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Brain and Cognition 82 (2013) 265–273

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Event-related cerebral hemodynamics reveal target-specific resource

allocation for both ‘‘go’’ and ‘‘no-go’’ response-based vigilance tasks
Tyler H. Shaw a,⇑, Matthew E. Funke e, Michael Dillard c, Gregory J. Funke b, Joel S. Warm b,d,
Raja Parasuraman a
Center of Excellence in Neuroergonomics, Technology, and Cognition (CENTEC), George Mason University, Department of Psychology, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA, United States
Air Force Research Laboratory WPAFB, 711th Human Performance Wing, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, OH, United States
National Research Council, Washington, DC, United States
University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, OH, United States
Naval Medical Research Unit – Dayton, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, OH, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Transcranial Doppler sonography was used to measure cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) in the right
Accepted 5 May 2013 and left cerebral hemispheres during the performance of a 50-min visual vigilance session. Observers
Available online 31 May 2013 monitored a simulated flight of unmanned aerial vehicles for cases in which one of the vehicles was flying
in an inappropriate direction relative to its cohorts. Two types of vigilance tasks were employed: a tra-
Keywords: ditional task in which observers made button press (‘‘go’’) responses to critical signals, and a modification
Vigilance of the traditional task called the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART) in which ‘‘go’’ responses
Sustained attention
acknowledged nonsignal events and response withholding (‘‘no-go’’) signified signal detection. Signal
Cerebral blood flow velocity
detections and global CBFV scores declined over time. In addition, fine-grained event-related analyses
Attentional resource theory revealed that the detection of signals was accompanied by an elevation of CBFV that was not present with
missed signals. As was the case with the global scores, the magnitude of the transient CBFV increments
associated with signal detection also declined over time, and these findings were independent of task
type. The results support the view of CBFV as an index of the cognitive evaluation of stimulus significance,
and a resource model of vigilance in which the need for continuous attention produces a depletion of
information-processing assets that are not replenished as the task progresses. Further, temporal declines
in the magnitude of event-related CBFV in response to critical signals only is evidence that the decrement
function in vigilance is due to attentional processing and not specific task elements such as the required
response format.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction suggests that task performance is a function of not only the re-
sources available for target detection, but also the effort that is
The capacity to sustain attention at an efficient level deterio- allocated to the task (Humphries & Revelle, 1984; Kahneman,
rates over time in detection and discrimination tasks (Davies & 1973; Matthews & Desmond, 2002). Evidence for the attentional
Parasuraman, 1982; Warm, 1984). One explanation for this decline resource model of vigilance has been mainly derived from findings
– the vigilance decrement – is that the need for continuous atten- pointing to the adverse impact on vigilance performance of work-
tion results in a depletion of information-processing resources ing memory load (Caggiano & Parasuraman, 2004; Helton & Rus-
(Norman & Bobrow, 1975) that are not replenished as task perfor- sell, 2012; Parasuraman, 1979), additional processing demands
mance progresses (Johnson & Proctor, 2004; Langner, Eickhoff, & (Smit et al., 2005), and dual-task performance requirements (Para-
Steinborn, 2011; MacLean et al., 2009; Parasuraman, 1979; Para- suraman, 1985), as well as by subjective ratings revealing high
suraman, Warm, & Dember, 1987; Proctor & Vu, 2010; Smit, Eling, mental effort and stress in such tasks (Warm, Dember, & Hancock,
Hopman, & Coenen, 2005; Warm & Dember, 1998; Warm, Parasur- 1996; Warm, Matthews, & Finomore, 2008).
aman, & Matthews, 2008; Wiggins, 2011). Often, the resource Resource theories have been criticized for their circularity, gi-
interpretation is coupled with a self-regulation approach which ven that resources are typically both inferred from and used to ex-
plain changes in behavioral performance, as in dual-task studies
(Navon, 1984). A performance-independent resource measure can
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: 4400 University Drive, MS3F5, Fairfax, VA provide one way of bypassing this criticism. Accordingly, several
22030-4444, United States. Fax: +1 703 993 1359.
researchers have turned to neurophysiological measures in seeking
E-mail address: [email protected] (T.H. Shaw).

