Panipat Building Bye-Laws: Submitted By-Shabani Sehra 12624

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(1) Type and character of building, including ancillary buildings, that may be erected or
re-erected on a site and the purpose for which these may be used shall not be other
than that shown in the Development Plan or the approved layout plan or sector plan
or zoning plan.
(2) Where the site does not form part of such layout or sector plan or zoning plan, the
use shall be in conformity with the use of the surrounding area, or use prescribed in
development plan and the decision of the Competent Authority shall be final in this
(3) Every building that may be erected or re-erected on a site shall/ addition to the
foregoing restriction, comply with the restriction shown in the Architectural Control
Sheets, wherever applicable, shall have precedence over -the Zoning plan or the
building Code.
(4) Every building that may be erected or re-erected an Site shall, in addition to other
restrictions under this Code, comply with the Visions made in the National Building
Code, wherever this building Code is Silent.
(1) Division of plot into smaller units is Permissible only in core areas with the prior
approval of the Competent Authority Each such plot shall be accessible separately
and independently through public road laid out and constructed to the satisfaction of
the Competent Authority.
(2) Except as otherwise expressly provided at the time of sale or the colony approved
under specific scheme by 'the Competent Authority, not more than one building unit
shall be erected on -any one plot, but in any case two or more plots may be combined
for purposes of erection of one "building unit".
(1) The proportions of covered area of a building, including ancillary buildings, shall be in accordance
with the plot categories given in following sub-Codes and the remaining portion shall be left open in the
form of open space around the building.
(i) Residential
(a) Plotted

(1) In the case of building sites where architectural control is considered necessary by the
Competent Authority, he shall cause to be prepared Architectural Control Sheets for this
purpose showing the extent of architectural control on the various units of
the buildings or on a portion of such buildings, among others the following
(i) Compulsory elevations for a particular building or a Row of buildings.
(ii) Compulsory height on the front or on any s(Ae to view from a street upon which building
shall have to be erected and completed within a certain period.
(iii) Compulsory height of floors.
(iv) Compulsory height and design of cornices, sills and top of windows in the first and
higher storeys.
(v) Compulsory building lire along which the building shall have to be erected and
completed within a certain period.
(vi) Compulsory type design; of balconies.
(vii) Compulsory use texture and colour.
(2) Building line in front rear and side shall be as per the zoning plan approved by the
Competent authority.
(1) In Group Housing minimum 2.0 Equivalent Car Space (ECS) for each dwelling unit shall be
required. Also minimum 75% of the total car parking is to be provided in the form of covered
parking. Further minimum 5% of the total car parking area shall be made available to the EWS
category flats.
(2) In Integrated/ Multi Storey Commercial Building, 1 ECS for every 50 square metres of covered
area shall be required. Further 15% of the total parking requirement has to be at surface level
and remaining 85% shall be in the form of covered parking.
(3) In Cyber Park/ IT Park/ Cyber Cities, 1 ECS for every 40 square metres of covered area shall be
(4) The covered parking in the basement or in the form of multi-level parking above ground level
shall not be counted towards Floor Area Ratio (FAR). However, the footprint of separate parking
building blocks shall be counted towards ground
(5) In case of provision of mechanical parking in the basement floor! upper stories, the floor to
ceiling clear height of the basement! floor may be maximum of 4.75 metres
(6) No storage and commercial activities shall be permitted in the covered parking areas.
(7) The misuse of the covered parking space shall immediately attract levy of three times the
penalty of the composition fee prescribed for the excess covered area in the respective category.
Note: 1 ECS 23 square metres for open parking, 28 square metres for parking on
stilts and 32 square metres for basement parking.
(1) The courtyard shall have a minimum area, throughout its height, of not less than the square of one-
fifth the height of the highest wall abutting the courtyard. provided that when any room (excluding
staircase bay, bathroom and water-closet) is
dependent for its light and ventilation on an inner courtyard, the dimension shall be such as is required
for each wing of the building.
(2) Provided that such courtyard shall not be less than 12.0 sq. metres in area and the minimum width of
every such courtyard in any direction shall not be less than 3.00 metres. In determining the said
aggregate, floor area of the rooms and verandah abutting on the courtyard, following shall be
(i) Only one half of the floor area of such rooms and verandahs as abut on another
courtyard or an open space or road not less than 6 metres in width shall be
taken in account;
(ii) The area of the courtyard for the purposes of this Code shall be the area open to

(1) The plinth of the main building shall be so located with respect to surrounding ground level that
proper drainage of the site is assured. The height of the plinth shall not be less than 450 mm and more
than 1.5 metres in case of habitable rooms.
(2) The plinth of court-yard shall be at least 150 mm above the level of the street from where entry to
plot has been taken and shall be satisfactorily drained.
(3) In no case, any part of the ramp/ steps connecting building plinth to street/ road shall lie on street/
road and obstruct traffic movement. However, the ramp/ step from the plot boundary to the entry of
house building, if required shall be provided
Minimum area, size, height and light and ventilation of different
components of Residential premises

(i) In case of Group Housing Scheme the dwelling unit having more than one room may have one
of the rooms with a clear floor area not less than 7.5 sq. metres with one side not less than 2.4
(ii) In case of air conditioned rooms, the height shall not be less than 2.4 metres measured from
the surface of the floor to the lowest point of air conditioning duct or false ceiling; and
(iii) All doors and windows shall open directly or through a verandah or to a permanent open
space or an open space abutting the building not less than 1.8 metres in width. No portion of a
room shall be assumed to be lighted, if it is more than 10 metres or as stated in National Building
Code 2005, away from the opening provided for lighting that portion.

