Article of Kia Nobre

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Orienting attention in time

Article  in  Frontiers in Bioscience · May 2001

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3 authors, including:

Carlo Miniussi Anna Christina Nobre

Università degli Studi di Trento University of Oxford


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[Frontiers in Bioscience 6, d660-671, April 1, 2001]


Ivan C Griffin 1, Carlo Miniussi 2 and Anna C Nobre 1

1 2
University of Oxford, Department of Experimental Psychology, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3UD, UK, IRCCS San
Giovanni di Dio – Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy


1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Temporal orienting
3.1. Behavioural studies
3.1.1. Experiment 1
3.1.2. Experiment 2
3.1.3. Experiment 3
3.1.4. Experiment 4
3.1.5. Experiment 5
3.1.6. Behavioural conclusions
3.2. Event-related potentials
3.3. Brain imaging
4. Comparison of spatial and temporal orienting
4.1. Brain imaging
4.2. Event-related potentials
5. Summary and conclusions
6. Acknowledgments
7. References


Temporal information is essential for effective studies manipulating foreperiod variability (see (2) for
perception and action in the dynamic environment in which review) have shown that reaction time decreases as a
we exist. However, our ability to use information about function of certainty about the time of occurrence of stimuli
time intervals flexibly to direct attention to an expected requiring detection (3,4,5) or choice decisions (6,7,8). Also,
point in time has until recently been unexplored. Here we psychophysical studies have found increased luminance
report a series of behavioural, neuroimaging and (9), orientation and stereoscopic thresholds (10) when there
electrophysiological experiments that investigate and was uncertainty about the time of stimulus presentation.
define the ability to orient attention in the temporal domain. Performance is improved when stimuli occur at constant
These studies reveal that we are able to orient attention and predictable, as opposed to variable, intervals after a
selectively to different time intervals, enhancing warning signal.
behavioural performance. These effects are mediated by a
left-hemisphere dominant frontal-parietal system, which Such benefits have been interpreted as suggesting
partially overlaps with the networks involved in spatial that warning signals can be used as a time cue to start some
orienting. The optimisation of behaviour by temporal preparatory/anticipatory adjustments (8) and thereby
orienting appears to be achieved via motor-related enhance behavioural performance. Posner and Boies (11)
mechanisms, in contrast to the typical perceptual considered such preparatory processes to be part of the
enhancements produced by spatial attention. From a more alertness component of attention, with the foreperiod
general perspective, these findings illustrate the flexibility between a warning signal and stimulus being likened to a
of attentional functions in the human brain. small-scale vigilance situation in which alertness must be
developed rapidly and maintained briefly in order to
2. INTRODUCTION maximise behavioural performance. Indeed, Wilkinson and
Haines (12) reported similarities in the brain processes
In our dynamic environment, the time of occurrence taking place during the foreperiod and those involved in the
of a stimulus is a crucial determinant of our behaviour performance of prolonged vigilance tasks.
toward it. In 1914 Woodrow (1) demonstrated that the time
interval between a warning signal and a stimulus requiring The question of the time course of preparation
detection (foreperiod) is one of the main factors influencing during the foreperiod, i.e. how long it takes such
the length of reaction time to the stimulus. Since then, preparatory processes to be built up, has also been

[Orienting attention in time

expected in order to optimise behaviour, or rather whether

the temporal alertness effects mentioned earlier reflect a
fixed process that cannot come under conscious control.


