Unit 1 - RGPV IOT CS6005

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Subject Name: Internet of Things

Subject Code: CS-6005

Semester: 6th
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Subject Notes
CS-6005 Elective-II (1) Internet of Things
Unit -1
Topics to be covered

Introduction: Definition, Characteristics of IOT, IOT Conceptual framework, IOT Architectural view, Physical
design of IOT, Logical design of IOT, Application of IOT.

Definition-The Internet of Things, also called The Internet of Objects, refers to a wireless network between
objects. By embedding short-range mobile transceivers into a wide array of additional gadgets and
everyday items, enabling new forms of communication between people and things, and between things
themselves. The term Internet of Things has come to describe a number of technologies and research
disciplines that enable the Internet to reach out into the real world of physical objects. Things having
identities and virtual personalities operating in smart spaces using intelligent interfaces to connect and
communicate within social, environmental, and user contexts. From any time, any place connectivity for
anyone, we will now have connectivity for anything.

Fig. 1.1 Internet of Things Accessibility

Characteristics of IOT-The no-need-to-know in terms of the underlying details of infrastructure,

applications interface with the infrastructure via the APIs.The flexibility and elasticity allows these systems
to scale up and down at will utilizing the resources of all kinds CPU, storage, server capacity, load
balancing, and databases The pa as u h as used a d eeded t pe of utilit o puti g a d the al a s
o !, a here a d a pla e t pe of et ork-based computing. The fundamental characteristics of the
IoT are as follows:
Interconnectivity: With regard to the IoT, anything can be interconnected with the global
information and communication infrastructure.
Things-related services: The IoT is capable of providing thing-related services within the constraints
of things, such as privacy protection and semantic consistency between physical things and their
associated virtual things. In order to provide thing-related services within the constraints of things,
both the technologies in physical world and information world will change.

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Heterogeneity: The devices in the IoT are heterogeneous as based on different hardware platforms
and networks. They can interact with other devices or service platforms through different
Dynamic changes: The state of devices change dynamically, e.g., sleeping and waking up,
connected and/or disconnected as well as the context of devices including location and speed.
Moreover, the number of devices can change dynamically.
Enormous scale: The number of devices that need to be managed and that communicate with each
other will be at least an order of magnitude larger than the devices connected to the current
Internet. Even more critical will be the management of the data generated and their interpretation
for application purposes. This relates to semantics of data, as well as efficient data handling.
Safety: As we gain benefits from the IoT, we must not forget about safety. As both the creators and
recipients of the IoT, we must design for safety. This includes the safety of our personal data and
the safety of our physical well-being. Securing the endpoints, the networks, and the data moving
across all of it means creating a security paradigm that will scale.
Connectivity: Connectivity enables network accessibility and compatibility. Accessibility is getting
on a network while compatibility provides the common ability to consume and produce data.

IOT architectural view-IoT architecture consists of different layers of technologies supporting IoT. It serves
to illustrate how various technologies relate to each other and to communicate the scalability, modularity
and configuration of IoT deployments in different scenarios. The functionality of each layer is described
Smart device / sensor layer: The lowest layer is made up of smart objects integrated with sensors.
The sensors enable the interconnection of the physical and digital worlds allowing real-time
information to be collected and processed. There are various types of sensors for different
purposes. The sensors have the capacity to take measurements such as temperature, air quality,
speed, humidity, pressure, flow, movement and electricity etc. In some cases, they may also have a
degree of memory, enabling them to record a certain number of measurements. A sensor can
measure the physical property and convert it into signal that can be understood by an instrument.
Sensors are grouped according to their unique purpose such as environmental sensors, body
sensors, home appliance sensors and vehicle telemetric sensors, etc
Gateways and Networks-Massive volume of data will be produced by these tiny sensors and this
requires a robust and high performance wired or wireless network infrastructure as a transport
medium. Current networks, often tied with very different protocols, have been used to support
machine-to-machine (M2M) networks and their applications. With demand needed to serve a
wider range of IoT services and applications such as high speed transactional services, context-
aware applications, etc, multiple networks with various technologies and access protocols are
needed to work with each other in a heterogeneous configuration. These networks can be in the
form of a private, public or hybrid models and are built to support the communication
requirements for latency, bandwidth or security. Various gateways (microcontroller,
microprocessor) & gateway networks (WI-FI, GSM, GPRS).
Management Service Layer-The management service renders the processing of information
possible through analytics, security controls, process modeling and management of devices. One of
the important features of the management service layer is the business and process rule engines.
IoT brings connection and interaction of objects and systems together providing information in the
form of events or contextual data such as temperature of goods, current location and traffic data.
Some of these events require filtering or routing to post-processing systems such as capturing of
periodic sensory data, while others require response to the immediate situations such as reacting
to e erge ies o patie t’s health o ditio s. The rule e gi es support the for ulatio of de isio
logics and trigger interactive and automated processes to enable a more responsive IoT system.
Application Layer-The IoT appli atio o ers s art e iro e ts/spa es i do ai s su h as:
Transportation, Building, City, Lifestyle, Retail, Agriculture, Factory, Supply chain, Emergency,
Healthcare, User interaction, Culture and tourism, Environment and Energy.

