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Lesson Plan Upstream B2.1, Earth Is Dearer Than Gold

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Textbook: Upstream

Grade: 9th D

Lesson: Earth is Dearer than Gold

Type of lesson: vocabulary lesson

Time: 45 minutes

Students ‘level: B2

Teacher’s roles: controller, organizer, observer, assessor

Students’ roles: collaborator, participant, autonomous learner


By the end of the lesson, students will be able:

-to guess the meaning of the new words using context clues;

-to use the words given in sentences of their own;

-to make predictions about the content of the story;

-to read the text aloud using appropriate pronunciation;

-to provide coherent and logical answers to the questions;

-to write down the correct information related to the audio text

Aims for teacher:

-to stimulate students’ interest in the topic;

-to improve students’ vocabulary knowledge as well as their speaking;

-to improve the students’ ability to use the new information in a meaningful

-to encourage all the students to participate during the class


-receptive skills: reading, listening;

-productive skills: writing, speaking

Didactic strategy:

a) Methods: presentation, exercises, explanation, conversation, brainstorming,


b) Aids: handouts, blackboard, chalk, computer.

Interaction: teacher- students, student- student, student- teacher, teacher- pairs


-Initial: homework check-up

-Continue: through activities and error correction

-Final: through oral feed-back and homework

Anticipated problems:

 some students are shy and sometimes they feel embarrassed when they are
asked to express their opinion
Teacher’s Attitude: she moves round the class, keep eye-contact, makes positive
remarks, encourages Ss to speak, to involve in communication, to listen to each

Activity 1- Warm-up
Objectives: to check presence and create a suitable atmosphere in the
Skill focus: speaking, listening
Method: dialogue
 introductory conversation
 Teacher checks absentees and students answer
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T
Timing: 2’

Activity 2: checking homework

Objectives: to check understanding of the problem, to correct mistakes
Skill focus: speaking
Methods: conversation
 Teacher asks students to read their homework
 Students take turns and read their homework and correct it if

Interaction: T-S, S-T

Timing: 5’

Activity 3- Pre- reading

Objectives: to introduce new vocabulary in context, to stimulate students’

interest in the topic, to develop students’ active listening skills.
Skill focus: speaking, listening, writing
Methods: conversation, explanation, reflection
 Teacher reads the title of the unit and explains its meaning
 Teacher asks Ss to look at the pictures one at a time and say what they
 Ss work in pairs and think of as many words as they can which are
related to each one
 T elicits what energy is (power), reads out the list of energy
sources(ex.2. a) and asks Ss to answer the questions
 Ss solve the task
 T explains the task from ex.2. b. and plays the cassette
 Ss listen and write the correct letter next to each prompt.

Interaction: T-S, S-T, T-P, P-T

Timing: 10’

Activity 4- While- Reading

Objectives: to develop students’ fluent reading; to develop students’ note

taking skills, to provide synonyms for the given words
Skill focus: reading, speaking
Methods: conversation, exercise, brainstorming
 T asks Ss to look at the picture at the bottom of p.53 and elicits what
the picture shows (wind turbines)
 Ss work in pairs and brainstorm to find as much vocabulary as they
can which is related to the picture and the subject of wind power.
 T explains any unknown vocabulary, goes round the class and elicits
which words can be seen in the picture and which are merely
associated with it
 T asks Ss to solve ex.3 b. T allows SS 5 minutes to complete the task
in pairs.
 Ss solve the task and read the answers, justifying them
 T ask Ss to explain the words in bold and then to give synonyms for
the highlighted words
 Ss complete the exercise
Interaction: T-S, S-T, T-P, P-T

Timing: 15’

Activity 5- Follow- up

Objectives: to write a short article

Skill focus: writing
Methods: conversation, reflection
 T asks Ss to write a short article about global warming.
 Students complete the task and read their compositions

Interaction: T-S, S-T

Timing: 10’

Activity 6- Feed-back and homework assignment

Method: explanation, conversation
 T announces the homework (ex 8/ 54) and gives instructions for its
assignment. She appreciates students’ behavior during the class and
names some students who gave correct answers.
 The students write down the homework.
 The teacher gives students thanks for their time and attention and
dismisses the class.
Interaction: T-Ss
Timing: 3’

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