3.1. Behavioural studies

We developed tasks in which the warning signal
(cue) provided information about when a stimulus would
occur (see Figure 1), in an analogous fashion to the way
subjects are cued as to where a stimulus will appear in
studies of the spatial orienting of attention (16). Subjects
Figure 1. Task schematics for temporal orienting experiments.
were cued to expect target stimuli after a particular time
Subjects maintained their gaze on a central fixation point. A
interval (short or long). The cues predicted the correct time
brief cue indicated the probable length of SOA to follow. A
of stimulus onset on the large majority of trials (75-80%,
target appeared briefly requiring a simple detection or a choice
valid cue), but occasionally predicted the time interval
discrimination button-press response. (a) In one set of tasks,
incorrectly (invalid cue). Cue and target stimuli were
the cue was the brightening of one of the circles and the target
always presented foveally, so there was no spatial
was an upright or rotated cross. (b) In another set of tasks, the
information available to guide detection or discrimination
cue was a narrow or wide cross and the target was the
of targets. In this way we investigated whether we could
brightening of all or part of the circle.
use temporal information to enhance behavioural
investigated. Woodrow (1) suggested that at least 2 seconds
were needed in order to reach “full attention”, and thus 3.1.1. Experiment 1
obtain the fastest reaction times. More recent studies have In experiment 1 subjects (n=18) were cued to
shown that the latency of preparation can be shorter than expect a target stimulus after either a short (600ms) or long
this, with the optimum foreperiod duration being estimated (1400ms) interval (Figure 1a). The background visual
at 1 second (3), 350msec (5), and 100-150msec (8). display consisted of a composite cue with an inner and
However, all these studies contain the implicit assumption outer circle (0.1° and 0.7° visual angle respectively). The
that there is an absolute optimum foreperiod between trial commenced with the brief (150ms) brightening of one
warning signal and stimulus, i.e. the reaction time benefits of these circles, cueing the subject to expect either a short
found reflect a rigid process, with a fixed optimal time (600ms) or long (1400ms) delay between cue and target
course (cf. (13)). The possibility that the preparatory onset (stimulus onset asynchrony, SOA). The target
processes underlying performance benefits on these tasks stimulus consisted of either an upright cross (+) or a cross
could be under flexible cognitive control has so far not rotated through 45 degrees (x). Target stimuli appeared
been investigated. overlaid on the composite cue stimulus for 50ms. There
were 9 possible SOAs: 200, 500, 600, 700, 1000, 1300,
Here we report a series of experiments designed 1400, 1500 and 1800ms. The cues predicted the correct
to investigate whether we are able to use information about interval on 80% of trials. On invalid trials, the target
the time interval between a warning signal and a stimulus appeared at one of the 8 remaining SOAs. Subjects were
requiring a response flexibly to optimise behaviour. Firstly, required to respond as quickly as possible as soon as they
evidence from behavioural experiments in which warning detected the target stimulus, while avoiding mistakes. No
signals (cues) manipulated subjects’ expectancies as to target discrimination was required. Reaction times to target
when a stimulus would occur is considered. Behavioural stimuli occurring at both valid and the various invalid time
performance is shown to be increased when subjects are points were measured in order to examine how predictive
given information about when a stimulus would appear. information about when target stimuli would appear
Then studies using both neuroimaging and affected behavioural performance.
electrophysiological techniques are discussed, which shed
some light on the neural underpinnings of this behavioural The results from this experiment (Figure 2a)
enhancement by focusing attention within the temporal demonstrate our ability to use information about predicted
domain. Finally, direct comparisons are made between the time intervals to enhance behavioural performance.
orienting of attention in space and time, revealing that Reaction times were decreased to targets appearing after an
attention is a flexible cognitive process, which can operate expected time interval. A comparison of targets that
at different levels of stimulus analysis. appeared at 600ms revealed a 100ms benefit in reaction
time when subjects expected the target at this time interval
It is important to note that the notion of focusing compared to when their temporal expectation was invalid
attention to a particular time point is distinct both from the (expected target at the long interval). Behavioural
“attentional blink”, where stimuli compete for resources facilitation also occurred for stimuli occurring 100ms from
over a limited time window (14), and also attending to the the expected time point (500 and 700ms SOAs), with this
temporal duration of a stimulus (e.g. (15)). Instead we ask perhaps being related to the limits of accuracy of time
whether the brain is capable of using temporal information estimation. As quickly as 200ms after cue onset there was a
to direct attention to a point in time when a stimulus is behavioural advantage of attending to the short interval,

[Orienting attention in time

Figure 2. (a) Mean reaction times and standard errors for

targets in behavioural experiment 1, separated according to
when subjects were cued to expect the target. The results
showed main effects of cue validity (F(1,22)=91.90,
p=0.0001) and SOA (F(8,176)=73.94, p=0.0001), and an
interaction between cue validity and SOA (F(8,176)=19.16,
p=0.0001). (b) Mean reaction times and standard errors for
targets in behavioural experiment 2, separated according to
when subjects were cued to expect the target. The results
showed a main effect of SOA (F(8,64)=15.68, p=0.0001)
and an interaction between cue validity and SOA
(F(8,64)=8.50, p=0.0001). (c) Mean reaction times and
standard errors for targets in behavioural experiment 3,
separated according to when subjects were cued to expect
the target. The results showed a trend for cue validity
(F(1,8)=5.01, p=0.056) and a main effect of SOA
(F(8,64)=13.07, p=0.0001). (d) Mean reaction times for
targets at the short and long interval in behavioural
experiment 4, separated according to the factor of cue
validity. The results showed a main effect of cue validity
(F(1,11)=13.89, p=0.003) and a trend toward an interaction
between cue validity and SOA (F(1,11)=3.55, p=0.086). (e)
Mean reaction times for targets appearing after 300, 600
and 900ms in behavioural experiment 5, separated
according to whether the cue was neutral or informative.
Informative cues predicted target appearance at 600ms
(valid trials). The results showed a main effect of SOA
(F(4,40)=55.01, p=0.0001) and an interaction between cue
validity and SOA (F(4,40)=2.63, p=0.048).

illustrating that the preparatory processes initiated by the

cue develop over time and start very soon after the cue. The
different reaction time functions after the short and long
cues indicate that the processes giving rise to such
behavioural benefits are under flexible control, rather than
having a fixed time course.