0278-2626/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
266 T.H. Shaw et al. / Brain and Cognition 82 (2013) 265–273

evidence for the resource model. A considerable amount of neuro- and of itself. An assessment of specific CBFV responses before,
imaging research using positron emission tomography (PET) and during, and just after a critical signal is presented, i.e., in an
functional magnetic imaging (fMRI) techniques has pointed to a event-related manner, would provide strong evidence for the
close tie between cerebral hemodynamics and neural activity in resource model. More specifically, if there is a shift in the way
the performance of vigilance tasks (Moore & Cao, 2007; Raichle, resources are allocated to target detection with time on task,
1998; Risberg, 1986). These studies have shown that sustained then it would be expected that the amplitude of the transient
attention is mediated by multiple neural networks involving the event-related CBFV response to critical signals would be elevated
anterior cingulate cortex, the right middle and inferior prefrontal during a signal presentation compared to the time phases imme-
cortex, the right inferior parietal regions, the basal ganglia, the diately before and after detection, and this phase-related eleva-
right intralaminar region of the thalamus, and the reticular for- tion in amplitude would not be present in the context of
mation (Kinomura, Larsson, Gulyas, & Roland, 1996; Langner missed signals. It would also be expected that the magnitude
et al., 2012; Langner & Eickhoff, 2012 [review]; Ogg et al., 2008; of the event-related response to critical signals would decrease
Parasuraman, Warm, & See, 1998 [review]; Sturm et al., 1999). over time. Consistent with previous findings regarding a right
For example, using fMRI, Lim et al. (2010) demonstrated that a hemispheric system in the control of vigilance, it would be antic-
frontoparietal region, including the anterior cingulate cortex, right ipated that the CBFV effects would be most noticeable in the
middle frontal gyrus, and right inferior parietal lobe, is less active right cerebral hemisphere.
following a vigilance task than prior to its start and that the tem- Findings of this sort with regard to event-related analyses
poral decline in task performance is associated with a decrease in would provide stronger evidence for the resource theory than
cerebral blood flow. Studies by Coull, Frackowiak, and Frith those based only on non-specific changes in CBFV. They would
(1998) and Paus et al. (1997) have also reported changes in cere- also support the view of CBFV as an index of the cognitive eval-
bral activity that parallel the decrement function over long-dura- uation of stimulus significance that coincides with electrophysi-
tion vigilance tasks. Therefore, the results stemming from ological and pupillometry measures. For example, the P300
neuroimaging studies using PET and fMRI techniques are broadly component of the event-related potential (ERP), which has been
consistent with a model of vigilance performance based upon the found to be sensitive to resource allocation in dual-task studies
availability and utilization of information-processing resources. (Israel, Chesney, Wickens, & Donchin, 1980; Sergeant, Geuze, &
However, as Parasuraman et al. (1998) and Warm and Parasur- Van Winsum, 1987) has been shown to be associated with de-
aman (2007) have noted, PET and fMRI have some limitations for tected signals in a vigilance task but to be absent for undetected
examining time-related changes in vigilance due to their high cost signals (Ritter & Vaughan, 1969) and to decline in amplitude
and restrictive nature. over time on task (Davies & Parasuraman, 1977). In addition,
With these limitations in mind, a number of studies have em- the magnitude of pupil dilation to stimulus presentation, a mea-
ployed a lower cost technique that is less restrictive than PET or sure considered to be generally reflective of information process-
fMRI – Transcranial Doppler Sonography (TCD) – to assess cere- ing resources (Beatty, 1982b; Laeng, Sirois, & Gredeback, 2012;
bral hemodynamics during the performance of vigilance tasks Murphy et al., 2011), has been shown to decline over time on
(Shaw, Finomore, Warm, & Matthews, 2012; Shaw et al., 2009; task in a manner that parallels the temporal decline in perfor-
Warm, Matthews, & Parasuraman, 2009; Warm & Parasuraman, mance efficiency (Beatty, 1982a).
2007; Warm et al., 2008). TCD uses ultrasound signals to moni- Compared to electrophysiological measures like the ERP, cere-
tor cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) in the middle (MCA), bral hemodynamic measures such as fMRI and TCD are relatively
anterior (ACA), and posterior (PCA) arteries. Most previous vigi- sluggish, rising and falling over a period of about 10–15 s (Para-
lance studies have focused exclusively on measures derived from suraman & Rizzo, 2007). Accordingly, the use of TCD to record
the MCA as it carries approximately 80% of the blood flow with- the transient cerebral hemodynamic response after a critical sig-
in each cerebral hemisphere (Netter, 1989; Toole, 1984). The nal is presented can be potentially confounded by the motor re-
perfusion territory of the MCA is largely to lateral regions of sponse made when the signal is detected. Thus, it may be
the cortex, with the smaller arteries perfusing medial frontal difficult to disentangle the brain response associated with pro-
(ACA) and posterior regions (PCA) of the cortex (Stroobant & cessing the critical signal from that linked to motor processing
Vingerhoets, 2000). The results of studies measuring the MCA and execution. Indeed, previous work has indicated that there
during vigilance have pointed to four primary findings. First, are movement artifacts in the CBFV measure for simple motor
the absolute level of CBFV varies directly with the information- tasks when assessed over small time scales (Orlandi & Murri,
processing demands of the vigilance task. Second, the vigilance 1996; Silvestrini, Troisi, Matteis, Cupini, & Caltagirone, 1995).
