Syllabus ICA1314 New
Syllabus ICA1314 New
Syllabus ICA1314 New
Programme : Integrated Masters in Computer Applications
Duration : F i v e years full time (Ten Semesters)
Medium : English
Minimum Required Attendance : 75 %
Maximum Credits : 268
Minimum credits required for the
: 263
Internal External Total
Assessment :
30 70 100
Class Class Class Assignment(s) Other Total
Test Test Test Activity
Internal Evaluation (Theory I II III (including
Papers) Best two out of the attendance
10 10 10 5 5 30
Evaluation of Practical/Dissertations Internal External Total
& Project Reports 50 50 100
External Internal
Duration of Examination :
3 hrs. 1 ½ hr.
To qualify the course a candidate is required to secure a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate
including the semester end examination and teachers continuous examination (i.e., both internal and
A candidate who secures less than 40% of marks in a course shall be deemed to have failed in that
course. The student should have secured at least 50% marks in aggregate to clear the semester.
In case a student has secured more than 40% in each course but less than 50% overall in a
semester, he/ shall reappear in courses where the marks are less than 50% to achieve the required
aggregate percentage (50%) in the semester.
There shall be three class tests in a semester and the marks of the best two will be considered for
the final result.
Evaluation scheme:
Semester II
Semester – IV
Semester – VI
Semester – IX
Course Periods Evaluation Scheme
S.No. Subject Credit
Code L T P Internal External Total
1 ICA903 Dot Net Framework With C# 3 2 - 4 30 70 100
Software Testing & Quality
2 ICA912 4 2 - 5 30 70 100
3 ICA913 Cloud Computing 4 2 - 5 30 70 100
4 ICA914 Enterprise Resource Planning 4 2 - 5 30 70 100
Elective (Select Any One)
ICA910 Neural Networks
ICA915 Soft Computing
5 3
ICA916 Fuzzy Logic - 4 30 70
2 100
ICA917 Parallel Computation
Advanced /Distributed
Operating System
Information Storage And
6 ICA919 3 2 - 4 30 70 100
7 ICA952 Dot Net Lab With C# - - 6 3 50 50 100
8 ICA954 Minor Project - - 6 6 50 50 100
Total 18 10 12 32 250 450 700
Total 12 50 50 100
L – Lecture T- Tutorial P- Practical C-Credits
1L = 1Hr 1T= 1Hr 1P= 1Hr 1C = 1 Hr of Theory Paper
= 2 Hrs of Practical/Tutorial
1. Each course will have its evaluation criteria and credits allocated based on the
teaching/practical hours associated with it; after due processing as per university
ordinance and approval of the Vice Chancellor. The notification to the same shall
happen before the start of the subject/ course.
2. In case a student fails to secure minimum required credits then the additional subject(s)
shall be counted for calculating the minimum credits required for the award of degree.
3. If a student has secured minimum required credits then these courses shall be shown as
additional subjects in the consolidated mark sheet to be issued by the examination
Objective: This paper provides mathematical handling for certain types of problems in matrix,
set theory, differential calculus and series.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Definition and types of matrices such as square, row, Column, diagonal, identity, symmetric,
singular, non-singular Matrices. Operation of matrices such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication of matrices. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Determinants and Adjoint of a matrix, Inverse of matrix, Solution of simultaneous linear
equations by Matrix Method & Cramer’s rule. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Set & subset, Finite and Infinite set, Equal set, Null set, Proper subset, universal set, Singleton
set. Union, Intersection, complement of set. Common applications of set. (Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Differentiation of functions, derivatives of some common functions, polynomials, exponential,
logarithmic & trigonometric functions. (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Mathematical Series- Arithmetic, Geometric & Harmonic Series. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Vasistha A. R., Matrices, Krishna Publications.
2. O P Malhotra, S K gupta,”ICSE Mathematics” S Chand
Reference Books:
1.Seth M.Ray, Elements of Matrix and Determinants
2. Shanti Narayan, Differential Calculus,S.Chand
Objective: To give the basic knowledge of Computer hardware and application software to the
Course Contents
Computer Basics: Introduction and definition of computer, Computer Generations,
Characteristics of Computer, Advantages and Limitations of computer, Classification of
computers, Functional components of a computer system (Input, CPU, Storage and Output
Unit), Types of memory (Primary and Secondary), Computer Hardware: Input Devices- Mouse,
Bar Code Reader, Keyboard, Scanner, Joystick, Output Devices-VDU, Printer, Plotters, Types
of Computer Software. (Lecture 08)
Computer Languages: Introduction to languages, Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler, High
Level Language to Machine Language Conversion , Evolution of programming language,
Classification of Programming Languages, Features of a good Programming Language,
Example of High Level Languages, Characteristics of a good language Number system: Binary
number system, Octal & Hexa-decimal number system. (Lecture 08)
Algorithm, flowcharts: flowcharts symbols, sample flowcharts.
MS-DOS: Operating System, Basic Concepts of Operating System, Introduction of MS-DOS,
MS-WORD: Starting MS WORD, Creating and formatting a document, Changing fonts and
point size, Table Creation and operations, Autocorrect, Auto text, spell Check, Word Art,
Inserting objects, Page setup, Page Preview, Printing a document, Macros, Mail Merge
(Lecture 08)
MS-EXCEL: Starting Excel, Work sheet, cell inserting Data into Rows/ Columns, Alignment,
Text wrapping , Sorting data, Auto Sum, Use of functions, Cell Referencing form, Generating
graphs, Worksheet data and charts with WORD, Creating Hyperlink to a WORD document,
Page set up, Print Preview, Printing Worksheets.
MS-ACCESS: Maintaining Database by creating Tables, Queries, Reports and Forms
(Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Sinha P.K., Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publishing.
2. O’Leary Timothy, O’Leary Linda , Microsoft Office 2007,TMH Publication
3. Kanitkar Yashwant, Let Us C, BPB Publishing.
Reference Books:
1. Leon A. & Leon M., Introductions to Computers, Vikas Publication.
2. Balagurusamy E., Programming in ANSI C, TMH Publication.
3. Norton Peter, Introductions to Computers, TMH Publication.
4. Price Michael, Office 2010 in Easy Steps ,TMH Publication.
Objective: This subject provides students an in–depth theoretical base of the Digital
Electronics, the fundamental designing concepts of different types of Logic Gates, Minimization
techniques and the computational details for Digital Circuits.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Number systems : Binary number system, Octal & Hexa-decimal number system, Conversion
of Number System, r's & (r-1)'s, Binary arithmetic Operations, complement weighted &
unweighted codes (BCD,Excess-3,Gray code). (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT GATES and their Truth tables, NOR, NAND & XOR gates.
Boolean algebra: AND, OR, Inversion, Basic Boolean Law's, Demorgan's theorem,
Minimization techniques: K -Map, Sum of Product & Product of Sum. (Lecture 08)
Unit III
Sequential Circuits: Flip Flop, Types of Flip Flop: R-S, D, J-K, T, Master Slave, and State
Realization of one Flip Flop Using Other Flip Flop. (Lecture 08)
Unit IV
Combinational circuits: Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Decoders & Encoders, Half Adder, Full
Adder, Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor. (Lecture 08)
Unit V
Registers and Counters: Shift Registers, Types of registers, Universal Shift Register with
parallel load, Bi-directional Shift register. (Lecture 08)
Text Book:
1. Morris Mano, Digital Logic, Prentice Hall of India.
Reference Books:
1. Taub & Schelling, Digital Integrated Electronics, McGraw-Hill International Edition
2. Charles H.Roth, Jr. Fundamentals of Logic Design, Jaico Publishing House, 2000.
3. Donald D.Givone, Digital Principles and Design, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.
4. Bartee, Digital Computer Fundamentals.
The objectives of this subject are to enable
to describe the nature and scope of management;
to know the difference between management and administration;
to understand the concepts of organizational behavior and its application in managing
Course Contents
Unit I
Introduction to Management: Meaning, nature and importance of management; Management
functions; Management skills; Classical theories of management. (Lecture 08)
Unit II
Planning: Importance of planning; Types of plans; Planning and decision making process.
Process of organizing; Organizational structure and design. (Lecture 08)
Unit III
Organizational Behavior: introduction to organizational behavior in management; Foundations
of individual behavior-personality; Concept of perception & perception theories (Lecture 08)
Unit IV
Concept of learning with theories, Concept of attitudes, Job design & job satisfaction. Concept
of motivation with theories. (Lecture 08)
Unit V
Group: Foundations of group behavior; Leadership: power and politics. Organizational culture:
Meaning, importance and characteristics of organization culture. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Newstrom, John W. and Keith Davis, Organizational behavior: Human Behavior at
Work, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1997.
2. Sharma, R.A., Organizational Theory and Behavior, Tata McGraw -Hill, New Delhi.
3. Prasad L.M., Principles and Practice of Management, Sultan Chand
4. Murugan and Shaktivel, Management Principles and Practices, New Age
Reference Books:
1. Koontz, Harold, Cyril ‘O’ Donnell, And Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management,
Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill, Singapore.
2. Robbins, Stephen P. and Mary Coutler, Management, 5th ed., Prentice Hall of India
Private Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Rendolph, Bobbitt, H., Organizational Behavior, 7th ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
4. Srivastava &Chunawalla, Management Principles and Practices,Macmillan
5. Koontz, Principles of Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
Objective: This syllabus has been designed to improve the oral and written communication
skills of students.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Functional Grammar: Patterns & Parts of speech Subject, Predicate, Noun, Pronoun,
Adjective, Adverb, Verb, Verb phrases, Conjunction, Interjection. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Vocabulary: Word formation, Prefix, Suffix, Compound words, Conversion, Synonyms,
Antonyms, Homophones and Homonyms, How to look up a dictionary. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Communication: Meaning & importance of communication, Barriers to effective
communication, Channels of communication, Language as a tool of communication.
(Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Expression: Speaking Skill- Prepared speech on set topic ,Extempore speech. Reading skill-
Comprehension Test. Préci Writing. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Monippally , Matthukutty - Business Communication: From Principles To Practice-Tata Mc
Graw Hill Education,2013.
2. Hewings, Martin - Advanced Grammar-Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. Raman Meenakshi & Sharma Sangeeta, Technical Communication-Principles & Practice –
O.U.P. New Delhi. 2007.
2. Living English Structure, William Stannard Allen, Longman Publisher
3. English Errors of Indian Students, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
4. Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, O.U.P
Course Contents
Introduction to Windows: Windows features including Control Panel and it’s Components,
Graphical features, Desktop setting with screensaver and wallpaper, Color, Background, Cut,
Copy, Paste, Creating folder.
Creating, Editing, Formatting: Font name, size, color, alignment, changing paragraph
settings, Using Word Art ,Hyperlink, change case, spell checker, Mail Marge, Creating Tables,
editing tables, alignment settings in tables
Creating, Editing, Formatting: Font name, size, color, alignment, entering data, sorting data,
Inserting, renaming and deleting Sheet, Inserting row, column, cell, picture, background, graph,
symbol, applying formula in a cell, Call by Value, Call by Reference, hyperlink, object,
diagram, Macro.
Creating, Editing, Formatting: Font name, size, color, alignment, changing, Inserting table,
picture, background, graph, symbol, hyperlink, object, and diagram, Slide Layout, Slide Design,
Slide Show, Slide Sorter View, Slide Transition, Custom Animation, Inserting Sound and
Movies in a Slide.
Creating and editing Database using Table, Query, Report and Form.
Introduction to Internet
Web Browser, Search Engine, Creating E-Mail account, Attaching documents, Sending and
Receiving E-Mails
Course Contents
Objective: The objective of this course module is to provide the sound knowledge of C
programming. It facilitates the student to develop programming capability to design programs as
well as real life applications using C language. It also cover the concept of core programming
like how to implement functions ,arrays and how to manage data in files using different
Course Contents
Unit - I
Concept of C programming: History, Introduction of C programming language, Structure of C
program, C character set, Data types, Variables, Constants, Keywords and Identifiers,
Expression statements in C language, Operators (Arithmetic, Logical, Relational, Assignment
etc.). (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Conditional Program: Execution, IF statement, IF…..ELSE statements nested IF…..ELSE and
ELSE IF ladder. Program Loops and Iteration, WHILE loop, DO loop and FOR loop, Nested
Loops, Use of break, continue and GOTO statements, Switch statement, use of break and
default with switch, Storage Class in C language. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Functions: Built-In and User Defined functions, Function Declaration, Definition and Function
Calling, Parameter Passing (Call by Value and Call by Reference), Recursion, Pointers, Macros.
(Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Arrays: Definition of array, declaration, Linear Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Passing
Array to function, String, string handling functions, Dynamic Memory Allocation. (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Structure and Union: Definition, Programs using Structure and Union, Difference between
Structure and Union.
File Handling: Opening and Closing data files, Read and Write Functions, different modes of
files. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. BalaguruswamyE., Programming in ANSI C, TMH
2. Kanitkar Yashwant, Let Us C, BPB
3. Kanitkar Yashwant, Working With C, BPB
References Books:
1. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchi, PHI
2. Shaum’s Series Programming in C, TMH
3. Forouzan, Computer Science, Thomson, Cengase
Course Contents
Unit - I
Basic Building Blocks: Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor, Decoder,
Encoders, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Registers, Registers with parallel load (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Register Transfer Language: Bus and Memory Transfer, Three State Bus Buffers, Memory
Transfer, Arithmetic Micro operation(Binary Adder, Binary Adder-Subtractor, Binary
Increment, Arithmetic Circuit), Logic Micro operations(List of logic operation), Shift Micro
operations, Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Processor Organization: General register organization, Stack organization, Reverse Polish
Notation, addressing mode, Instruction type. .(Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Input-Output Organization: I/O Interface, I/O bus and interface modules, Strobe control,
Hand Shaking, DMA, Interrupts & Interrupt handling, Direct Memory access: DMA Controller
and DMA Transfer. (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory: RAM & ROM chips, Memory
Address Map, Cache memory, Virtual Memory, page replacement schemes. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Mano M., Computer System Architecture, Prentice Hall of India.
2. SubrataGhoshal, Computer Architecture and Organization, PEARSON
Reference Books:
1. Vravice, Zaky&Hamacher, Computer Organization, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Tannenbaum,Structured Computer Organization, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Hayes John P., Computer Organization, McGraw Hill.
*Latest editions of all the suggested books are recommended.
