1 - Foundation of Teaching and Learning - Solano

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

Seminar in General Education for Teachers
Second Semester S.Y 2022-2023


I. General Instruction: Read and understand each question. Select the best answer from the given choices.
From 1 -50. Rationalize the correct answer from each question.

Example: If a student believes in this passage “One cannot see perfection but I long for it” then, the syuident
can be regard as:
A. Empiricist
B. Idealist
C. Naturalist
D. Humanist

Rationalization: B – Idealist believes that existence of ideas is independent or apart from the material world.

Begin here:

1. What is the study of how social institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcome?
A. Educational Anthropology
B. Educational Sociology
C. Sociological institutions
D. Sociological Psychology

Rationalization: B - is the study of the affects of personal experiences and public institutions on
education and its results. Most of its focus is on the public education systems seen in
contemporary industrial cultures, particularly the growth of higher, further, adult, and continuing

2. The following statements describe the conflict theory of Sociology except:

A. Clash between ideas and principles
B. Inequality in the distribution of resources
C. Occurring in an orderly fashion
D. Resistance to order and power

Rationalization: C - Occurring in an orderly fashion simply means when anything is done in a well-
organized and controlled way, it is done in an orderly manner.

3. The following statement describe the Consensus Theory of Sociology, except:

A. General agreement among members
B. Heterogeneous
C. Shared norms and values of society
D. Stability and social regulation

Rationalization: B - A combination is said to be heterogeneous if its composition is not constant

throughout. There are two or more phases to it.

4. The following assumptions are about Structural Functionalism except:

A. Systems in society tend toward self-maintaining order or equilibrium.
B. The intertwined pattern of action and interaction make up groups and societies.
C. Allocation and integration are two fundamental process necessary for a given state in balance.


Republic of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

D. The nature of one part of the system has an impact on the form that the other state of
equilibrium of system
Rationalization: D - A system is said to be in equilibrium when neither the reactant concentration
nor the product concentration changes over time, nor does the system exhibit any further changes in its
5. Which Pillar of Education implies the need to develop one’s concentration, memory, skills and ability to think?
A. Learning to Be
B. Learning to Do
C. Learning to Know
D. Learning to Live Together

Rationalization: C - the development of skills and knowledge needed to function in this world e.g.,
formal acquisition of literacy, numeracy, critical thinking and general knowledge.

6. Which Pillar of Education is vital in building genuine and lasting culture of peace in the world?
A. Learning to be
B. Learning to Do
C. Learning to Know
D. Learning to Live Together
Rationalization: D - Learning to Live Together is vital in building a genuine and lasting culture of
peace in the world. This can be achieved by developing an understanding of others and their
history, traditions and spiritual values, and appreciation of inter dependence.
7. Which Pillar of Education pertains to the overall development of the human person as an individual and as a
member of the society?
A. Learning to Be
B. Learning to Do
C. Learning to Know
D. Learning to Live Together
Rationalization: A - the learning that contributes to a person’s mind, body, and spirit. Skills include
creativity and personal discovery, acquired through reading, the Internet, and activities such as
sports and arts.
8. What Pillar of Education is closely linked to work/skills training, performing a job or work in the acquisition of
A. Learning to Be
B. Learning to Do
C. Learning Know
D. Learning to Live Together
Rationalization: B - involves the acquisition of Skills, such as computer training, management
training, and apprenticeships, that are frequently associated to occupational success.
9. What is the fifth Pillar of education which caters to respect of environment, social solidarity, and inclusivity in this
world society?
A. Learning to increase Productivity
B. Learning to Live together
C. Learning to Solve Real and World Problems
D. Learning to Transform Oneself and Society
Rationalization: D - when individuals and groups gain knowledge, develop skills, and acquire new
values because of learning, they are equipped with tools and mindsets for creating lasting change
in organizations, communities, and societies.
10. Which Greek philosopher is a realist and is the sought father of modern sciences – the basis of most notable
ideas in the later years?
A. Aristotle
B. Cicero


Republic of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

C. Plato
D. Socrates
Rationalization: A - Aristotle was regarded as the originator of modern science because he was
the father of the scientific method, which is the hallmark of modern science. Aristotle was also the
first to conduct empirical studies, which is the foundation of modern science.
11. Which Greek philosopher suggested that education must be in accordance with the needs of society? He further
advocated that learning should be about the importance of studying the character of the child. He is therefore an
idealist humanist.
A. Aristotle
B. Cicero
C. Plato
D. Socrates
Rationalization: C - a just society always tries to give the best education to all of its members in
accordance with their ability.
12. Which educational philosopher is an advocate of developmentally appropriate education as he described the
stages if child development which mirrors the conception of children in their evolution of culture?
A. Friedrich Frobel
B. Jean Jacques Rousseau
C. John Locke
D. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

Rationalization: B - became an early advocate of developmentally appropriate education; his

description of the stages of child development mirrors his conception of the evolution of culture.

