Energies: Cost-Benefit Analysis For Energy Management in Public Buildings: Four Italian Case Studies
Energies: Cost-Benefit Analysis For Energy Management in Public Buildings: Four Italian Case Studies
Energies: Cost-Benefit Analysis For Energy Management in Public Buildings: Four Italian Case Studies
Cost-Benefit Analysis for Energy Management
in Public Buildings: Four Italian Case Studies
Davide Astiaso Garcia 1, *,† , Fabrizio Cumo 2,† , Mariagrazia Tiberi 1,† , Valentina Sforzini 1,†
and Giuseppe Piras 1,†
1 DIAEE—Department of Astronautic, Electric and Energetic Engineering, Sapienza University,
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 244, 00186 Rome, Italy; [email protected] (M.T.);
[email protected] (V.S.); [email protected] (G.P.)
2 CITERA—Interdisciplinary Centre for Housing, Heritage and Environment, Sapienza University,
Via Gramsci 53, 00197 Rome, Italy; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-349-2303-498
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: Improving energy efficiency in public buildings is one of the main challenges for
a sustainable requalification of energy issues and a consequent reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions. This paper aims to provide preliminary information about economic costs and energy
consumption reductions (benefits) of some considered interventions in existing public buildings.
Methods include an analysis of some feasible interventions in four selected public buildings.
Energy efficiency improvements have been assessed for each feasible intervention. The difference
of the building global energy performance index (EPgl ) has been assessed before and after each
intervention. Economic costs of each intervention have been estimated by averaging the amount
demanded by different companies for the same intervention. Results obtained show economic
costs and the EPgl percentage improvement for each intervention, highlighting and allowing for the
comparison of energy consumption reduction and relative economic costs. The research results
come from data gathered from four public buildings, and as such they could not be used to
generically identify cost-beneficial energy efficiency interventions for every context or building
type. However, the data reveals useful cost based considerations for selecting energy efficiency
interventions in other public buildings.
Keywords: cost-benefit analysis; energy efficiency; public buildings; trigeneration plant; thermostatic
valves; geothermal plant; building envelope; retrofitting; energy demand savings
1. Introduction
Energy efficiency assessment is an evaluation process to promote the improvement of building
energy performance starting from the information gathered during specific surveys or provided
by owners and users about energy consumption required to maintain a specified indoor climate in
terms of temperature and relative humidity [1]. Improving energy efficiency is considered one of the
main strategies nationally and internationally for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with
acceptable economic costs [1]. Energy consumption in the building sector and the subsequent impacts
mainly in terms of GHG and other pollutant emissions on the atmosphere are widely discussed [2].
Moreover, the need to provide simple and clear methods to people and business operators about
strategies and methods for improving energy efficiency is pointed out in many studies [1]. In order
to decrease building energy consumption, almost all governments have released for their countries
specific regulations aimed at improving building energy efficiency. In Europe, many national rules
come from the European Union (EU) Directive about 2020 targets, the so-called climate package,
for reducing GHG emissions, that include the 20% of renewable energy sources (RES) in energy
consumption and the 20% increase in energy efficiency (Directive 2009/29/EC) [2]; moreover energy
efficiency is one of the main pillars of smart cities [3,4]. At the local level, an important role is played
by single municipalities that in Italy deal with the implementation of the Building Energy Regulation
Codes (BERC) [2]. These codes help to reduce the environmental impacts of new or refurbished
buildings; their use directly affects the work of all the actors involved in this sector (mainly engineers,
architects, local planners and building companies) [5]. In particular, measures and data for assessing
building energy efficiency should be determined by using environmental measurements and building
simulation tools [6]. The evaluation of a building global energy performance index (EPgl expressed
in kWh/m2 ¨ year) is the first step to identify more effective strategies, interventions and criteria to
improve its energy performance [7]. EPgl is displayed in the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
considering the rules contained in the norms UNI TS 11300 and it is the sum of the EPH , energy
performance index in the heating seasons, and EPW Energy performance index for domestic hot water
production [8]. Indeed, EPC in Italy integrate the energy consumption assessment [9] with information
about the environmental impact derived both from the buildings themselves and the type of materials
contained in the buildings. This approach foresees the use of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method
for assessing the environmental impact of materials and plants over their life cycles [10].