decrement in target detection rate is paralleled by a similar time Fortunately, a recently developed alternative to the conventional
on task decline in CBFV in both the visual and auditory modali- vigilance task, the sustained attention to response task (SART;
ties. Third, the link between cerebral hemodynamics and vigi- Manly, Robertson, Galloway, & Hawkins, 1999; Robertson, Manly,
lance performance is particularly strong in the right Andrade, Baddeley, & Yiend, 1997), offers the possibility of
hemisphere. Fourth, the temporal decline in CBFV only occurs accounting for such a potential confound. In most vigilance
when observers actively engage in processing task-related infor- tasks, participants withhold responses (‘‘no-go’’) to non-signal
mation. Cerebral blood flow velocity remains stable over time in events and execute a motor response (‘‘go’’) to critical signals.
control observers who are exposed to the same stimulus events The SART inverts this stimulus–response mapping: participants
in the vigilance task, but without a work imperative. Taken to- are required to respond to non-signal events and withhold re-
gether, these findings have been interpreted within a resource sponse to critical signals. Thus, whereas a conventional vigilance
model in which CBFV is proposed as a measure of the informa- task is ‘‘go’’-based, the SART is ‘‘no-go’’ based. Accordingly, we
tion-processing resources allocated to maintain vigilance (Shaw examined changes in event-related cerebral hemodynamics for
et al., 2009; Shaw et al., 2012; Warm & Parasuraman, 2007; both ‘‘go-based’’ and ‘‘no-go-based’’ responding to critical signals.
Warm et al., 2008; Warm et al., 2009). If the predicted event-related CBFV responses to critical signals
Previous studies using TCD have only reported CBFV values reflect cognitive processing, they should appear with both the
averaged over relatively long blocks of time (e.g., every traditional vigilance and SART tasks. However, if motor process-
10 min), and not with respect to moment-to-moment changes ing was a major contributor to the CBFV measure, these effects
in cerebral hemodynamics associated with signal detection in would be absent for ‘‘no-go’’ based responses to critical signals.
T.H. Shaw et al. / Brain and Cognition 82 (2013) 265–273 267

2. Method observers were given the opposite instructions and tasked with
pressing the spacebar for each neutral event and to withhold re-
2.1. Participants sponses from the infrequent critical signal presentations. Observ-
ers in both conditions were instructed to respond with their
Thirty participants (15 women and 15 men), ranging in age be- right hand.
tween 18 and 29 years, served as observers for a single payment of In all conditions, the display was updated 30 times per min (one
$30. All observers had normal or corrected-to-normal vision (via stimulus event every 2000 ms) with a dwell time of 1000 ms.
surgery or contact lenses) and normal hearing, and were right Observers were allowed 2000 ms from the onset of critical signals
handed as measured by the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Old- in the traditional task and the onset of neutral events in the SART
field, 1971). Observers were asked to abstain from caffeine, nico- task to produce the appropriate ‘‘go’’ response. Twelve critical sig-
tine, or medication for 12 h prior to participating in the study nals occurred during each period of watch (three in each display
(Stroobant & Vingerhoets, 2000). Those that were unable to abstain quadrant, overall signal probability per period = 4%).
were not considered as participants. The study was reviewed and During the first 10 min of the task, a computerized female voice
approved by the Air Force Research Laboratory Institutional Re- provided feedback regarding correct detections, misses, and false
view Board. alarms. Observers were required to detect at least 7 of the 12 crit-
ical signals (58%) and make no more than 10 false alarms (3.5%) in
this phase of the study to be considered for inclusion in the final
2.2. Design
analysis. All active observers met this dual criterion. Beginning
with minute 11, audio feedback was removed and observers com-
Ten observers (5 women and 5 men) were assigned at random
pleted the vigil in silence.
