Mu - Egamma

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Volume 67B, number 4 PHYSICS LETTERS 25 April 1977

/a ~ e ~ / A T A R A T E O F O N E O U T O F 10 9 M U O N D E C A Y S ?

Institute for TheorettcalPhyslcs, University of Berne, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Berne, Switzerland

Recewed 28 February 1977

It is proposed that lepton number conservation, purely left-handed charged weak currents and vanishing neutrino
masses are a hmmng case of a parity symmetric SU2 L × SUR × U2 V gauge theory. Right-handed neutrinos acqmre
a lepton number violating mass, leaving an SU2 L x U1 subgroup unbroken. Consequences for the decay ~ ~ e3' are

In a gauge theory of weak and associated interactions (electromagnetic, strong .... ) in which parity and time
reversal are spontaneously broken discrete symmetries, on an equal footing with the continuous symmetries of
S U n (fermions) × S U n (fermions) corresponding to chlral substitutions of lepton and quark flavors respectively,
the following features particular to leptons are intrinsically related:
(i) Neutrino masses are nonvanishing but orders of magnitude are smaller than charged lepton masses 4:1 [ 1].
(ii) Considering the mass scale set by GF 1/2 .~ 300 GeV as small compared to the mass scale on which parity
mvariance is restored, the chiral structure of the (light) neutrinos determines the corresponding (lowest level)
gauge group to be ((SU2)L × U1) [3].
(iii) Right-handed leptons (and quarks) are singlets with respect to (SU2L) [3]. (Scalars generating the masses
of the charged leptons transform as doublets under SU2L.)
(iv) Lepton numbers (L e, L u, Le+ L u) are not exactly conserved [ 4 - 6 ] . We study a scheme for leptons in
which the breakdown o f parity is reflected b y the sequence of gauge groups

XxX_S_USU2R×(U1) v -+ SU2 L × ( U 1 ) . (1) [7]

We will investigate the consequences for the decays

/a ~ e "Y(/1 ~ 3e). [81 4:2

An irreducible (lepton) multiplet (one electronhke, one m u o n l i k e , . . ) can be represented alternatively by 4

Majorana fields or 4 (e.g.) left-handed fields (including CPT-conjugate fields):

~(AVeL'+~(Ve)~, ff}ff~)~ (e-)&L, ff(NeR)~ (~e)~ (= e dr}N*R~), ff(AeR)~ (~'+)~ (= e&~}e R ~ ) . (2)

k) (klA = 1 . . . . . 4) denote hermitlan (four component) Majorana fields, (£)L denote left-handed, com-
In eq. (2) ~b(A

~1 In the hght of the present discussion we note that the vectorlike scheme of ref [1 ] is unable to correlate points (1)-(Iv). It is
also at variance with the reclusive neutrmo-hadron (~soscalar target) cross section ratio
a~N...}~-X/o.vN.._>I)X= ~ 0.59 +-0.14 GGM [2] and with the elastic neutrino-proton cross section ratio ouP'-}VP/o trp''}vp
~<0.61 ± 0.25 HPNF [21 '
= 0.4 -+ 0.2 HPWF [2].
:~2 The experiment currently in progress at SIN lookmg for the decay t~+ ~ e+~, explomng the high intensity muon beam has trig-
gered a renewed discussion of possible sources of lepton number violations [7]. We should hke to stress that we take the ru-
mors of a positive signal as stimulus for the present investigation only.

Volume 67B, number 4 PHYSICS LETTERS 25 April 1977

plex two component fields (& = I, 2; £ = re, No, e - , "~+ and e c~ =--(10 -1) +3. The (U1) weak hypercharge Yv
takes on the values - 1 for (v e, e-)L; (Ne, e-)R in order to satisfy the relation

oe.m. = I L + i R +&2y v , (3)

and thus can be identified with ( - 1 ) lepton number +4.
Yukawa couplings can only involve scalar multiplet transforming like the symmetric product of two spinor rep-
resentations of S04, i.e. the multiplets
~0L: (3, 1, -+2), ~PR: (1,3; Z-2), ~0LR: (2, 2; 0). (4)

