CHAPTER 3 and 4

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Chapter III

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the thorough discussion of the research method used. It focuses on

the sample size, research instruments and sampling technique. It also includes data gathering

procedure and as well as the statistical treatment of data that was used in its quantification.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers have used a descriptive and surveying method to obtain the

information needed in the sub-problems and to address the main goal of the research. These two

methods are some of those effective ways to gather information. Descriptive research involves

the description, recording, and interpretation of the answers given by the respondents. The

questionnaires have served as tools to allow the researchers to easily gather the needed

information that would strengthen the study and produce a productive outcome and become an

instrument to answer the problem. This study covered a total of 30 respondents from chosen

barangays of Sorsogon.

It also used both qualitative and quantitative method particularly in analyzing and

interpreting the gathered information as the results were being tallied and tabulated. With this

method, a detailed quantification of data is provided.

Sample Size

The present study collected data from the different barangays of the researchers to avoid

the harm of the pandemic. The respondents of this research consisted of parents who have their

child experience modular distance learning from the barangays of San Ramon Bacon, Bato

Bacon, Gatbo Bacon, Sta. Lucia Bacon, San Bartolome Sta. Magdalena, Basud West District,

Macabari Barcelona, Cawit Casiguran, Casili Gubat and Poblacion Castilla which are all part of

the Province of Sorsogon. The researcher gathered 3 respondents from each barangay in a total

of 30 respondents all.

Sampling Technique

Sampling techniques are used by statisticians to ensure the validity of conclusions or

inferences from the sample to the population (Nocon,et. al.,2007). To determine the respondents

of the present investigation, the purposive sampling method of distributing questionnaires was

used and it is comprising of questions that were solely based upon this research’s statement of

the problem. Each question was formulated to address the given problems of the study. This

sampling technique is done by selecting and relies on the judgment of the researcher when

choosing who to participate. Researchers choose some parents from their respective barangays as

a sample and representative for other parents in their response to the researcher’s problem. From

there, the number of respondents to participate in the study is determined.

Instrument Used

The researchers used secondary sources of data in collecting credible information to

support the research. The questionnaire-checklist was utilized in the collection of the data from

the respondents. This was used because it gathers data faster than any other collection methods.

They just need to comply with and read the instructions to answer the questionnaire- checklist.

Using this, they can easily answer the questionnaire- checklist without difficulty.

After studying samples of questionnaire- checklist from related studies and literatures, the

researchers make and prepared their own questionnaire- checklist. The researchers see to it that

there were enough questions to cover the under the statement of the problem. Then, they

submitted it to their instructor for correction to be finalized.

For validation purposes, the questionnaire- checklist was given to 3 persons of a barangay

for them to fill out. The researcher interviewed the respondents to find out their assessment of

the questionnaire- checklist after they filled up the copies.

The questionnaire- checklist consisted of the sub problems regarding modular distance

learning. The first one is the response of parents about modular type of learning. The second one

is what do they do to support their child’s learning. For number three, strategy taken to ensure

that their child is doing his/her module efficiently. Number four, are their worries on the modular

type of learning. For the fifth one is the difference between the guidance in their child’s learning

during face to face classes and in today’s modular leaning and for the sixth one is their biggest

challenge experience in guiding their child/children on modular learning during this pandemic.

The parents answered the questionnaire by checking two answers on the box for every given

Data Gathering Procedure

Before conducting the distribution of questionnaires to the selected respondents,

permission from the teacher is needed. The researchers wrote the survey questionnaire to be used

for this study. The questions as well as the choices were all based on the related foreign and local

studies that would help prove the existence of the problem. The presented questions in the

questionnaires were checked and validated by the researcher’s subject teacher. With the given

approval and validation, the questionnaire distribution started and purposive sampling was

conducted. The questionnaires were then given to the respondents.

The chosen parents of the respective barangays were given accordingly and answers were

successfully collected and gathered in order to further support and strengthen the study. The

purposive sampling method was used properly.

After retrieving the questionnaires, all the answers given were tabulated and tallied, with

the use of statistical tools for analysis and interpretation of data. After the interpretation, the

gathered results are used to make a conclusion and recommendations for the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In this study, the researchers used descriptive statistics for quantifying and interpretation

of data. The researchers also used basic statistical tools including, frequency count, percentage

and summation.

Frequency count. Number of respondents with repeated or same response.

Percentage. Used for identifying the percentage of the frequency. The highest number of

frequency shows the highest percentage and the lowest frequency represents the lowest

percentage. The formula below was used:

( % )= x 100 where: n = frequency
x = total frequency in a specific data.


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done and
interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the specific
research problem regarding the Parent’s Response on Modular Distance Learning.

Table 1.1

Responses of Parents About Modular Type of Learning

Responses Number of Percentage Rank


Additional Burden 13 43.33% 2

Poor Quality of Education 23 76.66% 1

Less Expenses 5 16.66% 3

Convenient Time 3 10% 4

Others (please specify) 1 3.33% 5

Total = 30 Total = 100%

Table 1.1 presents the response of parents about modular type of learning. Out of 30
respondents, majority of 23 parents (76.66%) stated that poor quality of education was their
response about modular learning, followed by 13 parents (43.33%) that it is an additional burden
for them, five parents (16.66%) stated that it is less expenses which is in the third rank, three
parents (10%) stated that it is convenient time which is in the fourth rank and lastly, one other
parent (3.33%) stated that it is more conventional than online learning.

