Power Generation Using Piezoelectric Material

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The paper discusses using piezoelectric materials to harvest energy from vibrations and convert it into electricity for powering small devices.

Piezoelectricity is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. When a piezoelectric material is deformed, an electric charge builds up on its surface which can then be captured to generate electricity.

The objective of this project is to develop a piezoelectric generator that can produce energy from vibration and pressure sources like people walking to power small electronic devices.

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Conference Paper · May 2015

DOI: 10.17148/NCREE/P4


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4 authors, including:

Debojyoti Sen
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad


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ISSN (Online) 2393-8021
ISSN (Print) 2394-1588

International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET)

National Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment (NCREE-2015)
IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad
Vol. 2, Special Issue 1, May 2015


Ratnesh Srivastava1,Navneet Tiwari2,Abhishek Kumar3, Debojyoti Sen4
Students, Ims Engineering College, Ghaziabad123
Asst Prof, EN Dept, IMSEC Ghaziabad4

Abstract: In last few years low power electronic devices have been increased rapidly. The devices are used in a large
number to comfort our daily lives. With the increase in energy consumption of these portable electronic devices, the
concept of harvesting alternative renewable energy in human surroundings arises a new interest among us. In this
project we try to develop a piezoelectric generator. That can produce energy from vibration and pressure available on
some other term(Like people walking ).
This project describes the use of piezoelectric materials in order to harvest energy from people walking vibration for
generating and accumulating the energy. This concept is also applicable to some large vibration sources which can find
from nature. This project also represents a footstep of piezoelectric energy harvesting model which is cost effective and
easy to implement.

Keywords: Piezoelectric Sensor, Full-wave bridge rectifier, , Lead Acid Battery, Load (LED and USB Charger)

I. INTRODUCTION interesting properties. In fact, there materials have the

Now a day’s energy is one of the most important issue ability to produce electrical energy from mechanical
around the world. Especially in Bangladesh energy crisis energy for example they can convert mechanical behavior
is a big problem. Renewable energy sources can be a great like vibrations in to electricity. Such devices are
media to solve this energy crisis problem in Bangladesh. commonly referred to as energy harvesters and can be
As we know natural resources will finish one day. That’s used in applications where outside power is unavailable
why researchers are trying to introduce substitute energy and batteries are not a feasible option. While recent
sources from nature. That must be green and not harmful experiments have shown that these materials could be used
for the environment. Energy harvesting is defined as as power generators, the amount of energy produced is
capturing minute amounts of energy from one or more of still very low, hence the necessity to optimize them.
the surrounding energy sources. Human beings have Piezoelectric materials have two properties that are define
already started to use energy harvesting technology in the as direct and converse effect. Direct effect is the property
form of windmill, geothermal and solar energy. The of some materials to develop electric change on their
energy came from natural sources, termed as renewable surface when mechanical stress is exerted on them, while
energy. Renewable energy harvesting plants generate kW converse effect is the property of some materials to
or MW level power, it is called macro energy harvesting develop mechanical stress when an electric charge is
technology. Moreover, micro energy also can produce induced.[1]
from that natural sources, that’s called micro energy
harvesting. Micro energy harvesting technology is based Advantages:
on mechanical vibration, mechanical stress and strain, 1. Very high frequency response.
thermal energy from furnace, heaters and friction sources, 2. Self generating, so no need of external source.
sun light or room light, human body, chemical or 3. Simple to use as they have small dimensions and
biological sources, which can generate mW or μW level large measuring range.
power. Micro power supply needs is increasing greatly 4. Barium titanate and quartz can be made in any
with time as our technology is moving to the micro and desired shape and form. It also has a large dielectric
nanno fabrication levels. Our discussion on this is based constant. The crystal axis is selectable by orienting the
on generating micro energy from vibration and pressure direction of orientation.
using piezoelectric material.
II. PIEZOELECTRIC SENSOR 1. It is not suitable for measurement in static condition.
This day most of the research in the energy field is to 2. Since the device operates with the small electric
develop sources of energy for future. It is time to find charge, they need high impedance cable for electrical
renewable surceases of energy for the future. Piezoelectric interface.
materials are being more and more studied as they turn out 3. The output may vary according to the temperature
to be very unusual materials with very specific and variation of the crystal.

Copyright to IARJSET DOI 10.17148/IARJSET 101

ISSN (Online) 2393-8021
ISSN (Print) 2394-1588

International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET)

National Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment (NCREE-2015)
IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad
Vol. 2, Special Issue 1, May 2015
4. The relative humidity rises above 85% or falls below In the past these challenges have limited the development
35%, its output will be affected. If so, it has to be coated and application of piezoelectric generators. The main
with wax or polymer material. limitation of our project is we could not amplify the
current or power from source to charge our battery faster
III. FULL –WAVE BRIDGE RECTIFIER with less steps. And another one is we could not find
Full-bridge rectifier is commonly used as rectifier circuits better piezoelectric sensor in our region. That’s why we
to convert the AC output of a piezoelectric into a DC use buzzer as piezoelectric sensor, which has a little
voltage. The rectifying circuits consist of 4 diodes. The amount of piezo crystal material in its surface. And the
voltage needs to rectify due to the need for constant supply thickness of these sensors is much less. So these sensors
of voltage light up the series of LED placed in parallel.[2] could break by people pressure. But, finally we managed
with our mechanical structure to give the strength and got
IV. LEAD ACID BATTERY maximum output as mW range.
Battery an array of electrochemical cells for electricity stor Figures
age, either individually linked or individually linked and
housed in a single unit. An electrical battery is a
combination of one or more electrochemical cells, used to
convert stored chemical energy into electrical
energy.Batterystandby power applications. Miniature cells
are used to power devices such as hearing aids andwristwa
tches; larger batteries provide standby power for telephone
exchanges or computer datacenters.

