Effects of Lack of Internet Access in TH
Effects of Lack of Internet Access in TH
Effects of Lack of Internet Access in TH
Umali, Rodolfo Jr. K.
Acar, Jerome
De Ocampo, Jayvee
Katigbak, Kent Jym
Lubi, John Lexter
Pigao, Ricardo
Salazar, Raineir
Sayas, Joice Ann
February 2018
Before the internet came into existence, it takes a long period of time to
communicate to someone else. Sending messages leaves with only two options
which are either through phone call or mailing. There were also times that people
need to physically go to various places just to keep track to their business. But
millennial, as well as any average individual can enjoy the benefits of internet
these changes just came our way and continues to make things more possible. It
is therefore undeniable that the technological world has invaded the lifestyle of
In the latest internet usage statistics, as of June 2017, the world’s total
internet users in the year 2010. After seven years, half of the world’s population
is totally engaged with the subsisting internet access. This indicates that internet
has somehow become part of people’s wants and necessities. It is also related to
the study of Louge (2006) that computer access and use among adolescents and
At present, the internet has also been very essential for the students
specifically those who were under the K-12 curriculum as it serve as a way for
them most especially those in public school to easily acquire information they
need knowing the fact that many educational institutions are not yet able to
affordable for many. This problem has been main focus of this study with an
present research, it will provide solutions that may help the students to excel
Empowerment Technology?
3. How does the effects of lack of internet access affects the academic
4. Based on the study, what is the possible solution that may resolve the
Significance of the Study
solutions in terms of lack of internet access that could improve their academic
students due to lack of internet access and find ways that can help the students
excel academically.
Over the large number of population in the Philippines, many families have
their own internet access at home. This serve as their link to have a faster
communication with their relatives far from them. but other than communicating
with family it also helps them to have more information about a certain topic.
Internet becomes their reliable source of information that may help to broad their
knowledge. This internet mostly benefits the students because it provides
information that may help and related to their studies. Due to this free wide
access, the number of source of facts around the world it is said that it increases
the learning of every student. Through internet access the students are more
knowledgeable and aware of what are the happening around them. also it is said
internet access personally is one of the reasons why some of the students have
lower performance at school compared to the students who their own internet
access at home. Also, it assumed that if the students or the respondents will
answer the questionnaire honestly, the number of students with internet access
will generate a lower number compared to the students who don’t have personal
internet access.
Mathematics strand for the school year 2017-2018 from grade 11 to grade 12
between the ages 16-19. The range of the study is from 2017-2018.
This study will be limited only to assess the effects of lack of internet
Definition of Terms
used as the wide global source of information of most of the STEM students who
comprehension and production are also an influence (Lucas, 1998). In this study
the term academic performance refers to the reflection of all the activities and
their time at school who choose to study Science, Technology, Engineering and
study this term is used as the respondents of the study which are said to be the
STEM. This term refers to the strand that is part of the K-12 curriculum which
This chapter contains all the related literature of the study and the
conceptual framework.
Through the years, changes come along our ways which really affect
every one of us, different inventions and creations that brought advantages and
disadvantages in terms of living. But nowadays, the most usable creation that is
ever made and used by the most of the people around the world is internet
access. The existing of the said inventions makes more things possible.
Conceptual Literature
enhance their productivity (Metzger, Flanagin & Zwarun 2003). This has made
students to be heavy users of the Internet compared to the general public ( Ni,
Internet users compared to only 59% of the general American population. The
internet provides an array of powerful tools that may help in transforming the
between library and bookshop walls and subject areas span across all fields of
knowledge. Suhail and Bargees (2006) also reported some benefits of the
internet access for college students. They indicated that the internet usage
databases, and improving study hours and study habits. Despite the positive
that excessive internet usage adversely affects one’s physical health, family life
decline in study habits, drastic drop in grades, missing classes and poor
with the increasing internet usage (Englander, Terregrossa & Wang, 2010).
Present scenario shows that the number of students accessing internet multiplies
every year. Hence if the students access the internet for academic purposes
In line with the previous literatures, several reasons might lead technology
to assist or impair human capital attainment by students. Youths may employ the
decade, the Internet and WWW use have increased substantially – for example,
according to Pew Internet & American Life Project Surveys, the percentage of U.
