Family Rejection As A Predictor of Negative Health Outcomes in White and Latino Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young Adults

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Family Rejection as a Predictor of Negative Health

Outcomes in White and Latino Lesbian, Gay, and
Bisexual Young Adults
Caitlin Ryan, PhD, ACSWa, David Huebner, PhD, MPHb, Rafael M. Diaz, PhDa, Jorge Sanchez, BAa

a César E. Chávez Institute, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California; bDepartment of Psychology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

What’s Known on This Subject What This Study Adds

To our knowledge, no other study has examined the relationship between family rejec- This study expands our understanding of predictors of negative health outcomes for
tion of LGB adolescents with health and mental health problems in emerging LGB adolescents and provides new directions for assessing risk and preventing health
adulthood. and mental health problems in LGB adolescents.

OBJECTIVE. We examined specific family rejecting reactions to sexual orientation and
gender expression during adolescence as predictors of current health problems in a
sample of lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults.
METHODS. On the basis of previously collected in-depth interviews, we developed quantitative doi:10.1542/peds.2007-3524
scales to assess retrospectively in young adults the frequency of parental and caregiver Key Words
reactions to a lesbian, gay, or bisexual sexual orientation during adolescence. Our survey LGB adolescents, risk factors, sexual
instrument also included measures of 9 negative health indicators, including mental health, orientation, gay youth, homosexuality
substance abuse, and sexual risk. The survey was administered to a sample of 224 white and Abbreviations
Latino self-identified lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults, aged 21 to 25, recruited LGB—lesbian, gay, and bisexual
FAP—Family Acceptance Project
through diverse venues and organizations. Participants completed self-report questionnaires CES-D—Center for Epidemiologic Studies
by using either computer-assisted or pencil-and-paper surveys. Depression Scale
STD—sexually transmitted disease
RESULTS. Higher rates of family rejection were significantly associated with poorer health OR— odds ratio
outcomes. On the basis of odds ratios, lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults who Accepted for publication Jul 31, 2008
reported higher levels of family rejection during adolescence were 8.4 times more likely Address correspondence to Caitlin Ryan, PhD,
to report having attempted suicide, 5.9 times more likely to report high levels of ACSW, Adolescent Health Initiatives, César E.
Chávez Institute, College of Ethnic Studies, San
depression, 3.4 times more likely to use illegal drugs, and 3.4 times more likely to report Francisco State University, 3004 16th St, 301,
having engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse compared with peers from families San Francisco, CA 94103. E-mail: caitlin@sfsu.
that reported no or low levels of family rejection. Latino men reported the highest
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005;
number of negative family reactions to their sexual orientation in adolescence. Online, 1098-4275). Copyright © 2009 by the
American Academy of Pediatrics
CONCLUSIONS. This study establishes a clear link between specific parental and caregiver
rejecting behaviors and negative health problems in young lesbian, gay, and bisexual
adults. Providers who serve this population should assess and help educate families about the impact of rejecting
behaviors. Counseling families, providing anticipatory guidance, and referring families for counseling and support
can help make a critical difference in helping decrease risk and increasing well-being for lesbian, gay, and bisexual
youth. Pediatrics 2009;123:346–352

S INCE STUDIES WERE first published on homosexual youth in the 1970s and 1980s,1,2 serious health disparities3–8
have been documented among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adolescents compared with their heterosexual
peers. Population-based and community studies have documented higher levels of suicide attempts,9–11 substance
use,3,4,6 symptoms of depression and mental health problems,12,13and sexual health risks, including risk for sexually
transmitted infections, HIV,3,14,15 and adolescent pregnancy.16–18 Similarly, population-based studies have reported
high levels of negative health outcomes for LGB adults compared with heterosexuals.19–22
Both practitioners and researchers have noted that risks to physical, emotional, and social health for sexual
minority adolescents are primarily related to social stigma and negative societal responses,23–26 particularly in
schools3,25–29 In addition, several studies have linked minority stress (experiencing and internalizing negative life
events and victimization in the social environment) with negative health outcomes in LGB adults, including
depressive symptoms, substance use, and suicidal ideation.30,31
Pediatric providers are trained to work closely with families and to recognize that families have “a central and
enduring influence” on a child’s life.32 Because parents and key caregivers are perceived to play a vital role in an

