Erection of RCC Members

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Erection of RCC Building


Dr Sachin Jain Notes 1

Stacking of various components

a. stack of column
b. column placed on rib
c. stack of cross beam
d. stack of flights of
e. wall panels in vertical
f. floor beam in vertical
1 - stored structures;
2,3- lines of boards;
4- vertical racks terstiles;
5- vertical racks;
6- stop

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 2

Types of erection methods
 Erection of Single-Story Industrial Building

 Erection of Multi-Story Frame Buildings

 Erection of reinforcement concrete box-type roofs

 Erection of large block Building

 Erection of building of Box-Type Blocks

 Erection of building by the lift slab method

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 3

Erection of Single-Story Industrial Building
 Normally in any industrial building standard size of elements
with standardized spans and column spacing is adopted so
that construction will be fast.

 At present, standardized section are used to constructed

building in machine-building, light, chemical and other

 Methods for erecting element of building frames may be

classed into following
 Longitudinal erection method
 Transversal
 longitudinal and transversal method

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 4

Longitudinal erection method

 here building is Drconstructed

Sachin Jain Notes in successive 5
Transversal or sectional erection method

 here cranes moves inDrtransversally

Sachin Jain Notes to the spans 6
longitudinal and transversal method

 In this case, a crane erects

all the columns while moving
along the span, then moves
across the spans to perform
sectional erection work.

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 7

Erection of foundation

1. Crawler crane
2. Position of foundation slabs prior to lifting
3. Foundation slab in design position
4. Four leg sling
Dr Sachin Jain Notes 8
Erection of Prefabricated foundation slabs
 for industrial buildings are normally placed in position directly from transport vehicles or
some times they may be brought and placed near to the position.

 Before installing a foundation, the excavation bottom grade is checked with the aid of a
level, then pegs are sunk into the ground and marked with notches corresponding to the
base line.

 Internal dimension are checked.

 The position of foundation in plan is checked with the aid of a theodolite which is
centered over the first foundation at the intersect of the longitudinal and the transversal
building lines and aimed at the notch of the last foundation in the row being checked.

 Next, the cross-hairs are aimed in succession at all the foundations of the row to stack
out the actual position of the lines.

 The grades of foundations and of the pocket bottom are checked with level and
temporary bench marks.

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 9

Erection of Reinforcement concrete lighter columns

 Lighter columns are delivered in

advance to the construction site, are
usually unloaded (their top toward
the foundation) near the place of

 When unloading the columns is

done it is to take account that two,
four or six columns should be
erected from single station of the

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 10

1. Erecting crane
2. Head cap
3. Jaws with
4. Columns
5. Unslinging chain

 Light columns of single storey building can be easily mounted by boom cranes with the aid of forked
head cap, which is a device fixed to the end of crane boom and having pulley blocks for threading of
wire ropes.

 The cap incorporates a semi automatic unlocking device.

 This column attachment requires a crane of lesser boom length, so lifting capacity of crane is more or
we can use a smaller carne.

 In addition, the smaller suspension distance minimizes swinging of the column and improves the
accuracy of placement
Erection of Reinforcement concrete heavier columns

 Heavier columns are laid with their bases toward the foundations and are lifted with prior tilting in the
vertical plane.

 Some time heavy columns may be delivered from a preassembly area on two rail bogies,as a column
is being lifted, but before it is placed in vertical position, the bogie carrying the bottom end is moved
accordingly to minimize stresses as column is being tilted up.
 When installing two leg columns , it may be necessary to brace the bottom sections of the legs.
Erection of column by Rigid manipulators

 Rigid manipulators may be used to facilitate the column

orientation during installation by boom cranes.

 A rigid manipulator is an interchangeable attachment

secured to the base of the boom.

 It consists of a hydraulic lever-type gripping system

capable of horizontal and vertical motions.

 The manipulator is controlled from a console in the

crane operator’s cabin.

 Before a column is lifted. it is measured with a steel tape

to check the distance from the bottom of the column to
the plane of the crane girder bracket or, in case no such
bracket exists, to the plane on which roof structure rest.