In eq. (4) the first two numbers denote the values of (2JL,(R) + 1) characterizing the SU2L, R multiplets and the
third number gives the value of YV"
The multiplicities of the representations in eq. (4) occurring in the scalar sector are of physical significance.
They determine the range of Yukawa interactions beyond the couplings of the Goldstone mode scalars to fermions.
These "genuine" Yukawa interactions will in general violate at least some of the conservation laws valid for the
(incomplete) interactions of fermlons and gauge bosons [10].
The hierarchy of gauge groups (1) extended to include the quarks (left-handed doublets, right-handed singlets)
(u) (c)
d' L s' L; (u, d, c, S)R; d L = cos 0cd + sin OcS, s L _kdL, (5)

would imply the following unacceptable mass matrix provided only one multiplet ~0LR(2, 2; 0) would generate all
quark masses:

mu/m d = mc/ms; 0 c = 0. (6)

We conclude that there are several scalar multiplets transforming like ~0LR(2, 2, 0) and consider for simplitiy two
such multiplets coupling to the leptons together with two multiplets transforming like ¢R (1,3, --2) and ~0L (3, I,
- 2 ) (and their antiparticles):

~0LR: apo =
a2 ; a* " b = , b*
pc,' pa b- b2 oa
do -- X/-~ d + SO _ ~22 s+l
~0R: doa = dao = _ 1 •' d*oo' ~0L: SPa ; S*p o
l l l d+ - d~++ oo - 1 + ++
=S - - ~ s s

al,2, bl,2, do, SO are electrically neutral but not self-conjugate; d +, s+ singly and d ++, s++ doubly charged.
The interaction of the scalars in (7) with the electron and muon multiplets +s are:

J "s1 " ~ 1(k)
1 h 'tralfleldsl
" , 2 = R(k)
1,2; ~ 3(k)
, 4 = j(k)
1,2' R(k) • ' ' Zk)-rllD~!,~+hc
1,2 = ~'.l,2+hc
Klo 1,2-" ~ ~1~+ •.+
*4 Extending YV to quarks• (Yv(q) = -5, Yv(q) = -~) implies YV = A - L, where A denotes baryon number and L = L e L/~
(overall) lepton number• Thus YV is conserved if baryon and lepton numbers are separately conserved, and yet there does not
exist a long range force associated with the corresponding boson. This problem generally arises in unified gauge theories [9].
.s We do not include for simplicity an eventual third lepton multiplet including the heavy charged lepton which may have been
observed in the e+e- ~ e-#+X events at Spear [11 ] involving no (detected) hadron in the field state•

Volume 67B, number 4 PHYSICS LETTERS 25 April 1977

+hTbp,] .+ y@

x, = <QW I@ ’ + h.c.
pR 2 Rdp~Q~~~

p(i) .
pip + h’,kSpo!+‘(‘”

= (v,, N,); Q(21)
= e-; !J_t2)
=(vM, NJ; Q(2)= p-. (8)

Spontaneous symmetry breaking is induced by the vacuum expectation values


We may assume Al, A2, B, , D real, nonnegative without loss of generality. The breakdown SU2, X SU2, X Ulv
-+ SU2, X (Ul) correspond to D f 0 only.
Points (r)-(iv) become indeed logically connected if we choose

S=O; (A,,,;B,,)=O(G,“*); (A,,;B12)<D. (10)

The mass matrix m the charged lepton sector VZch 1s independent of D and rt serves to define the basic fields with
respect to which 71Zch is diagonal


In the above basis the mass matrices in the neutral and charged lepton sectors are, before D is turned on

‘Tl =A,h, +Blh2; VZch =A,h, +B2h2 =(re 1 ). (12)


me, m, in eq. (12) are the physical masses of electron and muon respectively.
The 7 gauge bosons corresponding to SU2, X SU2, X (Ul), shall be denoted by

=+j= iw:
iW>L,R - iwi)L,R
i (w;),,, =iw;)L,R;
‘; . (13)

Using the basis of eq. (11) the lepton currents couple to (W,,n,Yv) conserving parrty invariance:

i$k)pg; -zy w; +’ywfi
-‘5 R (k)


-yQ Y

In the limit D -+ 00 the above scheme reduces to the SU2, X Ul (Ul # (Ul)v) theory with its symmetry breaking a set of scalar SU2L-doublets as proposed by Weinberg [3] with the identification

Volume 67B, number 4 PHYSICS LETTERS 25 April 1977

4 X / ~ = e =gsin 0 w , (15)

sln20w g2+2g2 (~1);

Y = sin OvWO + cos Ov YV ")" = sin OwWO + cos OwY

tg 0 v = - g- ; tg 0 w = sin 0 v Z = cos OWW0
L - sin OwY

mi, = 2(g 2 +g2)D2 ~ (Z' = cos OvWOR - s m OvYV ) .

