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DR.G.G.PUSALKAR Problems on Electrochemistry S.Y.B.


Type I: Problems based on electrode reactions:

1) Write the anode and cathode reactions for a galvanic cell that utilizes the reaction:
Ni(s) + 2Fe2+ → Ni2+ + 2Fe2+

2) Write the electrode reactions, the overall reactions and the expression for emf for
each of the following reversible cells.
1. Pt, H2(atom) | HCl(aq) | Pt, Cl2(1 atm)
2. Hg – Hg2C12(s) | HCl(aq) | Pt, H2(1 atm)
3. Ag(s) – AgCl(s) | KCl(aq) | Hg2Cl2(s) – Hg(s)
4. Ag – AgCl(s) | | KCl(s) | AgC1(s) – Ag(s)

3)Write the individual electrode reactions and the total cell reaction for the following
a) Ag (s) – AgCl(s) | Cl – | | I – | AgI(s) = Ag(s)
b) Pt | Fe2+ , Fe3+ | | MnO4 –1 , Mn 2+ | Pt
c) Pt H2(g) | HCl | Cl2(g) , Pt
d) Ag | Ag+ | | Fe2+ | | Fe

Type II : Problems based on construction of cells

1) Construct the cells in which the following reactions occur. Which of the electrode cell
acts as anode and which one is cathode?
(i) Zn + CuSO4 ZnSO4 + Cu
(ii) Fe + SnCl2 FeCl3 + Sn
(iii) Cu + 2AgNO3 Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag
(iv) Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2(Pt)

2) Set up the cell corresponding to each of the following cell react ions:
(i)Sn(s) + Sn4+ → 2Sn2+
(ii)Cd(s) +Hg22+ → Cd2+ + 2Hg(l)
(iii) Zn(s) + 2AgC1(s) → ZnC12 (aq) + 2Ag(s)

3) Construct the cell, showing the polarities of the electrodes to produce current from
the reaction,
(i) Zn(s) + Cu2+ (aq) Zn2+ (aq) + Cu(s)
(ii) Cu(s) + 2Ag+ (aq) Cu2+ (aq) + 2Ag(s)

(iii) 2Cu2+ (aq) Cu(s) + Cu2+(s)
(iv) 2Al(s) + 3Zn2+ (aq) 2Al3+ (aq) + 3Zn(s)

4) Represent the Galvanic cells using line notations for the following cell reactions:
(i) S2O82– + 2I – →2SO4 2– + I2
(ii)Pb + 2Ag+ → Pb2+ + 2Ag
(iii) Cd + 2H+ → Cd2+ + H2
(iv) Zn + 2AgCl → ZnCl 2 + 2Ag

Type III: Problems based on calculation of single

electrode potential
1) Calculate standard potentials of the following electrodes at 298K
(i) Zn | Zn2+ (a = 1)
(iii) Ag | AgNO3 (0.02m)
(iv)Fe|FeSO4(a=0.1) m)
(v)Pt|FeCl3(a=0.05m)FeCl2(a=0.0001) m)
(Ans.: , (i) – 0.763 V (ii) + 0.712 V, (iii) 0.09004 V (iv) – 0.410 V (v) – 0.87 V)

2) Calculate the electrode potential of the following electrodes at 298K:

(i) Pt | Fe2+ (a = 1) , Fe3+ (a = 0.1) ii) Pt | I2(s) , I– (a =0.03)
(Ans (i) 0.7118 V , (ii) +0.6257 V)

3) Calculate the potential of the following electrodes:

(i) Co | Co2+ (a = 0.025)
(ii) Ag | AgBr(s) , Br – (a = 0.02)
(iii) Pt | Sn 2+ ( a = 0.03), Sn4+ (a = 0.02)
(iv) Al | Al3+ (a = 0.025)
(Ans. (i) E = – 0.3244 V, (ii) E = 0.1716 V, (iii) E = 0.1448 V , (iv) E = 1.6935V)

4) Calculate the potential of the electrode, Ag | AgCl (s) , Cl– (a = 0.01)

(Ans. E = 0.3407 V)

5) For the galvanic cell, Zn | Zn2+(1M) | | Ag+(1M) | Ag, Calculate the cell potential when
the standard reduction electrode potentials of Zn and Ag electrodes are – 0.763 V and
+0.8 V respectively.
(Ans. Cell potential = 1.563 V)

6) What is the potential of the following electrode at 298K:

Zn2+ (2.0 x 10-3M) | Zn (s) , E0 = – 0.76 V
(Ans.E = – 0.84 volts)