 If the distance is less than that required, the pocket

bottom should be grouted with cement or a steel pad
1. Column placed therein.
2. Spreader bar
3. Crane
 A column is then installed only when the grout in the
4. Manipulator
foundation pocket has acquired 70% of its design 13
Alignment marking for proper positioning of a reinforced concrete column

 Before a column is lifted, all four

faces are inscribed with base line
marking and crane girder line

 Scaffolding is attached to the

longer column.

 Once a column is placed inside the

foundation pocket, its line marking
are aligned with those on the top
face of the foundation.

a. On column footing 1. Alignment marking on

b. On column foundation
c. Elevations 2. Crane girder center line
3. Alignment marking on
Dr Sachin Jain Notes 14
 To check column verticality, two theodolites are
placed at a right angle to the digit and letter lines of
the building. The cross hairs are aimed at markings
inscribed on the pocket in the bottom part of the
column, then the theodolite tube is lifted smoothly to
check the position of the marking on the top end of
the column.

 Flats of column brackets, which receive trusses and

crane girders, are leveled out with the aid of the
inscribed marking or according to a rod suspended
from the plane being leveled.

 Once trued, the columns are blocked in the

foundation pockets by means of jigs or steel,wooden
or reinforced concrete wedges.

 Two wedges are provided at each column face more

than 400 mm wide.

 Columns higher than 12 m are additionally braced

by guys in the plane of their least rigidity. The
bottom ends of reusable guys are secured to slings
eyes of adjacent foundations, and the top ends to a
collar attached to the column above its center of

 The first two column are braced crosswise by

guys,subsequent columns are suspended by crane
girders which are installed after the concrete in the
joints between the columns and the foundations 15
acquires 70% of its design strength.
Erection of Crane girders
 Crane girders are erected directly from transport vehicles or may be stored in
proper position before erection.

 Before erection is started, a geodetic check is made on elevations and positions

of column bracket flats for crane girders, before a crane girder is lifted,
scaffolding and various erection devices are attached to a column to facilitates
the erection of girder in design position.

 Center lines of crane girders are checked with the aid of a theodolite set on the
center line of the first crane girder on a special bracket fixed to the top plane of
the girder.

 In spans of not more than 18 m, the crane girder center line is checked by
taping the span across each column.

 Crane girder and crane rails are leveled in the middle of the span of the building
200 to 300 mm above the surface of the girder.

 Inserts are welded together after the position of the crane girder has been trued
and geodetically checked.
Dr Sachin Jain Notes 16
Erection of Roof trusses

1. Floor panels
2. Roof truss
supporting girders
3. Erected section of
panel roofs
4. Roof trusses
5. Erecting crane

 Roof trusses and beams are normally mounted directly from transport vehicles.

 If pre-assembly is necessary, trusses and beams are placed in the span being erected in such
manner as to enable a crane to install them from its work station without the use of guys and to
subsequently place roof slabs without changing its work station. 17
1. Ladder
2. Suspended ladder
3. Scaffolding
4. Safety cable
5. Reusable cross braces
6. Suspended cradles

 Roof trusses and beams are erected after the installation and the fastening of all the underlying construction of the
building frame. Reusable cross braces and cradles (bosun’s chairs) for erectors are suspended to trusses and beams are
set in correct positions on column by aligning corresponding marks.

 To facilitate the orientation of a truss being lifted and its accurate placement, use is made of flexible manipulators
consisting of two winches placed on an erecting crane and wire ropes(bridles) which are passed through deflecting bars
and secured to the end of an erection spreader bar.

 The element being erected is oriented from a control desk by an erector or, when the control desk is installed on the
crane, by the crane operator on signals from the erector. 18
Special devices are used for the temporary attachment and alignment of
beams and trusses.

1. Truss(beam)
2. Brace
3. Adjusting screw
4. Beam
5. Clamping screw

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 19

Temporary fasting of truss (beam)

1. Truss(beam)
2. Reusable cross
3. Screw clamp
4. Traverse
5. Guy
6. Hinge
7. Collar

 After the first beam or truss is lifted and placed in position, it is fastened by guys, whereas
subsequent beams are fastened with suitable braces.

 At least two braces are employed for trusses 24 to 30 m in span.

