Test Cycles For NOX Measurements
Test Cycles For NOX Measurements
Test Cycles For NOX Measurements
1.0 The test facility to be used shall be of the certification agencies or any other
facility approved by these certification agencies. The tests shall be carried out
under the control of the certification agencies.
2.0 Test equipment, setup, procedure, calculation method and other relevant
technical details to be used shall be as per following standards, except where
it is mentioned, specifically, in this document.
3.0 The testing shall be done on engines with the engine dynamometer. In case
of import of complete genset, the engine shall be decoupled to test with the
engine dynamometer. The testing shall be done as per the following 5-mode
Mode No. Engine speed % Load
1 Rated speed 100 0.05
2 Rated speed 75 0.25
3 Rated speed 50 0.30
4 Rated speed 25 0.30
5 Rated speed 10 0.10
4.0 Testing shall be done with reference diesel fuel as per the specification given
in Annexure I. The fuel inlet temperature shall be maintained at 38±5Deg C
throughout the test.
5.0 Single & two cylinder engines shall be tested with the engine air intake
system. All the other engines shall be tested with either air intake system or
applying maximum declared air intake depression.
6.0 Running in of the engine, for COP, shall be as per clause 7.13 of part II of this
7.0 Gross observed power shall be the criteria for adjusting dynamometer load as
well as calculating specific emission values.
8.0 The declared rated gross power shall be verified and corrected as mentioned
9.0 Power Corrections Factors:
Definition: The power correction factor is the coefficient by which the
measured power must be multiplied to determine the engine power under the
reference atmospheric conditions specified as below
Po = α P
Note: The dry pressure is based on a total pressure of 100 kPa and a water
vapour pressure of 1kPa.
The power correction factor α for diesel engines at constant fuel delivery is
obtained by applying the formula :
α = fafm
fa – the atmospheric factor
fm- the characteristic parameter for each type of engine and adjustment
fm = 0.036 Qc – 1.14
Qc – Q/r and
For Qc values lower than 40, a constant value of fm equal to 0.3 (fm=0.3) will
be taken.
For Qc values higher than 65, a constant value of fm equal to 1.2 (fm=1.2) will
be taken, as given below:
10.0 The gross declared corrected power of the engine shall be measured on a
test bench at rated speedof the engine. The measured power and speed may
differ from the power and speed specified by the supplier as specified below:
Declared rated corrected Power:
(i) For Type Approval:
• For single cylinder engines, ± 5% at the rated power point
• For all other engines, ± 4 % at the rated power point
(ii) For Conformity of Production:
• For single cylinder engines, at rated power point, ± 6% of the type
approved figure
• For all other engines, at rated power point, ± 5% of the type
approved figure
Declared rated Speed at rated power point shall vary within ± 1%
11.0 For verifying the conformity of production, if the selected engine does not
meet the smoke limits as applicable, another 2 engines will be taken from the
series at random and shall be tested as per this part. The selected two
engines should meet the limit values specified.
12.0 For verifying the conformity of production, for the selected engine,ifthe gross
power and rated speed does not meet the limits as per the clause 9.0 of this
part, two more engines shall be tested for the rated gross power and rated
13.0 The two selected engines shall meet the limits for the rated gross power and
speed, out of the two engines, one engine shall be subjected to the emission
test for the conformance of production as mentioned in this part.
14.0 The engine shall be tested with the maximum exhaust back pressure values
declared by the manufacturer.
In case of engines fitted with exhaust after treatment devices and external
EGR system, the supplier shall declare exhaust back pressure values at all
five test points. The engine will be tested with the declared exhaust back
pressure values set at laboratory conditions with a tolerance of ± 10 % at
rated load. At part load points the tolerance shall be as low as possible in the
test laboratory conditions.
15.0 The no load speed or high idle speed shall be verified and documented
against value specified by the supplier
16.0 If the engine is fitted with the after treatment devices to reduce the engine out
emissions, the system adapted shall meet the requirements as specified in
Annexure – VI. This Annexure VII shall be prepared and publishedseparately
“System & Procedure for Compliance to Emission Limit for Genset Application
(Up to gross mechanical power 800kWm)”, published by Central Pollution Control
Board, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India