Bojleri RYCROFT 800 Lit

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Storage Calorifiers/Cylinders









Storage Calorifiers

Primary Heating Systems Heat Transfer Oil

Thermal oils have the benefit of high temperature combined with
LTHW (maximum temperatures of 100°C) low operating pressures. Tubular heat exchangers are generally
Low temperature hot water is the most common means of manufactured from cupro-nickel or stainless steel, depending on
heating. Flows are usually based on a temperature drop of 11°C oil type.
(from 82–71°C).
MTHW (100°C–120°C) Generally only superheat is taken from systems although
condensing units are available. Tubular heat exchangers are
Medium temperature hot water systems are generally designed on
designed with double tube sheets incorporating a tell tale leak
a temperature drop of 30°C (from 120–90°C).
path. This reduces the risk from cross contamination between the
HTHW (temperatures above 120°C) secondary and primary sides.

High temperature hot water systems are generally designed on a

Waste Heat
temperature drop of 40°C (from 150–110°C). Storage calorifiers are a useful means of recovering waste heat
Another important factor in the selection of primary water from a variety of liquids or vapours and Rycroft offer a special
heating systems is the working pressure. Where the primary design service for this purpose. Where the temperature or quantity
working pressure is greater than the shell design pressure the of waste heat is insufficient for the desired output, supplementary
calorifier must be fitted with a bursting disc sized in accordance heating can be incorporated into the calorifier to boost the storage
with the requirements of BS 853. temperature. The calorifier should be sized to absorb the maximum
quantity of waste heat during the time it is available.
Primary water pressure drops are generally not greater than 25 kPa.
W ith HTHW Systems we recommend the use of flanged Water Hardness
connections rather than screwed joints. Where it is required to heat water with a high degree of hardness,
special precautions should be taken. This is especially true where
Steam high primary temperatures are encountered.
Steam is an ideal medium for water heating. Tubular heat
Rycroft References for Storage Calorifiers
exchangers can be designed to accommodate a wide range of
pressures, although most users prefer to have calorifiers operating CE Copper vertical calorifier.
with pressures below 10 Bar g. Superheat can be accommodated CF Copper horizontal calorifier.
and the degree of superheat should always be stated at the
ZE Steel vertical calorifier.
enquiry stage.
ZF Steel horizontal calorifier.
Condensate CZE Copperlined steel vertical calorifier.
Condensate tubular heat exchangers can be used to CZF Copperlined steel horizontal calorifier.
accommodate flash steam and subcool condensate. This
SSE Stainless steel vertical calorifier.
har nesses the available heat which would otherwise be
SSF Stainless steel horizontal calorifier.
discharged from a traditional two pass tubular heat exchanger.


Calorifier Codes of Practice
BS 853 The table below illustrates the SEP sector for calorifiers. For

Rycroft manufacture BS 853 calorifiers strictly in accordance to the example, consider a 10,000 litre calorifier with an allowable

standard. This standard specifies requirements which ensure the pressure of 5 Bar g. To determine the group classification draw a

calorifier meets with all current Health and Safety legislation. horizontal line across the graph at 5 Bar. At the 10,000 litre point

Unvented calorifiers should be built in accordance with BS 853 as on the horizontal axis draw a vertical line. The intersection of
these two lines falls in the SEP sector of the graph. A 10,000 litre
stipulated in BS 6700. G3 building regulations states the safety
calorifier with an allowable pressure of 12 Bar falls into the
protection requirements for unvented systems.
category 1 requirements. The requirements for each category can
Although not a requirement of the code, a full material traceability
be found in the Directive Journal 97/23/EC.
can be offered. This requirement must be stipulated at the
quotation stage. As standard, Rycroft can supply a letter of material
conformity for all BS 853 calorifiers.
Vessels for Group 2 liquids
Third party inspection control can be accommodated. This PS(bar)
requirement must be stipulated at the quotation stage.
BS 5500 PS = 1000
The design and manufacture of equipment built in accordance with
Pressure (PS) 1000 PS PS = 500
500 •
this specification must be endorsed by a third party inspectorate. =
100 10
Full material traceability is a mandatory requirement. 00
Shells built in accordance with this standard are supplied with a SEP PS = 10
Form X endorsed by the manufacturer and third party inspectorate.
1 PS = 0.5
Commercial Calorifiers
Rycroft supply a range of commercial vented calorifiers based upon
extensive in-house research and operating experience.
0.1 1 10 100 10000 V(L)
All commercial calorifiers carry a Rycroft nameplate specifying the 1000 100 000
following: Volume (V)
• Date of manufacture
• Maximum working pressure Storage Temperature
• Test pressure Several standards and guides specify required storage temperatures.