 The guys and the braces are removed after roof panels are placed and welded
Erection of Roof panels

 Roof panels are usually stacked within reach of an erecting crane.

 The number of stacks and their location are planned in a manner to

make possible the installation of roof panels on two trusses from a
single station of the erecting crane.

 The erection of roof panels is started only after an acceptance report on

the load bearing structures of the building is drawn up and duly signed.

 The panels are mounted from the middle of the span in a manner to
load the trusses symmetrically on both sides.

 The panels are welded to inserts, and slings are removed only after
welding has been performed at three points.

 It should be stressed that missed welds may affect the lateral stability
of the top chords of the trusses and thus cause accidents.

 Once the panels are put in position, the joints are grouted.
Dr Sachin Jain Notes 21
Erection of wall panels

1. Panel 7. Boom for lifting panels

2. Bracket 8. Post(tower)
3. Guide rods 9. erection platform
4. Spreader bar
10. Cage
5. Posts on erection platforms
6. Load pulley block Dr Sachin Jain Notes 11. Strut 22
12. Crawler crane
 Erection of wall panels is a labor-consuming process accounting for 30 to 40%
of all the labor requirements in the erection of the above ground part of a

 Large wall panels up to 12 m long are generally handled by boom cranes on

pneumatic tires and installed directly from transport vehicles.

 Small wall panels are stacked about the perimeter of the building in quantities
sufficient for complete erection of the walls.

 Panels are fastened by wielding together inserts and grouting joints. Erection
work is performed from bosun’s chair or swinging scaffolding mounted on the
external side of the wall.

 Interchangeable attachments for a boom crane, which have been developed in

the Soviet Union, almost halve the labor requirements for erection of wall panels
of single storey industrial buildings.

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 23

 A crane with a fixed vertical tower is fitted with a boom secured to the head of
the tower and an erection platform movable horizontally and vertically.

 A panel is removed directly from a transport vehicle by securing it with the aid of
a spreader bar to devices preventing its rotation on lifting.

 When a panel is being lifted, the erection platform should be pushed away from
the wall.

 Once a panel has been lifted to its place of installation, the erection plate form is
moved toward the wall, and the erectors use it to position and secure the panel
and to grout the joints.

 Having filled the plane between two columns with blind and glazed wall panels,
the erecting crane is moved to its next station.

 A panel 12 m long and 6 t in mass can be erected in 20 min by the new method.

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 24

Types of erection methods
 Erection of Single-Story Industrial Building

 Erection of Multi-Story Frame Buildings

 Erection of reinforcement concrete box-type roofs

 Erection of large block Building

 Erection of building of Box-Type Blocks

 Erection of building by the lift slab method

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 25

Erection of Multi-Story Frame Buildings

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 26

 Multi storey industrial building may be built of standardized
constructions with columns spaced according to a 6 X 9 or a 6
X 6 m modular grid.
 Depending on dimensions, theses are erected by means of
tower or derrick cranes placed on one or both sides of the

 When two cranes are employed, they are arranged so as to:

 eliminate dead areas, i.e. area not served by the cranes.

 Their boom should not interfere each other operation.

 Wall constructions are erected simultaneously with the load

bearing elements of the framework or in a separate sequence.

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 27

 The above ground structure are erected after basement
acceptance report is met and the erection horizon has been
drawn up.

 The erected building is divided into work lots, or erection sections,

generally delimited by expansion joints, and vertically into tiers
which my be one or two story high, corresponding to columns one
or two story high.

 When the cranes are outside the building erection of one story is
done after another, the erection of a story is begun only after all
the structures of the preceding story have been completed and
erection braces have been placed to ensure the longitudinal
stability of the building.

 When cranes are located within the building cross section, the
vertical break between adjacent cells (units) of the framework
should not exceed one tier.

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 28

Erection of building by jig

Single tier jig for truing four columns

1. Collars for fastening and truing column

2. Collars for fastening jig to head cap of lower storey column

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 29

 The columns of ground storey are placed on heads of
foundation columns or in foundation pockets.

 The columns are temporarily secured by jigs, with the use of

rigid angle braces placed in the plane of least rigidity of

 Columns of subsequent storey can be mounted by group jigs

intended for reaction of four to six columns.

