Ecosystem Diversity in The Philippines

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Ecosystem Diversity in the Philippines

Viewing biodiversity at the ecosystem level is a holistic way of appreciating and

analyzing the natural richness of the Philippines, taking in consideration the
dynamic ecological functions and interactions of both the living and the non-
living parts of the biosphere within a given location, as well as the impacts of
natural phenomena and human-caused environmental changes upon them.

Philippines’s widely varied geographic features – from isolated islands surrounded by

water, to staggered mountain ranges, to the various inland waters within them – make the
country conducive to the survival of many types of ecosystems. (FPE)
Here in this country, topography varies to a great extent, ranging from coastal
wetlands to upland region watersheds. It follows, thus, that the country is home
to several types of ecosystems, which can be classified according to their
defining features as follows:

Some further detailed discussions of various ecosystem types found in the

Philippines follow below.
Forest Ecosystem
Forests are inherently diverse ecosystems, as conditions found within them are
ideal for supporting symbiotic ecological relationships. This is especially so in
the Philippines, where the tropical climate allows forests to receive, absorb, and
redistribute rainwater to support life not only within themselves, but also to
other nearby and adjacent ecosystems where the water reserves are released.

Primarily, forests serve as the country’s most important source of water, thus
allowing all other forms of natural resources to flourish and become productive.
Forest ecosystems naturally provide clean air and food in the process. In
addition, these resources also contribute through power (electricity) generation,
and by providing protection as a raw material for houses and other forms of
shelter. They also offer indirect benefits, such as by functioning as buffer zones
from storms and prevention of soil erosion. Forests support human livelihood,
although proper management and conscious conservation efforts are
emphatically required in this sense.

Unfortunately, forests are heavily prone to abuse and exploitation. Over the last
century, human populations consumed and altered forest landscapes in favor of
agricultural development and urbanization. It is estimated that from having 70%
forest cover at the start of the 1900s, only about 24% remain, based on 2001-03
satellite imagery, according to the DENR’s Forest Management Bureau.
Meanwhile, according to the Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation,
“deforestation continues at an average of 100,000 hectares per year or 273 hectares per day.”

The problem of forest degradation and destruction continues due to the

prevalence of logging practices both legal and otherwise, mining, and land
conversion. This, despite more proactive measures being undertaken to restore
them at present. While initiatives such as the DENR’s National Greening
Program are in place and already being executed, forests still suffer due to
generally poor state-level policy-making that support activities such as logging
and mining for commercial gain.
Mangrove Ecosystem

Another prominent type of ecosystem that naturally occurs in the Philippines,

given the multitude of coastal areas of this country, is the mangrove ecosystem.
Mangroves are medium-size and highly tolerant flora that can survive in
brackish water (water which is more saline than freshwater, but not as much as
seawater). The Philippines boasts having more than half of the world’s 70
mangrove species.

People draw benefits from mangrove systems as they serve as breeding and
feeding grounds for local terrestrial and aquatic species, while also being “stop-
over sites” for migratory species. They also contribute to ecological balance by
stabilizing and minimizing sedimentation and siltation in coral reefs, while also
facilitating the increase of land area by way of accumulated soil and debris.

While mangrove ecosystems are already dynamic and unstable environments

due to their location, they are also commonly threatened by human interaction
due to the utilization and consumption of coastal communities.
Agricultural Ecosystem
Agricultural ecosystems are artificial ecosystems created in the process of
developing land and coastal/aquatic areas for farming, animal husbandry, and

Since agriculture evolved to bring about gains for human societies, it follows
that people have continued to draw numerous benefits from these types of
ecosystems. It has served as people’s primary source of sustenance and
livelihood, as well as other basic needs, for generations. In the case of the
Philippines, it is historically one of the primary economic drivers for the

There are approximately 1,210 local agricultural plant species here, over a third
of which has food value. Agriculture also supports other cash crops for feed,
medicinal/herbal, ornamental, and industrial values. Rice, corn, and coconut are
the main types of produce obtained through agriculture in the Philippines.

