4 Math Map

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Fourth Grade
Table of Contents
I. Best Practices
II. Assessment
III. Fourth Grade Vocabulary
IV. Timeline
V. Online Resources for All Standards

Units by Standard:

Review Unit: Addition and Subtraction Unit 10: Understanding Fractions and Mixed
Unit 1: Algebra – Addition and Subtraction Numbers
Unit 2: Understanding Place Value Unit 11: Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Unit 3: Multiplication Unit 12: Understanding Decimals
Unit 4: Patterns in Multiplication Unit 13: Represent and Interpret Data and
Unit 5: Measurement Probability
Unit 6: Area, Perimeter, and Volume Unit 14: Multiplying and Dividing Multi-Digit
Unit 7: Division Numbers
Unit 8: Geometry: Lines, Rays, and Figures Unit 15: Multiplying Fractions
Unit 9: Geometry: Angles
Best Practices
Small Group
Guided Practice
Independent Practice
Plans and teaches lessons to support full implementation of
mathematics core standards.
Establishes physical classroom environment to support mathematics
Establishes classroom climate or culture focused on student‐centered
Supports mathematical communication (student’s ability to explain
mathematical process)
Common Math vocabulary
Uses assessment to support student learning and to guide planning.
Relating Concepts to real life situations
Incorporate word problems within units
Use concrete examples and have students draw representations of

Core Practice- Independent Wkst.

Activities- Showing understanding
Pre- Post Test
Common Assessment
MAP Assessment
ISAT Assessment
Fourth Grade Vocabulary
Addition Tens Mass Angle
Subtraction Hundreds Capacity Obtuse
Estimate Thousands Elapsed Time Right
Regroup Millions Perimeter Acute
Sum Multiplication (x or •) Area Protractor
Addend Product Volume Degrees
Difference Array Length Fraction
Odd Square Root Width Mixed Number
Even Factor Divisor Numerator
Commutative Property Multiple Dividend Denominator
Associative Property Prime Quotient Equivalent
Identity Property Composite Point Decompose
Equation Kilometer Line Compose
Variable Meter Line Segment Decimal
Fact Family Centimeter Ray Tenths
Sequence Kilogram Parallel Hundreths
Pattern Gram Perpendicular Line Plot
Place Value Pound Two-Dimensional Mode
Standard Form Ounce Three-Dimensional Range
Expanded Form Hour Polygon Bar Graph
Compare Minute Right Triangle Pictograph
Round Second Face Venn diagram
Ones Length Edge Tally Chart
Distance Vertices Line Graph
Circle Graph
Fourth Grade- Concepts
CCS Unit Title Skill(s) Duration
4.NBT.4 Addition and Subtraction 1. Addition 2 weeks
4.OA.3 2. Subtraction
4.MD.2 Review 3. Add and subtract in word problems
4. Add and subtract money
5. Use estimation in addition and subtraction
6. Odd/Even numbers
4.OA.3 1 Algebra: Addition and 1. Properties of addition 2 Weeks
4.OA.5 2. Addition and subtraction problems with
ISAT Subtraction
3. Addition and subtraction fact families
4. Patterns/sequences

4.NBT.1 2 Understanding Place 1. Place value through hundred millions 2 Weeks

ISAT 2. 3 forms of numbers: standard, word, and
3. Compare and order numbers
4. Round numbers

4.OA.1 3 Multiplication 1. Represent multiplication problems 2 Weeks

4.OA.2 2. Multiplication facts through 12’s
3. Multiplication word problems with and without
4. Multiply 2 digit by 1 digit numbers
5. Estimation in multiplication

