DRRR-Week 9

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School General Vito L.

Belarmino National High School Grade Level Grade 12

Disaster Readiness and Risk
Teacher Renee Rose A. Cortez Learning Area
DAILY Reduction
LESSON LOG Week 9 (July 30- August 3, 2018)
Teaching Dates and Lagundi – M, W, Th and F (8:20-9:20)
Quarter First
Time Sambong – M, Th and F (2:00-3:00), W (1:00-2:00)
Serpentina – M, Th (1:00-2:00), T and W (2:00-3:00)


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of other related geological hazards such as rainfall-induced landslide and sinkhole.
B. Performance The learners develop a family emergency preparedness plan to guide them on what to do before, during, and after the occurrence of
Standards events that cause geological hazards.
The learners: The learners recognize signs of
C. Learning  Discuss the different geological hazards; (DRR11/12-IIa-b-27) impending geological hazards.
Competencies/Objectiv  Analyze the causes of geological hazards; (DRR11/12-IIa-b-28) (DRR11/12-IIa-b-29)

II. CONTENT Other Related Geological Hazards

Department of Education (2008). Disaster Risk Reduction Resource Manual
A. References
Commission on Higher Education (2016). Teaching Guide for Senior High School on Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pages 101-106 pages 107-115
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
Do-it-yourself experiments- How Do Sinkholes Form 10 Sinkholes Swallowing the
Landslide Retrieved from Earth
B. Other learning
Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watc Retrieved from
https://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=xlu6i6lT_vk https://www.youtube.com/watch
h?v=6tSnA9I6uL4 ?v=e-DVIQPqS8E
(3 mins.) (3 mins.) (3 mins.) (3 mins.)
Prayer and Greetings Prayer and Greetings Prayer and Greetings Prayer and Greetings
Review of the previous lesson Review of the previous Review of the previous lesson Review of the previous lesson
A. Reviewing previous
The teacher calls on random lesson The teacher solicits answers The teacher calls on random
lesson or presenting
learners to discuss what they The teacher calls on random from the learners by asking the learners to discuss the main
the new lesson
have learned so far about learners to discuss the main following questions: point of the previous discussion
volcanos. point of the previous  What are sinkholes? and what they have learned
from it.
discussion and what they  What are the different
have learned from it. type of sinkholes?
 What causes
(2 mins.) (2 mins.) (2 mins.) (2 mins.)
B. Establishing a purpose Learning Objectives Learning Objectives Learning Objectives Learning Objectives
for the lesson The teacher communicates the The teacher communicates The teacher communicates the The teacher communicates the
learning objectives. the learning objectives. learning objectives. learning objectives.
(5 mins.) (3 mins.) (3 mins.) (5 mins.)
Video Clip The teacher asks the Identifying Sinkholes Film Viewing
The learners will watch a video learners what they think The teacher presents pictures 1. The teacher asks the
of an interview with a victim of sinkholes are and ask them if of sinkholes and asks learners learners to take note of
a landslide disaster. The they had ever seen a place to identify what is that type of some of the early
C. Presenting
teacher asks for the reactions where the ground looked like sinkhole. warning signs the
examples/instances of
of the learners about the video. it had collapsed. residents of Cherry Hills
the new lesson
noticed before the
2. The teacher shows a
video about the Cherry
Hills Landslide.
(25 mins.) (20 mins.) (40 mins.) (25 mins.)
Reading Activity Group Activity Sinkholes in a Cup Interactive Discussion
1. The class will be 1. The class will be 1. The class will be 1. The teacher shows the
divided into groups divided into groups divided into groups. picture and asks the
with a scribe who with a scribe who 2. The teacher provides class if they can identify
documents the documents the the experiment guide. the 11 warning signs on
answers of the group. answers of the 3. The class will be given an impending landslide.
2. Learners watch the group. 30 mins. to do the 2. Learner should write
videos to be assigned 2. Learners watch the activity. down their answers on a
by the teacher. videos to be 4. The learners need to sheet of paper
3. The learners will then assigned by the answer the activity according to the