to each of two active vigilance conditions, defined by the method
Observers in the passive control group viewed the flight display
with which they responded to critical and neutral events through-
without an information-processing imperative. These observers
out the task. An additional ten participants (5 women and 5 men)
were not provided with a definition of critical and neutral events
served as passive controls to assure that changes in cerebral blood
nor were they given any information about pressing keys on the
flow velocity were task determined. Observers in the active vigi-
keyboard. They were instructed to simply gaze at the display until
lance conditions participated in a 50-min session divided into 5
the session ended. Since they did not need to actively interact with
continuous 10-min periods.
the display, they did not require task instruction or initial perfor-
mance feedback. Therefore, they served in a 40-min. session di-
2.3. Vigilance tasks vided into four continuous 10-min. periods.
Active and passive control observers were tested individually in
Active observers assumed the role of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle a 1.78  2.41  2.67 m3 windowless laboratory room. The VDT was
(UAV) controllers monitoring the flight pattern of a squadron of mounted on a table 99.10 cm directly in front of the seated obser-
four UAVs projected on a 17-in. visual display terminal (VDT). ver (visual angle = 23.54°). Ambient illumination in the testing
The display consisted of a single circular viewing field (9.53 cm room was 5 cd/m2. It was provided by a single 50-watt incandes-
in diameter) banded by a black border that was presented on a cent bulb, dimmed to half power, positioned above and behind
gray background (transluminance = 42 cd/m2). The viewing field the seated observer in order to minimize glare on the VDT. To cur-
consisted of three concentric circles. The diameters of the small tail distraction, observers were separated from the TCD instrumen-
and middle circles were 2.54 cm and 6.35 cm, respectively. The tation by a cubicle wall dividing the width of the room in half.
largest circle formed the exterior black border. Each field was di-
vided into four equal 90° quadrants defined by black lines. In all
2.4. Hemovelocity measurement
cases, the lines defining the viewing field were 0.32 cm thick, their
transluminance was 37 cd/m2, and their contrast with the gray
Within the two active conditions and the passive control condi-
background based on the Michaelson Contrast ratio (maximum
tion, bilateral hemovelocity measurements were taken from the
luminance – minimum luminance/maximum luminance + mini-
left and right medial cerebral arteries of all observers using a Nico-
mum luminance; Coren, Ward, & Enns, 1999) was 6.32%. Normally,
let Companion III TCD unit equipped with two 2 MHz ultrasound
the quadrants of the viewing field were blank. When activated,
transducers. The transducers were embedded in a plastic bracket
each quadrant of the display contained a black triangular icon
and secured to the observer’s head by an adjustable plastic head-
(base = 1.35 cm, altitude = 0.95 cm, transluminance 27 cd/m2, con-
band. They were located dorsal and immediately proximal to the
trast with the gray background = 6.22%) which represented a UAV.
zygomatic arch along the temporal bone on either side of the skull.
In all conditions, the squadron of UAVs flew in either a clockwise or
A small amount of Aquasonic-100 brand ultrasonic transmission
a counterclockwise direction (defined by the ‘‘noses’’ of the UAVs),
gel was placed on the transducers to ensure transmission of the
but not both, throughout the vigil. The UAVs flew in the clockwise
ultrasound signal. The distance between the transducer on the skin
direction for half of the observers in each active condition and flew
and the sample volume could be adjusted in 2 mm increments in
in counterclockwise direction for the other half. The flight direc-
order to isonate the MCA. In the present study, the MCA was gen-
tions were determined at random for each observer with the
erally monitored at depths of 50–55 mm. Blood flow velocity mea-
restriction that they occurred equally often across the 10 observers
sures were averaged and recorded automatically by the TCD unit at
in each active condition and that the observers in each direction
approximately 1 Hz.
condition were equated for sex. Critical signals for detection were
cases in which one of the UAVs was flying in an inappropriate
direction relative to the others so that a collision could occur. Neu- 3. Results
tral events and critical signals in the clockwise and counterclock-
wise flight paths are illustrated in Fig. 1. 3.1. Performance efficiency
In the traditional response format, observers were instructed to
indicate the detection of a critical signal by pressing the spacebar 3.1.1. Detection probability
on a computer keyboard and to withhold responses for the more Mean percentages of correct detections over time were deter-
frequent neutral event presentations. In the SART response format, mined for the traditional vigilance and SART tasks. The percentages
268 T.H. Shaw et al. / Brain and Cognition 82 (2013) 265–273

Fig. 1. Examples of neutral events and critical signals in the display.