4.OA.4 4 Patterns in Multiplication 1. Square root 2 Weeks

2. Square numbers
3. Multiplication as repeated addition
4. Factors
5. Multiples
6. Prime and composite numbers
4.MD.1 5 Measurement 1. Measurement Units (km, m, cm, kg, g, lb, oz, l, ml, 3 Weeks
4.MD.2 hr, min, and sec)
2. Convert measurement units
3. Measure length and distance
4. Measure mass
5. Capacity
6. Elapsed rime
4.MD.3 6 Area, Perimeter, and 1. Find area of a rectangle 1 Week
Volume 2. Find perimeter of any shape
3. Find volume given cubic units
4.OA.2 7 Division 1. Division facts through 12 2 Weeks
ISAT 2. Model division problems
3. Division word problems with and without
4. Estimation in division problems
5. Multiplication and division fact families
4.G.1 8 Geometry: Lines, Rays, 1. Points, lines, line segments, and rays 3 Weeks
4.G.2 2. Perpendicular and parallel lines
4.G.3 and Figures
3. Classify 2-D figures
4. Right triangles
5. Recognize polygons and non-polygons
6. Congruent and similar figures
7. Lines of symmetry
8. Recognize 3-D figures based on faces, edges, and
9. Flips, turns, and slides
10. Composing and decomposing shapes
4.NF.1 9 Geometry: Angles 1. Three types of angles 1 Week
4.NF.2 2. Measure Angles using a Protractor
3. Sketch angles
4. Solve addition and subtraction problems with
4.NF.2 10 Understanding Fractions 1. Read and write fractions and mixed numbers 2 ½ Weeks
4.NF.1 2. Fractions on a number line
ISAT and Mixed Numbers
3. Compare fractions
4. Order fractions
5. Find equivalent fractions

4.NF.3 11 Adding and Subtracting 1. Add and subtract fractions with like 1 Week
4.NF.3.c denominators
4.NF.3.d Fractions
2. Add and subtract fractions in word problems
3. Add fractions with denominators of 10 and 100
4. Decompose a fraction
4.NF.6 12 Understanding Decimals 1. Find decimals on a number line 1 ½ Weeks
4.NF.7 2. Place value of decimals to thousandths
3. Compare decimals
4. Read and write decimals

4.MD.4 13 Represent and Interpret 1. Make and solve problems with line plots 2 Weeks
ISAT 2. Solve problems using pictographs, bar graphs,
Data, Probability
line plots, venn diagrams, tally charts, tables,
line graphs, or circle graphs
3. Create one of the above graphs
4. Find Mode and Range
5. Probability of Events
4.NBT.5 14 Multiply and Divide Multi- 1. Multiply up to 4 digits by 1 digit 2 Weeks
4.NBT.6 2. Multiply 2 digits by 2 digits
Digit Numbers
3. Divide up to 4 digits by 1 digit with remainders
4. Relationship between multiplication and
4.NF.4 15 Multiplying Fractions 1. Understand fraction a/b as multiple of 1/b 1 Week
2. Multiplying fractions by whole numbers in word
3. Fraction models to represent multiplication of
Review: Addition and Subtraction

Approximate Duration of Study: Two weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.NBT. How does place Add multi- Add multi-digit Pretest SMART Notebook Lesson – Addition with Regrouping
4 value help us add digit numbers numbers Posttest SMART Notebook Lesson – Adding 3-digit numbers
and subtract Use regrouping when Quiz #1
numbers? adding Quiz #2
Subtract Subtract multi-digit SMART Notebook Lesson – Subtraction with
multi-digit numbers with and Regrouping
numbers without regrouping
Regroup across zero
4.OA.3 How can we use Addition Solve addition word http://www.kidzone.ws/math/wordproblems.htm
addition and Word problems (create word problems from different grade levels)
subtraction to Problems Use estimation in Picture Book – Betcha! (estimating)
solve word addition word
problems? problems
Subtraction Solve multi-step
Word subtraction word
Problems problems
Use estimation in
subtraction problems
4.MD.2 How can we use Money Use addition and SMART Notebook lesson – Add and Subtract Money
our knowledge of Problems subtraction to solve and Making Change
addition and problems involving
subtraction to money and making
solve problems change
involving money?
ISAT What are some of Odd and Even Determine whether a SMART Notebook Lesson – Odd and Even Numbers
Review the properties of Numbers number is odd or even Online Game -
numbers? http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/early
Vocabulary: Addition, Subtraction, Addend, Sum, Difference, Estimate, Regroup, Odd, Even
Unit 1 – Algebra: Addition and Subtraction

Approximate Duration of Study: Two weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

ISAT How does place Properties of Understand the Pretest SMART Notebook lesson – Properties of Addition
Concept value help us add addition three properties of Posttest
and subtract addition: Quiz #1
numbers? commutative, Quiz #2
Identity, and
4.OA.3 How do we solve Solving Solve addition and SMART notebook lesson – Addition Stories with
problems with problems with subtraction Missing Addends
unknown variables equations with SMART Notebook lesson – subtracting with missing
numbers using variables numbers
addition and Solve addition and Online Game -
subtraction? subtraction word http://www.mathgames4children.com/Games/Games
problems with _grade_6/games-
variables Memory_games/Algebra/Algebra_finding%20missing

