Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology To The Students
Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology To The Students
Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology To The Students
Alessandra L. Lazarte
Elena Marie A. Fernando
Ralph Aron F. Gregorio
John Ross Ezekiel R. Tamondong
Samson B. San Agustin Jr.
March 2019
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject of Practical Research 1 this
Performance of selected ABM students of Baliuag University school year 2018-2019, has been
prepared and submitted by Alessandra L. Lazarte, Elena Marie A. Fernando, John Ross Ezekiel
R. Tamondong, Ralph Aron F. Gregorio, Samson B. San Agustin Jr., who is hereby
Research Adviser
This research study shows the different advantages and disadvantages of the technology
to the students, it has the opinions and views of the respondents that completed this study. The
researchers gather all the information that is needed to complete and to finalize the study that
will help the students and the future researchers to have an idea about technology. The
researchers summarizes the experiences of the individuals in this research study. Interview
protocol is used by the researchers to get an answer to the respondents which is the main
source of information and also used a transcription method to gather all the information that
they get from the respondents. The researchers also analyze the different perspectives of the
respondents and how technology affect their lives and how they manage their time in using
technology. Most of the respondents says that technology has more advantages than
disadvantages because it really helped them to get a different information that they needed in
This research would not be possible without the help, assistance, and support of the
people around us. We thank every single person who guided us and participated in this research.
To Ma’am Pauline Jhoy S. Cruz, the researchers’ adviser for her unending support and
To the selected Grade 11 Students for their participation in the survey that we did to help
To our friends and fellow classmates who overcome numerous obstacles we have been
facing together and for assisting us with the other information required in this study.
And last to the ever Gracious Almighty God who gives us strength, patience, and
We deeply dedicate this research to God Almighty our creator, our strong pillar, our
source of inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. We also dedicate this work to our
family who always supports us. To our friends and classmates and to all those who believed in
us. Thank you. Our love for you all can never be quantified. May God bless you all.
APPROVAL SHEET…………………………………………………………….. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………….. iii
DEDICATION……………………………………………………………………. iv
ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………. v
Introduction ………………………………………………………….. 1
Theoretical Framework……………………………………………….. 5
Summary of Findings………………………………………………… 19
Conclusion……………………………………………………………. 20
Recommendations……………………………………………………. 21
APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………... 22
The Problem And Its Background
Technology is the most widely used subject of device among students nowadays. It
contains of different websites that can affect the students if they are not aware about the
advantages and disadvantages of technology. Senior High School students might be innocent in
using technology, that they think it is not dangerous if they are not aware of how to use it in a
proper way. There are variety of causes why students is engage in using technology and these are
it helps them to accomplish many tasks in their daily lives as it lessens the time of them doing
some school related works, it also helps the students in extending their abilities and many more
but even though it has many positive effects it also does have negative effect these are poor
mainly near in the town. As the researchers are Grade 11 students it is more convenient for them
to conduct the research with their fellow schoolmates thus, the researchers will conduct an
interview with the students. Their respondents must be ten with the strand of ABM and they
chose them because they are really qualified in answering the questions that they will ask.
Technology is a body of knowledge made to create tools, process action and extract
materials. As technology is broad every people have their own understanding of the word
A study at the University of New South Wales in mechanics course found that the use of
smart sparrow technology lowered the student's failure from 31% to 7% based on an article by
Kurshan B. (2016). With the above-mentioned situation, the main objective of the researcher is
to determine the possible downside and advantage of using technology in school related works of
the students. Therefore, the research findings can be the basis of future researchers who will
tackle the same research problem, this is mainly for the purpose of letting the students and future
researchers to know whether the usage of technology can affect their academic performance in a
Most of the senior high school students is using technology to make their school works
easy. Using it may cause advantages and disadvantages, though they will benefit from it they
To the Students. Because it will raise awareness about the advantages and disadvantages
To the Faculty. It will benefit them through limiting the students to do school works
with the use of technology. It will also help them to guide the students in using it properly.
To the School Administrations. This will benefit them because they will know how to
deal with the students in this kind of issue if a problem might start because of the usage of
To the Future Researchers. They can use this as their guide in doing their research.