Primary battery and Secondary battery are -

Primary Battery:
Primary batteries can produce current immediately on
assembly. Disposable batteries are intended to be used
once and discarded. These are most commonly used in
portable devices
such as in alarm and communication circuits where other e Figure 1: Footstep energy Harvesting [3]
lectric power is onlyintermittently available. Disposable
primary cells cannot be reliably recharged, since the
chemical reactions are not easily reversible and active
materials may not return to their original forms. Battery
manufacturers recommend against attempting to recharge
primary cells.

Secondary battery:
Secondary batteries must be charged before use; they
are usually assembled with active materials in the
discharged state. Rechargeable batteries or secondary cells
can be recharged by applying electrical current, which
reverses the chemical reactions that occur during its use. Figure 2: How to work Piezoelectric Sensor[4]
Devices to supply the appropriate current are called
chargers or rechargers.

The USB charging converter convert 12V dc to 5V dc. It
consist of IC-AD84064, capacitor, diode and LED. All of
this component convert voltage to charge device like as
Mobile, IPod, Tab, MP3 devices, and charger light etc. All
the rechargeable equipment will be charged.

A. Some Common Mistakes:

Though piezoelectric material has the property of
converting mechanical energy into electrical energy but Figure 3 : Design our project Piezoelectric Sensor
developing piezoelectric generators is challenging because
of their poor source characteristics (high voltage, low
current, high impedance) and relatively low power output.

Copyright to IARJSET DOI 10.17148/IARJSET 102

ISSN (Online) 2393-8021
ISSN (Print) 2394-1588

International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET)

National Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment (NCREE-2015)
IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad
Vol. 2, Special Issue 1, May 2015

Figure 4: charging model Figure 7: Connected a AC 5W bulb with inverter

B. Result and finding

In 1 square ft. we used 12 piezo sensor.
As piezo sensors power generating varies with different
steps, we get
Minimum voltage = 1V per step
Maximum voltage = 10.5V per step
We took an average of 50Kg weight pressure from single
Considering the steps of a 50Kg weighted single person,
the average calculation are:
It takes 800 steps to increase 1V charge in battery.
So, to increase 12V in battery total steps needed
= (12*800)
= 9600 steps
As we will implement our project in a populated area
where foot step as source will available, we took an
average of 2 steps in 1 second.
Figure 5: connected all loads For 9600 steps time needed
= 9600/ (60*2)
=80 minutes. (Approximately)

The project is successfully tested which is the best
economical, affordable energy solution to common people.
This can be used for many applications in city areas where
want more power. Bangladesh is a developing country
where energy management is a big challenge for huge
population. By using this project we can drive D.C loads
according to the force we applied on the piezo electric
sensor. Although the theory developed in this report
justifies the use of switching techniques in efficiently
converting that energy to a usable form, there are
obviously some practical limitations to the systems
presented. The final prototype design does fulfill the
objective of generating electricity from piezoelectric disk.
Due to the low cost design of the piezoelectric system it is
a practical product which could increase the operating
Figure 6: Connected a DC LED load period of most common products. The data collected is
capable of extending the operational lifespan per charge of
portable electronic devices. Although the theory developed
in this report justifies the use of switching techniques in
efficiently converting that energy to a usable form, there

Copyright to IARJSET DOI 10.17148/IARJSET 103

ISSN (Online) 2393-8021
ISSN (Print) 2394-1588

International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET)

National Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment (NCREE-2015)
IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad
Vol. 2, Special Issue 1, May 2015
are obviously some practical limitations to the systems
presented. Measurements of source current into the
primary and load current transferred from the secondary
reveal that very little current gain truly occurs between the
input and output ports of the switch in the forward
converter hybrid. Further, similar results were encountered
when one examines the energy transferred through the
series switch and inductor in the buck converter. In
addition, based on the results gathered in this
investigation, the final prototype design does fulfill the
objective of generating electricity from piezoelectric disk.
Due to the low cost design of the piezoelectric system it is
a practical product which could increase the operating
period of most common products. The data collected is
capable of extending the operational lifespan per charge of
portable electronic devices.

Bangladesh is a densely populated country. In Bangladesh,
there are many regions where people are continuously
travelling by walking. And these regions are always busy
with people walking, which mean we can easily find the
sources like vibration or pressure to produce electricity
from piezoelectric material.We created a mechanical
structure for power generation. Inside that we placed a
combination of many piezoelectric sensors. By pressing
the structure the piezoelectric sensors will get the vibration
and the sensors give electricity as output. After passing
through a circuit the charge will store in the battery. We
use two applications in our project. As we will place the
model in a populated area, we can use this stored energy to
light the passersby walking road without getting electricity
from other sources. Another application is we can set a
booth for charging mini power consumption.

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Copyright to IARJSET DOI 10.17148/IARJSET 104

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