ISAT How are addition Fact Families Create addition SMART notebook lesson – Addition and Subtraction
Concept and subtraction and subtraction Fact Families
related? fact families
4.OA.5 Why do we need Patterns/ Generate a number SMART notebook lesson – Patterns and Sequences
to create or Sequences or shape pattern
answer a that follows a given
pattern? rule
Identify features in
the pattern that
were not in the
Vocabulary: Addition, Subtraction, Commutative Property, Associative Property, Identity Property, Equation, Variable, Fact Family, Sequence, Pattern
Unit 2 – Understanding Place Value

Approximate Duration of Study: 2 weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.NBT.1 Why do digits in Place value of Recognize the Pretest Picture book – Sir Cumference and All the King’s Tens
a number have digits in a place value of Posttest (Introduction to place value through thousands)
different values? number digits in numbers Quiz #1 Picture book – A Million Fish More or Less
through millions Quiz #2 SMART Notebook lesson – place value through
Recognize that a hundreds
digit in one place SMART Notebook lesson- place value through
value represents hundred millions (Place Value – and three forms of
ten times its place numbers)
to the right Online Video and website -
How many Writing Write numbers in Smart Notebook lesson – place value through
different ways numbers in standard form hundred millions (from above)
can we use place different Write numbers Online Activities for Place Value - http://www.free-
value to write forms using words training-tutorial.com/place-value-games.html#jumble
numbers? Write number Online Video and activity -
using expanded http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/mat
form h/numbers/expanded-notation.htm

ISAT How can we use Compare and Compare and order SMART Notebook lesson – Ordering Whole Numbers
Review place value to Order whole numbers SMART Notebook lesson – Comparing Whole
compare and Numbers Numbers
order numbers? Online Game - Comparing Numbers
4.NBT.1 How can use Rounding Round multi-digit Brain Pop Video - Rounding
place value to Numbers numbers to each SMART Notebook lesson – Rounding to the nearest
round numbers? place value ten
Vocabulary: Place Value, Standard Form, Expanded Form, Compare, Round, Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Millions
Unit 3 – Multiplication

Approximate Duration of Study: 2 weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.OA.1 How can we Multiplication Recognize Pretest http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/numbers/wholen
represent as a multiplication as a Posttest umbers/multiplication/mental/game.shtml
multiplication? comparison comparison (35 is 5 Quiz #1 (mental multiplication practice)
times as many as 7) Quiz #2
Use visual models Brainpop Video - Multiplication
and arrays to
ISAT Multiplication Compute Online flash cards – www.multiplication.com
Review Facts multiplication facts
through 12
4.OA.2 How can we use Multiplication Multiply to solve
multiplication in word word problems
word problems? problems Solve multiplication
word problems
with variables

What other ways Two-Digit Multiply two digit SMART Notebook lesson – 2 digit x 1 digit
can we use Multiplication numbers by one- multiplication
multiplication to digit numbers
solve problems? Estimation in Use estimation to
multiplication solve multiplication
Vocabulary: Multiplication, Estimation, Array, Variable
Unit 4 – Patterns in Multiplication

Approximate Duration of Study: 2 weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.OA.4 How can patterns Patterns in Recognize Patterns Pretest
found in multiplication in the Posttest
multiplication multiplication table Quiz #1
help up to solve Find the Square Quiz #2
problems? Root of a Number
Calculate squares
of a number
multiplication as
repeated addition
(ISAT Review)
Factors and Find factor pairs for SMART Notebook lesson – Factors and Multiples
Multiples numbers 1-100 The Factor Game
Recognize that a
whole number is a
multiple of all of its
Determine whether
a number from 1-
100 is a multiple of
a given number
Prime and Determine whether Smart Notebook lesson – Prime and Composite
Composite a number from 1- Numbers
Number 100 is prime or
Vocabulary: Multiplication, Square Roots, Factor, Multiple, Prime, Composite
Unit 5 – Measurement

