DRRR-Week 7

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School General Vito L.

Belarmino National High School Grade Level Grade 12

Teacher Renee Rose A. Cortez Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
LESSON LOG Week 7 (July 16-20, 2018)
Teaching Dates and Lagundi – M, W, Th and F (8:20-9:20)
Quarter First
Time Sambong – M, Th and F (2:00-3:00), W (1:00-2:00)
Serpentina – M, Th (1:00-2:00), T and W (2:00-3:00)


The learners demonstrate understanding of potential volcano-related hazards.
A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of signs of impending volcanic eruptions.
B. Performance
The learners develop a family emergency preparedness plan to guide them on what to do before, during, and after a volcanic eruption.
The learners interpret different
C. Learning The learners apply appropriate measures/interventions before, during, and after a volcanic eruption.
volcano hazard maps; and
Competencies/Objectiv (DRR11/12-Ih-i-26)

II. CONTENT Volcano Hazards

Department of Education (2008). Disaster Risk Reduction Resource Manual
A. References
Commission on Higher Education (2016). Teaching Guide for Senior High School on Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
1. Teacher’s Guide
pages 89-94 pages 95-100
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other learning
(3 mins.) (3 mins.) (3 mins.) Continuation of Film Viewing
Prayer and Greetings Prayer and Greetings Prayer and Greetings
Review of the previous lesson Review of the previous lesson Review of the previous lesson
A. Reviewing previous
The teacher calls on random The teacher calls on random The teacher solicits answers
lesson or presenting
learners to discuss the signs of learners to discuss the main about what to do before, during
the new lesson
a volcanic eruption and point of the previous discussion and after a volcanic eruption.
examples of equipment used. and what they have learned
from it.
(2 mins.) (2 mins.) (2 mins.)
B. Establishing a purpose Learning Objectives Learning Objectives Learning Objectives
for the lesson The teacher communicates the The teacher communicates the The teacher communicates the
learning objectives. learning objectives. learning objectives.
(10 mins.) (5 mins.)
Volcano Alert Levels and Video Presentation and
Permanent Danger Zone Discussion
1. The teacher asks the 1. The teacher plays a
learners what they video about the
know about volcano impacts of some
alert levels and volcanic eruptions in
permanent danger the Philippines.
zone. 2. The teacher asks the
2. The teacher clarifies following questions:
concepts.  How can we protect
C. Presenting The teacher ourselves?
examples/instances of emphasizes the  How can we avoid
the new lesson function of hazard or minimize the
maps in gaining better negative impacts of
understanding of likely volcanic eruptions?
future hazards by 3. The learners must
studying the geology of identify that being
the volcano, observing knowledgeable about
eruptions and the safety
monitoring background precautionary
levels of activity. measures may help us
avoid or minimize the
impacts of volcanic
(30 mins.) (40 mins.) Film Viewing
Hands-On: Case Studies: What to Do Before, During and The learners will watch a movie
Taal Volcano and Mayon After an Volcanic Eruption about volcanic eruption.
Volcano 1. The class will be
1. The teacher divides the divided into three (3)
class into 4 groups. groups. Each will be
Groups 1 and 2 will use assigned of a particular
D. Discussing new the Taal Volcano Base topic to discuss.
concepts and Surge Hazard Map  Group 1 – Before
practicing new skills #1 while Groups 3 and 4  Group 2 – During
will use the Mayon  Group 3 – After
Volcano Pyroclastic 2. Each group is given 5
flow Hazard Map. minutes to present their
2. With their group, the assigned situation on
learners need to how to best represent
examine the hazard as many “what to dos”.
3. The groups need to fill 3. After the presentation,
in Table 1 (identifying to emphasize important
barangays that are details, teacher will
within 6-kilometer PDZ. discuss in the class the
Which barangays are volcanic eruption
within 6-7 km? 7-8 preparedness list.
km?) and Table 2
(identifying areas for
4. Each group should
present the results of
their work and asks the
class for questions or
comments about the
work of each group.
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in
daily living
(5 mins.)
H. Making generalizations
The teacher asks the learners
and abstractions about
the importance of volcano
the lesson
hazard maps.
(5 mins.) Reaction Paper
True or False The learners will write a
I. Evaluating learning The teacher shows statements reaction paper on the film about
to be answered by learners with volcanic eruption.
true or false.
J. Additional activities for
application or
*The film viewing may take two
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Poster Presentation Rubric

5 4 3 2

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