Otorhino Dr. R. Regalado

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Silliman University Medical School

Dumaguete City

Dr. R. Regalado

Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______ Score: _______

1. Not a function of cerumen

a) Lubrication
b) Bactericidal
c) Carcinogenic
d) Facilitate removal of epithelial debris
2. Not an infection inflammation of the outer ear
a) Dermatoses
b) Viral
c) Pseudomonas
d) Aspergillus
3. Not a predisposing factor to occurrence of Otitis externa
a) Change in pH
b) Oral antibiotic intake
c) Temperature and humidity changes
d) Swimming
4. All are part of management of Otitis externa except
a) Suctioning of debris
b) Use of wick to apply medication
c) Use of topical drops
d) Oral steroids
5. “Pointing” is a common occurrence
a) Furuncolosis
b) Diffuse Otitis externa
c) Otomycosis
d) Perichondritis
6. Tragal tenderness is a diagnostic feature
a) Furuncolosis
b) Diffuse Otitis externa
c) Otomycosis
d) Perichondritis
7. “Boxer’s ear”
a) Furuncolosis
b) Diffuse Otitis externa
c) Otomycosis
d) Perichondritis
8. “Floppy ear”
a) Perichondritis
b) Relapsing polychondritis
c) Necrotizing external otitis
d) Eczematous dermatitis
9. Most common auricular deformity
a) Boxer’s ear
b) Floppy ear
c) Cauliflower ear
d) Lop-ear
10. Topical drugs for treatment of fungal organism except
a) Nystatin
b) Clotrimazole
c) Miconazole
d) Colistin
11. Most prevalent cause of hearing loss in school-age children
a) Serous Otitis media
b) Acute purulent Otitis media
c) Acute mastoiditis
d) Chronic mastoiditis
12. Most common site of barotrauma
a) Nasal passages
b) Sinuses
c) Middle ear
d) Inner ear
13. All these can cause Eustachian tube dysfunction except
a) Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
b) Hypertrophied tonsils
c) Enlarged adenoids
d) All are correct
14. Tympanic membrane perforation can result from
a) Barotrauma
b) Blast injuries
c) Foreign bodies in the ear
d) All are correct
15. Basic causative factor in Acute Otitis media
a) Tympanic membrane perforation
b) Eustachian tube dysfunction
c) Infections in the outer ear
d) Non-judicious use of antibiotics
16. Most common organism in Acute Otitis media in children
a) H. influenzae
b) Strep. pneumoniae
c) B-hemolytic strep
d) Staph. aureus
17. Facial nerve paralysis is a ________ complication of Otitis media and mastoiditis
a) Middle ear
b) Inner ear
c) Extradural
d) CNS
18. Labyrinthitis is a ________ complication of Otitis media and mastoiditis
a) Middle ear
b) Inner ear
c) Extradural
d) CNS
19. Most common intracranial complication from suppurative Otitis media
a) Brain abscess
b) Otitic hydrocephalus
c) Meningitis
d) Labyrinthitis
20. Most common primary tumor of the middle ear
a) Rhabdomyoscrocoma
b) Adenocarcinoma
c) Glomus jugulare
d) Adenoid cystic carcinoma
21. Presence of this on X-ray is a primary indication for mastoidectomy
a) Cholesteatoma
b) Fluid in the middle ear
c) Granulation tissue
d) None of the above is correct
22. Type of hearing loss that can result from Chronic Otitis media
a) Conductive
b) Sensorineural
c) Both a & b are correct
d) Both a & b are incorrect
23. Primary purpose of surgery in middle ear infection
a) Eradicate infected tissue
b) Preservation of hearing
c) Both are correct
d) None of the above is correct
24. Presence of this indicates an impending serious complication
a) Vertigo
b) Hearing loss
c) Tympanic membrane perforation
d) Fluid in the middle ear
25. Multiple perforations in the ear drum suggest the possibility of
a) Cholesteatoma
b) Bacterial origin
c) Viral origin
d) Tuberculosis
26. Reason why external auditory canal infections are so painful
a) Absence of nerve endings
b) Absence of collateral blood supply
c) No subcutaneous tissue
d) All are correct
27. Primary agent in Ramsay Hunt disease
a) Herpes simplex
b) Pseudomonas
c) Herpes Zoster
d) Staphylococcus
28. All are causative factors in serous otitis media except
a) Allergy
b) Barotrauma
c) Upper respiratory tract infection
d) All of the above are correct
29. Central perforations of the tympanic membrane usually are caused by
a) Tuberculosis
b) Viruses
c) Bacteria
d. Fungus
30. Central nervous system complications of otitis media and mastoiditis except
a) Subdural abscess
b) Meningitis
c) Brain abscess
d) Otitic hydrocephalus
31. The most important sound pattern for human hearing
a. music
b. noise
c. speech
d. all of the above
32. All these borders are enclosed by the middle ear except
a. facial nerve
b. internal carotid artery
c. inner ear
d. all are correct
33. Main function of the middle ear
a. impedance matching
b. maintenance of equilibrium
34. Usual avenue of sound transmission
a. bone conduction
b. air conduction
c. both A and B
d. neither A or B
35. Not a goal of audiologic evaluation
a. detect hearing disorder
b. classify hearing disorder
c. quantify hearing disorder
d. treat hearing disorders
36. Balance depends upon these separate and independent systems except:
a. Gustatory System
b. Visual System
c. Central Nervous System
d. Vestibular System
37. Not a function of the Vestibular System
a. Spatial Orientation
b. Maintenance of posture
c. Maintenance of equilibrium
d. Sound transmission
38. Not a Standard Vestibular Test
a. Caloric Testing
b. Rombergs Test
c. Unterberger Stepping Test
d. Finger to Nose Test
39. Not a peripheral vestibular disease
a. Labyrinthitis
b. Meningitis
c. Meniere’s
d. Positional Vertigo
40. Not included in the classic clinical triad of Meniere’s Disease
a. Nystegmus c. Tinnitus
b. Hearing loss d. Vertigo
41. Sensory organ of hearing
a. basilar membrane
b. tectorial membrane
c. organ of corti
d. inner hair cells
42. A loss of 41-60 decibels is considered
a. mild hearing loss
b. moderate
c. severe
d. profound
43. When there is middle ear and cochlear problems producing a hearing loss, the hearing loss is
a. conductive
b. sensorineural
c. mixed
d. central hearing impairment
44. This is usually used to test the hearing of 3-6 years of age children
a. play audiometry
b. behavioral observation audiometry
c. auditory brainstem response
d. visual reinforcement observation audiometry
45. A hearing screening tool appropriate from birth to childhood
a. otoacoustic emission test
b. play audiometry
c. auditory brainstem response
d. behavioral observation audiometry
46. Most cosmetically appealing type of hearing aid
a. behind the ear
b. in the ear
c. in the canal
d. completely in the canal
47. The external auditory meatus is about
a. 2.5 cm long
b. 3.5 cm long
c. 4.5 cm long
d. 5.5 cm long
48. This is not part of the membranous labyrinth
a. Eustachian tube
b. Vestibular organs
c. semicircular canals
d. cochleer ducts
49. About how much of our hair cells are lost by age 65?
a. 20% b. 30% c. 40% d. 50%
50. This is usually caused by pseudomonas and generally found in the elderly diabetics living in
warm climate
a. necrotizing external otitis
b. perichondritis
c. eczematous dermatitis
d. herpes zoster oticus

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