read a resource teacher. sheet individually. numbers in the picture.
D. Discussing new material. 3. The learners will 3. Learners exchange
concepts and 4. With their group, the then read a resource papers and the teacher
practicing new skills #1 learners must answer material. give the correct answer
the following questions: 4. With their group, the and explains the
 What are learners must underlying reason for
landslides? answer the following each of the early
 What are the questions: warning signs.
different types of  What are sinkholes?
landslides?  In what type of
 What are the geologic conditions
causes of do sinkholes occur?
landslides? What is Karst?
5. Learners share their  What are the
answers with the class. different types of
sinkholes and what
are the major
differences regarding
the rate they can
 What are some man
made causes of sink
(20 mins.) (10 mins.)
Film Viewing Interactive Discussion
1. Teachers shows each 1. The teacher shows a
of the following videos picture to help
(ranging in time from 2 learners differentiate
to 3 minutes). After between the different
showing each video, types of sinkholes.
teacher asks learners 2. The teacher shows
E. Discussing new
to identify the type of the next set of
concepts and
movement, slope pictures and asks
practicing new skills #2
material and velocity of learners to identify
flow. what type of sinkhole
2. After showing the it is.
videos, learner
exchange papers and
check each other’s
papers based on the
following solution key.
(5 mins.) (5 mins.) (20 mins.)
Video Clip Video Clip Reading Activity
Do-it-yourself experiments- How Do Sinkholes Form 1. The learners will be
Landslide https://www.youtube.com/watc asked to read resource
What can you conclude after h?v=xlu6i6lT_vk materials.
watching the video? 2. Using the information
obtained from the above
sources, the learners
need to develop a list of
warning signs for a
F. Developing mastery
impending formation of
a sinkhole.
3. The teacher asks the
learners to integrate
warning signs for
landslides into one list,
indicating which signs
are unique to landslides,
unique to sinkholes,
similar signs in
landslides and
sinkholes, or identical
for both sinkholes and
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in
daily living
(3 mins.)
Prompt Questions
The teacher asks the learners
the following questions:
H. Making generalizations
 How do sinkholes
and abstractions about
the lesson
 What geologic
condition enables the
presence of
(5 mins.) (5 mins.) (5 mins.)
Oral Recitation Oral Recitation Quiz
The learners will be asked to The learners will be asked to
do the following: do the following:
1. Explain in your own 1. Explain in your own
words what a landslide words what a
is. sinkhole is.
2. Describe the different 2. Explain the different
types of landslides types three different
I. Evaluating learning
according to the types of sinkholes.
Varnes classification 3. Explain some of the
system. causes of sinks
3. Explain some of the holes.
causes of landslides. 4. Suggest some other
4. Suggest some other causes of sinkholes
causes of landslide not not discussed in the
discussed in the lecture materials.
lecture materials.
The learners will be asked to Poster
bring the following materials The learners need to create a
by group: poster to communicate the
• 12 oz. Styrofoam warning signs for landslide or
J. Additional activities for
cup sinkholes.
application or
• Sand
• Sugar
• Paper
• Empty 2-L soda
• Scissors
• Scouring pad

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Modeling Sinkhole Formation,"

1. How does a sinkhole form? Limestone or other porous rock dissolves, leaving a cavity or space in the bedrock. Eventually, there is not enough
support for the ground above, and there is a collapse.
2. What type of sinkhole did you predict that we were modeling in this lab, and what made you come to that conclusion? We are modeling cover-
collapse sinkholes because the sugar is going to dissolve, leaving a cavity that cannot support the weight of the sand above it.
3. How would this experiment be different if we added water from the top rather than through the bottom? The sinkhole would form more rapidly.
Water would be able to get to the sugar faster, thus dissolving it faster.
4. What materials could we have used instead of the sponge to avoid the sinkhole's formation? Clay, concrete, wood, gum

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