Objective: Numerical Analysis is the study of algorithms for solving problems of continuous
mathematics. This paper provides an introduction to finite differences, interpolation, numerical
differentiation and integration, differential and linear equation.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Finite Differences: Types of operators and relations among operators, forward and backward
difference table, Computation of Missing terms, Factorial Notations and reciprocal factorial.
Polynomial in factorial notions (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Solution of System of Linear Equation: Gauss Elimination method, Gauss Jordan method,
Gauss Seidel method, Gauss Jacobi method. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Interpolation: Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formula. Interpolation with
unequal Intervals- Lagrange’s interpolation formula, Inverse Interpolation, Lagrange’s method
for inverse Interpolation.
Divided Difference: Divided difference table and properties, Newton Divided difference
formula. (Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Numerical Differentiation: Numerical Differentiation by Newton’s forward and backward
interpolation formula.
Numerical Integration: Trapezodial rule, Simpson 1/3 Rule, Simpson’s 3/8. (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Solution of Differential Equation: Picard’s Method, Euler’s Method, Runge- Kutta Method
and Predictor- Corrector Method. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Grewal B. S., “Numerical methods in Engineering and Science”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi
2. Pradip Niyogi, “Numerical Analysis and Algorithms”, TMH
Reference Books:
1. Grewal Rajaraman V., “Computer Oriented Numerical Methods”, PHI
2. T. Veerarajan, T Ramachandran, “Theory and Problems in Numerical Methods”, TMH
3. Francis Scheld, “Numerical Analysis”, TMH
4. Manoj Kumar, “Computer based Numerical & Statistical Techniques”, Krishna Prakashan.
The objectives of this subject are
To locate and comprehend relationships between the natural, social and cultural
To develop an understanding based on observation and illustration, drawn from lived
To develop an awareness about environmental issues.
Course Contents
Unit - I
The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies: Definition, Nature, Scope and
Importance; Types and components of environment; goals of environmental education; Global
environmental crisis. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Natural resources: Renewable and non-renewable resources Nature and Natural resources their
conservation and associated problems. Energy resources: Renewable and Nonrenewable energy
sources, use of alternate energy sources, Energy conservation (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Ecology and Ecosystems: Concept of ecology, autecology and synecology, population ecology,
community ecology Concept of an ecosystem; different types of ecosystem, Producers,
consumers and decomposers • Energy flow in the ecosystem, energy flow models • Food chains,
food webs and ecological pyramids biogeochemical cycles: Pattern and basic types of
biogeochemical cycles (Nitrogen, Phosphorus) (Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Environmental Pollution: Definition, Sources, Causes, effects and control measures of: - Air
pollution, Water pollution, and Soil pollution Noise pollution.
Solid waste management: causes, effects and control measures of biomedical wastes and
municipal solid wastes. (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Environmental Pollution: Social Issues and the Environment • Water conservation, rain water
harvesting, • Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion,
• Environment Protection Movements in India – Chipko movements, Silent Valley movements,
Public awareness
Human Population and the Environment: Definition, characteristics; human Population
growth, concept of carrying capacity, Population explosion – Family Welfare Program.
(Lecture 08)
Reference Books:
1. Textbook of Environment & Ecology, Deeksha Dave and S.S. Katewa, Cengage
Learning India Pvt. Ltd.,Patparganj, Delhi, 2009
2. Environmental Science & Engineering, Meenakshi, Prentice Hall India
3. Principles of Environmental Science, Cunningham W.P. & Cunningham M.A., Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi
Objective: The objective of the syllabus is to prepare students on advance English grammar
skills to make them write correct English.
Course Contents:
Unit - I
Functional Grammar: Articles, Preposition, Tenses: Functions, Synthesis, Transformation,
Spotting errors and correction of sentences. (Lecture 10)
Unit - II
Pre- Requisites of Technical written Communication: One word substitution, Spelling rules,
Words often confused & misused, Phrases. (Lecture 10)
Unit - III
The Structure of sentences/ clauses: Adverb clause, Adjective clause, Noun clause. Sentences:
Simple, Double, Multiple and complex, Transformation of sentences: simple to complex & vice
versa, simple to compound & vice-versa, Interrogative to assertive, assertive to negative & vice-
versa. (Lecture 10)
Unit - IV
Technical Communication: Nature, Origin and Development, Salient features, Scope &
Significance, Forms of Technical Communication, Difference between Technical
communication & General writing, Objective Style vs. Literary Composition. (Lecture 10)
1. Murphy, Raymond- English Grammar- Cambridge University Press, 2012
2. Raman Meenakshi & Sharma Sangeeta, Technical Communication-Principles & Practice
O.U.P. New Delhi. 2007.
3. Mitra Barum K., Effective Technical Communication – O.U.P. New Delhi. 2006.
4. Better Your English- A Workbook for 1st year Students- Macmillan India, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Horn A.S., Guide to Patterns & Usage in English – O.U.P. New Delhi.
2. Mohan Krishna & Banerji Meera, Developing Communication Skills – Macmillan India
Ltd., Delhi.
Course Contents
1. Given the values of the variables x, y and z, write a program to rotate their values such that x
has the value of y, y has the value of z, and z has the value of x
2. Write a program that reads a floating point number and then displays the right-most digit of
the integral part of the number.
3. The distance between two cities (in Km) is input through the keyboard. Write a C program to
convert and print this distance in meter, feet, inches and centimeter.
4. If a five-digit number is input through the keyboard, write a C program to calculate the sum
of its digits without using loop.
5. If a four-digit number is input through the keyboard, write a C program to obtain the sum of
the first and last digit of this number.
6. Program to find largest and smallest number from four given number.
8. Program to find out the grade of a student when the marks of 5 subjects are given. The
method of assigning grade is as—
9. A library charges a fine for every book returned late. For first 5 days the fine is 50 paise, for
6-10 days fine is one rupee and above 10 days fine is 5 rupees. If you return the book after 30
days your membership will be cancelled. Write a program to access the number of days the
member is late to return the book and display the fine or the appropriate message.
10. Write a C program in which enter any number by the user and perform the operation of
product of digits of entered number.
15.Program to find the sum of digits of a number until the sum is reduced to 1 digit.
For example: 53876938112
1. Minute
2. Hours
3. Days
4. Months
5. Seconds
17.Write a C menu driven program that will perform the following operation.
1) Generate Fibonacci series as per given range which is entered by the user.
3) Exit
20. Write a currency program, which tells you how much numbers of 100, 50,20,10,5,2 and 1
Rs notes will be needed for a given amount of money. For example if the total amount is Rs.
545 then five 100 Rs. notes, two 20 Rs. Notes and one 5 Rs. Note will be needed.
3. Write a C program to find the sum of the following series using function.
4. Write a C program in which a function prime that returns 1 if its argument is a prime and
return zero otherwise.
6. A positive integer is entered through the keyboard. Write a function to obtain the prime
factors of this number.
7. Write a C program using function that find out the 4th bit of given number is on or off.
1. Write a C program to count the number of positive, negative and zero number in the given list
of numbers.
2. Write a C program for swapping of two arrays as per indexes accordingly both array have the
same size.
3. Write a C program in which enter 10 elements by the user and perform the operation of
sorting in ascending order.
4. WAP to enter an integer array of size 10 and perform following operations on it.
a) Display the Elements.
b) Calculate the Sum and Average of Array.
c) Find largest element.
d) Find second largest element.
e) Find the Smallest element.
f) Display the Array in Reverse order.
g) Exit
2. Write a program to remove the Occurrences of “The” word from entered text.
3. Write a program to delete all the occurrences of the vowels in a given text. Assume that the
text length will be of one line.
4.Write a program to copy the content of one string into another string using pointer and
5.Write a program to find that two strings are identical or not using pointer and function.
1. Suppose you need to generate a result table which consists of student id, student name, marks
of three subject and total marks. Write a program which takes input for ten students and displays
result table. Also display student information separately who got the highest total. USE
2. Suppose you need to store information of 10 persons. Information includes name and age.
But criteria is: for the child age should be in form of full birth date, for an adult the age should
be in years only, while for aged person store age indicating the status ‘O’. Use union for
memory efficiency.
3. Write a program to maintain the library record for 100 books with book name, author’s name,
and edition, year of publishing and price of the book.
Course Contents
Objective: To give an overview about how the data organizes and the techniques to organize
the data. Develop good understanding of how operations are performed on data in various data
structures including hierarchical representation. To develop a base for advanced computer
science study.
Course Contents
Introduction: Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization, Data Structure operations,
Algorithm, Complexity and Time-Space trade-off.
Arrays: Array Definition, Representation and analysis, Single and Multidimensional Arrays,
address calculation, application of arrays, Character String in C, Character string operation.
(Lecture 08)
Stacks: Array Representation and Implementation of stack, Operations on Stack: Push & Pop,
Linked Representation of Stack, Operations Associated with Stack, Application of stack:
Conversion of Infix to Prefix and Postfix Expressions, Evaluation of postfix expression using
Queues: Array and linked representation and implementation of queues, Operations on Queue:
Create, Add, Delete, Circular queue. (Lecture 08)
Linked list: Representation and Implementation of Singly Linked List, Traversing and
Searching of linked List, Overflow and Underflow, Insertion and deletion to/from Linked Lists,
Insertion and deletion algorithms, Doubly linked list, Circular List, Linked List v/s Array.
(Lecture 08)
Sorting: Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, and Heap Sort.
Comparative Analysis of above Sorting algorithms. Searching: Sequential search, Binary
search. (Lecture 08)
Trees: Basic terminology, Binary Trees, Binary tree representation, algebraic Expressions,
Complete Binary Tree, Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees, Traversing Binary
tree, Binary Search Tree. Graph: Basic terminology, Graph representation using adjacency
matrix, Graph representation using adjacency list.
(Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Lipschutz, Data Structure, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Tenenbaum et. al A.M., Data Structures Using C & C++, Prentice Hall of India.
3. KanitkarYashwant, Data Structure Using C, BPB
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 31
4. Salaria R.S., Data Structure Using C, Khanna Publishers
Reference Books:
1. Horowitz and Sahani, Fundamentals of Data Structures, Galgotia
2. Kruse R., Data Structures and Program Design in C, Pearson Education
3. Cormen T. H., Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall of India.
4. Loudon K., Mastering Algorithms with C, Shroff Publisher & Distributors
5. Bruno R Preiss, Data Structures and Algorithms with Object Oriented Design Pattern in
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
6. Adam Drozdek, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Thomson Asia
Objective: This course has theory component to teach you the concepts and principles that
underlie modern operating systems. In this component, you will learn about processes and
processor management, concurrency and synchronization, memory management schemes, file
system and secondary storage management, security and protection, etc.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Introduction to the Operating System (OS), Types of Operating System: Batch System, Time
Sharing System, Real Time System. Multi Programming, Distributed System, Functions and
Services of OS. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Process Management: Process Concept, Process State, Process Control Block, Process
Scheduling, CPU Scheduling - Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Preemptive & Non
Preemptive Scheduling. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Deadlocks-System model, Characterization, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance and
Detection, Recovery from deadlock. (Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Memory Management: Logical Address, Physical Address, External and Internal
Fragmentation. Concept of paging, Page table structure - Hierarchical Paging, Hashed Page
Tables, Inverted Page Table. (Lecture 08)
Unit -V
Information Management: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory Structure. Device
Management: Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling Algorithms. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1.Silbershatz and Galvin," Operating System Concept", Addition We seley, 2002.
2.Nutt, G., “Operating Systems”, Addison-Wesley.
3.GodboleAhyut, "Operating System", PHI, 2003.
Reference Books:
1.Flynn, Mchoes, "Understanding Operating System", Thomson Press, Third Edition, 2003
2.Tannenbaum,"Operating System Concept", Addition Weseley, 2002.
3.Joshi, R. C. and Tapaswi, S., “Operating Systems”, Wiley Dreamtech.
This syllabus design is an attempt to provide the basic information about database management
system and their development. It will also provide the basic conceptual background necessary to
design and develop simple database application. The major objectives of this subject are to:
Course Contents
Unit - I
Introduction: Elements of Database System, Characteristics of database approach, File system
versus Database System, Data models and Types, DBMS architecture and data independence.
Features and Functions of Database System. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
E-R Modeling: Entity types, entity set, attribute and key, relationships, relation types, roles and
structural constraints, weak entities, relational schema ,enhanced E-R and overview of object
modeling. Specialization and generalization. Basic concepts of relational algebra: Selection,
Projection, Join, Union, Intersection, Divide, Minus. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Relational Data Model: Relational model concepts, relational constraints, relational algebra.
SQL: SQL queries, programming using SQL, Integrity Constraints, Roles and privileges, data
definition, aggregate function, Null Values, nested sub queries, Joined relations. (Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Logical view of data, keys, integrity rules. Relational Database design: features of good
relational database design
Data Normalization: Functional dependencies, Normal form up to 3rd normal form & BCNF.
(Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Concurrency Control: Transaction processing, locking techniques, database recovery, security
and authorization. Overview of recovery techniques and Database Security. (Lecture 08)
Reference Books:
1. Melton Jim& Simon Alan, Understanding the New SQL: A Complete Guide, Morgan
Publishers, 1993.
2. Majumdar A. K. &Battacharya P., Data Base Management Systems, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. Bipin Desai, An Introduction to Database Systems, Galgotia Publications, 1991.
Objective: This subject aims to provide an understanding of the role of system analysis and
design within various systems development life-cycle, to develop an awareness of the different
approaches that might be taken to system analysis and design and to understand the activities of
the system analyst and system designer, and apply some current techniques.
Course Contents
Unit - I
System Definition and concepts: General Theory system, Manual and automated system, Real-
life Business Sub-Systems. System Environments and Boundaries, Real-time and distributed
system, Basic principles of successful system, Approach to system development: Structured
System Analysis and Design, Prototype, Joint Application Development, Role and Need of
System Analyst. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Introduction to System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Various phases of SDLC: System
Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Maintenance; Documentation: Principles of
System Documentation, Types of documentation and their importance. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Data and fact gathering techniques: Interviews, Group Communication -Questionnaires;
Assessing Project Feasibility: Technical, Operational, Economic and Cost Benefits Analysis.
Modern Methods for determining system requirements: Joint Application Development
Program, Prototyping, Business Process Re-engineering. System Selection Plan and Proposal
(Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Module specifications, Top-down and bottom-up design, Module coupling and cohesion,
Structure Charts. Process Modeling, Logical and physical design, Conceptual Data Modeling:
Entity /Relationship Analysis, Entity-Relationship Modeling, ERDs and DFDs. Process
Description: Structured English, Decision Tree, Decision Table, Data Dictionary. (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Classification of forms, Input/output forms design, User-interface design, Graphical interfaces.