7) Calculate the electrode potential if the following half cells at 298K

(i) Zn | Zn+2 (a = 0.15M)
(ii) Ag(s) – AgBr(s) | Br – (a = 0.2)

(Ans : (i) = – 0.7548V , (ii) = 0.112V)

Type IV:Problems based on Nernst equation and

spontaneity of a process
1) Write the Nernst equation for the following processes at some temperature T.
a) Mg(s) + Sn2+ (aq.) → Mg2+(aq) + Sn(s)
b) 2Cr(s) + 3Pb2+(aq) → 2 Cr3+(aq) + 3Pb(s)
c) Sr(s) + Mg2+ (aq) → Sr2+(aq) + Mg(s)

2) Construct the cell with Zn | Zn2+ and Cd2+ | Cd electrode. Write the cell reactions.
Also indicate the polarities and determine the standard e.m.f. of the cell. Given that SRP
of Zn2+ | Zn = – 0.763 volt and of Cd2+ | Cd = – 0.403V.
(Ans. = +0.360 volt)

3) Construct the cell with Zn | Zn2+ and Ag | Ag+ electrode. Write the cell reactions. Also
indicate the polarities and determine the standard e.m.f. of the cell.
Given Zn2+ | Zn = – 0.763 volt and of Ag+ | Ag = + 0.799V.
(Ans. = 1.562 volts)

4) Construct the cell indicating the polarities of the electrodes to produce current from
the reaction: Cu(s) + 2Ag+ (aq) Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s) .
Calculate the std. emf of the cell.
Given Cu2+ | Cu = +0.337 volt and of Ag+ | Ag = + 0.799 volt
(Ans. = 0.462 volts)

5) The following reaction takes place in a cell: Zn(s) + Co 2+ Co(s) + Zn2+ Write down
the electrode reactions and calculate the standard e.m.f. of cell.
Given that E0 of Zn| Zn2+ = 0.76 volt and of Co | Co2+ = 0.28V.
(Ans. = 0.48 volts)

6) Calculate the e.m.f. of the cell at 298K : Fe | FeSO 4(0.1M) | | CuSO4 (0.1M) |Cu .
Given that E0 of Fe| Fe2+ = 0.44 volt and of Cu2+ | Cu= 0.337V.
(Ans.E = 0.75 volts)

7) Calculate the e.m.f. of the following cell at 298 K

Sn | Sn2+ (a=1) | | Pb2+ (a = 1)| Pb
Standard potential of Sn2+ | Sn = – 0.14 V
Standard potential of Pb2+ | Pb = – 0.126V

8) Calculate the e.m.f. of the following cell at 298K:

Sn(s) | Sn2+ (0.05m) | |H+(0.02M) | H2(l atm)Pt
(Ans. 0.08V)
9) Predict whether the following reaction would proceed spontaneously at 298 K.
Co(s) + Fe2+ (aq) → Co2+(aq) + Fe(s),
given that [Co2+] = 0.15m and [Fe2+] =0.68 m

(Ans E0 = – 0.14V , therefore the reaction is non-spontaneous)
10) Calculate the e.m.f. of the following cells at 298 K.
(ii) Pt , H2 (1 atm) | H2S04 (0.05m), Hg2SO4(s) | Hg
(Ans. (i) 0.717 V, (ii) 0.7353 V)
11) The e.m.f. of the cell : Cd | CdI2 (m = ?), AgI(s) | Ag
is 0.286 V at 298K. Calculate the concentration of CdI2 solution.
(Ans. Molarity of CdI2 = 0.4002)

12) For the reaction Fe3+ + 3e– Fe , E0 = – 0.04V and for reaction Fe3+ | Fe2+ , E0 =
+0.77V – 0.04V. Calculate E° for Fe | Fe2+ reaction.
Is the reaction Fe + 2Fe3+ 3Fe2+ spontaneous or non-spontaneous.
(Ans. E0 = – 0.44 V, spontaneous)
13) The e.m.f. of the following cell at 298 K is 0.3991 V

Ag | AgCl (s) , Cl – (a = 0.1) | | Ag+ (a = 0.01) Ag +
If the standard potential of silver-silver chloride electrode is + 0.2224. Calculate
The standard potential of Ag+/Ag electrode.
(Ans. 0.7991 )
14) Set up the cell in which the following reaction takes place and calculate the e.m.f. of
the cell.
2Al(s) + 3I2 2Al+3(0.lm) + 6I – ( 0.01m)
(Ans. 2.20 V)
2+ 2+
15) The standard potentials of Pb |Pb and Sn | Sn electrodes are – 0.126 V and –
0.14 V respectively .Construct the galvanic cell, write the cell reaction and
calculate the standard e.m.f. of the cell. (Ans. E0cell = 0.014V)