(i) In case there is a separate store, the floor area of the kitchen shall be reduced to 4.5 square
(it) In case of houses constructed on plots up to 100 square metres, the size of the kitchen shall be
reduced to 3.8 square metres.
(iii) The kitchen which is intended for use as a dining space also shall have a floor area of not less
than 9.5 square metres with a minimum width of 2.45 metres.
(iv) For the purpose of this regulation, a kitchen shall be deemed to be a habitable room and all
the aforementioned requirements regarding ventilation shall apply to it provided that the
minimum area of the kitchen shall not be less than 5.5
square metres with a minimum width of 1.8 metres.
(v) In case of Group Housing Scheme the minimum area of the kitchen shall not be less than 5.5
sq. metres with a minimum width of 1.8 metres.

(1) Every bathroom and water closet shall:-

(a) preferably be so situated that at least one of its walls shall have opening for circulation of
external air, with provision of exhaust fan.
(b) not be directly over any room other than another W.C, washing place, bath or terrace unless
it has a water-tight floor;
(c) have a platform or seat made of water tight non-absorbent materials;
(d) preferably be enclosed by walls and partitions and the surface of every such walls or
partition, shall be finished with a smooth impervious material to a height not less than 1.5
metres above the floor of such room; and
(e) be provided with impervious floor covering sloping towards the drain with a suitable gradient
and not towards verandah or any other room.
(2) Where the water-closet room in a building is not connected to exterior, it shall be ventilated
by mechanical means or through a vertical shaft open to sky of a minimum size of 1.25 metre X
1.50 metre for ventilation to toilet, bath and
- water closet, but it shall be counted towards covered area.
(3) No room containing water-closet shall be used for any other purposes except as lavatory and
no such room shall open directly into any kitchen or cooking space by a door/ window or another
opening. Every room containing water-closet shall
have a door completely dosing the entrance to it.
(4) Soil or ventilating pipes shall not be allowed on the exterior face of any building, provided
these shall either be embedded in the walls or pipe ducts to be provided to accommodate them.
Boundary Wall, Fence, Gate and Porch
(1) The location of gate/ gates shall be as per zoning plan.
(2) Maximum permissible height of front side boundary wall shall be not more than 1.2
metres from the mean level of abutting street in front of the plot from where entry to
the plot has been taken.
Note: The owner/ applicant if desires, is permitted to not construct boundary wall in
front of plot, so that the said area can be utilized for parking.
(3) Maximum height of boundary wall at rear and side of plot shall not be more than
1.8 metres from the mean level of abutting street in front of the plot from where entry
to the plot has been taken.
(4) A railing/ grill with or without poly carbonate/ fibre glass sheet covering of 0.75
metre height shall be permitted over and above the maximum height of boundary
wall at all sides.
(5) The temporary porches of polycarbonate sheets/ fibre glass roof or any other
temporary material covering on suitable structure, shall be allowed in residential
plots with the condition that these shall be open on sides in the driveway area within
the plot.
(6) The provisions of above sub-Code (2), (3), (4) and (5) are not applicable to
boundary walls of jails.
(7) Boundary wall upto the height of 2.4 metres may be permitted by the Competent
Authority in industrial buildings, electric sub-stations, transformer stations,
institutional buildings like hospitals, industrial buildings like workshops, factories and
educational buildings like schools, colleges, including hostels and other uses of public
utility undertakings and strategically sensitive buildings.
Every building intended to be used as multiple residential building or commercial or Educational
and institutional or industrial building shall be provided with required number staircases
(accessible from a maximum distance of 30 metres (45 metres,
if building has automatic sprinklers for fire fighting) from any part of the building, extending
from ground floor level to the highest floor, having following specifications:
1.The minimum head-room in a passage under the landing of a staircase shall be 2.1 metres.
2.The minimum clear head-room in any staircase shall be 2.1 metres.
3.The maximum numbers of risers in single flight are limited to 14.
4.If a service or a spiral staircase is provided, its width shall not be less than 1.0 metre and its
average tread width shall not be less than mention in table of sub-Code (1).
5.Not withstanding anything contained in sub-Code (1) n the staircases in the private portion of a
public building and industrial building not open to the general public, may be of the sizes
mentioned for residential building.