Standards and guidelines for GUI design, Designing Physical Files and Databases: Designing
Fields, Designing Physical Records, Designing Physical Files, Designing Databases, System
planning considerations, Conversion methods, procedures and controls, Testing and Validation,
Preparing User Manual, Maintenance Activities and Issues. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. E M Awad, ‘Systems Analysis and design’, Galgotia (P) Ltd.
2. Whitten J. L, Bentley L. D, ‘Systems Analysis and Design Methods’, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. A. Dennis and B. H. Wixom, ‘Systems Analysis and Design’, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Objective: To give the students exposure about English Grammar and improve their writing
Course Contents
Unit - I
Functional Grammar: Active and passive voice, Conditional sentences, Syntax, Concord,
Common errors. (Lecture 10)
Unit - II
Requisites of Paragraph writing: Structure of Paragraph, Coherence & Unity, Development of
paragraph, Inductive order, Deductive order, Spatial order, Linear, Chronological orders,
Expository writing, and Argumentative writing, Factual description of objects, process,
experiments. (Lecture 10)
Unit - III
Theme writing & presentation, Factual description, Article writing (Lecture 10)
Unit - IV
Comprehension skills: Role of listening, Reading comprehension; Reasons for poor
comprehension, Improving comprehension skills. (Lecture 10)
Text Books:
1. Ruther Ford A., Basic Communication Skills – Pearson Education, New Delhi.
References Books:
1. Raman Meenakshi & Sharma Sangeeta, Technical Communication-Principles & Practice
– O.U.P. New Delhi. 2007.
2. Mohan Krishna & Banerji Meera, Developing Communication Skills – Macmillan India
Ltd. Delhi.
Course Contents
Stack: Array Representation and Implementation of stack, Operations on Stacks: Push & Pop,
Conversion of Infix to Prefix and Postfix Expressions.
Queue: Array and linked representation and implementation of queues, Operations on Queue:
Create, Add, Delete, Circular queue
Linked list: Representation and Implementation of Singly Linked List, Traversing and
Inserting and Deleting of Linked List. Same operation in Doubly Linked List, Circular Linked
Course Contents
Objective: The study of this course will help students understand how to manage the
development of industrial strength software. They will learn about various phases of software
development and use of various development models for the same. They will learn concepts of
software design, software testing and maintenance. They will learn about the role of software
reliability and quality assurance
Course Contents
Unit -I
Introduction: Software Engineering approach, Need of engineering aspect for Software Design,
SDLC, Software Crisis, Software Process, Process models (Classical Waterfall Model, Build-n-
Fix Model, Iterative Waterfall Model, Prototyping Model, Evolutionary Model and Spiral
Model) (Lecture 08)
Unit -II
Software Requirement Analysis and Specifications: Software Requirement Specifications, Need
of SRS, Steps for constructing good SRS, Behavioral and Non-Behavioral requirements,
Analysis Model (Lecture 06)
Unit -III
Software Design: Design Concepts & Principle, problem partitioning, abstraction, and top down
and bottom up-design, Cohesion & Coupling, How to measure degree of Cohesion and
Coupling, Function Oriented Design, DFDs, Structure Chart, Object Oriented Design.
Coding: Top-Down and Bottom–Up programming, Structured programming, Programming
style, Do’s and Don’ts for Coding (Lecture 10)
Unit -IV
Software Testing: Validation and Verification, Black Box testing approach, White Box testing
approach, Levels of testing: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Validation testing, System testing
and debugging. (Lecture 08)
Unit -V
Software Maintenance: Software Maintenance Process and its types, Introduction to Reverse
Software Reliability & Quality Assurance: Software Reliability issues, Software quality,
Overview of Quality Standards like ISO 9001, SEI-CMM and its comparison with ISO,
Introduction, scope and architecture of CASE. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Rajib Mall, “Software Engineering “, PHI
2. K.K.Agrawal & Yogesh Singh, “Software Engineering”, New Age Publication
Course Contents
Unit - I
Introduction: Introducing Object-Oriented Approach, Relating to other paradigms (functional,
data decomposition). Basic terms and ideas: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance,
Polymorphism, Basic programming of C++. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Classes and Objects: Encapsulation, abstract data types, Object & classes, attributes, methods,
C++ class declaration, State identity and behavior of an object, Constructors and destructors,
object types, Meta class, abstract classes. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Inheritance: Access specifiers, Types of inheritance, Ambiguity resolution in Multiple
Inheritance, Constructor calling (Implicit and Explicit Constructor call) to base class,
Containership and inheritance, Virtual Base Class. (Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Friend: Friend Function, Friend Member Function and Friend Class.
Polymorphism: Function Overloading, Operator overloading, operator overloading using
Friend. Virtual function & Pure Virtual function (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
File Handling: Stream Classes Hierarchy, Opening and closing FILE, Read and write in file.
File pointers and Manipulations, Error Handling in File Operation,Command line Argument.
(Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Lafore R., Object Oriented Programming using C++, Galgotia
2. Venugopal A.R. & Rajkumar, T. Ravishanker,Mastering C++, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1997.
3. Lippman S. B. & Lajoie J., C++ Primer, Addison Wesley, 3rdEdition, 2000.
Reference Books:
1. Parasons D., Object Oriented Programming with C++, BPB Publication.
2. Steven C. Lawlor, The Art of Programming Computer Science with C++, Vikas Publication.
3. Schildt Herbert, C++: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999.
4. Tony Gaddis, Watters, Muganda, Object-Oriented Programming in C++, Dreamtech, 2004.
Objective: This subject covers computer graphics concepts and basic techniques for operating
with two- dimensional objects. It gives an overview of typical applications of computer
graphics. On completion of this subject, the student will be able to understand and apply the
basic principles, techniques, and algorithms for generating and interacting with simple graphical
objects on display screen
Course Contents
Unit - I
Introduction Of Computer Graphics: Application areas of Computer Graphics, Overview of
graphics systems. Graphics primitives: video-display devices, and raster-scan systems, random
scan systems, Plasma displays, LCD, input devices, input techniques. (Lecture 08)
Output Primitives: Points and lines, Line drawing algorithms: DDA, Bresenham’s algorithm,
Mid-point algorithm, Circle drawing algorithms: Mid-point algorithm, Bresenham’s algorithm,
Ellipse drawing Bresenham’s algorithm, Filled area primitives: Scan line polygon fill algorithm,
Boundary-fill and Flood-fill algorithms. (Lecture 10)
Unit - III
2-D Geometrical Transforms: Translation, rotation, scaling, reflection and shear
transformations, homogeneous coordinate system, composite transforms, transformations
between coordinate systems, Introduction of 3-D Transformation (Lecture 10)
Unit - IV
2-D Viewing: The viewing pipeline, viewing coordinate reference frame, window to view-port
coordinate transformation, viewing functions, Cohen-Sutherland and Cyrus-beck line clipping
algorithms, Sutherland – Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm, Curve clipping, Text clipping.
(Lecture 10)
Unit - V
Computer Animation: Design of animation sequence, General computer animation functions,
raster animation, computer animation languages, key frame systems, motion specifications.
(Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Donald Hearn & M.Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics C Version, Pearson Education
2. VanDam, Feiner & Hughes, Computer Graphics Principles &Practice, Pearson Education.
3. Steven Harrington, Computer Graphics, Tata McGraw Hill.
4.Schaum’s Outline Computer Graphics,McGraw-Hill
Course Contents
Unit - I
Accounting: Meaning and Concepts, Difference between accounting and book keeping,
Importance and Limitations of Accounting, Users of Accounting information, Accounting
Principles, Conventions and Concepts. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Subsidiary Books: purchase book, sales book, purchase return book, sales return book, debit
note, credit note Types of accounts, golden rules of accounting, Preparation of Journal, Ledger
and Trial balance. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Preparation of Final Accounts: Manufacturing Account, Trading Account, Profit and Loss
Account, Balance Sheet (without adjustments). (Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Common Size Statements: Comparative Financial Statements, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss
Account. (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Maheswari S.N. & Maheswari S. K., Introduction to Financial Accountancy, Vikas
2. Grewal. T.S. ,Fundamentals of Accounting, Sultan chand & Sons Pvt Ltd New Delhi
3. Goel D.K. , Introduction to Accounting
Reference Books:
1. Jawahar Lal, Financial Accounting, Wheeler Publishing.
2. Gupta R.L. & Radhaswamy-Fundamentals of Accounting
3. Chawla & Jain-Financial Accounting
Objective: To give the students understanding about general communication and technical
Course Contents
Unit - I
Communication: Objectives of Communication, Need for Communication, Types of
communication, written & Verbal communication, Formal and informal communication (The
grapevine), upward and downward communication. (Lecture 10)
Unit - II
Business communication: Importance of written business correspondence, General principles
and essentials of good commercial correspondence, Different types of commercial
correspondence & their drafting, Types of Business letters, Official letters, electronic
communication process. (Lecture 10)
Unit - III
Project, Thesis and Dissertation writing: Project Report, Thesis & Dissertation writing Stru
cture of Thesis writing. (Lecture 10)
Unit - IV
Modern Technology and Communication: Globalization of Business, Role of Information
Technology, Tele- communication, Internet, Tele-conferencing and Video-conferencing.
(Lecture 10)
Text Books:
1. Mishra Sunita & Muraliksishra C., Communication Skills for Engineers– Pearson
Education, New Delhi.
2. Raman Meenakshi & Sharma Sangeeta, Technical Communication-Principles & Practice
– O.U.P. New Delhi. 2007.
3. Chabbra T N, Business Communication, Sun India Pub. New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Mohan Krishna & Banerji Meera, Developing Communication Skills – Macmillan India
Ltd. Delhi. itra Barum K., Effective Technical Communication – O.U.P. New Delhi.
2. Sinha,Mosam., Effective Communication Skills, Aavishkar Publications,Jaipur,2010
Course Contents
Course Contents:
Objective: The study of this course will help students understand how to manage the
complexity in developing industrial strength software. They will learn about various aspects of
software project planning. They will learn concepts of Project Organization and Scheduling,
Project Monitoring and Control, Software Configuration Management and the like that holds
value for developing a quality software.
Course Contents
Unit -I
Introduction and Software Project Planning, Fundamentals of Software Project Management
(SPM), Need Identification, Vision and Scope document, Project Management Cycle, SPM
Objectives, Management Spectrum, SPM Framework, Software Project Planning, Planning
Objectives, Project Plan, Types of project plan, Structure of a Software Project Management
Plan, Software project estimation, Estimation methods. (Lecture 08)
Unit -II
Project Organization and Scheduling Project Elements, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS),
Types of WBS, Functions, Activities and Tasks, Project Life Cycle and Product Life Cycle,
Ways to Organize Personnel, Project schedule, Scheduling Objectives, Building the project
schedule, Scheduling terminology and techniques, Network Diagrams: PERT, CPM, Bar
Charts: Milestone Charts, Gantt Charts. (Lecture 08)
Unit -III
Project Monitoring and Control, Dimensions of Project Monitoring & Control, Earned Value
Analysis, Earned Value Indicators: Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled (BCWS), Cost Variance
(CV), Schedule Variance (SV), Cost Performance Index (CPI), Schedule Performance Index
(SPI), Interpretation of Earned Value Indicators, Error Tracking, Software Reviews, Types of
Review: Inspections, Deskchecks, Walkthroughs, Code Reviews. (Lecture 08)
Unit -IV
Software Quality Assurance and Testing, Testing Objectives, Testing Principles, Test Plans,
Test Cases, Types of Testing, Levels of Testing, Test Strategies, Program Correctness, Program
Verification & validation, Testing Automation & Testing Tools, Concept of Software Quality,
Software Quality Attributes, Software Quality Metrics and Indicators, The SEI Capability
Maturity Model CMM), SQA Activities. (Lecture 08)
Unit -V
Project Management and Project Management Tools, Software Configuration Management:
Software Configuration Items and tasks, Baselines, Plan for Change, Change Control, Change
Requests Management, Version Control. Risk Management: Risks and risk types, Risk
Breakdown Structure (RBS). Risk Management Process: Risk identification, Risk analysis, Risk
planning, Risk monitoring, Cost Benefit Analysis. Software Project Management Tools: CASE
Tools, Planning and Scheduling Tools, MS-Project. (Lecture 08)
Reference Books:
1. Kathy Schwalbe, ‘Information Technology Project Management’, CENGAGE
Objective: The Objective of this subject is to provide the Fundamental Knowledge of Computer
Networks and to provide the knowledge of some recent trends in Computer Networks.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Introductory Concepts: Goals and Applications of Networks, Network structure and
architecture, the OSI reference model, services, networks topology, Physical Layer-
transmission, switching methods, Integrated services digital networks. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Medium access sub layer: Channel allocations, LAN protocols, ALOHA Protocols- Pure
ALOHA, slotted ALOHA, Carrier Sense Multiple Access Protocols, CSMA with Collision
Detection, Collision free Protocols, IEEE standards, Ethernet, Error correction & detection
algorithms, elementary data link layer protocols, sliding window protocols, error handling, High
Level Data Link Control . (Lecture 09)
Network Layer: Point-to Point networks, concept of virtual circuit and LAN, routing
algorithms, congestion control algorithms, internetworking, TCP/IP protocol, UDP, SCTP, IP
addresses, IPv6 Packet Format , Subneting. (Lecture 08)
Transport Layer: Design issues, connection management, Internet Transport Protocol (UDP),
Ethernet transport Protocol, Transmission Control Protocol. (TCP). (Lecture 07)
Application Layer: Domain Name System, Simple Network Management Protocol, Electronic
mail, File Transfer Protocol, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, Introduction to Cryptography and
Network Security Communication Security (IPSec, Firewalls). Implement a program in for
encryption a text with network security algorithm. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Computer Networks by A. S Tanenbaum, 4 , Edition”, Pearson education
2. Data and Computer Communication by W. Stallings, Macmillan Press
3. Computer Networks & Internet with Internet Applications by Comer Pearson Education
4. Internetworking with TCP/IP by PHI
5. Data Communication and Networking by Forouzan TMH
Objective: The objective of learning is to provide a platform to students so that they can
utilize their skills in this competitive and technological era. This is the age of computer and
computer made our work easy by the use of software like system software, application software
and utility software. Obviously this programming language will help the student to groom and
furnish their talent and they can serve the overall growth of organization or nation.
