AAC Introduction

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AERCON Block and Panel.

A. General Page I-2

B. What is AERCON? Page I-3
C. What Gives AERCON the Competitive Edge? Page I-4
D. Applications Page I-5
E. AERCON Benefits and Advantages Page I-10
I - Introduction

A. General

By using the AERCON technical of systems that can be utilized

manual, you have made a deci- in many applications. AERCON
sion to consider the most inno- produces non-load bearing ver-
vative building material avail- tical and horizontal exterior
able in today’s market. The wall panels, load bearing verti-
combination of fire resistance, cal panels, and floor and roof
thermal efficiency, cost effec- panels. AERCON also pro-
tiveness, and environmental duces a significant number of
qualities of AERCON cannot be block products in a multitude
surpassed by any other build- of combinations of thickness,
ing product. height, length and Strength
Class. Review the summary of
Construction demands are ever products in the Overview
changing, requiring building Section to determine which
systems to be versatile, effi- AERCON system will best suit
cient and cost effective. your needs.
AERCON offers this in a variety

AERCON’s 100,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art manufacturing facility located in Haines City, Florida.

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I - Introduction

B. What is AERCON?

AERCON is the name of the These raw materials can be Even the production method
company and the fully integrated found in almost unlimited conserves energy since steam
building system of Autoclaved quantities throughout the curing is carried out at high
Aerated Concrete (AAC) panels world. They are processed pressures and thermal energy is
and block, perfect for commer- with cement and a rising agent recovered and reused for maxi-
cial, industrial, educational, pub- to provide a building material mum efficiency. Production
lic and residential projects. with a large number of air trimmings can also be fully
pores - aerated concrete. And recycled, again making
AERCON Florida’s state-of-the- it is precisely these pores, in AERCON a highly efficient and
art manufacturing facility is addition to the solid structure environmentally compatible
located in Haines City, Florida. of calcium silicate hydrates, building material.
The 100,000 square foot facility which give AERCON its excep-
is designed to efficiently pro- tional product properties: fire
duce block and engineered pan- resistant/non-combustible,
els for rail or truck transport superior thermal insulation,
throughout the United States. excellent acoustic insulation,
lightweight, termite and pest
AAC was developed by a resistant, ease of workability
Swedish architect, and was and handling, universal appli-
patented in 1924. The architect cation, non-allergenic, and effi-
was looking for a building cient construction.
material that had the properties
of wood - good thermal insula- Environmentally friendly and
tion, solid structure, easy to energy-conserving, AERCON
work with and handle - but meets all the requirements of
without the disadvantages of our modern age. Absolutely no
combustibility, decay and ter- pollutants or hazardous wastes
mite damage. At that time there are generated in the process
were only small, heavy building and there is no waste of pre-
blocks with poor insulation cious raw materials. Pure
properties. He succeeded in AERCON, not containing any
producing a highly cellular, foreign materials, can be recy-
lightweight material from cled into other useful products.
quartzite sand, lime and water.

Magnified view of AERCON.

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I - Introduction

C. What Gives AERCON

the Competitive Edge?
AERCON offers strong advan- cations. Although AAC is rela-
tages over conventional building tively new to the U.S., it has
materials because of its excep- been a favored building material
tional product properties and for over 70 years throughout
ease of construction. AERCON’s Europe and Asia, and in many
excellent strength makes it suit- countries throughout the world.
able for both load bearing and
non-load bearing structures,
and perfect for all types of appli-

AERCON is available in several Blocks and panels are available

different load bearing and non- with tongue and groove joints
load bearing forms: for easy and sure connection.
They can be used in single and
• Large blocks with handholds multi-story buildings and are
which can be quickly and ideal for residential, commercial,
easily placed with thin bed educational, industrial and pub-
mortar lic buildings.

• Lightweight wall

• Lintels

• Large reinforced panels for

floors and roofs

• Load bearing wall panels

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I - Introduction

D. Applications
Public Facilities
Added public safety was one
of the main benefits achieved
when choosing AERCON for
these buildings.

AERCON wall and floor panels were used in the construction of this
$4 million, 84-suite hotel expansion.

Load bearing vertical wall panels were chosen for this beautiful
Central Florida Church.

This office building used AERCON load bearing wall panels and floor
panels in conjunction with structural steel framing.

10” AERCON block was used to build this bank building.

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I - Introduction

Commercial / Industrial Facilities

Savings from the speed of installation

and energy efficiency were key
decision factors in choosing AERCON
for these projects.

AERCON block was used to build this ultra-modern concrete paver

plant facility.

This unique Industrial Application utilizes wall

panels to build mushroom tunnels, proving that the
AERCON product has unlimited uses.

AERCON panels are perfect for this non-load bearing cladding

application where the panels are attached to a steel structure.

