BPRS-C 9item PDF

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The Anchored BPRS-C-9 (Nine Item Version)

Mod. Severe
Not Present

Very Mild
Child’s Name: ________________________________ ID:______________

Age:___________ Gender: M F Ethnicity: _________________


Examiner: ______________________________ Date: ________________
Interviewee: Child Mother Father Other (specify)_______
Total Score: ______________ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Uncooperativeness - negative, uncooperative, resistant, difficult

to manage.
Not present: Cooperative, pleasant.
Mild: Occasionally refuses to comply with rules and expectations, in only
one situation/setting.
Moderate-severe: Persistent failure to comply with rules/expectations in
more than one setting. Causes frequent impairment in functioning.
Extremely Severe: Constantly refuses to comply with rules and expectations,
delinquent behaviors, running away. Causes severe impairment in
functioning in most situations/settings. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

2. Hostility - angry or suspicious affect, belligerence, accusations

and verbal condemnation of others.
Not present: Cooperative, pleasant.
Mild: Occasionally sarcastic, loud, guarded, quarrelsome. Causes mild
dysfunction in one situation or setting.
Moderate-severe: Causes frequent impairment in several situations/settings.
Extremely Severe: Assaultive, destructive. Causes severe impairment in
functioning in most situations/settings. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

3. Manipulativeness - lying, cheating, exploitive of others.

Not present: Not at all.
Mild: Occasionally gets in trouble for lying, may cheat on occasions.
Moderate-severe: Frequently lies/cons/manipulates people he knows.
Causes frequent impairment in functioning in several situations/settings.
Extremely Severe: Constantly relates to others in an exploitive/manipulative
manner, cons strangers out of money/situations. Cause severe impairment
in functioning in most situations/settings. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

4. Depressed Mood - sad, tearful, depressive demeanor.

Not present: Occasionally/quickly disappears.
Mild: Sustained periods/excessive for event.
Moderate-severe: Unhappy most time/no precipitant.
Extremely Severe: Unhappy all time/psychic pain. Causes severe impairment
in functioning.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
5. Feelings of Inferiority - lacking self-confidence, self-
depreciatory, feeling of personal inadequacy.
Not present: Feels good/positive about self.
Mild: Occasionally feels not as good as others/deficits in one area.
Moderate-severe: Feels others are better than they are. Gives negative,
bland answers, can’t think of anything good about themselves.
Extremely Severe: Constantly feels others are better. Feels worthless/not

Note: This instrument not in the public sector and reproduction permission must be granted by the authors. See Hughes CW, Rintelmann J, Emslie GJ, et al: “A
Revised Anchored Version of the BPRS-C for Childhood Psychiatric Disorders.” J Child Adol Psychopharm 11:77–93, 2001.
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The Anchored BPRS-C-9 (Nine Item Version)

Mod. Severe
Not Present

Very Mild



0 1 2 3 4 5 6

6. Hyperactivity - excessive energy expenditure, frequent

changes in posture, perpetual motion.
Not present: Slight restlessness, fidgeting. No impact on functioning.
Mild: Occasional restlessness, fidgeting, frequent changes of posture.
Noticeable, but does not cause impairment in functioning.
Moderate-severe: Excessive energy, movement, cannot stay still or seated.
Causes dysfunction on numerous occasions/situations. Seeks help for
Extremely Severe: Continuous motor excitement, cannot be stilled. Causes
major interference in functioning on most occasions/situations.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

7. Distractibility - poor concentration, shortened attention

span, reactivity to peripheral stimuli.
Not present: Performance consistent with ability.
Mild: Occasionally daydreams, easily distracted. Is able to focus with a
Moderate-Severe: Frequently has trouble concentrating, avoids mental tasks,
disruptive. Needs frequent assistance to stay focused. Causes decreased
Extremely Severe: Constant, needs 1:1 assistance to stay focused. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

8. Tension - nervousness, fidgetiness, nervous movements of

hands or feet.
Not present: Not at all.
Mild: Occasionally feels nervous or fidgets. Can be relaxed or reassured.
Moderate-severe: Most days/time feels nervous/fidgety. Causes mental or
physical distress.
Extremely Severe: Pervasive and extreme nervousness, fidgeting, nervous
movements of hands and/or feet. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

9. Anxiety - clinging behavior, separation anxiety,

preoccupation with anxiety topics, fears or phobias.
Not present: Not at all.
Mild: Occasionally worries (at least 3 times a week) about
anticipated/current events, separation, fears or phobias. These worries
appear excessive for situation.
Moderate-severe: Most days/time worries about at least 2 life
circumstances, or anticipated/current events.
Extremely Severe: Pervasive and extreme worry about most everything, TOTAL SCORE: ________________
real or imagined. (add up each item -- record on front
page as well)

Note: This instrument not in the public sector and reproduction permission must be granted by the authors. See Hughes CW, Rintelmann J, Emslie GJ, et al: “A
Revised Anchored Version of the BPRS-C for Childhood Psychiatric Disorders.” J Child Adol Psychopharm 11:77–93, 2001.
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