Wireless Charging System For EV

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International conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System (SCOPES)-2016

Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicle

Miss. Shital R. Khutwad. Mrs. Shruti Gaur
PG student, Electrical Power System Assistant Professor, Elect. Dept.
Zeal College of Engineering, Narhe Zeal College of Engineering, Narhe
Pune, India Pune, India
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— The paper overviews novel technique for wireless Inductive power transfer (IPT) method is design to deliver
charging system of electric vehicle in which verifies the developed power wirelessly via magnetic coupling from a static
theory using battery charger application of electric vehicle. In transmitter to one or more movable secondary receiver [1]-[7].
electric vehicle charging of battery through charger and wire is In between primary source and secondary load there is a large
inconvenient, hazardous and expensive. The existing gasoline and
air gaps. The power supply is either single phase or three
petrol engine technology vehicles are responsible for air, noise
pollution as well as for greenhouse gases. The implemented phases depending on the power requirement. WPT system
wireless charging system of battery for Electric vehicle by generally consists of power supply, transmitter (primary coil),
inductive coupling method has been presented in this paper. The receiver (secondary coil), micro-controller, battery, sensors,
driving circuit is used between the transmitter coil & receiver coil matching circuit [11]. Depending on the magnetic structure of
where MOSFET is used for switching operation. The transmitter coil IPT system is either distributed or lumped topologies. The
coil circuit is turn ON and OFF whenever the vehicle is present AC current is generated in the transmitter coil by the power
and absent respectively. The system is achieves 67% efficiency supply at a very low frequency. Via magnetic fields single
level while providing safety, reliability, low maintenance and long primary coil and multiple secondary coils are coupled. The
product life.
constant frequency current in the primary coil is creating a
Keywords— Wireless power transfer; electric vehicles; strong and controllable magnetic field for WPT.
inductive power transfer; battery charging etc. Dirt, ice, water and chemicals are not affected on IPT
system thus system will be environmentally suitable for all
I. INTRODUCTION condition and maintenance free [1]-[4]. Advancement in
power electronics technology have discovered many new
application based on IPT system like wireless power supply
The world suffers from many problems without for professional instrument, wireless battery charging for
electricity. In day to day life electric power is important in electric vehicle over large air gaps , material handling these
many applications such as mobile, laptop, camera, sensors, are high power application of IPT system [1]-[7]. Other
bionic implants, satellites and oil platforms. In 1891, Nikola examples include medical implants, cell phones, lighting these
Tesla has proposed an idea of wireless power transmission and are low power application of IPT system [1]-[7]. The mutual
he demonstrated the first wireless power transfer system for coupling of IPT system is generally week. The receiver coil is
illumination. Sometimes connecting too many wires in small electrically isolated from transmitter coil and move along a
power sockets becomes inconvenient and hazardous. The First long transmitter track. The advantages of IPT system are listed
electric vehicle practically implemented by Thomas Parker below [1]-[7], [10] –
in 1884. Until 1859 rechargeable batteries are not available for
storing electricity, French physicist Gaston Plant invented x The system is Safe.
lead- acid battery and reduced the drawback. x Reliable.
Electric vehicles are more popular in many countries, the
x The system has low maintenance.
electric vehicles are small or large in size such as buses, car is
x It has long product life.
large and two wheelers, electric bicycles are small. Electric
vehicles are same as like normal vehicles, but electric motor is x Energy wastage is overcome.
used in electric vehicle for propulsion purpose, for power x Magnetic field radiation problem is overcome.
supply of that motor battery is used [1]. The new types of
rechargeable batteries are available which is used because of II. LITERATURE SURVEY
small in size, as compared to conventional lead acid battery
the energy storage capacity is higher, and weight is also less.
The concept of wireless power transfer by IPT method is
The charging process is bulky for users in plug in electric
discovered from many years and is now gaining more.
vehicle because for charging battery, charger is required which
Literature survey is prime component during this dissertation;
is directly connected from vehicle or sometime battery is
an exhaustive review on the subject area has been done as
removing for charging purpose. By utilizing inductive power
given below.
transfer technology this difficult charging process is simplified

978-1-5090-4620-1/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 441

International conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System (SCOPES)-2016