1) Every building having more than 19 metres height shall be provided with a lift or a ramp with
an inclination of 1:10 in addition to the staircases.
(2) In case of public building with only ground floor, ramp shall be provided for reaching its plinth
level. Further, in case Of public building is more than one storey lift or ramp shall be provided.

(i) The ramp to basement and parking floors shall not be less than 7.2 metres wide for two way
traffic and 4 metres wide for one way traffic, provided with Minimum gradient of 1:10.
(ii) The minimum width of the ramps in hospitals shall be 2.4 metres for movement stretcher and
for public use. In no case, the hospital ramps shall be used for vehicular movement, except at
entry gate to the building.
(lii) Ramps may also be provided in the setbacks which can be sloped considering unhindered
movement of fire engine and in no case the gradient shall be less than 1:10
(iv) All structural design/safety aspects as Codes and National Building Code, consideration of
weight of Fire Engine &
per latest Bureau of Indian Standards 2005 shall be complied along with its manoeuvring.
(v) The minimum width of the ramps in hospitals shall be 2.4 m for stretcher and
not for vehicular movement
(vi) A ramp shall have handrail on at least one side, and preferably two sides with
minimum height of 0.90 metres, measured from the surface of the ramp. The handrails
shall be smooth and extend to 0.30 metres beyond the top and bottom
of the ramp. Where major traffic is predominantly children, the extra handrail shall be
placed 0.76 metre height.
(4) Where ramps with gradients are necessary or desired, they shall conform to the
following requirements:
A ramp when provided shall not have a slope greater than 1:20 or maximum of 1: 12
for short distance up to 9 metres.
(5) Lifts:-
Wherever lift is required as per Code, provision of at least one lift all be made for the
wheel chair users, with the following cage dimensions, recommended for passenger lift
of 13 persons capacity by the Bureau of IndiamStaridards:-
Clear internal depth 1.1 metres.
Clear internal width 2.0 metres.
Entrance door width 0 9 metre.
(i) a handrail not less than 0.6 metre long and 1 metre above floor level shall be fixed
adjacent to the control panel
(ii) the minimum size of lift lobby shalLbe 1.8 metres x 2.0 metres or more.
(iii) the interior of the cage shall be provided with Braille symbols and auditor signage
that audibly indicates the floor. When the cage reached on floor, it shall
(1) The minimum width of corridors and passages in a residential building shall be at least 1.0
metres and these shall be of fire resistant material.
(2) Minimum width of any corridor and passage in case of residential building with multipie
dwelling units and for other type of building, shall be as given below:

The clear headroom height of passage and corridors shall, in no case, be less than 2.15 metres.
All surfaces including ceiling shall be of fire resistance materials.
All the passages and corridors shall be naturally lighted and ventilated and if not
possible, provision for artificial lighting and mechanical ventilation shall be made.
(1) The requisite number and size of various exits shall be provided, baseq on the occupants in each
room and floor based on the occupant load, capacity of exits, travel distance and height of buildings as
per provisions of Part 4fire end Life Safety, National Building Code as amended from time to time.
(2) At least one primary entrance and exit to each building shall be usable by individuals
in wheelchairs, indicated by a sign and on a level that would make the elevators
(3) Arrangement of Exits

(i) Exits shall be so located so that the travel distance on the floor shall not exceed 22.50 metres for
residential, educational, institutional and hazardous occupancies and 30 0 m. for assembly, business,
mercantile, industrial and storage occupancies. Whenever more 'than one exit is required for a floor of
a building they shall be placed as remote from each other as possible. All the exits
shall be accessible from entire floor area at all floor levels.
(ii) The travel distance to an exit from the remote point shall not exceed half the distance as stated
Note: Provided for hilly sprinklered building, the travel distance may be
increased by SO percent of the values specified.
(4) Width of Exit
(i) No exit oorways shall be less than 1 metre in width except assembly and institutional buildings
where it shall not be less than 2 metres.
(ii) Exit doors shall open outwards, that is away from the room but shall not Obstruct the travel along
any exit. No door when opened shall reduce the required width of stairway or landing to less than 0 90
metre. Overhead door shall not be installed.

(1) No Building shall be erected as to deprive any other building of its means of access.
(2) If there are any bends or curves in the approach road, sufficient width shall be
permitted at the curve to enable the fire tenders to turn, the turning circle shall be at
least of 9.0 metres radius.
(3) Other provisions of means of access for buildings other than plotted residential and commercial:
(i) The approach to the building and open spaces on its all sides upto 60 metres width, shall have
composition of hard surface capable of taking the weight of fire tender, weighing upto 22 tonnes for low
rise building and 45 tonnes for building
15 metres and above in height. The said open space shall be kept free of obstructions and shall be motor-
(ii) Main entrance to the premises shall be of adequate width to allow easy access to the fire tender and
in no case it shall measure less than 6.0 metre.
The entrance gate shall fold/ slide back against the compound wall of the premises, thus leaving the
exterior access way within the plot free for movement of the fire service vehicles. If archway is provided
over the main entrance, the height
of the archway shall not be of height less than 5.0 metres:
(iii) In case of basement extending beyond the building line, it shall be capable of taking load of 45
tonnes for a building of height 15metres and above and 22 tonnes for building height less than 15.0
(4) Every person who applies for permission for erection or re-erection of building shall also submit NOC
for accessing the road (whether National Highway, State Highway) if applicable from the concerned