13. Which educational philosopher considers education as not preparation for life, it is life itself?
A. Herbert Spencer
B. Johan Friedrich Herbart
C. John Dewey
D. Maria Montessori
Rationalization: C – He applied pragmatist philosophy in his progressive approach and he
believes that man learns through practice and experience. The quote that he had uttered –
“Education is not a preparation for life, it is life itself” is likely to be pragmatist in nature.
14. Which of the following philosopher does NOT adhere of the naturalism philosophy of education?
A. Burrhus Frederic Skinner
B. Jean Jacques Rosseau
C. John Locke
D. Michel de Montaigne

Rationalization: D - Variations of Montaigne's ideas on education are incorporated into modern

learning in some ways. He argued against the popular way of teaching in his day, encouraging
individualized learning. He believed in the importance of experience, over book learning and

15. Which of the following is a false premise under the naturalist philosophy of education?
A. Education is in accordance to human development and growth
B. Emphasis in naturalism is given more on physical development – informal exercise – rather
than 3R’s.
C. Naturalism believes that everyone is different therefore must be educated in different ways.
D. Naturalism stands for democratic and universal way of teaching and learning.
Rationalization: A - Education is fundamental to development and growth. All development
accomplishments, from improvements in health care and agriculture to effective state
administration and the expansion of the private sector, are made possible by the human mind.


Republic of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

16. Which philosophy emphasizes that ideas are the only true reality there is in which education must strive for what
is ideal not what is available?
A. Constructivism
B. Idealism
C. Pragmatism
D. Realism
Rationalization: D - Ideas are the only true reality and the only thing that is worth knowing.
Relating this to education, subject matter of the mind should be emphasized in education. Realism:
There is exist a reality independent of the mind.
17. Which of the following is FALSE in the realization of idealism in education?
A. Method sin idealism used in teaching include lecture, discussion and Socratic dialogue
B. Idealism aims to discover the full potential of the child – what he can do more than what he is
– to prepare him for a better position in society.
C. Character development is through emulation of examples taken from more knowledgeable
people and tries to cover idea lives of heroes and enhance the saints and worthy of praise
D. Emphasis of idealism is given to subject such as natural science, physical education, technical
and vocational training which will develop and enhance the skills of the child.
Rationalization: D - Instead of placing a heavy emphasis on courses like natural science, physical
education, or technical and vocational training, idealism places a greater emphasis on disciplines
connected to philosophy, ethics, and the humanities in order to foster students' intellectual and
moral growth.
18. Which philosophy of education adheres to the subjective nature of teaching and learning and proclaims that
education is according to how the child sees it?
A. Behaviorism
B. Essentialism
C. Existentialism
D. Linguistic Philosophy
Rationalization: C - Existentialism encourages education that supports a person's existential
lifestyle. The development of authenticity, self-awareness, decision-making ability, responsibility,
the capacity to deal with tragic circumstances, social adaptability, and individuality in children are
some of the existentialistic educational goals.
19. Which of the following statements does NOT belong in the Existentialist Philosophy of Education?
A. Learning is based on the willingness of the students to choose and give meaning to the
B. Emphasis of existentialism is given not on students but rather on academic content itself.
C. Methods are geared on giving opportunities for students to self-actualize and direct
themselves to their goals.
D. Character development is through the responsibility of every individual in making a decision.

Rationalization: B - This claim does not fit within the Existentialist Philosophy of Education since
that philosophy places more emphasis on the freedom, autonomy, and self-actualization of the
individual than it does on academic content as the primary priority.

20. Which of the following statement does NOT adhere to the philosophy of Essentialism?
A. Essentialism refers to the traditional or back to the basics approach in education _3R’s
B. The concerns with the fundamental value of hard work, perseverance, discipline and respect
to authorities
C. Students should be taught to think out of the box, practically and creatively as this values
D. Methods of teaching centers on giving regular assignments, drills, recitation and testing.
Rationalization: C - does NOT follow the Essentialism ideology, which favors a more conventional
and structured approach to teaching centered on core subjects and fundamental information.


