Philo of Ed. Req.

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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
1. What is Philosophy?
The epistemological meaning of the word Philosophy comes from the Greek
roots ”philo” which means love and “–Sophos” which means wisdom.
Basically, PHILOSOPHY is defined as the study of proper behavior, and
the search for wisdom. This field wants to understand how and why people
do certain things and how to live a good life. In other words, philosophy
wants to know the meaning of life.

According to Marcus G. Singer, Philosophy is a study that seeks to

understand the mysteries of existence and reality. It tries to discover
the nature of truth and knowledge and to find what is of basic value
and importance in life. It also examines the relationships between
humanity and nature and between the individual and society. Philosophy
arises out of wonder, curiosity, and the desire to know and understand.
Philosophy is thus a form of inquiry- a process of analysis, criticism,
interpretation, and speculation.

2. What is your philosophy in life?

“Don’t be afraid of failures. Every failure is escorted with learning.”
As I go and face the world before me, I always bear in mind the idea
that in my life, there is no room for failure. Whenever I try novel
things, I’m always aiming for perfection and excellence. With this
disposition, I failed to see and realize that I still have so many
things to learn- things that could only be obtained when I experience
the so called ‘failure’.

As I grow older and become more mature, I came to realize that sometimes
I have to be wrong to learn what is right; stumble to persevere; lose
to try harder; and fail to rise again. Failures really helped me to be
the best version of me. It had given me a new and fresh predisposition.
Right now, whenever I experience failures, I neither weep nor stop doing
the things that I want to do. But whenever I encounter failures along
my way, I choose to stand and continue moving forward- but this time,
I carry along with me the things that I have learned from my mistakes
and frustrations.

3. What is your philosophy as an educator?

“Every child has a potential to learn. Every child can become SOMEBODY.”
Having chosen the so called “noblest profession”, it is indeed a very
arduous task to deal with different learners. We can’t discount the
fact that no two learners are alike. This simply means that students
learn in various ways. From this idea alone, we can infer that it is an
immense and a griming challenge for a teacher to bring out the best in
every student who learns in various manners. But regardless of the
differences, I still believe as a teacher that every child has a
potential to learn.

Being in the teaching profession for almost two years, my eyes were
already opened with the reality that it is really tough to teach
students specially those who are academically challenged. No matter how
beautiful and perfect the execution of the lesson is, if some of the
students did not understand what you have taught, everything is
considered as a fiasco. But this circumstance is not a reason for me to
stop- stop in helping them learn what they should learn. Rather, such
circumstance pushes me to exert more effort and make a better plan for
all of my students to learn. As a novice teacher, I always believe that
no matter how many times you have executed the lesson, as long as
learning is observed in all of the students, everything will be worth
it. Do not let those who are left behind be left. Instead, help them
move forward to be on the same pace with others. After all, everyone
has the capability to learn and all of the learners have the same road
to take- the road towards becoming somebody in the society.

4. Why have a philosophy?

Philosophic thought is an inescapable part of human existence. Almost
everyone has been puzzled from time to time by such essentially
philosophic questions as “What does life mean?”, “Did I have any
existence before I was born?” and “Is there life after death?”. Most
people also have some kind of philosophy in the sense of a personal
outlook in life. Even a person who claims that considering philosophic
questions is a waste of time is expressing what is important,
worthwhile, or valuable. A rejection of all philosophy is in itself

By having a philosophy, people can clarify what they believe, and they
can be stimulated to think about ultimate questions. Philosophy has had
enormous influence on our everyday lives. Moreover, our personal
philosophies in life serve as our guiding star as we venture the so
called life. The way how we live our lives and how we predisposed
ourselves is anchored and rooted to our philosophies. With these, we
can confidently say that living without a philosophy is just like living
without a vision.