16) The standard potentials of Zn |Zn2+ and Ag | Ag+ electrodes are – 0.763 V and +
0.799 V respectively. Construct the galvanic cell , mention the polarities, write the cell
reaction and calculate the standard e.m.f. of the cell . (Ans. E0cell = 1.562V)

17)Calculate the emf of the following cell at 298K:

Pt | I2(s) , I – ( a = 0.03) | | Fe3+ (a = 0.1) , Fe2+ (a =1) | Pt
(Ans. E = 0.0861 V)
18) Find the emf of the following cell at 298K:
Ag | AgCl(s) , Cl– ( a = 0.1) | | Ag + (a = 0.01) | Ag
(Ans. Ecell = 0.3991 V)
19) The emf of the following cell:
Pt | Sn2+ ( a = 0.1) , Sn4+ ( a = 0.1) | | Cl – (a = 0.01) , Cl2 (g, 1 atm) | Pt
(Ans. = 1.3595 V)
20) The emf of the cell : Ag | AgCl (s) , Cl– ( a = ?) | | Fe2+ (a = 0.1) , Fe3+ (a = 0.01)
| Pt is 0.4303 V. calculate the activity of chloride ions.
(Ans. = 0.1)

21) Find the emf of the following cells:

(i) Cu + | Cu2+ (a = 0.1) | | Ag+ (a = 0.01) | Ag
(ii) Al | Al3+ (a = 0.01)| | Cl – (a = 0.02) , Cl2 (g , 1 atm) | Pt
(iii) Ag | AgBr(s) , Br – (a = 0.01)| | Cl – (a = 0.02) , Cl2 (g , 1 atm) | Pt
(iv) Pt | I2(s) , I – (a = 0.03)| | Ag + (a = 0.02) | Ag
(Ans. (i) Ecell = 0.4325V , (ii) Ecell = 3.0335 V , (iii) Ecell = 1.2707V , (iv) Ecell = 0.0729 V)

22)What is the standard emf of a galvanic cell made of a Cd electrode dipped in 1.0M
Cd(NO3)2 solution and a Cr electrode dipped in a 1.0M Cr(NO 3)3 solution at 250C.
Given ,
(Ans. = 0.34V)
23) A galvanic cell consists of a Mg electrode in a 1.0M Mg(NO 3)2 solution and a Ag
electrode in a 1.0M AgNO3 solution. Calculate the standard e.m.f. of the cell at 25 0C.
Given the standard reduction potential of ,
(Ans. = 3.17V)
24) Predict whether the following reaction will occur spontaneously at 298K:
Co(s) + → + Fe(s) , Given that [Co2+] = 9.15M and [Fe2+] = 0.68M
(Ans : Ecell = – 0.14 V , since it is negative the reaction is non-spontaneous)

25) Calculate the emf of the following cell:

_ +
Fe(s) | Fe2+ (a = 0.1) | | Cd2+ (a = 0.05) | Cd ,
Given = – 0.441V, = – 0.403V , will the cell reaction is spontaneous?
(Ans : Ecell = 0.0291 , since it is positive the cell reaction is spontaneous)

26)Calculate the emf of the following cells at 298K:

(a) Hg(l) – Hg2Cl2(s) | KCl(sat) | | Co+2, Co+3 | Pt
= 0.242 V 0.242V = = 1.82V
The ratio of [Co+3]/[Co+2] = 3
(Ans : Ecell = 1.606 V)
(b) _ +
+2 +4
Pt | Sn , Sn | | KCl(sat) | Hg2Cl2(s) – Hg(l) , =2
= – 0.140 V , Ecalomel = 0.242 V
(Ans : Ecell = 0.3909 V)
27) Calculate the emf of the following concentration of cell:
Mg(s) | || | Mg(s)
(Ans : Ecell = 0.3909 V)

28)Calculate the standard emf of a cell that uses Mg/Mg2+ and Cu/Cu2+ half cell at 250C.
Write the cell representation Write the equations for the cell reaction that occurs under
standard state conditions.

29)Calculate the standard emf of a cell that uses Ag/Ag+ and Al/Al3+ half cell reactions.
Represent the cell using line notations and write the overall cell reaction under standard

state conditions.