Republic of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

21. Which of the following does not match a pragmatic philosophy of education which teachers can do in the
A. Experimentation
B. Collaborative work
C. Drills and exercise
D. Problem solving tasks
Rationalization: C - do not align with a pragmatic philosophy of education because they prioritize
memorization and repetition above the development of critical thinking and practical problem-
solving abilities.
22. Which of the following subjects is NOT on top of the list when focusing on Humanist educational philosophy?
A. Literary appreciation
B. Mathematics
C. Physical education
D. Good Manners and Right Conduct
Rationalization: B - Because humanism stresses the development of the whole person, with a
heavy focus on the humanities, ethics, and personal development rather than on technical topics
like mathematics, mathematics is NOT at the top of the list when focused on humanist educational
23. All of the classmates of Marvin cheats in an exam when their teacher went out of the classroom. As a result,
Marvin also cheats, opens her notes, and shares answers with her friends. The teacher was disappointed as she
caught Marvin and the rest of the class and then gave a sermon to the students that the value of respect and
honesty has never changed so they too must work hard to uplift these values despite the difficulties as a student.
Which philosophy did the teacher adhere with?
A. Behaviorism
B. Essentialism
C. Existentialism
D. Perennialism
Rationalization: D - Perennialism, which emphasizes the eternal virtues of respect and honesty
and is committed to teaching students timeless knowledge and values, is the philosophy the
teacher followed.
24. Teacher John is an advocate of Behaviorism. Which of the following will affirm this?
I. The mind of a newborn child is a blank slate
II. All behaviors are determined by environmental events
III. The child has a certain degree of freedom not to allow himself to be shaped by his

A. III only
B. I and III
C. II only
D. I and II

Rationalization: C - The environment has an impact on people's motivation and conduct.

25. Teacher Filemon is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provide reinforcement and
soon the student learns to perform the behavior on his own. On which principle is Teacher is Filemon’s
conviction based?
A. Cognitivism
B. Behaviorism
C. Constructivism
D. Environmentalism


Republic of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

Rationalization: B - The beliefs of Teacher Filemon are supported by behaviorist concepts, which
place an emphasis on using reinforcement to promote desirable actions.

26. Mrs. Adriano, the principal of Sumulong High School told her teachers in a faculty meeting “We need to improve
our school performance in the National Achievement Test. What should we do?”
The teachers gave varied answers as follows:
1. Let’s give incentives and rewards to students who get a rating of 90%
2. Let’s teach them to accept complete responsibility for their performance
3. Let’s make the school environment conducive for learning
4. Let’s make use of the experiential methods of teaching
Which response/s comes from a behaviorist?
A. #2 and #4
B. #1 and #2
C. #3 and #4
D. #1 and #3

Rationalization: A - The behaviorist perspective, which emphasizes individual accountability and

responsibility for performance rather than external incentives or environmental influences, is
represented by the statement, "Let's teach them to accept complete responsibility for their

27. Mrs. Adriano, the principal of Sumulong High School told her teachers in a faculty meeting “We need to improve
our school performance in the National Achievement Test. What should we do?”
The teachers gave varied answers as follows:
1. Let’s give incentives and rewards to students who get a rating of 90%
2. Let’s teach them to accept complete responsibility for their performance
3. Let’s make the school environment conducive for learning
4. Let’s make use of the experiential methods of teaching

On which educational philosophy is response #1 anchored?

A. Behaviorism
B. Essentialism
C. Existentialism
D. Progressivism

Rationalization: A - The educational theory of behaviorism, which encourages the use of external
motivators (incentives and rewards) to encourage desirable behaviors (academic achievement),
lies at the core of the statement, "Let's give incentives and rewards to students who get a rating of

28. Mrs. Adriano, the principal of Sumulong High School told her teachers in a faculty meeting “We need to improve
our school performance in the National Achievement Test. What should we do?”
The teachers gave varied answers as follows:
1. Let’s give incentives and rewards to students who get a rating of 90%
2. Let’s teach them to accept complete responsibility for their performance
3. Let’s make the school environment conducive for learning
4. Let’s make use of the experiential methods of teaching

If you lean toward a progressivist philosophy, with which response would you agree?

