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AERCON panels are installed by crane and clamp.

A. AERCON Building Systems Page II-2

B. AERCON Product Line Page II-4
C. Installation Page II-6
D. Properties of AERCON Products Page II-8
E. Standards and Approvals Page II-10
F. Ecology Page II-14
II - Overview

A. AERCON Building Systems

AERCON load bearing and non-load bearing wall, floor and roof systems are combined to form the solid
basis for entire single and multi-story buildings as shown.



6 1


Non-Load Bearing Wall System

(with load bearing concrete or steel structures)

AERCON Roof and Floor Panels

AERCON Curtain Walls or AERCON Infill Block

AERCON Partitions

06/03 / II-2
II - Overview


8 9 8



Load Bearing Wall System

Load Bearing AERCON Walls using AERCON Panels or Block

AERCON Roof and Floor Panels

AERCON Partitions

06/03 / II-3
II - Overview

B. AERCON Product Line

Product Available Dimensions Strength

(Nominal) Class
1. Block Length: 24" AC2
Handholds in 8" thick blocks Height: 8" AC4
or greater Thickness: 4", 6", 8", 10", 12" AC6
2. U-Block Length: 24" AC4
Height: 8", 9 1/2"
Thickness: 8", 10", 12"
3. Tongue & Groove Block Length: 24" AC2
Handholds in 8" thick blocks Height: 8" AC4
or greater Thickness: 4", 6", 8", 10", 12" AC6
4. Cored Block Length: 24" AC2
Height: 8" AC4
Thickness: 8", 10", 12" AC6
5. Lintel Length: 8’ 0" max. AC4
Height: 8"
Thickness: 8", 10", 12"
6. ValuBlock Length: 24" AC2
Flat face or Height: 24" AC4
with tongue & groove ends Thickness: 4", 6", 8", 10", 12" AC6
7. Horizontal Wall Panel Length: 20’0" max. AC4
Height: 24" max. AC6
Thickness: 6", 8", 10", 12"
8. Vertical Wall Panel Height: 20’0" max. AC4
Width: 24" max. AC6
Thickness: 6", 8", 10", 12"
9. Interior Wall Partition Height: 9’8" AC4
Width: 24"
Thickness: 4"
10. Floor Panel Length: 20’0" max. AC4
Width: 24" max. AC6
Thickness: 8", 10", 12"
11. Roof Panel Length: 20’0" max. AC4
Width: 24" max. AC6
Thickness: 8", 10", 12"

06/03 / II-4
II - Overview

Standard Joint Profiles

• Sure Interlocking Joints

• Easy Joint Alignment

• Solid Structural Integrity

Wall Panels with Tongue and Groove or Plain Joints.

Floor and Roof Panels with and without

Key Joint Grouting.

Blocks with Tongue

and Groove.

06/03 / II-5
II - Overview

C. Installation

AERCON Lintel and Load

Bearing Wall Panel Installation

AERCON Non-load Bearing

Vertical Wall Panel Installation

AERCON Floor/Roof
Panel Installation

06/03 / II-6
II - Overview

AERCON Interior Wall Partition


AERCON ValuBlock


06/03 / II-7
II - Overview

D. Properties of AERCON Products

Energy Efficiency Fire Resistance Sound Insulation

An 8-inch AERCON wall out- AERCON is non-combustible. AERCON, a porous concrete
performs conventional wood So in the case of fire, no toxic material, provides a sound
frame and concrete masonry gases or vapors are emitted. insulation value of 7dB greater
construction for energy effi- than other building materials of
ciency (equivalent R-value). Solid AERCON construction, the same weight per surface
This exceptional energy effi- without any additional finishing area. AERCON’s high surface
ciency is achieved by a very materials, provides a fire rating mass coupled with the
low thermal conductivity (U- of 4 hours for a 4-inch thick mechanical vibration energy
value) along with the thermal block wall or 6-inch thick panel damping within its porous
mass effect. This is a distinct wall, based on UL tests. This structure produces a construc-
benefit of the AERCON aerated exceptional rating meets even tion material with exceptional
concrete construction over the most stringent sound insulation properties.
other conventional building sys- requirements of typical build-
The following examples show
tems such as wood frame and ing codes. Additional fire-rated
the STC(1) rating for typical
concrete masonry construction. block, panel, penetration, and
AERCON wall construction:
joint systems are described in
In order to compare an AERCON the Fire Resistance Section. • Solid AERCON walls, including
exterior wall with conventional finish plaster on both sides:
wall construction methods - Wall Thickness
____________ STC
wood stud frame and concrete 4 inches 36
masonry - the Florida Solar 8 inches 44
Energy Center determined (1) STC = Sound Transmission Class
equivalent R-values for an 8-
inch AERCON wall. Weather Additional examples and infor-
data for Orlando, Florida as mation can be found in the
developed in the Typical Acoustic Performance informa-
Meteorological Year (TMY tion in the Architectural Design
1981) database served as the Section.
basis for the outside condi-
tions. For example, during an
average summer day, the 8-
inch AERCON wall performs
like either a wood stud frame
wall insulated with R-20.4
fiberglass batt insulation or an
8-inch CMU block wall insulated
with R-8.6 rigid insulation.

