Thermo 1

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1. A 10 m3 vessel contains 5 m3 of liquid water and d. 2.54 kg b. 1.

74 x 10-20 J
5 m3 of saturated water vapor at 100kpa.
Calculate the internal energy of the system 5. A cylinder and a piston arrangementcontains c. 3.74 x 10-20 J
using the steam tables. saturated water vapor at 110 °C. The vapor is
compressed in a reversible adiabatic process d. 2.74 x 10-20 J
a. 5 x 105 kJ until the pressure is 1.6 MPa. Determine the
work done by the system per kilogram of water. 9. An isobaric steam generating process starts with
b. 8 x 105 kJ saturated liquid at 20 psia. The change in
a. -637 kJ/kg entropy is equal to the initial entropy. What is
c. 1 x 106 kJ the change in enthalpy during the process?
b. -509 kJ/kg (Hint: Not all liquid is vaporized.)
d. 2 x 106 kJ*
c. -432 kJ/kg* a. -230.4 BTU/lbm
2. 3.0 lbm of air are contained at 25 psia and 100
°F. Given that Rair = 53.35 ft-lbf / lbm-°F, what d. -330 kJ/kg b. 230.4 BTU/lbm*
is the volume of the container?
6. Ideal Oxygen is throttled at 140degF from 10 c. 0 BTU/lbm
a. 10.7 ft3 atm to 5 atm. What is the temperature change?
d. 196.2 BTU.lbm
b. 14.7 ft3 a. 0*
10. A steam generator produces saturated steam at
c. 15 ft3 b. Negative 100 psia from saturated liquid at 14.7 psia. If the
heat source is a bath at 340F that produces 800
d. 24.9 ft3 * c. Infinity BTU/lbm, which of the following is true?

3. Twenty grams of oxygen (O2) are compressed at d. 1 a. The device cannot work because the pressure
a constant temperature of 30°C to 5 % of their gradient is greater than zero.
original volume. What work is done on the 7. Gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a weighted
system? piston as the top boundary. The gas is heated b. The device can work, but is inefficient.
and expands from a volume of 0.04 m3 at a
a. 824 cal constant pressure of 200 kPa. Calculate the c. The device violates the 1st law of
work done by the system. thermodynamics.*
b. 924 cal
a. 8 kJ* d. The device violates the 2nd law of
c. 944 cal thermodynamics.
b. 10 kJ
d. 1124 cal * 11. If air is at a pressure, ρ , of 3200 lbf/ft2, and at a
c. 12 kJ temperature, T , of 800°R, what is the specific
4. A vessel with a volume of 1 cubic meter volume, v? (R = 53.3 ft-lbf/lbm-°R, and air can
contains liquid water and water vapor d. 14 kJ modeled as an ideal gas)
equilibrium at 600 kPa. The liquid water has a
mass of 1 kg. Using the steam tables, calculate 8. Assume the total heat of vaporization (per a. 9.8 ft3/lbm
the mass of the vapor. gram) of water can be used to supply the energy
needed to tear 1 g of water molecules apart from b. 11.2 ft3/lbm
a. 0.99 kg each other. How much energy is needed per
molecule for this purpose? c. 13.3 ft3/lbm*
b. 1.57 kg
a. 6.74 x 10-20 J* d. 14.2 ft3/lbm
c. 3.16 kg*
12. A 5m3 vessel initially contains 50 kg of lquid c. 345 mmHg a. 2.00 J/moleK
water and saturated water vapor at total internal
energy of 27,3000 kJ. Calculate the heat d. 800 mmHg b. 2.39 J/moleK*
requirement to vaporize all of the liquid.
16. Air undergoes an isentropic compression from c. 2.79 J/moleK
a. 100,000 kJ* 14.7 psia to 180.6 psia. If the initial temperature
is 68 °F and the final temperature is 621.5 °F, d. 3.12 J/moleK
b. 2,000,000 kJ calculate the work done by the gas.
20. What is the value of the work done for a closed,
c. 300,000 kJ a. -136.2 BTU/lbm reversible, isometric system?

