What Is Kotlin

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 Kotlin Tutorial
 Environment Setup
 Hello World Program
 First Program Concept
 Environment Setup (IDE)
 First Program (IDE)
 Kotlin Variable
 Kotlin Data Type
 Kotlin Type Conversion
 Kotlin Operator
 Kotlin Input/Output
 Kotlin Comment

What is Kotlin

Kotlin is a general-purpose, statically typed, and open-source programming

language. It runs on JVM and can be used anywhere Java is used today. It can be
used to develop Android apps, server-side apps and much more.

History of Kotlin

Kotlin was developed by JetBrains team. A project was started in 2010 to develop

the language and officially, first released in February 2016. Kotlin was developed
under the Apache 2.0 license.

Features of Kotlin

 Concise: Kotlin reduces writing the extra codes. This makes Kotlin more
 Null safety: Kotlin is null safety language. Kotlin aimed to eliminate the
NullPointerException (null reference) from the code.Interoperable.
 Interoperable: Kotlin easily calls the Java code in a natural way as well as
Kotlin code can be used by Java.

 Smart cast: It explicitly typecasts the immutable values and inserts the
value in its safe cast automatically.
 Compilation Time: It has better performance and fast compilation time.
 Tool-friendly: Kotlin programs are build using the command line as well as
any of Java IDE.
 Extension function: Kotlin supports extension functions and extension
properties which means it helps to extend the functionality of classes
without touching their code.

Kotlin Hello World Program in Command line

fun main(args: Array<String>){  //you can write like this also fun main( )

 It is an entry point to our program

 fun is a keyword to create your function

     println("Hello World!") 

Save the file with name hello.kt, .kt extension is used for Kotlin file.

Compile Kotlin File

Open command prompt and go to directory location where file is stored.

Compile hello.kt file with following command.

kotlinc hello.kt -include-runtime -d hello.jar  

Run Kotlin File

To run the Kotlin .jar (hello.jar) file run the following command.

java -jar hello.jar  

Kotlin First Program Concept

Let's understand the concepts and keywords of Kotlin program 'Hello World.kt'.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {  

    println("Hello World!")  

The first line of program defines a function called main(). In Kotlin, function is a

group of statements that performs a group of tasks. Functions start with a
keyword fun followed by function name (main in this case).

The main () function takes an array of string (Array<String>) as a parameter and

returns Unit. Unit is used to indicate the function and does not return any value
(void as in Java). Declaring Unit is an optional, we do not declare it explicitly.

fun main(args: Array<String>): Unit {  



The main() function is the entry point of the program, it is called first when Kotlin
program starts execution.

The second line used to print a String "Hello World!". To print standard output we
use wrapper println() over standard Java library functions (System.out.println()).

println("Hello World!")  

Note: Semicolons are optional in Kotlin.

Kotlin Variable
Variable refers to a memory location. It is used to store data. The data of variable
can be changed and reused depending on condition or on information passed to the

Variable Declaration

Kotlin variable is declared using keyword var and val.

var language ="Java"  
val salary = 30000  

The difference between var and val is specified later on this page.

Here, variable language is String type and variable salary is Int type. We don't
require specifying the type of variable explicitly. Kotlin complier knows this by
initilizer expression ("Java" is a String and 30000 is an Int value). This is called
type inference in programming.

We can also explicitly specify the type of variable while declaring it.

var language: String ="Java"  

val salary: Int = 30000  

It is not necessary to initialize variable at the time of its declaration. Variable can
be initialized later on when the program is executed.

var language: String  

... ... ...  

language = "Java"  

val salary: Int  

... ... ...  

salary = 30000  

Difference between var and val

var (Mutable variable): We can change the value of variable declared
using var keyword later in the program.

val (Immutable variable): We cannot change the value of variable which is

declared using val keyword.


var salary = 30000  

salary = 40000 //execute  

Here, the value of variable salary can be changed (from 30000 to 40000) because
variable salary is declared using var keyword.

val language = "Java"  

language = "Kotlin" //Error  

Here, we cannot re-assign the variable language from "Java" to "Kotlin" because
the variable is declared using val keyword.

Kotlin Data Type

Data type (basic type) refers to type and size of data associated with variables and
functions. Data type is used for declaration of memory location of variable which
determines the features of data.

In Kotlin, everything is an object, which means we can call member function and
properties on any variable.

Kotlin built in data type are categorized as following different categories:

 Number
 Character
 Boolean
 Array
 String

Number Types

Number types of data are those which hold only number type data variables. It is
further categorized into different Integer and Floating point.

Data Bit Width Data Range

Type (Size)

Byte 8 bit -128 to 127

Short 16 bit -32768 to 32767

Int 32 bit -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

Long 64 bit -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to


Float 32 bit 1.40129846432481707e-45 to


Double 64 bit 4.94065645841246544e-324 to


Character (Char) Data Type

Characters are represented using the keyword Char. Char types are declared using
single quotes ('').

