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The ___________ that, for various reasons, girls spent less time working
A. COMMUNICATIONS ARTS IN ENGLISH with computers than boys.
a. studies revealing c. studies revealed
Direction: Select the best answer from the choices given.
b. studies reveal d. studies was revealing
1. Professional marketing consultants know their products thoroughly and 9. “He has been absent for three days because he is ____________ measles.
___________ . a. affected of c. afflicted of
a. study market trends c. analyze market trends b. afflicted with d. affected with
b. they analyze market trends d. realize better market trends 10. ___________ to our appeal for reconsideration, the Board of Discipline will
2. Approximately 5 years of extensive language study are required for second not give us any extension for filling additional evidence.
language learners. Park Myung-il __________ French for three and a half a. As regards b. In regard c. With regards as d. With regard
years but he will need more training to be more proficient. 11. Everyone in the field of entertainment ____________ to watch the FAMAS
a. will be studying c. has studied Awards.
b. has been studying d. will have been studying a. was excited c. is certainly excited
3. Don Agapito del Villar is an absolute ruler who serves his country well and b. were certainly excited d. are certainly excited
thinks well about the welfare of his people. He, then, can sometimes be 12. During the Independence Day celebrations, the directive is ____________.
called as ___________. a. hang your flags on June 12 c. hanged your flags on June 12
a. belligerent dictator c. benevolent dictator b. hanged your flags during June 12 d. hung your flag on June 12
b. blatant dictator d. beneficial dictator 13. The Vice-Governor said, “I ___________ won the election without the
4. “Nothing that happens in this world ever happens by chance; It is all part of backing of a religious sect.
a grand design.” This statement expresses about a person’s _____________. a. could had c. shall have not
a. ambition c. destiny b. should have not d. should
b. dreams d. luck 14. The measure of choosing well is whether or not man likes what he
5. What does passage say about life? “Life is but walking shadow, a pun player ____________ .
that struts and frets...and is heard no more.” a. chose c. choose
a. life is just a passing stage c. life has its end b. has chosen d. is choosing
b. life is limited d. life is ever changing 15. After 8 unfruitful years, Antonio finally quit his job. He ____________ along
6. Almost two thirds of the population today ______________ poor. with his immediate boss a long time before he finally decided to look for a
a. Is b. are c. has been d. were new job
7. Much ___________ left unproductive by the flooding. a. didn’t get c. hasn’t been getting
a. has been b. is c. is being d. have been b. isn’t getting d. hadn’t been getting
16. Many years of intensive language study are required for immigrant b. that the members have abandoned the negotiating table.
speakers. Antonio _______ French for 3 years, but he will need more c. the other party have won the negotiation
training before he masters it. d. the conference have been indefinitely postponed
a. will have been studying c. has been studying 24. You wouldn’t want to be late for the interview, __________?
b. will be studying d. have been studying a. won’t you b. will you c. don’t you d. would you
17. An association wherein the name of something is substituted by something 25. Historically therefore, ___________ must be no let up in the pursuit of the
that represents it. solution.
a. Comparison c. Euphemism a. There’ll b. They’re c. There d. Their
b. Personification d. Metonymy 26. The union members cannot ___________ the kind of compensation plan
18. A figure of speech which denotes a direct address to an abstract or a person they want.
who passed away. a. agree on b. agree to c. agree with d. get agree with
a. Euphemism c. Comparison 27. She has no conception __________ the performance of her duties.
b. Asyndeton d. Apostrophe a. as to b. as with c. with d. as on
19. The Power Producer (IPP’S) are seeking a higher price increase for power 28. The witness testified ____________ the defendant’s early life.
a b c a. as to b. as on c. about d. with
generation. No Error 29. It is essential that harmony prevail __________ the departments.
a. between b. among c. with d. with all
20. They do not care whether or not they passed the qualifying examinations.
a b c 30. Please __________ the book with you the next time you come to my office.
a. take b. bring c. carry d. bring along
No error.
d 31. The friendliness ____________ the Philippine Foreign Minister and the
American Secretary of State promoted harmony.
21. How would you address a doctor-husband and a lawyer-wife?
a. between b. with both c .with d. of both
a. Dr. And Mrs, Mel Morales c. Dr. And Atty. Mel Morales
32. Since Mr. Dela Cruz was elected President of the organization, the members
b. Dr. Morales and Atty. Morales d. Dr. Mel and Atty. Morales
__________ better socials.
22. Which sentence is in its correct form?
a. enjoyed b. are enjoying c. have enjoyed d. had enjoy
a. His allays are mostly from the Nacionalista Party.
33. I was filing when he returned but I ____________ the report before that
b. The delays in the election returns are very suspicious.
c. He has been travelling for the last 3 years.
a. was typing b. was still typing c. am typing d. had been typing
d. Only 16.8% of the nursing examiners passed the 2009 Nursing Board
34. The Congolese refugees painted a _________ picture of their suffering in
the hands of the Chadian rebels.
23. What does it mean when we say “We have achieved a breakthrough here”?
a. ubiquitous b. exciting c. poignant d. blatant
a. that the negotiators or members have begun to agree on certain issues.
35. It’s plain to see, said she, “there are too many and’s in that sentence.” 43. She claimed she ___________ there.
a. Its plain to see, said she, “there are too many and’s in that sentence. a. Has never c. had never been
b. “It’s plain to see,” said she, “there are too many and’s in that sentence.” b. Have never been d. had not been
c. “Its plain to see,” said she, “there are too many ands in that sentence.” 44. Neither of them ____________ expert on the subject.
d. Its plain to see, said she, there are many ands in that sentence. a. are b. is an c. is an d. is
36. Suffrage is a privilege in a democracy. Those who are deprived of their 45. It cost twice __________ I thought it would.
voting rights are normally: a. as much as b. as much c. more than d. most
a. penalized b. criminally-liable c. disenfranchised d. imprisoned 46. The ____________ you become, the less time you have for reading.
37. “Join the street rallies and demonstrations!” shouted the rallyists. What was a. more busy b. busier c. busiest d. more busy
asked of the crowd? 47. She was much different__________ I expected.
a. Sympathy for a cause c. Empathy for a cause a. than b. from what c. from d. than what
b. Apathy for a cause d. Avoidance of the action 48. We have described that ___________ is more important than being bright.
38. The statement “I am used to the same tales” means, a. To be diligent c. diligence
a. there was redundancy c. there is nothing new b. one to be diligent d. being diligent
b. this is great news d. this is original 49. Weightlifter: Strength::
39. The Personnel Manager told the Labor Representative: “We have to reduce a. marathoner: endurance c. goalie: skill
our workforce.” What does this mean? b. hiker: agility d. dancer: aped
a. Workers have to be more efficient. 50. Lubricant: friction::
b. Workers are required to take their forced leaves. a. sped: drag c. muffler: noise
c. Workers are warned of possible layoffs. b. motor: electricity d. insulator: heat
d. Workers have to undergo more training. 51. Without hardly a moment’s delay, the computer began to print out the
40. Some media people are charged of corruption. They are branded as: a b c
a. Commissioners c. Media grafters answer to the problem. No error
b. Corruptors d.” Envelopementalists” d
41. She ignored the doctor’s recommendation that she ______________ 52. Diligence and honesty, as well as being intelligence are qualities which I
smoking. A B C
a. should stop c. will stop Look for when I interview applicants. No error
b. stop d. stops D E
42. When I came home, the children still ____________ dinner. 53.
a. didn’t finish c. hadn’t finished Writing a beautiful sonnet is as much as achievement as to finish a 50-page
b. haven’t finished d. hasn’t finished A B C D
novel . No error 64. Unless we find a witness to corroborate your evidence, it will not stand
E courts.
54. Elevator: shaft:: a. collaborate b. negate c. interpret d. confirm
a. electricity: outlet c. railroad: train 65. He preyed upon gullible people, who easily believe his stories.
b. water: conduit d. skyscraper: foundation a. incredulous b. easily deceived c. fickle d. indifferent
55. Hydrology: science:: 66. The lawyer objected that the testimony being offered was not germane to
a. astronomy: galaxy c. fashion: style the case on hand.
b. fir: tree d. theory: practice a. original b. relevant c. connected d. assisting
56. In his address, the Regional Director exhorted the teachers to discover and 67. His speeches were aimed at the plebeian minds and emotions.
__ ________ each student’s ___________ talents. a .sophisticated b. pragmatic c. persuasive d. common
a. develop: intrinsic c. redirect: specialty 68. People dislike his sly ways but granted him a certain vulpine intelligence.
b. justify: gratuitous d. uplift: recognized a. surprise b. careful c. wily d. cunning
57. The enforcers feel that the __________ shown by the judges to first 69. Easy access to credit encourages people to become spendthrift.
offenders unfortunately ___________ many youngsters to embark in a life a. stingy b. sophisticated c. spender d. moneyed
of crimes. 70. I think it is impolitic to raise the issue at this time because the public is too
a. harshness: predisposes c. clemency: encourages emotional about it.
b. indifference: directs d. understanding: condemns a. advisable b. explosive c. unwise d. apolitical
58. As long as our political leaders would emulate the virtues of the great 71. I admire his terse style of writing; he comes directly to the point.
leaders of our country, we shall have economic and social progress. a. better b. dull c. illusionary d. concise
a. set free b. embolden c. encourage d. imitate 72. His parsimonious nature did not permit him to enjoy any luxury and
59. I can safely vouchsafe you a fair return for your investments. relaxation.
a. borrow b. grant c. punish d. qualify a. frustrating b. distinct c. stingy d. vulnerable
60. The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival from a sales convention. 73. Jose refused to take sleeping pills that might stupefy him.
a. obedience b. absence c. familiar d. suspended a. rigid b. dull c. illusionary d. make numb
61. The boy gave a furtive look at his classmate’s test paper. 74. Liza is not a pariah to be shunned and ostracised.
a. copy b. sneaky c. abortive d. underhanded a. citizen b. parishioner c. outcast d. benefactor
62. All attempts to denigrate the character of our President, have failed. 75. The wizened old man in the home for the aged was still active and
a. deceive b. venerate c. malign d. build-up energetic.
63. I must remonstrate about the lack of police protection in our area. a. mascular b. clever c. shrivelled d. wise and smart
a. protest b. resign c. restate d. reject 76. He has the dubious distinction of being the lowest man in his class.
a. strange b. satisfying c. doubtful d. existing
77. The evidence gathered against the racketeers incriminates some high 85. Pilar tasted a dose of her medicine.
government officials as well. a. suffered the consequences c. self medication
a. exacerbate b. accuse c. intimidate d. discriminate b. tasted her glory d. rewarded
78. Jose does not need a new car, but he traded his old one to keep up with the 86. Don’t trust him completely; he may try to put one over you.
Joneses. a. overcome c. to deceive you
a. to imitate others in extravagance c. to be responsible b. be subordinated d. impulsive
b. to be envious d. to please others 87. Mrs. Gonzales is as good as her last triumph.
79. The politician is a witty speaker but the beats around the bush too much. a. can’t be good all throughout c. as nice as ever
a. speaks emotionally c. avoids the main topic b. can’t be bad d. in trouble
b. away from the d. keeps on talking 88. When a leader is succeeded by another leader, the former is referred to as
80. After all has been said, the issue was a tempest in a teapot. __________.
a. temperature dropped c. heated argument followed a. replaced b. dethroned c. defeated d. deposed
b. simmered down d. boiled down to nothing 89. “Never in World History was there a leaderless nation.” This passage means
81. All his life he has tried to be a good citizen, but still he doesn’t seem to get ______.
any place. a. nations can survive without leaders c. leaders come and go
a. change location c. unsuccessful b. a leader is always born d. a leader fades away but another comes up
b. take a trip d. miserable 90. Adopting the values of _________ colonizer would be tragic and
82. The committee members have gone off, leaving everything at sixes and meaningless independence.
sevens among themselves. a. the b. one’s c. its d. a
a. harmony b. disagreement c. unproductive d. disorganized 91. Colonialism was itself violent in ____ natural state.
83. “Rome was not built in a day”. a. the b. its c. it’s d. their
a. always on the move 92. The right form to address an invitation for a lawyer husband and his doctor
b. accept and bear consequences of your own doings wife.
c. great things require time and effort a. Atty. And Mrs. Josef Novales c. Atty. Novales and Dr. Novales
d. hatred between forgiven two parties b. Atty. And Dr. Josef Novales d. Atty. Josef Novales and Dr. Novales
84. All is well that ends well. The hatchet is buried as the dye is cast. 93. What utterance show determination?
a. The action is done and every ill feeling is forgiven as it is forgotten a. This time, I have not made my mind c. I have good news for you
b. the weapon is buried b. This time I won’t stop schooling d. What a shame, she came back
c. judgement is given 94. “You wouldn’t want to be accused of theft , ______?”
d. in serious trouble a. wouldn’t c. will you
b. won’t you d. would you
95. An appropriate philosophy of education _______ Filipinos must consider 102. People living in the mountainous and rugged area were advised about the
this historical aspect. occurrence of La Niña. This means?
a. of b. by c. for the d. of their a. there will be famine c. its use in a particular situation
b. there will be drought d. its corresponding idea in the mind
96. The referee may not ______ these regulations no matter how much you
103. Professionals going abroad to seek greener pastures as one type of _______?
complain. a. brain drain b. employment c. tourism d. migration
a. explain to you c. accept you from 104. “The modern heroes are understandable products of one’s literary heritage
b. exempt you from d. expect you from and the present world. Heroes of the present are prototypes of the society in which
97. This iPod is my sister’s. How about this? they flourish. This means?
a. This is to him c. This is his a. Heroes are alike, modern and classical
b. This is to his d. This is of him b. Modern society affects the modern literary heroes
c. Literature has heroes who represent the people, race and times
98. “His untimely death has left us blinder than we might have been.” This
d. Modern heroes are the embodiment of the society’s values
means? 105. The victim’s father refused revenge when he said”
a. Those left behind are left homeless a. “an eye for an eye”
b. Those left behind are blind b. “Justice is always delayed”
c. c. Those orphans are left to themselves c. “Don’t take the law into your hands”
d. Those who are blind are orphans d. “Give him the other cheek”
99. Which of the following quotations is the best example of aphorism? 106. Identify the Filipino value and its influence on the Filipino youth as stated:
a. Lack of Initiative…… Passionism
a. “That is no country for old men”
b. Faith… Conflicting attitudes
b. “Out of the frying pan and into the fire c. Extreme personalism… Individualism
c. “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread” d. Lack of discipline… Indifferences
d. “I fear thee, ancient mariner” 107. We should work for a total ban ___ of pesticides that are hazardous to man.
a. on the use b. by the use c. on using d. with the use
100. Adults acquire new words and experience primarily through? 108. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.” This means ______?
a. formal education c. exposure to their use a. the heart is always correct about everything
b. use of dictionary d. casual explanation from peers b. important things are not always for the heart but for the brain
101. The best definition of the meaning of a word. c. heart should always be over and above the brains
a. the object to which it refers d. only the heart can see the beauty of life and love
b. its general dictionary definition 109. “I will take the road less travelled by and be condemned if necessary” said one
c. its use in a particular situation politician. His decision shows __________?
d. its corresponding idea in the mind a. regrets come before decision
b. decisions are made despite differences from the majority
c. decisions are made on the crossroads
d. regrets come after decisions
110. What word is not properly spelled and used in these sentences?
a. There were commissions on the fare
b. There were confusions on admissions
c. There was confusion on the plane
d. There was confusion of directions
111. You should be more ______ instead of being _______ in order to avoid
committing mistakes.
a. literate……… erudite c. cautious………impetuous
b. intelligent……….smart d. practical……….passive
112. Only world-class athletes win medals at the Olympic Games. Michael Phelps
won several gold medals in swimming at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
a. Michael Phelps is an all – time American swimmer
b. Australia won the most number of gold medals in swimming
c. Michael Phelps is world – class athlete and an Olympic
d. Michael Phelps is a swimmer
113. i. Treasury bills have an interest rate of 6.85% per annum.
ii. Savings accounts have an interest rate of only 2% per annum.
iii. Treasury bills used to have 9 – 10% interest rate per annum. Therefore, it is
better to invest in Treasury bills than just to put your money in regular savings
a. definitely true c. most likely false
b. most likely true d. definitely false
114. “She was a Phantom of delight…… When first she gleaned upon my sight.”
William Wordsworth.
a. Metaphor c. apostrophe
b. Simile d. hyperbole
115. Which of the following words are misspelled?
1. Transgression 2. Transcent 3. Inmunity 4. Percieve
a. 2 & 3 b. 2, 3, & 4 c. 1, 3 &3 d. 1, 2, & 3
1. C 30. B 59. B 88. A
2. B 31. A 60. D 89. D
3. C 32. C 61. B 90. B
4. C 33. D 62. C 91. B
5. C 34. C 63. A 92. A
6. A 35. B 64. D 93. B
7. A 36. C 65. B 94. D
8. C 37. A 66. B 95. C
9. B 38. C 67. D 96. B
10. D 39. C 68. D 97. C
11. C 40. D 69. C 98. C
12. A 41. B 70. C 99. C
13. B 42. C 71. D 100.C
14. B 43. C 72. C 101. A
15. C 44. C 73. D 102. D
16. C 45. A 74. C 103. A
17. D 46. B 75. C 104. C
18. D 47. B 76. C 105. C
19. D 48. D 77. B 106. C
20. C – pass 49. A 78. A 107. A
21. B 50. C 79. C 108. D
22. C 51. A – without 80. D 109. B
23. A 52. B – intelligence 81. C 110. C
24. D 53. C. finishing 82. B 111. C
25. C 54. B 83. C 112. C
26. A 55. B 84. A 113. B
27. A 56. A 85. A 114. A
28. C 57. C 86. C 115. B
29. B 58. D 87. A
Part B: Start Here
salary increase offered by the management. No error
1. Because of the high interest rate on installment schemes, it is advisable to D E
10. In the rush to get to the executive meeting, one of the directors forgot their
pay things in cash. No error.
2. The man who is laying in the pavement needs immediate medical attention. documents. No error.
No error. 11. The principal of equality is a pillar of democracy; this is not true of other
forms of government. No error.
3. Neither Jose or Mark handed in his resignation letter yesterday. No error.
12. The Lieutenant report to his officer regularly everyday. No error.
4. More experimental data is required before we can accept the theory.
13. He can’t hardly do anything with his right hand ever since he had his
No error.
stroke. No error.
5. Choosing between you and she is very difficult; both of you are qualified.
14. Mr. Espiritu’s decision to retire came as a shock to all who respected his
No error.
ability. No error.
6. It is not you who are at fault; rather, it is I who are to blame. No error.
15. In all of my years as a teacher, I have never encountered an individual such
7. Since you do not participate in any of the club’s activities, I must conclude
as he; he definitely is most hardworking. No error.
that you are disinterested. No error.
16. Although I am willing to go along with your idea, I cannot enthuse over its
8. She reported to the police that a large quantity of clothing and of jewelry
chances of success. No error.
were missing. No error
17. If you plan to become an English major, you should learn grammar, read
9. Neither the editor nor the Circulation Manager were satisfied with the
1. Except for you and I, everyone brought a present to the party.
of books, as well as practicing your writing skills. No error. 1. Except for you and I, everyone brought
D E 2. With exception of you and I, everyone brought
3. Except for you and I, everyone had brought
4. Except for you and me, everyone brought
18. After his heart attack, he was ordered to lay in bed and rest for two weeks.
A B C D 2. The reason I came late to office today is because the car broke down.
No error. 1. I came late to office today is because
E 2. why I came late to office today is because
19. Was it they who were involved in the recent unruly demonstration? 3. I was late to office today because
A B C D 4. I came late to office today is that
No error.
3. When the war is over, no nation will either be isolated in war or peace.
E 1. either be isolated in war or peace
20. She is the only one of the applicants who are fully qualified for the position. 2. be either isolated in war or peace
A B C D 3. be isolated in neither war nor peace
No error. 4. be isolated either in war or in peace
4. The supermarket owner hadn’t hardly any of those kind of canned goods
1. hadn’t hardly any of those kind
2. hadn’t hardly any of those kinds
1. E 11. A - principle 3. had hardly any of those kind
2. B - lying 12. B - reports 4. had hardly any of those kinds
3. B - nor 13. A – can hardly
4. B – are 14. E 5. Irregardless of the outcome of the competition, our schools will remain staunchly
5. B – near 15. E allies.
1. Irregardless of the outcome
6. D –am 16. C – be enthusiastic
2. Regardless of how the outcome
7. D – uninterested 17. D - practice 3. With regards to the outcome
8. C – was 18. C - lie 4. Regardless of the outcome
9. B – was 19. E
10. D – his/her 20. C - is
6. She was told to give the award to whomever she thought had contributed most
Part I : GENERAL EDUCATION for the welfare of the student organization.
Direction : Below you will find groups of sentences. Select which one in each 1. to whomever she thought
group is preferable with respect to grammar and correct usage. 2. to whoever she thought
3. to the senior whom she thought
4. to whomsoever 3. policy, though the hoped-for return is often indirect and long-term
4. policy, albeit the hoped-for return is often indirect and long-term
7. Senator Josef is one of the legislators who are going to discuss the budget in the
Upper Chamber. 13. The difference between the candidates is that one is radical, the other,
1. one of the legislators who are going conservative.
2. one of the legislators who is going 1. one is radical; the other, conservative
3. one of the legislators who has gone 2. one is radical, the other being conservative
4. the legislator who is going 3. while one is radical; the other, conservative
4. one is radical; the other, is conservative
8. She not only was competent but also friendly in nature.
1. She not only was competent but also friendly 14. Many middle class individuals find that they cannot obtain good medical
2. She not was only competent but friendly also attention, despite they need it badly.
3. She not only was competent but friendly also 1. despite they need it badly
4. She was not only competent but also friendly 2. despite their bad need of it
3. in spite of they need it badly
9. Most students like to read these kind of books during their break time. 4. however, much they need it.
1. these kind of books
2. these kind of book 15. If you have known about the traffic jam at the area, I would have taken an
3. this kind of book alternate route.
4. this kinds of book 1. If I would have known about 3. If I would of known about
2. If I would of known about 4. Had I known about
10. It is not for you to assume responsibility, it is, rather, me who is the guilty
person in this matter. 16. Using it wisely, leisure promotes health, efficiency and happiness.
1. me who is 2. me whom am 3. I who is 4. I who am 1. Using it wisely 3. Having used it wisely
2. If it is used wisely 4. Because it is used wisely
11. The “Aurora Borealis” or Northern Lights, is so named because it is a light
display that takes place in the northern skies. 17. Neither the earthquake or the subsequent fire was able to destroy the spirit of
1. because it is a light display that takes place the populace.
2. as a light display that takes place 1. or the subsequent fire was 3. or the subsequent fire were
3. because of taking place 2. nor the subsequent fire were 4. nor the subsequent fire was
4. due to the fact that it is a light display
18. Of the two candidates for this government position, Jose Maria is the most
qualified because of his experience in the field.
12. The giving of foreign aid is a tool of national policy, the hoped-for return is often 1. most qualified because of 3. more qualified due to
indirect and long-term 2. most qualified due to 4. more qualified because of
1. policy, the hoped-for return is often indirect and long-term
2. policy, however the hoped-for return is often indirect and long-term 19. He has not only violated the law, but also he has escaped punishment.
1. not only violated the law, but also he has escaped punishment to be unconstitutional as it violated both the Articles of War and the Revised Penal
2. violated not only the law, but also he has escaped punishment Code. Such act can lead to either Court Martial or Civilian Proceedings or even both.
3. violated not only the law, but he has escaped punishment also The best title for the above article is:
4. not only violated the law, but also escaped punishment
a. Failed Mutiny c. Coup d’ etat
20. She seldom ever wants to try and face the true facts. b. Illegal Soldiers’ Uprising d. Articles of War and Punishment
1. seldom ever wants to try and face the true facts
2. seldom ever wants to try and face the facts 2. The importance of breakfast for the young and the old cannot be
3. seldom wants to try and face the facts underestimated. No hearty meal or snacks can take the place of this meal. The
4. seldom wants to try to face the facts word “breakfast” is coined to break the fasting of from 5-8 hours of sleeping at
night time. Studies have shown that a well-planned breakfast which is eaten
ANSWER KEY assures the well-being of everybody for the whole day’s work. Nutritionists
conclude that children who start the day eating the right food at breakfast, perform
1. (4) you and me 2. (4) “is that” is preferred to “because” 3. (4) much better with school work. This holds true with adults as regards their
either…or performance in their work place. Even to those who watch their diet, a good
4. (4) double negative: had hardly; “those kinds” 5. (4) Regardless breakfast can substitute for succeeding heavy snacks and meals throughout the
6. (2) “whoever”… had contributed 7. (1) original sentence is correct day. Hence, the adage: Eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch and dinner like a pauper.
8. (4) “was not only”..but also.. 9. (3) “kind” is singular, so use “this” The above selection supports the idea:
10. (4) use “I” instead of me; 1st person singular verb am 11. (1) original a. That breakfast has to be expensive c. That breakfast is the right meal
sentence b. That breakfast should be well-eaten d. That breakfast must be well
12. (3) addition of conjunction “though” 13. (1) original sentence is correct prepared and eaten to start the day
14. (2) “Despite” used as a preposition 15. (4) correct use of subjunctive mood
to indicate a condition contrary to 3. The Roll on Roll Off (RoRo) is also known as the moving bridges, the Strong
fact Republic Nautical Highway. It serves as bridges which connects Luzon thru Visayas
16. (2) change participial phrase to a clause 17. (4) “neither…nor..” and Mindanao, carry local tourists with their vehicles loaded in the ship. The RoRo
18. (4) use “more” because only 2 persons are compared dramatically reduces time and travel expenses. The prices of commodities from the
19. (4) “not only” and” but also” placed near the words violated and escaped Visayas and Mindanao will be reduced and inventories will be better handled.
20. (4) Should advertisement for RoRo to include contacts regarding schedules and
Reading Comprehension: departure areas to and from Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao, loading costs, etc.,
Direction : Each paragraph or quotation below is followed by several statements, these information will surely encourage tourism and increase production.
one of which best summarizes the paragraph or quotation. Write the letter of Likewise, Tourism Information Center should be made available to tourists to
your choice on the blank provided after the last exercise. guide them on how to reach their destination safely, where to go to reasonably
priced inns or hotels and tourist spots in different regions.
1. The failed July 27, 2003 mutiny was believed by many as a plan by the Magdalo The best title for the selection:
Group to take over the government. It was viewed as a desperate attempt by the a. An alternative way to see the Philippines’ Best.
mutineers who were supported by in influential and politically motivated men who b. The RoRo is here!
financed the mutiny, according to the Feliciano Commission. The action was found c. More Advertisements for RoRo to succeed
d. The Highway at Sea
4. With the events taking place nowadays, the Philippines has earned her rightful 7. “Necessity is the mother of invention” is an old saying which holds water.
status in the world, not only in Southeast Asia. The recent visit of US Pres. George A new machine, system or a device is created when there is a felt need for
W. Bush, the firm stand of Pres. Arroyo to be the first Asian leader against terrorism it. People will buy it especially if its reasonably priced. Hence, there is a
and her initiative, calling on wealthy nations to support maritime security at the potential market for it. Consequently, more developed countries spend so
recently concluded APEC Summit plus the Philippines’ election to the powerful UN much to discover solutions to man’s insatiable quest for something.
Security Council, all contribute to making the Philippines a true pillar of democracy. Ironically, inventions are given impetus when the inventor no longer exist.
The Philippines peace and socio-economic growth will be realized if the However, it’s now gratifying to know that more attentions that benefits
“trapos” among politicians will work to support, not keep on criticizing or fighting humanity most. The paragraph stresses that__________
government programs which aim to alleviate conditions to improve life.
Why is there a need to support government efforts to be identified with a. A market demand for a product creates its invention and
APEC, UN Agenda, etc.? production
a. Because it will make the Philippines great among Asians b. The product is an important commodity
b. Because its needed to fight terrorism, maintain peace and promote trade c. People need new products
and tourism d. A new devices creates new invention
c. It is the trend
d. It prevents isolation and promotes interdependence 8. An effective communication takes place when basic skills are present.
The first is called the encoding skills which are concerned with speaking and
5. In the world of globalization, the trade between two countries need not be writing. The other skills are listening and reading and are called the
balanced for each trade partner. Differing demands, productive capabilities and decoding skills. Furthermore, the skill considered the highest form of
efficiency among countries will cause a specific country to have deficit with mental process is reasoning. The absence of the ability to read and write.
some countries and surplus with other countries. Listen and speak, as well as the ability to think, prevents a person from
Which of the following conclusion best summarizes the passage above? communicating effectively. The paragraph emphasize the fact
a. A country’s trade will always be in balance even though it incurs a deficit that_________
with another country a. In any communication process, speaker-listener relationship must be
b. A country’s global trade balance indicates strengths and weaknesses given emphasis.
c. A country’s trade surplus balances trade deficit with other countries b. Certain communication skills are essential in order to have a better
d. Its’ global trade balance is determined by its demands and productivity exchange of ideas
c. Without the ability to speak and write, listen and read plus the ability
6. Wages refer to the total earnings of a person for doing a certain kind of work to think through, one cannot communicate effectively
in a given period of time. They are on an hourly basis or product by piece 9. Credit and collection letters are written with the sensitive felling of customers in
rate; hence, the pay rate may be based on time, output, or even a mind. When a customer fails to pay his debt promptly, a simple form of collection
combination of these two. letter is written as a reminder that payment is overdue. If no response is received.
The paragraph states that Then a formal one is written, followed by a legal action as the last remedy.
a. wages vary c. Services are wage-oriented The paragraph tells________-
b. types of wages d. combination of wages is better a. The need for writing credit and collection letter
b. The customer who fails to remit payments
c. How and when letters of credit and collection are made B. The religion of the teacher helps him in reducing his fears and
d. How not to be used for non-payment of credits uncertainties.
10. Letters written about remittances, inquiries and replies, requests and C. His religion responds to his need for a means to allay his fears
acknowledgement of orders, are known as utility letters. Although they are part of about the uncertainty of events contrary to natural law.
the routine in an office, they should be made very clear, specific and in good taste. D. Religion is important because it provides spiritual nourishment for
Errors made in billing or extra charges made on orders deserve a gracious apology his total being.
and tact.
The paragraph acknowledges the fact_________ 1. ABCD 2. BACD 3. DBCA 4. CBAD
a. That utility letters are used for some specific purposes
b. That, although by nature a routine matter, utility letter is written for a 3. A. The type of non-formal education to offer depends on what
define purpose and with clarity, precision and tact. clientele to serve and the locality where they live.
c. That the office should have a utility letter B. The clientele target of non-formal education are the adults without
d. That several classes of letter can make up a utility letter formal education but who are still productive, the school-age
youth, dropped-outs and those without access to formal schooling.
ANSWER KEY C. First, second and third categorizing will be planned.
1.) b 2.) b 3.) a 4.) d 5.) d 6.) a 7.) a 8.) c 9.) c 10.) b D. Regional strategies for the development of target clientele are a
Paragraph Organization must.
Direction: Here are groups of sentences you are to read carefully. Determine the 1. CBAD 2.BADC 3. BACD 4. CABD
proper arrangement of the sentence to make out a paragraph which
conveys complete though. Capital letters before each sentence will 4. A. Many innovations without proven results and follow up evaluation
guide you in working on the exercise. Answers are found after the last are educational wastages.
exercise. B. One wonders in the final analysis if these changes have been
deeply rooted on basic problems of the people they serve.
1. A. By trying, man learns to solve his problems thru satisfying acts C. Some curriculum changes were mere fads without foreseeable
and eliminate actions which are annoying. achievements.
B. He used a hungry cat in a puzzled box where it tried ways to get D. What is needed are innovations that overcome the miseducation
out in order to get the food. of the young.
C. Edoard C. Thorndike’s connectionism theory of learning
establishes the trial and error way to learn. 1. BACD 2. ACDB 3 ABCD 4. CBAD
D. He established the fact that like the cat, man too, learns by trial
and error. 5. A. A responsive educational system should be directed towards
regional cooperation.
1. ACBD 2. BACD 3. ACDB 4. ABCD B. Commonality of educational objectives should be replaced by
better ways of achieving goals that fit the regional needs.
C. It is necessary to revolutionize the contemporary methodologies in
2. A. Before, his religion was basically involved with rituals and the teaching-learning process.
D. The educational goals should seek for a better way of B. We need not debate on its importance for the protection and
experimentation in teaching strategies and technologies. existence of a healthy academe.
C. Education Act of 1908 recognizes this fact.
1. ABCD 2. ABDC 3. BCAD 4. DABC D. The academe needs academic freedom for its healthful existence.

