Airport Architecture and Building Standards

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Architecture and Building

Design Standards for Development on the Airport

(Included within Land Development Code by Reference)

These architecture and building design standards shall be applied to airport construction or
improvement on or within Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport boundaries. These design
standards have been incorporated by reference into the Airport Overlay section of the City of
Fernandina Beach Land Development Code. The City of Fernandina Beach Land Development
Code applies to all tenant and lessee construction on the Airport. These design standards are
used by the City’s Technical Review Committee (TRC) as its basis for beginning the approval
process for any construction on the Airport. All construction must meet current adopted Florida
Building Codes, City Building Ordinances, and National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA)
requirements. In cases of conflict with other City codes or regulations, the more stringent
provisions shall apply unless specifically addressed within the terms of any written agreement
with the City.

Hangar/Building on any Area of the Airport:

1. A primary building is an aircraft hangar with use as addressed in the lease.
2. Stand alone non hangar buildings are not permitted within the airport perimeter fence
unless for aeronautical use and/or approved by City.
3. Outbuildings may be permitted as an ancillary to the primary building. An outbuilding
must be attached or in near proximity to the primary building. Such outbuildings must be
directly related to the operation of the primary building and limited to office(s), storage
area, or related work area.
4. The location of the hangar door designates the front of the building.
5. Minimum bulk hangar size is 40 x 40 feet (1,600 square feet) and may be private or City
construction; t-hangar construction permitted only by City.
6. Any hangar must have a concrete floor; any building must have finished flooring.
7. Any hangar constructed, unless an individual hangar or separated hangar units within a
structural building and built for non-commercial use only and not exceeding 2,000 square
feet per unit or individual hangar, requires an oil/water separator to discharge water and oil
by-products, as appropriate, into either a sanitary sewer or into a holding tank.
8. Hangars/buildings shall meet all appropriate fire codes for the proposed use of building.
9. No residential occupancy is permitted.
10. Maximum building height is 45 feet. New construction may require a Form 7460 be
submitted to FAA for review.
11. Since roofs are highly visible from aircraft using the Airport, roofs shall be attractively
designed and constructed. Signs, lettering, designs, or other graphics shall not be placed,
painted or otherwise located on roofs.
12. Roof materials shall be non-reflective, not create glare, and be of a neutral color.
1. Taxi lanes within hangar areas provided by the City are generally designed to accommodate
an aircraft with a wing span no greater than 49 feet. Facilities designed for larger wingspan
aircraft shall have direct access to taxiways.
2. Pavement, at a minimum, is required from the hangar door to the taxi lane or taxiway and
shall be at least 20 feet wide.
3. Under no circumstances shall required apron/ramp areas encroach into the taxi lane or
taxiway objective free area (TOFA) except for the entrance pavement.
4. Any individual hangar having less than 3,000 square feet shall have an area available for an
apron between the hangar door and the taxi lane or taxiway object free area (TOFA), at a
minimum, equal to the distance of the depth of its hangar floor area.
5. Any hangar having 3,000 square feet or greater but not more than 7,999 square feet of
hangar floor space shall have an area available for an apron between the hangar door and
the taxi lane or taxiway object free area (TOFA), at a minimum, of a size at least 50% of its
hangar floor area.
6. Any hangar with 8,000 square feet or greater of hangar floor space shall have an area
available for an apron between the hangar door and the taxi lane or taxiway object free area
(TOFA), at a minimum, of a size at least 75% of its hangar floor area.
7. Sidewalks are permitted only to provide for internal circulation on leasehold property.
8. Airside pavement shall have a compatible look and performance as to any airport taxi
lanes/taxiways/apron to which it may abut. All leasehold pavement must be of sufficient
quality and weight bearing capacity for the aircraft to be parked on the leasehold.
9. Landside pavement shall have a compatible look and performance as to any street/driveway
pavement it shall abut.
10. All pavements shall be designed for a minimum 20 year life using the following guidelines
– airside to meet FAA standards for the aircraft to be parked and landside to meet
equivalent axel load projections.
11. Any permitted airside access routes are to be a minimum of 12 feet wide.