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adolescent’s health and well-being,33 it is surprising that their own with fewer immediate parental buffers or
so little attention has focused on parents and caregivers’ behavioral restrictions.
influence on their LGB children and adolescents’ health The family rejection measures in the survey were
and well-being. developed based on a previous in-depth qualitative
This article presents findings related to family rejec- study conducted in English and Spanish among 53 so-
tion from the Family Acceptance Project (FAP), a re- cioeconomically and geographically diverse Latino and
search and intervention initiative to study the influence non-Latino white LGB adolescents and 49 completed
of family reactions on the health and mental health of families throughout California from 2002 to 2004. These
lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents and young adults. in-depth individual interviews of 2 to 4 hours each
To our knowledge, no other study has previously exam- generated 106 specific behaviors that families and care-
ined this relationship. The current study was designed to givers used to express acceptance or rejection of their
link specific family reactions to their children’s sexual LGB children; 51 of these family reactions were rejecting
orientation and gender expression with health and men- (such as excluding their LGB child from family activities
tal health problems in emerging adulthood. or events).

Family Rejection
Sampling and Recruitment
On the basis of transcripts of in-depth interviews, we
The FAP uses a participatory research approach advised
created 51 close-ended items that assessed the presence
at all stages by the population of interest (LGB adoles-
and frequency of each rejecting parental or caregiver
cents, young adults, and family members), as well as
reaction to participants’ sexual identity and gender ex-
health care providers, teachers, and advocates. Partici-
pression when they were teenagers, creating at least 3
patory research increases both the representativeness
close-ended items for each type of outwardly observable
and the cultural competence of sampling and research
rejecting reaction documented in transcripts. For exam-
strategies.34 Providers, youth, and family members met
ple, “Between ages 13–19, how often did your parents/
regularly with the research team to provide guidance
caregivers blame you for any anti-gay mistreatment that
on all aspects of the research, including methods,
you experienced?”
recruitment, instrumentation, analysis, coding, mate-
For each survey item, participants indicated whether
rials development, and dissemination and application
their parents or caregivers reacted in the way specified
of findings.
by the item “many times,” “a few times,” “once or
We recruited a sample of 245 LGB young non-Latino
twice,” or “never.” For the current analysis, however,
white and Latino adults, ages 21 to 25 years, who were
we dichotomized responses to each item into never (0)
open about their sexual orientation to at least 1 parent
or ever (1). We dichotomized item responses because,
or primary caregiver (including guardians) during
at this point in the research program, it is unclear
adolescence. Twenty-one participants self-identified as
whether the frequencies of different rejecting reactions
transgender. Because of the small number of transgen-
are equivalent with respect to potential health impact.
der participants, we only report here on outcomes from
For example, are multiple acts of exclusion from family
224 LGB respondents. Participants were recruited con-
activities equivalent to multiple disparaging comments
veniently from 249 LGB venues within 100 miles from
made by the family about LGB persons? We plan to
our office. Half of the sites were community and social
address these questions in subsequent analyses. In addi-
organizations that serve LGB young adults, and half
tion, the dichotomous scoring of items facilitated com-
were from clubs and bars serving this group. Bilingual
parison of the mean number of different types of family
recruiters conducted venue-based recruitment from bars
rejecting reactions for different gender and ethnic sub-
and clubs and contacted each agency to access all young
groups. Dichotomized scores were then added to create a
adults who use their services.
family rejection score, with values ranging from 0 to 51
(mean: 20.91; SD: 15.84). Reliability analyses indicate
Study Procedures that the FAP Family Rejection Scale has high internal
Young adults who expressed interest in the study were consistency (Cronbach’s ␣ ⫽ .98).
screened for eligibility, and those meeting inclusion cri- To facilitate use of the findings by pediatric providers,
teria were enrolled. Criteria included: age 21 to 25 years; we also divided the sample equally into 3 subgroups
ethnicity (non-Latino white, Latino, or Latino mixed); based on the tertile in which their family rejection score
self-identification as LGB, homosexual, or queer/non- fell: low rejection scores (n ⫽ 76; scores ranging from
heterosexual during adolescence; knowledge of their 0 –11.00 [mean: 4.86]), moderate rejection scores (n ⫽
LGB sexual orientation by at least 1 parent or guardian 74; scores ranging from 11.09 to 25.50 [mean: 17.48]),
during adolescence; and having lived with at least 1 and high rejection scores (n ⫽ 74; scores ranging from
parent or guardian during adolescence at least part-time. 26.56 to 51.00 [mean: 40.83]).
LGB young adults, ages 21 to 25 years, were studied to
assess the impact of family reactions to their LGB iden- Mental Health
tity at an age when most young people have achieved We assessed 3 mental health outcomes: current depres-
greater independence and are more likely to be living on sion, suicidal ideation in the last 6 months, and lifetime