of correct detections for all conditions were converted to arcsines cerebral hemovelocity and vigilance (e.g. Shaw et al., 2009; Shaw
(Kirk, 1995) and tested for significance by means of a 2 (task et al., 2012 ; Warm & Parasuraman, 2007; Warm et al., 2008;
type)  5 (periods of watch) mixed-model analysis of variance Warm et al., 2009). Inspection of the baseline data indicated that
(ANOVA). The analysis revealed that the detection scores for CBFV values for observers in the active response formats and for
observers in the traditional task (M = 77%, SE = 5.20) were signifi- passive control observers were similar in both the left and right
cantly greater than for those in the SART task (M = 61.5%, cerebral hemispheres. Thus, subsequent CBFV effects in the two
SE = 3.62), F(1, 18) = 13.88, p = .002, g2p ¼ :44, and that there was cerebral hemispheres associated with active and passive observing
a significant effect for periods of watch, F(2.57, 46.24) = 4.47, cannot be attributed to sampling artifacts in the original resting
p = .011, g2p ¼ :20. The task type  periods interaction was not sig- baselines. In addition, an ANOVA of the CBFV data involving hemi-
nificant, F(2.57, 46.24) = 1.42, p = .25. The effect for periods of spheres and time on task for the passive control observers revealed
watch can be seen in Fig. 2. It is evident in the figure that the fre- no significant main effects for hemisphere, F(1, 9) = .63, p = .45, or
quency of signal detections declined from a high of 75% in period 1 period, F(2.59, 23.27) = .78, p = .50, and no significant hemi-
to lower values in the remaining periods. In this and all subsequent sphere  periods interaction, F(2.55, 22.97) = .27, p = .82, indicat-
ANOVAs, Box’s epsilon was used when needed to correct for viola- ing that the changes in CBFV values associated with hemispheric
tions of the sphericity assumption (Field, 2009). and temporal factors among the active observers to be described
below were task-related.
3.1.2. False alarms
A preliminary examination of the false alarm scores revealed 3.2.2. Global CBFV effects
that errors of commission were rare. The mean false alarm rate Mean blood flow velocity deviation scores of observers in the
in each of the vigilance tasks was less than 1% throughout the vigil. traditional and SART tasks are plotted as a function of periods of
Consequently, false alarms were not analyzed further. watch in Fig. 3. Data from the left and right hemispheres are pre-
sented separately in each panel.
3.2. Cerebral blood flow velocity A 2 (task type)  2 (hemisphere)  5 (periods of watch) mixed-
model ANOVA revealed that the overall level of CBFV was signifi-
3.2.1. Control issues cantly higher in the right (M = +.02; SE = .52) than in the left
Cerebral hemovelocity scores can range extensively across indi- hemisphere (M = 1.68; SE = .43), F(1, 18) = 7.88, p = .012,
viduals based on such characteristics as sex and/or age (Adams, g2p ¼ :31, and that the overall level of CBFV declined significantly
Nichols, & Hess, 1992). To control for that variability, the global over periods of watch, F(2.32, 41.71) = 43.64, p = .012, g2p ¼ :71.
CBFV values for all observers in this analysis were expressed as a The main effect for task, F(1, 18) = .06, p = .81, and the interactions
deviation in cm/s from the last 60 s of their 5-min resting baseline. between hemisphere and task, F(1, 18) = .07, p = .80, periods of
This baseline index was recommended by Aaslid (1986) and Tripp watch and task, F(2.32, 41.71) = 1.56, p = .22, hemisphere and peri-
and Warm (2007), and has been utilized in previous studies of ods of watch, F(1.74, 31.35) = .67, p = .50, and hemisphere, periods
of watch and task, F(1.74, 31.35) = .28, p = .73, all lacked signifi-
cance in each case.

3.2.3. Event-related CBFV effects

In order to examine moment-to-moment event-related changes
in CBFV associated with signal detection, a 20-s envelope was cre-
ated about each of the 12 critical signal presentations occurring
within each of the five periods of watch for both vigilance tasks.
Each envelope was segmented into five 4-s phases (or seconds to
signal presentation intervals). The phases were based on the fact
that the temporal resolution for Transcranial Doppler sonography
is approximately 2 s (Parasuraman & Rizzo, 2007). Accordingly,
we assumed that the 4 s duration would provide a reasonable
‘‘window’’ through which to view CBFV during a given phase. Each
Fig. 2. Mean percentages of correct detections as a function of periods of watch. envelope included two phases prior to signal presentation, 8 to
Error bars are standard errors. 4 s, and 4 to 0 s; a 0 to +4 s signal phase; and two post-signal
T.H. Shaw et al. / Brain and Cognition 82 (2013) 265–273 269

Fig. 3. Blood flow scores in the left and right hemispheres for the traditional and SART response formats as a function of periods of watch. Error bars are standard errors.