A. #2
B. #3


Republic of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

C. #4
D. #1

Rationalization: C - Since progressivism stresses learning via active involvement and hands-on
experiences, "Let's use experiential methods of teaching," since it is in line with the notion of
making education more experiential.

29. Mrs. Adriano, the principal of Sumulong High School told her teachers in a faculty meeting “We need to improve
our school performance in the National Achievement Test. What should we do?”
The teachers gave varied answers as follows:
1. Let’s give incentives and rewards to students who get a rating of 90%
2. Let’s teach them to accept complete responsibility for their performance
3. Let’s make the school environment conducive for learning
4. Let’s make use of the experiential methods of teaching

Which response comes from an existentialist?

A. #4
B. #2
C. #1
D. #3

Rationalization: B - from an existentialist viewpoint. The second statement, "Let's teach them to
accept complete responsibility for their performance," is in line with existentialism, which places a
strong emphasis on the individual's accountability and freedom of choice in selecting their own
actions and consequences.

30. Teacher Marie, unlike other teacher in her school, practices the non-traditional method of discussing the lessons
using not only the book prescribed by the school as the main source of information and knowledge. Instead, she
went out of her way to devise other means that will help her students to understand better their lessons. To what
philosophy does Teacher Marie submit to?
A. Humanism
B. Nationalism
C. Progressivism
D. Constructivism

Rationalization: C - Teacher Marie presents she actively seeks out non-traditional ways to
educate and engage her students, coinciding with the progressive philosophy in experiential and
student-centered learning.

31. During the faculty recollection, Mr. Antonio asked his teachers to share their thoughts about their students as
their primary customer. What followed were the gist of what were shared:
Teacher Maida: The learner is a product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice.
He is determined by his environment.
Teacher Agnes: The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment.

Teacher Mitch: The learner is a social being who learns well through an active interplay with others.

Teacher Beng: the learner is a rational being. Schools should develop his rational and moral powers.

Whose philosophical concept is that of Teacher Maida?

A. Rationalist’s
B. Behaviorist’s


Republic of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

C. Existentialist’s
D. Progressivist’s

Rationalization: C - Since Teacher Maida emphasizes the impact of the learner's environment on
their development—a key component of existentialist philosophy that takes into account the
individual's existence and choices in the context of their surroundings—her philosophical
perspective is in line with the Existentialist viewpoint.

32. During the faculty recollection, Mr. Antonio asked his teachers to share their thoughts about their students as
their primary customer. What followed were the gist of what were shared:
Teacher Maida: The learner is a product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice.
He is determined by his environment.
Teacher Agnes: The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment.

Teacher Mitch: The learner is a social being who learns well through an active interplay with others.

Teacher Beng: the learner is a rational being. Schools should develop his rational and moral powers.

Teacher Agnes’s response comes from the mouth of?

A. Behaviorist
B. Essentialist
C. Perennialist
D. Existentialist

Rationalization: D - because she emphasizes the learner's capacity to select their path in spite of
their circumstances, which is consistent with existentialist philosophy, which values personal

33. During the faculty recollection, Mr. Antonio asked his teachers to share their thoughts about their students as
their primary customer. What followed were the gist of what were shared:
Teacher Maida: The learner is a product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice.
He is determined by his environment.
Teacher Agnes: The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment.

Teacher Mitch: The learner is a social being who learns well through an active interplay with others.

Teacher Beng: the learner is a rational being. Schools should develop his rational and moral powers.

If you agree with Teacher Mitch, you are more of _____________________________

A. Rationalist
B. Essentialist
C. Perennialist
D. Progressivist

Rationalization: D - because Teacher Mitch emphasizes the value of engaging in social

interaction, which is consistent with the progressive education tenets that encourage cooperative
and hands-on learning.


Republic of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

34. During the faculty recollection, Mr. Antonio asked his teachers to share their thoughts about their students as
their primary customer. What followed were the gist of what were shared:
Teacher Maida: The learner is a product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice.
He is determined by his environment.
Teacher Agnes: The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment.

Teacher Mitch: The learner is a social being who learns well through an active interplay with others.

Teacher Beng: The learner is a rational being. Schools should develop his rational and moral powers.

If you identify with Teacher Beng, you adhere to this Philosophy.