The advantage of being validly cued to expect the

target after the long interval was much smaller than the
advantage of being validly cued to expect the target after
the short interval. A reason for this may be the fact that as
the SOA increases, the probability of the stimulus
appearing increases; i.e. the flow of time itself provides
predictive information (cf. (17)). Subjects may have re-
oriented their attention to the long interval if they were
expecting the target after the short interval, and it did not
appear (cf. (18)). Subjects therefore may be able to prepare
for targets at long intervals regardless of whether they were
cued to expect the target after the short or long interval. An
alternative explanation would be that temporal orienting
mechanisms dissipate after the first relevant time interval,
and thus cannot affect targets at the long interval. However,
the reaction times remain fast at the longer SOAs,
suggesting a maintenance rather than a dissipation of
attentional resources.

3.1.2. Experiment 2
Additional behavioural experiments have
extended the investigation of selective temporal orienting
by testing the roles contributed by specific SOAs,
perceptual discriminations, and response requirements.
Experiment 2 investigated more closely the time course of

[Orienting attention in time

our ability to direct attention to temporal intervals, by alertness literature (e.g. (6)). Overall, the results showed
decreasing the range of time intervals at which the target that behavioural advantages from cueing information
stimulus could appear. It is possible that the short time remain even when there is uncertainty as to the type of
interval in Experiment 1 (600ms) was the inherently response to be given. Manipulating response demands does
optimal foreperiod for behavioural facilitation in this type not completely abolish the effects of temporal orienting.
of task. The result might therefore be a spurious This suggests that the processes underlying the orienting of
occurrence, rather than reflect cognitive control of orienting attention in the temporal domain are not solely linked to
attention to time intervals. We therefore tested subjects preparation of a specific motor response. However, there
(n=9) using the same task but a different time frame (300 may be some aspect of motor preparation or response
and 700ms). The stimuli and procedures were equivalent, timing involved in the effects seen, as the advantages of
except for the range of time intervals. The 9 possible SOAs being cued to expect the target after the short or long
were: 100, 250, 300, 350, 500, 650, 700, 750 and 900ms. interval are not as strong as in the detection experiments.
Subjects were cued to expect either a short (300ms) or long Direct experimental comparisons between detection and
(700ms) delay between cue onset and appearance of the discrimination procedures in the same subject group should
target. yield additional interesting information.

The pattern of results from this experiment 3.1.4. Experiment 4

(Figure 2b) were broadly similar to those of Experiment 1. Experiment 4 manipulated perceptual variables
Valid cueing produced reaction time benefits, with these within the time orienting task, by requiring subjects to
effects being larger when subjects were cued to the short make a difficult perceptual discrimination. The perceptual
interval. The results showed that attentional resources can manipulation was used in order to test whether the
be allocated over time periods as short as 300ms, with requirement for more effortful visual analysis could
benefits already present even 100ms after the cue. contribute to the effect of temporal orienting. Subjects
Behavioural advantages of attending to a specific time (n=12) made choice responses according to whether a small
interval can thus occur over multiple time frames. Optimal gap was present or not in the target stimulus (Figure 1b).
behaviour is under flexible control according to the The visual display of the task was slightly different to the
predictable stimulus contingencies, and is not fixed tasks used in the previous experiments, and only two time
inherently at one given foreperiod (cf. (13)). There may be intervals were used for target presentation. The background
some constraints at very short or very long intervals. It will stimulus consisted of a circle (1.7° diameter) surrounding a
be interesting to observe whether such behavioural effects small fixation point. The cue was either a narrow or wide
could be found for even shorter SOAs. cross (upper angle of 30° or 60° respectively) presented
briefly (100ms) inside the circle. The narrow or wide cross
3.1.3. Experiment 3 cued the subject to expect the target after either a short
The previous two experiments demonstrated (600ms) or long (1400ms) interval, with 80% validity. At
decreased reaction times with selective temporal attention. one of the two intervals, the circle brightened for 100ms.
This effect could be due to facilitated perception of stimuli Inside the circle a small gap could be present. Subjects
occurring at the attended point in time, modulation of the made speeded choice responses using the index or middle
motor response, or a more general mechanism, possibly finger to indicate whether the gap was present or absent.
involving a combination of the two. Experiment 3 There were 10% invalid trials and 10% catch trials where
manipulated motor variables associated with the task by no target stimulus was presented. The size of the gap was
asking subjects (n=9) to perform an easy perceptual automatically adjusted by computer between blocks to
discrimination between two target stimuli and make a maintain performance between 75-95% accuracy.
choice response, as opposed to simply detecting them. The
stimuli and procedures were the same as for Experiment 1, The behavioural advantage for targets at correctly
except that subjects were instructed to respond to one target predicted time intervals was maintained with a difficult
stimulus (x or +) using the index finger of their right hand, perceptual discrimination (Figure 2d). As with the previous
and the other stimulus using the middle finger of their right discrimination experiment, the effects were modest and the
hand. The requirement of a choice response probes whether average reaction times were longer than those seen in the
the behavioural advantages are tied to a particular stimulus- earlier detection experiments. The difficult perceptual
response pair (specific motor preparation), or whether they discrimination diminished but did not eliminate the effect
reflect a more general attentional mechanism. of temporal orienting. The opportunity for additional
perceptual aspects of attention did not appear to increase
Again, results were broadly similar (Figure 2c). There was the attentional effects. This supports the interpretation that
a behavioural benefit of valid cueing in this experiment, the effects of temporal orienting may be biased toward the
which was focused over the short interval. The behavioural post-perceptual aspects of stimulus processing. However,
effects were not as strong as those seen in Experiments 1 one cannot rule out modulations at the perceptual level
and 2, which may have resulted from variability in this based on these reaction-time results alone.
particular small subject group, or reflected some
contribution of specific motor preparation to the effects 3.1.5. Experiment 5
seen in the previous experiments. Choice reaction times Experiment 5 investigated whether the effects of
were also generally longer than those for simple detection temporal orienting reflected mainly benefits or costs.
(Figures 2a and 2b), a well known phenomenon in the Reaction times in 11 subjects were compared when cues