1.Every room that is intended for hyman habitation shall abut on an interior or exterior open space or on
to a verandah Open to such interior or exterior open space.
2.The setback area can be sunk for light, ventilation and access to basement, provided fire tender
movement is not hindered.
3.The whole or part phone side of one or more rooms intended for human habitation and not abutting on
either the front, rear or side open spaces shall abut on an interior open space whose minimum width in
all directions shall be 3.0 metres in case Of buildings not more than 15 metres in height, and in case of
buildings above 5 metres it shall have mandatory mechanical ventilation in addition.
4.Sunken courtyard up to the lowest floor of basement(s) shall be allowed as 'light well' within building
envelop for light and ventilation for basement area.
5.Other provisions of light and ventilation for buildings other than plotted residential and
If exterior open air space is intended to be used for the benefit of more than one building on same
plot/ site, then the width of such open air space shall be the one specified for the tallest building
abutting on such open air space, shall be as given
For ventilating the spaces for water closets and bathrooms, if not opening on the front side, rear and
interior open spaces, shall open on the ventilation shaft, the size of which shall not be less than the
values given below:

(i) For buildings above 30.0 metres height, mechanical ventilation system shall be installed ventilation
(ii) For fully air-conditioned buildings the ventilation shaft shall not be required, provided the air-
conditioning system works on uninterrupted source of power Supply.
(lii) Horizontal ducting for ventilation may be installed in building with exhaust fan of
appropriate capacity for discharging used air to external face of building.
(1) No building verandah, chajja or other projections from the face of the building shall be allowed to
be erected or re-erected on or over a road or beyond the boundaries of the applicants own land/
(2) Balcony of a width of maximum 1.80 metres in front and rear sides of a plot can be permitted
within the plot, provided the width of balcony do not exceed half of the width of setback.
(3) On plots of the size of 300 square metres or above, where side setback has been provided, a
balcony of maximum width of 1.0 metre, in side set back shall be permitted.
(4) Sun-shades over opening shall be allowed subject to the following:-
(i) Sun-shade of 0 23 metre width is permitted over any road/ over any park/ public space/sun
(ii) Sun-shade if provided, shall be at a height of 2.3 metres from the ground level shall be permitted
to project up to a maximum of 0.45 metre within the applicants own land, provided it does not
exceed half Of the width of setback/open space.

(1) A mezzanine floor or internal balcony shall not be permitted unless the height of the room is at
least 5.0 metres and such mezzanine floor or balcony do not cover more than 1/20f the room area.
The area of such mezzanine floor shall be counted
towards FAR.
(2) The height of such mezzanine floor OF internal balcony shall not be less than 2.3 metres from the
floor level.

(1) The minimum size of a private motor garage shall be 2.75 metres X 5 0 metres. The clear height of
the garage shall not be less than 2.40 metres. The plinth of the motor garage shall not be less than
150 mm above the average ground level.
(2) A garage shall be permitted within zoned area and shall be counted towards covered area.
(3) Garage 9hall not be used for habitable purposes.
Each dwelling unit shall have following minimum provisions, for granting permission to
constructor use/ occupy:

(1) The construction of the basement shall be allowed by the Competent Authority in accordance with
the provisions of Zoning Plan.
(2) The basement shall be constructed within the zoned area and may be put to following uses:

(i) Storage of household or other goods of ordinarily non-combustible material;

(ii) Strong rooms, bank cellars, etc.;
(iii) Air-conditioning equipment and other machines used for services and utilities of the building.
(iv) Modern automated laundry shall be allowed only in the basement of Hotel and Hospital/ Nursing
Home sites, group housing, service apartment, as an ancillary services for the purpose for which
permission is granted by Competent Authority and meant for in-house services only subject to the
condition that the effluent of the laundry shall be properly pumped up to ground floor inspection
chambers and discharged to the main sewer;
(v) Car wash, security room, ticketing booth, driver waiting room, toilets, loading/ unloading activities,
lift/ escalator lobbies and parking
(3) The basement may be used for habitable purpose subject to fulfilment of fire safety, light &
ventilation and exit provisions on opposite directions. However, in case basement is used for habitable
purpose, the area utilized will be counted towards total covered area of building i.e. FAR. The
basement is used for uses other than specified in sub-code (2) above, shall be considered for habitable
use and shall be counted towards FAR, subject to fulfillment of fire safety, light and ventilation and
exit provisions on opposite directions.
(4) The use of basement shall* be specified in the building plans at the time of submission, stated in
Code 3 and 4.
(5) The basement shall have the following provisions:
(i) Light and ventilation of basement:
(a) An of a minimum width of 1.8 metres shall be provided across the full length and/ or width of the
basement storey. This area shall be within the limits of the site and shall be paved with impervious
material above a concrete bed. It shall be completely unobstructed except that in this area steps may
be allowed for access to it, if considered necessary.
(b) In the case of buildings governed by the zoning, basement storeys shall be lighted and ventilated by
means of windows of the minimum area within 1/ 10th to 1/ 25th of the total floor area,, at least half
of which must open subject to the condition that the deficit of light and ventilation shall be made up
by providing artificial lighting and mechanical ventilation as per provision of National Building Code.