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Fig. 1.2 IoT Architecture

IOT conceptual view-
The main tasks of this framework are to analyze and determine the smart activities of these
intelligent devices through maintaining a dynamic interconnection among those devices. The
proposed framework will help to standardize IoT infrastructure so that it can receive e-services
based on context information leaving the current infrastructure unchanged. The active
collaboration of these heterogeneous devices and protocols can lead to future ambient computing
where the maximum utilization of cloud computing will be ensured.
This model is capable of logical division of physical devices placement, creation of virtual links
among different domains, networks and collaborate among multiple application without any
central coordination system. IaaS can afford standard functionalities to accommodate and provides
access to cloud infrastructure. The service is generally offered by modern data centers maintained
by giant companies and organization. It is categorized as virtualization of resources which permits a
user to install and run application over virtualization layer and allows the system to be distributed,
configurable and scalable.
Total infrastructure system can be categorized into 4 layers to receive context supported e-services
out of raw data from the Internet of Things. These 4 layers establish a generic framework that does
not alter the current network infrastructure but create an interfacing among services and entities
through network virtualization.

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Fig. 1.3 IoT Conceptual View

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1. Connectivity Layer-
This layer includes all the physical devices involved in the framework and the interconnection among them.
Future internet largely depends on the unification of these common objects found everywhere near us and
these should be distinctly identifiable and controllable.
This layer also involves assigning of low range networking devices like sensors, actuators, RFID tags etc and
resource management checks the availability of physical resources of all the devices and networks involved
in the underlying infrastructure. These devices contain very limited resources and resource management
ensures the maximum utilization with little overhead. It also allows sharing and distribution of information
among multiple networks or single network divided into multiple domains.

2. Access Layer-
Context Data will be reached to internet via IoT Gateway as captured by short range devices in form
of raw data. Access layer comprises topology definition, network initiation, creation of domains etc.
This layer also includes connection setup, intra-inter domain communication, scheduling, packet
transmissions between flow-sensors and IoT gateway. The simulation was run later in this paper for
different scenario based on this layer. Feature management contains a feature filter which accepts
only acceptable context data and redundant data are rejected. Large number of sensor maintains
lots of features but only a small subset of features is useful generate a context data.
Feature filter helps to reduce irrelevant data transmission, increases the data transfer rate of useful
data and reduce energy and CPU consumption too. Number of features can be different based on
the application requirements and context data types.

3. Abstraction Layer-
One of the most important characteristics of OpenFlow is to add virtual layers with the preset
layers, leaving the established infrastructure unchanged. A virtual link can be created among
different networks and a common platform can be developed for various communication systems.
The system is fully a centralized system from physical layer viewpoint but a distribution of service
(flow visor could be utilized) could be maintained. One central system can monitor, control all sorts
of traffics. It can help to achieve better band-width, reliability, robust routing, etc. which will lead to
a better Quality of Services (QoS).
In a multi-hopping scenario packets are transferred via some adjacent nodes. So, nodes near to
access points bears too much load in comparison to distant nodes in a downstream scenario and
inactivity of these important nodes may cause the network to be collapsed. Virtual presence of
sensor nodes can solve the problem where we can create a virtual link between two sensor
networks through access point negotiation. So, we can design a three a three layer platform, where
common platform and virtualization layer are newly added with established infrastructure. Sensors
need not to be worried about reach-ability or their placement even in harsh areas. Packet could be
sent to any nodes even if it is sited on different networks.

