or in-situ with the empirical design charts to determine the
thickness of pavement and of its constituent layers.
This is probably the most widely used method for the design of flexible pavement. The
thickness of the different elements comprising a pavement is determine by CBR values.
The CBR test is a small scale penetration test in which a cylindrical plunger of 3in 2 c/s
area is penetrated into a soil mass at the rate of 0.05 in. per minute (1.25mm/min).
The CBR is defined as the ratio of the test load to the standard load, expressed as
percentage, for a given penetration of the plunger,
CBR = (Test load/Standard load)*100
The test may be performed on undisturbed specimens and on remoulded specimens
which may be compacted either statically or dynamically.

Apparatus Required:
1) Cylindrical mould with inside dia 150 mm and height 175 mm, provided with a
detachable extension collar 50 mm height and a detachable perforated base plate
10 mm thick.
2) Spacer disc 148 mm in dia and 47.7 mm in height along with handle.
3) Metal rammers. Weight 2.6 kg with a drop of 310 mm (or) weight 4.89 kg a drop
450 mm.
4) Weights. One annular metal weight and several slotted weights weighing 2.5 kg
each, 147 mm in dia, with a central hole 53 mm in diameter.
5) Loading machine. With a capacity of atleast 5000 kg and equipped with a movable
head or base that travels at an uniform rate of 1.25 mm/min. Complete with load
indicating device.
6) Metal penetration piston 50 mm dia and minimum of 100 mm in length.
7) Two dial gauges reading to 0.01 mm.
8) Sieves. 4.75 mm and 20 mm I.S. Sieves.
9) Miscellaneous apparatus, such as a mixing bowl, straight edge, scales soaking tank

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

or pan, drying oven, filter paper and containers.

Undisturbed specimen
 Attach the cutting edge to the mould and push it gently into the ground. Remove the
soil from the outside of the mould which is pushed in . When the mould is full of soil,
remove it from weighing the soil with the mould or by any field method near the spot.
Determine the density
Remoulded specimen
 Prepare the remoulded specimen at Proctor’s maximum dry density or any other
density at which C.B.R is required. Maintain the specimen at optimum moisture
content or the field moisture as required. The material used should pass 20 mm I.S.
sieve but it should be retained on 4.75 mm I.S. sieve. Prepare the specimen either by
dynamic compaction or by static compaction.
Dynamic Compaction
 Take about 4.5 to 5.5 kg of soil and mix thoroughly with the required water.
 Fix the extension collar and the base plate to the mould. Insert the spacer disc over

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

the base. Place the filter paper on the top of the spacer disc.
 Compact the mix soil in the mould using either light compaction or heavy compaction.
For light compaction, compact the soil in 3 equal layers, each layer being given 55
blows by the 2.6 kg rammer.
 For heavy compaction compact the soil in 5 layers, 56 blows to each layer by the 4.89
kg rammer.
 Remove the collar and trim off soil.
 Turn the mould upside down and remove the base plate and the displacer disc.
 Weigh the mould with compacted soil and determine the bulk density and dry density.
 Put filter paper on the top of the compacted soil (collar side) and clamp the perforated
base plate on to it.
Static compaction
 Calculate the weight of the wet soil at the required water content to give the desired
density when occupying the standard specimen volume in the mould from the
W =desired dry density * (1+w) * V 6
Where W = Weight of the wet soil
w = desired water content
V = volume of the specimen in the mould = 2250 cm3 (as per the mould available in
 Take the weight W (calculated as above) of the mix soil and place it in the mould.
 Place a filter paper and the displacer disc on the top of soil.
 Keep the mould assembly in static loading frame and compact by pressing the
displacer disc till the level of disc reaches the top of the mould.
 Keep the load for some time and then release the load. Remove the displacer disc.
 The test may be conducted for both soaked as well as unsoaked conditions.
 If the sample is to be soaked, in both cases of compaction, put a filter paper on the top
of the soil and place the adjustable stem and perforated plate on the top of filter
 Put annular weights to produce a surcharge equal to weight of base material and
pavement expected in actual construction. Each 2.5 kg weight is equivalent to 7 cm
construction. A minimum of two weights should be put.

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

 Immerse the mould assembly and weights in a tank of water and soak it for 96 hours.
Remove the mould from tank.
 Note the consolidation of the specimen.