Course Contents
Unit- I
NET Framework: Introduction, Common Language Runtime, Common Type System,
Common , Language Specification, Base Class Library, .NET class library Intermediate
language, Just in-Time compilation, Garbage Collection, Application installation & Assemblies.
VB.NET IDE: Start Page, Menu and Tool Bar, Toolbox, Solution Explorer, Properties
Window, Task List and Output Window, Server Explorer. (Lecture 08)
Unit -II
Variables, Constants, Keywords, Data types, Operators, Decisions with if statement, Select Case
statements, Loops, Arrays.
Strings: Substring Method, Trim Method, Equals, Replace and Insert Methods, Split and Join
Method, InStr Method. (Lecture 08)
An Introduction to Functions and Subs, Create your own Subs , Create a Function ,Class and
Objects, Create Properties in your Classes, Error Handling, Working with Textbox, Buttons,
Labels, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, List box, Combo Box, Picture Box, Menu, Events: The Click
Event, The Key Down Event, The Form Load Event (Lecture 08)
Unit- IV
ADO.NET: ADO.NET Data Namespaces, SqlConnection, SqlCommand, SqlDataAdapter,
DataSet Class, Data View.
ASP.NET: Introduction to ASP.NET Web Forms, Implementation of ASP.NET controls:
Dropdown List, Textbox, Button, Checkbox, Radio Button. (Lecture 08)
Unit -V
Working with Text Files: Introduction to Text File, Open Text File, Read Text File Line by
Line, Write to Text File in VB .NET, Appending Text to File, Copy File, Move File, Delete
File. (Lecture 07)
Text Books:
1. Blair Richard & Crosland Jonathan,Beginning VB.NET (2 Edition), WROX
2. Steven Holzner, Visual Basic NET 2003, Pearson Education
3. Shouish Chavan, Visual Basic NET, Pearson Education
Objective: To give the knowledge of multimedia basics and it’s tools with the familiarity of
Course Contents
Unit –I
Multimedia Basics: Evolution of Multimedia and its objects, Uses of Multimedia in different
fields of specification, Multimedia hardware, Multimedia Software, Different stages to Design
and Produce a multimedia application, Memory and Storage Devices, Communication Devices,
Presentation and Object Generation Tools. (Lecture 08)
Multimedia Components: Text-Character sets and general guidelines.
Graphics: Vector Drawing, Digital Image and it’s Characteristics. Image File Formats: BMP,
JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG. Image Capturing.
Audio: Analog Sound, Digital Audio, Digital Audio Concepts, Sampling Variables, MIDI
Sound, MIDI under Windows Environment, Audio File Formats, Audio Capturing. Video-
Analog and Digital Video, Characteristics of Digital Video, Video Capturing. (Lecture 08)
Data Compression: Lossless Compression Algorithm: Run Length Coding, Variable Length
Coding, Dictionary Based Coding, Arithmetic Coding, Lossless Image Compression, JPEG
Standards, JPEG Compression, Lossy Compression Algorithms: Quantization, Transform
Coding. (Lecture 08)
Audio and Video Compression: Lossy and Lossless Compression of Audio, Multimedia
Monitor Bitmaps, Color Models, Video Representation, Video Compression Techniques, Video
Compression based on motion Compensation, JPEG Standards (Lecture 08)
Animation: Basics of Animation: Keyframes, In-between Frames, Timeline, Motion
Tweening, Reverse Frames, Types of Animation, Drawing Techniques ,Basic Animation
Software-Macromedia and Adobe Products, Layer Concepts, Scene sequence and It’s formation
using multi layers (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Tay Vaughan, Multimedia-Making it Work,TMH Publication
2. Ze Nian Li and Mark S.Drew,Fundamentals of Multimedia, PHI/Pearson Education
3. Sujata Pandey, Manoj Pandey, Multimedia (System, Technology and Communication),
S.K.Kataria & Sons.
Course Contents
1 8 27
1 8 27 64
Introduction to Photoshop
Introduction to Layers
Layer Styles
Duplicate Layer
Layer Palette
Masking of layers
Blending Modes
Introduction to Flash
Frame Rates
Frame-by-Frame Animation
Twinned Animation
Onion Skinning
Evaluation Process
Project Guide/Supervisor of the project will be nominated by Head of Department and the
internal evaluation shall be done by three faculty members committee nominated by the
Director of the
college. The external evaluation will be done by the external examiner arranged by examination
branch of the university.
Objective: The Management Information system is an idea which is associated with man,
machine, marketing and methods for collecting information’s from the internal and external
source and processing this information for the purpose of facilitating the process of decision-
making of the business. In this process, computer has added on more dimensions such as speed,
accuracy and increased volume of data that permit the consideration of more alternatives in
decision making process.
Course Contents
Unit -I
An Overview of Management Information Systems: Types of information systems,
Definition of a management information system, Concept of an MIS, MIS & Decision Support
Systems. (Lecture 08)
Unit -II
Information System: End user and Enterprise Computing, Computer Peripherals, Application
software and System software, Technical foundation of database management, managing data
Resources. (Lecture 08)
Unit -III
Foundation of Information Systems in Business: Information system in business. The
Components of Information system, Fundamentals of strategic advantage, Using Information
for strategic advantage. (Lecture 08)
Unit -IV
Business Applications of Information Technology: Internet & Business, Intranet, Extranet
& Enterprise Solutions, Information System for Managerial Decision Support. (Lecture 08)
Unit -V
Managing Information Technology: Managing Information Resources and technologies,
Global information technology, Security and control Issues in Information system, ethical and
societal challenges of IT. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Brian O., Management Information System, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Gordon B., Davis &Margrethe H. Olson, Management Information System, Tata McGraw
3. Brian O., Introduction to Information System, McGraw Hill.
References Books:
1. Murdick, Information System for Modern Management, PHI.
2. Jawadekar, Management Information System, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Jain Sarika, Information System, PPM
4. Davis, Information System, Palgrave Macmillan
*Latest editions of all the suggested books are recommended.
Objective: PHP is the latest trend in the IT sector and this course is designed to make the
students aware of the web development standards and technologies, and to make them ready for
developing the web applications with the help of PHP as a language. At the completion of this
course the students will be able to attain good job in web development sector. Also by this
course they will know, the current web development trend in the IT sector.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Web Essentials: Clients, Servers, and Communication. The Internet Protocols, HTTP, HTTPS,
Markup Languages: An Introduction to HTML, History-Versions, Overview of XML and its
benefits. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Style Sheets: CSS-Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets, Features, Style Sheets and HTML
Style Rule, Introduction to JavaScript, Syntax, Variables and Data Types, Statements,
Operators, Literals, Functions, Objects, Arrays.
(Lecture 08)
Unit - III
PHP-Introduction to PHP, History, WebServer, WAMP, Installation and Configuration files,
Syntax, Operators, Variables, Constants, Control, Structure, Language construct and functions,
Function – Syntax, Arguments, Variables, References, Returns and Variable Scope.
(Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Arrays and its types, Date and Time functions, OOP’s – Instantiation, Modifiers, Inheritance,
Interfaces, Exceptions, Static Methods and Properties, String functions. Web Features- Sessions,
Forms, GET and POST data, Cookies. (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Introduction to AJAX, AJAX and its applications, working of AJAX, Introduction to web
services, advantages of web services, web services platform elements, Introduction to MySQL,
Database connectivity in PHP and its types, insertion, deletion, updating and retrieval of data
from database using PHP. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Ivan Bayross, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, BPB Publications.
2. Ivan Bayross, PHP 5, BPB Publications
3. Andrew Curioso,Ronald Bradford,Patrick Galbraith, Expert PHP and Mysql, Wiley
Course Contents
Unit I
Computer Ethics: Introduction to Computer Ethics, Technology and ethics, Computer Ethics
and Morality, Ethical Decision Making in Computing, Computer Crime, types of Computer
Crime, Computer Criminals, Computer Fraud, Hackers and Hacking. (Lecture 08)
Unit II
Cyber terrorism, Cyber Laws, Investigation and Ethics: Cyber Crime, Information Security and
Law, Types & overview of Cyber Crimes, Cyber Law Issues in E-Business Management,
Overview of Indian IT Act, Surveillance Technology. (Lecture 08)
Unit III
Intellectual Property Right (IPR), Ethical Issues in Intellectual property rights, Basic procedural
steps for creation of IPR, Copy Right, Patents, Registration, Trademark, License, Data privacy
and protection, Domain Name, Software piracy, Plagiarism, Issues in ethical hacking.
(Lecture 08)
Unit IV
Computer Reliability, Intelligent Machines: ROBOTs, ATMs, Kiosk, Impact on Society: Future
Schools, Electronic learning, Virtual reality, Computer Games, Internet pornography, Electronic
voting, Environmental problems. (Lecture 08)
Unit V
Ethics and the Internet: Technological and social changes, Democratic values in the Internet,
Computer related Code of Ethics, Ethical Decision making progress, cases concerning Internet
based ethics and code of conduct. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. M. David Ermann, Michele S. Shauf, “Computers, Ethics and Society”, 3rd ed., Oxford
University Press
2. Deborah G. Johnson, “Computer Ethics”, Pearson Education
3. Donald H. Sanders, “Computers in Society”, McGraw-Hill Companies
Objective: The main objective of this course is to provide a straight forward way for the
students to get their minds around Java and object-oriented programming. It also helps the
students to get hands on experience on Java and to develop the cross platform applications. This
course covers all the necessary topics that any students require to create an application in Java.
Course Contents
Unit -I
An Introduction to Java: Java Platform, Buzzwords, Short History on Java, Installing JDK,
Setting the PATH.
Fundamental Programming Structures: A Simple Java program, Data Types, Variables,
Operators, Control Flow, Arrays, Big Numbers.
Objects and Classes: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, Defining Your Own class,
Introducing Methods, Method Overloading, Constructors, Argument Passing Mechanism,
Object Destruction and Finalize, Understanding static. (Lecture 08)
Inheritance: Base class, Super class and Sub class, Object class, super keyword, Method
Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Abstract Classes, final keyword.
String Handling, Packages and Interfaces, Access Specifiers, Exception Handling, Input /
Output. (Lecture 08)
Unit- III
Graphics Programming: Applet Fundamentals, Introducing AWT, Working with Frame,
Working with Graphics, Working with Shapes, Using Colors, Displaying Image.
Event Handling: Basics of Event Handling, Delegation Event Model, Event Classes, Event
Listener Interfaces, Handling Mouse Events.
AWT Controls: Button, Label, Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, Choice, List, Scrollbar, TextField,
TextArea, Menu Bar and Menu.
Introduction to Layout Management: Flow Layout, Border Layout, Grid Layout, GridBag
Layout. (Lecture 08)
Unit -IV
Swings: Swings Overview, Creating a Swing Applet and Application.
Swing Components: Icon, JLabel, JTextField, JTextArea, JPasswordField, JButton,
JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JComboBox, JList, JProgressBar, JMenubar, JMenu, JToolBar,
JScrollPane, JPanel, JTable, JSlider, JInternalFrame, Dialog Boxes. (Lecture 08)
Unit -V
Multithreading: Threads, Interrupting Threads, Thread States, Thread Priorities,
Synchronization, Using Threads and Swings.
JDBC: Introduction to JDBC, Types of JDBC Drivers, JDBC-ODBC Bridge, Connecting to a
database, Inserting and Retrieving Data from the Database.
Utilities: Using JAR and JAVADOC utilities. (Lecture 08)
1. Patrick Naughton & Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference JAVA2, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Cay S. Horstmann & Gary Cornell, Core Java 2 Volume I – Fundamentals, PHI
Reference Books:
1. Balagurusamy E., Programming in JAVA, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Steven Holzner, Java2 Black Book, Dreamtech
3. Mark Wutica, “Java Enterprise Edition”, QUE
Project Guide/Supervisor of the project will be nominated by Head of Department and the
Internal evaluation shall be done by three faculty members committee nominated by the
Director of the college. The external evaluation will be done by the external examiner arranged
by examination branch of the university.
Course Contents
1. Using various HTML Tags
2. Rendering tags in different browsers.
3. Combining JavaScript with HTML – Form Validation, User Input, Form Submission,etc
4. Creating CSS to combine with JavaScript.
5. Using AJAX
6. Using XMLHttpRequest objects within a Javascript code
7. AJAX based form validation
8. Loading a html page within a div tag using AJAX
9. Dynamic Data Loading using AJAX on a form
10. Creating Auto-suggest Text field using AJAX
11. Creating database driven web pages in PHP.
12. Creating PHP pages using sessions and cookies.
13. Creating classes in PHP.
14. Creating instantiation, inheritance, interface and modifiers
15. Form Submission through GET and POST method.
16. File reading and writing programs.
To introduce basic concepts of algorithms
To introduce mathematical aspects and analysis of algorithms
To introduce sorting and searching algorithms
To introduce algorithm design methods
Course Contents
Introduction: Algorithms, Analysis of Algorithms, Design of Algorithms, Complexity of
Algorithms, Asymptotic Notations, Growth of function, Recurrences and their solution
Sorting in polynomial Time: Insertion sort, Merge sort, Heap sort, and Quick sort. Sorting in
Linear Time: Counting sort, Radix Sort, Bucket Sort. (Lecture 08)
Graph Algorithms: Elementary Graph Algorithms, Breadth First Search, Depth First Search,
Minimum Spanning Tree, Kruskal’s Algorithms, Prim’s Algorithms, Single Source Shortest
Path, All pair Shortest Path, Traveling Salesman Problem. (Lecture 08)
Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques: Dynamic programming: Chain Matrix
Multiplication, Longest Common Sequence, Greedy Algorithm: Activity Selection Problem,
Knapsack problem. Backtracking, Branch and Bound. (Lecture 08)
Advanced Data Structure: Red Black Trees, Augmenting Data Structure, Binomial Heap, B-
Tree and Fibonacci Heap. (Lecture 08)
Randomized Algorithms, String Matching: Naïve String Matching, Rabin-Karp, String
matching with finite automata, Brute Force Searching, NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems.
(Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Algorithms, Coreman 3rd Edition.
2. Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Aho, Pearson Education Pub.
3. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms by Horowitz and Sahani, Galgotia
Reference Books:
1. Algorithm Design and Analysis, Udit Agarwal Dhanpat Rai.
2. Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design and Analysis by Sara Baase and Allen
Gelder, Pearson Education.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 74
3. Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos, Pearson Education.