6. A. Education is a vital instrument of change. 1. BDCA 2. ABDC 3. CADB 4. DBCA

B. It is hoped that before the end of this century, language spoken is
better understood and appreciated. 10. A. The experience of Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SMBA) serves
C. This means the strengthening of a nation through a common as a model for successful government program.
language spoken by the people. B. The Japanese and the Taiwanese have already established business
D. The bilingual policy is a necessary force for the unity of the there.
Filipinos. C. The American pull-out of their operations from Subic was a
blessing in disguise.
1. ABCD 2. CDBA 3. DBCA 4. BACD D. The government pins its hopes on volunteerism of the Subic
7. A. To the young, it means new, easy and relevant.
B. Against all odds, quality of education should mean prioritizing the 1. DCBA 2. DACB 3. BCDA 4. ABCD
needs of the system.
C. Consequently, to them, what is old and difficult to learn is not ANSWER KEY
worth striving for 1. 1 (ACBD) 2. 2 (BACD) 3. 3 (BACD) 4. 2 (ACDB) 5. 2 (ABDC)
D. Quality education means education that is useful, utilizable and 6. 3 (DBCA) 7. 2 (DACB) 8. 1 (BACD) 9. 4 (DBCA) 10. 1 (DCBA)
1. CADB 2. DACB 3. DBCA 4. BDCA Direction: This is a test on your ability to recall facts which you learned in
English and in Filipino Literatures. Choose the correct answer
8. A. Although the government is willing to put resources to education, from the choices given. Correct answers are found at the end of the
alone, it cannot do the job. last exercise.
B. Education Act of 1980 provides an all encompassing activity with
participation at all educational levels and sectors. 1. Ano ang inutukoy ng bugtong na ito? “Dalawang bolang sinulid,
C. The private schools have to be partners. umaabot hangang langit.”
D. The Act not only strengthens but equips the DepEd with its a. bisig b. paa c. mata d. pisngi
regulatory and developmental tasks as well.
2. The sum total of traditionally-derived and orally-transmitted literature,
1. BACD 2. ABCD 3. DBCA 4. CADB material culture and custom within predominantly literate and
technologically advanced societies is referred to as:
9. A. Academic freedom ensures independence and self-direction a. folk literature b. folk tale c. folklore d. folk song
among scholars and institutions.
3. The conclusion or final part of non-dramatic literary work that serves 13. A verse with 14 iambic pentameter lines
typically to complete the design of the work. a. ballad b. verse c. sonnet d. epic
a. prologue b. epilogue c. theme d. finale
14. A long poem which depicts the adventure of a great hero who reveals
4. A distinctive type of literary composition such as epic, tragedy, his country’s aspirations.
comedy and novel. a. epic b. legend c. novel d. short story
a. form b. genre c. literature d. prose
15. A speech made by a person who reveals his thoughts.
5. “Quo Vadis” is a historical novel by Henryk Sienkieuricz which means? a. sonnet b. metaphor c. soliloquy d. simile
a. what are you doing? c. how is life?
b. why are you doing this? d. where are you going? 16. Figure of speech where two different things are compared thru the
use of “as” and “like”.
6. It is the longest epic ever written. a. simile b. allegory c. facsimile d. epic
a. Mahabharata b. Lam-Ang c. Siegfried d. Lament
17. The author of “How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife.”
7. The pseudonym of Samuel Clemens a. Manuel Arcilla b. Fernando Maramag
a. The Barrettes b. Mark Twain c. Ulysses d. Abe Lincoln c. Paz Benitez d. Jesus Pardo

8. The oldest form of Egyptian writing 18. These stories which reflect the people’s beliefs are handed down
a. alphabet b. cursive c. hieroglyphics d. stone carving from generation to generation by word of mouth.
a. novels b. folktales c. prose d. poetry
9. Father of the English Essay 19. A type of literature which narrates heroic deeds and supernatural happenings
a. Alexander Dumas b. William James with local color and which people sing or chant
c. Edgar Allan Poe d. Francis Bacon a. epic b. poetry c. verse d. riddles

10. Greatest American writer of horror and detective stories 20. He wrote the famous letter “To The Women of Malolos.”
a. Albert Camus b. Edgar Allan Poe a. Gregorio del Pilar c. Jose Rizal
c. Justin O’ Brien d. James Joyce b. Andres Bonifacio d. Emilio Jacinto

11. An allegory: 21. A kind of literary piece which moralizes and was written in letter form between
a. a poem of sadness b. a verse of 3 stanzas c. a short story two sisters dwelling in the city and the other in the province.
d. a narrative whose meaning is beneath the surface a. Urbana at Felisa by M. De Castro c. Manang Biday
b. Pasyon – a religious play d. Biag ni Lam-Ang
12. An elegy:
a. a meditative poem of grief b. love song 22. He is the author of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” which revolves around a
c. a debate d. note of love headless horseman’s table.
a. George Orwell c. Washington Irving
b. Robert Frost d. Walton Shaw 30. The figure of speech which uses exaggerated statement for aesthetic reason.
a. alliteration c. hyperbole
23. Considered as one of the world’s greatest short stories and it is Edgar Allan b. onomatopoeia d. metaphor
Poe’s story of terror about a hypochondriac living in morbid fear.
a. Annabel Lee c. Macbeth 31. Isang kuwentong ang mga tauhan ay hayop.
b. The Fall of the House of Uber d. The Raven a. parabola c. tula
b. kathang-isip d. sarsuela
24. He is Edmond Rostand’s famous character who is poet and a soldier noted for
his peculiar nose. 32. Ang lumikha ng awit na “Ang Bayan Ko”
a. Roxanne c. Don Juan a. Jose Rizal c. Severino Reyes
b. Don Quixote d. Cyrano de Bergerac b. Constancio De Guzman d. Manuel Conde

25. “If eyes are made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for being.” is taken 33. Si Pascual Poblete
from the poem? a. Makata ng Tagalog c. Ama ng Pahayagang Tagalog
a. The Bells b. Sonnets c. Don Juan d. Rhodora b. isang manunulat na pari d. maghihimagsik

26. A great epic poem whose plot centers around the anger and wrath of Achilles 34. Sagisag na hindi kailanman ginamit ni Marcelo H. Del Pilar sa pagsulat
against Agamemnon, a Greek leader. a. Pupdok c. Piping Dilat
a. Bernardo Carpio c. The Odyssey b. Dolores Manapat d. Basang Sisiw
b. The Illiad of Homer d. Myth

27. “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul “ is taken from the 35. Unang aklat na nalimbang sa Pilipinas.
poem? a. Diaryong Malaya c. Ang Balita
a. O Captain, My Captain c. The Arrow and the Song b. Doctrina Christiana d. Ang Diaryo
b. Invictus d. The Tragedy of Lords
36. His famous work is Mona Lisa
28. He was the American President who said “Ask not what America will do for you, a. Jose Rizal c. Juan Luna
but what together we can do for the freedom of man.” b. Leonardo da Vinci d. Bartolucci
a. Gerald Ford c. Harry Truman
b. Franklin Roosevelt d. John F. Kennedy 37. Ama ng Dulaang Tagalog
a. Manuel L. Conde c. Severino Reyes
29. The speech of Abraham Lincoln which ends, thus; “That the government of the b. Amado V. Fernandez d. Malang
people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth,” is in his
famous? 38. Ang sagisag na panulat ni Andress Bonifacio
a. Farewell Address at Springfield c. Inaugural Address a. Anak-bayan c. Comedyang Bingi
b. Address at Gettysburg d. Speech before the Union b. Taga-ilog d. Lolo Tiko
39. The award – winning, world – famous Juan Luna painting 2. C 24. D
a. La Spolarium c. Riceland 3. B 25. A
b. The Women of Paris d. My Hometown 4. B 26. B
5. B 27. B
40. Known for his excellence of characterization, swiftness of narrative and clarity 6. A 28. D
of style. 7. B 29. C
a. Edgar Allan Poe c. Ralph Waldo Emerson 8. C 30. C
b. George Bernard Show d. Guy de Maupassant 9. D 31. A
10. B 32. B
41. A narrative technique in non-dramatic fiction intended to render the flow of 11. D 33. C
visual, auditory, physical and associative impressions of the character in a story. 12. A 34. A
a. flashback c. dream sequence 13. C 35. B
b. stream-of-consciousness d. narration 14. A 36. B
15. C 37. C
42. When the primary aim of a work of literature is to expound some moral, 16. A 38. A
political or other precepts. 17. B 39. A
a. value-oriented c. aphoristic 18. B 40. B
b. didactic d. argumentative 19. A 41. B
20. C 42. A
21. A 43. C
22. C 44. C
43. A designation that serves as an index of popular literary taste and judgement. Direksyon: Iayos ang pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga pangungusap sa bawat bilang
a. Golden Glove c. Best Seller upang bumuo ng isang talatang nagtataglay ng malinaw at maayos na
b. Pulitzer Prize d. Nobel Prize kahulugan.

44. What is the literary term which means harsh and discordant sounds introduced 1. A. Ang Asia – Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) ay itinatag noong 1989 ng
for poetic effect. 18 member nation
a. Assonance c. Cacophony B. Ang APEC meeting noong 2004 ay ginanap sa Santiago, Chile.
b. Alliteration d. Trochaic K. Bago ang taunang pagpupulong, nagkaisa na magdaos ng Ministerial
Meeting ang bansang host sa pagtitipon.
45. In English verse, a poetic foot having one stressed syllable followed by one D. Ang tuntunin ng APEC ay malayang kalakalan, pagtutulungan pang-
unstressed syllable. ekonomiya serbisyo, teknolohiya at iba pa.
a. Iambic c. Anapestic 1. ABDK 2. AKDB 3. BADK 4. BDKA 5. BKAD
b. Dactyllic d. Trochaic
2. A. Isinasagawa ng maunlad na bansa ang pagtulong at pagpapalakas ng
ANSWER KEY balangkas ng kabuhayang-bansa.
1. C 23. B 45. D
B. Kailangan ng mga bansang huli sa kaunlaran tulad ng Pilipinas na matamo 6. A. Si Dr. Jose Rizal sa pamamagitan ni Elias sa kanyang Noli Me Tangere, ang
ang kapanatagang kabuhayang bansa. nagsabi nito.
K. Ang pagpaplano ng Kabuhayang Bansa ay kinikilalang tunkulin ng mga B. Kung pag-iisipang mabuti ang pangungusap, lalong titibay an gating
pamahalaan. pagdakila sa ating Pambansang Bayani.
1. ADKB 2. ADBK 3. KABD 4. KDBA 5. DABK K. Hindi natin kinakailangan pang lumabas ng ating bahay upang ang kanyang
sinabi ay mapatotohanan.
3. A. Ang mga pananagutan sa batas ng isang tagapagtuos ay maraming D. Ang taong may isang salita ay isang dakilang nilikha.
kadahilana. 1. DABK 2. BAKD 3. KADB 4. AKBD 5. BKDB
B. Tunay na kasiya-siya ang gayong pagtitiwala sa tagapagtuos.
K. Ang tagapagtuos, kung gayon ay kinakailangang katiwala hindi lamang ng 7. A. Ngunit napakarami sa mga tao at hanggang ngayo’y alipin, hindi ng
kapakanan ng mga sosyo kundi ng mga mamamayang nakikipagkalakalan kanilang kapwa kundi ang kanilang salapi.
sa mga kumpanya. B. Nand dahil dito ay marami nang napahamak.
D. Ang mahalaga sa mga ito ay ang katotohanan na ngayon ay tiyak na K. Tiyak na wala sino mang nagnanais maging alipin sapagkat ito ay
pangangalakal na malagay sa anyong korporasyon at hindi batay sa isang nangangahulugang siya ay may panginoong dapat sundin sa lahat ng
pamamayan o sa pagsasamantalahan ng dalawa. sandali.
1. AKDB 2. ADKB 3. BKAD 4. KDAB 5. DABK D. Sino ang nais maging alipin?
4. A. Ang tunay na pang-uri sa katangian ng isang hanapbuhay ay nasasalig sa
isang mahigpit na batas ng kaasalang moral. 8. A. Datapwat sa kabila ng sinasabi sa bibliya na ang magpakababa ay itaas at
B. Ang kaasalang moral ay nasasalig sa kaisipang naglalayon na matamo ng ang nagpapakataas ay ibababa, higi ang mapagmataas kaysa
lahat ng kinauukulan ang pinakamlaking biyaya at ang pagbubunsod ng mapagkumbaba.
pag-ugnayan ng mga pag-utos. B. Ang pagpapakumbaba ay isang magandang katangian na dapat taglayin ng
K. Ang malaking bahagi ng propesyon ay nasasalig sa pagtupad ng mga bawat tao.
tagapag-utos sa kanilang batas ar moralidad. K. Tunay na napakaganda ng katangiang ito kaya ito’y nabanggit sa Bibliya.
D. Ang isang tao ay matatawag lamang na tunay na propesyonal batay sa uri D. Maraming tao ang naniniwala na ang Bibliya ay isang gintong aklat ng
ng kanyang moralidad. buhay.

5. A. Ito ay parang ibon na maamo sa mga taong nagpapala sa kanya at mailap IDYOMATIKONG PAGPAPAHAYAG
sa mga nagwawalang-bahala
B. Tagumpay ang hangad ng bawat tao ngunit ang tagumpay nama’y di 9. Mahilig magkuwento si Amor ng mga bagay na tulad ng mga likaw ng bituka ng
naipagkakamit sa lahat ng tao. kanyang mga kapitbahay.
K. Sikap at tiyaga ang kailangan upang ito ay matamo. 1. mga karanasan 3. kabuhayan
D. Sino ang magkapalad na magkamit nito ay nagiging tampulan ng at 2. mga lihim o sekreto 4. di-mawari
nagsisilbing huwaran ng iba.
1. ABKD 2. AKBD 3. BAKD 4. BADK 5. KBAD 10. Ang kanyang may mababang-loob ang siyang pinagmamalaki ng kanilang
1. mapagkumbaba 3. magka-mahiyain 19. Halos pinagsakluban ng langit at lupa si Antonio nang malaman niyang hindi
2. mahina ang loob 4. katalinuhan matutuloy ang kasal nila ni Josefa.
1. humina ang loob 3. nagwala
11. Mahirap pakisamahan ang mga taong lumaki sa nuno. 2. nawalan ng malay 4. nagulo at nagdilim ang isip
1. lumaki sa ibang pamilya 3. lumaking sunod lahat ang gusto
2. walang pakialam 4. malaya 20. Tila isang taong tulog na lukan kung kumilos si Simeon
1. mabagal 3. di-maintindihan
12. Batak ang katawan ni Joaquin dhil isa siyang magsasaka 2. tamad 4. mapagkunwari
1. sanay sa trabaho 3. malakas
2. masakitin 4. sanay sa hirap
13. Ang isang taong may kusang-palo ay pinagpapala ng marami. 1. (5) BKAD 11. 3
1. kusang-loob 3. masipag 2. (3) KABD 12. 3
2. malakas ang loob 4. walang pakialam 3. (2) ADKB 13. 1
4. (3) KBAD 14. 2
14. Ang Sanggunian Bayan ay nagtataingang-kawali sa mga karaingan ng taong- 5. (3) BAKD 15. 2
bayan. 6. (1) DABK 16. 3
1. nayayamot 3. nagmamalinis 7. (4) DKAB 17. 1
2. nagbibingi-bingihan 4. walang pakialam 8. (3) DBKA 18. 2
9. 2 19. 4
10. 1 20. 1
15. Ako ay kanyang kaututang-dila
2. kaibigan 4. kapatid
Direksyon: Piliin ang wastong sagot sa bawat katanungan.
16. Karurukan n gaming kahirapan ngayon
1. kasaysayan 3. kataas-taasan 1. Ito ay sinulat ni Harriet Stowe ng Estados Unidos na tumawag pansin sa
2. marupok 4. malalim kalagayan ng mga alipin at naging batayan ng simulain ng demokrasya.
1. ang “Book of the Dead” 3. “DivinA Comedia” 5. “Quran”
17. Si Liza ay hindi nangingimbulo sa inyo 2. ang “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” 4. “Sa may dakong Bukid”
1. nai-inggit 3. paninirang-puri
2. walang pakialam 4. umaasa 2. Ito’y isang mahabang tulang pang-awit bilang handog sa isang dalagang may
kaarawan. Kilala rin ito sa Katagalugan dahil sa pagpuputong ng koronang bulaklak
18. Malabnaw ang utak ni Jose kaya hindi siya agad nakatapos ng sekundarya. sa dalaga.
1. hindi nag-iisip 3. kulang sa sustansya 1. Senakulo 3. Ensilida 5. Ang panubong
2. mapurol o mahina 4. tamad at ayaw mag-aral 2. Kurido 4. Ang panuluyan
3. Isang uri ng tula na binubuo ng labindalawang pantig bawat taludtod sa isang 5. kasunduang pampulitikal
saknong at inaawit ito ng marahan. Pangunahing halimbawa ay ang “Fllorante at
Laura.” 11. Ang akdang hindi nauukol sa relihiyon noong panahon ng Kastila.
1. Ang Tibag 3. Awit 5. Kurido 1. dalit 3. senakulo 5. alay
2. Balagtasan 4. Dulaan 2. panuluyan 4. panubog

4. Isa sa mga ito ay kilalang isa sa malimit banggitin bilang tungkod ng tulang 12. Naglalaman ng mga butyl ng karunungang kinapapalooban ng mabuting payo na
Tagalog. hango sa tunay na karansan n gating mga ninuno
1. Inigo Ed. Regalado 3. Virgilio S. Almario 5. Manuel Bautista 1. bugtong 3. Salawikain 5. Pabula
2. Miguel de Cervantes 4. Jose Dela Cruz 2. talinghaga 4. Palaisipan

5. Sinulat ito ni Rizal na tumatalakay sa mga suliraning panlipunan ng bayan. 13. Ang katotohanang inihahayag sa awiting “Florante at Laura” ni Balagtas.
1. El Filibusterismo 3. Noli Me Tangere 5. Ang Inang Bayan 1. kahirapan sa buhay
2. “Mi Ultimo Adios” 4. “Bayan Ko” 2. katiwalian ng mga Kastia
3. pag-iibigan ng mgkabilang lahi
6. Ang may akda ng kauna-unahang aklat na nilimbag sa Pilipinas, ang “Doctrina 4. buhay pangangalakal noon panahon ng Kastila
Kristiana.” 5. paraan ng pamumuhay
1. Fr. Domingo De Nieva 3. Fr. Miguel Bustamante 5. Fr. Miguel Cera
2. Fr. Modesto de Castro 4. Fr. Jose Gomez 14. Dahilan kung bakit naging masigla ang pagsulat ng mga Pilipino sa magasing
“Liwayway” nuong panahon ng Hapon.
7. Isa sa mga ito ay hindi kabilang sa ating matandang Panitikan. 1. Malaya silang sumulat
1. epiko 3. alamat 5. moro-moro 2. walang takot sa mga hapon
2. kuwentong-bayan 4. kantahing – bayan 3. nabigyan ng pagpapahalaga ang sariling wika
4. mapayapa ang panahon
8. Tinuturing na pinakamatandang epiko ng Pilipinas. 5. may mga naglakas-loob magsulat
1. “Si Malakas at si Maganda” 3. Ibalon 5. “Bidasari”
2. “Alim” 4. “Biag ni Lam-ang” 15. Ang “Urbana at Felisa” na isinulat ni Modesto de Castro, ay naglalaman ng
magagandang asal ng mga Pilipino tungkol sa
9. Ang titik para sa “ Himno Nacional Filipino” ay nilikha ni? 1. pakikipagkapwa, paggalang sa magulang at pagkilala sa Diyos
1. Jose Palma 3. Julian Felipe 5. Julian Palma 2. magandang relasyn ng magkakapatid
2. Julian Balmaceda 4. Julian Panganiban 3. pagtupad ng tungkulin sa bayan
4. pagharap sa pagsubok sa buhay
10. Ang “Kodigo ni Kalantiaw” ay naglalaman ng? 5. pagkilala sa karapatan ng kapwa
1. batas na dapat sundin ng mga mamamayan
2. pamantayan para sa maayos na pamumuhay 16. Ano ang kahulugan na nais iparating ng talatang ito na hango sa “Sa Bagong
3. batas ng kagandahang – asal Paraiso” ni Efren Abueg? “At ang pamumulaklak at pamumunga ng mangga, santol,
4. kasunduang pangkalakalan
sinegwelas at ng iba pang punongkahoy o halaman sa loobang iyon ay nagpatuloy.
Ang damuhan ay natuyo at muling sinibulan ng bagong supling.” 21. “Lumipad patungong Estados Unidos si Jose noong Sabado. Ano ang _______
1. napakaganda ng mga tanawin sa lalawigan Mong pasalubong para sa kanila? Tanong ni Juana.
2. panahon na ng tag-araw 1. nadala 2. dinala 3. ipinadala 4. padala 5. padadala
3. patuloy ang paglipas ng panahon
4. malulusog ang pannim sa lalawigan 22. “Walang dapat sisihin sa nangyari kundi siya,” Ano ang ayos ng pangungusap?
5. mas masarap maniharahan sa lalawigan 1. di-karaniwan 2. karaniwan 3. payak
4. walang paksa 5. ganapan
17. Ano ang nais iparating ni Jose Rizal sa talatang ito na hango sa kanyang “Noli Me
Tangere”; “Mamatay akong di-man nakita ang maningning na pagbubukang- 23. Piliin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakatamang pangungusap.
liwayway sa aking Inang Bayan. Kayong Makakakita, batiin ninyo siya at huwag 1. Nahuli akong pumasok sa dahilang nasira ang sasakyan
kalilimutan ang mga nalugmok sa dilim ng gabi.” 2. Nasira ang sasakyan kaya nahuli ako sa pagpasok.
1. pagkawala ng pag-asa dahil sa mga nangyayari sa bayan 3. Nasira ang ssakyan ko kaya nahuli ako sa pagpasok.
2. pag-asa sa kalayaan at paggunita sa mga taong nagbuwis ng buhay para 4. Nahul ako sa pagpasok kasi nasira ang sasakyan ko.
sa kalayaan 5. Nahuli sa pagpasok ko dahil nasia ang sasakyan.
3. pagpapa-walang halaga sa paghihirap ng mga bayani.
4. malwakang kalungkutan nadarama sa pagkawala ng pag-asa 24. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakatamang pangunusap?
5. taong bayan na dumaranas ng kalupitan at karahasan 1. Ang nanalo bilang Bb. Pilipinas Universe ay anak ng isang actor.
2. Ang nanalong Bb. Pilipinas Universe ay isang anak ng actor.
18. Karaniwang tauhan ng akdang ito ay mga hayop na ang layunin ay ipa-alam ang 3. Anak ng isang actor ang nanalong Bb. Pilipinas.
mga kaugaliang dapat pamarisan. 4. Bb. Pilipnas Universe na anak ng isang actor ang nanalo.
1. tugmaan 3. pabula 5. kwentong bayan 5. Anak ng isang actor ang siyang nanalo ng Bb. Pilipinas Universe.
2. alamat 4. parabola
25. Si Lope K. Santos ay tinaguriang “________” sa dahilang siya ang kauna-
19. Sa saknong na ito na hango sa “Florante at Laura” ni Balagtas, ano ang unahang sumulat ng Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa na batay sa tagalong.
kahulugan nito? “Katiwala ako’t ang iyong kariktan; Kapilas ng langit, anaki’y 1. Ama ng Balarilang Pilipino 3. Ama ng Wikang Pilipino
matibay; Tapat ang puso mo’t di-nagunamgunam; Na ang paglililo’y nasa 2. Ama ng Wkiang Pambansa 4. Ama ng Panitikang Pilipino
kgandahan” 5. Ama ng mga Dalubhasang Pilipino
1. Ang kagandahan ay maaring makalinlang ng tao
2. Maaaring pagtakpan ng kagandahan ang isang kataksilan 26. Ang sagisag na panulat nim Andres Bonifacio.
3. Pisikal na kagandahan ay maaring magpahiwatig rin ng kagandahang asal 1.Anak-Bayan 3. Anak-Dalita 5. Huseng Sisiw
4. Kagandahan ay maari ring maging batayan ng pagtitiwala sa katapatan 2. Anak-Pawis 4. Taga-Ilog
ng tao
5. Sadyang mapaglinlang ang kagandahan 27. Sagisag na hindi kailanman ginagamit ni Marcelo H. Del Pilar sa pagsulat.
1. Kinting Klirat 3. Piping Dilat
20. Anong ayos ng pantig ang ginamit sa salitang “daigdig”? 2. Dolores Manapat 4. Baang Sisiw
28. “Kasingganda ni Teresita ang nanalong Bb. San Luis.”Ayon kay Mayor Santos. 2. pahayag 4. Di-karaniwan
1. Magkatulad 3. Di-magkatulad 5. Panukdulan
2. Pamilang 4. Katamtaman 35. Ang “madamdaming mananalaysay” ni Carmen Guerrero Nakpil at isa siyang
kilalang manunulat ng kasaysayan.
29. Isang balangkas ng mga layunin, paksang aralin, kagamitan at mga hakbang na 1. Teodoro A. Agoncillo 3. Manuel Principe Bautista 5. Jose M. Zaida
dapat isagawa para isakatuparan ang mga layunin nito at matamo ang nais 2. Aniceto F. Silvestre 4. Rafael Palma
1. modyul sa pagtuturo 3. “table of specifications” 5. Silabus 36. Kasingkahulugan ng salitang may salungguhit. “Isang karwahe ang naghatid sa
2. banghay ng pagtuturo 4. Batayan watawat na pinagbuhusan ng husay sa pagtahi.”
1. pinagdaluyan 3. Pinaglaanan 5. Pinagtapunan
30. Ang pinakagamiting paraan sa pagsusulit ng sanhi at bunga. 2. winagayway 4. Nasilayan
1. completion test 3. Matching type 5. Recognition test
2. true or false 4. Multiple choice 37. Aklat na nagtataglay ng mga pinakahuling impormasyon tungkol sa mga punto
ng kawilihan tulad ng kaganapan sa isang bansa, palakasan, relihiyon, pulitika.
31. Ang dapat maging panuto ng isang guro uoang masukat ang kaalaman ng mag- 1. disyunaryo 3. atlas 5. ensayklopedia
aaral sa pagbuo ng isang tama at mabisang pangungusap. 2. pahayagan 4. almanac
1. Paglagay ng bilang sa bawat salita upang makabuo ng tamang
pangungusap. 38. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangangusap ay may kayarian hugnayan?
2. Pagpili sa mga salitang hindi akma sa loob ng pangugngusap 1. Ang mga tatak Pinoy ay tagosn sa buto ng bawat Pilipino.
3. Pag-ayos sa bawat salita upang makabuo ng mabisang pangungusap 2. Ang pasalubong ay paraan ng pagpapaabot ng saya at pagpapasalamat
4. Pag-ayos sa mga lipon ng salita upang makabuo ng mabisang din.
pangungusap 3. Ang buhay at pananaw ng mga Pinoy ay pansamantalang nagbabago
5. Alamin ang buod upang makagamit ng mga salitang angkop sa subalit may mga bagay na di nag-iiba.
39. Piliin ang gawi ng pagsasalita: “Hindi ko sinasadyang ikaw ay saktan.”
32. Aklat sa binabasa upang makakuha ng tiyak na impormasyon tulad ng 1. paghula 3. pagsagot 5. pagtatanong
diksyunaryo, ensayklopedya at iba pa. 2. paghingi ng paumanhin 4. pag-uutos
1. batayang aklat 3. Larawang aklat 5. Sanayang aklat
2. modyul 4. Sangguniang aklat 40. Tinaguriang “Ama ng Wikang Pambansa.”
1. Manuel L. Quezon 3. Jose Dela Cruz 5. Severino Reyes
33. Ang istruktura sa pagsusulat ng balita na tinatawag na “invereted pyramid” 2. Marcelo H. Del Pilar 4. Alejandro Abadilla
1. maikling kwento 3. Tula 5. Kapsyon
2. lathalain 4. Sanaysay 41. “Ikaw ay pangarap sa buhay ko.”
1. metapora 3. Iperbole 5. Personipikasyon
34. Tukuyin kung anong bahagi ng pangungusap ang mga sumusunod: 2. sinikdoke 4. simile
hinggil sa patubig; ang mga tumayo; matalino’t masipag; sa gulang na walo
1. sugnay na di-makapag-iisa 3. Parirala 5. Panaguri 42. “Para silang mga maamong kordero sa gitna ng mga gutom na leon.”
1. sinikdoke 3. Iperbole 5. Onomatopeya 50. “Ang gawang mabuti ay pinagpapala, may kaparusahan ang gawang masama;
2. simile 4. Metapora Kung may pagsisikap at may pagtitiyaga, ang lahat ng tao’y di mananalanta.
Ito ay nagsasaad ng:
43. “Tandaan ninyo: malibang mahulog sa lupa ang butil ng trigo at mamatay, 1. pagtitipid 3. Pagkamatapat 5. Kasaganaan at karangyaan
mananatili itong nag-iisa. Ngunit kung mamata, ito’y mamumunga ng marami.” 2. katapatan 4. Pagsisikap at pagtitiyaga
1. sinikdoke 3. Personipikasyon 5. Simile
2. iperbole 4. Metapora KASAGUTAN
1) 2 15) 1 29) 2 43) 2
44. Paglikha ng isang pangalan o salita sa pamamagitang ng paggaya sa tunog na 2) 5 16) 3 30) 3 44) 3
nauugnay sa bagay na binabanggit. 3) 3 17) 2 31) 3 45) 4
1. sinikdoke 3. Metapora 5. Simile 4) 4 18) 3 32) 4 46) 3
2. iperbole 4. Onomatopeya 5) 3 19) 1 33) 2 47) 2
6) 1 20) 1 34) 3 48) 3
45. “Sa galit ay sinindihan ang kanyang bahay.” 7) 5 21) 3 35) 1 49) 1
1. metonimya 3. Sinikdoke 5. Simile 8) 2 22) 2 36) 3 50) 4
2. metapora 4. Onomatopeya 9) 1 23) 2 37) 4
10) 1 24) 3 38) 3
46. Anong uri ng panitikan ang tinutukoy sa talatang ito? 11) 4 25) 1 39) 2
“Maganda’t maaliwalas ang daigdig na ginagalawan ko ngayon. Madalas ko 12) 3 26) 1 40) 1
tuloy ipinagsasalamat sa Diyos ang biyayang ipinagkaloob Niya sa akin.” 13) 2 27) 1 41) 1
1. tula 3. Sanaysay 5. Anekdota 14) 3 28) 1 42) 2
2. kuwento 4. Alamat
47. “Kaya nararapat gumawa ang lahat upang maiwasan itong pagsasalat; Excercises)
Magbanat ng buto at magpakatatag, ang taong masipag, hiyas ang katapat.” Direction: Solve the following mathematical exercises.
Ano ang nais ipahayag ng saknong na ito?
1. katapatan 3. Kabutihan 5. Kasaganaan 1. What is the LCM of these set of numbers 2, 5 and 10?
2. kasipagan 4. Kalusugan a. 10 b. 20 c. 15 d. 30

48. Mahusay umawit si Jos, ________ ay lagi siyang nagsasanay umawit. 2. There were 500 houses sold by the developer. Each owner bought 80 sq.m.
1. datapwat 3. Palibhasa 5. Dahil siya How big was the whole area?
2. bagamat 4. Ngunit a. 4 hectares b. 5 hectares c. 10 hectares d. 4.2 hectares

49. Makararating agad sa iyong patutunguhan kung maglalakad ka_________ 3. In Italy, each flock has 40 heads. There area are total of 2, 240 heads. How many
1. nang mabilis 3. Nang maagap flocks well the farm have?
2. ng mabilis 4. Ng unti-unti a. 50 b. 57 c. 54 d. 56
4. Give the ratio of 18 enlisted men to 12 insurgents. 15. Fatima received her report card with the following grades: 85, 92, 89, 91, 90
a. 4 : 3 b. 6 : 3 c. 3 : 2 d. 2 : 3 and 88. What is her general average?
a. 89.25 b. 89.17 c. 88.98 d. 89.50
5. Josef weighs 84 kilos. How much will he weigh in pounds?
a. 188.40 lbs b. 184.80lbs c. 184.40lbs d. 168lbs 16. How many ribbons, each at 12 ¾ cm. Long, can be obtained from a roll 6.63
meters long?
6. Josef is packing his things bought in Dubai. He needs a box good for 85 cu.ft. a. 50 b. 52 c. 55 d. 58
Which could answer this need?
a. 3ft x 5ft x 5ft c. 3ft x 5ft x 6ft 17. Which of the following is then numerical form for eighteen thousand eighty?
b. 3ft x 6ft x 6ft d. 3ft x 4ft x 7ft a. 8,008 b. 18,080 c. 18,808 d. 18,008

7. What is the ratio in the lowest term of two hours to 30 minutes? 18. Mr. Cojunco owns 500 hectares of land. 40% of the property is planted with
a. 2 : 4 b. 4 : 1 c. 2 : 15 d. 2 : 30 coconuts. 2/3 of the remaining area is planted with various fruit trees. The rest is
planted with ornamental plants. How many hectares is planted with fruit bearing
8. How many hectares are there in a rectangular field measuring 750m wide and trees?
800m long? a. 200 ha. B. 100 ha. C. 300 ha. D. 250 ha.
a. 40 hectares b. 60 hectares c. 126 hectares d. 50 hectares
19. Change the following percents to decimal: 28%; 4.5%; 3%; 25.5%.
9. What is the difference between 28 and 63? a. .28; .045; 0.03; .255 c. .28; .045; .03; .028
a. -35 b. 71 c. 37 d. 35 b. .28; .45; .003; .025 d. .28; .0045; .035; .255

10. John plays basketball for the University’s Varsity Team. He attempted 35 free
throws and shot 80% of these. How many free throws did he make?
a. 25 b. 28 c. 26 d. 27
11. What is the value of N in the equation N=18 1/8 + 26 ¼? 20. Which of the following gives the sum of the polynomials (a2 + b2 + ab) and
a. 44 ½ b. 44 3/8 c. 43 ¼ d. 44 ¼ 3a2 + 4ab + 2b2
a. 5a2 + 5b + 5ab c. 4a2 + 5ab + b2
2 2
12. What is the value of X in this equation : 5/X + X/20 = 1 b. 3a + 5ab - 2b d. 4a2 + b2 + 5ab
a. 2 b. 5 c. 20 d. 10
21. A certain number doubled and increased by 15 is 29. What is the number?
13. The letters A, B, C and D have numerical values 1, 2, 3, 4 ... and so on. What is a. 3.5 b. 7 c. 4 d. 5
the sum of the letters in JOSEF?
a. 50 b. 60 c. 53 d. 55 22. Two times a certain number added to 30 gives the same results as three times
the same number subtracted from 90. What is the number?
14. How much is 25% of 55% of 350? a. 12 b. 20 c. 15 d. 30
a. 48.25 b. 48.75 c. 48.13 d. 48.50
23. The BIR sold 21,250 documentary stamps at P .35@. Annie remitted at the end
of the day P 6,897.50. How much was left with the seller? 11. B : 18 1/8 + 26 ¼ = 18 1/8 + 26 2/8 = 44 3/8
a. P548.50 b. P540.00 c. P504.50 d. P5, 450
12. D : 5/X = X/20 ; 5(20) = X(X)
24. What is the floor area of a 5-storey building whose each floor measures 15m x √100 = √𝑋 2
22.5? 10 = X
a. 1,687 sq.m b. 1,006.87 sq.m c. 1,687.50 sq.m d. 1,068.75 sq.m
13. D :J O S E F
25. Premium gas’ selling price yesterday was P38.28/liter. Today, it was selling at 10 + 15 + 19 + 5 + 6 = 55
P38.78/liter. The station sold 6,855 liters today. How much profit was earned
today? 14.C : 350 x 55% = 350 x 55 / 100 = 192.50
a. P34,275 b. P3,427.50 c. P3,027.50 d. P3,042.75 192.50 x 25% = 192.50 x 25 / 100 = 48.13

15. B : 85 + 92 +89 + 91 + 90 + 88 = 536 / 6 = 89.17

ANSWER KEY AND SOLUTION 16. B : 12 ¾ cm = 12.75 cm. : 6.63m. x 100cm. = 663cms. = 52 ribbons
12.75 cm.
1. A : 2= 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 5= 5, 10, 15 10= 10, 20
17. B
2. A : 500 x 80 sq.m = 40,000 sq.m 1 hectare = 10,000 sq.m
= 40, 000 sq.m / 10,000 sq.m = 4 hectares 18. A : 40% x 500 = 200 ha. Coconut area ; 500 – 200 = 300 ha. X 2/3
= 200 ha. For fruit trees
3. D : 2,240/40 = 56 300 – 200 = 100 ha. For ornamentals

4. C : 18/6 : 12/6 = 3 : 2 19. A

5. B : 1 kilo = 2.2 lbs ; 84 kilos x 2.2 = 184.80 lbs 20. C : a2 + ab + b2
+ 3a2 + 4ab – 2b2
6. C : a. 75 cu.ft. ; b. 108 cu.ft. c. 90 cu.ft. d. 84 cu.ft. 4a2 + 5ab – b2

7. B : 2hrs = 120mins / 30 mins = 4 : 1 21. B : 2X + 15 = 29 2X = 29 -15

2X = 14
8. B : 750m x 800m = 600,000m / 10,000m 2 2 X= 7
= 60 hectares
22. A : 2X + 30 = 90 – 3X
9. D : 63 – 28 = 35 2X + 3X = 90 – 30 2(12) + 30 = 90 – 3(12)
5X = 60 64 + 30 = 90 – 36
10. B : 80 / 100 x 35 / 1 = 2800 / 100 = 28 5 5 X = 12 54 = 54
23. B : 21, 250 X P0.35 = P7,437.50 – P6,897.50 = P540.00 7. What is the sum of √12 + √27 ?
1. √29 3. 3√5 5. 7√3
24. C : 15 sq.m. x 22.5 sq.m. = 337.50 sq.m. / floor x 5 floors = 1, 687.50 sq.m. 2. 5√3 4. 13√3
25. B : P38.78 – P38.28 = P0.50 x 6,855 liters = P3, 427.50 8. Find 65% of 75.
1. 4.87 3. 48.75 5. 48.80
2. 488 4. 487.50
Direction: Choose the nest answer.
9. P25.00 is 20% of what?
1. Write 3.4% as a fraction. 1. P1,250 3. P128.50 5. P500
1. 3.4 / 100 3. .34 / 100 5. 34 / 100 2. P125.00 4. P120.00
2. 3.4 / 1000 4. .34 / 1000
10. 12 is 125% of what number?
2. Write 3/4 % as a decimal. 1. 9.6 3. 9 5. 8.6
1. .75 3. .0075 5. 7.5 2. 8 4. 10
2. .075 4. .00075
11. What percent of 16 is 40 ?
3. The number missing in the series 6, 12, 20, 30, ?, 56, 72 is ? 1. 2.5 % 3. 1 / 4 5. 25%
1. 38 3. 44 5. 52 2. 2500% 4. 250%
2. 42 4. 48
12. 1 ¼ subtracted from its’ reciprocal is ?
1. -9/20 3. 2.25 5. -1/5
2. .45 4. 9/20
4. If the following numbers are arranged in order from smallest to the largest, what 13. What is the ratio of ¼ to 3/5?
will be the correct order? 1. 1 : 3 3. 5 : 12 5. 5 : 4
a. 9/13 b. 13/9 c. 70% d. 1/.70 2. 3 : 20 4. 3 : 4
1. bacd 3. cdab 5. Acdb
2. cbad 4. adca
14. What is the difference between √150 and √54?
5. 3 is 6% of a certain number. What is the number? 1. 3√6 3. √96 5. 2√6
1. 53 3. 48 5. 24 2. 16√6 4. 6√2
2. 50 4. 18
15. One tenth is what part of three-fourths?
6. What is the average of 0.6, 6.6, 0.4, and 2.4 ? 1. 3/40 3. 2/15 5. 40/3
1. 1 3. 2 ½ 5. 12 2. 1/8 4. 15/2
2. 10 4. 2
12. 1 - 1 ¼ = 5/4 4/5 – 5/4 = 16 – 25
ANSWER KEY 20 = - 9 / 20
(20 / 5 x 4 = 16 ; 20 / 4 x 5 = 25)
1. 1
13. 3 - ¼ : 3/5 = ¼ / 5/3 = 5/12 or 5 : 12 LCD = 12
2. 3
14. 5 - √150 = √6 √25 = 5√6 ; √54 = √6 √9 = 3√6
3. 2 - ( 6 + 6 = 12 + 8 = 20 + 10 = 30 + 12 = 42 + 14 = 56 + 16 = 72) = 5√6 - 3√6 = 2√6

4. 5 - a. 9/13 = .69 ; c. 70% = .70 ; d. 1/.70 = 1.42 ; b. 13/9 = 1.44 15. 3 - 1/10 = X(3/4) = 1/10 = 3X/4 = 30X/30 = 4 / 30 ; X= 2 / 15

5. 2 - 6% X = 3 ; .06X = 3
.06 0.6
Direction: Solve the following exercises. Correct answers are found after the last
6. 3 - 0.6 + 6.6 + 0.4 + 2.4 = 10 / 4 = 2.5 or 2 ½ exercise.