PEDIATRICS Volume 123, Number 1, January 2009 347

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TABLE 1 Demographics
Variable Total (N ⫽ 224) Male Female Statistically Significant
White (n ⫽ 52) Latino (n ⫽ 62) White (n ⫽ 55) Latina (n ⫽ 55)
Mean age, y 22.82 22.88 22.74 23.09 22.58 None
Education, %
Less than high school 9.8 13.5 11.3 5.5 9.1 None
High school graduate 18.3 19.2 19.4 18.2 16.4
Some college 50.9 46.2 62.9 43.6 49.1
College degree or higher 21.0 21.2 6.5 32.7 25.5
Employment and income, %
Currently employed 76.3 61.5 85.5 80.0 76.4 Gb, GxEb
In school 56.6 40.0 66.7 45.5 84.6 Eb
Weekly income ⬍$100 23.3 30.8 14.5 25.5 24.1 None
Weekly income 32.7 19.2 33.9 40.0 37.0
Weekly income 28.3 34.6 29 21.8 27.8
Weekly income $500⫹ 15.7 15.3 22.6 12.7 11.1
Sexual identity, mean ages, y
Aware of same-sex attraction 10.76 9.54 9.74 11.47 12.36 Gc
Came out to self 14.16 13.88 13.64 14.2 14.95 Gb
Came out to others 15.32 15.21 15.34 15.21 15.73 None
Came out to family 15.82 15.27 15.81 16.24 16.13 None
G indicates gender effect; E, ethnicity effect; GxE, gender-by-ethnicity interaction.
a Results of logistic regressions testing gender, ethnicity, and their interaction as predictors of demographic variables.

b P ⬍ .05.

c P ⬍ .001.

suicide attempts. Level of current depression was as- past 6 months. Because young lesbian and bisexual
sessed through the Center for Epidemiologic Studies De- women experience their greatest risks for HIV infection
pression Scale (CES-D). We used the recommended cut- through sexual behaviors with men, sex between 2
off point for adolescents and young adults35 (⬎16 women was not categorized as “risky” for HIV infection.
indicates probable depression). Suicidal ideation and sui- Significant percentages of young women reported un-
cide attempts were measured by single items that were protected vaginal sex with casual male partners. Finally,
scored dichotomously yes (1) or no (0). we asked whether participants had ever in their lives
been diagnosed by a health care professional as having
Substance Use and Abuse an STD. The 3 measures were scored dichotomously as
We assessed substance use and abuse in 3 ways: heavy yes (1) or no (0).
alcohol drinking in the past 6 months, use of illicit drugs
in the past 6 months, and substance use–related prob- RESULTS
lems in the last 5 years. Heavy drinking was defined by
drinking 1 to 2 times per week or more with 3 or more Demographic Profile of the Sample
drinks on a typical day. Illicit drug use was assessed by a Table 1 includes the demographic profile of the sample.
single item answered dichotomously about use in the The mean age was 22.82 years, with no significant age
past 6 months. Four items assessed the potential nega- differences by gender or ethnicity. Forty-eight percent
tive consequences of alcohol and/or drug use: problems were non-Latino whites and 52% were Latino; 51%
with the law, loss of employment, loss of consciousness, identified as male, 49% as female. Contrary to what
and conflicts with family, lovers, or friends. Measure of would be expected for non-LGB populations, non-
substance use–related problems was scored dichoto- Latino white men were the least likely to be employed
mously (ⱖ1 substance use–related problems [1] versus (61.5%) and were less likely to be in school (40%). The
none [0]). findings on sexual identity development indicate that,
on average, men were aware of same-sex attraction 2
Sexual Risk Behavior years earlier than women and self-identified as LGB ⬃1
We assessed sexual behavior in the last 6 months by year earlier than the women. No gender differences
asking about number, gender, and type of sexual part- were found for disclosure of sexual orientation to family
ners, type of sexual activity, and whether condoms were and others.
used when activity involved anal or vaginal penetration.
Based on these responses, we created 2 measures of Negative Health Outcomes According to Gender and Ethnicity
sexual risk: Any unprotected anal and/or vaginal sex Table 2 reports the prevalence of negative health prob-
with a casual, nonmonogamous, or HIV-serodiscordant lems for the sample according to gender and ethnicity.
partner (1) at last intercourse, and (2) any time in the Rates are high for depression, suicidal ideation and at-