[Orienting attention in time

were predictive or neutral regarding the time interval of the variables can be excluded from participating in temporal
target. The stimuli and procedures were based on orienting. Additional behavioural experimentation may
Experiment 1, but with the following modifications. The help shed light upon the levels at which temporal orienting
informative cue (150ms duration) predicted (80% validity) can exert its effect upon target processing. For example,
target appearance after 600ms. On invalid trials targets measurements of different types of perceptual thresholds
appeared at one of four alternative SOAs: 300, 450, 750 or may indicate whether and which perceptual levels may be
900ms (5% probability each). When the cue was neutral the affected. However, teasing apart what may be multiple
target appeared at one of 21 SOAs: 100, 150, 200, 250, effects of temporal orienting with behavioural
300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, manipulations alone can prove to be very difficult, since
900, 950, 1000, 1050, 1100ms (5% probability each, except response variables are influenced by rate-limiting steps and
for extreme SOAs where the probability was 2.5%). The bottlenecks of cognitive processes, which may interfere
task consisted of simple detection of the target stimulus with the readout of some levels of stimulus processing.
(50ms duration). Event-related potentials were therefore used, to provide a
measure of on-line information processing during visual
The results of this experiment (Figure 2e) temporal orienting experiments.
indicate that the behavioural advantages conferred by
attending to a particular point in time are best 3.2. Event-related potentials
conceptualised in terms of behavioural benefits of valid Event-related potentials (ERPs) have provided an
cueing, rather than costs of invalid cueing. The effect can important means of investigating attentional processing in
also be thought to correlate with the absolute probability of the human brain, giving a more complete picture of
target occurrence at a given interval, since the absolute stimulus processing than behavioural measures alone. Their
probability differed only between valid (80%) and neutral high temporal resolution provides information about the
(5%) trials, but not between invalid (5%) and neutral (5%) on-line modulation of brain activity by attention, and about
trials at comparable intervals. The behavioural advantages the level of stimulus processing at which attention acts.
of valid cueing were evident as mainly decreased reaction They also provide a measure of stimulus processing
times to validly cued targets at 600ms, as opposed to without any requirement for the subject to attend or
targets preceded by neutral cues. There was no increase in respond to that stimulus, thus allowing comparison of the
reaction times to invalid as opposed to neutral trials. In fact, processing of both attended and unattended stimuli during
the invalid trials with targets at 750ms actually showed conditions of focused selective attention.
decreased reaction times compared to neutral trials. This
could be due to a number of factors. Firstly, as mentioned Miniussi et al (19) used ERPs to investigate the
earlier, the conditional probability of the target appearing selective orienting of attention to time intervals. The
increases with longer SOAs (17). This is unlikely to be the mechanisms involved in orienting attention in the temporal
sole explanation, since no reaction time advantage was domain were reflected by ERPs elicited by the cues. The
found for the targets following predictive cues at 900ms. mechanisms for modulation of stimulus processing by
These targets have the highest conditional probability in temporal attention were reflected in ERPs elicited by
informative trials, which is higher than the conditional predicted and unpredicted target stimuli. The task used was
probability of targets at equivalent intervals during neutral similar to Experiment 4 (see Figure 1b). Cues were narrow
cueing. Alternatively, the temporal information in the or wide crosses (100ms duration) that predicted the
predictive trials may have spilled over into the adjacent appearance of the target after a short (600ms) or long
interval, due to limits of time estimation. Facilitation of (1400ms) SOA. The target consisted of the brightening of
reaction times to targets in nearby intervals is a consistent the circle surrounding the cue for 100ms. The cues had
pattern in these experiments (see Figure 2). 80% validity, with 10% invalid and 10% catch trials. The
EEG was recorded continuously from 54 electrode sites
3.1.6. Behavioural conclusions positioned according to the 10-20 International System
Together, the behavioural experiments have (20).
shown that predictive (probabilistic) information about the
time interval of target appearance can be used to optimise A behavioural benefit of temporal attention was
behavioural performance. Reaction times to detect or found (Figure 3a), similar to those seen in the purely
discriminate a target are facilitated by valid temporal behavioural experiments. Subjects were significantly faster
cueing, at multiple time frames. The effect survives to detect valid than invalid targets after the short interval.
manipulation of specific SOAs, response requirements and Analysis of ERPs elicited by the cueing stimuli (during the
perceptual judgements. There are many additional cue-target interval) revealed dynamic brain activity linked
parameters that remain to be tested behaviourally, such as to orienting attention in time. Differential processing of
the limits of the time frames that afford temporal orienting, cues predicting short and long intervals modulated the
the minimum difference required between possible CNV (contingent negative variation) component (see (21)).
intervals, the effect of stimulus modalities, etc. Another The CNV is a slow negative voltage change occurring
aspect for investigation is the neural mechanisms for between two stimuli, with the first stimulus being a
selective temporal orienting. The studies so far have shown warning signal and the second stimulus requiring a
that the effect does not depend upon specific motor response. It has been linked to expectancies and motor
programming, and can survive difficult perceptual preparation (see (22,23,24,25)). The CNV was significantly
thresholds. However, neither response nor perceptual accentuated when subjects expected targets at the short