7. 2 - √12 = √4 √3 √27 = √9 √3 1. What is the average of A, B, C?

= 2√3 = 3 √3 1.) ABC/3 3.) 3(A+B+C)
2√3 + 3√3 2.) (A+B+C)/.3 4.) ABC/A+B+C
= 5√3
2. Which of the following has the LEAST numerical value?
8. 3 - 75 x 65 / 100 = 4875 / 100 = 48.75 1.) 11/12 3.) 5/7 5.) 10/11
2.) 6/8 4.) ¾

9. 2 - .20X = .25 3. If 2 apples cost P25.00, how many apples can be purchased for P100.00?
.20 .20 1.) 8 apples 3.) 2 dozens 5.) none of these
= 125 2.) ½ dozen 4.) 1 ½ dozen

10. 1 - 125% = 1 ¼ or 5/4 4. If 2 tablespoons = 1 liquid oz., and 5 tablespoons = ¼ cup, then, How many liquid
= 5X = 12 5X = 12(4) X = 48 ounces are there in one cup?
4 5 5 5 1.) 4 ounces 3.) 16 ounces 5.) none of these
X = 9.6 2.) 8 ounces 4.) 24 ounces

11. 4 - 16X = 40 5. 2 is what percent of 5?

16 16 1.) 25% 3.) 40% 5.) 45%
X = 2.5 x 100 = 250% 2.) 38% 4.) 35%
6. Five (5) average office workers earn a total average monthly salary of P10,000. If
the average monthly salary of two of these workers total P4,000.00 what is the 14. Which of the following fraction is > than 1/3?
average monthly income of each of the remaining three workers? 1.) 22/63 3.) 4/11 5.) 102/103
1.) P 6,000.00 3.) P 2,500.00 5.) none of these 2.) 15/46 4.) 33/98
2.) P 2,000.00 4.) P 4,000.00
15. In 1 ½ hours, the minute hand of a clock rotates through an angle of how many
7. Which of the following equation has the LEAST value? degrees?
1.) 6 + x 4 3.) 6 + 4 x 3 5.) 6 x 3 + 4 1.) 60 3.) 180 5.) 540
2.) 6 x 4 + 3 4.) 2 + 6 x 4 2.) 90 4.) 360

8. 3.4 is multiplied by 10 to the fifth power, what would be the value? 16. When the fractions 2/3, 5/7, 8/11 and 9/13 are arranged in an ascending order,
1.) 3.054 3.) 305.40 5.) 354,000 the result would be?
2.) 30.54 4.) 35,400 1.) 8/11, 5/7, 9/13, 2/3 3.) 2/3, 8/11, 5/7, 9/13
2.) 5/7, 8/11, 2/3, 9/13 4.) 2/3, 9/13, 5/7, 8/11
9. If the short hand of the clock is at 4, what is the degree of its’ angle? 5.) 9/13, 2/3, 8/11, 5/7
1.) 90 3.) 130 5.) 110
2.) 120 4.) 150 17. ADD: 48.63 + 96.28 + 436.45 + .2385
1.)581.60 3.) 581.5990 5.) 581.59
10. There are two numbers whose sum is 48. One of the numbers is greater by 6. 2.) 581.5985 4.) 581.5986
What are the numbers?
1.) 23, 24 3.) 22, 26 5.) 20, 28 18. 15 is 20 % of what number?
2.) 21, 27 4.) 23, 26 1.) 75 3.) 80 5.) 72
2.) 78 4.) 70

11. Add: 17 5/8 + 21 ¾ = ? 19. 7 is 5 percent of what number?

1.) 38 3/8 3.) 39 4/8 5.) 36 4/8 1.) 120 3.) 145 5.) 150
2.) 39 3/8 4.) 38 4/8 2.) 125 4.) 140

12. My uncle’s weight is two times that of my nephew. My aunt’s weight is half that 20. The ratio of two numbers is 5 : 3 and their difference is 20. What are the
of my nephew. What is the total weight of the three? Which of the following numbers?
formulate will apply for the correct answer? 1.) 50, 30 3.) 40, 60 5.) 50, 70
1.) x3 + 2 ½ 3.) (2x) + (x) + (1/2x) 2.) 55, 35 4.) 45, 65
2.) ½ + 3x 4.) 2x + ½ x2
21.) The ratio of the numbers is 16 : 33. The larger number is 264. What is the
13. 2 ¾ of P 100 is equal to smaller number?
1.) 6/4 x 100 3.) 11/4 + 100 5.) none of these 1.) 131 3.) 129 5.) 127
2.) 11/4 x 100 4.) 6/4 + 100 2.) 130 4.) 128
1.) -.512 3.) 0.512 5.) -5.012
22.) ¾ of 100 is equal 5 times what number? 2.) 5.012 4.) -5.12
1.) 10 3.) 25 5.) none of these
2.) 75 4.) 5

23. What is the smallest positive number which, when it is divided by 3, 4 or 5, will ANSWER KEY WITH SOLUTIONS
leave a remainder of 2?
1.) 42 3.) 62 5.) 182
2.) 22 4.) 122 1. (2)
2. (3) : 11/12 = .916 ; 6/8 = .75 ; 5/7 = .714; ¾ = .75 ; 10/11 = 909
24. Which of the following number has the largest numerical value? 3. (1) : P25.00/2 = P12.50 @ ; P100.00/P12.50 = 8
1.) (3 + 3 + 3) to 3rd power 3.) ( 4 x 3 x 3) to 2nd power 4. (5) : ¼ cup = 5 tbs. : 4(1/4) = 5(4) 1 oz = 2tbs
2.) (3 x 3) to 3 power 4.) 3 cube + 3square 4/4 = 20
5.) (3 x 3) square 1 = 20 tbs./2tbs
= 10 oz.
25. Eight percent of 36 is 72% of what number? 5. (3) : 5(X) = 2; 5X/5 = 2/5; X = .40 (100)
1.) 2.06 3.) 3.24 5.) 40 = 40%
2.) 2.88 4.) 4 6. (2) : P10,000/5 = P2000 per person ; P10,000 – P4000= P6000/3= P2000
7. (5) : 1) 36 2) 27 3) 30 4) 32 5) 22 is lowest value
26. Which of the following has the greatest value? 8. (5) : 10 to the 5th power = 100,000 ; 100,000 x 3.54 = 354,000
1.) 6/10 3.) 17/24 5.) 7/9 9. (2) : 3hrs = right angle at 90 degrees/3 hrs = 30 deg./hr.
2.) 8/12 4.) 9/14 4hrs = 90 deg. + 30 deg. = 120 degress

27. If 25% of 50% of 80 is 10, then ¼ of 5/10 of 80 is? 10. (2) : x = 1st number x + (x+6) = 48 1st no. = 21
1.) 40 3.) 15 5.) none of these X+6 = 2nd number 2x = 48 – 6 2ndno. = 21 + 6 =27
2.) 20 4.) 10 2x = 42/2
X = 21
28. What number is 35 more than 70?
1.) 105 3.) 170 11. (2) : 1. Convert mixed fraction to improper fraction:
2.) 135 4.) 185 17 5/8 = 14 1/8 ; 21 ¾ = 87/4
(8 x 17 + 5) = 141 ; (4 x 21 + 3) = 87
29. The number is 15 less 7; when added to ten, what will the number be? 2. Use least common denominator (LCD) and add numerators:
1.) 28 3.) 17 141 + 87 / 8 = 315 / 8 = 39 3/8
2.) 18 4.) 15 12. (3) : Let X =weight of nephew; 2X = uncle’s weight; 1/2X = aunt’s weight
13. (2) : convert mixed fraction to improper fraction: 2 ¾ = 11/4 x 100
30. What is -2 + (-3.1) + (-02)? 14. (2) : 1/3 = .333; 22/63 = .349; 15/46 = .326; 4/11 = .363; 33/98 = .336;
102/303 = .336 : 15/46 > 1/3 Direction: Choose the best answer from the choices given.
15. (5) : 1 hr. = complete rotation = 360 degrees; ½ hr. Or 30 minutes =
360 degs. / 2 = 180 degs. D. NATURAL SCIENCES: GENERAL SCIENCES
16. (4) : 2/3 = .666; 9/13 = .692; .5/7 = .714; 8/11 = .727
17. (2) 1. To lessen vehicular air pollution, the government should?
18. (1) : 20X / 100 = 15/1 ; 20X = 1500 / 20 a. ask pedestrians to use bicycles
X = 75 b. utilize rail transits like MRT and LRT
19. (4) : 5 / 100 = 7 / X, 5X = 700 / 5 c. impose stiffer penalties on decade old vehicles
X = 140 d. ban smoke-belchers on the roads
20. (1) : Let n = common factor
5n – 3n = 20 5(10) – 3(10) = 20 2. Developing mines require getting a DENR clearance. Which of the ff. clearances
2n = 20 / 2 50 – 30 = 20 are required?
n = 10 20 = 20 a. air pollution clearance b. waste disposal clearance
21. (4) : Let n = common factor c. environmental clearance c. LGU clearance
33n = 264 / 33 16n = 33n
n=8 16(8) = 33(8) 3. The latest discovery in biological science as applied to animal industry, is most
128 = 264 widely used in?
22. (5) : ¾ of 100 = 75 ; 75 = 5X ; 75/5 = X/5 a. tissue transplant b. cloning of animals
15 = X c. artificial breeding d. reproduction
23. (3) : smallest positive number that could be divided by 3, 4 and 5
3 x 4 x 5 = 60 4. Agricultural centers have found lately varieties of coconut propagation. Through
24. (3) : 1. 729 ; 2. 729; 3. 1296; 4. 36; 5. 81 what means were the coconut varieties get discovered and distributed?
a. tissue culture laboratories b. scholarships
c. seed selection d. putting up plant nurseries
25. (4) : 72%X=8%(36) : 72%X = 2.88
.72X = 2.88 / .72 5. Food preparations are handled well to avoid spoilage caused by ______ in the
X =4 preparation and processing of the food products.
26. (5) : 1. 6/10 = 6; 2. 8/12 = .66; 3. 17/21 = 70 4. 9/14 =.64 a. miscalculation b. bad weather
5. 7/9 = 77 c. unsanitary conditions d. mislabelling
27. (4) : Let X = 5/10(80) ; X = 400/10 ¼ (5/10)(80)
X = 40 ¼ (40) 6. The DOH warns the public about preservatives being used in vegetables. What
= 10 advice could you give with regards ensuring safe vegetables?
28. (1) : Let X = the number; 70 + 35 = 105 a. freeze the vegetables b. wash the vegetables well with clean water
29. (2) : Let X = the number; X = (15 – 7) + 10 c. soak them with detergents d. consume them immediately
X = 18
30. (4) : adding nos. with the same sign: the sign of the sum is the same as 7. School feeding and milk rationing programs to school children are being
the sign of the nos. being added. implemented by the government. The project is designed to?
a. have pogi points b. Special program of DepEd & DOH c. oxygen d. carbon dioxide and water
c. provide food supplements d. stop malnutrition among schoolchildren
16. A root may perform all the following function except?
8. Food, plants and other animal wastes should be segregated in waste disposal a. photosynthesis b. anchorage
because? c. food storage d. water absorption
a. there are biodegradable b. there are non-biodegradable
c. there are disease-carrier d. they are unsanitary 17. Ang kutsilyo ni Mang Atong ay kinalawang pagkatapos ng ilang buwan. Ano ang
sanhi nito?
9. People on earth experience day and night regularly every 24 hrs. Why is this so? a. ang hydrogen ay humalo sa iron b. ang oxygen ay humalo sa iron
a. because the earth rotates on its axis k. may mikrobyo ang kutsilyo d. kutsilyo ay yari sa metal
b. because the earth revolves on its axis
c. because the earth tilts on its axis 18. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang nagpapakita ng kemikal na pagbabago?
d. because the earth revolves around the sun a. pagsunog ng papel b. pag-ulan
k. pagkatunaw ng yelo d. pag-ebaporeyt ng tubig
10. Acid rain cause fish kills, destroy buildings, dissolve river nutrients, etc. Which of
the ff. Causes acid rain? 19. Ito ay ang pagtaas ng likido sa maliit na tubo.
a. forest fires b. burning of fossil fuels a. akselerasyon b. absorpsyon
c. use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) d. vehicle emission k. adsorpsyon d. capillarity

11. Is the relationship between an organism and a host where neither is benefited 20. Ito ay ang paulit-ulit na pagbabago sa pagtaas at pagbaba ng tubig sa mga
nor harmed. baybayin.
a. commensalisms b. competitive a. wave b. wave velocity
c. parasitic d. mutualistic k. high tide d. tides
12. Living and leaving on leaves by the caterpillar is an example of________ 21. What would be the best way to prevent soil erosion in a hill?
a. competitive b. mutualistic a. building terraces b. cultivation
c. parasitic d. predatory c. reforestation d. irrigation

13. Which of the following is not used in the manufacture of food by green plants? 22. The application of specific concepts and principles.
a. carbon dioxide b. sun a. biology b. ecology
c. water and soil nutrients d. oxygen c. technology d. science

14. Josef weighs 65 kilos on the ground. How much is the force of gravity on him? 23. What causes the feeling of coolness after experiencing perspiration?
a. 65 kilos b. 130 kilos a. air entered the skin pores b. absorption of perspiration
c. 32.75 kilos d. none c. evaporation of perspiration d. condensation of perspiration

15. During respiration, green plants take in?

a. water b. carbon dioxide
24. A weather disturbance having a 50 km/hour center winds is called? 32. Branch of science that deals with the study of the relationship between plants,
a. hurricane b. tropical depression animals and other living things found in their habitats.
c. storm d. typhoon a. biology b. biodiversity
c. ecology d. ecosystem
25. Environmental pollution is classified as violence that is now term as?
a. ecological b. structural 33. Which of the following waste materials is NOT a biodegradable waste material?
c. technological d. scientific a. dried leaves b food leftovers
c. Styrofoam d. paper
26. There are some insects or animals that can walk on water surface. This made
possible by? 34. These are substances disposed of after use or by-products brought about by
a. surface capillarity c. surface tension certain processes.
b. surface adhesion d. dense water surface a. waste materials b. sewage
c. garbage d. pollutants
27. Is a group of interacting plants, animals and humans in a particular area.
a. ecological community b. environment 35. A change in the shape or size of an object can be classified as?
c. living organisms d. food chain a. nuclear change b. chemical change
c. physical change d. electrical
28. Excessive presence of CO2 in the air trapping heat near the earth’s surface
causing a rise in the temperature in the environment. 36. Process that occurs when CO2 as solid, changes CO2 as gas.
a. El Nino b. “Greenhouse Effect” a. evaporation b. sublimation
c. Pollution d. La Nina c. condensation d. decomposition

29. The earth’s shield against the sun’s harmful radiation. 37. It is the space between the sun the planets of the solar system.
a. atmosphere b. air a. interplanetary space b. solar space
c. ozone layer d. clouds c. solar ring d. magnetic field
30. The use of products with _____ is discouraged because they contribute to the
depletion of ________. 38. Iron sheet is coated with ______ to prevent rusting.
a. CFC’s – solar radiation b. gas – ozone a. zinc b. paint
c. ozone – air d. CFC’s – ozone layer c. anti-rust coating d. cryolite

31. Is a condition in which the excessive number of organisms may result in 39. The sudden change in the genetic composition of an organism w/c can either
unhealthy living conditions and lower quality of life. result in a wholesome or un-wholesome by-product.
a. food storage b. population a. modification b. infusion
c. pollution d. overpopulation c. growth d. mutation
40. He evolved the Theory of Evolution in his book “Origin of Species”. 48. Which instrument will one use to convert mechanical energy to electrical
a. Albert Einstein b. Charles Darwin energy?
c. Janus Keppler d. Archimedes a. rotor b. generator
c. motor d. circuit
41. The relationship o give-and-take of living organisms in the biosphere is a
balance of nature called? 49. Sun’s energy is generated by?
a. universal relationship b. spontaneous relationship a. nuclear fission b. sun reacting with gravity
c. symbiotic relationship d. abiogenic relationship c. nuclear fission reaction d. reaction with magnetic field

42. Process in removing excess odor in water. 50. Application of energy is called?
a. sedimentation b. chlorination a. work b. inertia
c. distillation d. aeration c. kinetics d. simulation

43. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? 51. Within a large population, which factor helps to maintain a constant gene pool?
a. as altitude increases, atmospheric pressures correspondingly decreases a. Migration b. random mating c. mutation d. natural selection
b. throughout the available space, gas tends to contract
c. equal chances are always given to all in life 52. The sum of all the heritable alleles for all of the traits in a given population.
d. shadow is formed when a colored object is projected against the wall a. gene pool b. race c. community d. genus

44. The earth rotates on its axis from west to east. This causes the sun to _______. 53. All the members of a group of organisms are considered to belong to the same
a. appear with a fiery orange color species if they?
b. cause the appearance of a solar eclipse a. live in the same habitat b. interbreed to produce fertile offspring
c. rise from the east and sets in the west c. have the body structure and skin coloring d. have the same size and shape
d. exert gravitational pull on the solar system
54. Which is contributing factor to the formation of new species?
45. One of these planets has the greatest gravitational pull. Which one is it? a gene frequency b. random mating
a. Mars b. Earth c. geographic isolation d. lack of adaptable variations
c. Mercury d. Jupiter
46. It is the law which explains why one can pull a piece of paper without toppling a 55. Many groups of insects have developed resistance to DDT and other insecticides
glass in a quick motion. as a result of?
a. energy in motion b. gravity a. acquired characteristics b. homologous structures
c. law of inertia d. force c. genetic mutations d. non-specific feeding habits

47. Which of the following is NOT a source of energy? 56. This group of plants is sensitive to airborne chemicals and is often used to
a. water b. nuclear indicate presence of pollution?
c. geothermal heat d. inertia at rest a. weeds b. ferns c. algae d. lichens
57. During the process of photosynthesis, oxygen is given off as a by-product. The 65. Josef wants to know the mass of a piece of metal. What instrument should he
oxygen comes from? use?
a. carbon dioxide and water b. water and nitrogen a. spring balance b. equal-arm balance
c. water and not from CO d. CO2 and not from water c. graduated cylinder d. platform balance

58. Which of the following is NOT a function of transpiration?

a. cooling of leaves b. excretion of minerals
c. uptake of minerals d. uptake of water ANSWER KEY: GENERAL SCIENCE
1.d 11.a 21.a 31.d 41.b 51.b 61.b
59. Green plants are considered autotrophs because they? 2.c 12.c 22.c 32.c 42.d 52.a 62.c
a. have pigments to trap light 3.c 13.d 23.d 33.d 43.a 53.b 63.c
b. can build simple inorganic substances into complete organic substances 4.d 14.a 24.b 34.a 44.c 54.c 64.b
c. can build any kind of substances 5.c 15.c 25.a 35.c 45.d 55.c 65.d
d. depend on other sources for their food 6.b 16.a 26.c 36.b 46.c 56.d
7.d 17.b 27.a 37.a 47.d 57.a
60. Fatima uses information that she gathered so that she can decide what might 8.a 18.a 28.b 38.a 48.b 58.c
happen in the future. She is said to be? 9.a 19.d 29.c 39.d 49.c 59.b
a. interpreting b. predicting c. experimenting d. analyzing 10.b 20.d 30.d 40.b 50.a 60.d

61. Which of the following procedures is used to check the presence of starch?
a. glucose solution b. iodine solution D. NATURAL SCIENCES: EARTH SCIENCES
c. Benedict’s solution d. bromthymul blue
1. To what biome do the Philippines belong to?
62. Which distinguishing characteristics does a mammal possess? a. tropical rainforest b. tundra
a. feather & wings b. hair & scales c. dipterocarp forest d. grassland
c. hair & mammary glands d. warm - blooded
2. Tides, caused by gravity, is gradually slowing down earth’s rotation speed. A
million years from now, scientists predict that earth’s ______.
63. A humid day is a condition in which the air is? a. day is longer b. year is shorter
a. warm & dry b. cold & dry d. day is shorter d. year is longer
c. warm & moist d. cold & moist
3. On what earth’s geographical location will a town to be to have most nearly
64. One major problem involved in organ transplants twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness during winter?
a. age of the recipient b. antigen-antibody reaction a. halfway between the equator and South pole b. close to North pole
c. race of recipient d. sex c. close to equator d. close to the South pole
4. Which one explains why oxygen, a gas, is the largest component of the earth’s 11. What sort of rock formation do the world’s greatest mountain ranges consist
crust? of?
a. oxygen gives earth crust its lightness a. magma b. chalk deposits c. fold eruptions d. slip formation
b. oxygen is capable of combining with most of the earth’s elements
c. oxygen is the most abundant element 12. What is the force that wars down mountains?
d. oxygen is needed to sustain all life on earth a. earthquake b. erosion c. volcanic eruptions d. deforestation

5. To earth scientists, the most important features on the map are the landforms 13. How are volcanic islands formed?
that shape the earth’s surface and are show in? a. collision of two oceanic plates b. volcanic eruptions
a. hydrographic maps b. geologic maps c. cooling of lava by seawater d. Accumulation of corals
c. political maps d. topographic maps
14. When you pass orange juice from a tetra pack into a glass, the juice changes its?
6. What causes high and low tides? a. volume b. shape c. state d. all of the above
a. earth’s rotation on its’ axis b. sun’s solar energy
c. moon’s gravitational pull d. earth’s gravitational pull 15. The amount of water vapour air can hold at a certain temperature without any
change in state.
7. How is coral atoll formed? a. relative humidity b. water capacity
a. volcanic eruptions b. corals growing around a volcanic island c. water holding capacity d. water pressure
c. underwater bedrock formations d. earthquake
16. A relative humidity of 25% means air ______.
8. What is a longshore drift? a. is filled with water vapour b. can hold 25% more water vapour
a. movement of sand and shingles along the coast b. sand bars c. is filled up to 25% of its’ capacity d. has no water vapour content
c. accumulation of sand d. islands formed by volcanic eruptions
17. Which of the following does not cause the different seasons?
9. How does an occlusion form? a. tilting of the earth’s axis b. rotations
a. cold air moving up from the ground c. revolution d. evolution
b. cold front pushing warm air up off the ground
c. unbalanced electrical reaction in air 18. The movement of the ocean water which can be an alternative source of energy
d. cold and warm air mixing or power
a. wave b. tides c. gravitational force d. earth’s rotation
10. What is a heat haze?
a. A reflection caused by pollutants in the air 19. When water vapour reaches this temperature, condensation takes place
b. A distorted image resulting from the bending of sun’s light rays by a. saturation point b. dew point
changes in air temperature c. condensation point d. precipitation point
c. movement of warm air over a vast expanse of land
d. caused by extremely high temperature common in desert areas 20. Results in alternative days and nights in opposite parts of the earth
a. earth rotates on its’ axis in west-to-east direction
b. earth rotates on its’ axis in east-to-west direction a. total eclipse b. lunar eclipse c. eclipse d. partial eclipse
c. earth stop rotating on its’ axis
d. earth tilts on its’ axis 31. It is the boundary at which the advancing warm air mass is replacing colder air
21. The falling of any form of water from the air to the earth’s surface. at the surface.
a. condensation b. precipitation c. water vapour d. humidity a. warm front b. stationary front c. cold front d. occluded front

22. The part of the atmosphere that filters the ultraviolet rays of the sun. 32. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang hindi uri ng “galaxy” ayon sa klasipikasyon na
a. stratosphere b. troposphere c. ozone layer d. ionosphere ginawa ni Edwin Hubble?
a. elliptical b. spiral k. Barred spiral d. Sirius
23. The point in the earth’s orbit nearest the sun.
a. solstice b. eclipse c. aphelion d. perihelion 33. Ang erosion ay maaring maagapan sa pamamagitan ng pagbubungkalayon sa
contour ng lupa. Ang tawag dito ay _______.
24. The property of minerals which give off rays of light when exposed to ultraviolet a. terracing b. strip-cropping k. Contour plowing d. hillside plowing
a. luminescence b. phosphorescence 34. Ang paggalaw ng mga “plates” tulad ng “Eurasian Plate” at “Pacific Plate” ay
c. radiation d. fluorescence pinaniniwalaan sa dahilang _______________.
a. Hindi pantay ang pagkalat ng init sa mundo na dulot nito ay “convection
25. Which of the following involves chemical weathering? current.”
a. carbonation b. oxidation c. decomposition d. all of the above b. init na galing sa araw
k. enerhiyang tidal
26. How long does it take for the earth to complete one rotation? d. “gravitational pull”
a. 365 days b. 30 days c. 24 hours d. 72 hours
35. Ang _____ ay ang tawag sa pagtalsik ng mga natunaw na material na mula sa
27. What is the primary function of gravity in the universe? ilalim ng lupa.
a. provision for energy b. keep the stars and heaven bodies in orbit a. faulting b. volcanism k. Tectonic movement d. continental shift
c. causes movement in space d. part of universal design

28. What does the word “monsoon” mean? ANSWER KEY

a. moon will come soon b. atmosphere 1. A 12. B 23. D 34. A
c. seasons d. climate 2. A 13. B 24. B 35. B
3. A 14. B 25. D
29. Its’ discovery enabled geologist to date rocks accurately. 4. B 15. C 26. C
a. global positioning system b. carbon-dating 5. D 16. C 27. C
c. radio activity d. layering 6. C 17. D 28. C
7. B 18. B 29. C
30. It occurs when the earth is between the sun and the moon, with the earth’s 8. A 19. B 30. B
shadow cast over the moon. 9. C 20. A 31. A
10. B 21. B 32. D
11. B 22. C 33. K 9. The development of egg without fertilization.
a. mitosis b. parthenogenesis c. spermatogenesis d. mitochondria

10. Which of the following is a source of energy needed for photosynthesis?

a. water b. soil c. light d. fertilizer
D: NATURAL SCIENCE: BIOLOGY 11. They connect roots and leaves and serve as passageway and storage for food
minerals and water from the soil.
Direction: Select the best answer from the choices given. a. branches b. stem c. trunk d. tap roots

1. How do hormones work? 12. The process by which plants produce food using carbon dioxide and water,
a. by releasing adrenaline b. by controlling cell chemistry sunlight and chlorophyll.
c. by regulating water loss d. by controlling blood pressure a. reproduction b. photosynthesis c. fruit bearing d. chemosynthesis

2. Name the male and female sex hormones. 13. Process by which plants reproduce asexually by using their parts such as roots,
a. sperm cell and ovum b. testosterone stems and leaves.
c. chromosomes d. red and white blood cells a. mitosis b. artificial propagation c. vegetation reproduction d. grafting

3. The unit of measurement of energy in a given amount of food. 14. The smallest part of a living thing which performs all the processes a living
a. pound b. kilo c. olfactory system d. calorie organism does.
a. organ b. cell c. tissue d. system
4. Nitrogen compounds known as the building blocks of proteins.
a. enzymes b. glucose c. nutrients d. amino acids 15. A group of tissues working together to perform a complex task.
a. system b. organ c. network d. skin
5. The growth of roots towards water is an example of?
a. chemotropism b. geotropism c. hydrotropism d. phototropism 16. Male and female reproductive part of a flower.
a. pollen grains and ovules b. stamen and pistil
6. DNA means? c. pollen grain and pistil d. stamen and ovules
a. data nurturing analysis b. deoxytribonucleic acid
c. deoxyribonucleic acid d. deotrixyl nucleic acid 17. In the human body, the cell that most nearly resembles a one-celled animal.
a. red blood cell b. white blood cell c. nerve cell d. antibodies
7. What are the three products of oxygen when it has been burned?
a. water carbon dioxide and air b. energy, water and carbon 18. The main energy source of a plant-eating animal.
c. energy, carbon and oxide d. energy, air and water a. glucose b. starch c. cellulose d. glycogen

8. In flowering plants, fertilization takes place in the? 19. These are cellular secretions which help regulate the breakdown and buildup of
a. pollen tube b. stamen c. ovules d. pollen grain various substances in the body.
a. enzymes b. amino acids c. plasma d. hormones 30. A specie is said to be ___ when its number is so few that it will most likely
disappear altogether unless given proper protection.
20. It is the energy source of the cell which it uses for growing, reproducing and a. disappearing b. extinct c. depleted d. endangered
other activities.
a. adenosine triphosphate (ATP) b. amino acids
c. Chloroplast d. sunlight
21. It is a segment of DNA molecule which controls the appearance of a given trait. 31. Some bacteria are classified as saprophytes because they organism which?
a. chromosomes b. genes c. gametes d. zygotes a. feed on dead organic matter b. feed on other living things
c. undergo photosynthesis d. have hydrolytic enzymes
22. Group of similar cells performing similar functions together,
a. organs b. system c. nucleus d. tissue 32. In humans, food is moved down the esophagus into the stomach by means of?
a. cyclosis b. peptic acids c. peristalsis d. active transport
23. The diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane.
a. osmosis b. permeability c. transfusion d. capillary 33. The structure outside the nucleus in animal cells that is involved in mitosis.
a. ribosome b. chromosome c. centriole d. microtubule
24. It shows the complex food relationship of organism in a given area and the
cyclic flow of food through organisms. 34. Coordination and integration of the body activities of man are under the direct
a. food chain b. food web c. food pyramid d. biological cycle control of the _____?
a. reproduction and transport system b. nervous and endocrine system
25. Which of the following does NOT occur to both respiration and fermentation? c. nervous and excretory system d. respiratory and endocrine system
a. energy is released b. sugar is broken down
c. carbon dioxide is produced d. alcohol is formed 35. Genetic engineering has been utilized for the production of ______?
a. genes b. salivary amylase
26. The genetic information in a DNA is coded in the _____________? c. uric acid crystals d. human growth hormones
a. sequence of ribonucleotides b. proportion of the base results
c. base pairings d. alcohol is formed ANSWER KEY: BIOLOGY
1.b 11.b 21.b 31.a
27. What will cause the process of respiration to stop? 2.a 12.b 22.d 32.c
a. absence of oxygen b. absence of sunlight 3.b 13.c 23.a 33.c
c. decrease in water supply d. presence of sunlight 4.d 14.b 24.b 34.b
5.c 15.b 25.d 35.d
28. What relationship exist between a bangus and tilapia in the fishpond? 6.c 16.b 26.d
a. commensalisms b. mutualism c. competition d. predation 7.b 17.b 27.a
8.c 18.c 28.c
29. Taxonomy is the study of the classification of organism based on their? 9.b 19.d 29.b
a. genetics b. evolutionary history c. development pattern d. habitat 10.c 20.a 30.d
a. molecular weight does not influence boiling and melting point of a
CHEMISTRY substance
b. boiling and melting point tend to increase with molecular weight
1. Chemistry is primarily concerned with the composition and changes of? c. boiling and melting point tend to decrease with molecular weight
a. nature b. matter c. man d. earth d. none of the above

2. A scientific theory is? 10. A Mole is the amount of substance or the mass of a substance that contains?
a. a hypothesis not yet subjected to experimental test a. 6.02 x 1023 particles c. 6.02 x 1032 particles
b. an idea that correctly predicts the results b. 60.2 x 10 particles d. 60.2 x 1032 particles
c. an imagination
d. a guess 11. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
a. hydroxide is present in all bases c. hydroxide is present in all acids
3. Which of the following units of measurement is equivalent to cubic centimetre? b. hydroxide is present in both d. none of the above
a. milligram b. milliliter c. millimeter d. centilitre
12. Instrument which measures the specific gravity of liquids.
4. Which of the following is NOT a compound? a. hygrometer b. synchrotron c. hydrometer d. cyclotron
a. acetic acid b. alcohol c. magnesium d. zinc oxide