d. 400,000 kJ b. -94.8 BTU/lbm* a. Zero*

13. A copper can of negligible heat capacity c. 0 BTU/lbm b. Positive

contains 1 kg of water just above the freezing
point. A similar can contains 1 kg of water just d. 94.8 BTU/lbm c. Negative
below the boiling point. Two cans are brought to
into thermal contact. Find the change in entropy 17. Gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a weighted d. Positive or negative
of the system? piston as the top boundary. The gas is heated
and expands from a volume 0.04 m3 to 0.1 m3. 21. If 1 lbm of steam at 14.7 psia, 63 % quality is
a. 100 J* The pressure varies such that PV = C, and the heated isentropically, at what pressure will it
initial pressure is 200 kPa. Calculate the work reach the saturated vapor state?
b. 200 J done by the system.
a. 56 psia
c. 300 J a. 6.8 kJ
b. 313 psia
d. 400 J b. 7.33 kJ*
c. 1852 psia
14. The atomic weight of hydrogen is 1gram per c. 9.59 kJ
gram-atom. What is the mass of hydrogen atom? d. 2585 psia*
d. 12.0 kJ
a. 1.66 x 10 g/atom* 22. 200g of water are heated from 5C to 100C and
18. From the steam tables, determine the average vaporized at a constant pressure. The heat of
b. 6.02 x 10-10 g/atom constant pressure specific heat (Cp) of steam at vaporization of water at 100C is 539.2 cal/g.
10 kPa and 45.8°C. The heat capacity at constant pressure, Cp is 1.0
c. 1.0 x 10-23 g/atom cal/gK. Determine the total change in entropy.
a. 1.79 kJ/kg.°C*
d. 1 g/atom a. 248.2 cal/K
b. 10.28 kJ/kg.°C
15. In a gaseous mixture of 20 deg. C the partial b. 298.2 cal/K
pressures of the components are as follows: c. 30.57 kJ/kg.°C
Hydrogen, 200 mmHg; Carbon Dioxide, 150 c. 348.0 cal/K*
mmHg; Methane, 320 mmHg; Ethylene, 105 d. 100.1 kJ/kg.°C
mmHg. What is the total pressure of the d. 398.2 cal/K
mixture? 19. For an ideal gas, what is the specific molar
entropy change during an isothermal process in 23. What is true about the polytropic exponent, n ,
a. 755 mmHg* w/c the pressure changes from 200 kPa to 150 for a perfect gas undergoing an isobaric
kPa? process?
b. 255 mmHg
a. n>0 27. Calculate the change in enthalpy as 1 kg of c. 5.000 in3
nitrogen is heated from 1000 K to 1500 K,
b. n<0 assuming the nitrogen is an ideal gas at a d. 6.095 in3*
constant pressure. The temperature-dependent
c. n → infinity specific heat of nitrogen is: 31. 200 mL of oxygen are collected over water at
23C and a pressure of 1 atmosphere. What
d. n = 0* cp = 39.06 - 512.79T-1.5 + 1072.7T-2 - 820.4T-3 volume would the oxygen occupy dry at 273K
and 1 atmosphere?
24. On a hot day, the temperature rises from 50F cp is in kJ/Kmole-K and T is in K.
early in the morning to 99F in the afternoon. a. 179.3 ml*
What is the ratio of the concentration (in a. 600 kJ
moles/ft3 of helium in a spherical balloon in the b. 184.4 ml
afternoon to the concentration of helium in the b. 700 kJ*
balloon in the morning? c. 190.0 ml
c. 800 kJ
a. 0.51 d. 194.5 ml
d. 900 kJ
b. 0.69 32. A gas has a density of 0.094 lb/ft3 at 100degF
28. Helium is compressed isothermally from 14.7 and 2 atm. What pressure is needed to change
c. 0.91* psia and 60 °F. The compression ratio is 4. the density to 0.270 lb/ft3 at 250degF?
Calculate the change in entropy of the gas given
d. 1.10 that RHe = 0.4961 BTU/lbm-°R. a. 7.28 atm*

25. Cool water at 9 deg. C enters hot-water from a. -2.76 BTU/lbm-°R b. 6.32 atm
which warm water at a temperature of 80 deg. C
is drawn at an average rate of 300 g/min. How b. -0.689 BTU/lbm-°R* c. 3.45 atm
much average electric power does the heater
consume in order to provide hot water at this c. 0 BTU/lbm-°R d. 5.25 atm
d. 0.689 BTU/lbm-°R 33. If atmospheric air 14.7 psia and 60degF at sea
a. 4.18 kW* level, what is the pressure at 12000 ft altitude if
29. One kilogram of water (cv= 4.2 kJ/kg-K) is air is incompressible. Note: @ 60degF; the
b. 2.35 kW heated by 300 BTU of energy. What is the density of air is 0.0763 lbm/ft3; P1 = 14.7 psia
change in temperature, in K?
c. 3.31 kW a. 8.342 psia*
a. 17.9 K
d. 5.14 kW b. 5.34 psia
b. 71.4 K
26. Water (specific heat cv = 4.2 kJ/kg-K) is being c. 6.72 psia
heated by a 1500W heater. What is the rate of c. 73.8 K
change in temperature of 1 kg of the water? d. 9.32 psia
d. 75.4 K*
a. 0.043 K/s 34. A cold tire contains 1000 in.3 of air at 24 psia
30. In an isentropic compression, p1 = 200 psia, p2 = and 32degF. What pressure in the tire is needed
b. 0.719 K/s 300 psia, V1 = 10 in3, and k= 1.4. Find V2. if the temperature and volume are increased to
35degF and 1020 in.3 respectively?
c. 0.357 K/s* a. 3.509 in3
a. 23.57 psia*
d. 1.50 K/s b. 4.500 in3
b. 32.45 psia Hydrogen, 200 mmHg; Carbon Dioxide, 150 c. 1.1577 BTU/lbm-°R*
mmHg; Methane, 320 mmHg; Ethylene, 105
c. 43.54 psia mmHg. What is the mass fraction of Hydrogen ( d. 1.2172 BTU/lbm-°R
m(H2) = 2, m(CO2) = 44, m(meth) = 16 and
d. 34.57 psia m(eth) = 30 kg/mol) ? 42. Find the change in internal energy of 5 lbmof
oxygen gas when the temperature changes from
35. Determine the specific gravity of carbon a. 0.026 * 100°F to 120°F. cv = 0.157 BTU/lbm-°R.
dioxide gas (molecular weight = 44) at 150degF
(66degC) and 20 psia (138 kPa). b. 0.056 a. 14.7 BTU

a. 1.67* c. 0.076 b. 15.7 BTU*

b. 1.45 d. 0.016 c. 16.8 BTU

c. 1.87 39. Assume the total heat of vaporization (per d. 147 BTU
gram) of water can be used to supply the energy
d. 1.30 needed to tear 1 g of water molecules apart from 43. Determine the change in enthalpy per lbm on
each other. What is the ratio of energy needed nitrogen gas as its temperature changes from
36. An empty polyethylene telemetry balloon and per molecule to kT where k = 1.38 x 10-23 J/K? 500°F to 200°F. cp = 0.2483 BTU/lbm-°R.
payload have a mass of 500 lbm.The balloon is
charged with helium when the atmospheric a. 11.2 a. -74.49 BTU/lbm *
conditions are 60degF and 14.8 psia. The
specific gas constant of helium is 386.3 ft- b. 12.5 b. -72.66 BTU/lbm
lbf/lbm-R. What is the volume of helium is
required? c. 13.1 * c. -68.47 BTU/lbm
a. 7544 ft * d. 12.3 d. 63.78 BTU/lbm

