Aes Algorithm For Encryption: Radhika D.Bajaj

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International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)

ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 05 || May 2016 || PP. 63-68


Radhika D.Bajaj
G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering And Technology For Women, Nagpur.

Dr. U.M. Gokhale

Electronics and Telecommunication
G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering And Technology For Women, Nagpur.

ABSTRACT: Due to the vast development of information technology, it is very necessary to protect the
sensitive information via encryption which is becoming more and more important in daily life. One of the best
existing symmetric security algorithms to provide data security used nowadays is advanced encryption standard
(AES). AES has the advantage of being implemented in both hardware and software. AES is a non-Feistel
cipher that encrypts and decrypts a data block of 128 bits. It uses 10, 12, or 14 rounds in algorithm and the key
size, can be 128, 192, or 256 bits depending on the number of rounds. In these paper the software Xilinx ISE
project navigator is used for synthesis and simulation for encryption.
KEYWORDS: AES, DES, Encryption, Cryptography, Key Expansion, cipher text.

Cryptographic operation in wireless devices which uses little memory and a low-power processor causes system
overhead [10]; thereby implementing security hardware dedicated to cryptographic operation is necessary
nowadays. Encryption is a technique which converts data or information into code which is unreadable. In 2001,
the Rijndael algorithm is selected by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) by replacing the Data Encryption Standard (DES). After this AES has been widely
used in a variety of applications, such as digital video/ audio recorders, RFID tags, smart cards, ATM, TV set-
top boxes, military applications, secure communication systems, high-performance database servers, and high-
security portable communication equipment. AES is a symmetric block cipher that operates on 128-bit block as
input and output data. The algorithm can encrypt as well as decrypt blocks using a secret key which has a key
size of 256, 192, or 128 bits. One of the most important features of AES is simplicity that is achieved by
repeatedly combining substitution and permutation computations at different rounds. That is, AES
encrypts/decrypts a 128-bit plaintext/cipher text by repeatedly applying the same round transformation a number
of times depending on the key size.


The AES is a crypto graphical algorithm and a computer security standard designed for security purpose and for
protecting electronic data respectively. Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 197 gives
the specification of AES. AES uses Rijndael algorithm by Joan Daeman and Vincent Rijimen for both
encryption and decryption [4]. AES is an iterated symmetric block cipher, which means that AES works by
repeating the same defined steps multiple times. AES is a kind of secret key encryption algorithm and AES
operates on a fixed number of bytes.
AES as well as most of the encryption algorithms is reversible. Which means that almost the same steps are
performed to complete both encryption and decryption in reverse order. The AES algorithm operates on bytes,
which makes it simpler to implement and explain. This key is expanded into individual sub keys, a sub keys for
each operation round. This process is called KEY EXPANSION which is described in brief further. 63 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 05 || May 2016 || PP. 63-68

Advanced Encryption Algorithm is a symmetric encryption algorithm and in AES process, it takes input as 128
bit data blocks and performs transformation rounds to produce cipher text as an output. This 128-bit input data
block is processed a state which is a 4-by-4 array of bytes. The round key size can be 128, 192 or 256 bits. The
length of round key will define the number of rounds repeated in the AES, Nr. The round key is of 10, 12 or 14
for key lengths of 128, 192 or 256 bits, respectively. The above fig shows the AES encryption process also key
expansion process. For encryption for any input data, there are four main transformations applied as shown in
fig. 1 and described follows:

1. SubBytes: The SubBytes transformation is a nonlinear byte substitution. Each byte from the input state is
replaced by another byte according to the substitution box, this substitution box is called the S-box. The S-
box is calculated based on a multiplicative inverse in the finite field GF(28) and a bitwise affine

Fig 1.1: Substitution

2. ShiftRows: In the ShiftRows transformation, the first row of the state array kept as it is. But the bytes in the
second, third, and forth rows are cyclically shifted by one, two, and three bytes to the left, respectively. 64 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 05 || May 2016 || PP. 63-68

Fig 1.2: Shifting Rows

3. MixColumns: MixColumns transformation includes, the columns of the state are considered as
polynomials over GF (28) and multiplied by modulo x4 + 1 with a fixed polynomial c(x), given by:
c(x)={03}x3 + {01}x2 + {01}x + {02} [8].

Fig 1.3: Mixing

4. AddRoundKey: Using a bitwise exclusive-or (XOR) operation, a round key is added to the state array.
This round keys are computed in the key expansion process. If Round keys are calculated on the fly for
each data block, then it is called AES with online key expansion. On the other hand, in most of the
applications, the encryption keys do not change as frequently as data. As a result, before the encryption
process round keys can be calculated and kept constant for a period of time in local registers or memory.
This computation of round key is called AES with offline key expansion.

Fig 1.4: Adding Key

Similarly, there are three steps in each key expansion round.

1. KeySubWord: The KeySubWord operation takes a four byte input word and output word is produced by
substituting each byte in the input to another byte according to the S-box. 65 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 05 || May 2016 || PP. 63-68
2. KeyRotWord: The second step of key expansion function is KeyRotWord which takes a word [a3,a2, a1,
a0], performs a cyclic permutation, and returns the word [a2,a1,a0,a3] as output.

3. KeyXOR: In key XOR function of key expansion, Every word w[i] is equal to the XOR of the previous
word, w [i-1], and the word Nk positions earlier, w [i –Nk]. Nk equals 4, 6 or 8 for the key lengths of 128, 192
or 256 bits, respectively [9].


As described earlier about the key expansion and its method to compute it and prior to encryption the key must
be expanded. The main part of add Round Key function is key Expansion , now the expanded key is used in the
Add Round Key function. Each time the Add Round Key function is called a different part of the expanded key
is XORed against the state. In order for this to work the Expanded Key must be large enough so that it can
provide key material for every time the Add Round Key function is executed. The Add Round Key function gets
called for each and every round but in addition it called one extra time at the beginning of the algorithm.
Therefore the size of the expanded key will always be equal to:

16 * (number of rounds + 1)

The number 16 in the above function is actually the size of the block in bytes. This provides key material for
every byte in the block during every round +1.

Key Block Expanded

Size Size Key
(bytes) (bytes) (bytes)

16 16 176
24 16 208
32 16 240

Since the key size is much smaller than the size of the sub keys, the key is actually “stretched out” i.e. expanded
to provide enough key space for the algorithm.

The experimental results are being simulated and synthesized on Xilinx ISE 13.1 software tool. The design uses
LUTs, ROMs, Logic gates for all the operations of AES encryption. The simulation for proposed AES algorithm
for encryption is as given below.

a. RTL SCHEMATIC 66 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 05 || May 2016 || PP. 63-68


This approach reduces device utilization and significantly improves the speed of the device. The table below
shows the summary of the above design.

Number of Slice Registers 4,096 out of 207,360 1%

Number of Slice LUTs 3,520 out of 207,360 1%

Number used as Logic 3,520 out of 207,360 1%

AES-128 algorithm for encryption is simulated on Xilinx ISE 13.1 simulator. With the designing of all the
operations as LUTs, ROMs and Logic gates, the proposed architecture achieves a throughput of 3.89 Gbps and
thereby utilizing only 1% of slices in the targeted FPGA. Numbers of slices used are very less and design with
minimum utilization is presented.

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ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 05 || May 2016 || PP. 63-68
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