 Group jig is a box type metal structure with collar for securing
columns and a wooden working platform for the erectors.

 The jig carries three collars for each column.

 The bottom collar attaches the jig to the projecting caps of the
underlying storey columns, and the two top collar temporarily
secure and true the columns.
Dr Sachin Jain Notes 30
 The jig is aligned in the center line with the aid of a special
frame and secured to erection ears of intermediate floors by

 The jig is leveled with the aid of screw jacks.

 Once the jig has been placed on the floor and secured to caps
of columns of an underlying story, all four new columns are
installed, secured and trued by adjusting screws.

 The position of columns are checked by theodolits placed on

mutually perpendicular lines of the column grid.

 The admissible displacement of the lines with respect to the

stacked out line is  5 mm as measured at the bottom cross
section; deviation of longitudinal axes of the columns from the
vertical as measured at their tops should not exceed  10 mm
for columns less than 4.5 m and  15 mm for column from 4.5 to
15 m high

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 31

 Once columns are trued and secured in the jig, their joints are
welded together and grouted.

 Cross bars are installed after checking positions of anchorages

and of cast in fitting and descaling them.cross bars of the
ground storey are placed after the concrete bonding columns to
foundations attains 50% of its design strength in summer and
100% in winter.

 The deviation of the cross bar from the base lines should not
exceed  5 mm.

 Once the cross bar has been positioned correctly, its cast-in
fittings are tack welded to column brackets; once the cross bar
is secured throughout the width of building, reinforcement
projections are welded together and cast in fittings of cross bars
and column brackets are permanently welded, the joints are
then grouted with grade 200 concrete on fine aggregate

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 32

Erection by using hinged frame indicators
 Frames of two storey can be erected by
hinged frame indicators.

 These indicators are a group jig carrying

a hinged frame with angle stops for
securing 4,8 or 12 column caps,
depending on design.

 These indicators are placed every

alternate cell of a building and
interconnected by gauge rods.

 After the indicator is adjusted and trued,

its position is checked by a theodolite.

 This will simplify erection of columns and

other steps of truing, securing and

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 33

1. Wooden platform
2. Space scaffolding
3. & 7 Sliding swiveling
4. Hinged indicator
5. Guardrail
6. Ball supports
7. Detachable flanged joint
8. Ladder

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 34

 Critical operation is the erection of slabs, as their connection to
cross bars governs the rigidity and stability of the building

 Roof or floor slab are mounted after their positions are marked
on the cross bars and supporting tables and welded.

 Erection begins with placement of thrust slab which are welded

at four corners to cross bars and interconnected by cover plates,
after which the remaining slabs are laid.

 Slabs are to be laid so that their cast in fittings face their

counterparts on cross bars and enough space is left to grout
joints with grade 200 concrete mixed from fine aggregate or

 Some industrial buildings are designed so that 4 storey can be

erected without grouting of joints.
Dr Sachin Jain Notes 35
Types of erection methods
 Erection of Single-Story Industrial Building

 Erection of Multi-Story Frame Buildings

 Erection of reinforcement concrete box-type roof

 Erection of large block Building

 Erection of building of Box-Type Blocks

 Erection of building by the lift slab method

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 36

Erection Of Reinforcement Concrete Box-type
 Box type construction can span considerable areas without
intermediate supports.

 They make a fuller use of plastic and strength properties of

reinforcement concrete possible, reduce concrete consumption
by 30-35% and steel by 20-25% as compared to roof built from
long line and flat component.

 Examples are airports, exhibition halls, markets, sports

auditoriums and some industrial buildings. Most of these are
built of cast-in-place concrete.

 Box type construction are normally built of prefabricated mass

produced components.

Dr sachin Jain Notes 37

 This is facilitated by new designs of prefabricated-and-cast-in-
place shells, including doubly curved shells of positive curvature
intended for spanning industrial buildings with column grids 18 X
18 to 36 X 36 m these shells are built of flat single type

 Depending upon design erection of these elements are done as

 Assembly on the ground with subsequently lifting of a
completely assembled shell to design position.
 Assembly in design position

Dr sachin Jain Notes 38

Assembly on the ground
 The shell is assembled on the ground on a special center
construction and lifted into design position with band elevators or
erecting cranes.