[Orienting attention in time

Figure 3. Behavioural and ERP results from Miniussi et al

(19). (a) Mean reaction times for targets at the short and
long interval separated according to the factor of cue
validity. The results showed that valid targets were detected
faster at the short intervals. (b) Grand-averaged ERPs
evoked by cues at representative midline electrode sites.
Positive polarity is plotted upward in this and all
subsequent figures. ERPs to cues predicting either a short
or long interval show a significant modulation starting
around 280ms, and included modulation of the CNV
component. The distribution of the CNV effect between
280 and 480ms is shown on the scalp topography. The
colour scale (coloured bar on the right) shows the range of
possible voltage values in the topographies. The voltage
range for the topographies is presented below each map. (c)
Grand-averaged ERPs elicited by targets at the short
interval are shown for the electrodes shaded black in the
electrode montage. There was no modulation of visual
evoked potentials P1 and N1 at posterior electrodes, but
there was modulation of the latency and amplitude of the
P300 potential at parietal and central sites.

interval, starting around 280ms (Figure 3b). The greater

negativity when subjects attended to the short interval can
thus be interpreted as an index of expectancy for an
upcoming stimulus, with subjects expecting the target to
appear, and demand a response, very soon. This suggests
that orienting attention in time modulates brain processes
linked to motor preparation and expectancies. This effect is
markedly distinct from those seen during the cue-target
interval in studies of spatial attention (e.g. (26,27,28)).
During visual spatial orienting lateralised posterior and
then anterior potentials are modulated according to the
predicted location of the stimulus. The striking difference
in ERP modulations in tasks of temporal and spatial
orienting suggests that these two forms of selective
expectancies may affect behavioural processing via very
different mechanisms.

Analysis of ERPs elicited by the target stimuli

revealed the modulatory effect of temporal attention on
stimulus processing (Figure 3c). Unlike studies of spatial
attention (see (29,30)), temporal orienting did not enhance
the early visual-evoked potentials (VEPs). Temporal
attention did have a modulatory effect on brain activity
after the visual components. Differences were observed in
the amplitude of the N2 potential, and the amplitude and
latency of the P300 potential. These potentials have been
linked to expectancies, decisions, and motor preparation
(e.g. (29,31,32)). Latency changes in the P300 have not
been previously observed in studies of spatial attention, and
may represent a novel mechanism of behavioural
enhancement by temporal attention. P300 latency changes
may reflect the anticipation or sharper temporal tuning of
decision- or response-related variables afforded by the
predictive temporal cues. The absence of VEP modulation
and emphasis on modulation of later, response-related
potentials suggests that temporal orienting exerts its effects
via different mechanisms than spatial orienting. However,
one important confound remains, which constrains the
interpretation of the results. Unlike most spatial attention
studies, this task used bright transient foveal stimuli. The