Data Type Bit Width (Size) Data Range

Char 4 bit -128 to 127


val value1 = 'A'  


val  value2: Char  

value2= 'A'  

Boolean Data Types

Boolean data is represented using the type Boolean. It contains values either true or

Data Type Bit Width (Size) Data Value

Boolean 1 bit true or false


val flag = true  

Arrays in Kotlin are represented by the Array class. Arrays are created using
library function arrayOf() and Array() constructor. Array has get (), set()
function, size property as well as some other useful member functions.

Creating Array using library function arrayOf()

The arrayOf() function creates array of wrapper types. The item value are passed
inside arrayOf() function like arrayOf(1,2,3) which creates an array[1,2,3].

The elements of array are accessed through their index values (array[index]). Array
index are start from zero.

val id = arrayOf(1,2,3,4,5)  

val firstId = id[0]  

val lasted = id[id.size-1]  

Creating Array using Array() constructor

Creating array using Array() constructor takes two arguments in Array()

1. First argument as a size of array, and

2. Second argument as the function, which is used to initialize and return the
value of array element given its index.

val asc = Array(5, { i -> i * 2 }) //asc[0,2,4,6,8]  


String in Kotlin is represented by String class. String is immutable, which means

we cannot change the elements in String.

String declaration:

val text ="Hello, JavaTpoint"  

Types of String
String are categorize into two types. These are:

1. Escaped String: Escape String is declared within double quote (" ") and may
contain escape characters like '\n', '\t', '\b' etc.

val text1 ="Hello, JavaTpoint"  


val text2 ="Hello, JavaTpoint\n"  


val text3 ="Hello, \nJavaTpoint"  

2. Raw String: Row String is declared within triple quote (""" """). It provides
facility to declare String in new lines and contain multiple lines. Row String cannot
contain any escape character.

val text1 ="""  





Kotlin Type Conversion
Type conversion is a process in which one data type variable is converted into
another data type. In Kotlin, implicit conversion of smaller data type into larger
data type is not supported (as it supports in java). For example Int cannot be
assigned into Long or Double.

In Java

int value1 = 10;  

long value2 = value1;  //Valid code   

In Kotlin

var value1 = 10  

val value2: Long = value1  //Compile error, type mismatch  

However in Kotlin, conversion is done by explicit in which smaller data type is

converted into larger data type and vice-versa. This is done by using helper

var value1 = 10  

val value2: Long = value1.toLong()  

The list of helper functions used for numeric conversion in Kotlin is given below:

 toByte()
 toShort()
 toInt()
 toLong()
 toFloat()
 toDouble()
 toChar()

Kotlin Type Conversion Example

Let see an example to convert from Int to Long.

fun main(args : Array<String>) {  
    var value1 = 100  

    val value2: Long =value1.toLong()  



We can also converse from larger data type to smaller data type.

fun main(args : Array<String>) {  

    var value1: Long = 200  

    val value2: Int =value1.toInt()  



Kotlin Operator
Operators are special characters which perform operation on operands (values or
variable).There are various kind of operators available in Kotlin.

 Arithmetic operator
 Relation operator
 Assignment operator
 Unary operator
 Bitwise operation
 Logical operator

Arithmetic Operator

Arithmetic operators are used to perform basic mathematical operations such as

addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) etc.

Operator Description Expression Translate to

+ Addition a+b a.plus(b)

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- Subtraction a-b a.minus(b)

* Multiply a*b a.times(b)

/ Division a/b a.div(b)

% Modulus a%b a.rem(b)

Example of Arithmetic Operator

fun main(args : Array<String>) {  

var a=10;  

var b=5;  








Relation Operator

Relation operator shows the relation and compares between operands. Following
are the different relational operators:

Operator Description Expression Translate to

11 | P a g e
> greater than a>b a.compateTo(b)>0

< Less than a<b a.compateTo(b)<0

>= greater than or equal to a>=b a.compateTo(b)>=0

<= less than or equal to a<=b a?.equals(b)?:(b===null)

== is equal to a==b a?.equals(b)?:(b===null)

!= not equal to a!=b !(a?.equals(b)?:(b===null))

Example of Relation Operator

fun main(args : Array<String>) {  

    val a = 5  

    val b = 10  

    val max = if (a > b) {  

        println("a is greater than b.")  


    } else{  

        println("b is greater than a.")  



    println("max = $max")  


12 | P a g e
b is greater than a.
max = 10

Assignment operator

Assignment operator "=" is used to assign a value to another variable. The

assignment of value takes from right to left.

Operator Description Expression Convert to

+= add and assign a+=b a.plusAssign(b)

-= subtract and assign a-=b a.minusAssign(b)

*= multiply and assign a*=b a.timesAssign(b)

/= divide and assign a/=b a.divAssign(b)

%= mod and assign a%=b a.remAssign(b)

Example of Assignment operator

fun main(args : Array<String>) {  


    var a =20;var b=5  


    println("a+=b :"+ a)  


    println("a-=b :"+ a)  


    println("a*=b :"+ a)  
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    println("a/=b :"+ a)  


    println("a%=b :"+ a)  



a+=b :25
a-=b :20
a*=b :100
a/=b :20
a%=b :0

Unary Operator

Unary operator is used with only single operand. Following are some unary
operator given below.