b. 6754 ft3 44. What is the resulting pressure when one pound
of air at 15 psia and 200°F is heated at constant
c. 7455 ft3 40. Steam at 1000 lbf/ft2 pressure and 300°R has a volume to 800°F?
specific volume of 6.5 ft3/lbm and a specific
d. 6456 ft3 enthalpy of 9800 lbf-ft/lbm. Find the internal a. 15 psia
energy per pound mass of steam.
37. What is the change in entropy of 2 kg water b. 28.6 psia*
molecules when transformed at constant a. 2500 lbf-ft/lbm
pressure of 1 atmosphere from water at c. 36.4 psia
100degC to steam at the same temperature? b. 3300 lbf-ft/lbm*
d. 52.1 psia
a. 12.12 kJ/K* c. 5400 lbf-ft/lbm
45. What horsepower is required to isothermally
b. 10.43 kJ/K d. 6900 lbf-ft/lbm compress 800 ft3 of air per minute from 14.7
psia to 120 psia?
c. 9.45 kJ/K 41. Calculate the entropy of steam at 60 psiawith a
quality of 0.6. a. 28 Hp
d. 10.45 kJ/K
a. 0.4274 BTU/lbm-°R b. 108 Hp*
38. In a gaseous mixture of 20 deg. C the partial
pressures of the components are as follows: b. 0.7303 BTU/lbm-°R c. 256 Hp
d. 13,900 Hp d. Both: heat transfer = 0; Isentropic: reversible.* II. The device violates the 2nd law of
46. Calculate the work done by a system in which 1 50. In an adiabatic, isentropic process, p1 = 200
kg mole of water completely evaporates at psia, p2 = 300 psia, and T1 = 700 °R. Find III. The device generates positive net power
100°C and 1 atmosphere pressure. T2,using γ= 1.4.
IV. The device generates no net power.
a. 1000 kJ a. 576 °R
a. I
b. 2130 kJ b. 590 °R
b. II
c. 2490 kJ c. 680 °R
c. III*
d. 3050 kJ* d. 786 °R*
d. IV
47. What is the equation for a work done by a 51. Nitrogen is expanded isentropically. Its
constant temperature system? temperature changes from 620 °F to 60 °F. Find 54. An engineer devices a scheme for extracting
the pressure Ratio (p1/p2). some power from waste process steam. The
a. W = mRTln(V2 – V1) steam enters a device at 100 psi and quality 75%
a. 0.08 and exits at 14.7 psia and 65% quality. Which of
b. W = mR(T2 – T1)ln V2/V1 the following statements are true?
b. 12.9*
c. W = mRTln V2/V1 * I. The produces 155 BTU/lbm of work.
c. 23.2
d. W = RTln V2/V1 II. The device violates 2nd law of
d. 3547 thermodynamics.
48. A piston-cylinder system contains a gas which
expands under a constant pressure of 1200 52. Nitrogen is expanded isentropically. Its III. The device violates the 1st law of
lbf/ft2. If the piston is displaced during the temperature changes from 620 °F to 60 °F. The thermodynamics.
process, and the piston diameter is 24”, what is volumetric ratio is V2/V1 = 6.22 and the value of
the work done by the gas on the piston? R for nitrogen is 0.0787 BTU/lbm-°R. What is a. I
the work done by the gas?
a. 1768 ft-lbf b. II
a. -1112.7 BTU/lbm
b. 1890 ft-lbf c. III
b. -99.22 BTU/lbm
c. 2387 ft-lbf d. I and II *
c. 1112.7 BTU/lbm
d. 3768 ft-lbf* 55. A bicycle tire has a volume of 600 cm3. It is
d. 99.22 BTU/lbm* inflated with CO2 to a pressure of 80 psi at 20C.
49. How does an adiabatic process compare to an How many grams of CO2 are contained in the
isentropic process? 53. A device that is meant to extract power from tire?
waste process steam starts w/ steam of 75%
a. Adiabatic: heat transfer = 0; Isentropic: heat quality at 100 psia. The exit conditions of the a. 3.03 g
transfer ≠ 0. steam are 70% quality at 14.7 psia. Which of the
following statements are true? b. 4.83 g
b. Adiabatic: heat transfer ≠ 0; Isentropic: heat
transfer = 0. I. The device violates the 1st law of c. 5.98 g *
c. Adiabatic: reversible; Isentropic: not reversible. d. 6.43 g
56. When 0.5 g of a liquid is completely evaporated 60. Given that molar Cp of CO2 is 8.92 BTU 64. A non-flow (closed) closed system contains 1lb
and collected in a 1 liter manometer, the (lb.moleR) and molar Cp of N2 is 6.95 BTU/ of an ideal gas (Cp= 0.24, Cv = 0.17). The gas
pressure is 0.25 atmospheres and the (lbmoleR), the calculated Cpper pound of temperature is increased by 10F while 5 BTU of
temperature is 27C. Assuming ideal behaviour, mixture containing 25% vol. CO2 and 75% vol. work are done by the gas. What is heat transfer
determine the molecular weight. The gas N2 is: in BTU?
constant is R=0.0821 atm/moleK.
a. 0.23 BTU/lbR* a. -3.3
a. 2g
b. 2.23 BTU/lbR b. -2.6
b. 2.2 g
c. 5.21 BTU/lbR c. +6.7 *
c. 12.3 g
d. 7.44 BTU/lbR d. +7.4
d. 49.2 g*
61. A mixture at 14.7 psia and 68F that is 30% 65. 55,000 gallons of water passes through a heat
57. A 0.064 kg octane vapor (MW = 114) is mixed weight CO2 (m wt=44) and 7% wt. N2 (m exchanger and absorbs 28,000,000 BTU’s. The
0.91 kg of air (MW = 29.0) in the manifold is wt=28) has a partial pressure of CO2 in psia that exit temperature is 110F. The entrance water
86.1 kPa, and the temperature is 290 K. Assume is nearest to: temperature in F is nearest to:
octane behaves ideally, what is the total volume
of this mixture? a. 2.14 a. 49*