In case of buildings governed by Architectural Control and the basement are

for storage/ services, the provisions of light and ventilation shall be as shown on the control sheets. In
case the basement is extended, the deficit in light and ventilation be proportionately increased subject
to fulfilment of fire safety norms and structural stability is ensured by the Structural

In the second basement and basement below the lower ground floor where it is to be used for
parking/ services, the provisions contained in National Building Code and Fire Safety Codes as
applicable shall be followed. The basement story for any other purpose conforming to the land of the
site can be allowed.
(c) Adequate ventilation shall be provided for the basement. The Ventilation requirements shall be the
same as required by the particular occupancy according to Code. Any deficiency may be met by
providing adequate mechanical ventilation in the form of blowers, e)fhaust fans, air-conditioning
systems, etc.;


The walls of the basement story shall be properly damp proofed and if in contact with the soil, they
must be effectively secured against dampness from the soil with the approved vertical and horizontal
damp proof course.


(a) The minimum clear height the basement shall be 2.4 metres and maximum height of the
basement shall be up to 4.75 metres from floor to the underside of the900f slab or ceiling subject
to structural stability to be certified by the Structural Engineer.
(b) The minimum height of the roof of any basement shall be 0 9 metre and the maximum, 1.5 metres
above the average surrounding ground level


(a) Open area adjoining a basement story, if any, shall be effectively rendered To the satisfaction of the
Competent Authority:
(b) The responsibility of draining a basement storey and for protecting it from rain shall be that of the
(c) The access to the basement shall be separate from the main and alternative staircase providing
access and exit from higher floors.
(d) Where the staircase is continuous in the case of buildings served by more than one staircase, the
same shall be of enclosed type serving as a fire separation from the basement floor and higher floors.
Open ramps shall be permitted if they are constructed within the building line subject to the
provision of Code 38.
(6) Basement shall not be constructed beyond the zoned area or in case existing adjacent building,
setback of 2.4 metres shall be taken from the existing adjacent building.

(1) Fire protection measures provided in Part IV of National Building Code of India, dealing with the
fire protection measures as amended from time to timen shall be followed .
(2) The fire provisions made in the building wherever applicable, shall have to be got verified from
the Competent Authority or office authorized from fire safety point of view and accordingly a
certificate shall be submitted by the owner.


(1) In the areas specified by the Competent Authority, through a notification arrangement of roof
rain-water harvesting within the plot shall have to be made by the plot owner, constructing the
building on the plot where the area of the rooftop is 100 square metres or more.

(2) Ground Water Recharge:

(i) Recharging of ground water shall be mandatory not only for residential buildings
but for all types of buildings/ including Group Housing Societies having a plot
area more than 500 square metres and above.
(ii) The Ground Water Recharge shall be mandatory for open spaces like parks parking, plazas,
playgrounds and other common areas. The harvesting and recharge structures could be constructed
by the Authority with the involvement of community based organizations like Resident Welfare
(i) The system of collection, conveyance and dispersion of rain-water for harvesting shall be made in
such a manner that only clear water is able to enter and no contaminated waste water from the
building or surrounding area finds its way in this system.
(ii) The entry points of the rain-water for harvesting shall be designed in such a
manner that, in normal days, these remain covered. Arrangements of segregation of the rain-water
from the first shower (Containing wash water) shall also be made.
(iii) The arrangement of quick filtration of rain-water shall also be made in the rain- water harvesting
well/ tube well so that rain-water does not pollute or choke the strata.
(iv) The complete system of rain-water harvesting shall be constructed within the
plot area available with the owner.
(v) The recharge well shall be located at a distance of not less than 10 metres away from any structure
handling sewage or industrial waste water (such as septic tank or effluent treatment plant etc.). This
minimum distance of 10 metres shall not be applicable to manholes or sewer lines although it shall be
ensured that they are leak proof.
(vi) The detailed proposal of the system comprising collection, conveyance and dispersion of rain-water
harvesting well/ tube well shall have to be shown in the building plan submitted for approval.
(vii) An Architect/ Engineer duly engaged for supervision and execution of the construction of the
building shall submit the certificate stating that the rain water harvesting system is functional at site
and Same conforms to the provisions of this code. However, if the Architect/ engineer found guilty of
misrepresentation of the facts, penal proceedings Shall be initiated along with debarring the concerned
Architect/ Engineer from practicing in the State of Haryana .
(viii) The provision of Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (Act 6 of 1974), with all
amendments made From time to time, shall be applicable.
(ix) The construction of the building as laid down in sub-clause (1) shall be the part
of occupation certificate, Unless such construction is completed as per the approval. No occupation
Certificate has to be issued
(1) The mandatory installation of Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant for the buildings/
areas shall be in accordance with the order bearing no. 22/52/2005-5 Power, dated 21st March
2016 notified by Renewable Energy Department, Haryana and as amended from time to time.
(2) Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant as laid down in sub-Code-l above,
shall be part of the occupation certificate.
(3) The Competent Authority shall empanel consultants (experts in solar photo voltaic power
plant installations) for inspecting, verifying and issuing certification for installation of Rooftop
Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant.