Operator Description Expression Convert to

+ unary plus +a a.unaryPlus()

- unary minus -a a.unaryMinus()

++ increment by 1 ++a a.inc()

-- decrement by 1 --a a.dec()

! not !a a.not()

Example of Unary Operator

fun main(args: Array<String>){  

14 | P a g e
    var a=10  

    var b=5  

    var flag = true  

    println("+a :"+ +a)  

    println("-b :"+ -b)  

    println("++a :"+ ++a)  

    println("--b :"+ --b)  

    println("!flag :"+ !flag)  


+a :10
-b :-5
++a :11
--b :4
!flag :false

Logical Operator

Logical operators are used to check conditions between operands. List of logical
operators are given below.

Operator Description Expression Convert to

&& return true if all expression are true (a>b) && (a>c) (a>b) and (a>c)

|| return true if any expression are true (a>b) || (a>c) (a>b) or(a>c)

! return complement of expression !a a.not()

Example of Logical Operator

fun main(args: Array<String>){  

15 | P a g e
    var a=10  

    var b=5  

    var c=15  

    var flag = false  

    var result: Boolean  

    result = (a>b) && (a>c)  

    println("(a>b) && (a>c) :"+ result)  

    result = (a>b) || (a>c)  

    println("(a>b) || (a>c) :"+ result)  

    result = !flag  

    println("!flag :"+ result)  



(a>b) && (a>c) :false
(a>b) || (a>c) :true
!flag :true

Bitwise Operation

In Kotlin, there is not any special bitwise operator. Bitwise operation is done using
named function.

Named Function Description Expression

shl (bits) signed shift left a.shl(b)

shr (bits) signed shift right a.shr(b)

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ushr (bits) unsigned shift right a.ushr(b)

and (bits) bitwise and a.and(b)

or (bits) bitwise or a.or(b)

xor (bits) bitwise xor a.xor(b)

inv() bitwise inverse a.inv()

Example of Bitwise Operation

fun main(args: Array<String>){  

    var a=10  

    var b=2    

    println("a.shl(b): "+a.shl(b))  

    println("a.shr(b): "+a.shr(b))  

    println("a.ushr(b:) "+a.ushr(b))  

    println("a.and(b): "+a.and(b))  

    println("a.or(b): "+a.or(b))  

    println("a.xor(b): "+a.xor(b))  

    println("a.inv(): "+a.inv())  


a.shl(b): 40
a.shr(b): 2
a.ushr(b:) 2
a.and(b): 2

17 | P a g e
a.or(b): 10
a.xor(b): 8
a.inv(): -11

Kotlin Standard Input/Output

Kotlin standard input output operations are performed to flow byte stream from
input device (keyboard) to main memory and from main memory to output device

Kotlin Output

Kotlin output operation is performed using the standard

methods print() and println(). Let's see an example:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {  

    println("Hello World!")  

    print("Welcome to  JavaTpoint")  


Hello World!
Welcome to JavaTpoint
The methods print() and println() are internally call System.out.print() and
System.out.println() respectively.

Difference between print() and println() methods:

 print(): print() method is used to print values provided inside the method
 println(): println() method is used to print values provided inside the method
"()" and moves cursor to the beginning of next line.

fun main(args: Array<String>){  


    println("Welcome to  JavaTpoint")  

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Welcome to JavaTpoint

Kotlin Input

Kotlin has standard library function readLine() which is used for reads line of

string input from standard input stream. It returns the line read or null. Let's see an

fun main(args: Array<String>) {  

    println("Enter your name")  

    val name = readLine()  

    println("Enter your age")  

    var age: Int =Integer.valueOf(readLine())  

    println("Your name is $name and your age is $age")  



Enter your name

Enter your age
Your name is Ashutosh and your age is 25
While using the readLine() function, input lines other than String are explicitly
converted into their corresponding types.

To input other data type rather than String, we need to use Scanner object of
java.util.Scanner class from Java standard library.

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Example Getting Integer Input

import java.util.Scanner  

fun main(args: Array<String>) {  

    val read = Scanner(System.`in`)  

    println("Enter your age")  

    var age = read.nextInt()  

    println("Your input age is "+age)  


Enter your age
Your input age is 25
Here nextInt() is a method which takes integer input and stores in integer variable.
The other data types Boolean, Float, Long and Double uses nextBoolean(),
nextFloat(), nextLong() and nextDouble() to get input from user.

Kotlin Comment
Comments are the statements that are used for documentation purpose. Comments
are ignored by compiler so that don't execute. We can also used it for providing
information about the line of code. There are two types of comments in Kotlin.

Single line comment.

Multi line comment.

Single line comment

Single line comment is used for commenting single line of statement. It is done by
using '//' (double slash). For example:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {  

// this statement used for print   

    println("Hello World!")  
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Hello World!

Multi line comment

Multi line comment is used for commenting multiple line of statement. It is done
by using /* */ (start with slash strict and end with star slash). For example:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {  

/* this statement 

   is used 

   for print */  

    println("Hello World!")  


Hello World!

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