06/03 / II-8
II - Overview

Block Products
Strength Class

AC2 AC4 AC6 Units

Minimum Compressive Strength 348 580 870 psi

of AAC, f’ AAC (2.4) (4.0) (6.0) (MPa)

Allowable Flexural Compressive 116 193 290 psi

Stress in AAC, Fb (0.8) (1.3) (2.0) (MPa)

Allowable Axial Compressive 87 145 217 psi

Stress in AAC, Fa (0.6) (1.0) (1.5) (MPa)

Allowable Flexural Tensile Stress 24 24 24 psi

in AAC, Ft (0.16) (0.16) (0.16) (MPa)

Allowable Shear Stress in AAC, 9 15 22 psi

Fv (0.06) (0.10) (0.15) (MPa)

Modulus of Elasticity of AAC, 190 x 103 260 x 103 360 x 103 psi
E AAC (1300.) (1800.) (2500.) (MPa)

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 4.4 x 10-6 4.4 x 10-6 4.4 x 10-6 1/°F
of AAC (8 x 10-6) (8 x 10-6) (8 x 10-6) (1/K)

Thermal Conductivity of AAC 0.80 0.97 1.25 BTU in / ft 2 h °F

(0.11) (0.14) (0.18) (W/m K)

Design Dead Weight of AAC, γD 31 37 47 pcf

(5.0) (6.0) (7.5) (kN/m3)

Nominal Dry Bulk Density of 25 ± 1.6 31 ± 1.6 40 ± 1.6 pcf

AAC, γ (400 ± 25) (500 ± 25) (650 ± 25) (kg/m3)

Strength Class Dimensions

There are 3 Strength Classes The Product Line table on Page Nominal dimensions for thick-
defined for AAC block products II-4 of this section identifies ness of products are referred to
in ASTM C 1386 and 3 Strength the Strength Classes available in various sections of this man-
Classes defined for reinforced for each AERCON product. ual. The table below shows the
AAC elements in ASTM C 1452. When wall plate anchors are manufactured dimensions
Since the AAC physical require- used to connect cladding pan- associated with the nominal
ments identified in each speci- els to a superstructure, the dimensions.
fication are the same, AERCON Strength Class for those panels
uses abbreviated identifica- may be identified as AC3.3 or Nominal Actual
AC4.4 based on the connection Thickness Thickness
tions for the ASTM designa-
inches inches mm
tions as shown in the table capacity required. Wall plate
below. The same AERCON anchors as shown in the 4 3.94 100
designation is used for block Construction Details Section 6 5.91 150
products and for reinforced have published capacities 8 7.87 200
elements. based on these two Strength 10 9.45 240
Classes. 12 11.81 300
AERCON C 1386 C 1452
Designation Designation Designation

06/03 / II-9
II - Overview

E. Standards and Approvals

The quality of AERCON products is unsurpassed in the autoclaved aerated concrete industry and our
ongoing commitment to product testing confirms our total commitment to quality. AERCON prod-
ucts have been tested in accordance with or conform to the standards listed in the table. The follow-
ing sections provide a general description of each standard. AERCON is always striving to have
complete technical information to support the design professionals!