phases,+4 to +8 s and +8 to +12 s. Within each critical signal enve- The strategy employed to evaluate the moment-to-moment
lope, an observer’s mean CBFV value in cm/s during the 8 to 4 s event-related changes in CBFV associated with signal detection in-
phase prior to signal presentation was used as a transient baseline volved two steps. The first was to determine if a change profile
and the individual’s mean hemovelocity values in cm/s within all involving time phase and response outcome existed for each task
of the remaining phases were expressed as deviations from this type. The second step was to determine if the effects obtained in
baseline. Thus, for each signal response outcome (correct detec- the initial step were dependent upon time on task and hemispheric
tions or hits and misses), comparisons could be made of CBFV localization.
scores during the 0–4 s interval in which a signal occurred, a 4 s To carry out the first step, CBFV scores for all combinations of
interval immediately preceding signal appearance, and two succes- hits, misses, selected correct rejections, and phase within each sig-
sive 4 s intervals immediately following signal presentation. It is nal/selected non- event presentation envelope were averaged across
important to note that as a consequence of the fast event rate em- periods of watch and hemisphere for each observer in the two vig-
ployed in the study (one event every 2 s), two non-signal events ilance tasks. A 2 (task type)  3 (response outcome)  4 (time
occurred in each of the three 4-s phases surrounding the signal phase) mixed-model ANOVA of these data revealed a main effect
phase and one non-signal event occurred in the signal phase. Thus, for phase, F(1.77, 31.86) = 3.86, p = .036, g2p ¼ :18, and a significant
the temporal changes in CBFV when signals were correctly de- phase  response outcome interaction, F(3.09, 55.54) = 3.99,
tected and missed were evaluated in the presence of non-signal p = .011, g2p ¼ :18. The main effects for task type, F(1,
events. 18) = .00001, p = .99, response outcome, F(1.91, 34.37) = 2.43,
Given that temporal changes in CBFV to signal events were p = .18, and the interactions between response outcome and task
evaluated in the presence of non-signal events, it was necessary type, F(1.91, 34.40) = 1.80, p = .18, time phase and task type,
to assess the stability of CBFV during non-signal event phases. To- F(1.77, 31.86) = .35, p = .68, and response outcome, phase, and task
ward this end, a similar approach to that taken with signal detec- type, F(3.09, 55.54) = 2.11, p = .11, all lacked significance.
tions and misses was adopted to examine moment-to-moment The phase  response outcome interaction is presented in Fig. 4.
event-related changes in CBFV associated with the detection of It is evident in the figure that there was a spike in hemovelocity
non-signal events. For each observer in both vigilance tasks, 12 during the signal phase when correct detections occurred relative
correctly rejected non-signal events were selected at random in to the surrounding phases and that the hemovelocity change
each of the five periods of watch with the restriction that the scores for misses hovered about zero in the signal phase and in
non-signal events that were selected could not overlap with a crit-
ical signal presentation. For each of the selected correctly rejected
non-signal events, a 20 s envelope was created that included two
phases prior to the selected non-signal event, 8 to 4 s, and 4
to 0 s; a 0 to +4 s selected event presentation phase; and two post-
event phases,+4 to +8 s and +8 to +12 s. Within each event enve-
lope, an observer’s mean CBFV value in cm/s during the 8 to
4 s phase prior to the selected event presentation was used as a
transient baseline and the individual’s hemovelocity values in
cm/s within all of the remaining phases were expressed as devia-
tions from this baseline. As was the case for correct signal detec-
tions and misses, the observer’s mean CBFV scores for the
selected non-signal event were determined for the event presenta-
tion phase as well as for the phase immediately preceding it and
the two phases immediately succeeding. This approach permitted
a comparison of a sequence of phases each containing two cor-
rectly rejected non-signal events with each other and also equated
the CBFV measurement conditions for correct non-signal rejections
to those for CBFV changes associated with correctly detected and Fig. 4. Blood flow velocity changes for correct detections, misses, and selected
missed signals. correct rejections as a function of phase. Error bars are standard errors.