I. A. Answer the following questions based from your experiences as an

Metaphysics As a teacher, in order to meet the challenges of the
real world, I have to cope with the changes that come
along the way. For the past few years, I observed that
revisions and modifications have been made in the
educational system. The old practices are gone and new
innovations had come. I believe that if we adopt the
new practices that we have right now, we can be able to
cater the existing and endless demands of the society.
Epistemology As a manager in a classroom setting, I always run the
class by establishing a friendly atmosphere for
everyone. In managing a class, I also consider the
thoughts of my students by allowing them to have an
active involvement in the policy-formulation. With this
kind of practice, the students won’t feel threatened
and restricted.
Logic To determine the value of management to the
subordinates, the administrator should ascertain a
vivid way of communication with them. Plans and
decisions should be clearly transmitted to everyone and
thoughts of everybody should also be considered. In a
group, the manager is not the sole performer but there
is a two-way process wherein both parties should
contribute something towards the attainment of the
goals of the group.

Axiology I can say that the latest programs that we have right
now in our educational system prepare every
student/learner globally competitive. With the
implementation of the K-12 and other programs, students
are geared with necessary skills and knowledge needed
by them when they are to face the world of work. These
educational programs will also pave the way for our
students to obtain more and greater opportunities
around the globe.
Ethics Aside from being an educator and a mentor, a teacher
should also be a role model to his students and to
people around him.

I always remind myself that as a teacher, I have to be

a paragon of knowledge and virtue. This means that I
should be the person whom other people will look up to.
In doing such, I have to be very careful on the things
that I do and watch the words that I utter. I should
also be a good follower of the different policies, even
the simple ones, in the society. I need also to walk
and live the oath that I made as a teacher. In a simpler
thought, I have to be the best version of me. I have to
be the person worthy of emulation.

Aesthetics To have control of something is a way to achieve order

and a way to avoid upheaval. Having management, in every
task for this matter, would help everyone in a group
establish understanding and stability within and among
participants. With these, I can say that there is indeed
beauty in management.

I. B. Answer the following questions and justify.

1. Why do you consider teaching as a valuable career?
Aristotle once said, “Those who educate children well are more to be
honoured than parents, for these gave only life, those the art of living
well.” This is the foremost reason why I consider teaching as a valuable
career. Teaching is the profession which has paved the way for people to
be on the high way of progress and prosperity. No development had been
possible if there had been no teachers.
Teaching is not just a mere profession, it is more of a vocation/mission.
Teaching requires a great courage and moral strength. Its primordial aim is
to enlighten and content the mind of men. Teachers broaden and illuminate
the dark corners of human heart and mind. Teachers try to flaunt the humanity,
the road of headway and prosperity. Moreover, teaching does the work of
character building. It refines the personality of man and rise in him the
thirst for knowledge.
With the so many things entailed in the realm of the teaching profession, it
is of no wonder why it is considered as the noblest profession. Moreover, it
is the profession of teaching which had enabled man to be scientist, doctor,
engineer, architect, philosopher, businessman, politician or lawyer. With
the help of teacher, a person leads a successful life. All these things are
embraced in the teaching profession.

2. What do you do to help students learn and develop as

Entailed in the profession that I have chosen to take is the responsibility
to help my students learn the things that they have to learn and to help
them develop themselves to be at their best version. In order to carry out
this gallant responsibility, I always consider the students, themselves. In
planning the execution of my lesson, I always ruminate on the learning styles
of my students. I always see to it that the lesson will easily be understood
by all and that no student would be left behind. With this kind of practice,
I have realized that the best way for the students to learn is to teach them
in the way they could easily grasp the lesson- that is to adapt into their
Moreover, I always allow my students to explore and be responsible of their
own learning. In this way, they can be able to know their own capabilities,
strengths as well as weaknesses. Letting students reconnoitre is a good way
for them to grow as a person.
3. Who has motivated you to enter the SPC Congregation?