ASTM C 426 Standards and Approvals

“Standard Test Method for Standard Description
Drying Shrinkage of Concrete
ASTM C 426 Determine Material
Masonry Units” Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Shrinkage Characteristics
When designing and construct- Masonry Units
ing a building, an allowance ASTM C 1386 Specification for Physical
must be made for the normal Precast Autoclaved Aerated Requirements for AAC
drying shrinkage of the con- Concrete Wall Construction Units Block Products
struction as the materials stabi- ASTM C 1452 Specification for Physical
lize to their final environmental Reinforced Autoclaved Requirements for
conditions. If this typical drying Aerated Concrete Elements Reinforced AAC Elements
shrinkage is not properly com- ASTM E 72 Determine Wall Flexural
pensated for, cracking may Strength Tests of Panels for Strength
Building Construction
result at restrained locations
around the building envelope. ASTM E 90 Determine Sound
Laboratory Measurement of Transmission Class
This test method provides a stan- Airborne Sound Transmission
dardized procedure for determin- Loss of Building Partitions
ing the drying shrinkage of ASTM E 447 Determine Compressive
masonry units when dried Compressive Strength of Strength
Masonry Prisms
according to certain accelerated
conditions. The test specimens ASTM E 514 Determine Ability of a Wall
Water Penetration and Leakage System to Prevent a Driving
are first submerged in water, then Through Masonry Rain from Penetrating the
air-dried, and then oven-dried. At Building Envelope
each stage, the length is mea- ASTM E 518 Determine Flexural Bond
sured. Formulas are given for cal- Flexural Bond Strength of Strength
culating the drying shrinkage. Masonry
ASTM E 519 Determine Wall Shear
Diagonal Tension (Shear) in Strength
Masonry Assemblages
ANSI/UL 263 / ASTM E 119 Determine Fire Rating
Fire Tests of Building
Construction and Materials
ANSI/UL 2079 Determine Fire Rating for
Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems
Joint Systems
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
UL – Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

06/03 / II-10
II - Overview

ASTM C 1386 This standard references perti- imen is noted and the ultimate
“Standard Specification for nent sections of ASTM C 1386 flexural tensile strength, stan-
Precast Autoclaved Aerated and also contains additional dard deviation and coefficient of
Concrete (PAAC) Wall requirements for the reinforce- variation are calculated.
Construction Units” ment. The physical attributes of ASTM E 90
This specification addresses vari- AAC compressive strength, bulk “Laboratory Measurement of
ous aspects of autoclaved aerated density, and drying shrinkage Airborne Sound Transmission
concrete units, including physical are determined based on the test Loss of Building Partitions”
characteristics such as compres- procedures described in ASTM C For walls, floors and other build-
sive strength, dimensional toler- 1386. Requirements for raw ing assemblages, the ability to
ance, drying shrinkage and bulk materials, steel strength, weld reduce the sound from one side
density, as well as the quality of strength, and corrosion protec- of the assemblage to the other is
the raw materials used for pro- tion are identified in this stan- important in terms of the com-
duction. In addition, this specifi- dard. Test procedures for deter- fort of the occupants of any
cation identifies Strength Classes mining these characteristics, as building, whether it is a single
with their associated numeric val- well as performance when sub- family residence or a multi-story
ues for compressive strength and jected to flexural loading, are office structure.
density. Detailed test procedures also included.
for determining compressive This test method provides a stan-
strength, dry bulk density, mois- dardized procedure for measur-
“Standard Test Methods of
ture content, and drying shrink- ing the sound transmission loss
Conducting Strength Tests of
age are also described. in decibels (dB) in the frequency
Panels for Building range of 125 to 4000 hertz. In
ASTM C 1452 Construction” order to determine its acoustic
“Standard Specification for In order to achieve the proper effectiveness, a building assem-
Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated structural design of a building to blage is constructed between a
Concrete Elements” resist lateral wind loads, the flex- sound source room and a receiv-
Reinforced elements consist of ural bending strength of the ing room. A sound field is pro-
steel reinforcing bars welded basic structural elements used in duced and measured in the
into mats and encapsulated by the construction must be known. source room and the sound field
autoclaved aerated concrete. The This test method provides a in the receiving room is also
design of these elements for the standardized procedure for measured. The sound pressure
anticipated loading conditions obtaining the flexural bending levels in the two rooms, the
requires assurance of the physi- strength by means of the appli- sound absorption in the receiving
cal properties of each compo- cation of a uniform pressure to room and the area of the speci-
nent that make up a reinforced the entire test wall surface, sim- men are used to calculate trans-
element. The performance of a ulating wind pressure on the mission loss at a series of fre-
reinforced element is dependent actual construction. To deter- quency bands. From this infor-
on the strength of the AAC, the mine the flexural tensile strength mation, a Sound Transmission
strength of the reinforcing bars, perpendicular to the wall bed Class value can be calculated.
and the strength of the welds joints, a large air bag is placed
that secure the bars together. between the test specimen and a
Protection against degradation reaction frame. The air pressure
of the reinforcing bars is a criti- within the bag is increased until
cal feature that assures long- failure of the specimen occurs.
term structural integrity. The failure pattern of each spec-

