The Government Servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules 2018

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The Government Servants

(Discipline and Appeal)
Rules, 2018

1 2

Session Plan How came into light ?

❑ Discussion and Explanations if you ask question
• No.S.R.O.110-law/2018 In pursuance of the Proclamation
❑ Group Discussion by your-selves of the 18th April, 2018 and in exercise of all powers
❑ Clarification if required by the facilitator enabling him in that behalf, the President, after
❑ Individual Class Test. consultation with the Bangladesh Public Service
Commission, is pleased to make the following rules,
Norms namely :-
❑ Please clarify about any confusion • 1(1) These rules may be called the Government
❑ This is a practice session for your whole Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 2018
service-life; So don’t deceive your-self • 1(2) they shall come into force at once (18th April, 2018)
❑ Try to understand carefully, not to memorize
3 4
The Government Servants (Discipline Where applicable ? [(Rule 1(2)]
and Appeal) Rules, 2018
Shall apply to all Govt. servants, except-
1. Part I : General (Rule 1 – 2) a. To whom Railway Establishment code applies
b. Subordinate Officers of Metropolitan Police
2. Part II : Discipline (Rule 3 – 15)
c. Police Officers below the rank of Inspector
3. Part III : Appeal (Rule 16 – 21)
d. Sub. Officers, Riflemen and Signalmen of BGB
4. Part IV : Review and Revision (Rule 22 – 24) e. Sub. Jail Officers below the rank of Jailor of BDJ
5. Part V : Miscellaneous (Rule 25– 28) f. Services & Posts specified by the Govt. by G.N.

g. Persons in contract service. 6

Grounds for Penalty (Rule Penalties (Rule 4)

3) ❑ Minor
a) Censure
b) Withholding promotion or increment for a period
(a) c) Recovery of pecuniary losses from pay or gratuity
Inefficiency d) Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale.

❑ Major
(e) a) Reduction to a lower post or time-scale
Subversion b) Compulsory retirement
c) Removal from service
d) Dismissal from service.
(c) (d)
Desertion Corruption
7 8
Which Penalty for which offence [Rule 4(5)]
How penalty can be imposed ?
Offence Penalty ❑ Can be imposed only through a departmental
Inefficiency by reason of Any penalty except censure and Proceeding
infirmity of mind or body dismissal ❑ Departmental proceeding starts through Framing
Other Inefficiency Any penalty except dismissal of Charge
Misconduct Any penalty
❑ Can be imposed through an Office Order or
Desertion Any penalty except censure Notification stating the of offence and Penalty
Corruption Any penalty and for repetition of along with rules
offence any penalty except
❑ Departmental proceeding is
reduction to a lower post or
quasi-judicialDepartmental proceeding is
quasi-judicial in nature; hence penalty can not be
Subversion Any penalty except reduction to a imposed violating the rules.
lower post or time-scale 9 10

Framing of Charge (for minor penalty) Framing of Charge (for major penalty)
(Ref: Rule 6) (Ref: Rule 7)
▪ Charge should be – • Charge should be –
– In writing - In writing
– Specific; not vague - Specific; not vague
– With adequate information (Facts/Date/time/Place) - With adequate information (Facts/Date/time/Place)
So that the accused may easily understand the allegations • What offence(s) appear(s)
he is going to face
• Specify the penalty proposed to be imposed
▪ What offence(s) appear(s)
• Accompanied with a statement of allegation
▪ Call upon the accused to explain his conduct with in 10 • To show cause within 10 days (with 10 days extension)
working days ( 7 days extension) why the proposed penalty should not be imposed
▪ Whether the accused desires to be heard in person • Whether the accused desires to be heard in person
▪ SigningSigning by the Appointing/Competent 11 • Signing by the Appointing/Competent Authority. 12
Procedures for Major penalty cases (Ref: Rule 7)
Inquiry Procedure (Rule 11)
Frame Reply within 10 days
Consider Reply ✔ Start (notice) within 7 days from receiving of Appointment
Charge (desire of P. hearing) (if any) ✔ No adjournment without recording the reasons
Further ✔ No deposition by the Conducting Officer (C.O)
Personal hearing
(if desired)
✔ Record statements of PWs Record statements of PWs &
Impose minor Penalty Cross-exam by the Accused (1/1)