5. The easier the atom loses its electrons, the less its? 13. Which property does NOT identify a chemical system?
a. electro –negativity c. number of shells a. melting point b. boiling point c. taste d. shape
b. atomic radius d. valence electrons
14. The process of spreading out spontaneously to occupy a space uniformly.
6. The willingness of atom to receive electrons is measured by its? a. compression b. diffusion c. expansion d. pressure
a. electro –negativity c. atomic size
b. ionization potential d. electron affinity 15. It is the complex mixture of pollutants.
a. acid rain b. particulates c. oxides d. oxidants
7. A molecule is said to be polar or dipolar if?
a. it’s positive and negative charges are at different places 16. Energy removal is best illustrated in?
b. it possesses polar bonds a. boiling of liquid substances c. changing water to steam
c. its’ polar bond have unsymmetrical charge distribution b. changing water to ice d. none of the above
d. all of the above
17. Refers to the maximum amount of solute expressed in grams that can be
8. Which of the following is NOT a physical property of water? dissolved in 100grams of water at a specific temperature.
a. freezing point at 0 degrees C c. its’ heat of fusion at 80 cal/g. a. solubility b. stability c. molarity d. polarity
b. boiling point at 100 degrees C d. its’ density at 4 degrees at 1 lb/cu.ft.
18. Compounds with the same molecular formula but with different structural
9. Which of the following statement is TRUE? formulas.
a. cellulose b. isomers c. polymers d. monomers 27. A compound was found to contain 15g. of carbon and 5g. of oxygen. What is the
mass ratio of carbon to oxygen?
19. The most penetrating type of radiation given off by radioactive elements. a. 4 : 1 b. 3 : 2 c. 3 : 1 d. 5 : 3
a. alpha particle b. beta particle
c. gamma radiation d. none of the above 28. An atom is ionized negative by:
a. sharing with another atom b. combining with another atom
20. The basic unit for expressing the masses of individual atoms. c. acquiring an electron d. mixing with molecules
a. atomic number b. atomic mass unit
c. nucleus d. atomic weight 29. The average temperature was recorded at 35 degree C. What is the equivalent
in Kelvin?
21. A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without itself undergoing a a. 308 b. 300 c. 273 d. 360
chemical change.
a. catalyst b. enhancer c. electrolytes d. ionizer 30. When gaseous substances are compressed, the result is a decrease in the ____.
a. size of the particle b. temperature
22. The temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the c. pressure exerted by the particles d. distance between the particles
pressure of the surrounding atmosphere.
a. melting point b. critical point c. boiling point d. freezing point 31. An acid substance _________.
a. donates proton b. accepts proton
23. The warming of the earth’s surface due to an increase in atmospheric carbon c. neither donates nor accepts d. none of the above
dioxide. 32. The separation of substance by diffusion at different rates through differentially
a. “greenhouse effect” b. ozone permeable membranes is?
c. atmospheric pressure d. El Nino phenomena a. diffusion b. dissociation c. dialysis d. distillation

24. Describes the force of gravity on an object 33. What property shows that water is a compound and not a solution?
a. mass b. weight c. capacity d. pressure a. it is colorless b. it cannot be filtered
c. it is tasteless d. it boils at a definite temperature
25. When gaseous molecules are compressed, they tend to?
a. increase in volume b. decrease in volume 34. Which of the following is the best technique to loosen two tumblers that are
c. repel each other d. attract and liquefy stuck one inside the other?
a. pouring cold water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler
26. Chemical reaction always go to completion if with cold water
a. the molarity of reacting solutions is increased b. pouring hot water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler
b. water is produced with cold water
c. the pressure of the reacting substances are increased c. pouring cold water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler
d. the weak base is added to a weak acid with hot water
d. pouring hot water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler
with hot water
42. The standard temperature of a gas in 0° and its standard pressure is ______.
35. Which of the following statement is TRUE of nuclear fission? a. 101.3 atm b. 22.4 atm c. 1 atm d. 273 atm
a. lighter atoms can be combined to form heavier atoms
b. nucleus of the atoms can be broken or split to produce energy 43. The temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the
c. atoms can gain or lose electrons without changing its charge external pressure.
d. the energy process is identical to that which occurs in the sun a. boiling point b. melting point c. freezing point d. balance point

36. The property of a solution that depends principally upon the concentration of 44. This theory states that the tiny particles in all forms of matter are in constant
dissolved particles rather than on its nature. motion.
a. chemical property b. physical property a. Kinetic theory b. Molecular theory
c. mechanical property d. colligative property c. Constant Speed theory d. Law of Conversation of Energy

37. The ability of an atom to attract an electron in a bond. 45. A 1 liter sample of gas is at a temperature of 300°K; when the temperature is
a. formal change b. electron affinity increased to 600°K, the volume _______.
c. resonance d. electronegativity a. increase to 2 L b. decrease to 0 L
c. increase to 30 L d. decrease to .5 L
38. Which of the following describes an electron.
a. mass of an electron is 1.7 x 1024 grams.
b. represents the atomic number.
c. cathode rays are emitted when electricity is passed in an evacuated ANSWER KEY : CHEMISTRY
d. electrons are positively charged and are massive. 1. b 11. a 21. a 31. a 41. b
2. a 12. c 22. c 32. c 42. c
39. The total mass of all substances entering into a chemical reaction is equal to 3. b 13. c 23. a 33. d 43. a
the total mass of all the products of the reaction. 4. c 14. b 24. b 34. b 44. a
a. Law of Conservation of mass b. Law of Definite Proportion 5. d 15. d 25. a 35. b 45. a
c. Law of Multiple Proportion d. Boyle’s Law 6. d 16. b 26. d 36. d
7. d 17. a 27. c 37. d
40. Ano ang tawag sa solusyon kung saan mas marami ang solute kaysa solvent? 8. d 18. b 28. c 38. c
a. saturated b. supersaturated 9. b 19. c 29. a 39. a
k. unsaturated d. diluted 10. a 20. b 30. d 40. b

41. Ayon sa “Avogadro’s Law”, kapag ang moles ng isang gas ay madoble at ang
temperature at pressure nito ay pareho pa rin, ang volume ng gas ay ______.
a. mahahati sa apat b. mahahati sa dalawa D. NATURAL SCIENCE: PHYSICS
k. madodoble d. matritriple
Direction: Choose the best answer from the choices given.
1. It is the measure of the amount of matter in an object. 10. It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg. of substance
a. weight b. mass c. volume d. quantity by 1 degree C.
a. calorie b. watt c. Specific heat capacity d. joule
2. It is the distance travelled by the body per unit time and tells how fast or slow
the body moves. 11. The pressure cooker works under the principle that?
a. velocity b. speed c. acceleration d. thrust a. Boiling point increase as pressure decreases
b. boiling point decrease as pressure increases
3. The rate of change of the distance travelled per unit time in a stared direction. c. freezing point increases as pressure increases
a. velocity b. speed c. acceleration d. thrust d. freezing point increases as pressure decreases

4. This law states that the force acting upon an object is equal to the product of the 12. It is the process by which heat is transmitted through a substance from one
mass and acceleration of the object. particle to another by the amount of heated particles.
a. Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion b. Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion a. convection b. insulation c. conduction d. radiation
c. Newton’s 1st Law of Motion d. Energy Law
13. It is the phenomena in which energy is transferred through vibrations.
5. When a force is applied to a body, several effects are possible. Which of the a. frequency b. waves C. refraction d. amplitude
following effect CAN’T occur?
a. the body rotates b. the body changes direction
c. the body increase its mass d. the body changes shape 14. The unit of measurement for intensity of sound
a. hertz b. decibel c. angstrom d. frequency
6. It is the reluctance of the object to change either its state of rest or uniform
motion in a straight line. 15. It is the process by w/c a heavy nucleus of an atom is split into 2 or more
a. force b. friction c. inertia d. motion fragments of comparable sizes when its nucleus is struck by a neutron
a. chain reaction b. nuclear fusion c. radiation d. nuclear fission
7. This law states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed but only changes
from one form to another. 16. It is the union of two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, resulting in a mass
a. Energy Law b. Kinetic Theory of Matter defect and release of energy.
c. Law of Conservation of Energy d. Boyle’s Law a. chain reaction b. nuclear fusion c. nuclear fission d. radioactivity

8. This law states that all matter is made up of a large number of molecules which 17. Which of the following statements is a characteristic of an electronics
are in continuous motion. spectrum?
a. Boyle’s Law b. Kinetic Theory of Matter a. they all travel at the same speed in free space
c. Law of Conservation of Energy d. Newton’s Law of Force b. they exhibit diffraction and interference phenomena
c. they follow the laws of refraction and reflection
9. The lowest possible temperature that a substance can reach. d. all of the above
a. freezing point b. absolute zero c. steam point d. threshold
18. The term “RADAR” is derived from the phrase?
a. Radio Detection and Ranging b. Radiation Diffusion and Ranging 27. The process which occurs when heat passes from one molecule to another
c. Radio Diffraction and Resolution d. Radiation Diffraction and Resolution molecule.
a. convection b. radiation c. conduction d. expansion
19. A material whose ability to conduct electricity lies between those of conductors
and insulators. 28. The temperature at which gas would no longer exert pressure.
a. integrated circuits b. silicon chips c. semiconductors d. insulators a. Kelvin temperature b. Celsius temperature
c. Absolute zero d. boiling point
20. “LASER” is derived from the phrase?
a. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation 29. The formula for finding the efficiency of a machine.
b. Light Application by Simulated Emission of Radiation a. efficiency = input force / output force x 100%
c. Light Amplification by Simulated Ejection of Radiation b. efficiency = output force / input force x 100%
d. None of the above c. efficiency = output work / input work x 100%
d. efficiency = input work / input work x 100%
21. What is the color of a transparent substance?
a. the color of the light it absorbs b. the color of the light it reflects 30. The amount of calories required convert 50g. of ice at 0 degrees to water at 60
c. the color of the light it transmits d. the color of the light it degrees.
a. 3000 calories b. 4000 calories c. 7000 calories d. 6840 calories

22. What is a rotating electromagnetic called? 31. When both are dropped, a 5lb. ball will reach the ground at the same time
a. Motor b. Rotor c. Phasor d. Sensor because?
a. the gravitational attraction is the same on both
23. What happens with the centripetal force when speed is doubled? b. both the same inertia
a. remains the same b. force is increased 4x c. triples d. doubles c. the inertial resistance of the lighter ball is greater than that of the
heavier ball
24. What is an electrochemical cell in which the reacting materials can be renewed d. the greater gravitational force of the 10 lb. ball is offset by its’ greater
by the use of reverse current? inertial resistance.
a. storage cell b. primary cells c. fuel cell d. chemical cell
32. The result when there is lack of cohesion among gas molecules.
25. What will make an object move in a circular path? a. gas molecules are confined and kept together
a. central force b. gravitational force b. molecules move freely in all directions
c. frictional force d. electromagnetic force c. molecules are compressed into smaller volumes
d. opposing forces come into play
26. What kind of energy is present whenever a body is at a distance from the
ground? 33. At what temperature does water have the smallest volume and greatest
a. elastic potential energy b. electric potential energy density?
c. electromagnetic potential energy d. gravitational potential energy a. 0 degrees C b. 2 degrees C c. 4 degrees C d. 16 degrees C
6.b 16.a 26.c 36.b 46.c 56.d
34. What single force, when applied at the same point, will produce the same 7.d 17.b 27.a 37.a 47.d 57.a
effect? 8.a 18.a 28.b 38.a 48.b 58.c
a. resultant force b. composite force c. concurrent force d. nuclear force 9.a 19.d 29.c 39.d 49.c 59.b
10.b 20.d 30.d 40.b 50.a 60.d
35. Energy can be released by atomic fusion when?
a. the atom fused have a mutual attraction
b. the atoms fused have a mutual repulsion ANSWER KEY: BIOLOGY
c. the atom formed is fissionable 1.b 11.b 21.b 31.a
d. the nuclear mass of the atom is less than the combined mass of the 2.a 12.b 22.d 32.c
atoms fused 3.b 13.c 23.a 33.c
4.d 14.b 24.b 34.b
36. Ang bilang ng pagikot sa isang segundo. 5.c 15.b 25.d 35.d
a. frequency b. period k. acceleraton d. velocity 6.c 16.b 26.d
7.b 17.b 27.a
37. Ang gitna ng torque ay ______. 8.c 18.c 28.c
a. katulad ng “center of gravity” b. palaging sa gitna ng isang bagay 9.b 19.d 29.b
k. kalinya ng galaw ng puwersa d. sa lugar kung saan ang haba ng 10.c 20.a 30.d
lahat ng torque ay sinusukat
38. Alin sa mga sumusunod au lumalaki ang value kung ang isang bagay ay
tinatapon pataas? ANSWER KEY: PHYSICS
a. kinetic enery b. potential energy k. momentum d. velocity 1.b 11.a 21.c 31.d
2.b 12.c 22.b 32.b
39. Kapag ang putting ilaw ay pinatama sa isang salamin na prism, nagkakaroon ng 3.c 13.b 23.d 33.c
“spectrum” dahil sa ______. 4.a 14.b 24.a 34.a
a. refraction b. diffusion k. reflection d. conviction 5.c 15.d 25.a 35.d
6.d 16.c 26.d 36.a
40. A projectile always travels in a ______. 7.b 17.d 27.c 37.d
a. linear path b. circular path c. parabolic path d. a and c 8.b 18.a 28.c 38.b
9.b 19.c 29.c 39.b
10.c 20.a 30.c 40.c
1.d 11.a 21.a 31.d 41.b 51.b 61.b
3.c 13.d 23.d 33.d 43.a 53.b 63.c GENERAL INFORMATON
4.d 14.a 24.b 34.a 44.c 54.c 64.b
5.c 15.c 25.a 35.c 45.d 55.c 65.d Direction: Choose the best answer from the choices given.
1. What does a professional code of ethics prescribe for all? 9. If the school is considered as a agent of social and cultural change, it should
a. moral standards and ethical behaviour function as?
b. rules and regulations in practicing one’s profession a. transmitter of culture b. perpetuator of tradition
c. strict law implementation c. pioneer of programs d. innovator of instructions
d. civility and social-consciousness
10. It mandates the blending of coco methyl ester (CME) in all diesel fuel and
2. The number of days after which an enrolled bill becomes a law. ethanol in gasoline sold across the country.
a. 45 days b. 60 days c. 75 days d. 90 days a. Furl Development Act b. Alternative Fuel Development Act
c. Biofuel Act of 2006 d. Clean Air Act of 1999
3. It is perceived as the most important need and most pressing problem of the
Filipino family. 11. Which of the following is NOT considered a “biofuel”?
a. unemployment or financial problem b. prone to vice a. jathropa or “tuba-tuba” b. liquefied petroleum gas
c. broken family d. double standard on roles c. Biofuel Act of 2006 d. coco methyl ester

4. There are three fundamental Human rights according to the Universal 12. The “Asean + 3” was recently expanded with 3new partner-countries during the
Declaration of Human Rights. These are: 2006 APEC in Vietnam to foster broader regional free trade in the region. These
a. life, security and self-development c. life, dignity and security countries are?
b. life, economy and self-development d. life, liberty and security a. U.S., Canada and Japan b. Australia, New Zealand and India
c. Russia, China and Japan d. Australia, US and New Zealand
5. Which of the following state is the right to human dignity?
a. property ownership b. honor and reputation
b. fair trial d. political independence 13. Refers to a diesel-equivalent, processed fuel derived from biological sources.
a. ethanol b. vegetable oil c. bio-diesel d. bio-fuel
6. Which of the following would refer to the “Funnel Effect”?
a. criminal justice is fully implemented in the Philippines 14. What is the main goal of drug abuse education?
b. very few criminals are actually punished a. arrest b. prevention c. control d. rehabilitation
c. every criminal would be caught and be punished
d. all crimes are under the same criminal justice 15. The fundamental law of the land
a. Republic Acts c. court decisions e. Supreme Court decisions
7. The most important and central message of the Moral Recovery Program. b. constitution d. Executive Orders
a. national moral regeneration b. family c. self d. government
16. It is the power of the State to command and enforce obedience to its’ will from
8. Government expenses is more than what it earns thru tax collection. people within its’ jurisdiction and to have freedom from foreign control.
a. fiscal reforms b. taxation c. overspending d. fiscal deficit a. Government c. Sovereignty e. Police power
b. State d. Eminent Domain
17. The Philippines is a democratic and ______ state. Sovereignty resides in the a. Social & Economic Rights c. Civil Rights e. Political Rights
people and all he government authority emanates from them. b. Cultural Rights d. Constitutional Rights
a. Presidential c. Republican e. Free
b. Bicameral d. Constitutional 24. The power of the State to enact laws or regulations in relation to persons and
properties as may promote public health, safety, general welfare and convenience.
18. Policy of the state to promote social justice in all phases of national a. Power of Eminent Domain c. Power of Taxation
development and give preferential attention to the welfare of the less fortunate b. Police Power d. Emergency Powers
members of the society.
a. Human rights c. freedom e. None of the above 25. It is the power of the State to impose charge or burden upon persons, property
b. Democracy d. Social Justice or property rights for the use and support of the government and to enable it to
discharge its’ appropriate functions.
19. It is the declaration and enumeration of the individual rights and privileges a. Eminent Domain c. Taxation e. Expropriation
which the Constitution is designed to protect against violations by the government, b. Police Power d. Constitutional Powers
by groups or by individuals.
a. Civil Rights c. Political Rights e. Social Rights 26. It is the power to apply the law to contest or disputes concerning legally
b. Bill of Rights d. Constitutional Rights recognized rights or duties between the State and private persons brought before
the judiciary
20. It signifies that “all persons subject to legislation shall be treated alike, under a. Executive powers c. Judicial powers e. Police powers
like circumstances and conditions both in the privileges conferred and liabilities b. Legislative powers d. Constitutional powers
a. Bill of Rights c. Political Rights e. Law
b. Constitutional Rights d. “Equal Protection of Law” 27. Under the 1987 Constitution, which among its’ basic principles embody the
21. These are the rights of the citizens which gave them power to participate, socio-logical aspects of life?
directly or indirectly, in the establishment or administration of the government, a. Separation of State and Church
suffrage and information in matters of public concern. b. Empowerment of People Power
a. Political Rights c. Constitutional Rights e. Cultural Rights c. Recognition of Family as a basic social institution
b. Civil Rights d. Economic Rights d. Empowerment of Suffrage

22. The rights of the citizens which the law enforce at the instance of private 28. The measurement of the total value of country’s economic production
individuals for the purpose of securing the enjoyment of their means of happiness. a. Gross National Product (GNP) c. Net National Income
Among them are the rights against involuntary servitude, etc. b. National Income d. Per Capital Income
a. Constitutional Rights c. Civil Rights e. Cultural Rights
b. Social & Economic Rights d. Political Rights 29. The major purpose of taxation.
a. provides State income c. lessen the disposal income
23. They are rights which are intended to ensure the well-being and economic b. redistribute the monetary resources d. controls financial deficit
security of individuals. Among them are the right to property and just
compensation. 30. A policy that controls taxes and government expenditures
a. monetary policy c. trade policy 37. Program designed to solve the social ills of the Filipino society through social
b. fiscal policy d. investment policy renewal and transformation and to strengthen the moral fiber of the Filipino
31. CARP’s (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program) primary aim or purpose. a. People Empowerment c. People’s Initiative
a. make the tiller the owner of the land he cultivates b. “Galing Mo Pinoy!” d. Moral Recovery Program
b. achieve a dignified existence for the small farmers
c. provide the necessary support facilities, institutions and services 38. The integration of national markets into a single world market place where
d. provide credit facilities like loans an financing goods, services, financial capital and technology flow unhampered between
32. The term of office for the President under the 1987 Constitution. a. Market liberation c. Globalization
a. 3 years b. 6 years b. Free Trade Zone d. Market Integration
c. 3 years with re-election d 6 years with re-election
39. World body with 143 member-countries that set governing rules in economic
33. It embodies the national policy on information technology and serves as a guide relations and trade.
to all government agencies in the effective utilization of information technology a. World trade Organization b. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
resources. c. united Nation d. U.N. Conference on Trade and Development
a. National Information Technology Plan (NITP)
b. Information Technology Development Program 40. Refers to the increasing reliance on markets, not governments, to guide
c. Science and Technology Development Program economic activity.
d. Information Technology Utilization Plan a. Liberalization c. Globalization
b. Deregulation d. Privatization
34. It is the electronic commerce between individual consumers.
a. B2B (business to business) c. E-mail
b. C2C (consumer to consumer) d. B2C (business to consumer) 41. It is a global financial body which imposes sanctions on countries who fail to act
against money-laundering.
35. It is the environmental milestone that requires industries to install anti- a. The financial Action Task Force c. The Federal Reserve
pollution devices and ban the use of incinerators. b. International Monetary Fund d. The U.N. Finance Group
a. The Green Peace Act c. The Clean Air Act
b. The Environmental Care Act d. The Anti-Pollution Law 42. Its measures the numerical index of a person’s general intelligence as compared
to others of the same type f intelligence.
36. A broader regional free trade zone established composed of ASEAN engaging a. Maturity c. Emotional Quotient (E.Q.)
Japan, China and South Korea in expanding economic relations. b. Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.) d. Aptitude
a. ASEAN Free Trade Zone c. APEC Economic Zone
b. “ASEAN Plus Three’ d. APEC Free Trade Zone 43. This law allows college students to choose among the 3 component programs of
national service namely ROTC, literacy training service or civic welfare training.
a. National Service Training Program Act (NSTP Act)
b. Civil Service Act
c. National Defense Service Act b. acquired social and cultural heritage of his society
d. National Integrated Service Act c. factors such as income, wealth, education, work and lifestyle
d. the person’s view on his social position in the society
44. It is the corporate mind of the pupils and teachers organized around principles
of knowledge in which all minds are thinking as one. 50. A society that gives importance and adopts the democratic view of education,
a. social mind c. philosophical mind places great emphasis by
b. educative mind d. intelligence a. requiring compulsory schooling for all its’ citizens
b. choosing excellent people to run the educational system
45. It is of outmost educational importance that the social basis of human nature c. requiring the use of excellent textbooks
should be habitual when? d. recognizing the dignity of all individuals
a. man fails to correct some of the worst social ills
b. man resorts to war, terrorism or violence to call the society’s attention 51. Refers to the passing of culture of the next generation.
c. man rearranges social circumstances to let self-restraint give way to a. religion b. education c. arts d. language
social justice
d. man has to learn to fight to protect one’s life and preserve one’s culture 52. It is the important basis in the formation of social unit in a society.
a. mutual interest b. age and sex c. kinship d. education
46. Which of the following situation would hasten the changes the social quality of
human nature? 53. The secret society Jose Rizal established designed to promote civic and patriotic
a. making education an instrument for social change education among the Filipinos.
b. making ourselves open to changes a. La Liga Filipina b. Companerismp c. Propaganda d. La Juventud
c. letting the institutions be the agents of change
d. allowing freedom to adopt a more critical attitude towards change
54. Rizal’s winning poem which is considered a classic in Philippine Literature.
47. They were the first to regard the school as an instrument of social development. a. To the Filipino Youth b. culture area c. diffusion d. assimilation
a. the advocates of progressive education
b. the advocates of conservative education 55. The process of two cultures borrowing from each other.
c. those who see violence or terrorism as the ultimate to hasten social a. mixed culture b. culture area c. diffusion d. assimilation
d. those who are content with the status qou 56. The cognitive aspect of the valuing process wherein the individual has a full
understanding of the consequences of each option being considered.
48. These are values which are basic, urgent and obligatory in character in man’s a. choosing from the alternatives c. choosing freely
life and activities. b. choosing reflectively d. imagining and cherishing
a. religious values b. ethical values c. cultural values d. social values
57. Value-laden ideas that indicates the learner’s behaviour such as his attitudes,
49. Social stratification is the system used in assigning men their respective ranks in interest, aspirations, beliefs, etc.
the society based on? a. behaviour indicators c. aptitude indicators
a. one’s social stratum to another laterally, horizontally or vertically. b. attitude indicators d. value indicators
58. The teacher become a director of values learning and enriches the learnings Direction: Choose the best answer from the choices given.
through cognitive and affective inputs.
a. activity b. abstraction c. analysis d. application 1. The capacity of the individual to function in every way at one’s own best.
a. Physical Education c. Physical Fitness
59. To develop the value of self-reflection and analysis, educational methods b. Fitness Testing d. Motor skill fitness
a. focus on note learning and analysis 2. It is a self-motivating activity where one can manipulate to the different parts of
b. inculcate the value and habit of self-reflection starting from childhood the body into varied positions or movement.
c. conduct a series of activities on self-reflection a. Coordination c. Agility
d. encourage conversion as a proof of personal transformation b. Gymnastic d. Physical Fitness

60. Is an ongoing process of using one’s innate capacities and potentials in full, 3. Which of the ff. is NOT an aspect of physical fitness?
creative ways which is the core of the valuing process. a. Static fitness c. Motor skill fitness
a. self-actualization c. value processing b. Dynamic fitness d. none of the above
b. introspection d. self-direction
4. Which of the following is a way to test physical fitness?
a. Bent-knee curl up c. Three minutes steps
b. Sit and Reach d. All of the above

5. They are exercises done to improve grace, form and control of body parts
ANSWER KEY through creative movements.
a. Tumbling c. Aerial skills
1.a 11.b 21.a 31.b 41.a 51.b b. Knee scale d. Floor exercise
2.d 12.b 22.c 32.b 42.b 52.c
3.a 13.b 23.a 33.a 43.a 53.b 6. It is a dance or unit formation composed of 4 pairs standing on the side of a
4.d 14.b 24.b 34.b 44.a 54.a hallow square facing center.
5.b 15.b 25.c 35.c 45.c 55.c a. Circle c. Set
6.c 16.c 26.c 36.b 46.b 56.b b. Promenade d. Break
7.c 17.c 27.c 37.d 47.a 57.d
8.d 18.d 28.a 38.c 48.b 58.b 7. Is a leadership wherein the members show loyalty and pride for their unit.
9.b 19.b 29.a 39.a 49.b 59.b a. Proficiency c. Discipline
10.c 20.d 30.b 40.b 50.a 60.a b. Morals d. Esprit de Corps.

8. Its purpose is to convey to the reader accurate information concerning the

F. PHYSICAL EDUCATION, HEALTH AND MUSIC various terrain and geographical features of an area.
a. Globe c. Scale a. Water pollution c. Noise Pollution
b. Map d. Grid b. Air pollution d. all of the above

9. Is help or assistance given to injured person or taken suddenly ill and includes 16. It is the recovery or reuse of any material to conserve resources and waste
self-help and includes self-help and home care, words of encouragement and disposal.
promotion of confidence. a. Recycling c. Composing
a. First Aid c. Ambulatory system b. Segregation d. Reprocessing
b. Emergency case d. none of the above
17. Refers to the economic application of laws and processes of science and
10. Refers to a general body knowledge that an individual can adopt to reduce the engineering in the preparation and preservation of food.
shock o finding one’s self isolated in a desolate place, etc. a. Food Control c. Food Technology
a. Survival skills c. Military skills b. Food Management d. Food Sanitation
b. Technical skills d. Scientific skills
18. The style of performing the lyrics of a song in an half-sung, half-spoken manner.
11. It is the physical dependence or both on a dangerous drug following its a. Rap c. Expressionism
administration or use on a periodic or continuous basis. b. Sprechstimme d. Impressionism
a. Drug abuse c. Drug Dependent
b. Drug Addiction d. Scientific skills 19. The use of different meter signatures in s composition.
a. Multimeter c. Polymeter
b. Synchopation d. Polytonaly

12. The policy-making and coordinating agency in drug prevention. 20. The use of two or more different rhythms played at the same time.
a. Dangerous Drug Board c. National Bureau of Investigation a. Bitonality c. Polynality
b. Dept. Of Health d. PNP Anti-Narcotics Commission b. Polyrhythm d. Multimeter

13. The means to improve the quality of life of each Filipino through regulation and 21. It is a declamatory piece in free from using different melodies that varies in
spacing of child birth, counseling of parents and would-be parents, etc. mode and tempo.
a. Family Planning c. Population Control a. Rhapsody c. Aria
b. Responsible Parenthood d. Contraception b. Overture d. Opera

14. Is a set of goals and guidelines for changing the rate of population growth in the 22. It is a sonata for orchestra and has 4 movements.
vital interest of a country. a. Symphony c. Concierto
a. Population Control c. Population Program b. Orchestra d. Opera
b. Population Policy d. Population Education
23. It is the rhythm of a song and tell the number if beats in every measure.
15. It is the act of introducing substances or pollutants into the atmosphere which a. Tempo c. Duration
may be injurious to public health. b. Intensity d. Time signature
a. Cleaning c. Harrowing
24. A series of consecutive tones with varying pitch and duration. b. Plowing d. Pulverizing
a. Melody c. Pitch
b. Tone d. Intensity 4. Is an organic material consisting of very fine rotted animal waste, plant parts and
other organic & biodegradable material
25. Refers to the quality of tone. a. Biomass c. Heap
a. Tempo c. Pitch b. Compost d. Fertilizer
b. Intensity d. Timbre
ANSWER KEY 5. This method of fish-culture is characterized by the use of net enclosures in
PHYSICAL EDUCATION, HEALTH AND MUSIC shallow protected areas of inland waters.
a. Cage method c. Aquarium method
1.c 11.c 21.a b. Fishpen method d. Open-water method
2.b 12.a 22.a
3.d 13.a 23.d 6. The objective of applying fertilizers to fish ponds
4.d 14.b 24.a a. Promote fish growth c. neutralize acidity
5.d 15.b 25.d b. Enhance production d. enhance the color of the water
6.c 16.a
7.d 17.c 7. This type of plans contains nitrogen in its roots which is converted to nitrates by
8.b 18.b rhizolia, thus, contributing to soil fertility.
9.a 19.a a. Vine crops c. Legumes
10.a 20.b b. Root crops d. Tubers

E. TECHNOOGY AND HOME ECONOMICS 8. Which of the ff. is NOT an aspect of fish-culture?
a. Fish cultivation c. Fish conservation
Direction: Choose the best answer from the choices given. b. Fish propagation d. Fish marketing

1. Which of the following should be taken into account preparing the farm lots? 9. The object is represented by the sides seen at one time
a. Soil and Water supply c. Accessibility & proximity to market a. Perspective c. Orthographic
b. Sunlight & air circulation d. all of the above b. Projection d. Isometric

2. Which of the ff. is a characteristic of good soil? 10. The system of representing the true shape of any object arranged on a plane in
a. Should be viable c. damage free & free from seed-borne disease two or more views at right angle to each other
b. fresh & mature d. all of the above a. Perspective c. Orthographic dimension
b. Dimension d. Oblique drawing
3. It is the first and most important tillage operation in preparing the land for to
make it more moisture-retentive
11. Isometric projection is drawn on tree axes namely the vertical and 2 ______ 19. Human resources which the family can use to achieve its goals
degree lines a. Energy c. Knowledge
a. 90 c. 40 b. Abilities and skills d. all of the above
b. 60 d. 30
20. Earnings of corporations which are distributed among stockholders
12. It is the part of electrical circuit which converts electrical energy into another a. Profit c. Stocks
form to do work b. Retained earnings d. Dividends
a. Voltage c. Current
b. Load d. Ampere 21. Brings about a successful entrepreneurial activity
a. careful planning c. big capital
13. The system on which the flow of electricity is always in one direction b. good luck d. proper connections
a. Power c. Alternating current
B. Integrated circuit d. Direct current 22. As an entrepreneur, he must be aware if his business is good. He must then
identify a good business through?
14. The amount of heat required to take 1 lb. of water to change its temperature 1 a. availability of supply, interest in business, capacity and skills
degree F b. pricing of the products and services
a. British thermal Unit (BTU) c. Watt c. human-resources oriented
b. Voltage d. Calorie d. profit-oriented

15. Property of metal w/c can be hammered and flattened into sheets without 23. It is the profile of an entrepreneur’s intuitions, philosophy, ideals, perception
breaking and details of a planned project
a. Ductility c.Elasticity a. Thesis c. Project description
b. Brittleness d. Malleability b. Project proposal d. Rationale

16. A system of principles to conduct life 24. Provides the entrepreneur information on market, sources and consumption of
a. Beliefs c. Philosophy products and services
b. Values d. Goals and objectives a. Consultancy assistance c. Training assistance
b. Organizational assistance d. Marketing assistance
17. Process of reaching solution to a problem which is based on family goals,
a. Assessment c. Decision-making 25. There are agencies that provide counseling or consultancy serviced to
b. Reorganization d. Problem-solving entrepreneurs who have difficulty solving their own business problems
a. Technology and livelihood Center
18. To achieve a satisfying family life, each member is expected to live his role with b. National Manpower and youth Council
corresponding ________ c. UP Institute of Small Scale Industries
a. loyalty c. needs d. all of t he above
b. responsibilities d. care
TECHNOLOGY AND HOME ECONOMICS 3. According to J. Dewey, “Education is a continuous process of experiencing and
1.d 11.d 21.a revising or reorganizing experiences. This means that education ___________.
2.d 12.b 22.b a. takes place formally or informally to enable the individual to grow.
3.b 13.d 23.d b. is never completed and goes on throughout life
4.b 14.a 24.d c. may take place anywhere and anytime the individuals desires
5.b 15.d 25.a d. takes place in school where learner is exposed to specific, self-contained
6.b 16.c experiences.
7.c 17.a
8.d 18.b 4. Which of the current classroom practices is influenced by Skinner’s Operant
9.d 19.d Conditioning?
10.c 20.d a. connection between stimulus and response
b. involuntary response to a stimulus
c. reinforcement of correct practices
PART II: PROFESSIONAL DUCATION d. progression of subordinate learning
A. Foundation of Education, Sociological Philosophical Gen. & Educational
Psychological legal & ethical laws 5. The primary objective by bilingual education is to prepare learners to be _____.
a. globally competitive
Direction: Choose the best answer from the choices given. b. proficient in Filipino and other major dialects
c. proficient in both English and Filipino
1. “Freedom and authority are not antagonistic, moreover, freedom is the d. proficient in Filipino and another foreign language
legitimate offspring of authority.” Which of the following situation best illustrate
the above principle? 6. The principle of Individual Differences require teachers to ___________.
a. Parents and teachers personifying authority and discipline. a. give more attention to the gifted students
b. Children learn freedom by being inhibited in their conduct b. treat all learners alike while in the classroom
c. Students are free to do what law allows. c. provide varied learning activities to suit individual needs
d. Teacher carriers a mantle of authority in a domineering manner. d. provide modules for slow learners in the class