S. online users has increased from 40-45% in March 2000 to nearly 80% in April
2009 (Pew Internet & American Life Project Surveys, 2009). Recent expansion of
daily behavior patterns. The majority of adolescents from a sample in one study
which are typically mundane, the purposes for which are both social and
for both academic and non-academic purposes, with the most intense users
(which is described in the Data section) spending the most time in non-academic
framework is one of optimization, where there are both educational benefits and
costs to the Internet, and where the primary benefit of Internet use is increased
Internet use denotes a certain amount of technical savvy which emanates from a
student actually learning a new skill – this alone can translate into higher grades.
Benefits derived from Internet use usually come about at significant costs,
to students (which this study does not directly address) as well as monetary and
time costs devoted to the Internet that detract from educational achievement
web-sites, engaging in chat-room, excellent tool for the research and watching
video related to their studies (Young, 2000). However, many students fall behind
their internet use had negative impacts on their previous-year academic results
studies, sleep (Anderson, 2001; Nalwa and Anand, 2003), and completing their
performance indirectly.
Many studies have claimed that people may use the Internet addictively
and that this can cause harmful effects on individuals, academic problems,
changing their social behavior, habits and abilities in a negative way (Young,
2000; Scherer, 2000; Kraut et al., 2002; Kubey et al., 2001; Nalwa & Anand,
2003). In spite of the fact that the Internet could contribute a lot to students’
learning, it is vital to scrutinize students’ internet use trend for early care taking.
over whether technology actually improves student learning is one that stirs
debate and motivates research. The articles reported in the economics literature
have been limited both in quantity and scope with methods and results varying
across studies. The literature has focused primarily on the impact of technologies
in general on student learning; few studies have examined the direct link
Internet addiction (Son, 2003). Various studies have reported that internet usage
by Internet use. On the basis of the existing literature it was hypothesized that
university students.
Research Literature
plays an important role in producing best quality graduates who will become
great leaders and manpower for the country thus responsible for the country’s
good grades and to prepare themselves for future opportunities in their career at
‘Effect of the Internet and Social capital on Academic performance in Korea.’ The
result showed that only the students with better academic grades spent more
time on the Internet than others. Also more than a half of the survey respondents
considered the Internet the most important information source for widespread
access to libraries and educational databases, and improving study hours and
study habits. Also, the internet is an essential part of learning for almost every
college student in United States. They are benefited by internet specifically while
conducting research, seeking new ideas and communicating with their resource
a useful academic tool. Cheng and Huang (2005), conducted a survey at a major
University, they found that using the Internet significantly correlates with the
the University of Buea are of the view that internet have a positive impact on their
study habits, although 90% of male students support this view with regard to 73%
of female students. Data reveals that University students daily use internet to
support their studies. As such study habits are basically improving because of
wide use of the internet, hypertext, and multimedia resources (Mbah, 2010). In
250 targeted students, 190 responded, giving a response rate of 76%. The study
revealed that users derived a lot of benefits from academic oriented internet
Just as computers are about to replace books (some would argue this has
come to occupy the central position in education once occupied by books. The
Internet was initially developed by the US Defense Department and was at one
time only popular within the research community. Its ability to share information
across organizations and to interact with people at low cost has gradually enticed
other sectors to explore its use. Today, the Internet has an impact on every facet
specifically the Internet, and are actively promoting Internet use. From a
information technology and has become a useful instrument that has fostered the
process of making the world a global village. It provides several opportunities for
for geographic limitation of space. The word Internet is derived from two words:
over the world. There are rich and varied learning experiences available on the
Internet that would have been inconceivable just a short while ago. It has a range
academia, business organizations, the employed and the unemployed, the young
and the old. The Internet is a ‘live’ constantly ‘moving’, theoretically borderless,
potentially infinite space for the production and circulation of information. The
are not housed between library and bookshop walls and subject areas span
across all fields of knowledge. The Internet can be used for other things besides
email. One can listen to international radio station on research and education on
the Internet, read national dailies of other countries, and talks to friends around
the global, read books and other materials on the Internet. The list of things that
can be done on the Internet is a very long one. The Internet contains more
information than the world’s largest libraries with access to the Internet one can
in both its size and number of users around the world (Rotsztein,
Following the expansion of internet services in the country and the growth of
internet users, there is a prominent trend on the change of the average hours of
internet use per week. The number of users using the Internet less than 4 hours
a week is declined to 34.9% from 2005 to 2008, while the number of user using
the Internet more than 28 hours a week gradually increased to 79.8% (Malaysian
In line with this, Kuh and Hu (2001) suggested that using the internet has
technology), students reported slightly more frequent contacts with faculty and
attending less wired campuses. The results pointed out to a positive link between
relationship between students use of the internet and other forms of students
engagement, found a strong positive relationship between using the internet for
faculty interaction. When students used the internet, their opportunities for other
types of engagement increased. Adegboji and Toyo (2006) in their study on the
researchers and students in higher education institutions are battling the problem
through research and the internet is having a profound impact on the research
respondents were using the internet frequently because all faculties were well
equipped with internet services. It was revealed that the researchers of the
university were getting quality information through the internet. Fifty-five percent
the university library has provided access to various data bases and online
Other studies show that the use of technology has a positive effect on
certain cognitive areas such as the development of spatial skills and memory,
and improved reading, writing and information processing skills, but this does not
Other studies have found relations between the use of technology and
who saw a significant link between computer usage and educational success.
