Supply Chain Brochure

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Supply Chain Management

› Build Connections

Enabling a business in manufacturing

Building High-Value Connections with Partners and Suppliers

Build Connections
Is your supply chain responsive, adaptive, agile, and efficient? Given these challenges, manufacturing executives are asking these
How well does your supply chain enable your people to profitably critical questions about their supply chain processes:
meet the demands of your customers?
» Is our operation “demand-driven”?
Manufacturers are constantly driven to manage their supply chains
better, improve operations, and differentiate themselves from » How much visibility do I have into
my extended supply chain?
competitors. Today, manufacturing supply chains reach beyond the
boundaries of a single company’s plant floor operation, organization, » How agile and flexible are our supply chain processes?
and geography. They operate globally, beginning with suppliers,
and extend to other business partners, including transportation » Can we respond quickly to supply chain disruptions?
firms, outsource manufacturers, sales channels, and customers. » Are our operations in regulatory compliance?
To manage their supply chains effectively, manufacturers must
do more than track the progression of raw materials and finished » How connected are we to our suppliers and customers?
products as they travel globally from supplier to consumer. They » How are we performing against our KPIs and metrics?
must also monitor, measure, and adjust the performance of the
supply chain until they find the right balance between supply » Do we have access to the right data in real time
and demand that produces the highest possible profit for the so that we can make informed decisions?
company. Furthermore, manufacturers must be agile enough » What are my operational risks?
to react quickly to changes. Ultimately, managing an extended
Built on a foundation of collaboration, business intelligence, and
supply chain presents some common challenges for all companies,
integration technology, Microsoft® supply chain management
regardless of industry:
solutions enable your people to transform supply chains to be
» Pace of business. In a global, networked economy, more demand-driven, adaptive, responsive, and efficient. Global
the pace of business continues to increase. leaders in supply chain management rely on solutions from
» Global, networked supply chain. Today’s Microsoft and its partners to address the following areas:
manufacturers outsource much of their production » Supply Chain Visibility. Monitoring, performance
and participate in a networked supply chain management, analytics, regulatory compliance,
that requires constant communication and and scorecarding across the extended supply chain
collaboration with their supply chain partners. and heterogeneous underlying IT systems.
» Shorter product lifecycles. Global competition and » Supply Chain Collaboration. Flexible business-
increased customer demands are forcing manufacturers to-business and application integration,
to bring products to market faster and cheaper. communication, and collaborative process
» Focus on cost reduction and increased efficiency. workflows with all supply chain partners.
Continued cost reduction and constant improvements in » Supply Chain Planning. Demand management
operational efficiency are certain for today’s manufacturers. and sales and operations planning business
processes delivered with an integrated business
intelligence and collaboration framework.

» Supply Chain Execution. Logistics, warehouse and

Solutions transportation management, and supply chain execution
solutions—including radio frequency identification (RFID)
• Microsoft® BizTalk® Server • Microsoft Office
PerformancePoint™ Server enablement—that capitalize on common integration across
• Microsoft Dynamics™
• Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server
systems to improve visibility and execution performance.
• Microsoft .NET Framework
• Microsoft Office • Microsoft RFID technology

• Microsoft Office Live • Microsoft SQL Server™

Communications Server • Microsoft Windows Server®
Supply Chain Management
› Supply Chain Visibility

Although many manufacturers have invested heavily in information Bottom Line

technology—including enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer Using the latest collaboration, business applications, analytics, and
relationship management (CRM), and supply chain management integration technologies, Microsoft and its partner solutions are
(SCM) solutions—they continue to struggle with extended supply helping people within manufacturing organizations see deeper
chain visibility. People need real-time visibility across the extended into their supply chains. These solutions empower your people
supply chain to proactively manage variability and supply chain with real-time, actionable information to enable a more responsive,
disruptions, and respond to greater customer expectations. seamless, synchronized, and secure global supply network.
Manufacturers seek ways to continuously monitor and react
to supply chain events across the extended value chain to
improve customer service, reduce inventory and costs, and
increase revenues. To provide the degree of demand and supply A world leader in the oil and gas industry, BP needed to upgrade its