2. The relationship between education and culture tends to be cyclical. This means 7. “All learning is bond-connecting.” Which of the following is this Principle not
that_________. applicable?
a. the school serves as a channel where individuals learn their culture. a. attitudes b. reflexes c. skills d. habits
b. it is the school’s primary function to transmit culture and is an agent of
change. 8. Which of the following statements regarding professional teachers is the major
c. it is the school’s primary function to transmit culture and the classroom difference in the professionalizing of teachers and teaching as embodied in PD 1006
is the agent of transmission. and R.A. 7836?
d. The school is shaped by culture and culture is, in turn, influenced by the a. appointed on full time basis and on permanent status
school. b. holder of valid professional certificate of registration
c. assigned at the tertiary level in both private and state colleges and
universities 14. Which among these goals for change is espoused by the “Moral Recovery
d. assigned at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and Program?”
private schools. a. sense of justice, sense of national pride and of seriousness
b. sense of national pride, sense of seriousness and sense of common good
9. How is Values Education offered in the National Secondary Education Curriculum c. sense of seriousness, of common goal and sense of justice and outrage
(NESC)? over its’ violations
a. integrated in all subject areas d. sense of national pride, of common good and justice and outrage over
b. offered as separate subject its’ violations
c. emphasized in MAKABAYAN subjects
d. integrated with T.H.E subjects 15. Which of the following runs counter to the development of honesty and good
a. transparency in barangay operations and other organizations thru public
10. What is the most important principle that a teacher should follow in initiating a reporting
program of positive reinforcement? b. vigilance in the use of weights and measures used in the market
a. conduct peer approval and recognition c. equal payment of government employees productivity pay
b. punish negative behaviour and reward positive behaviour d. payment of just wages to workers and employees
c. provide regular opportunities for socially-acceptable behaviour
d. reward should come immediately after appropriate behaviour 16. Which statement holds true to values clarification?
a. values are independent of time, place and persons; is meant to help
11. The history of curriculum development includes the hidden curriculum students get at their own feelings and ideals
approach. What is the context emphasis of this approach? b. no person has the right set of values to pass on to others; is meant to let
a. introspection and choice the students understand their own feelings, ideas and beliefs
b. student experiences and activities c. values are objective
c. implicit processes and social norms d. values are independent of time
d. student needs and interest
17. Which of the following is NOT a goal of true authority?
12. What type of justice implies the duty of one individual to give another what is a. to help, form and guide others
due him? b. to set examples for/to others
a. distributive justice c. social justice c. to coerce others to do what the authorities want them to do
b. commutative justice d. penal justice d. to bring out the best in others

13. Which thrust on values formation is intended to help the students identify and 18. The Philippine Education Act of 1982 define the areas of concern of the three
be aware of their values? levels of educational system. What is the mission of the elementary education?
a. values integration c. values enhancement a. to mould an effective and efficient teacher
b. values clarification d. moral development b. to establish a relevant and responsive quality education
c. to produce an enlightened, disciplined, creative and productive citizen
d. create a modern and up-to-date methods of teaching and materials
a. Teachers objectives c. Instructional objectives
19. Free public elementary and secondary education is in line with the b. Learners objectives d. Behavioural objectives
government’s effort to address educational problems of _________.
a. productivity c. effectiveness and efficiency 26. Individual differences, when recognize early, will enable the teacher to provide
b. relevance and quality d. access and equity different motivations and approaches in guiding the learning process. Each learner
differs physically mentally, socially and emotionally. Unless the teacher provides for
20. “Men are built not born” as what John Watson said. This statement points to these differences, no amount of modern approaches in teaching can produce
____________. favourable results. This paragraph emphasizes that ___________.
a. effect of heredity a. there is a need for motivating learning
b. absence of genetic influence on a person’s development b. Individual differences is an important factor in guiding the learner
c. effect of environmental stimulation on a person’s development c. focus should be on teacher-learner relationship
d. ineffectiveness of training on a person’s development d. it’s the nature of learning process

21. What does “Developmentally Appropriate Practice type of schooling focus on? 27. The cognitive process refers to the realization that even if things change in
I. Typical development patterns of children physical appearance, certain attributes are constant. This is __________.
II. Uniqueness of each child a. reservation c. integration
III. Direct Instructions b. construction d. conservation
a. I & III b. I & II c. II & III d. II only
28. The level of mental maturity needed for a pupil to maximize learning
22. For Freund, the primary motivation for human behaviour is sexual in nature opportunities can be determined ________________.
while for Erickson, it is ________ in nature. a. upon reaching the age of seven
a. social b. physical c. cultural d. biological b. approximately at age five
c. at a level that varies from task to task
23. The teacher’s role in the classroom according to cognitive psychologist is to d. by administering readiness test
a. fill the minds of learner with information 29. Stage where children consider parents and teachers as authorities and models.
b. make the learning task easy for the student a. period of morality by constraint c. mental age
c. help the learner connect what he knows with the new information b. post-conventional morality d. metacognition
d. dictate upon the learner what he should learn and know 30. The human evocative approach and the 4 A’s end with ______________.
a. generalization c. application
24. Researchers conducted show that the teacher’s expectancies of students often b. analysis d. adaption
become self-fulfilling prophecies. This phenomenon is called ______________.
a. Halo effect c. Ripple Effect 31. The process by which certain potentials are inherited from the parents for his
b. Hawthorne effect d. Pygmalion effect development.
a. Life b. Birth c. Heredity d. Character
25. Which of the following is NOT synonymous to performance objective?
32. The theory states that there are 8 basic developmental stages that the b. obtained in the field of music, art and literature.
individual has to pass through his life. c. the acquisition and retention of facts and information.
a. Learning theory c. Psychosocial theory d. the assumption that human activities are based on stimulus and
b. Psychoanalytic theory d. Cognitive Development Theory response

33. Transition age from childhood to adulthood where rapid physical changes and 40. This statement implies that children at the early learning stage, consider
sex maturity occurs resulting in changes in ways of feelings, thinking an acting. parents and teachers as authorities and models.
a. Puberty c. Early Childhood a. Parents and teachers should always coordinate children’s activities
b. Adolescence d. Latency period b. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and teachers in school
c. Parents and teachers should be the role models at all times
d. Parents and teachers should always consult each other with regards the
child’s intellectual development.
34. Modifying an existing scheme after an individual’s interaction with the 41. Any change in the behaviour of an individual.
environment, resulting in the creation of new scheme. a. Learning b. Response c. Change d. Development
a. Accommodation c. Interaction
b. Assimilation d. Modification 42. The reinforcement of a person’s responses by presentation or removal of
rewards and punishments.
35. Theory stating that a person’s behaviour can be motivated by urges towards a. operant conditioning c. Feedback Principle
self-satisfaction. b. transfer of learning d. Discipline
a. Psychoanalytic Theory c. Psychosocial Theory
b. Association Theory d. Morality Theory 43. This stimulation of action best explain the behaviour of an individual to take
what he perceives to be the shortest route to his goals.
36. The ability of a child to conceptualize the retention and preservation of the a. Recognition c. Assimilation
same quantity under various changes. b. Development d. Motivation
a. Recognition c. Reversibility
b. Conservation d. Morality Theory 44. Philosophy of Education’s main function.
a. Aid the learner to build his own personal philosophy
37. Refers to the idea that no individual are exactly the same or alike. b. Definition of goals and setting of directions from which education is to
a. Cognitive theory c. Individual differences strive.
b. Exclusivity theory d. Appreciative learning
45. According to Froebel, kindergarten is also known as ___________--.
38. He is known as the father of Modern I.Q. Test. a. children have fun and enjoyment
a. Lewis Terman c. Laurence Kohlberg b. garden for children to play and learn
b. Erik Erikson d. Martin Lesley c. the learning center for life
d. where new beginnings begin
39. “Intellectual Appreciative Experience” is __________.
a. based on the premise that all learning has emotional correlates.
46. Which of the following statements is given emphasis by “humanistic a. He recognized the essence of change and innovation to promote
education?” progress.
a. the great works of man such as classics should be enjoyed b. The traditional academic education did not serve the ideals of
b. Man should learn the different philosophies of education democracy.
c. “Build a man who is distinctly civilized, educated and refined.” c. Industrialism was endangering the values of the society.
d. Develop man into a thinking individual d. The intellectual motivation of the students was on decline.

47. A teacher who advocates the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that 52. Basic education includes secondary education. Which of the following led to the
experience should follow learning, thus, she has to ______________. establishment of the secondary school?
a. Humanistic c. Rationalism
a. require her students mastery of the lessons b. Reformation d. Realistic
b. encourage her students to memorize facts
c. equip her students with basic skills and abilities
d. provide her students with opportunities to apply their skills and abilities 53. How does an adolescent perceive his environment when he combines his
inductive and deductive reasoning ability in realistic rules that he can respect and
48. How are institutions of learning encouraged to set higher standards over and live by?
above the minimum requirement for state recognition? a. he views the world from his own perspective
a. scholastic achievement c. Academic Freedom b. he sees the world through the eyes of other people
b. Faculty development d. Voluntary Accreditation c. he interprets events from a limited point
d. he views events as detached from himself and other people
49. Which of the following is mandated by the 1987 Constitution with regards to
Education? 54. R.A. #6713 prohibits government employees and public officials from engaging
a. Free and compulsory formal and non-formal education for all citizens in private practice unless authorized by law. You are a teacher for half-day in a
b. Free education for both elementary and secondary levels and public school. You were offered to teach in a private school with a schedule that is
compulsory in conflict with your teaching sked in the public school. What should you do?
c. Free and compulsory education for all levels a. Retain your public school teaching load and forego the offer.
d. Nursery and kinder is required before elementary b. Take the offer and ask for adjustment of the public school time slot
c. Resign from the Public School teaching
50. Which of the following education measures embody the policy “Return to the d. Ask for another teaching load in the public school
a. K-12 Education Program 55. The ability to perceive how objects are related in order to mentally perceive
b. National Elementary Achievement Test (NEAT) what is seen, thus creating concrete visual images from memory.
c. Minimum Learning Competencies (MLC) a. visual-spatial intelligence c. qualitative intelligence
d. New Elementary School Curriculum (NESC) b. mathematical-logical d. spatial intelligence

51. Reason why John Dewey, during the American Period, proposed the 56. He is responsible for the theory which recognizes the importance of developing
transformation of the public school systems. multiple intelligences.
a. Jean Piaget c. Frederick Fraebel 13.b 38.a
b. Howard Gardner d. Sigmund Freund 14.b 39.a
15.c 40.c
57. An emerging thrust in determining one’s personality, whether pleasant or 16.a 41.a
unwholesome; one’s virtues, i.e. values, relationships, adjustments to varying 17.c 42.c
situations, behaviour and motivations. 18.c 43.a
a. emotional quotient (E.Q.) c. adjusted personality 19.d 44.b
b. intelligence quotient (I.Q.) d. multiple intelligence 20.c 45.a
21.b 46.c
58. It is the measurement of the personality which is the result by dividing the 22.a 47.d
mental age by the chronological age. 23c 48.d
a. emotional quotient (E.Q) c. social intelligence 24.d 49.b
b. intelligence quotient (I.Q) d. anticipated behaviour 25.b 50.d
59. Type of intelligence which enables a person to understand the other’s feelings, Direction: Select the best answer from the choices given.
behaviour and motivation.
a. emotional quotient c. social intelligence 1. The right of an educational institution and its’ faculty to prescribe the methods/
b. spatial intelligence d. quantitative-qualitative strategies of teaching refers to _______.
a. building style c. academic freedom
60. One’s ability to do abstract reasoning and manipulate symbols refer to what b. choice of curriculum d. co/ extra curriculum programs
type of intelligence?
a. visual intelligence c. spatial intelligence 2. The 1987 Constitution provides that religious instructions can be given _______.
b. diametric d. mathematical-logical a. with the student’s consent c. with the Mayor’s permit
b. with the parent/guardian’s approval d. with the school’s support
3. Public schools in the Philippines are the contribution of which colonizer?
1.b 26.b 51.b a. American c. Japanese
2.c 27.c 52.d b. British d. Spanish
3.c 28.a 53.a
4.c 29.a 54.a 4. Hardship allowance is given to a teacher when__________.
5.a 30.c 55.a a. he is assigned to a depressed area
6.c 31.c 56.c b. he is given an additional teaching load
7.b 32.c 57.a c. he is in devastated/ calamity- stricken area
8.b 33.b 58.b d. he is assigned in a hazardous area
9.b 34.a 59.c
10.d 35.a 60.d 5. For a review lesson to be an effective tool for mastery learning, it must
11.d 36.b be________.
12.c 37.c a. the repetition of old lesson
b. a drill lesson c. admit that he does not know the answer
c. re-teaching but presented in a different and challenging way d. ask volunteers to answer the question and do research on it later
d. in a test format
13. The hereditary traits acquired by a person in his lifetime ___________.
6. The ability for quantitative learning of the relations of facts taken from a. are transmissible to his offspring
newspaper readings, letter-writing and the like is called___________. b. reappear on his future grandchildren
a. functional literacy c. knowledge outcome c. have no influence on the offspring after all
b. adjustment learning d. social competence d. become recessive traits

7. A teacher who gives a uniform assignment to be worked out by all learners in 14. When students are given a chance to settle differences of opinion by discussion,
mathematics is not observing a characteristic of a good assignment. What is it? they develop ____________.
a. It should be definite c. it should emphasize the essential a. fair play c. camaraderie and fellowship
b. It should be stimulating d. It should provide for individual differences b. tolerance and acceptance d. sociability
8. A good indication that effective management in classroom exist
when_________. 15. The school’s responsibility towards teenagers’ “gang age” is ___________.
a. the learners are quiet and well-behaved a. provide the gang all the freedom it needs
b. there in minimum teacher control b. give classroom activities to give directions to teenager
c. everything in the room is in proper order c. to supervise gang activities
d. students come in and out in orderly manner d. to set up norms of conduct for the members of the gang
9. Encouraging competition between slow and superior students in a class work
will______. 16. In an intelligence test, a 13 year old girl got a score equivalent to that of a 15
a. encourage the slow learners to work hard year old. This means that ___________.
b. encourage the superior ones to be better a. the girl must be accelerated
c. provide wholesome learning experiences to all learners b. the girl is 2 years older mentally
d. encourage division/ discrimination among the students c. the girl has chronological age of 15
10. Respect for honest differences of opinions is one objective of___________. d. the girl has a mental age of 13
a. self-actualization c. economic self-sufficiency
b. human relationship d. civil responsibility and conscience 17. The goal of good teaching is to direct learning activity so that the learner ______.
a. reaches the level of achievement for the grade
11. Which of the following practices diminish “plateaus of learning?” b. reaches the level of achievement for at least the average child in the
a. frequent drills c. proper mental set grade
b. organized review exercises d. teaching to the point of over-learning c. exceeds the average level of achievement in the grade
d. reaches the level of achievement which is possible within the limits of his
12. If a student asks a question which the teacher do not have a ready answer, the ability
latter should __________.
a. dismiss the question as irrelevant
b. offer a bluff or evade the question
18. Through the proper use of multi-sensory aids, a learner may live realistically and c. use several forms of motivation for learning
vicariously in places remote from his immediate environment. These attest to the d. introduce new materials in the learning situation
value of these aids to _______________.
a. arouse interest c. enlarge one’s environment 2. The following are characteristics of a good teaching / learning practice except?
b. supplement knowledge d. contribute to greater retention of learning a. students are governed by fixed and rigid standards
b. life-like situations introduced as learning experiences in classroom
19. It is the most relevant characteristics/ attribute of the daily lesson plan in an c. students re given more oppurtunities to act or experience learning
integral activity program is that _____________. d. evaluation is made an integral part of teaching procedures
a. it is detailed c. it is comprehensive
b. it is flexible d. it is specific 3. Lesson Plans should be written to _________?
a. guide the teacher on what to say
20. Which of the following statement is not necessary to achieve the learner’s b. make it possible for lessons to be checked for completeness and
interest in a learning activity? adequacy
a. the activity must lead to a practical end. c. assure a logical approach to the lesson being followed
b. the activity must be within the ability of the learner. d. keep a record of lessons that have been taken in the classroom
c. the activity must fill a need recognized by the learner.
d. the learner must have the experience that will provide the background 4. Reducing certain classroom activities to routine work is an effective teaching
for the activity. method because?
a. it enable teachers and students to spend more time to each other
ANSWER KEY b. it provide students valuable training and exchange o f ideas
1. c 11. a c. it give teachers and students time to do more important tasks
2. b 12. d d. it allows the teachers to prepare their lesson plans
3. a 13. a
4. d 14. b 5. The primary purpose of questioning as a teaching teachnique is to?
5. c 15. b a. facilitate the exchange of ideas
6. d 16. b b. identify the strengths and weaknesses of the students
7. d 17. d c. determine the extent of the learner’s acquired knowledge and skills
8. b 18. d d. stimulate the student to think
9. d 19. b
10. b 20. a 6. Which of the following principles highlights that of Multiple Intelligence?
a. People have different Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.) level
b. Intelligence is measured in multiple forms
d. best learning theory is cognitive in nature
1. Thes best way to eliminate the plateau in the learnin curve is to?
a. have better-spaced rest periods during learning 7. The K-W-L Strategy performs the following functions except?
b. use different situations in the learning process a. it activates previous scheme
b. it provides summary of what has been learned d. presence of social expectations in early developmental stage
c. it encourages the learner to interact with the text
d. it privides purpose for reading 13. What benefit is derived from the use of performance objectives?
a. as a solution to class management problems
8. What principle of learning provides various learning activities and teaching b. value integration is made possible
methods to meet diverse needs and interest of the learner? c. student achievement is easily measured
a. Multiple intelligences c. Cognitive development d. selection of instructional materials is made easy
b. Cooperative learning d. Learning by doing

9. Teacher Cathy discovered that her pupils are weak in reading comprehension. 14. Whic questioning technique would be appropriate for inductive lessons?
What test should she give her pupils to determine what particular skills they’re a. questioning only the more motivated students
weak at? b. activity involving students in the questioning process
a. diagnostic test c. placement test c. using questions requiring only memory responses
b. standardized test d. aptitude test d. teacher will not ask any question

10. Which of the following statement is FALSE AS to the normal curve in the 15. Theory that encourages students to use their own experiences as a pre-reading
assessment of learning? strategy to predict and evaluate the problems and actions of the characters.
a. the normal curve may not necessarily apply to homogeneous class a. Text structure b. Metacognition c. Vocabulary d. Scheme
b. the normal curve is sacred. Teachers must adhere to it no matter what
c. the normal curve may not be achieved when every pupil acquires 16. Fatima has difficulty rightly solving a geometry problem. Suddenly, she “saw”
targeted competencies how to solve problem. What explains this phenomena?
d. when all pupils achieve as expected, their learning curve may deviate a. Memory b. Retention c. Insight d. Revelation
from the normal curve
17. Several group of learners are provided a reasing material of varying levels of
11. “Mainstreaming in the classroom” means _____________? difficulty. What learning principle is implemented by this method?
a. pupils formerly enrolled in special education classes are now integrated a. provision of information feedback
in to regular classes b. utilization of an individual’s need to achieve
b. Teacher s in special education (SPED) centers are now teaching in regular c. focus on student attention
classroom. d. assistance to each student to attain goals
c. Teachers in regular classes are now teaching children with disabilities in
special education centers 18. Whic of the following indicates the view that effective development could be
d. pupils in regular classes are now accepted in special education centers secondary to a significant task?
a. understanding how to react to varying student’s behavior
12. Which of the following is NOT a developmental principle? b. assisting students to overcome negative behaviour
a. development follows an orderly, predictable sequence c. understanding the causes of student’s behaviour
b. numerous studies show how individuals develop d. providing activities that are exciting to learners
c. early development is more critical than later development
19. A teacher is motivating through _________ when she specifies an objective in 25. Which order consist of the goal-orientd instructional model?
her lesson plan. a. Pre-assessment, specification of objectives, instruction, evaluation
a. reasoning b. goal-setting c. commitment d. conceptual cluster b. Pre-assessment, specification of objectives, evaluation, instruction
c. Specification of objectives, pre-assessment, instruction, evaluation
20. Which criterion is satisfied when a teacher selects activities and materials for d. Specification of objectives, evaluation, pre-assessement, instruction
her lessons that will stimulate curiosity and the need to know?
a. criterion of interest c. criterion of authenticity 26. Whic of the LEAST valuable way for a teacher to present a new lesson?
b. criterion of organization d. criterion of appropriateness a. Develop an overview of the subject
b. Provide an explanation on the importance of the subject
21. Self-confidence in learning is best achieved when the teacher gives a child? c. Hand out a step-by-step outline of the lesson
a. tasks that are easy to accomplish d. Explore some of the existing interest by the learner
b. assignments that are challenging
c. necessary directions to perform task successfully 27. How should penalties be imposed by the teacher on the offending student?
d. work that are of interest to him a. adjust penalty to the motive behind the offense
b. penalty should be severe to give the offender a lesson
22. Which of the following best illustrate the provision of Facilitative Instructional c. administer penalty immediately
Feedback by the teacher? d. penalty should be retributive and based solely upon the offense
a. a deparment test in history
b. grading the students “Pass” of “Fail” on their work and requesting those 28. Grades become valid indicators when ______?
who failed to repeat their work a. giving objective type of tests
c. the teacher watching the learner do their work, praising those who did it b. using letter grades such as A, B, C, D and F.
right and showing others how to correct their use of faulty procedure. c. explaining the meaning of grades or marks
d. Teacher gave a spelling test. Words missed by the students were given d. course objectives are defined as intended learning outcomes
again on the next test.
29. The main reason for the use of remedial teaching is?
23. What principle is reflected when a teacher always provide for the development a. re-study lesson which was wrongly taught
of all essential knowledge; of understanding, intellectual and manipulative skills and b. provision for more oppurtunities to repeat what was taught to enhance
attitudes? better mastery
a. principle of need-oriented c. principle of unity c. allow the student to correct his own errors in all types of learning
b. principle of balance d. principle of organization d. will allow the student to seek the proper procedure t learn what was
24. What is the most important step a teacher should take in constructing a test?
a. know the objectives 30. The best instructional program that would enhance the academic achievement
b. prepare the Table of Specifications of the students considering their differences in interest, abilities, needs and
c. write the preliminary draft learning style at any given point in time.
d. re-invent the old test questions a. Traditional instruction c. Adaptive instruction
b. Remedial instruction d. Experimental instruction
b. laboratory d. demonstration
1. B 7. C 13. C 19. B 25. C 7. What type of lesson is presented wherein the learner meets the learning
2. D 8. A 14. C 20. A 26. C experience through understanding, analysis an generalizations of facts presented?
3. B 9. A 15. B 21. C 27. D a. review c. development
4. C 10. B 16. B 22. B 28. D b. drill d. deductive
5. C 11. A 17. D 23. B 29. B
6. B 12. C 18. C 24. A 30. C 8. What lesson is presented when the teacher takes up the previous learning
Direction: Test youself on Contemporary Principles, Strategies and Techniques of experiences of the learners in a recognized pattern of presentation?
Teaching and the Learning Process. Answers are found after the last exercise. a. drill c. review
b. development d. discussion procedures
1. A statemet of objectives, learning experience and the means of attaining results
of teaching is called 9. A lesson which aims to focalize skills to make them fixed to the point of mastery.
a. procedure c. outcomes a. problem-type c. review
b. lesson plan d. strategy b. drill` d. experimental

2. Teaching aids which the teacher uses to make learning meaningful, productive 10. The law of exercise is aptly applied in a
and interesting is known as: a. review lesson c. drill lesson
a. device c. method b. assignment d. check-up
b. technique d. learning continuum
11. A type of review which presents the sum-total of all activities previously
3. A teaching method which proceeds from the details of a lesson towards the presented
generalization is called a. integrated c. daily
a. inductive c. problem-solving b. cumulative d. drill
b. deductive d. debate
12. What recent technique of teaching calls for an acting out of a situation where
4. A teaching method which proceeds from a generalization, principle or rule is: the particpanst aim to uncover a problem of great importance to the class?
a. inductive c. project a. panel b. debate form c. role-playing d. lecture-form
b. deductive d. process
13. What technique of in-service training for teachers involves the identification
5. The recent approach in teaching Social Studies is called; and solution of common problems by them thru live-in sessions, conferences and
a. discovery(inductive) c. process speeches of consultants?
b. conceptual d. formal-educational a. buzz session b. workshop c. seminar d. professional meetings

6. A method of teaching which aptly applies to lessons needing experiments is 14. The non-verbal symbols used to maximize learning are referred to as?
called: a. instructional devices c. field trips
a. problem-solving c. observation b. classroom techniques d. educational media
b. classroom management d. guidance oriented
15. Graphic materials which are eye-catching and which uses slogans and topics
presented in bold lettering and strong colors to serve as reminders of standards 23. What refers to the process of directing immediate personal desires, interests or
a. posters b. film strips c. projector d. objects wishes for the purpose of achieving an effective action?
a. discipline b. teaching c. supervision d. management
16. What contemporary aid to teaching utilizes carefully-planned materials where 24. What characterizes an effective type of discipline?
each step of learning requires repetition and practice until such step is thoroughly a. vital, sympathetic and humane c. inhibited
learned? b. formal and strict d. imposed
a. programmed instruction c. educational television
b. keypunching d. educational hardware 25. Which of these is not a quality of a good teaher?
a. mastery of the subject matter
17. The stimulus-response theory of learning which involves the association b. broad background of liberal education
between a conditioned stimulus and a response thru the repeated presentation of c. aims to enrich himself thru teaching
the stimulus was advocated by whom? d. understand the nature of the learners
a. Edward Thorndike c. Burrhus Skinner
b. Ivan Pavlov d. Wolfgang Kohler 26. Which of these is a good personal qualification of a teacher?
a. resourceful, creative and intelligent
18. What plan of promoting pupils is committed to encouraging the learners to b. rich, capricious and luxurious
progress from grade to grade without needless repetition c. complaining, demanding and scornful
a. non-graded scheme c. heterogenous grouping d. materialistic
b. individualized d. acceleration scheme
27. Which of these is included among the professional ethics of school teachers?
19. Differentiated assignments, tutorial and remedial work to would-be-failures are a. professional jealousy c. engaging n business prejudicial to his teaching
not considered in the Individualized Instruction Scheme. b. integrity d. gossip mongering
a. yes b. no c. maybe d. sometimes
28. What teaching method helps the learners draw generalization from a discipline
20. A part of daily lesson which serves as a carry-over for the next day of what has with the end of applying the same to similar situations in the future?
been presented is the a. discovery approach c. conceptual approach
a. review b. drill c. assignment or agreement d. lesson proper b. process approach d. problem-solving approach

21. A good learning environment is one 29. Which subject is in both elementary and secondary level mostly concerened
a. free from distractions c. disturbing noise with the study of societal problems and issues which are significant to the learners
b. over decorated d. dilapidated as members of society?
a. Modern Math b. Social Studies c. Filipino d. Values Education
22. The proper handling of the physical condition and instructional materials in the
classroom to effect learning refers to 30. Which of these are considered as two essential dimensions of science teaching?
a. teaching method c. discipline grouping a. observing and inferring c. reading and reseaching
b. seeing and oberving d. knowledge and performance
40. He founded the Eastern philosophy that advocates the individual’s right to
31. Which of these is not a process in science teaching? speak, to think and to behave with good intensions and not inimical to the right’s of
a. measurement c. controlling variables others
b. communication skill d. none of these a. Confucius b. Gautama Budha c. Shinto d. Mohmmed
32. Of the processes involve in the modern approach to science instruction, which 41. To accomplish many good activities in a particular class period, the teachers
one utilizes the most number of scientific proceses? must provide
a. prediction b. experimentation c. inference d. hypothesis a. additional curricular c. institute a systematic plan
b. provide unique teaching aids d. use expensive materials
33. A radical philosopher, he compared the human mind to the blank sheet, giving
importance to the role of experience and sense perception. 42. The teacher’s initial step to capture the attention of the student in introducing a
a. John Locke b. Jean B. Rousseau c. B.I. Skinner d. Thomas More lesson
a. motivation b. generalization c. enrichment d. reinforcement
34. He divided man’s life span into 5 stages of growth and development, where
each stage has its characteristics to be developed emphasizing need for self- 43. The teacher should give ______ to enhance the learning abilities of sloe learners
expression. a. assignments b. enrichment c. reinforcement d. activities
a. Johann Baselow b. Jean B. Rousseau c. Emmanuel Kant d. Froebel
44. Is a listening skill which requires the listener to listen for a specific purpose to
35. The philosophy which advocates the chain of causation where the past is linked find out information
to the present and present to the future. a. cognitive b. strategy c. focusing d. competence
a. Buddhism b. Existentialism c. Islam d. Taoism
45. Objects used by a teacher to make learning process attractive and effective for
36. An ancient philosophy where the emphasis in educating the young is on what is students
accepted to be right based on the society’s standard. a. samples b. media c. visual aids d. paraphernalia
a. realism b. spiritualism c. moralism d. pragmatism
46. A learner has a communicative ______ if he is able to use language with ease
37. An American philosopher who believed that the school should be regarded as a and effect
miniature community where the child can learn the skills in a free atmosphere a. competence b. technique c. ability d. skill
a. Wlliam James b. John Dewey c. Charles Piece d. Thomas More
47. It is the expression of a more explicit representation of language in the
38. Activities which are based from sensory adaption as a result of sensory interaction between the teacher and the learner
stimulstion. a. preparation b. proposition c. strategy d. proposal
a. review b. inhibition c. cover-up on behaviour d. Montessori approach
48. Technique to use to promote participation of students in cases of big classes
39. Yoga, a system of body exercises for control of the mind and general well-being a. class discussion
originates from b. question and answer
a. Hinduism b. Buddhism c. Tibet d. Confucianism c. grouping
d. buzz session a. reporting b. acting c. role-playing d. impersonating

49. The motivating force that encourages the person to attain a thing or activity.
a. energy b. objective c. attitude d. interest
58. One way to encouarage a student who lacks interest in reading to love reading
50. A combination of activities and content designed to bring about a specific goal is to
a. strategies b. activities c. assignment d. objectives a. reprimand him c. provide reading materials
b. ask the parents to buy books d. isolate him
51. Books, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, etc. used as instructional materials
a. software b. library materials c. paper materials d. resource materials 59. When the students fail to accomplish the assignment, the teacher should
_______ to provide learning interaction in the class.
52. Orderly procedure covering psychological processes of learning and a. prepare alternative activities c. send out the student
management of ways through which learning is employed by the teacher. b. proceed with the lesson d. report the situation to the principal
a. style of teaching c. procedures
b. teaching strategies d. methods of teaching 60. If the teacher encounters a student who is reluctant to attend a class, the
teacher should _______ to encourage him to go to class regularly.
53. It is the attention gained through proper stimulation and motivation as well as a. report the matter to the principal c. praised the student sincerely
individual effort. b. scold him d. report the matter to the parents
a. formal b. focused c. free d. informal
61. It is most valid statement concerning the aim of a lesson.
54. It is an applied teaching method to stimulate activity to increase understanding a. announcement of te aim at the start of each period.
by the student b. aim is outgrowth of and developed from motivations
a. device b. plan c. drive d. drill c. aim should be written at the blackboard
d. aim should be written by the student on its notebook
55. Referred to as the knowledge and skills which the learner is expected to
accumulate and develop at the end of the class. 62. Repetition will facilitate learning process when?
a. individual skills c. terminal behavior a. done in different settings
b. special talent d. dominant behaviour b. kept short as possible
c. there is short intervals between repetitions
56. It is referred to as effective activity wherein the group members develop a d. given in same form each time
common perception based on shared feelings or emotions through interactive
relationships. 63. In individualized instruction, how should the teacher begin?
a. student activity c. brain storming a. evaluate teaching-learning outcome
b. group discussion d. group dynamics b. present activities needed
c. identify the abilities of the learner
57. It is a way of encouraging students to express themselves and enact lifelike d. prepare necessary materials
64. Child’s mental development is clearly revealed by his? b. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill and values needed for his
a. ability to use language future
b. ability to deal with abstract object c. I must teach the child that real knowledge cannot be achieved
c. ability to deal with reality d. I must teach the child, being my professional responsibility
d. capacity to remember things 2. What method do you apply when you begin your lesson with concrete life
experiences then lead your students to abstract thinking?
65. A type of research undertaken to know the cause and effect of a variable. a. interactive b. deductive c. inductive d. transductive
a. historical b. developmental c. experimental d. descriptive
3. This Industrial Arts teacher, teaches when she feels like teaching and not when
ANSWER KEY she does not feel like teaching. She spends more time telling stories not related to
1. B 21. A 41. C 61. A the subject. This teacher lacks what trait of a good teacher?
2. A 22. B 42. A 62. D a. competence c. Emotional Intelligence
3. A 23. C 43. C 63. C b. integrity and accountability d. Intelligence
4. B 24. C 44. C 64. C
5. A 25. A 45. B 65. B 4. Teacher A uses a teachnique of connecting the new lesson to the previous
6. B 26. A 46. A completed lesson so that the students gain a more wholistic understanding and
7. C 27. B 47. B view of the subject. What psychological principle is invoked in this method?
8. C 28. B 48. D a. apperception c. conceptualization
9. C 29. B 49. D b. recognition d. stimulation
10. C 30. A 50. A
11. B 31. D 51. D 5. What technique am I applying when I allow experts or resource persons to talk
12. C 32. B 52. D on various aspects of a particular lesson which I wanted the students to have a
13. C 33. A 53. A wholistic understanding of the lesson like for example, priest on morality on the
14. B 34. B 54. D subject.
15. A 35. B 55. C a. symposium b. panel discussion c. debate d. open forum
16. A 36. C 56. D
17. B 37. B 57. C 6. Which of the following situation would indicate that you, as teacher, had been
18. A 38. D 58. C effective in instilling discipline among your students?
19. C 39. A 59. A a. students behave because an award awaits them
20. A 40. A 60. C b. your presence results in their being behaved
c. students have developed concern for each other
Direction: Situational cases are presented below. You are asked to choose which d. fear and fright resulting in good behaviour
principle or method of teaching and which sound learning process to apply in your
choice of the answer for each problem/ case. 7. A Physical Education teacher is strict in the classroom, yet during off-periods he
smokes within the campus whenever he wants, drinks liquor and is often seen with
1. What will be your guiding principle as a rationalist teacher? his “barkadas” by the students. As the Principal, how will you deal with this
a. I must teach the child to develop his mental power to the fullest teacher?
a. “Barkadas” is okey for the adults a. symposium b. open forum c. agenda d. composite report
b. just ignore his behavior as long as he does it discreetly
c. reprimand him every time you see him smoke 14. Teacher Kathy uses a chart indicating families and their corresponding electric
d. call his attention regarding consistency of one’s actions with the rules of consumption. She wanted her students to comment on the size of the families and
discipline in the classroom their average electric consumption. What specific skill is being asked from the
8. Which of the following style or technique would make you the teacher a good a. chart inference b. evaluation c. generalization d. composite reporting
classroom manager – “teacher with eyes on the back of her head!”
a. uses eye contact technique with your students 15. Teacher Rize is guided by the principal that a child should be helped to achieve
b. being aware of all the actions and activities in the classroom hs full potentialand become a responsible member of the society by satisfying his
c. give your students the “head-to-foot” look when angry needs. This learning theory which guides Teacher Riza is?
d. fear and fright dominates the classroom atmosphere a. S-R Theory c. Cognitive Psychology
b. Humanistic Psychology d. Behaviorist Theory
9. You are a teacher who uses techniques which allows your students to experience
“hands-on minds-on” learning. What teaching method makes this possible? 16. Teacher Ruth used gumamela to teach the students parts of the flower. Later,
a. demonstrative b. projective c. integrative d. inquisitive she used other kinds of flowers to compare it with the gumamela. What teaching
method did she use?
10. In coorecting student errors, which of the following is a good correcting a. Laboratory method c. Discovery method
measure? b. Problem-solving method d. Type-study method
a. encourage more reading to enhance comprehension
b. readily correcting the error right there and then 17. Teacher Norma is tutoring from her class an honor student fpr a fee. What is the
c. noting the error or mistake and deal with it after the class professional way the other teachers shoud do with regards the situation?
d. simply ignore it and let the students correct the error by themselves a. Let it be reported to the Principal
b. Just ignore the situation
11. What appropriate visual material should I ask the students to use to show c. Inform the parents of the tutoree that the practice is not allowed
historical ahes graphically? d. Remind Teacher Norma that what she is doing is unethical and
a. continuous scale b. Fishbone Diagram unprofessional
c. Flow Cha d. Chronological Chart
18. Theresa helps students determine the right pronounciation and meaning of
12. Which of the following questions demand the highest level of thingking? words by analyzing roots, affixes and its derived froms. This process is called?
a. “Hoe should you present your report?” a. structural analysis c. contextual analysis
b. “Was the student’s reporting well-done?” Support your answer. b. blending sounds d. phonetic structure
c. “What steps in reporting are you taking?”
d. “What conditions must be met to have an effective reporting?” 19. Elizabeth, aged 9, was transferred from her class for frequent fights with other
ppils. She also has frequent tantrums, short attention span and refused to be
13. The teacher wants a group of her students to discuss and argue on an action disciplined. She might be a case of?
plan. What technique would she appropriately use? a. having learning disability c. Downe Syndrome
b. having retardation d. Attention Deficit nd Hyperactivity Disorder I. Independent Practice II. Feedback and Correctiveness
III. Guided stundent practice IV. Presenting and structuring
20. Proper selection is the first concern of the teacher who plans to use some V. Reviewing the previous day’s work
audiovisual devices. What criterion should the teacher consider? a. V-II-IV-III-I c. III-II-IV-I-V
a. cost of the materials to be used b. V-IV-III-II-I d. I-V-II-III-IV
b. suitability of the materials for the purpose
c. quality of the materials to be used 25. Mr. Math Wizard begins a lesson in math by checking and reviewing on the
d. availability of the materials for the intended purpose previous day’s assignment, then provides practice and drills. What would be his
very reason for such method of teaching?
21. Your class is a model class You use of the question-and-answer method of the a. make sure the stundents understand the pre-requisite skills of the
recitation. Which of the following actions should you do to make your teaching lessons
more effective? b. that parents guide or assist their children in their assignments
a. approves of students answering in chorus c. make lerning interesting and enjoyable for the students
b. repeat the correct answers of the students d. prepare students for mastery test
c. amswer questions posed by the students
d. appreciate all answers given by the students wether correct or wrong 26. You wanted your students to develop comprehension skills. In what order of
skills must you develop?
22. Which of the following actions should you take if you want to inform the I. Literal Comprehension III. Critical Evaluation
parents of one of your students regarding his low academic performance. II. Interpretation IV. Integration
a. Tell the students to bring his parents to school to show the student’s low a. II-III-IV-I b. IV-III-I-II c. II-III-I-IV d. I-II-II-IV
b. Write a warning letter to the parents telling them of the student’s low 27. The sociogram reveals that four students in your class formed a “clique.” This
grade means that the teacher should:
c. Ask the parents to do something if they do not wnat their child to fail a. allow them to be together all the time
d. Have a dialogue with the parents and find out the causes of the b. encourage them to join other groups with similar interests.
student’s difficulty c. discourage them from joining other groups
d. disband the group
23. Being a teacher, you are looked up to as a leader in the community. What would
you do if the Barangay Captain seeks your advice on nome important matters? 28. How can the teacher best cultivate empathy among students fighting in the
a. Inform the Brangay Captain that you still need to get permission from the classroom based on Goldman’s Theory on Emotional Intelligence?
Principal before she can help. a. reprimand the students so that others will not follow
b. Recomment another teacher who can be of help b. make them realize how fighting negatively affect themselves and others
c. Discuss with the Barangay Captain how you can be of best helt to him c. tell the students to stop fighting to restore peace in the classroom
d. Tell the Barangay Captain that you really don’t know what to do d. establish roles and responsibilities

