(CSE3083) Lab Practical Assignment 2

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Experiment No.

Environment: Microsoft Windows

Tools/ Language: Oracle

OBJECTIVE: To implement the restrictions on the structure of the table.

Data constraints: Besides the column name, column length and column data type,
there are other parameters i.e. other data constraints that can be passed by the DBA
at check creation time. The constraints can either be placed at column level or at the
table level.
i. Column Level Constraints: If the constraints are defined along with the
column definition, it is called a column level constraint.
ii. Table Level Constraints: If the data constraint attached to a specified
column in a table reference the contents of another column in the table then
the user will have to use table level constraints.

List of most used Constraint

o On delete cascade
o On delete set null

Null Value Concepts:-while creating tables if a row lacks a data value for
particular column that value is said to be null. Column of any data types may
contain null values unless the column was defined as not null when the table was
Create table tablename
(columnname data type (size) not null ……)
Note: Not null constraint cannot be defined at table level.

Primary Key: primary key is one or more columns is a table used to uniquely
identify each row in the table. Primary key values must not be null and must be
unique across the column. A multicolumn primary key is called composite primary
Syntax: primary key as a column constraint
Create table tablename
(columnname datatype (size) primary key,….)

Composite Primary key as a table constraint

Create table tablename
(columnnamedatatype (size), columnnamedatatype( size)…
Primary key (columnname,columnname));

Unique key concept:-A unique key is similar to a primary key except that the
purpose of a unique key is to ensure that information in the column for each record
is unique as with telephone or devices license numbers. A table may have many
unique keys.
Syntax: Unique as a column constraint.
Create table table name
(columnname datatype (size) unique);
Unique as table constraint:
Create table tablename
(columnname datatype(size),columnname datatype(size)…
unique (columnname));

Default value concept: At the time of column creation, a default value can be
assigned to it. When the user is loading a record with values and leaves this column
empty, the DBA will automatically load this column with the default value
specified. The data type of the default value should match the data type of the
Create table tablename
(columnnamedatatype (size) default value,….);
Note: The default value constraint cannot be specified at table level.

Foreign Key Concept: Foreign key represents relationship between tables. A

foreign key is column whose values are derived from the primary key of the same
attribute of some other table. A foreign key must have corresponding primary key
value in the primary key table to have meaning.
Foreign key as a column constraint
Syntax :
Create table table name
(columnname datatype(size) references another-tablename);
Foreign key as a table constraint:
Syntax :
Create table name
(columnname datatype(size)….
foreign key(columnname) references table name);

Check Integrity Constraints: Use the check constraints when you need to enforce
integrity rules that can be evaluated based on a logical expression. Following are a
few examples of appropriate check constraints.
A check constraints on the column ‘name’ of the Employee table so that the
name is entered in upper case.
A check constraint on the column ‘Emp_no’ of the Employee table so that no
Emp_no value starts with ‘e’.
Create table tablename
(columnname datatype(size),……..
CONSTRAINT constraintname check(expression));

Modifying the Structure of Tables- Alter table command is used to changing the
structure of a table. Using the alter table clause you cannot perform the following
(i) change the name of table
(ii) decrease the size of a column if table data exists and occupies larger size.

The following tasks you can perform through alter table command.
(i) Adding new columns:
ALTER TABLE tablename
ADD (newcolumnnamenewdatatype (size));
(ii) Modifying existing table
ALTER TABLE tablename
MODIFY (newcolumnnamenewdatatype (size));
(iii) Deleting a column
ALTER TABLE tablename
DROP COLUMN columnname;

Removing/Deleting Tables- Following command is used for removing or deleting

a table.
DROP TABLE tablename;

Defining Integrity constraints in the ALTER TABLE command-

You can also define integrity constraints using the constraint clause in the ALTER
TABLE command. The following examples show the definitions of several
integrity constraints.
ALTER TABLE tablename
ADD PRIMARY KEY(columnname);
ALTER TABLE tablename
ADD CONSTRAINT constraintname
FOREIGN KEY(columnname) REFERENCES tablename;
ALTER TABLE tablename
ADD CONSTRAINT constraintname

Dropping integrity constraints in the ALTER TABLE command-

You can drop an integrity constraint if the rule that it enforces is no longer true or if
the constraint is no longer needed. Drop the constraint using the ALTER TABLE
command with the DROP clause. The following examples illustrate the dropping of
integrity constraints.
ALTER TABLE tablename
ALTER TABLE tablename
ALTER TABLE tablename
DROP CONSTRAINT constraintname;
Practical Assignment - 2

Department:Computer Engineering & Applications

Course: B.Tech. (CSE)
Subject:Database Management System Lab (CSE3083)
Year: 2nd Semester:3rd

1. Create the following tables and specify constraints at the time of creation.

Column Data Size Constraint
Name Type
Deptno number 3 primary key
Dname varchar2 20 Unique
Location varchar2 20 not null, department are located in Delhi, Pune,