Approximate Duration of Study: 3 weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.MD.1 What can we Understanding Recognize Pretest SMART Notebook – Metric Measurements and
use to measure Measurement measurement units Posttest Conversions
objects? units including km, m, cm; Quiz #1 SMART Notebook Lesson – Customary Units of
kg, g; lb, oz; l, ml; hr, Quiz #2 Measurement
min, sec Quiz #3
How can we Converting Convert SMART Notebook lesson – Converting
compare units measurements measurements from Measurements
of measurement smaller units to larger
together? units
Record measurements
in a two-column table
Ex. In, ft (1, 12) (2,24)
(3,36) etc…
4.MD.2 How can we use Solving Solve problems Picture Book – Room for Ripley (Capacity)
our knowledge measurement involving length, SMART Notebook lesson - Capacity
of measurement problems distance, and mass SMART Notebook Activity – Measurement Jeopardy
to solve word Solve problems SMART Notebook Activity – Measurement Olympics
problems? involving capacity – Measuring Length
Solve these problems
using simple fractions
and decimals and
Elapsed Time Solve problems Brain Pop Video – Elapsed Time
involving intervals of SMART Notebook lesson – Elapsed Time
time SMART Notebook Activity – Elapsed Time Board
Vocabulary: Kilometer, meter, centimeter, kilogram, gram, pound, ounce, hour, minute, second, converting measurements, length, distance, mass,
capacity, elapsed time
Unit 6 – Area, Perimeter, and Volume

Approximate Duration of Study: 1 week

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.MD.3 How can we use Finding Calculate the area Pretest SMART Notebook lesson - Perimeter
our knowledge Perimeter and of a rectangle using Posttest Picture Book – Spaghetti and Meatballs for All!
of Area a formula Quiz (introduction to area and perimeter)
measurements Calculate the SMART Notebook lesson - Area
in real word perimeter of a
situations? rectangle using a
Apply these
formulas in real
word problems (Ex.
Find the width of a
room given the
area of the flooring
and the length)
ISAT Finding Volume Calculate the SMART Notebook lesson - Volume
Review volume of a three-
dimensional figure
given a figure that
shows cubic units
Vocabulary: Perimeter, Area, Volume , length, width
Unit 7 – Division

Approximate Duration of Study: 2 weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.OA.2 How can we use Dividing Understand that Pretest Brainpop Video - Division
division to solve Numbers division is the Posttest Picture Book – The Doorbell Rang (Introduction to
problems? inverse of Quiz #1 Division)
multiplication Quiz #2 Picture Book – Remainder of One (Introduction to
Division Facts remainders in division)
through 12
Model division
problems using
arrays, area
models, and
Division word Solve multi-step Online Game -
problems division word http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/numbers/wholenu
problems with mbers/division/problemsolving/game.shtml
whole numbers SMART Notebook lesson – Modeling Division word
Solve division word problems
problems with
Use estimation to
assess answers to a
division problem
ISAT How are division Fact Families Find multiplication
Review and and division fact
multiplication families given a set
related? of numbers
Vocabulary: multiplication, division, array, equation, variable, fact family, estimation
Unit 8 – Geometry: Lines, Rays, and Figures

Approximate Duration of Study: 3 weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.G.1 What are the Drawing lines Draw points, lines, Pretest Brainpop Video – Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
different ways line segments, and Posttest SMART Notebook Lesson – Lines, segments, rays,
we can use lines rays Quiz #1 parallel and perpendicular lines
in geometry? Draw Quiz #2
perpendicular and Quiz #3
parallel lines
4.G.2 How can we Two- Classify 2-D figures Brain Pop Video - Polygons
recognize two- dimensional based on parallel SMART Notebook lesson - Polygons
dimensional figures and perpendicular SMART Notebook lesson – 2D Shapes
figures? lines SMART Notebook lesson – Congruent and Similar
Recognize right Figures
Recognize Polygons
and Non –Polygons
Identify congruent
and similar figures