24. Teacher Celia uses the direct instruction strategy. Which sequence of steps will 29. Parents negatively react on play in children’s curriculum. A teacher who knows
she follow? the importance of play would tell the parents that?
a. playing is important int the child’s cognitive development b. Signal interference d. Behavioual discipline
b. playing makes learning a pleasurable experience
d. playing is a good for excercise 3. Teacher Arnold invited several speakers to shed light on the topic of Disaster
management an Risk reduction. This technique is known as _________.
30. The students are required to attend a practice for specific co-curricular activities a. interview c. symposium
in the school. It so happened that it was scheduled at the time of their unit test. b. open forum d. panel discussion
What should the teacher do?
a. reprimand the students 4. It is the science of developing a plant to attain goal and to guard against
b. postpone the scheduled unit tests undesirable results.
c. will not allow the students to practice a. Methods of teaching c. Teaching strategy
d. negotiate with the teacher-in-charge b. eaching techniques d. Planning and Development

5. The best method to use to improve comprehension and retention.

ANSWER KEY a. “Six Thinking Hats c. Understanding by Design
1.B 11.B 21.B b. SQ3R d. Aims, Goal and Objectives (AGO)
2.C 12.B 22.D
3.B 13.C 23.C 6. “SQ3R” means ___________________.
4.A 14.B 24.B a. Sample, Quotation, Read, Retain and Review
5.A 15.D 25.A b. Sample, Questions, Read, Retain and Review
6.C 16.A 26.D c. Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review
7.D 17.D 27.B ` d. Survey, Quote, Read, Recite, and Recall
8.B 18.A 28.B
9.C 19.D 29.B 7. It is a series of related and progressive act performed by the teacher and
10.C 20.B 30.D students to attain the specific objectives of the lesson.
a. Techniques of teaching c. Methods of teaching
` b. Strategies of teaching d. Principles of teaching
Direction: Select the best answer from the choices given.
8. St. Paul College students were required to stay and live with Aeta families in
1. Teacher Kathy is seen by her students as someone who has the mastery of what Zambales for a week as part of their “immersion” to study and feel Aeta life and
she is teaching. She, therefore, has _________. culture. What learning technique is this?
a. referent power c. legitimate power a. Practice technique c. “Immersion”
b. reward power d. expert power b. Field study technique d. Social Awareness Technique

2. It is the step in managing off-task behaviour and is manifested by the clearing of 9. Goal-oriented lessons usually begins with ______ of topic and ends with ______.
the throat to show disapproval or putting of index finger in the front of the lips to a. identification: evaluation c. planning: implementation
signal silence. b. formulation : evaluation d. identification: implementation
a. Direct appeal c. Attention calling
10. Edward de Bono, a modern educator, is known for his educational innovation b. Standards, Content and Delivery
wherein Students wear color-coded hats to focus on a particular area. This c. Content, Structure and Implementation
innovation is ________. d. Assesment, Strategies and Objectives
a. Understanding by Design c. “SQ3R”
b. Autodidactic Activities d. “Six Thinking Hats” 18. Atty. Dealca, the Executive Director of an NGO-Save the Environment for the
Future Philippines, will be the Keynote Speaker in a symposium where environment
11. When the students are the ones who will create the rules, resulting in easier care and protection will be discussed for the new curriculum in ecology. Which
implementation since they were the ones who formulate it. curriculum level will this be?
a. cooperation c. ownership a. instructional b. experiential c. societal d. institutional
b. self-control d. discipline
19. This curriculum concept includes the processes of planning, organizing,
12. Best help to present the historical events that happened. implementation and evaluation.
a. Chronology of events c. Series of events a. Curriculum development c. Curriculum assessment
b. Time line d. Affinity Chart b. Curriculum management d. Curriculum Strategies

13. The primary consideration of the teacher when choosing an instructional aide or 20. Instruction in a curriculum is said to be _______ when it is focused on methods
device. that draws on the social problems, needs, interests and abilities of the students.
a. Suitability c. Cost a. subject centered design c. learner-centered design
b. Availability d. Practically b. problem-centered design d. results-centered design

14. Teacher Grace handles a multi-grade class. What instructional materials must be 21. What part of curriculum will the experience of the students in school be
used to provide the needs of each grade? evident?
a. Differentiated materials c. Audiovisual materials a. Curriculum Planning c. Curriculum Assessment
b. Colorful and artistic materials d. Multisensory materials b. Curriculum Implementation d. Curriculum Evaluation

15. It is a method of teaching in which students acquire new knowledge and skills 22. It is the most important consideration on Philosophy of Understanding by
through designing, planning and producing a multi-media projrct. Design (UBD) curriculum approach.
a. Technology innovation c. Project-based multimedia learning a. Teaching Strategies c. Knowledge Acquisition
b. Multimedia in Teaching Techniques d. Software Designing b. Learning experiences d. Desired results

16. Teacher Edgardo, a science teacher, wants to show a close representation of 23. What social reality affects the school and the curriculum?
the size and shape of earth and its’ location in relation to the planets of the Solar a. Cultural development c. Changes in gender role
System. This is best shown by ________. b. Student’s behaviour d. Acquired knowledge
a. picture b. modelling c. film d. realia

17. Which of the following are the basic components of a curriculum design?
a. Standards, Learning Competencies and Evaluation
24. It is a contructivist theory where the learner applies his own part experiences 4. Small circle forms inside a larger one. The inner circle discusses while the outer
and acquired knowledge in problem solving situation in order to acquire new circle listens then the roles are reversed.
knowledge and relationships. a. Alternate questioning c. Vice-versa questioning
a. Experimentation c. Evaluation b. Concentric Circles d. Round-roving
b. Discovery learning d. Acquisition of knowledge
5. A teaching Aide in the form of a spinninh wheel marked qith four quadrants and
25. The most important criteria for an effective and efficet curriculum. labelled Predict, Explain, Summarize and Evaluate. The teacher spins and asks a
a. Relevant activities c. Clear objectives and Consistency student to respond accordingly.
b. Teaching strategies d. Implementing rules a. Ideal Spin b. PESE Wheel c. Soinning Wheel d. Idea Spinner

6. The students are assigned a topic or chapter, to become experts in and then after
ANSWER KEY they have discussed ther expertise, they will be assigned to different groups and
teach them.
1.d 11.c 21.b a. Mentoring b. Jigsaw c. Knowledge Sharing d. Expert discussion
2.b 12.b 22.d
3.d 13.a 23.c 7. Characteristic of an instructional plan that shows “inter-connectedness” and
4.c 14.d 24.b smooth flow from beginning to end.
5.b 15.c 25.c a. Coherence b. Clarity c. Conciseness d. Concrete
6.c 16.b
7.c 17.a 8. Teacher Norma will discuss the “Food Chain” in her Biology class. Which of the
8.b 18.d following would be best to use?
9.a 19.a a. Web b. Sequence Chain c. Flow Chart d. Flip Chart
10.d 20.b
9. Students give constructive coments on how to improve the work of the other
groups. It encourages work improvement.
1. A small group of students usually 3-6 persons discussing or solving a problem. a. Evaluation c. Assessment
a. Debate c. Group Dynamics b. Critiquing Session d. Judgment
b. Buzz Session d. Open forum
10. Techique that allos the student to put into use the lesson learned. It operates
2. Techniques of creating interesting questions regarding a certain topic. on theprinciple “I am what I should be.”
a. Formulation c. Divergent questions a. Characterization c. Role playing
b. Question generation d. Analysis b. Personification d. Simulation

3. Technique where show of hands, thumbs up or down, use of clicker, etc. to 11. Allos the student to master the skills by repeating the procedures again and
signify agreement or disagreement in answering questions. again.
a. Polling b. Evaluating c. Canvassing d. Converging a. Exercises c. Drill
b. Question and Answer d. Sequencing
12. Teacher A, a newly hired Science teacher, calls a student, then as a question 18. Which of the following instructional objective is in accordance with Bloom’s
during recitation, Is this right or wrong? highest level of Cognitive taxonomy?
a. Right because it is the teachher’s prerogative a. Explain the concept of variation
b. Wrong because the student does not knoe the answer b. Identify the different measures of variation
c. Wrong because the question is particularly directed to the called student. c. Compare and contrast Quartile Deviation and Standard Deviation
d. Right because it encourages the students to prepare for the recitation. d. Compute the Standard Deviation value of the test

13. During the recitation in Chemistry under Teacher Anne, student A fainted. The 19. What is the first step in constructing a periodic test?
student was brought to the Infirmary. Teacher Anne should take note of this a. Consider the group who will be the recipient of the periodic test
incident in the ______. b. Select the type of test items to use
a. Health Profile c. Log Book c. Go back to the instructional objectives
b. Incident Report d. Anecdotal Record d. Prepare the table of Specifcation (TOS)

14. Teacher Marina, an Art teacher, shows an abstract picture to a student and asks 20. In Teacher Norma’s Math Class 1st Periodic Test, she found out that more from
him to expres his thoughts about the picture. This technique is known as _______. the lower froup got item #20 correctly in the item analysis. What does this mean?
a. Visualization c. abstract reasoning a. The test item has low validity
b. projective technique d. imagination b. The test item has negative disriminating power
c. The test item has positive disriminating power
15. Teacher Alex wants his students to use higher order thingking skills, that is, to d. The test item has no disriminating power
think more creatively. He should thus, ask more ______ questions.
a. convergent c. critical 21. Which of the following best describe “Portfolio Asessment?”
b. analytical d. divergent a. An individual learner is adequately characterized by the test score
b. An individual learner cannot be solely assessed by his test score
16. What does this statement “grading on th e curve” mean? c. It is a dynamic, ongoing and collaborative gathering of multiple indicators
a. Grade determines wether or not, the student attained a defined standard of student progress.
of achievement. d. Assessment of acquired knowledge through test results
b. Grade define the performance of the student in a certain test relative to
that of the other students. 22. What does a “negatively-skewed score” distribution means?
c. Grade defines his performance relative to that of his potentials. a. the values of median and mode are equal
d. Grade defines his performance relative to that his efforts b. the mode corresponds to a low score
c. the value of median is higher than the value of mode
17. Bernice peformed better in English than 90% of her classmates. What does it d. most of the examinees got higher scores
a. Bernice got a score higher than 90% of her classmates. 23. The computed value of r for math and science is 0.92. This means that _______.
b. Bernice answered 40 questions correctly out of 50 questions. a. High scores in math – High scores in science
c. Bernice finished the test ahead of her classmates. b. Math and Science scores are inversely related
d. Bernice answered 90% of the test. c. high score in math – low score in science
d. high score in science – low score in math 30. Error committed in grading performance by tendency to rate everyone as
average and avoiding extremes of the scale.
24. Ms. Santos is conducting a research on income distribution among C abd D a. Median error c. Central Tendency Error
economic strata. The results are symmetrical. What meaure of central tendency is b. Standard Deviation Error d. Severity Error
most informative and appropriate?
a. Median b. Mode c. Mean d. Standard Deviation 31. What does a “normal distribution” mean?
a. negatively-skewed c. positively-skewed
25. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) utilizing the F-test is appropriate in testing b. mean and median are equal d. very few average score
the significant difference between ________.
a. frequencies c. medians 32. The best technique to assess the objective “Plans and Designs are Experiments
b. three or more means d. means to be Performed.”
a. Checklist c. Essay
26. In a summative test given by Teacher Antonio, in what competency did his b. Paper & Pencil Test d. Criterion-based
students find the greatest difficulty?
a. 1.15 b. 0.75 c. 0.08 d. 0.45 33. Main advantage of using Table of Specification when contructing periodic test.
a. reduces scoring time c. improves the sampling of content areas
27. In an item analysis on the periodic test in Math, item #38 has a difficulty index b. increases test results reliability d. makes test construction easier
of 0.45 and a discrimination index of 0.33. What should be done to this test item?
a. Eliminate test item #38 c. Make item #38 easier 34. Fatima attained a NAT Percentile rank of 91%. This means that ________.
b. Retain the item d. Make it a bonus stem a. she surpassed in performance 91% of her fellow examinees
b. she surpassed in performance 0% of her group
28. Under DepEd Order #33 series of 2004, what are the components of the grading c. she got a score of 91%
system? d. she got 91 correct answers
I. lowest failing grade to appear in the report card is 65%
II. Transmutation table to be utilized in grade computation 35. The granding method which gives weight to the present and previous grade to
III. At least 75% mastery of the competencies come up with the final grade.
IV. Use of Table of Equivalence in grade computation a. averaging c. criterion-referenced
V. Cumulative system for the final grade b. norm-referenced d. cumulative

a. I, III and IV b. I, II, III and IV c. II, IV and V d. I – V 36. Pre-planned collection of samples of works, assessed results and other outputs
produced by the student.
29. What are the guidelines in constructing “Matching-Type” of test? a. Work report c. Poprtfolio
I. Options and descriptions not necessarily homogeeous b. Diary d. Student Profile
II. Options must be greater than descriptions
III. Directions must state basis of matching
IV. Description in Column A; Options in Column B
a. I, II and IV b. I, III and IV c. I, II, III and IV d. II, III and IV
37. It tells the number of standard deviations below or above the Mean C: RESEARCH, MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION IN EDUCATION (New Exercises)
performance. This is used to compare the individual performance of the students
based on test results. Direction: Select the best answer from the choices given.
a. Percentile rank c.Grade
b. Z-score d. Standard Nine 1. The first step in constructing achievement tests.
a. determine the highest rating to b e given to students
38. Is a form of assessment to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the b. determine the content and skills covered by test
students. c. determine the characteristics of examinees
a. Summative Assessment c. Formative Assessment d. assess the teaching capability of teachers
b. Diagnostic Assessment d. Student profiling
2. What should a teacher do before constructing items for a particular test?
39. The main purpose or objective of giving test in teaching. a. review the previous lessons
a. To evaluate the effectiveness of the teacher in that particular subject b. prepare the Table of Specifications
b. To evaluate the materials and aides used in teaching c. announce the scope or coverage of the test
c. To assess the effectiveness of the teaching methods used d. set the time limit of the test
d. To assess the student’s learning progress and effectiveness of instruction
3. Which situation points to criterion-referencing?
40. Approximately how many percent of the case fall between -1SD and +1SD in the a. Teddy’s score is in the 98th percentile of the batch
normal curve? b. Amy types 40 words per minute without making more than 3 errors/page
c. Teacher Cathy has to group 25 students for the test program
a. 69.68 b. 95.44 c. 68.26 d. 34.28 d. Josef topped the class

4. It is the most obvious and familiar way of variability.

a. distribution of raw scores c. standard deviation
ANSWER KEY b. standard error of the mean d. range between highest and lowest score

1.b 6.b 11.c 16.b 21.c 26.c* 31.b 36.c 5. Which test measures the learner’s attainment of specific objective at the end of a
2.b 7.a 12.c 17.a 22.d 27.b 32.a 37.b given time frame?
3.a 8.b 13.d 18.c 23.a 28.a 33.c 38.b a. standardized test c. summative test
4.b 9.b 14.b 19.c 24.c 29.d 34.a 39.d b. norm-referenced test d. criterion-referenced test
5.d 10.d 15.d 20.b 25.b 30.c 35.d 40.c*
26. c* - an item with difficulty index range of 0-0.20 = difficulty level is very difficult. 6. The most important criteria in test construction.
40. c* - the area for normal curve from – 1SD to +SD is approx. 68.26%. Mean to a. preparation of Table of Specification
+SD is 34.13% and Mean to 1SD is also 34.13% ; +1SD to 2SD is 13.59%; from -1SD b. congruency of items with the objectives
to -2SD is also 13.59%. c. stem should contain the central problem
d. options should be of almost the same length
7. Which type of test can assess a student’s ability to organize and express is ideas? c. “You answered some of the questions correctly showing very good
a. multiple choice b. completion c. modified true or false d. essay understanding.”
d. “I had hoped that we were wrong in putting you in that class”
8. Under what principle should problems of discipline and class management be
considered? 15. In an individualized education program, what would be the best example of
a. school’s interest is the priority evaluation?
b. the interests of the school and the students are identical a. a report card with classified scale of letters A – F
c. the group’s interest reign supreme over that of the individual’s. b. test is given at the end of the unit
d. all activities should be geared towards the student’s development c. early diagnosis and on-going feedback and guidance
d. a written description of the student’s performance
9. Aramand is failing in his academic subjects despite his a having a high I.Q. What
must the teacher do to help him? 16. A stanine of 5% represents whose performance?
a. talk to the student and find out his problems a. performance of the upper 25% c. performance of the lower 20%
b. talk to his parents b. performance of the upper 20% d. performance of the lower 40%
c. examine his study habits
d. refer him to the guidance councelor 17. Which of the following measures is more affected by an extreme score?
a. Mean b. Median c. Semi-nterquartile range d. Mode
10. The least meaningful method of reporting test results.
a. raw scores b. percentile rank c. percentage gade d. derived scores 18. Which assessment tool shows evidence of a student’s writing skill?
a. Project b. Portfolio c. Critiquing sessions d. Daily Journal
11. It is the standard from which answers can be measured.
a. criterion b. table of norms c. Table of Specification d. scoring key 19. The sum of all the scores in a distribution always equals________.
a. the mean times the interval size
12. Which of the following refers to percentile? b. the mean divided by the interval size
a. used in stating standard deviation c. the mean times the N
b. expressed as the number of correct answers in the test d. the mean divided by the N
c. number indicating standing corresponding to a percentage of a group
d. percentage of people who have received a given score on a standardized 20. What does the negatively skewed score contribution imply?
a. the scores are widespread
13. Teacher Cathy gave a science test using forms A & B, after which she computed b. the scores congregate on the left or right side of the normal distribution
the test’s reliability index. Which form did she use in her computation? curve
a. test-retest b. parallel-form c. split-half d. internal consistency c. the students are academically poor
d. a proportion of t he class is academically poor
14. Pupil X in a slow learner class scored 60% in a test. What will teacher B most
likely say to stimulate Pupil X towards sustained academic improvement? 21. Which of the following statements on Test Results Interpretation is CORRECT?
a. “You need to study harder to get out from that class” a. student’s score is final indication of his ability
b. “Why did you not study harder” b. the statistical technique used gives meaning to the score
c. raw score is, by itself, meaningful 29. Standard deviation is to Variability as Mean is to ________.
d. tests scores don’t reflect the teacher’s effectiveness a. Discrimination b. Level of Difficulty c. Correlation d. Central Tendecy

22. What does this situation mean? 23 is Josef’s score in Math which is equal to 70th 30. What type of test measures higher order thinking skills?
percentile. a. Enumeration b. Matching c. Completion d. Analogy
a. Josef’s score is higher than 23% of his classmates
b. 70% of Josef’s classmates got scores below 23
c. 70% of Josef’s classmates got scores above 23 ANSWER KEY
d. Josef’s score is higher than 23 of his classmates 1.d 11.b 21.b
2.c 12.c 22.b
23. Given the scores 12, 12, 15, 15, 15, 17, 19, 19, 19 and 23, the mode(s) is (are)? 3.d 13.b 23.c
a. 15 b. 12 c. 15 and 19 d. 19 4.d 14.c 24.b
5.a 15.c 25.c
24. What does a teacher do when she does a norm-referenced interpretation of 6.c 16.b 26.a
scores? 7.b 17.d 27.a
a. The teacher describes what should be the performance 8.b 18.c 28.b
b. The teacher describes group performance in relation to a level of the 9.d 19.c 29.d
master set 10.a 20.b 30.d
c. The teacher compares an individual’s score with other scores
d. The teacher uses a specified content as its reference
Direction: Each item below presents a situation where you will have to analyze
25. What measures the student’s awareness of values effectively? the correct answer fom the choices given. This test exercise trains your ability to
a. Likert scale c. Moral Dilemma recall basic principles which have been learned before.
b. Projective Technique d. Anectodal Record
1. The test results revealed that a great majority of the students failed. What is the
26. The most important contribution of the Gestalt psychology to the theories of best action that an effective teacher should take to insure that learning will take
learning. place?
a. Use of multimedia approaches c. Concept of readiness in learning a. reteach the items that are heavily missed c. give a more difficult test
b. Importance of reinforcement d. Cognitive insight b. analyze the difficulty, then test again d. scold the pupils

27. A graphic organizer used to show how a series of events interact o produce a set 2. When the aim is to determine where the strengths and weaknesses of t he
result. students lie before teaching of a new lesson is done, what test is given?
a. Cycle b. Time Line c. Series of Events d. Web a. unit c. diagnostic
b. achievement d. summative
28. What psychological principle is used when the teacher links the new to the
previous one to enable the students gain a holistic view of the topic.
a. Stimulation b. Apperception c. Recognition d. Conceptualization
3. In any kind of educational endeavor, these three interdependent processes are 9. A test given to determine a specific aspect of achievement made on a certain
involved. skills to provide the needed remedial help to the learner.
a. evaluation, application, learning c. testing, recording, reteaching a. daily test c. diagnostic test
b. teaching, learning, evaluation of results d. application, evaluation, recall b. diagnostic d. none of these

4. It is achart prepared to determine the goals, the content and the number of 10. A test given to get a representative sampling of the general area of
items to be included in the test. accomplishment made on certain field of learning taught and learned.
a. test chart c. table of specification a. survey test c. aptitude test
b. test book d. skewed chart b. diagnostic d. none of these

5. The entire processes involved in conducting any scientific study include these 11. A personal feeling, either positive or negative towards an object, a person or an
sequential steps institution.
a. know the problem, gather and analyze needed data, then make a. attitude c. opinion
conclusion b. aptitude d. none of these
b. analyze, gather and collect data
c. gather data, analyze the problem, then conclude 12. Knowns as one’s preparedness for learning a certain task brought about by the
d. give description, make a calculated guess, then conclude influences of heredity and environment.
a. characteristics c. interest
6. Mr. Arellano, being a conscientious teacher, initially feels that many of his b. aptitude d. none of these
student dislike him, hence, they failed his course. To verify his hunch, he will
conduct what study? 13. The process of identifying educational goals and the extent to which these
a. descriptive study of student behaviour c. achievement test objectives have been realized or met.
b. historical study d. self-analysis a. examination c. planning
b. evaluation d. none of these
7. Desiring to find out which among the schools she supervises achieve or
underachieve the yearly target goals, Dr. Anacleto will use what measure? 14. The degree to which the test scores in a class spread.
a. Measure of Dispersion c. Measure of Popularity a. discrimination c. dispersion
b. Measure of Central Tendency d. Measure of Locality b. interval d. none of these

8. A test of intelligence based on the actual measurement of what the individual 15. The item in a multiple-choice type of test which serves as a “joker”
can actually do of a certain task under time pressure. a. obstructer c. error
a. Performance test c. Skill test b. destructor d. none of these
b. Aptitude test d. none of these
16. A type of scores arrangement in a class hich includes all possible score values
from highest to lowest with the list of learners’ names include.
a. frequency table c. grade norms
b.frequency distribution d. none of these
17. A special liking or inclination for a particular type of undertaking. 25. When a test succeeds in determining accurately the particular attribute of a
a. interest c. attitude person who is tested, it is said to be
b. goal d. none of these a. reliable c. variable
b. valid d. none of these
18. The score value which separates the upper half of a group from that of the
lower half. 26. The standard used to interpret test scores.
a. mean c. mode a. norm c. mode
b. median d. none of these b. percentile d. none of these

19. The score value which occurs most frequently in a given set of scores. 27. An index of a person’s intelligence in relation to others of his own age group.
a. median c. mode a. intelligence quotient c. personality
b. mean d. none of these b. grade norm d. none of these

20. Synonymous to median, this term refers to the common average of a se of 28. Test on reading readiness examples of a group of tests.
scores. a. prognostic test c. vocabulary test
a. arithmetic c. class interval b. cognitive tests d. none of these
b. score d. none of these
29. A rational treatment of raw scores arranged in numerical order or grouped in
21. A system of grouping closely-related score values into a single category which is intervals to get information about how an individual of a group compares with the
often used in tallying scores for a class. total population.
a. criterion c. converted score a. norm c. equalization of scores
b. class interval d. none of these b. frequency distribution d. none of these

22. A statistical index which represents the relationship between two varying 30. Which of the following is not good way of preparing essay questions?
measures which occurs within a class. a. give directions short and clear
a. cross-validation c. ceiling b. vary the difficulty of the questions to be given
b. correlation coefficient d. none of these c. provide specific directions on how the test is to be taken
d. give the test under time pressure
23. The difference between he highest and the lowest score in a given set of scores.
a. quartile c. profile 31. Which of the following is an important duty of a teacher?
b. range d. none of these a. evaluating pupil’s progress c. safekeeping of the properties of the school
b. soliciting contributions d. going on a vacation
24. Scores tendency to group at one end and spread out at the opposite end of a
given distribution of scores. 32. Which of the following is not to be considered in preparing items for objective
a. skewness c. unreliability tests?
b. unevenness d. none of these a. make each test item comprehensible
b. group items belonging to the same type together
c. provide specific directions on how the test is to be taken
d. very difficult test items 39. Which of the following is not a criterion in determining the effectiveness of a
33. To promote better student learning, which of these should be practiced in a. validity c. reliability
testing? b. cost of test d. items based on factor analysis
a. check the papers long after the test has been given
b. check and return corrected papers to the students as soon as possible to 40. Which of the following is not a purpose of evaluation?
appraise them of their performances a. provide educational guidance c. provide for the individual differences
c. pile test papers in the stockroom b. appraise the total school program d. non of these
d. use test to get even with the students
41. What is one characteristics of a good evaluation program?
34. In scoring essay test, which of the following is not a good practice? a. should be a culminating program of activities c. it is a testing plan
a. decide what qualities are to be considered in scoring the answers b. should be continuous d. none of these
b. write comments and correct errors on the answers
c. rearrange the papers after checking one question before starting to 42. What type of reliability coefficient is obtained when the same test is given twice
check the next to the same testee.
d. accept all answers written by the testees a. coefficient of correlation c. coefficient of stability
b. coefficient of equivalent d. coefficient of variancy
35. Which type of objective test is best for evaluating mastery of facts and
information? 44. What is the ratio between mental age to chronological age?
a. multiple-response c. completing test a. educational equivalent c. intelligence qoutient
b. true-false d. essay b. equivalent form d. none of these

36. In making test items of objective type, wich of the following should be 45. What is the process of calculating values of a variable beyond the range of
observed? available data?
a. no clues to the correct response should b e given intentionally a. face validity c. deviation
b. each test item should be related to the next item b. extrapolation d. none of these
c. the vocabulary level of the test should present some form of difficulty
d. test items should include also th irrelevant part of the lesson 46. What test includes items which measure variety of mental operations
combined into a single sequence from which only a single score is taken?
37. Which of the following is not a good characteristic of an evaluate technique? a. objective test c. percentile
a. has clear goals c. considers the nature of the learners b. omnibus d. none of these
b. utilizes various forms of testing d. has ambiguous presentation
47. What is a measure of an individual’s intelligence which considers both his score
38. Which of the following is not an objective type of teacher-made test? in an intelligence test and his chronological age?
a. matching type c. completion type a. intelligence quotient c. individual test of intelligence
b. multiple-response d. essay test b. inventory d. mental age
48. What diagram is used to determine the social interactions among individuals in a. frequency data c. concluded data
a group? b. gathered data d. surveyed data
a. scatter diagram c. norm
b. sociogram d. parallelogram ANSWER KEY
1.A 11. A 21. B 31. A 41. B 51. A
49. What test is made after certain norms have been established? 2. C 12. B 22. B 32. D 42. B 52. B
a. standardized test c. norm 3. B 13. B 23. C 33. B 43. A 53. A
b. speed test d. none of these 4. C 14. C 24. A 34. D 44. C 54. C
5. A 15. B 25. B 35. C 45. B 55. A
50. What type of score is obtained when a highly reliable measuring instrument is 6. A 16. B 26. A 36. A 46. B
used? 7. B 17. A 27. A 37. D 47. B
a. T-score c. Z-score 8. A 18. B 28. A 38. D 48. B
b. True score d. N-score 9. C 19. C 29. A 39. B 49. A
10. A 20. A 30. C 40. D 50. A
51. The kind of statistics that is used to describe a big number of data on hand.
These data usually include numerals, decimals, fraction and percentages?
a. descriptive statistics c. simple statistics D. GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING (New Exercises)
b. inferential statistics d. survey statistics
1. The most effective way of teaching young pupils the concept of moral values.
52. A test where the results are obtained from a large group. The evaluation is a. provision of role modeling c. reading of stories with moral values
based on certain norm or standard set, hence, the norm becomes the basis of the b. setting of rules of conduct d. imposition of punitive measures
test evaluation.
a. criterion-referenced test c. summative test 2. Best guide in handling disciplinary problems in school.
b. norm-referenced test d. formative test a. upholding the dignity of the individual at all cost within a realistic
teacher-pupil relationship.
53. The test results in this type of test are compared with an absolute standard. b. negatve approach such as sarcasm, ridicule, intimidation and the like
They indicate whether or not a student needs more or less help on certain skills. should never be used.
a. criterion-referenced test c. formative test c. prohibition on the use of corporal punishment and other harmful
b. norm-referenced test d. summative test methods.
d. vigilance and alertness by the teacher in sensing the needs of the pupils.
54. This evaluation device includes an analysis of all the scores in a given
distributions. It is commonly used to estimate the test validity. 3. Joselito has been disturbing the class by his unruly behaviour. As the teacher,
a. statistics c. standard deviation what should you do first?
b. variables d. quartile deviation a. call for his parents to a dialogue
b. explain to him the bad effects of his behaviour
55. The information shown by these data includes the highest, middle, and lowest c. bring him to the Prinicipal’s Office
scores, even the missing scores in a tabulated data presentation. d. scold him in front of his classmates
4. What guidance principle is upheld when a counselor refuses to divulge the results 11. Which of the following is the main purpose of testing?
of the standardized test to another person? a. facilitate the learning process
a. mutuality c. confidentiality b. enhance the effectiveness of counseling
b. counseling d. objectivity c. improve instructional process
d. all the above
5. Aurora is lagging behind in her academic work. She should be:
a. given remedial instructions c. placed in a special eduction class 12. Which of the following records students’ typical or unusual behavior?
b. given a special curriculum d. placed with srudents with low abilities a. attitude report c. aptitude record
b. narrative report d. anecdotal record
6. First step in the organization of an effective guidance program
a. evaluation of the guidance program 13. The counseling process which summarizes and organizes data to determine the
b. allocation of duties and responsibilities student’s positive and negative qualities.
c. structuring of the organizationl plans a. diagnosis c. analysis
d. formulation of the goals and objectives of the program b. prognosis d. synthesis