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TABLE 2 Health-Related Problems According to Gender and Ethnicity
Variable % Statistically Significant
Whole Male Female
White Latino White Latino
Mental health problems
Current depression (CES-D⬎16) 43.3 44.2 58.1 41.8 27.3 GxEb
Suicidal ideation 25.4 25.0 35.5 27.3 12.7 GxEb
Suicide attempts (any, ever) 40.6 44.2 54.8 34.5 27.3 None
Substance use and abuse
Heavy drinking (past 6 mo) 41.5 48.1 58.1 32.7 25.5 None
Illicit substance use (last 6 mo) 54.5 47.3 43.6 63.5 62.9 None
Substance use[en]related problems (any, ever) 54.7 55.8 67.7 50.9 42.6 None
Sexual risk
Unprotected sex with casual partner (last 6 mo) 27.2 40.4 45.2 7.3 14.5 Gc
Unprotected sex with casual partner (at last intercourse) 20.7 13.7 32.3 20.0 14.8 GxEb
STD diagnosis (any, ever) 27.6 38.0 38.0 23.5 11.5 None
GxE indicates gender-by-ethnicity interaction.
a Results of logistic regressions testing gender, ethnicity, and their interaction as predictors of demographic variables.

b P ⬍ .05.

c P ⬍ .001.

tempts, substance use, and sexual health risks. More in 2 different ways. First, we analyzed the relationship
than half (54.7%) reported at least 1 substance use– between continuous scale scores and health outcomes in
related problem, and 40.6% reported at least 1 lifetime logistic regressions where continuous scores were the
suicide attempt. Taken together, the data indicate that independent variable controlling for gender and ethnic-
about half of this sample of young LGB adults show ity. For this analysis, continuous scores were rescaled so
considerable mental health and substance use problems. that 1 unit equaled 1 SD. Resulting odds ratios (ORs) can
Sexual risk behavior appears somewhat less frequently be interpreted as the increased risk for an outcome,
but still at a relatively high incidence. given a 1-SD increase in family rejection. A second series
To determine whether health outcomes differed of logistic regression analyses were conducted in which
according to gender and ethnicity, a series of logistic each health outcome was regressed onto the trichoto-
regression analyses were conducted, regressing each mized rejection score, also controlling for gender and
outcome onto gender (G: male, female), ethnicity (E: ethnicity. These results are reported in Table 4, including
non-Latino white, Latino), and their interaction. Results the proportion of participants within each family rejec-
of these analyses are presented in Table 2. For 2 of the 3 tion subgroup (low, moderate, and high) who experi-
mental health outcomes, significant gender-by-ethnicity enced the given negative health outcome.
interactions were observed, with Latino men showing Greater experiences of family rejection were associ-
higher rates of depression and suicidal ideation. Latino ated with poorer health outcomes. This was true for all
men also showed higher levels of HIV risk behavior. but 2 of the 9 outcomes (heavy drinking in the past 6
months and lifetime history of STD diagnosis). In gen-
Family Rejection According to Gender and Ethnicity eral, large statistically significant differences in health
Table 3 reports means and SDs for the FAP Family Re- outcomes were observed when participants scoring in
jection Scale according to gender and ethnicity. Because the upper tertile of family rejection were compared with
scale items were scored dichotomously (ever [1] versus those in the lower tertile. Fewer differences were ob-
never [0]), scale means reflect the mean number of served when moderate levels of rejection were com-
different negative parental/caregiver reactions experi- pared with low rejection. As Table 4 shows, LGB
enced during adolescence within each subgroup. Non- young adults who reported higher levels of family
Latino white women reported the least (mean: 17.65), rejection during adolescence were 8.4 times more
whereas Latino men reported the highest number likely to report having attempted suicide, 5.9 times
(mean: 24.52) of negative family reactions to their sex- more likely to report high levels of depression, 3.4
ual orientation in adolescence. To determine whether times more likely to report illegal drug use, and 3.4
levels of family rejection differed by gender and ethnic- times more likely to report having engaged in unpro-
ity, a 2 (gender) ⫻ 2 (ethnicity) analysis of variance was
conducted on the number of reported rejecting experi-
ences (see Table 3). Statistically significant main effects
were observed only for gender, indicating that men re- TABLE 3 Family Rejection
ported more rejecting reactions than women. Gender White Latino
Male 21.30 (17.03) 24.52 (17.12)
Family Rejection as Predictor of Negative Health Outcomes Female 17.65 (13.83) 19.74 (14.60)
The relationships between experiences of family rejec- Range of scale: 0 [en]51. Ethnicity: F1220 ⫽ 1.58, not significant; gender: F1220 ⫽ 4.06, P ⬍ .05;
tion and the 9 negative health outcomes were analyzed gender by ethnicity: F2239 ⬍ 1, not significant.