ISAT Radius and Understand and Picture Book – Sir Cumference and the First Round
Review Diameter calculate the radius Table (Introduction to diameter and radius)
and diameter of a
4.G.3 How can we find Identifying Recognize a line of SMART Notebook lesson - Symmetry
lines of Lines of symmetry in a 2-D Online Lesson-
symmetry? symmetry figure http://www.linkslearning.org/Kids/1_Math/2_Illustr
Identify ated_Lessons/4_Line_Symmetry/index.html
symmetrical figures
Draw lines of
ISAT How can we Three – Recognize three- Picture Book – Sir Cumference and the Sword in the
Review recognize three- dimensional dimensional figures Cone
dimensional figures based on faces, SMART Notebook lesson – 3D Shapes
figures? edges, and vertices
ISAT What are the Moving Figures Identify images SMART Notebook lesson – Slides, Flips, and Turns
Review different ways resulting from
in which figures flips(reflections),
can move? slides
(translations), or
turns (rotations)
How can shapes Composing and Predict the result
be put together Decomposing of composing or
and taken Shapes decomposing
apart? shapes or figures
Vocabulary: point, line, line segment, ray, parallel, perpendicular, two-dimensional, right triangle, polygon, symmetry, three-dimensional, face, edge,
Unit 9 – Geometry: Angles

Approximate Duration of Study: 1 weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.NF.1 How can we Understanding Understand what Pretest SMART Notebook Lesson – Types of Angles
understand Angles an angle is Posttest
angles? Draw the three Quiz
types of angles
Recognize that an
angle that turns
through 1/360 of a
circle is called a
“one-degree angle”
4.NF.2 How do we Measuring Measure angles in SMART Notebook Lesson – Measuring Angles
measure angles whole number
angles? degrees using a
Sketch angles of a
specific measure
Solve addition and
problems to find
unknown angles on
a diagram
Vocabulary: Angle, obtuse, right, acute, protractor, degrees
Unit 10 – Understanding Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Approximate Duration of Study: 2 ½ weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

ISAT How can we Fractions and Read and write fractions Pretest Picture Book – Apple Fractions (Introduction to
Review recognize Mixed Read and write mixed Posttest Fractions)
fractions? Numbers numbers Online Fraction Lessons and Actvities – Fractions,
Quiz #1
Mixed Numbers, Equivalent Fractions -
Quiz #2
ISAT How can we Fractions on a Identify and locate whole SMART Notebook lesson – Fractions on a Number
Review recognize Number Line numbers, halves, and fourths Line
fractions on a on a number line
number line?
4.NF.2 How can we Comparing and Use common denominators
compare Ordering to compare two fractions
fractions? Fractions Use benchmark fractions to
compare and order fractions
Use symbols to compare

4.NF.1 How can we Equivalent Explain why two fractions are SMART Notebook lesson – Equivalent Fractions
understand Fractions equivalent using visual Equivalent Fractions – MC Question Set
equivalent fraction models
fractions? Recognize that a fraction a/b
is equivalent to (n x
a)/(n x b)
Recognize and generate
equivalent fractions
Vocabulary: Fraction, Mixed Number, Numerator, Denominator, Equivalent, Visual Fraction model
Unit 11 – Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Approximate Duration of Study: 1 week

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.NF.3.c How can we use Adding and Add and subtract Pretest SMART Notebook Lesson – Adding and Subtracting
4.NF.3.d the properties Subtracting fractions and mixed Posttest Fractions with like denominators
of addition and Fractions numbers with like Online Fraction Lessons and Actvities – Adding and
subtraction with denominators Subtracting Fractions
fractions? Add and subtract http://www.kidsolr.com/common/images/fractions.
fractions in word swf
problems with like
Use fraction models to
represent fraction
word problems
Add two fractions
with denominators of
10 and 100
4.NF.3 What are the Decomposing Decompose a fraction
different ways Fractions into a sum of fractions
we can (ex: 3/8 = 1/8 + 1/8 +
represent a 1/8)
fraction? Understand the
addition and
subtraction of
fractions as joint and
separating parts of a

Vocabulary: Fraction, Mixed Number, Numerator, Denominator, Equivalent, Visual Fraction model, Decompose
Unit 12 – Understanding Decimals

Approximate Duration of Study: 1½ weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.NF.6 How can we Writing Locate a decimal on a Pretest Brainpop Video - Decimals
relate fractions decimals from number line Posttest SMART Notebook Lesson – Decimal Overview and
to their fractions Use decimal notation Ordering Decimals
equivalent for fractions with SMART Notebook Lesson –Placing Decimals on a
decimals? denominators 10 and Number Line
ISAT How does place Understanding Recognize the place SMART Notebook lesson – Decimals Place Value and
Review value relate to Decimal Place value of decimals to Reading and Writing Decimals
decimals? Value the thousandths place
Read and Write
Add and Subtract
4.NF.7 How can we Comparing and Compare two SMART Notebook Lesson – Comparing and Ordering
compare two Ordering decimals to the Decimals
decimals? Decimals hundredths place
Recognize that a
comparison will work
only when two
decimals refer to the
same whole
Use the symbols <, >,
and = to compare
Represent the
comparisons using
visual models
Vocabulary: Decimal, Fraction, Denominator, Tenths, Hundredths, Thousandths, Place Value
Unit 13 – Represent and Interpret Data, Probability