7. What does it mean when one says “Punish the act, not the child.”? 14. It refers to a counselor’s prediction of the client’s future developments
a. the act must be condemmed for all its negative effects a. prognosis c. analysis
b. punishment imposed depending on the gravity of the act or offense b. diagnosis d. synthesis
c. identify first the causes of the offense
d. the child must be advised not to repeat the offense 15. Refers to when the counselor shows that he feels what his client feels
a. assimilation c. warmth
8. Bernardo has a problem of frequent absences and tardiness in submitting class b. empathy d. acceptance
requirements. This could be a result of?
a. poor study habits c. lack of motivation 16. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good guidance program?
b. low level of aspiration d. low intelligence a. reaches all members of the academic community
b. provides for coordinated activity and effort
9. A child develops self confidence if? c. provides for a continuous in-service education for teahers
a. he is praised and acknowledged of his good deed d. all of the above statements are correct
b. he is treated justly and fairly e. only b and c statements are correct
c. he is ignored when he commits mistakes
d. he is allowed to do whatever he wants 17. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of the basic principles of
10. Which of the following statement is TRUE being a sound principle of guidance? a. guidance is concerned with prevention
a. it is curative rather than preventive b. guidance workers should observe a code of ethics
b. problem focused rather than person-centered c. guidance should be a continuing process
c. it is prescriptive rather than suggestive d. all of the above
d. it is preventive rather than curative e. none of the above
18. Which of the following situations will most likely need guidance counseling? 22. Carlo continuously creates trouble in and out of clasoom. You have received
a. when the student is unaware that he has a certin problem but is unable complaints about him being a bully but is one of he poorest students in your class.
to cope with it intelligently What seems to be his problem?
b. when the student is suffering from a major handicap and maladjustments a. He is lazy, good for nothing boy although he can beat his records if he
which demands careful diagnosis tries.
c. when the student needs an interesting interpretation of an information b. He is one of the students whose parents don’t care.
which mets his own personal difficulties c. carlo is an attention-getter. If given the chance, he can beat his own
d. only a and b record
e. all of the above d. If found to be wanting in attention, Carlo should be helped by
recognizing his potentials, be it in academics or sports or service.
19. The feeling of being threatened by ab overzealous and thinking srudents
oftentimes cause insecurity in the teacher. What should be the proper way for the 23. Expressing freely your opinion about an issue, whether generally acceptable or
teacher to handle a student’s aggressive behavior? not is a democratic process. In your class, a student always negatively opines that
a. Remain calm. Help the class give suggestions on how to handle the the class fails to insightfully think through the issue. How will you handle this
situation behavior?
b. Beat around the bush. Bluff a. Let go of his thinking, afte all, this is a democratic country.
c. Help the erring student. Show you appreciate his thoughts b. Stop his negative soonest. The attitude might contaminate his classmates
d. Ignore it and just remin quiet c. Recognize his differing view but encourage the class to share their
thoughts about the negative response.
20. Why should the practice of giving punishment or giving low or failing grades as a d. Embarrass him so he will keep quiet
form of discipline be avoided?
a. so as not to incite anger from the student 24. A second year transferee is quite withdrawn from his classmates. What should
b. failures may result in low aspirations be done to help him join his classmates?
c. because students have negative attitudes towards punishment a. give him ample time to socialize
d. punishment does not develop self discipline b. assign a group of his classmates to be ith him
c. determine the cause of his behavior
21. In a class of 45 students , you observed that majority are cheating during d. encourage and support him by calling him during recitations
examinations. You know that the teacher knows this but she simply refuses to take
steps to correct this misconduct. What is the best way to correct the situation? 25. In San Bartolome Elementary School, intelligent pupils or fast learners have
a. Call your co-teacher’s attention to the situation their classes in the afternoon. Seven of the intelligent pupils are bottled water
b. Simply ignore the situation vendors who earn a living in the afternoon, thus, they cannot attend their class full
c. suggest establishing class officers through which the prolem of cheating time. How can the counselor or help the pupils?
be solved a. Request the teachers concerned to ive remedial classes to the affected
d. Since the class always tops the examinations in school, leave the group as pupils
they are b. Convince the parents to stop their children from vending
c. The counselor will conduct remedial classes for the working pupils
d. Make arrangements with the school principal and the teaher to adjust E. HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (Attitudes and Moral values in the
the schedule of the affected pupils Teaching Profession)

26. What approach does a teacher uses when she provides a classroom Direction: Read each of the following questions carefully and choose the best
environments with oppurtunities for students to attain self-actualization of his answer.
potentials and abilities?
a. Punitive b. Development c. Prophylactic d. Remedial 1. The teacher has a vital role for the young. Which one is NOT one of these roles?
a. custodian and keeper of the young
27. What counseling strategy would the teacher use if she wants to utilize b. lead them to be useful, upright and law-abiding
interpreting and giving instructions, imparting of new ideas and information to c. turn them into diehard politicians
shape subsequent behavior, thoughts or feelings. d. guide for the young in their formative years
a. Informative b. Confronting c. Cathartic d. Supportive
2. To help bring about social order, the teacher must perform or show ___________
28. This means instructing the child in the ethical principles, why and why not and a. good qualities of a dedicated mentor
how to decide and act according to principles. Its goal is to motivate the child to b. devotion to his duties for the best of the service
have self-discipline. c. zealousness and dedication to his socio-civic obligations
a. Guidance b. Counselling c. Modelling d. Discipline d. indifference to responsibilities assigned to him

29. One of the two major styles of counseling where the counselor directs, 3. Which of the following is the teacher’s obligation to himself as a person?
instructs, or guides the person in need to n appropriate action. a. Belief in his capacity to realize his ambitions
a. Developmental b. Prescriptive c. Confronting d. Emphatic b. Observance of strict compliance to “individualism”
c. Clean in mind, body and spirit
30. What else should a counselor do to make follow up service functional aside d. Faith in the Almighty
from knowing the reasons or cause of a particular situation?
a. Disseminate the information as to the reasons of a particular situation 4. Which of the following may be considered the BEST of the teacher’s personal
b. Inform the parents of the reasons attributes?
c. Conduct an exit interview a. Honest, fair and with integrity
d. Rank the reasons based on the gravity of their effect on that particular b. Practices what he preaches
situation. c. Has belief in himself
d. Has personal discipline
1. A 6. D 11. B 16. D 21. C 26. C 5. In his relationship with his superiors, the teacher should NOT?
2. A 7. C 12. D 17. E 22. D 27. A a. be loyal and respectful
3. B 8. C 13. D 18. E 23. C 28. D b. engage in gossip mongering
4. C 9. A 14. A 19. A 24. A 29. B c. reject constructive criticism
5. C 10. D 15. B 20. B 25. D 30. D d. expect a promotion that is not meritorious
6. Likewise the teacher must strive NOT to? 11. As a public relations officer of his school, which of the following is the teacher’s
a. perform his work conscientiously and religiously responsibility?
b. suggest ways of improving the school curriculum a. maintains an exemplary behaviour which assures the parent’s confidence
c. arouse the ire and ventilate to everyone his grievances against his on him
superiors b. engages the government and private officials to be interested in the
d. accept constructive suggestions that will improve the system school’s activities
c. develop the students’ respect to authorities
7. When the teacher practices professionalism, which of the following is he NOT d. consults his superiors in all his plans and projects
LIKELY to do?
a. maintain cordial relationship with his peers 12. All of the following traits except one, describe the role of the teacher in the
b. shares the successful outcome of an undertaking with others community. Which one is it?
c. engages in derogatory talks to tarnish the reputation of his co-teachers a. respects government officials and community leaders and cooperate with
d. refrain from rumor-mongering and gossiping them
b. participates in the maintenance of clean and healthful environment
8. Which of the following is NOT INCLUDED in the sphere of teacher’s c. has belief in himself, in his aspirations and ideals which makes him an
responsibilities to his students? upright, useful and law-abiding citizen
a. see to it that his students are well-fed and clothed properly d. possesses a strong desire for power an control through whatever means
b. treats them fairly and without prejudice
c. develop in his students their love for work 13. Which of the following is NOT a ground for disciplinary action aganist
d. has belief in his students’ abilities for advancement government employees and officials?
a. Unauthorized solicitation of contributions by teachers from school
9. Among the teacher’s responsibilities to his profession, which of the fllowing is children
NOT INCLUDED? b. sale of tickets in behalf of private organizations which are not properly
a. belief in the need to widen his professional growth through readings and authorized
involvement in the growth of his immediate environment c. dishonesty, misconduct and graft and corruption
b. pride in his work and belief in the nobility of his profession d. refusal to pursue private business or profession that will be prejudicial to
c. participation in organizations whose aim is to achieve reforms by and for the service
the teaching profession in whatever manner these are achieved
d. supports movement for the general welfare of the teaching profession 14. The following values are incumbent upon the teacher. Which one is NOT?
a. Innovative in ways to introduce the students to the modern trends in
10. Which of the following is WITHIN the area of the teacher’s social education
responsibilities? b. recognizes the need to work for the common good and develop sense of
a. participates actively in the socio-economic, civic and political activities of propriety at all times
his community c. is self-reliant, disciplined, possesses self-respect and has good moral
b. acts as a public relations officer of the school character
c. maintains wholesome family relations d. is firm and consistent to the point of being rude and inconsiderate in the
d. gets he trust and confidence of his superiors pursuit of a principle.
15. Which of the following is NOT spelled out in the educational objectives under 20. Which of the following is NOT a recommendation on what a teacher should do
PD #6-A (Education Development Decree of 1972)? to errors made by the student?
a. Train manpower in the top management level, skills to produce quality a. ignore the errors c. correct the errors as gently as possible
technocrats b. correct the errors for accuracy d. give positive feedback when correcting
b. Develop high-level professionals through research to improve quality of
life 21. A parent comes to your room insisting that you talk to him immediately even as
c. Provide a board general education to bring out the best in human you are in the middle of class discussion. What should you do?
potentials a. Ignore him. Close the door so he can’t bother you.
d. Provide necessary educational foundation for individuals’ development b. Talk to him for a while and tell him to come back after the classes.
into productive citizens. c. Call a co-teacher to take over your class and attend to the parent.
d. Report the parent to the Principal.
16. A modern school should have a curriculum that is ___________.
a. based on books available in school 22. Three students are to leave the room to practice or review for a school
b. planned by the principal, supervisors, superintendents and teachers competition for the next day. What should you do?
c. planned by experts and students a. Request for an excuse letter from the trainor.
d. provided by the DepEd and followed by all schools b. Tell them to have the review or practice after class hours.
c. Allow them to go even without the excuse letter or request.
17. It is a sign or mark that learning has taken place in the individual. d. Allow them but give then extra assignment to make up for missed
a. Has made an improvement in his behaviour. lessons.
b. Applies what he has learned to similar situations
c. He has acquired new knowledge 23. One of your students informs you that you have a wrong answer to one of the
d. He is able to answer most questions. questions and he is right. What should you do?
a. Accept that you are wrong but reprimand him.
18. Which of the following should be considered the most important factor by a b. Accept that you are wrong and thus, thank him for the correction.
teacher in her plans for an enriching students’ learning process? c. Do not admit that you were wrong in your answer.
a. the behaviour of the students c. the interests of the students d. Give him more difficult problems to solve or questions to answer.
b. the abilities of the students d. all of the above
24. You caught your student getting something from the bag of her classmate
19. One of the following is an example of an extrinsic motivation strategy. Which without her permission. What should you do?
one is it? a. Report her to the Guidance office.
a. give immediate feedback to the students’ reponses built into the task b. Talk to the student earnestly for she might have a problem.
itself. c. Reprimand her
b. design individual or group competitions for recognition for excellence d. Tell the class about the misdemeanour.
c. give oppurtunities to answer different questions
d. provide more learning oppurtunities for students 25. In your English lesson, some of your students told you that their previous
English teacher taught them differently with regards the current lesson. They are
now confused as to who is right. What should you do?
a. Tell them they might have misunderstood their previous English teacher. d. To teach the students to become responsible and productive
b. Let them ecide as to who is correct or right.
c. Let them read more about the subject matter and find out themselves. 31. The most important factor that would make a successful teacher.
d. Tell them that you are correct and the other teacher was wrong. a. Her intellectual abilities and seminars she has attended
b. Her personality towards her students and co-teachers
26. The teacher of another class is absent and you were told to substitute because c. Her competence of the subjects
you have no classes for the next two periods. You should do so because ________. d. Her expertise in classroom management
a. she also substitute for you when you are absent
b. you want to have a higher performance rating 32. Learning is FUNCTIONAL when ____________.
c. it is the right thing to do a. the learner meets his present and future needs
d. you want to be praised by your co-teachers b. learning could be observed and measured
c. learning is more of memorization
27. What should you do when one of your students throw paper in front of you and d. learning is applied in group activities
say nasty remarks about you?
a. Punish the entire class for someone’s misbehaviour 33. What should a teacher do when asked a question whose answer she does not
b. Let them write anonymously their complaints and grievances about you know?
c. Punish the entire class unless one admits to the wrongdoing a. Tell the students that she has forgotten the answer
d. Subject them to difficult recitation or test to get even b. Ignore the question and shift the topic to another
c. Let the students search for the right answer
28. You caught some of your students at the back looking at some lewd pictures d. Tell the students that she honestly does not know the answer
during the class. What should you do?
a. Let them bring their parents to school. 34. What should you do if one of your students dropped-out of school with
b. Give them low grades/marks in Values Education unreturned books and the Supply Officer wants you to pay for it?
c. Send them to the Guidance office a. Pay for the unreturned books
d. Shift discussion to the right things about sexuality b. Let your students contribute to pay for the books
c. Talk to the Principal with regards the matter
29. The most important consideration to attain the objectives of education. d. Refer the matter to the PTA President
a. The needs of the student
b. The recommendation of Department Of Education 35. It tells you waht may happen based on one’s scheme and observation.
c. The curriculum of the school a. experimenting c. describing
d. The educational materials available to the school b. observing d. predicting

30. It is the primary task of a classroom teacher.

a. To teach and follow the curriculum set by the Department of Education
b. To motivate and guide the students to learn in the most effective and
efficient way
c. To develop in the students conformity to the standards of life
4. Students are most likely to perform their best because they are aware of being
ANSWER KEY observed and are expected to perform well. This is called _____________.
1.c 11.a 21.b 31.b a. Hawthorne Effect c. John Henry Effect
2.d 12.d 22.c 32.d b. Ripple Effect d. Rosenthal Effect
3.b 13.d 23.b 33.d
4.b 14.d 24.b 34.c 5. __________ explains that competition may arise among groups because of the
5.b 15.a 25.b 35.b awareness of their being studied or experimented on.
6.c 16.c 26.a a. Placebo Effect c. Hawthorne Effect
7.c 17.b 27.b b. John Henry Effect d. Ripple Effect
8.a 18.c 28.c
9.c 19.b 29.a 6. This intelligence is characterized by having the ability to socialize with different
10.a 20.d 30.b kinds of people.
a. congenial b. interpersonal c. intrapersonal d. popular

7. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, the highest among the following is _____________.

1. In Piaget’s Theory ofCgnitive Development, students are provided with varied a. literal comprehension c. critical comprehension
activities that will enable them to classify objects using more than one variable, b. integration d. critical evaluation
ranking items in order or logical series and understand facts. These activities are
expected to be performed in_____________. 8. Sir Tony called the attention of Rene for not “listening attentively.” As a result,
a. formal operational stage c. concrete operational stage the entire class gave attention to the teacher. This phenomenon is explained by
b. sensimotor stage d. pre-operational stage _________.
a. Ripple Effect c. Rosenthal Effect
2. What would be the probable effect on intelligent and resilient child who lives and b. Hawt d. Halo Effect
grow up in a very poor environment?
a. Same level of intelligence since environment has nothing to do with it 9. Anthony knows how to control his feelings and emotions. He really wants to ride
b. Iltelligence will allow the overcoming of frustration and obstacles a bicycle cut could not. This behaviour is a manifestation of _______.
c. Mental deterioration due to very poor environment a. motor development c. social development
d. Intelligence is affected because of cultural deprivation b. emotional development d. cognitive development

3. Children learn by following a role model who is usually older than them according 10. Identifying one’s self with a peer groups_________.
to Social Learning Theory, Thus, if we want children to treat each other with respect a. may lead to destructive behaviour
and dignity, we must show them. This behaviour is likely to be demonstrated by b. may give one’s self a measure of security and a sense of identity
children because_________. c. may reduce self-esteem and self-worth
a. they are entirely dependent on adults d. increases one’s credibility and self-worth
b. they easily threatened to follow
c.they learn best by observing and imitating role model 11. Children afflicted with ADHD have limited learning skills because________.
d. they are helpless and are often afraid a. they are under medication or treatment
b. they act on impulse and have short attention span 18. When a person’s moral choices are determined by the direct consequences of
c. they take stimulants taht make them listless his actions.
d. they have slow mental development a. post-conventional c. concrete
b. conventional d. pre-conventional
12. Parents because of being overly concerned, commonly commit the mistake of
_____. 19. Hyperactivity is a serious childhood problem because _________.
a. unintentionally create high level of stress upon their children a. it is a manifestation of retardation
b. deliberately causing high levels of stress upon their children b. it is a psychosocial problem
c. attempting to protect their children from undue stress c. hyperactive child tend to be destructive and withdrawn
d. giving concern as form of love and discipline
20. According to Kohlberg, the correct order of moral development is _______.
13. Importance of life stages in learning development. a. conventional, pre-conventional and post-conventional
a. It presents a set of development tasks to be mastered b. pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional
b. It represents the outcome of biological changes in the person c. self-interest, intrapersonal and interpersonal
c. Life stages are perfectly correlated with chronological age d. self-interest, social and post-ethical
d. It provides insight into the cultural values and aspirations of the person
21. Albert Bandura proposed a theory commonly known as _______ which
14. According to Erickson, when a person fails to develop a consistent identity, this primarily puts emphasis on modelling.
usually results i n ________. a. Psychosocial Development Theory c. Social learning Theory
a. inferiority complex c. role confusion b. Psychomotor Development Theory d. Moral Development Theory’
b. isolation d. indifference and apathy
22. This concept expects the teacher to provide varied learning activities to suit the
15. How can parents foster initiatives and independence on their children? needs of the various learning styles of the students.
a. Parents choose activities and control their child’s freedom to play. a. Rewards to increase participation c. Exposure for better knowledge
b. Parents encourage their children when planning and carrying out tasks. b. Proactive teaching as modern technique d. Moral Development Theory
c. Parents fail to identify versus role-confusion
d. Parents master psychomotor and psychosocial skills 23. According to BF Skinner, using reinforcement is the best example of________.
a. conductive environment c. operant conditioning
16. In what stage is the role of teachers, peers and adults outside the home, is very b. connecting facts and concepts d. manipulative techniques
important in shaping the child’s attitude towards self?
a. initiative versus guilt c. industry versus inferiority 24. Presenting a morally ambiguous situation to his students and asking them what
b. trust versus mistrust d. integrity versus despair to do is a classic example in the use of________.
a. reinforcement c. moral dilemma technique
17. When a peson conforms to the expectations of others or to socially-accepted b. individual differences d. operant conditioning
rules and values, he is at the level of ______ morality.
a. conventional c. post-conventional 25. According to Jerome Bruner, learning is a simultaneous process of acquisition,
b. concrete d. pre-conventional _______.
a. transformation c. definition 31. The “terrible-two” stage of a child is characterized by powerful word “no.” This
b. transcription d. processing is because at two years of age, the child is __________.
a. playful b. assertive c. inquisitive d. attention-seeker
26. A child receives a star as reward for correctly answering his seat work. The child
will always try to accomplish all tasks correctly for he looks forward to receive 32. Refers to thinking about cognition (memory, perception, calculation,
reward again. This activity shows ______. association, etc.), itself or to think/reason about one’s own thinking.
a. classical conditioning c. positive conditioning a. recollection c. visualization
b. associative conditioning d. operant conditioning b. metacognition d. formulation

27. What would be the best way to handle a student who shows negativism and 33. Teacher Kathy applies a concept of learning by bridging the student’s present
“attention-seeking” behaviour? skills with that of the desired level with certain techniques. According to Vygetsky,
a. Imposition of strict compliance regardless of individual differences. this is called _______.
b. Avoid giving orders that wil intimidate or coerce the student a. inspiration c. scaffolding
c. Reinforce his positive behavior by praising him. b. challenge d. motivation
d. Punish him for his negative behaviour
34. Teacher Anna, realizing that she has been lecturing for more than an hour,
28. Which of the following situation show critical thinking skills among the noticed that her students are no longer able to absorb more information, decided
students? to give them a break. This phenomenon is called ________.
a. Asking questions that will eventually lead to a conclusion a. boredom c. Plateau of learning
b. Asking low level and easy questions. b. mental fatigue d. disinterest
c. Letting the students do research and evaluation.
d. Suspending judgment until sufficient evidence is presented. 35. It allows the teacher to control misbehaviour without disturbing the class by
applying planned ignoring, signal inference, and proximity control. This is
29. “Teachers are facilitators of Learning”, thus, which of the following is the called___________.
exception? a. operant conditioning c. managing temper and tantrums
a. Teachers make use of interactive teaching strategies b. managing surface behaviour d. tolerance
b. Teacher talks more so students talk less
c. Teacher cater to multiple intelligence 36. In the hierarchy of needs, the ighest among the need is ______ wherein the
d. Teacher talk less so students talk more person strives to develop himself to his fullest potentials.
a. physiological need c. sense of belonging and acceptance
30. Antonio, a 7-year old pupil, likes to play with his friends but easily gets angry b. self-actualization d. psychological stability
when he loses or is defeated. According to Piaget’s theory, under what
development stage is he? 37. Learning to read or write does not happen quickly but, rather, is built upon
a. sensorimotor c. concrete operation small steps that occur over the course of the child’s early childhood.
b. formal operation d. pre-operation a. Acquired literacy c. Innate literacy
b. Functional literacy d. Emergent literacy
38. A student is finding it hard to read and is a “slow-learner”. It was found out that 43. Wanting her students to increase their participation during discussions, Teacher
he came from a dysfunctional family and that he is abused and neglected. What Sofia would like to use operant conditioning by_______________.
could have caused his reading disability? a. giving a reward or token to those who will participate
a. poor educational absorption c. emotional factors b. allowing them to think about thinking
b. physiological deprivation d. psychological imbalance c. emphasizing sharing and guiding them to acquire new ideas
d. letting them do Metacognitive approaches to better understand
39. A student was punished for dishonesty and cheating in the examination.
However, this does not guarantee that the student wont cheat ever again. Based on 44. “Tabula rasa” is the term for “mind at birth. This means that it is______.
Thorndike’s theory on punishment and learning, this shows that _________. a. filled with innate skills c. full of ideas
a. punishment strengthens a response b. open for new ideas d. “blank sheet”
b. punishment removes response
c. punishment does not remove a response 45. Using Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, which of the following activity is nearest
d. punishment weakens a response to reality?
a. attending exhibits c. hearing and listening
40. In a certain stage of an adolescent’s development, he suffers from “storm and b. watching demo d. viewing images
stress” brought about by physiological and psychological changes. It is then a
common occurrence among adolescents that they _________. 46. The following statements negates facilitating learning except __________.
a. become unreasonable and insecure a. focusing on the left side of the brain
b. get lethargic but experience steady physical growth b. involving both sides of the brain
c. feel intense emotion and sense of imbalance c. focusing on easily recognizable symbols
d. become passive and indifferent d. focusing on the cognitive objectives all the time

41. Emphasizing the necessity of a clean and healthful environment and providing 47. This theory describes the psychological events in terms of information
for it is a clear example ________. transformation from input to output. It stresses the value of perception, attention
a. providing an atmosphere conductive to learning and memory in the learning process.
b. model learning strategy a. Gestalt Theory c. Information Processing Theory
c. utilizing educational technology b. Kohler’s Insight Theory d. Jerome Bruner’s Thoery
d. providing adequate facilities and techniques
48. This theory envisage that a person has need for 3 things: achievement, power
42. Type of learning that involves the assimilation of values, emotional reactions and affiliation which differ in degree on how each need affect his behaviour.
and acquisition of attitudes. a. Achievement Motivation Theory c. Need Hierarchy Theory
a. Psychomotor learning c. Affective learning b. Drive Reduction d. Cognitive Dissonance
b. Cognitive learning d. Psychosocial learning
49. The learning activities are well-planned ahead of time and the procedures
follow accepted rules and regulations established by the school.
a. Good time management c. Flexible Classroom
b. Structured Classroom d. Classroom Organization
50. There is allowance for free movement, time allotment and even in decisions 5. The mode of a score distribution is 30. This means that?
regarding modes of undertaking the learning activities. a. Thirty (30) is the score that occurs most
a. Structured classroom c. Flexible Classroom b. Thirty (30) is the score that occurs least
b. Classroom Management d. Curriculum Management c. Thirty (30) is the average score
d. no score of 30 is reported
6. Basis of 3-level approach to teaching.
1.c 11.b 21.c 31.b 41.a a. review b. knowledge c. facts d. concepts
2.b 12.a 22.d 32.b 42.c
3.c 13.a 23.c 33.c 43.a 7. A teacher helping a colleague grow professionally refers to?
4.d 14.c 24.c 34.c 44.d a. facilitating b. peer mentoring c. assisting d. tutoring
5.b 15.b 25.a 35.b 45.b
6.b 16.c 26.d 36.b 46.b 8. The basic or primary criterion in the choice of instructional materials.
7.d 17.a 27.c 37.d 47.c a. appropriateness b. cost c. availability d. functionality
8.a 18.d 28.d 38.c 48.a
9.b 19.d 29.b 39.d 49.b 9. How can instructional materials aid or enhance learning?
10.b 20.b 30.d 40.c 50.c a. substitute the teacher c. reinforce learning
b. hold the students’ attention d. entertain the students

10. The predecessor of the Restructured Basic Education Curriculum.

a. NSEC and 2-2 Plan c. NESC & 2-2 Plan
A. Choose the correct answer. b. PRODED & SEDP d. NESC & NSEC

1. The MPS in measurement and evaluation falls in what category? 11. A test is said to be ____ when taken several times and result in similar score.
a. ratio b. median c. mode d. mean a. reliable b. objective c. valid d. factual

2. Which of the following does not belong to the group? 12. A recent educational development that relates with the Theory of Perennialism.
a. collaboration b. synergy c. competition d. teamwork a. drills and activities that develop learning habits
b. exercising the student’s HOST
3. Under Ausbel’s Schema Theory, what principle is emphasized? c. adapting strategies to the student’s learning styles
a. stock knowledge based on background information and experiences d. individualizing learning experiences and activities
b. children can be guided on how to study
c. no need for background information 13. Appreciation and understanding of the fact that each is a unique individual
d. teacher presumes that learners know a lot of things responsible for its own thoughts, feelings and actions. This philosophy is based on?
a. essentialism b. perennialism c. existentialism d. progressivism
4. What is the most appropriate learning activity for attitudinal change?
a. game b. role-playing c. exhibit d. field trip
14. This teaching activity is based in Bandurra’s Social Learning Theory. 22. The lowest level of affective behaviour according to Krathwohl’s Affective
a. inductive reasoning b. questioning c. reasoning d. modeling domain of objectives.
a. organizing b. responding c. valuing d. characterizing
15. All subjects in elementary and secondary schools are expected to be taught
using the integrated approach. This is the result of? 23. What will a teacher most likely do when he plans a constructivist lesson?
a. Basic Education Curriculum a. evaluates his student’s works
b. Reinforced Basic Education Curriculum b. engage in reciprocal teaching
c. School-Board Management c. lectures his students
d. Program for Decentralized Education d. engage his student in convergent thinking

16. The implementation of the Philippine Education Placement Test for adults and 24. Which of the following is a low-profile classroom technique?
OSY’s by the government is geared towards? a. after-school detention c. notice to parents
a. quality b. relevance c. equitable acces d. obligation and responsibility b. high-pitch note verbale d. withdrawal of privileges

17. Development of work skills is based on goals of educational institutions as 25. This behaviour on your part connotes your “Expert Power” as a teacher.
provided for by the Constitution. a. Making your students feel that you are knowledgeable of what you are
a. to enhance moral character c. to prepare for globalization talking
b. to develop vocational efficiency d. to enhance technical skills b. making your students realize how important grades are
c. reminding them of your authority over your students
18. It is the acceptable standard of performance in mastery learning. d. giving your students a sense of acceptance and belonging
a. SMART b. behaviour c. criterion measure d. condition
26. For maximum interaction, the teacher should avoid giving or asking ______
19. This is what you should do as a teacher when you engage yourself in a major question.
task analysis. a. informational b. leading c. rhetorical d. divergent
a. revise the lesson objectives
b. determine the level of thinking that is involved 27. What activity is closest to the real thing according to Edgar Dale’s Cone of
c. break the complex task into sub-skills Experience?
d. test if learning skills have reached a higher level of thinking a. view images c. attend an exhibit
b. watch a demo d. attend a symposium
20. The appropriate bevavioral term where the lesson’s objective is toward
synthesizing skill. 28. What guideline should you take to provide “effective practice?”
a. testing b. assessing c. theorizing d. appraising a. practice over a long period of time c. feedback should be given
b. should be difficult for students d. done in evaluative atmosphere
21. A goal-related instruction culminates in ______________?
a. formulation of objectives c. evaluation
b. planning of activities d. indentification of topics
29. This method has been proven to be affective in courses that stress acquisition of 37. In planning an achievement test, what would be your first step?
knowledge. a. decide on how long the test will be
a. indirect instruction c. cooperative learning b. build Table of Specification
b. Mastery learning d. skill enhancement c. define the instructional objectives
d. select the type of test items
30. This method directly measures competence.
a. personality test c. paper-and-pencil Test 38. _________ is to variability as __________ is to central tendency
b. performance test d. standardized test a. correlation-variability c. level of difficulty-mode
b. standard deviation-mean d. correlation-descrimination
31. In the context of multiple intelligence theory, one disadvantage of the paper-
and-pen test is? 39. Which illustrates a developmental approach in guidance and counseling?
a. difficult to administer a. acting c. spotting-on students in need of guidance
b. it’s time consuming b. teaching positive interaction d. making decision for the confused
c. non-linguistically intelligent takers at disadvantage
d. it lacks reliability 40. Value clarification as a strategy in values education classes is anchored on
________ philosophy.
32. Which of the following have a stronger diagnostic value when one considers a. idealism b. hedonism c. existentialism d. Christian
specific details.
a. performance tests c. completion tests 41. Each teacher is a bearer of the nation’s cultural and educational heritage and
b. restricted essay test d. multiple-choice test it’s his solemn duty to transmit to learners such heritage. This he achieves by?
a. using latest instructional technology
33. The LET possesses _____ validity when its items sample adequately the b. using interactive teaching strategies
competencies tested in the syllabi. c. undergoing continous professional education
a. content b. constructive c. concurrent d. predictive d. studying the life of our heroes

34. This would ensure that your test in criterion-referenced testing, is fair. 42. In research, the definition of key terms used is?
a. questions are contributed by the students a. operational b. figurative c. conceptual d.literal
b. objectives for the unit is used as guide in your test construction
c. allow the studens to coose the questions they would to answer 43. How must a curriculum be designed so as to provide for individual differences?
a. realistic and meaningful exercises be provided
35. Quiz is to ____ test as periodic test is to _____. b. social and interpersonal skills be emphasized
a. formative-summative c. summative-formative c. with some degree of flexibility
b. summative-criterion-reference d. formative-diagnostic d. minimum learning competencies be included

36. In the test construction, TOS means? 44. What test should be given to determine a student’s basic knowledge and skills?
a. Table of Specific Testing c. Terms of Specification a. standardized test c. placement test
b. Table of Specifications d. Table of Specifics b. aptitude test d. diagnostic test
45. What is included in item analysis? c. they have scales of equal units
a. determining the effectiveness of distracters d. indicates indivual’s relative standing in a group
b. identifying the highest scores
c. determining the cut-off scores 53. Period of greatest mental development of a child.
d. determining the present equivalent of the cut-off scores a. 3-6 years old b. 9-12 years old c. 6-9 years old d. 12-15 years old

46. A test item has a difficulty index of .85 and discrimination index of .13. What 54. This theory puts emphasis on the importance of sensitive periods in the child’s
should the teacher do? development.
a. revise the items c. just leave the items a. ecological theory c. psychoanalytic theory
b. make the test items a bonus question d. reject the items b. psychological theory d. social-cognitive theory

47. Around what percent of the cases fall between +2 and -1 in a normal curve? 55. What is the advice of the educational authorities regarding left-handed
a. 99.8% b. 68.2% c. 95.7% d. 75% children?
a. allow children to use the hand they prefer
48. When teachers overrate the student’s achievement in aptitude tests as b. left-handed student should also use their right hand
giftedness, they commit an error called? c. let them use their both hands
a. central tendency error c. generosity error d. discourage the child from using his left hand
b. deviation error d. technical error
56. A reading teacher stays 30 minutes after class everyday to teach slow readers
49. Teacher Kathy wants to elaborate on a central idea by giving more details. What how to read.
instructional materials should she use? a. developmental reading c. enrichment activity
a. time line b. cluster map c. story map d. Venn diagram b. remedial reading d. make-up class

50. Josef obtained a score of 89 in the grammar test. This means? 57. What is the characteristic of an inferred or integrated instruction?
a. he answered 89% of the test correctly a. deviation for intended objective is not allowed
b. he got a raw score of 89 b. confined to a higher level thinking process
c. he performed better than 89% of his classmates c. includes all thinking process from low level to high level
d. he answered 89 questions correctly d. exclude related topics

51. These materials consist of instructional units that cater to the different needs 58. Who are not covered by the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers?
and varying levels of the student’s mental abilities. a. all full or part-time public/ private school teachers
a. multi-level materials c.minimum learning competencies b. teachers in the tertiary level
b. multi-grade materials d. learning continuum c. teachers at all educational institutions
d. teachers of academic and vocational schools
52. What is the advantage of standard scores over that of percentiles?
a. they have zero reference point
b. they indicate specific points in the normal curve
59. Which process enhances the capability of grades? 67. Type of guidance service which concerns how the students would be put into
a. giving more high level questions c. constructing departmentalized tests their most appropriate courses?
b. using Table of Specification d. determining the level of test difficulty a. research service c. information
b. individual inventory d. placement
60. Which of the following situations best show the teacher’s consideration of the
student’s development patterns. 68. The educational trend now progressing in all modern societies as a result of
a. using the best strategies for teaching rapid economic, social and technological changes as well as knowledge explosion.
b. having outdoor activities a. team teaching c. international education
c. teaching from basic to complex b. multi-tasking d. internet
d. developing the student’s hidden abilities
69. What is the latest curriculum introduced in the elementary and secondary
61. A lot of events or ideas can easily overwhelm a reader. The teacher, then may education?
use __________ which can be done indirectly to provide some order to the reader’s a. Re-structured Basic Education Curriculum
learning process, thus, leading to a productive work. b. Basic Education Curriculum
a. scanning b. semantic mapping c. paraphrasing d. scheming c. Ladderized-step curriculum
d. National Career Assessment Curricula
62. To enhance the learning abilities of slow-leearning pupils, the teacher should
give? 70. As a teacher, how should you tackle the issue of our History books rerplete with
a. reinforcement b. activities c. enrichment d. remedial so many events portraying defeat and weaknesses of the Filipino?
a. Present them and blame those who caused or contributed to it.
63. Type of listening skill which requires the listener to listen for a specific purpose b. Be shameful and indignant about it
to get information. c. Accept the facts and use them to inspire the students to learn from it
a. processing b. analyzing c. focusing d. cognitive d. Present them and just accept the reality