270 T.H. Shaw et al. / Brain and Cognition 82 (2013) 265–273

all the time phases surrounding the signal phase in which a missed tion in vigilance performance. As in earlier studies (Shaw et al.,
signal occurred. It is also apparent that the CBFV change scores for 2009; Shaw et al., 2012; Warm & Parasuraman, 2007; Warm
correct rejections centered around zero for all measurement phases et al., 2008; Warm et al., 2009), the vigilance decrement in this
indicating a stable level of cerebral hemovelocity in the presence of study was accompanied by an overall decline in global CBFV scores
the frequent non-signal events. These impressions were confirmed that was clearly task-determined since the global scores remained
by individual ANOVAs of the hemovelocity scores for the four phases temporally stable among control observers who viewed the vigi-
with each response outcome. There was a significant phase effect for lance display without any processing demands or requirement to
correct detections, F(1.64, 29.52) = 13.73, p = .012, g2p ¼ :43, but not respond. In addition, our results indicate that the CBFV measure
for misses, F(1.93, 36.75) = .48, p = .61, or correct rejections, F(2.59, encompasses more than just a generalized effect of task difficulty.
49.28) = 2.38, p = .09. Supplementary t-tests using the Bonferroni By examining moment-to-moment changes in hemovelocity asso-
correction and an alpha level of .05 indicated that in the 0 to +4 s sig- ciated with signal detection, we have shown that the amplitude of
nal/selected event phase, the CBFV values for correct detections were the event-related CBFV response to critical signals becomes ele-
significantly greater than those for missed signals, t19 = 3.69, vated during the time phase in which signals are correctly detected
p = 002, d = 1.69, and correct rejections, t19 = 4.54, p = .001, but not in the time phases immediately before and after detection
d = 2.08, which in turn, did not differ significantly from each other, and not in the context of missed signals, and that the CBFV scores
t19 = 1.20, p = .24, i.e., CBFV responses to missed signals were no for correct detections during the phase when signals appear is
greater than to correctly rejected neutral events. greater than that to correctly-rejected non-signal events. More-
over, like the more global measure, we have shown that the mag-
3.2.4. Transient magnitude changes over time nitude of the CBFV elevation to critical signals also drops off over
In sum, step one in our effort to examine moment-to-moment time indicating that the temporal decline in CBFV is specific to
event-related changes in CBFV associated with signal detection re- the information-processing demands associated with the detection
vealed a task-independent change profile in which cerebral of critical signals. Of crucial importance to the interpretation of the
hemovelocity increased when critical signals were detected but results is the finding that the CBFV effects occurred in a similar
not when they were missed and the CBFV scores for detected sig- manner with the ‘‘go’’ responding to critical signals of the tradi-
nals were higher than for correctly rejected non-signals. To deter- tional vigilance format and the ‘‘no-go’’ responding to such signals
mine if the level of hemovelocity observed when critical signals in the SART format. Therefore, the transient CBFV response to cor-
were detected was dependent upon time on task and cerebral rect signal detections observed herein was not confounded by mo-
hemisphere, each observer’s average hemovelocity score in the 0 tor processing.
to +4 s. signal phases in which hits occurred within each period The event-related changes in CBFV responses are consistent
of watch was subjected to a 2 (hemisphere)  5 (periods of watch) with similar vigilance findings with the P300 component of the
within-subjects ANOVA. This analysis revealed that the level of event related potential (Davies & Parasuraman, 1977; Ritter &
CBFV associated with hits was significantly higher in the right Vaughan, 1969) and with the magnitude of pupil dilation (Beatty,
(M = +2.09, SE = .35) than in the left (M = 1.10, SE = .45) hemi- 1982b; Murphy, Robertson, Balsters, & O’Connell, 2011) supporting
sphere, F(1, 19) = 21.09, p = .001, g2p ¼ :53, and that there was a sig- the idea that, like these other measures, CBFV can be viewed as an
nificant main effect for periods, F(2.37, 45.06) = 3.05, p = .049, indication of the additional processing requirements of critical sig-
g2p ¼ :14. The interaction between these factors was not significant, nal detection. As such, the present results with the CBFV measure
F(3.08, 58.42) = 1.66, p = .18. The period effect is presented in Fig. 5. are consistent with a resource model of vigilance. They indicate
It is evident in the figure that the CBFV scores generally declined that this measure can be successfully employed as a perfor-
after the second period of watch. On average, the combined score mance-independent resource index to counter the circularity argu-
for periods 3, 4, and 5, as compared to the preceding period 2, rep- ment (Navon, 1984) that resources are both inferred from and used
resent a loss in magnitude of 56%. to explain performance changes. They also corroborate expecta-
tions derived from the model, that were detailed earlier in this re-
port, in regard to both the global measure of hemovelocity and the
4. Discussion
transient elevation and decline in CBFV responses to correctly de-
tected critical signals.