Considering energy efficiency economic costs, as stated by the European Parliament in 2010, with
the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), assessing economic costs of interventions
is essential for the choice of optimal solutions to decrease building energy consumption [11].
Cost-benefit analysis is used in many fields as a methodology for comparing economic sustainability
of possible strategies and interventions that could be adopted, in order to highlight the best feasible
alternative [12]. Additionally, cost-benefit analysis is not to be confused with the life cycle cost (LCC),
identified as the sum of the total costs of design, construction, installation, operation, management and
disposal; conversely cost-benefit analysis is typically used as a decision making tool for the comparison
of different solutions for improving energy performance based on cost of investment [13].
Based on the above considerations, this paper investigates the cost-benefit analysis of energy
efficiency retrofitting interventions on public buildings, highlighting more effective interventions
according to building characteristics and features, by the estimation and comparison of the economic
cost and the energy efficiency improvement for each considered retrofitting intervention.
Energy-demand retrofitting is considered as an effective way to accelerate the low-energy
transformation of building stock in accordance with adopted EU Directives. Indeed, existing Buildings
cover about 75%–85% of the building stock today and in the next fifty years [14].
In accordance with Wang and Holmberg [15], very little methodology is currently being implemented
out to efficiently select and evaluate the retrofitting techniques. In any case, Paiho et al. [16] designed
for Russian residential buildings some cost analysis-based retrofitting strategies to implement building
installation system renovations, while Sahin et al. [17] showed how the energy retrofits in historical
buildings should be managed in a transdisciplinary approach.
Within the energy efficiency retrofitting of existing buildings Camprubí et al. [18] highlighted
three main types of interventions: passive structures (insulating the passive components of
the building), active elements (upgrading heating systems) and management/information skills
(to improve energy habits of residents).
Different typologies of interventions for improving energy efficiency in new and existing
buildings have been considered by the authors in different previous studies, which considered
both renewable energy systems [19–21] and the planning of strategies for the minimization of
energy consumption [22–25]. Cost-benefit analysis allows public administrations to highlight which
retrofitting intervention could be most financially feasible for each considered public building, subject
to available budgets.
Energies 2016, 9, 522 3 of 17
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1. The four analyzed public buildings: (a) Villa Sciarra and (b) Italian Ministry of Economic
Figure 1. The four analyzed public buildings: (a) Villa Sciarra and (b) Italian Ministry of Economic
Development (MiSE) facades; (c) Italian Space Agency (ASI) and (d) Ex Banco Napoli Building facades.
Development (MiSE) facades; (c) Italian Space Agency (ASI) and (d) Ex Banco Napoli Building facades.
The assessed current energy performance data are reported in Figure 2 and has been calculated
by inserting the data gathered during specific surveys on STIMA 10 Software (Idronica Line—Watts
Industries Italia S.r.l., Biassono, Italy).
Energies 2016, 9, 522 5 of 17
nergies 2016, 9, 522 5 of
Figure 2. Actual
Figure 2.energy performance
Actual energy performance of the
of the analyzed
analyzed buildings
buildings (EPgl values).
(EPgl values).
Table 4. Villa Sciarra ceiling thermal performance before and after intervention.
For improving a building EPgl value and consequentially its energy efficiency, it is necessary to
evaluate the energy used for winter heating and summer cooling and its related management system
Energies 2016, 9, 522 7 of 17
costs. The existing heating and cooling plant of Villa Sciarra uses fan coils to distribute thermal energy
from a water based system. The reverse-cycle air/water based air-conditioning system which heats
fluid in winter and cools fluid in summer, is powered by electricity from the grid. To evaluate the
exact consumption of this heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system, an analysis of
the building electricity consumption was completed using data provided from four consecutive years
(from 2009 to 2012). From this analysis, the energy consumption was quantified, which is shown
in Table 6.
An analysis of electricity consumption for lighting and HVAC was defined by reference costs
An analysis of electricity consumption for lighting and HVAC was defined by reference costs
reported in the data provided by the building owners. The results highlight a consumption for HVAC
reported in the data provided by the building owners. The results highlight a consumption for
system of about 20–25 MWh/year (Figure 4).