4. Fundamental of Algorithms by Brassard Bratley, PHI .
Objective: This comprehensive course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills to
students so that they can work in Linux environments. The course covers areas of Linux
architecture, file system and graphical environment, Linux commands, file permissions, process
management and shell meta characters, working of different Linux editors, different scripts and
C programming and basic system administration.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Overview of Linux: Introduction to operating system, features and roles, Open Source
advantages, Introducing Linux as operating system, Exploring Linux distributions, Architecture
of Linux, types of shell, File System, File management- types of files, absolute and relative
paths, reference directories, looking for files in the file system, Boot process and Linux loaders,
Linux Graphical Environments – X Window system, GNOME and KDE desktop. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Linux Commands: Basic Commands, Internal and External Commands, Managing File
Permissions, Locating files, Common filter commands, Using MAIL, Host Information,
Daemons and Clocks, Printing and Networking Commands, Process Management- components
of process, life cycle, parent-child relationship, monitor process, signals, scheduling priority,
process states, Periodic process and System variables.
Shell Meta Characters: Filename Substitution Meta characters, Redirection Meta characters,
Process Execution Meta characters, Conditional Execution Using && and ||, Quoting Meta
characters, Positional Parameters and Special Parameters. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Linux Editor:
Introducing vim: A Modal Editor, modes of vim, status line commands, Opening & modifying
a file, Saving a file and exiting vim, Search and Replace, undoing changes, yanking, Accessing
multiple files, Window Commands, Interacting with system, Macros, vim configuration. ex
basics, syntax of ex commands, Addresses, Address symbols, options.
sed Editor: overview, uses of sed, sed operation, standard operations, pattern addressing,
regular expressions, line information, I/O processing, yanking, putting, branching commands,
multiline input processing. (Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Linux Programming:
bash scripting: Variables- variable assignment and variable scope, Operators, Command Line
Arguments, Setting Values of Positional Parameters, Using Shifton Positional Parameters,
Control Flow Statements-Decision, loops and case statements, Arithmetic in Shell Script, Array,
File and String Tests.
gawk programming: overview, command line syntax, standard options, Built in variables,
operators, variable and array assignment, escape sequences, patterns and procedures, functions,
file inclusion, output redirections, printf formats.
Text Books:
1. Sumitaba Das, Unix Shell Programming, TMH
2. Ellen Siever, Linux in a nutshell, O’REILLY
3. Christopher Negus, Linux Bible, edition-2011
Reference Books:
1. Evi Nemeth, Unix and Linux System Administration hand book, pearson
2. MachteltGarrels, Introduction to Linux
Objective: Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation for
the problems of mathematical analysis. Numerical analysis naturally finds applications in all
fields of engineering and the physical sciences, the life sciences and even the arts have adopted
elements of scientific computations.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Floating point Arithmetic: Representation of floating point numbers, Operations-addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, Normalization, Pitfalls of floating point representation.
Iterative Methods: Bisection Method, Regula-Falsi method, Newton Raphson method, Secant
method. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Interpolation: Newton’s forward and backward formula. Central Difference Formulae:
Gauss forward and backward formula. Interpolation with unequal intervals: Lagrange’s
Interpolation, Newton Divided difference formula. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Numerical Integration: Introduction, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rules, Boole’s Rule,
Weddle’s Rule. Statistics: Concepts, Significance and Limitations, Type of data, Classification
and Tabulation, Frequency Distribution & Graphical Representation. (Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Curve fitting: Method of least squares, fitting of straight lines, polynomials, exponential curves
Regression analysis: Linear and Non-linear regression, multiple regressions. (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Sampling: Method of Sampling, Sampling and Non Sampling Errors. Testing of Hypothesis:
Chi-square test, t-test, F-Test. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Grewal B. S., “Numerical methods in Engineering and Science”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi
2. Gupta S. P., “Statistical Methods”, Sultan and Sons
1. Grewal Rajaraman V., “Computer Oriented Numerical Methods”, PHI
2. T. Veerarajan, T Ramachandran, “Theory and Problems in Numerical Methods”, TMH
3. Pradip Niyogi, “Numerical Analysis and Algorithms”, TMH
4. Francis Scheld, “Numerical Analysis”, TMH
Objective: The basic purpose of this course is to learn the basics of computer oriented
Course Contents
Unit - I
Accounting: Principles, concepts and conventions, double entry system of accounting, journal
entry, Ledger posting and Trial balance. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Final Accounts: Trading, profit and loss accounts and balance sheet, Introduction to
manufacturing account. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Tally 9.0: Creation of Company, Accounts only & Accounts with Inventory, Alt the company,
Creation of password/security, Opening the company making it active, Creating ledger A/c,
Altering individual ledger A/c, Viewing/Altering multiple ledger on screen, Inventory creation ,
Altering stock group, stock items. (Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Accounting Voucher: Payment voucher, Receipt Voucher, Contra voucher, Journal voucher,
Purchase voucher, Sales voucher, Purchase return, Sales Return, Purchase Order, Sales order,
Stock Journal voucher, physical Stock voucher, Rejection out voucher, Rejection in voucher
(Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Accounting Books and Ledgers: Easy Access to the various Books of Account Cash Book,
Bank Book, Purchase Book, Sales Book, Journal voucher book, Debit Note book, Credit Note
Book Day Book, Ledger Book (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Maheswari S.N. & Maheswari S. K., Introduction to Financial Accountancy, Vikas
2. Grewal. T.S. ,Fundamentals of Accounting
3. Goel D.K. , Introduction to Accounting
Reference Books:
1. Jawahar Lal, Financial Accounting, Wheeler Publishing.
2. Gupta R.L. & Radhaswamy-Fundamentals of Accounting
3. Chawla & Jain-Financial Accounting
Objective: The course aims at providing the students with introductory knowledge about client-
server computing, client side services, server side services, protocols for implementation of
client server environment. Issues like data storage and CORBA are also covered for rendering
knowledge to students.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Client/Server Computing: Introduction of Client/Server, Characteristics of the Client And the
Server, Merits and Demerits of the Client Server, Types of Servers, ORB, Client Server
Architectures, Stored Procedure, Remote Procedure Call (RPC). (Lecture 08)
Unit -II
The Client Side Services- request for services, RPC, windows services, fax, print services,
remote boot services, other remote services, Utility Services & Other Services, Dynamic Data
Exchange (DDE), Object Linking and Embedding (OLE). The Server Side Services: Server
Functionality, Request Processing, Print Services, Database Services, Security Services, File
Services, Communication Services. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
CORBA: Object Management Group (OMG), Common Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA), CORBA Object Services, CORBA Common Facilities, CORBA 3.0: Next
Generation, CORBA Style Interfaces, DCOM Objects, COM Servers. (Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Client/Server Network: Connectivity, Communication Interface Technology, Interposes
Communication, Wide Area Network Technologies, Network Topologies (Token Ring,
Ethernet, FDDI, and CDDI), OSI Model, TCP/IP Architecture, TCP/IP Protocols. (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Data Storage: Magnetic Disk, Magnetic Tape, CD-ROM, WORM, Optical Disk, Mirrored
Disk, RAID, Network protection devices, Power Protection Devices, UPS, Surge protectors.
Client/Server System Development: Training, Training advantages of GUI Application,
System Administrator training, Database Administrator training, End-user training.
The future of client server computing: Enabling Technologies, The transformational system.
(Lecture 08)
Text Books :
1. Patrick Smith & Steave Guengerich, "Client / Server Computing", PHI
1. Dawna Travis Dewire, "Client/Server Computing", TMH
2. P K Sinha, Computer Fundamentals, BPB
3. Godbole, ‘Data communication and Networks’, TMH
Objective: The purpose of this course is to introduce e-commerce, its impacts on business
processes, and keys issues in the development of web-based business information systems and
applications. This course deals with issues of security, electronic payments, mobile commerce
and the future aspects of e-commerce.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Introduction: History of Electronic commerce, Different type of e-commerce, Advantages and
Disadvantages, Architectural framework, Network Infrastructure, Information super highway,
E-Commerce applications. Electronic market place of buyers and sellers: Consumer and
business markets: ordering on-line, Advertisement and Marketing on Internet, Offering
customer product on the net.
(Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Mobile Commerce: Introduction, Mobile computing framework, wireless technology and
switching method, mobile information access device, mobile computing application.
(Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Security and E-commerce: Client–server security, data and message security, document
security, firewalls, Cryptography Techniques, Cyber laws, Cyber crimes & frauds, hacking
threats. (Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Electronic Payments: Characteristics of E-payment system, Type of E-payment, digital token–
based e-payment, smart card, credit card payment systems, SET Protocol for credit card
payment, risk on e-payment, designing e-payment, EDI, EDI Implementation, Value added
networks. (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Electronic-Commerce Market: : Strategies for marketing, Sales and Promotions, Strategies
for Purchasing and Support activities, Strategies for Web Auctions, Online advertisements, Role
of Social Networking sites in e-commerce, Virtual Communities, Strategies for Electronic
Business, Web portal concepts.
(Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Ravi Kalakota, Andrew Winston, “Frontiers of Electronic Commerce”, Addison Wesley.
2. Bajaj and Nag, “E-Commerce the cutting edge of Business”, TMH
3. Henry Chan “E-Commerce Fundamentals and application”,Wiley publication
Course Contents
Unit - I
Introduction: Issues in mobile computing, Study of Electromagnetic Spectrum: Radio wave,
Microwave, Infrared, Overview of wireless communication, Cellular concept, Sharing of
wireless channels: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, GSM: location management-HLR, VLR, handoffs,
channel allocation, Differences among CDMA & GPRS, EDGE, 3G Technologies.
(Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Wireless networks: Overview of wireless LAN, Types of Wireless LAN Network, MAC
Issues, IEEE 802.11, wireless multiple access protocols, TCP over wireless, Mobile IP: Mobile
management, Mobile IP, Discovery, tunneling, Cellular IP. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Data management: Data Management issues, data replication for mobile computers, adaptive
clustering for mobile wireless networks, coda File system, disconnected operations.
(Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Mobile Ad hoc networks, Routing protocols, Route discovery & maintenance: Global State
Routing (GSR), Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing (DSDV), Dynamic Source
Routing (DSR), Ad- Hoc On demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV), Temporary Ordered
Routing Algorithm (TORA) (Lecture 08)
Unit - V
Mobile Internet & wireless Web: WAP, WAP Protocol stack, security issues in mobile
computing, IEEE 802.11 security through WEP, Bluetooth security, WAP 2.0 security.
(Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Mobile Computing Theory & Practice “Kumkum garg – PEARSON”.
2. J.Schiller “Mobile communication “Pearson “
Reference Books:
1. Mobile computing “Ashoke K. Talikdar”
2. Mobile Computing Technology, Applications & Service creation, “Ashoke K. Talikdar,
RupaYavagal” McGraw Hill.
Develop an overview of the field of image processing.
Understand the fundamental algorithms and how to implement them.
Gain experience in applying image processing algorithms to real problems.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Image Fundamentals and Transforms: Elements of visual perception − Image sampling and
quantization basic relationship between pixels − Basic geometric transformations − Introduction
to fourier transform and DFT − Properties of 2D fourier transform − FFT − Separable image
transforms − Walsh-Hadamard − Discrete cosine transform − Haar-Slant − Karhunen-Loeve
transforms. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Image Enhancement Techniques: Spatial domain methods − Basic grey level transformation
− Histogram equalization − Image subtraction − Image averaging − Spatial filtering −
Smoothing – Sharpening filters − Laplacian filters − Frequency domain filters − Smoothing –
Sharpening filters − Homomorphic filtering. (Lecture 08)
Unit -III
Image Restoration: Model of image degradation/restoration process − Noise models − Inverse
filtering − Least mean square filtering − Constrained least mean square filtering − Blind image
restoration − Pseudo inverse − Singular value decomposition. (Lecture 08)
Unit -IV
Image Compression: Lossless compression − Variable length coding − LZW coding − Bit
plane coding − Predictive coding − PCM − Lossy compression − Transform coding − Wavelet
coding − Basics of image compression standards − JPEG − MPEG − Basics of vector
quantization. (Lecture 08)
Unit -V
Image Segmentation and Representation: Edge detection − Thresholding − Region based
segmentation – Boundary representation − Chair codes − Polygonal approximation − Boundary
segments − Boundary descriptors − Simple descriptors − Fourier descriptors – Regional
descriptors − Simple descriptors − Texture. (Lecture 08)
Text Book:
1. Rafael C Gonzalez and Richard E Woods, “Digital Image Processing 2 nd Edition,
Pearson Education, 2003.
1. William K Pratt, “Digital Image Processing”, John Willey.
2. A. K. Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, PHI, New Delhi, 1995.
3. Chanda Dutta Magundar, “Digital Image Processing and Applications”, PHI, 2000.
Course Contents
Course Contents
Programming based on nonlinear equation- Bisection method, Regula -Falsi method.
Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formulae.
Lagrange’s interpolation formula.
Numerical integration and differentiation: Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule.
Fitting of curves: Straight line and Exponential curves.
Regression Analysis.
Selection of topic:
All students pursuing M.C.A. shall submit the proposed topic of the seminar in the first
week of the semester to the course coordinator. Care should be taken that the topic selected
does not directly relate to the subject of the courses being pursued. The course coordinator
shall then forward the list to the concerned Seminar Committee. The topics will then be
allocated to the students along with the name of the faculty guide.
Date Signature
Place (Name of guide)
7. Abstract- A portion of the seminar evaluation will be based on the abstract. The abstract
will be evaluated according to the adherence to related technical field and according to
the format described below.
The seminar abstract is an important record of the coverage of your topic and provides a
valuable source of leading references for students. Accordingly, the abstract must serve as an
introduction to your seminar topic. The abstract will be limited to 500 words, excluding
figures and tables (if any). The abstract will include references to the research articles upon
which the seminar is based as well as research articles that have served as key background
8. Evaluation Form:- Only one sheets of evaluation form should be attached in the report as a
Evaluation form for guide and other Internal Examiner.
(To be filled by the GUIDE & Internal Examiners only)
Name of Candidate:
Roll No:
1. The report should be typed on A4 sheet. The Paper should be of 70-90 GSM.
2. Each page should have minimum margins as under
Objective: The objective of this syllabus is to provide the basic information about database
management system and their development. The subject covers:
Describe the main features and function of the DBMS;
Describe the features of relational database and E-R models;
Implement SQL queries;
Discuss the concept of Transaction, Recovery, Concurrency and Security of DBMS; and
Design database.