The mass matrices of the gauge bosons in the neutral and charged sectors are given In terms of the quantities

F2=~(IAII2 +IA212 +IBlI2 +IB212), G=Re(A*IA2 +B*IB2)=F2sin~o; D 2, (16)

in the following form

m S
½g2F2 (W0L_ WOR)2 + D2(gwO _gvYV)2,

£ch~rged =g2{F2WLWR _ G(WL_~R + WR~L ) + (F 2 +D2)W17WR}. (17)


Expanding in powers ofF2/D 2 we obtain the eigenstates of the mass matrix v:

Z 1 ~ Z + ~Z ' , Z2~ ~Z +Z',
<~= ml 1 (1_-tg 2~Pw~1/2
e l l - cos20w ' m22 1 - tg 2 0 W 0+oi )) m22 {1 +tg20w /

m the neutral sector and

+ +
Wl ~ ~ L + ~WR; W2 ~ WR--~WL, rl=m 1G/m =m 1
sin ~/m 2

m2~ =g2F2 (1 + O(F2/D2)), m2~ =g2D2 (1 + O(F2]D2)), (19)

and thus F = (4x/2GF)-l/2 ~ 124 GeV.

We note the relation

2 = 1 -I-O(F2/D2), (20)

which reflects the realization of the doublet breaking mechanism inherent to SU2 L × U1 in the limit F/D -+ O.
We now turn to the neutrino mass matrix which contains the lepton number conserving part

(c~. n)ik = At hi1k + B1 hi2k '

and a lepton number violating part
(NR)ik = Dh ik
R = (NR)ki.

Volume 67B, number 4 PHYSICS LETTERS 25 Apnl 1977

In the basis we have chosen h 1 , h 2 are constrained by eq. (12) but this does not constrain (c)g n)'
Combining the C P T - t r a n s f o r m e d right-handed - with the left-handed fields in eq. (11) we obtain the Majorana-
hke basis of eq. (2)

(f&) = ( f &
l ' f2&' ~ 18 '"1~&) = (VeL' VrL' ~NeL' NpL )a & = 1,2.

The mass elgenstates correspond to the solutions of the equation

(ia 0 + {-Vcr)f = U(102)f* , (21)

/a =
where # is the 4 X 4 symmetric (complex) matrix of the following 2 X 2 block form

. (22)
c7/{ T NR

We assume the strength's of the Yukawa couplings h I , h 2, are of the same order of magnitude or smaller than h R

O(Ihll)=O(Ih21)<<.O(IhRI), Ihl 2 = ~ l h i l c l 2 .

It follows
O(IC)gn I) = O(IC/gcb I) < O ~ INI ~ INI, (23)

and hence we can dlagonahze/l expanding with respect to [qgnl/INRI '

/2 = o/./diag v T", vv + = 1 , f = vf(1), /.tdJag = m~ 0

o m lN v m N ~>0. (24) 4:6
m l , 2 ' 1,2

From eq. (24) we infer: my

( Icrl~n12
mv = O \ ~ ~< m] T ~ 10 eV. (25)
Assuming m V / m r = O (10 -8) it follows

i9~nl)2 = o(mN}, lenin ~ m r + m N ~ 107 GeV, ICrgln ~ 10-3m --> m N ~ 10OeV. (26)
mr \ mr i r

We proceed to compute and estimate the decay amplitudes for the process/~- -* e-3' due to fermlon-gauge boson
interactions alone.
The corresponding radiation graph [ 12] yields the following amplitude

4:6 Reducing all four by four matrices to 2 X 2 block forms we obtain: u = ( ul

1 I : o,, o '
\u21 v22i \ 0 m~]

0) uT2 .~. N R , v12 .~ cl~nA'V~ v22; 021 ~ _ ( Q ~ n N ~ ) + V l l .
\0 m

Volume 67B, number 4 PHYSICS LETTERS 25 April 1977

Table 1
Order of magmtude of hehcity amplitudes in the four cases, I: m N ~ row1, II: m N -~ roW1, III' m N ~ roW2, IV: m N ~" rnw2.