Receiv ✔ Accused may consult relevant files but not the notes
e Appoint Inquiry Discharge
Report Officer/ Board ✔ Record statements of DWs & Cross-exam by CO
Impose minor
2nd Penalty ✔ No recommendation regarding penalty or otherwise
Reply Reply Impose major ✔ Mention only whether the accused is guilty or not guilty against
Imp minor


with Penalty each charge

Propos ✔ Submit report within 7 days after completion of inquiry with the
7 days
ed Consult PSC President’s Approval
finding. 14

Suspension (Rule12)
Re-instatement (Rule 14)
• Against whom action is proposed under Clause (b),
(c) or (d) of rule 3Against whom action is proposed ❑ Re-instatement from original DP/Appeal/Review/
under Clause (b), (c) or (d) of rule 3, may placed
under suspension Revision/Tribunal
• Appointing authority or designated authority may ❑ For the purpose of rule 5(1)(a), if not convicted, be
issue suspension order of any Govt. Servant treated as duty on full pay
• Authority may order any Govt. servant to go on leave ❑ Re-instatement after suspension shall be
instead of suspension. If suspended, DP should be
started soon. governed by the Service Rule (BSR)

Entitlement during suspension period (BSR-71): ❖ In case of compulsory retirement, no pension

1. 50% of basic pay 2. 50% of DA (if any) 3. 100% Medical benefit, gratuity or provident fund benefit shall
Allowance 4. 100% House rent 5. 100% Ration (if any)
be admissible for the suspended period.
Not entitled (No. ED(Reg-IV)-202/83-39 dt.10.05.83):
15 16
Convene, Traveling allowance, Entertainment
Appeal (Rule 16 - 21) Forward & Disposal of Appeal (Rule 21 - 22)
Forward :
Considered by different authority with different
views • With records and comments by punishing authority

Against whom penalty imposed may file Appeal • Appellate authority may call for any withheld appeal

No Appeal against the Order of the President Disposal :

Shall consider --
Submit appeal within 3 months (may extend 3 month)
▪ All the facts and circumstances
Appellate authority to be addressed
▪ Whether procedure complied with
In polite language, shall contain all material
▪ Whether non-compliance resulted in failure of justice
arguments and self-explanatory
▪ Whether findings on the charge are justified
Shall be submitted through proper channel (Adv copy)
▪ Whether the penalty is excessive, adequate or inadequate.
The authority may withhold the appeal. 17 18

Review and Revision (Rule 22 - 24) Miscellaneous (Rule 25 – 28)

Review : ❑ Court Proceeding
✔ Govt. Servant aggrieved by the order of the President may
apply for review – No bar to proceed with DP
✔ Shall be addressed to the President – If convicted, may proceed in accordance with
✔ Shall be submitted within 3 months (extension 3 months) Government Servants Act 2018
✔ Shall be submitted through proper channel – If not convicted, may proceed with DP
Revision :
• The President may, on his own motion or otherwise, calls ❑ Not to deprive any person of any right or privilege
for the records under any other law
• Revise any order passed in appeal, or
❑ Authority designated by the President continues.
• Any order which is appealable but against which no
appeal has been preferred within one year
19 20
• It is wise to maintain Case Record for DP
• It is safe to maintain Order-sheet by I.O also
• Always consult Rules while dealing with DP
• It is safe to proceed with the procedure for
Major Penalty, even for minor ones
• Please be duty-bound and impartial while
acting as I.O
• Don’t memorize but try to understand .