visibility required, companies need an efficient supply chain financial forecasting and planning process in Exploration and Production
visibility infrastructure. to help the business anticipate and manage any deviations from plan
in advance of them occurring. The company’s analytic requirements
spanned a range of supply chain metrics including financial, production,
The Right Solution resources, and pricing for planning purposes. The solution, based on
Industry-standard Microsoft technologies—including analytics, Microsoft® SQL Server™ business intelligence, data storage, and analysis
integration, portal, and collaboration capabilities—enable companies capabilities, has enabled faster, more flexible group forecasting and
planning through the corporate Intranet and eased integration with
to take advantage of and extend their current IT infrastructure back-office applications.
to provide:
» Supply Chain Analytics and Performance
• Microsoft® Analysis Services • Microsoft SQL Server™
Management. A complete and integrated business
intelligence offering to support dashboarding of Benefits
key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics with • Saves U.S.$100,000 in annual • Faster, more flexible group
maintenance charges forecasting and planning
alert, monitoring, and drill-down capabilities.
• Improves controls and audit trail • Improved integration with
» Supply Chain Integration. Integrated supply chain back-office applications
planning and execution processes, providing the required
visibility to make plans actionable and realistic.

» RFID Enablement. The Microsoft standards-based RFID

infrastructure provides plug-and-play device compliance,
automation, and business process transformation.

» ERP Hub-and-Spoke Solutions. Scalable solutions that

support enterprise-wide implementation or connect
smaller plants and divisions to corporate ERP systems.
Supply Chain Management

› Supply Chain Collaboration

Supply chain collaboration is high on manufacturers’ lists of Bottom Line

priorities to improve decision making across the supply chain, Based on Microsoft Office technology, Microsoft collaboration
rapidly synchronize supply-and-demand plans across multiple solutions are cost-effective and easy to deploy. They enable
partners, reduce inventory, and improve agility. To be successful, supply chain practitioners and partners to work in a familiar user
manufacturers need to practice supply chain collaboration at environment to analyze, collaborate, plan, and manage supply
multiple levels, ranging from long-term strategic collaboration, to chain issues. Ultimately, Microsoft collaboration solutions enable
weekly and monthly tactical collaboration, to detailed day-to-day people within manufacturing organizations to improve their supply
operational collaboration and real-time communications. Each chain performance, agility, and responsiveness. The results are
collaboration area has its own issues and processes. In strategic liberated working capital, reduced supply chain costs, increased
collaboration, manufacturers must collaborate with customers and profitability, and improved customer satisfaction.
suppliers to develop long-term demand and supply requirements.
In tactical collaboration, issues include simultaneous notification
of demand changes across all manufacturing tiers, global visibility
of actual and planned production and inventory levels, and
synchronized plans with extended partners. And in operational After integrating its internal systems, Samsung needed to improve

customer communication with real-time data exchange. To accomplish

collaboration, manufacturers need to replace manual intervention
this, Samsung and Microsoft designed and built the Global Samsung
with automated processes, manage exceptions, and ensure a high Business Network (GSBN), a worldwide collaborative portal system based
service level while keeping inventory costs low. on Microsoft® Windows Server® and BizTalk® Server. GSBN enables
Samsung and its overseas subsidiaries, partners, and customers to have a
The Right Solution clear, real-time view of the status of purchase orders, sales, shipping, and
inventory. Samsung projects the annual benefits of improved visibility,
Microsoft solutions provide core analytics, integration, and better demand forecasting, and inventory management to be U.S.$2.9
collaboration technologies to provide a single, foundational million with an annual return on investment (ROI) of 235 percent.
infrastructure that supports both structured and unstructured
collaboration with all supply chain partners. Using information
• Microsoft® BizTalk® Server • Microsoft Office Excel®
sharing and live communications technology, this infrastructure
• Microsoft Commerce Server • Microsoft Services
enables people to collaborate instantaneously on key supply chain
• Microsoft Content • Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET
processes such as order and inventory status, changing demand Management Server
• Microsoft Windows Server®
forecasts and supply requirements, collaborative replenishment
workflows (for example, vendor-managed inventory), and other
• Total annual benefit of • Faster, fuller access to real-time data
supply chain events that require proactive management. U.S.$2.9 million • Fast, streamlined development
• Annual return on investment
(ROI) of 235 percent
Supply Chain Management