This section of the research displays the different related researches and literatures that
will support and provide information to the present study about the researcher`s study, entitled:
students of Baliuag University school year 2018-2019”. These gathered records, surveys and data
Top 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education (2015)
As stated by Ayres, C. (2015) most students needs to understand the proper use of
technology, they might browse websites that are not suitable for them. Proper guidance and
lesson is highly needed for the students. Being wise in using technology helps every student to
recognize the right and helpful websites; it will help them to know if it is harmful to them.
The technological advancements made lives easier especially in the fields of science,
medicine and education. However, some are believed to be lazy aids and unhealthy even in the
classroom setting. Students become independent and mature because of the technology but then
again students must be responsible enough to use it. Proper use of technology will help the
students to have minimal downside of the technology and good planning is required.
The study of Trumble, L. (2014) states that the problem of the students is they are not
giving attention, thus they might browse the wrong websites which might harm them. The
Technology, as important and as attracting as they may be, has different side effects to
children in schools. Such downsides include unnecessary dependence which may lead these
children to think for themselves. Informed opinions may be formed only by analyzing the
As the article revealed that as technology can affect students, whether it is for the good or it will
cause harm, they need to analyze if using excessive technology in related to studies will have a
positive or negative feedback to them. The researcher recommended that even though technology
helps some students to be safe they need guidance from the authority to browse the harmless and
appropriate website.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education (2014)
The researchers Farajova, F.,Hasanor, R.H. (2014) stated that the purpose of their
research was help the teachers and also the students in terms of their academic performance. The
study also shown the advantages and disadvantages of using technologies which clearly helps
them. It also says that having proper knowledge can lead them to the proper use of the
In terms of education, technology is extremely for both parties – instructors and students.
It can be conducted through computers that may enhance the teaching skills of the instructor and
the learning ability of the students. However, some cases may prove that technology in education
may somehow give a negative outcome for either or both parties as well. The researchers
conclude that many teachers and students uses technology in their daily lives as it can help the
teachers on their teaching method and it can improve the abilities of the students. But sometimes
technology can also have a negative after effect. So both parties should be aware of the possible
outcome in terms of using technology. The researchers also recommend that it is helpful to the
teachers to use technology but they also need to minimize the activities to the internet to avoid
An article was written by Flanagan, J.L. (2008) stated that this study was observe a
relationship between student’s use of technology and their achievements. It also shows us what
device is most used in this study. It says that the technology helps them to finish school works
easily but it also causes them laziness in doing things that needs to do without using technology.
It was conducted by 231 students studying physiology. A survey was sent to the student
regarding their use of technology. The person correlations coefficient and descriptive is
implemented to the study. It concludes that the technology usage may provide comparatively
more significant increases in academic achievement than would not use. Research warranted to
test the effect. Then researchers recommended that the Department of Deference should
implement the pilot programs to make decision makers with better information on issues
This study of Asma, F. (2012) shows the advantages of technology in classroom and it
used survey and questionnaires. The survey was analyzed with quantitatively and qualitatively
for comparison purposes. The technological tools that students of today have at their disposal
make the task of learning easier and allow for the creation of products that would once have been
impossible. By integrating technology into their classroom, teachers can allow their students to
reap the benefits that these technology tools offer and prepare to use technology in the real
world. The author concludes that, it is benefits to students that these technology tools offer and
prepare to use in the real world and make their task to make it easier and be creative. Also
students enhance their accessing information, they provide more supplementary information,
editing of written works also improves the motivation of the students. To improve about this
study the author would suggest opening up the survey to all students or the respondents. But in
this study the researchers agree that technology really helps the students to feel easier to do the
Theoretical Framework
The theory of John Dewey (1859-1952) which is the early founder of constructivism
theory. Dewey had his own beliefs in order to expresses his thoughts about constructivism
theory. Additionally, he believed that construct and learn new things will not happen if the
learners do not have old related knowledge in order to complete the learning progress. Also, he
believed that the learners learn better in groups because human nature is convivial, so when they
working together they build their knowledge. Even more, he called teachers to give the student
opportunities to conspire and work through directed activities to build their learning knowledge.