06/03 / II-11
II - Overview

ASTM E 447 including frequent, intense thun- air bag in one method and third-
“Compressive Strength of derstorms accompanied by high point loaded in the other. The load
Masonry Prisms” winds. The wall systems used in is increased until failure of the
In order to achieve the proper typical building construction specimen occurs. The failure load
structural design of a building to must be able to prevent the rain is then used to calculate the gross
resist gravity loads, the compres- from getting into the interior of area modulus of rupture.
sive strength of the basic structur- the building envelope. ASTM E 519
al elements used in its construc- This test method provides a “Standard Test Methods for
tion must be accurately known. standardized procedure for Diagonal Tension (Shear) in
determining the amount of water
This test method provides a Masonry Assemblages”
that completely penetrates a wall
standardized procedure for In order to achieve the proper
assemblage. The amount of
obtaining the compressive structural design of a building to
pass-through water is obtained
strength of masonry by the resist lateral loads utilizing shear
by subjecting an entire wall
application of a compressive walls, the strength and rigidity of
assembly to an application of
load to a prism constructed of the basic structural elements used
water at a rate of 3.4 gal/ft2 per
masonry units. The compres- in the shear wall construction
hour with an air pressure of 10
sive load is applied to the prism must be accurately known.
lb/ft2 for not less than 4 hours.
using a spherically seated, hard-
This is equivalent to a 62 mph This test method provides a stan-
ened metal bearing block above
wind speed and 51/2 inches of rain dardized procedure for determin-
the specimen and a hardened
per hour. Any water that pene- ing the diagonal tensile (shear)
metal bearing block below the
trates the assemblage is collect- strength of masonry assem-
specimen. This ensures that a
ed, measured and reported. blages. The specimen size per-
concentric load is applied uni- mits a reasonable evaluation of
formly over the entire area of the ASTM E 518 the shear strength that would be
prism. The results of the test “Standard Test Methods for representative of a full-size
provide the engineering design Flexural Bond Strength of masonry wall used in actual con-
property known as the minimum Masonry” struction. Each specimen is con-
compressive strength of mason- In order to achieve the proper structed of blocks in a running
ry, which for AERCON products structural design of imposed bond pattern. The rectangular
is f’AAC. The minimum compres- loads, the flexural bond strength specimen is rotated 45 degrees
sive strength of masonry is then between the basic structural ele- when it is placed into the testing
used in the determination of the ments used in the construction machine, so that its diagonal axis
allowable axial stress, the allow- must be known. is oriented vertically. The speci-
able compressive bending stress There are two test methods delin- men is then loaded in compres-
and the moment resisting capac- eated in this standard that provide sion along that vertical diagonal
ity as limited by compression in standardized procedures for deter- axis. This results in a diagonal
AERCON assemblies. mining the flexural bond strength tension failure, with the specimen
ASTM E 514 of unreinforced masonry assem- splitting apart in a direction paral-
“Standard Test Method for blages. Both test methods utilize a lel to the load application. The fail-
Water Penetration and Leakage prism constructed of multiple ure pattern of each specimen is
Through Masonry” masonry units. The prism is test- noted and average shear strength,
Buildings must perform well ed as a simply supported beam, standard deviation and coefficient
under severe weather conditions uniformly loaded by means of an of variation are calculated.