a. 0.895 cu. m. * b. 3.15* b. 56

b. 0.987 cu. m. c. 6.83 c. 68

c. 0.565 cu. m. d. 7.86 d. 73

d. 0.654 cu. m. 62. Normal boiling point of liquid oxygen is 90K. 66. Work of polytropic (n=1.21) compression of air
What is its temp in R? ( Cp/Cv = 1.40) in a system moving boundary
58. Determine the sp.heat weight of air at 760 from P1 = 15 psia V1 = 1.0 ft3 to P2 = 150 psia
mmHg absolute and 22C? a. -330R V2 = 0.15 ft3.
a. A.1.014 kg/m3
b. B. 1.316 kg/m3 b. -183R a. 35.5
c. C. 1.197 kg/m3 *
d. D. 1.266 kg/m3 c. 162R* b. 324
59. How long could a 2000 hp motor be operated
on the heat energy liberated by 1 mi.3 of ocean d. 168R c. 1080
of water when the temperature of the water is
lowered by 1degC and if all these heat were d. 5150 *
63. Shaft work of -15 BTU/lb and heat transfer of
converted to mechanical energy? -10 BTU/lb change enthalpy of a system by:
67. A cylinder fitted with a weightless, frictionless
a. 371.56 * piston contains m pounds of air at temperature
a. -25 BTU/lb
T1 volume V1, and ambient pressure Pa. Heat is
b. 243.55 added until the air in the cylinder has a
b. -15 BTU/lb
temperature T2, a volume V2, and ambient
c. 384.76 yrs pressure Pa. The specific heat of air at constant
c. -10 BTU/lb
volume is Cp, the specific heat of air at constant
d. 376.57 yrs volume is Cv. The heat transferred during the
d. +5 BTU/lb*
process is:
a. mCp (T2 - T1) b. 223.42 KJ/kg 77. Find the enthalpy of water 212F and 14.7 psi
dryness for factor is 30% use the approximate
b. mCv (T2 - T1) – Pa(V2 - V1) c. 333.42 KJ/kg * enthalpy formula of liquid.

c. mCp (T2 - T1) + Pa(V2 - V1) d. 168 KJ/kg a. 461 Btu/lb

d. mCv (T2 - T1) + Pa(V2 - V1)* 73. Compute the mass of a 2m^3 propane at 280 b. 471 Btu/lb*
kpa and 40degC
68. A high velocity flow gas at 800 ft/sec possesses a. A.6.47 c. 481 Btu/lb
kinetic energy nearest to which of the b. B. 5.1
following? c. C. 10.20 d. 491 btu/lb
d. D. 9.47*
a. 1.03 BTU/lb 74. Find the mass of 10 quartz of water 78. What is the approximate value of temperature if
water having enthalpy of 208 Btu/lb?
b. 4.10 BTU/lb a. 10.46kg
a. 138.87 deg C
c. 9.95 BTU/lb b. 9.46kg *
b. 115.55 deg C *
d. 12.8 BTU/lb* c. 11.6kg
c. 258.67 deg C
69. Isentropic compression of 1 ft3 of air (Cp/Cv = d. 8.46kg
1.40), at 20 psia to 100 psia gives a final volume d. 68.67deg C
of: 75. Find the mass of carbon dioxide having a
pressure of 20 psia at 200F with 10ft^3 volume. 79. Convert 750R to K
a. 0.16 ft3
a. 1.04 lbs a. 390.33K
b. 0.20 ft3
b. 1.14 lbs b. 395K
c. 0.32 ft3*
c. 1.24 lbs* c. 410.33K
d. 0.40 ft3
d. 1.34 lbs d. 416.33K*
70. Find the work possess for a helium gas at 20C.
a. 609kj/kg * 76. Find the heat needed to raise the temperature of 80. Air is compressed adiabatically from 30degC to
b. 168kj/kg water from 80^C to 100^C with 60% quality. 100degC. If mass of air being compressed is
c. 229kj/kg Consider an atmospheric pressure of 101.325 5kg, Find the change of entropy?
d. 339kj/kg kpa. Use the approximate enthalpy formula of
71. Two kilogram of gas is confined in a 1m^3 tank liquid. a. 1.039 kj/kg
200kpa and 88degC. What type of gas is in the
tank? a. 293.09kj/kg b. 0.746 kj/kg
a. Helium
b. Ethane * b. 1,772.90 kj/kg c. 0*
c. Methane
d. Ethane c. 1,547.90 kj/kg d. 1.245 kj/kg
72. Find the enthalpy of the helium if its internal
energy is 200KJ/Kg. d. 1,647.29 kj/kg * 81. Two kilogram of air in a rigid tank changes its
temperature from 32degC to 150degC. Find the
a. 144 kj/kg work done during the process.
a. 236 d. 185degF 88. steam at 2Mpa and 250deg C in a rigid cylinder
is cooled until the quality is 30%. Find the heat
b. 170 85. Ammonia weighing 22 kgs is confirmed inside a rejected from the cylinder.
cylinder equipped with a piston has an initial
c. 195 pressure of 413 Kpa at 35 degC if 3200 KJ of a. -432.23
heat is added to the ammonia until its final
d. 0* pressure and temperature are 413 Kpa and 100 b. -926.26
DegC respectively, what is the amount of work
82. An ideal gas at 0.80 atmosphere and 87degC done by the gas. c. -1265.02*
occupies 0.450 liter. How many moles are there
is the sample? (R=0.0821 liter-atm/mole-K) a. 667* d. 1082.34