HVAC system of about 20–25 MWh/year (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Annual consumptions for electric utilities (light and heating, ventilating and air conditioning
Figure 4. Annual consumptions for electric utilities (light and heating, ventilating and air conditioning
(HVAC)) uses.
(HVAC)) uses.
Consequentially, totooptimize
Consequentially, optimizeenergy
efficiencyof the
of existing HVAC
the existing system,
HVAC interventions
system, which
explored adaptation and replacement were evaluated. Considering that the territorial
which explored adaptation and replacement were evaluated. Considering that the territorial context context of
of Sciarra
Villa is is
Sciarra a public garden,
a public garden,the
vertical ground
ground loop geothermal system,
air-conditioning system
with a heat pump inverter, to provide a more energy efficient air-conditioning system (Figure
(Figure 5).
Indeed, vertical probes are not invasive and do not involve external works that could
vertical probes are not invasive and do not involve external works that could compromise compromise the
the andand
building the the
surrounding park. Additionally,
park. Additionally,thisthis
system does
system not not
does require a substitution
require of the
a substitution of
existing heating and cooling energy distribution systems.
the existing heating and cooling energy distribution systems.
The adoption of a system with vertical geothermal probes could be chosen in public or private
garden contexts since it involves vertical boreholes that will not harm the surrounding park; moreover,
vertical boreholes will ensure the reduction of the building energy consumption due to its higher energy
efficiency according with the results obtained by the EPgl assessments before and after its installation.
Energies adoption
2016, 9, 522 of a system with vertical geothermal probes could be chosen in public or private 9 of 17
garden contexts since it involves vertical boreholes that will not harm the surrounding park;
moreover, vertical boreholes will ensure the reduction of the building energy consumption due to its
of thermostatic valves brings
efficiency according withantheaverage
results energy
obtained saving
by thefrom 10% to 50% before
EPgl assessments [34] and andallows
aitsreduction of
installation. hot water use.
Considering the second intervention, low-e glazing significantly reduces heat loss but does not
significantly reduce visible
2.3. Proposed Interventions: lightMinistry
Italian transmittance, promoting
of Economic the use of natural daylight within the
building. Their inclusion (Tables 7 and 8 and Figure 6) allows an improvement of the environmental
The building is currently equipped with a PV system, installed in 2010, which produces about
comfort and sustainability because it reduces the risk of condensation on the internal pane, as well as
48 MWh/year. Moreover, in 2009 single glazed windows on the sixth, seventh and eighth floors were
the heat transmission from outdoor to indoor during summer months. In addition, this intervention
replaced with low emission double-glazed units.
brings light and solar heat in the winter, improving energy efficiency in the existing building considered
An analysis of the historical constraints of the urban area where the building is located
as one of the main challenges for obtaining GHG emissions reduction [35].
pinpoints two feasible interventions to achieve the limit of EPgl values established by law: the
The chosen low-e glass typology meets the requirement imposed by Italian normative for existing
introduction of thermostatic valves and the replacement of single pane2 windows with low
buildings, requiring that U values for glazing should not be higher than 2 W/m ¨ K in climatic zone D.
emissivity (low-e) glazing with aluminium frames in the floors not included in the 2009
Table 7. The
MiSefirst intervention
fixtures consists
stratigraphy before of the installation
(single glasses) and of thermostatic
after valves
(low-e glasses) in the fan coils
of each zone as devices for heating control giving the possibility to regulate the temperature of each
room according with its real use. The useThermal of thermostatic valves brings Vapor an average energy
Thermal saving
Thickness Mass Surface
from 10%Description
to 50%Layer
[34] and allows a reduction Conductance
of hot water use. Permeability Resistance
mm W/m 2¨ K kg/m2 kg/ms¨ Pa 2 ¨ K/W
Considering the second intervention, low-e glazing significantly reduces heat lossmbut does not
significantly reduce visible light transmittance, promoting the use of natural daylight within the
Glass (before) 4 538.05 2500 0.002
inclusion (Tables 4
7 and 8 and 250Figure 6) allows 2500
an improvement 0 0.004
of the environmental
Air (after) 15 5.882 1.3 193 0.17
comfort andglass
Low-e sustainability
(after) because
6 it reduces5.67
the risk of condensation
2500 on the0internal pane,0.176as well as
Glass (after) 4 250 2500 0
the heat transmission from outdoor to indoor during summer months. In addition, this intervention 0.004
brings light and solar heat in the winter, improving energy efficiency in the existing building
considered as oneTable 8. MiSE
of the main fixtures thermal
challenges for performance
obtaining GHG before and after reduction
emissions intervention.