Implement PL/SQL based programs.
Course Contents
Basic Concepts: An overview of database management system, Database System Vs File System,
Database system concepts and architecture, data models and its type with comparative study,
schema and instances, data independence and data base language and interfaces, DDL, DML,
Database Structure.
Entity-Relationship Models: ER model concepts, notation for ER diagram, mapping constraints,
weak entities, keys, extended ER model, relationships of higher degree. (Lecture 08)
Introduction to Relational data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts, integrity
constraints, referential integrity, Key constraints, Domain constraints. Relational Algebra:
Introduction, selection, projection, aggregate functions, joins, Relational calculus- Tuple and
Domain calculus. Introduction to SQL: Characteristics of SQL, Advantages of SQL, SQL data
types and literals, Types of SQL commands, SQL operators and their procedure, Tables, views and
indexes, Queries and sub queries, Aggregate functions, Insert, update and delete operations, Joins,
Unions, Intersection, Minus. Introduction to PL/SQL: Basic concepts, programming constructs,
cursor, triggers, function, procedure. (Lecture 08)
Data Base Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, trivial and non-trivial
dependencies, normal forms, 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF, 5NF, dependencies preservations, loss
less join decompositions, concepts of MVD, and JDs. (Lecture 08)
Transaction Processing Concepts: Transaction system, Testing of serializability, Serializability of
schedules, conflict & view serializable schedule, recoverability, Recovery from transaction failures,
log based recovery, checkpoints, deadlock handling, Introduction to Distributed Database.
(Lecture 08)
Database Recovery & Concurrency Control Techniques: Database recovery techniques based on
deferred or immediate updates, shadow paging, Concurrency control, locking Techniques for
concurrency control, Time stamping protocols for concurrency control, validation based protocol,
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 92
multiple granularity, Recovery with concurrent transaction, data fragmentation. Overview of
concurrency control and recovery in distributed database. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Date C J, “An Introduction to Database System”, Addision Wesley
2. Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan, “Database Concepts”, McGraw Hill
3. Elmasri, Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Addision Wesley
4. Alexis Leon & Mathews Leon,” Essentials of Database Management Systems “, Leon Vikas
Reference Books:
1. Paul Beynon Davies, “Database Systems”, Palgrave Macmillan
2. Bipin C. Desai, “An introduction to Database Systems”, Galgotia Publication
3. Majumdar & Bhattacharya, “Database Management System”, TMH
4. Ramakrishnan, Gehrke, “Database Management System”, McGraw Hill
Objective: The primary objective of a Theory of Computation (TOC) course is to introduce the
fundamental mathematical and computational principles that are the foundation of computer
science. These include topics such as PDA, Turing machines, Automata, grammars and formal
languages and Normal Forms.
Course Contents
Fundamentals: Strings, Alphabet, Language, Operations, Finite state machine, Definitions,
Finite automaton model, acceptance of strings and languages, Deterministic finite automaton
and non deterministic finite automaton, Transition diagrams and language recognizers,
Chomsky hierarchy of languages. (Lecture 08)
Finite Automata: NFA with € transitions-Significance, Acceptance of languages. Conversions
and Equivalence, Equivalence between NFA with and without null transitions, NFA to DFA
conversion, Minimization of FSM, Equivalence between two FSM`s, Finite Automata with
output-Moore and Melay machines. (Lecture 08)
Regular Languages: Regular sets, Regular expressions, Identify rules, Constructing finite
Automata for a given regular expressions, Conversion of finite automata to regular expressions,
Pumping lemma of regular sets.
Grammar Formalism: Regular grammars-right linear and left linear grammars, Equivalence
between regular linear grammar and FA, Context free grammar, Derivation trees, Sentential
forms, Rightmost and leftmost derivation of strings. (Lecture 08)
Context Free Grammars: Ambiguity in context free grammars. Minimization of context free
grammars, Chomsky normal form, Greiback normal form, Pumping lemma for context free
languages. (Lecture 08)
Push Down Automata: Push down automata, Definition, Model, Acceptance of CFL,
Acceptance by final state and acceptance by empty state and its equivalence. Equivalence of
CFL and PDA, Introduction to Tuning Machine, TM Definition, TM Model, Design of TM.
(Lecture 08)
Reference Books:
1. Martin J. C., “Introduction to Languages and Theory of Computations”, TMH
2. Papadimitrou, C. and Lewis, C.L., “Elements of theory of Computations”, PHI
3. Cohen D. I. A., “Introduction to Computer theory”, John Wiley & Sons
4. Kumar Rajendra, “Theory of Automata (Languages and Computation)”, PPM
Course Objective: The objective of this course is to make the students proficient in Java and
JEE. The course elaborates the entire details about Java from the beginning to advanced frame
works. On completion of this course students can develop different applications in Java.
Course Content
Unit -I
Fundamental Programming Structures: Introduction to Java, Data Types, Variables,
Operators, Control Flow, Arrays, Big Numbers. Objects and Classes: Introduction to Object
Oriented Programming, Classes, Inner classes, Access Specifiers, Methods, Argument Passing
Mechanism, Constructors, Overloading, finalize, static, Inheritance, Method Overriding,
Dynamic Method Dispatch, Abstract Classes, Object Wrappers and Autoboxing, Packages and
Interfaces. (Lecture 08)
Unit- II
String Handling, Exception Handling, Input/Output, Networking. Graphics Programming:
Applet Fundamentals, Introducing AWT, Graphics, Colors, Fonts, Displaying Image. Event
Handling: Delegation Event Model, Event Classes, Event Listener Interfaces. AWT Controls:
Button, Label, Checkbox, Checkbox Group, Choice, List, Scrollbar, Text Field, Text Area,
Menu. Layout Managers: Flow Layout, Border Layout, Grid Layout, Card Layout, Removing
Layout Management and Using Insets. (Lecture 08)
Unit- III
Swings: Swings Overview, Creating a Swing Applet and Application. Swing Components:
Image Icon, JLabel, JTextField, JTextArea, JButton, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JComboBox,
JList, JProgressBar, Using Menu & Toolbar, Different Panes, JPanel, JTable, JSlider,
JInternalFrame, Dialog Boxes.
Multithreading: Thread States, Thread Priorities, Synchronization, multithreading applications
with Applets and Swings (Lecture 08)
Unit- IV
JDBC: Introduction to JDBC, Types of JDBC Drivers, java.sql package, Using stored
procedures and Metadata. Utilities: Using JAR and JAVADOC utilities.
Introduction to Beans: Java Bean API, Beans properties, Simple Bean Example, Enterprise
Java Bean-Entity Beans, Session Beans, Message Driven Beans. (Lecture 08)
Unit- V
Java Servlets: Servlet Basics, Servlet API, Life Cycle of Servlet, Running Servlet, HTTP
Redirects, Session Management.
Java Server Pages (JSP): JSP Elements, Implicit Objects, Using Bean, Introduction to JSTL.
(Lecture 08)
Text Books:
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 96
1. Patrick Naughton & Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference JAVA2, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Cay S. Horstmann & Gary Cornell, Core Java 2 Volume I – Fundamentals, PHI
Reference Books:
1. Balagurusamy E., Programming in JAVA, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Steven Holzner, Java2 Black Book, Dreamtech
3. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference JAVA2, Tata McGraw Hill
Objective: The objective of this course is to provide the knowledge of the concepts of
Computer Networks and emerging network technologies. The course provides the in depth
understanding of wired and wireless networks, Virtual Private Networks, Network hardware and
Course Contents
Unit -I
Congestion and Quality of Service (QoS): Data traffic, Congestion, Congestion Control, Open
loop and Closed Loop Congestion Control in TCP and Frame Relay, Quality of Service, Flow
Characterization, Flow Classes, Need for QoS, Resource Allocation, Best Effort Service
Features, Techniques to Improve QoS. (Lecture 08)
Wireless Local Area Networks: Introduction, Wireless LAN Topologies, Wireless LAN
Requirements, the Physical Layer, the Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer, Latest
Developments, Wireless LAN standards (Lecture 08)
Virtual Private Network (VPN): Types of VPN, VPN General Architecture, Current VPN
Advantages and Disadvantages, VPN Security Issues, VPN Standards.
IP Addressing: IPv4 header format, Classless Addressing of IP, Calculating network and host,
calculating subnetting, IPv6 addressing, Header format of IPv6, Advantage of IPv6. (Lecture 08)
ATM Protocol Reference Model: Introduction, Transmission Convergence (TC) Sub-layer,
Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) Sub-layer, Physical Layer Standards for ATM.
ATM Layer: ATM Cell Header Structure at UNI, ATM Cell Header Structure at NNI, ATM
Layer Functions. (Lecture 08)
Interconnection Networks: Introduction, Banyan Networks- Properties, Crossbar Switch,
Three Stage Class Networks, Rearrangeable Networks, Folding Algorithm, Benes Networks,
SONET/SDH: SONET/SDH Architecture, SONET Layers, SONET Frames, STS Multiplexing,
SONET Network. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Wireless Communications - Andrea Goldsmith, 2005, Cambridge University Press.
2. Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols - C. Siva Ram Murthy and
B.S.Manoj, 2004, PHI.
3. Data Communication and Networking - B. A.Forouzan, 2nd updating, 2004,TMH
Objective: Data Ware Housing and Data Mining (DM) is a key method for extracting
meaningful information from the flood of digital data collected by businesses, government, and
scientific agencies. Data mining is a class of analytical techniques that examine a large amount
of data to discover new and valuable information. This course is designed to introduce the core
concepts of data mining, its techniques, implementation, benefits, and outcome expectations
from this new technology.
Course Contents
Unit – I
Data mining: Introduction, Data mining – on what kind of data, data mining functionalities –
what kind of patterns to be mined, Classification of data mining systems, data mining task
primitives, integration of a data mining systems with a database or data warehouse systems,
major issues in data mining. (Lecture 08)
Unit – II
Data preprocessing: Descriptive data summarization, data cleaning, data integration and
transformation, data reduction, data descretization and concept hierarchy generation.
Data warehouse and OLAP technology: What is data warehouse, A multidimensional data
model, data warehouse architecture, data warehouse implementation, data warehouse usage,
OLAP, OLAM (Lecture 08)
Unit – III
Mining frequent patterns, association and correlation, efficient and scalable frequent item set
mining methods, From association mining to correlation analysis.
Classification: Introduction, issues, classification by decision tree induction, rule based
classification, classification by back propagation, lazy learners, other classification methods,
(Lecture 08)
Unit – IV
Prediction: Accuracy and error measures, evaluating the accuracy of a classifier or predictor.
Cluster Analysis: Types of data in cluster analysis, a categorization of major clustering
methods, partitioning methods. (Lecture 08)
Unit – V
Mining complex types of data: Multidimensional analysis and descriptive mining of complex
data objects, mining spatial database, multimedia database, mining World Wide Web.
Applications and trends in data mining: Data mining applications, data mining system products
and research prototypes, social impact of data mining, trends in data mining. (Lecture 08)
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 100
Text Books:
1. Kamber and Han, “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”, Hartcourt India P. Ltd.,
2. Paul Raj Poonia, “Fundamentals of Data Warehousing”, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Margaret Dunham, “ Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics, 1/e”, Pearson
2. G. K. Gupta, “Introduction to Data Mining with Case Studies”, PHI, 2006.
3. W. H. Inmon, “Building the Operational Data Store”,2 nd Ed., John Wiley, 1999
4. B. M. Shawkat Ali, Saleh A. Wasimi, “Data Mining Methods and Techniques”,
Cengage Learning, 2009
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 101
ICA - Semester VIII
Objective: Since the early stages of human civilization there has been a need to protect
sensitive information from falling into wrong hands. To achieve this secrecy, mankind has
relied on a branch of science known as cryptography.
• To provide an introduction to the fundamental principles of cryptography and its
applications on the network security domain.
• To study various approaches to Encryption techniques, strengths of Traffic
Confidentiality, Message Authentication Codes.
• To be familiar with cryptographic techniques for secure (confidential) communication of
two parties over an insecure (public) channel; verification of the authenticity of the
source of a message.
Course Contents
Introduction to Security: Attacks, Services & Mechanisms, Security. Conventional Encryption
Model, Classical Encryption Techniques, Steganography, Modern Techniques: Simplified DES,
Block Cipher Principles, DES Standard, DES Strength, Differential & Linear Cryptanalysis,
Block Cipher Design Principles, Block Cipher Modes of Operation. (Lecture 08)
Conventional Encryption Algorithms: Triples DES, Blowfish, International Data Encryption
Algorithm, RC5, Placement of Encryption Function, Key Distribution, Random Number
Generation. (Lecture 08)
Public Key Encryption: Public-Key Cryptography: Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems,
RSA Algorithm, Key Management, Fermat’s & Euler’s Theorem, Primality Test, The Chinese
Remainder Theorem. (Lecture 08)
Message Authentication & Hash Functions: Authentication Requirements, Authentication
Functions, Message Authentication Codes, Hash Function, Birthday Attacks, Security of Hash
Function & MAC, MD5 Message Digest Algorithm, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), Digital
Signatures, Authentication Protocol, Digital Signature Standard (DSS). (Lecture 08)
Network & System Security: Authentication Applications: Kerberos X.509, Directory
Authentication Service, Electronic Mail Security, Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), S / Mime, Key
Management, Web Security: Secure Socket Layer & Transport Layer Security, Secure
Electronic Transaction (Set), System Security: Intruders, Viruses, Firewall Design Principles,
Trusted Systems. (Lecture 08)
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 102
Text Books:
1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice”, Prentice
Hall, New Jersey.
2. Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security”, TMH
Reference Books:
1. Johannes A. Buchmann, “Introduction to cryptography”, Springer- Verlag.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 103
ICA - Semester VIII
Objective: This subject aims at analysis of problems before implementing it through simulation
techniques and to predict the performance of system by providing historical data with the use of
computers. It is one of the emerging fields and currently all large projects go for simulation.