A letter of material conformity can be supplied with any Rycroft Some of the common specifications are listed below:

commercial calorifer. CIBSE TM 13

Recommends a storage temperature of 60°C.
Calorifiers and the Pressure Equipment Directive CIBSE Guide
(97/23/EC) Examples quote storage temperatures of 65°C.
From 29 May 2002 calorifiers must meet the mandatory National Health Service Model Engineering Specification C 07
requirements of the PED. R ycroft calorifiers will meet the 60°C requirement.
requirements from the transition date of 29 November 1999. HSG70
The majority of fluids found in calorifier systems including steam Temperature treatment control regimes specify a storage temperature
will be classified as group 2 fluids. The following rules pertain to of 60°C.

calorifiers containing group 2 fluids: BS 6700

Where the maximum design pressure in Bar g multiplied by the Recommends a storage temperture of 60°C.

calorifier volume in litres is not greater than 10,000 or the design It should be noted that temperature control is generally considered

pressure is not greater than 10 bar g the calorifier must comply the preferred means of reducing the risk from Legionnaires disease.

with SEP (Sound Engineering Practice). SEP calorifiers cannot carry Calorifiers and their associated systems can be designed to ensure

the CE mark. compliance with specified temperature regimes. Existing systems may

Calorifiers which fall outside of the above parameters must carry also be upgraded. Please contact our design department for further

the CE mark. information.


Shell Materials
Copper Shells Galvanised Steel Shells
Solid copper has proved to be a reliable and economical non The coating of steel with zinc by hot dipped galvanising or by

ferrous metal for the construction of hot water storage vessels. metal spray has proved good protection for hot water storage

It is used extensively throughout the world due to its long life and cylinders over many years providing the water is hard. It is

an ability to withstand most concentrations of corrosive elements essential that a deposit of lime forms rapidly on the surface with

found in domestic hot water. Modern fabrication has further the galvanised parts before the zinc is dissolved or deposited in

improved the quality of welded joints and copper alloy fittings can other parts of the system by electrolytic action. Local knowledge

be selected to avoid dezincification. will generally decide whether a galvanised cylinder is suitable for

The mechanism which protects copper from corrosion is the the water conditions on site, but guidance from the water supply

formation of a copper oxide on the metal surface. There are very authority should be sought if there is any doubt.

few sources of fresh water which are sufficiently aggressive to To extend the life of the zinc coating and allow further time for

prevent the formation of this oxide film. However, where such the scale deposit to form cylinders are supplied with magnesium

conditions do exist they are generally known locally and anodes. This disposable element is mounted inside the shell to be

preventive action can be taken when the unit is first installed. The sacrificed by electrolytic action in preference to the galvanised

correct procedure is to fit an aluminium anode in the base of the surface. Once a satisfactory scale has formed the electrolytic

cylinder. This sacrificial anode deposits an aluminium compound action ceases and this can be checked by the continued presence

on the copper surface, which gives permanent protection and of the wasted magnesium anode.

does not require further anodes to be fitted.

Steel Copper Lined

The fabrication of large high pressure cylinders from solid copper

is normally considered uneconomical and has generally been

superceded by the alternative construction of steel shells lined

with copper. This arrangement combines the strength of a steel

vessel with the superior corrosion resistance of copper. It is

essential that the copper lining is absolutely waterproof and the

‘Rycolyna’ technique developed by Rycroft has proved most

reliable for many years. The recommended thickness of lining for

the shell is 1.6mm (3lb/sq.ft.) and this increases with the shell

diameter. The lining is attached to the steel shell at points around

the circumference and is pulled back by vacuum during

manufacture to produce a good fit. Joint construction is such that

longitudinal and lateral movement due to temperature and

pressure changes can be accommodated without additional


An anti-vacuum valve is fitted to all copper lined shells. This valve

prevents partial vacuum from forming in the shell during drain

down or unusual operating conditions.


Hot dipped galvanised cylinders are coated by immersing the steel Stainless Steel
shell in a molten bath of zinc. When the vessel is too large for this Austenitic Stainless Steel 316L is suitable for storage calorifiers,
dipping process the zinc can be applied by hot metal spray. it contains 18% Chromium, 8% Nickel, 2-3% Moybdenum
The technique is well proved and conforms to BS 2569. The life of and has a low carbon content 0.003% to improve
a steel calorifier sprayed with zinc is comparable to a galvanised corrosion resistance after welding. The passivity and
unit. The use of copper pipework in association with a galvanised general corrosion resistance of Austenitic stainless steel is
cylinder is to be avoided, particularly on the hot water side if there
well known but they do suffer from chloride attack.
is a secondary return to the shell. Apart from electrolytic action
This can happen in the form of crevice, stress or pitting
between copper and galvanised steel connections there is a
corrosion. Good manufacturing techniques and a correct
serious risk of damaging the zinc surface. This is caused by minute
post manufacture treatment to restore the stainless steel to its
particles of dissolved copper settling on the galvanised surface
original properties can reduce the suspectibility but cannot
and producing local cells which dissolve the zinc coating and
completely prevent corrosion attack. Hot water containing quite
expose the steel shell beneath.
small quantities of chlorides has been found to be quite

Warning aggressive to stainless steel at calorifier operating temperatures.