(1) The provision for Energy Conservation Building Code shall be mandatory applicable on
buildings/ areas in accordance to the direction no. 19/9/2019-5P, dated 31St March 2016
notified by Renewable Energy Department, Haryana an as amended from time
to time.
(2) The applicant/ owner along with building plan application shall submit a certificate from an
Architect confirming that the building plans confirms to the Energy Conservation Building Code.
(3) Occupation certificate of building shall be issued by the Competent Authority only after the
applicant/ owner submit a certificate from an Architect (who has supervised the construction
of the building has been constructed in accordance with the provision of the Energy
conservation Building Code.


(1) All buildings having a Minimum discharge of 50,000 litres and above per day shall
incorporate waste-water recycling system. The recycled water shall be used for
horticultural, flushing and cooling tower purposes.
(2) The dual pipe System shall be adopted for these buildings.
The following supplementary building materials (derived or processed waste) may be
suitably used while constructing building in combination with conventional resources:
(i) Panels, hollow slabs, hollow blocks - Conservation of materials, less water requirement.
(ii) Fly Ash bricks, Portland Pozzolana cement, Fly ash concrete, phosphor gypsum based walling &
roofing panels, particle wood Recycled use of industrial/ agricultural by-products.
(iii) Fly ash/ AAC (Autoclaved Aerated light weight Concrete) panels/ CLC (Cellular Light weight
Concrete) panels- Ensures thermal comfort (significant reduction in air-conditioning requirement
(1) In all public buildings/ places of public gathering, the level of the roads, access paths and parking
areas shall be described in the plan, along with specification of the materiaIs.
(2) The specified facilities in public buildings for differently-abled persons shall be as follows:-

- For parking of vehicles of differently-abled following provisions shall be made:-
(a) surface parking for two car spaces shall be provided, near the entrance, for the differently-abled
persons, with maximum travel distance of 30 metres from building entrance;
(b) the width of parking bay shall be minimum 30 metres;
(c) information stating that the space is reserve for wheel chair users shall be conspicuously displayed;
(d) guiding floor materials shall be provided or a device which guides the visually impaired persons,
with audible signals or other devices which serve the same purpose, shall be provided.
(ii) Every building shall have at least one entrance accessible to the differently-abled and shall be
indicated by proper signage. This entrance shall be approachable through a ramp together with the
stepped entry.
(a) Ramped approach- Ramp shall be finished with non slippery material to enter the building.
Minimum width of ramp shall be 1.5 metres with maximum gradient 1: 12, length of ramp shall not
exceed 9.0 metres having O.8 metres high handrail on both sides extending 0.3 metres beyond top
and bottom of the ramp. Minimum gap from the adjacent wall to the shall be 5 cms.
(b) Stepped approach- For stepped approach size of tread shall not be less than 03 metres and
maximum riser shall be 0.15 metres. Provision of 0.8 metres high handrail on both sides of the
stepped approach similar to the ramped approach shall be made.
c) Exit/ entrance door- Minimum clear opening of the entrance door shall be 0.9 metres and it shall
not be provided with a step that obstructs the passage of a wheel chair user.
d) Entrance landing- Entrance landing shall be provided adjacent to the
ramp, with the minimum dimension 1.8 metres x 2.0 metres.
One of the stair-ways near the entrance/ exit, for the use of
differently-abled, shall have the foIlowing provisions:-
(a) the minimum width shall be 1.35 metres;
(b) height of the riser shall not be more than 0.15 metres and width of the tread 0.30 metre. The steps shall
not have abrupt (square) nosing;
(c) maximum number of risers on a flight shall be limited to 12;
(d) handrails shall be provided on both sides.