Procedure for Penetration Test
 Place the mould assembly with the surcharge weights on the penetration test
 Seat the penetration piston at the center of the specimen with the smallest possible
load, but in no case in excess of 4 kg so that full contact of the piston on the sample is
 Set the stress and strain dial gauge to read zero. Apply the load on the piston so that
the penetration rate is about 1.25 mm/min.
 Record the load readings at penetrations of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10
and 12.5 mm. Note the maximum load and corresponding penetration if it occurs for a
penetration less than 12.5 mm.
 Detach the mould from the loading equipment. Take about 20 to 50 g of soil from the
top 3 cm layer and determine the moisture content.
Table: Observation and Recording
1. Compaction characteristics:
(a) Dynamic compaction:

Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

Optimum water content (%) :
Weight of mould + compacted specimen (g) :
Weight of empty mould (g) :
Weight of compacted specimen (g) :
Volume of specimen (cm3) :
Bulk density (g/cc) :
Dry density (g/cc) :
(b) Static compaction:
Dry density (g/cc) :
Moulding water content (%) :
Wet weight of compacted specimen, W (g) :
2. Penetration test:
Surcharge weight used (g) :
Water content after penetration test :


Penetration dial Load dial Corrected load

Readings Penetration (mm) Readings Load (kg) (kg)



Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

1. Expansion ratio:
The expansion ratio may be calculated as follows,
Expansion ratio = {(df – di)/h}*100
df = final dial gauge reading (mm)
di = initial gauge reading (mm)
h = initial height of specimen (mm)

2. Load penetration:
Plot the load penetrating curve. If the initial portion of the curve is concave upwards,
apply correction by drawing a tangent to the curve at the point of greatest slope and shift the
origin. Find and record the correct load reading corresponding to each penetration.
Corresponding to the penetration value at which the C.B.R. is desired, correct load values are
found from the curve and C.B.R. is calculated as follows;

C.B.R. = (PT/PS) * 100
PT = Corrected test load corresponding to the chosen penetration from the load penetration
PS = Standard load for the same penetration taken from the table below.

Penetration of plunger (mm) Standard load (kg)

2.5 1370
5.0 2055
7.5 2630
10.0 3180
12.5 3600


Department of Civil Engineering, DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

C.B.R. of specimen at 2.5 mm penetration
C.B.R. of specimen at 5.0 mm penetration

The C.B.R. values are usually calculated for penetration of 2.5 mm and 5 mm. Generally
the C.B.R. value at 2.5 mm will be greater that at 5 mm and in such a case/the former
shall be taken as C.B.R. for design purpose. If C.B.R. for 5 mm exceeds that for 2.5 mm,
the test should be repeated. If identical results follow, the C.B.R. corresponding to 5 mm
penetration should be taken for design.




Department of Civil Engineering – DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor


Possible Viva-Voce
S.No Query

1. Define specific gravity.

2. What is the specific gravity of clay?

3. Write the relation between specific gravity and void ratio.

4. Name of the equipment used for determining specific gravity.

5. Pycnometer is used to determine?

6. If the voids of a soil mass are full of air only, the soil is termed as?

Department of Civil Engineering – DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

7. Voids ratio of a soil mass can take any value?

8. Which is the measure of particle size range?

For a well graded soil, both uniformity coefficient and coefficient of curvature
are nearly _______________.

10. According to IS classification, the range of silt soil is?

In hydrometer analysis for a soil mass meniscus correction is _____________ and

dispersive agent correction is ________________.

The hydrometer method of sedimentation analysis differs from the pipette

analysis mainly in the method of taking ___________________.

13. Sand particles are made of?

14. Highway Research Board classification of soils is based on?

15. Stoke’s law is valid only if the size of particle is?


According to Atterberg, the soil is said to be of medium plasticity if the

plasticity Index is _____________________.

If the natural water content of soil mass lie between its liquid limit and plastic
limit, the soil mass is said to be in ___________________.

18. Toughness index is defined as the ratio of?

19. At liquid limit, all soil posses?

20. If the plasticity index of a soil mass is zero, the soil is?

21. The clay mineral with the largest swelling and shrinkage characteristics is?

The total and effective stresses at a depth of 5m below the top level of water in
a swimming pool are __________________.

23. Suitable method for determining the permeability of clayey soil?

Department of Civil Engineering – DACE – M.R.Ezhilkumar, Assistant Professor.

24. Suitable method for determining the permeability of coarse-grained soil?

25. Define coefficient of permeability.

26. Coefficient of consolidation of a soil is affected by?

27. Define degree of consolidation.

28. Coefficient of consolidation for clay normally decreases with increases in______.

The ultimate consolidation settlement of a soil is directly proportional to the


30. The shear strength of the soil decreases with decrease in ___________________.

31. Unconfined compression test is ______________________.


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