Table 7. MiSe Performance
fixtures Beforeand
stratigraphy before (single glasses) Intervention Afterintervention.
after (low-e glasses) Intervention
Total thickness (mm) - 29
Thickness Thermal Conductance Mass Surface Vapor Permeability Thermal Resistance
Layerthermal resistance (m2 ¨ K/W)
Description Total 0.167 0.524 2
mm W/m2·K kg/m2 kg/ms·Pa m ·K/W
Total transmittance (W/m2 ¨ K) 5.993 1.907
Glass (before) 4 538.05 2 2500 0.002
Internal surface conductance per unit (W/m ¨ K) 8 8
Glass (after) 4 250 2 2500 0 0.004
External surface conductance per unit (W/m ¨ K) 25 25
Air (after) 15 5.8822 1.3 193 0.17
Internal surface resistance per unit (m ¨ K/W) 0.125 0.13
Low-e glass (after) 6 5.67 2 2500 0 0.176
External surface resistance per unit (m ¨ K/W) 0.04 0.04
Glass (after) 4 250 2500 0 0.004
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Operation
Operation of
of low-emissivity glass.
low-emissivity glass.
The chosen
2.4. Proposed low-e glass
Interventions: typology
Italian meets the requirement imposed by Italian normative for
Space Agency
existing buildings, requiring that U values for glazing should not be higher than 2 W/m2·K in
climatic energy
D. used for ASI building winter heating and summer cooling and its related economic
costs have been assessed for improving energy efficiency of the building.
Energies 2016, 9, 522 10 of 17
The installed heating system includes a burner powered by methane and three pressurized boilers
with a thermal output of 1200 kW/t each. The generators have been dimensioned on the basis of
thermal needs of the users providing a minimum reserve of about the 25% of the maximum demand.
The boilers supply the domestic hot water system, heat exchangers of retrieval system, heating and air
conditioning systems. An analysis of electricity consumption data provided by the building owners
was completed to evaluate the exact consumption of the HVAC system. The obtained results, reported
in Table 9, pinpointed an average monthly consumption of 158.08 MWh and an average monthly cost
of €44,385.
Starting from these findings, the identification of the intervention was based on the integration of
RES 2016, 9, 522to significantly reduce the annual electric bill, which was approximately €40,000/month.
in order 10 of 16
In particular, two feasible interventions have been considered: the installation of a 210 kW PV system
building energy plant
a trigeneration needs. During
aimed the winter,
at ensuring heat recovered
simultaneously fromthermal
electric and the trigeneration system
energy for heating
contributes jointly with the boilers
in winter and cooling during the summer. to heat the building, while in the summer months the heat
total the exhaust
available gasesforisthe
surface used to powerofthe
installation PVabsorber
panels is able
4000 to 2
m deliver 2
:1500 m cooling energy to
on the parking
integrate the2500
roofs and m2 on
existing refrigeration
the flat roof system
of some (Figure 8).as specified in Figure 7.
Figure 7. ASI
Figure building
7. ASI available
building availablesurfaces
the installation of photovoltaic
installation of photovoltaic(PV)
panels(in(in green).
contributes jointly with the boilers to heat the building, while in the summer months the heat
recovered from the exhaust gases is used to power the absorber able to deliver cooling energy to
integrate the existing refrigeration system (Figure 8).
The annual energy production of this PV plant was estimated as to 280 MWh/year, considering
the latitude and the average annual insolation of the area as well and the overall efficiency of the
system. All the PV panels have been oriented to the south, but according to architectural integration
patterns, only 35% of them has been installed with a tilt of 30˝ , while the remaining 65% has been
placed on the horizontal plane with a tilt of 0˝ .