Hui Zhi (Zak) Beh [1] proposed a DCS (double-coupled vehicle. Therefore high capacity battery is not required and it
system) which is used for charging of a battery of electric is replaced by small battery, since reduced the weight of
vehicle. In between primary coil and secondary pickup battery [1].
intermediary coupler is placed where it operates as a switch. Stationary IPT charging system is simple in that EVs are
The system efficiency is increase by sharing all losses between charged wirelessly when vehicle are park at home or stopped
the branches. at parking of office [11]. These IPT systems are not required
charger to charge EV. Such systems offer reliability and
Jesus sallan [4] explain a new design process in which design convenience. Including existing conventional transportation
factor is considered to choose the parameter of a coreless IPT system IPT system has lowest cost. The most expensive
such as optimum number of coil, compensation capacitors and components are power supply and track, installation cost of
frequency. If a appropriate design is selected then there is system is also high. Some difficulties related to designing of
possibility to deliver high power with high efficiency. system must be overcome to achieve these features and
advantages of the system. There is a tremendous development
Akshya K. Swain [5] explain bidirectional IPT system in from past two decades in the IPT method, which start from
which wireless power transfer is possible easily between the industrial applications and currently shifted to designs of both
two sides which are separated by air gap, through weak stationary and dynamic charging system, which can achieve
magnetic coupling. Without an accurate mathematical model the challenge of powering electric vehicles (EVs).
system is difficult to design and control. A dynamic model Implementation of EVs by using IPT method is more
has been developed by state variables. This model is a advantageous from consumer point of view as well as from
standard tool for steady state and transient analysis of IPT sustainable energy point of view. To achieve distributed
systems as well as for the design of controllers. energy generation and energy storage model the concept of
Vehicle to-Grid can be brought into next stage with WPT
Dukju Ahn and Songcheol Hong [12] says that for IPT facilitated EVs [11].
system the concept of repeaters can be applied, in which
enhance the power transfer distance between transmitter and
receiver coil by placing intermediate repeaters. The position of IV. PRAPOSED METHOD
the repeater between transmitter and receiver is carefully
obtained. The efficiency is significantly different from each
other for two different configurations while delivering the Fig.1 represents the block diagram of proposed wireless
same amount of power. Better efficiency is obtained if the power supply system for charging battery of electric vehicle. It
repeater is inserted nearest to the transmitter than receiver. consists of three parts a transmitter to generate AC signal
The 10-15 cm gap is in between road surface and bottom of which is to be transferred, transmitting and receiving coil to
electric vehicle, this gap is large for vehicles like trucks or transfer power wirelessly and receiver to convert received AC
buses therefore to extend the charging distance depending on signal into DC voltage for charging the battery of electric
the gaps certain methods are needed. By inserting repeaters vehicle [10]. The aim of implemented system is to design a
this goal is achieved. prototype of wireless power supply system to recharge the
battery of an electric vehicle and avoid wastage of power.

In future the fuel like coal, petrol, diesel are vanishes

because these are non renewable source of energy. The
transportation system will have limitations in future. Therefore
we go for the electric vehicle for transportation purpose.
Because of existing gasoline and petrol engine technology
vehicles greenhouse gases are increases [11]. Plug-in Electric
Vehicles are implemented to achieve environmental friendly
transportation and reduced some extent of greenhouse gas.
The usage of PEV is currently increased but there are some
battery related problems such as slower charging rate, low
energy storage capacity, size, and weight [1]. A new
technology is required to reduced battery related problems and
for development of EVs. Due to charging related issues many
consumers do not have accepted PEVs as priority basis [11]. Fig. 1. Block diagram of WPT system.
To reduce battery related problems, greenhouse gases and to
resolving the magnetic field radiation problem the concept of A basic block diagram of wireless power transfer system
Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) system is developed [10]. consists of two sections. One is a transmitter section or
Many charging stations are built up on the side of road, since primary coil and another is receiver or secondary coil section.
the users travel further distance by recharging their electric AC source provides 230V, 50Hz AC signal. Micro-controller

International conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System (SCOPES)-2016