The results of the present study expand the profile of cerebral
Consistent with the earlier studies showing that the link be-
hemovelocity as a neurophysiological measure of resource utiliza-
tween cerebral hemodynamics and vigilance performance is par-
ticularly strong in the right hemisphere (Shaw et al., 2009; Shaw
et al., 2012; Warm & Parasuraman, 2007; Warm et al., 2008; Warm
et al., 2009), the present results indicated that both the global and
the transient levels of CBFV were significantly greater in the right
than in the left hemisphere. However, while there were hemi-
spheric differences in the overall levels of CBFV, the transient ele-
vation of CBFV associated with correct signal detection and the
temporal decline in both the global and transient CBFV scores oc-
curred in the left as well as in the right hemisphere. Previous CBFV
studies (Funke et al., 2011; Hitchcock et al., 2003; Schultz, Mat-
thews, Warm, & Washburn, 2009; Shaw et al., 2012) have also
found that the left hemisphere is involved in vigilance perfor-
mance. Evidently, as Langner and Eickhoff (2012) have pointed
out, cortical control of vigilance is not completely lateralized, and
as noted by several investigators (Allen, 1983; Hoptman & David-
son, 1994; Shaw et al., 2012), a cooperative interaction model
may best describe the role of central functioning in regard to vigi-
Fig. 5. Blood flow velocity changes during critical signal detection as a function of lance performance. An account along that line would be consistent
periods of watch. Error bars are standard errors. with Hellige’s (1993) point that even relatively simple tasks
T.H. Shaw et al. / Brain and Cognition 82 (2013) 265–273 271

require the coordination of several information-processing sub- accompanied by a global CBFV response that also showed a decline
systems. across the course of the vigil. The results of the event-related CBFV
In the present study, the frequency of signal detections was sig- data show what appears to be a slight increase from the first to the
nificantly higher in the traditional vigilance task than in the SART second period, followed by a subsequent decrease. A possible
task. Studies by Helton and his associates (Helton, 2009; Helton explanation for this data is that the CBFV measure is not only
et al., 2005) have reported similar results. As described by Robert- reflecting attentional resource utilization, but also resource alloca-
son and his colleagues (Manly et al., 1999; Robertson et al., 1997), tion. Support for this view comes from Matthews et al. (2010), who
the SART was designed to promote a model of vigilance that in- have shown that the CBFV response to a short battery of tasks can
volves a ‘‘mindless’’ lack of attentional focus. More specifically, predict subsequent vigilance performance. Using a two-phase de-
by having observers make ‘‘go’’ reponses to frequent nonsignal sign, participants in that study first performed a challenging set
events and ‘‘no-go’’ responses to infrequently appearing critical of short baseline tasks (i.e. compensatory tracking, verbal working
signals, a thoughtless withdrawal of attentional effort from the memory, and a line discrimination task) in which the CBFV re-
task at hand may explain the poorer performance with the SART. sponse to each task was measured, followed by a 36-min vigilance
However, observers performing the SART are responsive to subtle task. In that study, the CBFV response to the short battery was pre-
patterns in the temporal and spatial structure of critical signal dictive of subsequent vigilance performance. Specifically, higher
appearances, to differences in the salience of critical signals, and levels of CBFV response to the short battery were both (1) posi-
to the reliability of warning signals (Helton, Head, & Russell, tively related to overall level of vigilance and (2) related to an
2011; Helton, Weil, Middlemiss, & Sawers, 2010; Helton et al., attenuated vigilance decrement. This study points to a general,
2005). Additionally, they rate the task as inducing the same high task-induced energization process, since the increase in CBFV re-
level of perceived mental workload as the traditional vigilance sponses to all of the short tasks were related to superior vigilance
task, and scan a visual vigilance display as actively as observers performance. The results are consistent with a unitary resource
performing a traditional task (Dillard et al., 2011; Grier et al., model that emphasize a central process in which there is a mobi-
2003). These results seem inconsistent with the mindlessness lization of resources in response to task demands (Young & Stan-
perspective. ton, 2002). Hence, a decline in the magnitude of event-related
The results of the present study warrant further exploration CBFV response could be reflective of the waning efficiency of this
into the theoretical underpinnings of vigilance performance. If process.
the SART induces mindlessness, then the global CBFV scores may
not have remained stable over time as they did in the case of pas- Acknowledgments
sive controls who viewed the vigilance display in the absence of a
work imperative rather than decline over time as they did in the This research was supported in part by Air Force Office of Scien-
case of observers actively performing the traditional vigilance task. tific Research Grant FA9550-10-1-0385 (Raja Parasuraman, PI).
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