Galvanised steel cylinders rely upon hardness salts in the water to Therefore unless local experience has shown that Austenitic
form a protective scale. Galvanised cylinders are therefore not stainless steel is suitable for storing hot water other superior
suitable for use with soft water. Water supplies which have grades of stainless steel, eg Duplex or other materials should
traditionally been hard and satisfactory may now prove unsuitable be considered.
due to changes in source.

It is therefore wrong to assume a replacement cylinder will

necessarily have the same life as the original unit. With all new

galvanised cylinders secondary temperatures should not exceed

60°C until a protective scale has formed and combination with

copper pipework should be avoided.

Less than 0.1 part per million of copper in the water is sufficient

to cause pitting corrosion and the degree of copper solvency is

increased with hot water. The risk of pitting corrosion with hard

water can be reduced by fitting a sacrificial anode.

The use of a copper heater with a galvanised cylinder does not

present the same problem because the heated element is quickly

oxidised and coated with a deposit of hardness salts. It is therefore

quite normal for copper heaters to be fitted to galvanised


Other shell materials such as austenitic and duplex stainless steels,

copper-nickel alloys and eopxy coatings are also available for

special applications.

The following materials are available:

Standard shells are manufactured from

Copper BS 2870-C106
Steel BS 1501-151 / 161-430A
Galvanising BS 2569

Austenitic Stainless Steels BS IS01–316 S11

Duplex SAF 2304

Cupro Nickel BS 2871


Storage Calorifiers


A Primary Flow or Steam R Vent
B Primary Return or Condensate S Bursting Disc
C Secondary Flow T Anti-Vacuum Valve
D Secondary Return U Typical Leg for Steel Vessel
E Cold Feed V Leg for Copper Vessel
F Thermometer W Cradles
G Safety Valve Other connections available on request.
H Altitude gauge
★ Standard Cradle/leg height 150mm
J Drain
L Manhole
M Thermostat x 2
P Lifting Eyes x 2



Copper Copper Copper Steel
Litres A B C D Test 1.5 bar Test 2.5 bar Test 4.0 bar Test 4.0 bar
Design 1.0 bar Design 1.7 bar Design 2.7 bar Design 2.7 bar
440 1800 600 1350 250 115 125 140 250
550 1700 675 1150 300 130 140 160 240
700 1750 750 1150 300 155 155 190 280
800 1950 750 1300 300 160 160 200 300
900 2000 800 1350 330 185 195 225 335
1000 1950 850 1300 330 195 205 250 340
1200 2100 900 1400 345 225 240 280 395
1350 2350 900 1550 345 240 250 300 420
1500 1950 1050 1300 395 285 305 365 500
1800 2300 1050 1550 395 315 335 405 565
2000 2500 1050 1650 395 325 345 430 600
2300 2400 1150 1600 410 370 370 500 640
2500 2450 1200 1650 430 380 405 510 685
3000 2900 1200 1950 430 435 460 585 985
3500 2700 1350 1800 475 555 555 715 1025
4000 3050 1350 2050 475 580 600 770 1135
4500 3400 1350 2250 475 615 645 845 1240
5000 3200 1450 2400 500 685 755 964 1245
6000 3800 1450 2850 500 800 885 1130 1460
7000 3300 1680 2475 475 925 1010 1355 1830
8000 3700 1680 2850 475 1020 1120 1510 2050
9000 4200 1680 3150 475 1100 1210 1590 2230
10000 4600 1680 3600 475 1215 1340 1820 2490
12500 5000 1830 3750 550 1510 1780 2335 2825
15000 6000 1830 4500 550 1775 2100 2760 3310

The dimensions shown should be used for general information only and are subject to change at Rycroft discretion. Fully detailed drawings are produced for each order.