 This method is used in USSR to build several large span shells

measuring 40 X 40 m and having a mass of 600 t. however, the
method has not gained wide recognition, as it cannot be used for
erecting two adjacent shells.

 Shells of small size and mass (e.g.. 18 X 18 m) can be lifted fully

assembled by standard erecting cranes.

Dr sachin Jain Notes 39

Schematic of erecting shell measuring 18 X 18 m

1. Spreader bar
2. Shell
3. Crane
4. Jig for erecting shell
5. Scaffolding

Dr sachin Jain Notes 40

Assembly with components resting on the load bearing structures
of the building is used when erecting doubly curved shells,
cylindrical shells, various types of folded roofs, and similar

Roof of short cylindrical shells Roof of long cylindrical shells

1. Truss
2. Temporary erection steel tie rods
3. Temporary erection support

Dr sachin Jain Notes 41

This method may be employed to assemble doubly curved shells measuring
from 12 X 18 to 24 X 36 m.
The erection is carried out with out jigs by simply placing pre assembled
elements directly upon the edge elements of the shells.

schematic diagram of double curvature shells assembly from large elements

1. Edge trusses of shells

2. Temporary erection of tie rod
3. Pre assembled element
4. Dr sachin
Finished Jain Notes
section of shell 42
Reinforced concrete suspended roofs

a. Stadium roof
b. Auditorium roof with
guy trusses
c. General view of roof
with radial steel ropes

1. Reinforced concrete
roof (supporting
2. Central steel ring
3. Guys

Suspended large-span roofs

Dr sachin Jain Notes 43
 Reinforced concrete edge structure is erected

 A mesh of steel cable (guys) is tensioned on it with a sag ensuring a specified

curvature of the shell.

 Reinforced concrete roof slabs, temporarily weighted, are laid on the guys.

 Weighting is in the form of a uniform loading of the shell by piece items (such
as brick)

 The weight thereof being generally assumed equal to that of the roof and of the
temporary load.

 Joints between precast slabs of the shell are grouted.

 When concrete attains its design strength temporary load is removed slabs can
be pre stressed.
Dr sachin Jain Notes 44
Types of erection methods
 Erection of Single-Story Industrial Building

 Erection of Multi-Story Frame Buildings

 Erection of reinforcement concrete box-type roof

 Erection of large block Building

 Erection of building of Box-Type Blocks

 Erection of building by the lift slab method

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 45

Erection of large block Building
 Large block buildings are mainly of lime-sand and lightweight
concrete blocks combined with large concrete structures, such
as intermediate floors, stairs, roofs. The mass of wall blocks,
depending on the material of the walls, ranges from 1 to 3 tones.

 Walls of large block may be divided in number of parts as

1. Pier block
2. Lintel block
3. Window sill block

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 46

Sequence (indicated in figures) for erection of wall

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 47

Procedure for erection
 Leveling the bottom of the excavation

 For sand-free soils, a bed of sand 10 cm thick is temped into


 After laying out the center lines of the building and marking out
the design positions of blocks, foundation blocks are placed at
corners of the building.

 Intermediate reference blocks are laid every 15-20 m

 Finally all the remaining blocks of the first course are laid along
a wire strung to mark the foundation line.

 The top face of the first course is covered with a 5 centimeter

bed of cement mortar reinforced with a wire fabric.

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 48

 Once the center lines are staked and vertical joints are marked
out, walls of the cellar or the basement are laid.

 A 5-10 cm leveling bed from grade 100, 150 concrete is placed

on the top face of the final course of cellar walls and foundation.

 When soil conditions are unfavorable, the leveling bed is

reinforced with rods 12 to 14 mm in diameter.

 Anchors are provided at intersects of internal and external walls

of the basement.

 A glued-on damp-proof course of two layers of roofing foil on

bitumen mastic is placed over the leveling bed.

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 49

Erection of building above ground.
 A geodetic check is made of the erection horizon of the below- ground
part of the building

 Center lines are laid out and places of installation of ground storey
blocks are marked out.

