4 Math Map
4 Math Map
4 Math Map
Fourth Grade
Table of Contents
I. Best Practices
II. Assessment
III. Fourth Grade Vocabulary
IV. Timeline
V. Online Resources for All Standards
Units by Standard:
Review Unit: Addition and Subtraction Unit 10: Understanding Fractions and Mixed
Unit 1: Algebra – Addition and Subtraction Numbers
Unit 2: Understanding Place Value Unit 11: Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Unit 3: Multiplication Unit 12: Understanding Decimals
Unit 4: Patterns in Multiplication Unit 13: Represent and Interpret Data and
Unit 5: Measurement Probability
Unit 6: Area, Perimeter, and Volume Unit 14: Multiplying and Dividing Multi-Digit
Unit 7: Division Numbers
Unit 8: Geometry: Lines, Rays, and Figures Unit 15: Multiplying Fractions
Unit 9: Geometry: Angles
Best Practices
Small Group
Guided Practice
Independent Practice
Plans and teaches lessons to support full implementation of
mathematics core standards.
Establishes physical classroom environment to support mathematics
Establishes classroom climate or culture focused on student‐centered
Supports mathematical communication (student’s ability to explain
mathematical process)
Common Math vocabulary
Uses assessment to support student learning and to guide planning.
Relating Concepts to real life situations
Incorporate word problems within units
Use concrete examples and have students draw representations of
4.NF.3 11 Adding and Subtracting 1. Add and subtract fractions with like 1 Week
4.NF.3.c denominators
4.NF.3.d Fractions
2. Add and subtract fractions in word problems
3. Add fractions with denominators of 10 and 100
4. Decompose a fraction
4.NF.6 12 Understanding Decimals 1. Find decimals on a number line 1 ½ Weeks
4.NF.7 2. Place value of decimals to thousandths
3. Compare decimals
4. Read and write decimals
4.MD.4 13 Represent and Interpret 1. Make and solve problems with line plots 2 Weeks
ISAT 2. Solve problems using pictographs, bar graphs,
Data, Probability
line plots, venn diagrams, tally charts, tables,
line graphs, or circle graphs
3. Create one of the above graphs
4. Find Mode and Range
5. Probability of Events
4.NBT.5 14 Multiply and Divide Multi- 1. Multiply up to 4 digits by 1 digit 2 Weeks
4.NBT.6 2. Multiply 2 digits by 2 digits
Digit Numbers
3. Divide up to 4 digits by 1 digit with remainders
4. Relationship between multiplication and
4.NF.4 15 Multiplying Fractions 1. Understand fraction a/b as multiple of 1/b 1 Week
2. Multiplying fractions by whole numbers in word
3. Fraction models to represent multiplication of
Review: Addition and Subtraction
ISAT How are addition Fact Families Create addition SMART notebook lesson – Addition and Subtraction
Concept and subtraction and subtraction Fact Families
related? fact families
4.OA.5 Why do we need Patterns/ Generate a number SMART notebook lesson – Patterns and Sequences
to create or Sequences or shape pattern
answer a that follows a given
pattern? rule
Identify features in
the pattern that
were not in the
Vocabulary: Addition, Subtraction, Commutative Property, Associative Property, Identity Property, Equation, Variable, Fact Family, Sequence, Pattern
Unit 2 – Understanding Place Value
ISAT How can we use Compare and Compare and order SMART Notebook lesson – Ordering Whole Numbers
Review place value to Order whole numbers SMART Notebook lesson – Comparing Whole
compare and Numbers Numbers
order numbers? Online Game - Comparing Numbers
4.NBT.1 How can use Rounding Round multi-digit Brain Pop Video - Rounding
place value to Numbers numbers to each SMART Notebook lesson – Rounding to the nearest
round numbers? place value ten
Vocabulary: Place Value, Standard Form, Expanded Form, Compare, Round, Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Millions
Unit 3 – Multiplication
What other ways Two-Digit Multiply two digit SMART Notebook lesson – 2 digit x 1 digit
can we use Multiplication numbers by one- multiplication
multiplication to digit numbers
solve problems? Estimation in Use estimation to
multiplication solve multiplication
Vocabulary: Multiplication, Estimation, Array, Variable
Unit 4 – Patterns in Multiplication
ISAT Radius and Understand and Picture Book – Sir Cumference and the First Round
Review Diameter calculate the radius Table (Introduction to diameter and radius)
and diameter of a
4.G.3 How can we find Identifying Recognize a line of SMART Notebook lesson - Symmetry
lines of Lines of symmetry in a 2-D Online Lesson-
symmetry? symmetry figure http://www.linkslearning.org/Kids/1_Math/2_Illustr
Identify ated_Lessons/4_Line_Symmetry/index.html
symmetrical figures
Draw lines of
ISAT How can we Three – Recognize three- Picture Book – Sir Cumference and the Sword in the
Review recognize three- dimensional dimensional figures Cone
dimensional figures based on faces, SMART Notebook lesson – 3D Shapes
figures? edges, and vertices
ISAT What are the Moving Figures Identify images SMART Notebook lesson – Slides, Flips, and Turns
Review different ways resulting from
in which figures flips(reflections),
can move? slides
(translations), or
turns (rotations)
How can shapes Composing and Predict the result
be put together Decomposing of composing or
and taken Shapes decomposing
apart? shapes or figures
Vocabulary: point, line, line segment, ray, parallel, perpendicular, two-dimensional, right triangle, polygon, symmetry, three-dimensional, face, edge,
Unit 9 – Geometry: Angles
4.NF.1 How can we Equivalent Explain why two fractions are SMART Notebook lesson – Equivalent Fractions
understand Fractions equivalent using visual Equivalent Fractions – MC Question Set
equivalent fraction models
fractions? Recognize that a fraction a/b
is equivalent to (n x
a)/(n x b)
Recognize and generate
equivalent fractions
Vocabulary: Fraction, Mixed Number, Numerator, Denominator, Equivalent, Visual Fraction model
Unit 11 – Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Vocabulary: Fraction, Mixed Number, Numerator, Denominator, Equivalent, Visual Fraction model, Decompose
Unit 12 – Understanding Decimals