is used to control the AC current in transmitter coil through x 368 bytes of RAM
MOSFET switch. By Amperes law an alternating current x 256 bytes of EEPROM data memory
(AC) passes through the transmitting coil which creates a x Two 8 bit and one 16 bit timer
magnetic field then it is passes through the receiving coil. By
x Five input output ports
Faradays law of electromagnetic induction an alternating EMF
(voltage) is induced in receiver coil which creates an AC x Two serial communication ports (MSSP,
current in secondary. This AC signal is converted into DC USART)
signal using rectifier. Voltage regulator gives regulated DC x 8 channel 10 bit ADC
signal so that it can be used for electric vehicle. x 2 CCP modules.
In proposed system 12V DC source is applied to AC In developed system PIC16F877 microcontroller is used
converter. AC converter converts this DC signal into AC. AC because of following reasons.
current is applied to transmitting coil and it creates a magnetic
x It has inbuilt ADC which is required to sense
field. Power is transferred through this magnetic field to the
battery voltage and convert it in digital format.
receiving coil. At receiving coil received AC signal is
converted into DC using rectifier. Rectified voltage is stored x It requires low power supply.
in battery, Hence rechargeable battery is used in a proposed
system. Now as per conventional system, once the supply is x It is less expensive than other microcontrollers.
given, the whole equipment starts working and magnetic field
is produced which induces voltage and the wireless
transmission occurs. When vehicle is present IR sensor sense
the active low signal and send this signal to MOSFET switch
then turn ON the supply and transmitter transfer power to
receiver circuit. When vehicle is absent, IR sensor send the
active high signal to MOSFET switch then turn OFF power
supply. The magnetic field radiation problem is prevent also
energy wastage is overcome by using micro-controller for
controlling purpose [1].
Fig. 2 shows the photograph of the prototype WPT
system, including arrangement of transmitter track coil and in
vehicle placement of receiver coil and LCD display.
Description of various components of system is given next.

A. Coil Design -

The transmitter coil and receiver coil is the key part of the
whole system. The coils are tightly coupled if they have the
same size and same configuration. In a proposed system tight
coupling configuration with small distance power transfer
system is used to achieve high efficiency for electric vehicle
application. System consists of two coils tuned at the same
frequency. Transmitter and receiver coils have been
constructed using electrically conducting copper tube with a
diameter of 16cm. Each coil has 48 numbers of turns and an
inductance of 56uH. The air gap between these two coils is

B. Microcontroller PIC16F877 -
PIC16F877 is 40 pin IC and 8 bit microcontroller which
are one of the most advanced microcontrollers from Fig. 2. Photograph of the prototype WPT system, including transmitter and
Microchip. Because of its high quality, low price, and ease of receiver coil
availability it is mostly used in experimental and modern
C. Rectifier -
PIC16F877 microcontroller provides the following
features [8]: Rectifier is used to converts AC signal into DC signal for
charging battery but the DC output is varying. In many power
x 14K bytes of flash memory supply circuits, the bridge rectifier is used. In proposed system

International conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System (SCOPES)-2016

single phase full wave bridge rectifier is used to convert

received AC voltage into DC. A full wave bridge rectifier is
used because it has a high efficiency of 81.2%.

D. LCD -

In proposed system 16x2 LCD is used to display current

activity of project. 16x2 LCD means there are two lines in
LCD and each line display 16 characters. LCD provides the
following features because of that it is used in developed
x It is display numbers, characters and graphics.
x The LCD consist of refreshing controller to
reduce the overhead of the CPU
x Programming of such LCD is easy
Fig. 3. Output of transmitter coil and receiver coil
E. Voltage Regulator 7805 -

It eliminates ripple and provides a stable voltage. By using

7805 voltage regulator high DC voltage is stepped down into
5V DC voltage. In general, an IC7805 regulator can withstand
voltage ranging from 7.2V to 35V and gives maximum
efficiency of 7.2V voltage. There is an energy loss in the form
of heat if the voltage exceeds above 7.2V. In this system Fig. 4. Output Voltage on LCD
voltage regulator 7805 is used to give 5V DC voltage to
regulate the supply [9].
V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT The IPT concept is implemented for wireless charging
system which is used to recharge an electric vehicle battery.
By initializing wireless power transfer system, transmitter The driving circuit is used between the transmitter coil &
section transfers power wirelessly to receiver section. In receiver coil where MOSFET and micro-controller is operates
transmitter section 240 KHZ frequency is applied to AC as a switch. Power transferred is allowed by turn ON the
converter. In receiver section received power recharges the transmitter circuit when the vehicle is present, and turn OFF
battery and runs an electric vehicle. Fig. 3 Show results of power transfer when the vehicle is absent to overcome the
proposed system observed on digital storage oscilloscope. In energy waste and to avoid the magnetic field radiation
Fig. 3. 1 and 2 shows the transmitter coil and receiver coil problem. The proposed driving circuit utilizes an ac switch
which control the system power transferred. The
waveform respectively. After initializing wireless power
implementation of an inductive power transfer system is
transfer transmitting coil transfers 10.1 V at 191.5 KHz
verifies by using battery charger application of electric
frequency. Because of some losses receiving coil receives vehicle. A prototype practical system is developed with
6.72 V at 194.8 KHz frequency. Results in calculated and efficiency level of 67 % and results are verified. The system
implemented electric vehicle show good correlation. provides reliability, long life and safety.
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