4. Service Layer-
Storage management bears the idea about all sorts of unfamiliar and/or important technologies
and information which can turn the system scalable and efficient. It is not only responsible for
storing data but also to provide security along with it. It also allows accessing data effectively;
integrating data to enhance service intelligence, analysis based on the services required and most
importantly increases the storage efficiency. Storage and management layer involves data storage
& system supervision, software services and business management & operations. Though they are
included in one layer, the business support system resides slightly above of cloud computing service
whereas Open-Flow is placed below of it as presented to include virtualizations and monitor
Service management combines the required services with organizational solutions and thus new
generation user service becomes simplified. These forthcoming services are necessitated to be co

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interrelated and combined in order to meet the demand socio- economic factors such as
environment analysis, safety measurement, climate management, agriculture modernization etc.

IOT Functional View-The Internet of Things concept refers to uniquely identifiable things with their virtual
representations in an Internet-like structure and IoT solutions comprising a number of components such as
(1) Module for interaction with local IoT devices. This module is responsible for acquisition of observations
and their forwarding to remote servers for analysis and permanent storage.
(2) Module for local analysis and processing of observations acquired by IoT devices.
(3) Module for interaction with remote IoT devices, directly over the Internet. This module is responsible
for acquisition of observations and their forwarding to remote servers for analysis and permanent storage.
(4) Module for application specific data analysis and processing. This module is running on an application
server serving all clients. It is taking requests from mobile and web clients and relevant IoT observations as
input, executes appropriate data processing algorithms and generates output in terms of knowledge that is
later presented to users.
(5) User interface (web or mobile): visual representation of measurements in a given context (for example
on a map) and interaction with the user, i.e. definition of user queries. The Designs are shown below:

Physical Design of IOT-The Internet of Things will become part of the fabric of everyday life. It will become
part of our overall infrastructure just like water, electricity, telephone, TV and most recently the Internet.
Whereas the current Internet typically connects full-scale computers, the Internet of Things (as part of the
Future Internet) will connect everyday objects with a strong integration into the physical world.
1. Plug and Play Integration
If we look at IoT-related technology available today, there is a huge heterogeneity. It is typically
deployed for very specific purposes and the configure requires significant technical knowledge and
may be cumbersome. To achieve a true Internet of Things we need to move away from such small-
scale, vertical application silos, towards a horizontal infrastructure on which a variety of
applications can run simultaneously. This is only possible if connecting a thing to the Internet of
Things becomes as simple as plugging it in and switching it on. Such plug and play functionality
requires an infrastructure that supports it, starting from the networking level and going beyond it
to the application level. This is closely related to the aspects discussed in the section on autonomy.
On the networking level, the plug & play functionality has to enable the communication, features
like the ones provided by IPv6 are in the directions to help in this process. Suitable infrastructure
components have then to be discovered to enable the integration into the Internet of Things. This
includes announcing the functionalities provided, such as what can be sensed or what can be
2. Infrastructure Functionality-The infrastructure needs to support applications in finding the things
required. An application may run anywhere, including on the things themselves. Finding things is not
limited to the start-up time of an application. Automatic adaptation is needed whenever relevant new
things become available, things become unavailable or the status of things changes. The infrastructure has
to support the monitoring of such changes and the adaptation that is required as a result of the changes.
3. Semantic Modeling of Things-To reach the full potential of the Internet of Things, semantic information
regarding the things, the information they can provide or the actuations they can perform need to be
available. It is not sufficient to know that there is a temperature sensor or an electric motor, but it is
important to know which temperature the sensor measures: the indoor temperature of a room or the
temperature of the fridge, and that the electric motor can open or close the blinds or move something to a
different location. As it may not be possible to provide such semantic information by simply switching on
the thing, the infrastructure should make adding it easy for users. Also, it may be possible to derive
semantic information, given some basic information and additional knowledge, e.g. deriving information
about a room, based on the information that a certain sensor is located in the room. This should be
enabled by the infrastructure.
4. Physical Location and Position-As the Internet of Things is strongly rooted in the physical world, the
notion of physical location and position are very important, especially for finding things, but also for