Constructivism theory one of the most significant theory that used in education setting. It
is also one of the best theories that deal with any change or modification occurs in the
educational environment. Along with working to utilize this change to further enhance the status
technology in education. Constructivism theory has a great collision for both the learner and the
instructor. In fact, the impact will be much more especially if this theory integrates with
technology. Also, the technologies get the benefit from using constructivism theory as approach
in order to integrate technology in education. The technology will become more helpful.
disadvantages of the technology to the academic performance of the ABM students in Baliuag
University. At this stage in the research, the effects of technology on ABM students will be
generally defined as "The good and bad effects of technology to the school performance of the
ABM students.”
This study was concerned with Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology of Grade 11
ABM students in Baliuag University that is located in many areas, but Annex 3 at the Gil Carlos
St. Baliuag, Bulacan was the main location that the researchers needs to study. The student’s
interest in refers to technology as the subject taken by ABM students. Satisfaction towards
factors in this research were student-related ones which pertains to the interest capacity of
An interview protocol served as the main instrument of the study and was also used to
clarify vague answers and documentary analysis and was also employed to answer the specific
Aldoobie, N. (2015, December?). Technology Integration and Learning Theory. Retrieved from
Asma, F. (2012, December). The Advantages of Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved from
Ayres, C. (2015, July). 10 Top Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education.
Retrieved from
Farajova, F., Hasanov, R. (2014). Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education.
Retrieved from
Flanagan, J.L. (2008, August) Technology: The Positive and Negative effect on Student
Achievement. Retrieved from
Kurshan, B. (2016, July). Technology and Classroom Data. Retrieved from
Trumble, L. (2014). 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of technology in Education. Retrieved
Methods of Research
The purpose of this descriptive qualitative study is to elaborate the experiences of the
students in technology and to let them understand what are the effects of technology in their lives
most importantly in their academic performance, to show them what the possible outcome is if
they are going to use it in proper or improper way. This section discusses the research design,
participants of the study, data gathering instruments, data gathering procedures, and data analysis
Research Design
information gets through investigation and it focuses at the present condition. Its ultimate goal is
to improve practice. Cause and effect relationship between behaviour and outcome is presumed
but this method will only let the researchers to make a hypothesis about variables and described
This study can examine factors which can influence behaviours, environments,
circumstances, etc. Specific experiences of individual will be mentioned. It is very useful when
researchers want to know regarding events, who were involved, what was involved, and where
did the things take place. And also descriptive qualitative research needs to be design of choice
connection and analysis. And its purpose is to identify and provide evidence to support the fact
Participants and Sampling Procedure
15 Senior High School students from Baliuag University participated in this study.
However only 10 agreed to be interviewed. Out of 10 senior high school students, 8 are female
while 2 are males. About 50% are aged 16, while 40% are in their 17 and one 18 years old
(10%). All of the participants were given the interview questions ahead of time and they
There are many things that can influence a researcher’s way of conducting their research,
these are place limitation on what sampling technique is feasible as stated by Kvale. (1996)
Seidman. (2006). It continues until the researchers sensed that the answers have reached
saturation. The type of saturation the researcher is aiming is called “Saturation of knowledge,”
this describes how a researcher is surprised from the first few interviews but as the fifteenth
respondent answers, the researchers recognize the patterns of the interviewee. Bertaux. (1981).
Saturation can be the desired end point of the data collection as it is really uncertain on when to
Research Instrument
Since this study aims to understand the effects of technology in the academic
performance of the participants, an interview protocol was used as guide for the researcher to ask
questions. Follow-up questions were asked as needed in order to further probe into the
experiences of participants. The sources of the data of this study are: (a) audio taped and
transcribed interviews, and (b) written answer of the respondents to profile questions such as age,
The ABM students are the respondents of this study. A letter of permission was
addressed and given to the assistant principal of the Senior High School Department. An initial
interview was conducted by the researchers in order to know who are eligible to be the
respondents of this study. The interview followed a series of steps, student participants were
offered interview questions in advance. 5-10 minutes was the allotted time for each of the
interview and the researchers were available in case they were longer and because the nature of
the research involved asking the participants about their experiences, the research made sure that
the interview had to be conducted with sensitivity to consequences for the participants. Their
involvement was characterized with transparency nor were they deceived, exploited or harmed in
any way.