64. Ms. Brazil treats her students fairly the same way regardless of their social class,
economic standing or family background. Ms. Brazil is said to be? ANSWER KEY
a. fair and just b. compassionate c. broadminded d. understanding 1.d 12.b 23.d 34.b 45.a 56.b 67.d
2.c 13.c 24.d 35.a 46.b 57.c 68.c
65. Why should learning activities be carefully planned? 3.a 14.d 25.a 36.b 47.a 58.b 69.a
a. This is expected by the students 4.a 15.a 26.b 37.c 48.c 59.c 70.c
b. accomplishment of objectives is dependent on the plan 5.a 16.c 27.b 38.b 49.d 60.b
c. Teacher’s ability to plan is tested 6.c 17.b 28.a 39.c 50.a 61.b
d. it is a teaching requirement 7.b 18.a 29.b 40.d 51.a 62.a
8.a 19.d 30.d 41.b 52.b 63.c
66. Which of the following hampers mastery of development task? 9.c 20.c 31.c 42.a 53.b 64.a
a. lack of motivation c. absence of initiative 10.b 21.c 32.b 43.d 54.c 65.b
b. lack of creativity d. higl level of intelligence 11.a 22.b 33.a 44.d 55.a 66.a
1. In what way can instructional aids enhance learning? 9. It is an area of philosophy which deals on the nature of knowledge and the best
a. assist the teacher in better explanation method of teaching is?
b. reinforces learning a. Ethics b. Morality c. Aesthetics d. Religion
c. enhances student’s attention
d. takes the place of the teacher 10. Sir Patrick, an English teacher, upholds his freedom to discuss topics within his
field of expertise without fear of being persecuted of harassed. This is an example
2. The study type of reading exercises gives practice in: of:
a. different types of study methods a. Right of Suffrage c. Academic Freedom
b. determining the central idea b. Freedom of Speech d. Professionalism
c. reading skills needed in other subjects
d. recognizing the right sord meaning 11. This embodies the duties and responsibilities, as well as proper behaviour in the
performance of the teacher.
3. When one attributes a Filipino’s resistance to scientific method and instead relies a. Bill of Rights c. Magna Carta for Oublic School Teacher
on his unquestioning obedience to authority, this trait is best described as: b. Education Act d. Code of Ethics for Teachers
a. Personalism b. Practicality c. Rationalism d. Passivity
12. One of these statements on Intelligence Qoutient is wrong. Which one?
4. Education in Human Rights begins with: a. measures current performance
a. caring b. respecting c. enjoying d. loving b. measures fixed potentials
c. can be enriched by environmental experiences
5. For brainstorming to be affective, what elements should be present? d. can be inferred from changes in maturity
a. lax teaching atmosphere
b. teachers’ non-judgemental attitude 13. The teacher opined that the world changes and thus, teaches you the skills to
c. strict disciplinarian attitude cope with the changes. What is his philosophy then?
d. use of the “put-down” strategy by the teacher a. Realism b. Idealism c. Existentialism d. Experientialism

6. Which of the following is an element of norm-referenced grading? 14. For what reason must the teacher minimize impositions on the learner, based
a. absolute standard c. perfect score on the “Negative Theory of Education” by Russal.
b. groups performance d. past performance a. to allow the learner to discover and inquire
b. to d irect the learner to learn the right thing
7. Classroom discussions should end up with final summary known as: c. to train the learner to live within the limits given
a. organizers c. Medial summaries d. to allow the learner to do what is required
b. post-organizers d. Internal summaries
15. Which of the following statements best describe or indicates a well-managed
8. In research, the definition of key terms used is: class?
a. figurative b. conceptual c. literal d. operational a. the learners just obey the teacher’s instruction
b. the learners are controlled by the teacher
c. the learners do their task on their own
d. the learners engage in activities that lead them to achieve and realize the Direction: Choose the best answer from the choices given.
stated goal
1. It is a statement describing the competency or performance capability to be
16. Which of the following about Median is correct? acquired by the learner.
a. measures variability a. Criterion b. Goal c. Learning Objective d. Capacity
b. stable measure of central tendency
c. it is the 50th percentile 2. In writing a Learning Objective, one must focus on the student’s ________ and
d. is affected by extreme scores not on the teacher’s performance.
a. capability b. interest c. behavior d. performance
17. Which of the following behaviour by the teacher would NOT enhance the
development of a high level of thinking skills? 3. There are ______ levels of Cognitive Learning as specified by Bloom.
a. encouraging credibility as a criterion a. six b. eight c. seven d. four
b. asking convergent questions
c. teaching for meaning 4. Process whereby the person’s affect toward an object passes from a general
d. allowing students to discover their own mental process awareness to a point where the affect consistently guides or controls the person’s
18. Is a model constructed with the purpose of emphasizing a particular part of a. Synthesizing c. Responding
function. b. internalization d. Adapting
a. mock-up b. simulation c. audio-visual d. realia
5. Teachers are encouraged to foster student autonomy and try to help students
19. Christians and Muslems value marriage, but the Muslems practice polygamous take responsibility for their actions. This is accomplished by establishing a
marriage while Christians practice monogamous marriage. What do you call this? communication with the students and by reasoning with the students.
a. Acculturation c. Cultural Relativism a. Jones Model c. Ginott Model
b. Ethical Relativism d. Cultural Assimilation b. John Henry Effect d. Kay Model

20. The logical sequencing of curriculum is based on what thing? 6. Means “course of study” in educational parlance.
a. Reconstructionism c. Perennialism a. Cognition b. Development c. Evaluation d. Curriculum
b. Progressivism d. Essentialism
7. Actual curriculum that is delivered and presented by each teacher.
ANSWER KEY a. Rhetorical b. Curriculum-in-use c. Covert d. Societal
1.a 8.d 15.d
2.c 9.a 16.c 8. Which of the following is NOT a basic principle in Curriculum Development.
3.a 10.c 17.a a. Educational experiences related to the purposes.
4.b 11.d 18.b b. Evaluation of the purpose when undertaking curriculum development
5.d 12.a 19.c projects
6.b 13.c 20.b c. Teaching depends on analysis and preparation
7.c 14.a d. Organization of experiences
9. This stage of curriculum development which involves the process of planning, 16. Research has shown that gangs tend to be mre cohesive than groups of the
implementing and evaluating in fitting the conceptual framework. same age in formal clubs or organizations. What could be deduced from these
a. Institutionalizing Phase c. Conceptualizing Phase findings?
b. Contextualizing Phase d. Operationalizing Phase a. Young people join clubs only if they are rejected by the gang.
b. The club is more of formality and loger-lived
10. The learner is the center of the educational process and the program is aligned c. Clubs usually do not exist in neighbourhoods where gangs already exist
upon his interests, abilities, purposes and needs. d. The gangs’ activities usually meet the needs of its members better than
a. Child-centered Curriculum c. Problem-centered curriculum those of the club.
b. Subject-centered curriculum d. Skills-centered curriculum
17. A new test of reading comprehension was administered to a random sample of
11. In designing an effective curriculum, one could limit the number of concepts 1000 4th graders and re-administered 14 days later. The correlation of the scores
introduced and reduce the language demands refrain fro introducing new and from the two testing was 27. From this information, the most defensible conclusion
unfamiliar labels in one day. you could draw is that the test is?
a. Mediated Scaffolding c. Primed Background Knowledge a. reliable and valid c. insignificantly valid
b. Strategic Integration d. Conspicuous Strategies b. valid b ut not reliable d. insignificantly reliable

12. It is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving 18. What would you think as a teacher, as the best way to deal with a 12-year old
performance by creating, using, and managing technological processes and boy who feels inferior to his classmates?
resources. a. Accept his having lack of self-confidence and leave it at that
a. Educational Technology c. Technical Skills b. Arrange situations carefully in which he would be obliged to show
b. Analytic Process d. Technological Innovtion leadership
c. Provide him with tasks which he could master with little difficulty
13. A list of computer instructions designed to perform some task d. Tell him how inferior he is
a. Manual b. Menu c. Program d. Resources
19. What will you do as a teacher, if you use film in your class presentation?
14. Best defined as instruction relating questions and technology relative to the a. Tell the students to pay particular attention to the film because a test will
students everyday lives to classroom projects. It is focused on questions that drive be given after the showing.
the learner to encounter the central concepts and principles of a subject hands-on. b. Conduct a preparatory discussion and follow-up in which the relationship
a. Concept-based learning c. Reasearch-based learning of the film to the work of the class is established.
b. Technology based Learning d. Project-based learning c. All the discussions and questions shall be conducted after the film
15. It is the lowest level of affective behaviour according to Krathwohl’s Affective d. Just let the students watch and enjoy the film
Domain of objectves.
a. Organizaton c. Characterization 20. Ms. Garcia gave Josephus a grade of 75% in his Araling Panlipunan calss due to
b. Valuing d. Responding poor conduct. What teacher-student relationship, do you tink, was violated?
a. You should not make deductions on the student’s academic ratings for
acts that are manifestations of poor achievement.
b. Yu may deduct on the student’s academic ratings for acts that are ANSWER KEY
manifestations of his poor moral values. 1.c 11.a 21.c
c. You may deduct from his academic ratings for acts that has something to 2.d 12.a 22.a
do with his behavior in class. 3.a 13.c 23.b
d. You should not make any deductions on his academic ratings for acts that 4.b 14.d 24.c
are not manifestations of poor academic performance or achievements. 5.c 15.d 25.d
6.d 16.d
21. Waste disposal has become a serious environmental problem in your 7.b 17.c
community. Health hazards is now a concern in the school. As a teacher, what will 8.c 18.b
be your priority? 9.b 19.b
a. Start a campaign to put up more garbage cans in the community. 10.a 20.d
b. Write the Local Government for assistance in the campaign for waste
c. Create a desire among the students for proper waste management as an Direction: Choose the best answer.
outcome of their lesson.
d. Assign the students to clean the school surroundings during the first 1. The cognitive process refers to the realization that even if things change in
period. physical appearance, certain attributes remain constant.
a. reservation c. integration
22. Councilor Dela Cruz, Committee Chair for Education & Human Rights, wanted to b. construction d. conservation
know what rights have been violated in their municipality. What human rights were
violated with the following offenses? 2. A basic principle of development states that the rate of development is unique to
I. Illegal Detention each individual. This is the principle of ______.
a. Right to Freedom c. Right to Life a. dynamic change c. uniqueness
b. Right to work d. Right to own property b. individual differences d. variation

23. I. Illegal Confiscation 3. When a child child develops a conventional maorality, his behavior is based on
a. Right to work c. Right to Privacy ________.
b. Right to own property d. Right to life a. person decision based on his satisfaction
b. the expectation of the group in general to gain approval.
24. I. Forcible Sterilization c. internalized ideals to avoid self-condemnation
a. Right to life c. Right to for family d. the desire to avoid severe physical punishment by a superior authority
b. Right to freedom d. Right to Privacy
4. What do you do as a teacher when you engage yourself in a major task analysis?
25. Teacher Y’s objective is to focus students’ attention on and quickly create a. Test if learning process has reached the higher level thinking skill
interest in a problem or concept. What must she make use of? b. Break a complex task into sub-skill
a. Brainstorming b. Panel Discussion c. Forum d. Task Group c. Determine the level of thinking involved
d. Revise the lesson objectives
5. Learning is strengthened if it results in satisfaction but is weakened if it leads to d. the school becomes an avenue through which the individuals learn their
annoyance. This is the Law of ______. culture.
a. exercise b. effect c. readiness d. repetition
11. The main function of a philosophy of education is to ________.
6. This stresses the development of an individual capable of reflective thinking, a. reconsider existing educational goals in the light of the society’s needs.
specifically that of being able to solve the problem he faces individually or b. Aid the learner to build his own personal philosophy
collectively. c. define the goals and set the direction for which education is to strive
a. Experimentation c. Rationalism d. provide the academic background prerequisite to learning
b. Disciplinism d. Developmentalism
12. Which of the following abilities is given emphasis by humanistic education?
7. Most of the modern classroom practices are influenced by Skinner’s operant a. develop man into a thinking individual
conditioning which traces on ________. b. enjoy the great cultural works of man.
a. progression of subordinate learning c. make man distinctly civilized, educated and refined.
b. connection between stimulus and response d. learn the different philosophies of education.
c. involuntary response to a stimuli
d. reinforcement of correct response 13. It is usually considered the most important factor in a child’s observable
classroom behavior.
8. According to Kohlberg’s moral development theory, stage of moral development a. Self-concept c. Cultural background
are closely related to its’ corresponding cognitive growth. This means that ______. b. Heredity d. Intelligence
a. adolescents should not be exposed to contrary moral views
b. schools should get children to accept or conform to society’s rules 14. Psychologically, there is unity in all learning. However, there are distinct types
c. as cognitive growth occurs, individuals are able to solve more complex of learning that are recognized. One is affective learning that involves
moral problems. a. understanding of the external world thorugh the use of the senses
d. all individuals completely reach their post conventional level of maturity b. acquisition of attitudes, ideals, judgment and values
c. formation of concepts and ideas
9. The recognition of teachers as person in authority was conferred to them during d. acquisition of facts and information
the _________.
a. Spanish rule c. American rule 15. Which will trigger additional development to a child if exposed to more
b. Commonwealth Government d. Japanese period challenges and stimuli in his surroundings?
a. Emotional development c. Interest
10. The relationship between education and culture tends to be cyclical. This b. Potentials d. Intelligence
a. culture is transmitted by the school system and the classroom is the 16. Which of these theories holds that human activity is based on the interaction of
place where transmission takes place. stimuli and responses?
b. the school is shaped by culture and culture, in turn, is influenced by a. Vector b. Association c. Cognitive d. Social-learning
c. the school is the transmitter of culture and is an agent of change
17. Social adjustments mean the ability to behave in accordance with? 23. What as the fundamental reason of Dewey why he proposed the transformation
a. Self-concept c. Social expectations of the public school system?
b. Universal norms d. Stereotyped-behavior a. He found out that the traditional academic education did not serve the
ideals of a democtratic society.
18. Who expounded on the need to study the child carefully for individualized b. The intellectual motivarion of the students is on the downtrend.
instructions? c. Industrialization is destroying the concept of home, shop, neighbourhood
a. Erasmus b. Da Feltre c. Socrates d. Plato and church.
d. That change and innovation are essentials of progressive movements.
19. His philosophy advocated a classical type of liberal education or the study of the
humanities. 24. With the pragmatic philosophy of education as her guide, Teacher Beth believes
a. John Dewey c. Irving Babbit that experience should follow learning. Thus, in her teaching, ______.
b. Jean Jacques Rousseau d. Kohlberg a. she equips the students with the basic abilities and skills.
b. she encourages her students to memorize facts.
20. Education is a continuing process of experiencing, and of receiving or c. she requires her students to fully master the lessons.
reorganizing experiences. Which of the following situations show that education d. she provides her students with opportunities to apply the theories and
indeed, is constantly envolving as influenced by Dewey’s philosophy. principles.
a. Education may take place formally or informally to Enable the person to
grow. 25. The three most important factors in an educational process.
b. education may take place anytime and anywhere the person so desires. a. Child, teacher and parents
c. Education constantly changes and envolves throughout life b. Child, teacher and the method of teaching.
d. Education takes place in the school where the person is exposed to c. Child, teacher and the school.
specific and self-contained experiences. d. Child, teacher and the subject matter.

21. What was the philosophy of education in the Philippines before the public
school system was established?
a. Idealism b. Realism c. Humanism d. Pragmatism ANSWER KEY

22. The Athenean ideal of education is to form a cultural soul in a graceful and 1.c 11.c 21.d
symmetrical body. How can this be? 2.b 12.c 22.d
a. By giving emphasis on health education 3.a 13.d 23.a
b. By adapting the philosophy of “know thyself.” 4.a 14.b 24.d
c. By improving and giving more importance to sports and physical 5.b 15.a 25.a
education. 6.a 16.b
d. By a well-balanced development of the mind, body and soul. 7.d 17.c
8.b 18.a
9.b 19.b
10.a 20.c
26. It refers to the orderly steps and procedures used by the teacher to make the 31. You are assigned to teach students with varied abilities. You want to teach a
learning process more interesting and meaningful. more homogenous and cohesive group. What type of grouping would best benefit
a. Teaching devices c. Lesson Plan your students?
b. Basic learning continuum d. Methods and Strategies a. Low-ability grouping c. Mixed ability grouping
b. With-in class ability grouping d. High-ability grouping
27. Which of the following statements would be the most important principle that a
teacher should follow in initiating a program of positive reinforcement? 32. Punishment or deprivation should not always be used as reinforcement
a. Provide a regular opportunity for socially acceptable behavior because?
b. Reward positive behavior and punish negative behavior a. Reaserch findings on the effects of reward and punishment are non-
c. Make sure that reward is immediately given after the appropriate conclusive.
behavior. b. It is a deterrent for effective learning growth.
d. Consider peer approval and acceptance. c. It motivates the child to conform.
d. It undermines the child’s development of self-confidence.
28. Which of the following statements points to the fact that any change should be
made on the basis of evaluation. 33. In the Herbartian method, the step “comparison and abstraction” aims to
a. That judgement should be based on facts. _____?
b. That facts should be correlated. a. develop the analytical skills of the student.
c. That revisions should be made based on the terms of judgement made. b. present a problematic situation.
d. That grades are arbitrarily computed and made. c. arouse the interest of the student.
d. recall past experiences.
29. In large classes where less work can be individualized, it is the most effective
method and practical way to provide individual instruction. 34. The level of mental maturity necessary for a pupil to profit from opportunities
a. Give the students freedom to do individual projects. to learn_______.
b. Assign homework and check it regularly. a. can b e determined by readiness test.
c. Provide group activities that would enable the student to work at his own b. can approximately be determined at age five.
level. c. may be reached at age seven.
d. Assign program materials to be worked-on during off-class. d. varies from tak to task.

30. It is the stage where data is critically evaluated and a conclusion is arrived at by 35. These are also known as “combination classes” where the required number of
the teacher. pupils of the same grade level has not met the required number to make up a
a. Presentation c. Preparation separate class thus, the teacher apportions class time for instruction to every grade
b. Generalization d. Application level within the glass.
a. Extention vlasses c. Homogeneous classes
b. Multi-grade classes d. Special group classes
36. Education during this period was essentially intellectual discipline based on a. b-a-c-d b. c-a-b-d c. a-c-b-d d. a-b-c-d
rational arguments.
a. Monastic education c. Scholastic education 41. It is the Christian perspective of democracy in education.
b. Multi-grade classes d. Special group classes a. Wqual opportunities of education for men and women.
b. Education based on Christian values and perspectives.
37. The primary objective of the regionalization of the educational system. c. Education for all without distinction of race, social, economic or political
a. That all educational policies are nationally implemented. status.
b. Take into account the local needs and conditions and encourage local d. Education controlled and subsidized by the government.
development planning.
c. Encourage the undertaking of language researches regionally. 42. The psychological developmentalist made the child the center of the
d. Promotion of quality education in all levels throughout the country. educational process through the application of its law of learning. Teaching should
therefoe be primarily directed towards the_________.
38. In Kohlberg’s stage 6 of Post Conventional Morality, the individual’s judgment is a. use of effective media technology to enhance learning.
based on ________. b. promotions of the child’s social consciousness
a. both social standards and internalized ideas. c. development of the child’s consciousness from within.
b. standards/norms and expectations of the group. d. systematic formulation of methods to enhance learning.
c. the arbitrariness of social and legal conventions.
d. external criteria/standards of roght and wrong which are authority- 43. Which of the following would be the most indicative of a student’s
based. maladjustment?
a. The student is prone to vandalism
39. Which of the following corresponds to Kohlberg’s Post-Conventional level of b. Spends his allowance each week on novelties.
moral development? c. Finding fault with the work of his classmates.
a. Right action consist of what essentially satisfies one’s own needs. d. Treating his classmates in an attempt to be accepted and popular.
b. Right action is defined by the decision in accordance with self-chosen
universally-accepted ethics. 44. Social development means the acquisition of the ability to behave in accordance
c. Good behavior is based on the physical consequences of action with ______.
d. Good behavior is that which pleases, help others or is approved by the a. social insights c. stereotyped behavior
society. b. universal norms d. social expectations

40. The individual has to learn task at each stage of development. Failure to do so 45. This demonstrates that education and culture tend to be cyclical.
at an earlier stage may cause problems in later stages. Arrange the following task a. The school is shaped by culture and culture, is in turn, influenced by the
according to stages as they occur in one’s life span. school.
a. Developing conscience, morality and a scale of values b. The school becomes the avenue through which the student learns his
b. Learning to distinguish right from wrong. culture.
c. Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system. c. Culture is transmitted by the school through the use of the classroom.
d. Taking on civic responsibility. d. The school system is, primarily the transmitter of culture.
46. Terman’s studies of superior children show that in moral and personal traits, Direction: Choose the best answer.
superiority is significant. Want does this suggest to the teacher?
a. Limit the experience of this group to personal growth. 1. Based on the K-12 curriculum, there are 4 elements in its’ assessment process
b. Distribute the activities equally between personal and moral growth. namely Knowledge, Processes and Skills, Understanding and Product and
c. Expose the group to moral and personal experiences. Performance. What conclusion then can be derived from the K-12 assessment
d. Provide the group with more experiences in school for personal growth. practiced?
a. Assessment puts emphasis on knowledge and processes involved.
47. What would be the effect of indoctrination of a child in a decision-making. b. Assessment practice makes use of multiple sources.
a. It will enhance his ability to think and decide. c. Assessment makes use of descriptive rating system.
b. It will provide him the oppurtunities to make right decisions. d. Assessment requires critical thinking.
c. It will facilitate his ability to make right decisions.
d. This will make him dependent on the thinking of others. 2. What does “Teaching to the Test” mean?
a. Test as a means of teaching.
48. How does peer group influence the development of an adult? b. Teaching begins and ends instruction with a test.
a. Allows the young to free himself from too much dependence on his c. Teaching by focusing primarily on those that will be tested.
family. d. Teaching so as the students perform well on meaningful task.
b. Provides the young opportunities to make unwise decisions.
c. Hampers the young from learning and developing accepted social roles. 3. For diagnostic purposes, which scoring rubric will be most appropriate?
d. Allows the young to spend more time outside the home and family. a. Holistic c. Global
b. Descriptive d. Analytic
49. All learnings is bond connecting. Which of the following NEGATES this principle?
a. Habits b. Attitudes c. Reflexes d. Skills 4. Assessment should be multiple and varied. This means that ______.
I. there must be a sufficient number of samples of student performance.
50. The Principle of Individual Differences requires the teacher to_________. II. different tools must be used to determine application of learning by
a. treat all learners equally and alike in the classroom. students.
b. give more attention on the gifted/superior learners. III. it must ca ter to multiple intelligences.
c. provide the learners with varied activities to cater to individual needs. IV. it be observed as frequently and as regular as possible.
d. prepare learning activities for the slow learners in the class. a. I & IV c. I, III & IV
b. II & III d. I, II, III & IV

5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Assessment?

ANSWER KEY a. Norm-referenced c. Emphasizes performance
26.D 31.C 36.C 41.C 46.B b. Criterion-referenced d. Requires students to use range of HOTS
27.C 32.D 37.D 42.D 47.D
28.A 33.A 38.B 43.C 48.A 6. If Traditional Assessment involves recall or recognition, what is to Authentic
29.B 34.A 39.D 44.D 49.C Assessment?
30.B 35.B 40.A 45.A 50.C a. Interpretation c. Comprehension
b. Stimulation d. Application 14. Which statement best define “content standard”?
a. When should the students accomplish the content standards.
7. “Assessment for Learning” refers to what type of assessment? b. The rate at which the students should accomplish the content standards.
a. Standardized c. Diagnostic c. How well the students should accomplish the content standards.
b. Formative d. Summative d. What students should know and be able to know.

8. What type of portfolio is best used for summative evaluation of the students’ 15. What is meant by “Validity is a unitary concept”?
mastery of curriculum outcomes? a. A valid test has a universal application in a variety of situation.
a. Showcase portfolio c. Development portfolio b. Valid test is one that has a single purpose.
b. Performance portfolio d. Process portfolio c. One validity but with different kinds of evidence of validity.
d. Different types of tests brought together to form a single valid
9. To ensure test_______, the teacher constructs a test blue print prior to writing assessment.
the test items.
a. high scoring c. validity 16. This test serve best your purpose of knowing what your students already know
b. reliability d. fairness about the cognitive lesson for the day.
a. Short answer test c. Essay
10. This portfolio emphasizes the students’ reflection on their learning using b. Objectve Test d. Performance Test
reflective journals, Think logs and other forms of Metacognitive processing.
a. Developental portfolio c. Showcase portfolio 17. “Test Reliability” refers to _________.
b. Process portfolio d. Performance portfolio a. Evidence of fairness to all examinees.
b. Appropriatness for processing the learning targets.
11. “Assessment as Learning” refers to _________. c. Stability of scores over time.
a. Self-Assessment c. Formative Assessment d. Consistency of test results.
b. Summative Assessment d. Standardized Assessment
18. Level of proficieny where the students exceed the core requirements in terms
12. Type of test wherein a set of tests is administered to identify specific weakness of knowledge, skills and attitudes and can transfer them flexibly and automatically
in a student’s learning processes. through authentic performance task.
a. Aptitude c. Diagnostics a. Developing c. Advanced
b. Formative d. Intelligence b. Approaching Proficiency d. Proficient

13. Which statement best defines assessment? 19. The student posseses the minimum knowledge, skills and core understanding
a. Specifying what should be known and be ably done. but needs help throughout the performance of task.
b. Reporting what was learned or not learned. a. Developing c. Beginning
c. Gathering information to be able to make decisions. b. Approaching Proficiency d. Advanced
d. Judging the quality of student performance.
20. K-12 Curriculum makes use of descriptive rating system. In the level of ANSWER KEY
proficieny what does AP means?
a. Struggling with understanding of fundamental knowledge 1.b 11.a 21.d
b. Developed the fundamental knowledge and skills and core 2.c 12.c 22.d
understanding with little guidance from the teacher. 3.d 13.d 23.c
c. Independent transfer of fundamental knowledge and understanding 4.d 14.d 24.b
through authentic task. 5.a 15.c 25.d
d. Exceeds the core requisites of knowledge, skills and understanding and 6.d 16.b
can automatically transfer them through authentic performance task. 7.b 17.d
8.a 18.c
21. What defines and differentiates levels of performance? 9.c 19.a
a. Researches c. Portfolios 10.a 20.b
b. Tests d. Rubrics

22. Which of the following statement is TRUE of K-12 Assessment of the G. CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONALS TEACHERS & SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF
Department of Education (DepEd)? EDUCATION (NEW EXERCISE)
I. It emphasizes formative learning.
II. It is Standard-based. 1. Which of the following do you think points to the Principle that counts as the
III. It puts more emphasis on knowledge. foremost responsibility of a good teacher?
IV. Less emphasis on skills and understanding. a. She counsels the student every time she feels like giving the.
a. I & IV c. II & IV b. She inspires the students by giving them interesting activities.
b. II & III d. I & II c. She expounds the lesson by giving them more examples and use
interesting visuals.
23. Type of portfolio that is best used for summative evaluation of students’ d. She guides the students in learning processes.
mastery of key curriculum outcomes.
a. Process portfolio c. Showcase portfolio 2. Which of the following do you think, as a teacher, the most important
b. Performance portfolio d. Development portfolio component of Eduactional reforms?
a. Implementing a better and more responsive curriculum
24. What assessment tool provides opportunities to teachers to document b. Hiring only excellent and highly qualified teachers.
students’ growth over time? c. Giving more emphasis on extra-curricular activities.
a. Psychometric measures c. Developmental record d. Giving the parents active involvement in the education of their children.
b. Anecdotal record d. Psychological record.
3. With insights into the 21st century education as basis, what would be the learning
25. It is the students’ attainment of content and performance standards. dimension of a man to live in a peaceful world?
a. Knowledge and Skills c. Proficiency a. “Learn to be” c. “Learning to know”
b. Understanding and Application d. Evidence of Learning b. “Learning to Live Together” d. “Learning to do”
4. Every Professional Teacher is required to be competent in his specialization. c. No. She should take any opportunity to attend seminars for professional
Which Pillar of Udecation is a requirement to live with? growth.
a. “Learning to know” c. “Learning to be” d. No. She is obliged to attend every seminar she is asked to.
b. “Learning to live together” d. “Learning to do”
9. Teacher Kathy is not comfortable with Jose, her student who is vying for
5. Which Pillar of Education or Learning is aimed at man’s wholistic development Valedictorian. In this regard, she is biased towards Jose and is rooting for Clara. As a
and fulfilment? result, Teacher Kathy gave Jose lower marks in recitation and projects. Is this right?
a. “Learning to be” c. “Learning to live together” a. Yes. It is the right of the teacher to determine the grades of every
b. “Learning to know” d. “Learning to do” student.
b. No. It is incumbent upon the teacher to deal with each student
6. Ms. Teresita, having passed the recent LET Exams, was offered a teaching load in impartially and justifiably.
high school. She submitted all the requirements and is awaiting her medical exams c. Yes. It is natural for the teacher to have “favourites” among her students
results. A week before her orientation, her medical tests results showed that she is d. No because it is inimical for the teacher to do so
suffering from freaded disease. What should she do?
a. Inform the Principal that she would not pursue anymore her teaching. 10. What type of learning environment should a teacher implement in a highly
b. Ask the Doctor for a falsified medical clearance so she can teach pluralistic class?
c. Inform the Principal of her medical condition and defer her teaching a. safe and secure c. secure and gender-sensitive
d. Keep her medical condition to herself and continue her teaching b. clean, safe and gender sensitive d. safe, inclusive and gender-sensitive

7. Mrs. Santos, known for her integrity and credibility, has been serving as part of 11. “Education is a continuing process of experiencing and reorganizing
the Board of Canvassers for the last 3 decades. However, in the coming elections, experiences.” What does this mean?
her nephew is running as District Representative and she has been asked to a. Education takes place anytime and anywhere
campaign for him. What must she do? b. Education is an ongoing, life-long process
a. She should campaign for him albeit discreetly c. Education is best achieved only in daily life experiences
b. Take a leave of absence during the election campaign for him d. Eduation Is best achieved in school
c. She should campaign for him for “blood is thicker than water”
d. She should not campaign as this is against the principles as a teacher and 12. Teacher Fernan encourages his students to identify the various social and
puts her integrity and credibility at risk. economic problems that confronts the society. He also encourages them to get
involved in solving them. What philosophy is shown in this example?
8. Every now and then, Teacher Norma, who as been teaching for the last 20 years, a. Nationalism c. Reconstructivism
has been asked by her Principal to attend seminars. However, she refuses most of b. Naturalism d. Progressivism
the time. Instead, she asks that another teacher be sent to the seminars. Is this
proper? 13. In reaching what does it mean to say “read between the lines?”
a. Yes. It is her right to decline or refuse to attend. a. engage in complete reading
b. Yes because she is now about to retire and no need for futher b. Relate to life what is being read and said
enhancement. c. Identify the main thought expressed by the reading
d. Not only reading but also understanding. It must be reading and 18. Under this Act, ______shall mean all persons engaged in classroom teaching in
comprehension. any level of instruction, in full time basis including guidance counsellors, libraries,
industrial or vocational instructors and all other persons, supervisory and
14. Teacher Grace received a complaint from the mother of the one of her top administrative functions in schools, colleges and universities.
students regarding the mark of her daughter in Algebra. What should she do? a. Professors and Instructors c. Administrators and Supervisors
a. Pretend that she is concerned about the mark of the student b. Teachers and Faculty Members d. Educational Personnel
b. Refer the mother to the teacher concerned
c. Listen to the complaint of the mother with sympathy 19. Public School teachers shall have the right to freely and w/o previous
d. Bring the mother to the Guidance Counselor authorization, both to establish and to join organizations of their choosing wether
local or national to further and defend their interests.
15. Which among the following should be developed in curriculum to counteract a. Freedom of Choice c. Right to Assembly
the growing number of shooting incidents in school campuses and other social b. Fredom to Organize d. Right to Free Speech
problems like drug addiction, etc.?
a. Emphasize cooperative learning and include socio-emotional teaching 20. Under Section 2 of Article XI of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, a
b. Practice cultural segregation and grouping teacher shall place premium upon ________ and ________ as the principles of
c. Observe individual differences and cultural values personal behaviour in all relationships with others and in all situations.
d. Implement body check-ups and heighten security and social awareness a. Educational Attainment; Success c. Self-Respect; Self-Discipline
b. Loyalty; Respect d. Selflessness; Dedication
16. This law created the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as the governing
body for both public and private institutions of higher education as well as degree- 21. Republic Act # 7836 is otherwise known as ___________.
granting programs in all tertiary educational institutions in the Philippines. a. Philippine Teachers Professionalizng Act of 1994
a. Higher Education Act of 1994 (R.A #7722) b. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
b. Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994 c. Magna Carta for Professional Teachers
c. Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 d. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
d. Education Act of 1982
22. A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with _________ and _________ and
17. This act shall promote and improve the social and economic status of public shall discourage unfair criticism.
school teachers, their living and working conditions, terms of employment in order a. sympathy and loyalty c. indifference and apathy
that they may compare favourably with other existing opportunities b. meekness and respect d. sympathy and understanding
a. Magna Carta for Educators and School Administrators
b. Magna Carta for Teaching Profession 23. A teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with parents and shall
c. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers conduct himself to merit their __________ and ___________.
d. Work Ethics for Professional Teaching a. approval and cooperation c. trust and support
b. confidence and respect d. loyalty and understanding
24. A teacher may submit to the proper authorities any justifiable criticism against
and associate preferably in _________ without violating any right of the individual
a. verbal complaint c. writing
b. Affidavit d. anonymous letter

25. Every teacher shall participate in the ________ program of the PRC and shall
pursue other studies as will improve his efficiency, prestige and strengthen his
a. Professional Enhancement
b. Maximizing Learning Competence
c. Continuing Educational Enhancement
d. Continuing Professional Education


1.D 11.B 21.A

2.D 12.C 22.D
3.B 13.D 23.B
4.D 14.C 24.C
5.A 15.A 25.D
6.C* 16.A
7.D* 17.C
8.C* 18.B
9.B* 19.B
10.D 20.C

#6. C = Art.2 sec.3 (Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers)

#7. D = Art.2 sec.5 (Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers)
#8. C = Art.4 sec.3 (Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers)
#9. B = Art.8 sec.2 (Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers)

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