Column Data Size Constraint
Name Type
Empno varchar2 5 primary key, should start with ‘E’
Ename varchar2 20 Unique
Designation varchar2 20 not null
Salary number 10 default 25000, must lie between 15000 and
DOB date not null
Dno number 3 foreign key (references department)

Column Name Data type Size Constraints
Candidate_ID Number 6 Primary key of the table
Candidate_Name Varchar2 20 Not Null
Candidate_Email Varchar2 30 Unique, Must have ‘@’ followed by ‘.’ in
between the email
Candidate_Dept Number 2 Default ‘HR’
Manager_ID Varchar2 30 It can take only those values which are
present in Candidate_ID column
2. Create the schemas as specified above without specifying any constraints.

College (cName: varchar2(10), state: varchar2(10), enrollment: int)

Student (sID: int, sName: varchar2(10), GPA: number(2,1),sizeHS:int)
Apply (sID: int, cName: varchar2(10), major: varchar2(20))

(i) Add cName as Primary key in College.

(ii) Add sID as Primarykey in Student.
(iii) Add sID, cName, major as Primarykey in Apply.
(iv) Make sID in Applyforeignkey referring table student and cName referring
table college.
(v) Increase data type size of majorfrom 20 to 25.
(vi) Add a new column decision in the Apply table keeping a constraint of not
null for this column with data type varchar2(3).
(vii) Change data type of decision in Apply to char(1).
(viii) Drop foreign key on column name cName from Apply table.
(ix) Remove column sizeHS from Student table.
(x) Drop primary key from College
(xi) Make cName, majorunique pairwise such as Stanford CS, Stanford EE.
(xii) Add cName as Foreign Key in Apply table referring table College usingon
delete cascade.
(xiii) Modify foreign key on sID in Apply table to foreign key on delete set null.
(xiv) Rename column enrollment to enroll in College Table.

Customer Table
Column name Datatype Description Constraints
Unique id generated for each Primary Key, Should
CustomerId Varchar2(6)
customer start with ‘C’
CustomerName Varchar2(30) Name of the customer Not null
Date on which the customer
DateOfReg Date
Decided at the time of
UserId Varchar2(15) It should be unique
Decided at the time of
Password Varchar2(15) Not Null

BankInfo Table
Column name Datatype Description Constraints
AccountNo Number(10) Account no of customer
Foreign key
Unique id provided to referring to Composite
each customer when customer Primary key
CustomerId Varchar2(6)
he/she is registered to table (ON
purchase items DELETE

Billing Table

Column name Datatype Description Constraints

Unique Id generated for each
BillId Number(4) Primary key
Account no which is used to
AccountNo Number(10)
pay the bill Composite Foreign
Customer id of the customer key to Bank info table
CustomerId Varchar2(6)
who does the purchase of items
BillDate Date The date of payment of bill Default SYSDATE
Either Creditcard or
PaymentType Varchar2(12) Type of Payment

Item Table
Colum name Datatype Description Constraints
Unique Id provided for
ItemId Varchar2(6) each item. (eg STN001 Primary Key
for stationery items)
ItemName Varchar2(30) Name of the item Not Null
Should be greater than
Current availability of
QtyOnHand Number(3) ReOrderLevel (Table
item in the shop
level constraint)
Sell price of item per
UnitPrice Number(6,2) Greater than 0
Class of Item is ‘A’ if
UnitPrice is less than
Depending on the
100, ‘B’ if UnitPrice is
UnitPrice, items
Class Char(1) less than 1000, ‘C’ if
belongs to various
UnitPrice is 1000 and
Classes. eg: A,B,C etc.
above (Table level
Unit used to measure
UnitOfMeasurement Varchar2(12) the quantity ( eg
Kilogram, dozen etc)
Minimum Quantity
after which the supplier
ReOrderLevel Number(3) Greater than 0
must be ordered for
new stock
Minimum Quantity that
ReorderQty Number(3) can be ordered to the Greater than 0
Percentage discount on
Discount Number(2)
the item to the customer

Convert the following relational schema into tables with proper constraints
that are required.
FName Minit LName SSN BDate Address Sex Salary SuperSSN DepNo

DName DepNo MgrSSN MgrSDate

DepNo DLocation


PName PNumber PLocation DepNo


ESSN PNo Hours


ESSN Dependent_Name Sex BDate Relationship

Pre Experiment Questions
1. What is difference between table level constraint and column level
2. Difference between unique and primary key.
3. What is Foreign Key?
4. Difference between foreign and primary key

Post Experiment Questions

1. How to restrict domain of an attribute?
2. How to use NOT NULL constraint? Discuss the utility from application
3. How to alter Primary Key?
4. How to update a table by enforcing constraint?
5. Can we replace Primary Key with Unique Not Null?
6. Can we decrease the size of data type always?
7. What are the constraints that cannot be defined at table level?

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