Needing climate-controlled space for sensitive electrical equipment

A telecommunications company chose AERCON’s energy effi-
storage, this warehouse owner chose AERCON for its superior
cient wall panels for several Communication Equipment
thermal insulation.
Buildings in order to lower their operating costs.

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I - Introduction

Residential / Multifamily

Tenants of these AERCON structures

have the comfort of living in a fire
resistant, thermal efficient and
environmentally friendly building.

This $23 million, 245,000-sq. ft. Residence Hall Complex using AERCON
panels includes seven residence hall buildings and five community buildings.

AERCON products were chosen to build this

private residence, giving the developer,
contractor, and homeowner a multitude of
benefits over conventional products.

The sound absorption qualities of AERCON allows the two-family

occupants of this townhouse maximum privacy in a small space.

AERCON was chosen for this residence hall project in Central Florida due to its excellent features and benefits: fire resistance, energy
efficiency and acoustical insulation.
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I - Introduction


AERCON panels were chosen by this private

Christian school primarily for the speed of installa-
tion. The installation of AERCON is much faster than
conventional construction allowing an accelerated
completion schedule.

This full middle school campus project of AERCON chose non-load bearing vertical wall panels for the project exterior and block for the
interior, maximizing safety, energy efficiency, and sound absorption.

Originally designed for concrete masonry units, but easily converted to the use of
AERCON block.
Many variations of educational facilities have
been constructed utilizing AERCON products.
Over the last decade, school construction has This facility used AERCON wall and roof panels to
had considerable growth. In order to meet the create a Modular unit. These units are assembled
quickly, are cost effective and are a "permanent
growth needs, several contractors have turned fix" to the problem of overcrowded schools.
to AERCON for time and cost savings as well
as the many other great product benefits.

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I - Introduction

Firewalls / Shaft Walls

AERCON helps prevent the spread of

fire to adjoining rooms and buildings
and never emits toxic gases or vapors
when exposed to fire.

AERCON’s 4-hour fire rating was perfect for this college dormitory
project, satisfying the most stringent building code requirements.

AERCON is ideal for fire

chase and shaft wall projects.
Save time and money with
less labor and material costs,
fewer inspections and faster
completion time.

The short-term and long-term benefits of AERCON systems are realized by owners, developers, designers and
contractors alike. The unsurpassed benefits are achieved by the exceptional material properties and construction
methods that are associated with the established AERCON approach to building.

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I - Introduction

E. AERCON Benefits and Advantages

Fire Safety (additional information in Fire Resistance Section)

• Highest UL fire ratings in the industry provide a fire safe environment
• Product is non-combustible
• No toxins or gases emitted when exposed to fire

Excellent Thermal Efficiency (additional information in Thermal Efficiency Section)

• Thermal performance eliminates insulation
• Reduces Life-Cycle energy costs
• Low heat transfer rate
• Outperforms conventional wood and concrete masonry construction

Economic Advantages (additional information in Economics Section)

• Fast-track construction and fewer finish materials provide a low cost capital option
• No furring, insulation or drywall needed
• An experienced four-man team and a single crane operator can install AERCON panels at a rate of four
to six minutes per panel
• Low maintenance costs

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I - Introduction

Other Great Benefits and Advantages:

Lightweight Product Pest Resistant

• An AERCON block weighs approximately 50% • No voids for insects and pests to make their
of a standard CMU block homes
• An AERCON panel weighs approximately 30% • Termites will not attack AERCON products
of standard cast-in-place concrete
• Reduces crane size and costs Acoustic Performance
• Lighter weight product creates easier work • Transmission of sound generated from inter-
environment - less back strain nal sources such as machinery or equipment
can be significantly reduced
Offers Safer Environment • Excellent Noise Reduction Coefficient for
• Reduced pesticide sprays AERCON surfaces provides great sound
• Non-allergenic material results in better indoor absorption and damping without any
air quality – great for asthmatics additional measures
• AERCON can be designed to withstand hurri- • Offers more privacy for occupants
cane force winds • Especially helpful in noise control for buildings
• AERCON is ideal for building in earthquake such as schools, hospitals, hotels, multifamily
prone areas housing, and offices

Flexible Design Options Environmentally Friendly

• Unlimited workability • AERCON is an environmentally friendly prod-
• Can be sawed, drilled, nailed and milled uct made from sand, lime, cement, water, and
• Field adjustments can be made easily a rising agent
• Block products are available with or without • No pollutants or hazardous wastes are gener-
handholds ated in the process
• An excellent product for all types of climates -
very hot to very cold

When making a decision to construct a building, the cost of construction must be minimized,
while still maintaining the technical requirements and high standards of the project. The
money saved by faster installation, less labor costs, and fewer finish materials makes
AERCON the right product for your next project. In addition, by selecting AERCON, you are
also assured of maintaining technical requirements and quality standards for your project.

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