Wherever lift is required as per Code, provision of at least one lift shall be made. for the wheel chair users,
with the following cage dimensions, recommended for passenger lift of 13 persons capacity by the Bureau of
Clear internal depth 1.1. metres.
Clear internal width 2 0 metres.
Entrance door width 0.9 metre.
(a) a handrail not less that then 0.6 metre long and 1.0 metre above floor level shall be fixed adjacent to the
control panel;
(b) the lift lobby shall be of an inside measurement of 1 8 metres x 2.0 metres or more;
(c) the time of an automatically closing door shall be minimum 5 seconds and the closing speed shall not
exceed 0.25 metre/ second;
One special water closet in a set of toilets shall be provided for the use
of differently-abled, with essential provision of wash basin inside toilet near the
entrance for the differently-abled. It shall have-
(a) the minimum size of 1.50 metres x 1.75 metres;
(b) minimum clear opening of the door of 0.90 metre and it shall swing out;
(c) suitable arrangement of vertical/horizontal handrails with 50mm Clearance
from the wall;
(d) at least 0.50 metre distance between the water closet seat and the floor.

Suitable provision of drinking water shall be made for the differently-abled persons near the special toilet
provided for them.


In the building meant for the predominant use of
children, the height of the handrail and other fittings and fixtures, shall suit the
(1) For reducing consumption of total energy, fresh Potable water and reduction in total
waste generation by modern buildings, the green building measures are to be
adopted by all building (except plotted residential) on various plot sizes above 100
square metres shall comply with the green norms.
(2) The applicant shall be awarded benefits of additional Floor Area Ratio for adopting
either green norms specified in sub-Code certified from Green Rating for Integrated
the GRIHA rating as specified in sub-Code
3)The details of green norms and additional Floor Area Ratio (FAR):

(1) Any person intending to erect or re-erect building shall apply on Form BRS-I along with documents
stated in Code 3 to the Competent Authority for approval of building plans of architectural booths, Shop-
cum-Office (SCO),
Shop-cum-Flat (SCF), Shop-cum-Office-cum Flat (SCOF), Double Storey Shop DSS), plots of industrial
plotted colony (upto 2000 square metres) & residences (upto 500 square metres), under self-certification
by giving fifteen days notice to the Competent Authority for approval of building plans intimating the
date of start of
construction. The construction can be started after fifteen days, in case any objection is not conveyed to
the applicant.
(2) Certificate of Conformity to regulation and structural safety for the relevant buildings (depending
upon type and height) in the relevant Form BRS-II along with Form BRS-V,
(3) Competent Authority or any other person authorized by him reserves the right to check the building
plans and construction at any stage and violations (except Compoundable ones), if found shall have to be
rectified by the owner/ applicant. In case the owner/ applicant fail to rectify violations, the Competent
Authority may take necessary steps to remove the violations. Action shall also be taken against the
defaulting Architect by referring his case to the Council of Architecture of misconduct and debarring/
blacklisting the Architect from doing practice in State Government Departments/ Authorities. All
rectifications shall be at the risk and cost of the owner and no plea of the owner shall be entertained for
any default committed by the Architect engaged by him. In all such cases the procedure of self-
certification shall stand aborted.
(4) If a building is erected or re-erected or construction work is commenced in contravention to any of the
building regulations, the Competent Authority or any other person authorized by him shall be competent
to require the building to be altered or demolished, by a written notice delivered to the owner. Such
notice shall also specify the period during which such alteration or demolition has to be completed and if
the notice is not complied with, the Competent Authority or any other person authorized by him may
demolish the said building at the expense of the owner.
(1) All functions performed under this building Code be performed through electronic form.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-Code (1) above, the functions shall include all or any of the
-receipt or acknowledgement of applications and payments;
-issue of approvals, orders or directions;
-scrutiny, enquiry or correspondence for approval of bilding plans or grant of occupation certificates, etc.;
-filing of documents;
-issue of notices for recoveries;
-maintenance of registers and records;
-any other function that the Competent Authority may deem fit in public interest.
-Preparation of building plans by Government Departments.

The Government Departments shall prepare the building plans of all Government
buildings conforming to this building code and shall issue a certificate specifying that the
provisions of this building Code have been followed in all respects. Such plans shall be
sent to the Competent Authority, for information and record before commencement of
erection or re-erection of the building.

The Competent Authority shall constitute committees for-
(i) Preparation of zoning plans.
(ii) Approval of building plans;
(iii) Composition of violation of building plans;
Ci) Grant Of Occupation Certificate; and
(v) Any other Committee with such powers and functions, as may deem proper.

The site plan to be submitted along with the application for seeking permission 'Shall be drawn to a scale of
1: 100 for plots upto 500 square metres in size and on. scale of 1:500 for plots above 500 square metres in
size. The plan shall show as below:
-the boundaries of the site and any contiguous features.
-the position of the site in relation to neighbouring street/ revenue rasta.
-the names and width of the streets on which the building is proposed to be situated, if any.
-all existing buildings standing on, over or under the site.
-the position of the building and of all other buildings, if any, which the applicant intends to erect upon his
contiguous land referred to in (i).
-the means of access from the street of the building, and to all other buildings, if any which the applicant
intends upon his contiguous land, referred to in
-the width of the street, in front, if any at the sides or rear of building.
-the direction of north point relative to the plan of the buildings.
-any existing physical features such as well, drains, trees, overhead/ underground electric supply lines
including its capacity, etc.
-the site area of property and the covered area on each floor along with its Percentage covered to the total
area of the site.