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deriving knowledge. Therefore, the infrastructure has to support finding things according to location (e.g.
geo-location based discovery). Taking mobility into account, localization technologies will play an
important role for the Internet of Things and may become embedded into the infrastructure of the
Internet of Things.
5. Security and Privacy-In addition, an infrastructure needs to provide support for security and privacy
functions including identification, confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation authentication and
authorization. Here the heterogeneity and the need for interoperability among different ICT systems
deployed in the infrastructure and the resource limitations of IoT devices (e.g., Nano sensors) have to be
taken into account.

Logical design of IOT-

The Logical design of IoT is however too abstract to be used for building directly concrete
architectures. In order to implement a compliant IoT solutions, Reference Architectures must be
defined, describing essential building blocks as well as design choices able to select specific
constructs able to deal with converging requirements regarding functionality, performance,
deployment and security, to name a few. Interfaces among different technological functional blocks
should be standardized; best practices in terms of functionality and information usage need to be
Existing literature provides methodologies for dealing with system architectures (hereafter called
Concrete Architectures) based on Views and Perspectives. The way that the IoT-A project illustrates
the Reference Architecture (RA) is through a matrix that provides clear technological choices in
order to develop concrete architectures. To establish the contents of this matrix we need to analyze
all possible functionalities, mechanisms and protocols that can be used for building any concrete
IoT-related architecture and to show how interconnections could take place between selected
design and technological choices. A system architect should then have a tool to make a rational
selection of protocols, functional components, and architectural options, needed to build specific
IoT systems.
The IoT-A project sees views as a representation of one or more structural aspects of an
architecture that illustrates how the architecture addresses one or more concerns held by one or
more of its stakeholders. Some typical examples for viewpoints are Functional, Information,
Concurrency, Development, Deployment and Operational viewpoints. However, architectural
decisions often address concerns that are common to more than one view. These concerns are
often related to non-functional or quality properties.
The approach that the project is following is to define special perspectives to address these aspects
of a concrete architecture, emphasizing the importance of stakeholder requirements. Therefore we
are define a perspective as a collection of activities, tactics, and guidelines that are used to ensure
that a system exhibits a particular set of related quality properties that require consideration across
a u er of the s ste ’s architectural views, where a quality property is defined as an externally
visible, non-functional property of a system such as performance, security, or scalability.