[email protected]
21 22

Difference between
“Public servant” and “Govt. servant”

“ Stated broadly, persons who are paid for their

service out of the public exchequer are
Government servant”
- Ref: No ED (Reg VI/S-82/79-77 dated 23 July 1979

Mayors and Commissioners of City Corporations/

Municipality, University Teachers, Arbitrators etc. are
Public servant but not Government servant.
23 24
Page 851 - 881

Page 836 - 854

25 26

a) Inefficiency [Rule 3(a)] b) Misconduct [Rule 3(b) & 2(b)]

is inefficient, or has ceased to be • Conduct contrary to Govt. Servant (Conduct) Rules,
efficient, whether by reason of— 1979
• Conduct unbecoming of an officer or gentleman
(i) Infirmity of mind or body, or
• Disobedience to lawful orders of superior officers
(ii) Failed to pass in dept. exam on 2 or • Gross negligence of duty
more consecutive occasions, or • Flouting of Govt. orders, circulars and directives
without any lawful cause
(iii) Failed to appear at any such exam
without reasonable cause, or • Submission of false or frivolous petitions against a
Govt. Servant
(iv) Fail to start inquiry or submit inquiry • Non-using of Bangla in office-work
report in due time • Demand of dowry
(v) Otherwise, and is not likely to recover.27 • Misbehave with spouse. 28
c) Desertion [Rule 3(c) & 2(f)] d) Corruption [Rule 3(d)]
❑ Quitting of service without permission is corrupt, or may reasonably be considered
corrupt, because —
❑ Absent from duty for a period of 60 days or
more (i) He is or any of his dependants or any other
person through him or on his behalf is, in
❑ Absent from duty with permission, then possession (for which he can not reasonably
remain absent for a period of 60 days or
more without further permission account) of pecuniary resources or of property
disproportionate to his known sources of
❑ Leaving the country without permission income, or
and remaining abroad for 30 days or more
❑ Leaving the country with permission, then (ii) He has assumed a style of living beyond his
overstaying for 60 days or more without ostensible means, or
further permission.
(iii) He has a persistent reputation of being corrupt.
29 30

e) Subversion [Rule 3(e)] Article 135(2) of the Constitution

is engaged, or is reasonably
suspected of being engaged, in
subversive activities, or is
reasonably suspected of being
associated with others engaged in
subversive activities, and whose
retention of service is considered
prejudicial to national security

31 32
Inquiry Report Rule 6(1)
Elements of an Inquiry Report: “ …… …… …… …. … the authority or in
• Introduction (appointment, events of the cases where the President is the authority,
Inquiry and completion date) the Secretary of the Administrative Ministry
or Division …… …….”
• Prosecution Case
• Points for determination
• Analysis of evidence
• Findings.
33 34

Delegation of Power

35 36
Delegation of Power BSR 72
Fate of the Absence of duty Entitlement of Pay &
Case Allowance (if any)
Honourably on duty Full
Punished but On duty or on Such portion as the
re-instated leave* (as the authority decides
authority decides)

* Will be debited to the leave account. Except extraordinary leave,

subsistence grant will be adjusted with against leave salary.

37 38

Not applicable to a Govt. Servant on

• The date of retirement of the Govt. servant was 30-1-73
and thereafter he was on leave for 6 months preparatory
to retirement. This 6 months leave is a retirement
benefit. An order by the Govt. suspending him from
service passed after 30-1-73 and during the period when
he enjoying 6 months preparatory leave cannot be held
as an order passed when the servant was in the Govt.
service. Therefore such order passed treating him in
service is ineffective and unlawful.
- Syed Abdul Ali vs Ministry of Cabinet Affairs,
Establishment Division 31 DLR (AD) page 256

• The enquiry proceedings cannot be started after a

person has retired. – AIR 1964 page 221
39 40
Case law
• It is not correct to state that a Government servant is not
answerable to Government for his misconduct • An officer who is acting in the place of the
committed in his private life as long as he is a appointing authority as stop-gap arrangement
Government servant. - 1976 SLR (Kerala) page 749
while on leave is not competent to perform
statutory functions and a charge-sheet issued
• In an ordinary administration the action of a subordinate by him is illegal. – 1979 SLR page 44
officer questioning the propriety or legality of any
order of his superior officer or making any • The appointing authority or any authority which
correspondence with the Government against the is higher to the appointing authority has got
order of his superiors is regarded as misconduct and
breach of discipline. the power to issue the charge-sheet.
– Md. Nehaluddin vs. Bangladesh 29 DLR page 91 – AIR 1966 page 334