Data Analysis
The researchers used this essential process for educational institutions and individuals,
called transcription process to deconstruct the information given in the voice record. This helped
the researchers analyze and facilitate easily the given data, It serves as a tool to combine the
answers from the respondents. The word for-word transcription allows the researchers to listen
and interpret what is being said more effectively. Students can relate to this topic because they
This process helped the researchers to know the opinions of the respondents and their
positive and negative thoughts about the technology. The respondents can easily answer the
interviewer’s questions. It can also benefit the researchers through this method because even if
they did not take down all the information, they can still listen to the audio to recall the
respondents answer. Transcribing is really a difficult task, even for the most skilled transcribers
but even though it is hard it can still help the researches to conduct this study.
Box, I. (2014). How many interviews are needed in a qualitative research? Is there any rule or
popular practice? Retrieved from
resea rch_Is_there_any_rule_or_popular_practice
Jagda, S., Kesipeddi, S., Tiwari, A. (2018). Transcription process in qualitative research.
Retrieved from
Lambert, C., Lambert, V. (2012). Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research.
Retrieved from
Table No. 1
Question No. 1: How many hours do you usually spend in using the internet?
Question number one states how long does the respondents spend their time in using the
modern technology or the internet specifically in their daily lives. This question can answer how
the students are addicted in using internet as it shows how long they use it.
Table No. 2
Question No. 2: Do you use technology to help you in your school works?
6 projects or assignments.
7 5 Yes.
8 6 Oo naman.
9 7 Oo naman lalo sa mga assignments tsaka sa practical research so
10 kailangan ko yon para maka alam ng bagong information sa isang topic.
11 8 Oo kasi kapag ano, may mga hindi ko naiintindihan sa mga lesson tas
12 ganun nag se-search talaga ako sa google o kaya sa youtube.
13 9 Oo lalo na kapag uhm… may assignment kaming di ko talaga
14 naintindihan sini-search ko talaga yung mga meanings ganon.
15 10 Yes mas nakakatulong siya sakin humanap ng bagong information.
This question clearly states how does the technology helps the students in their school
Table No. 3
20 10 Yes nakakataas siya para… mas tumataas grade.
This question answers how technology can help students in terms of boosting their
academic accomplishments and it helps the students to notice the advantages of the technology in
their academics.
Table No. 4
Question No. 4: What is/ are the positive effect/s of using technology?
Question number four shows the opinions of students about how technology can help the
respondents in their school works and this question helps the students to share their experience in
Table No. 5
Question No. 5: Is there any disadvantage of using technology in your academic performance?
This question shows the views of the respondents about the possible negative outcome of
technology in their academic performance. Also in this question it will show the answer of the
respondents about the failures that they might encounter in class by using technology that may
Table No. 6
Question No. 6: As an ABM student are you at advantage when you are exposed into different
Question number 6 certainly states the ideas of the respondents about using technology
and how can it be good to them and also it shows that students gain advantages in using
technology in different ways and help them to improve their self by using different kind of
This chapter presents the summary of the findings to provide a discussion for it and
results of interview which are gathered from the selected respondents. It also includes the
conclusions where the researchers based their assumptions. Also this study shows how the
Summary of Findings
The researchers based their answers from the information that they gathered from the
respondents. It shows that seven out of ten respondents uses internet for about two to eight hours
which is seventy percent while three respondents uses internet for about ten to eighteen hours.
Fifty percent of them is using the internet to help them get an answer for their school works and
the last fifty percent said that it is easier and faster for them when they used technology. One
respondent stated that technology does not affect her in a negative way and the other one gets
addicted while the remaining respondents stated that laziness occur to them and they are
In the following questions, these will provide the most helpful answers to the problem.
All of the respondents said that the technology is useful for their school works, eighty percent of
the selected students stated that with the use of technology it helps them to increase their
academic performance while twenty percent stated that sometimes technology helps them and it
depends on how they used it and last, about eighty percent said that when they are exposed to
different kinds of technology it has advantage for them and about 20% disagree to it.
Based on the research findings of this study, the researchers have therefore concluded
1. Time management is really needed when the respondents are using internet for their
school works. The selected students usually spend around 2 to 18 hours in using internet.
2. With the use of technology all of the respondents stated that by using it helps them in
many ways including their school works specifically their assignments, projects, and
3. Most of the respondent’s academic achievement increased through the use of technology
as it helps them in searching more information, gaining more knowledge and it helps
4. Each respondent believed that the positive effects of using technology is they gain more
information through searching, it helps them to make home works easier and they
communicate easily.