 Erection is started within a work lot by placing reference blocks at

corners and at intersections of external and internal walls.

 Intermediate blocks of external walls are placed along the line

between reference blocks.

 Blocks are laid upon a bed of mortar.

 Mortar should be spread 30 mm short of external faces of wall to

prevent them from being marred by mortar dropping.
Dr Sachin Jain Notes 50
 Blocks may be trued vertically by the useof erection wedges, two
per block.

 A block is unhooked only after truing and driving the wedges

home For ventilating blocks, it is essential to align ducts and
prevent mortar penetrating into them.

 This can be done by special frames with plugs for spreading the

 Cross joints and gaps between blocks are grouted and if need be,
blocks are secured to one another and to the floor as erection

 Open joints are also filled with light weight concrete after being
walled the space for ventilation blocks by means of lightweight or
ceramic stones.

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 51

 Closed joints are also filled with lightweight concrete or mortar, after
having first closed the joint from the external and internal sides with
the aid of shields attached to blocks by screw clamps.

 It is advantageous to grout cross (vertical) gaps with mortar supplied

by a pump and to compact it by vibrator.

 Landings and flights of staircase, sanitary fittings, and rubbish chutes

are erected simultaneously with walls.

 Partition panels are put in place after external and internal walls of a
storey have been mounted.

 Balcony slabs are installed after the floor slabs.

 Cornice blocks are erected from the garret floor throughout the length
of the building front.

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 52

 Erecting is done as installing corner and intermediate

 Before unlinking blocks, the latter are attached to erecting eyes

of floors with wire or special screw clamps and trued.

 Once this is done, the blocks are secured dead in accordance

with design specifications.

 Elements of prefabricated reinforced concrete roofs are

assembled in the usual order.

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 53

Types of erection methods
 Erection of Single-Story Industrial Building

 Erection of Multi-Story Frame Buildings

 Erection of reinforcement concrete box-type roof

 Erection of large block Building

 Erection of building of Box-Type Blocks

 Erection of building by the lift slab method

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 54

load bearing blocks

Erection of building of Box-Type


Rame block system

Dr sachin Jain Notes 55

Load bearing blocks
 A system where the load bearing blocks have dimensions corresponding to those of
a room, a building bay, a flat.

Dr sachin Jain Notes 56

Rame block system
 The Rame block system where the frame is combined with self supporting blocks.

Dr sachin Jain Notes 57

Types of erection methods
 Erection of Single-Story Industrial Building

 Erection of Multi-Story Frame Buildings

 Erection of reinforcement concrete box-type roof

 Erection of large block Building

 Erection of building of Box-Type Blocks

 Erection of building by the lift slab method

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 58

Erection of building by the lift slab method

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 59

 After the first tier of column is erected, ceiling floor sections are
concreted on the ground.

 Concreting may be done with a concrete pump, a self propelling

concrete placer with a telescopic boom and other types of
mechanisms, synthetic films being interlaid between slabs.

 Slabs are concreted complete with ducts and openings framed with
metal aprons welded to slab reinforcement and intended to
accommodate columns.

 Aprons are provided with holes for screw rods of jacking devices.

 Floors are lifted by special hoisting devices placed on heads of

columns of the following tier(or, if so designed, at any point of the
column, thus facilitating extension of the columns and vertical motion
of hoisting devices)
Dr Sachin Jain Notes 60
 Floors are lifted as follows

 Garret block are lifted and temporarily secured to columns

 The remaining slabs are then also lifted and temporarily attached with
the aid of cast in fittings, except for the slabs of the ground and the
first floors which are permanently secured in the design position.

 The columns of the next tier are than extended, the jacks are re
stationed, and the floor slabs are lifted and fastened in the same
sequence as above until all of the are in design position.

 Columns are erected and jacks are re stationed by means of light self
propelling cranes placed on the garret floor.

 Enclosing wall panels may be hung and necessary materials

delivered to floors by ground based derrick cranes.

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 61


 Construction technology by Prof SS Ataev.

 Practical building construction and its management by

Mantri Institute

 Book construction equipment and job planning By

SV Deodhar (Khanna publication)

Dr Sachin Jain Notes 62


Dr Sachin Jain Notes 63

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