This study found that high school students who use a computer at home more
often scored higher marks in math and languages. Although Internet was not a
In line with this, close to 245 million people use Internet in United States,
ranking among top ten countries in the world with highest Internet usage. Studies
have shown that more than 90 percent of college students in United States use
Internet actively, this accounts for approximately 20 million college students
(National Center for Education Statistics). Internet has become an integral part of
almost every college student, while a large fraction of college students think that
research and communicating with their peers and faculty (Jones et al., 2007), a
Internet World Stats 2012, the number of Facebook users in the United States
roughly equal to 166 million (53 percent of United States population). The
amount of Facebook usage in the United States clearly provides evidence that,
one of the most commonly used purposes of the Internet is social network
websites, like Facebook and a growing other social network websites including
Twitter, MySpace, and Linkedin etc. Educators and parents of college students
are often interested in knowing the effects of online social network on their
Research shows that Facebook is the most popular social media website.
(Hargittai, 2007). This raises an important question about the nature of influence
USA) in 2011 which included 3,000 college undergraduate students from 1, 179
colleges and universities has shown that students juggle between personal and
Facebook, its use may not be the only factor that influences student’s academic
performance. Other uses of the Internet like online streaming media usage will
Another study involving high school students (Ndege & al., 2015) indicates
the positive effects of technology in boosting the potential for communication and
interaction, as well as the downside, which is that time is often wasted, leading to
less time spent on academic activities. Mishra (2014) carried out a study of
university students that analyzed the relation between the average of student
scores and the time spent searching on Internet. The results revealed a
significant negative relation in that the more time spent online, the lower the
average mark. They also found a significant positive relation between the
perception of the time students thought they needed to spend on sites with
academic information and the average mark. Türel and Toraman (2015) found
that men tend to spend more time online than women. They also concluded that
declined. So, the control should center on students who use Internet more than
three hours a day. Lepp (2015) measured the impact of cell phone use on the
average marks scored by university students, and found that the greater the cell
phone use, the lower the average. Chen & Fu (2009) concluded that online
information searching improved exam results. Other studies in Pakistan found
that Internet use had a positive effect on marks, and improved reading, writing
and information processing skills (Suhail & Bargees, 2006). Computer resources
such as games had a positive effect on spatial skills and memory, as well as
other hand, no link has been established between academic achievement and
computer use at the educational center (Gil-Flores, 2009). Other studies show
that students who search out information online get better marks because they
have access to more data sources and are thus better informed on the subject
(Leung & Lee, 2012). This fits with Kupczynski (2011) who studied the behavior
of students in Internet courses, finding that the most active (higher number of
the benefits of student interaction for academic achievement, with the benefits
accruing more too online students than to those who physically attended classes.