Fig. 1.4 IoT Logical View

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IOT applications-Potential applications of the IoT are numerous and diverse, permeating into practically all
areas of every-day life of individuals, enterprises, and society as a whole. The IoT application covers smart
environments/spaces in domains such as: Transportation, Building, City, Lifestyle, Retail, Agriculture,
Factory, Supply chain, Emergency, Healthcare, User interaction, Culture and tourism, Environment and
Energy. Below are some of the IoT applications.
IOsL (Internet of smart living)-Remote Control Appliances: Switching on and off remotely
appliances to avoid accidents and save energy, Weather: Displays outdoor weather conditions such
as humidity, temperature, pressure, wind speed and rain levels with ability to transmit data over
lo g dista es, “ art Ho e Applia es: Refrigerators ith LCD s ree telli g hat’s i side, food
that’s a out to e pire, i gredie ts ou eed to u a d ith all the i for atio a aila le o a
Smartphone app. Washing machines allowing you to monitor the laundry remotely, and. Kitchen
ranges with interface to a Smartphone app allowing remotely adjustable temperature control and
o itori g the o e ’s self-cleaning feature, Safety Monitoring: cameras, and home alarm systems
making people feel safe in their daily life at home, Intrusion Detection Systems: Detection of
window and door openings and violations to prevent intruders, Energy and Water Use: Energy and
water supply consumption monitoring to obtain advice on how to save cost and resources.
IOsC ( Internet of smart cities)-Structural Health: Monitoring of vibrations and material conditions
in buildings, bridges and historical monuments, Lightning: intelligent and weather adaptive lighting
in street lights, Safety: Digital video monitoring, fire control management, public announcement
systems, Transportation: Smart Roads and Intelligent High-ways with warning messages and
diversions according to climate conditions and unexpected events like accidents or traffic jams,
Smart Parking: Real-time monitoring of parking spaces availability in the city making residents able
to identify and reserve the closest available spaces, Waste Management: Detection of rubbish
levels in containers to optimize the trash collection routes. Garbage cans and recycle bins with RFID
tags allow the sanitation staff to see when garbage has been put out.
IOsE (Internet of smart environment)-Air Pollution monitoring: Control of CO2 emissions of
factories, pollution emitted by cars and toxic gases generated in farms, Forest Fire Detection:
Monitoring of combustion gases and preemptive fire conditions to define alert zones, Weather
monitoring: weather conditions monitoring such as humidity, temperature, pressure, wind speed
and rain, Earthquake Early Detection, Water Quality: Study of water suitability in rivers and the sea
for eligibility in drinkable use, River Floods: Monitoring of water level variations in rivers, dams and
reservoirs during rainy days, Protecting wildlife: Tracking collars utilizing GPS/GSM modules to
locate and track wild animals and communicate their coordinates via SMS.
IOsI (Internet of smart industry)-Explosive and Hazardous Gases: Detection of gas levels and
leakages in industrial environments, surroundings of chemical factories and inside mines,
Monitoring of toxic gas and oxygen levels inside chemical plants to ensure workers and goods
safety, Monitoring of water, oil and gas levels in storage tanks and Cisterns, Maintenance and
repair: Early predictions on equipment malfunctions and service maintenance can be automatically
scheduled ahead of an actual part failure by installing sensors inside equipment to monitor and
send reports.
IOsH (Internet of smart health)-Patients Surveillance: Monitoring of conditions of patients inside
hospitals and i old people’s ho e, Medi al Fridges: Co trol of o ditio s i side freezers stori g
vaccines, medicines and organic elements, Fall Detection: Assistance for elderly or disabled people
living independent, Dental: Bluetooth connected toothbrush with Smartphone app analyzes the
brushing uses and gives information on the brushing habits on the Smartphone for private
information or for showing statistics to the dentist, Physical Activity Monitoring: Wireless sensors
placed across the mattress sensing small motions, like breathing and heart rate and large motions
caused by tossing and turning during sleep, providing data available through an app on the
IOsE (internet of smart energy)-Smart Grid: Energy consumption monitoring and management,
Wind Turbines/ Power house: Monitoring and analyzing the flow of energy from wind turbines &
power house, and two- a o u i atio ith o su ers’ s art eters to a al ze o su ptio

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patterns, Power Supply Controllers: Controller for AC-DC power supplies that determines required
energy, and improve energy efficiency with less energy waste for power supplies related to
computers, telecommunications, and consumer electronics applications, Photovoltaic Installations:
Monitoring and optimization of performance in solar energy plants.
IOsA (internet of smart agriculture)-Green Houses: Control micro-climate conditions to maximize
the production of fruits and vegetables and its quality, Compost: Control of humidity and
temperature levels in alfalfa, hay, straw, etc. to prevent fungus and other microbial contaminants,
Animal Farming/Tracking: Location and identification of animals grazing in open pastures or
location in big stables, Study of ventilation and air quality in farms and detection of harmful gases
from excrements, Offspring Care: Control of growing conditions of the offspring in animal farms to
ensure its survival and health, field Monitoring: Reducing spoilage and crop waste with better
monitoring, accurate ongoing data obtaining, and management of the agriculture fields, including
better control of fertilizing, electricity and watering.

Physical View-It defines different layered level component required to create the device as mentioned in

Fig. 1.5 Physical View


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