a. 0.0002 mole b. 304 89. At 1.8 Mpa, mixture steam and water has an
entropy of 3 KJ/kg Deg K. find the enthalphy of
b. 0.0378 mole c. 420 the mixture.

c. 0.0122 mole* d. 502 a. 1,627.11KJ/kg

d. 0.0091 mole 86. A tank contains 90 ft^3 of air at a pressure of b. 1,533.33 KJ/kg
350 Psig; of the air is cooled until its pressure
83. A certain gas at 101.325 Kpa and 10 degC and temperature decreases to 200 Psig and 70 c. 1,234.45 KJ/kg
whose volume is 2.83 m^3 are compressed into DegF respectively, what is the decrease in
a storage vessel of 0.31m^3 capacity. Before internal energy? d. 1,162.40 KJ/kg*
admission, the storage vessel contained the gas
at a pressure and temperature of 137.8 Kpa and a. 6232.09 Btu 90. Mixture with 70% quality at 500kpa is heated
26 degC; after admission the pressure has isothermally until its pressure is 300kpa. Find
increased to 1171.8 Kpa. What should be the b. -5552 Btu the heat added during the process.
final temperature of the gas in the vessel in
kelvin?. c. 5552 Btu a. 745.92KJ/kg*

a. 298.0 d. -6232.09 Btu* b. 535.16 KJ/kg

b. 319.0 87. A large mining company was provided with a 3 c. 983.44 KJ/kg
m^3 of compressed air tank. Air pressure in the
c. 180.0 tank drops from 700 kpa to 160 kpa while the d. 765.34 KJ/kg
temperature remains constants at 28 degC, what
d. 314.2* percentage has the mass of air in the tank been 91. A tank contains exactly one kilogram of water
reduced? consisting of liquid and vapor in equilibrium at
84. A perfect gas has a value of R= 58.8 ft-lb/lb-R Mpa. If the liquid contains one-third and the
and K= 1.26. if 20 Btu are added to 10 lbs of his a. 74.00 remaining is vapor of the volume of the tank,
gas at constant volume when initial temperature what is the enthalpy of the contents of the tank?
is 90 degF find the final temperature. b. 72.45
a. 644.40 KJ/kg
a. 97 degF * c. 76.56
b. 774.40 KJ/kg
b. 104 degF d. 78.57*
c. 785.92 KJ/kg*
c. 154 degF
d. 435.29 KJ/kg
92. A rigid tank contains 2 kmol of N2 and 6 kmol c. 15.73 lb 200 grams of water has evaporated. Then the
of CO2 gases at 300 deg. K and 115 Mpa. Find rate of heat transfer to the water is:
the tank volume using ideal gas equation. d. 17.73 lb
a. 0.84 KJ/min
a. 7.33 m^3 96. A rigid tank contains 5 kg of an ideal gas at 4
atm and 40 deg. C. Now a valve is opened, and b. 45.1 KJ/min*
b. 5.33 m^3 half of mass of the gas is allowed to escape. If
the final pressure in the tank is 1.5 atm. The c. 41.8 KJ/min
c. 3.33 m^3 final temperature in the tanks is:
d. 53.5 KJ/min
d. 1.33 m^3* a. -38 deg. C*
100. A one cubic meter container contains a mixture
93. A spherical balloon with a diameter of 6 m is b. -30 deg. C of gases composed of 0.02 kg/mol of oxygen
filled with helium at 20 deg. C and 200 Kpa. and 0.04 kg-mol helium at a pressure of 220
Determine the mole number. c. 40 deg. C Kpa. What is the temperature of this ideal gas
mixture in degrees kelvin?
a. 9.28 Kmol* d. 53 deg. C
a. 441*
b. 10.28 Kmol 97. The pressure of an automobile tire is measured
to be 200 Kpa (gage) before the trip and 220 kpa b. 350
c. 11.28 Kmol (gage) after the trip at a location where the
atmospheric pressure is 90 kpa. If the c. 400
d. 13.28 Kmol temperature of the air in the tire before the trip
is 25 deg. C, the air temperature after the trip is: d. 450
94. The air in an automobile tire with a volume of
0.53 ft^3 is at 90 deg. F and 20 psig. Determine a. 45.6 deg. C* 101. Consider two Carnot heat engines operating in
the amount of air that must be added to raise the series. The first engine receives heat from the
pressure to the recommended value of 30 psig. b. 54.8 deg C. reservoir at 2400 degK and rejects the waste
Assume the atmospheric pressure to be 14.6 psia heat to another reservoir at temperature T. the
and the temperature and the volume to remain c. 27.5 deg. C second engine receives heat from the first one,
constant. convert sine if it to work, and rejects the rest to
d. 26.7 deg. C a reservoir at 300 degK. If thermal efficiencies
a. 0.026 lb* of both engines are the same, determine the
98. Water boils at 1 atm pressure in a stainless steel temperature T.
b. 0.046 lb pan on an electric range. It is observed that 2 kg
of liquid water evaporates in 30 min. the rate of A. 849 degK*
c. 0.066 lb heat transfer to the water is
B. 578 degK
d. 0.086 lb a. 2.97 KW
C. 763 degK
95. A rigid tank contains 20 lbm of air at 20 psia b. 0.47 KW
and 70 deg. F. more air is adde to the tank until D. 978 degK
the pressure and temperature rise to 35 psia and c. 2.51 KW*
90 deg. F, respectively. Determine the amount of 102. An insulated box containing helium gas falls
air added to the tank. d. 3.12 KW from a balloon 4.5 Km above the ground.
Calculate the temperature rise in degC of the
a. 11.73 lb 99. Water is boiling in a pan on a stove at sea level. helium when the box hits the ground.
During 10 minutes of boiling, it is observed that
b. 13.73 lb* A. 15.2
B. 12.6 C. 18* D. 7.65 m^3