› Supply Chain Planning

Supply chain planning, which includes demand management Bottom Line

and sales and operations planning (S&OP), is the set of activities Microsoft and Microsoft partner solutions help people within
that help manufacturers accurately manage demand, balance manufacturing organizations improve their sales and operations
that demand with available supply, and establish and synchronize planning process by enabling real-time collaborative processes.
plans with supply chain partners. Based on a proactive, real-time supply chain infrastructure, Microsoft
In the past, most companies followed the “push” manufacturing solutions drive continuous improvement to supply chain plans
model when planning their supply chains. Today, many manufacturers and performance.
are transitioning to a “pull” model, which is driven by customer
demand, rather than supply. As defined by the analyst firm AMR
Research, demand-driven supply networks (DDSNs) link all supply
chain activities—product development, production planning, Universal Forest Products is a leading manufacturer, distributor, and


inventory management, and order fulfillment—to actual customer marketer of wood and wood-alternative products. To streamline the
demand. Operating a DDSN is challenging; it requires the ability flow of information between plants and headquarters, and to improve
to gauge customer demand and respond to it—even when forecasting and planning processes, the company implemented Microsoft®
products. The multi-location data visibility solution, which includes business
demand changes at a moment’s notice. However, cumbersome rules, validations, and notifications, has reduced a highly labor-intensive
and static supply chain planning processes have made it difficult forecasting process to just half a day. Plant and operations managers can
for manufacturers to be responsive and agile. Common problems now quickly produce more accurate projections using familiar Microsoft
desktop applications.
that manufacturers face with current S&OP processes include:

» Lack of real-time, robust, and actionable data Solutions

• Microsoft® BizTalk® Server • Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET
» Lack of integration between financial, • Microsoft Office • Microsoft Windows Server®
operating, sales, and marketing plans • Microsoft SQL Server™

» Inability to share information and documents Benefits

• Retention of familiar • Logical, comprehensive presentation
» Poor analytical capabilities and collaborative desktop tools of operations information
planning environment • Faster, more accurate
» Lack of alert and monitoring capabilities

The Right Solution

Microsoft, along with its partners, enables manufacturers to transform
supply chain performance by becoming more demand-driven,
adaptive, and responsive in their sales and operations planning
processes. The benefits here are significant. AMR surveys indicate
that manufacturers that follow the DDSN model consistently lead
their industries in financial performance. In a study of approximately
300 manufacturers, AMR found that if a manufacturer improves
demand forecast accuracy by 5 percent and its “perfect order” (or
customer delivery) rate by 10 percent, earnings per share increase
by 50 cents, return on assets increases by 5 percent, and profit
margin grows by 3.3 percent.
Supply Chain Management
› Supply Chain Execution

Successful supply chain execution combines order fulfillment, Bottom Line

shipment, and distribution processes to complete the cycle of Microsoft solutions—along with partner solutions in logistics,
delivering products to the customer. Supply chain execution warehouse and transportation management, and supply chain
begins in the factory, where partner solutions based on Microsoft execution—ensure that people within manufacturing organizations
operating systems dominate the plant floor. It continues can optimize inventory levels and fulfill orders quickly and
throughout the enterprise with solutions that promote visibility accurately. These solutions improve real-time visibility by providing
and collaboration across the supply chain. With supply chain integration across systems, including enterprise resource planning
execution, manufacturers must integrate warehouse, distribution (ERP) and the shop floor. Finally, these solutions provide a
center, labor, and transportation systems and processes. familiar user experience and help manufacturers lower their total
Many companies don’t have adequate integration tools to allow cost of ownership.
them to track inventory effectively throughout the order fulfillment
process. Warehouse and distribution center managers are looking
for ways to label and track inventory by lots, effectively sequence
work orders, reduce the cost of carrying inventory, and increase ABB, which provides utility and industrial customers with a range of