[Orienting attention in time

processing of foveal stimuli may already be optimised by Further fractionation of the processes that can
the visual system, so there may be no need to enhance be involved in orienting attention in time came from
resources further, thus explaining the absence of early VEP comparing brain activation during the two types of
modulation. Temporal orienting may therefore affect invalid trials. Trials in which a target is expected at the
stimulus processing by different, or additional, mechanisms short interval but does not appear may permit subjects to
to the early perceptual modulation seen in studies of spatial re-orient attention voluntarily to the later time point,
attention. thus emphasising top-down, endogenous control
mechanisms. Contrastingly, targets that appear sooner
Although yielding information about the than expected may automatically grab attention, thus
modulatory mechanisms of temporal orienting, ERPs are emphasising bottom-up, exogenous shifts of temporal
not particularly useful in identifying the neural system attention. Indeed, brain activation differed in the two
controlling the orienting of attention toward specific time types of trial, supporting the existence of endogenous
intervals, due to their poor spatial resolution. Brain imaging and exogenous control of temporal orienting.
techniques such as PET (positron emission tomography) Endogenous temporal orienting involved activations in
and fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) afford a right frontal cortex (including dorsolateral and
much more detailed analysis of the neuroanatomical ventrolateral areas), and left superior parietal lobule.
substrates of temporal orienting, and are now considered. These prefrontal activations are coherent with the notion
of a higher order, “top down” attentional mechanism
3.3. Brain Imaging being involved in endogenous shifts. Exogenous shifts
An experiment using event-related fMRI revealed were associated with increased activation in visual
the brain areas that participate in temporal orienting, and extrastriate cortex, consistent with the notion of a
their sensitivity to trial validity and SOA (33). The task “bottom up” attentional mechanism being involved in
used was a simplified version of Experiment 1 (see Figure exogenous shifts of temporal attention, being subserved
1a). Inner or outer circular cues (100ms duration) predicted by sensory association cortex.
(80% validity) either a short (600ms) or long (1400ms)
cue-target SOA. The target (50ms duration) was an upright In conclusion, the brain system for temporal
cross and required a speeded detection response by pressing orienting appears to involve a left-hemisphere dominant
a button with the right index finger. The results supported frontal-parietal network, which also interacts with areas
the modulation of brain activity linked to motor preparation related to motor attention and motor readiness. The
and attention during temporal orienting. brain-imaging results thus support the suggestion from
the ERP experiments that modulation of motor-related
The comparison between invalid and valid trials variables plays an important role in temporal orienting.
isolated brain activity linked to attentional variables. Activity is also co-ordinated with other areas subserving
Sensory and motor variables are well controlled. During specific aspects of temporal orienting, such as prefrontal
invalid trials, temporal expectations are breached and control and visual areas. Studies of temporal orienting
attention is shifted from one time point to another. Invalid have not yet been conducted on neurological patients,
trials preferentially activated inferior parietal, inferior but we would predict that patients with lesions to left
premotor and prefrontal areas in the left hemisphere parietal-frontal areas would show significant deficits in
predominantly, as well as orbitofrontal cortex bilaterally orienting attention to time intervals. Patients with
(see (34)). Activations in similar left-hemisphere parietal lesions in areas related to motor preparation, such as
and premotor areas have been found during studies of basal ganglia and SMA are also likely to show
motor preparation (35,36). Furthermore, patients with left impairments. It will be interesting to test different
parietal lesions have deficits in a motor orienting task, in groups of patients on these tasks.
which the cue predicts the type of motor response to the
stimulus, rather than its spatial location (35). The role of 4. COMPARISON OF SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL
the left parietal cortex in motor control and attention is also ORIENTING
emphasised by the incidence of motor apraxic deficits after
lesions to this brain area (37). This suggests that orienting To test whether there exists a single attentional
attention in time is closely linked with motor preparation system, or rather different subsystems depending on the
and motor attention. information available to guide selection, we directly
compared temporal orienting with visual spatial orienting.
The comparison between valid trials with long Visual spatial orienting is the most well studied type of
and short SOAs emphasised brain activations linked to selective attention and therefore provides a useful
timing, anticipation, and motor readiness. Long-interval framework for comparison. The neural system for visual
trials enhanced activation in the medial premotor cortex in spatial orienting has been investigated by both brain
the region of the anterior supplementary motor area (SMA), imaging (e.g. (39,40,41)) and neuropsychological studies
left putamen and the thalamus bilaterally. These brain (see (42) for review). Convergent findings from these
regions have a well-known role in the timing and readiness experiments have suggested a large-scale frontal-parietal
of motor responses (e.g. (25,38)). Their modulation during network of brain regions that support spatial attention. ERP
temporal orienting suggests the ability to affect variables studies have suggested that spatial attention acts by
related to motor readiness to optimise behavioural modulating early visual processing in extrastriate areas (see
responding, as suggested by the ERP experiment (19). (29,30,43)).

