Spun Piles PT. Komponindo Betonjaya

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PT. KOMPONINDO BETONJAYA (KOBE) exists and participates in the development of the nation, by utilizing domestic
resources, combined with advanced technology from other countries. A good cooperation has been conducted between a
national group or companies and a professional Japanese company in the field of prestressed concrete.
Its reliability has been proved in supporting the development.
Its presence also strengthens various aspects of the national development of Indonesia with high precision concrete products,
concrete steps to maintain the quality are continuously conducted.
Various researches are constantly monitored to guarantee the quality control. With the availability of said experience and
knowledge, P.T. KOMPONINDO BETONJAYA constantly conducts business in the field of concrete, so that it enjoys the
confidence of many users.
Prestressed concrete is mainly used as “Structure member”. The demand has constantly increased and has rapidly developed since
1955; in 1965, it has even obtained the recognition from JIS. The great demand shows, that P.T. KOMPONINDO BETONJAYA
is recognized to have a reliable quality. The requirement for spun piles has increased, so that in 1983, a seminar was held to
maintain quality control.
The research results have been approved by JIS in 1988, by giving priority to the requirements of the users. Various decisions
on load capacity standards have been taken, in line with the needs of the users. These decisions have been officially recognized
by JIS in September 1, 1988.
P.T. KOMPONINDO BETONJAYA is endeavouring to expand the use of PC Spun Piles as extensively as possible, in order that
the development can run smoothly. Various facilities/conveniences are granted for the satisfaction of the user, and we are always
prepared to assist and provide guidelines/directives in technical aspects, installation and design.

1. High strength and high quality 5. Easy handling
KOBE Spun Piles are manufactured in a well organized KOBE Spun Piles have a hollow cylindrical section,
and controlled factory, the high strength concrete and making it easier to handle for transport and installation
uniform quality and concrete can be obtained. of the piles compared with square shaped piles since
they have no directivity as cross section.
2. Economical
Centrifugal processing removes water, giving high 6. High resistance to handling
strength, denseness and greater loading capacity Introducing compressive stress into concrete by using
compared with ordinary Square-shaped piles. This PC wires is giving a big handling durability, then
means the reduction of concrete in the cross section subsequently large resistant moment can be obtained in
is made possible. Transportation cost also shall be spite of small dimension.
7. High bearing capacity
3. Durability KOBE Spun Piles are manufactured with high strength
Centrifugal processing makes possible denser concrete concrete, they have much greater load resistance than
than by hand filling vibrator operation. Therefore the PC Piles.
durability against corrosion is very high.
8. High resistance to shock
4. Quick delivery By the uniform induction of the prestressed to the piles,
Concrete strength of more than 500 kg/cm2 can be KOBE Spun Piles compensate tensiles stress caused by
obtained after steam curing + 7 days, which shortens catoptric waves generated by driving which cause piles
the time of delivery after the receipt of order. to crack. Driving shock resistance and load resistance
of KOBE Spun Piles are extremely high, so these piles
are most appropriate for a construction requiring
the penetration into intermediate layers with
considerably high N-values.

KOBE - Prestressed Concrete Spun Piles

Technical Data

PC - Spun Pile
e Mcr Mult Ra Pe Length
Diameter Type
(kg/cm2) (t.m) (t.m) (t) (t) (m)
A 40 2.5 3.8 50 72.6 6-13
300 B 80 3.5 6.3 45 67.5 6-13
C 100 4.0 8.0 40 65.4 6-13
A 40 3.5 5.3 60 93.1 6-15
350 B 80 5.0 9.0 55 86.4 6-15
C 100 6.0 12.0 55 85.0 6-15
A 40 5.5 8.3 80 121.1 6-15
B 80 7.5 13.5 75 114.4 6-15
A 40 7.5 11.3 100 149.5 6-15
450 B 80 11.0 19.8 90 139.1 6-15
C 100 12.5 25.0 85 134.9 6-15
A 40 10.5 15.8 125 185.3 6-15
500 B 80 15.0 27.0 115 174.9 6-15
C 100 17.0 34.0 105 169.0 6-15
A 40 17.0 25.5 170 252.7 6-16
600 B 80 25.0 45.0 155 238.3 6-16
C 100 29.0 58.0 145 229.5 6-16
e = Effective Prestressed Ra = Allowable Permanent Axial Load (ton) (JB A5335)
Mcr = Cracking Bending Moment (t.m) Pe = Allowable Axial Load (ton) (ACI 543)
Mult = Ultimate Bending Moment (t.m)