5. Our selected respondents are affected by the technology, because they consume a lot of
time instead of working by their school works. When they use gadget they are distracted
and their time is divided and most of the time they spend much time on using gadgets.
6. Most of our respondent has an advantage in using technology because it's easier for them
to know terms in related to their strand through searching, it also shows accurate answers
and it provides knowledge which can help them specifically in their research. But even
though it has many positive effects it also has a bad side of it these are they get distracted
and the other one stated that being an ABM students does not really need technology in
The result of this study has been recommended to the following persons:
1. To the Students. This will benefit them to have proper guidance in using technology.
This will also serve as the basis of the students to know what the effects of technology in
2. To the Faculty. The researchers wants to recommend the faculty staffs to limit or lessen
the school works given to the students and it will also help them in guiding the students
3. To the Administration. This study will help the administration to know how to deal
with the students in this kind of issue if a problem arises. It will also give an information
on how to help and to minimize the time of the students in using technology.
4. To the Future Researchers. The researchers wants to recommend this study to the
future researchers to use this as their basis and guide to conduct their study and for them
23 7 Oo naman lalo sa mga assignments tsaka sa practical research so
24 kailangan ko yon para maka alam ng bagong information sa isang topic.
25 8 Oo kasi kapag ano, may mga hindi ko naiintindihan sa mga lesson tas
26 ganun nag sesearch talaga ako sa google o kaya sa youtube.
27 9 Oo lalo na kapag uhm… may assignment kaming di ko talaga
28 naintindihan sinisearch ko talaga yung mga meanings ganon.
29 10 Yes mas nakakatulong siya sakin humanap ng bagong information.
30 Does using technology increase your academic achievement?
31 1 Oo, kasi tinutulungan ako ng technology para sa mga school works sa
32 mga research.
33 2 Sometimes, kasi pag nagsi-search ganon.
34 3 It depends on the subject and the properties of it.
35 4 Yes, because ahh… yung tulad nga ng sabi ko kanina pag nakakapag
36 search siyempre mas marami kang nalalaman na informations and mas
37 lumalawak yung kaalaman mo tungkol sa isang bagay.
38 5 Oo yes.
39 6 Oo siyempre kase minsan di mo kayang mag paraphrase ng sarili mong
40 work tapos kailangan mong tulungan.
41 7 Yes of course kase through internet it helps you with understand things
42 better tsaka mas na, ano mas parang na a-apply ko yung mga bagay
43 bagay na natutunan ko.
44 8 Mmm… kasi kung walang technology talaga mahirap maghanap ng mga
45 sagot sa mga assignments ganyan kaya malaking tulong talaga
46 technology.
47 9 Oo kasi yung may mga diba may mga assignments kami na hindi ko
48 alam tas sini-search ko siya para mas lalo kong maintindihan yung lesson
49 na hindi masyadong naituro.
50 10 Yes nakakataas siya para… mas tumataas grades.
51 What is/ are the positive effect/s of using technology?
52 1 Uhm… positive effects uhm… nakakakuha ng information tsaka trough,
53 dahil sa technology pwede ako makipag communicate sa mga malalayo
54 ganon.
55 2 Uhm… ano madali ta- madali kami mag si-search ganun pag mga may
56 assignment.
57 3 It can lessen our work from written to soft copy of a, of the product.
58 4 Uhmm mas, yung positive effect ng technology is mas nagiging updated
59 tayo sa mga nangyayari sa paligid natin.
60 5 Mas napapabilis yung pagsagot sa, pagsagot sa mga assignments.
61 6 Mas madaming information na makukuha.
62 7 So ayun nga kadagdagang information at siyempre den uhm… mas
63 nakikita natin yung outside world.
64 8 Uhmm… siguro ano mas napapadali nito tala, mas napapadali nito yung
65 mga uhm gawain sa school like pag may mga projects na kailangang i-
66 search talaga na di mo kayang sagutin sa sarili mo eto yon kailangan
67 talaga ng technology.
68 9 Yun nga napa, ano naincrease yung academic achievement then parang
69 sa isang click mo lang mahahanap mo na agad yung sagot na hinahanap
70 mo.
71 10 Mas mabilis nakakahanap ng information sa pagreresearch.
72 Is there any disadvantage of using technology in your academic
73 performance?