[Orienting attention in time

The studies of temporal orienting discussed

above suggest that different brain systems and mechanisms
may be at play. However, the interpretations are hindered
by the lack of direct comparisons and by the use of foveal
stimuli. Further experiments were thus conducted to
compare temporal and spatial orienting in the same subjects
using identical peripheral stimuli. Brain-imaging studies
were used to reveal the networks of brain areas engaged,
and ERP studies to reveal the mechanisms.

4.1. Brain imaging

Coull and Nobre (44) used both PET and fMRI to
compare directly the neural systems involved in temporal
and spatial orienting of attention. It was of interest to see
whether there was a general system for allocating
attentional resources, independent of stimulus dimension,
or whether there are functionally specialised brain regions
involved in directing attention to spatial or temporal aspects
of the environment.

The task (Figure 4a) manipulated subjects’

expectations of where and when a peripheral target
stimulus would occur. The use of peripheral, as opposed to
foveal, targets afforded a direct comparison between the
spatial and temporal orienting of attention. Symbolic
central stimuli oriented subjects either to a spatial location
(left, right) or temporal interval (300, 1500ms). The central
stimulus consisted of a diamond and two concentric circles.
Cueing involved the brightening (100ms) of part of this
compound stimulus. During spatial orienting, the left or
right side of the diamond brightened to indicate that the
target was likely to appear in the left or right peripheral box
respectively. During temporal orienting the brightening of
the inner circle indicated that the target would appear after
the short interval (300ms) and the brightening of the outer
circle represented target appearance after the long interval
(1500ms). The cues had 80% validity, and subjects
responded by pressing a button with their right index

Behavioural advantages of valid cueing were

found for both spatially and temporally informative cues
(Figure 4b), These results show that the benefits of
orienting attention to time are not restricted to foveal
stimuli. There was considerable overlap between the
activations seen in the spatial and temporal orienting tasks
in frontal and parietal regions compared to a low-level
resting baseline (Figure 4c). This is consistent with the
suggestion of a large scale frontal-parietal attentional
Figure 4. Task and results from Coull and Nobre (44). (a) network (e.g. (41,45,46)), and extends this view by
The central symbolic cue predicted (80% validity) either showing that these areas may represent a general network
the location or time interval of target appearance (see text). for attentional orienting, not restricted to the spatial
(b) Mean reaction times to valid and invalid targets in the domain.
spatial and temporal orienting conditions. Valid targets
were detected more quickly in both the spatial and temporal However, when identifying areas specifically
orienting conditions. (c) PET brain activations involved in focused spatial and temporal attentional
superimposed upon a representative brain volume with orienting (removing sensory and motor activations), there
standardised anatomy, from left and right lateral was a hemispheric lateralisation within this common
perspectives. The top row shows common areas activated frontal-parietal system. There was a preferential activation
in both the orienting conditions. The next two rows show of the right posterior parietal cortex by spatial orienting,
selective parietal and frontal activations for spatial and consistent with previous brain imaging
temporal orienting respectively. studies(39,40,41,46)) and neuropsychological evidence (see

[Orienting attention in time

Figure 5. Task and results from Griffin et al (47). (a) The

cue predicted either the spatial location (spatial orienting)
or time interval (temporal orienting) of target appearance.
The cue was followed by two bilateral stimulus arrays. The
target was presented at one of the two spatial locations at
one of the two time intervals. (b) Mean reaction times to
valid and invalid targets in the spatial and temporal
orienting conditions. Valid targets were detected more
quickly in both the spatial and temporal orienting
conditions. For temporal orienting the effect was most
pronounced at the short interval (not shown). (c) Grand
averaged ERPs to the bilateral arrays in the temporal
orienting (upper panel) and spatial orienting (lower panel)
conditions, at representative electrode sites (shaded black
on montage). The ERPs showed distinct patterns of
modulation by spatial and temporal orienting. Temporal
orienting modulated the N1 component at posterior
electrodes bilaterally, and the P300 component at central
electrode sites. Spatial orienting modulated the P1 and N1
potentials at lateral posterior electrodes.

(42) for review). Temporal orienting was associated with

preferential activation of the left parietal and inferior
premotor cortex, as seen by Coull et al (33) (see section 3.3
for discussion). This shows that within the core frontal-
parietal network that supports attentional orienting,
differential involvement of specialised areas is also
possible, depending on the type of information available to
guide orienting. In addition to the cortical activations, the
cerebellum was also engaged in the orienting tasks. Some
cerebellar regions were active in both tasks, whereas others
were selective for spatial or temporal orienting. The
cerebellum has been increasingly implicated in cognitive
functions such as attention. However, its role in attentional
orienting requires further clarification.