30) Calculate the em.f. of the cell:

Zn | Zn2+ (0.001m) | | Ag+ (0.1m) | Ag.
The standard potentials of Ag | Ag+ and Zn | Zn2+ electrodes are + 0799 V and –
0.763V respectively.
(Ans. Ecell = 1.5916 V)

Type V:Problems based on calculation of

equilibrium constant
1)Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction taking place in the cell:
Zn | Zn2+ (a = 1) | | Sn2+ ( a = 1) Sn
( Ans. K = 1.122 x 1021)
2) An excess of metallic zinc is added to 0.1M solution of AgNO 3. Calculate the
(i) equilibrium constant and (ii) concentration of Ag + ions at equilibrium.
(Ans. (i) K =5.888 x 1052 , (ii) = 9.215 x 10– 28 )
3) At 298K, an excess of finely divided aluminium is added to a solution 0.3M in
cupric ions. Calculate the concentration of Cu2+ when equilibrium is reached.
Assume activity and concentration to be equal. Experimentally it has been found
that the reaction goes practically to completion.
(Ans. = 1.175 x 10– 68 )
4) The equilibrium constant for the reaction: ½ H2 (g , 1 atm) + AgI(s) = H+ + I–
+Ag(s) is 2.68 x 10-3 at 298K. Devise a cell in which this reaction takes place and
calculate the standard potential of the Ag | AgI (s) , I– electrode.
(Ans. = – 0.1523 V)
5) For the following cell, Pt | H2 (g, 1 atm) | HI solution (a = 1) | I2(s) Pt calculate (i)
the emf ,(ii) ∆G0 and (iii) equilibrium constant for the cell reaction at 298 K.
(Ans. (i) = 0.5355 V , ∆G0 = – 51.68 kJ , (iii) K = 1.111 x 109)

6) Calculate the standard free energy change for the following reaction at 298K:
2Au(s) + → 2Au3+ + 3Ca(s), state whether this reaction is spontaneous or not.
(Ans. ∆G0 = 2.53 x 103 kJ/mol , spontaneous)
7) Calculate the equilibrium constant for the following reaction at 298K:
Sn(s) + (Ans : K = 6.367 x 109)

8)What is the equilibrium constant for the following reactions at 25°C.

Mg + Zn2+ (aq) Mg2+(aq) +Zn
(Ans. K= 1.536 x 1051)

9) The equilibrium constant for the reaction:

Sr + Mg2+(aq) Sr2+(aq) + Mg is 2.69 x 1012 at 25°C. Calculate
(Ans. = 0.368 V)

Type VI: Problems based on calculation of ∆G, ∆H and ∆S
1) The emf of the cell, Pb | PbCl 2(s) , KCl(soln), Hg2Cl2(s) |Hg is 0.5356 V at 298K.
The temperature coefficient is 1.45 x 10 -4VK-1. Calculate the ∆G , ∆H and ∆S for
the cell reaction at 298K.
(Ans.∆G = –103.4kJ , ∆H =–95.03 kJ ,∆S = 27.99 JK-1 )
2) For the cell, Zn | ZnCl 2(aq) | AgCl(s) Ag the emf is 1.02 V at 273K and 1.0196 at
274K. Write the cell reaction and calculate ∆H , ∆S and ∆G for the cell reaction
at 273K.
(Ans.∆H = –217.9kJ , ∆S =–77.2 J , ∆G = – 196.9 kJ )
3) The emf of the cadmium – calomel cell in which the reaction Cd + =
2+ -4
Cd + 2Hg, takes place is, represented by E = 0.6705 – 1.02 x 10 (T – 298) –
2.40 x 10-6 ( T – 198)2 volt. Set up the cell and calculate ∆H , ∆S and ∆G for the
cell reaction at 298K.
(Ans.∆H = –135.27kJ , ∆S =–19.69 J , ∆G = – 129.41 kJ )

4)The emf of a Clark cell is 1.4209 V at 298 K and 1.391 V at 318 K. The cell reaction is
Zn + Hg2 SO4 →ZnSO4 +2 Hg , Calculate ∆G, ∆H and ∆S at 298 K.
(Ans. : ∆G = – 274233 J, ∆S = – 288.53 J.K–1 and ∆H = – 360215.6 J)

5)The emf of the cell

Zn(s) | ZnCl2(aq) . AgCl(s) /Ag(s)

is 0.20 at 275 K and 1.011 V at 285K.

Write the cell reaction, calculate temperature coefficient of cell emf and ∆S , ∆G , and ∆H
at 285 K for the cell reaction.
(Ans. = = 0.811 V K–1. ∆S = 156523J K–1, ∆H =∆G285K= 195123J. mol –1
∆H = 4.449 x 107J mol–1)


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