It can be said that agricultural ecosystems are both threatened and serve as a
threat to other ecosystems as well, despite their unquestionable socio-economic
importance. On one hand, continuous urban development for residential and
commercial land use is encroaching on agricultural lands. In turn, farmers are
forced to move upland, harming forest ecosystems in the process.
Another important issue that needs to be addressed in matters regarding
agriculture is the debate involving high value hybrid crops and genetically
modified organisms that was sparked by the so-called Green Revolution of the
1960s. While these applications of modern biotechnology are developed with
the benefit of humankind in mind (i.e. increasing food supply and ensuring
world food security), the environmental and human health risks involved in the
propagation of such crops have yet to be adequately studied and are thus still
much-debated in the overall biodiversity protection and conservation campaign.
Marginal Ecosystem
Marginal ecosystems are those that are located between two ecosystems. These
can be either natural or artificial, such as areas adapted or reappropriated for
agricultural use. Marginal lands now comprise about 70% (over 11 million
hectares) of declared forest area in the Philippines.
Urban Ecosystem
Urban ecosystems are the product of modernized, industrialized human society.
These function as the base of human settlements, as well as economic
development. They are a testament to the economic, academic, and
technological progress that humankind has achieved through generations. That
said, they are still rapidly expanding, often to the detriment of natural


Although urban ecosystems continue to grow in terms of geographic and

demographic sizes alike, their carrying capacities remain limited. The draw of
“greener pastures” in urban locales tend to result in over-population that strains
limited resources, making these ecosystems increasingly impractical and
hazardous to the health and well-being of its inhabitants.
Coral Reef Ecosystem
Whereas forests are a distinctive feature of the Philippines’s terrestrial
biodiversity, coral reefs give the country a likewise sterling reputation when it
comes to aquatic ecosystems. Owning 5% of the world’s total 617,000 sq km of
coral reefs, the Philippines is part of the world’s “Coral Triangle,” joining
Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste
as countries that bear the most extensive coral reef ecosystems in the world. In
fact, Verde island in Batangas has been noted to be “the center of the center” of
marine biodiversity in the world.

Coral reefs are comprised of massive deposits of calcium carbonate that take
centuries to produce and develop. Because of such a long process, coral reefs
are very delicate ecosystems and are due extensive protective measures. A
recent example of damage occurred at the Tubbataha Reef in the Sulu Sea in
January 2013, where approximately 1,000 square meters of coral reef was

These ecosystems are the natural habitat of fish species and other marine
organisms, where feeding, breeding, and spawning happens at incredibly
productive levels. They also serve as natural breakwaters that protect coastal
areas from waves and storms, facilitate coralline sand production that create
remarkable white sand beaches that are a hit among tourists, and enable oxygen
production through supporting photosynthetic algae. Coral reefs also offer
significant educational value for biological and ecological study
Coral reef damage is a serious concern. As of 2006, only 5% of Philippine coral
reefs are in excellent condition, while 32% are already severely damaged
(Haribon, 2006). The World Resources Institute more recently reports that 85%
of the reefs in the Coral Triangle as a whole are threatened (WRI, 2013),
shadowing the global average which stands at 60%.
Freshwater Ecosystem

Freshwater ecosystems occur in in-land bodies of water and may either be

flowing, standing, or man-made. Rivers and streams, lakes and reservoirs, and
artificial fishponds are examples that fall into the three respective categories. All
of these are distinguished by low-salinity water that flow from the natural
rainwater catch basins created by forests.

Freshwater ecosystems serve many practical benefits to people, including being

a cheap and convenient source of water for domestic and industrial use, a
natural waste disposal system, and a reservoir for the natural water cycle.
Freshwater bodies also can serve as transport routes.

This type of ecosystem is commonly put in peril by the need for draining to
serve the purposes of fisheries and agriculture
Seagrass and Soft-Bottom Ecosystems
Seagrass ecosystems comprise of aquatic flowering plants that can live in
seawater. These types of ecosystems occur in shallow water environments.

Primarily, seagrass supports biodiversity by functioning as a food source for

grazing and detritus-feeding creatures. They can also be a nursery for young
fish, crustaceans, and other reef organisms. In addition, seagrass is able to
recycle nutrients from sediments back to the open sea, while also functioning to
stabilize sediments, ensuring the integrity of the seabed. As such, seagrass also
functions as a buffer against wave or storm-related damage to its immediate
vicinity, protecting the life forms that make it their natural habitat.

Another type of aquatic/marine ecosystem is the soft bottom ecosystem, which

is an area where sediments have accumulated. Organic matter, coming from
plants and animals and other sources of nutrients, settle at the bottom and
become food for deposit-feeders, bottom-dwelling fish, as well as for
invertebrates, decomposers, and microbial life forms. Soft bottom ecosystems
vary based on the size and grain of the sediments.
Same with majority of marine ecosystems in the Philippines, unsustainable
fishing and aquaculture practices are the main threats to seagrass and soft-
bottom ecosystems. Worse yet, with majority of the attention for conservation
efforts being concentrated on terrestrial, wetland, and coral reef ecosystems,
these equally important and diversity-rich ecosystems tend to be overlooked.

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