Statement of The Problem

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Education continues to be a major concern of every Filipino family. It is through

education that we learn to read and write; we know how to use basic fundamentals in Math

without the use of calculators. We understand and believe in facts and opinions. It is one of the

best weapons we have against the evil of the modern world. It prepare us and keep us from

being ignorant in unstable generation. It is the best investment any family could spend for. ( The

Philippine Journal of Education, 2006)

However, unfortunately we have places , where not everyone has an opportunity to receive

this formal type of education. The opportunities that are offered are greatly limited. Sometimes

there are not enough resources to provide schooling. Furthermore because parents need their

children to help them work in factories, have odd jobs, or just do farm work. Many students

drop out due to poverty before completing basic education, even at the elementary level. Though

schooling is free, there are other expenses which poor families have difficulty in meeting, such

as school supplies, uniforms, and transportation.

A public or private school that offers an unconventional learning experience, usually

characterized by innovative teaching methods and traditional curricula, is an alternative school. (

Comptons Encyclopedia V. 1, 1996 )

Out-of-school children, youth and adults can get a second chance of educating themselves

through the Alternative Learning System (ALS) program of the Department of Education

The ALS program is a non-traditional learning delivery to out-of-school children, youth

and adults who may either be indigenous people or rebel-returnees, those living in highly

inaccessible areas, persons with disability, jobless adults, senior citizen, drop-outs and others not

served by formal education .

Education Secretary Mona Valisno said that the ALS is a more relaxed learning system

where lessons are taught outside classroom. “These learning sites can be a barangay hall, a

church courtyard, a cockpit, under the shade of tree or any other areas where learning can take

place,” she explained.

This research aims to find out how ALS Program affects the learners in terms of

skills development, employability, productivity, competetiveness in labor market, groups of

population and literacy rate in Barangay Manapa, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte.
Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality of education.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. Who are the target of ALS Program?

2. How ALS program affects the learners in terms of:

a. skills development

b. employability

c. productivity

d. competetiveness in labor market

e. groups of population

g. literacy rate

3. What are the benefits after passing ALS Program?

Mindanao University of Science and Technology

Lapasan Cagayan de Oro City

SY 2011-2012


Alternative Learning System (ALS) Program:

Its Effect to the Community of Barangay Manapa, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte

Submitted by:


MA - EPM Student

Submitted to:


Conceptual Framework

Barangay Manapa, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte

Alternative Learning


 Out of school youth and adult learners

 Unemployed/underemployed
 Drop-outs/formal school leavers
 Housewives,helpers,drivers
 Indigenous people

 Eradication of illiteracy
 Promotion of continuing
education and development
 competetiveness in labor market
 groups of population
 skills development
Alternative Learning System (ALS) Program:Its Effect to the Community of
Barangay Manapa, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte

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