A. Behaviorist
B. Perennialist
C. Existentialist
D. Progressivist

Rationalization: B - because Teacher Beng stresses the role of cultivating the learner's moral and
intellectual faculties, which is consistent with perennialist philosophy, which promotes enduring
knowledge and ideals.

35. During the faculty recollection, Mr. Antonio asked his teachers to share their thoughts about their students as
their primary customer. What followed were the gist of what were shared:
Teacher Maida: The learner is a product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice.
He is determined by his environment.
Teacher Agnes: The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment.

Teacher Mitch: The learner is a social being who learns well through an active interplay with others.

Teacher Beng: The learner is a rational being. Schools should develop his rational and moral powers.

Whose response denies man’s free will?

A. Teacher Beng
B. Teacher Mitch
C. Teacher Maida
D. Teacher Agnes

Rationalization: C - as her statement undermines the idea of free will by implying that the learner
is mostly determined by their surroundings.

36. Teacher Tonette asks one of her students “What do you want to become when you grow up?” This question is
an indication of what kind of Philosophy?
A. Idealism
B. Naturalism
C. Existentialism
D. Progressivism

Rationalization: A – because it stresses the existence of ideas independent from the material
world. Ideas that which exist in the mind are the only reality.


Republic of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

37. Student Anton pursues a degree in Education to fulfill his dream of becoming a Teacher. This action
demonstrates this kind of philosophy.
A. Realism
B. Perennialism
C. Progressivism
D. Reconstructivism

Rationalization: C - because Anton's desire to be an active and adaptable educator is reflected in

his pursuit of a degree in education with the goal of becoming a teacher. This aligns with the
progressive philosophy, which emphasizes experiential learning, active participation, and tailoring
education to the needs and interests of specific students.

38. Teacher Rina has not only explained the concept of Philosophy of Education but also imparted this to her
students. This demonstrates what kind of philosophy?
A. Realism
B. Idealism
C. Naturalism
D. Perennialism

Rationalization: B - because Teacher Rina's behavior is consistent with the idealist concept,
which highlights the significance of teaching pupils knowledge and values as a key component of

39. Which pillar of learning aimed in the acquisition of the instrument of understanding in order to develop the
students learn-to-learn skills?
A. Learning to do
B. Learning to Be
C. Learning to know
D. Learning to live together

Rationalization: C - the growth of knowledge and abilities required to survive in this environment,
such as the formal learning of literacy, math, critical thinking, and general knowledge.

40. Which pillar of learning is vital in building a genuine and lasting culture of peace in the world?
A. Learning to Be
B. Learning to Do
C. Learning to Know
D. Learning to Live Together

Rationalization: D - the development of social skills and values such as respect and concern for
others, and the appreciation of cultural diversity.

41. Student Gilbert, after receiving the conceptual knowledge on multiplication of trinomials from his Algebra
Teacher, immediately answers the exercise in the book. This demonstrates what kind of philosophy?
A. Idealism
B. Essentialism
C. Progressivism
D. Constructivism

Rationalization: D - Gilbert's quick application of the new information demonstrates active learning
through individual comprehension and knowledge development.

42. Teacher Chris views his students as a unique, free choosing and responsible individuals. He encourages them
to develop their own individuals. What philosophy does Teacher Chris adhere to?


Republic of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

A. Humanism
B. Essentialism
C. Existentialism
D. Reconstructivism

Rationalization: A - The humanistic concept, which emphasizes the value of individual growth,
self-expression, and personal development in education, is consistent with Teacher Chris's
perspective that children are special, autonomous, and responsible people who are encouraged to
develop their own personality.

43. In the Social Science class of Ms. Macatangay, students identify the various social and economic problems that
require urgent solution. They not only discuss the ways to address it but also agreed to participate in solving
them. What kind of Philosophy does the class uphold?
A. Naturalism
B. Nationalism
C. Constructivism
D. Reconstructivism

Rationalization: D - is a philosophy that places an emphasis on tackling social issues and working
to build a better society and global democracy.

44. A curriculum should only include those that have survived the test of time and combine the symbols of literature,
history and mathematics. Thus, curriculum like this contains values that are constant and universal. What
philosophy describes this kind of curriculum?
A. Idealism
B. Humanism
C. Essentialism
D. Perennialism

Rationalization: D - believe that the principles of thought that have persisted for generations
should be the center of education. They think the concepts are still valid and significant today as
they were before.