06/03 / II-12
II - Overview

ANSI / UL 263 (ASTM E 119 tain value, thus measuring its completed installation. It is then
similar) heat transmission. An assem- exposed to a standard fire for a
“Standard Test Methods for Fire blage is considered to have predetermined amount of time.
Tests of Building Construction passed the hose stream portion After the assemblage is subject-
and Materials” of the test if it does not allow any ed to the standard fire exposure,
The performance of roofs, floors water to seep through to the it is subjected to a standard fire
and walls when exposed to fire is unexposed face. The assem- hose stream of water, intended
important for the safety and blage must successfully pass to simulate the effects of fire
security of the occupants of a both portions of the test in order fighting efforts. An assemblage
building, their belongings and to achieve its fire rating. The fire is considered to have passed the
the building contents. rating is assigned based on the fire exposure portion of the test
amount of time that the assem- if the temperature on the unex-
This test method provides a
blage was exposed to the stan- posed face remains below a cer-
standardized procedure for
dard fire, normally specified as a tain value, thus measuring its
determining the fire rating for
1, 2, 3 or 4 hour rating. heat transmission. An assem-
restrained roofs and floors; the
blage is considered to have
fire rating for unrestrained roofs ANSI / UL 2079
passed the hose stream portion
and floors; the fire rating for load “Tests for Fire Resistance of
of the test if it does not allow any
bearing walls; and the fire rating Building Joint Systems”
water to seep through to the
for non-load bearing walls when There are conditions in building
unexposed face. The assem-
subjected to a standard fire design where a physical separa-
blage must successfully pass
exposure. Where applicable, a tion between adjacent fire rated
both portions of the test in order
superimposed load is used to elements is either desirable or
to achieve its fire rating. The fire
simulate the maximum design required, such as an interior wall
rating is assigned based on the
load for the assemblage. This abutting perpendicular to an
amount of time that the assem-
test method provides a relative exterior wall. A gap between
blage was exposed to the stan-
measure of the ability of an these walls provides for inde-
dard fire, normally specified as a
assemblage to prevent the pendent movement and con-
1, 2, 3 or 4 hour rating.
spread of a fire while maintain- struction tolerance. If these are
ing its structural integrity. fire rated walls, any gap or joint
that exists between these ele-
To determine its fire rating, an
ments must also be fire rated.
assemblage is constructed and
exposed to a standard fire for a This test method provides a
predetermined amount of time. standardized procedure for
After the assemblage is subject- determining the fire rating of
ed to the standard fire exposure, joint systems used for sealing
it is subjected to a standard fire any continuous aperture
hose stream of water, intended between fire rated elements. To
to simulate the effects of fire determine its fire rating, an
fighting efforts. An assemblage assemblage is constructed
is considered to have passed the which contains the joint system.
fire exposure portion of the test After the assemblage is con-
if the temperature on the unex- structed, it is cycled to simulate
posed face remains below a cer- movement that may occur in a

06/03 / II-13
II - Overview

F. Ecology
The Ingredients -
Use of Natural Resources
AERCON is a purely mineral- is not being robbed
based building material, made of irreplaceable
from sand, water and limestone. resources. These
These natural materials are raw materials are
major components of the earth’s processed to provide
crust and can be found in almost a building material
unlimited quantities throughout with a large number of raw materials “rises”. Thus,
the world. Since the sources of of air pores - aerated concrete. one unit of volume of raw
the raw materials are practically Due to our unique hydration materials will yield five units of
inexhaustible, the environment process, the batched mixture volume of AERCON.

Production Process
Chemically, AERCON is a calci- the loss of raw materials. reclaimed for reuse. This
um silicate hydrate that is cre- technically advanced process
ated during the hardening of Energy is saved in the curing conserves precious energy
the raw material mixture. This process where the hot steam resources.
is the equivalent of the mineral, used in the autoclaves is
“Tobermorite”, that occurs in
nature. A rising agent acts as a
pore generating agent. After
stiffening, the risen mass is cut
into the desired dimensions
and then steam-cured under
pressure in an autoclave.
During the production process,
there is no emission of toxic or
environmentally hazardous by-

During the trimming process,

the trimmings are returned to
the initial mixture, eliminating
The steam curing production method helps conserve energy since
steam curing is carried out at relatively low temperatures and
thermal energy is recovered for maximum efficiency.

06/03 / II-14
II - Overview

An Energy-Conserving Way to Build

The lightweight properties of building systems can be effi- provide on-going energy sav-
AERCON autoclaved aerated ciently utilized in all phases of ings for the building owner by
concrete products are also very construction. The ease in which increasing the building’s ther-
favorable characteristics for the the material is cut, shaped and mal efficiency. Since the use of
environment. placed allows for easy fit-up this material can also allow the
Energy consumption and costs with less physical energy con- owner to take advantage of “off
for delivering AERCON products sumed and fewer fuel-driven peak” energy use, additional
to the project site are reduced machines being required. savings can be seen by the
due to AERCON’s light weight. owner and reduced demand of
AERCON’s high insulating
“on peak” energy can be
The manpower and equipment properties, which surpass most
achieved for the power company.
required to install AERCON other building products, also

AERCON wall panels were

chosen to build several
Communication Equipment
Buildings in order to lower
their operating costs with
savings from energy efficiency.

AERCON’s Uses - Safe and Healthy for the Environment

The exceptionally good thermal
insulation property of AERCON
sets the standard for energy
conservation, which reduces
the generation and emission of
Due to its purely mineral com-
position, AERCON is non-com- Comfortable Extraordinary
bustible and no toxic fumes are Room Thermal
generated. Climate Insulation

AERCON also provides a com-

fortable environment due to its
good sound insulation in
buildings. Excellent First-Rate
Sound Protection Fire Protection

06/03 / II-15

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