The trigeneration system, located in front of the building in a special sound-proof containers,
uses a combined heat and power (CHP) system with a natural gas combustion engine and a group of
lithium bromide absorbers. Indeed, CHP technology can be adopted largely for industrial and civil
sectors as an efficient alternative to traditional generation systems [36,37].
The considered trigeneration system produce 30% of electricity and 55% of thermal energy, with
15% of energy losses; in any case electrical energy produced by these two systems is less than the
building energy needs. During the winter, heat recovered from the trigeneration system contributes
jointly with the boilers to heat the building, while in the summer months the heat recovered from the
exhaust gases is used to power the absorber able to deliver cooling energy to integrate the existing
Figure 7. ASIsystem (Figure
building 8). surfaces for the installation of photovoltaic (PV) panels (in green).
Figure 8.8.ASI
Figure ASItrigeneration plantscheme.
trigeneration plant scheme.
Table 10.10.
Table Technical
the solar collectorsused
solar collectors usedinin
ExEx Banco
Banco Napoli.
Table 11. Economic costs and EPgl improvement for each considered intervention in Villa Sciarra.
Considering expenses estimated by the five different companies, economic costs incurred for both
considered interventions in MiSE are reported in Tables 12 and 13 show the economic cost estimated
for the two plants in ASI and Ex Banco Napoli buildings.
Table 12. Economic costs and EPgl improvement for each considered intervention in MiSE.
Table 13. Economic costs and EPgl improvement for each considered intervention in ASI and
Ex Banco Napoli.
As for the systems installed in ASI, also in Ex Banco Napoli building the economic costs of
installation involve a high initial investment which will then be recovered in few years (Table 13).
Among the considered interventions, the results highlight that a trigeneration plant installation is
the most expensive per m2 of building; replacing fixtures with low-e glasses an PV panels installation
have a similar cost per square meter of the analysed buildings; the same could be said for geothermal
plant and thermal solar collectors; Comparing costs for floor and roof insulation, the euro amount
per square meter needed for the first one is almost twice the amount required for roof insulation;
Replacing fixtures using insulated glasses costs much less than using low-e glasses and has a similar
price per building square meter to thermostatic valves installation.
Table 15. Economic costs and EPgl percentage improvement for each considered intervention.
Cost-benefit results highlight that a trigeneration plant installation is the intervention with higher
cost for improving EPgl of 1%; replacing fixtures with insulated glasses an PV panels installation have
a similar cost-benefit ratio; the same could be said for geothermal plant and thermal solar collectors,
that are the intervention characterized by lower economic costs for improving EPgl of 1%.
4. Conclusions
The research analysed energy efficiency improvements and economic costs for some retrofitting
interventions comparing results obtained in four public buildings located in the same geographical
area. Only feasible interventions have been considered, according with each building’s characteristics
and local constraints. For example, it was not possible to analyse data coming from insulation of
building facades, since it was not allowed in any of the considered buildings.
The obtained results do not claim to objectively demonstrate that a single intervention could
have a better cost-benefit ratio in every building or every context, but only to give some indications
about cost-benefit data obtained in four case studies that could be used by public administrations
Energies 2016, 9, 522 15 of 17
for preliminary analysis aimed to select specific interventions for reduction energy consumptions in
public buildings trying to optimize cost- benefit ratio.
Indeed, the research gives useful inputs for decision makers and public administrations which
have to select retrofitting interventions for improving energy performance of a specific public building,
starting often with a limited budget. In particular, after selecting retrofitting interventions that could
be made in compliance with the regulatory framework and the territorial context of the considered
building, a further selection could be done comparing energy efficiency improvement and economic
costs of each intervention.
Finally, since all the results have been obtained considering Italian parameters for economic costs
of each intervention, the next steps of the research could include a comparison with data coming from
other EU countries; in addition, an assessment of the actual reduction of energy consumptions after
the interventions could be completed, allowing for an assessment of economic savings and payback
time of each intervention.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank all the students that collaborated in the data gathered in
each one of the four analyzed buildings.
Author Contributions: All authors contributed equally in the writing of this paper. All authors have read and
approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the
decision to publish the results.
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