I: -14× 10-' m#
mwm~N sm¢ x lO-4(mNt 1/2 mw~ 1 mW~l m~
_ _

\ m~ mw ~ 4 mw ~ mw ~

II: 10 -8 sin ~o× 10-4 1/2 mw~ l[mWl~4

mw 1 mw ] 4 ~W2]

III: -~ × 10 -a m# sin ~o× 10 -4 (_~2) 1/2 mW~l mw~

roW2 mW~ mW]

IV ½× lO-a fFl#
mN smsoX 10-4(mNl 1/2 mw~ 2
mw~ log(mN~
mw] mw]!

_ 1 ~ io ~eak#T,,,u eg2(A~-~ ~-~)

T'e7 m21 e ap 7 "r w u ' T W - 327r 2 +B .

The factor 1/m2w~ in eq. (27) simplifies the comparison with the (main)/a- -+ e - Vevudecay.
In the limit m e -+ 0 we obtain

A = ~ ( T k L L + TkLR); B=~(TkR + TkL)+7 , k=(Vl,V2,N1,N2) (mv,,mv2, mNl, mN2),

k k
mN = M~x(mNa, 2) (28)

k (= 1, ..., 4) in eq. (28) denotes the contribution of a given mass eigenstate in the neutral fermion sector.
We consider four cases, I: m N,< rnwl (,~ mw2); II: m N ~ mw~ ; III: mwa ,< m N ~ mw2 ; IV: m N >> mw2.
Within the above limits exact results can be obtained in terms of the mass matrix/a in eq. (24) :~. We only give
the respective orders of magnitudes of the amplitudes Txy = ~k T~xy here in terms of the parameters mNa, mWl
37.6 GeV/sin 0 w ~-, 60 GeV

[C~nl ~ (mvmN)1/2 (rnv: characteristic neutrino mass).

We assume m v ~ 10 - 8 rn u here (Ic'//~n I ~ 10 - 4 (m u mN)l/2). The results are given in table I.

The branching ratio B u~ev = _ru'-'ev/rt°t,_ , ,-u(rt°t ~ G2m5/192~r 3) restricts the possibilities in table 1:

,7 Txkyin eq. (28) are determined from the mass matr,x # in eq. (24). '/~xy= 1,~,2Ckx(e)-fk(l~)tky(mta, ink; mWl,2) , c~(e-)
: Vlk, c~(~-) = U2k, ck(e -) : v 3 k , c~(#-) =b-4k, ,kLL~ tLL(mk, mwl). tk R ~ t~L ~ --~-~tLR(mk, mWl),
a2 a2
t~R ~ tLL(mk, mw2); n = sin ~o/m~v2, tLL(a, b) = 211 + ~ (Ja -J1); tLR(a, b) = 41RL +~-~ Ja, {I1, IRL, J, J3)

= IK, K = 1, . , 4, 1K(a,b~) =
m v,
dxfK(x) ----F--' F(a, b; x) = (1 - x ) b 2 + xa 2 , f(ll) = (1 - x)2(1 - Ix), f(IRL) = (l--x) 2~
f(Jl) = Ix(1 - x ) 2 , f(J3) = x(1 - x ) .

Volume 67B, number 4 PHYSICS LETTERS 25 April 1977

22-• B"~e~ = (IAI 2 + IBI2) A = TEL + TLR, B= rRR+ rRL. (29)

I f B "~e~ = O(10 -9) then Max (IAI, IBI) = O (5 × 10-4). This excludes TLL grom giving a sizable contribution.
For TLR, TRL I--III would imply sin ¢ ( m w J m w 2 ) 2 ~ (0.1-0.2) and thus considerable deviation of the lepton
current from the V - A structure. We conclude that TLR, TRL c a n n o t contribute significantly (always for B,'-'e~
10 -9) unless m N >> mw2 (e.g. sin tPmw2/mw 2 = 10 -2 ~ m N ~ 2 × 104 GeV).
Finally TRRcan be a source of/~ ~ e~' decay ~t the above level m cases III and IV provided m N ~< 10 mw2.
In conclusion we remark that III is an outstanding possibility (unless B "~e7 ~ 10-9), yielding the parameters

m N ~ m w ~ ~ 45mw~ ~ 2'700 GeV *s , ITLLI, ITLRI, ITRLI ~ ITRRI •

The/~ -~ 3e decay corresponds in all cases considered here, mainly to ordinary Dalitz pairs.
A dominating TRR amplitude would produce predominantly right-handed e - f r o m / a - ~ e-~/decay (Plong(e-)
=+Oe--ffc) and no T-violating polarization of e - perpendicular to the plane spanned by the spin of/2- and the mo-
mentum of e - . This polarization could be large provided I TRL I, I TL R I = 0 (I TRR I). 4:9

It is a pleasure to thank H. Frltzsch, T.P. Cheng, S.P. Rosen, C. Petitlean and H. Leutwyler for valuable discus-

,8 The Majorana leptons N couple to e - and thus produce neutrmoless double f3-decay. However, their couphng constant IS reduced
relative to the Fermi constant by a factor (mwl/mw2) 2 ~ 1/2 X 10 -3. This together with m N ~- mw2 insures an effect small
enough to be compatible with observation [13].