C. 25.3 D. 24 111. An iron block weighs 5 Newton and has volume

of 200 cm^3. What is the density of the block?
D. 14.1* 107. If the pressure of a confined gas at a constant
temperature is tripled, what will happen to the A. 2458 kg/m^3
103. An ideal gas mixture consist of 2 Kmol of N2 volume?
and 6 Kmol of CO2. The mass fraction of CO2 B. 2485 kg/m^3
is: A. The volume will be tripled
C. 2584 kg/m^3
A. 0.175 B. The volume will be reduced to one-third of its
original value* D. 2549 kg/m^3*
B. 0.250
C. The volume will remain unchanged 112. If air is at a pressure of 22.22 Psia and at
C. 0.825* temperature of 800 degR, what is the specific
D. The volume is constant volume?
D. 0.750
108. The pressure of 750 mmHg in KN/m^2 A. 11.3 ft^3/lbm
104. The Initial volume of an ideal gas is compressed
to one-half its original volume and to twice its A. 90 B. 33.1 ft^3/lbm
temperature the pressure,
B. 100* C. 13.3 ft^3/lbm*
A. Doubles
C. 103 D. 31.3 ft^3/lbm
B. Quadruples*
D. 110 113. The specific gravity of mercury is 13.55. what is
C. Remains constant the specific weight of mercury?
109. A substance temperature was 620 degR. What is
D. Halves the temperature in degC? A. 123.9 Kn/m^3

105. The gage pressure of a medium is 30 Kpa A. 50.7 B. 139.2 Kn/m^3

(vacuum) and the atmospheric pressure is 101.3
KPa, the absolute pressure will be B. 45.54 C. 132.9 Kn/m^3*

A. 131.3 Kpa C. 71.11* D. 193.2 Kn/m^3

B. -71.3 Kpa D. 94.44 114. The equivalent weight of mass 10 kg at location

where the acceleration of gravity is 9.77
C. 71.3 Kpa* 110. Unknown volume of container gas of gas of 1 m/sec^2
atmosphere is allowed to expand to another
D. -131.3 Kpa container of 10 m^3 volume at 500 mm Hg at A. 97.7 N*
constant temperatures. Find the unknown
106. If a particle has a velocity of 4 meters per volume. B. 79.9 N
second and a kinetic energy of 144 joules, then
the mass, in kilograms of his particles must be A. 6.58 m^3* C. 77.9 N

A. 44 B. 6.75 m^3 D. 977 N

B. 16 C. 5.67m^3
115. Transportation company specializes in the 119. How many cubic meter is 100 gallons of liquid 123. The specific weight of liquid is 60 lb/ft^3 what
shipment of pressurized gaseous material. An is the equivalent to Kn/m^3
order is received for 100 liters of a particular A. 3.7850 cu.m
gas at STP (32 degF and 1 atm). What minimum A. 9.334
volume tank is necessary to transport the gas at B. 0.1638 cu.m
80 degF and maximum pressure of 8 atm? B. 9.249
C. 0.3785 cu.m*
A. 16 liters C. 9.643
D. 1.638 cu.m
B. 14 liters* D. 9.420*
120. Steam turbine is receiving 1014 lbm/hr of
C. 10 liters steam, determine the horsepower output of the 124. A cylinder weighs 150 lbf. Its cross0sectional
turbine if the work done by steam is 251 area is 40 square inches, when the cylinder
D. 12 liters btu/lbm stands vertically on one end, what pressure does
the cylinder exert on the floor?
116. 100 g of water are mixed with 150 g of alcohol A. 100 HP*
(density = 790 kg/m^3). What is the specific A. 141 Kpa
volume of the resulting mixtures, assuming that B. 462.7 HP
the fluids mixed completely? B. 58,2 Kpa
C. 200 HP
A. 0.82 x 10^-3 cu.m/kg C. 0.258 bar*
D. 6002.7 HP
B. 0.88 x 10 -3 cu.m/kg D. 0.141 bar
121. What is the resulting pressure when one pound
C. 0.63 x 10 -3 cu.m/kg of air at 15 psia and 200 degF is heated at 125. The work required to accelerate an 800 kg car
constant volume heated to 800 degF? from rest to 100 km/h on a level road
D. 1.16 x 10 -3 cu.m/kg*
A. 52.1 Psia A. 308.6 Kj*
117. How much does 30 lbm weigh in the moon
(g=5.47 ft/s^2) B. 15 Psia B. 806.3 Kj