Leasehold Size:
1. Parcel length is determined from edge of taxi lane or taxiway object free area (TOFA) to
edge of roadway or established property line unless parcel already plotted.
2. Minimum parcel width is determined by width of hangar/out buildings coupled with
required setbacks unless parcel already plotted.
3. Should a hangar back up to another hangar or building there are minimum separation
requirements set forth by NFPA 409 standards irrespective of lease line location from back
of hangar or outbuilding (from whichever structure may extend out furthest).
4. Individually built hangars shall have a minimum 25 foot setback on each side or side of
outbuilding (from whichever structure may extend out furthest) to establish the side yard
and minimum leasehold area unless one side abuts the runway restriction line.
5. Adjoining hangars sharing a common center wall shall be built by the same lessee. Such
hangars shall have a minimum 25 foot side setback on the unattached opposite side from
parcel property line. Adjoining hangar aprons may or may not abut to each other.
Hangar/Building Characteristics:
1. At least one toilet is required for any stand alone hangar/outbuilding development whether
personal or commercial use. Any commercial use of building will require the toilet to be
American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant as required by local building code.
2. Hangar/building materials shall be a metal building or concrete block or related material.
No wood or aluminum. The roof may be aluminum.
3. Hangar/building materials that produce glare or other effects that are hazardous to aircraft
operation shall not be permitted.
4. Hangar/building colors shall be neutral tones.
5. The location of outside storage areas and materials used for screening shall be a part of the
site plan submitted by lessee. All materials used for screening shall be opaque and the
same as or similar to the main or primary building or by installation of berms and
landscaping acceptable to the City.
6. All electrical wiring shall be in conduit and placed underground from the electrical power
source to the hangar/building.
7. Any hangar over 10,000 square feet will require an approved NFPA sprinkler system.
8. All mechanical equipment shall be housed within the building when possible. When roof
mounted equipment is required, it must be concealed by parapet walls sufficient to screen
the equipment but no more than 42”. Such parapet does not count against building height
restriction. Plumbing vents are the only non-screened roof penetrations allowed.
9. Any exterior equipment shall be enclosed or screened so as to be an integral part of the
architectural design and not in public view. Large pieces of equipment shall be located at
ground level.
10. Any hangar or building abutting or a part of the Airport Operation Area (AOA) is also
considered part of the security fence system. Such hangar or building shall provide the only
entrance through the security fencing unless approved by the City. In addition lessee shall
provide a chain link fence without gates separating the airside and the landside with not less
than 6 feet chain link vinyl encased black between buildings to the property line to establish
a security perimeter. If landscaping screening is provided, it shall be located on the landside
and no closer than 6 feet from the fence and maintained in a manner to preclude overgrowth
of the security fence.
11. The outside storage of hazardous materials or hazardous waste shall be prohibited as
identified in the Airport Rules and Regulations.
12. Adequate lighting required for both airside and landside and in general shall be uniform
style as determined by the City.

1. Landscaping within the Air Operations Area for non-building and non-pavement areas shall
have as a minimum natural ground covering and is limited to grass or very low lying
vegetation for unpaved areas. For safety reasons no trees or shrubbery shall be permitted
within the air operations area (within the airport security or perimeter fence.)
2. At least 20% of the total gross land area of a development site shall be landscaped and can
include grass or ground cover for the calculation. The landscaped areas shall be located on
the site in such manner as to maximize preservation of existing trees with priority given to
specimen trees. Such landscaping should not be on the airfield side of any hangar or
building construction that is not accessible by the public.
3. Landscaping shall not block sight distance or pose a traffic hazard.
4. Any free standing signage shall not exceed a height of 5 feet from the ground, shall be
monument style, and constructed per city code.

1. Parking shall not be established or designated along the front of building.
2. All parking must be identified in site plan.
3. Spaces shall be sized by city code (currently 10 x 20 feet) and may be marked.
4. Commercial use of hangar must meet city code as to number and shall meet the dimensions
and the number required under ADA requirements and to be located in areas convenient to
building entrances.
5. Stand alone private non-commercial use hangar parking requires a minimum of two spaces
for any total gross floor area (including any outbuilding floor area) not exceeding 2,000
square feet and a minimum of four spaces for a building exceeding 2,000 square feet up to
3,500 square feet. One additional parking space shall be required for each additional 1,500
square feet of gross floor area above 3,500 square feet. Such number of spaces shall be
rounded up or down to the nearest 1,000 square feet.
6. Non-commercial use of hangar exempt from ADA requirements.
7. Any parking area next to a hangar or building shall have car stops or curbs placed at least
five feet from the hangar or building.
8. All parking areas shall be setback at least 10 feet from other lessee lease lines.

East Area:
1. Stand alone non-hangar buildings are permitted on the non airfield side of Jamestown Road
and must be an approved commercial only use.
2. A commercial building not attached to a hangar shall provide its parking behind the
building. Such a building may not be located on the airfield side of Jamestown Road unless
as part of a hangar development and then parking may be between the building and
Jamestown Road.
3. For non hangar buildings the front yard is considered Jamestown Road.
4. Non-hangar buildings or hangars fronting Jamestown Road must have set back of at least
25 feet from the street.
5. Internal driveways off Jamestown Road shall be 20 feet wide.
6. Minimum curb cuts off Jamestown Road – in general use of joint-use driveway to serve
several buildings will be required to provide access to a public street. Only in exceptional
circumstances is more than one (1) curb cut permitted.
7. No parking permitted along Jamestown Road.
8. Common use driveways along Jamestown Road shall be used as much as possible.

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