Course Contents
Unit -I
System definition and components, stochastic activities, continuous and discrete Systems,
System modeling, types of models, static and dynamic physical models, Static and dynamic
mathematical models, Full corporate model, types of system study. (Lecture 08)
Unit -II
System simulation, Basic nature of simulation, technique of simulation, comparison of
simulation and analytical methods, types of system simulation, real time simulation, hybrid
simulation, simulation of pure-pursuit problem single-server queuing system and an inventory
problem, Monte Carlo simulation, Distributed Lag models, Cobweb model. (Lecture 08)
Unit -III
Simulation of continuous systems, analog vs. digital simulation, simulation of water reservoir
system, simulation of a servo system, simulation of an autopilot Discrete system Simulation,
Fixed time-step vs. event-to-event model, generation of random numbers, Test for randomness,
Generalization of non-uniformly distributed random numbers, Monte-Carlo computation vs.
stochastic simulation. (Lecture 08)
Unit -IV
System dynamics, exponential growth models, exponential decay models, modified exponential
growth models, logistic curves, generalization of growth models, System Dynamics diagrams,
Feedback in Socio-Economic systems. (Lecture 08)
Unit -V
Simulation of PERT networks, Critical path computation, uncertainties in Activity duration,
Resource allocation and consideration, Simulation software, Simulation languages, continuous
and discrete simulation languages, Expression based languages, object-oriented simulation,
general-purpose vs. application-oriented simulation packages. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Geoftrey Gordon, “System Simulation”, PHI
2. Narsingh Deo, “System Simulation with digital computer”, PHI
3. Averill M. Law, W. David Kelton, “Simulation Modeling and Analysis”, TMH
Reference Books:
1. Banks, Carson, “Discrete Event System Simulation”, PHI
Note: Web references to be used as required
*Latest editions of all the suggested books are recommended.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 104
ICA - Semester VIII
Objective: Operations research is a vast branch of mathematics and computer science which
encompasses many diverse areas of minimization and optimization. The central objective of
operations research is optimization, i.e., "to do things best under the given circumstances." This
general concept has great many applications in agricultural planning, biotechnology, data
analysis, distribution of goods and resources, emergency and rescue operations, engineering
systems design, environmental management, financial planning, health care management,
inventory control, manpower and resource allocation, manufacturing of goods, military
operations, production process control, risk management, sequencing and scheduling of tasks,
telecommunications, and traffic control.
Course Contents
Unit -I
Introduction to operation research (OR): Nature and meaning of ‘OR’, Principles of
Modeling, General Methods for solving ‘OR’ Models, Main Characteristics of ‘OR’, Main
phases of ‘OR’. Scope of ‘OR’, Role of ‘OR’ in decision making, Quantitative techniques of
‘OR’, Development of ‘OR’ in India, Role of computers in Operation Research.
Assignment Problems: Definition, Hungarian Method for AP. Travelling salesman
(Lecture 08)
Unit -II
Transportation Problems: Introduction to Transportation Model, Matrix Form of TP,
Applications of TP Models, Basic Feasible Solution of a TP, Degeneracy in TP, Solution
Techniques of TP, Different Methods for Obtaining Initial Basic Feasible Solutions viz.
Matrix Minima Method, Row Minima Method, Column Minima Methods, Vogel’s
Approximation Method, Techniques for Obtaining Optimal Basic Feasible Solution.
(Lecture 08)
Unit -III
Replacement: Introduction – Replacement of items that deteriorate with time – when money
value is not counted and counted – Replacement of items that fail completely.
(Lecture 08)
Unit -IV
Inventory Models: Inventory models –various costs-deterministic inventory models, Single
period inventory model with shortest cost, stochastic models, Application of inventory
models, Economic lot sizes-price breaks.
(Lecture 08)
Unit- V
Linear Programming Problems (LPP): Definition of LPP, Graphical Solutions of Linear
Programming Problems, Simplex Method and Artificial Variable Method, Two Phase
Method. Charnes’ Big-M Method, Duality, Dual Simplex Method.
(Lecture 08)
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 105
Text Books:
1. Sharma S.D., Introduction to Operation Research, Kedar Nath and Ram Nath & Co.,
2. Kapoor V.K., Operation Research
Reference Books:
1. Taha H.A, Operational Research-An Introduction, Macmillan, 1976
2. Hiller and Libermann, Introduction to Operational Research, McGraw Hill, Company.
3. Swarup K., Gupta P.K & Manmohan A., Operational Research, S. Chand, 1978.
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ICA - Semester VIII
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ICA - Semester VIII
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ICA - Semester VIII
Selection of topic:
All students pursuing M.C.A. shall submit the proposed topic of the seminar in the first
week of the semester to the course coordinator. Care should be taken that the topic selected
does not directly relate to the subject of the courses being pursued. The course coordinator
shall then forward the list to the concerned Seminar Committee. The topics will then be
allocated to the students along with the name of the faculty guide.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 109
Department of Computer Application
Teerthankar Mahaveer University
Date Signature
Place (Name of guide)
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 110
For Guide If you Choose not to sign the acceptance certificate above, please indicate reasons for
the same from amongst those given below:
v) The amount of time and effort put in by the student is not sufficient;
vi) The amount of work put in by the student is not adequate;
vii)The report does not represent the actual work that was done / expected to be done;
viii) Any other objection (Please elaborate)
8. Abstract- A portion of the seminar evaluation will be based on the abstract. The abstract
will be evaluated according to the adherence to related technical field and according to the
format described below.
The seminar abstract is an important record of the coverage of your topic and provides a
valuable source of leading references for students. Accordingly, the abstract must serve as an
introduction to your seminar topic. The abstract will be limited to 500 words, excluding figures
and tables (if any). The abstract will include references to the research articles upon which the
seminar is based as well as research articles that have served as key background material.
8. Evaluation Form:- Only one sheets of evaluation form should be attached in the report as a
Evaluation form for guide and other Internal Examiner.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 111
9. Evaluation form for Guide & Internal Examiners:-
(To be filled by the GUIDE & Internal Examiners only)
Name of Candidate:
Roll No:
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 112
General points for the seminar
1. The report should be typed on A4 sheet. The Paper should be of 70-90 GSM.
2. Each page should have minimum margins as under
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 113
ICA - Semester IX
Objective: The student after completing this course should have gained:
The ability to effectively use visual studio .NET.
An understanding of the goals and objectives of the .NET Framework. .NET is a
revolutionary concept on how software should be developed and deployed.
A working knowledge of the C# programming language.
An understanding of how to use forms to develop GUI programs under .NET.
Knowledge of some of the tools available in the .NET Framework class library. (FCL)
Improved object-oriented programming skill through practice and insights gained by
studying a new programming language.
Course Contents
Architecture of the .Net Framework Development Platform: Compiling Source Code into
Managed Code, Metadata, Intermediate Language (IL), Common Language Runtime Services,
Common Type System, Common Language Specification The .Net Framework Class Library,
Just-In-Time Compilation, Unified Classes. (Lecture 08)
C# Language: Data Types, Variables, Array and Strings, Object and Classes, Inheritance and
Polymorphism, Operator Overloading, Interfaces. Boxing and Unboxing, Multi-Threading
C# Using Libraries: Namespace-System, Input Output. (Lecture 08)
Networking and Sockets, Delegates and Events Managing Console I/O Operations, Error
Handling, Reflection, Windows Forms (IDE Environment), Concept of Versioning. (Lecture 08)
Advanced Features Using C#: Windows Services, Web Services, Introduction to ADO.Net,
Connected v/s. Disconnected Data Access. Web Form Controls. Grid View Control,
Validation Controls. Concepts of Paging, Database connectivity with authentication and
authorization. (Lecture 08)
Advanced Features Using C#: Distributed Application in C#, Unsafe Mode, Graphical Device
interface with C#, Enumeration.
.Net Assemblies and Attribute: .Net Assemblies features and structure, private and share.
Assemblies. Built-In attribute and custom attribute. Packing and Deployment of Application.
(Lecture 08)
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 114
Text books:
1. Addison Wesley –C# Developers Guide to ASP.Net
2. Wiley,” Beginning Visual C# 2008”, Wrox
3. “.Net professional framework 4.0”, Wrox
4. “Black Book .Net Framework 4.0”. DreamTech
Reference Books:
1. C#.Net Developers Guide- Greg Hack, Jason Werry, Saurabh Nandu. (SyngRess)
2. Wrox Press Professional C# 4th Edition – Simon Robinson, Jay Glynn
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 115
ICA - Semester IX
Course Contents
Unit – I
Introduction: Software Quality, Role of testing, verification and validation, objectives
and issues of testing, Testing activities and levels, Sources of Information for Test Case
Selection, White-Box and Black-Box Testing , Test Planning and Design, Monitoring and
Measuring Test Execution, Test Tools and Automation, Test Team Organization and
Management . (Lecture 08)
Unit – II
Unit Testing: Concept of Unit Testing , Static Unit Testing , Defect Prevention , Dynamic
Unit Testing , Mutation Testing , Debugging .
Control Flow Testing: Outline of Control Flow Testing, Control Flow Graph, Paths in a
Control Flow Graph, Path Selection Criteria, All-Path Coverage Criterion, Statement
Coverage Criterion, Branch Coverage Criterion. (Lecture 08)
Unit – III
Data Flow Testing: Overview of Data Flow Testing, Data Flow Graph, Data Flow
Terms, Data Flow Testing Criteria, Comparison of Data Flow Test Selection Criteria,
Feasible Paths and Test Selection Criteria.
Functional Testing: Equivalence Class Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, Decision
Tables. (Lecture 08)
Unit – IV
System Integration Testing: Concept of Integration Testing, Different Types of
Interfaces and Interface Errors, System Integration Techniques, Software and Hardware
System Test Categories: Basic Tests, Functionality Tests, Robustness Tests,
Interoperability Tests, Performance Tests, Stress Tests, Load and Stability Tests,
Reliability Tests, Regression Tests, Documentation Tests. (Lecture 08)
Unit – V
Software Quality: Five Views of Software Quality, McCall’s Quality Factors and
Criteria, Quality Factors Quality Criteria, Relationship between Quality Factors and
Criteria, Quality Metrics, ISO 9126 Quality Characteristics, ISO 9000:2000 Software
Quality Standard ISO 9000:2000 Fundamentals, ISO 9001:2000 Requirements.
(Lecture 08)
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 116
Text Books:
1. “Software Testing and Quality Assurance: Theory and Practice”, Sagar Naik,
University of Waterloo, Piyu Tripathy, Wiley , 2008
2. “Software Testing”, Louise Tamres, Pearson Education Asia, 2002
3. “Software Quality Concepts and Plans”, Robert Dunn, Prentice-Hall, 1990.
Reference Books:
1. “Effective methods for Software Testing “William Perry, Wiley.
2. “Software Testing - A Craftsman’s Approach”, Paul C. Jorgensen, CRC Press, 1995.
3. “Software Testing”, Srinivasan Desikan and Gopalaswamy Ramesh - Pearson
Education 2006.
4. “Introducing to Software Testing”, Louis Tamres, Addison Wesley Publications, First
5. “Software Testing Techniques”, Boris Beizer, 2nd Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold,
6. “Software Quality Assurance”, Daniel Galin, Pearson Education.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 117
ICA - Semester IX
Objective: The purpose of this course is to provide the basic and advanced concepts of cloud.
The main objective of this course is to teach the students what is cloud and how to use the cloud
is computing. This course offers the students theoretical knowledge of cloud computing.
Course Contents
Unit - I
Cloud Computing Introduction: Cloud computing fundamental, cloud types and services,
Cloud Benefits, Business scenarios, Cloud Computing Evolution, cloud vocabulary, Essential
Characteristics of Cloud Computing, Cloud deployment models, Cloud Service Models, Multi-
Tenancy, Approaches to create a barrier between the Tenants, cloud computing vendors, Cloud
Computing threats, Cloud Reference Model, The Cloud Cube Model, Security for Cloud
Computing, How Security Gets Integrated.
(Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Data Center Operations: The anatomy of cloud infrastructure, Data Center Operations, Security
challenge, implement “Five Principal Characteristics of Cloud Computing, Data center Security
Recommendations. Authentication for SaaS and PaaS customers, Authentication for IaaS
customers, Introducing Identity Services, Enterprise Architecture with IDaaS , IDaaS Security
Recommendations, data Security in Cloud, technologies for data security.
(Lecture 08)
Unit - III
Governance and Enterprise Risk Management: Information security governance processes,
Governance and enterprise risk management in Cloud Computing, Governance
Recommendations, Enterprise Risk Management Recommendations, Information Risk
Management Recommendations, and Third Party Management Recommendations.
(Lecture 08)
Unit - IV
Compliance and Audit: Cloud customer responsibilities, Compliance and Audit Security
Recommendations. Hybrid cloud implementation, aneka cloud platform.
Information Lifecycle Management: Key challenges regarding data lifecycle security, Data
Security Recommendations by Cloud Computing. Comet Cloud Architecture. workflow
management system in cloud architecture. (Lecture 08)
Unit -V
Traditional Security, Business Continuity, and Disaster Recovery: Risk of insider abuse,
Security baseline, Customers actions, Contract, Documentation, Recovery Time Objectives
(RTOs), Customers responsibility, Vendor Security Process (VSP)
Application Security: Web Application, Application Weaknesses, Attack Methods, What is
Web Application Security, application security layer, vulnerability distribution, Why Web
Application Risks Occur, Security solutions, Applications in cloud environments Security
Recommendations. (Lecture 08)
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 118
Text Books:
1. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej M. Goscinsk, Cloud Computing: Principles and
Paradigms, Wiley Publications.