Table 1.2

Parents Do to Support Child’s Learning

Support Number of Percentage Rank

Helping out to answer the modules 14 46.66% 2

Guiding my child in understanding 18 60% 1

the lesson

Encouragement 5 16.66% 4

Giving full attention by means of 10 33.33% 3

staying by his/her side while
answering the modules

Others (please specify) 0 0% 5

Total = 30 Total = 100%

Table 1.2 presents the support of parents in their child’s learning. Out of 30
respondents, majority of 18 parents (60%) stated that guiding their child in understanding the
lesson was their way of supporting their child’s learning, followed by 14 parents (46.66%) stated
that they help out to answer the modules, 10 parents (33.33%) stated that they give full attention
by means of staying on the side of their children while answering the modules which is in the
third rank and five parents (16.66%) stated that they encourage their children which is in the last

Table 1.3

Strategies of Parents Taken to Ensure that their Child/Children is/are Doing

His/Her Module Effectively
Strategies Number of Percentage Rank

Act like his/her teacher 9 30% 3

Provide learning materials (charts, 7 23.33% 4

flash cards, etc.)

Using real life situation/object to 12 40% 1

support learning

Motivating them through incentives 10 33.33% 2.5

and rewards

Cheering them up 10 33.33% 2.5

Others (please specify) 1 3.33% 5

Total = 30 Total = 100%

Table 1.3 presents the strategies taken by the parents to ensure that their children
are doing their module effectively. Out of 30 respondents, majority of 12 parents (40%) stated
that they use real life situation/object to support their child’s learning, followed by 10 parents
(33.33%) who stated that they motivate their children through incentives and rewards and
cheering them up, seven parents (23.33%) who stated that they provide learning materials like
charts and flash cards which is in the fourth rank and lastly, one (3.33%) other parent stated that
checking if the module of his/her child is already done on time.

Table 1.4

Worries of Parents on Modular Type of Learning

Worries Number of Percentage Rank


Limited/Inadequate learning 12 40% 3


Increased Expenses 0 0% 5

Poor Learnings 15 50% 2

Difficult Modules 19 63.33% 1

Others (please specify) 2 6.66% 4

Total = 30 Total = 100%

Table 1.4 presents the worries of parents on modular type of learning. Out of 30
respondents, majority of 19 (63.33%) parents stated that they worry on difficult modules,
followed by 15 (50%) parents stated that they worry on poor learnings of their children, 12
(40%) parents stated that limited/inadequate learning materials which is in the third rank, none of
the parents stated that they worry on increased expenses and two (6.66%) other parents stated
that they worry on of students who needs time to play.

As the presentation of result in the table, it only revealed that most of the parent’s
worries on having difficult modules of their child through modular approach

Table 1.5

Difference Between the Guidance of Parents in their Child’s Learning During Face-
to-Face Classes and Modular Learning

Responses Number of Percentage Rank


More attentive than before 13 43.33% 2

More Supervision 15 50% 1

Less Engagement 10 33.33% 3

Lack of Enjoyment 5 16.66% 4

Others (please specify) 1 3.33% 5

Total = 30 Total = 100%

Table 1.5 presents the difference between the guidance of parents in their child’s learning
during face-to-face classes and modular learning. Out of 30 respondents, majority of 15 (50%)
parents answered that they supervise more on their child’s learning, followed by 13 (43.33%)
parents answered that they are more attentive than before, 10 (33.33%) parents answered that it
is less engagement which is in the third rank, followed by the fourth rank with five (16.66%)
parents answered that it is lack of enjoyment and lastly, there is one (3.33%) parent stated that it
is attention.

Table 1.6

Challenges of the Parents in Guiding their Child/Children on Modular Learning

During Pandemic
Challenges Number of Percentage Rank

Time 18 60% 1

Lack of Understanding 8 26.66% 3

Simultaneous Task 15 50% 2

Inadequate learning materials 4 13.33% 4

Others (please specify) 3 10% 5

Total = 30

Table 1.6 presents the challenges of parents in guiding their child/children on

modular learning during the pandemic. Out of 30 respondents, majority of 18 (60%) parents
stated that time is their biggest challenge in guiding their children on modular learning, followed
by 15 (50%) parents stated that it was simultaneous task, with eight (26.66%) parents stated that
it was lack of understanding which is in the third rank, followed by the fourth rank with four
(13.33%) parents stated that having inadequate learning materials and lastly, 3 (10%) other
parents stated that focusing on their child’s learning, too much assignment and too little teaching
but too much homework are their challenge in guiding their children.

The Lewis College

479 Magsaysay Avenue Cogon Sorsogon City
College of Teacher Education


Cristy Beranio

Albert Grefal Matandag

Jennelyn De Guzman Mirabueno

Krianne Divina Tayam

Mary- Ann Ducay Canlas

Jorylene Enteria

Melody Natańo Escobedo

Eryl Derilo Escaros

Rosilyn Gripon Garces

Dian Guevarra Labayani

Daisy Espallardo Bandojo

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