4.2. Event-related potentials

A study by Griffin et al (47) compared the neural
correlates of focusing visual attention to spatial locations
and temporal intervals, using ERPs to measure real-time
modulatory effects of spatial and temporal attention on
stimulus processing. Of specific interest was whether
selective spatial and temporal orienting acted at the same or
different level(s) of stimulus analysis. To achieve this a
symbolic central cue generated either a spatial or temporal
expectancy, then ERPs to identical target stimuli in the two
conditions were analysed.

Two task conditions using identical stimuli were

performed by subjects in separate sessions. The task
(Figure 5a) used symbolic central cues consisting of a
narrow or wide cross (upper angle of 30° or 60°
respectively), which were flashed for 100ms. There was a
500ms interval following the cue, after which two
peripheral patterns of concentric squares simultaneously
appeared, one on either side. These were presented for
100ms. There was then another 500ms interval, followed
by two more patterns of squares flashed simultaneously for
100ms. The target consisted of a pattern with one of its
inner concentric squares missing, and occurred at one of the
two locations, at one of the two time intervals. In the temporal

[Orienting attention in time

orienting condition, the appearance of the narrow or wide cross 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
cued subjects to expect the target after the first interval (short,
600ms from cue onset) or second interval (long, 1200ms from In conclusion, we have shown that we can use
cue onset). No information was given about probable target predictive information about time intervals to direct our
location (left, right). The spatial orienting condition used attention to a predicted point in time, and enhance
exactly the same stimuli and timing, except the narrow or wide behavioural performance. Temporal orienting appears to be
cross cued the subjects to expect the target at either the left or under flexible control, with behavioural advantages being
right location, with no information being given about probable seen for stimuli occurring over multiple time frames.
target interval. In both conditions the cues had 75% validity. Temporal orienting involves processes linked to motor
readiness and expectancies, and generally modulates
Behaviourally, valid cueing produced significant response-related stages of stimulus processing. The
reaction-time benefits in both the spatial and temporal neuroanatomical substrates of temporal orienting include a
orienting conditions (Figure 5b). Consistent with previous frontal-parietal network of areas with a left hemisphere
temporal attention experiments (e.g. (19)), benefits only bias, as well as co-ordinated activity in areas related to
occurred when targets appeared at the short interval in the motor attention and readiness. One important domain for
temporal orienting condition. further exploration is whether overt and speeded motor
responses are required to observe the effects of temporal
ERPs were analysed to identical, non-target orienting. Tasks in which no on-line responses are required
bilateral stimulus arrays occurring after the first interval. to temporally expected stimuli are needed to address this
These highly controlled conditions ensured that there were concern. In addition, it will be interesting to test whether
no attributes in the stimulus array that could automatically the patterns of brain activation depend specifically on the
“grab” attention selectively, making it possible to isolate type of motor response required (e.g., comparing button
purely endogenous attentional mechanisms (see (48,49)). presses, eye movements and verbal responses).
The ERP analysis revealed that the optimisation of
behaviour by spatial and temporal orienting is achieved via The comparison of temporal and spatial orienting
different attentional mechanisms (Figure 5c). reveals that there is not a single mechanism of action or a
ubiquitous attentional system in the brain. Rather, the
Spatial attention modulated the amplitude of information available for selection, and the demands of the
visual-evoked components P1 and N1. This is consistent task dictate which functionally specialised brain areas will
with previous studies of spatial attention (e.g. (29)), and support the optimisation of behaviour by attentional
confirms the ability of spatial attention to modulate early orienting. Such behavioural enhancement by predictive
stages of stimulus processing. information may be achieved by different modulatory
effects on stimulus processing, from perceptual to motor-
Temporal orienting involved a different pattern of related effects, depending on the nature of the task. This
modulation to spatial orienting, with the early perceptual illustrates the flexibility of attentional functions in the
P1 component being unaffected. The N1 component was human brain. Further fractionation of the neural systems
modulated by temporal attention, but with a different and and brain mechanisms that support the orienting of
non-lateralised scalp distribution. The N1 modulation by attention will shed light into the gamut of potential ways in
temporal attention demonstrated here, something not found which behavioural performance can be enhanced.
by Miniussi et al (19), suggests that temporal attention can
modulate visual processing, though in a different, and more 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
diffuse, manner than spatial orienting. The research was supported by a project grant
from the Wellcome Trust to ACN. Publication costs were
The later effects of temporal attention were partially covered by the International Multisensory
similar to those seen by Miniussi et al (19), that is, Research Forum.
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