+9 The asymmetry p a r a m e t e r s o f t h e l a _ e _ y d e c a y a r e O = O ( p e _ , S l ~ ) , 1 dI" - ½(1 + P / 2 - a cos O),

d Det S e - , S I ~ - , ~ /d cos 0
IAI2 - IBI2 sin O 2 Im.zlB
- CPT e - ~ e+,/z- --*/~+,
a IA[2 + IBI2 ' d r / d cos o P~ 1+ P#-acos O IAI2 + IBL2
1 -+~/s~l ;3'5, A~+Jff, B~.d, p#- degree of polanzatlon of the stoppedmuon.


[1] H. Fntzsch, M. Gell-Mann and P. Mlnkowski, Phys Lett. 59B (1975) 256, see also ref. [6] below.
[2] W. van Donlnck et al., Gargamelle results,
T.Y. Ling et al., HPWF-results on reclusive neutrlno-hadron neutral current cross sections,
L. Sulak et al., HPWF-results on elastic neutrino-proton scattering, Aachen Conf. reports (1976).
[3] S. Wemberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 19 (1967) 1264;
A. Salam and J. Ward, Phys. Lett. 31 (1963) 49.
[4] In conjunction with the # ~ e3, decay lepton number non conservation was first studied by G. Feinberg, Phys. Rev. 110
(1958) 1482.
[5] The complex of double 0-decay has led to an extensive discussion of possible lepton-number violating interactions, see, e.g.
H. Primakoff and S.P. Rosen~ in: Alpha-, beta- and gamma ray spectroscopy, ed. K. Slegbahn (North-Holland, Amsterdam,
1965), and references quoted therein;
H. Primakoff and S.P. Rosen, Phys. Rev. D5 (1972) 1784;
P. Mlnkowskl, SIN-report 1971, unpubhshed.
[6] Another aspect of lepton number non conservation is inherent to neutrino beam oscillations B. Pontecorvo, Zh. Eksp. Teor.
Flz. 53 (1967) 1712, Soviet Phys. JETP 26 (1968) 5;
S. Eliezer and D. Ross, Phys. Rev. D10 (1974) 3088,
H. Fntzsch and P. Minkowski, Phys. Lett. 62B (1976) 72.
[7] The gauge group SU2 L × SU2 R × U1 was discussed in conjunction with CP-violation by R.N. Mohapatra, Phys. Rev. D6
(1972) 2023, and regarding the structure of panty violation in the neutral current sector by H. Fritzsch and P. Mmkowski,
Caltech preprint CALT-68-500 (1975);
R.N. Mohapatra and D.P. Sldhu, BNL-preprmt BNL-22148 (1977).
Volume 67B, number 4 PHYSICS LETTERS 25 April 1977

[8] T.P. Cheng and L.F. Li, Umversity of St. Louis preprint 1977;
J.D. Bjorken and S. Weinberg, SLAC-preprmt SLAC-PUB-1868 (1977);
F. Wllczek and A. Zee, Princeton preprint (1977).
[9] J.C. Pati and A. Salam, Phys. Rev. DI0 (1974) 275;
H. Giorgl and S.L. Glashow, Phys. Rev. Lett. 32 (1974) 438,
H. Fritzsch and P Minkowski, Ann. Phys. 93 (1975) 193, Phys. Lett. 56B (1975) 69.
[10] S. Wemberg, Harvard University preprint (1976), see also J.D. Bjorken and S. Wemberg, ref. [8].
[ 11 ] M. Perl et al., SLAC preprmts 1976-76.
[12] See e.g. the general discussion by K. Fujlkawa, B. Lee and A.I. Sanda, Phys. Rev. D6 (1972) 2923.
[13] A. Halprm et al., Phys. Rev. D13 (1976) 2567.


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