A. 2.0 lbf C. 28.6 Psia* C. 608.3 Kj

B. 3.2 lbf D. 36.4 Psia D. 386 Kj

C. 3.4 lbf 122. A bicycle tire has a volume of 600 cm^3. It is 126. Assuming that there are no heat effects and no
inflated with carbon dioxide to pressure of friction effects, find the speed of a 3220-lbm
D. 5.096 lbf* 551.43 Kpa _ 20 degC how many grams of CO2 body after it falls 778 ft from rest
are contained in the tire? R=0.18896 kj/kg-K
118. A 10 kg block is raised vertically 3 meters. A. 422 ft/sec
What is the change in potential energy. A. 5.98 g*
B. 424 ft/sec
A. 320 J B. 6.43 g
C. 224 ft/sec*
B. 350 kg-m^2/s^2 C. 4.63 g
D. 424 ft/sec
C. 294 J* D. 3.83 g

D. 350 N-m
127. What is the resulting pressure when one pound 131. The specific gravity of mercury relative to water 135. A boy pulls a sled with a mass of 20kg
of air at 0.3 psig and 200 degF is heated at is 13.5. what is the specific weight of mercury ? horizontally over a surface with a coefficient of
constant volume to 800 degF? (the specific weight of water is 62.4 lbf per friction of 0.20. it takes him 10 minutes to pull
cubic foot.) the sled 100 yards. What is his average power
A. 0.572 psig output over these 10 minutes ?
A. 82.2 kN/m3
B. 28.6 psia* A. 4W
B. 102.3 kN/m3
C. 7.857 psia B. 6 W*
C. 132.9 kN/m3*
D. 1.2 psig C. 8W
D. 150.9 kN/m3
128. Atmospheric air 14.7 psia and 60 degF at sea D. 10 W
level, what is the pressure at 14 212 ft. altitude. 132. The specific weight of a liquid is 58.5 lb per
If air is compressibility. ? Note: @ 60 degF; the cubic foot, what is the specific volume of the 136. A force of 200lb acts on a block at an angle of
density of air is 0.0763 lbm/ft^3; P1=14.7 psia liquid ? 28 deg. With respect to horizontal. The block is
pushed 2 feet horizontally. What is the work
A. 5.4674 psia A. 0.5321 cm3/g done by this force?

B. 7.5304 psia B. 0.6748 cm3/g A. 215 J

C. 7.1696 psia* C. 0.9504 cm3/g B. 320 J

D. 7.1966 psia D. 1.0675 cm3/g* C. 480 J*

129. An iron block weight 7 newtons and has a 133. Which of the following are not units of D. 540 J
volume of 200 cubic centimeters. What is the pressure ?
density of the block. 137. If a one-third horse power pump runs for 20
A. Pa minutes, what is the energy used ?
A. 3465 kg/m^3
B. Bars A. 0.06 ergs
B. 3565 kg/m^3*
C. Kg/m.s^2* B. 0.25 Kw
C. 1255 kg/m^3
D. Kg/m^2 C. 0.30 MJ*
D. 2550 kg/m^3
134. A cylinder weight 150 lb. its cross-section area D. 0.11 Kw.h
130. The density of the gas is 0.003 slugs per cubic is 40 square inches. When the cylinder stand
foot what is the specific weight of the gas? vertically on one end, what pressure does the 138. A power of 6kw is supplied to the motor of a
cylinder exert on the floor ? crane. The has an efficiency of 90%. With what
A. 9.04 N/m3 constant speed does the crane lift an 800
A. 14.1 kpa lb,weight ?
B. 15.2 N/m3*
B. 25.8 kpa* A. 0.09 cm/s
C. 76.3 N/m3
C. 63.2 kpa B. 0.32 cm/s
D. 98.2 N/m3
D. 89.7 kpa C. 0.98 cm/s
D. 1.52 cm/s* PVn=C, where n = 1.12, find the dryness 146. A mixture of 0.4lbm of helium and 0.2 lbm of
fraction of the steam at the lower pressure. oxygen is compressed polytropically from
139. The load on a water-cooled is 90,000 Btu/hr. if 14.7psi and 60F to 60 psia according to n=1.4.
the quantity of water circulated through the A. 0.9072* Determine the final temperature.
condenser is 15gpm, determine the temperature
rise of the water in the condenser. B. 0.4197 A. 727.7 R