2. Lee Gillam, Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and Applications by Springer
Reference Books:
1. Armando Escalante, Handbook of Cloud Computing by Springer
2. Tim Mather, Shahed latif, Cloud Security and Privacy.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 119
ICA - Semester IX
Course Code: ICA914/MCA512 L-4, T-2, P-0, C-5
Comprehend the technical aspects of ERP systems
Learn concepts of reengineering and how they relate to ERP system implementations
Be able to map business processes using process mapping techniques
Understand the steps and activities in the ERP life cycle
Be able to identify and describe typical functionality in an ERP system
Course Contents
ERP Introduction: An Overview Integrated Management Information, Integrated Data Model,
ERP Introduction , Evolution of ERP, The Structure of ERP, Conceptual Model of ERP, Benefits
of ERP, ERP and E-business. (Lecture 08)
ERP and Related Technologies: Business Process Reengineering, Data Warehousing, Data
Mining, Online Analytic Processing, Product Life Cycle Management, Supply chain
Management, Management Information System, Decision Support System, Executive
Information System. (Lecture 08)
ERP: Functional Modules-Introduction, Functional Modules of ERP Software, ERP
Implementation Lifecycle, Implementation Methodology, HICAen Costs, Organizing the
Implementation, Vendors, Consultants and Users, Contracts with Vendors, Consultants and
Employees, Project Management and Monitoring. (Lecture 08)
ERP for Industries: Market overview of ERP, ERP for petroleum, GAS companies, ERP for
Automobile Industry, ERP for FMCG, ERP for Mining industry ERP for retail, ERP for
healthcare, ERP for Educational Institution, ERP for Telecom, ERP for banks, ERP for Insurance
companies, (Lecture 08)
ERP & E-Commerce: Future Directives in ERP, ERP and Internet, Critical success and failure
factors, Integrating ERP into organizational culture. Using ERP tool: either SAP or ORACLE
format to case study. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Alexis Leon, “ERP Demystified”, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Rahul V. Altekar “Enterprisewide Resource Planning”, Tata McGraw Hill,
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 120
Reference Books:
1. Vinod Kumar Garg and Venkitakrishnan N K, “Enterprise Resource Planning – Concepts and
Practice”, PHI
2. Joseph A Brady, Ellen F Monk, Bret Wagner, “Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning”,
Thompson Course Technology
3. Mary Summer, “Enterprise Resource Planning”- Pearson Education
4. Ellen Mon, Bret Wagner "Concepts in ERP", Second Edition of Cengage Learning.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 121
ICA - Semester IX
Objectives: Introduce fundamental concepts of neural networks and study several network
models in detail. After taking this course, the student will be ready to understand the structure,
design, and training of various types of neural networks and will be ready to apply them to the
solution of problems in a variety of domains.
Course Contents
Unit – I
Neural Networks: Overview of biological Neuro-system, Mathematical Model of Neurons, ANN
architecture, Learning rules, Learning Paradigms-Supervised, Unsupervised and reinforcement
Learning, Single unit mapping and the perception.
(Lecture 08)
Unit – II
Types of Artificial Neural Networks: Single layer feed forward networks, Multilayer feed
forward networks, back propagation method.
(Lecture 08)
Unit – III
Concepts of Principle Component Analysis (PCA), Self Organizing Maps (SOM), Learning
Vector Quantization (LVQ) and Adaptive Resonance Networks.
(Lecture 08)
Unit – IV
Hopfield Networks, Associative Memories, Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks.
(Lecture 08)
Unit – V
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks: Regression, applications to function approximation,
Classification, Blind Source Separation.
(Lecture 08)
Text Book:
1. Haykin S., “Neural Networks-A Comprehensive Foundations”, Prentice-Hall
International, New Jersey, 1999.
Reference Books:
1. Anderson J.A., “An Introduction to Neural Networks”, PHI, 1999.
2. Hertz J, Krogh A, R.G. Palmer, “Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation”,
Addison-Wesley, California, 1991.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 122
ICA - Semester IX
Objective: Soft computing refers to principle components like fuzzy logic, neural networks and
genetic algorithm, which have their roots in Artificial Intelligence. Healthy integration of all these
techniques has resulted in extending the capabilities of the technologies to more effective and
efficient problem solving methodologies. The course would help to arouse student’s interest in
the application of soft computational techniques to solve various problems.
Course Contents
Unit – I
Introduction to Intelligent systems and soft computing: Introduction, Intelligent systems,
Knowledge-based systems, Knowledge representation and processing, soft computing.
(Lecture 08)
Unit – II
Neural Networks: Overview of biological Neuro-system, Mathematical Model of Neurons, ANN
architecture, Learning rules, Learning Paradigms-Supervised, Unsupervised and reinforcement
Learning, Applications of Neural Networks.
(Lecture 08)
Unit – III
Fuzzy Logic: Crisp set and Fuzzy set, Basic concepts of fuzzy sets, membership functions. Basic
operations on fuzzy sets, Properties of fuzzy sets, Fuzzy relations.
Propositional logic and Predicate logic, fuzzy If – Then rules, fuzzy mapping rules and fuzzy
implication functions, Applications of Fuzzy Logic.
(Lecture 08)
Unit – IV
Genetic Algorithms: Basic concepts of genetic algorithms, how are genetic algorithms different
from traditional algorithms, encoding, genetic modeling.
(Lecture 08)
Unit – V
Hybrid Systems: Integration of neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms.
(Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Fakhreddine O. Karray, Clarence De Silva, “Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
Design: Theory, Tools and Applications”, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
2. Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, Chuen-Tsai Sun, Eiji Mizutani, “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft
Computing: A Computational Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence”, 1996,
PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
3. Anderson J.A. “An Introduction to Neural Networks”, PHI, 1999
4. G. J. Klir & B. Yuan, “Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Logic”, PHI, 1995
5. Melanie Mitchell, “An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm”, PHI, 1998
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 123
Reference Books:
1. S. N. Sivanadam, S. N. Deepa, “Principles of Soft Computing”, First Edition,2008, Wiley
India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
2. “Neural Networks – A Comprehensive Foundations”, Prentice-Hall International, New
Jersey, 1999.
3. Frank Hoffmann,M.Köppen, F. Klawonn, R. Roy, “Soft Computing: Methodologies and
applications”, 2006, Springer, New Delhi.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 124
ICA - Semester IX
Objective: The main objective of this course is to provide the student with the basic
understanding of fuzzy logic fundamentals and various applications of Fuzzy logic in today’s life.
Course Contents
Unit – I
Overview of Crisp sets and fuzzy sets : Basic concepts of crisp sets and fuzzy sets, Basic types
of fuzzy sets, Fuzzy sets verses crisp sets, Representation and extension principle for fuzzy sets.
(Lecture 08)
Unit – II
Operations on Fuzzy Sets: Compliment, Intersections, Unions, Combinations of Operations,
Aggregation Operations, Membership Function, -cuts, Properties of -cuts. (Lecture 08)
Unit – III
Fuzzy Arithmetic: Fuzzy Numbers, Linguistic Variables, Arithmetic Operations on intervals &
Numbers, Lattice of Fuzzy Numbers, Fuzzy Equations (Lecture 08)
Unit – IV
Fuzzy Relations: Crisp & Fuzzy Relations, Binary Fuzzy Relations, Binary Relations on single
set, Equivalence. (Lecture 08)
Unit – V
Possibility Theory: Fuzzy Measures, Possibility versus Probability Theory. Applications of
Fuzzy Logic. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. G.J.Klir & T.A. Folyger,“Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty & Information”, PHI, 1988.
2. G.J.Klir & B.Yuan, “Fuzzy sets & Fuzzy logic,” PHI, 1995.
Reference Books:
1. John Yen, Reza Langari, “Fuzzy Logic Intelligence, Control and Information”, Pearson
Education, 2006.
2. Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, 2 nd Edition, John Wiley, 2004.
3. H. Zimmermann, “Fuzzy Set Theory and its applications”, 2nd Edition, Allied Publishers,
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 125
ICA - Semester IX
1. To study the scalability and clustering issues and the technology necessary for them.
2. To understand the technologies enabling parallel computing.
3. To study the different types of interconnection networks.
4. To study the different parallel programming models.
5. To study the software support needed for shared memory programming.
Unit - I
Scalability and clustering : Evolution of Computer Architecture, Dimensions of Scalability,
Parallel Computer Models, Basic Concepts Of Clustering, Scalable Design Principles, Parallel
Programming Overview: Processes, Tasks and Threads, Parallelism Issues, Interaction /
Communication Issues, Semantic Issues In Parallel Programs. (Lecture 08)
Unit - II
Enabling Technologies : System Development Trends, Principles of Processor Design,
Microprocessor Architecture Families, Hierarchical Memory Technology, Cache Coherence
Protocols, Shared Memory Consistency, Distributed Cache Memory Architecture, Latency
Tolerance Techniques, Multithreaded Latency Hiding. (Lecture 08)
Unit - III
System interconnects: Basics of Interconnection Networks, Network Topologies and Properties,
Buses, Crossbar and Multistage Switches, Software Multithreading, Synchronization
Mechanisms. (Lecture 08)
Unit -IV
Parallel programming : Paradigms And Programmability, Parallel Programming Models,
Shared Memory Programming. (Lecture 08)
Message passing programming : Message Passing Paradigm, Message Passing Interface,
Parallel Virtual Machine. (Lecture 08)
Text Books:
1. Kai Hwang and Zhi.Wei Xu, “Scalable Parallel Computing”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New
Delhi, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. David E. Culler & Jaswinder Pal Singh, “Parallel Computing Architecture: A
Hardware/Software Approach”, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 1999.
2. Michael J. Quinn, “Parallel Programming in C with MPI & Open MP”, Tata McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi, 2003.
3. Kai Hwang, “Advanced Computer Architecture” Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2003.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 126
ICA - Semester IX
Course Code: ICA918/MCA517 L-3, T-2, P-0, C-4
Objective: This course covers general issues of design and implementation of advanced modern
operating systems. The focus is on issues that are critical to the applications of distributed
systems and computer networks, which include interprocess communication, distributed
processing, sharing and replication of data and files. This course also gives the concept of logical
clock and deadlock concepts in Distributed environment.
Course Contents
Introduction: Overview of an operating system, Limitation of existing systems, advanced
operating system- introduction, types, synchronization mechanism. Concept of process,
concurrent process- Critical section problem, other synchronization problems- Language
mechanisms for synchronization- axiomatic verification of parallel programs- process deadlocks-
preliminaries – models of deadlocks , resources, system states.
(Lecture 08)
Communication in Distributed Systems: Communication primitives in Distributed systems,
Remote process communication, Clock synchronization, Lamport’s logical Clock, Vector Clock,
Termination detection. Distributed Mutual Exclusion- Non Token based Algorithms- Lamport’s
Algorithm, Token Based Algorithms-Suzuki kasami’s Broadcast Algorithms.
(Lecture 08)
Deadlock in Distributed system: Distributed Deadlock- introduction, detection, prevention,
correction. Deadlock Detection algorithms. Agreement protocols – classification, solutions ,
applications. Distributed transaction- Introduction, Model, Distributed commit issues, commit
(Lecture 08)
Distributed Resource Management: Distributed File systems- Architecture, Mechanism,
Design issues,NFS, AFS & Coda, Distributed shared memory- architecture, algorithms,
protocols, Distributed scheduling – issues , components, algorithms.
(Lecture 08)
Recovery and Fault Tolerance: Classification of failure, Basic approach of recovery, Recovery
Techniques. Fault Tolerance – Issues , non-blocking commit protocols, voting protocols, dynamic
voting protocols. Security in Distributed systems.
(Lecture 08)
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 127
Text Books:
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen. “Distributed Systems: Principles and
Paradigms”, Prentice Hall.
2. Mukesh Singhal and N.G. Shivaratri , “Advanced Concepts in Operating systems ” Tata
McGraw – Hill.
Reference Books:
1.Abraham silberschatz , peter B. Galvin, G Gagne, “Operating System Concepts” , Addison
2. Randy Chow and Theodore Johnson. “Distributed Operating Systems & Algorithms”,
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 128
ICA - Semester IX
Objective: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
• Evaluate storage architecture; understand logical and physical components of storage
Infrastructure including storage subsystems.
• Describe storage networking technologies such as FC-SAN, NAS, IP-SAN and data archival
Solution – CAS.
• Identify different storage virtualization technologies and their benefits
• Understand and articulate business continuity solutions including, backup and recovery
Course Contents
Introduction to Storage Technology: Data proliferation and the varying value of data with time
& usage, Sources of data and states of data creation, Data center requirements and evolution to
accommodate storage needs, Overview of basic storage management skills and activities, The
five pillars of technology, Overview of 12 storage infrastructure components, Evolution of
storage, Information Lifecycle Management concept, Data categorization within an enterprise,
Storage and Regulations. (Lecture 08)
Storage Systems Architecture: Intelligent disk subsystems overview, Contrast of integrated vs.
modular arrays, Component architecture of intelligent disk subsystems, Disk physical structure
components, properties, performance, and specifications, Logical partitioning of disks, RAID &
parity algorithms, hot sparing, Physical vs. logical disk organization, protection, and back end
management, Array caching properties and algorithms, Front end connectivity and queuing
properties, Front end to host storage provisioning, mapping, and operation, Interaction of file
systems with storage, Storage system connectivity protocols. (Lecture 08)
Introduction to Networked Storage: JBOD, DAS, SAN, NAS, & CAS evolution, Direct
Attached Storage (DAS) environments: elements, connectivity, & management, Storage Area
Networks (SAN): elements & connectivity, Fibre Channel principles, standards, & network
management principles, SAN management principles, Network Attached Storage (NAS):
elements, connectivity options, connectivity protocols (NFS, CIFS, ftp), & management
principles, IP SAN elements, standards (SCSI, FCIP, FCP), connectivity principles, security, and
management principles, Content Addressable Storage (CAS): elements, connectivity options,
standards, and management principles, Hybrid Storage solutions overview including technologies
like virtualization & appliances. (Lecture 08)
U nit-IV
Introduction to Information Availability: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Basics,
Local business continuity techniques, Remote business continuity techniques, Disaster Recovery
principles & techniques. (Lecture 08)
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 129
Managing & Monitoring: Management philosophies (holistic vs. system & component),
Industry management standards (SNMP, SMI-S, CIM), Standard framework applications, Key
management metrics (thresholds, availability, capacity, security, performance), Metric analysis
methodologies & trend analysis, Reactive and pro-active management best practices,
Provisioning & configuration change planning, Problem reporting, prioritization, and handling
techniques, Management tools overview. (Lecture 08)
Text Book:
1. Information Storage and Management Storing, Managing, and Protecting Digital Information ,
by EMC, Hopkinton and Massachusetts, Wiley, ISBN: 9788126521470
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 130
ICA - Semester IX
Course Contents
Note: Students are advised to develop a small project illustrating the handling of database
and screens in order to fully understand the C#.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 131
ICA - Semester IX
Course Contents
The student will undertake a mini project in this semester. They will submit a synopsis at the
beginning of the semester for approval from the departmental committee in a specified format.
The student will have to present the progress of the work through seminars and progress reports.
For mini project he/she will do “in house development”.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 132
ICA - Semester X
The student will undertake an Internship program of 12 weeks in this semester. They will submit
a synopsis at the beginning of the semester for approval from the departmental committee in a
specified format. The students will have to present the progress report of the work through
seminars and progress reports. For Internship program he/she can go for “an IT company or in
house development”.
ICA Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2013-14[21092013] Page 133