Single / Bottom Pile

D T Cross Section Unit Weight PC Wire
(mm) (mm) (t.m) (t.m) Dia (mm) NOs Dp (mm)
A 7.0 6 240
300 B 60 452 0.118 7.0 12 240
C 9.0 10 240
A 7.0 8 285
350 B 60 582 0.151 7.0 16 285
C 9.0 12 285
A 7.0 10 325
400 75 766 0.242
B 7.0 20 325
A 7.0 12 370
450 B 80 930 0.199 7.0 22 370
C 9.0 20 370
A 7.0 14 410
500 B 90 1159 0.301 7.0 26 410
C 9.0 24 410
A 7.0 20 500
600 B 100 1571 0.408 9.0 24 500
C 9.0 32 500
Note: other type & PC Wire arrangement can be produced based on requirement

KOBE - Prestressed Concrete Spun Piles

Specif cation

PC - Spun Pile (JIS A 5335)

Upper / Middle Pile

Single / Bottom Pile

KOBE - Prestressed Concrete Spun Piles

1. Casting 2. Prestressing

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5. Demoulding 6. Stockyard

KOBE - Prestressed Concrete Spun Piles

Pile Production 3. Spinning 4. Curing

















7. Distribution

KOBE - Prestressed Concrete Spun Piles

Mamira Shoe

Mamira Shoe

Unit: mm
Dia Thickness Dimension
D T T1 T2 H E R

300 60 6 2 100 35 85

350 65 6 2 100 35 85

400 75 6 2 100 35 85

450 80 6 2 150 35 135

500 90 9 2 150 35 135

600 100 9 2 150 35 135

KOBE - Prestressed Concrete Spun Piles

Conical Shoe (Pencil Shoe)

Conical Shoe (Pencil Shoe)

Single/Bottom Pile
Shoe Dimension Shoe Attachment Steel Bar Attachment
(mm) h1 h2 h a b t d (dia) I NOs
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Pcs)

300 350 80 30 100 120 2 10 500 6

350 300 80 30 100 120 2 10 500 6

400 350 80 30 100 120 2 10 500 6

450 330 80 100 100 200 2 10 500 6

500 380 80 100 100 200 2 13 500 6

600 480 80 100 100 200 2 13 600 8

KOBE - Prestressed Concrete Spun Piles

Sectional Properties

Unit : mm
Dia Dimension
Thickness Type
(mm) T1 T2 H A K
300 60 B 12 2 100 4,2 8.0
350 65 B 12 2 100 4,2 8.5
A 12
400 75 2 100 4,2 9.5
B 16
A 12
450 80 B 16 2 150 4,4 10
A 12
500 300 B 16 2 150 4,4 11
A 12
600 300 B 16 2 150 4,4 12

KOBE - Prestressed Concrete Spun Piles

Quality Control

KOBE Spun Piles shall be produced in accordance to JIS 5335-1987

Raw Material
Raw Material for KOBE PC Spun Pile shall generally be as follows:


a. Cement SNI 15-2049 Ordinary Portland Cement Type I

JIS A 5308 Aggregates for Ready Mix Concrete,

b. Aggregates
For coarse aggregate, Max Size 20 mm

ASTM C 494 or Standard Specification for Chemical

JIS A 6204 Admixture Type G, Calcium Chloride
c. Chemical Admixture Free.
Standard Type Water Reducing Chemical

SNI 1155 Uncoated Stress Relieved Steel Wire for

d. Prestressing Steel or Equivalent Prestressed Concrete
KBJP 7 mm, KBJP 9 mm

JIS G 3532 Low Carbon Steel Wire SWM-B

e. Spiral Wire
or Equivalent

f. Joint Plate JIS G 3101 Rolled Steel for General Structure SS-400

- Shall not contain any detrimental

g. Water amount
of oils, acid, salts, etc.

Compressive Strength test of concrete

Compressive strength test will be done for each daily production work for the age of 1 day (before stress introduction).
7 days & 14 days (delivery period) and 28 days accordingly. Characteristic cube strength in accordance with Indonesian
National Standard SNI 03-1974 should be 600 kg/cm2 (K 600) or equivalent with minimum cylinder strength (fck’) of 500

Pile Bending Test

Pile bending test of mainbody shall be made accordance to clause 8 Bending Strength Test of JIS A 5335 - 1987. Unless
specified otherwise, one pile of every 500 piles of the same diameter and type produced will be proof tested by Bending
Stength Test.
The Test will be considered as satisfactory if no visual crack occured at the load corresponding to its M Crack.

Appearance and dimension check

Appereance and dimension check are done for each finished product with the following criterions:

Description Tolerance
Crack No Visual Crack
Outside +5 mm
-2 mm
Wall Thickness -0 mm
+ not specified
0,3 % of PC Pile
Angle between joint plate and pile Axis 90° + 20°
- 8 1 ,




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