45. Teacher Janice always presents principles and values so as to encourage her students to examine them and
decide for themselves whether to accept it or not. What kind of philosophy does Teacher Janice practice?
A. Idealism
B. Humanism
C. Essentialism
D. Existentialism

Rationalization: D - as Teacher Janice's strategy supports individual freedom and choice in

evaluating and embracing concepts and values, in line with the existentialist philosophy.

46. “Education is a continuous process of experiencing and visiting or reorganizing experiences “according to a
Progressivist. What does it mean?
A. Education goes on throughout life.
B. Education begins and ends in school.
C. Education happens formally or informally.
D. Education takes place anytime and anywhere.

Rationalization: A - "all learning activity undertaken throughout life, with the aim of improving
knowledge, skills and competences within a personal, civic, social and/or employment-related


Republic of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

47. Philippine Elementary Curriculum emphasizes on the development of the skills in writing, counting and reading.
This manifests the great consideration given to this philosophy.
A. Idealism
B. Naturalism
C. Essentialism
D. Progressivism

Rationalization: C - an educational philosophy whose adherents believe that children should learn
the traditional basic subjects thoroughly. In this philosophical school of thinking, a "back to basics"
strategy is used to impart to students the "essentials" of academic information.

48. “Life is what you make it” exemplifies best _____________

A. Realist
B. Idealist
C. Humanist
D. Existentialist

Rationalization: D - is a concept that prioritizes personal responsibility, choice, and meaning-

making while putting the student at the center of the educational process.

49. Which among the following are the basic assumptions of behaviorists?
A. The mind of a newborn child is tabula rasa
B. All behaviors are shaped by environmental events
C. Man is free and his behavior can never be shaped by environment
D. All of the above.

Rationalization: B - Behaviorism focuses on the idea that all behaviors are learned through
interaction with the environment. According to this learning theory, environmental circumstances
have a much greater impact on behavior than innate or inherited traits.

50. If a teacher would say that honesty is still an important value even if no one values it, the teacher can be
regarded as _______________
A. Realist
B. Idealist
C. Positivist
D. Empiricist

Rationalization: A - is the view that an object or thing really exists and has certain attributes,
independently of what people think about it. In other words, realism is the view that an object or
thing has mind-independent reality.

II. From 51-60. “To which Philosophy does each theory of man belong?” Write the type of Philosophy being

51. A person is a product of his environment. Behaviorism

52. A person has no universal nature. Existentialism
53. A person has no choice, he is determined by his environment. Behaviorism
54. A person can choose what he can become. Existentialism
55. A person is complex combination of matter that responds to physical stimuli. Behaviorism
56. A person has the same essential nature with others. Perennialism
57. A person first exist then defines himself/herself. Existentialism
58. A person is a social animal who learns well through an active interplay with others. Progressivism


Republic of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

59. A person is a maker of meaning. Constructivism

60. A person is a contractor of knowledge. Constructivism

III. From 61 – 65. “With which philosophy do you associate the following quotations?” Write the philosophy
being associated to the quotation.

61. “Education is life not a preparation for life”. – Dewey Progressivism

62. “Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself… “Sarte Existentialism
63. “Gripping and enduring interests frequently grow out of initial learning efforts that are not appealing or attractive.
64. “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well informed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll
guarantee to take anyone at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select - doctor,
lawyer, artist, merchant, chief, and ye, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talent, penchants,
tendencies, abilities, vocations and race of his ancestors. “Watson Behaviorism
65. “Existence precedes essence” Sarte Existentialism

IV. From 66 – 80, Which philosophy/philosophies in each program/practice anchored? Write the
philosophy/philosophies in the blank.

66. Back to the Basics Movement Essentialism

67. Conduct of national Achievement Test to test acquisition of elementary/secondary learning competencies
68. Use of the Great Books Perennialism
69. Use of Rewards and incentives Behaviorism
70. Use of simulation and Problem-solving method Progressivism
71. Learners learning at their own pace Existentialism
72. Mastery of the 3R’s – reading, writing and arithmetic Essentialism
73. The traditional approach to education Essentialism
74. Subject matter- centered teaching Perennialism
75. Student centered teaching Existentialism
76. Authoritarian approach to teaching Perennialism
77. Non-authoritarian approach to teaching Existentialism
78. Making meaning of what is taught Constructivism
79. Understanding message through verbal, nonverbal and para verbal means Linguistic Philosophy
80. Asking learners to draw meaning from what they are taught Constructivism



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