74 1 Siguro sakin wala naman kasi alam ko naman yung limitations ko sa pag
75 gamit ng technology.
76 2 Na po-procrastinate yung mga gawain sa eskwelahan.
77 3 Yes, if we don’t have enough power source or don’t have wifi we cannot
78 access to the internet.
79 4 Uhmm, meron ahh yun siguro yung pag na incline ako sa social media
80 nagiging distraction siya minsan and hindi ko nababalance ng maayos
81 yung time ko sa pag gamit noon.
82 5 Kase ano kapag kunware mrami kang assignments, nag focus ka sa
83 technology, mas bumababa yung ano, umiikli pala yung time sa pag
84 gawa ng mga assignments.
85 6 Oo ano tatamarin ka nang pumasok kase masgugustuhin na lang na
86 magbabad sa internet.
87 7 Distracted ako lage pag may tech kaharap, harap akong cellphone tapos
88 may quiz ako di ko inuuna yung quiz cellphone muna.
89 8 Oo kasi lalo na kapag ano midterms ganyan kunwari magtanong lang
90 ako ng mga kung ano ang mga dapat reviewhin tapos lumalagpas pa
91 talaga don kung ano-ano nasasabi ko di nako nakakapagreview ng
92 maayos.
93 9 Minsan kapag gumagawa ako ng assignment imbis na mag search ako
94 pumupunta ako sa facebook sa twitter nood lang ako ng youtube as
95 parang nawawala ako ng ganang gumawa ng assignment.
96 10 Addiction.
97 As an ABM student are you at advantage when you are exposed into
98 different kind of technology? Why?
99 1 Oo kasi nga na, mas na tutulungan ako ng technology para sa mga
100 research, school works ganon.
101 2 Ano, ahhhh kasi yung samin kasi mga ABM students pag hindi kami
102 more on technology ganon, hindi kami masyado, hindi kami advantage
103 masyado ganon.
104 3 Yes, because it can help me accurately show better ano, better answers
105 from my questions.
106 4 Yes, I am because kapag gumagamit nga ako nung different technologies
107 like social media and others mas nagiging updated and mas marami
108 akong nalalman tungkol sa mga bagay and nakakapag search and
109 nakakapag yun.
110 5 Ahhhhh advantage, kase sa academic performance natin mas, mas
111 kinakailangan natin mga research ngayong grade 11 na tayo mas mas,
112 mas maraming katulad ng research kailangan natin yung hindi, hindi
113 sapat yung back ground knowledge natin kailangan din natin mag search.
114 6 Para sakin ano depende sa tao para sakin mas lamang yung advantage
115 pero depende pa din yun sa tao.
116 7 No kase ang technology ahm nakakatulong nga siya pero yung ano niya
117 is nakaka distract din siya at the same time kase nga imbis na mag focus
118 sa isang bagay mas nahahati pa yung attention mo para dahil nga dun sa
119 technology.
120 8 Ahmm oo kasi ABM di naman siya ganon talaga kadali talaga yung
121 strand namen so bale kapag may mga terms na hindi kami maintindihan
122 kailangan talaga namen isearch so yon.
123 9 Oo kasi yung mga terms na hinahanap naming ahh nandun sa technology
124 tsaka yung mga format na ginagawa namen like this is proposal nakikita
125 namen sa internet.
126 10 Mas nakakatulong siya samin as an ABM students uhm… lalo na sa
127 research.
SCHOOL YEAR 2018-2019
Good Day!
We, the STEM students, kindly ask for your participation for the conduct of our study
entitled “Advantages and disadvantages of technology to the academic performance of selected
ABM students of Baliuag University school year 2018- 2019.” We will ensure that your
responses and the data you will provide us will be used for the purpose of this study only. We
ensure the most confidentiality of your responses and we will treat the data with utmost care.
Thank you for your participation!
___ I agree to participate in this study.
___ I do not agree to participate in this study.
Sincerely, Signature:
The researchers
Part I. Demographic Profile
Name (Optional):_______________________ Gender:____________
Age:____ GWA:_____________
Strand & Section:_______________________
3. Does using technology increase your academic achievement?
4. What is/are the positive effects of using technology in your academic performance?
5. Is there any disadvantage of using technology in your academic performance?
6. As an ABM student are you at advantage when you are exposed into different kind of
technology? Why?