They say that a teacher will always be a student. If you have chosen to take
teaching as a profession, you should not cease to learn. Because of this, I,
as a teacher, always look for avenues in order for me to keep growing and to
qualify myself to teach the younger generations. One of the good ways for me
to grow professionally is pursuing post-graduate studies. In doing this, I
enrolled at St. Paul University Philippines, a renowned institution in
providing high quality of education. I, personally, decided to enrol in this
institution because of its strong commitment in making a difference globally.

4. How do you feel when learning occurs?

In teaching, there are a lot of things to consider in order to secure that
learning will take place. It is the duty of the teacher to assure that all
of the students should have understood the lesson discussed. Since the end
product of teaching is learning, it is therefore the occurrence of learning
which serves as the basis whether the instruction was done well or not.
When learning occurs inside the class, fulfilment is what I feel. Knowing my
students digested well the topic I discussed is the greatest reward I, as a
teacher, could get. Also, when students learned the things that I taught, I
always see to it that the learning that they have acquired will never be
forgotten rather be applied and integrated into their real-life situations.
5. What are the obstacles learners face and how do you help them
overcome these difficulties?
Learning does not take place in just a snap of a finger. In the process, we
cannot deny the fact that there are some hitches which cannot be avoided.
Teachers, as well as students confront a lot of challenges. One of which is
the diverse learning styles of the students. Students learn in different
ways, thus, various methods and approaches should be utilized. Moreover,
students have different aptitudes. There are some students who demand more
attention as compared to others. As a teacher, it is my obligation to help
these students and to secure that they too will learn. In dealing with such,
I conduct remediation and give them more exercises which will help them
broaden what they know and master the topic discussed.
6. How do your personal characteristics and approach to teaching
impact your learners?
Ever since I was a kid, I am always fond of talking in front of a crowd. I
am also that kind of person who can easily get along with a group. These
personal characteristics helped to carry-out my profession better. As a
teacher, it is very important to be at eased whenever I am in front of my
students. Doing such helps me establish my credibility as an educator. Also,
most often than not, I always see to it that my students and I have a good
relationship with each other. That is, both parties are comfortable in each
other’s company and both observe no gaps towards each other. Since I build
connections with my students, they are not threatened to ask questions and
clarifications during discussion. This results to an effective and productive
teaching-learning process.
7. A. Which among the following commonly heard sayings are you
interested in? How does it affect your life as a person?
B. How does it affect the life of your fellow administrators
and your subordinates? (Choose at least 2)
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
This golden rule of Confucius does not sound strange to everyone. In fact,
it has been a cliché for everybody. This adage is one of my guiding principles
in life. It teaches me to respect every person that I meet for me to be
respected. It also instils in me the significance of establishing a
harmonious relationship with others.
This adage also plays an important role in my life as a teacher. It edifies
me to be considerate and understanding to my students. It tells me that I
should listen to their stories for me to know how to create an impact into
their lives. Also, living out the meaning of this saying allows me to
understand other people and enables me to learn things from others.
“A good leader is one who shares his vision to others.”
Many had been said about the characteristics of a good leader. But for me,
a leader is considered to be good and effective if he shares his vision to
others. This simply elucidates that in achieving something, one cannot stand
alone. Rather, he needs others to move forward. As John Donne once said, “No
man is an island”. Thus, we have to live with others.
II. What are the influences of the following traditional philosophies in
our educational practices today?
A. Idealism
- It adheres to the view that nothing exists except in the mind of
man, the mind of God, or in a super or supra-natural realm
- Idealists believe that ideas and knowledge are enduring and can
change lives
- To develop the individual spiritually, mentally, morally (mind,
soul and spirit)
- To discover and develop each individual’s abilities and full
moral excellence in order to better serve society

The Learner The Teacher The School

- Imitates the teacher - Excellent example/role - Place emphasis on
who is an exemplar of model for the student developing the mind,
an ideal person intellectually and personal discipline,
- Tries to do the very morally and character
best he can and strive - Encourages students to development
toward perfection think and ask more - Train future leaders
questions and develop - Maintain and
logical thinking transmit values