Many believe that internet use can have positive benefits on educational
achievement while others conclude that this outcome is not so obvious (Chen &
Fu, 2009; Gil-Flores, 2009; Hunley & et al., 2005; Luaran & al., 2011; Raines,
2012; Suhail & Bargees, 2006). The variables used to measure the influence of
Internet use on academic success include student online activity for task
completion, time spent on the Internet, and access to a computer and Internet
connection at home. However, no firm conclusions are drawn on the issue since
results from other studies performed under similar conditions have been
contradictory (Antonijevic, 2007; Azizi, 2014; Ellore & al., 2014; Junco, 2015).
On the contrary, with the easy access to the Internet for a vast majority of
students on campus, the Internet is not only used by students for visiting social
network websites, but students use it for a wide variety of purposes which can be
broadly categorized into media used for education and non-education purposes.
Online media used of education purposes include students utilizing their online
time to improve their knowledge relevant to the academic interests, for example,
online homework manager, watching news and videos related to the student’s
academic courses, watching online lectures etc. The online media used for non-
movies online, listening to music online, online gaming, and watching television
academic outcomes and the use of electronic media (includes offline and online
media usage), students would perform poorly with increased use of the electronic
media (Fox et al., 2009). Not much research has been done specifically
addressing the online media for education and non-education usage, existing
studies focuses mainly on measuring the amount of time spent on the use of the
electronic media (Jacobsen & Forste, 2011). In this research, the focus is
specifically on the amount of Time College students spend on the online media
Even though most people agreed that the advantages of the Internet as
surfing web-sites, engaging in chat-room, excellent tool for the research and so
on. However, many students fall behind in their studies due to excessive
NCHA), college students ranked the Internet use in the “Health Impediments to
Learning”. 19.7% of the college students reported that their internet use had
2001; Nalwa and Anand, 2003), and completing their assignments as well. This
studies have claimed that people may use the Internet addictively and that this
social behavior, habits and abilities in a negative way (Young, 1996; Scherer,
1997; Kraut et al., 2002; Kubey et al., 2001; Nalwa&Anand, 2003). In spite of
the fact that the Internet could contribute a lot to students’ learning, it is vital to
scrutinize students’ internet use trend for early care taking. Due to the
is to focus on the foreign undergraduate students’ internet use in UTM, and its
status of the parents of students and concluded that the socio economic
success. Considine and Zappala (2002) also having the same views as Graetz
(2005). In their study on the influence of social and economic disadvantage in the
academic performance of school students noticed, they have stated that parents
its use may not be the only factor that influences student’s academic
performance. Other uses of the Internet like online streaming media usage will
could significantly determine the success of a student. Ellore, Niranjan & Brown
165 Research has also found differences in the use of the Internet and adoption
digital divide (Salter, 2010). Several studies in psychology have found that
increased time spent on the Internet can lead to negative impact on a person’s
members including parents (Pierce, 2009). Although limited studies have focused
on college students, none have looked at specific details like the influence of
online media for education and non-education on face-to-face communication
issues have been highlighted. For example, the study have pointed out that
students were used the internet excessively were found to stay up late at night,
which led them to feel tired at class the next day, or missed classes.
Nonetheless, they found that this behavior does not necessarily impair the
students’ academic achievement, even though they may have detrimental effects
on the learning processes. Kubey, Lavin, and Barrows’ (2001) study was
excessively perceived their academic work, social behavior, and sleep patterns
internet typically spent three consecutive hours on the internet, with only four
hours spent on resting and sleeping. Students who excessively use the internet
performance. Kirschner and Karpinski (2010) found that Facebook users and
Facebook nonusers who reported a similar amount of time for Internet use were
differentiated in terms of how often they logged into Facebook. Facebook users
were found to have a lower mean GPA, and fewer hours studying per week.
Some of the Facebook users were also found to report that Facebook activities
distract them from their educational endeavors, even though they realized that
Forste, 2011). Controlled internet users, on the other hand, seemed to have
better relationships with others, better academic grades, and a higher level of
more likely to get depressed, physically-ill, lonely, and introverted. Heavy internet
users, though, were found to have a difficult time in their learning, but not
Nonetheless, the internet is not necessarily bad for students. Internet tools such
as social media were found to enhance and facilitate offline social interaction
(Jacobsen & Forste, 2011). Moreover, students who used internet purposefully to
other variables that may glean other types of effects. Variables such as gender,
age, learning approaches and strategies are variables which may have a bearing
on use and perception (Hoskins & Hooff, 2005). For example, internet use may
differ according to gender and culture. It has been reported that British women
were more likely to view the Internet and online tools as a means for learning,
compared to their male counterparts, who perceived the Internet as a tool for
person l use. The study also highlighted the similar perceptions cross-culturally.
