General Mathematics Grade11 Syllabuspdf
General Mathematics Grade11 Syllabuspdf
General Mathematics Grade11 Syllabuspdf
The learner must know how to solve problems involving rational, exponential and logarithmic functions.
CONTENT The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of functions, rational, inverse, exponential and
STANDARD logarithmic functions.
PERFORMANCE The learner is able to accurately construct mathematical models to represent real-life situations using
STANDARD functions; to accurately formulate and solve real-life problems involving rational functions and to apply
concepts of inverse, exponential and logarithmic functions to formulate and solve real-life problems with
precision and accuracy.
Values: Functions)
Life-long learning 4. M11GM-Ia-3: performs addition, LAS 2 ( Operations of
and Inequalities
2. M11GM-Ib-2: distinguishes rational Summative:
Values: function, rational equation, and rational Small group activity
Sometimes, life will challenge us rational functions, equations, and functions using graphing
and will make our lives undefined. inequalities. papers)
However, the graphs or the right Quiz 1-2: Solve problems
Graphs and table of our values function through its: (a) table of values, and involving inverse functions
system will guide us to follow the (b) graph.
right trend slopes of life.
4. M11GM-Id-4: finds the domain and range
of an inverse function.
Exponential function shows us how 3. M11GM-If-1: solves exponential equations exponential equations)
exponential growth functions work. and inequalities. Quiz 1-4: Solve problems
a correct solution is rooted from an exponential functions, equations, and involving exponential
exact and accurate formula. To be inequalities. functions
able for us to solve the obstacles
in life, we should also have the
perfect formula for the problems
that we have.
The learner must know how to solve business-related problems and to apply logic to real-life situations.
CONTENT The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of simple and compound interests; basic concepts of
STANDARD simple and general annuities; basic concepts of stocks and bonds; basic concepts of business and consumer
loans; key concepts of propositional logic; syllogisms and fallacies and the key methods of proof and disproof.
PERFORMANCE The learner is able to investigate, analyze and solve problems involving simple and compound interests and
STANDARD simple and general annuities using appropriate business and financial instruments, use appropriate financial
instruments involving stocks and bonds in formulating conclusions and making decisions, decide wisely on the
appropriateness of business or consumer loan and its proper utilization, judiciously apply logic in real-life
arguments , appropriately apply a method of proof and disproof in real-life situations.
Deferred Annuity value of a cash flow stream that includes an Values of Simple and
annuity. General Annuities)
Critical Thinking 3. M11GM-IId-3: calculates the present value LAS 6 ( Fair Market Value
and Deferred Annuity)
The concept of simple and general and period of deferral of a deferred annuity. Quiz 2-2: Solve problems
annuities will let us know some involving Simple and
ideas for strategic options on General Annuities
where to effectively put our money.
Bond Valuation markets for stocks and bonds. Bonds and Stocks)
Stock Valuation Quiz 2-3: Solve problems
Loans differ in purpose, terms and 3. M11GM-IIf-3: solves problems involving Consumer Loans)
materiality. Hence, it is important business and consumer loans (amortization, Quiz 2-4: Solve problems
Hypothetical Propositions: 3. M11GM-IIg-4: performs the different types Logical thinking)
Simple and Compound of operations on propositions. Quiz 2-5: Solve problems
Propositions involving Logic and
Categorical Propositions 4. M11GM-IIh-1: determines the truth values Propositions
Truth Values of Simple and of propositions.
Compound Propositions
Truth Relations of the
Standard-form of
Categorical Proposition.
Life-long learning
Syllogisms are statements which
can be evaluated as true. By this
concept, we will be guided on how
to check if a given conclusion is
valid or not. Whereas, this concept
will be applied to some real-life
Tautologous Propositions 2. M11GM-IIj-2: justifies mathematical and
Forms of Tautologies Summative:
real life statements using the different Quiz 2-7: Solve problems
Direct Proof of Validity
In the real world, there are lots of
things needed to be proven so as
well the things that are being
disproved. Let us just be reminded
that we have to respect each
person’s statement for we follow a
universal ruleopinion
proving such as a basis on or
as true