41 42

Case law Case law

• The enquiry and the imposition of punishment
are two stages of a departmental proceedings. Both • If any enquiry is held witnesses should be
the stages of the enquiry are indivisible and are just examined in presence of the delinquent
one continuous proceeding and that both stages employee and he should be allowed to
are equally judicial. – AIR 1963 (SC) page 395
cross-examine the witnesses. -MA
Hai vs. TCB 32 DLR (AD) page 46
• An order awarding punishment is always a
judicial order. Any action decided to be taken
against a Govt. servant found guilty of misconduct is • Where the accused was not allowed the
a judicial order. It is thus wholly erroneous to opportunity to cross-examine the prosecution
characterise the taking of action against a person witness, it rendered the enquiry defective and the
found guilty of any charge at a departmental inquiry consequential order of penalty is set aside.
as an administrative order. – Mir
Alauddin vs. Province of East Pakistan 26 DLR - 1981 PLC (SC) page 384
page 27
43 44
Case Law Case law
• The recommendation of the Enquiry • Failure to comply with a mandatory rule
Officer for withholding of an increment for invalidates an action. - 44 DLR (AD) Page
two years is not permissible. Under the 166
rules the Enquiry Officer had no authority Case Ref: Civil Appeal No. 6 of 1990 arisen out
to recommend any punishment. The of Writ Petition No, 111 of 1995 in the HCD
authority is the sole judge as to what C. Justice Shahabuddin Ahmed
punishment should be awarded.
Justice M. H. Rahman
- BCSIR and Others vs. A Khaleque 43 DLR
(AD) page 209 Justice Latifur Rahman
45 46

Case law Case law

• “Where no witnesses were examined on behalf of • “If any enquiry is held witnesses
Employer before the delinquent official was should be examined in presence of the
subjected to examination by question and answer, it delinquent employee and he should be
was held that the enquiry was vitiated as it was not allowed to cross-examine the witness.” – M
A Hai Vs TCB 32 DLR (AD) Page 46-47
in accordance with the principles of natural justice.”
– AIR 1969 (Orissa) page 209 • “In a departmental proceeding the
• “When allegation of misconduct is leveled against a
charges should be established on
person, it is the primary duty of the person tangible evidence. Where evidence on
making those allegations to establish the same record was not sufficient to prove the
and not for an accused to adduce negative evidence charge the dismissal order was held to be
to the effect that he is not guilty.” – SCR 1972 page-29 not sustainable.” – 1983 PLC page 680
47 48
Case law Case law
• “Imposition of punishment without supplying
• “No reasonable person can reply to or show cause
copy of inquiry report – held, violation of
against vague allegations. The entire proceeding
on the basis of vague charges was illegal and
the principles of natural justice.” – 14 A.T.C.
violative of the principles of natural justice.” – 43 DLR Page 7;
page 44
• “The delinquent officer is entitled to the
• “When the charge is vague and not specific the opportunity under the constitutional
accused is deprived of making his full defence provision to make his defence against the
which violates the principle of natural justice proposed punishment of the findings of
consequently rendering the penalty imposed
the Enquiry Committee.” – Fazlul Huq
therein is unsustainable in law.” – 10 MLR (AD) page
Chowdhury Vs Bangladesh 30 DLR Page 144
49 50

BSR 73
• 73 If a Govt. servant is absent from duty
by reason of being committed to prison
either for debt or on a criminal charge …..
……….., on the case directs accordingly.
Note 1 – The term “Committed to prison” as
used in the rule should be deemed to include
cases of persons “taken into custody”
Note 2 – A Govt. servant Committed to prison
either for debt or on a criminal charge should
be considered as under suspension from the
date of his arrest, and should be allowed the
subsistence grant laid down in Rule 71 until the
termination of the proceeding against him. 51 52
53 54

10 - 5 - 50 EB - 10 - 100
1st Time Major

120 - 15 - 160 EB - 20 - 200


55 56

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