For instance, British and Chinese women underestimated their ability to use
computers and the Internet. The women sample was also found to be more
willing to disclose difficulties they had when using the computer or the Internet (Li
Jackson, et al. (2006) found that low-income students who were given internet
access improved in terms of their academic achievement. The reason being the
sample was more conscientious about using a privilege that they would not be
Teaching materials
used in learning
A proposal of
educational wireless
Effects of lack of Conducted a survey connection for those
internet access in and distribution of students in school
the academic questionnaires to be that do not have the
performance of answer by the
ability to connect to
STEM respondents
internet for
Students in educational
E-TECH Subject purposes.
Figure 1
subject. This paradigm shows the relationship between the input, process, and
performance of STEM students in their E-TECH subject and how the effects of
lack of internet access affects the academic performance of STEM students. The
process shows the way in which the researchers conducted a survey through
the main goal of the research study that the researchers aimed for.
Chapter III
gathering procedure.
Research Design
instrument of the study. The chosen respondents are given ample time to answer
This study have respondents directly from the chosen students of STEM 11
Total number of
Section students Number of respondents
29 29
STEM 11 36 36
TOTAL 65 65
set of specific questions that determined the effects of lack of internet access in
The respondents have free time to answer the given form and to avoid them
to provide unnecessary answer. Before the researchers started the survey they
first oriented the students for the survey to be organized. The researcher
The researcher assures that the time they consume is the free time of the
All the collected results were being interpreted by the researcher. The data
will be the basis or the analysis of the stud for it to be successfully done.
Data Treatment
After all the data are being gathered, the researchers tally all the answers
All the data are interpreted after getting the number of students who
answers the given questionnaire by the researcher and getting the percentage of
the result.
P = percentage
2. ( Weighted Mean)
This formula is used to determine the total numbers of answer per item
= Weighted mean
the study.
N = number of indication
Likert’s Scale
between the lack of internet access and the academic performance of the STEM
question or statement. One must recall that Likert-type data is ordinal data, i.e.
we can only say that one score is higher than another, not the distance between
the points.
Range Indication
The researchers used the following statistical tool to make the gathered
Range. It is used to show the rank of every item which tells the hierarchy of each
Weighted Mean. It is used to know how the respondents agree with the factors
In this study the researches know the educational materials that can be
the said subject. It also shows how the teaching materials are frequently used
Table 1
Composite Mean 2.34
guide ranked as first and has an average weighted mean of 3.53, verbal
This gives an implication that projectors/TV are often used by the teachers in
mean of 2.86 and have verbal interpretation of often used. This gives an
Then the item that ranks as fourth is the non-electronic visuals and have
This gives an implication that noon-electronic visual are often used by the
Fifth is the item which is the software application and have an average
weighted mean of 2.55 and verbal interpretation of often used. This gives an
Sixth is the item which is computers and have an average weighted mean
that computers are sometimes used by the teachers in teaching the students
Empowerment Technology.
Next is the item that ranks in seventh which is the manila paper visual aids
sometimes used. This gives an implication that Manila paper visual aids are
sometimes used by the teachers in teaching the students Empowerment
Then the item that ranks in eight is the flash cards and have an average
For the item that ranks as the lowest is the internet access and have an
Composite Mean 2.93
This Table 2 shows the effects of lack of internet access in the academic
contains the weighted mean, verbal interpretation and the rank per item.
As shown in the table, it is clear that the item that rank highest is the item
which have an average weighted mean of 3.15 and verbal interpretation of agree.
for students and a tool to enhance their productivity (Metzger, Flanagin & Zwarun
2003). It is an implication that without the use of internet it limits the resources of
new and I cannot search for relevant ideas when making activities are the items
ranked in second and third which have an average weighted mean of 3.09 and
3.07 and both have a verbal interpretation of agree. Based on the study of Jones
texts which are not housed between library and bookshop walls and subject
internet plays a big role in studying and helps the students to excel in school.