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TABLE 4 Family Rejection as Predictors of Negative Health Outcomes
Outcome Variable Rejection Scale Score, OR Percentage of Participants Moderate Rejection, OR High Rejection, OR
(95% Confidence Interval)a Experiencing Outcome (95% Confidence Interval)b (95% Confidence Interval)b
Low Moderate High
Rejection Rejection Rejection
Scores Scores Scores
Mental health
Suicidal ideation 2.13 (1.53–2.95)c 11.8 21.6 43.2 2.12 (0.86–5.18) 5.64 (2.42–13.14)c
Suicide attempts 3.09 (2.18–4.37)c 19.7 35.1 67.6 2.29 (1.08–4.83)d 8.35 (3.90–17.85)c
Depression (CES-D ⬎16) 2.21 (1.62–3.01)c 22.4 44.6 63.5 2.92 (1.42–6.00)e 5.94 (2.86–12.34)c
Substance use/abuse
Heavy drinking (past 6 mo) 0.84 (0.63–1.12) 40.8 47.3 36.5 1.34 (0.69–2.63) 0.71 (0.36–1.42)
Illicit substance use (past 6 mo) 1.83 (1.35–2.49)c 42.1 50.0 71.6 1.42 (0.74–2.72) 3.38 (1.69–6.77)e
Substance-related problems (any, ever) 1.60 (1.19–2.14)e 48.0 47.3 68.9 0.98 (0.51–1.88) 2.28 (1.16–4.50)d
Sexual risk behavior
Unprotected sex with a casual partner 1.73 (1.25–2.40)e 23.7 12.2 45.9 0.41 (0.16–1.04) 2.50 (1.17–5.34)d
(past 6 mo)
Unprotected sex with a casual partner 1.72 (1.23–2.42)e 13.2 13.9 35.1 1.04 (0.41–2.69) 3.36 (1.47–7.67)e
(last intercourse)
STD diagnosis (any, ever) 1.32 (0.95–1.85) 24.0 27.1 32.8 1.25 (0.58–2.69) 1.49 (0.68–3.27)
All effects were adjusted for gender (female, male) and ethnicity (Latino, white).
a Continuous scale score, rescaled such that 1 unit ⫽ 1 SD; ORs can be interpreted as the change in odds of the outcome for a 1-SD change in rejection.

b Low rejection is the reference group.

c P ⬍ .001.

d P ⬍ .01.

e P ⬍ .05.

tected sexual intercourse, compared with peers from sion, suicidality, illicit substance use, and risky sexual
families with no or low levels of family rejection. behavior. So helping families identify and reduce specific
rejecting behaviors is integral to helping prevent health
DISCUSSION and mental health problems for LGB young people.
The results of this study show that negative family reac- Parents consider pediatricians36 and other health pro-
tions to an adolescent’s sexual orientation are associated viders to be important sources of guidance in childrear-
with negative health problems in LGB young adults. As ing. By asking LGB adolescents about their relationships
such, this study provides empirical evidence to begin with their families and experiences with family rejec-
addressing long-standing questions about the precursors tion, providers can obtain important information in de-
of high levels of risk consistently documented in studies termining the adolescent’s risk profile. Anticipatory
of LGB youth and young adults. Because families play guidance offers a direct opportunity to advise parents of
such a critical role in child and adolescent development, LGB youth on how to support their child’s health and
it is not surprising that adverse, punitive, and traumatic development.23
reactions from parents and caregivers in response to The current study also has important implications for
their children’s LGB identity would have such a negative identifying youth at risk for family violence and for
influence on their risk behaviors and health status as being ejected from their homes or placed in custodial
young adults. This study begins to help us understand care because of their LGB identity. LGB youth are over-
the important role that parents and caregivers of lesbian, represented in foster care, juvenile detention, and
gay, and bisexual youth play in contributing to health among homeless youth. Moreover, conflict related to the
problems in their LGB children. Given that higher levels adolescent’s sexual and gender identity is a primary
of family rejection and higher rates of negative mental cause of ejection or removal from the home. Early in-
health and HIV risk outcomes were found among Latino tervention to help educate families about the impact of
gay and bisexual men, our study suggests that this sub- rejecting behaviors is important to help maintain these
group is particularly affected. youth in their homes.
Our findings also underscore a key recommendation There are several limitations to the study. This is a
of the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on the retrospective study that measures young adults’ reported
Family: to expand practice to encompass assessment of experiences that occurred several years earlier, which
family relationships and behaviors.36 Although the cur- may introduce some potential for, recall bias. To mini-
rent study does not determine causality, it establishes a mize this concern, we created measures that asked
link between specific parental and caregiver rejecting whether a specific family event related to their LGB
behaviors and negative health problems in LGB young identity actually occurred (eg, verbal abuse), rather than
adults. LGB young people from families with no or low asking generally about “how rejecting” parents were.
levels of rejection are at significantly lower risk than Although we went to great lengths to recruit a diverse
those from highly rejecting families related to depres- sample drawing from multiple venues, our sample is