productivity overall. Transportation providers need solutions that products, systems, and services, employs about 120,000 people and
help them consolidate orders and optimize loads; handle tracking, operates in approximately 100 countries. The company needed to
improve integration processes and automate order fulfillment processes.
rating, tendering, and proof of delivery; and route managed fleets With an integrated system, ABB hoped to be able to better manage its
between distribution centers and delivery points. systems, improve supply chain efficiency, and reduce the total cost of
ownership of its infrastructure. Based on a Microsoft® infrastructure,
The Right Solution ABB has cut its average order-processing costs and reduced the time it
takes to complete business-critical transactions, allowing it to respond
Microsoft and its industry partners help manufacturers improve more quickly to its customers’ time-pressured requirements.
their supply chain execution processes by providing solutions that Solutions
tightly couple planning and execution capabilities. This strengthens • Microsoft® BizTalk® Server • Microsoft .NET Framework
collaboration among customers, third-party logistics providers, and • Microsoft Dynamics™ • Microsoft SQL Server™
distribution partners, and provides better visibility into demand,
inventory, and logistics throughout the extended enterprise.
• Improved integration • Dramatically reduced
average process costs
By building on industry-standard Microsoft technologies and • Delivers greater transparency
across the supply chain • Provides a scalable, easy-to-
using emerging technologies like radio frequency identification manage infrastructure
(RFID), manufacturers can improve both execution capabilities
and performance. These technologies help them improve asset
utilization and labor productivity, and comply with customer
mandates. Effective supply chain execution systems provide the
inventory visibility and information flow that companies need
in order to manage enterprise transportation, warehousing, and
order fulfillment requirements globally. For manufacturers that
have adopted warehouse and transportation execution solutions
based on a Microsoft infrastructure, benefits include:

» 5–10 percent lower fulfillment expense

» 15–25 percent lower labor costs

» 10–15 percent inventory reduction

» Up to 10 percent improved operating efficiencies

Supply Chain Management Partner Ecosystem

Built on a foundation of Microsoft collaboration, business leaders in supply chain management have adopted a Microsoft
intelligence, and integration technologies, the Microsoft supply infrastructure, along with solutions delivered by Microsoft and
chain management infrastructure is a key enabler for manufacturers its supply chain partners, to solve specific business problems
to transform and improve their supply chains and become more and improve performance in the areas of supply chain visibility,
demand-driven, adaptive, responsive, and efficient. Global collaboration, planning, and execution.

Why Microsoft? Microsoft is dedicated to delivering best-in- Integration That Works. Manufacturers often work in a heterogeneous
class solutions for the manufacturing industry that amplify the IT environment that requires integration, interoperability,
impact of people to drive business success. Our promise is to and information sharing across applications to meet business
provide effective, manageable, cost-effective software with the requirements. Based on industry standards, Microsoft products work
following attributes: with what you have and across boundaries to provide seamless,
integrated solutions.
Familiar and Easy to Use. With over 500 million users of our
software, Microsoft is the most used and respected software in the Software That’s Innovative. At Microsoft, we develop software
world. Microsoft software is familiar and accessible to people at products that help your people reach their full potential
all levels of your organization, as well as to your trading partners and take advantage of new developments and innovation
and customers. Microsoft software helps you reduce training time in the industry.
and make your people more productive quickly.
Microsoft partners offering supply chain management solutions
Widely Used and Supported. Microsoft Software is widely used and services include:
and supported by millions of partners and developers worldwide.
Our vast ecosystem of solution providers, software vendors, and
support organizations ensure that you will be able match the right
solution with your business needs.

The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date
of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the
part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.

This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT.

©2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, BizTalk, Microsoft Dynamics, Excel, InfoPath, SharePoint, Visio, Visual Studio,
Windows, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399 PART NUMBER 098-105674

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