Next is the item that rank in fourth which is the item that states I am not
updated with the topics on our online group and have an average weighted mean
of 3.06 and verbal interpretation of agree. Suhail and Bargees (2006) reported
some benefits of the internet access for college students. They indicated that the
databases, and improving study hours and study habits. This gives an implication
Then the item ranked in fifth is the item that states I cannot do advance
studying and have an average weighted mean of 2.98 and verbal interpretation of
agree. According to Angrist and Lavy (2002), at a basic level, Internet use
actually learning a new skill – this alone can translate into higher grades. This is
students in school.
Technology topics ranked in sixth that have an average weighted mean of 2.95
and verbal interpretation of agree. Based on a research, most people agreed that
excellent tool for the research and watching video related to their studies (Young,
While the items I do not have access in lessons sent through messenger
and I can’t review the lessons that I did not understand ranked in seventh and
eighth and have an average weighted mean of 2.93 and 2.86 that have a verbal
interpretation of agree. The survey showed that students used the internet for
personal use and academic discourse while students also felt that cyber
implication that access to internet is one of the factors why students perform well
The item that states I cannot do my homework ranked in ninth and have
sleep and completing their assignments as well. This problem can also influence
Then the item that ranked as lowest is the item that states I cannot
perform well in class during discussions compared to those with internet access
which have an average weighted mean of 2.50 and verbal interpretation of agree.
Related to a study, another detrimental effect of the internet is the use of it while
affect the learning experience (Jacobsen & Forste, 2011). This gives an
implication that usage of internet should be limited because it might also become
III. The effects of lack of internet Mean
access that affects my academic Indicator Rank
The Table 3 shows how the effects of lack of internet access affect the
It is clear on the results that item that states I passed my projects beyond
the given deadline have the highest average weighted mean of 2.69 and verbal
Next are the items ranked in second and third which are the items that
states I can’t relate to the discussions and I got low performance during practical
activities which have an average weighted mean of 2.62 and 2.55 and verbal
Then the item that states I got low performance in our recitation is ranked
in fourth and has an average weighted mean of 2.52 and verbal interpretation of
study habits, drastic drop in grades, missing classes and poor integration in
should be wisely used to enhance their study habits for them to be able to got
Last is the item that ranked as the lowest which is the item that states I
gained low scores in our quizzes and have an average weighted mean of 2.51
and verbal interpretation of agree. Controlled internet users, on the other hand,
seemed to have better relationships with others, better academic grades, and a
higher level of academic satisfaction. On the contrary, heavy internet users are
Heavy internet users, though, were found to have a difficult time in their learning,
but not necessarily in terms of their academic achievements (Chen & Peng,
2008). This gives an implication that internet helps in the academic performance
of students.
Summary of Findings
This study aimed to identify the effects of lack of internet access in the
subject, with the end view of presenting the importance of internet access and
1. What are the teaching materials that can be used in learning Empowerment
2. What are the effects of lack of internet access to the academic performance
3. how does the effects of lack of internet access affects the academic
4. Based on the results of the study, what possible output may resolve the
This study made used of qualitative method to identify the effects of lack
Based on the results, 4 teaching are often used includes the hand-
websites, manila paper visual aids, and flash cards. While out of 10 teaching
materials, curriculum guide is the only one which is always used. Then internet
access is the only teaching materials that is never used by the teacher in
Based on the findings of the researchers, the item that rank as the highest
is the item that states I can’t gather information easily about Empowerment
Technology which have an average weighted mean of 3.15. Which give an
implication that internet access is really a sea of information. While the item
that ranked as the least is the item that states that I cannot perform well in
class during discussions compared to those with internet access which have
item that states I passed my projects beyond the given deadline have the highest
average weighted mean of 2.69. While the item that ranked as the least is the
item that states I gained low scores in our quizzes and have an average
weighted mean of 2.51. As a summary, all of the participants agree with the
The researchers proposed a project that will help them to have a free
access to internet at school. This project aims to have a free internet access at
school that will be used by the students with regards to their studies. The said
project proposal will benefit every student at MAtaasnakahoy Senior High School
and through this project it will help the students to excel academically.
Based on the results of the study, the researchers present the following
proposed project of the researchers that will provide solution to the lack of
For the teachers, help in promoting the project for the students to be more
For the students, used wisely the internet and used it only with regards to