(1) The plans, elevations and sections of the building accompanying the notice with
dimensions shall be drawn to a scale of:-
(i) 1:50 for plots measuring upto 500 square metres;
(ii) 1: 100 for plots measuring from 500 square metres to 1000 square metres;
(iii) 1: 200 for plots measuring more than 1000 square metres.
(2) These shall show:
(i) the plans of all the floors including basements and all external elevations and cross sections
illustrating distinctly all the levels and minimum one section through stair case, water closet, bath,
kitchen and garage;
(ii) the plinth level of the building with reference to the level of the mean level of street from where
approach to the site is taken;
(iii) the schedule indicating the size other doors, windows, openings and other methods of
ventilation of each room/ area ;
(iv) the means of access to the buildings and to its various floors as well as the means of escape in
case Pf fire, if required under the specific law/ Ac; along with
ramps and steps with respect to the building;
(v) in case of propose( additions and alterations in the existing building, all new
works shall be shown on the drawings in distinctive colours along with index;
(vi) the method of disposal of waste water, sewage, storm water and water supply in detail.
All building plan application submitted under Code 3 shall not be considered valid, if made on the
prescribed form and is accompanied with the requisite number of plans and documents, along with
scrutiny fee and other charges (as prescribed by the Competent Authority). In case of non- compliance,
the application together with plans and documents shall be returned to the applicant for resubmission in
accordance With this Code.


(1) The Competent Authority shall constitute such Committees for the purpose specified in Code 7, for
scrutiny of applications received as specified under Code 3 and for submission of recommendations for
sanction/ refusal of such applications.
(2) The Committee shall consist of officer/ official as decided by the Competent Authority and shall meet
every week;
(3) The recommendations of the members of the Committee shall be forwarded to the Competent
Authority for consideration and approval, with or without change.
(4) The committee or any officer authorized shall pass on order and convey the decision of sanction or
rejection in Form BR-III.


(1) Every sanction for the erection r re-erection of any building shall remain valid for
two years in case of building height is less than 15 metres buildings (fifteen metres or above in height) the
sanction within five years from the date of sanction.
(2) If a building is not completed within two years (or five years, and for multi-storeyed shall remain valid
for as the case may be) of the date of permission, the sanction will be deemed to have lapsed with
respect to
that portion of the building which has not been completed. In regard to the
incomplete portion of a building, a fresh application shall be submitted in accordance
with Code 3 and prescribed scrutiny fee.
(3) The temporary buildings, permitted by Competent Authority, shall not be allowed to
stand three months beyond the validity of the sanctioned plans.
After sanction of building plan, in case the construction could not be started within two years (or
five years, as the case may be) or has been started but could not be completed within the stipulated
period, the owner/ applicant may apply for the revalidation of building plans (for once only) before
the sanction has lapsed simply by submitting re- validation fee @ Rs 10/- (rupees ten only) per
square meter for the proposed covered area requested for re-validation. This revalidation of building
plans be automatically considered from the date of submission of revalidation fee.

The Competent Authority shall pass an order within a period of sixty days of submission
of building plans, accompanied by all necessary documents as mentioned in Code 3,
either sanctioning or rejecting it. The building plan shall be deemed to be sanctioned, if it
is in conformity with building Code and in accordance with the permitted land use of the
area and all leviable fee/ charges have been deposited by the applicant but no orders
have been passed by the Competent Authority within the specified time.


(1) If during the construction of a building, any deviation from theFsanctioned plan is
intended to be made, approval of the Competent Authority for the same shall be
obtained before the change is made. The revised plan snowing the deviations shall
be submitted and the procedure laid down for the sanction of building plan as stated
in Code No. 3 and4, shall be followed for gll' revised plans, along with the
depositing balance scrutiny fee, if any.
(2) Any notice and building approval is not necessary for compoundable alterations/
violations, which do not otherwise violate any provisions regarding general building
requirements, structural stability and fire safety requirements of this building Code.
A person who has been given permission under Code 14 and intends to commence the
erection or re-erection, shall give a notice of not less than 15 days at which the erection
or re-erection of the building shall commence, in writing to the Competent Authority or
to the authorized officer in this behalf in Form BR-III(A).


The owner (or the Architect, in case of self certification) shall submit a certification from an Architect (or
by himself, in case of self certification) that the construction of building upto DPC level is as per
sanctioned plan. The Competent Authority shall verify the certification and shall issue consent/
comments within 15 days of receiving the certification. The DPC certificate shall be deemed to accepted,
if it is in conformity with Code, but no consent/ comments have been passed by Competent Authority
within specified time.

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