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technically one of convenience, and thus shares the APPENDIX: RESOURCES FOR FAMILIES WITH LGB CHILDREN
limitations inherent in all convenience samples.37 Thus,
these data might not represent all subpopulations of LGB
Education, information, and support for parents and
young adults, as well as individuals who are neither
families with LGB family members; referrals to LGB
white nor Latino. The study focused on LGB non-Latino
community resources and services:
white and Latino young adults to permit more in-depth
assessment of cultural issues and experiences related to
sexual orientation and gender expression, so it did not PFLAG for Families of Color & Allies (New York City)
include all other groups and drew from 1 urban geo- Education, information, and support for families of color
graphic area. Subsequent research should include with LGB family members, including information, re-
greater ethnic diversity to assess potential differences in sources, and support in Spanish: www.pflagfamiliesofcolor.
family reactions. Lastly, given the cross-sectional nature org
of this study, we caution against making cause– effect
interpretations from these findings. API Family Pride
Education, information, and support for Asian and Pa-
cific Islander (API) families with LGB family members:
Pediatric providers can help decrease family rejection
and increase support for LGB young people in several
ways: Family Acceptance Project
Research-based education and services for ethnically di-
1. Ask LGB adolescents about family reactions to their verse families with LGB children in English, Spanish,
sexual orientation and gender expression and refer to and Chinese; currently developing provider assessment
LGB community support programs and for supportive tools and interventions to help increase family support
counseling as needed. for ethnically diverse LGB children and youth: http://
2. Identify LGB support programs in the community
and online resources to educate parents about how to
help their LGB children. Parents need access to pos- Gender Spectrum Education & Training
itive parental role models to help decrease rejection Family information, support, and annual conference for
and increase family support for their LGB children. families with gender-variant children; training on gen-
der identity and expression for schools and providers for
3. Advise parents that negative reactions to their ado- helping gender nonconforming and transgender chil-
lescent’s LGB identity may negatively influence their dren and youth:
child’s health and mental health.
4. Recommend that parents and caregivers modify ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
highly rejecting behaviors that have the most nega- This work was funded by a grant from The California
tive influence on health concerns, such as suicidality. Endowment awarded to Drs Ryan and Diaz.
5. Expand anticipatory guidance to include information We gratefully acknowledge the support of our funder
on the need for support and the link between family and the contribution of our community advisory groups
rejection and negative health problems in LGB young and the many adolescents, families and young adults
people. who shared their lives and experiences with us. We also
thank The California Endowment, the reviewers, and
Unlike children and adolescents, in general, who re- our colleagues for their assistance and insightful com-
ceive services and care in the context of their families, ments: Elizabeth Saewyc, PhD, RN, PHN; Stephen Rus-
LGB adolescents are typically served as adults as if they sell, PhD; Janet Shalwitz, MD; and Donna Futterman,
have no families, across a wide range of settings. These MD.
findings indicate that providers serving LGB young peo-
ple must begin to assess family dynamics and consider REFERENCES
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4. DuRant RH, Krowchuk DP, Sinai SH. Victimization, use of
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352 RYAN et al
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Family Rejection as a Predictor of Negative Health Outcomes in White and
Latino Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young Adults
Caitlin Ryan, David Huebner, Rafael M. Diaz and Jorge Sanchez
Pediatrics 2009;123;346
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2007-3524

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Family Rejection as a Predictor of Negative Health Outcomes in White and
Latino Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young Adults
Caitlin Ryan, David Huebner, Rafael M. Diaz and Jorge Sanchez
Pediatrics 2009;123;346
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2007-3524

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