B. Realism
- It stresses that the world is made up of real, substantial and
material entities
- Knowledge is derived from sense experience
- To provide students with essential knowledge to survive the
natural world

The Learner The Teacher The School

- Sense mechanism, a - A guide, a demonstrator - Transmits
functioning organism who has full mastery of knowledge
which, through sensory the knowledge of the - Classrooms are
experience, can realities of life highly ordered and
perceive the natural - Utilizes learner’s disciplined
order of the world interest by relating the
- Can learn only when lessons to the learner’s
he follows the laws of experiences
C. Pragmatism
- Believes that the curriculum should reflect the society,
emphasizing the needs and interests of the children
- To teach students how to think so that he can adjust to the
demands of an ever changing world
The Learner The Teacher
- Learn from the experiences - Capture the child’s interest
through interaction to the and build on the natural
environment motivation
- Use varied teaching methods
to accommodate each individual
learning style

D. Naturalism
- Believes that people are restricted to the phenomenal world of a
scientific education
- Emphasizes the education should be according to the nature of
the child
- Considers the world as an artificial, autocratic, egotistic and
arrogant place and that education should be given according to
the natural interest of the child aiming at a holistic
development of the personality
- Believes that nature is the best teacher and means of education
and that education does not only mean to memorize or store
information and knowledge rather it is the process which results
in the development of the child’s nature and personality
- To develop the inner faculties, capacities and powers of the
- To develop the child emotionally and morally according to
child’s needs
The Learner The Teacher The School
- The child is a child - Provides situations and - Curriculum must be
and not an adult in opportunities and child centered
the making learners search according to the
- Learn more through -Teaches through things present and future
direct experience that and not by words needs of the child
is by doing rather
than by reading the

E. Existensialism
- Man shapes his being as he lives
- Knowledge is subjective to the person’s decision, and varies
from one person to another
- To train the individual for significant and meaningful existence
The Learner The Teacher
- Determines own rule - Assists students in their
personal journey
- Aids children in knowing

III. What is your greatest achievement in life as a person? Is this

achievement guided by your philosophy in life as a person?
As a person who had chosen to take the path less travelled by men, I can say
that my greatest achievement as of the moment is having the privilege and
opportunity to share what I know to younger generations and help them turn
their biggest dreams into reality. As a teacher, I believe that having the
responsibility of taking guardianship of a young mind which is like a blank
slate and moulding it into something much fuller is matchless. Moreover,
helping other people be the best version of themselves is a way of helping
them achieve what they what to become in the future.
In order to carry out all the responsibilities entailed in my chosen
profession, I am always directed by my philosophy in life which is to accept
failures and learn from it. Being a teacher is not a walk in a garden task;
failures and mistakes cannot be evaded. With this, I always remind myself
that along my way, there will always be a time for me to experience defeats.
But instead of confining myself with the mistakes and failures, I simply
have to take advantage of it- that is learning from the times when I stumble
and making use of what I have learned to better myself and be the best
teacher I could ever be.
IV. Among the famous philosophers, who do you admire most and how do they
affect your life?
Among the famous philosophers, I admire Aristotle the most. We only have
scraps of his work, but his influence on educational thinking has been of
fundamental importance.
Aristotle is a tireless scholar whose scientific explorations were as wide-
ranging as his philosophical speculations were profound. He is also a teacher
(like me) who inspired and continues to inspire generations of learners. No
man before him had contributed so much to learning and no man after him could
hope to rival his achievement.
Aristotle believed that education was central- the fulfilled person was an
educated person. His works are testaments to the belief that our thinking
and practice as educators must be infused with a clear philosophy of life.
He also advocated the idea of “learning by doing”. This means that anything
that we have to learn to do, we learn by the actual doing it. We become just
by doing just acts; temperate by doing temperate ones; brave by doing brave
With his various perspectives about the concept of education, I have realized
that as a teacher, I am indeed carrying a very arduous yet significant
responsibilities on my shoulders. Because of his ideas about education, I
also learned to appreciate more the profession that I have chosen.

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