Approximate Duration of Study: 2 weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.MD.4 How can we Creating Line Make a line plot to Pretest
represent and Plots display data Posttest
understand Use data with Quiz #1
data? measurements of
Quiz #2
fractions in a line plot
Solve problems using
information gained in
a line plot including
ISAT Reading data Read and interpret SMART Notebook Lesson – Interpreting Data in a
Review data represented in a variety of graphs
pictograph, bar graph,
line plot, venn
diagram, tally chart,
table, line graph, or
circle graph
Create one of the
above charts given a
set of data
ISAT How can we find Mode and Determine the mode SMART Notebook Lesson – Median, Mode, and
Review characteristics Range and range, given a set Range
in a set of data? of data or a graph
ISAT How can we use Probability Classify events using Picture Book – A Very Improbable Story (probability)
Review probability to words such as certain, Brain Pop Video - Probability
solve math most likely, equally
problems? likely, least likely,
possible, and
Describe the chances
associated with a
picture or event (3 out
of 4 or ¾)
Vocabulary: Line Plot, fraction, mode, range, bar graph, pictograph, venn diagram, tally chart, line graph, circle graph, probability
Unit 14 – Multiply and Divide Multi-Digit Numbers

Approximate Duration of Study: 2 weeks

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.NBT.5 How can we Multiplying Multiply a number up Pretest SMART Notebook Lesson – 2 digit by 2 digit
multiply large large numbers to four digits by a one- Posttest multiplication using the lattice method
numbers? digit number SMART Notebook Lesson – 2 digit by 2 digit
Quiz #1
Multiply two-digit by multiplication
Quiz #2
two-digit numbers
Use equations, arrays,
and area models to
model multiplication
4.NBT.6 How can we Dividing large Divide numbers with SMART Notebook Activity – Division Game
divide large numbers remainders with up SMART Notebook Lesson – Long Division – 2 and 3
numbers? to four-digit dividends digit by one digit
and one-digit divisors SMART Notebook Lesson – Long Division – 3 digit
Understand the with money
relationship between
multiplication and
Model division
problems using
equations, arrays, and
area models

Vocabulary: Multiplication, Division, Product, Divisor, Dividend, Quotient

Unit 15 – Multiplying Fractions

Approximate Duration of Study: 1 week

CCS Essential Concept Skills Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources

4.NF.4 How can we Multiplying Understand a fraction Pretest Online Fraction Lessons and Actvities – Multiplying
multiply Fractions a/b as a multiple of Posttest Fractions
fractions? 1/b (ex. 5/4 = 5 x (1/4) http://www.kidsolr.com/common/images/fractions.
Understand a multiple swf
of a/b as a multiple of
1/b (ex. 3 x (2/5) = 6 x
(1/5) = 6/5
Solve word problems
multiplication of
afraction by a whole
Use visual fraction
models and equations
to represent the
multiplication of
fractions in word
Vocabulary: Fraction, Numerator, Denominator, Multiplication, Multiple
Online Resources for All Standards

 Interactive Sites for All Concepts

o http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-4
o http://www.newton.k12.ks.us/tech/fourth_grade_internet_activities1.htm#Math
o http://www.aaamath.com/grade4.html
o http://teacher.scholastic.com/maven/index.htm?eml=TNL/e/20110301/email///March_Update///Generic//

 Online Games for All Concepts

o http://www.funbrain.com/cgi-bin/getskill.cgi?A1=gba&A2=10&A7=0
o http://www.coolmath4kids.com/
o http://www.softschools.com/grades/3and4.jsp
o http://mathslice.com/ol_pow.php
o http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/math.htm

 Math Worksheets for All Concepts

o http://www.homeschoolmath.net/worksheets/grade_4.php
o http://www.softschools.com/grades/3and4.jsp

 Math Jeopardy Games for All Concepts

o http://www.hardin.k12.ky.us/res_techn/sbjarea/math/mathjeopardy.htm
o http://www.mathwire.com/games/jeopardygames.html

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