A. 12 degF* C. 0.2260 B. 777.2 R*

B. 14 degF D. 0.2404 C. 722.7 R

C. 16 degF 143. 2.5 liters of superheated steam at 25 bar and 400 D. 277.7 R
degC is expanded in an engine to a pressure of
D. 18 degF 0.1 bar when its dryness fraction is 0.9. find the 147. A pressure cooker operates by cooking food at a
final volume of the steam. higher pressure and temperature than is possible
140. An oxygen cylinder of volume 2.3 ft^3 has a at atmospheric conditions. Steam is contained in
pressure of 2200 psig and is at 50 degF. A. 163.74 liters the sealed pot, with vent hole in the middle of
Determine the mass of oxygen in the cylinder. the cover, following the steam to escape. The
B. 263.74 liters* pressure is regulated by covering the vent hole
A. 25,66 Lbs with a small weight, which is placed slightly by
C. 363.74 liters escaping steam. The pressure is regulated by
B. 26.66 Lbs covering the vent hole with a small weight,
D. 463.74 liters which is displaced slightly by escaping steam.
C. 27.66 Lbs Atmospheric pressure is 100kPa, the vent hole
area is 7mm2 and the pressure inside should be
144. A 1.5 kg of wet steam at a pressure of 5 bar
250kPa. What is the mass of the weight?
D. 28.66 Lbs* dryness 0.95 is blown into 70 liters of water of
12 degC. Find the final enthalpy of the mixture.
A 0.107 kg*
141. A group of 50 persons attend a secret meeting
in room which is 12m wide by 10m long and a A. 74.80 KJ/kg
ceiling height of 3m. the room is completely B. 1.05 kg
sealed off and insulated. Each person gives off B. 84.80 Kj/Kg
150 Kcal per hour of heat and occupies a C. 1.75 kg
volume of 0.20 m^3. The room has an initial C. 94.80 Kj/kg
pressure of 101.3 Kpa and temperature of 16 D. 0.1783 kg
degC. Calculate the room temperature after 10 D. 104.80 Kj/kg*
minutes. Use R=0.287 Kj/kg-K and Cv=0.171 148. A barometer can be used to measure an
Kcal/kg-K. airplane’s altitude by comparing the barometric
145. During takeoff in a spaceship, an astronaut is
pressure at a given flying altitude to that on the
subjected to acceleration equal to 5 times the
A. 33.1 degC* ground. Determine an airplane’s altitude if the
pull of the earth’s std.gravity. If the astronaut is
pilot measures the barometric pressure at 700
180 lb and takeoff vertical, what force does he
B. 37.7 degC mmHg, the ground reports it at 758 mmHg and
exert on the seat?
the average density is 1.19 kg/m3. G=9.8m/s2.
C. 38.7 degC A. 4810.9 N*
A. 987 m
D. 31.7 degC B. 4415.9 N
B. 633 m*
142. One kilogram of wet steam at a pressure of 8 bar C. 8829 N
and dryness of 0.94 is expanded until the C. 788 m
pressure is 4 bar. If expansion follows the law D. 9620 N
D. 663 m apparatus if the pressure exerted on the gas A. 0.816 lb
remained constant.
149. A mixture of 0.4lbm of helium and 0.2 lbm of B. 0.841 lb
oxygen is compressed polytropically from A. 12302.41 mm3*
14.7psi and 60F to 60 psia according to n=1. C. 0.829 lb*
Determine the Polytropic work. B. 8128.49 mm3
D. 0.852 lb
A. 139 BTU* C. 70833.33mm3
157. Specific volume is the number of cubic meters
B. 239 BTU D. 2117.64mm3 of mixture per kilogram of dry air. If dry air has
these following properties: Ra=287 J/kgK,
C. 339 BTU 153. Find the density of oil with a specific gravity of T=303K, Pa=99.604 kPa. Solve for specific
1.6 in g/cm3. volume.
D. 539 BTU
A. 15.68 g/cm3 A. 0.873 m3/kg*
150. An adiabatic tank containing air used to power
an air during times of peak power demand. The B. 99 g/cm3 B. 0.853 m3/kg
tank has a volume of 500m3 and contains air at
1000 kPa and 500K. Determine the mass C. 0.8 g/cm3 C. 0.953 m3/kg
remaining when the pressure reaches 100kPa.
D. 1.6 g/cm3* D. 0.783 m3/kg
A. 276.37 kg
154. What is the absolute pressure if the gauge 158. At a pressure of 60F, a motor bike tire is inflated
B. 672.73 kg* pressure is reading 9 bar and the atmospheric to 33psi. As it is driven along the C-5 road, the
pressure is 0.9 bar? temperature rise to 76F. Assuming the volume
C. 772.73 kg remains constant. Determine the final pressure.
A. 6.3 bar
D. 227.73 kg A. 34.47 psi*
B. 7.8 bar
151. Consider 4800 lb of steam per hour flowing B. 49.17 psi
through a pipe at 100 psia pressure. Assume a C. 9.9 bar*
velocity of 5280 ft/min. What size of pipe is C. 35.00 psi
required? Specific volume of steam at 100 psia D. 8.1 bar
v=4.432 ft3/lb. D.34.30 psi
155. The tank of an air compressor has a volume of
A. 3 in 3ft3 and is filled with air at a temperature of 159. Aluminium has a specific heat of 0.902 j/gC.
40F. If a gage on the tank reads 150 psig, what How much heat is lost when a piece of
B. 5 in is the mass of the air in the tank? aluminium with a mass of 23.984g cools from a
temperature of 415C to a temperature of 22C?
C. 4 in* A. 1.78 lbs
A. 8500 J*
D. 6 in B. 2.00 lbs
B. 6000 J
152. During an experiment on Charles Law, the C. 2.67 lbs*
volume of gas trapped in the apparatus was C. 80,000 J
10000mm3 when the temperature was 18C. The D. 1.98 lbs
temperature of the gas was then raised to 85C. D. 7500K
Determine the new volume of gas trapped in the 156. What is the mass of acetylene gas, V=0.94 ft3,
R=59.35 ftlb/lbR, T=90F, P=200psi.
160. If the temperature of an air parcel is 20.5C, and
its density is 0.690 kg/m3, what is the pressure
of the air parcel?

A. 40 kPa

B. 50 kPa*

C. 60 kPa

D. 70 kPa

161. 35 mL sample of gas is enclosed in a flask at

22C. If the flask was placed in an ice bath at 0
degCelcius, what would the new gas volume be
if the pressure is held constant?

A. 1 mL

B. 32.1 mL

C. 32.39 mL*

D. 33.1 mL

162. an air standard engine has a compression ratio

18 and a cut-off ratio 4. If the intrake air
pressure and temperature are 100 kpa and 27deg
C, find the work in KJ per kg.

A. 2976

B. 2166

C. 1582*

D. 2751

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