Indirect Cylinders
Indirect cylinders fitted with double tube heaters are
Capacity Dimensions (mm) Weight (kg)*
predominately used in low pressure systems up to a maximum
(Litres) A B C D Dry Wet
design pressure of 3 bar. The double tube heater is made up of
440 1800 600 1350 250 140 580
pairs of concentric copper tubes. The primary hot water flows 550 1700 675 1150 300 160 710
700 1750 750 1150 300 190 890
down the annular space between each pair of tubes. The
800 1950 750 1300 300 200 1000
secondary storage water is heated by natural convection around 900 2000 800 1350 330 225 1125
1000 1950 850 1300 330 250 1250
the annular space. The tubes are joined together by horizontal 1200 2100 900 1400 345 280 1480
manifolds top and bottom, which are connected to the primary 1350 2350 900 1550 345 300 1650
1500 1950 1050 1300 395 365 1865
circuit. The inner tubes of each pair extend beyond the two 1800 2300 1050 1550 395 405 2205
2000 2500 1050 1650 395 430 2430
manifolds so that the secondary water can pass up the centre 2300 2400 1150 1600 410 500 2800
core. Double tube heaters are suitable for vertical or horizontal 2500 2450 1200 1650 430 510 3010
3000 2900 1200 1950 430 585 3585
cylinders. Recovery periods from 20 minutes to three hours can be 3500 2700 1350 1800 475 715 4215
4000 3050 1350 2050 475 770 4770
achieved. Primary pressure drops are comparatively low for this 4500 3400 1350 2250 475 845 5345
type of heater. On vertical cylinders the primary inlet is near the
The dimensions shown should be used for general information only and are subject to
top of the cylinder and the primary outlet near the bottom. change at Rycroft discretion. Fully detailed drawings are produced for each order.
* Weights are approximate and based on 2.7 bar design and 4.0 bar test copper vessels.
Horizontal cylinders have their primary connections in the top and
bottom of the shell at opposite ends.
An extensive range of indirect cylinders is available with copper B
coils. This type of unit can be used for a wide range of pressures.
Three diameters of copper coil are readily available, ie 20, 25 and
32mm. Larger diameters are available, please contact our sales
department for details. All Rycroft coils are appropriately stayed to
ensure trouble free operation. For large primary flows, double coil
arrangements are also available. Coil connections are positioned
on the same side of the cylinder.

A Centres
to suit
STANDARD CONNECTIONS M Thermostat x 2 heater
& duty
A Primary Flow P Lifting Eyes x 2 C
B Primary Return
D Secondary Return R Vent
E Cold Feed S Bursting Disc
F Thermometer T Anti-Vac Valve
G Safety Valve D
H Altitude Gauge Other connections available on request. 100mm
J Drain ★ Standard Cradle/Leg height 150mm
L Manhole



Buffer Vessels
Domestic hot water systems
Capacity Dimension (mm) Weight (kg)*
There are occasions when a storage vessel is required without an (Litres) A B Dry Wet
internal heater. A typical example is a cylinder added to a
440 1800 600 140 250
domestic hot water service to provide extra storage capacity. 550 1700 675 160 240
700 1750 750 190 280
When coupled with instantaneous water heaters buffer vessels are
800 1950 750 200 300
generally connected in parallel. Pump circulation is required to 900 2000 800 225 335
ensure a flow between the buffer vessel and water heater. 1000 1950 850 250 340
1200 2100 900 280 395
1350 2350 900 300 420
Chiller systems 1500 1950 1050 365 500
1800 2300 1050 405 565
In this application buffer vessels are used to prevent rapid cycling 2000 2500 1050 430 600
of the chiller sets. The vessels are located between the chillers and 2300 2400 1150 500 640
2500 2450 1200 510 685
distribution system.
3000 2900 1200 585 985
Special consideration must be made regarding the type of 3500 2700 1350 715 1025
4000 3050 1350 770 1135
insulation material used. Rycroft can supply various insulation
4500 3400 1350 845 1240
combinations for this application. For additional information 5000 3200 1450 964 1245
6000 3800 1450 1130 1460
please contact our sales office.
7000 3300 1680 1355 1830
8000 3700 1680 1510 2050
9000 4200 1680 1590 2230
Materials of construction
10000 4600 1680 1820 2490
Buffer vessel material selection must complement that of the 12500 5000 1830 2335 2825
entire system. The design and fabricaion of the shell is generally 15000 6000 1830 2760 3310

similar to an indirect cylinder and constructed in accordance with

The dimensions shown should be used for general information only and are subject to
BS 853. change at Rycroft discretion. Fully detailed drawings are produced for each order.
* Weights are approximate and based on 2.7 bar design and 4.0 bar test copper vessels.

Typical horizontal buffer vessel arrangement. Typical vertical buffer vessel arrangement.

★ Standard Cradle/Leg height 150mm.


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